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A36046 A clear and learned explication of the history of our blessed Saviour Jesus Christ taken out of above thrity Greek, Syriack, and other Oriental authors, by way of Catena: by Dionysius Syrus, who flourish'd most illustriously in the tenth and eleventh centuries. And faithfully translated by Dudley Loftus, doctor of the laws, Master in chancery, and judge of Their Majesties Court of Prerogative in Ireland. Dionysius Exiguus, d. ca. 540.; Loftus, Dudley, 1619-1695. 1695 (1695) Wing D1524; ESTC R221210 116,956 162

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Alphoeus whom he calls Great because he was reckon'd among the Twelve this was called the Less for that he was of the Seventy He say'd to the Disciple behold thy Mother and Woman behold thy Son Hereby he teacheth us to have a care of and affection for our Parents to the end of our Lives especially if they bring us nearer to God but if they bring us farther from him we are not to own them according to that Whosoever doth not forsake Fathers c. He calls Mary the Mother of John and John her Son that by these Names he might mutually unite them to one another in Love as Mother and Son At what time did Christ recommend his Mother to John Some say When he hung on the Cross others say When they led him away to be crucified when the Women wept at which time seeing his Mother among them he committed her to him altho' it be not written in its proper place They filled a spunge with Vinegar and put it on Hyssop and set it to his Mouth and they put it on a Reed That which is here rendred Spunge is Sea-Wool this they dipped in Vinegar whereof it receiv'd abundantly and they put it to his Mouth that he might suck thereat and drink for Hyssop is a Plant or Tree growing in Palestine from the top whereof sprout out small shoots like singers round about and it is very convenient whereon to put any thing this the Executioners brought with them and tied it to the end of a Cane and filled a Spunge with Vinegar and put it on this Hyssop and put it to his Mouth to drink Others say That they called Zupa a certain kind of Basket which they put and bound to the top of a Cane and they put within it that is to say on the top of it a Spunge full of Vinegar and Gall and so reach'd it out Others say That Zupa is like a certain Gourd which is bound to the top of a Cane and therewith conveys Water from place to place for they put a Spunge as asoresaid on this Gourd and lifted it up with a Cane and so put it to his Mouth There is a Root called Zupa and is like to a Mandrake and contains Blood in its Leaves Others say That Zupa was some bitter thing which they pounded and strew'd upon a Spunge repleat with Vinegar and so gave it him to drink For this reason they gave him Vinegar in a Spunge because his Hands were bound and fix'd with Nails and he that was so crucified could not hold a Cup in his hand c. From the Sixth Hour there was Darkness over all the Earth until the Ninth Hour That the Jews might understand that it was he who caused Darkness in Egypt for there was Darkness when the Legal Passover was to be sacrificed and here was darkness when Christ was sacrificed on the Cross and to signifie that it was the Creator of all things who was Crucified therefore the Creatures contracted their Light that the Prophecy of Zachary might be fulfilled The Sun shall grow dark at Noon-day Concerning the Covering of the Sun at what time is it In the space from the twentieth of the Moon until the Thirtieth the Sun may be Darkned 'T is true that on the thirtieth the Sun may be Darkned on the day whereon they both meet under one point and altho it happen that the Sun is but once totally Eclipsed and yet it is not really Darkned but appears to us as if it were dark it being not deprived of Light nor doth it appear Dark in all places but in some peculiar places and this but once a year for when the Sun happens within one of those Circles which are called Darkning Terms and is placed behind the Moon and they are in direct opposition under the point The Moon being under the Sun the Sun is said to be Eclipsed The Moon when it is darkned the cause thereof is That it hapneth in the Circle or Darkning Limit and the shadow of the Earth that is to say its extension does not permit the Light of the Sun to Illustrate that part of the Circle wherein the Moon at that time holds its Course and it is obscur'd immediately and after it passeth that place it borrows Light from the Sun But at the Crucifixion of our Lord the matter of Fact was contrary for the Moon was so far from being in Conjunction with the Sun that it was distant from it the space of half the Sphear which was the space of the Suns Course which it runneth in an hundred and eighty days and sixty five Minutes and fifteen degrees that is to say Days and half the Zodiack And this