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A35570 The angelical guide shewing men and women their lott or chance in this elementary life, in four books ... / by John Case. Case, John, fl. 1680-1700. 1697 (1697) Wing C818; ESTC R24255 115,139 307

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est concepta erat cum nondum erant Abyssi did possess Wisdom in the beginning of his ways before he made any thing from Eternity was she ordained she was conceived where there was no Abyss Sapientia à Deo profecta est prior omnium Created Wisdom comes from God and was the first that Created all things I do imagine and my mind gives me that altho ' I be never so curious in my Indeavouring or Labour in this matter of my Expression yet will my best Endeavours appear faulty in the curious Eye-sight of some Men tho' perchance acceptable enough to others 1. In the Beginning the Word of the Eternal Spirit created the Heavens and the Earth 2. And the Earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Eternal Spirit moved upon the face of the Waters 3. The Word said Let there be Light and there was Light 4. The Word saw that the Light was good and the Word separated the Light from the Darkness 5. The Word called the Light Day and the Darkness he called Night 6. And the VVord said Let there be a Firmament in the midst of the Waters and divide the Waters from the Waters And the Firmament was called Heaven And the VVord said Let the Waters under the Heaven be gathered together and let the dry Land appear Seeing this Great Work of the Creation is not a matter of Faith I leave the literal Sence of the Book of Genesis and give you liberty to conjecture of mine of the Creation or the great Spagyrick VVork In Contemplating on the first of Genesis and then from the VVords of God himself I have a strong fancy that God made that wonderful Fabrick viz. the Whole Universe by a powerful Command or Word in a moment of time and not as Moses says in six days mind Job 38. v. 4. Ubinam eras quum fundarem Terram indica si novisti Intelligentiam Quum canerent simul Stellae Matutinae cum vociferati sunt omnes filii Dei ver 7. For what may we hence conjecture but that the Angels Coche Boker Stars of the Morning and Beni Elohim the Sons of God beholding so great a Miraculous Wonder together with their own as wonderful formerly commanded at such an instant into a glorious Being gave Shouts of Praise and Acclamations of Joy in Admiration of the great Creator's Omniporency And we find the Voice of God descending or delivering the Story of his incomprehensible Wonders with such a lofty Brevity that we may well believe he performed those Wonders with the same swiftness that he spake them Reason I. It is an absurdity to say That God created the World with distance of Time first for then the Act it self could not be properly said creare but facere to make If we do but consider that Creation is not only to raise a thing out of nothing but to make it also without time which is an infinite Omnipotency only to be attributed to God who acteth al● things in a Moment and cannot be bound to Time Reason II. It is an absurdity to assert that Time should be before Time it self for Time is the Measure of Motion begun but with the Motion of the Sun Moon and Stars Now according to the litteral sence in Genesis the Firmament which God called Heaven was created the second Day but the Sun Moon and Stars were not created till the fourth Day Now then could there be Days and Nights which are nothing but Time before Time it self Observation I. Philo Judeus upon this Point says It 's a simplicity too gross and rustick to believe that the World was created in six Days or in a certain time and what think you of the two places in Genesis First it 's said In the Beginning God created Heaven and the Earth Then in the second place it 's said That the Heavens were not created till the second Day and the Earth till the third Day Observation II. 