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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A42446 The certainty of the Christian revelation, and the necessity of believing it, established in opposition to all the cavils and insinuations of such as pretend to allow natural religion, and reject the Gospel / by Francis Gastrell ... Gastrell, Francis, 1662-1725. 1699 (1699) Wing G301; ESTC R14557 148,794 394

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heal'd all manner of Infirmities by his miraculous Power and when his Disciples brought him Meat he refused it saying he had Meat to eat which they knew not of and that his Meat was to do the Will of him that sent him He lived in extream Poverty and Want He had not where to lay his Head and was destitute not only of the good things of this World but of all the lesser Conveniences of this Life And yet we see when he sent for an Ass and Fole to ride into Jerusalem with the Owners let them go and when he ordered to have such a room prepared for him to eat his last Supper in 't was presently got ready for him and both upon the bare Saying of his Disciples that the Master had need of them His Meekness Lowliness and Humility are very conspicuous throughout his whole Conduct and Behaviour and in several particular Instances as his conversing freely with Persons of the meanest Rank chusing such to be his constant Companions and most intimate Friends declaring that he came to minister to others and not to be ministred to ordering those he cured not to publish what he had done for them refusing to be King when the People would have made him so washing his Apostles Feet c. Notwithstanding which in many other Instances he discovers himself in very signal Characters of Greatness Majesty and Power For not to mention what we have before rank'd under the Stile of Miracles and Prophecies he taught as one having Authority so that not only the People but their Rulers and Teachers were astonished at his Doctrine he reproved the Scribes and Pharisees with Boldness he enter'd into Jerusalem with all the highest Solemnities of Triumph and drove out of the Temple all those that prophaned that Holy House by applying it to common Uses he spake the Word and whoever he call'd immediately left all they had and followed him he took upon him to forgive Sins and he gave his Disciples the same Power as likewise a Power against unclean Spirits to cast them out and to heal all manner of Sickness and all manner of Diseases to tread on Serpents and Scorpions and over all the Power of the Enemy so that nothing should by any means hurt them Besides all which and many other Marks of Greatness Power and Authority that appeared in the Actions of Christ the things which he declares of himself and which are attributed to him by his Disciples give us a much higher Idea of him He says of himself that he is greater than the Prophet Jonah and Solomon he proves that David call'd him his Lord he affirms that before Abraham was he is that Abraham rejoiced to see his day that he is the Christ the Messiah expected and prophesied of the Son of God the Way the Truth and the Life that all things are delivered to him of the Father who was Lord of Heaven and Earth and that all things which the Father hath are his that he and the Father are one that he is in the Father and the Father in him that he came forth from his Father when he came into the World that he is the Bread of Life that came down from Heaven that this Bread is his Flesh which he will give for the Life of the World that he has overcome the World that no Man took his Life from him but that he laid it down of himself and had Power to take it again and that when he leaves the World he goes to his Father He owns that he is a King but that his Kingdom was not of this World He tells us that all Power is given to him both in Heaven and in Earth that hereafter he should be seen sitting at the Right Hand of the Power of God and that he will come in his Glory and all the Holy Angels with him to judge the World that then he shall sit upon the Throne of his Glory and before him shall be gathered all Nations and receive their Sentence from him according to their Works He assures his Twelve Apostles that he will send the Comforter to them who shall teach them all things and guide them into all truth and show them things to come that he himself will be with them always unto the end of the World that whatsoever they shall ask the Father in his Name that he will do that he will prepare a place for them in his Fathers House and that when he comes to judge the World they shall sit upon twelve Thrones judging the twelve Tribes of Israel To all those that labour and are heavy laden he promises that they shall find rest to those that sell what they have and follow him that they shall have Treasure in Heaven to those that love him that they shall be loved of his Father and that his Father and he will come and make their abode with them Whosoever drinketh of the water that he shall give him he says shall never thirst but that water shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life and whoso eateth his flesh and drinketh his blood hath eternal life and he will raise him up at the last day He tells one of the Thieves upon the Cross That he should be with him that day in Paradise and in general to all those that believe in him and obey his Word and Commandments he gives assurance of Salvation and Eternal Happiness in another World besides many other occasional Blessings and Assistances in this and those that will not believe in him and obey his Gospel he threatens with Eternal Punishment in another life and with many Troubles and Calamities while they continue here Agreeable to which Declarations made by himself are the Language and Practice of his Disciples to him and of him in his Life time and after his Death They call him Lord and God Preach Baptize and Bless in his Name and attribute a great many glorious things to him which are in other places in the same Manner and Expression attributed to the One Only Supream God They Worship him when alive with all the external signs of Divine Adoration and Pray to him after his Death and expect all manner of Grace Assistance and Spiritual strength from him here and an Eternal Reward of their Labours Sufferings and Obedience from him hereafter And as these are all Evident Marks and Tokens of an amazing Greatness and Power in Jesus Christ so are all his Sermons and Discourses his manner of Preaching and Conversing and the whole Scheme both of his Life and Doctrine manifest proofs of an extraordinary kind of Wisdom It does not appear from the History of the Gospel or any other parts of the New Testament that Christ had read any other Book but the Old Testament or that he had had the advantage of being instructed in the meaning and sense of that by any Master or Teacher whatsoever yet we find him Teaching Reasoning Answering Questions that were put
