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A49957 Chara tēs pisteōs The joy of faith, or, A treatise opening the true nature of faith : its lowest stature and distinction from assurance, with a scripture method to attain both, by the influence and aid of divine grace : with a preliminary tract evidencing the being and actings of faith, the deity of Christ, and the divinity of the sacred Sciptures / by Samuel Lee ... Lee, Samuel, 1625-1691. 1687 (1687) Wing L891 136,126 264

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nation but as wrapt up in Idumea a little parcel of the Province of Judea under the Romans which contained the Philistim Country and a little southward Nay there be many other Kingdoms fell under the same prophetical doom that are now lurking in their ruines and ravenous beasts preying upon the bones of the ancient Cities Of all other that of Egypt is remarkable that it should be a base Kingdom nay the basest of Kingdoms and should exalt it self no more Ezek. 29.15 and so it has been ever since the Persians conquered it under whom it groaned and then turned to the Grecians under one of Alexanders Captains till Cleopatra the n●a provincial to the Romans and after them to the Saracens the Mamalukes and Turks by whom it is dreadfully pillaged and plunged by every new Basla to this day But above all we should mind and diligently observe that most famous prophecy of the font great Monarchies in Daniel Dan. 2. 7 whose tru●h almost every History of the civil Nations demonstrates age by age from Nebuchadnezzar to the end of the world Which as it is twice exemplified under two visions so the fourth or Roman is much more amplified by holy John in his Patmus Revelations By both which as by two great torches every man in his proper age beholds the verity of scripture prophecies to shine forth most illustriously and we may be as certain of what remains yet unfulfilled to receive its accomplishment as of that we have read and heard and seen performed before our eyes There is one Prophecy I would not let slip and that is in the Prophet Zephaniah which declares that God will famish all the Gods of the earth Eph 3● 11. and men shall worship him every one from his place even all the Isles of the Heathen I the rather mention it because Plutarch that learned Gentile hath writ a tract as if on purpose to verifie this prophecy which he enstiles peri ekleloipoton Chresterion of the Eclipse or silence of Oracles Plut Suidas de Augusto Lactantius Boeth de distiol schoastirs h●l● 12 c 41 Orosius me puer Hebraeus jubet hinc ad tartara adire Heb 13 20 where he mentions the death of the great God pan o megas tethneke which some apply to our blessed Lord the great Shepherd of the sheep It is related also that the Temple of Apollo at Delphos in Phocis of the Grecians where afterwards true Religion was set up was overthrown by Earthquakes and Thunder and at the same time when Jerusalems Temple was destroyed and neither of them rebuilt to this day to intimate that Pagan worship of the Heathens and the ceremonious worship of the Jews should be removed and give place to the Christian Worship in Spirit and Truth The last thing that I shall mention is the noble Prophecy of the conversion of the Gentiles so often set forth in many Chapters the fulfilling whereof is attested by multitudes of Authors of all Countries how Thomas in the East converted the Indians and that the posterity of them that resisted him are markt at this day with one leg much bigger than the other as I received by eye-witnesses for a truth Capt. Prout but the account is only a child of tradition In the Northwest the Scythians were converted by Andrew and thence their Posterity the Scots own him for their Tutelars Saint The Britains as many assert were converted by Joseph of Arimathea ●udolph hist Abyss the Egyptians and Abyssines by Mark and his Disciples But I proceed no further it may be observed by every ones experience to this very day These things require just Treatises to inlarge upon and to display in their full and lovely colours But yet that I may set before all a method to convince every candid person of the truth of Scripture upon this score and hence their divine original I would desire them to do but two things 1. To observe and study what Prophecies the cardo saeculi the present state and scene of things determine us to be under the fulfilling at this present day 2. I recommend to their continued studious observation what things remain yet to be fulfilled that they may thereby be daily satisfied and fully convinced For if the great God have thought fit in love and mercy to reveal such great things to his Church we ought to lay aside our trifles and vanities of contradiction and observe the