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A19988 Christian prayers and meditations in English French, Italian, Spanish, Greeke, and Latine. Day, Richard, b. 1552, attributed name.; Day, John, 1522-1584, attributed name. 1569 (1569) STC 6428; ESTC S105219 107,331 687

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without end Amen Certayne sentences taken out of the scripture ❧ Of the kingdome of God and how all kinges ought to seeke his glory Psalme 10. b. 16. GOd is king for euer and euer but the heathen shal perish out of the land Psalme 11. b. 5. 6. 7. God will trie the righteous but his soule abhorreth the vngodly and him that delighteth in wickednes Upon the vngodly he will rayne snares fire and brimstone and tempestes stormes shal be their portion and drinke For God most righteous loueth righteousnes his countenance wil beholde the iust Micheas 4. b. 7. The Lord himselfe shal be their king vppon the mount Sion from this tyme for euermore Esay 33. d. 22. The Lord is our iudge the Lorde is our lawe geuer the Lord is our king and he himselfe shal be our Sauiour Psalme 47. a. 1. Clappe your handes all ye people make a noyse vnto the Lord with a ioyful voyce For God is high and terrible he is the great king vpon all the earth He will subdue the people vnder vs and the nations vnder our feete He hath chosen for vs our inheritaunce the glory of Jacob whom he loued The Lord ascendeth in a triumph and God with the sounde of a trumpet Sing Psalmes to the Lorde sing Psalmes sing psalmes to our king sing Psalmes For the Lord is king of all the earth sing Psalmes all you that haue skill God reigneth ouer the heathen God sitteth vpon his holy throne The Princes of the people are assembled together for to be the people of the God of Abraham for the fieldes of the earth be Gods who is highly exalted Psalme 146. 6. 10. God thy Lorde shall raigne O Sion to the worldes end throughout all generations Prayse ye the Lord. Psalme 68. a. 4. 5. b. 8. 12. c. 17. 18. 19. 20. 32. Sing vnto the Lord sing Psalmes vnto his name magnifie hym that rideth vpon the heauens as it were vpon an horse in hys name euerlasting and reioyce before his face He is a father of the fatherles and the iudge of widowes he is the Lord in hys holy habitation The earth shooke and the heauens dropped at the presence of the Lord euen Sinay it selfe shooke at the presēce of the Lord Lord of Israell Kinges with their armies did flie they did flee and the ornament of an house deuided the spoyle The charettes of the Lord are twenty thousand euen thousandes of Aungels and the Lord is among them in holy Sinay Thou wenst vp on hie thou hast led captiuitie captiue thou hast receaued giftes for men yea euen for those that be disobedient that God the Lord might dwell among them Blessed be the Lord who day by day powreth hys benefites vpō vs and is God of our saluation The Lord is our Lord for to saue vs and all maner of wayes for death pertayneth to God the Lord. Sing vnto the Lorde O ye kingdomes of the earth O sing Psalmes vnto the Lord who rideth vpon the most highest eternall heauens loe he sendeth out a mighty voyce in hys voyce Acknowledge the Lorde to be mighty hys maiesty is ouer Israell and might in the cloudes O Lord thou art terrible out of thy holy places the God of Israell geueth might and strēgth vnto hys people Blessed be the Lord. Psalme 44 a. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Thou art my king O God commaund that Jacob be saued Through thee we will ouerthrow our enemyes and in thy name we wyll treade them vnder that rise against vs. For I will not trust in my bow and it is not my sworde that can saue me But it is thou that sauest vs from our enemyes and thou puttest thē to confusion that hate vs. We make our boast of God all the day long and we will confesse thy name for euer Psalme 45. a. 6. b. 7. 10. 11. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Thy throne O Lord endureth for euer and euer the scepter of righteousnes is the scepter of thy kingdome Thou hast loued iustice and hated vngodlines wherfore the Lord euen thy Lord hath anointed thee with the oyle of gladnes more then thy fellowes Harken O daughter and consider incline thyne eare forget also thine owne people and thy fathers house so shall the kyng haue pleasure in thy beutie for he is thy Lorde and worship thou hym The kings daughter is all glorious within her clothing is of wrought golde She shal be brought vnto the king in raymēt of nedle work the virgins that follow her and her cōpany shal be brought vnto thee With ioy and gladnes shal they be brought and shall enter into the kinges palace In steede of thy fathers thou shalt haue childrē whom thou mayst make princes in all landes I will remember thy name from one generatiō vnto an other therefore shall the people praise thee world without ende Psalme 48. b. 9. O Lorde according to thy name so is thy prayse vnto the worldes ende thy right hand is full of iustice Psalme 99. God raigneth the people be in a rage he sitteth betwene the Cherubins the earth quaketh God is great in Sion and high aboue all people They shall prayse thy name great and dreadfull for it is holy and a kings power that loueth iudgement Thou hast ordayned all things according to equitie thou hast caused iudgement and iustice to be in Jacob. Magnifie God our Lord and kneele downe before hys foote stoole for it is holy Moses and Aaron among his Priestes and Samuell among such as call vppō hys name these called vppō god and he heard them He spake vnto them out of the cloudy piller for they kept his testimonies and the law that he gaue them O God our Lord thou heardest them O Lord thou didest forbeare thē and thou tookest auengement for their owne inuentions Magnifie God our Lord and kneele downe before hys holy hill for God our Lord is holy Psalme 100. a. Be ye ioyful in God all that be in the earth serue God with gladnes and come before hys face with a ioyfull noyse Be ye sure that God is the Lord it is he that hath made vs and not we our selues we are hys people and the sheepe of hys pasture Goe your way into his gates with thanksgeuing and into hys courtes wyth prayse be thankefull vnto him and blesse his name For God is gracious his mercy is euerlasting and his truth from generation to generation Psalme 101. a. I will syng of mercy and iudgement I will sing vnto thee O God Psalmes I will endeuor my selfe to be fully instructed in the way of perfectues when thou wylt come vnto me I will goe vp and downe in the midst of my house in the perfectnes of my hart I will neuer set before myne eyes any deuilish thyng I will detest to do the worke of transgressours it shall take no holde of me A froward hart shall depart from me I will not once know any euill I will destroy hym who priuily slaundreth hys neyghbour I wyll not