was an Indication of the Majesty of him who was Crucified and that it was the Lord of Lights who was Crucified they therefore contracted themselves And this at the time of Christ's being Crucified had three properties which are strange to Reason First That it was at Full Moon Secondly That it remained three hours Thirdly That it spread over he whole Earth so that all the Grecian Chaldean Philosophers wrote That one of the Trinity fuffer'd that day and this is the meaning of what David wrote The Kings of the Earth Arose That is to say from their Thrones and wonder'd at the Miracle which was then wrought for this Darkness was like to that which was in the beginning of the Creation the whole Creation being Clothed with Mourning for its Lord. The Heavens became Clothed with Cypress and the Moon grew Red as Blood and tho' it was not the time of its Birth it appear'd de novo in the East it ran for fear to the West and there was in Conjunction with the Sun and both of them sate in Sadness as good Servants who are fellow-Sufferers with their Lord. Again it is certain That this Darkness at the time of his Crucifiction was not an Eclipse as is evident by these Tokens First An Eclipse does not continue three Hours as did this Darkness Secondly An Eclipse never is over the whole Earth as was this Darkness Thirdly An Eclipse of the Sun happeneth on the 30th of the Moon but this Darkness was the 15th of the Month the Sun being distant from the Moon the whole extent of its Course That is to say an hundred and eighty days and stood opposite in the division of the Sphear of the Firmament Concerning the Darkness of the Sun and Moon and the Natural Cause of their being so we have largely discours'd in the book of our Epistle which we made wherein Faith is Treated of together with the Natures of things Intellectual and Sensitive which is Intituled The Book of Resolutions And about the Ninth Hour Jesus cryed Elohi Elohi which is Interpeted in the Syrian Language God God wherefore as said St. Mark The Arians say That the Son and the Word spoke this as of his own person with regard to the Father But the Nestorians and Calcedonians say That the Son
and we begin at the First and not at the end of the Sabbath Johannes de Dara And in the Evening of the Sabbath That is to say also concerning the Passover it is written that it was slain on the 14th in the Evening for altho it was reputed the Night of the day to come by reason of the Course of the Moon yet it was reckoned the Evening of the Day and not of the Night others say that Mathew by the Evening entended the whole Night of the First day of the Week according to the Phrase of the Scripture by a Synechdoche of the part for the whole according to this the Evening and the Morning was the First day and again Let all Flesh praise the Name of the Lord and the Soul of Israel died in the way Others in the Evening of the Sabbath when the First day of the Week Dawned Eusebius Mathew by way of Exposition adds after this of the Evening of the Sabbath the dawning of the First day of the Week denoting the Hour and time of the Night after the Sabbath which was when the First day of the Week dawned 'T is true Mathew wrote in the Hebrew and he who Translated the Scripture into the Greek Language rendred the Dawning of the Day the Evening of the Sabbath and Mathew by the Evening means the whole Length and Evening of the Night as John calls the passing away or the least part of the Night Day and therefore adds whilest it was yet dark least it should be thought that he spoke of the Morning so Mathew also when he said the Evening of the Sabbath lest Men might think it was spoken of the Evening Season he adds When the First day of the Week began to dawn Our Lord appear'd many times but six times more Remarkably First To Mary Magdalen and to the other Mary as saith Mathew Secondly To many Women as say Mark and Luke Thirdly To Mary Magdalen as saith John Fourthly To Cephas as saith Paul That he Arose and was seen of Cephas Fifthly To those two who went to Emaus as saith Luke Sixthly To the Eleven when they were Assembled in the Upper Room and afterwards many times for forty days Mary Magdalen and the Mother of God said nothing to Shalom and John that they might go and be assured by the sight of the Sepulcher and of the Angels and not by their Words But this Who shall Roul away for us the Stone c. was spoke of John and Shalom Magdalen therefore and the Mother of God saw before the Stone was Rouled away And the other Mary to behold the Sepulcher That is to say that they might cast in Sweet Odours as was usual on the third day and wherefore wou'd they cast in Sweet Odours some say for the Sepulcher but we say for the Body and it is evident from what Mark said they bought Aromaticks that they might go and Anoint Him and not his Sepulcher Again who shall Roul away for us the Stone By the Rouling