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A57383 A communicant instructed, or, Practicall directions for worthy receiving of the Lords Supper by Francis Roberts. Roberts, Francis, 1609-1675. 1656 (1656) Wing R1591; ESTC R28105 135,670 280

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reprobate Angels even The Angels that kept not their first estate the Devil and his Angels for whom everlast●ng fire is prepared God intending more especially to glorifie himself in the intellectuall cre●tures Angels and Men hath more especially decreed their final state all things concerning them tending thereunto This the Apostle calls Predestinating us to the Adoption of ch●ldren by Iesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his Will to the praise of the glory of his grace And in order to this end Whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified This Decree of God whether more Generally or more Specially considered hath the●e excellencies and perfections in it It is Eternal Vnchangeable Free Wise Iust and the Cause of Causes 1. Eternal According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world c. 2. Vnchangeable for it is said That the purpose of God according to Election might stand with whom is no variablnesse neither shadow of turning And The foundation of God standeth sure having this Seale The Lord knoweth them that are his and there is a determinate number of them which cannot be increased nor di●inished 3. Free Gratuitous and meerly ●ndependent on the creature or any thing in the creature ha●ing no inward impulsive cause moving him thereunto but the good pleasure of his Will not foreseen Faith Works Freedome of Will Perseverance c. Having predestinated us to the Adoption of children by Iesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his Will Who hath saved us and called us with an holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ before the world began I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion 4. Wise For We are predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things according to the Counsell of his own Will O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgements and his ways past finding out for who hath known the minde of the Lord or who hath been his Counsellor 5. Just and most equal Gods Decrees may be secret and mysterious cannot be unjust or injurious God is so just yea such infinite justice that he can do or decree nothing but what is just and equal It is written Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated What shall we say then is there unrighteousness with God God forbid Hath not the Potter power over the Clay of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour and another unto dishonour And hath not God greater power to dispose by his decree of his creatures yet God no way wrongs the cr●ature nor the Potter the Clay 6. Finally Gods Decree is the Cause of Causes All inferiour Causes and Means conducing to the ends whereunto God decrees any thing are subordinate to Gods decree as the supreme cause of them all Gods Decree not onely fore-appoints the end but also all the secondary causes and means tending and conducing to that end Hence that Concatenation of the causes of our salvation Whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified Thus of Gods works before all time His Decrees 2. The works of God in time are His executions of his Decrees God executeth his Decrees 1. Partly in the beginning of Time by Creation 2. Partly in the succession and continuance of time by Providence By both which God makes himself most gloriously known to his creatures Discovering his invisible perfections by his visible works 1. Creation is Gods making the world and all things therein of nothing in the space of the first six dayes very good by the word of his power for himself Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear In six dayes the Lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day Man was reserved to the last place as Gods most accurate and curious piece being by reason of his heavenly soul and earthly body as an Epitome or Abstract of Heaven and Earth and thence justly styled the Microcosme or Little-worlds And God saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good The LORD hath made all things for himself yea even the wicked for the day of evil In this work of Creation Gods Freedome Wisdome Power and Goodnesse shine forth most gloriously 1. Freedome in that he hath done whatsoever he pleased He made one world and no more such creatures and no other in such sort and not otherwise because he pleased None may controll his work Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it Why hast thou made me thus 2. Wisdome for he worketh all things according to the Counsel of his own Will How many ways hath God discovered his wisdome herein As in the Order of Creation He made all things in six days He could have made them in one day in one houre as easily but he would shew himself a God of Order He first made the Creatures containing then the contained and from the more imperfect proceeds to the more perfect Creatures In the variety of Creatures O LORD how manifold are thy works in wisdom hast thou made them all In the distinct Natures and Properties of all those varieties Ther 's one glory of the Sun another glory of the Moon another glory of the Stars and one Star differeth from another Star in glory Some of the Elements are hot some cold some moist some dry some light some heavy The vertues of plants fruits c. are