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A18939 Holy incense for the censers of the saints. Or, A method of prayer with matter, and formes in selected sentences of sacred scripture. Also A praxis upon the holy oyle shewing the vse of scripture-phrases. And choyse places taken out of the singing Psalmes, digested into a method of prayer and praises. Clarke, John, d. 1658. 1634 (1634) STC 5357; ESTC S116610 106,869 376

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every Communion c. to a particular confession and bewayling of them Thou maist set them downe in a paper Qu. 2. What would I desire God to doe for me if I were sure to obtaine my wish of him Thy heart will answer O that God would please to forgive my sinnes such and such O that hee would give unto me stedfast faith in the Lord Iesus the grace of Perseverance Health c. Set downe the particulars 3. Qu. What speciall favours and blessings hath God bestowed on mee from my infancie till now for which I owe him all possible thankesgiving Thy heart will make answer such and such a time hee delivered mee from danger from death c. made such a man to be my friend gave mee a husband a wife preferment c. Thus if thou signifie to God thy hatred of those sinnes want and hearty desire of those graces thankesgiving for those blessings Exercise will make this easie and Christs spirit that great master of requests will be ready to draw thy petitions for thee prompting thee with sit words and holy affections thou shalt make thy prayers unto him and hee shall heare thee and if thou seeke him hee will be found Iob 22. 27. Doe this daily it will bee no hinderance to thy worldly employments No man ever lost by serving God Meat and Mattens hinder no mans thrift Godlinesse hath the Promise for as hee rideth not furthest that goes early out on a bad horse c. or hee that is early up at his busines with blunt and dull-edged tooles but wea●ies himselfe and mars his worke so he prospers not best that goes about his calling before he hath seasoned his heart with holy meditations reading and prayer to God Exod. 40. 5. Thou shalt set the Altar of Gold for the Incense before the Arke of the Testimonie Exod. 30. 7. Aaron shall burne thereon sweet Incense every morning vers 8 and at Even hee shall burne incense upon it a perpetuall incense before the Lord. Levit. 16. 12. He shall take a censer full of burning coales of fire from off the Altar before the Lord and his hands full of sweet incense beaten small and bring it within the veile vers 13. And hee shall put the incense upon the fire before the Lord that the cloud of the incense may cover the Mercie-seat that is upon the Testimonie Holy Incense for the the Censers of the Saints Or Selected Sentences of holy Scripture furn●shing with materialls and serving as Formes of Prayer according to the heads of the former Method PREPARATION LEt us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens Unto thee lift I up mine eyes O thou that dwellest in the heavens DESCRIPTIONS of GOD. O God the God of the Spirits of all flesh Thou art a God ready to pardon gracious and mercifull slow to anger and of great kindenesse O thou that hearest prayers Thou Lord that createdst the heavens and stretchedst them out that spreadest foorth the earth and that which commeth out of it that givest breath unto the people upon it and spirit to them that walke therein The God in whose hand our breath is and whose are all our wayes The high and lofty One that inhabitest eternity whose name is holy who dwellest in the high and holy place c. The living God and the everlasting King Who hast made the earth by thy power and hast established the world by thy wisedome and stretched out the heavens by thy discretion That formest the mountaines and createst the wind declarest unto man what is his thought that makest the morning darkenesse and treadest upon the high places of the earth The blessed and onely Potentate the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Who onely hast immortality dwelling in the light which no man can approch unto whom no man hath seene or can see The Lord of Hoasts which dwelleth betweene the Che●u●ims Behold the heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot containe thee Thine is the Kingdome O Lord and thou art exalted as head above all Both riches and honour come of thee and thou reignest over all and in thine hand is power and might and in thine hand it is to make great and to give strength unto all Behold even to the Moone and it shineth not yea the Stars are not pure in his sight O Lord my God thou art very great thou art cloathed with honour and Majesty Who coverest thy selfe with light as with a garment who stretchest out the heavens like a curtaine The nations are as a drop of a bucket and are counted as the small dust of the ballance hee taketh up the Isles as a very little thing All nations before him are as nothing and they are counted to him lesse than nothing and vanity It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the Earth and the inhabitants thereof are as grashoppers that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtaine and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in O Lord of Hoasts that trieth the righteous and seest the reines and the heart The Lord which giveth the Sunne for a light by day and the ordinances of the Moone and of the Stars for a light by night which divideth the Sea when the waves thereof roare the Lord of Hoasts is his name Lord God behold thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arme and there is nothing too hard for thee Thou shewest loving kindnesse unto thousands and recompencest the iniquity of the Fathers into the bosome of their children after them the great the mighty God the Lord of hoasts is his name Great in Councell and mighty in worke for thine eyes are open upon all the wayes of the Sonnes of men to give every one according to his wayes and according to the fruit of his doings The King whose name is the Lord of Hoasts Him that maketh the seaven Stars and Orion and turneth the shaddow of death into the morning and maketh the day darke with night that calleth for the waters of the Sea and powreth them out upon the face of the earth the Lord is his name He that buildeth his stories in the heaven and hath founded his troupe in the earth Who is a God like unto thee that pardoneth iniquity and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage he retaineth not his anger for ever because hee delighteth in mercie He rebuketh the Sea and maketh it dry and drieth up all the Rivers I hou art of purer eyes then to behold evill and canst not looke on iniquity Descriptions of God from his Mercie and long-suffering Exod 34. 6. 2 Pet. 3. 9. 2 Chron. 30. 9. Nehem. 9. 31. Psal 103. 8. 11. 13. 17. Mic. 7. 18. 19. Rom. 2. 4. Gracious Promises Gen. 3
mee that the day of death is better than the day when I was borne Blessed are the dead that dye in the Lord for they rest from their labours and their workes follow them And that I may dye in thee O make me to live to thee O teach mee so to number my dayes that I may apply my heart unto wisedome that all the while my breath is in me and the spirit of God is in my nostrills I may glorifie thee on earth and finish that worke thou givest me to doe because there is no worke nor device nor knowledge in the grave whither I am going O make mee to passe the time of my Sojourning heere in thy feare because the night commeth in which I cannot worke So long as this my day lasteth let me live as a child of the light let my behaviour be as becommeth holinesse adorning the doctrine of God my Saviour in all things that I may praise thee my God whilest I have my being and my conversation may be in heaven even whilest I Sojourne heere on earth and the life which I now live in the flesh I may live by the faith of the Sonne of God that the world may be crucified unto me and I unto the world For to this end our Saviour Iesus once tasted death for every man and humbled himselfe and became obedient even to the death of the crosse that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which dyed for them and rose againe When therefore