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A28298 Prince Arthur an heroick poem in ten books / by Richard Blackmore ... Blackmore, Richard, Sir, d. 1729. 1695 (1695) Wing B3080; ESTC R23258 151,284 320

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Force appoints And with strong Nerves new-brac'd their wither'd Joynts His Breath oft cool'd fierce Feavers raging Flames And his sole VVord the deadly Poyson tames Round him in Crowds the sick and feeble throng The sick grow easie and the feeble strong Fresh healing Vertue he diffus'd around And dying Men rose leaping from the ground The Languishing reviv'd th' Afflicted cheer'd Took healthful Looks and smil'd when he appear'd Demons at his Command vext Men forsake And to th' Infernal Caves and burning Lake Their hasty Flight with piercing Screeches take Such Miracles did his high Office prove And Universal Admiration move Of all the chiefest was his wondrous Love He whom rebellious Men might justly fear In all his chosen Terrors would appear With Military Pomp and Trumpets Sound His shining Host of Cherubs pour'd around Arm'd with keen Lightning and the sharpest Sword That all his Magazins of Wrath afford To lay all Wast before him and Efface All Footsteps of Apostate Adam's Race He unexampl'd Love Attempts to win Man from the Curse of Death and Curse of Sin With Pity more than that of Mothers Hearts With Mercy 's Charms and Love's perswasive Arts. His high design was with his Heav'nly Light To chase away th' Impenetrable Night That cover'd this lost World and re-inspire Man's Frozen Breast with fresh Celestial Fire Th' Almighty's faded Image to repair That its bright Lines might shine distinct and fair To raise laps'd Minds to that high State of Love Of Light and Bliss the Blest enjoy above To pull all bold Usurping Passions down And settle Reason in its ancient Throne To break Sins heavy Chains its Slaves release And fix 'twixt Earth and Heav'n a lasting Peace The Jews amus'd with Worldly Empire's Charms Hoping some Monarch with Victorious Arms With Roman Pomp and Grandeur would arise The great Redeemer's humble State despise Inspir'd from Hell his Message they refuse Deride his Person and his Deeds accuse He that Supplies on all in want bestow'd Feasting with Miracles the hungry Crowd Finds from th' obdurate Hebrew no relief But with the Twelve Companions of his Grief He walk'd on his Eternal Purpose bent Scatt'ring his Heav'nly Gifts where'er he went Yet did unwelcom through their Regions stray From those ungrateful Cities thrust away Whence he had Devils and Diseases cast Him and his proffer'd Heav'n they from them chas'd At last his spotless Innocence traduc'd He stands before the Roman Throne accus'd On Caesar's King Pilate in Judgment sits Condemns him yet his Innocence acquits To please th' inexorable Jews he sheds Blood and Heav'n's dreadful Curses on their Heads That done he wash'd his guilty Hands in vain The Blood he spilt alone could Purge that Stain No Form of Cruelty his Foes omit They give sharp Stripes and on his Face they Spit Which now adoring Angels blush to see Not for its Splendor but Deformity To please united Cruelty and Scorn On 's wounded Head they fix a Crown of Thorn They dress him in a Purple Robe that gone His Blood with richer Purple dyes his own A Reed his Hand must for a Scepter sway Which with a Rod of Ir'n shall that Contempt repay They bow in Scorn before him whilst he sate A Pageant Prince the mockery of State What various Shapes of Cruelty are shewn Under and on his Cross he 's made to groan And yet he bears a heavier Load within The pressure of the World 's united Sin Stretcht on the cursed Tree his Body hangs Groaning its Life away in dying Pangs Forsaken both of Earth and Heav'n his Breath He wasted in the pains of lingring Death Whilst on his Soul the blackest Horrors dwell That feels the Pains without the Guilt of Hell The Barb'rous Hebrews for whose sake he dy'd Stand by and see their Sov'raign Crucify'd Without the slight Compassion of a Tear Scarce in the Crowd does one sad Face appear Their Insolence dares mock his dying Moans Sport with his Torments and deride his Groans Though solid Rocks touch'd with Compassion rent The more obdurate Jew does not relent For Man he Dies that Heav'n may be aton'd He dies the Universe afflicted groan'd Heav'n's Everlasting Frame shook with the Fright And the scar'd Sun shrunk back and hid his Light Thro' th' Earth's dark Vaults a shiv'ring Horror fled That whilst Convuls'd threw up th' awaken'd Dead Thin pallid Ghosts come sweeping o'er the Grass And howling Wolves