innumerable In the sweet Harmony of the whole Vnivere though consisting of such different creatures the wisdome of God also wonderously appears 3. Power in that he could frame all things of nothing without any pre-existent matter and all most easily by his word He said Let there be light and there was light c. He spake works more easily then we can speak words He spake and it was done he commanded and it stood fast He commanded and they were created It was but A word and A work 4. Goodnesse in that God though infinitely happy and satisfied in himself was pleased to create the world especially Men and Angels to communicate himself and his goodnesse to them 2. Providence is Gods sustaining governing and ordering all Creatures together with all their actions to his own glory So that in Gods Providence generally considered there are three grand acts viz. 1. Sustaining upholding or preserving of the Creatures
Lords Supper 〈◊〉 How can we di●cern our need of the Lords Supper 3. How can we judge of our ●i●ness for the Lords Supper Ignorance of our selves will render us ignorant in all these things 3. Of Iesus Christ. For 1. Jesus Christ is the Author of this Ordinance that at first gave Being to it and still gives Benefit by it 2. Jesus Christ is the Matter the inward Matter and Marrow of the Lords Supper to be fed upon Take eat this is my body which is broken for you This Cup is the New Testament in my blood 3. Jesus Christ and the solemn remembrance of his death is one eminent end of the Lords Supper As often as ye eat this bread and drink this Cup ye shew forth the Lords death till he come Consequently without a competent knowledge of Jesus Christ it 's altogether impossible to communicate worthily 4. Of the New Covenant or New Testament For this is one of Christs great Seals and solemn tokens of his New Testament This Cup is the New Testament in my blood So that when we renew t●e Lords Supper we renew the Lords Covenant And how can we renew that Covenant whereof we are grosly ignorant 5. Of the Lords Supper it self For should we intrude upon this Ordinance and not competently understand what is the nature o● Sacraments in general and of this in particular we should but give God a blinde and a lame service and offer the sacrifice of fools These are the principal points more peculiarly necessary to be known in some competent sort before communicating and these are the reasons why they are so necessary to be known Next consider what ought to be known of them severally in order I. Knowledge of God These things especi●lly ought to be known touching God in some competent maner before a man come to the Table of the Lord viz. 1. That God is or That there is a God He that cometh to God must believe that he is 2. That God is one or that there is only one true God and no more The LORD our God the LORD is One. We know that there is none other God but one But to us there is but one God He onely is the living and true God 3. That this one God subsisterh in three distinct Persons Father Son and Holy Ghost There are three that beare Record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one Go teach all Nations baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost The Father is ●f none neither begotten nor proceeding The Son is begotten of the Father eternally Hence called The onely begotten of the Father And The onely begotten Son which is in the bosome of the Father The Ho●y Ghost eternally proceedeth from the Father and the Son But when the Comforter is come whom I will send unto you from the Father the Spirit of truth which proceedeth from the Father The●e three are Co-essentia● Co-equal and Co-eternal This deep mystery cannot be fully comprehended by our understandings must be truely apprehended by our faith It may darkly be re●embled by the light of Sun Moon and Stars united in the Arre O● by the light of three di●tinct Torches united in one flame Or by one of your Bibleleases in three folds The first fold is not the second nor the second the third nor the third either of the other and yet all those three folds are that one leaf Thus the Father is not the Son the Son is not the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost neither the Father nor the Son and yet all these three are that one most Holy God 4. That this one God is a most pure invisible Spirit God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and Truth The King invisible Whom no man hath seen nor can see 5. That this one God Father Son and Holy Ghost hath made himself gloriously known Partly by his essential Attributes or Properties Partly by his Works I. Gods essential Attributes or Properties are the high perfections of his Essence which are all one both with his Essence and with one another yet are revealed to us and apprehended by us as many and different because our weak understandings cannot comprehend this one infinite Act in one Act God is 1. Most absolutely simple No way compounded in himself or with any other thing God is a Spirit The highest Spirit The most spiritual Spirit The Spirit of spirits therefore absolutely uncompounded without body parts or passions Ye saw no manner of similitude on the day that the Lord spake to you out of Horeb c. A Spirit hath not flesh and bones And Paul proving to the Heathens that himself and Barnabas were no gods as they imagined said Sirs Why do ye these things we also are men of like passions with you 2. All-sufficient The LORD appeared to Abraham and said unto him I am God All-sufficient or God Almighty The Hebrew word according to its