my race is finished and I have served out my time O let mee dye the death of the righteous and let my last end be like his Let my soule be bound up in the bundle of life with the Lord my God shew me the path of life In thy presence is fulnesse of joy at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore Pardon all my Sinnes heale my backe-slidings love me freely subdue mine iniquities and cast all my Sinnes into the depths of the Sea Give me peace of conscience and joy in thee that when dust shall returne againe to the earth as it was my spirit may returne to God who gave it Amen A Prayer for a Scholler O Lord thou art the Father of lights every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and commeth downe from thee thou hast commanded that if any lacke wisedome he should aske it of thee thou it is that givest to the simple sharpnesse of wit and to the child knowledge and understanding O give unto me thy servant a wise and understanding heart and make learning delightfull unto my soule that I giving attendance unto reading may meditate upon the things that shall be taught me and give my selfe wholly thereunto that so my profiting may appeare unto all O make mee also to learne Christ in whom are hid al the treasures of wisedome and knowledge that I may grow up before thee as a plant of righteousnesse And because Paul may plant and Appollos water but it is thou alone that canst give the increase command thy blessing from heaven that it may rest upon my studies It will be in vaine for me to rise early and to sit up late unlesse it please thee to prosper mine endeavours O doe thou bestowe on mee knowledge and skill in all learning and wisedome as thou didst on Daniel and his three companions And as Moses was learned in all the wisedome of the Aegyptians so also incline mine eare to wisedome and apply mine heart unto understanding that I may say unto wisedome thou art my Sister and call understanding my Kinswoman make me to seeke her as silver and to search for her as hidden treasures to be instant in season and out of season in labours more abundant in watchings often applying my heart to know to search and seeke out wisedome and the reason of things O make me in the morning to sow my seed and in the evening not to withhold mine hand that I may take hold of instruction and not let her goe but keepe her for shee is my life Make me swift to heare carefull to redeeme the time wisely husbanding those opportunities I have to learne that with all my getting I may get understanding and may not onely learne the wisedome of heathen and prophane Authors but that wisedome also which is from above and heavenly which may give me an inheritance among all them that are sanctified Lord set thy stampe on this my pliable and waxie youth that it may bee holinesse unto thee season my heart with thy feare betimes let me set thee alwayes before mine eyes that as Samuel Iosiah and Solomon I may learne to know thee the Lord God of my Fathers and serve thee with a willing mind make me to give to thee the first fruits of my yeares and to remember thee my creatour in the dayes of my youth whilest the evill dayes come not thus laying up a good foundation for the time to come Thou hast promised that if I seeke thee thou wilt be found of me but if I forsake thee thou wilt cast me off for ever make me therefore diligent to know the Scriptures of a child which are able to make me wise unto salvation let thy glory be the end thy word the rule thy spirit the guide thy will the law thy promises the comforts of my life that thus acquainting my selfe with thee betimes and abhorring all prophane and Atheisticall conceits of thee thy wayes worship I may by thy grace suppresse all filthy and unholy thoughts fancies and desires so fly the lusts of youth Thou hast made me to bee borne into thy Church and hast even from my infancie received me into thy covenant O that there were such an heart in me that I might serve thee alwayes Give me patient obedient humble dutifull and discreet carriage to all my Supiriours to him especially at whose feet as Saint Paul at Gamaliels I now sit make me painfull and industrious carefull to please him reverencing his authority Make mee affable loving courteous harmlesse and of winning behaviour towards my Equalls and Inferiours being gentle and easie to be intreated by them all Pardon and heale the frailties follies and infirmities of my youth give me understanding to conceive largenesse of heart and capacity to apprehend confirme my memorie to retaine my invention to finde out and attaine to humane literature Prosper all my labours and make me wise to understand mine owne wayes to save mine owne soule that I may bee a comfort to my Parents and honour to thy Gospell an example of Learning Pietie and vertue to all my Equalls that so I may heereafter become a profitable instrument of thy glory either in the church or common wealth as thou shalt see it best in thine heavenly wisedome and most agreeable to mine owne disposition that thus glorifying thee in my life I may be blessed of thee in my death and glorified for ever with thee in the world
of thy Gospell is not heard Let thy way be knowne upon earth and thy saving health among all nations cause the Sunne of righteousnesse to arise with healing in his wings upon all those that sit in darkenesse and the shadow of death to guide their feete into the way of peace Give thy sonne Iesus the heathen for his inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession Make all the Kings of the earth to fall downe before him and all nations to doe him reverence That his dominion may bee from Sea even to Sea and from the rivers even to the ends of the earth That Tarshish Pul and Lud that draw the bow Tuball and Iavan and the Iles afarre off that have not heard thy ●ame neither have seene thy glory may be brought into the houshold of faith and be joyned to the people of the God of Abraham and so bee made one folde under that great shepheard and Bishop of their soules Those sinners of the Gentiles O Lord draw them out of the darkenesse of Paganisme Idolatrie ignorance and superstition and though they now bee wallowing in their blood yet let it bee the time of love with thee and say unto them live spread thy skirt over them Let the light of the glorious Gospell of Iesus Christ shine unto them that they may turne from the service of dumb Idols yea of very Devils to thee the living God Teach them to know thee the onely true God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ open the doore of faith unto them that they may beleeve in the name of thy Sonne grant them repentance unto life that they may be saved light up among them some burning and shining lamps to beare thy name among them that the grace of God which bringeth salvation may appeare unto all men that so they which are without Christ being aliens from the Common wealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of Promise that have no hope and are without God in the world may heare the voyce of the Sonne of God and live To this end plant thy grace and feare in their hearts who are of that Colonie and Plantation make them wise to win those poore soules by their unblameable conversation being zealous for thee gentle towards them apt to teach them patient in meeknesse instructing them if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the Devill who are taken captive by him at his will O Lord this is a worthy worke and who is sufficient for these things therefore doe thou make bare thine owne almighty arme bring in the fulnesse of the Gentiles give them where Satans throne is an heart to perceive and eyes to see and eares to heare the word of thy grace that the ends of the earth may see the salvation of God and they that dwell in the uttermost parts thereof may be converted unto thee then shall the earth bee filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea and they shall feare the name of the Lord from the West and his glory from the rising of the Sunne Amen A Prayer to bee prepared against Death c. O Thou eternall immortall invisible and onely wise God who stretchedst forth the heavens and laidst the foundations