CHRISTIAN Prayers and Meditations in English French Italian Spanish Greeke and Latine IMPRINTED at London by Iohn Daye An. 1569. IESSE DAVID SALOMŌ ABIA 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 IORAM OSIAS IOATAM AHAS ESECHIA Manss● E R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE Elizabeth Regina 2. PARALIPOM 6. Domine Deus Israel non est similis tui Deus in coelo in terra qui pacta custodis misericordiam cum seruis tuis qui ambulant coram te in toto corde suo ❧ Prayers to be sayd in the mornyng and first when you awake out of your sleepe pray thus MOste mercifull God and father of our Sauior Jesus Christ I moste humbly thanke thee for the sweete sleepe and comfortable rest which thou hast geuen me this night past besechyng thee that lyke as thou hast now awaked my body from sleepe so thou wouldest awake my soule from the slepe of sinne and darkenes of thys world and that which thou hast now awaked out of slepe thou wouldest after deathe wherof this sleepe is but an image restore rayse agayne to life euerlasting Oh gracious God make my body I hartely pray thee such a companion or rather a minister of godlines to my soule this day and all the tyme of this present lyfe that in the lyfe to come it may be pertaker with the same of euerlasting happines thorough Jesus Christ our Lord. * Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall shew light vnto thee Eph. 5 ¶ Occasions to meditate HEre call to mynd the great mirth and blessednes of the euerlasting resurrectiō Also remember to muse vpō that most clere light that bright mornyng and new clearenes of our bodies after the long darknes which they haue bene in All then shall be ful of vnspeakable ioyes and felicitie ❧ When you behold the day light pray O Lord God thou most glorious true lyght from whēce this light of the day sunne doth spring and shyne vnto vs O lyght which lightnest euery mā that commeth into this world O light which knowst no night nor euening but art alway a midday most cleare and fayre without whome all is most horrible darknes and by whō all things are most splendent O thou wisdome of the eternall father of mercies lighten my mynd that I may see those thynges onely which please thee and may be blynded to all other thynges Graunt me so to walke in thy wayes by the light of thy holy worde that nothing els may be lyght and pleasaunt vnto me * Lighten mine eyes O Lorde that I sleepe not in death least mine enemies say I haue preuailed against him Psal 30. ¶ Occasions to meditate MVse a while how much the light and eye of the mynde and soule is better then of the body Also how much more we ought to care for the soule that it may see wel then for the body Moreouer that beastes haue bodely eyes as well as men but men only haue eies of the mind and that such as are godly wise ❧ When you arise pray OVr first parentes cast downe themselues from a most excellent high honorable estate in to shame and misery and in to the deepe sea of all wickednesse and mischiefe but oh Christ thou puttyng forth thy hande didst rayse them vp agayne Euen so we except we be raysed vp by thee shall lye still for euer O good Christ our most gracious redemer as thou doost mercifully rayse vp now this my body euen so I beseeche thee rayse vp my mynde and harte to the true knowledge and loue of thee that my conversation may be in heauen where thou art * If you be risen with Christ thinke vpon those thinges that be aboue Colloss 3. ¶ Occasions to meditate THinke how foule the fall of Adam was by reason of sinne and so of euery one of vs from the height of gods grace Againe thinke vppon the inestimable benefite of Christ by whose helpe we daily arise agayne from our fallynges ❧ When you are made redy to begin the day withall pray O Almighty God most mercifull father thou knowest hast taught vs also somethyng to knowe that the weaknes of man and woman is great that without thy grace they can neither do nor thinke any good thing Haue mercy vpon me I hūbly beseche thee thy most weake fraile and vnworthy chylde Lighten my mynde that I may with pleasure looke vpon good thinges onely Enflame my hart with the loue therof that I may carefully couete them and at the last by thy gracious cōducting may happely attayne them thorough Jesus Christ our Lorde I distrustyng altogether myne owne weakenes commende and offer my selfe both soule and body into thy handes * Thy louyng spirite leade me forth into the lande of righteousnes Psal 143. ❧ Cogitations meete to begin the day withall THinke first that man consisteth of soule body and that the soule is from heauen heauenly firme and immortall but the body is from the earth earthly fraile and mortall Agayne thinke that though by reason of sinne wherein you are conceyued and borne the partes of the soule which do vnderstand and desire be so corrupte that without speciall grace to both partes you can neither know nor loue any good thyng in gods sight much lesse then do that is good yet this notwithstandyng thynke that you are regenerate by Christes resurrection which your baptisme requireth you to beleue and therefore to do also some good in the sight of God through Christ for whose sake our poore doynges are accepted for good the euill and infirmitie cleauing therunto not beyng imputed through faith Thinke that by fayth which is gods séede for they which beleue are of God and made Gods children geuen to those that be ordeyned to eternall life thinke I say that by fayth you receiue more and more the spirit of sanctification through the vse of Gods worde and sacramentes and earnest prayer to illuminate your minde vnderstanding iudgement and reason and to bow forme frame and inflame your affections with loue and power to do that that good is and therfore vse you the means aforesaid accordingly Thinke that by this spirite you are thorough faith coupled to Christ as a liuely member and so to God and as it were made one with hym and by loue which springeth out of this faith you are made one also with all that be of God and so you haue fellowship with God and all good men that euer were or shall be in all the good that God and all his saintes haue or shall haue Thinke that as by faith and loue through the spirite of God you are now entred into this communion the blessednes whereof no tounge can expresse so after thys lyfe you shall first in soule and in the last day in body also enioy for euer the same societie most perfectly which now is but begonne in you Thinke in consideration of your heauenly estate how your body is the temple of
