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A26702 The best of remedies for the worst of maladies, or, Spiritual receipts and antidotes for the preservation of a plague-sick, sinfull soul wherein is shown, sin is the cause and repentance the cure of the pestilence / seasonably published by a lover of peace and truth ..., R.A. R. A. (Richard Alleine), 1611-1681. 1667 (1667) Wing A983; ESTC R10719 150,980 258

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the earth render a reward to the proud So highly provoking is it unto the Lord for any to have a hand in the destroying of Gods heritage As the Psalmist saith When the Lord shall make inquisition for blood he will remember them and not forget the cry of the humble or of the afflicted 4. The fourth pestilential and highly provoking sin is the sin of Idolatry which is the worshipping of false Gods or the true God in a false manner This is that sin that hath greatly incensed the Lord to send this sore Judgement of the Plague or Pestilence and the Sword among a people Judg. 5.8 It is said they chose new gods then was war in the gates When Israel forsook the Lord and his true worship and fell to the worshipping of the Idol-Gods of the Heathen then the Lord ever and anon punished them with war And as the Sword so the Pestilence brake in among them for this very sin Psal 106.28 29. They joyned themselves also to Baal-Peor and eat the sacrifices of the dead Thus they provoked him to anger with their inventions and the Plague brake in upon them See Num. 25.2 to which this in the Psalmes doth referre It is said they called the people to the Sacrifice of their Gods and the people did eat and bowed down to their gods And Israel joyned himself to Baal-peor and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel so that there died in the Plague no less then four and twenty thousand and many more had been destroyed had not Phinehas stood up and executed judgement and turned away the wrath of the Lord and so the Plague was stayed as in the 30. verse of that 106. Psalm comp with Num. 25.11 Baal-peor was the Idol-god of the Moabites and the Daughters of the Moabites they called or invited the people to the sacrifices or offerings of their gods they allured the people by fleshly baites to defile their bodies and souls with whoredom and idolatry and the people they participated or communicated with them in their idolatry which sin God in a special manner had forewarned them of Exod. 34.12 13 14 15 16. Take heed to thy self lest thou make a Covenant with the Inhabitants of the Land whither thou goest lest it be for a snare in the midst of thee But ye shall destroy their Altars break their Images and cut down their Groves For thou shalt worship no other God for the Lord whose name is Jealous is a jealous God Lest thou make a Covenant with the Inhabitants of the Land and they go a whoring after their gods and do sacrifice to their gods and one call thee and thou eat of his sacrifice and thou take of their Daughters unto thy Sons and their Daughters go a whoring after their gods and make thy Sons go a whoring after their gods And hence it was that the Apostle Paul dehorted the Corinthians lest they should be guilty of the like sin and so incurre the like punishment 1 Cor. 10.8 Neither let us commit fornication as some of them committed meaning spiritual as well as corporal uncleanness and fell in one day three and twenty thousand though there was four and twenty thousand fell in all but three and twenty thousand of them fell or perished in one day So when Moses was in the Mount with God and the People had made them a Molden Calf and gave it Divine Adoration saying These be thy gods O Israel which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt How did the wrath of the Lord begin to wax hot against them for to consume them had not Moses his chosen stood before him in the breach to turn away his wrath lest he should destroy them yet saith the Lord Nevertheless in the day when I visit I will visit their sin upon them And the Lord plagued the people because they made the Calf which Aaron made See Psal 1● 23 comp with Exod. 32.4 and 35. verses 〈◊〉 whence was that dehortation of the Apostle likewise in that 1 Cor. 10.7 Neither saith he be ye Idolaters as were some of them as it is written the people sate down to eat and drink and rose up to play The word is used for laughing or rejoycing Gen. 21.6 here it is meant of their singing and dancing about the Golden Calf they had made as in the 18. and 19. verses of Exod. 32. as aforesaid So Jer. 19.3 4 5. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts the God of Israel Behold I will bring evil upon this place the which whosoever heareth his ears shall tingle And wherefore will the Lord be so severe Because they have forsaken me saith the Lord and have estranged this place and have burnt incense in it unto other gods whom neither they nor their fathers have known nor the Kings of Judah and have filled this place with the blood of Innocents they have built also the high places of Baal to burn their Sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal which I commanded not nor spake it neither came it into my mind Therefore behold the days come saith the Lord that I will cause them to fall by the Sword before their enemies c. and their Carkases will I give to be meat for the fowles of the heaven and for the beasts of the earth and I will make this City desolate and an hissing every one that passeth thereby shall be astonished and hiss because of all the Plagues thereof So Ezek. 33.25 26 27. Wherefore thus saith the Lord ye eat with the blood and lift up your eyes towards your Idols and shed blood and shall ye possess the land c. Thus saith the Lord God As I live surely they that are in the wastes shall fall by the Sword c. and they that be in the Forts and in the Caves shall dye of the Pestilence For I will lay the Land most desolate and the pomp of her strength shall cease Hence it is said that in Horeh they provoked the Lord to wrath so that the Lord was angry with them to have destroyed them Deut. 9.8 And Deut. 32.16 to 21. They provoked him to jealousie with strange gods with abominations provoked they him to anger They sacrificed to Devils not to God to gods whom they knew not to new gods that came newly up whom their Fathers feared not Of the Rock that begat them they were unmindful and had forgotten God that formed them What then And when the Lord saw it he abhorred them because of the provoking of his Sons and of his Daughters And he said I will hide my face from them I will see what their end shall be For this sin of Idolatry it was that the Lord brought evil upon the house of Jeroboam smiting all his house in so much that he left not to him any that breathed but took them away as a man taketh away dung till it be all gone for saith the Text He made him other gods and molten Images to provoke the
forgive and do c. 1 King 8.37 38 39. And the Lord gave approbation to this prayer of his as you have heard Thus you see in what way the Lord hath usually been found for the diverting of his judgments and in which he hath ingaged himself to hear and to be entreated Shall we consider a little then what is the general spirit of the Nation at this time now that the hand of God lies so heavy upon it Is there any preparation now of meeting God in this way of humble and faithful supplication O England where are thy tears where are thy strong crys unto unto the Lord Will not the King of Nineveh rise up in judgment against thee and condemn thee He commanded that Man and Beast should be covered with sackcloth and cry mightily unto God and turn every one from his evil way and from the violence that was in their hand and God was entreated and turned away from his fierce anger that they perished not What thinkest thou O England of thy sins Have they not been crying sins May not the Lord speak unto thee and say as unto Cain Who slew his Brother what hast thou done The voice of thy Brothers blood cryeth unto me from the ground Gen. 4.10 Or as James in his time to the rich ungodly men of that generation Behold the hire of the Labourers which have reaped down your fields which is of you kept back by fraud cryeth and the cries of them which have reaped are entred into the ears of the Lord of Sabboth Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth and been wanton ye have nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter Ye have condemned and killed the just and be doth not resist you James 5.4 5 6. May it not be said of thy sins as is said of the sins of Babylon That her sins have reached unto heaven and God hath remembred her iniquities Rev. 18.5 Surely thy sins have been crying sins they have entred into the ears of the Lord they have reached unto heaven God hath heard thy hideous Oaths thy new hellish invented Oaths thy horrid execrations and cursings thy revilings and blaspemings But whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high may it not be said of thee as of railing Rabshekah Even against the holy one of Israel And if thy sins have cryed so loud mayst thou not think that thy tears and crys for pardon should found as loud in the ears of God But where are thy repentings and mournings where are thy weepings and supplications Surely I tremble to think what still mine ears do hear and mine eyes see how few of those sins are left which cause the Land to mourn and the Lord to have a controversie with the inhabitants thereof May it not be laid to thy charge even now when thousands are swept away by this destroying judgement that when God calls to weeping and mourning to fasting and praying behold joy and gladness slaying oxen and killing sheep eating flesh and drinking wine playing and gaming ranting and roaring cursing and swearing pride and voluptuous living And what said the Lord Surely this iniquity shall not be purged from you till ye dye Isa 22.12 13 14. Nay is it not most sad and lamentable to consider as it is very credibly reported that some under the hand of Gods visitation do dye swearing and cursing in a most dreadful and desperate manner Well then consider this ye that forget God lest he tear you in peices and there be none to deliver before the whole land be devoured by the fire of his jealousie and that he make a speedy riddance of all such as dwell in the land But for you who have received an anointing from the holy one and are acquainted with the divine art of prayer and holy conference and familiarity with God be much in the exercise of this heavenly skill be now improving to the utmost your interest in God lift up your voice with strength stir up your selves and take hold of him And if your consciences tell you you have fallen by your iniquities even in the late Apostacy Take with you words and turn unto the Lord say unto him Take away all iniquity and receive us graciously Say unto him Ashur shall not save us we will not ride upon horses neither will we say any more to the work of our hands ye are our gods Hosea 14.1 2 3. Say unto him O Lord though our iniquities testifie against us do thou it for thy names sake for our back-slidings are many we have sinned against thee O the hope of Israel the Saviour thereof in time of trouble why shouldst thou be as a stranger in the land and as a wayfaring man that turneth aside to tarry for a night Why shouldst thou be as a man astonished as a mighty man that cannot save yet thou O Lord art in the midst of us and we are called by thy name leave us not Jer. 14.7 8 9. Say We are all as an unclean thing and all our righteousness are as filthy raggs and we all do fade as a leaf and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away But yet O Lord thou art our Father we are the clay and thou our potter and we all are the work of thy hand Be not wroth very sore O Lord neither remember iniquity for ever behold see we beseech thee we are thy people Isa 64.6 8 9. Thine enemies roar in the midst of the Congregation they set up their ensigns for signs They have east fire into thy Sanctuary they have defiled by casting down the dwelling place of thy name to the ground They said in their hearts let us destroy them together O God how long shall the Adversary reproach shall the enemy blaspheme thy name for ever Why withdrawest thou thy hand even thy right hand pluck it out of thy bosome Wilt thou refrain thy self for these things O Lord wilt thou hold thy peace and afflict us very sore Psal 74. And let the Preists the Ministers of the Lord weep between the Porch and the Altar and let them say Spare thy people O Lord and give not thy heritage to reproach that the heathen should rule over them wherefore should they say among the people Where is their God Then will the Lord be jealous for his land and pity his people Joel 2.17 18. Yea let the Lords Watchmen whom God hath set upon the Walls of Jerusalem never hold their peace day nor night even those who make mention of the Lord and are the Lords remembrancers let them not keep silence And give him no rest till he establish and make his Jerusalem a praise in the earth Isa 62.6 7. Till the heavens drop down from above and the skies pour down righteousness and the earth open and bring forth salvation and righteousness spring up together Isa 45.8 Till the Lord of Hosts be exalted in judgement and God
not allow it self in any known sin though accounted never so little since the very least are committed against so great a God and bring upon us so great a danger It will not excuse extenuate mince or hide sin as Adam nor cast it off himself upon others shoulders as Saul 1 Sam. 15.21 But it would willingly be divorced and separated both in spirit conversation and affection from all and every the pollutions and defilements of sin which if wilfully and willingly lived in he knows will expose his soul to inevitable ruine and destruction Consider then hath the wrath of God Almighty and the everlasting wo denounced to all impenitent sinners made thee fear and tremble Have thy tremblings been seconded with a true and hearty sorrow for thy sins Hath thy sorrow been such as hath brought forth hate and loathing of sin so that sin hath appeared ugly and abominable unto thee Hath there then followed an humble confession and laying open of thy sins before God begging pardon and remission of them with a desire to be rid of them and a real purpose and resolution to abandon them and forsake them This will evidence that thy service of sin hath given up the ghost and that thou hast a firme resolution of leading a new life and returning unto the Lord with all thy heart which is the fourth and last particular to be insisted on in this subject of sound Evangelical repentance For what is Repentance indeed in the true definition of it but a change of the mind or a coming to a mans self again to a right understanding after a man hath erred consisting in a turning of the whole heart from Satan and Sin unto God that is to serve God in newness of Life because he that lives in sin serves the Devil and belongs to his jurisdiction This definition you shall find full and whole in our Saviours words to Saint Paul when he appeared to him going to Damascus Act. 26.18 as Paul himself reporteth them namely That he would send him to the Gentiles to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God that they might receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them that are sanctified Which voice Paul theresaith he was obedient unto and thereupon went and shewed first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles That they should repent and turn to God and do works meet for repentance So that according to the definition Repentance hath two parts An Aversion or turning away from Satan and Sin that is the first then a Conversion or turning unto God by Newness of Life that is the second part but I proceed Fourthly The last thing that will evidence the sincerity of that Repentance which will be prevalent with the Lord to avert his wrath and quench the fire of his indignation that is broken out among us is a returning unto the Lord with all the heart Jer. 3.12 Return thou back-sliding Israel saith the Lord and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you for I am merciful saith the Lord and I will not keep anger for ever Onely acknowledge thine iniquity that thou hast transgressed and repent and turn your selves from all your transgressions saith the Lord so iniquity shall not be your ruine Ezek. 18.30 In the 2. of Joel the Lord threatning the terribleness of his Judgements in referenece to his great Army how that the Earth should quake before them and the Heavens should tremble the Sun and Moon should be dark and the Stars should withdraw their shining In the 12. verse the Lord exhorteth them to a thorough repentance as the only means to stop the currant of this devouring and sweeping Judgment Therefore also now saith the Lord turn ye even to me with all your heart and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning And rent your heart and not your garments and turn unto the Lord your God for he is gratious and merciful slow to anger and of great kindness and repenteth him of the evil And this Exhortation is urged by divers Arguments 1. By promise of temporal blessings namely plentiful fruits of the earth even to the reparation of all their former losses by the Famine and removal of the Northren Army from them vers 18. to 28. 2. Of spiritual Evangelical priviledges whereof those temporals were but an imperfect pledge viz. plentiful pourings out of his spirit and his gifts upon all flesh Gentiles as well as Jews ver 28 29. Salvation and deliverance of an elect remnant in his Church after the Lord hath manifested by dreadful signs the terrour of his coming vers 30 31 32. 2ly This Exhortation is urged by threatning of destruction against all the oppressing enemies of the Church These are the blessed fruits among others of that repentance that is a returning unto the Lord with all the heart Suitable to which is that of the Prophet Jeremy If thou wilt return O Israel saith the Lord return unto me and if thou wilt put away thine abominations out of my sight then shalt thou not remove Jer. 4.1 Then shalt thou not wander thou shalt not go into exile Which foregoing places do imply that God is not pleased with shews or flying thoughts or loose purposes or half a heart but requires an upright turning away from evil and a thorough conversion to himself and that which is good and not to idols or any other vanities whatsoever There is a special place to this purpose in Deut. 4.29 30. It speaks of the Lords scattering of them among the Nations and how they should be lest few in number among the Heathen whither the Lord should lead them But if from thence saith the Lord by his servant Moses thou shalt seek the Lord thy God thou shalt find him if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul When thou art in tribulation and all these things are come upon thee even in the latter days if thou turn unto the Lord thy God and shalt be obedient unto his voice For the neglect whereof see what a bitter complaint the Lord took up against Israel Amos 4.6 How he had given them cleanness of teeth and want of bread in all places and had sent among them the Pestilence after the manner of Egypt and had overthrown some of them as he overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and they were as a fire-brand pluckt out of the burning yet did they not return unto the Lord. But mark what follows Therefore thus will I do unto thee O Israel and because I will do this unto thee prepare to meet thy God O Israel And what did he threaten he would do unto them for their obstinacy and incorrigableness if they repented not The 2. verse declares it The Lord God hath sworn by his holiness that lo the days shall come upon you that he will take you away with hooks and your posterity with fish-hooks What 's the meaning of that understand