Glare on them as they pass Hoarse Thunder Rolls in Subterranean Caves Chaos to hearken stills his Raging Waves Ev'n Hell gap'd horribly such was the fright And thro' the Chasm let thro' prodigious Night Night that extinguish'd the Meridian Ray And with its gloomy Deluge choak'd the Day Sad Moans were heard Shreeks Howlings Midnight Cries And Globes of Fire hung Blazing in the Skies A fierce Convulsion thro' the Temple went The Pillars trembled and the Veil was Rent The Heav'n's and Earth both suffer'd when he dy'd As Nature's Self were with him Crucify'd Down by their Sides the silent Angels laid Their Golden Harps and neither Sung nor play'd Their drooping Wings and Looks dejected show Sadness as much as those blest Realms can know Thrice the swift Sun his radiant Chariot drove O'er the blue Hills and out-stretch'd Plains above As oft the Moon had shot her paler Light In silver Threads thro' the brown Vest of Night When the Reviving Saviour leaves his Tomb And as new-born breaks from the Earth's dark Womb The Chains of Death shook off he from the Ground Do's with new Force Anteus like rebound He comes in Triumph from the Conquer'd Grave And this blest proof of Resurrection gave Oft to his mournful Friends their Lord appear'd And their sad Minds with Heav'nly Pleasures cheer'd He then the Plan of his wise Kingdom laid Who should submit and who should be obey'd To these he gave a Power to loose and bind And with fixt Bounds that Sacred Power confin'd He set the Rights his Subjects should enjoy Which Princes must Protect but not Annoy And by wise Laws fix all things that relate To the Support of his new founded State That done pursu'd by their admiring Eyes Born on a shining Cloud he did arise In Heav'nly Pomp Triumphant thro' the Skys The Clouds dividing in Obsequious Haste Smil'd yielded by his Glory as he had pass'd Great Michael Raphael and the rest that boast The chief Commands in the Celestial Host Great Princes Thrones and high Seraphick States With splendid Equipage pour'd from the Gates Sublime in high Celestial Chariots rode Far out of Heav'n to meet th' ascending God The Pow'rs and high Dominions with their Train Shone glorious bright on all th' Etherial Plain On a fair Hill that the wide Vale commands The numberless angelick Army stands Drawn up in shining Lines and Warlike Bands The Trumpets all salute him passing by And in the Air display'd the Banners fly And now arriv'd at Heav'n's Eternal Gate Attended with his long Triumphal State The blest Inhabitants due Honours
God The Precipice was hid on which he trod The splendid Phantome now advances nigh And in his reach appears Divinity Which straight he grasps at and to hold the more Empties his Hand of what it held before But sooner might he grasp unbody'd Minds And with clos'd Arms clasp in the raging Winds The glorious Shadow from his Hands does slide Mocks his Embraces and defeats his Pride He Eat but did no other Pleasures find Than the sad Terrors of a guilty Mind His cheated Hopes can no new Knowledge boast But of the Ill he feels and Good he lost Thus fell lost Man straight troubled Nature moan'd And shaking with a strong Convulsion groan'd Ev'n Paradise look'd Sad the Herds repin'd And lofty Cedars shook without a Wind. The Roses fade the Golden Apples turn'd Pallid and all the Sick Creation mourn'd To the thick Trees in vain fall'n Adam made To hide his blacker Guilt beneath their Shade Close Trees may so their well mixt Branches spread That Sun-beams cannot pierce their shady Head But God's clear Eye needs not so gross a Ray His Glory sheds a more Illustrious Day But had he been from his bright Eye conceal'd The crying Guilt had to his Ear reveal'd Apostate Man that Voice to Heav'n does rise Loud as the Thunder-claps for which it cries What a black Train of VVoes and hideous Fears Headed by one bold Crime to Man appears The Serpent's Venom spreads through all his Veins And Sin 's Contagion unresisted Reigns A Death-like Damp shoots through his poison'd Blood And fears cold Chains Arrest the beating Flood A dreadful Face of Things confounds his Eye He cannot stay secure nor can he fly Black thoughts of Vengeance seize his guilty Heart And Conscience wounds him with her poison'd Dart. Amidst the Trees he starts at every Noise Grows pale and thinks he hears th' Almighty's Voice The trembling Branches make him tremble more Now feebler than the Fig-leaves which he wore Man's Soul by this rude Shock from 's Center driv'n Stands so a-skaunt and so remote from Heav'n 'T is scarcely warm'd by its weak Oblique Ray And has at best but a cold darksome