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A66289 The principles of the Christian religion explained in a brief commentary upon the church catechism. By William Wake, D.D. rector of St. James Westminster, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. Wake, William, 1657-1737. 1699 (1699) Wing W258; ESTC R217651 113,834 200

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should be Able to fulfil might yet much better and more prudently have been let alone * By Vowing any thing for a long time to Come it may be for One's whole Life and of our future Capacity to make Good which hereafter we cannot at the present judge And lastly * By accustoming our selves to Vow frequently which must necessarily expose Us to the hazard of not performing our Vows Q. Is it not then Good to make Vows at all A. There is no doubt to be made but that a Vow duly Regulated is not only Lawful but Acceptable to God But then that it may be so we should take heed 1st Not to Vow upon every Occasion but when we have some considerable Motive to engage Us to the doing of it 2dly To see that what We do Vow be in its self Good fit for Vs to Vow and for God to Accept 3dly That we be sure not to Vow any thing but what we are in a Capacity to fulfil Eccles. v. 4 5. When thou Vowest a Vow unto God defer not to pay it for He hath no pleasure in Fools pay that which thou hast Vowed Better is it that thou shouldst not Vow than that thou shouldst Vow and not Pay Q. When do we take God's Name in Vain in Praying A. * When we pray without minding what we are about * When we pray for such things as we ought not to pray for * When in our Prayers we use vain Repetitions of God's Name without Need and against Reason But especially when we join the Name of any Creature with that of God in our Prayers as the Papists in many or rather most of their Prayers do Q. Are there not Other ways of taking God's Name in Vain besides those we have hitherto spoken of A. There are several Other ways * By profane Cursing as well as Swearing * By any light and unfitting Vse of God's Name in our Common and Vain Conversation * By all lewd Atheistical Discourse * By Blaspheming or speaking Reproachfully of God or his Religion * By murmuring against him * By Ridiculing Abusing or otherwise Profaning his Holy Word * By Despising or Exposing his Ministers upon the Account of their Function and as they stand Related to him * By an Irreverent Behaviour in his Publick Service in the Use of his Prayers and Sacraments In short * By a Contemptuous treating of any thing in which his Name and Honour are concern'd Q. What does this Commandment positively Require of Us A. To Honour God's Holy Name and Word To employ our Tongues to his Praise and Glory Never to make mention of God or of any thing which Relates to Him without a Religious Reverence And to Use our Utmost Endeavour upon all Occasions to keep up the Reputation of Religion and the Respect which is due to Holy Things for the sake of God and as they have a Relation to Him Q. What is the Sanction wherewith God has enforced this Commandment A. It is this that the LORD will not hold Him Guiltless that taketh His Name in Uain Q. What do you Understand thereby A. That He will severely Punish such Sinners and not suffer his Name to be Profaned by Them without bringing some Exemplary Vengeance upon them for such their Presumption Q. If this be so how comes it to pass that such Persons oftentimes escape without any such Exemplary Mark of God's Vengeance against Them A. We are not to call God to Account for his Actions It is enough that he has assured Us that He will not hold such Persons Guiltless And that therefore every such Sinner must either Repent in a very singular manner of his Offence in taking God's Name in Vain or he shall assuredly be punish'd with an extraordinary Severity for it It may be in this present Life but without all question in that which is to Come SECT XXVI Q. WHat is the last Commandment of the First Table A. Remember that thou keep Holy the Sabbath-Day c. Q. What do you mean by the Sabbath-Day A. The Commandment it self explains it 'T is a Seventh Day of Rest after Six of Work and Labour Six Days shalt thou labour and do all that thou hast to do but the Seventh Day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God In it thou shalt do no manner of Work Q. Wherefore did God establish a Seventh Day of Rest after Six of Work and Labour A. In memory of his having Created the World in Six Days and on the Seventh Day Rested or Ceased from Creating it And to keep up thereby the Memory of his being the Creator