that is holy be sanctified in righteousness Isa 5.16 Thus much for the fourth soveraign Receipt The Fifth Spiritual Receipt 5ly The next Spiritual Receipt and especial preservative against this Pestilential sickness which I shall recommend unto thee is this Have thy dwelling now in the secret place of the most high Psal 91.1 or as it is further exprest in the 9. ver of the same Psalm Make the Lord thy refuge even the most high thy habitation In Pestilential and contagious times and when the sickness comes near to our own houses most men and womens thoughss are busied about their habitations and dwellings where they shall remove and have their beings so as they think they may be most safe and secure from the stroke of Gods Visitation and therefore they will chuse especially such as are more able and wealthy the best country where is the best aire and most healthful soil and the best company and food and such other accommodations as may probably conduce to the keeping of themselves in a sound and healthful constitution In some cases such provisions as these may be necessary expedient and lawful And therefore it is upon my heart now to direct thee where thou mayst take up a most secure and safe habitation and that is in God in the secret place of the most high under the shadow of the Almighty and let me tell thee whoever thou art that seekest security and protection elsewhere and takest not up thy dwelling in God thou wilt be frustrated in thy expectation Shouldst thou hid thy self in the top of Carmel Amos 9.3 Or take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea Psal 139.9 even there his hand will find thee out and the stroke of his indignation will light upon thee The only way then to secure thy self is not to be flying from but to be flying unto God to be living and dwelling in God God as he is a secret place so he is a secure place Every man would be there especially in times of danger where he may be most secret and secure But what may we understand by making God our habitation or by dwelling in the secret place of the most high The words are very comprehensive and of a large extent but I shall reduce them under some following heads after I have toucht a little by way of explanation or opening of them By the secret place of the most high we may understand Heaven the seat and throne of God which the Scripture holds forth under these three denominations or expressions To wit His high place his holy place his secret place His high place Psal 93.4 The Lord on high is mightier then the noise of many waters Psal 97.9 Thou Lord art high above all the earth above all people Psal 99.2 The Lord is high above all Nations and his glory above the heavens Who is like unto the Lord our God who dwelleth on high Psal 113.5 heaven is a high place So it is his Holy place in Psal 46.4 they are joyned both together The River the streams whereof make glad the City of God is said to be the holy place of the tabernacles of the most high So in Isa 57.15 Thus saith the high and lofty one that inhabiteth eternity whose name is holy And mark what follows I dwell in the high and holy place with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit c. In Psal 68.5 A Father of the fatherless and a Judge of the widows is God in his holy babitation that is in heaven his holy habitation or the habitation of his holiness and of his glory as it is termed Isa 63.15 So here it is called his Secret place the secret place of the most high and heaven may very fitly be called Gods secret place as well as his high and holy place because God and Christ and the things of heaven and eternity they are secret hidden and mysterious things Great is the mystery of godliness 1 Tim. 3.16 So in Col. 1.26 The Apostle calls it The mystery hid from ages and generations but now saith he is made manifest to his Saints and the Saints themselves they have hut an imperfect sight of God We see but his back part Exod. 33.23 but as through a glass darkly We know but in part but when that which is perfect is come then that which is imperfect shall be done away 1 Cor. 13.9 10 12. Hence it is that God is said To dwell in that light which no man can approach unto whom no man hath seen or can see 2 Tim. 6.17 2. Jesus Christ may be said to be Gods Secret place 1. In that he is said as before To be the mystery which was kept secret since the world began Rom. 16.25 2. In respect of that incomprehensible union that is betwixt the Father and the Son Joh. 17.21 3. Because the declaration or revelation of the Father is from Christ who is in the bosome of the Father Joh. 1.18 and that 's a Secret place And the Apostle speaks of a life that is hid with God in Christ Col. 3.3 4. In respect of Christs eternity with the Father The Lord possessing him in the beginning of his way before his works of old Then was Christ by him as one brought up with him Prov. 8.22 30. 5. Christ himself is said to be A hidding place from the wind and a covert from the tempest Isa 32.2 3. The Church which was figured by the Tabernacle may be said to be Gods Secret place his dwelling place God hath desired it for his habitation This saith he is my rest for ever here will I dwell for I have desired it Psal 132.13 14. To which purpose is that in Psal 27.5 where we read of the secret of his tabernacle In the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me which hath reference to the Sanctuary or Ark the place of Gods abode or visible presence so to be hid in his pavilion the Prophet declares the assurance he had being shrouded under Gods protectio n hide me or keep me safe as in the most holy place of thy Sanctuary Where none might enter but the High Preist and that alone once every year and not without blood neither which he offered for htmself and for the errors of the people Heb. 9.7 And this is called Gods secret or hidden place Ezek. 7.22 As his Saints are called his hidden ones Psal 83.3 So Psal 31.20 Thou shalt hide them in the secret of thy presence or thou hidest them in the hiding place of thy presence where thou always looks unto them in secret favour which the world knoweth not of So then to dwell in the secret place of the most high is to dwell in God in Heaven in Christ in his Church to have a conversation with God in the heavens As the Apostle expresseth it Phil. 3.20 For our conversation is in Heaven To have our affections on things above Col. 3.2 to live a
trusteth in the Lord and whose hope the Lord is For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters and that spreadeth out her roots by the river whose leaf shall be green and shall not cease from yeilding fruit Jerem. 17.7 8. Pro. 28.25 And as David Psal 40.4 Blessed is the man that maketh the Lord his trust and respecteth not the proud nor such as turn aside to lies 3. A mans House or Habitation is the place of his Secresie Where does the Husband and the Wife or a man and his freind unbosome themselves communicate their thoughts and the very secrets of their hearts each to other but usually and for the most part in their Houses in their private Chambers and Closets So it is with the Man or Woman that makes God their habitation They 'l go to God and in their Closet and close retirements with the Lord how will they unbosome themselves and lay open their very hearts and most secrets thoughts and spread them before the Lord. So did Hanna in the bitterness of her soul she prayed and wept sore and in her secret retirements she poured out her soul before the Lord 1 Sam. 1.10 15. meaning the trouble and anguish of her heart So David when his spirit was overwhelmed within him then he cried unto the Lord and poured out his complaint before him and shewed him all his trouble Psal 142.1 2 3. So Jeremiah 20.10 11 12. when he lay under evil reports and defamation and his familiars watched for his halting what course does he take He goes to God and opens his cause unto him or discovers his cause unto him as to an Advocate or Patron O Lord of Hosts saith he that triest the righteous and seest the reins and the heart let me see thy vengeance on them for unto thee have I opened my Cause So is it said of Hezekiah when he had received the Letter of railing Rabshekah and read it he goes up into the House of the Lord and spreads it before the Lord in this manner O Lord God of Israel which dwellest between the Cherubims thou art the God even thou alone of all the kingdoms of the earth thou hast made heaven and earth Lord bow down thine ear and hear open Lord thine eyes and see and hear the words of Sennacharib which hath sent him to reproach the living God This hath been the manner of the Servants of the Lord who have made God their habitation they go to God in secret and pour out their souls before him O saith Job that I knew where I might find him that I might come even to his seat I would order my cause before him and fill my mouth with arguments Job 23.3 4. Holy Job even now a Proverb or a Prodigy rather perceiving his freinds discourses were fuller of reproaches then consolations neglects to answer them and resolves to get him to God the onely support and refuge of the miserable The soarest strokes cannot drive away gracious souls from God but rather draw them nearer unto him they seldome or never think themselves near enough unto God its Sun and Sheild and Center O that I knew where to find him that I might come even to his Seat And Gods Judgment-seat where he sits to hear and determine Causes is not terrible or unapproachable to a Beleiver who knows it to be a Throne of Mercy as Job did here And happy are all that can say so For we must all appear defore the Judgment-seat of Christ 2 Cor. 5.10 11. and it will be terrible to all those that do not often resort thither before hand And it is good to have our hearts and mouths fill'd with Arguments when we come to plead and expostulate and reason out our great concernments with our God who hath all good things lying ready by him and waits only for Prayer to come and fetch them away Not that God stands in need of our informing him concerning our necessities which he knows better then we but because hereby we give some proof that we are not altogether strangers at home as many careless ones are but know something of our selves and our own cases and of him and his dealings towards us If our mouths then be fill'd with arguments we may be sure of an Answer God will not sit still and say nothing he will not sit like an Image like a dumb Idol as the Abominations of the Heathens their Dii Stercorei their Dunghil Gods as they are called Deut. 29.17 must of necessity do they can do no otherwise though men fill their mouths with Arguments and empty their veins of their blood before them 1 King 18.28 Go boldly then to the Throne of grace plead with God and fill your mouthes with arguments spread thy complaints before him and open thy cause unto him for when ever you do so beyond all peradventure God will answer There 's no fear that he will interpret this sawciness and presumption in thee and so answer thee with his fists about thine ears or with his foot to kick thee out of his presence there is no fear that he will smother thee under the waight of his greatness or dazle thee with his beams or burn thee with his flames or drive thee from the judgement seat as Gallio did the Jews Act. 18.16 No he never beats his people lower then their knees and thence suffers them yea helps them to rise again nay he will lay his hand upon thy head yea under thy feet to do thee good he will stroke rather then strike a pleading soul He will strengthen thee and put mettle into thee He will not plead against thee with his great and absolute power So he dealt with Daniel a man that had great intimate acquaintance with God Chap. 10.19 How was he strengthened when the Angel touched him The Righteous may plead and dispute with him even at the bar of Equity and Justice and the Judge cannot but pronounce and pass sentence in their favour Thus righteous Jeremiah pleaded with him Righteous art thou O Lord when I plead with thee Jer. 12.1 And he invites his people to come and plead freely Isa 43.26 Put me in remembrance saith the Lord let us plead together declare that thou mayst be justified if thou haste any thing to say for thy self say on Yea Idolaters shall have this permission to plead for themselves and their dumb Idols if they have any thing to say for them Isa 41.21 Produce your cause saith the Lord bring forth your strong reasons saith the King of Jacob Shall Idolaters have this liberty and not the true Worshippers that worship him in Spirit and in truth The wicked shall they have it and not the righteous Yes doubtless this is that boldness of speech 2 Cor. 7.4 mentioned as the great priviledge of the Saints especially now under the new Testament Heb. 4.16 Accedamus cum loquendi ubertate ad thronum gratiae Letus come boldly unto the throne of grace Heb. 10.19 Having
THE Best of Remedies FOR THE VVorst of Maladies OR Spiritual Receipts and Antidotes for the Preservation of a Plague-sick Sinfull Soul Wherein is shown Sin is the Cause and Repentance the Cure of the Pestilence Seasonably Published by a Lover of Peace and Truth and one that desireth that all would though the Lords hand seems to be withdrawn as to the late universally raging Pestilential Disease forsake those Provoking Sins which call for Vengeance and Judgements on the Sons of Men. R. A. LONDON Printed Anno 1667. THE CAUSES CURE OF THE Pestilence THe first Sin which I shall insist upon so highly provoking unto the Lord to send the destroying Pestilence among a people is the sin of Oppression When the Supream Powers and Authorities of a Nation do exercise a Usurpation or Oppession over the Bodies and Consciences of the people of God This was the sin of Pharoah who tyrannized not onely over the Bodies but over the Consciences also of the Children of Israel He sets Task-masters over them to afflict them with their burdens And the Egyptians made the Children of Israel to serve with rigour and made their lives bitter with hard bondage in Morter and in Brick and in all manner of service in the field all their service wherein they made them serve was with rigour By reason of which bondage the Children of Israel sighed and cryed and their cry came up unto God Exod. 1.11 13 14. comp with Chap. 2.23 So Chap. 3.7 The Lord said I have surely seen the afflictien of my people which are it Egypt and have heard their cry by reason of their Task-masters for I know their sorrows And in the 9th Verse Behold the cry of the Children of Israel is come up unto me and I have also seen the Oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them This was an oppression that Pharoah and his cruel Task-masters did exercise over their bodies The oppression that he exercised over their souls and consciences did evidently appear in this The Lord he called and commissionated Moses to go unto Pharoah and he with the Elders of Israel were to say unto him The Lord God of the Hebrews hath met with us and now let us go we beseech thee three days journey into the Wilderness that we may sacrifice unto the Lord our God Exod. 3.18 This they often prest upon him And the reason wherefore they so much urged it is very observable in the 3d. Vers of the 5th Chap. Let us go we pray thee three days journey into the Desart and sacrifice unto the Lord our God lest he fall upon us with Pestilence or with the Sword That is Lest he slay us and destroy us with Pestilence and with the Sword as in Judges 8.21 Pharoah he hardens his heart and is disobedient unto the word of the Lord. And Pharoah said who is the Lord that I should obey his voice to let Israel go I know not the Lord neither will I let Israel go They be idle saith he therefore they cry saying Let us go and Sacrifice unto our God Exod. 5.2 8 17. But the Judgments of God pursuing him at the very heels and the greivous swarm of Flies coming into his house and into his servants houses and into all the Land of Egypt so that the Land was corrupted by reason of the swarm of Flies then he calls for Moses and Aaron that they might go and Sacrifice to God but where in the Land that is in his own Land the Land of Egypt But what said Moses It is not meet so to do for we shall sacrifice the abominations of the Egyptians to the Lord our God Lo shall we Sacrifice the abominations of the Egyptians before their eyes and will they not stone us We will go three days journey into the Wilderness and Sacrifice unto the Lord our God as he shall command us It is not meet or it is not right so to do as being not so appointed of God who called into the Wilderness to Sacrifice Exod. 3.18 Shall we Sacrifice the abominations of the Egyptians That is The Beasts which the Egyptians do worship and do abhor to kill or to see killed for Sacrifice And the Sentence twice repeated may imply two senses 1. Shall we Sacrifice to our God such things as the Egyptians Sacrifice that would be an abomination to the Lord Or 2. Shall we Sacrifice such things as God requireth that would be an abomination to the Egyptians The Scripture often calling the Gods and Services of the Heathens Abominations As Deut. 7.25 and 12.30 31. 2 King 23.13 Ezra 9.1 Isa 44.19 Now the principal Sacrifices of the Hebrews were Oxen and Sheep Gen. 15.9 And all Shepherds or Sheep-keepers were an abomination to the Egyptians Gen. 46.34 For the Egyptians abstained from Sheep and Sacrificed Goats By all which it is very evident that Pharoah denying the Israelites to Worship as God had appointed them did oppress them not only in their bodies but in their Consciences likewise which drew down the dreadful Judgments of God upon him and his Land among which this of the destroying Pestilence For proof whereof see Exod. 3.19 20. I am sure saith the Lord that the King of Egypt will not let you go no not by a mighty hand And what follows I will stretch out my hand and smite Egypt with all my wonders c. So Exod 9.13 14 15. Thus saith the Lord God of the Hebrews Let my people go that they may serve me for I will at this time send all my plagues upon thy heart c. and especially in the 15. Vers For now will I stretch out my hand that I may smite thee and thy people with Pestilence and thou shalt be cut off from the Earth And in the 12. Chap. and 29. Vers See what a dreadful slaughter the Lord made accordingly in the Land of Egypt And it came to pass that at Mid-night the Lord smote all the first-born in the Land of Egypt from the first-born of Pharoah that sat on his Throne unto the first-born of the Captive that was in the Dungeon and all the first-born of Cattel and there was a great cry in Egypt for there was not a House where there was not one dead See further the severity of God in punishing this sin of Oppression Jer. 34.17 Therefore thus saith the Lord ye have not hearkened unto me in proclaiming liberty every one to his brother and every man to his neighbour Behold I proclaim a liberty for you saith the Lord to the Sword to the Pestilence and to the Famine and I will make you to be removed into all the Kingdoms of the earth So highly displeasing it is unto the Lord for a people to be oppressed either in their civil or spiritual liberties and enjoyments according to that in Psa 12.5 For the oppression of the poor for the sighing of the needy now will I arise saith the Lord I will set him at safety from him that puffeth at him And