Day Fall'n from its bright Etherial Seat on high Down to the lowest Regions of the Sky It feels th' attractive Earth's Magnetick Force And round this low-hung Ball directs its Course As when a Planet once all fair and bright Sickens and shines with pale and faded Light By some fierce Storm bred in its Bowels rent As Clouds are by the Thunder in 'em pent The mighty Orb disjoynted cracks and all The broken Parts in Noisy Ruin fall The hideous Burning Hull does floating lie And with the wondrous Wreck affrights the Sky Sometimes it blazes with a dismal Light And then grown dim seems lost and drown'd in Night Then sinking does the Starry Sky forsake Contented some inferior Seat to take Where Heav'n new moulds the Heap and from th' Abyss Calls forth perhaps a Moon or Earth like this So Man seduc'd by the Impostor fell From Heav'n's bright Coasts to the black Verge of Hell There he his Lustre lost and God-like Grace Shews the sad Ruins of a Heav'nly Face Where Peace dwelt undisturb'd and smiling Light Confusion now Chaos and horrid Night Black frowning Clouds and murmuring Thunder rose O'er the vext Region of his guilty Soul Fierce driving Storms and bleak Tempestuous Wind Beat on the wasteful Desart of his Mind Revenge Despair Grief Jealousie and Fear Have in their Turns supreme Dominion here Reason dethron'd must the Commands obey Of this wild Rout that holds the Sovereign Sway. Mean Time th' Almighty does his Summons send Thro' Heav'n for all his Angels to attend High in the Midst of the Etherial Skies A Mount of rocky Diamond did rise Insuperably steep and too sublime For the tir'd Wings of Cherubims to climb O'er-looking Heav'n's wide Vales and spacious Plains It stands and unmolested Peace maintains Here the Almighty's bright Tribunal stands Whence his Decrees are sent and high Commands Hence he gives Laws to all the Worlds below And hence eternal Right and Justice flow Hence Punishments proceed and just Rewards Hence Orders come to all th' Angelick Guards To keep the Peace of Heav'n and next secure On Earth th' afflicted from th' Oppressor's Power And now the Thrones and Pow'rs the Vally fill And stand adoring round the sacred Hill Adam's Rebellion they had newly heard And God's fierce Wrath in dreadful Signs appear'd Lightnings and Thunders issue from his Throne Lightnings scarce heard of Thunder seldom known Tremendous Murmurs and a mighty Sound Of wondrous Ruine from the Hill rebound T' express incens'd Omnipotence conspire Whirlwinds thick Darkness and consuming Fire United Terrors that with Fury broke From the blest Mount whence thus th' Almighty spoke The Man I made and with my Image grac'd And next to your Angelick Order plac'd Revolting to th' Apostate Prince of Hell Against my Throne has yielded to Rebel The Death I threaten'd now I must inflict So Justice bids nor is its Rule too strict You 're here from all the Regions of the Sky To hear the Rebel doom'd and see him Dye He spake and thro' all Heav'n a Terror strook The Sphears and all the Frame of Nature shook The Moon grew Pale the Sun all Dim appear'd And all the Sons of God stood Mute and fear'd Th' Almighty his Vindictive Arm makes bare Stretch'd out his Hand and did for Death prepare Mercy Shreek'd out and trembling on her Face Fell down and did with Tears his Feet Embrace Offspring Divine in Heav'n the most belov'd By whom ev'n Fate unchangeable is mov'd Her Looks so moving such Celestial Grace So mild and sweet an Air dwell on her Face So tender and engaging all her Charms That oft th' Almighty's Fury she disarms Her Language melts Omnipotence arrests His Hand and thence his Vengeful Lightning wrests Then thus she spake Shall the successful sly Impostor boast That by his Power the new Creation's lost Shall he thus Triumph in his impious Deed And all our Hopes defeat from Adam's Seed Must this fair Race be lost so lately made And Hell made Bold your Empire to invade Adam has sinn'd and Heav'n's high Grace abus'd But sinn'd betray'd and by Hell's Fraud seduc'd Can't Wisdom Infinite Expedients find To punish Guilt and yet preserve Mankind Compassion with stern Justice mixt will draw Honour to Heav'n's just Government and Awe All from offending the Establish'd Law At this the Eternal Son rose from his Place The bright Effulgence of his Father's Face His fair and express Image full of Grace In whom Divine Substantial Glory dwelt And who Almighty Life and Vigour felt Th' Essential Wisdom th' Everlasting Word The Universal Heir and Soveraign Lord. And thus he Silence broke mine be the Task To do what Justice and Compassion ask To rescue Man my self will Man become Assuming Substance from a Virgin 's Womb. A willing Sacrifice I 'll Death Embrace Justice t' attone and Ransom Adam's