also inwardly so reforme and renew her that she may be accōpted worthy of thee her spouse through Iesus Christ our lord Amē ¶ A prayer taken out of the same Psalme WE acknowledge O Almighty God wyth how daungerous spotte of sinnes we haue defiled our soules which beyng most greuous and sorrowfull vnto vs and we not able with our owne power nor by any kinde of good workes to washe away the same spottes this onely refuge is left vs to flie vnto thee the fountaine of mercy that it may please thee to haue pitie vpon vs to washe away our iniquities to blot out our sinnes and cleanse the corruptions wherunto we are from our birth and conception subiect For when thou shalt haue freely liberally pardoned the offences and misdoinges wher with we are loden then shalt thou appeare most true faithful constant in thy promises Vouchsaue to sprinckle vs with the bloude of of thine onely sonne by which alone our body and soule may be restored to perfect and healthfull gladnes We craue to haue a new hart created in our bodies and to haue a principall spirite geuen vs wherby not as by constraint but earnestly hartily and willingly we may offer to thee the sacrifice of an afflicted and abased courage which thou art wont neuer to despise Finally that so beyng made cleane and purified by thy fauour and mercy we may alway offer to thee sacrifices of prayse through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ❧ Domine exaudi PSALME CII I It seemeth that this prayer was appoynted to the faithfull to pray in the captiuitie of Babilon A consolation for the buildyng of the churche whereof followeth the prayse of God to be published vnto all posterities The conuersion of the Gentiles and the stabilitie of the church HEare my prayer O Lord and let my cry come in vnto thee Hide not thy face from me in the tyme of trouble encline thyne eares vnto me when I call O heare me and that right soone For my dayes are consumed away like smoke my bones are brent vp as with a firebrand My hart is smitten downe and withered like grasse so that I forget to eat my bread For the voice of my groning my bones will scant cleaue to my flesh I am become lyke a Pellicane in the wildernes lyke an Owle that is in the desert I haue watched and am euen as a sparrow that sitteth alone vpon the house top Mine enemies reuile me all the day long and they that are mad vpon me are sworne together against me For I haue eaten ashes as it were breade and mingled my teares with weping And that because of thyne indignation and wrath for thou hast taken me vp and cast me downe My dayes are gone lyke a shadow and I am withered like grasse But thou O Lorde shalt endure for euer and thy remembraunce throughout all generations Thou shalt arise and haue mercy vppon Sion for it is tyme that thou haue mercy vpon her yea the tyme is come And why thy seruauntes thinke vppon her stones and it pitieth them to see her in the dust The heathen shall feare thy name O Lorde and all the kinges of the earth thy maiestie When the Lord shall build vp Sion and when his glory shall appeare When he turneth him vnto the prayer of the poore destitute and despiseth not theyr desire This shall be written for those that come after and the people whiche shall be borne shall prayse the Lord. For he hath looked downe from his sanctuary out of the heauen did the Lord beholde the earth That he might heare the mourninges of suche as be in captiuitie and deliuer the children appointed vnto death That they may declare the name of the lord in Sion and his worship at Jerusalem When the people are gathered together and the kyngdomes also to serue the Lord. He broughte downe my strength to my iourney and shortned my dayes But I said O my God take me not away in the middest of myne age as for thy yeares they endure throughout all generations Thou Lord in the beginning hast layde the foundations of the earth and the heauens are the workes of thy handes They shall perish but thou shalt endure they shal all wax olde as doth a garment And as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them and they shall be chaunged but thou art the same and thy yeares shall not faile The children of thy seruants shall continue and their seede shall stand fast in thy sight A prayer taken out of the CII Psalme OF our selues O almighty God we are vnwoorthy that our prayers shoulde haue accesse vnto thee forasmuch as we haue daily broken thy law and commaundemēts and haue liued not accordyng to thy gospell and our vocation But thou of thy mercifulnes hide not away thy face from our prayers supplications For we are greuously vexed and assaulted with great perils Wherfore bow down thine eare vnto vs and spedily graunt fauour to vs that call vppon thee First we craue to be releued of our sinnes and offences that our feble hart may be strengthened in thy way and that thou do moisten the consumed strength of our soule with thy holy spirite that we may liue to thee and being restored renewed we may make thy name and thy gospell to be well reported Then we pray thee to turne thy force and power against those that slaunder and blaspheme the name of thy sonne and his holy doctrine Haue mercy now we beseche thee on Zion that is thy churche for now it seemes to be tyme that thou shew her thy fauour Looke downe we pray thee from thy hie habitation and behold our calamities Heare the groning of those that be bound beaten and in maruelous wise tormēted for thy names sake Saue thy sheepe out of so great daungers which are not onely put to death but also cursedly threatened with extreme damnation by Antichrist that yet at length thy childrē may liue with rest and quietnes in thy presence through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ An other out of the same Psalme OAlmighty father the company of the faithfull craueth thy helpe which is cruelly oppressed wyth the tiranny of sinne so as the oily moisture of godlines is almost dried vp in them their mouth is stopped that it cannot syng thy prayses and there is in a maner in the whole body no one member that doth his duetie to relieue an other Wherfore thou that art alwayes one rise vp to succour vs for now we thinke it tyme for thee to helpe thy afflicted church This if we shall obtaine we doubt not that the feare of thy name true godlines shall be largely spread abroad For if thou shalt rescue the people from so greuous miseries thou shalt make men know that thy truth endureth alway cōstant and vnremoued which euer remaneth one toward thine elect how so euer heauen and earth be tossed with chaunges and shaken til they perishe By this thy truth not of