workings of his Providence which continually rowle upon the wheels of Prophecy And therefore I shall name some Prophecies yet to be fulfilled The second coming of Christ was prophecied of by Enoch before the Flood Jude 14. Numb 24 17 19.24 Rev 8 2 and by some part of Baalams Prophecy But the New Testament blows many Trumpets over Prophecies as if challenging the whole World to observe this issue and among others let us touch these following 1. The final period of the Metalline Image set forth by Visions in the Book of Daniel 2. The downfall of Antichrist after the expiration of his 1260 years now at the doors 3. The ruine of the Turk after the end of 391 years from the establishlishment of his Ottoman Empire Ezek. 38.10 and the great thoughts that shall come into the heart of that God in these latter dayes 4. The Conversion of all Israel to our Lord Christ and their restauration to their own Land never to be removed more 5. The glorious state of the united Church both of Israel and Gentiles from the River Indus to the Atlantick Ocean wherever the four mettals have obtained yea and the spreading of it wherever the ten toes have set the prints of their dominion and that this blessed state shall endure in all manner of spiritual Holiness and temporal felicity under a perpetuum ver ●rudentius ae continual spring when the seas●ns shall be most happy Heavens influences most benign unity and concord and interminable peace among all Nations and the deliverance of all the creatures which now groan under the cruel oppression of the wicked into the Festival liberty of the Sons of God Rom 8 21 22 this happy 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or restauration of all things shall continue to the close of the World when those of the outsides about the Holy City attempting mischief shall be destroyed by fire from Heaven which enters us upon the sixth viz. 6. The Conflagration of the World and all the wicked in it by fire 2 pet 3 7 Mal 4 1 mentioned by Peter and crept into Ovid in his Metamorphosis Esse quoque in fatis c. It s written in Fatidical Books that the Heavens and Earth shall perish by fire 7. The return of our Lord to take up his People into Heaven 8 Then comes the great Resurrection and 9 The tremendous day of Judgment After which 10 He proceeds to deliver up his Mediatorian Kingdom to the Father Joh 14 3 Rev 20 12 13 1 cor 15 24
and then the Glory of Heaven shall continue to all eternity when God shall be All in All. SECT II. The Miracles in Scripture HAving Treated somewhat of the infallible Prophecies I shall now by the Grace of God rehearse some of the notable Miracles mentioned in Holy Scripture For as much as they are works above the power of nature therefore all Nations stand gazing at such mighty exhibitions of Gods Majesty such as curing blind-born Persons the restoring the dumb and lame who were so afflicted from the Mothers Womb yea reviving of many from death to life are they not undeniable Testimonies that such a one that performs these is a God or transacted by the immediate assistance and presence of God whence we may very well infer that what such a one speaks is to be embraced as by divine Authority For that glorious Person that manifests in his works such heavenly and coelestial power must be believed to be God and a God of supream Truth and highest verity as well as of surpassing power For infinite power and truth are and can be centerd no where but in a God. trey where their Brethren of the Race of Cham of near alliance to the Canaanites then lived which is toucht as I remember by Procopius in his Vandalick Wars others Procop The standing still of the Sun seems hinted at by Plautus in the double day I think in his Amphilryo 4. The fourth wonder may refer to the retrocession or going back of the Sun in the dayes of Hezekiah which engaged the King of Babylon to send an Embassy on purpose to search out the truth of that Prodigy In reference to which this is remarkable that some Eclipses mentioned to have happened before Hezekiahs dayes are all found by our modern Astronomical Tables as exact as if those Prodigies had not been extant which may give to some a little more facile apprehension of the motion of the earth then the Perepatetick School will as yet admit For the Phoenomenon or apeearance may be solved by a miraculous stopping of the Earths diurnal motion though its annual in the Zodiack might continue 5. The fifth concerns that extraordinary Star which aypeared at the Birth of our Lord to the Magi in Kedemah or the East by the River Euphrates Mat 2 2 who came 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from Jobs East Countrey whereof before and which presaged as they thought in those dayes the rising of some Grand Emperor