of the World and to engage Mankind solemnly to acknowledge and Worship Him as such For in Six Days the LORD made Heaven and Earth the Sea and all that is therein and Rested the Seventh Day wherefore the LORD Blessed the Sabbath-Day and Hallowed it Q. Was this Command given by God to Mankind from the beginning of the World A. So Moses tells Us Gen. ii 2 And it is not to be doubted but that accordingly such a Sabbath did continue to be Observed so long as any Sense of true Religion Remained upon the Earth Q. How then did it become Needful for God to Renew it again in this Place A. As it was needful for him to Renew many Other Precepts which yet were certainly both given by him and Observed in the World long before No body doubts but that Adam and his first Descendents both knew and worshipped the True God Yet this was provided for again Now. So immediately after the Floud the Law against Murder was solemnly promulged Gen. ix 6 Yet nevertheless the same Command was here again Repeated As for the Case before Us as Men lived farther off from the Creation and Wickedness prevailed over the Face of the Earth and the true Worship of God was corrupted by almost a Universal Idolatry so was the Solemn Day of his Worship neglected likewise And tho' it may have in some measure been received after the Floud and continued in some part of Abraham's Family yet in their Aegyptian Slavery it was utterly abolish'd and the very memory of it seems to have been lost among them Q. When did God Renew this Command to Them A. Presently after their passing thro' the Red Sea Exod. xvi when he began to give the Manna to Them For then he commanded them to gather it every Morning Six Days but on the Sixth Day to provide a double Quantity for the next Day because that thereon they should keep the Sabbath to the LORD and no Manna should fall or be Gathered upon it Q. On what Day of the Week did that Sabbath-Day fall A. On that which They from thenceforth Observed for their Sabbath-Day and which answers to our Saturday Q. Was that the same Day on which God Rested from the Creation and which He had before Commanded Adam to keep in memory of it A. That we cannot tell By the Providence of
God so it may have been but that it was so God has not declared to Us nor is it possible without a particular Revelation for Us to come to the knowledge of it That which is more certain is that God designed this Particular Day to be kept by the Jews in memory of his delivering of them out of their Egyptian Slavery and of his Miraculous feeding Them with Manna in the Wilderness And for this Reason it was that He Required that strict Rest of them of which we Read Exod. xxxi 12 c. Nehem. xiii 15 Isai. lviii 13 that thereby they might both keep up the memory of the hard Work they had been held to during their Abode in Egypt where they were not suffer'd to Rest on the Sabbath-day and be the more engaged to serve that God who had so wonderfully delivered them from that Wretched Estate Q. How then upon the whole are we to consider the Jewish Sabbath here establish'd by God A. It is evident from the several Reasons Given for it in the Command its self that it must be consider'd in two different Respects 1st As a Day to be Kept by Them in memory of the Creation Exod. xx 11 and to declare themselves thereby to be the Worshippers of that God Who Created the Heaven and Earth And to this End they were Required to Observe a Seventh day of Rest after Six of Labour because God wrought Six days and Rested the Seventh And 2dly as a day to be Observed in Memory of their Egyptian-Bondage and of God's delivering them out of it Deut. v. 15 And thus the Jews were tied to Observe not only the proportion but the very day of the Week too as being that day on which they had pass'd the Red Sea and so were set intirely free from their Slavery For which Reason also they were obliged not only to worship God upon it but moreover to abstain from all bodily Labour and that under the Pain of Death Exod. xxxi 12 c. Numb xv 32 Q. How far do you suppose this Command Obliges Us now A. As much as ever it did the Jews tho' not exactly after the same Manner We worship as they did that God who in Six days Created the Heaven and Earth the Sea and All that in them is and Rested the Seventh day and in acknowledgment thereof We stand Obliged with Them to keep a Seventh day of Rest after Six of Labour But then as they worshipp'd this God under the peculiar Character of the God who brought them out of the Land of Egypt out of the House of Bondage so were they determined to take that particular day the Seventh of the Week