saluation for an helmet and the sworde of the spirit which is thy holy word that I may stand perfect in all that is thy will and bee found worthy through Christ to receaue the crowne of life which thou hast promised to all them that loue thee Graunt that I may euer desire will that which is most pleasing and acceptable to thy will Thy will be my will my will be alwayes to follow thy will Let there be euer in me one will and one desire with thee and let me neuer desire to will or not to will but as thou wilt Graunt me that aboue all things I may rest in thee and fully quiet and pacifie my hart in thee for thou Lord art the true peace of the hart and perfect rest of the soule Thou knowest Lord what is most profitable and expedient for me wherfore do with me in all thynges as it shall seeme best vnto thee for it may not be but well that thou doest which doest most iustly and blessedly dispose all things after thy most godly wisdome Graunt vnto me O Lorde that I may esteeme all things in this world as they be transitory and soone vanishing away my self also with them drawing towardes my end for nothing vnder the Sunne may long abide but all is vanitie and affliction of spirite O Lorde God which art sweetenes vnspeakable turne in to bitternes to me all transitory and earthly delightes which may draw me from the loue of eternall thinges Blessed are they that for the loue of thee set not by the pleasures of thys world but crucifie the fleshe the lustes therof so that in a cleane and pure conscience they may offer their prayers vnto thee and be accepted to haue company with thee and thy blessed Angels O euerlasting light send down the beames of thy brightnes and lighten the inward partes of my hart Open my hart that I may beholde thy lawes and teach me to walke in thy commaundementes Beholde my weaknes O Lorde and consider my frailnes best knowen vnto thee I couet to cleaue fast to heauenly thinges but worldly affections and tentatiōs plucke me backe they dayly rebell and suffer not my soule to liue in rest Which although they draw me not alway to consent yet neuertheles their assaultes be very greuous vnto me Oh what a life may this be called where no trouble nor misery lacketh where euery place is full of snares of mortall enemies For one trouble or temptation ouer passed an other cōmeth by and by and the fyrst conflict yet during a new battaile sodeinly ariseth Tedious it is to me to liue in such battell but I perceaue such conflictes are not vnprofitable for me whilest I know my selfe and mine infirmities the better and am therby compelled to seke helpe at thy hād It is good for me O Lord that thou hast thus exercised and humbled me that I may learne to dread thy secrete and terrible iudgementes which scourgest euery child that thou receauest which woūdest and healest which bringest downe to the gates of hell bringest backe againe I yelde thee thankes therefore that thou hast not spared my sinnes but hast punished me with scourges of loue and hast sent affliction anguishe within and without Of grace and fauour it is O Lord that thou sufferest thy seruauntes to be troubled and afflicted in this world because they should not be condemned with the world Thou wouldest that they should here be broken with affliction that they may after rise in a new light and be clarified and made glorious in thy kingdome Oh holy father thou hast ordained it so to be it is done as thou hast appoynted Wherefore O Lorde geue me the grace to rest in thee aboue all thinges and to quiet my hart in thee aboue all creatures aboue all glory and honour aboue all dignitie and power aboue all health and beautie aboue all riches and treasure aboue all ioye pleasure aboue all fame and praise aboue all mirth and consolation that mans hart may take or feele besides thee For thou Lord art most good most wise most righteous most holy most iust most blessed most high most mightie most cōfortable most beautifull most louing most glorious in whō all treasures of goodnes most perfectly rest And therfore what soeuer I haue besides thee it is nothing vnto me for my hart may not rest nor fully bee pacified but onely in thee Oh Lorde Jesu who shall geue me winges of perfecte loue that I may flie vp from these worldly miseries and rest with thee Of Christ the king of euerlasting glory my soule cryeth vnto thee with cōtinuall groninges and sayth how long taryeth my Lord God to come to me Oh whē shall the end come of all these miseries When shall I be cleane deliuered from the bondage of sinne When shall I Lorde haue my minde onely fixed on thee and be mery in thee with perfect ioy and gladnes Whē shall that blessed houre come that thou shalt visite me and make me glad with thy blessed presence when thou shalt be to me all in all When shall I come vnto thee and feele and enioy those sweete consolations which with thy blessed Sainctes are alwayes present When shall I haue peace without trouble peace without and peace within and on euery side stedfast and sure Oh Lorde Jesu when shall I stand and beholde thee and haue full sight and contemplation of thy glory When shall I be with thee in thy kingdome that thou hast ordayned for thine elect people before the beginning Oh blessed mansion of that heauenly Citie Oh most cleare day of eternitie whom the night may neuer darken Thys is the day alwayes cleare and mirry alwaies sure and neuer chaunging Thys day shineth clearly to thy Sainctes in heauen oh gracious God with euerlasting brightnes but to vs here on earth so great is the darknes of sinne in vs it shineth obscurely as it were a farre of we see but a glimmering therof Would to God thys day might shortly appeare shyne vnto vs and that these worldly vanities were at an end Thy heauenly Citizens know and feele how ioyfull thys day is but we the children of Eue straūgers and exiles here on earth doe lament and bewaile the bitter tediousnes of thys present lyfe short and euill full of sorrowe and anguishe Where man is oftentimes defiled with sinne encumbred with afflictiō vnquieted with troubles lapped in cares busied with vanities blinded with errours ouercharged with labours vexed with tentations ouercome with vayne delightes and pleasures of the world and miserably wrapped in many kindes of calamities Wherfore O Lord arise and helpe me comfort mine exile asswage my sorrowe destroy the power of mine enemies the kingdome of sinne Sathan the world and my wicked flesh which alwaies make battaile against me and bring these conflicting dayes to an end so shall I sing prayses vnto thee O God of my saluation magnifie thy holy name world