out of some Eastern Nation whereof Suetonius speads Percrebuit in toto oriente c. that there was a presage of one that should Rule the whole World sueton in Vespas c 4 Tacit hist l 5 pluribus persuasio inerat c which they applied to Vespasian but more truly concerned our blessed Lord whose Kingdom was to be universal and eternal There is a passage also about Herod at this time which tho no miracle yet it was a prodigy of cruelty which that infamous Prince perpetrated in the Land of Judah and herein may somewhat concern this Treatise that it sets the time of the Epiphany or coming of the Magi or wise men to our Lord a little before that Lunar Eclipse in March which preceded that Tyrants death who slew so many innocent children and his own son among the rest that gave occasion to the Emperor Augustus to taunt him with that scoff Macrob saturn l 2 c 4 that he had rather be Herods Hog than his son counting him for a Jew and I think he was a proselyte tho indeed he were an Idumaean of Ascalon by birth that is of that Idumaea or Edom so called in the days of our Lord as may be observed in Ptolomies greek Geography lying in the south-part of Judah 6. But the most remarkable miracle was that of the Suns Eclipse at our blessed Lords passion because it disappeared and was mantled with pitchy darkness near the Full-Moon of the Passover paul Diacon max in scholl ad Dionys Orig tract 29 30 in mat Euseb edit scal●austin Eph 156 which is impossible in the course of nature For proof whereof Eusebius gives in ample testimony in his Chronical Canon citing the 14th Book of Phlegon of Trallis who asserts it to have happened in the fourth year of the 202 Olympiad Dionysius also the Areopagite is mentioned by the Magdeburgenses for an Epistle of his written to the Citizens of Heliopolis or On in Egypt wherein that common saying is avouched for his Deus naturae patitur Magd cent 1 l 1 c 11 p 381 august in Ep Rom de civit Deil 10 c 27 Euseh in vit Constantini aut mundi machina collabitur The God of nature suffereth or else the frame of the world is flying in pieces Besides what Petrus Comester records where ever he had it that the Philosophers of Athens disputed about this Eclipse as being the occasion of building that Altar to the unknown God Tho Pausanias as I remember declares it to have been erected upon the great devastation made by that fearful pestilence at Athens pausan in atticis Laert in Epimedid Lucian philopatri Oecumenius c. in the time of the Peloponnesian War so notably described by Thucydides But passing that the aforesaid admirable Eclipse of the Sun being celebrated near the Full-Moon of the paschal solemnity It must needs follow that the Moon her self must be prodigiously and totally Eclipsed being near her opposition at the same time Nay there was moreover another Eclipse of the Moon in her natural course in the Evening of the same day as by calculation out of the Tables doth manifestly appear the scheme whereof is exhibited by Buntingius in his chronology and I think declared by others also So that there were three Eclipses in the compass of one natural day that all the inhabitantsround the globe might read in the heavens some wonderful work about that time Lang. de christ annis had they known the language of those glittering lamps whose places being then near the Equinoctial the sun in Aries the Moon in Libra they might be seen almost from Pole to Pole. Such a Spectacle as never had happened from the foundation of the World and possibly may never again It being a superlative attestation to the glorious sufferings of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Concerning the darkness of that time how dreadful and universal it was others having discoursed I shall not enlarge Many other wonderful Miracles transacted by the Prophets in the Old Testament and thousands by our Lord and many of his Apostles in the new are set down for the confirmation of the holy Oracles Several things and some persons mentioned in the Sacred Books are likewise glanced at by the Heathen Writers Such persons as the Magi are hinted by Laertius some things mentioned by Celsus in Origens refutation of his Heathenish Opinions by Julian Porphyry Apollonius c. who endeavouring to undermine the Authority of the Scriptures