of the earth and formedst the spirit of man within him thou art the former of al things thy spirit did at the first make mee and the breath of the Almighty hath given mee life thou hast clothed mee with skin and flesh and fenced mee with bones and s●●ewes my substance was not hid from thee when I was made in secret and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth thine eyes did see mee when I was yet unperfect and in thy booke all my members were written which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there was none of them before And thou Lord tookest me out of the wombe thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mothers breasts thou hast fed me and led me all my life long unto this day when I have passed through the waters thou hast beene with me and through the rivers they have not overflowed me thou hast carryed mee on Eagles wings and in the time of trouble hast preserved me safely under thy feathers and there hath not one haire of mine head fallen to the ground without thy Providence But what man is hee that liveth and shall not see death our dayes on the earth are as a shadow and there is none abiding we spend our yeares as a tale that is told our life is even as a Vapour that appeares for a little time th●n vanisheth away wee build our house as a moth and as a booth that the Keeper maketh We have here no continuing Citie all flesh is grasse and all the goodlinesse thereof as the flower of grasse Man that is borne of a woman is of few dayes and full of trouble he commeth forth like a flower and is cut downe hee fleeth also as a shadow and continueth not O Lord my times are in thy hand all my dayes are determined the number of my months are with thee thou hast appointed my bounds which I cannot passe I must one day returne to the ground for dust I am and to dust I must returne thou wilt bring me to death and to the house appoynted for all living where I shall make my bed in darkenesse and must say to corruption thou art my father and to the wormes thou art my mother and my sisters O that I were wise and did understand this that I could consider my latter end that whether I live I might live unto the Lord or whether I dye I might dye unto the Lord that both living and dying I might bee the Lords then should I use the world as if I used it not then would I not bee conformed to the men of this world who have their portion in this life whose God is their belly who make pleasures and honour and riches their God and mind only earthly things But by that irreversible sentence of thine In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt dye the death it is appoynted unto all men once to dye our fathers where are they and the Prophets doe they live for ever they all are gone downe into the chambers of death there they rest together in their beds till the heavens be no more they shall not wake nor bee raysed out of their sleepe and I my selfe also who am a sonne of Adam and formed out of the same clay I must when my dayes be fulfilled sleepe with my fathers and goe the way whence I shall not returne Truly the light is sweete and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the Sunne and yet thy favour presence and light of thy countenance is better than life whilest I am in the flesh I am absent from thee and thou hast taught
taken away thy corne in the time thereof Scripture Ezek. 5. 16. and hast sent upon us the evill arrowes of Famine O Lord the Land Scripture Hos 4. 8. Head Satisfie mourneth and every one that dwelleth therein doth languish they that were full have hired Scripture 1 Sam. 2. 5. out themselves for bread and yet Scripture Eccles 6. 7. the appetite is not filled Our bread formerly Scripture Gen. 49. 20. Head Plentie hath bene fat and we have enjoyed royall dainties the Lord our God Scripture Deut. 7. 2. hath beene with us and we have lacked nothing we have Scripture 8. 9. Head Abound lived in a Land wherein wee have eaten bread without scarsenesse in Scripture Iudg 18. 10 a place where there is no want of any thing that is in the earth But now for Scripture 2 King 8. 1. our sinnes thou hast called for a Famine Head Famine and it is also come Scripture Psal 105. 16. and thou hast broken the whole staffe of bread such as Scripture Iob 20. 22. have hither to beene in the fulnesse of sufficiencie are likely now to bee in straits some that Scripture 1 Sam. 25. 36. Head Feast have held feasts in their houses like the feasts of a King are hardly bestead Scripture Isai 8. 21. Scripture Iudg. 19 5. hungry would now comfort their heart with a morsel Head Eat of bread Many Scripture Deut. 15 8. that have opened their hand wide unto their brethren distributing to the Scripture Rom. 12. 13. Head Liberall necessitie of the Saints are now Scripture Lev. 25. 35. Head Almes themselves waxen poore and falne into decay and are Scripture Iam. 2. 15. Head Poore de●titute of daily food Lord open unto Scripture Deut. 28. 12 us thy good treasure and let not Scripture Gen. 41. 30. Head Plentie the Famine consume the land minister Scripture 2 Cor. 9. 10. bread for our food Head Feed and fill the hungry Scripture Luk. 1. 53 soule of thy people with good things that there may bee Scripture Psal 144. 11. no complaining in our streets Thou hast promised thou wilt abundantly Scripture Psa 132. 15 blesse our provision and wilt satisfie the poore with bread Open now unto us the windowes Scripture Mal. 3. 10. Head Plenty of heaven and poure us out a blessing that our Scripture Psal 144. 13. garners may be full affording all manner of store with Scripture Gen. 27. 37. Head Abound corne also and wine doe thou susteine Scripture Psal 104. 15. us and with bread which strengthens mans heart Stirre Scripture Ezra 1. 1. Head Perswade up the spirit bow Scripture 2 Sam 19. 14. Scripture 2 Kin. 15. 20 the hearts of the mighty men of Head Rich. wealth that have Scripture Pro. 28. 19. plenty of bread Head Abound whose portion is Scripture Hab 1. 16. fat and their meat plenteous to remember the poore Head Almes to draw out their Scripture Isai 58. 10. soule to the hungry and satisfie the afflicted soule not Scripture Iob 31. 17. eating their morsell alone but sending Scripture Nehe. 8. 10 portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared and Scripture Esth 9. 22. gifts to the poore O make them put Scripture Col. 3. 12. on the bowells of mercy being kind Head Compassi ∣ on to their brethren Scripture Eph. 4. 32. and tender hearted rich in good Scripture 1 Tim. 6. 18. workes ready to distribute willing to communicate Scripture Deut. 15. 7. not hardening their heart nor shutting their hand from their poore brethren that wee may all eate in plenty Scripture Ioel 2. 26. and bee satisfied and praise the name of the Lord our God that hath dealt wonderously with us giving us Scripture 1 Tim 6. 17. richly all things to enjoy Amen In the time of Drought thou mayest thus poure out thy soule to God in prayer O Lord thou art the father of Scripture Iob. 38. 28. the raine thou hast Head Raine begotten the drops Scripture Deut. 28. 12. of dew Wee bese●ch thee to open now unto us thy good treasure the heaven to give us raine unto our land in his season because Scripture Ier. 14. 4. the ground is Head Drought chapt the land perisheth and is burnt Scripture 9. 12. Head Drie up like a wildernesse In our wants Scripture Psal 68. 9. heretofore thou O God didst send a plentifull Raine whereby thou didst confirme thine inheritance when it was weary but now thou stayest Scripture Iob. 38. 37. the bottles of heaven the showers Head Clouds Scripture Ier. 3. 3. are with-holden from us and there hath beene no latter raine Thus Scripture Lev. 26. 19. for our sinnes thou hast made our heaven as iron and our earth as brasse and hast commanded the Scripture Isai 5. 6. clouds that they rain no raine upon us How doe the Scripture Ioel 1. 18. beasts mourne and the heards of cattell Head Drought are perplexed because they have no pasture How Scripture Ier. 12. 4. doth the land mourn and the herbes of every field wither Command now therfore Scripture Psal 78. 23. O Lord the clouds from above and open the doores of heaven and water Scripture Psa 65. 