away the Stone 't is clear that they sought to cast Odours on his Body And behold there was a great Earthquake It was not here as at the Cross for that was an Universal Earthquake but this was particular and the Keepers and the Women only perceiv'd it and the Keepers were Terrified and the Women comforted therewith and he explains what kind of Earthquake it was for an Angel of the Lord descended from Heaven drew near and Rouled away the Stone it was the Angel Gabriel the same who Administred in his whole Dispensation on Earth and the other who appear'd with him was Michael he saith that he descended from Heaven and appear'd to the Keepers because it is thought that Heaven is their place though some of them be with us in this World such as are sent Jacobus Sarugensis saith That a Fire appear'd to the Keepers and that a multitude of Angels were heard in the Air and they saw Christ face to face as he came out of the Sepulcher uncorrupted and with that Angel other Angels Descended and a Light shone and a Ladder of Fire was put up that Reach'd from Earth to Heaven and Christ stood not above it to Descend but below it to Ascend and there were Angels ascending and descending singing Praises Furthermore We say that it is unknown to the Creatures at what time our Lord arose but the Evangelists have written of the several times that the Women came to the Sepulcher as we have said above Mathew saith that Mary came in the evening and saw our Lord and because the Keepers came in the Night and signified that he was risen the Priests published by Proclamation that his Disciples had stolen him away and when it was heard that he was stolen away Magdalen suffer'd somewhat of humane Infirmity and ran to the Sepulcher as John hath written and afterwards she returned with the Women bringing Aromaticks as saith Luke and when the Sun arose with John as Mark hath written they saw six Angels at the Sepulcher Mathew saith they saw one Luke saith two Angels John two Mark one First of all the Soldiers saw that the Lord was risen the Seals remaining as they were and they were terrifyed and at the time before the Women came the Angel descended who rolled away the Stone and for fear of him it was that they who kept him were terrifyed and became as dead Men and they saw also the Angel who sat upon the Stone and he was like to Lightning and that they might not fear he said unto them meekly Be not ye afraid as are the Keepers and after he had encouraged them he preached unto them the Resurrection and when the Women went away the Keepers were awakened and hastily went to the City and declared to the High-Priest what had hapned And came near and rolled away the Stone He did not roll away the Stone that Christ might go forth of the Sepulchor for he Arose before the Angel descended but that the Women who saw that he was laid in the Sepulcher perceiving it empty and he not there might believe for he went out of it the Stone being Sealed and the Impressions remaining as they were But how was it possible that the Body should go out the Door being shut We Answer That all things are easie and expedite for the Lord to perform for as he came out of the Womb Virginity being preserv'd and darkned the Sun and Rais'd the Dead and as the Angel came unto Daniel in the Den being Sealed up and as the Apostles got out of Prison and Symon walked on the Waves and the Aegyptian Waters were turned into Blood and the Hebrews kept sure footing in the Region of the Sea and Moses his Rod was turned into a Serpent so he came out the Sepulcher it being Sealed up And his Countenance was as Lightning It is the Custom of Angels to shew themselves in Shapes and Figures according to the several Works of their Ministry to Joshua the Son of Nun and to David they appear'd as Souldiers in Armour to Zachary in Red Colours and Spotted and to the Women in a comely Shap● and full of Joy And the Keepers were Terrified for Fear of them The Angel appear'd as he pleas'd to the Women Pleasing and Splendid but to the Keepers Angry and Terrible and all this they so much fear'd that they became as Dead Men Wherefore was the Resurrection first manifested to the Keepers Because the Jews were more ready to give Credit unto them than to the Disciples and to Women For God is used to draw the Perverse by what they have Relation or Affinity unto as by a Star he drew the Wise-Men The Angel answered and said unto the Women He did not only comfort them with a Joyful Apparition but with Speech also Fear Ye not He said Ye in Comparison of those who Crucified him for Fear belongs to them but Ye are worthy of Honour Luke saith They Remembred his Words that is to say I shall Rise again and he Arose again as Mathew said I know that Jesus who is Crucified Not to deride him as did those who Crucified him but to Honour him and if an Angel was not ashamed to say that he was Crucified how are the Calcedonians and Nestorians ashamed to say that he was FINIS