them Among the Chief Rulers many believed on him but did not confess him lest they should have been put out of the Synagogue His Country-men acknowledg'd that mighty Works were wrought by his hands but were offended because so mean a Person did them whose Birth Relations and Education they knew The Gergesenes were astonished at the wonderful Things he did though they besought him to depart out of their Coasts And the Devils confessed his Power before they were cast out though he came to torment them before the time A great many were convinced of the Truth of his Miracles but did not hearken to what he taught because none of the Rulers or Pharisees believed on him and because they took him for a Galilean and thought that no Prophet arose out of Galilee Several would not believe on him because they knew whence he was and when Christ came no Man they supposed knew from whence he was though they were thus answered by others who believed when Christ cometh will he do more Miracles than these which this Man has done Some were entirely satisfied of his Miraculous Power by being healed by him as Nine of the Ten Lepers and nevertheless regarded him not Abundance of People accompanied him where-ever he went and were continual Witnesses of the Signs and Miracles done by him and yet followed him not for the sake of them but because they were fed by him And many there were that believed in his Name when they saw the Miracles that he did but Jesus did not commit himself to them because he knew all Men. So that all these bore Testimony to the Truth of the greatest part of Christ's Miracles as well as those who became his Disciples and imbraced his Doctrine But other Miracles there are Recorded of Christ which were done in the presence of his Apostles and Disciples only who already believed on him some of which continually attended him and others of them were very frequently with him Several of these Miracles were done in his Life-time sometimes before the whole Twelve who are peculiarly Styled Apostles sometimes before a Select Number of the Twelve sometimes before a promiscuous Company of his Apostles and Disciples together After his Death he appeared at several times to different Persons and different Companies but his Resurrection and whatever he did or said during Forty Days Conversing upon Earth after he was risen his Ascension into Heaven and Mission of the Holy Ghost with many extraordinary Signs and Wonders none were Witnesses of but his own Disciples and Followers and therefore the Truth of all these Miracles must principally depend upon the Credit of the Disciples of Christ that relate them Besides all these wonderful things immediately attributed to Christ himself we meet with several others in the New Testament which are represented as done by some other Power but are such as have a manifest relation to Christ and are designed to confirm the truth of his Pretences Such were the Appearance of Angels to Mary the Mother of Christ Zachariah the Father of John and to the Shepherds the appearance of a Star in the East to the Wise-Men the Dumbness of Zachariah and other Signs that attended the Birth of John and Christ the Dove and Voice from Heaven at the Baptism of Christ the Darkness Earthquake Renting of the Vail of the Temple and Resurrection of dead Bodies at his Crucifixion Several of these things could not be known immediately to the Evangelists that relate them or to any other Disciples of Christ but to those only whom they are told of and upon their credit we must in a great measure rely for the truth of them but several of them were very publick and consequently the truth of these rests upon the Testimony of a great number of Witnesses besides those that relate them In this manner are the Miracles of Christ and all the Wonders and Signs that accompanied him from his Conception to his Mission of the Holy Spirit upon his Apostles Related and Attested in the New Testament But of the same Jesus Christ who has so many wonderful things there reported of him it is farther testified that he conferred a power of working Miracles upon a great many of his Followers who believed in him and that a great many Miracles were accordingly performed by their Hands In his Life-time 't is said that he gave this Power to Twelve Apostles and Seventy Disciples whom he sent out into all the Towns and Villages of Judea with a Commission to Preach his Gospel to cast out Devils and to cure Diseases and they went about Preaching the Gospel and Healing every where and the Devils were subject to them through his Name This we have their own Testimony for and whoever were Cured or Dispossessed by them and all that saw what they did are so many more Witnesses of the Miracles they wrought but none of the Particular Facts or Circumstances of them are mentioned After the Ascension of Christ we read that the Twelve Apostles being all with one accord in one place received a larger power of working all kind of Miracles by the Mission of the Holy Ghost who according to the promise of Christ was to be constantly with them to guide and assist them in the whole course of their Ministry This Power immediately shewed it self by their speaking in several different Languages before unknown to them the Witnesses of which Fact are not only these Apostles themselves but a great many others that heard them Parthians and Elamites and the Dwellers in Mesopotamia and in Judea and Cappadocia in Pontus and Asia Phrygia and Pamphylia in Egypt and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene and Strangers of Rome Jews and Proselytes Cretes and Arabians who were amazed to hear Galileans speak in their Tougues the wonderful things of God Those also confirm the truth of the Fact who foolishly imputed it to New Wine After this we read of a great many other Miracles of different kinds performed by several Apostles and Disciples who received their Power immediately from Jesus Christ and by the account that is given us of them we find that the particular Facts were more numerous more frequent and more publick then those of their Master Christ himself The time of Christ's Ministry was but Three Years or thereabouts the Exercise and Manifestation of his Power was confined to the Country of Palestine and whatever mighty things he did he did them in his own single Person Whereas the Apostles and Disciples of Christ were a great many all which were constantly imployed in Preaching the Gospel and confirming it every where with Signs and Wonders during the whole course of their several Lives and they performed this Work with Diligence not only in Judea and Samaria but in divers other Cities and Countries throughout the whole Roman Empire By which Account it plainly appears that most of the same Persons who were Witnesses of those Miracles of Jesus Christ were also Witnesses of those