10. Head Heaven the ridges of the earth abundantly settle the furrowes thereof make it soft with showres Scripture 104. 14. cause the grasse to grow for the cattell and herbe for the service of man that thou mayest bring forth food out of the earth Drop Head Raine downe then yee heavens from above and let the skies Scripture Eccles 11. 8. empty themselves upon the earth Lord why bindest Scripture Iob 26. 8. thou up the waters in thy thick clouds and the cloud is not rent under them O cause the showre Scripture Eze. 34. 26. to come downe in his season let there be showres of blessing that the earth Scripture Iam. 5. 18. may bring forth her fruit that we may Scripture Ier. 5 24. feare thee the Lord our God that givest us raine both the former and the latter in his season Amen Dost thou goe to visit some sicke friend with whom thou shalt happily be desired to pray and wouldst thou bee able to speake a word in season to him Run over with thine eye some of these heads Pardon Sinne Sicke Die Death Heaven c. and some choyse phrases of more speciall note and use will offer themselves which thou occasionally maist turne into Petitions or make matter of comfortable meditation and discourse Yea suppose thou thy selfe wert falne sicke of the sicknesse wherof thou maist die having received the sentence of death in thy selfe and that some friend as Isaiah to King Hezekiah should advise thee to set thine house and heart in order for thou must dye and not live thou mightst weepe out with Hezekiah this comfortable meditation under these Heads Heaven Desire Glorified Death Grave Resurrection O Heaven the citie of our solemnities a quiet habitation a tabernacle Scripture Isai 33. 20. Head Heaven that shall not be taken downe not one of the stakes thereof shall ever
instructa officina remediorum omnium 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Coloss 3. 16. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdome teaching and admonishing one another in Psalmes and Hymnes and spirituall songs singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. A PRAYER gathered out of the PSALMES O Lord that Heaven docst possesse I lift mine eyes to thee Even as the servant lifteth his His masters hands to see Thou the foundations of the earth Before all times hast layde And Lord the heavens are the worke Which thine owne hand hath made Thou Lord I say whose seate is set On Cher●bins most bright Shew forth thy selfe and doe not let Send downe thy beames of light Incline thine eare unto my words O Lord my plaint consider And heare my voyce my King my God To thee I make my prayer As incenso let my prayers be Directed in thine eyes And the up-lifting of my hands As evening sacrifice FOr loe my wicked doings Lord Above my head are gone A greater load than I can beare They lye me sore upon O Lord our God if thou shalt weigh Our sinnes and them poruse What one shall then escape and say I can my selfe excuse Thou Lord dost know the thoughts of man His heart thou seest full plaine Thou Lord I say mans thoughts dost scan And find'st them all but vaine The wicked workes that we have wrought Thou se●'st before thine eye Our privy faults yea eke our thoughts Thy countenance doth spye Both wee and eke our fathers all Have sinned every one We have committed wickednesse And lewdly we have done Our wicked life so farre exceedes That we should fall therein But Lord forgive our great misdeeds And purge us from our sin IN judgement with thy servants Lord O enter not at all For justified be in thy sight Not one that liveth shall From the beholding of my sinne Lord turne away thy face And all my deedes of wickednesse Doe utterly deface Lord turne thee to thy wonted grace My ●illy soule up take O save me not for my deserts But for thy mercies sake Have mercy on me Lord after Thy great aboundant grace After thy mercies multitude Doe thou my sinnes deface Yea Lord remove our sinnes from us And our offences all As farre as is the Sun rising Full distant from his fall The man is blest whose wickednesse Thou Lord hast cleane remitted And he whose sinne and wickednesse His hid and also covered And blest is he to whom the Lord Imputeth not his sin Which in his heart hath hid no guile Nor fraud is found therein O Lord create in me a heart Vnspotted in thy sight And eke with in my bowels Lord Renew a stable spirit With Hysope Lord besprinkle me I shall be cleansed so Yea wash thou me and so I shall Be whiter than the Snow Of joy and gladnesse make thou me To heare the pleasant voyce That so the bruised bones which thou Hast broken may rejoyce For thy Names sake with quickning grace Alive doe thou me make And out of trouble bring my soule Even for thy justice sake O God my God I watch betime To come to thee in haste For why my soule and body both Doe thirst of thee to taste And in this barren wildernesse Where waters there are none My flesh is parcht for thought of thee For thee I wish alone Direct our hearts unto thy grace Convert us Lord to thee Shew us the brightnesse of thy face And then full safe are we Gods promise I doe minde and praise O Lord I sticke to thee I doe not care at all assayes What flesh can doe to me I still depend with all my heart On thee and thus will say My Father and my God thou art My rocke of health and stay O blest is he whose hope and heart Doth in thee Lord remaine That with the proud doth take no part Nor such as lye and faine My heart doth knowledge unto thee I sue to have thy grace Then seeke my face sayst thou to me Lord I will seeke thy face In wrath turne not thy face away Nor suffer me to slide Thou art my helpe still to this day Be still my God and guide SO grievous is my plaint and moane That I waxe wondrous ●aint All the night long I wash my bed With teares of my complaint Thou seest my sinnes that many be Thou on my teares dost looke Reserve them in a glasse by thee And write them in thy booke Burnt offrings thou delight'st not in I know thy whole desire With sacrifice to purge his sinne Thou dost no man require A troubled spirit is sacrifice Delightfull in Gods eyes A broken and an humble heart God thou wilt not despise Surely with ashes as with bread My hunger I have fill'd And mingled have my drinke with teares That from mine eyes have still'd The Lord is high and yet he doth Behold the lowly sp'rite But he contemning knowes afarre The proud and lofty wight O Would to God it might thee please My wayes so to addresse That I might both in heart and voyce Thy lawes keepe and confesse I have both sworne and will performe Most certainely doubtlesse That I will keepe thy judgements just And them in life expresse Prove me my God I thee desire My wayes to search and try As men doe prove their gold with fire My reines and heart espie O Lord thou hast me tride and knowne My sitting thou dost know And rising eke my thoughts a farre Thou understandst also My paths yea and my lying downe Thou compassest alwayes And by familiar custome art Acquainted with my wayes THen in thy paths that be most pure Stay me Lord and preserve That from thy way wherein I walke My steps may never swerve And whilest that breath within my brest Doth naturall life preserve Yea till this world shall be dissolv'd Thy law will I observe From such as thee desire to know Let not thy grace depart Thy tighteousnesse declare and shew To men of upright heart Thy tender mercies Lord from me Withdraw thou not away But let thy love and verity Preserve me still for aye And whiles I live I will not fayle To worship thee alway And in thy name I shall lift up My hands when I doe pray As thou hast giuen power to me So Lord make firme and sure The thing that thou hast wrought in me For ever to endure O Teach me Lord thy wayes and I Shall in thy truth proceede O joyne my heart to thee so nigh That I thy name may dreed WHat thing is there that I can wish But thee in heaven above And in the earth there is no thing Like thee that I can love HAte I not them that hate thee Lord And that in earnest