would not but rejected help the Word turned himself unto the Gentiles And they opened their Sumptures That is to say their Gifts were fixed and under Seal according to the Custom of Kings who sending Gifts to other Kings seal them up And they offered unto him Gifts Gold Myrrh and Frankincense That is according to their Custom they offered these Gifts for they were accustomed to burn Incense to their Gods and to give Gold to their Kings and to embalm their Dead with Myrrh And forasmuch as they understood that he was God and a King and that he was to Dye and to be Anointed they offered unto him these Gifts Frankincense in relation to his Divinity Gold in relation to the Majesty of a King and Myrrh to his Death the cause of Life Moreover Gold denotes that Worship which is preferred before Gold is returned to its Lord Myrrh and Incense signify that he is the Physician who binds up the Fracture of Adam Again It is said That to him every knee shall bow of Heaven and of Earth and under the Earth these Gifts were a Mystery of the Trinity which from Divine Revelation was made known unto us by Gold the Worship of Coelestial Natures he signifies that he was heavenly by Frankincense which is Terrestrial that he is King of Earthly Concerns by Myrrh in the third place under the Earth that he is Lord of his own and the Causer of them Again By Gold they signifie the Purity and invincible nature of Faith by Frankincense the truth of Hope in him for he helps and comforts the Souls which believe in him By Myrrh they parabolize Love which is the Bond of Faith which bind● and knits together the Members of the Church as is the property of Myrrh Again In as much as Gold is the King of all insensible things it is justly offered to the King of sensible and insensible things and as Gold onely of Earthly Constitutions doth not contract rust and is only of that Soluble and Combustible Substance which is not diminished by the heat of fine so also the Kingdome of Jesus is not to be diminished or to perish as it is written Again By Gold they signified the purity of his flesh for he committed no wickedness nor was he guilty of deceit By Myrrh they notifyed his passion for his body was perfumed with an hundred weight of Myrrh David saith That thy Garments are perfumed with Myrrh Cassia and Storax by Frankincense they thought that we were to be through Christ a sweet savour unto God among those who are to be saved Again By Gold they offered as it were the Chief of all insensitive things by Frankincense all Trees whereby also is signified the sweetness which we receive from our Lord by Myrrh all Perfumes Moreover he hints the approbation difficulty of his Commands according to that how narrow is the gate and streight the way But from whence did the Wise-Men learn that they were to bring gifts Some say that they were treasured up by Adam in a Cave and that he commanded Seth that by tradition they should be delivered from one to another in succession so that the Wise-men at the coming of Christ might come offer them but this declaration is not approved of by understanding Men. Others say that they learned this from Divine Revelation Others That they knew from the Star which appeared unto them that he who was born was God and King and that he was to dye they went and offered unto him Gold Myrrh and Frankincense Here Julian objects Since that Frankincense was offered to Christ wherefore do ye not burn Frankincense in the Churches but more precious Aromaticks We answer That they did not offer Frankincense unto Christ at his own request but of their own discretion offered it according to their custome and he accepted of it not as regarding the gift but the intention of the giver for they bestowed them with a pure conscience but we burn sweeter Aromaticks in the Temples that the Faithfull may be perfumed with a sweet odour when they enter into them But what became of the offerings We answer That Joseph and Mary took them and brought them with them to Egypt for they were not so great nor so many but that they could carry them nor were they offered for the abundance of them but they offered them for the mystery and significancy of them as first fruits for God doth not respect the abundance as one that is indigent but the intention of the givers as in the case of the widdows Mites And it was shewed unto them in a Dream that they should not return to Herod and they were not offended nor did they say to the Angel Wherefore are we to fly away But gave Obedience to Divine Intimation for Faith doth not dispute when it is commanded And what appeared to them in a Dream Some say That Herod appeared unto them brandishing his Sword and approaching to the Lad to kill him Saint John saith That an Angel appeared in a Dream and said unto them Do not return to Herod And moreover that he