Grace Thick Beams of Light stream out from every Head Each Saint does his own Heav'n about him spread His radiant Feet on pointed Glory tread Safe on the Shore with Pleasure they behold How the thick Waves are on each other rowl'd What Dangers of a strange amazing Shape What fatal Rocks they scarcely did escape They hear the Winds grow loud and turbulent See Clouds swoln big with Thunder in 'em pent With which the lowring Sky is over-cast Hang down upon the Seas that they have past Viewing these Woes themselves did once endure They stand surpriz'd as if not yet secure Amaz'd at all the Glory they possess Wonder almost suspends their Happiness They on so sweet and rich a Climate thrown Forget their Dangers now for ever gone Th' Almighty they enjoy at whose Right Hand Fulness of Joy and Life Eternal stand Down from his Throne as Light does from the Sun Rivers of fresh Delight for ever run With ravish'd Eyes they drink in Heav'nly Beams That from his Face flow down in Glorious Streams They gaze so on the Beatifick Sight Till they become all Intellectual Light So long they his substantial Brightness view Till they all grow Divine and God-like too So quick they feel the mighty Influx come The most Capacious thirsty Souls want room They widen and extend themselves to hold Those Floods of Joys that to their Breasts are roll'd Till they a vast unmeasur'd Bliss possess And strive beneath th' unweildy Happiness If but a Glimpse of Heav'n whose Glory streams Thro' the thick Clouds in weak refracted Beams Can please so much what Joys have those above Where perfect Knowledge kindles perfect Love Transports Ineffable their Minds employ Delug'd in Glory lost in Tides of Joy Here Innocence will all its Lustre show The mournful Looks thrown off it wore below Sorrows for ever banish'd hence repair To the low Guilty Regions of the Air. There no black Clouds of Discontent appear That spread themselves o'er these dark Vallies here No Groans are heard no Tears fall down the Face To interrupt the Joy of this blest Place No crossing Arms or sad dejected Eyes Seek out the secret Corners of the Skies If Course Terrestrial Pleasures court the Sense With such strong Charms that few can make Defence When backward Nature 's forc'd by Wit and Art All her delicious Treasures to impart When the short Days in all Delights are spent That soft Luxurious Asia can invent What are the Nobler Pleasures that transport The blest that reign in this Celestial Court That no Decay or Intermission know Debas'd when liken'd to the best below The Clouds all broke the Tempest chas'd away The Smiling Skies disclose a chearful Day They 've changed the Defart's dry and barren Sand For all the Riches of a fruitful Land Where with Immortal Food they ever fed And drink pure Pleasures at the Fountain's Head Hatred Distress and Grief are banish'd hence The sad Companions once of Innocence No dying Martyrs Flames or private Cries Of Innocents opprest disturb the Skies Here our Delights are mixt with base Allay We have at best but a Tempestuous Day Our Sweets are still attended with a Sting And great Enjoyments greater Sorrows bring Delights those Beautiful Illustrious play Around us and when grasp'd they glide away Here tempting Joys our fond Embraces fly Choice Forraign Flowers they only Blow and Die They shew themselves but will not with us dwell But like hot Gleams approaching Storms foretel Pure unmixt Pleasures on us never flow'd But Stream like watry Sun-beams thro' a Cloud But those above see no unlovely day Their Joys no mixture know nor fear Decay In those blest Realms they know no thoughtful Care Ever to Triumph is th' Employment there There no Vicissitude of Day and Night No Years or Ages measure Heav'n's Delight Time has quite finish'd and gone thro' its Round It did their Grief but can't their Pleasure Bound Its Streams here disembogued for ever ly Lost in th' Abyss of Immortality They no sad fears of future Sorrows know Compleatly Happy and for ever so For Ever We strive in vain to hold this Boundless Space Too wide and vast for Mortals to Embrace Our Arms may clasp the Earth with greater Ease And spread themselves ashore round all the Seas When Ages have their widest Circle run Heav'n wears not still its Joys are but begun The Heros here forget their toil and pain And in Eternal Peace and Triumph reign No more the Scoffer mocks their pious Care As Native Dulness and ungrounded Fear How different Fate he and the