'T is strange incoherence in the two verses concerning the Creation of Light there seem to have been two Days spent which is an Indecorum to imagin that after the Word it self had commanded Let there be Light do you not believe That that VVord or Command had not been sufficient to create Light c. Reason III. Seeing that Faith doth not bind us to believe otherwise it 's the most rational Conjecture that by the first Light was meant the Light of the Sun Moon and Stars c. Reason IV. Observe the Text it self which says In the beginning of the Work God created the Heavens and the Earth that is to say in giving Form to the dark Abyss or Lump and created the Light and in verse 3. it tells us That the Light was created before either Reason V. VVhich is from the contrariety of the litteral Description which allows four Days for the Creation of the Light the Heavens the Earth and Luminaries And in the next Chapter we have these words These are the Generations of the Heavens and the Earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the Heavens and the Earth Now you see it 's but one Day and before it 's said to be four days Reason VI. It 's said That the World shall have an end in a moment and in the twinkling of an Eye So sudden should be our Changes from the sleep of Death to Immortality there is the same likelyhood and the same probability that it was created in a moment Since it is created and its End depends both upon the same Cause which is God who still acts without circumstance or distinction of Time Observation VII Man was created in a moment with the rest c. but on the contrary by the Prophet Ezekiel speaking to the King of Tyrus Thou hast been in Eden says he in the Garden of God And now observe speedily after The Workmanship of thy Drums and thy Flutes was prepared in thee in the day that thou was created This may give you a strong belief that Man and the Creatures which were made for his sake were all created the same Day Then much more in compliance with our Belief than with the litteral Description of the first Chapter of Genesis Now I have a Question to answer and that is What is the meaning or reason that the first Chapter of Genesis is so expressed I shall in this point give you the opinion of Procopius he says That Author might accomodate himself to the feebleness and rudeness of humane Understanding which is so incapable of the Mystery of Generation being so high and difficult that the Hebrews anti●ntly would not permit it to be read but by aged Persons or such as were of a good Understanding and this same premeditated compliance of the Writer with means of human Capacity c. So we may conclude That the whole was no more than a conjectural Moral compiled by Moses or the Lawgiver the more deeper to
fix in the mind of his People a Veneration of his intended Sabbath so Divinity necessitated for a separate Day of Holy Worship and so particularly necessary for the reparation of human Nature spent with continual Toil and Labour It 's not to be thought on that he which made the whole Universe by a Word could want rest from his Labour St. Jerome and Masius were the greatest Interpreters of the Bible and 't was never found in the Pentateuch of the Bible that God did ever dictate to Moses the Creation of the World but the Ten Commandments God created Man in his own Image Male and Female At that time Eve was not made nor no News of her till the next Chapter and she must have the Command of not eating the forbidden Fruit before she had a Being or not at all Now we have given you as it were the Speculum of the whole Work I will give you a glance of the whole Universe In the first place lift up your Eyes and behold the Glory at the upper part of the Figure where you may see the Hebrew Letters which is in our English Letters Jehovah which is that Word or Spirit which made all things and spake the Word and it was finished He rules all and is above all and gave himself a Name and revealed himself to us and said I am the Lord thy God c. else we should never have known what Name or Title to have given him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Jehovah in Hebrew 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Theos in Greek Deus God in Latin Dduw or Duw in Welsh or British Godd in Old English and Scotch Dodd in Saxon and Teutonick Ndja or Dhja in Mancks and Irish Dieu in French Dios in Spanish Idio in Italian Godt or Gott in High and Low Dutch Adad in Assyria Syre by the Persians Alla by the Arabians Doyd Thoyth by the Egyptians Boeg by the Esclavonians Eloi by the Chaldeans Mark 15. 34. Abdi by the Turks and Mahumetans Zimi by the Indians Kong by them of China Aesar by the Etruscians Manu by the Molucca Islands in the Indies Abba in the Syriac Tongue Mar. 14. 