for their Sabbath on which he compleated their Deliverance and strictly to abstain from all bodily Labour upon it Now in this respect We differ from them We worship God the Creator of the World under a much higher and more divine Character as he is our Father and Deliverer by Jesus Christ our Lord Who upon the first day of the Week Rose from the Dead and thereby put an End to the Jewish Oeconomy And in testimony hereof we keep the First day of the Week for our Sabbath and so profess our selves to be the Servants of the True God thro' the Covenant which he has been pleased to make with Us in Christ Jesus our Lord. Q. Upon what Authority was this change of the Sabbath-day made A. Upon the greatest that can be desired The Reason of it has been already mention'd viz. Christ's Rising on this Day from the Dead The Thing it self was done by the Apostles who no doubt had in this as in all the Rest that they did the Direction of the Holy Ghost And as for the Jewish Sabbath which is the Seventh day besides that the Ground of it does not concern Us St. Paul speaks of it as ceasing with the Law no less than the New-Moons or Meats and Drinks prescribed by the same Law Col. ii.16 Q. How are we to keep our Sabbath day A. We are to consecrate it to a Religious Rest * by attending upon the Publick Service of the Church * And hearing God's Word Read and Preach'd there * By participating of the Holy Sacrament * By private Prayer Meditation and Reading * By Works of Charity and Mercy * By taking all the Care we can to improve our Own Piety and to help Other Men in the enlivening of Theirs Q. Is all bodily Labour forbidden to Vs upon this Day as it was to the Jews A. No it is not Works of Charity and Necessity may certainly be done upon it Friendly Visits and Entertainments may in a reasonable Measure be allow'd also Provided that neither the publick Service of the Church nor the Necessary Improvement of our Own private Piety be at all neglected thereby But as for all Works of Gain all such Allowances as are inconsistent with the Religious Design of the Day or may be apt to give Offence to any Good Men they ought without question to be avoided upon it Q. What is forbidden by this Commandment A. To neglect and profane the Sabbath Not to employ it to the Honour and Service of God much more to spend it in Idleness and Pleasure in Sin and Debauchery as too many wicked Persons are wont to do Q. Is there any Thing farther Required of Us in Order to the full Observance of this Commandment A. This only that we be careful not only to Sanctify the Sabbath day our Selves but to see that All who belong to Vs do likewise For for these also the Commandment tells us we are to answer In it Thou shalt Do no manner of Work Thou nor thy Son nor thy Daughter thy Man-servant nor thy Maid-servant thy Cattle nor the Stranger that is within thy Gates And since now the Piety of our Own Laws have provided for the better Observation of this Day we ought in Obedience to them as well as out of Conscience towards God not only to be careful of our Selves and Families but to bring all Others as much as in Us lies to a due Regard of It If not out of Duty towards Him whose Sabbath it is yet for Fear of that Punishment which the Civil Magistrate is to inflict on those who despise and profane it SECT XXVII Q. WHat do the Commandments of the Second Table Respect A. Our Duty towards Our Neighbour Q. What is the General Foundation of Our Duty towards Our Neighbour A. To Love Him as my Self and to Do to All Men as I would they should Do unto Me The One of which shews what that Inward Affection is which Every One ought to have for his Neighbour the Other how we ought to Regulate our Outward Actions towards Each Other Q. Is a Man Obliged in all Cases to Do all that for his Neighbour which he would desire his Neighbour should Do for Him A. Yes certainly provided the Rule be but Rightly Stated and duly Limited by Us Otherwise it