heirship and all the priviledges and liberties of the children of God Sanctification to mortifie the power and dominion of sin and to quicken our graces and duties to support us against and under all fiery tentations to eularge and fortifie our spirits under dificult services and to persevere to the end Phil. 1.6 1● that at last we may attain the redemption of our bodies from the dust and the resurrection to glory But these resort more properly under the tenth and last chapter and therefore here I forbear 7. The next place sets forth Faith by our cleaving to the Lord with full purpose of heart A●s 11 23. Isai 28.16 When the soul is glewed by an holy love to the mercies and goodness of God it will then 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 stedfastly abide with him It makes not haste out of the mountains of Zion as if full of bogs and quakemires Deut. 10.20 Josh 2● 8 1 Cor. 1.17 2 Cor. 11 2 but as being setled on the strong and lofty rock of ages This closing of the soul with God is often set down in Scripture by that trust and assiance which a true believer hath in God adhering on cleaving to God is a term also which sometimes attends upon conjugal relation wherby true and faithful persons having the yoke of that union lined with the soft velvet of love 1 Cor. 6.17 become one as in person by the law so much more in spirit and delight To the same purpose the Apostle affirms that true believers being united to Christ by a true and lively faith become one spirit with the Lord and long daily to be more sully espoused by larger affections of the unction of Christs spirit in order to the solemnity of that glorious marriage-day of the Lamb. Rom. 7.4 Rev 19 7 Phil 3 20 And this is true faith indeed when persons long for the appearance of Christ in glory 8. Next follows that term of embracing of Christ as the Saints of old being first perswaded of the truth and goodness of the promises Heb 1● 13 then at length embraced them utrispue ulnis with all affection and what are the promises but the precious fine linnen wherein Christ our sacrifice was involved after his death at his funeral which is the principal object of our saith even Christ in his sufferings This act of embracing notes our ardent affection to him delight in him and heavenly communion begun betwixt Christ and the heart of a believer Love is Faiths Agent and factor Faith worketh by love a true lover of Christ is certainly a true believer in him and this love increases by faith and faith by love For the soul determines it The more I know of his Excellencies the more I believe in him Rom. 5.4 5 and I love him more because I have the experience of Christs love to me In this very state of the valley there is a mixing of hearts and spirits but in heaven the soul is swallowed up in his love for ever 9. In the ninth place a Believer arrives at this reverent freedom with the Lord in all its streights and dificulties to cast its cares and burdens upon him being both commanded and encouraged by him to do it Whenever I am afraid saith David Psal 56.3 He trust in thee If the heart safely trust in a friend Prov. 31 11. there follows a mutual unvailing and disclosing of the most secret and bosome counsels Psal 71.3 Jer 20.12 Psal 142 2 So does the soul pour out its sorrows and open its whole cause before God. Three things make a friend or relation desirable power to protect wisdom to advise and love to comfort and mingle joys sorrows together All these are eminently and transcendently found in heaven There 's a heart large enough to entertain thy moans Jam 1● wise enough to guide thee in the dark turns of Providence and so good as not to upbraid thee and can command Legions of Angels at a beck for protection ● Pet. 5 7. Let us therefore cast our care upon him for he careth for us and 't is worth notice what the Apostle terms thy care the Psalmist terms thy burden promising that the Lord will sustain thee to shew that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 dividing cares Psal 55.22 heart-rending cares are great burdens But divine sustentation and support of the soul in trouble plainly shews that God takes a fatherly care of thee and will not suffer thee finally to be moved as Davids song in the end of that Psalm since thou art a righteous man and hast cast all thy soul-battering cares upon Gods promise which are but so many tentations to try thy faith and trust in him Besides this trust is exprest by casting anchor within the vail Heb 6 19 When the ship of the soul being turned up-side down as to the world though too near the earth in this bodily estate yet in spirit sails above the firmament and makes all its sails upward still Rev 11.19 and if any storm arises it then rides at Anchor upon the Ark in heaven within the vail beyond the starry Canopy as upon the rock of life the Lord Christ himself 10 In the tenth and last place faith acts by Resignation giving up all its comforts into his heavenly hand when a true believer both living and dying commends his spirit into his divine manutenency during this frail life in all the mighty turns circles or helixes of providence full of intricate meanders and mazes past finding out is led by a hand coming down from heaven So that all