36. Deinde dixit sum Patris tui Deus Abrahami Deus Iitzchaki Deus Jahakobi And in another place God said I am what I am So much concerning God or the Word or him that made all things out of the Abyss and as for any further Demonstration or Knowledge I must leave it till longer time or until I can understand or am informed how long the Chaos or Abyss was before the Great Spagyrick Powers made so great a Fabrick as the Heavens and the Earth The next thing to Admiration is the dark Lump unshaped which is called the Chaos or Abyss from whence all proceeded By way of Resemblance behold how the Sun Moon and Stars leap out with their Streams from the deformed Lump when the Word was given it made a Separation in distinct Natures just as the Chymist doth separate the spirital part from the Caput Mortuam Now you must know that the 7 Planets are the 7 Rulers of the World by their different Natures and are God's Instruments as you shall be informed in another place Now out of those 7 God hath chosen one of them to put his Tabernacle in that is the Sun Behold one Wonder more viz. The Lines or Streams which are drawn or come from the Abyss or Chaos to the 7 Properties of Nature You will find two Ranks of Stars getting out of the Streams except ☉ and ☽ and they but one which signifies and tells you That they are the Stars or Houses as the Astrologers call them wherein the Planets delight being made or generated out of the same Metal or Foeces c. Example Behold the Line of ♂ you will see one Ra k of Stars in one side of the Stream and so on the other side which may be called ♈ and ♏ the Houses of ♂ and so of the rest the ☉ and ☽ but one House c. The Blewness or that we call Sky was condensed with Fumes or Spiritual Parts of the Abyss and kept up by the 4 Winds as will appear by Reason in another place The last Wonder is The World finely adorned and beautified and also Adam in Paradise all made and created by one Word or Command of God and here the Philosopher calls Man the Little World and the other the Great World viz. Microcosmus Macrocosmus and also they say That the World hath three Divisions viz. Sublunary Celestial and super-Celestial Now to define unto you what the World is called viz. Mundus or the World in the Hebrew Tongue Holam which implies thus much Quoniam per aliquot secula subsistat in quo rerum ●rtus interitus sit Which is to subsist and continue for certain Ages in which shall be the Death and Destruction of all things The Greek calls it Cosmos which imports Ornament which the Latin for perfect and absolute Elegancy call Mundus because there is nothing mere neatly polished and beautified with all Creatures So says Plin. Possidonius in Metr That Mundus or the World which consisteth of Heaven Earth Celestial and Terrestrial Natures or of Gods and Men and those Things which were created to their use some call the World Munaus quasi Ornatus Mulieris A Womans Ornament But in short the World is a fine thing CHAP. II. The Beginning in general how they were produced and extracted out of Nothing according to the Mosaical Philosophy and what is meant by the word Nothing then the first Principle which is the dark Abyss or Chaos without Form 1. OBserve the Words of the most Excellent 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 paration of the Divine Spirit Elohim was effected in the 6 days work of the Creation it 's expressed there That Darkness was upon the face of the Abyss 2. And that Terra erat inanis vacuum the Earth was without shape and form a plain demonstration that the Heavens and the Earth were not as yet made or in no Form were one deformed Lump or rude and indigested Mass and all comprehended in one dark Abyss 3. St. Augustin compares this Nothing unto a Speech for while it 's in the mind of the Speaker it 's nothing to him that is spoken to before it 's spoken Plato compares it to a Dream when a Man awakes 't is nothing but Imagination But consider well there are none unless on Presumption or Ignorance will be of the opinion that in those words God made all things of nothing ex Nihilo of nothing it ought not to be interpreted Nothing 4. For the first Essence and Matter of all Things was from all Eternity in God and with God one and the same thing and this we prove by ●●●ipture says Moses In principio creavit Deus Coelum Terram 5. Principium is not to be taken as a negative Nothing for in plain Terms that ex ipso per ipsum