Your mother shall be sore confounded she that bare you shall be ashamed behold the hindermost of the Nations shall be a wilderness a dry land and a desert because of the wrath of the Lord it shall not be inhabited but it shall be wholly desolate every one that goeth by Babylon shall be astonished and hiss at all her plagues So in Jer. 51.34 35. The Church complains there that Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon had devoured her and crushed her and made her an empty vessel and had swallowed her up like a Dragon and filled his belly with her delicates and cast her out What then is the Churches dreadful imprecation hereupon but that which was mentioned before The violence done to me and to my flesh be upon Babylon shall the inhabitants of Sion say and my blood upon the inhabitants of Chaldea shall Jerusalem say Therefore thus saith the Lord Behold I will plead thy cause and take vengeance for thee c. And Babylon shall become heaps a dwelling place for Dragons an astonishment a hissing without an inhabitant And in the 33. Verse The Daughter of Babylon is like a threshing floor it is time to thresh her yet a little while and the time of her harvest shall come So Rev. 18.4 God calls his people there to come out of Babylon and wherefore that ye be not partakers of her sins saith the voice from Heaven and that ye receive not of her Plagues So in the 8th Verse Therefore shall her Plagues come in one day death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burnt with Fire for strong is the Lord who judgeth her And what was Babylons great sin They have shed the blood of Saints and Prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink for they are worthy said the Angel of the waters Rev. 16.6 So Rev. 17.6 And I saw said John in a Vision the woman drunken with the blood of the Saints and with the blood of the Martyrs of Jesus And in her was found the blood of Prophets and of Saints and of all that were slain upon the earth Rev. 18.24 And what follows Allelujah salvation and glory and honour and power unto the Lord our God for true and righteous are his judgments for he hath judged the great Whore which did corrupt the earth with her fornication and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand And again they said Allelujah and her smoke rose up for ever For the speedy execution of which righteous judgements of God upon this insatiable and blood-thirsty Whore it is that the souls under the Altar that have been slain for the Word of God and for the Testimony which they held are said to cry with a loud voice saying How long Lord holy and true dost not thou judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the Earth To which answer is made That they should rest yet for a little season until their Fellow-Servants also and their brethren that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled Rev. 6.9 10 11. That is slain by Antichrist and his Ministers who having Apostatized from the faith should arise in the Church of Christ soon after this and by their spiritual pride and tyranny oppress the Church and persecute and kill the Lords faithful Witnesses in like manner as the Gentiles the Jews and other false Christians had formerly done Rev. 11.7 and 12.15 17. Yet this is very observable as that which may minister matter of strong consolation to the Saints suffering under Antichrists bloody persecutions that there is the determinate time of Gods appointed Judgments and that however for a while the Lord defers his punishments yet he certainly hears the Prayers of his faithful servants and at last will be fully avenged on their Adversaries And though Antichrists rage and tyranny is very great yet it is limited according to the purpose and decree of God who hath determined the number of Martyrs which number being once accomplished not one drop of blood shall be more spilt by that man of sin that Son of perdition who Satan like worketh with all his power compelling men by Fines confiscation of Goods Imprisonments Banishments and the like to submit unto his ways and laws 2 Thes 2.3 9. and that under fair and glorious pretences too for the suppressing of Errors and Heresies for the beating down of sin for the working of men to conformity and uniformity and the bringing of them into obedience unto the Church which to do if the Ecclesiastical power is not sufficient the Magisterial power must be made use of But it is very evident that the Antichristian religion consisting for the most part in Will-worship and in humane traditions and inventions could never have subsisted to this day had it not been supported by an Arm of flesh when as our Lord Jesus with his Apostles and Disciples never sought to the Civil Magistrate or Powers of the World upon that accompt nor is the Kingdom of Christ to be erected and established in this way of humane force and power The weapons of our warfare saith the Apostle are not carnal 2 Cor. 10.4 It is the powers of the world that shall destroy the holy people Dan. 8.24 It is the Little Horn the Romish Antichrist that shall make War with the Saints and prevail against them until the Ancient of days come and that judgment be given to the Saints of the most high and that the time come that the Saints shall possess the Kingdom Dan. 7.21.22 It is he that shall speak great words against the most high and shall wear out the Saints of the most high c. Vntil the Judgment shall sit and then they shall take away his dominion to consume and to destroy it unto the end Dan. 7.25 26. And in one day shall Babylons Plagues come death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burnt with fire for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her Rev. 18.8 The severity of the Lord against this sin of bloodshed and cruelty that is exercised on the Saints of God is further set forth in that of the Prophet Amos Chap. 1. Vers 11. Thus saith the Lord for three transgressions of Edom and for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof and why Because he did pursue his Brother with the Sword and did cast off all pity and his anger did tear perpetually and kept his wrath for ever For this also hath the Lord a controversie with the Land because by killing and stealing c. they break out and blood toucheth blood Therefore shall the land mourn and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish Hosea 4.1 2 3. So in the Psal 94.5 6. They break in pieces thy people O Lord and afflict thine heritage they slay the widow and the stranger and murder the fatherless yet they say the Lord shall not see And what then O Lord God to whom vengeance belongeth shew thy self Lift up thy self thou Judge of
Lord to anger and did cast the Lord behind his back See 1 King 14.9 comp with Chap. 15.29 and 30. c. Add to this that in the 44. of Jeremiah the 7. and 8. Vers Thus saith the Lord the God of Hosts the God of Israel Wherefore commit ye this great evil against your souls to cut off from you man and woman child and suckling out of Judah to leave you none to remain In that ye provoke me unto wrath with the works of your hands burning incense unto other gods c. that ye might cut your selves off and that ye might be a curse and reproach among all the Nations of the earth So highly provoking is this sin of Idolatry unto God as you many see further Exod. 20.4 5. Deut. 6.14 15. and 32.21 which I say that we may not be mistaken concerning it doth consist not only in the worshiping of Idols and false gods but of the true God in a false manner It may be thou wilt not be so gross to fall down and give divine Adoration to an Image yet if thou dost worship God before and by an Image thou art an Idolater The Image which the Jews made of the true God is condemned of God himself Exod. 32.8 and they that made it were punished as Idolaters 1 Cor. 10.5 7. It 〈…〉 a dotage in Popery to distinguish between Idol and Image and to make the Picture of a false god onely to be an Idol not considering that the making of an Image or the likeness of God or of any Creature in Heaven or Earth for a religions end to give it divine adoration and worship or to worship God by it is Idolatry forbidden by the Scriptures even by the Lord himself Deut. 5.8 9. Thou shalt not make thee any graven Image or any likeness of any thing c. Thou shalt not bow down thy self unto them nor serve them 2ly Idolatry may be said to be all humane inventions and traditions of men thrust into the divine worship and service of God Deut. 12.32 Whatsoever I command you saith the Lord that observe and do thou shalt not add thereto c. So said our blessed Saviour In vain they do worship me teaching for Doctrines the Commandments of men And you transgress or reject frustrate and make void the commandments of God by your traditions Matth. 15.3 9. Mark 7.9 Therefore all traditions and superstitions contrary to the Word of God are to be avoided and abhorred by all who will be found worshipping of God in spirit and in truth according to his own institution and prescription 3ly The setting the heart inordinately upon any creature by fearing loving and trusting in it more then in God and above God is Idolatry in Gods account Phil. 3.19 The Apostle complains of some whose God was there belly and the Prophet Ezekiel speaks of setting up of Idols in the heart Ezek. 14.2 4. 4ly The Immoderate love unto and the distrustful care for the things of this life falls under this denomination of Idolatry Hence it is that the Apostle saith That no unclean person or covetous man who is an Idolater hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God Eph. 5.5 the one makes his lust the other his mony his God And the Apostle in Col. 3.5 among other the sins and lusts of the flesh calls Covetousness Idolatry For which things sake saith he the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience All these kinds of Idolatries by the Apostle Peter are exprest I conceive under the name and title of abominable Idolatries 1 Pet. 4.3 Hence it is I suppose that John in the conclusion of his Epistle hath this exhortation to the beleivers of his time Little children keep your selves from Idols Now all Idols being vanities and the work of errors which in the time of their visitation shall perish Jer 10.15 Then it must needs follow That they that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy Jon. 2.8 And this is the fourth Pestilential sin so highly provoking the Lord 5. The fifth pestilential destroying sin is the sin of Covetousness consisting in a greedy inordinate desire after gain unto which evill whosoever is subject is the servant and slave of all other sins So insatiable and unsatisfied he is that like the man that hath the Dropsie the more he drinketh the more he thirsteth This sin of Covetousness is called Idolatry Col. 3.5 and Ephes 5.5 Because the covetous person not only prefers his treasure before God but doth place the happiness and felicity of his life in his substance like the fool in the Gospel Luk. 12.15 16. And what sin is there that is more provoking unto the Lord or that pulls down more the wrath of God upon a Nation or Kingdom as I instanced before then the sin of Idolatry For which things sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience Col. 3.6 So abhorring a sin it is unto the Lord Psal 10.3 The wicked blesseth the Covetous whom the Lord abhorreth And therefore I finde it rankt with those other aforementioned so highly provoking sins of Bloodshed Oppression and Persecution Jer. 22.17 But thine eyes and thine heart are not but for thy covetousness and for to shed innocent blood and for oppression and for violence to do it And what before Wo unto him that buildeth his house by unrighteousness and his chambers by wrong Shalt thou reign because thou closest thy self in cedar Did not thy father eat and drink and do judgement and justice and then it was well with him c. Jer. 22.13 15. The like woe or denunciation of judgement against this vile provoking sin you have in Isa 5.8 9. Woe unto them that joyn house to house that lay field to field till there be no place that is for the poor to dwell that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth And mark what follows In mine ears said the Lord of Hosts of a truth many houses shall be desolate even great and fair without inhabitants O that our great Builders and Inclosers of our times would seriously lay this Scripture to heart How many houses now hath God made desolate in City and Suburbs how many great and fair dwellings now stand empty without an inhabitant You have the like woe denounced in Micha 2.1 2 3. Wo to them that devise iniquity and work evil upon their beds c. and they covet fields and take them by violence and houses and take them away so they oppress a man and his house even a man and his heritage And what follows hereupon Therefore thus saith the Lord Behold against this Family do I devise an evil from which ye shall not remove your necks neither shall ye go haughtily for this time is evil Mark I pray you it s said they covet fields and houses and take them by violence If they do but fancy or get a mind to such and such a piece of Land to such a House or
sold for money According to what the Prophet Isaiah complained in his time Isa 1.23 Thy Princes are rebellious and companions of Thieves every one loveth gifts and followeth after rewards they Judge not the Fatherless neither doth the cause of the Widow come unto them Or as he proceeds further in Ezek. 22.26 27. Her Priests have violated my law and have prophaned my holy things they have put no difference between the holy and prophane nor between the unclean and the clean Her Princes in the midst thereof are like roaring wolves ravening the prey to shed blood and to destroy souls and to get dishonest gain And yet says the Prophet Micah They did lean upon the Lord. How lean upon the Lord not with a holy trust and confidence which is ever accompanied with godliness but in hypocrisie out of an impudent arrogancy and a vain bold and carnal presumption as if God was engaged to protect them let them live and do what they pleased Like those that the Prophet Isay speaks of That swore by the name of the Lord and made mention of the God of Israel but not in truth nor in righteousness And yet they called themselves of the holy City and staied themselves upon the God of Israel Isa 48.1 2. Or like unto them in the Prophet Jeremies time that cried The Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lord and yet in the mean time they oppressed the stranger the fatherless and the widow and shed innocent blood and did steal and murder and commit adultery and swore falsely Jer. 7.4 6 9. But how intollerable this was with God the sequel makes it evident Therefore shall Sion for your sakes be ploughed as a field and Jerusalem shall become heaps that is shall be utterly destroyed and laid waste So little care and regard had God of Sion and Jerusalem and of his holy Temple it self being thus polluted and defiled And therefore saith the Lord in Ezekiel 3 2. ult have I poured out mine indignation upon them I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath Their own way have I recompensed upon their heads saith the Lord. So again for this doth the Lord threaten That their houses shall be turned unto others with their fields and wives together And he will stretch out his hand upon the inhabitants of the land For saith he from the least of them even unto the greatest of them every one is given to Covetousness and from the Prophet even unto the Priest every one dealeth falsly Jer. 6.12 13. Which avaricious or covetous disposition was so predominant in them in the Prophet Isaiah's time Isa 56.10 11. That he termed the Watchmen then which were the Priest and Rulers of the people as Jer. 8.10 and Eze● 〈…〉 not only blind and ignorant and dumb do●● that could not bark c. but greedy dogs also th t could never have enough Like dogs strong in desire in lust in appetite greedy and unsatiable that could not be satisfied with money or large revenues And what follows in the next chapter v. 17. For the iniquity of his covetousness was I wroth said the Lord and smote him and whether this might not be a smiting with the pestilence Deut. 28.22 27. comp with Ezek. 33.27 and 31. verses I shall leave it to the wise to judge How did he smite Gehazi with the Plague of Leprosie for this thing 2 King 5.27 so highly provoking a sin is this sin of Covetousness unto the Lord. And oh that this were wisely considered and applied by the men of this Generation yea by the carnal and earthly minded Professions of our times For sure it is That the love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows 1 Tim. 6.10 6. The sixth Pestilential destroying sin is