18. 48. God hath wonderfull oft deliuered hys kyng and he hath done mercifully vnto Dauid his annoynted and to hys seede for euermore Psalme 24. a. 1. 2. b. 7. The earth is Gods and all that therein is the world and they that dwell therein For he hath layde the foundations of it vppon the seas and he hath set it sure vppon the floudes Lift vp your heades O ye gates and be ye lift vp ye euerlasting dores and the king of glory shall enter in Who is the king of glory It is God both strong and mighty it is God mighty in battayle Lift vp your heades O ye gates and be ye lift vp you euerlasting doores and the king of glory shal enter in Who is the king of glory euen the God of hostes he is the king of glory Psalme 21. a. 1. c. The king ought to reioyce in thy strength O God and he ought to be exceeding glad of thy saluation Thou hast geuen hym his hartes desire and hast not denyed hym the request of hys lippes For thou hast preuented him with good blessinges and hast a crowne of pure golde vppon hys head He asked life of thee and thou gauest hym long dayes euen for euer and euer Hys honour is great through thy saluatiō thou hast layd glory and great worship vppon hym For thou hast placed him to be blessings for euer and hast made hym glad with the ioy of thy countenaunce Because the kyng trusteth in God and in the mercy of the most highest he shall not miscary Thyne hand will finde out all thyne enemyes thy right hand will finde out them that hate thee Thou wilt make like a burning fornace in tyme of thy fury God will destroy thē in hys wrath and fire shall consume them Thou wilt roote their fruite out of the earth and their seede from among the children of men For they intended mischife against thee and imagined a crafty deuice but they could not bring it to passe Therefore thou wilt put them to flight and direct thine arrowes against their faces Be thou exalted O God according to thyne owne might so we wyll sing with Psalmes we will prayse thy power Psalme 72. O God geue vnto the king thy iudgements and thy righteousnes vnto the kinges sonne Then he will iudge thy people according vnto iustice and thy afflicted according to equitie The mountaynes also hilles shall bring peace to the people by the meanes of righteousnes He will iudge the afflicted amongst the people he wil saue the children of the poore and subdue the oppressor They will feare thee as long as the sunne and moone shineth from one generation to an other He will come downe lyke the rayne into a fleece of wolle euen as the dropes that water the earth In hys dayes the righteous shal flourishe ▪ and there shall be aboundaunce of peace so long as the moone endureth Hys dominion also shall be from the one sea to the other and from the floud vnto the end of the earth They that dwell in the wildernes shall kneele before hym his enemyes shall licke the dust The king of Tharsis and of the Iles shall offer presentes the king of Sheba and Seba shall bring giftes All kinges will worship hym all nacions will do him seruice For he wil deliuer the poore when he cryeth and the afflicted and hym that hath no helper He wyll haue compassion vpon the poore and nedy and he wil preserue the soules of the poore He will deliuer their soules frō deceite and oppressiō and their bloud shall be in hys sight He wyll liue and he wyll geue to the poore of the golde of Sheba and he wyll pray alwayes for hym and dayly he wyll blesse hym A handfull of corne shall be sowed in the earth vpon the toppe of hilles and the fruit thereof shall make a noyse like Libanus and shall flourishe in the Citie lyke grasse vppon the earth Hys name shall endure for euer hys name shall be spread abroad to the world so long as the sunne shal shine all nations shall be blessed in hym and shall call him blessed Blessed be God the Lord the Lorde of Israell which onely doth wonderous things And blessed be the name of his maiesty for euer and all the earth shal be filled with his maiesty Amen Amen Psalme 80. a. 1. Heare O thou shepheard of Israell thou that leadest Joseph lyke a sheepe and thou that sittest vppon the Cherubins shewe thy gratious presence Romaynes 5. d. They shall raigue through Jesus Christ receauing aboundance of grace and gifte of righteousnes §*§ ❧ Sentences of threatening to euill kinges and examples of their euill successe 1. Reg. 15. 10. d. 16. 17. THe woorde of the Lorde came vnto Samuell saying It repenteth me that I haue made Saule king For he is turned from me and hath not performed my commaundementes And Samuell was euill apaid and cryed vnto the Lord all night And Samuell rose early to meete Saule in the mornyng and when he came vnto him he said Let me tell thee what the Lord hath sayd to me this night And he sayd vnto him say on Samuel said when thou wast little in thine owne syght wast thou not made the head of the tribes of Israell and the Lord annointed thee king ouer Israell Ieremy 13. c. 18. 19. Tell the king the Queene humble your selues sitte you downe low for your dignitie shall be throwen downe and the crowne of your glory shall fall from your head The Cities towardes the south shal be shut vp and no man shal open them all Juda shall be caried away captiue so that none shal remayne Ieremy 21. d. 11. Unto the house of the kyng of Juda say thus Heare the worde of the Lorde O thou house of Dauid thus sayth the Lord Minister righteousnes and that soone deliuer the oppressed from violent power or euer my terrible wrath breake out like a fire and burne so that no man may quench it because of the wickednes of your imaginations Beholde sayth the Lorde I will come vpon thee that dwellest in the valleyes rockes and fieldes and say tush who wil make vs afraid or who wyll come into our houses For I will visite you sayth the Lord because of the wickednes of your inuētions and will kindle such a fire in your wood as shall consume all that is about you Prouerbes 28. a. 2. c. 15. 16. 21. For the wickedues of the land the Prince is oft chaunged but through a man of vnderstanding and wisdome a realme endureth long As a roaring Lion and an hungry beare so is an vngodly Prince ouer the poore people Where the Prince is without vnderstanding there is great oppression and wrong but if he hateth coueteousnes he shall long raigne To haue respect of persons in iudgement is not good for that man wyll do wrong yea euen for a peece of bread Psalme 2. a. 2. 4. 5. 10. 11. 12. The kinges of the earth