Figure from the middle thereof shines forth a Rise and Governour over many Vegetables Seventhly ☽ and her Angel Elements Earth and Water of the Sea and Rivers and all moist things in the midst of Trees and Animals and they which are white as Whites of Eggs sweet Flegm Metals Silver as for Stones those that are white and green as also Pearl she hath power over many Vegetables Here you have but a glance of the Power of those Properties of Nature over the three Kingdoms and as for the full Scope and Power at large it would make a large Volume for my intended Business is to shew you what Power those 7 Properties and Elements have over the Bodies and Minds of Mankind I shall only i● form you that those Planets and Angels R●… gradually and in order and take their turns every one hath a particular Day and also certain Hours as shall be shewn in another place CHAP. IX The Scituation of the Heavens and Earth at the Creation of the Sun Moon and Stars THE Sun Moon and Stars were created on Wednesday April 22 18. h. p. m. about 4002 Years before Christ this I understand by the ●…ews and many Authors of this matter 〈◊〉 some difference is amongst them but be●…●ere are some Philosophers in these our d●…l v●●ture to give the World this Form Sun Moon and stars Created ●ednesday April 22th years Before Christ 4002. This we may perceive that the Body of the ●… was created in its Sphere yet it could not ●ave Light till the Sun arose and was created ●ith ☋ or the South-Node as it was rising out ●f an Eternal Eclipse out of which the Sun●●●e awakened her By this Form or Out-Birth you may perceive ●●e whole Creation and that the Earth or World which is the black Circle in the Figure ●epresents the Earth in which we live so we ●ay plainly see and understand that the whole World is composed round with the Starry Heaven and Elements the use of which is the Sun ●o give Light by Day and the Moon by Night So the Earth is as a round Ball or Apple hanging 〈◊〉 the midst of a Glass in the Form of a Globe Then observe how the two Points are opposite to one another viz. the Head of the Dragon and Tail ☊ in the Ascendant and ☋ in the Seventh Now the Learned Astrologers tell us that the Heavens or Starry Firmament is divided into 360 Degrees as you may see in the Circle as ●hall be demonstrated to you at large when we come to that Art called Astrology Now we have demonstrated to you the Out-Birth viz. the Forms of the Heavens and Earth I shall proceed in order to the fifth Work or Day of Creation for we could not properly call Time Night or Day before the Sun and Moon was created so on the fourth day by the Pow● of the Word the great Sol of the World ope● it self in the Essence viz. the Life of the 〈◊〉 and watery wherein God created all B● Fish Fowls and Worms every one accordi● to its Species and Forms viz. from its pe● liar Qualites of the Divine Mercury Thus 〈◊〉 Eternal Qualities have moved themselves a●cording to Evil and Good as you may perce● by the foregoing Instrument or Bosom of N●ture where you may see the 7 Qualities wi● their Essences and Mixture for there are 〈◊〉 and good Creatures created every thing a●cording to the Scripture Original in 〈◊〉 light of Nature from which it is that all Cre●tures in their Kind or Quality do love one a●ther Thus we may see how the Creatures a● in the Centre before they are in themselv● and that he knows willeth foreseeth and fo● ordaineth all things and every thing together once Now we are come to the last Creature whi● is Man the little World and a wonderful Pi● of Wisdom Master and Ruler over all t● Works of the Creatures or Creation Therefore I have given you as it were Demonstration of the great World or Ma●cosm and I shall speak of Microcosmos as y● shall find in the following Book THE Centre and Creation OF MAN Astrologically Theologically Philosophically and Astronomically handled BOOK II. CHAP. I. The true Knowledge of Man consisting of External and Internal Nature in the Elementary World POsteà dixit faciamus Hominem ad imaginem nostram secundum similitudinem nostram qui dominentur in Pisces maris in Volucreis Coeli in Pecudes in universam Terram que in omnia reptilia reptantia super Terr●… Itaque creavit Deus Hominem ad imaginem quam Dei creavit eum marem foeminam 〈◊〉 vit eos God said Let us make Man according t●… Image and God created Man according to his Image And Moses says That God made 〈◊〉 with Clay meaning with the Composition the Elementary Powers for tho' Adam was 〈◊〉 first Man yet we read that he had his Fall t●… he had his longing and eager Desires after m●… Fancies which brought himself to a great M●… demeanor But of this Man Adam I 'll say 〈◊〉 more and let the first Species alone We read in Genesis that God on the fifth d●… created all living Creatures at one Revoluti●… of the Earth so likewise you may observe●… one Revolution more Adam was made Now we will present you with the Opinion of Learned Philosopher with the Paradisial ●ound and Turning of the Heavens from its ●…st Primum Mobile viz. two days after the ☉ ●…d ☽ were created adam in paradice Thus Adam was created in that pleasant place ●…radise about the year before Christ 4. 