the sin of Cursing and Swearing and False-swearing This was the sin of Shemei that cursed David mentioned in the 2 Sam. 16.5 And see how the Lord did return his wickedness upon his own head being slain by the Command of King Solomon 1 King 2.44 46. This the Psalmist lays down as the certain Character of a wicked man that his mouth is full of Cursing and deceite And what imprecations does he use in his Prayer against him Break thou the Armes of the wicked and the evil man Seek out his wickedness till thou find none Psal 10.7 15. Rom. 3● 14. So in the 109. Psal Let Satan stand at his righthand and when he shall be judged let him be condemned and let his prayer become sin let his days be few his Children Fatherless his Wife a Widow his Children Vagabonds and beg their bread Let their be none to extend mercy unto him let his Posterity be cut off and in the generation following let their name be blotted out let the iniquity of his Fathers be remembred with the Lord and let not the sin of his Mother be blotted out and let the Lord cut off the memory of them from the earth And mark what follows As he loved cursing so let it come unto him as he delighted not in blessing so let it be far from him As he cloathed himself with cursing like as with a Garment so let it come into his bowels like water and like oyle into his bones Let it be unto him as the garment which covereth him and for a girdle wherewith he is girded continually It is true the Apostle Peter doth apply something of this to Judas who betrayed our Lord Christ Act. 1.20 But it cannot exclude all other the cursed enemies of Christ who love cursing and cloath themselves with it as with a garment So Jer. 23.9 10. Mine heart within me saith he is broken because of the Prophete all my bones shake c. because of the Lord and because of the words of his holiness For the Land is full of Adulterers for because of Swearing the Land mourneth To this agreeth that of the Prophet Hosea Chapter 4.1 2 3. verses Where it is said That the Lord hath a Controversie with the Inhabitants of the Land because there is no truth nor mercy nor knowledge of God in the Land By swearing and lying c. they break out and blood toucheth blood Therefore shall the Land mourn and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish The dreadfulness of this sin is further set forth by Zacharies flying roll Zach. 5.3 4. This is the Curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth for every one that stealeth shall be cut off and every one that sweareth shall be cut off c. I will bring it forth saith the Lord of Hosts and it shall enter into the house of the Theif and into the house of him that sweareth falsely by my name and it shall remain in the midst of his house and shall consume it with the Timber thereof and the Stones thereof And in the 3. of Malachy and the 5. I will
Christ but are now again intangled therein and overcome turning with the Dog to his own vomit again and with the Sow that was washed to the wallowing in the mire Let such know That their latter end will be worse with them then the beginning 2 Pet. 2.20 21 22. 12. The twelfth Pestilential and highly provoking Sin is the sin of Rebellion and Obstinate Disobedience against God and his Commandments Levit. 26.23 24 25. And if ye will not be reformed by these things saith the Lord but will walk contrary unto me then will I also walk contrary unto you and will punish you yet seven times for your sins And I will bring a sword upon you that shall avenge the quarrel of my Covenant and when ye are gathered together within your Cities I will send the Pestilence among you and ye shall be delivered into the hand of the enemy So Deut. 28.15 16 20 21. If thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God to observe to do all his Commandments and his Statutes c. These curses shall come upon thee and overtake thee Cursed shalt thou be in the City and cursed shalt thou be in the field c. The Lord shall send upon thee cursing vexation and rebuke in all that thou settest thy hand for to do until thou be destroyed and until thou perish quickly And wherefore Because of the wickedness of thy doings whereby thou hast forsaken me The Lord shall make the Pestilence cleave unto thee until he hath consumed thee and the Lord shall smite thee with a Consumption and with a Feaver and with an Inflammation and with an extream Burning and with the Sword and with Blasting and with Mildew and they shall pursue thee until thou perish So in the 58 and 59. vers If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this Law that are written in this Book that thou mayst fear this glorious and fearful name The Lord thy God Then the Lord will make thy Plagues wonderful and the Plagues of thy seed even great plagues and of long continuance and sore sicknesses and of long continuance So Deut. 29.22 23 24 25. The Generations to come when they shall see the Plagues of the Land and the sicknesses which the Lord hath laid upon it and that the whole Land is Brimstone and Salt and Burning c. like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah c. with the Lord overthrew in his anger and in his wrath Even all Nations shall say Wherefore hath the Lord done this What meaneth the heat of this great anger Then men shall say Because they have forsaken the Covenant of the Lord God of their Fathers c. To this agrees that of the Prophet Jerom. 29.17 18 19. Thus saith the Lord of hosts Behold I will send upon them the Sword the Famine and the Pestilence and will make them like vile figgs that cannot be eaten they are so vile And I will persecute them with the Sword with the Famine and with the Pestilence and will deliver them to be removed to all the Kingdomes of the Earth to be a Curse and an Astonishment and a Hissing and a Reproach among all the Nations whither I have driven them And wherefore will the Lord be so severe against them Because they have not hearkened to my words saith the Lord which I sent unto them by my servants the Prophets rising up early and sending them but ye would not hear saith the Lord. So Ezek. 6.11 Alas for all the evil abominations of the house of Israel for they shall fall by the Sword by the Famine and by the Pestilence He that is far off shall die of the Pestilence and he that is near shall fall by the Sword and he that remaineth and is besieged shall dye by the Famine Thus will I accomplish saith the Lord my fury upon them Ezek. 7 11. The Sword is without and the Pestilence and the Famine within he that is in the Field shall dye with the Sword and he that is in the City Famine and Pestilence shall devour him And why Violence is risen up into a rod of wickedness v. 11. The rod hath blossomed pride hath budded So Ezek. 14.19 21. If I send a Pestilence into that Land and pour out my fury upon it in bloud to cut from it Man and Beast though Noah Daniel and Job were in it As I live saith the Lord they shall deliver neither Son nor Daughter they shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness For thus saith the Lord God How much more when I sent my four sore Judgements upon Jerusalem the Sword and the Famine and the noysome Beast and the Pestilence to cut off from it Man and Beast And when will the Lord execute this great severity and be so inexorable the 13. vers declares it When the land sinneth against me saith the Lord by trespassing grievously I shall conclude with that in the Prophet Amos Chap. 2. ver 4 5. Thus saith the Lord For three transgressions of Judah and for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof Because they have despised the law of the Lord and have not kept his Commandements c. And what follows I will send a fire upon Judah and it shall devour the Palaces of Jerusalem So Amos 4.10 c. I have sent among you the Pestilence after the manner of Egypt your young men have I slain with the Sword and have taken away your horses and I have made the stinck of your Camps to come up into your Nostrils yet have ye not returned unto me saith the Lord. So incorrigible hard-hearted and un-reformed were they under all the sore Judgements that the Lord had inflicted upon them Yet before he will make an utter destruction he invites them once again to repentance Therefore thus will I do unto thee O Israel and because I will do this unto thee prepare to meet thy God O Israel Thus you see what a high provoking sin it is to rebel against God and his Commandments As Samuel said to Saul when he disobeyed the Word of the Lord. Rebellion is as the sin of Witchcraft and Stubornness is as Iniquity and Idolatry 1 Sam. 15.23 And if God was so severe to punish the transgressions of the law with what severity will Christ proceed against the willful contemners and disobeyers of his Gospel according to that of the 2d of the Heb. 2 and 3. vers If every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward that is of punishments inflicted on them How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation that is the Gospel which is called a Ministry of the spirit and of life whereas the law is a killing letter or the ministration of death and condemnation 2 Cor. 3.6 7 9. And the wrath of God cometh upon the children of Gospel disobedience Ephes 5.6 13. The thirteenth pestilential and highly provoking sin is the sin of Insurrection and rising up against
the Lords lawful Governours and Government whether Civil or Ecclestastical in Church or Commonwealth This was the sin of Corah Dathan and Abyram and their copartners mentioned in Num. 16. God had chosen Moses and Aaron to be the cheif Leaders and Governors of his people and placed the Government in their hands both as to the Civil and Religious administration thereof Korah and his companions gather themselves together against them and told them they took too much upon them seeing all the Congregation was holy every one of them and that the Lord was among them wherefore then should they lift up themselves above the Congregation of the Lord But see how highly incensing and provoking was this unto the Lord Separate your selves saith he to Moses and Aaron from among the congregation that I may consume them in a moment and now the Lord he will shew who are his and who are holy and a strange work will he do these men must not dye the common death of all men nor be visited after the visitation of all men but a new thing will the Lord make The earth must open her mouth and swallow them up with all that appertain unto them and they must go down quick into the pit and so they did and the earth closed upon them and they perished from among the Congregation Nor did the punishment of this Insurrection end here but the Lord causes a grievous Plague to break in upon the Congregation And Moses said to Aaron in the 46. verse Take a censer and put fire therein from off the Altar and put on Incense and go quickly unto the Congregation and make an attonement for them and why all this haste For there is wrath gone out from the Lord the Plague is begun And Aaron did so and stood between the dead and the living and the plague was staied Now they that died in the plague were fourteen thousand and seven hundred besides them that died in the matter of Corah So highly displeasing is it unto the Lord for persons to oppose his lawful Authority and Government which he hath put into the hands of his faithful Ministers and Servants Under which consideration undoubtedly must those Scriptures be comprehended that enjoyn subjection and obedience whether to the Lords Civil or Ecclesiastical Rulers and Governors Rom. 13.1 Tit. 3.1 1 Pet. 2.13 14 15. 1 Thess 5.12 13. Heb. 13.7 17. O that this were seriously and timously considered and laid to heart by all such who flye in the face of Christ and carry themselves contemptuously against his lawful Governours and Government which he hath set in his Churches I mean the Churches of Christ making unjustifiable and dishonorable rents schisms and divisions in the body whereof they are members which should be as the seamless coat of Christ woven from top throughout Joh. 19.23 Of such who despise the Lords Government or Dominion I may say without wronging or injuring of them as Peter of some scandalous backsliding Professors in his time who were spots and blemishes in their feasts of Charity Presumptuous are they and self-willed they are not afraid to speak evil of Dignities 2 Pet. 2.10 13. And while they promise themselves liberty they themselves are the servants of corruption vers 19. They despise Dominion The word it seems signifieth a removing of a thing from its place with some scorn and indignation They would remove the Lords Governors or Rulers over them with scorn and indignation And whereas they are said to despise dominion that is more then to despise their Rulers for they despise not only the Lords Governors but the Government it self And to speak evil of Dignities or to reproach Dignities is in the Original it see us to blaspheme Glories to speak reproachfully of Dominions which are placed in glory amongst men or which are set over them by the Lord in eminency power honour and authority Hence it is that lawful Magistrates ruling in the fear of the Lord are said to be Gods Psal 82.6 And the Lords Ministers and Messengers of Churches are said to be the Glory of Christ 2 Cor. 8.23 And as stars in his right hand are the Angels of the seven Churches Rev. 1.20 All holding forth that Glory and Dignity which the Lord hath conferred upon them And for any persons to rise up as Korah and his complices did against Moses and Aaron though it be in a presumption of their own holiness Numb 16.3 Such are like to perish in the gainsaying of Core as Jude expresseth vers 11. of his Epistle It being very observable how the Psalmist does express this act of Korah's Insurrection or rising up against Moses and Aaron to be no less then an envying of them They envied Moses also in the camp and Aaron the Saint of the Lord. The earth opened and swallowed up Dathan and covered the company of Abiram And a fire was kindled in their company the flame burnt up the wicked Psa 106.16 17 18. That example also of Miriam and Aarons speaking against Moses is not to pass without its due observation neither Numb 12.1 7 8 9 10. The Lord giving that testimony of Moses his servant that he was faithful in all his house Wherefore then saith he were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses And the anger of the Lord was kindled against them and Miriam became leprous as white as snow Let such therefore who are guilty in this matter consider how provoking a sin this is unto the Lord and whether they may not have a hand in pulling down this sore visitation among us 14. A Fourteenth Pestilential and highly provoking sin is the sin of Prophanation of Gods holy things and an Over-curious presumptuous speculation and prying unwarrantably into the Secrets of God This was the sin of the men of Ashdod for which the hand of the Lord was so heavy upon them visiting them with greivous plagues when they took the Ark and brought it into the house of Dagon the Temple of their Idol-god and set it by Dagon so sore was the hand of God on them that he smote them with Emrods and destroyed them and such a deadly destruction there was throughout all the City insomuch that the cry of the City went up to heaven 1 Sam. 5. The Ark was a Chest or Coffer which was made of Shittim or Cedar wood overlaid round about with gold whose cover called the Mercy-seat was also of pure gold on which was two glorious Cherubs of gold from whence God gave his oracle Numb 7.89 These Cherubims were placed at the the two ends of the Mercy-seat and they spread out their wings on high which covered over the Mercy-seat with their face one to another Exod. 37.1 2 6 7 8 9. In this were the two Tables of the Law or Testimony put written with the finger of God Exod. 25.16 21. Deut. 10.3 4 10. Between the Cherubims God was said to sit Psal 80.2 There will I meet with thee saith the Lord and