The Image of the invisible God Col. i. 15 2 Cor. iv 4 to be from God Jo vii 29 to have Life from the Father Jo. v. 26 and the like And upon this Account it is that our Saviour himself says that the Father is greater than he Jo. xiv 28 That he can do Nothing of Himself but what he seeth the Father do Jo. v. 18 19. Or if this be not yet plain enough they tell us farther in express terms that he is the Begotten and the Only begotten Son of the Father Jo. i. 14 18. iii. 16 18. Heb xi 17 1 Jo. iv 9 v. 1 Q. But will not this make the Holy Ghost as much God's Son as Christ And how then is Christ his Only Son A. In Matters of this kind which are so far above our Capacities and of which we know Nothing but what God has been pleased to Reveal to Us we must speak as God in his Word has taught us to speak Now the Scriptures no where call the Holy Ghost the Son of God nor God the Father of the Holy Ghost And therefore though we know not what the precise Difference is yet because the proper Act of a Father is to beget we say that Christ Received his Divine Nature from God by Generation but of the Holy Ghost we say as the Scriptures do that He Proceedeth from the Father Jo. xv 26 and is the Spirit not of the Father only but of the Son also Gal. iv 6 Rom. viii 9 Phil. i 19. 1 Pet. i. 11 Q. What is the last Respect in which our Saviour is here Represented to Us A. His Relation to Vs OVR LORD Eph. iv 5 1 Cor. viii 5 Rev. x. 6 Q. How is Christ OVR Lord A. As he is God together with the Father and as by Him God Created the World so has he the same Original Right of Dominion with him and is Lord of All his Creatures Q. Is there not some Other ground for this Title and which Restrains it in a particular Manner to Mankind A. Yes there is Inasmuch as by his Coming into the World and Dying for Us he Redeemed Us from Death and so became Our Lord by virtue of that Purchase which thereby he made of Us. Q. When did Christ begin in this Respect to be Our Lord A. He entred in part upon this Authority before his Death though not without Respect to his dying for Us As is Evident from his publishing his Gospel abrogating the Law and setting out the Conditions of Life and Death to Mankind Hence before his Death he asserted to himself the Power to forgive Sins Mat. ix 2 6. But the full exercise of his Dominion he entred not upon till after his Resurrection when as himself declared to his Apostles Mat. xxviii 18 All Power in Heaven and Earth was given unto Him See Eph. i. 20 21. Q. How long will Christ continue in this Respect to be Our Lord A. Christ will continue to be Our Lord for Ever and of his Kingdom there shall be no End Luk. i 32 33. But then as the subject Matter of a great part of that Authority which he now exercises over his Church is proper only to the present State of it and will determine at the Day of Judgment so will all the farther exercise of such Authority cease together with it Christ as Mediator must Reign till he has put all his Enemies under his Feet till Sin Death the Devil and all Wicked Men shall be destroy'd and all his Faithful Servants be delivered from the Power of them Psal. cx 1 1 Cor. xv 25 But that being done Christ will deliver up this Authority to God even the Father 1 Cor. xv 24 Nevertheless still as God-Man he will continue to Reign with and over his Saints to all Eternity in Heaven And so make good what Daniel foretold concerning him Dan. vii 14 That his Dominion is an Everlasting Dominion which shall not pass away and his Kingdom that which shall not be destroyed SECT X. Q. WHAT does your Creed teach you farther to Believe concerning our Lord Jesus Christ in the following Articles which Relate to Him A. All such Matters as are necessary to be Known and Believed by Us with Relation to the great Work of our Redemption which was accomplish'd by Him Q. By what means did Christ accomplish the Redemption of Mankind A. By giving up Himself to the Death upon the Cross for Us. 1 Pet. i. 18 19. Q. How could Christ whom you believe to be God die A. He took upon him our Nature He became Man like unto one of Us and being found in fashion as a Man he yielded up himself to Death even the Death of the Cross for Us Phil. ii 7 8. Act. xx 28 Q. After what manner was Christ made Man A. Not by the Conversion of his Divine Nature into the Humane nor by any Confounding of the Two Natures together But by Vniting our Humane Nature to His Divine after a Singular manner and such as cannot be perfectly Express'd by Us. Q. Were then Two distinct Natures the Divine and Humane Vnited together in Christ A. Yes there were And that in such wise as to make the same Jesus Christ by the distinction of the Two Natures in the Vnity of the same Person become truly and really at Once both God and Man Q. How was Christ made Man A. He was Conceived by the Holy Ghost and Born of the Uirgin Mary Q. How could Christ be conceived by the Holy Ghost A. Not by the communication of any part of his Own Substance to Him but as that Blessed Spirit set Nature on Work and took away the need of any Human Concurrence to his Production And as having thus prepared a Body for him of the Substance of the Virgin he breathed into it a most Perfect Reasonable Soul Q. Wherefore was it needful for the Holy Ghost to do this A. Both for