002. ●…z on April 24. at 12 a Clock or Midnight ●…ow this place Paradise is in Mesopotamia where ●…e Pole is elevated 34 deg 30 min. and the ☉ ●…eth 4 Hours sooner than under the elevation the Pole of London Now our curious Rea●…r may be inquisitive concerning this matter If you will not credit these Reasons laid d●… pray read Josephus there you will see some●… of this matter viz. of the first Primum M●… or moving Posture of the World and plac●… Paradise and Elevation of its Pole Many ●…troversies have been about the Time and Se●… of the Year therefore I shall not trouble Reader any further with them Let the S●…pture be our Guide in this Matter Let the●… saith the Word and there was and also 〈◊〉 fifth days Work of the Creation when the G●… hoppers were and the Trees sprang out this 〈◊〉 give us to understand that the Time of Creation must have its beginning in the Spri●… Now for the place or Centre of the Ea●… from whence we may observe the Poles as a●…mentioned in Mesopotamia where God pl●… Adam So the Spring is two months soo●… there than here with us under the Elevatio●… the Pole at London But for the Ages of the World many h●… endeavoured to satisfie Dr. Butler for one CHAP. II. The Egg of Generation or 〈◊〉 Centre of Man IN the last Chapter you have an accou●… the first Man
in ipso sunt omnia Of him by him and in him are all things proceeding from the Creator 6. Hermes hath it Infinita in Abysso Aqua insuper Sp●ritus tenuis intellectualis per Divinam potentiam in Chaos inerant There was says he an infinite Shadow upon the Abyss also Water and a thin intellectual Spirit we are in the Chaos by the Divine Puissance Now that there was a contained Water and airy Spirit complicitly where in the dark Chaos or Abyss it appeared by the Revolution of the Waters upon the which Elohim the Eternal Spirit was created By this you may discern what the Substances of Beginnings of Things was namely the dark Abyss 7. Observe now that this generated Matter was Water which the Presence of the all-informing Spirit of the Lord did vigorate and enact in a Generality and termed them by the name Shamaim and that the Waters were the first Matter and Principle of which the World was made no otherwise than out of a rude Mass or Lump a great Pallace is fashioned or framed This Moses confirms first for that it doth mention the Water from which the Spirit of God was created after he had nominated the confused Chaos under the Title of the dark Abyss Terra inanis vacua or the void and deformed Earth and that before the first days Seperation whereby it 's plainly argued that Water was the material Principle created or inacted by Elohim Ruache for as much as they were nominated before the first days work 8. That it was the Eternal Wisdom or Spirit Elohim who acted as it were the part of a Midwife did deliver and bring forth this Birth and gave it Act and Form as Moses says That the Waters were the subject of that Separation and was effected by the Spagyrick or Fiery Virtue of the Word or Elohim 9. The Heavens above were made of the purest Brights and most worthiest Waters and the Elementary World beneath of the grossest dark fort of Water and that there was a middle kind of them which participating of both extreams was termed the Firmament whose main Office was to divide and separate the Water from the Waters 10. Then out of the lower Waters by the same Word or Spirit three several Regions namely the Air the Seas and the dry Land so the World and every Member thereof was out of this humid Spirit or aquatick Nature which is visible by this Text Coeli saith he erant prius Terra de Aqua per Aquam existentes verbo Dei 11. The Heavens was Fire and the Earth Water and by Water existing in and by the Word the World is composed only of Heaven and Earth and therefore it follows that the whole World is made and existeth of the Water and by the Water So it 's evidently proved that the Original Maker of all things was Water 12. The next thing I shew you how all things were fashioned formed and reduced into a specifick Act and essential Being It first distinguished and separated the Darkness from the Light and obscure and gross Water from the subtil or pure and then it disposes the Heavens into Spheres 13. It divides the gro●●est Waters into sublu●ary Elements but observe in these Lines the great VVork Mundum ex materia infor●i creavit Revelat fundamenta abscondita ●ovit in tenebris constituta Lux est cum co ●evelavit fundamenta è tenebris educit in lu●em ●mbram lethalem Aquilon●m extendit su●er inane vacuum suspendit Terram su●er nihilum nam sapientia ab ore ejus prodeunte ●otundit at em Coelorum circumveniente sola in ●rofundo abyssi ambulante omnia fecit