himself Before the day pass as the chaff that is very swiftly suddenly like chaff the day is passing away therefore whiles ye have time yet before the day that runs and wears away so fast does bring forth the Decree produce and make appear what God hath decreed against you O Nation undesirable search your selves yea search your selves very narrowly whiles the heat of the Lords wrath doth not yet come upon you whiles the day of the Lords wrath doth not yet take hold of you This is further inculcated and prest by the Lord in the Prophesie of the Prophet Haggai chap. 1.5 7. Is it a time for you O ye to dwell in your ceiled houses that is in your stately and sumptuous houses for pleasure and delight and this house lye waste or desolate meaning the Lords house Now therefore thus saith the Lord of of Hosts Consider your ways Or which is more agreeable to the Original Set your heart upon your ways Observe and consider well how it fares with you by reason of your sins Had they considered or set their hearts aright upon their ways this might have prevented the execution of Gods judgements mentioned the 9 10 and 11 verses thereof For want of this the Lord by the Prophet Isaiah ch 1. takes up a bitter lamentation and complaint Hear O Heavens and give ear O Earth for the Lord hath spoken I have nourished and brought up children and they have rebelled against me The Ox knoweth his ower and the Ass his masters scrib but Israel doth not know my people saith he doth not consider They were more brutish and void of understanding then the beasts or brute creatures For want of this consideration it was that every one turned to his course of sin as the horse rusheth into the battel breaking and running through like a water flood as the word is properly used And why Because no man said What have I done And the Lord complaineth further That the Stork in the Heaven knew her appointed times and the Turtle and the Crane and the Swallow did observe the time of their coming but his people knew not the judgement of the Lord Jer. 8.6 7. This is that consideration which we ought to have of our selves But what strangers are most men and women to their own hearts who enters into such a serious thought as to say What have I done Seneca reporteth of Sexius how every night before he slept he asked his own heart What evil this day hast thou amended what vice hast thou resisted in what part art thou bettered Surely such a course as this would prevent the fearless and heedless running into many gross enormities and sins and so prevent the ruine and destruction of many a poor sinful soul This course the Church took in the Lamentations Wherefore doth the living man complain a man for the punishment of his sins Let us search and try our ways and turn again unto the Lord Lam. 3.39 40. Fall then in good earnest upon this work of self-examination and think it better to know thine own infirmites and thy soul-sicknesses and sores then to know the whole world and all the wonders thereof It is one of the best parts of wisdom to know thy self This will beat down thy pride and keep the humble and lead thee to the true knowledge of God It will cast out and keep out sin and preserve thee from many temptations It is the beginning and foundation of grace and repentance Lam. 3.40 And will prevent the severe stroak of Gods judgements as in that of Zephany 2.1 2. And saith the Apostle If we will judge our selves we shall not be judged of the Lord Surely did we but know what the heart of man is while unregenerate and in its natural estate what a sink a sea of sin and filthiness it is how deceitful above all things and desperately wicked as Jeremy hath it Jer. 17.9 what infinite intricate windings and turnings there are in the dark laborinths of mans heart what a multitude of vain thoughts do lodge within it Jer. 4 14. What swarms of lusts and uncleaness issue out from this corrupt and putrified fountain Mat. 12.34 comp with chap. 15.18 19 verses What a deal of self-sophistry and imposture is wrapt up there by which millions of souls are inwraped in the snares and shackels of Satan I say did we rightly know and were not strangers to these things it might put us on with all seriousness and readiness this so weighty and profitable a work But O where is the man almost that knows or sets himself in good earnest for to know and find out the Plague of his own heart O what a many of Plague-sores and running issues are in the hearts of men and women at this day and yet they are insensible of them Every one almost is sensible of the Plague-tokens or sores when they seize upon the body and most people fear and dread this contagious disease because of the loathsomness of it but for the Plague of the Heart the Soul-sickness and sores O where is there any knowledge or discerning of it where is there any sense of the loathsomness and infectiousness of it And yet without this how can we expect a healing and the removal of this severe stroke of the Lord according to Solomons prayer at the dedication of the Temple 1 King 8.37 38 39. If there be in the land famine if there be pestilence c. whatsoever plague whatsoever sickness there be what prayer and supplication soever be made by any man or by all the people Israel and mark what follows which shall know every man the plague of his own heart and spread forth his hands towards this house Then hear thou in Heaven thy dwelling place and forgive and do and give to every man according to his ways whose heart thou knowest for thou even thou onely knowest the hearts of the children of men Now this prayer of Solomon had its confirmation from the Lord 1 King 9.3 So that this knowledge of the Plague of the heart is a necessary qualification or ingredient to go along with that prayer which shall be prevailing with the Lord for the removal of the Pestilence out of the land or Nation wherein it is But if the men of this generaration are still unacquainted with the plagues or sores of their own heart if they be still as vain as proud as oppressing as Superstitious as Idolatrous as Adulterous as Murderous as Blasphemous as Rebellious and Disobedient against the Lord and his commands as reviling and persecuting the way of truth and holiness as ever can it be expected that the hand of the Lord should be removed or the fire of his his indignation which now burns so very hot among us should be quenched Set thy self then in good earnest upon this heart-searching work whoever thou art that would escape this severe stroke of the Lord. And if thou knowest not how to deal with thy heart it is so
treacherous and vile put up Davids prayer unto the Lord. in Psal 139.23 24. Search me O God and know my heart try me and know my thoughts And see if there be any way of wickedness in me and lead me in the way everlasting If there be any pernicious hurtful or oppressing way in me and lead me upod the way of eternity upon that way which may lead me to eternal life But know that if thou wilt be careless and neglectve still of this so necessary a work and put the Lord upon it he will then make a very strict and diligent search and see what will be the sad event and consequent of it Zeph. 1.12 And it shall come to pass at that time that I will search Jerusalem with candles and punish the men that are settled on their lees that say in their heart The Lord will not do good neither will he do evil And what follows Therefore their goods shall become a booty and their houses a desolation they shall also build houses but not inhabit them and they shall plant vineyards but not drink the wine thereof Then the mighty man shall cry bitterly And God wyll bring distress upon men that they shall walk as blind men because they have sinned against the Lord and their blood shall be poured out as dust and their flesh as the dung and at that time neither their their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the Lords wroth but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousie For he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land And when is this time that the Lord will make this strict and diligent search as with candles ver 7. declares it It is in the day of the Lord when he prepareth a sacrifice and shall bid his guests And in that day of the Lords sacrifice then will be punish the Princes and the Kings children and all such as are cloathed with strange apparel that leap on the threshold and fill their Masters houses with deceit O England then be exhorted to consider thy ways that thou mayst find out thy hideous provoking abominations before the Lord make a speedy riddance This is the first spiritual Receit I would prescribe unto thee The Second Receit Having made this diligent search lnto thine own heart and found out thy soul-pestilent sores then the next spiritual Receit I shall prescribe unto thee Is a good draught of a sound and sincere Repentance Which if sound and sincere will operate these four things in thee First A kindly mourning in secret before the Lord 1. For thine own iniquities 2. For the sins and abominations of the times Secondly It will breed a hatred and abhorrency in thy heart against those evils together with an humble confession and acknowledgement of them Thirdly A willing forsaking and renunciation of them Fourthly A returning unto the Lord with all thy heart Surely as to this Receit we may write a Probatum est it s a tried Receit a sure Remedy a soveraign Plaister for this running sore Repent and turn your selves from all your trangressions saith the Lord so iniquity shall not be your ruine Ezek. 18.30 So in v. 32. Turn your selves and live ye for why will ye die O house of Israel But more particularly to the several branches of Repentance as they are laid down First then see that the true sense of thy sin does work thy heart to a kindly mourning and sorrowing for the same in secret before the Lord. This sorrow and contrition for sin will I say evidence the soundness and sincerity of thy Repentance when thou canst mourn before the Lord not onely in respect of the danger which thou hast incurred by reason of thy sins to wit the curses of this life temporal death and eternal plagues and torments in another world but also that thou hast so unkindly grieved and provoked so good a God so compassionate a Father so gracious a Redeemer so blessed a Sanctifier and incurred the loss of so great a God even the favour of so good and gracious a God that taketh no pleasure in the death of the wicked Ezek. 33.11 This is that godly sorrow that the Apostle Paul speaks of 2 Cor. 7.10 11. that worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of the notable effects whereof are there also demonstrated and declared which will be of such singular efficacy and force to quench the fire of the Lords indignation and wrath now broken out among us In the seventh of Ezekiel the Lord threatning the final desolation of Israel telling her that her end was come and that he would judge her according to her ways and recompence upon her all her abominations That the Sword was without and the Pestilence and Famine within and that he that was in the field should die with the sword and that he that was in the City Famine and Pestilence should devour him In verse 16. he tells us That they that escape of them meaning those that should escape the common calamity of the Sword Pestilence and Famine they shall be on the mountains like Doves of the valleys all of them mourning every one for his iniquity that is for his own iniquity shall every one mourn as Doves of the valleys The word signifieth a making a stir by sighing whining and howling So Hezekiah in the time of his sickness tells us That he did mourn as a Dove Isa 38.14 Such will be the gratious temper and disposition of soul of the Lords escaped ones They shall mourn every one for his own iniquity as Doves in the Valleys in their secret retirements with the Lord the sence and remembrance of their sins in dishonouring and grieving so good and gratius a God will make them to sob and sigh and even to howl before the Lord. So did Ephraim when he repented and turned unto the Lord. I have surely heard Ephraim saith the Lord bemoaning himself Jer. 31.18 In this spirit and temper will the Loeds escaped remnant be found in So in Israels restauration when the Lord shall gather them from the Coasts of the Earth in what spirit shall they then be found They shall come with weeping saith the Lord and with supplications will I lead them as in the 9th vers of the same Chap. with weeping for their sins and with supplications or petitions unto the Lord for mercy and pardon And suitable to this is that in the 3d. of Zephan 18. I will gather them that are sorrowful saith the Lord for the solemn assembly to whom the reproach of it was a burden Those that are sad and sorrowful because they are obstructed and hindered from meeting in the Temple of God in the Assemblies of his Saints for the solemn worship and service of God when they must converse with and among such scoffing Companions which make but a mock and derision of God and his Word In this gratious temper
can we see the mournful soul that is deeply afflicted for its sins under this sore visitation of the Lord Are not men and women as proud and vain and carnal and jovial now as before Is there any crying mightily unto God Any turning from their evil way or from the violence that is in their hands Do we see any loosing of the bands of wickedness undoing the heavy burdens the letting the oppressed go free and the breaking of every yoke And where are any bowels of compassions drawn out toward the poor and needy but in vain are all fastings and formal devotions if these things are neglected which are essential as to that acceptable fast which God hath chosen Isa 58.6 7. See then that ye be true mourners in Sion and let the sence of thine inquities work in thee a true contrition and brokenness of heart For the Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit Psal 38.18 This is the heart that he will heal Psal 147.3 The heart that he will bind up Isa 61.1 That Evangelical sacrifice which he will not despise Psal 51.17 Now to get thy heart melted into this mournful frame Take these helps 1. Be looking up unto Christ whom by thy sins thou hast peirced Zach. 12.10 2. Apply the New Covenant-promises for the taking away of the stony heart out of thy flesh and the Lords giving of thee an heart of flesh Ezek. 11.19 and 36.26 3. Get a sence of the unspeakable misery thou art lyable unto by reason of thy sins Rom. 6.23 whether it be Pride Oppression Idolatry Adultery Apostacy Cursing and Swearing or such other of those pestilential sins before mentioned or whether they be lies railings scoffings at Gods people rotten speeches bedlam passions goods ill-gotten time ill-spent prophanation of the Lords-day 4. Consider also that thy heart hath been the Fountain or rather the Sinck from whence hath issued many foul streams where all ill hath been forged all evil words and wicked thoughts ingendred then by the rule of proportion let thy heart be a fountain of sorrow for sin 5. Consider the heart of Christ he had not taken a heart of flesh but for sin which for thy sake was filled with that unexpressible sorrow and greif that if all the godly sorrow of all the righteous souls from the beginning of the world to the end thereof in heaven and in earth dead or alive were collected into one heart they could not countervail the depth of his anguish And shall his blessed soul fall asunder in his blessed breast assaulted with all the wrath of God and the most dreadful torments of Hell shall his soul be like a scorched hearth and so pressed with the flames of Gods revenging wrath which wrung from him those bloody drops and ruful crys My God my God why hast thou forsaken me And shall thy heart be as a stone within thy breast and never be moved Oh prodigious hardness and worse then heathenish ingratitude 6. Consider if thy heart be not wounded here in this world in some measure truly it shall hereafter be filled with such endless honour that it would grieve and break ten thousand hearts to imagine or think of it Is it not better then to mourn a little here in this life for sin then to have our hearts inlarged to endure to all eternity the extremity of the wrath of God in the unexpressible horrour of hell Is any man so sensless to think he shall go to heaven in a bed of down and never be touched for his sins When Hezekiah a man of a perfect heart complained and chattered like a Crane Isa 38.14 When David a man after Gods own heart roared all the day long Psal 32.3 When Job a perfect and a just man complained that the Arrows of the Almighty were within him and that the venome thereof did drink up his spirit Job 6.4 Nay when Christ himself that holy and just one that pure and immaculate Lamb did so cry our in the agony and bitterness of his spirit 7. Consider again that if thou getst this broken heart into thy breast thou shalt bring down the glorious Majesty of Heaven God Almighty with his Chair of State to sit in thy soul For he hath a twofold habitation to wit heaven and the humble heart Isa 57.15 8. Add hereunto the practise of the Saints of God They poured out tears as men do water out of Buckets 1 Sam. 7.6 Mary Magdalen washed Christs feet with her tears Luk. 7.14 The Publican strook on his breast with a sorrowful acknowledgment of his sins Luk. 18.13 And surely if thy hands and eyes and tongue and heart have been instruments of Gods dishonour then by the Rule of proportion thou shouldst have the works of thy hands instrumental demonstrations of repentance Thine eyes fountains of tears and thy tongue uttering and thy heart suffering greif And if for outward lolles and crosses thou canst weep tears as David for his Son Absalom and with what wringing of hands tearing of hair bitter crying do many express the inward and intollerable sorrow and greif of their hearts Then certainly the loss of Christ and of the favour of God which is infinitely better then Husband Wife Child or any the most desireable thing in the world how should this break thy heart and draw tears from thy soul Thus having got thy heart melted into this mournful frame out of a deep sence and apprehension of thine own sins Then Secondly Thou wilt come to mourn kindly upon the accompt of the common sins and abominations of the times As David in the 119. Psalm 136. vers Rivers of waters saith he run down mine eyes and why because they keep not thy law Or as others read it Mine eyes gush out with rivers of waters I weep and shed abundance of tears even for the wickeds sake whom I pity and especially for the law of God which greiveth me to the heart to see violated and broken So the Prophet Jeremy Oh that my head saith he were waters and mine eyes a fountain of tears that I might weep day and night for the slain of the Daughter of my people O that I had in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men that I might leave my people and go from them Why what is the matter good Jeremy of this so sad and mournful a wish and that thou wouldst leave thy people and go from them Why there is cause and reason enough might he say They be all Adulterers an Assembly of treacherous men And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth for they proceed from evil to evil and they know not me saith the Lord Jer. 9.1 2 3. So deeply was the soul of this good Prophet of the Lord affected and afflicted upon the account of the publique National abominations and defilements In like manner it is said of