stand vp and the rulers take counsell together against God and agaynst hys annointed He that dwelleth in heauen will laugh them to scorne the Lord will haue them in derision Then wyll he speake vnto them in hys wrath and he will astonish them with feare in hys sore displeasure Thou shalt brast them with a rod of yron and breake thē in peeces like a potters vessell Wherefore be you now well aduised O ye kynges be ye learned ye that are iudges of the earth Serue ye God in feare and reioyce ye wyth trembling Kisse ye the Sonne least that he be angry and so ye perishe from the way If hys wrath be neuer so little kindled blessed are all they that put theyr trust in hym Ieremy 13. b. 11. 2. Parallepo 3. ● Saule Roboam Achab with all their posteritie Sellam Jehoakim 4. Reg. 13. c. 24. a. Ieremiae 22. c. 18. came vnto an euill end Dauid Salomon Jehosephat Ezechias Josias c. Godly kinges raigne prosperously haue victory ouer their enemies Lamentation of Ieremy 2. b. 9 The goodly Citie and temple of Jerusalem are destroyed vtterly the king and Princes are caryed away to the Gentiles they haue neyther lawe nor prophetes nor yet any vision from the Lord. The Senatours of the daughter Sion sit vpon the ground in silence they haue strawed ashes vpon their heades and girded themselues wyth sackecloth the maydens of Jerusalem hang downe their heades to the ground Iudicium 9. c. King Abimelech being wickedly chosē and wicked worketh hys owne destruction and destruction of those that did chuse hym Luke 19. c. Those Citizens that wyll not haue Christ to raigne ouer them are destroyed Luke 19. c. The king asketh an accompt of hys seruauntes §*§ ❧ A prayer taken out of the booke of Wisdome Cap. 9 O God of my fathees and Lorde of mercies thou that hast made all thinges with thy worde and diddest ordayne man through thy wisdome that he should haue dominiō ouer thy creatures whiche thou hast made and that he should order the world according to holines and righteousnes and that he shouid execute iudgement with a true harte geue me wisdome which is euer about thy seate and put me not out from among thy children for I thy seruaunt and handmaiden am a feable person of a short tyme and to weake for the vnderstandyng of thy iudgementes and lawes And though a man be neuer so perfect among the chyldren of men yet if thy wisdome be not with him he shall be of no value O sende her out therefore from thy holy heauens and from the throne of thy Maiestie that she may be with me and labour with me that I may know what is acceptable in thy sight for she knoweth and vnderstandeth all thinges and she shall lead me soberly in my workes and preserue me in her power So shall my workes be acceptable by Christ our Lorde to whome wyth thee and to the holyghost be all honour glory worlde without ende Amen ⸫ ❧ Vn bref formulaire d'Oraison ¶ La Preface O Seigneur bon Dieu Pere que ton nom soit benit à iamais Dispose mon coeur ouure mes leures me conduis par ton saint Esprit à vne vraye recognoissance de toutes mes fautes à fin que mō Oraison soit exaucée de toy au Nom de ton filz Iesus Christ. Ainsi soit-il ¶ La Confession des pechez SEigneur mon Dieu Pere eternel tout-puissant ie recognoy confesse deuant ta sainte haute Maiesté que ie n'ay cessé depuis ma naissance ne cesse tous lesiours estant conceuë née en iniquité corruption de transgresser tes commandemens Quoy faisant ie ne puis selon ton iuste iugement euiter ruine perdition Toutesfois ayāt desplaisir de t'auoir offensé condēnant moy mon peché puis qu'il t' a pleu de nous aymer lors mesme que nous estions tes ennemis en tesmoignage dequoy tu nous as donné ton filz vnique bien aymé pour mediateur aduocat entre toy nous nostre Seigneur Iesus Christ auec promesse d'obtenir en son Nom tout ce que nous te demanderons Vueille donc Dieu tresbenin pere misericordieux en son Nom en sa faueur me faire pardon mercy Et en repurgeant mon coeur de toute vanité souillure m'addresser cōduire par tō saint Esprit en toutes mes voyes à fin que ie chemine selon tes saints diuins commaundemēs tous les iours de ma vie à la gloire de ton Nō Par iceluy ton filz bien-aymé Ainsi soit-il ¶ L'oraison pour le Matin MOn DIEV mon Pere mon Sauueur comme maintenant tu enuoye ton Soleil sur la terre pour donner la lumiere corporelle à tes creatures vueille aussi illuminer mon coeur mon enten demēt par la lumiere celeste de tō saint Esprit à fin que ie ne pense ne dise ne face rien sinon pour te seruir complaire Que durant tout ce iour mon but principal soit de cheminer en ta crainte te seruir honorer attendant tout heur prosperité de ta seule benediction Que selon mon corps mon ame tu sois mon protecteur me fortifiant contre toutes les tentatiōs du diable de la chair me preseruant des entreprinses conspiratiōs de tous mes ennemis leurs complices adherēs Et d'autant bon Dieu que ce n'est rien de bien commencers● on ne perseuere qu'il te plaise nō seulemēt pour ce iour me receuoir sous ta conduite protectiō mais pour tout le cours de mavie continuāt augmētant de iour en iour les dōs graces de ton saint Esprit en moy iusques à ce qu'estant vnie coniointe auec ton filz vnique mon Sauueur ie puisse iouir de ceste vie bien-heureuse laquelle tu as promise à tous tes eleuz Pariceluy ton filz nostre Seigneur Iesus-Christ Ainsi soit-il ¶ Action de Graces DIeu tout bon tout sage Pere celeste plein de misericorde clemēce reduisant en memoire les oeuures de tes mains ie ne puis sinon admirer ta grande sapience bonté infinie laquelle tu as declarée enuers toutes tes creatures singulierement au regard de moy comme de m'auoir donné estre mouuement vie mais aussi outre les benefices infinis que tu distribue cōmunément à tous hommes de la terre tu m'as fait tant de graces speciales qu'il m'est impossible de les reciter ne mesme les pouuoir comprēdre Il t' a pleu par la lumiere de ton Euāgile me deliurer des tenebres d'erreur
¶ The King With rulers kinges I end all thinges As Emperors and kings we did raigne But now the earth doth vs detayne ¶ The Duke Duke Prince I do conuince ¶ The Marques Marques or state I am thy mate Lordes and rulers haue bene But what we are is to be sene ¶ The Baron Baron lord To me must accord ¶ The Vicount High low with me must go Tyme to lyue and tyme to dye God graunt vs life eternally ¶ The Lord. Galaunt or gay Then must away ¶ The Knight Stout and braue I must thee haue Behold me here as in a glasse For as thou art so I was ¶ The Esquire For all thy lust Thou shalt to dust ¶ The Gentleman Graue or sad Thou must be had As the houres of the day So our lyues passe away ¶ The Capitaine In peace and warre I make and marre ¶ The Souldier Of foe frend I make an end As we were so are ye And as we are so shall ye be ¶ The Dromme Cease thy dromme For all is done ¶ The Fife Cease thy play And come away Tymes do passe and tyme it is To vse well tyme least tyme do misse ¶ The Iudge Come on iudge With me to trudge ¶ The Iustice. Justice I say Come on thy way From earth to earth so must it be From lyfe to death as thou doost see ¶ Sergeant at law Leaue the lawes heare my cause ¶ The Attorney Plead as thou lust With me thou must Christ for thy bitter passion Graunt vs a ioyfull resurrection ¶ The Mayor Though Mayor thou be Come go with me ¶ The Shirife Sir Shirife stand and geue me thy hand From earth to earth so must it be From lyfe to death as thou doost see ¶ The Bailife Thou