ends well with a Saint his stormy dayes do always end in a sun-shine evening He gives up himself to the guidance of his counsel and as to death both for time place way and method yields up all to his safe conduct and yet sometimes breaths out with a most humble and reverent motion his soul still lying in the dust of submission before him to grant him an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or an easy departure out of this life if it may be his holy pleasure and still quietly hoping and waiting for his salvation Thus Jacob in the Old Testament in the midst of his last languishments cries out I have waited for that Salvation O Lord gen 59.18 Luke 2.30 23 46. and good old Simeon in the New Let thy Servant depart in peace for mine eyes have seen and mine arms embraced my Saviour and thy Salvation This did our most blessed Lord Father into thy hands I commend my spirit and so did blessed Stephen Lord Jesus receive my spirit testifying to the Deity of Christ Acts 7.59 the immortality of his soul and the resurrection of his body in the same prayer of resignation There may be found in Scripture some other passages exhibiting the nature of Faith and Trust as fixing the heart choosing of Christ waiting for his coming and expecting the blessed day much to the same effect
Son of God he required of all his Disciples and it must be understood of his eternal Being and not as Adam is called a Son of God because he urges the Jews with his works and such as none can produce but a God such as the Father performed whereof more by and by Mark 1.24.5 7. Luk. 4.34.8 28. ●ert in Thalete The Devils themselves do own this point and yet how many blind nominal Christians are there who have not attained the knowledg of Thales who calls him the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 if cited right And yet our dayes find some who bear the Name of Christ but blaspheme his nature and speak boldly against this grand Fundamental of Christianity such as the Socinians and many Quakers poor wretches perverted by cunning sophisters that plead against the only true means of their own salvation and return again to the Old Covenant of works Whereas the scripture is both evident and copious in the case Pr●v 8.23 As that of Wisdom I was set up from Everlasting c. which must be expounded of a person from that of verse 30. I was by him as one brought up with him I was daily his delight Psal 110.1 Mat 22.44 Ioh. 1.18 Deut. 30.12 Rom. 10.7 Eph 4.10 Ioh. 8 58. Rev 1.8 Ioh. 1.2 rejoycing alwayes before him This Probl●me confounded th● Pharisees How can the Lord of David be his Son He it is that lay in the bosom of God and came down from Heaven being the same that ascended up again He it is that was before Abraham That was and is and is to come the Almighty That was in the beginning and had his glorious Being before ever the World was Isai 57.15 1 Tim. 3 16 as the Ancients truly expound that phrase Now what can be before the World began but Eternity wherein God inhabits Ioh 1.14 This person was God manifest in the flesh and therefore God before his manifestation on Earth Heb. 1.8 when he vailed his glory within the Tabernacle of his sacred flesh Moreover if God the Father call Christ God as he does Thy Throne O God is for ever and ever His Glory then must be coequal with the Fathers before the World began Phil. 2.6 he esteeming it no robbery to be equal with God. Yea as God in unity of Essence he is stiled the blessed and only Potentate the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Which Name and Stile is applied to him by the Apostle Iohn 1 Tim. 6.15 and seen by him as written in his vesture upon his thigh adding that he was the Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end the first and last Rev. 19.16 22 23 3. Hence flows the Doctrine of the unity of Christ the Son oi God with the Father in the same Divine Essence therefore the Father calls him his Fellow in Zechary and some observe concerning that passage in Isaiah Smitten of God and afflicted that OF the note of the Genitive Zech 13.7 Isai 53 4. is not in the Hebrew and therefore construed from the Hebrew A smitten God equivalent to that in the New Testament where the precious blood of Christ is called the blood of God Act. 20.28 as abovesaid yet others affecting not this reading in Isaiah I shall not contest it at present but as to his unity there be many plain places wherein our Lord determines it that he and the Father are one and had the same essential glory together from eternity For speaking of the manutenency and protection of his sheep from perishing Ioh. 10.30 17.11 21 22 23. he declares himself one with the Father that gave them to him whereupon the Jews being clear in the Argument took up stones again to destroy him as a Blasphemer in that he made himself one with God. 4. Again He that is Omniscient and knows our thoughts by his own discerning eye and power must needs be God. As Solomon spake to the Lord in Prayer Thou only knowest the heart of the Children of men 2 Chron. 