conducted them and Transported them to their place by another way And wherefore were they prohibited to return to Herod Some say That they should not know the intendment of Herod who designed to kill the Lad others say That Joseph and Mary might have opportunity to fly for had they returned unto him he had immediately sent and caused the Lad to be put to Death and they would not have an opportunity of Escape And they went another way to their Country This was Ordained by Divine Providence that they might Preach to other Nations who did not understand for the Nations who did not understand at their coming up to them they Preached at their going away for if they did Preach in other Climates and openly to Herod how much father in their own Countries Arise lead away the Lad and his Mother and fly unto Egypt He did not say Lead away the Lad and thy Wife but the Lad and his Mother to shew that he lived holily with her even after she brought forth and to teach him that it was not lawful to come near unto her for when she Conceived he called her his Wife for he knew he could not come near her by reason the Holy-Ghost possessed her and that to free her from suspicion of Adultery for if she had been guilty of Adultery he had not called her his Wife here he shewed the Faith of Joseph that it was not less than that of the Wise-Men Sometime he said unto him that he would save his people from their Sins and now Fly into Egypt for he did not object to the Angel How sayd'st thou that he will save his people and now sayest fly away with him and he who saves not himself how can he save others But such was the abundance of his Faith that he did not make such Objections to the Angel But the Heathens object thus That
to a King so they made Simon bear his Cross And this is certain from hence that it is not Written that the Thieves did bear their Crosses but that there came with him two Malefactors And as Simon bare his Cross and was not Crucified so our Lord was Crucified not for himself but for others Furthermore when Satan perceived what good things there came from the Cross he made the Jews give his Cross to another that the Good which was to be wrought by his Death might come to pass by other means and not by the hands of Jesus and that all the World might look upon him who carried the Cross and not upon Jesus Yet the Will of Satan was not performed for tho' another bore the Cross yet the Cross bore Jesus and all the Good was wrought by him Again he did as did the ancient Patriarchs and Prophets for they indeed prophecied and did not suffer but Simon carried the Cross and another was Crucified Moreover it was to teach us that whosoever will be his Disciple must take up his Cross and that the Prophecy might be fulfilled that his Dominion is upon his shoulder that is to say his Cross by which he exerciseth Dominion over things in Heaven and Earth and as Isaac bore on his Shoulder the Wood of his Sacrifice so our Lord bore upon his Shoulder the Cross Wherefore did not God permit Abraham to slay Isaac That the Seed of Abraham might not follow the Custom of the Prophane Gentiles who Sacrificed their Sons to Devils and to learn by Abraham that God delights not in Slaughter but in true Love But since there are many kinds of Death Why did he suffer the Death of the Cross To the end that when he should be lifted upon the Cross he might draw all Men to him from the Earth and that he might Sanctifie the Earth by the Sprinkling of his Blood Moreover That he might publish the putting off his Flesh to the Principalities for the Powers of Satan for the most part reside in the Air Again because by the Tree also Death entered so by the Tree came Salvation when he was mounted thereupon and that he might free us from this Curse Cursed be the Earth for thy sake he suffered a Cursed Death according to what he said Cursed be every one who hangeth upon a Tree and that he might bless us with all the Blessings of the Spirit And there came behind him a multitude of People and Women who Lamented This was the custom that when any sad thing happened the people gathered themselves together and Women grieved and wept And this is it which is said in John Ye shall seek me and shall not find me My Lord John saith Here they sought him Lamenting and Weeping for him Cyril saith That they Wept and Lamented because Woman kind are prone to Tears because of their soft Constitutions or Tenderness of Conscience Moreover the Weeping and Wayling of the Women was a Sign of the Destruction of their City But Weep for your selves and your Children That is to say a bitter Destruction is coming upon you Blessed are the Barren That is to say you shall count them happy who have no Children when ye shall see this sharp Destruction from the Romans If with the Green Tree Green he calls himself who was Delightful and Fruitful That is to say he wrought Miracles affording