several derivations may signifie either of these 3. Immutable or Vnchangeable I am the Lord I change not Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights with whom is no variableness neither shaddow of turning 4. Infinite without and beyond all bounds and limits His understanding is infinite Now Gods understanding is God himself Gods essence is infinite and boundlesse in all respects imaginable Whereupon God is Immense or unmeasurab●e Because he cannot be determined or described by any Dimensions of Height Depth Length or Breadth and because he cannot be limited confined or circumscribed with any place Am I a God at hand saith the Lord and not a God afar off Do not I fill Heaven and Earth saith the LORD But will God indeed dwell on the Earth Behold● the Heaven and Heaven of Heavens cannot contain the● how much less this House that I have builded Omni-present or present in all places Gods essence filling all places yet not comprehended in any place is consequently in all places Whither shall I go from thy Spirit or whither shall I flee from thy presence If I asscend up into heaven thou art there if I make my bed in hell behold thou art there If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the utmost parts of the Sea even there shall thine hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me c. Incomprehensible Because God is boundless in respect of all created knowledge and understanding No man nor Angel can fully understand or comprehend him Great is the LORD And of his greatnesse ther is no search Canst thou by searchin● finde out God Canst thou finde out the A●●mighty unto Perfection It is as high as Heav●● what canst thou do Deeper then Hell 〈◊〉 canst thou know The measure thereof
is long then the earth and broader then the Sea Eternal Because God is infinite an● boundless in respect of time and duration Gods essence never had beginning never succession or change and never shall have end The everlasting God the LORD Of old ●hast thou laid the foundation of the Earth and the Heavens are the work of thy hands They shall perish but thòu shalt endure yea all of them shall wax old like a garment as a vesture shalt thou change them and they shall be changed But thou art the same and thy years shall have no end Before the mountains were brought forth or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God And these are commonly stiled Gods Incommunicable Attributes as being peculiar onely to God and no way attributed or Communicable to any thing besides God The Communicable Attributes follow so called because ●ometimes in some sense they are communicated to c●eatures 5. The living God That hath heard the voice of the living God My soul ●hirsteth for God for the living God Thou 〈◊〉 Christ the Son of the living God It 〈◊〉 a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the ●●ving God God lives most properly and per●●ctly All imperfections of created life must 〈◊〉 removed from him God li●es ete●nally ●od faith of him●elf I live for ever God 〈◊〉 eternal life it self his own eternal life And shew unto you that eternal life which was with the Father Yea he gives life to all living Seeing he giveth to all Life and Breath and all things For in him we live and move and have our Being 6. Most wise The onely wise God God! To this purpose are ascribed to God Counsel Great in Counsel Who worketh all things according to the Counsel of his own Will Knowledge Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world Vnderstanding His understanding is infinite God in one individed Act most absolutely eternally perfectly infallibly immutably Knows himself as the most adequate object of his Vnderstanding Knows all things knowable besides himself whether possible or actually existing Knows all things existing whether in time past present or future God knows all mans wayes works words thoughts imaginations all mens sins with all the kinds degrees circumstances aggravations of them All mens states in this and the world to come all future contingencies before they come to pass though to us never so casual accidental or uncertain Yea he absolutely knows all things in the world 7. Of most absolute perfect and righteous Will Who worketh all things after the Counsel of his own Will Having predestinated us according to the good pleasure of his Will We are taught to pray to God Thy will be done Gods Will is perfectly one yet in respect of our divers notions in apprehending of it is either Approving all that 's good Effecting all that 's wrought Prescribing all that 's duty or Permitting all that comes to passe yea he even permits or suffers sin to be in the world himself and his Will being neither directly indirectly nor any way the Cause or Author of sin 8. Most true God is most true in himself his works and words Most true in himself A God of truth or as the Hebrew phrase will well beat it God is Truth This is life eternal that they might know thee the onely true God All other gods and Idols are but false gods lies vanities nothing in the world Most true in his works They are not shadows and fictions but realities All his works are done in truth Great and marvellous are thy works Lord God Almighty just and true are thy wayes thou King of Saints True in his words Sanctifie them through thy Truth thy word is Truth Thy Law is the Truth All thy Commandments are Truth For all the Promises of God in him are yea and in him Amen In hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie promised 9. Most good yea ●upreme goodnesse it self without all evil or