6.30 Rev. 2.23 Mat. 9.4.12 25. Luk. 5.22 6 8. 9.47 11.17 Now our Saviour expresly assumes it to himself that he searcheth the Reins and the heart and t is often expressed that our Lord knew the thoughts both of his Disciples and his enemies as may be observed in the Scripture Nay he perceived when thoughts did but arise in their hearts much like that of David Thou understandest my thoughts afar off which demonstrates an Omniscient Deity Luk. 24.38 Psal 139.2 Heb. 4.12 13. this our Lord did not discern as to one of his Disciples only but of several at once So that this essential word of God is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart and all things are naked and open before him and no creature but is manifest in his sight which must needs follow because he is the Creator of all which brings in the fifth 5. Another conviction of this glorious Truth of Christs Deity is drawn from his Omnipotency Joh. 1.3 For all things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made which action of creating must needs be invested in the infinite power of his Essence whom we have before proved to be the Eternal God had the same glory with God the Father before the World was praying further that his humanity now assumed into unity with the second person might be dignified with the same glory John 17.5 Col. 1.16 This great truth is confirmed by the great Apostle By him were all things created in Heaven and Earth even the Angels those glorious Spirits were formed by him and for him that is for his glory and service and to sing his praises Rev. 4.11 Heb 1.10 But to end it s spoken by God the Father to Christ Thou Lord in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the Earth and the Heavens are the work of thy hands Yet further 6. As Christ made the World it must needs follow that he also governs it sometimes immediately by himself sometimes by the ministration of Angels and as to the Church by his own Spirit Thence is he stiled King or Kings King of Nations and King of Saints The Apostle Paul asserts him to be before all things in his eternal Essence Col 1.17 and that by him all things do consist 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heb. 1.3 have the continuation of their Beings Lives and Motions Yea it is he that beareth supporteth and upholdeth all things by the word of his power He spake the word and they were made and he speaks and ordains the time method and means of their continuance 7. Besides as he maintains and preserves the world in its being Luk. 24.19 Joh. 2.11 11.4 6.54 5 21. 1 14 so likewise beyond the ordinary course of nature in the time of his Incarnation he wrought all those mighty Miracles by his
upon the foundation or ground-work of our encouragement in the management of this great affair aright by the strength and co-operation of the spirit and that 's no other than by the divine promises laid up in the covenant of grace 'T is the promise allures us the voice of the word calls us the faithfulness of God secures us the motion of the spirit prompts incites and hastens us to come to Christ who most graciously accepts us kisses us and lays us down to rest in his most fragrant bosom And here it is worth our time if every minute were more precious than the whole universe turned into a massy diamond to expatiate upon the freeness the unsought and unforethought love of God in making them the certainty of their accomplishment as built on the essence and veracity of God their riches and preciousness as being equivalent to the Crown of glory encompassed with the golden ring of eternity When we have obtained like precious Faith we shall be made partakers of like precious promises 2 Pet. 1.1 4. Heb. 13.7 6.12 as if we follow the Faith of Saints we shall at last with them inherit the same promised Kingdom In the seventh Place I might trace a little the time of Faiths first infusion SECT 7. and first operation in the heart which is undoubtedly at the new birth when ever it is But how to prescribe and when precisely to determine that in the soul of a Believer is more difficult than to state the quickening or animation of an embrio in the womb of her that is with child or for any Naturallist so set the moment of the first separation of night from day at the initiating crepusculum or ascent of the first attom of the morning raies of the Suns body or the primogenial fermentation of the vegetative soul in the seed Corn in the Earth when it begins to chit or the first vapors