omitting good particular failings frailties distractions indisposednes to serve God our ignorance Atheism infidelitie hypocrisie inconstancie pride vaine-glory envy uncharitablenesse putting off our repentance forgetfulnesse distrustfulnesse unthankefulnesse dulnesse unchearfulnesse felfe-love strife wrath flattery idlenesse gluttony uncleannesse covetousnesse all inordinate desires and all the evill of our good workes c. may never bee imputed or layd to our charge As likewise the Nationall unthankfulnesse heresies schismes swearing oppression security which crye open mouth'd against us may not enter into the eares of the Lord of hosts Secondly That we may from on high be indued with power over those corruptions and lusts to which pleasure allures profit provokes sinfull custome most of all swayes us the plague of our own heart that the lusts of our flesh may be crucifyed and the whole body of sinne abolished and we leade our captivity captive 2 Victory over all the deceits of the whole world which lieth in wickednesse and all the temptations thereof that neither the persons nor things therein may become our suare 3 Over the Devill that arch-enemy of our salvation and his fiercest and eraftiest assaults that he may never finally prevaile over us that the God of peace would tread downe Satan under our feete and so make us more than conquerors through our Lord Iesus who hath loved us Secondly Deprecation of the evill of Punishment 1. All those dreadfull curses due to our sinnes that they may not be inflicted on us 2 Deliverance from all plagues which we now feele or hereafter may feare viz. 1 Iudgements nationall which the whole Land mournes under Plague of the pestilence famine warre sedition conspiracie 2 Afflictions personall that lie on our selves either in soule body or in estate troubles and terrours of conscience griefe of minde scandalls and offences imprisonment banishment sicknesse poverty disgrace losse of friends or any other afflictions of what kinde soever preservation from and in all dangers Death it selfe the king of terrours the day of judgement from Hell and chaines of darknesse from Gods wrath and everlasting damnation c. Secondly We petition for others which is Intercession and thus here wee pray for the Catholike Church of Iesus Christ militant every where on earth which is either 1 Uncalled yet belonging to the election of grace that they may be converted as 1. Iews our elder sister which was in the covenant before us 2 Pagans and Infidels that they may heare the glad tidings of salvation and that the Sunne of righteousnesse may arise on them with healing in his wings that they may enjoy Gods Word Sacraments Sabbaths that God would bring home them that goe astray instruct the ignorant and forgive them that rebelliously transgresse Heretickes yea the Enemies and Persecutours of the Church that they all may bee converted or if implacable confounded beseeching God to forgive our Enemies Persecutors and Slanderers and to turne their hearts 2 Already called that the Lord would purge it from Schisme and Heresie and appease all unhappy differences in the Church making all Christians keepe the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace and that he would warme and enliven the setling and cooled affections of these secure and earthly-minded times To watch over it for good whether in the transmarine parts and forraigne countries abroad or our owne nation at home herein especially our gracious soveraigne King Charles and his Highnes Dominions with all his sacred Stocke and Lineage the Queene young Prince Princesse Duke the Lady Elizabeth the Kings onely sister and her Progenie The Lords spirituall and temporall those of his Majesties most honourable Privie Councell the Nobility Majestra●ie Ministrie the two Universities the Gentry and Commonalty our Parents Kindred Friends Benefactours all such as we stand obliged unto by nature desert duty or any speciall relation Thirdly Afflicted in soule body or in estate being oppressed and persecuted under Popish tyranny or Mahumetan cruelty those that bee destitute of all comforts of this life that want foode rayment harbour liberty peace health that grone under poverty famine nakednesse c. that all the Israel of God may bee delivered from all their troubles 3. THANKSGIVING THe third and last Part of our Prayers is Thankesgiving that God would give us thankefull hearts for all his Blessings First Positive Secondly Privative in Temporall spirituall and eternall good things towards his whole Church 1 Triumphant for providing for it Heaven a place of rest and happinesse for the glorious Martyrs godly Bishops Preachers and Confessors that out of their ashes he hath wondrously raysed up beleevers 2 Militant for giving ●●●m 1 Christ to be their Saviour captaine and leader 2 Holy spirit to bee their comforter 3 God himself to be their father 4 His Gospell Sacraments c. Secondly For his blessings to our selves for that eternall unchangeable infinite everlasting undeserved love of his to us in our Election in and Redemption by Iesus Christ our vocation our Adoption Iustification Sanctification inchoate with assured hope of future Glorification That we were borne of Christian and beleeving Parents in a land of righteousnesse in a time of knowledge planted in religious families towns undergodly and painfull Ministers and gracious Governours that we enjoy Gods word and Sacraments in the power and purity of them for the many great and precious promises made to us therein Which are either performed already towards us or shall be hereafter in due time accomplished For all the Graces of the holy spirit for the gracious and free pardon of our many sinnes Faith Repentance some care of sincere obedience and tender hearts desiring to feare God for power against and prevailing over any sinne that we are not given over to Heresies and Errours in opinion nor to those base and fleshly Lusts that some others are in our lives nor to a hard heart reprobate minde benummed conscience and finall Apostasie for victory in any temptation over subtle Satan the alluring world and our own selfe-deceiving selves Secondly Temporall Blessings viz. of Creation Providence 1 Creation after Gods own image not being made a Beast Toad Foole c. 2 Gods providence Nationall Personall in those wonderfull Deliverances of the nation Preservation peace plenty towards us and fatherly care over us in our birth and infancie ever since we hung upon the ●rests in our childe-hood youth mans estate unto old age and gray haires for our health continued so long or restored of late for understanding judgement and discretion peace liberty prosperity food raiment same and good esteeme among Gods people for wealth friends Godly parents carefull ●utours masters and governours good education quietnesse of minde contentment c. Daily preservation manifold deliverances from imminent and apparent yea unseene and unfeared dangers For his fatherly chastisements and corrections for sanctifying to our everlasting good our afflictions
the law but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousnesse which is of God by faith For REPENTANCE Oh that my head were waters and mine eyes a fountaine of teares that I might weepe day and night for O that all the night I could make my bed to swim that I could water my couch with my teares that I might repent in sacke-cloth and ashes and grant us repentance unto life Thou hast in love to our soules vouchsafed unto us space and time to repent in O that thou wouldst also give us grace to repent O that there were such an heart in us that wee might repent and recover our selues out of the snare of the Devill who have beene hither to taken captive by him at his will Doe thou melt our stonie hearts into godly sorow which worketh repentance unto salvation not to bee repented of SANCTIFYING GRACE Sprinkle cleane water upon us that we may bee cleane from all our filthinesse and from all our a new heart also doe thou give us and a new spirit doe thou put within us and take away the stony heart out of the middest of us and give thou unto us an heart of flesh and put thy Spirit within us and cause thou us to walke in thy statutes and keepe thy judgements and doe them KNOWLEDGE That the God of our Lord Iesus Christ the father of glory would give unto us the spirit of wisedome and ●evelation in the knowledge of him The eyes of our understanding being inlightned that we may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints that the earth may bee filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the Sea that all may know thee from the least to the greatest of us That Christ may dwell in our hearts by faith that we being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and heighth And to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge that wee might be filled with all the fulnesse of God That I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death And because it is not good that the soule bee without knowledge incline our eares to wisedome and apply our hearts to understanding that we may cry after knowledge and lift up our voice for understanding that wee may understand the feare of the Lord and find the knowledge of God That wee may be enabled to cry unto thee Our God wee know thee Vid. Ier. 31. 