Impious Kind Chain'd in the dark Infernal Prisons find Near the wild Deep where restless Atoms fight And th' unfrequented Coasts of ancient Night Where Nature ne'er on Pregnant Matter fate To hatch warm Life and its straight Bounds dilate There stands the vast unbottom'd Gulph of Hell Where Sin and Death in all their Terrors dwell Beyond the Verge of Day these Regions ly As low and black as Heav'n is bright and high Horror and Night hang dismal o'er the place And grisly Forms fill all the gloomy space Dead Seas of pond'rous Darkness lie around And the sad Realms from Light 's grey Frontiers bound Darkness that blunts the sharpest pointed Ray And unannoy'd repels th' Invading Day The sluggish Air is choak'd with soultry Gleams With poisonous Damps and suffocating Steams That from wide Lakes of boiling Sulphur rise Laden with Groans and Everlasting Cries No such malignant Breaths such deadly Reeks The delving Miner that hid Treasure seeks E'er let out from a Subterranean Cell As those that break from the black mouth of Hell A fiery Sea burns fiercely all beneath Blown up and kindled by th' Almighty's Breath In flaming Heaps the livid Ocean rolls And scalding Waves involve despairing Souls The boiling Floods terrific Colours shew Some deeply Red and others faintly Blue These with the Shades contend but can't dispel The Darkness that surrounds the burning Cell Or if they do they dart pale dismal Light Worse than the Horrors of the blackest Night The troubled Whirlpool belches Burnings out And throws red Seas of Sulphur round about Columns of Smoke with spiral Flames of Fire Inwreatch'd from wide-mouth'd Furnaces aspire Hence the black Region is annoy'd with Fumes Stench Reeks and Flame that kills but not consumes So when a Mount hot with metallic Seeds In its rich Sides a secret Burning feeds Soultring within it casts up Pitchy Smoke And the dead Air ascending Vapours choak In mighty Floods the wide Volcano's throw Their melted Treasures out and overflow With glowing Torrents all the Neighbouring ground That lies beneath a burning Deluge drown'd Thro' all the Air the liquid Riches fly And Floods of Fire dash thick against the Sky All Hope for ever banish'd flies this place And fixt Despair sits Pale on every Face Grief Anguish Terrour Shame Confusion here In Forms more terrible than Death appear Here hateful Sin throws off its flatt'ring Charms And shews a Monster
see this fatal Hour I live And thee and all that 's dear in Life survive Oh how I wish Life's tedious Journey done The empty Name remains the thing is gone But sure I shall not long thy Absence mourn I 'll hast to thee thou 'lt not to me return My hoary Head with Sorrow to the Grave Makes hast the best Repose my Troubles crave Thrice happy Wife remov'd from us below You have no share in this sad Scene of Woe My ill presaging Fears are now fulfill'd I started in my Sleep and cry'd my Son is kill'd I knew too well warm Blood and youthful Age Eager with Fame and fier'd with Martial Rage His Arms in greatest Danger would engage I pray'd and oft conjur'd him to beware Not rashly to provoke unequal War He promis'd me while on his Neck I wept But oh how ill has he his Promise kept I can't reproach the pious Arthur's Name Nor on his Friendship sworn reflect the Blame If by divine unchangeable Decree Untimely Fate Macor attended thee T' is best that thou art fal'n with such Applause Asserting Albion's and the Christian Cause But why do my Complaints thus endless grow And why thus tedious my loquacious Woe Why from new Laurels should I thus detain These valiant Troops to hear my Sighs in vain Go Britons to your Prince at your Return Tell him I live but only live to mourn I groan beneath the heaviest Load of Grief And spend in Tears my sad Remains of Life May Heav'n his Arms with greater Triumph bless Great as his Vertues let him meet Success Mean time must we this last kind Office pay And Macor's Body to the Dome convey Where his illustrious Fathers lie interr'd Who reign'd by Subjects lov'd by Neighbours fear'd Soon as the Sun had with his early Ray Depos'd the Shades and re-enthron'd the Day The pious Britons their slain Friends inter And on their Graves new Honours do confer Some with their Spades and with sharp Axes wound The groaning Earth and casting up the Ground They form deep Vaults and subterranean Caves Then fill up with their Dead the gaping Graves Some cast up hilly heaps and Mounts of Sand That for their Tombs and Monuments might stand And to th' admiring Britons might declare In future Ages what their Fathers were Some Stones erect of a prodigious