the Honour and Purity of our Blessed Saviour That so he might come into the World free from all tincture of Sin And also that by the extraordinariness of His Birth He might fulfil the Prophecies which God had before deliver'd concerning it Q. How was Christ born of the Virgin Mary A. The Substance of his Body was derived from that of the Blessed Virgin He grew in her Womb and at the full time of her Delivery she brought him into the World And upon all these Accounts she was as much his Mother as any Other Woman is Mother of the Child that is born by Her Q. Had our Saviour then a Real Body like unto One of Us A. He had both a Real Humane Body Luke xxiv 39 1 Jo. iv 2 3 and Rational Soul Mat. xxvi 28 Luk. xxiii 46 And was in all things like unto Us only without Sin Heb. ii 17 iv 15 Q. Wherefore do you give the Title of Virgin to the Mother of our Lord A. To testify our belief that
for which the Holy Spirit was given by Christ to his Church A. No His Operations are very many and can hardly be particularly Enumerated He not only Regenerates and Sanctifies Us Disposes us to our Duty and Fortifies Us against Temptation but moreover Directs us in Our Doubts Comforts us in our Afflictions Supports us in our Troubles Arms us against the Fear of Death Gives us Strength and Courage in Trials and Persecutions And in such Cases as he sees needful Seals our Souls with such an Inward Sense and Assurance of God's Favour as makes us firmly satisfied of our future Everlasting Salvation Rom. v. 5 viii 14 17. 2 Cor. i. 22 Eph. i. 14 Gal. iv 6 Q. How long shall the Holy Ghost continue thus to Comfort Sanctify and Guide the Faithful A. As long as there shall any Faithful Remain in need of his Assistance Which because there will be to the End of the World therefore Christ has promised that He shall also till then continue to Conduct and Govern his Faithful Servants Jo. 14.16 Mat. xxviii 20 SECT XVI Q. WHat does the FOVRTH and Last Part of your Creed Relate to A. To the Church of Christ Its Duty and Privileges here and its future Hope of Glory and Immortality hereafter Q. What is the First Thing which you are taught to believe concerning Christ's Church A. That there is a Holy Catholick Church Q. What is that Church of which this Article speaks A. It is the Vniversal Church of Christ the General Assembly of All those who from the time of the first publishing of the Gospel to this Day have believed in Christ or shall hereafter profess his Faith to the End of the World Q. How can such a Church be the Object of our Faith A. Not as to that part of it which we see and communicate with but chiefly in these Two Respects First As we Believe by the Word of God that those who have Gone before Us in the true Faith of Christ and the Fear of his Holy Name though out of all Visible Communion at present with Us do yet Live to God and are still Members of Christ's Church though in a different State from Us and shall together with Us be gather'd into One Glorious Society at the last Day And Secondly As upon the same Grounds we do also farther believe that in all the Ages yet to come to the End of the World Christ shall continue to have a Church upon Earth So that no Power of Men or Malice of the Devil shall ever be able utterly to Root it out or to destroy it Q. How can a Society consisting of such different Members and those at so great a distance both in Time and Place from One Another yet all together make but One Church A. Because how different so ever the Members of this Church may otherwise seem to be yet they are all * United together under One Head the Lord Jesus * Are * Sanctified and Ruled by the same Holy Spirit * Endued with the same Love to God and towards One Another * Live by the same Laws * Profess the same Faith * Partake of the same Sacraments * Have the same Hope of Salvation set before them * Worship the same God by the same Advocate and Saviour Jesus Christ And as to what concerns all the true and lively Members of this Society * shall one Day be Gathered together into One actual Place and Portion in the Glorious Kingdom of God for Ever Q. Wherefore do you give this Church the Title of Catholick A. Upon several Accounts but chiefly these Two First To distinguish it from the Jewish Church which was confined to a certain People and was to continue but for a certain Time Whereas the Christian Church takes in all Mankind and is to last to the End of the World Psal. ii 8 Acts x. 34 35. Mat. xxviii 19 Mark xvi 15 Luk. xxiv 47 1 Cor. xii 13 And Secondly To shew that in this Creed which comprehends what is to be Believed by all Christians we profess