33. 34. LOVE of GOD c. That wee may love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soule and with all our mind that because our sinnes which are many are forgiven us therefore we may love thee much That wee may love one another as Christ hath loved us that our love may abound yet more and more towards all men especially them that are of the houshold of faith That wee may love our enemies blesse them that curse us doe good unto them that hate us and pray for them that dispitefully use and persecute us ZEALE Make us to bee zealous of good workes that we may not rest contented with a luke-warme profession being neither cold nor hot but that our soule may breake for the longing that it hath to thy judgements at all times that the zeale of thine house may eate us up that so our zeale may provoke very many SINCERITIE Behold thou desirest truth in the inward parts O therefore make us Israelites indeed in whom there is no guile That in simplicitie and godly purenesse wee may have our conversation in the world because thine eyes are upon all our wayes and thou understandest our thoughts a farre off and art acquainted with all our wayes for there is not a word in our tongue but loe O Lord thou knowest it altogether And thou wilt bring to light the hidden things of darknesse and wilt make manifest the counsels of the heart Though they dig into hell thence shall my hand take them though they climbe up to heaven thence will I bring them downe And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel I will search and take them out thence and though they be hid from my sight in the bottome of the Sea thence will I command the Serpent and hee shall bite them If thou sayest behold wee knew it not doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it and that keepeth thy soule doth not he know it and shall not he render to every man according to his workes God shall bring every worke into judgement with every secret thing whether it be good or whether it be evill the Lord seeth not as man seeth for man looketh on the outward appearance but the Lord looketh on the heart I beseech thee O Lord remember now how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart and have done that which is good in thy sight the Lord searcheth all hearts and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts Can any hide himselfe in secret places that I shall not see him sayeth the Lord doe not I fill heaven and earth sayeth the Lord. Shall not God know this for he knoweth the secrets of the heart The darknesse hideth not from thee but the night shineth as the day the darknesse and the light are both alike to thee The Spirit of man is the candle of the Lord searching all the inward parts of the belly thou even thou knowest the hearts of all the children of men Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight but all things are naked and opened to the eyes of him with whom they have to doe BOLDNES the Profession of the GOSPEL That we may not be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that beleeveth Grant unto thy servants that with all boldnesse we may speak of and professe thy word Considering that if we shall bee ashamed of Our Lord Iesus Christ and of his words in this adulterous and sinfull generation the Sonne of man also will be ashamed of us when he commeth in the glory of his Father with the holy Angels PERSEVERANCE O that there were such an heart in us that we might feare thee and keepe thy commandements alway that it might be well with us and with our children after us for ever Give us our heart and our way that we may feare thee for ever and make thou an everlasting covenant with vs that thou wilt not turne away from us to doe us good and put
rise not againe Make them like Iohn burning and shining lights that they may bee holinesse to the Lord Whom thou hast set as watch-men over thy people make them instant in season and out of season that they may give warning from thee that they may cry aloud and not spare lifting up their voyce like a trumpet and shew thy people their transgressions COMMONALTIE Blesse all Israel from Dan to Beershebah make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field and with the fowles of heaven breake the bow and the sword and the battell out of the earth and make them to lye downe safely For the AFFLICTED And thou Lord who givest power to the faint and to them that have no might encreasest strength comfort them that lie upon beds of languishing make all their beds in their sicknesse for unto thee Lord belong the issues from death Behold the teares of such as are oppressed and have no comforter Lord remember them that are in bonds that are tryed in the furnace of affliction Bind up the breach of thy people heale the stroke of their wound Let the sighing of the prisoners come before thee according to the greatnesse of thy power preserve thou those that are appoynted to dye Bee thou a strength to the poore a strength to the needy in their distresse a refuge from the storme a shadow from the heat when the blast of the terrible Ones is a storme against the wall His place of defence shall bee the munition of rockes bread shall be given him his waters shall be sure THANKS GIVING for Blessings Spirituall and Eternall And now our God we thanke thee and praise thy glorious name for blessing us with all spirituall blessings in heavenly places in Christ for delivering us from the power of darknesse and translating us into the Kingdome of thy deare Sonne Blessed be God even the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort who when we were sometimes aliens and enemies in our mind by wicked workes and were by nature the children of wrath as well as others out of his rich mercy for the great love where with hee loved us even when we were dead in trespasses and sinnes and the uncircumcision of our flesh hath quickned us together with Christ having forgiven us all trespasses Blotting out the hand-writing of Ordinances that was against us which was contrary unto us and tooke it out of the way nayling it to his Crosse Blessed bee thy glorious Name which is exalted above all blessing and praise for great is thy mercie towards us and thou hast delivered our soule from the lowest hell and hast made us meet to bee partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light 3. For TEMPORALL blessings of Creation and Providence I thanke thee Father Lord of heaven and earth that Blesse the Lord O my soule and all that is within mee blesse his holy name c. For thou art he that tookest me out of the wombe thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mothers breasts I was cast upon thee from the wombe thou art my God from my mothers belly We have beene borne by thee from the belly and are carried from the wombe And even to our old age be thou hee and even to hoarie haires doe thou carry us Thou hast covered me in my mothers wombe I will praise thee for I am fearefully and wonderfully made marveilous are thy workes and that my soule knoweth right well How precious are thy thoughts unto me O God how great is the summe of them If I should count them they are moe in number than the sand Thy hands have made me and fashioned me I am not worthy of the least of all thy mercies and of all the truth which thou hast