Teaching and Preaching and if after these things the Romans and Grecians Reproached and Despised me What will become of you What will they do with you who are dry Wood and fruitless because they find nothing useful in you they will have no Pity for you Christ is the Green Tree the Jews the Dry and the Romans the Fire And they came to a place which is called Gagultha which is Interpreted a Skull that is to say the Syrians call the Pan and bone of the Head a Skull but Interpreters say that when Noah enter'd into the Ark he took with him the Bones of Adam and that going out of the same he divided them among his three Sons to Shem as to his first born he gave his Head to Ham and Japheth the rest of his Bones accordingly he divided the Earth between them three to Japheth fell the Northern part to Ham the Southern and to Shem the Middlemost to which belonged Jerusalem and they say that by way of Mystery the Skull of Adam was buried in the self same place and Earth whereon Christ was Crucified and that when Christ was Crucified they fix'd his Cross in the Mouth of Adam to the intent That in the very place where Death and the Fall first happened Life and Resurrection might there begin Moreover he was Crucified in this place because therein were Administred the Mysteries which prefigured the Crucifixion for from Generations and many years it was kept for this Use Therein Melchizedeck exercised the Sacerdotal Function and effered Sacrifice and Oblation thereon Also David built an Altar and interdicted Death and finally this was the Threshing Floor of Arnon the Jebusite And they gave unto him to Drink Vineger mixed with Gall. Mark saith They gave him Wine mixed with Myrrh but he did not take it for it was a Law with them to give Wine to him who is Crucified to the end he may become forgetful and unsensible of his Passion and they gave him Wine mix'd with Gall but he drank it not First because his time was not yet come Secondly The Prophets did not Prophecy of him that he should drink Wine mix'd with Gall. They oftentimes offered him Vinegar to drink thereby deriding him before and at his Crucifixion which is manifest from hence that they did not offer it to the Thieves that were Crucified with him and he drank not the Vinegar because as Mathew saith The time was not yet come They divided his Garments by Lots That the Prophecy of David may be fulfilled but this did they by way of Derision And they divided them into four Parts because there were four Chieftains of the Soldiers and he had a Tunick an head-covering a Shash and Sandals and because the Shash was small they were willing to divide the Tunick and to add to the Girdle for the which because they divided it not they cast Lotts and it fell to one of them They divided his Garments into four Parts The Mystery hereof is that they were guilty of four-fold Sin What every one should take that is to say what part of every one of the Souldiers should take of his Garments and who should have the Tunick or Girdle His Tunick was Seamless from the top being all Woven It was the custom in the Land of Palestine to weave two pieces of Cloth and to stich them together above the shoulders and so make a Tunick and they called it without seam from the top that is to say woven without that stitch above the shoulders Moreover that it was seamless shews the meanless of his attire Furthermore he calls
Domesticks we admire his Exinanition and Low Estate the First of these were Natural unto him and Humane knowledge can't Reach them but the Latter are of extraordinary Dispensation and are Miracles and Signs and we Believe them and by these very things whereon the Hereticks reputed him a Man we know him to be God and by things whereon they depended and fell have all of us Risen but they shall be constreined to confess him when they shall see him coming in Glory and bringing with him the Cross which is one of the least and shall account him Holy as he said That then shall be seen the Sign of the Son of Man and that of his Lifting up he doth not call his Ascention but his Ascent to the Cross That is to say I shall then be known to be God by Miracles MATH Chap. XXVIII BVT in the Evening of the Dawning of the First day of the Week Concerning the diversity of Mens Opinions touching the times whereof all the Evangelists have severally Written we have spoken but not of the time when our Saviour Arose for that is unknown to Angels and Men but he knows it and his Father and the Holy-Ghost Mathew saith They came in the Evening John in the Morning Luke at the dawning of the Day Mark when the Sun Arose In the Evening of the dawning of the first day of the week came Mary Magdalen and Mary the Mother of God to visit the Sepulcher and they were told by an Angel that the Lord was Risen and they saw our Lord and took hold of his feet and he sent them to tell his Disciples but the Keepers went