imperfection Good in himself and Author of all good to his creatures I will make all my goodness passe before thee Christ said Why callest thou me good There is none good save one that is God Not Man Saint Angel or Christ himself as man are good as God is good essentially infinitely immutably c. That our God would fulfill all the good pleasure of his goodness The riches of his goodness The Lord●s good to all Every good gift and every perfect gift is from abvoe and cometh down from the Father of lights In this goodness of God are ●is Graciousnesse Love Mercy Patience Graciousness God is most gracious incomparable in free grace The LORD the LORD God merciful and gracious Gracious is the Lord and righteous Love God is most loving yea all love He that loveth not knoweth not God for God is love And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us God is love and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God in him Mercy God is most merciful yea all mercy it self and loving kindness it self Our God is merciful Plenteous in mercy The Lord is good to all and his tender mercies are over all his works His mercy or loving kindness endureth for ever Patience God is most patient long-suffering slow to anger The Lord is gracious and full of compassion slow to anger and of great mercy Despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and long-suffering not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance The Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is long-suffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance 10. Most Just and Righteous Vniversally righteous as God should be righteous and the Author of all Righteousness in the world eternally and immovably disposed to give to himself and to all creatures their due The righteous LORD loveth Righteousness The LORD is upright and there is no unrighteousness in him That will by no means clear the guilty visiting the iniquity of the Fathers upon the children and upon the childrens children unto the third and to the fourth Generation Thou art righteous O Lord which a●● and wast and shalt be The LORD is righteous in all his wayes 11. Most Holy God is not onely infinitely holy and pure but holiness it self But thou art holy O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel Holy Holy Holy is the LORD of Hosts The four Beasts rest not day and night saying Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty which was and is and is to come Once have I sworn by mine Holiness He is all holiness Without
in being and well-being He that made the world is still upholding all things by the word of his power 2. Governing and disposing all Creatures and all their actions even the least and smallest of them all The LORD hath prepared his Throne in the Heavens and his Kingdome ruleth over all Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father but the very hairs of your head are all numbred 3. O●dering and directing all creatures and al their actions to his own glory and his peoples good Ioseph said to his brethren God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance So now it was not you that sent me hither but God Ye thought evil against me but God mean't it unto good c. So didst thou lead thy people to make thy self a glorious name For of him and through him and to him are all things As for Gods special Creation of man and Providence over man in his fourefold state viz. of 1. Creation 2. Corruption 3. Restitution and 4. Perfection They will come farther to be considered in the next branch the knowledge of our selves Hitherto of the first branch of knowledge requisite in some competent sort before communicating viz. The Knowledge of God 2. Knowledge of our selves Knowledge of our selves is the next point of Knowledge necessary to a worthy Communicant Christians eyes and apprehensions should be like the windowes of the Temple widest inward narrowest outward far more dispo●ed to look home then abroad better acquainted with themselves then with others And not like Plutarch's Lamiae or Witches that put on their eyes when they went abroad but put up their eyes in boxes when they came home The necessity of this Self-Knowledge hath before been evidenced The particulars of Self-Knowledge follow We are principally to know our selves 1. What we were in Adam before the fall 2. What we are in Adam since the fall 3. What we should and may be in Iesus Christ the second Adam I. What were we in Adam before the fall Answ. Before the fall Adam was the happiest creature under the Sun enjoying many surpassing Priviledges And all mankind being then in his loyns enjoyed in him the same happinesse and Priviledges viz. 1. A reasonable and immortall soul personally joyned with a suitable body both of them fearfully and wonderfully made yea curiously wrought according to divine Consultation of the blessed Trinity Adams soul was so rationall that he knew the nature of all the creatures which God brought before him and named them accordingly And so immortal that it cannot die a natural death as many Scriptures intimate But the souls of all other sublunary creatures besides man are irrationall and die with their bodies 2. A most pleasant Habitation God planted a Garden Eastward in Eden and there he put the man A garden is the glory of the fields A garden of Gods planting the glory of all gardens Herein grew every tree pleasant to the sight and good for food And a Quadripartite or four-streamed river to water the garden Oh what a garden of delights what an earthly Paradise Here man was placed to