Baily also With me shalt go ¶ The Constable Constable be prest For I thee arest Behold me here as in a glasse For as thou art so I was ¶ The Phisician Let Phisike alone And go with me home The Astronomer Looke not so hie I am thee by Tyme to lyue and tyme to dye God graunt vs life eternally ¶ The Marchant Neither craft nor trade Can me perswade ¶ The Citizen Of toune nor citie I haue no pitie Behold me here as in a glasse For as thou art so I was ¶ The Riche man Siluer nor golde cannot thee holde ¶ The aged man Youth and age Must be my page As the houres of the day So our lyues passe away ¶ The Atrificer Leaue thine arte And take my parte The Husbandman Labour no more For I haue store As we were so are ye And as we are so shall ye be ¶ The Beggar Begging is done For I am come ¶ The Roge. Thinke I am best For I bring rest From earth to earth so must it be From lyfe to death as thou doost see ¶ The Shepeheard Leaue thy shepe And with me crepe ¶ The Foole. Of foolish and fonde I breake the bonde Christ for thy bitter passion Graunt vs a ioyfull resurrection ¶ Of Youth Young olde Come to my folde ¶ Of Infancy Feare not me though I grisly be Tyme to lyue and tyme to dye God graunt vs life eternally ¶ The Emperour Emperour or king I must thee bring ¶ The King With rulers kinges I ende all thinges As Emperors and kings we did raigne But now the earth doth vs detayne ¶ The Duke Duke Prince I do conuince ¶ The Marques Marques or state I am thy mate Lordes and rulers we hauē bene But what we are is to be sene ¶ The baron Baron lord To me must accord ¶ The Vicount High low with me must go Tymes do passe and tyme it is To vse well tyme least tyme do misse ¶ The Lord. Galaunt or gay Thou must away ¶ The Knight Stout and braue I must thee haue As the houres of the day So our lyues passe away ¶ The Esquire For all thy lust Thou shalt to dust ¶ The Gentleman Graue or sad Thou must be had Behold me here as in a glasse For as thou art so I was ¶ The Capitaine In peace and warre I make and marre ¶ The Souldior Of foe frend I make an end From earth to earth so must it be From lyfe to death as thou doost see ¶ The Dromme Cease thy dromme For all is done ¶ The Fife Cease thy play And come away As we were so are ye And as we are so shall ye be ¶ The Iudge Come on iudge With me to trudge ¶ The Iustice. Justice I say Come on thy way As the houres of the day So our lyues passe away ¶ Sergeant at law Leaue the lawes heare my cause ¶ The Attorney Plead as thou lust With me thou must Behold me here as in a glasse For as thou art so I was ¶ The Mayor Thogh Mayor thou be Come with me ¶ The Shirife Sir Shirife stand and geue me thy hand Tyme to lyue and tyme to dye God graunt vs life eternally ¶ The Bailife Thou Baily also With me shalt go ¶ The Constable Constable be prest For I thee arest From earth to earth so must it be From lyfe to death as thou doost see ¶ The Phisician Let Phisike alone And go with me home The Astronomer Looke not so hie I am thee by Tymes do passe and tyme it is To vse well tyme least tyme do misse ¶ The Marchant Neither craft nor trade Can me perswade ¶ The Citizen Of toune nor citie I haue no pitie Christ for thy bitter passion Graunt vs a ioyfull resurrection ¶ The Riche man Siluer nor golde Cannot thee holde ¶ The aged man Youth and age Must be my page Christ for thy bitter passion Graunt vs a ioyfull resurrection ¶ The Atrificer Leaue thine arte And take my parte The Husbandman Labour no more For I haue store As we were so are ye And as we are so shall ye be ¶ The Beggar Begging is done For I am come ¶ The Roge. Thinke I am best For I bring rest Tymes do passe and tyme it is To vse well tyme least tyme do misse ¶ The Shepeheard Leaue thy shepe And with me ●●epe ¶ The Foole. Of foolish and fonde I breake the bonde From earth to earth so must it be From lyfe to death as thou doost see ¶ Of Youth Young olde Come to my folde ¶ Of Infancy Feare not me though I grisly be Tyme to lyue and tyme to dye God graunt vs life eternally ¶ The Empresse Empresse thogh thou be Thou must away with me ¶ The Queene Queene also thou doost see As I am so shalt thou be We that were of highest degree Lye dead here now as ye do see ¶ The Princes Princes of hie estate cōtēt you I am your mate ¶ The Duchesse Duches princes Death daily conuinces We that sate in the highest seate Are layd here now for wormes meate ¶ The Countesse Countesse or what thou art I strike thee with my dart ¶ The Vicountesse Vicountes I do not spare For of them I haue no care Beauty honour and riches auayle no whit For death when he commeth spoyleth it ¶ The Baronnesse Baronnesse braue and hie Prepare thy selfe to dye ¶ The Lady Ladies gay faire To you I do repaire No state no might neither yong nor olde To resist death dare be bolde ¶ The Iudges wife Madame or iustice wife I am come to ende thy life The Lawyers wife Beware thy husbands gain Reward thee not with paine Death by his might doth conuince Expresse Queene Duches and Prince The Gentlewoma● Gentles braue fine Daunce after my line Aldermans wife Thou art clothed in skarlet And yet art but my varlet Behold vs here that sometyme were gay How now we lye here all lapped in clay Merchantes wife Braue neuer so nice Daunce after my deuice ¶ Citizens wife Tricke trim put of your hood I am come to do you good Riches nor treasure auayle nothing For death to earth all doth bring Riche mans wi●● Though thou haue sil●●● and golde Yet art thou within my holde ¶ Yong woman Fine prety in the wast Come with me in hast From earth we came and to earth we shall For sinne by death hath made vs thrall ¶ The Mayde Fresh galant gay All must with me away ¶ The Damosell Fine proper neate And all is but wormes meate O death how bitter is thy sting That poore and riche to earth doth bring ¶ Farmers wife Cease thy labour and paine For I am thy riches and gaine Husbandmās wife Toyle no more I say For hēce I must away The wise the simple and euery degree Are by force compelled to obey vnto thee Countreywoman Away with butter chese For thy life thou must now leese The Nurse Geue sucke no more For I am at the dore Learne by vs that here do lye For to liue well and learne to die Shepeheardes wife Be thou young or olde Thou must enter into my folde ¶ Aged woman Be the day neuer so long At last commeth Euensong As death to the iust bringeth aduantage So he to the wicked doth great dammage The Creeple Be thou poore or disesed Thou must with me be pleased The poore woman Be thou neuer so poore Thou must enter at my dore As death in this world hath the victory So by death we hope to enter Gods glory Come ye blessed of my father inherite the kingdome prepared for you Math. 25. Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for c. Math. 21.