Deus Ad●rat ipsa quando prepar̄avit Coelum quando certa ●ege gyro velavit abyssos quando Aethera fir●abat sursum erat ipsa cum eo cuncta componens ●psa fundavit Terram stabilivit Coelos erupit a●yssos ●●bes rore concrescere facit aptat pondus ●Aeri appendit Aquos in mensura dedit pluviae sta●uta viam fulgetro tonitruum Coelos crea●at extendebat eos firmabat T●rram quae ●erminant ex ea Sapientia creavit Deus terram stabilivit Coelos prudentia facit ut oriatur lu●en in Coelis indeficienter sicut nebula tegit om●em Terram facit anni cursus constituit dis●ositus Stellarum Facit Arcturum Orionem ●onvertit in mane tenebras diem in noctem mutat ●acat aquas maris effundit eos super faciem ●errae preparavit terram in aeterno tempore ●eplevit eam bipedibus quadrupedibus ipsam ●ffudit Dens super omnia opera ejus super omnem ●rnem secundum datum ipsa denique operatur ●nia Deus per ipsam operatur omnia in om●ibus ipse vivificat animat omnia ut Apo●olus Quare Propheta recte in sapientia omnia ●isti repleta est terra possessione tua c. Wisdom created the World of Matter without Form she revealed the Foundations of t●… deeoest and discovereth the things that were h●… in Darkness and Light is with her she make●… the Foundations appear out of Darkness an converteth the deadly Shadow into Light s●… spreadeth forth the North upon the void 〈◊〉 empty Face of the Abyss and hangeth the Eart●… on nothing for God made all things by h●… Wisdom which came out of his Mouth at compassed about the Circuit of the Heavens a●… walked in the profoundness of the Abyss s●… was present when he prepared the Heavens a●… he covered by a certain Law or Compass th●… Abyss when he established the Heavens 〈◊〉 Aether all the Regions above then was S 〈…〉 with him as the Composer of all those thing●… she laid the Foundations of the Earth and fa●… ned the Heavens and broke up the Abyss a●… made the Clouds together in a Dew she ga●… Weight to the Air she hanged or ballan●… the Water or Clouds by measure she gave 〈◊〉 to the Rain its Law and ordered the way to 〈◊〉 Lightning or Thunder she created the Heavens and spread them abroad she fastned 〈◊〉 Earth and made things to grow on it and es●… blished the Heavens by his Providence 〈◊〉 causeth an indeficient Light to rise and app●… in the Heavens and she covered it as it were with a Cloud the whole Earth she makes 〈◊〉 Causes of the Year and institutes the Disposition or Nature of the Stars she made the Pole Star and Orion and turned Darkness into t●… Morning and changed the Day into Night she calleth the Waters of the Sea and pours them upon the Face of the Earth she had prepared the Earth for Eternity and filled it with two-footed and four-footed Creatures God poured her forth upon all Flesh in a divine Measure to conclude she operateth and gives all things as Solomon saith We should speak something of the two main Principles viz. Heat and Cold All Heat whatsoever doth attract and draw unto it the Vapours and
rules by Day ♃ by Night Secondly Over the Earth trip ♀ rules by Day ☽ by Night Thirdly Over the Air trip ♄ rules by Day ☿ by Night Fourthly Over the Watry trip ☽ rules by Day and Night Now Eight of these are Masculine and the other Feminine The Masculine are these in Latin Albus Fortuna Major Puella Acquisitio Tristitia Populus Caput Draconis The Female are Amissio Via Conjunctio Ru●… Carcer Laetitia Fortuna Minor and Cauda Draconis The English Names are as follows 1. Wh●●e 2. Great Fortune 3. Girl 4. Obeying 5. Sa●●ness 6. People 7. Height 8. Lost 9 Way 10 Together 11. Red. 12. Prison 13. ●●y 14. Little Fortune 15. Below 16. Youth 〈◊〉 Beardless Boy Example If you find a Masculine Lott in a Masculine House governed by a Masculine Planet it shews the Person to be manly if Female more womanly c. These Lotts are Quadrupeian viz. Youth Joy great Fortune Obeying Prison all four-footed Creatures Fruitful People Red Low Joy Way Barren White Great Fortune Together Sad. Courteous are White Together Sad Girl Slow-voic'd People Way Red Low Joy The use by way of Example Suppose you have those Figures and Planets incorporated into the Ascendant as Puer Amissio Fortuna Major Fortuna Minor Acquisitio Caput Draconis Carcer Cauda Draconis The condition of the Party is something of the nature of the Creature which the Planets Figures or Lotts signifie If the Lott be Puer the Man or Person is rash and hasty c. if Amissio stedfast and resolved his Countenance or Complexion swarthy and so on for the Signs and Planets signifie any thing that may be proposed Consider always the Strength and Weakness good or ill by Nature If we find when a Question is asked That Albus Conjunctio Puella or Tristitia is in the Ascendant then we may expect the Party to be of civil Carriage very easy to be Pleased and of a good Understanding The Dignities of the Seven Properties of Nature in the 12 Lotts or Signs governing the 12 Parts of the Earth incorporated into 16 Figures Signs Lotts Hous of Pla. Exal Tri. Det. Fall ♈ 1 ♂ D. ☉ ☉ ♃ ♀ ♄ ♉ 2 ♀ N. ☽ ♂ ☽ ♂   ♊ 3 ☿ D. ☊ ♄ ☿ ♃   ♋ 4 ☽ D.N. ♃ ♂ ♂ ♄ ♂ ♌ 5 ☉ D.N.   ☉ ♃ ♄   ♍ 6 ☿ N. ☿ ♀ ☽ ♃ ♀ ♎ 7 ♀ D. ♄ ♄ ☿ ♂ ☉ ♏ 8 ♂ N.   ♂ ♂ ♀ ☽ ♐ 9 ♃ D. ☋ ☉ ♃ ☿   ♑ 10 ♄ N. ♂ ♀ ☽ ☽ ♃ ♒ 11 ♄ D.   ♄ ☿ ☉   ♓ 12 ♃ N. ♀ ♂ ♂ ☿ ☿ This Table differs but little from that of Astrology only for your satisfaction to see how the Lotts or Figures are united in Nature with the Signs and Planets First Planets Secondly Figures Thirdly Houses Fourthly Exaltation Fifthy Triplicity Sixthly Detriment Loss and Fall First You have that Figure or Lott called Puer it tells you that he is of the nature of the Sign ♈ and his Planet ♂ and of his House Secondly You have the Planets House by Day and Night if you find it so in a Question it 's as a Man in his own Castle strong and powerful Thirdly If in his Exaltation as a Man proud and without fear or care Fourthly In Triplicity as a Man in Business or Trading Fifthly If in his Detriment as a Man going the way of Ruine Sixthly If in his Fall as a Man ruined or in Prison CHAP. VII The Signification of the Words Direction and Retrogradation with the distinction of the Houses which are Good and which Bad. NOw Direction and Retrogradation are two First Dir. signifies a Man to go swift in ●…is Business or Trade then Retr signifies one to decay or to consume his Money This following Table of Lotts gives you to understand what Figure or Lott is Direct and which Retrograde and signified by three Letters as I have shewn in my first Demonstration of the Figures or Lotts A Table of Direction and Retrogradation in LOTTS We have already told you that this Work is divided in 12 parts or Houses Now observe some are good and some again are ill First Good 1 10 11 Houses Secondly Mean 2 3 4 and 9 Houses Thirdly The Evil 6 7 8 and 12 Houses Observe these Rules and you will have Knowledge The Houses wherein the Lotts or Figures are Good or Bad. Acquisitio Good Fortune Profit and in all other things it 's good in the 12th and 3d Houses Puella Good in all Demands wonderful for Women very good in the 9th and 5th Houses Laetitia Good Fortune Joy present or to come it 's found good in all the Houses but wonderful in the 5th House and indifferent in the other Caput Draconis is good with good and ill with ill good in the 2d and 7th Houses and bespeaks a good Issue when there is hopes of Gain Amissio good Fortune loss of Substance good in the 8th House and very ill in the 2d House Fortuna Major good Fortune for Gain for things where Prisons or Distractions are good in the 1st 9th and 11th Houses Tristitia is very ill in all the Houses except in the 8th and 12th Houses there good Albus Good Fortune Money or Entertainment in some certain place therefore good in the first and 4th Houses Puer very ill in all Questions and Demands except in the 2d and 6th House where he is mean Carcer ill in the 6th 8th 7th and 12th Houses signifies always to be stay'd kept 〈◊〉 hindred Cauda Draconis is very good with ill and very ill with good shews well for lost things and passing out of trouble good in the 4th 6th 9th and 12th Houses Populus is good with good and ill with ill good in the 10th and ill in the 8th House Fortuna Minor good in any Business or swift Matters very good in the 2d and very ill in the 8th House Conjanction good with good and ill with ill signifies restoring of lost Things and much Gain Rubeus very ill in all good things and in all ill things if in the first House signifies Death or some Plague Via Spoiling of all other good things except in Questions of Journies coming out of Prisons or moving good in the 3d 5th and 11th Houses and brings good News The Aspects of the Houses and the Figures you may see by the Table on the other side The Use of this Figure is of great consequence the outwardmost are 12 Lotts or Figures the second is their Nature as to Masculine and Feminine the third is the 12 Signs of the Zodiack with their Elements being united with the 12 Houses c. Then lastly in the middle you have the Lines and Aspects from one House to another both dexter and sinister the first House begins with the Sign ♈ and so in order which will give you a clear light of the usefulness of your Lotts either for good or ill A Figure in the first House