dresse this Garden Man must not be idle no not in Paradise 3. Liberall Provision Man was allowed freely to eat of every herb and of the fruit of every tree in the Garden except only the tree of Knowledge of good and evil His food therefore was most various and delicious 4. Vniversal dominion over the creatures Let them have dominion over the fish of the Sea and over the fowle of the air and over the cattell and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth This dominion was not supreme but subordinate to Gods dominion Adam was Monarch of the earth God the sole Monarch of all the world Lord what is man that thou art mindfull of him the Son of man that thou visitest him Thou hast made him to have dominion over the works of thy hands thou hast put all things under his feet So that all sublunary creatures were to do homage unto Adam 5 Conjugal society with his wife created out of Adams side while he was asleep She was thus taken out of man that she might be a meet help for man and become affectionately dear to man as bone of h●s bone and flesh of his flesh Man is naturally a sociable creature and loves society And Marriage-society is the sweetest of all natural societies 6. Innocency God made man upright As man came at first out of Gods hands he was spotlesse undefiled and wholly without sin Hence that state is stiled The state of innocency Except Christ never man on earth was perfectly without sin as Adam was in his first Creation The holiest Saints in this life have sinne in them though sin reigne not over them We were without sinne in the earthly Paradise and shall be without sin in the heavenly Paradise How happy is a sin-less state 7. The image of God God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him There was not only an utter absence of all sinfulnesse but also a presence of all due righteousnesse in him in which regard he was perfectly conformable to the will of God This image of God in man seems principally to consist in 1. Knowledge 2. Rig●teousnesse and 3. True holinesse or as the Greek phrase is Holinesse of truth This image of God in Adam made him ful of divine beauty whereby he was all glorious within surpassing all sublunary creatures 8. A Covenant-state with God In all times and states of the Church God hath pleased to deal with his people by way of Covenant Adam before the fall being perfect and without sin had perfect ability given him to keep that Covenant with God in which he was naturally enstated The Covenant into which Adam was admitted with God was the Covenant of Works the substance whereof is the Morall Law or Ten Commandements The Morall Law was perfectly written in Adams heart for the substance of it so that he was fully able to know and keep it for even since the fall the Gentiles which have not the written Law do by nature the things contained in the Law which shew the work of the Law written in their hearts Much more was the Law written in Adams heart before the fall This Covenant of Works the substance whereof is contained in the Morall Law required personal perfect and perpetual obedience under the severest penalties Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the Book of the Law to do them Vnto this Covenant of Works with Adam seem to be annexed two Sacraments viz. The Tree of Life assuring him of life upon his keeping Covenant and eating of that
that cloud of witnesses Try now thy faith by thy gracious works and sincere obedience But how shall I discover the truth of my faith by mine obedience Answ. Make tryal in these particulars 1. Doth faith make thee so obedient to the Word of God that it makes thee faithfully to cleave to the sincere and powerful Ministery of it though mocked despised opposed by the wicked multitude Some mocked howbeit certain men clave unto him and believed 2. Doth faith make thee set upon the strangest and hardest tasks when imposed by God As Noah upon building of his Ark which he was one hundred and twenty years in building By faith Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet moved with fear prepared an Ark. 3. Doth faith incline and bow thine heart so unto obedience as to make thee deny thine earthly friends outward priviledges and carnal affections rather then foregoe thine obedience Abraham through faith so obeyed God as to leave his own Countrey and follow God not knowing whether he went yea as to offer up his Isaac his onely begotten Son 4. Doth faith make thee perform all thine obedience to God sweetly chearfully lovingly loving God his commands and his obedience Faith worketh by love Faith puts upon all duties and services to God in love without whimpering or murmuring 4. True saving Faith wonderfully loosens and unglues the heart of a Christian from the world and all earthly felicities By Faith Abraham Isaac and Jacob sojourned in the Land of Promise as in a strange Countrey dwelling in tents It had been much patiently to sojourn in a strange Land but to sojourn in the Land of Promise as in a strange Countrey was excellent They had not fixed Houses but moving Tents They were not dwellers but sojourners in their own inheritance because in and beyond Canaan Faith eyed and expected Heaven By Faith also Moses though a great Courtier in Egypt and the supposed son of King Pharaoh's Daughter yet preferred suffering affliction with Gods people beyond enjoying the pleasures of sin for a season And esteemed the reproach of Christ greater ●iches then the treasures in Egypt How did Moses esteem Christs riches that so esteemed Christs reproaches And no wonder that