shewed nuto thy servant Thus will I blesse thee while I live I will lift up my hands in thy name My soule shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatnesse and my mouth shall praise thee with joyfull lips when I remember thee upon my bed and meditate on thee in the night watches c I know Lord that thy judgements are right and that thou in faithfulnesse hast afflicted me Before I was afflicted I went astry but now I have kept thy word O Lord my God I cryed unto thee and thou hast healed me O Lord thou hast brought up my soule from the grave thou hast kept me alive that I should not goe downe to the pit c. Thou hast delivered mee in sixe troubles yea in seven there hath no evill touched me c. There hath no evill befallen me neither hath any plague come neere my dwelling Thou hast delivered my soule from death my eyes from teares and my feete from falling What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord. Thou hast extended peace unto us like a river and prosperity like a flowing streame we drinke waters out of our owne Wells Thou hast strengthened the barres of our gates and blessed our children within us c. Thou hast given us bread to eate and rayment to put on yea our bread like Ashurs is fat and wee have pleasures which even Kings doe want Thou hast not dealt so with any nation O that men would praise the Lord for his goodnesse and for his wonderfull workes to the children of men CONCLVSION with a craving of Audience Two things have I required of thee deny me them not before I depart Thy Sonne our Saviour hath promised that What things soever wee desire when we pray if we beleeve we shall receive them Lord we beleeve helpe thou our unbeliefe Now unto him that is able to doe exceeding abundantly above all that wee aske or thinke according to the power that worketh in us unto him be glory in the Church of Christ throughout all ages world without end Amen Now the God of Peace that brought againe from the dead our Lord Iesus that great Shepheard of the Sheepe through the the bloud of the everlasting covenant Make us perfect in every good worke to doe his will working in us that which is well pleasing in his sight through Iesus Christ to whom be glory for ever and ever Amen REVEL 5 13. Blessing honour glory and power be unto him that sitteth upon the Throne and unto the Lambe for ever and ever Reve. 7. 12. Amen Blessing and glory and wisedome and thanksgiving and honour and power and might be unto our God for ever and ever Amen MEDITATIONS for the Morning My soule waiteth on thee O Lord more than the morning watch watcheth
for the morning O God be mercifull unto me and blesse me and cause thy upon face to shine upon me O fill me with thy mercie this morning so shall I rejoyce and bee glad all my dayes O God thou art my God earwill I seeke thee my soule thirsteth for thee my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land where no wattr is O Sunne of righteousnesse shine upon me My voyce shalt thou heare in the morning O Lord in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee and will looke up Unto thee have I cryed O Lord and in the morning shall my prayer prevent thee Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light The night is past the day is at hand worke while it is called day the night commeth when no man can worke MEDITATIONS for the Evening Thou knowest my downe sitting and mine up rising thou understandest my thought a farre off Thou compassest my path and my lying downe and art acquainted with all my wayes Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense and the lifting up of my hands as the evening Sacrifice Let teares run downe like a river day and night give thy selfe no rest let not the Apple of thine eye cease Arise cry out in the night in the beginning of the watches powre out thy heart like water before the face of the Lord lift up thy hands towards him Lighten mine eyes that I sleepe not in death He that keepeth Israel neither slumbreth nor sleepeth the day is thine the night also is thine the darknesse hideth not from thee but the night shineth as the day the darknesse and the light to thee are both alike I will lay me downe in peace take my rest c. when thou liest downe thou shalt not bee afraid yea thou shalt lie c. MEDITATIONS for thee as thou goest into Bed Think with thy selfe that 1 Thou art one day neerer end than thou wert in the morning 2 Consider what thou hast seene heard or read that day worth the remembring and make use thereof 3 Seriously examine thy selfe what Sinne thou hast committed what duty thou hast omitted how thou hast failed and lament them on thy knees begging pardon in thy Saviours Name 4 Consider that many goe well to bed and never rise againe till the day of Iudgement therefore say Father into thy hands I commend my spirit 5 Let thy stripping thee naked put thee in mind of thy death thy bed of thy grave thy coverings of the moulds and wormes of the earth thy sheets of thy winding sheete thy sleepe of thy death thy waking of thy resurrection In the night when thou awakest say With my soule have I desired thee in the night yea with my spirit within me will I seek thee early Thus will I blesse thee while I live I will lift up my hands in thy name my soule shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatnesse and my mouth shall praise thee with joyfull lips when I remember thee upon my bed and meditate on thee in the night watches MEDITATIONS for the Lords day in the Morning It is a good thing to give thankes unto thee O Lord and to sing praises to thy name O thou most high to shew forth thy loving kindnesse in the morning and thy faithfulnesse every night This is the day which the Lord hath made wee will rejoyce and be glad in it Blessed is the man that doth thi● and the Sonne of man that layeth hold on it that keepeth the Sabbath from polluting it and keepeth his hands from doing any evill they that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God they shall still bring forth fruit in old age they shall bee fat and flourishing As thou goest to the Church meditate thus One thing have I desired of the Lord that I will seeke after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the dayes of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord and to enquire in his temple My soule longeth yea even fainteth for the courts of the Lord my heart and my flesh cryeth out for the living God At the Church thinke with thy selfe that The place where thou standest is Holy ground none other but the house of God How amiable are thy Tabernacles O Lord of Hoasts Blessed are they that dwell in thy house they will bee still praysing thee For a day in thy court is better than a thousand I had rather be a doore-keeper in the house of my God then dwell in the tents of wickednesse They that joyne themselves to the Lord to serve him and to love the name of the Lord to bee his servants every one that keepeth the Sabbath from polluting it and taketh hold of my covenant Even them will I bring to my holy mountaine and make them joyfull in my house of prayer the like course thou mayest take in other places of Scripture which thou mayest make use of for all kinde of meditations at home abroad in field towne journeyes c Matter for Graces before meat O Lord our God the onely giver of all good gifts thou feedest the young ravens when they cry they have their meat of God the eyes of all waite upon thee thou openest thy hand and fillest with thy blessing every living thing thou lovedst us before we were thou hast kept us from our birth supply all our wants sanctifie all thy dealings towards us and let thy blessing be on the food which we are now to receive Speake a word of blessing to it from heaven that it may nourish and strengthen us comfort and do us good let us taste and see how gracious the Lord is let us feele the sweetnesse of that love with which thou hast loved us in Christ man liveth not by bread alone 't is by thy word of blessing not our meates alone that wee are nourished and preserved which satisfiest our mouth with good things thou shalt eate and blesse the name of the Lord thy God Let not these creatures turne to the hurt of our souls which thou hast given us for good of our bodies I am not worthy of the least morsell of thy good creatures unworthy of the crums which fall under thy table Let not our table become a snare unto us breake not the staffe of our bread curse not unto us any blessing Good Lord forgive us all our sinnes and blesse at this time these good creatures to our nourishment through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen O Lord it is not by bread alone that man lives it is thy blessing upon the creatures that they sustaine us O draw up our hearts and eyes to heaven to acknowledge thy providence in them to praise thy goodnesse for them that we