not our Faith of any One determinate Church which may cease and fail such as the Church of England or Church of Rome but of the Catholick or Vniversal Church of Christ as that which shall never fail and to which alone the Promises of God belong Q. May not any One determinate Church be called the Catholick Church A. No it may not any more than London may be called England or England the Whole World The Catholick Church is the Vniversal Church and that neither Ours nor any other particular Church is nor whilst there are more such Christian Churches in the World can be But a Catholick Church a Particular Church may be called And such Ours is though that of Rome I doubt will hardly be able to make a Good Pretension to this Title any more than to the Other Q. Do you make a difference then between A Catholick Church and THE Catholick Church A. There is certainly a wide difference between them THE Catholick Church is as I before said The whole Church But A Catholick Church implies no more than a Sound part of it a Church in Communion with the Catholick Church of Christ in opposition to the Conventicles of Hereticks and Schismaticks Who whatsoever they may pretend are really no parts of the Catholick Church nor shall be consider'd by Christ as such Q. Whom do you account Hereticks and Schismaticks And how does it appear that they are not Parts of the Catholick Church A. The Catholick Church is that Church which professes the true Faith which Christ and his Apostles deliver'd to it and that if not free from All Errour whatsoever yet without any such Errours as destroy the Foundation of that Doctrine which was committed to its Custody Now a Heretick is One who not only Errs in some Matters of lesser moment but in Matters of such Consequence as subvert the very Foundation of Christianity But he who does this can never be a Member of that Church whose Doctrine he not only does not Receive but rejects And who by his Errours destroys that very Faith by which alone he can be intituled to the Character either of a true Disciple or a sound Member of Christ's Church Q. But why may not Schismaticks be accounted true Members of Christs Church A. Because none are Schismaticks but such as forsake and cut themselves off from the Communion of the Catholick Church Now it is a Contradiction that those should continue Members of the Catholick Church who by their Own voluntary departure from it have renounced the Communion of it Q. Do you look upon the Church of England to be a true part of the Catholick Church A. It certainly is Inasmuch as it professes the true Catholick Faith deliver'd in the Holy Scriptures and drawn up in the Creeds of the Church and by the most ancient Councils acknowledged to be sufficient to denominate those who profess'd according thereunto
forgive Sin A. He washes away the stain of it by his Sanctifying Grace and Remits the Punishment of it for the Sake and through the Merits and Mediation of Jesus Christ our Saviour Q. What Assurance have we that God will thus Forgive Us our Sins A. The Covenant of the Gospel is founded upon the Promise of it So that if we Believe that Christ died for our Sins we must also Believe that God for Christ's sake will forgive all those who truly Repent of their Sins Luk. xxiv 47 Acts v. 31 xiii 38 xxvi 18 Eph. iv 32 Q. Is this the peculiar Privilege of the Church of Christ A. So the Scriptures tell us There being no Other Name under Heaven given among Men by which we must be Saved but only that of the Lord Jesus Acts iv 12 Q. From whom is this Forgiveness to be Sought A. Who hath Power to forgive Sins but God only Mark ii 7 Of Him therefore it must be sought in the Name of Jesus Christ. Q. But has not Christ left a Power with his Church to forgive Sins A. He has left with his Church a Ministerial Power to declare forgiveness of Sins to all such as truly Repent of them and Believe in him And when the Ministers of his Word are called in to the Assistance of Sick or Scrupulous Persons they may upon the Supposition of a true Repentance pronounce in God's Name the Pardon of their Sins to them But in this they only deliver the Sentence of God which if the Sinner be truly Penitent God will infallibly make Good Otherwise it will be of no Use to them because it was erroneously though charitably Pass'd upon Them Q. But does not the Church of Rome ascribe much more to the Absolution of the Priest than this A. Yes it does Nor is this One of the least Presumptuous or least Dangerous of its Errours They tell Us that the Sentence of the Priest in this Case is not only Declarative but Judicial And which