Faith thus disobligeth the heart from the World For Faith beholds in Christ the Covenant and promises Treasures beyond ten thousand Worlds Redemption Righteousnesse Adoption Holinesse Communion with God Co-operation of all things for good yea in summe Grace and Glory and upon view thereof how easily doth she slight and despise honours riches pleasures gold silver houses lands and all such low muddy perishable unsatisfying things How self-denyingly doth she desire them use them and part with them when there is occasion Doth thy faith thus make thine heart sit loose from the world 5. True saving faith is a quickening enlivening Grace yea the very life of a Christian The just shall live by his faith And Paul saith God! As the body lives by the Soul So the Soul lives by Faith Faith by the Promise and by Christ the marrow and kernel of the Promise But of this life of Faith elsewhere Dost thou live by Faith 6. True Faith is ●●tended with Sense of its own infirmity with a Spirit of Prayer and with Divine Peace 1. With a true Sense of its own infirmity This made the man in the Gospel say I believe Lord help min● unbelief And the Apostles say Lord increase our faith It s a sign of life to be sensible of weaknesses the dead body feels no infirmity Art thou sensible of thy doubts c. 2. With a Spirit of Prayer Believing in God puts upon praying to God I beleived therefore have I spoken Contrariwise No Faith no Prayer How shall they call on him in whom they have not believed Canst thou pray with groans that cannot be uttered this argues true Faith 3. With a Divine Peace Faith justifies us Justification pacifies us Being justified by faith we have peace with Go● But there is no Peace saith the LORD to the wicked 7. True saving Faith is mightily puissant and victorious It fetches strength from Christ and conquers all a believers spiritual enemies 1. Faith conquers the world The world fights against us with the Smiles of Prosperity and with the Frowns of Adversity Faith overcomes both This is the victory that overcometh the world even our Faith 2. Faith conquers the flesh For Faith purifies the Heart Every one that hath this hope in himself purifieth ●●m self even as he is pure Now Faith and Hope are Twin-graces and act alike 3. Faith overcomes the Devill We are commanded to resist the Devil stedfast in the Faith And for our encouragement herein we have this Promise Resist the Devil and he will flee from you Yea Faith is the Christians Buck●er and Shield A Shield like a door that will shelter him from top to toe whereby he quencheth all the fiery darts of the Devill Satans sudden temptations are his fierie Darts Faith quenches them all in Christs blood which is the Christians Apology against all temptations and accusations whatsoever 8. True saving Faith upholds the believers spirit from sinking and fainting under heaviest pressures and extremities of trouble The Lord propounds this to the Jewes as a support against the Babylonish 70. yeers Captivity That the just should live by his faith and this was to uphold them under all Iob was in a deep Sea of calamities and yet in midst of all as it were li●ts up his head above the waves with this triumphant expression Though he Slay me yet will I trust in him He also shall be my Salvation And again after a dolefull recapitulation of his miseries I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth And though after my skin wormes destroy this body yet in my flesh shall I see God whom I shall see for my self and mine eyes shall behold and not another though my reins be consumed within me Yea Faith is of such masculine strength that it makes believers even Glory in Tribulation Yea enables them to endure tortures not accepting of deliverance We read of Martyrs so farre upheld by Faith as to smile at the Prison-doors sing in chains kisse the stake embrace the faggots and triumphantly clap their hands in flames as having gotten the victory What support and stay now hath thy faith yeelded thee in thy plunges and extremities Canst thou wait upon God though he hide his face from thee Canst thou say with Paul Troubled on every side but not distressed Perplexed but not in despaire 9. Finally True saving Faith is daily growing and constantly persevering Faith lives but because its life is imperfect it stil grows and increaseth It is said that the Righteousnesse of God is revealed in the Gospel from Faith
fellowship with his members The Lords Supper is not onely a Seal of the Saints fellowship with Christ but also of their Communion with one another They are stones of the same building branches of the same vine members of the same body spiritual children of the same father Therefore they should mutually love one another care for one another sympathize with one another in joyes and sorrows help instruct exhort admonish and comfort one another that thus by mutual edification they may help one another on unto salvation Thus the Primitive Christians were of one heart and soul and worshipped the Lord with one accord David professeth himself to be a Companion to all them that fear God and keep his Commandments And that n the Saints the excellent ones on earth was all his Delight Oh how good and pleasant a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity c. Now the Lords Supper seals up strengthens and quickens this fellowship of Saints Enlinks their hearts to one another and all to Christ. Let thine affections therefore towards Gods people be incited by this feasting together at the Lords Table Shake off all carnal ungodly Society and