our owne strengthes and deseruinges but by thy louing and mercifull working we pray to be saued and restored thorough Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ❧ Deprofundis cla PSALME CXXX ¶ The people of God from their bottomles miseries do cry vnto God and are heard They confesse their sinnes and flee vnto Gods mercy OUt of the depe haue I called vnto thee O Lord Lord heare my voyce O let thine eares consider wel the voyce of my cōplaint If thou Lorde wilt be extreme marke what is done amisse oh Lord who may abyde it For there is mercy with thee therfore shalt thou be feared I looke for the Lorde my soule doth wait for him in his word is my trust My soule flyeth vnto the Lorde before the mornyng watch I say before the morning watch O Israell trust in the Lord for with the lord there is mercy and with him is plenteous redemption And he shall redeme Israel from all his sinnes ¶ A prayer taken out of the same Psalme THou art oft wont O almighty God greuously to afflict thy faythfull people that thereby they may retourne to thee with feruent and perfect repentaunce whereof nowe in thy churche we haue experience in these most troublesome times For we that heretofore haue infinite wayes bene vnthankfull to thee haue daily broken thy law are oftentimes so vexed with the fiercenes of the diuell and his seruantes that we are constrained to cry to thee out of the most depe pitte of our miseries to pray thee that thou wilt not so seuerely punishe our sinnes If thou O God be determined to marke and punish our iniquities according to their deseruinges which of vs shall be so cleane and holy that he shall be able to stand before thy righteousnes But sith we knowe that thou art full of exceding mercy we do both morning euening loke vp for thy helpe Although therefore our offences be many yet it may please thee of thy most plentifull goodnes and mercy to succour vs that beyng deliuered from these instant perils and from the miseries that oppresse vs we may both beleue and report that with thee alone is true redemption through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen An other prayer taken out of the same psalme FOrasmuch as O almighty God we are continually tossed in the depe sea of temptations ▪ and are not able of our selues to withstand them we do for our great necessitie beseche thee mercifully to relieue vs. For if thou beyng iudge and examiner of all our doynges shalt narrowly marke all our offences against thee and rigorously punish them who shall be able to stand before thy throne Wherefore sithe there is with thee great and infinite clemency as our only trust is therin so we beseche thee that our iniquities may therby be redeemed With this onely confidence we are daily hourely nourished and do trust that thou wilt neuer forget the true Israell that is thy church Graunt therfore we pray thee that we may obtayne of thee pardon of our sinnes as the true and perfect fruite of this affiaunce thorough Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ❧ Domine exaudi PSALME CXLIII ¶ An earnest prayer for remission of sinnes acknowledging that the enemies did thus cruelly persecute hym by Gods iust iudgement He desireth to be restored to grace to be gouerned by his holy spirite that he maye spende the remnaunt of his life in the true feare and seruice of God HEare my praier O lord and consider my desire hearken vnto me for thy truth righteousnes sake And enter not into iudgement with thy seruaunt for in thy sight shall no man liuyng be iustified For the enemy hath persecuted my soule he hath smiten my life downe to the ground he hath layd me in the darkenes as the men that haue bene long dead Therfore is my spirit vexed within me and my hart with in me is desolate Yet doo I remember the tyme past I muse vppon all thy workes yea I exercise my selfe in the workes of thy handes I stretch forth my handes vnto thee my soule gaspeth vnto thee as a thirstie land Heare me O Lord and that soone for my spirite waxeth faint hide not thy face frō me least I be like vnto them that go downe into the pit O let me heare thy louyng kindnes betymes in the mornyng for in thee is my trust shew thou me the way that I should walke in for I lift vp my soule vnto thee Deliuer me O Lord from mine enemies for I flie vnto thee to hide me Teache me to do the thing that pleaseth thee for thou art my god let thy louyng spirite lead me forth into the land of righteousnes Quicken me O Lorde for thy names sake and for thy righteousnesse sake bryng my soule vnto thee And of thy goodnes slea myne enemies and destroy all them that vexe my soule for I am thy seruaunt ¶ A prayer taken out of the 143. Psalme WE do earnestly desire O lord God that thou wilt encline to our common petitions and for thy truth and mercies sake heare the prayers that we poure out before thee And we deny not that the sinnes wherwith we haue greuously offēded thee do not so deserue But if thou wouldest deale with vs by extremitie of thy law iudgement and dryue vs to seuere trial forasmuch as no mortall man yea no creature be the same neuer so pure and holy were able to abide it we also without doubte must nedes be condemned and not able to stand before thy iudgemēt seat in thy presence It may therefore please thee with thine accustomed clemency and pity to behold how vehemently our ennemy pursueth our soules wherby we are so vexed and ouercome that our case semeth litle to differ from the estate of the dead so sore is our spirit accombred within vs and our harte astonied Yet do we wel remember of thy former and auncient mercy wherby thou art wont wondrously to succour thine elect whē theyr cases are most dispaired Wherefore now we doo not onely lift vp our handes but also with all our hartes we crye to thee that thou wilt deliuer thy church frō thyne enemies and so gouerne vs wyth thy good spirit that hereafter we may accordyng to thy wil good pleasure faithfully do those things that are vpright and holy beyng brought out of this distresse reuiued by thy strengthe and helpe through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ An other out of the same Psalme SO great O Lorde is our wante of righteousnesse that all such as are well in structed with thy spirite do well know how vnable we are to stande before thy iudgement Therfore when we wey our deseruinges our spirite fayleth and our harte is amased But by and by we turne to thy mercy and do confesse that our vnrighteousnesse commeth not of our self but is thy worke Vpholden and encouraged with thee we flie to thy fauour in our perils of this lyfe For vnlesse thou doo helpe vs we