in Mineral beds that procreare Mercury into a running liquid body which afterward is congealed by Sulphur into Gold. Its much more difficult to set down the first punctual workings of the Spirit in our hearts Q. But you may ask me Cui Bono To what end were it to be so accurate if it were possible A. I Answer In all humility tho we never attain the precise and nicest time yet as far as we may and with what holy modesty we can attain to dive into these heavenly secrets the sooner we discern the work by so much the sooner may our spiritual joy spring which animates our services and anoints the wheels of our Souls to become like the Chariots of Aminadab For which purpose I refer my Discourse to the third Chapter of this Treatise SECT 8. In the eighth Place I might shew the inseparable union and connexion between Faith and Holiness they are individui comites sweet companions never divided but delighted in each others smiles lovely twins brought forth by grace The heart of a Believer is purified by Faith and his life most orient and beautiful in holiness Act. 15 9 Whoso then pretends to be a Believer and walks not in holiness of life is a self-deceiver and wrongs his own soul But le ts reserve this to a peculiar Chapter below Chap. 6. I should now issue this Chapter but that I desire in the close of every one to answer one or more practical Questions for our spiritual improvement referring to what precedes in the same Chapter Q. 1. If any trembling soul should ask Have I this sound Faith of Gods Elect I should Answer briefly 1. Christ is precious to every one that believes 1 Pet. 2.7 the joy of his heart and delight of his soul when but under this sweet hope and when a little quickened and enlivened in communion I sat under his shadow with great delight Song 2.3 Faith and Love alwayes ride together in Solomons Chariot which is paved with love for the Daughters of Jerusalem 3.10 2. The promises of the Covenant are precious to such a soul they are ornaments of grace about his neck and aetherial Cordials in all its fainting Fits I had fainted Psal 27.13 sayes David had I not believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living It values them above a Kingdom Q. 2. If we fear our state how may we gain Faith Rom. 10. I Answer briefly 1. By diligent attendance on the Word of God Faith cometh by hearing 2. By hearkening to the inward motions of Gods Spirit in hearing the Word Luke 24.31 When thy heart is warmed by some passage in a Sermon take special notice of that particular point It s a sign Christ is conferring with thy heart as with the two Disciples near Emmaus whose hearts burned while he opened the Scriptures 3. Ponder and meditate deeply upon that which warmed thy heart to bring Christs counsel into a resolution for obedience 4. Sacrifice these intentions upon the Altar of Prayer in the Name of Jesus Chr●st unto the Father But these things requiring little tracts Gerson Bonaventur Scala I le conclude with that of Gerson the Chancellor of Paris who treating of Meditation states that for the sweetest when the soul opens it self towards Heaven receiving in its precious dewes Psal 85.8 without forced and artificial methods as David I le hearken what God the Lord will say for he will speak peace to my soul Ariani perilpl mar Ery thrae● Benjamin itinerar which is like the mother shell of the Oriental Pearl at Baharem which Naturalists relate conceives those precious unions by the dew of Heaven But I must now retire to the second Chapter and t is more than time only I dilated upon this a little the more as being a substantial head in respect to the essential nature of Faith. CHAP II. Various Expressions in Scripture setting forth the Nature of FAITH THe beginning and carrying on of the work of Faith in the heart is set forth in holy Scripture by many pertinent and sweet expressions which tend to enlighten and comfort the souls of dark drooping and weak believers and helping them to discern the inherence of this grace in their hearts Metaphors Parables and All●geries many times teach us when direct Precepts will not do the work Vpon some whereof I shall endeavour to treat in this Chapter and present them as a climax or a Jacobs Ladder whereby to scale the Palaces of eternal joy 1. In the first place Rev. 24.6 22.17 We find this grace set forth by thirsting and hungring after Christ and his righteousness which are strong and vehement appetitions after supply of proper food and moisture to refresh the Spirits and to preserve natural vigo● Which if not timely satisfied produce pantings faintness swoundings Psal 42.1 and at last convulsive motions the very harbingers of death Thus did holy David pant after God as the hunted Hart having lickt up a fiery Serpent pants after