is yet worse they add that though a Sinner be not affected with such a Sorrow for his Sin as would Otherwise be sufficient to obtain God's Pardon yet by rightly Confessing to a Priest his Sins shall be forgiven and an Entrance Opened into Heaven by the Power of the Keys in Absolution By the former of which as they Usurp upon the Prerogative of God Mark ii 7 So do they by the latter lay a very dangerous Stumbling-block in the way of Wicked Men whilst they Encourage them to Rely on such a Sorrow for the Forgiveness of their Sins as will certainly fail and Ruin them in the End SECT XIX Q. WHat is the Third Privilege promised by God to Christ's Church A. The Resurrection of the Body Q. Shall not All Men whatsoever be Raised again at the last Day A. They shall Q. How then is this a Privilege of those who are the Faithful Members of Christ's Church A. Because though all Men shall be Raised yet not All after the same Manner The Bodies of the Faithful shall be raised in a most Blessed and Glorious State 1 Cor. xv 42 c. They shall be perfected in all their Parts and Qualities shall be render'd an Habitation fit for a Glorified Soul to dwell in and be prepared for the Enjoyment of an Everlasting Felicity And thus to Rise in such a State and for such an End is certainly a very Great Benefit and the peculiar Privilege of Christ's Holy Church Q. How then shall the Wicked be Raised A. Their Bodies shall also be Restored to them and that in such a State as to be capable of Undergoing for Ever those Torments which God has prepared for Them But their Resurrection shall be to Shame and Misery And what is the Blessing of the Righteous shall to the Wicked be a means of Encreasing their Pain and Enlarging their Punishment Q. Shall we Receive the same Bodies we now have at the Resurrection or shall some Other Bodies be prepared for Us A. The very Nature of a Resurrection does unanswerably prove that we shall Receive our Own Bodies And the End of it confirms it to Us Our Bodies being therefore Raised and Restored to Us that we may be Rewarded or Punish'd in the same Estate both of Soul and Body in which we had done Things Worthy either of Reward or Punishment Q. Shall All Mankind not only Good and Bad but Every Single Person of either kind be Raised at the Last Day A. All that ever died shall be Raised Jo. v. 20 2 Cor. v. 10 But many will be found at the Last Day Alive on the Earth Now they shall not die nor by consequence Rise from the Dead But they shall be Changed That is to say The Men of that Age whether Good or Bad shall by the mighty Power of God be put into the same State with those who being Dead were Raised from the Dead And so be brought with them before the Judgment Seat of Christ 1 Cor. xv 51 1 Thes. iv 15 SECT XX. Q. WHAT shall follow upon the Resurrection A. The Last and General Judgment of Mankind which being pass'd and the Sentence pronounced upon Every One according to his Works It shall Immediately be put in Execution The Wicked shall Go into Everlasting Punishment but the Righteous into Life Everlasting Mat. xxv 46 Q. Shall the Wicked as well as the Righteous live for Ever A. They shall if such a State of inexpressible Misery as they shall be condemn'd to may be called Living For they shall never cease to be nor ever cease to be tormented to all Eternity Mat. x. 28 xxv 41 46. xviii 8 Compare Mark ix 44 Q. How then is Everlasting Life a Privilege of the Church of Christ A. As the Resurrection of the Body was before said to be That Life which alone deserves to be so called that Happy and Glorious Life which God has prepared for the Faithful in his Kingdom That is the Singular Privilege of Christ's Church and of the Faithful Members of it The Other is rather an Everlasting Duration a State of endless Dying rather than an Everlasting Life Q. But can it be consistent with the Justice and Mercy of God to punish the temporary and transient Sins of Men with an Everlasting State of Misery and Sufferings A. We must confess it so to be or say which is as Unreasonable as it would be Wicked that God will deal Unjustly and Unmercifully with Sinners at the Last Day For certain it is that this he has declared shall be the Result of their Evil-doings Q. Why may we not by the Everlasting Death and Everlasting Punishment of which the Scriptures speak on this Occasion understand rather the final Destruction of such Wicked Persons than an Eternal Continuance of Them in Pain and Misery A. Because the Scriptures have plainly declared were Men willing to understand it that by Everlasting Punishment is meant Everlasting Torment That their Worm shall