into the City and declared it to the Priests and received a Bribe and said he is stolen away Mary Magdalen hearing that he was stolen suffer'd somewhat of humane Infirmity as did Thomas and She returned to the Sepulcher the second time early in the morning when it was dark as John said and she saw the Stone removed and an Angel sitting thereon whom she saw in the Evening sitting on the Stone then she became more doubtful and came to Symon and John and say'd they have taken away my Lord and I know not where they have laid him and when the Disciples went and saw the Sepulcher and the Linnin Cloaths they were assured and returned believing but Magdalen stayed at the Sepulcher surprized with doubt of what had happned unto him and when she saw two Angels which had not appeared to Symon and John and when she looked back she saw our Lord and he sent her-unto his Disciples and she returned unto them and declared unto them that She had seen our Lord and she found there those women who came from Gallilee with him who were prepared to come to the Sepulcher with Sweet Odours and she returned with them and also the mother of God whom Luke calls the mother of James and he was beautiful as say'd Luke And they saw there two Angels in the Similitude of two Men and their Garments Shone and their faces were Illustrious there came Mary Magdalon and the mother of God with the Forraigner the Wife of Shalom who was not in readiness to come with the other women and they saw an Angel like unto a Young man cloathed with a white Stole and they wondered and then it was that the Sun arose as sayeth Saint Mark. These are the four times that women came to the Sepulcher as the Evangelists wrote Saint Severus reconciled the several times wherein women are say'd to have come to the Sepulcher Magdalen came five times to the Sepulcher First in the Evening as said St. Mathew Secondly at the break of day when it was yet dark alone as say'd St. John and she came unto Symon and John and it was the third time of her coming with Symon and John The 4th time she came with John and the mother of James at the Dawning of the day as say'd Luke the Fifth time was when the Sun arose with Shalom and the mother of James as mark say'd The mother of God came three times the first time when he said the other Mary the second time when Luke say'd Mary the Mother of James The Third time when Mark say'd the mother of James and Joses Jacobus Auriensis calls the other Mary the first Wife of Joseph who bare James and Jose The Patriarck Severus calls the other Mary the mother of God and likewise calls the Virgin Mary the mother of James and Jose according to the accustom'd Speech Symon went twice to the Sepulcher First of all with John Secondly alone as Luke saith And he went with his Soul filled with Admiration and at this time he saw as said the Eleven and the Houshold of Cleophas That our Lord was surely Risen and appear'd unto Symon as Paul and Luke do Testifie Moreover about the time wherein our Lord Rose from the Sepulcher he is to cause the General Resurrection according to Severus and that such an hour bears a great Similitude and Image of the last Hour And in the Evening of the Sabbath at the dawning of the first day of the Week That is to say we are to enquire of four times and to distinguish them one from another in reference to the Day the Night the Morning and the Evening for these four Seasons the Sun maketh with us and the Day is the time when the Sun is above the Earth and the Night is the time when the Sun is below the Earth or hidden behind the Northern Mountains as is the Opinion of some for the Evening is the End of the Day to wit the time when the Sun is obscure to us the Morning is the Beginning of the Day when the Sun Beams peep out and the Night is at an end That there is an Evening of the preceding day John testifies who said When it was the Evening of the First day of the Week which he spake of he doth not call the Evening of the coming in of the Sabbath but the Evening of its going out for the Evening of the day is the going out and end thereof whether it be Artificial or Natural for so Moses said for after the Light was Created and the Day was ended and the Hours thereof he said it was the Evening and the Morning calling the Evening the end of the first Artificial day which was created and the Morning the end of the Night and he doth not call the Evening of the Sabbath the time of the Sun setting of the Sabbath otherwise he had said in the Evening of the Sabbath and no more but forasmuch as he added the Dawning of the first day of the Week to wit the waxing Light he sheweth that he calleth here the Night of the First Day of the Week the Evening of the Sabbath in Respect of the Dawning Much of the time was passed insomuch that it was about Cock crowing that is to say the time when we in Fasting begin to abstain from Meat and Drink