hunted troubled ond afflicted soul The life of Faith in reference to thy Salvation Sanctification and Preservation As to thy Salvation Let the truly-humbled soul grieved and graoning under the heavy weight and burden of sin throw itself into the meritorious and merciful arms of Jesus Christ wounded broken and bleeding upon the Cross and there let it hold and hide it self for ever in full assurance of eternal life by vertue of that promise Joh. 3.36 He that beleiveth on the Son hath everlasting life 2. As to thy Sanctification If thou keep thy Faith the fountain root and heart as it were from which all thine other Graces spring in life and vigour thou wilt pray more comfortably be more couragiously patient hear the Word more faithfully receive Christs Ordinance of Breaking bread more joyfully spend the Lords day more delightfully confer more chearfully meditate more heavenly and walk in all the ways of new obedience with more strength and conquest over corruptions For ordinarily every one shall find the exercise of other graces to be comfortable or cold according to the liveliness or languishing of his faith 3. As to thy Preservation both temporal and spiritual in crosses afflictions and all Gods outward angry visitation let thy Faith be exercised in the power of such Promises as the Psa 89.33 and 50.15 Heb. 12.6 7 8 11. 1 Thes 3.3 1 Tim. 2.11 Act. 14.22 Luk. 9.23 Isa 63.9 Secondly Act Faith in the power ability all-sufficiency and omnipotency of God Power can do much but omnipotency can do all and is above all He is able to do whatsoever he pleaseth Psa 115.3 He is wise in heart and mighty in strength who hath hardened himself against him and hath prospered Job 9.4 The Angels which excel in strength are at his command Psa 104.4 and subject unto Christ 1 Pet. 3.22 The Devils apprehending the power of God do tremble Jam. 2.19 All the power that men and devils have it is given them from above Joh. 19.11 And for other creatures he saith to the deep be dry Isa 44.27 He commands the earth and it opens her mouth Num. 16.30 31. The consideration of whose mighty power made the Psalmist thus to break forth O Lord God of Hosts who is a strong Lord like unto thee or to thy faithfulness round about thee Thou rulest the raging of the Sea when the waves thereof arise thou stillest them thou hast broken Rahab in peices as one that is slain thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm Thou hast a mighty arm strong is thy hand and high is thy right hand Psa 89.8 9 10 13. At his wrath the earth shall tremble and the Nations shall not be able to abide his indignation Jer. 10.10 Beware then how we call into question the power and all-sufficiency of God How we speak against God This was the sin of the Israelites and it was highly provoking unto the Lord. It s said they spake against God and said Can God furnish a Table in the Wilderness Behold he smote the rock that the waters gushed out and the streams overflowed can he give bread also can he provide flesh for his people therefore the Lord heard this and was wrath Psa 88.19 20 21. Moses also he falls expostulating the case with God The people amongst whom I am saith he are six hundred thousand footmen and thou hast said I will give them flesh that they may eat a whole moneth Shall the Flocks and the Heards be slain for them to suffice them or shall all the Fish of the Sea be gathered together for them to suffice them And what Argument does the Lord use to convince Moses of his carnal if not incredulous reasonings But this Is the Lords hand waxed short thou shalt see now whether my word shall come to pass unto thee or not Numb 11.21 22 23. And the Lord rained flesh upon them as dust and feathered Fowles like as the sand of the Sea though it was given as a great judgement unto them Psa 88.27 The same Argument does the Lord make use of when he falls a reasoning with his people the Jews upon the account of their dereliction or rejection and that they might yet have sound ground of hope still of their restauration though they had sold themselves for their iniquities and could not produce any Bill of Divorcement of the Lords putting of them away in Isa 50.2 Is my hand shortned at all that it cannot redeem or have I no power to deliver Behold at my rebuke I dry up the Sea I make the Rivers a Wilderness their Fish stincketh because there is no water and dieth for thirst I cloath the Heavens with blackness and I make sack-cloth their covering So Isa 59.1 Behold the Lords hand is not shortned that it cannot save neither his ear heavy that it cannot hear Which may be an excellent support to our faith Let thy Faith then be exercised in the mighty power of God in these following particular cases and seasons 1. In times of great difficulties and streights 2. In times of sore sicknesses 3. In times of great sinning 4. In times of Worshipping and Serving the Lord. 5. In times of great suffering for the Lord. 1. In times of great difficulties and streights Know that the same Almighty power who could smite the Rock and cause the waters to gush out and the streams to overflow can furnish a table in the Wilderness can give bread and provide flesh for his people Take heed now of such irrational absurd and preposterous reasonings The Lord smote the Rock and gave water in abundance but can he now furnish a table in the Wilderness I remember the time when I was in great streights for bodily and soul refreshments and the Lord smote the Rock in a strange miraculous and unexpected way and the Waters gushed out and the streams over-flowed I had comfortable supplies for soul and body and that in a plentiful manner But can he now help me in my streights and supply my necessities now all conduit pipes are cut off and all visible means of supplies and supports are taken away Taxes are multiplied and increased our Trade is gone the Gentry gone and such as gave life and being thereunto have laid aside and betook themselves to a retired life many gone beyond the Seas because they could not follow their callings and be suffered to enjoy the freedom of their consciences too God hath smitten some of my dear friends or relations who were instruments in his hand of my comfortable sustentation and supportation and now my Wife and Children begin to stare me in the face to sob and sigh and I have not wherewith to releive them The sight and thoughts of these things do even break my heart and wound my very bowels within me what shall I do what course shall I take for a livelihood Methinks I hear such doleful complaints among thousands destressed Families in the City at this time Is it not a time and
God that affliction commeth not forth of the dust neither doth trouble spring out of the ground yet man is born unto trouble as the sparks flye upward Job 5.6 7. But if sores and sickness comes not forth of the dust from whence come they then Surely from the powerful immediate overruling hand of God So said Eliphaz Job 17. Behold happy is the man whom God correcteth therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty For he maketh sore and bindeth up he woundeth and his hands make whole So Job himself acknowledged ch 19.21 Have pity upon me have pity upon me O my friends for the hand of God hath touched me So David Thine arrows stick fast in me and thy hand presseth me sore Psal 38.2 And consider that as a sparrow falls not to the ground without Gods providence so the Plagve and Pestilence and all other Sicknesses and diseases are guided by his own immediate hand and he onely doth smite when and whom he pleaseth and know that the same Powerful hand that took away thy health can in a moment take away thy breath and then thou diest aad returnest unto thy dust Psal 104.29 This should make thee lye down patiently at the foot of God and with all willing and chearful resignation of spirit with good old Ely say It is the Lord let him do what seemeth him good 1 Sam. 3.18 And with Job Shall we receive good at the hand of God and shall we not receive evil Job 2.10 But whatever affliction he layeth upon thy loins or what strokes soever upon any of thy dearest relations see that thou murmur not nor charge the Lord foolishly or unjustly say not with the King of Israel Behold this evil is of the Lord what should I wait for the Lord any longer 2 King 6. ult 2ly Let the sence of the mighty hand of God which is upon thee humble thee deeply So says Peter Humble your selves under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time 1 Pet. 5.6 This will evidence it self inwardly in a sight and sence of thine own great unworthiness in an abhorring thy self in dust and ashes and loathing thy self for all thy abominations in a tender sense of temptations either in thy self or others in a hatred of Hypocrisie a willingness to suffer affliction and a contentation in some measure to the will of God in what estate soever it shall please God to bring thee to Outwardly towards God it will keep thee lowly in the use of means and in a continual fear and awfulness of Gods presence not caring to be counted vile for the service of God And in carriage towards men it is such a grace as is not affected in words or gestures nor is it censorious arrogant or contentious but makes a man go before in giving honour and not to think much to equal himself with them of the lower sort This is the time now to be narrowly searching into thine own heart and mourn under it and bewailing now thy want of love unto the Lord and thy abounding love to sin do thou cover with sorrowing what breach thou hast made with sinning and remember That had thy sin never been so sweet then thy sorrow had never been so bitter And know that God is now awaking thee from all thy secure sleeps that every minutes breathing he lends thee more may be spent in preparing to meet Jesus Christ at the Judgement of the great Day which that thou mayst effectually do with all thy might with fear and trembling as before the Lord remember that the next step from this life thou takest is into eternity 3ly Thus waiting till thy change come Be further in the exercise of Faith in the power of thy mighty Redeemer as to a glorious resurrection of thy body when laid asleep in the grave Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up thee also by Jesus 2 Cor. 4.14 and then this corruptible shall put on incorruption and then this mortal shall put on immortality and death shall be swallowed up in victory 1 Cor. 15.53 54. 3. Act Faith in the mighty power of God in times of great sinning and prophanation of the name of God So Jeremy speaking of the customs of the people that they are vain and of their Idol-gods that they are altogether bruitish and foolish and the stock is a doctrine of vanities he sets the great and mighty Jehovah against all their Heathenish gods Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee O Lord thou art great and thy name is great in might Who would not fear thee O King of Nations Jer. 10.6 7. So in the 10. verse But the Lord is the true God he is the living God and an everlasting King At his wrath the earth shall tremble and the Nations shall not be able to abide his indignation So the Prophet Habakkuk he sets Faith on work in the mighty power of God in a time of great sinning and of treacherous and cruel dealing Art thou not from everlasting O Lord my God mine Holy One we shall not dye O Lord thou hast ordained them for judgement and O mighty God thou hast established them for correction Thou art of purer eyes then to behold evil and canst not look on iniquity Wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously and holdest thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous then he Think upon the mighty power of God when men grow bold and impudent in sinning do they oppress the poor and crush the needy Amos 4.1 Know that this mighty God can soon crush them under his feet Lament 3.34 and feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh and then they shall know the Lord to be the mighty one of Israel Isa 49.26 Does the horrible impieties and wickdness of men greive and wound thy heart Know that he that is thy God is the God of salvation and he shall wound the head of his enemies and the hairy scalp of such a one as goeth on still in his trespass Psalm 68.20 21 verses And what says Solomon If thou seest the oppression of the poor and violent perverting of Judgement and Justice in a Province Marvaile not at the matter For he that is higher then the highest regardeth and there be higher then they Eccles 5.8 4. Act faith in the mighty power of God as in times of great sinning so in times of serving and worshipping of God So did Daniel when Nebuchadnezzar the King had made an Image of gold and set it up to be worshipped and that whoso fell not down and worshipped the said Image should be cast into the midst of a burning fiery surnace And who is that God saith he most blasphemously that shall deliver out of my hand What said Sadrach Meshaoh and Abednego O Nebuchadnezzar we are not careful to answer thee in this matter If it be so our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery
furnace and he will deliver us out of thine hand O King They served God and they knew that God was able and of power sufficient to protect them in the service of him Dan. 3.1 11 16 17. To this purpose when our dear Lord would encourage his Apostles and the subsequent Ministers of the Gospel to be faithful in the execution of his commands and the trust committed unto them He tells them that all power was committed unto him in Heaven and in Earth And therefore go teach all Nations and Baptise them c And teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and loe I am with you allway even unto the end of the World Mat. 28.18 19 20. As if he had said Do you faithfully and couragiously execute the Commission I have given you and be assured you shall never want my all-sufficient power and presence to support you I will make all the power I have in heaven and earth concurring in a way of serviceableness unto you O come let us sing unto the Lord saith the Psalmist let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation Shall we fear to serve that God who is the Rock of our Salvation Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving c. Why For the Lord is a great God and a great King above all Gods in his hand are the deep places of the earth the strength of the hills is his also the sea is his and he made it and his hands formed the dry land If the Lord whom we serve is so great a God so great a King above all Gods above all Angels Princes and Potentates of the World and above all that is called God O then with what thankfulness and chearfulness of spirit should we come into his presence O come let us Worship and bow down let us kneel before the Lord our Maker Why for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hands whom he makes to lye down in green Pastures and leadeth besides the still waters Psa 95.1 to 7. So in Psa 96.6 it is said Honour and Majesty are before him strength and beauty are in his sanctuary Where is the beauty of Gods face seen and his power and strength displayed as in his Sanctuary to wit his Tabernacle his Temple the Congregations and Assemblies of his Saints God is greatly to be feared in the Assembly of the Saints and to be had in reverence by all them that are about him and why why who in Heaven can be compared unto the Lord Who among the Sons of the mighty can be likened unto the Lord Psa 89.6 7. And therefore it is that the Lord hath spoken saying I will be sanctified in them that come nigh me Lev. 10.3 When a fire went out from the Lord and destroyed Nadab and Abihu the Sons of Aaron for offering strange fire before the Lord Lev. 10.1 2 3. To which I suppose that place in the Hebrews hath a special reference where the Saints being exhorted to serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear urges this as a strong motive thereunto for our God saith he is a consuming fire Heb. 12.28 29. Thus you see how requisite it is to be acting Faith in the power and soveraignty of God when we draw nigh to him in the solemn duties of his Worship and service and what an encouragement it is to be fearing the Lord and serving of him in sincerity and truth with all our hearts considering what great things he hath done for us 1 Sam. 12.24 5. Act faith in the mighty power of God in times of suffering So the Apostle James speaking of the cruelties that were exercised against the Saints in those days how they had condemned and killed the just and they could not resist them He exhorts them to be patient to the coming of the Lord and why to the coming of the Lord Because when he comes he will come with power and great glory Mat. 24.30 When he comes hee 'l take to him his great power and reign Rev. 11.17 When he comes he will come with ten thousand of his Saints What to do To execute Judgement upon all and to convince all that are ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed c. Jude vers 14 15. When he comes he will come with fire and with his chariots like a Whirlwind to render his anger with fury and his rebuke with flames of fire Isa 66.15 When he comes he will come with vengeance even God with a recompence he will come and save you Isa 35.4 And then the hand of the Lord the power of God shall be known towards his servants and his indignation towards his enemies Isa 66.14 So the Author to the Hebrews when he exhorts the Saints to a patient suffering and undergoing of the Cross of Christ what Argument does he use even this For yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry Heb. 10.37 The Apostle would have all the suffering Saints to be acting faith in a powerful Redeemer even in him who is mighty to save That will tread down the people in his anger and make them drunk in his fury and will bring down their strength to the earth Isa 63.6 So the Apostles when the Priests and Rulers of the people had laid hands on them and put them in hold for teaching the People and Preaching through Jesus the resurrection from the dead and had further threatned them for speaking any more in the name of Jesus and had let them go what Arguments in Prayer do they use Lord thou art God which hast made Heaven and Earth and the Sea and all that in them is Who by the mouth of thy servant David hast said why did the Heathen rage and the people imagine vain things The Kings of the Earth stood up and the Rulers were gathered together against the Lord and against his Christ For of a truth against thy holy Child Jesus whom thou hast annointed both Herod and Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles and the people of Israel were gathered together for to do whatsoever thy hand and thy counsel determined before to be done And now Lord behold their threatnings Act. 4. Though they had to deal with great and potent Adversaries yet they well knew that God was above them and that their rage and fury was not so much against them as against the Lord Jehovah himself and against his Christ whom he had anointed to be the chief Priest and Prophet and King of his Church who could easily break them with his rod of Iron and dash them in peices like a Potters Vessel They knew that the Lord whom they served was able to deliver them as Daniel out of the Lions mouths So it is said of Moses and laid down as a singular act of Faith in him that he forsook Egypt and feared not the wrath of the King for