make the liveliest Saints thy most intimate contenting companions And upon all occasions improve their fellowship 〈◊〉 the best spiritual ad●antages 6. Chear up and comfort thy spirit against all thy discouragements temptations corruptions upon consideration of the Cordials applied in the Lords Supper Especially 1. Vpon the pardon of sin in Christs blood seated in this Ordinance This is my blood of the New Testament shed for many for remission of sins Sins unpardoned are the heaviest burthen upon the Conscience Christs blood alone can procure Sins pardon The Lords Supper most peculiarly and particularly seals unto us Christs blood and the vertue thereof beyond all outward Ordinances Hast thou duly received the Lords Supper then thou hast spiritually received the Lords blood for washing away and remission of thy sins As the Red Sea overwhelmed all Israels enemies the Egyptians so the blood of Christ hath overwhelmed and drowned all thy corruptions Sit thou down with Israel and sing praises Comfort O Comfort thy soul in this Salvation What ever be thy miseries this will be a Cordial reviving when thou canst say Yet my sins are pardoned 2. Vpon thine Interest in the New Testament confirmed In the Lords Supper the New Testament in Christs blood is ratified to thee that thou hast part and property in it and in all the Priviledges promises Comforts and Benefits of it Glorious advantages The New Testament is the Churches Great Charter for her happy state in this ●nd the world to come The Promises thereof are most great and precious The benefits and priviledges thereof are such as carnal eye hath not seen ear heard or heart of man conceived And all these are assured to thee as thine in the Lord● Supper Consider now why walkest thou dejectedly uncomfortably in respect of sin temptation or tribulation In the New Testament are plentiful Cordials for all thy faintings abundant remedies for all t●y maladies thou canst not have that sore but here 's a salve for it Be of good chear therefore in this behalf As truly as the Sacrament and the Blood of Christ is thine so truely the New Testament with all its Promises and Priviledges are thine 7. Finally After the Lords Supper is done long for new refreshments of thy Spirit by renued Sacraments Hath the Lord made bare his face to thee at his Table bidden the welcome fil●ed thy soul as with marrow and farne●s staid thee with fl●ggons feed the with hidden Mannah bread of life and water of life assur'd thee of thy sins pardon in his blood and ●olac'd thy soul with Communion with him Then let the●e tastes of his sweetnesse and pleasantnesse make thee pant after like opportunities Thinke with thy ●elf When will the Lords Supper come When shall I come and appear before the Lord When shall I see his power and glory taste his love and grace as sometimes in the Sacrament Lord evermore give me this bread I think the time long betwixt Sacrament and Sacrament Oh that I might still be feasting my soul with the●e heavenly dainties Thus fill thine heart with longing desires after Sacraments till they come so shalt thou make way for more satisfying delights therein when they come But e●pecially thirst and cry out for compleat enjoyment of Jesus Christ in heaven face to face which is beyond all Sacraments and all Ordinances For if a little glimpse and taste of Christ in these darksome Ordinances be so sweet how sweet and ravishing will the full Vision and immediate fruition of Christ be in the Highest heavens Say therefore in thine heart Lord Jesus thy word is sweet thy Sacraments sweet and all thine Ordinances are sweet through thy sweetness yet they satisfie not fully Thou art more sweet and soul-●atisfying then all Therefore I love th●ne appearing I long for thy coming Thou hast ●aid Behold I come quickly And mine heart echo's Even so come Lord Jesus Amen FINIS An Alphabetical TABLE Directing to the Principal Matters contained in this BOOK A. ADam how happy he was before the fall and we in him in nine particulars p. 50 to 55. How miserable since the fall both by losse of Go●d and Presence of Evil both of Sin and Sorrow p. 55. to 63. Appetite How necessary a spiritual Appetite is before Communicating in two respects p. 191 192. A good spiritual Appetite to the Lords Supper may be tried and discovered by six properties p. 193. to 197 Attributes of God See God B. BAptisme what it is p. 94 95. Brotherly love See Love to Christians C. Christ. The Necessity of getting out of our Natural state into Christ in four particulars p. 63. to 66. The Duties to be performed by them that are in Christ in nine particulars p. 66 67. Priviledges which we enjoy by Christ in seven respects p. 68 69. Points of Knowledge necessary touching Christ viz. That 1. There is but one true Christ. p. 70. 2. Iesus Son of the Virgin Mary is this true Christ shewed three wayes p. 71 72. 2. This Christ is God-man and why p. 73 74. 4. Christ hath taken upon him the Office of Mediatorship and dischargeth it as a Prophet two wayes p. 75 76. As a Priest two wayes p. 79. As a King seven wayes p. 76 77. And all in his state of Humiliation wherein chiefly five degrees p 77 78. And in his state of Exaltation wherein are observable five degrees also p. 78 79.80 5. This Mediato●r Iesus Christ is All-sufficient p. 80 81. 6. Christ save none but those to whom he is actually applyed p. 81. 7. Christ is the Substance of all Sacraments c. p. 81. Love to Christ. See Love Considerations upon which this Book was published In Ep. Ded. Covenant The Substance of the New Covenant p. 5. We may