Size That bear the Hero's Glory to the Skies Mean time the Saxons bear away their Dead Whose putrid Heaps the bloody Field o'erspread Inumerable Piles they raise on high Which kindled fill with Smoak and flames the Sky With uncouth Cries around the Fires they mourn Where vulgar Dead in Heaps promiscuous Burn. The Lords and Officers of high Command They send attended with a warlike Band Each to his City there to be interr'd Where greater funeral Pomp might be conferr'd But fair Augusta chiefly flow'd with Tears Where Grief in all her mournful Looks appears Distracted with ungovernable Woe Into the Streets in Crowds the Matrons flow Confusion in their Looks and wild Despair They wring their Hands and tear their flowing Hair Parents on Children Wives on Husbands call Sons mourn their Fathers Maids their Lovers fall For their dear Brothers Sisters Tears are spent Servants their Masters Friends their Friends lament All mingle Tears their Cries together flow And form a hideous Harmony of Woe Pale Consternation sate on every Face They fear'd the Prince would soon invest the Place They oft reproach'd their Monarch's Breach of Word That had expos'd them to the Conquerour's Sword They wish'd that this destructive War might cease And Ethelina be the Bond of Peace Octa's Affairs in this ill State appear Such was their publick Grief and such their Fear Mean time the Briton joyful Sports ordain'd For the great Vict'ry by their Arms obtain'd For Horsemanship the Britons always fam'd To run a Course his generous Gifts inflam'd Desire both of the Prize and loud Applause The British Youth to mount their Coursers draws A neighbouring Hill ascending high but slow Survey'd the Valleys with his lofty Brow Upon the flowry Top a spacious Down Extended lay which shady Woods did crown The grassy Plains and rising Groves appear Like a rich furnish'd native Theater Where Sylvan Scenes their verdant Pomp display And charming Prospects to the Eye convey Soon as the Sun had with his Rosy Light From the cold Air dispell'd the dewy Night The British Hero with a numerous Train Directs his Steps to this delightful Plain Where high amidst his Friends he takes his Place VVho swarm'd around to view the noble Race Britons Armoricans and Neustrians stood Mingled below the foremost of the Crowd Stood Eddelin in all his Youthful Pride His Purple Boots were of Iberian Hide VVhich fast with Golden Buttons held and grac'd VVith Silver Spurs his comely Legs embrac'd A flaming Ruban of Sydonian Dy In a close Knot his curling Locks did ty VVhich playing on his Shoulders flew behind Danc'd in the Air and sported with the VVind Close to his well shap'd VVast he wore his Coat Of Silk and Silver by his Mother wrought A Cap of Crimson did his Head equip And as he walk'd he slash'd his breaded VVhip His swarthy Groom his generous Courser leads That scarcely marks the Ground so light he treads Swift as a Dove pursu'd or Mountain Hind His nimbler Feet could overtake the VVind Leave flying Darts and swifter storms behind Illustrious Blood he Boasts with equal Pride Transmitted to his Veins on either side The Mother Mare was of Eborac Race The Sire Augusta's Merchants brought from Thrace His inward Fire thro' his wide Nostrils flies And noble Ardor sparkles in his Eyes His well turn'd Limbs did Admiration move Where Strength and Beauty for the Conquest strove His matchless Speed the Prize did ever gain From all the Rival Coursers of the Plain Next Blanadoc upon the Plain advanc'd And led behind his fiery Courser pranc'd Lightly equip'd and ready for the Race He marches to the Base with Manly Grace The gazing Crowd admire his comely Steed Nobly descended from the famous Breed That on the Mauritanian Mountains feed And fam'd for Swiftness in the Dusty Course Of wondrous Beauty and of wondrous Force And next to him the gay Lanvallo came Eager to win the Prize and raise his Name His dapled Courser to the Base advanc'd And neighing wantonly along the Champain danc'd His high Descent he did from Draco trace The swiftest Courser of th' Iberian Race A Race so famous for their speedy Feet Eurus himself was not esteem'd more fleet So swift they run that vulgar Fame declares The Western Winds impregnated the Mares Next the fierce Tudor comes into the Field That did to none for Art or Courage yield A Velvet Bonnet on his Head and drest For Lightness in a thin embroider'd Vest. Thirsty of Honour to the Base he flies And with his greedy Wishes grasps the Prize His well-train'd Courser was admir'd for Speed Sprung from Calabrian mixt with British Breed Light'ning flew from his Eyes