and supplication that he had made 1 King 9.3 So Psa 41. Blessed is he that considereth the poor the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive and he shall be blessed upon the Earth and thou wilt not deliver him into the will of his enemies The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness So Psa 91.3 6 7 10. Surely he shall deliver thee from the noysom Pestilence Thou shalt not be afraid of the ●estilence that walketh in darkness nor for the destruction that wasteth at noon-day A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall not come nigh thee Art thou sick then apply The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing Tbou wilt make all his bed in his sickness Art thou there where the sick are apply I will take away all sickness from the midst of thee Fearest thou the Pestilence I will deliver thee saith the Lord from the noysome Pestilence So that of Eliphaz to Job He shall deliver thee in six troubles yea in seven there shall no evil touch thee in Famine he shall redeem thee from death and in War from the power of the Sword Thou shalt be hid from the scourge of the Tongue neither shalt thou be afraid of destruction when it cometh c. And thou shalt know that thy Tabernacle shall be in peace Job 5.19.20 21 24. So in Isa 43.2 The Lord promiseth he will be with us in the fire and in the water the waters shall not overflow us nor the fire devour us And in Heb. 13.5 he hath promised likewise that he will never leave thee nor forsake thee The labour of the Olive may fail as Habakkuk speaks our nearest and dearest friends and relations may fail our eyes may fail our tongue may fail our strength may fail our flesh and heart may fail our spirits may fail yet saith the Lord I will be with thee I will not fail thee nor forsake thee When the poor and the needy seek water and there is none and their tongue faileth for thirst I the Lord will hear them I the God of Israel will not forsake them Isa 41.17 What can be more refreshing and supporting to the poor languishing fainting sinking soul Thus in any trouble of soul body good name outward state present or to come thou maist by the soveraign power of saith working upon the word of his promise not only draw out the sting and expell the poison of it but also procure a great deal of comfort to thy truly humbled soul and maintain it in despight of all mortal or infernal opposition in a constant spiritual gladness Considering that all those Promises whereupon thy heavy and disconsolate heart in such cases may repose and refresh it self have their being and confirmation from the blessed name Jehovah it self see Exod. 6.3 and therefore as sure as God himself they are sealed with the bloody sufferrings of his only Son and therefore as true as Truth it self and if thou art in Christ are all as certainly thine as the heart in thy body or blood that runs in thy veins Nay and a little more for thy comfort the glory of Gods Truth is mightily advanced and himself extraordinarily pleased by thy more resolute stedfast and triumphant cleaving unto them What a blessed sweet and heavenly life then is the Life of Faith as it is exercised in the Promises of God O then be encouraged to be acting Faith in the Promises and to be storing up a good stock of Promises every day They are of excellent use in all estates in all conditions in all kind of distresses whatsoever By beleiving the Promises we shall prosper by beleiving and applying of them we shall come to participate of the Divine Nature 2 Pet. 1.4 And therefore they are called exceeding great and precious promises That by these saith the Apostle you might be partakers of the Divine Nature not of the substance but of the quality Non transformatione naturae humanae in divinam sed participatione donorum quibus conformes efficimur divinae naturae as one distinguisheth very well not by the transformation of the humane nature into the divine but by the participation of gifts whereby we are made conformable to the Divine Nature And so it notes a fellowship with God in his holiness and a fellowship with God in his blessedness that is in the beatifical vision and brightness of glory upon which account as to the excellent use and nature of them one terms them a Christians Catholicon a general purging Medicine a Salve for every sore being a help to all duties a quickner of all graces and a comfort in all distresses And like a well-fill'd Apothacaries shop there is contained in them heavenly receipts of all sorts wholesome physick of every kind for expelling and curing all sorts of diseases and sicknesses incident to Saints and for the corroborating and strengthening of the new nature and keeping the spiritual man in a good healthful constitution lusty and strong able for Gods Service and for working out his own salvation with fear and trembling Wouldst thou then have thy faith like the Light in the Lords Sanctuary never to go out then acquaint thy self with Gods Promises know them well meditate on them confer about them let them be continually in thy mind memory heart and tongue Satan laboureth in nothing more then to keep us in unbeleif especially of particular promises for he knows if we beleive them we shall in all things have the victory Come before God with boldness carry peace in our own bosomes to our graves and do and suffer any thing for God Oh the abundance of sweet cordial comfort which all humble beleiving souls draw by faith out of every promise And these precious promises our breasts of consolation whereupon our comfort and happiness so much depend lye hid in the holy Scriptures as veins of gold in the earth How then should we be searching into those rich mines that bring to light such heavenly treasures and how should it stir us up to go to God in prayer for the accomplishment of them unto us and waiting in the diligent use of all means for the gaining of them you shall find God not only making you heirs of Promises but you shall be comfortable possessors of those many good things which God hath promised to beleivers And the more you meditate and the oftner you pray upon them the more good will you see in them and find to flow from them And this leads me to the next Spiritual Receipt and Soveraign Antidote and that is Prayer The Fourth Spiritual Receit 4ly The fourth special Receit and preservative against this contagious disease or which may be of excellent force and efficacy for the removal of it is faithful and fervent Prayer This is a tried receipt an approved remedy of which
I may say as David said to Abimelech the Preist concerning the Sword of Goliah There is none like to it 1 Sam. 21.9 A most incomparable weapon if we have skill to use it Let us consider a little then what Prayer is as to the derivation and definition of it I find that Prayer comes of a word in the Hebrew which signifieth Appeal whereby we refer the Cause of our selves or others unto God as unto the Supream Judge calling upon him appealing unto him for right presenting our selves and our cause unto him as to one who hath power to determine Causes and to whom appeals may be made And if you would have a breif description of it it is the pouring out of the humble penitent beleiving soul before the Lord 1 Sam 1.15 Or as one very pithily defines it It is Devotae animae cum Deo colloquium that is It is the talk or conference of the devout soul with God For a man barely to speak in the air and his heart have no approaches unto God in it this is no Prayer in Gods account I cannot therefore let pass that excellent saying of Bernard Cum oramus cum Deo loquimur cum legimus Deus nobiscum loquitur Si vis cum Deo semper esse semper ora semper lege that is When we pray we speak with God when we read God speaketh with us If thou wilt always be with God then always pray and always read More plainly and fully It is a work of the spirit of Christ in the beleiving soul by which we desire of God alone things lawful and needful with confidence to obtain them through the alone mediation and intercession of Christ to the praise and glory of his name So then if thou wilt pray aright and find acceptance with God therein thou must pray to him and to him alone in the name and through the alone mediation and intercession of Christ by the powerful and immediate help and assistance of his own spirit and that beleivingly from the heart with understanding and feeling of our wants in fervency of spirit forgivingly reverently and perseveringly Without which ingredients never think of putting up an acceptable Prayer unto God with any confidence or assurance to be heard at the throne of grace I shall touch a little upon the particulars for the help of such poor souls whose desires are to grow into a more spiritual acquaintance with God First then If thou wilt pray aright thou must pray to God and to him only and that in the name of Christ God alone is to be invocated and prayed unto not Saints nor Angels Christ in his prayer which he taught his Disciples would have us direct our Petitions unto God our Father which is in Heaven Luk. 11.2 Mat. 6.9 And why to God alone 1. Because God onley is Omni present every where present in all places and at all times But this is inconsistent to any creature to be ubiquitary or present in all places But that God is so see Jer. 23.23 24. Am I a God at hand saith the Lord and not a God a far off Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him saith the Lord Do not I fill heaven and earth saith the Lord see Psal 139.7 8. God is not only the God of the hills but of the valleys also 1 King 20.28 2. Because God as he is Omni-present so he is Omniscient he knoweth all things all the hearts of the Sons of men So said Solomon in the prayer he made at the Dedication of the Temple For thou even thou only knowest the hearts of all the children of men 1 King 8.39 So Jer. 17.9 I the Lord search the heart and try the reins Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight but all things are naked and opened to the eyes of him with whom we have to do Heb. 4.13 For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord and he pondereth all his goings Prov. 5.21 Doth he not see my ways and count all my steps saith Job Chap. 31.4 There is no darkness nor shadow of death where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves Job 24.21 22. So Psal 94.9 10 11. He that planted the ear shall he not hear he that formed the eye shall he not see he that teacheth man knowledge shall not he know the Lord knoweth the thoughts of man that they are vanity 3. God is stiled a God hearing prayers Psal 65.2 and this David could speak experimentally Verily God hath heard me he hath attended to the voice of my prayer blessed be God which hath not turned away my prayer nor his mercy from me Psal 66.19 20. 4. As he is a God hearing prayer so he is most able to help Psal 52.2 I will cry unto God most high unto God that performeth all things for me He shall send from heaven and save me Eph. 3.20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us Vnto him be glory in the Church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages world without end Amen So Asa when a mighty host came against him in his prayer lays hold on Gods power and ability to help Lord saith he it is nothing with thee to help whether with many or with them that have no power help us O Lord God for we rest on thee and in thy name we go against this multitude 2 Chron. 14.11 So Jehosaphat when a great multitude of the Moabites and Amonites came against him he sets himself to seek the Lord as able and all-sufficient to help him And said O Lord God of our Fathers art not thou God in heaven and rulest not thou over all the kingdomes of the Heathen and in thine hand is there not power and might so that none is able to withstand thee O our God wilt not thou judge them for we have no might against this great company that cometh against us neither know we what to do but our eyes are upon the 2 Chron. 20.6 12. 5. Prayer is a Divine Worship and a Spiritual Sacrifice God would have us to call upon him in the day of trouble Psal 50.15 And if we should be seeking help from any other he will take it very ill at our hands If we have forgotten the name of our God or stretched out our hands to a strange god saith the Church shall not God search this out for he knoweth the secrets of our hearts Psal 44.20 21. In every place Incense shall be offered unto my name and a pure offering saith the Lord. Mal. 1.11 So Psal 141.2 Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense and the lifting up of mine hands as an evening sacrifice There was given to the Angel that stood at the Altar having a golden censer much incense That he should offer it with the prayers of all Saints upon the golden Altar which was
life of fellowship and communion with God as the Apostle John expresseth it 1 Joh. 1.3 Again To make God our habitation includes these four or five particulars 1. A mans habitation is the place of his constant residence and abode 2. It is the place of his safety security and strength 3. It is the place of his secrecy 4. It is the place of his recreation delectation or delight 5. It is the chief place of his negotiation commerce and converse Under these five heads or several sences may we understand our dwelling in God or making God our habitation 1. Then the place of a mans dwelling is the place of his constant residence or abode When we would speak with a man we enquire where he dwells where his habitation is for there we suppose he is resident So then if thou dwellest in God if God is thy habitation thou wilt have thy constant abode with him thy residence with him this holds forth a fixed station or habitation in and with God Thou wilt not be as a stranger in a forreign Land and as a wayfaring man that turneth aside to tarry for a night as Jeremiah expresseth it Chap. 14.8 Thou wilt not take up a nights lodging with him and then away and be gone as Travellers and wayfaring men use to do but thou wilt abide with him set up thy dwelling with him many will out of a complement now and then go and give a Friend or an Acquaintance a visit or for diversions sake being tired it may be in their Shops through multiplicity of business and their worldly negotiations they are willing to take a little recreation when they can best dispence with it Even so do many deal with God they will give him it may be a complemental visit now and then Some they will go to Church now and then and hear Divine Service as they call it or it may be if they hear where an able powerful man Preacheth they will perhaps out of a humour or some itching desire go and hear him And others they will give God a visit now and then if it be but to stop the mouth of conscience they will pray now and then and hear now and then when their worldly occasions will give them leave they will be serving God when they know not how to serve themselves Nay it may be they will go a strain higher and express some kind of delight in what they do it shall be some kind of recreation unto them now and then to come among the assemblies of Gods Saints like those whom the Lord reproves in the Prophet Ezekiels time forward hearers they were they spake one to another every one to his Brother saying Come I pray you and hear what is the word that cometh forth from the Lord And saies the Lord they come unto thee as the people cometh and they sit before thee 〈…〉 as my people and they bear thy words but they will not do them for with their mouth they shew much love but their heart goeth after their covetousness And lo thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice and can play well on an instrument for they hear thy words but they do them not Ezek. 33.30 31 32. O he 's a gallant man a learned man say they how excellently did he speak even like a lovely song that soundeth pleasantly So is it said of Herod that he heard John the Baptist and observed him yea did many things and heard him gladly yet rather then he will part with his Herodias his darling sin off must go his head Mark 6.20 But this is not to dwell with God Some people they have their fits in Religion they will be seemingly devout now and then and especially if their religion swims along with the times and is in fashion and a step to worldly preferment so long they will follow Christ but these not having root in themselves endure but for a while for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word by and by they are offended Mat. 13.21 See then that thou hast thy dwelling in God thy fixt habitation and abode in God So had the Church in Psa 90.1 2. Lord Thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations Before the Mountains were brought forth or ever thou hadst formed the earth even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God This Psalm is said to be a Prayer of Moses the man of God in which Moses does acknowledge the Lord to be their dwelling place their habitation or mansion-house or place of retreat in all generations in all their travails through the terrible Wilderness wherein God lead them God was a refuge unto them in their greatest streights and troubles at all times He had promised that his presence should go with him and that he would give him rest Exod. 33.14 and Moses did experience the truth of it And therefore in Deut. 33.26 27. It is said There is none like unto the God of Jesuran who rideth upon the heavens for thy help and in his excellency on the skie The eternal God is thy refuge and underneath are the everlasting armes So in the 29. verse Happy art thou O Israel Who is like unto thee O people saved by the Lord the shield of thy help and who is the Sword of thy excellency and thine enemies shall be found liers unto thee and thou shalt tread upon their high places And then indeed mayst thou be said to dwell in God to have a constant abode with him 1. When as David thou art continually with him Psa 73.23 and set'st the Lord allways before thee Psa 16.8 This will awe us when we have opportunities and temptations to secret sins Gen. 39.9 This will possess us with more reverence and godly fear in duties of his worship and service 1 Cor. 11.10 This will provoke us to diligence in every good work The eye of the Master makes a diligent Servant Col. 3.22 This will comfort us in our afflictions and encourage us against fears If we walk through the Valley of the shadow of death we shall fear no evil if the Lord is with us Psa 23.4 And he will be with us while we be with him 2 Chron. 15.2 If we set the Lord always before us we shall not be moved Psa 16.8 Moses endured as seeing him who is invisible Hebr. 11.27 2. Then mayst thou be said to dwell in God and make him thy habitation and constant place of abode when thou makest him thy chiefest good when thou chosest him as thy portion and chief happiness and livest wholly upon him as thy All in all Rom. 11.36 When his name and glory is first inscribed on thy heart chiefly in thine eye and principally as thine end and aim in all thy actions and undertakings 1 Cor. 10.31 When thou canst say with the Psalmist Whom have I in heaven but thee and there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee My flesh and my
refuge Dost thou flye unto him in all thy streights and to him only or hast thou recourse to some other rock to some other refuse Take heed of trusting in man and making flesh thine arm There 's a curse denounced against such Jer. 17.5 Dost thou go down into Egypt to strengthen thy self in the strength of Pharaoh know then that thou trustest but upon a broken staff and a bruised reed as Rabshekeh said to Hezekiah 2 King 18.21 even in a shadow And that the strength of Pharaoh shall be thy shame and the trust in the shadow of Egypt thy confusion Isa 30.2 3. Dost thou put thy trust in Princes or in the Sons of Men know that thou trusts but in a shadow likewise Judg. 9.15 and that there is no help in them their breath goeth forth they return to their earth in that very day their thoughts perish Psal 46.3 4. And that its better to trust in the Lord then to put confidence in man yea then to put confidence in Princes Psal 118.8 9. Dost thou trust in graven Images and say to the molten Imares ye are our gods know thou shalt be turned back and be greatly ashamed yea confounded Isa 42.17 Psal 97.7 Is thy trust such as is the hope of hypocrites know that the hypocrites hope shall perish and be cut off and his trust shall be as a spiders web Job 8.14 Dost thou make gold thy hope and say to the fine gold thou art my confidence trusting in the abundance of thy wealth and strengthening thy self in thy wickedness know that this is an iniquity to be punished by the Judge for that thou deniest God that is above Job 31.24 28. Yea further know That God shall destroy thee for ever and take thee away and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place and root thee out of the land of the living And the righteous shall see and fear and laugh at thee and say Lo this is the Man that made not God his strength Psal 52.5 6 7. Dost thou trust in thine own beauty and play the harlot and pour out thy fornications know that God will judge thee as women that break wedlock and shed blood are judged and will give thee blood in fury and jealousie and throw down thine eminent places and break down thy high places and strip thee of thy cloaths and take thy fair jewels and leave thee naked and bare and execute judgments upon thee Ezek 16.15 36 38 41. Dost thou trust in lying words saying The Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lord are these and notwithstanding Steal Murder and Commit Adultery and Swear falsly and Burn Incense unto Baal and Walk after other gods and stand before the Lord and say thou art delivered to do all these abominations know that these are lying words that will not profit but consider rather what the Lord did to Shiloh where he set his name at the first for the wickedness of his people Israel Jer. 7.4 8 12. Dost thou trust to thine own righteousness and commit iniquity know that all thy righteousness shall not be remembred but for thine iniquity which thou committest thou shalt dye for it Ezek. 33.13 Dost thou trust in thy way in the multitude of thy mighty men know that therefore a tumult shall arise among the people and all the fortresses shall be spoiled Hos 10.13 14. Dost thou trust in thine own purity and say stand by thy self come not near to me for I am holier then thou know that thou art but a smok in Gods Nose and a fire that burneth all the day Isa 65.5 and that the Lord hath put no trust in his Servants and his Angels he charged with folly How much less on them that dwell in houses of clay whose foundation is in the dust which are crushed before the moth Job 4.18 19. But after all this perhaps thou wilt say Thou wilt trust in thine own heart for that will not deceive thee wilt thou do so know then thou art but a fool for thy labour in Gods account Prov. 28.26 Thy heart will deceive thee for it is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it Jer. 17.9 Thus you see that God alone is to be trusted in and to trust in any thing else will be but as an Egyptian Reed to lean unto And as God alone is to be our rock and our refuge so are we to make him our rock and our trust at all times So is the Exhortation Trust in him at all times ye people pour out your hearts before him God is a refuge for us Psal 62.8 So Isa 26.4 Trust ye in the Lord for ever for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength At what time I am afraid saith David I will trust in thee when his enemies were ready to swallow-him up In God I have put my trust I will not fear what flesh can do unto me Psal 56.3 4. And what said Job Though be slay me yet will I trust in him I will maintain mine own ways before him Job 13.15 Is it a time of evil tidings thou wilt not be afraid if thy heart is fixed trusting in the Lord Psal 112.7 Dost thou fear the Lord and yet walk in a dark disconsolate estate even then art thou to trust in the Name of the Lord and stay upon thy God Isa 50.10 And as thou art to make God alone thy rock and thy refuge and trust in him at all times so with all thy heart Not leaning to thine own understanding but in all thy ways acknowledging him and he shall direct thy paths Prov. 3.5 6. Yea the Lord shall help thee and deliver thee he shall deliver thee from the wicked and save thee because thou trustest in him Psal 37.40 This David acknowledged Psal 22.4 5. Our Fathers trusted in thee they trusted and thou didst deliver them They cryed unto thee and were delivered they trusted in thee and were not confounded Well then wouldst thou have God to be a help and defence unto thee Trust in him He is a Buckler or a sheild to all those that trust in him Psal 18.30 Prov. 30.5 For who is God save the Lord or who is a rock save our God Psal 18.30 31. 1 Sam. 2.2 He is the rock his work is perfect for all his ways are judgment a God of truth and without iniquity just and right is he Deut. 32.4 Wouldst thou be stedfast and unmovable as the rock whereupon the Church is builded against which no storms nor tempests no nor the gates of hell shall ever prevail Trust in God They that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Sion which cannot be removed but abideth for ever Psal 125.1 Wouldst thou possess the land and inherite Gods holy Mountain see that thou trust in him Isa 57.13 Wouldst thou be fat and flourishing and not cease from bearing of fruit and that blessedness shall be thy portion Trust in the Lord. Blessed is the man that
and fills there mouths not only with windy words but weighty arguments Hast thou nothing then to complain off before thy Maker No Sin no Devil no Diabolical Temptations no stronge unmortified corruptions no Spiritual Plunderers no Egyptian Task-masters no Cruel Bondage that maketh thy life bitter to thee no Enemy coming in as a flood to oppress and do the wrong No Iron-yoke that galls thy shoulders no violence and spoil to cry out and complain of Sure thou hast not studied thine own case thou hast not ordered thy cause aright if this fountain fail thee Object But all Complaints are troublesome men cannot endure them I Answer God will Out of the abundance of my complaint and greif have I spoken hitherto says Hanna 1 Sam. 1.16 and you know how she sped 4ly A Mans House is the place of his Recreation Delectation or delight Where do men recreate and delight themselves so much I speak as to ordinary and daily recreations and delights as in their own Habitations and Dwellings Where are those intercourses of delights between Man Wife but in their Domestick habitation where are those reciprocal actions of Conjugal affections demonstrated so much as at home in their own houses they eat and drink together they commune and converse together they sleep and solace themselves together they joy and rejoyce together yea where true conjugal love is they would not onely live but they would dye together Even so it is with the Soul that makes God his habitation O the intercourse of delights that is betwixt God Christ his Spirit and the gracious beleiving soul What else doth the Book of the Canticles or Song of Solomon hold forth What does it contain as the cheif matter thereof but a most excellent Marriage Song by way of Dialogue between Christ and his Church Christ as the Bridegroom and the Church as his Spouse or Bride under the Type or Figure of Solomon and his Spouse or Bride In which Song in flourishing Allegorical and Rhetorical words the true hearty love and the most excellent benefits and favours of the Lord Jesus Christ the Bridegrome unto the Christian Church his Spouse or Bride And on the other side the earnest and hearty longings of the Spouse his Church after her beloved Bridegroom the Lord Jesus Christ is singularly demonstrated and held forth In it the Bridegroom and his Bride do highly extol and praise each other The Bride to set forth his excellent dignity his riches and glory with all those sweet things that flow unto her from him she doth bring in all the stateliest the richest the goodliest and the sweetest things under heaven The like doth He in praising her beauty and her delectable sweetness From hence doth spring the great delight and pleasure which the one taketh in the other where they do as it were unfold the vehement passions of their Love with that fervent desire which she hath to be most nearly joyned unto him and to dwell with him for ever Also there do many goodly tokens pass between them For he bestoweth upon her very rich jewels and heavenly ornaments to deck and to beautifie her withal and she again rendreth unto him the sweet fruits of her love Let him kiss me saith the Spouse with the kisses of his mouth for thy love is bteter then wine Because of the savour of thy good ointments thy name is as ointment poured forth therefore do the virgins love thee Draw me we will run after thee the King hatb brought me into his Chambers we will be glad and rejoyce in thee we will remember thy love more then wine the upright love thee Tell me O thou whom my soul loveth where thou feedest Then in the 8th vers Christ highly commends her beauty terming her the fairest among women and under several comparisons he doth highly praise and extol her Chap. 1. So Chap. 4. even the whole thereof save a verse or two is the speech of the Bridegroom consisting in praises and commendations of the Bride in declaration of his love towards her Behold thou art fair my Love behold thou art fair thou hast Doves eyes within thy locks vers 1. Thou art all fair my Love there is no spot in thee vers 7. Thou hast ravished my heart my sister my spouse thou hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes with one chain of thy neck vers 9. How fair is thy love my sister my spouse how much better is thy love then wine and the smell of thine ointments then all spices Thy lips O my spouse drop as the hony-comb hony and milk are under thy tongue and the smell of thy garments is like the smell of Lebanon vers 10 11. So Chap. 6 7. How does the Lord Jesus give forth very great and singular commendations of his spouse testifying his great love and hearty affection towards her Thou art beautiful O my Love as Tirzah comely as Jerusalem c. My Dove my undefiled is but one she is the only one of her Mother she is the choise one off her that bare her c. How beautiful are thy feet with shoes O Princes daughter the joynts of thy thighs are like jewels and so goes on in a description of the Churches graces And in Chap. 7.6 How fair and how pleasant art thou O Love for delights And having praised the beauty and comeliness of his Spouse by several parts he breaks forth into an admiration and great wonderment of her beauty in the whole or in all laid together They be rare things that Princes upon earth do wonder at most rare which the Kings of Kings hath in admiration I instance this to let you see the mutual solace and delight that is betwixt Christ and the gratious soul And surely if thou hast tasted that the Lord is gratious thou canst not but take sweet delight contentation and delectation in him Cant. 2.3 I sate down under his shadow with great delight and his fruit was sweet to my taste The shadow of a tree as all men know is very comfortable and doth refresh those that are parched with the scorching heat of the Sun When the Church is under hot persecutions and fiery temptations of Satan and the burning heat of Gods wrath for sins guilt in the conscience what but Christ can be as a shadow to refresh Mat. 11.20 There shall be a Tabernacle for a shadow in the day time from the heat Isa 4.6 Thou hast been a strength to the poor a strength to the needy in his distress a refuge from the storm a shadow from the heat when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall Isa 25 4. And this was not all but saith the Souse His fruit was sweet to my taste or to my pallate She doth not only receive comfortable refreshing shadow from this fruitful tree but she eateth of the Apples also which it beareth and the same are sweet and pleasant to her taste Which is another benefit the
self with the overflowing torrents of all pleasures and glory through all eternity But to bring it a little nearer to the thing in hand Consider a few of the Promises of God as a further provocation to this so pious and profitable a work and service for the Lord. Wouldst thou be in a thriving and prosperous state in this world whether as to the outward or inward man Surely to be compassionate this way is the very ready way If thou draw out thy soul to the hungry saith the Prophet and satisfie the afflicted soul then shall thy light rise in obscurity and break forth as the morning and thy darkness be as the noon-day and thy health shall spring forth speedily Mark that The Lord shall guide thee continually and satisfie thy soul in drought and make fat thy bones and thou shalt be like a watered Garden and like a sping of water whose waters fail not Isa 58.10 and 8.11 Thine horn shall be exalted with honour and thou shalt not want Psa 112.9 Prov. 28.27 Yea for this thing the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thy works and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto Deut. 15.10 It will be then a profitable inquisition amongst others when a man finds himself to go backward in his estate whether upon the temporal or spiritual account and Gods secret displeasure to blow upon his wealth or afflict his body with painful diseases to examine well whether he was not ordinarily wont to shut up his bowels of compassion then to pour out his soul to the poor For he shall have judgment without mercy that hath shewed no mercy Jam. 2.13 But with the merciful God will shew himself merciful Psa 18.25 Yea saith our Saviour Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy Mat. 5.7 Which brings to my remembrance that pious and most affectionate wish of Paul in 2 Tim. 1.16 18. The Lord give mercy unto the house of Onesiphorus Why for he oft refreshed me said he and was not ashamed of my chain The Lord grant unto him that he may find mercy of the Lord in that day and in how many things he ministred unto me at Ephesus thou knowost very well It seems he was a very charitable soul He did not as many professours of our times do talk much and do little have their mouths open but the bowels of their compassions shut fast enough his readiness to distribute and willingness to communicate did clearly and plainly demonstrate his care to lay up in store for himself a good foundation against the time to come that he might lay hold on eternal life According to the counsel that Paul gives to the worldly rich men of his time 1 Tim. 6.17 18 19. To which concurs that of Solomon Prov. 11.17 The merciful man doth good to his own soul but he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh The merciful man the Hebrew it seems renders it a man of mercifulness of bounty liberality So a man of knowledge that is a knowing and understanding man a man of truth or faithfulness that is a true or faithful man Neh. 7.2 A man of peace that is one that is peaceable Men of holiness that is holy men Exod. 22.31 This man that is merciful to others that are necessitous and in distress or as James expresseth it that visiteth the Fatherless and Widows in their affliction and hides not himself from his own flesh Isa 58.7 For what is mercy but a pittying of others that are in misery Mercy and misery being relatives were there no want nor trespass there needed no mercy This man saith Solomon doth good to his own soul or as other translations have it he rewardeth his own soul he doth good unto himself as well as unto others for it pleaseth God to reward the good works of his poor Servants according to that of Solomon Prov. 11.25 The liberal soul shall be made fat and he that watereth shall be watered also himself And of that of our blessed Lord in Mat. 10.42 who brings it down to a cup of cold water onely that this merciful man shall give to drink to one of his little ones which Mark expounds to such as belong to him Mark 9.41 Verily I say unto you saith our dear Lord he shall in no wise loose his reward which gives us some light into that expression of Paul to Timothy in his advice as before to rich men Of laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come Some reads for in store laying up for a Treasure a good foundation that is a foundation of hope Not that the liberality of the rich does merit it but because it is a fruit of faith and God hath promised to reward the same grace for Christs sake It being a sacrifice with which he is well pleased Heb. 13.16 Or as Paul expresseth it in Phil. 4.18 An odour of a sweet and fragrant smell a sacrifice acceptable well-pleasing to God For as sweet odours are a refreshing of the senses so our refreshing of the Saints bowels is in a manner a refreshing of Gods own sense and Spirit A term borrowed from the perfumes which were made upon the Altar of Incense I shall add further but that in Psa 41.1 2 3. which I judge very pertinent to the thing in hand Blessed is he that considereth the poor the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive and he shall be blessed upon the earth And thou wilt not deliver him into the will of his enemies The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing thou wilt make his bed in his sickness David being now fallen into a heavy sickness or some other great distemper or streight he describeth here the happiness or blessing which they shall obtain at Gods hands that carry themselves piously and compassionately towards the afflicted Blessed is he that considereth the poor that judgeth wisely of the poor and will not rashly condemn him as a Malefactor whom God doth visit The poor here is taken for a miserable one one that is thinn exhausted of his abilities whither of the body and so a sick one or of goods and means and so a poor one The Lord saith he shall deliver him in time of trouble The Lord shall preserve him and keep him alive the Lord shall revive quicken heal him or make him whole and make him happy on the earth and will not deliver him or give him over into the desire or will of his enemies The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing or the bed of sorrow others read it The Lord shall under-prop him upon his sick bed upon his bed of faintness weakness feebleness yea make his bed in his sickness or change his bed which may admit of this two-fold sence As if he had said speaking in a prophetical manner Thou O God shalt as surely turn his sickness to the best as if I saw