may receive them as pledges of thy favour and gracious assurances of thine everlasting love through Iesus c Matter for Graces after meate Blessed bee thy name for health life strength and for all the blessings of this and the blessed hopes of a better life make it our meate and drinke to doe the will of thee our heauenly father make us to hunger after that bread which endureth to everlasting life Provide dayly bread for all thy poore servants till thou bring us to that place where we shall never hunger nor thirst any more thy loving kindnesse is better than life that I may labour not so much for this meat that perisheth but for that meate which endureth to everlasting life the body and bloud of our Saviour which is meate indeed and drinke indeed Keepe us in thy feare while we live on earth and afterward receive us to glory in thy kingdome We thanke thee O Lord for the comfortable use of these good blessings we beseech thee also feed our soules to everlasting life with the meate that perisheth not through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Blessed bee thy name O Lord God for thus opening thy hand and filling us at this time with thy good creatures vouchsafe still to be our God with-hold no good thing from our soule or body Save all thy Church protect our King Queene Prince Royall Progeny and Realme Grant free passage to to thy Gospel comfort to thy Servants and peace of conscience to us all through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen An EPITOME of a Christians Conversation and Religious course of life gathered out of some Godly Practicall Divines c. Every day bestow halfe an houre in reading the Scriptures and Prayer Gods word will not onely shew thee what to do what to pray but will worke a secret power to accomplish the same Appoint and set a part some time once every day seriously and solemnely to cast up the eye of thy Faith on that never-fading crowne of life which after an inch of time shall for ever rest upon thy head The comforts hereof will make a man live almost without a soule and sweeten all the troubles of this life Set one houre in the weeke a part Saturday in the afternone is more fit by reason of the approching day to consider of search and try thy wayes this will snub and keepe downe the weeds of corruptions from overspreading thy soule Thou bestowed an houre on thy body every day in dressing it and lookest thy selfe in a glasse to attire thy outward sheath and wilt thou not once a weeke doe as much for thy soule thy body must one day rot and turne to dust perhaps to morrow thy soule must live ever either in weale or woe Life and death are now in thy choyse chuse then that good part Give God the honour of thy thoughts as well as of thy words and actions often thinke how all the glistering shewes of this whole world must and doe vanish and moulder into vanity and nothing very smoke As soone as thou hast broken of sleepe set God before thee and thinke What shall I doe what course shall I take that I may bring glory to God that I may not sinne this day O that my wayes were so directed Never speake the evill which thou too certainely knowest by others but with fearefulnesse as it were and some kinde of enforcement being sure thou hast a calling to it and then doe it seasonably charitably discreetly and not in humour spleene imperiousnesse T is the humor of Hypocritts to be supercilious and censorious but for Gods glory thy owne discharge use no moe wordes against m●ns sinnes than thou wilt make prayers for their soules in secret Be bold yet wise in speaking for Christ and with height of resolution goe through all the disgraces that the sinfull times lay in the wayes of God In Actions civil Doe as thou wouldst be done to religious Strive to live by faith because faith is the soule of all our actions our prayers will bee cold unlesse this warme them Take heed of falling from thy first love Serve not God for by-respects but onely for himselfe So long as thou art unfeinedly displeased with and sorry for all thy sinnes and dost mortifie the deedes of thy body by the spirit thy cafe is the state of salvation Let thy whole conversation favour of the Lord. Bee alwayes bemoaning thy spirituall pride knowne hypocrisie covetousnesse perf●●ctorinesse and formality in Gods service Give not way to a heartlesse neglect of the use of Gods holy ordinances reading prayer fasting private humiliation for this is the fore-runner to some fearefull sinne or fiery temptation to some heavie judgement or dangerous apostasie Seeke not thy selfe in any of thy actions Looke to thy repentance that it bee sincere universall constant from the heart root for all sinne Incorporate thy selfe into the Communion of Saints be intimate onely with them such an holy and humble majesty is in their carriage such a deale of heaven is in their countenances such spirituall ravishments is in their hearts such grace and powerful piercings in their speeches such zeale and hearty melting is in their prayers that they cannot but worke upon thy heart if thou converse with them Looke well to thy carriage that thou leave not an ill savour behinde thee in any company Wait for occasions to doe good Act. 26. 28. In bad company give them apparent signes of thy dislike Unlesse you give some kinde of reall or verball reproofe they will be hardned Often withdraw your selfe apart imparting unto God your griefes wants desires Walke with God on the top of Mount Tabor once a day Prayer in secret will bee unto thee an unspeakeable comfort a testimony that thou art not left to thy selfe if words will not come sigh God heares the sighing of his servants if thou canst not sigh breath God hath an care for that thou hast heard my voyce hide not thine eare at my breathing at my cry yea speake with thy countenance be humbled for thy unfitnesse dulnesse c. Then wee pray most happily when wee arise from prayer most humbled After prayer thou shalt carry thy selfe in thy vocation with much more zeale and standing thus upright with God thou wilt not feare the world thou shalt have rest and peace within what ever stirres bee without Have a speciall eve to a sincere constant and fruitfull performance of holy duties take heed of customarinesse and Formality which cuts out the heart and drawes the very life-blood from them Strive by all meanes for attainment of what thou prayest for by all occasions helpes and heavenly offers Be diligent in thy personall employments and take heed of idlenesse 2 Have an eye to Gods glory in all thy undertakings 3 Goe about earthly busines with an heavenly mind 4 Let not any unrighteous gaine entice thee to sinne or belime thee 5 Set not thy delight
thy holy spirit from mee make mee one with Christ my head flesh of his flesh bone of his bone make mee one with the mysticall body of thine Elect that I may have my part in the prayers of the Church in the Communion of Saints here on earth in the kingdome of grace and may enjoy thee and them face to face and sit downe and eat and drinke with thee in thy kingdome of glory Amen For the Sacrament of Baptisme O Lord our God the great the mighty and the terrible God who keepest covenant and mercy with all them that feare thy name and trust upon thee even to a thousand generations thou hast promised to bee our God and the God of our seed to enter into covenant with us that wee should bee thine O Lord I come to thy throne of grace at this time to lay claime to my interest in that new covenant sealed unto thy Church in the blood of Iesus that thou wouldst performe the same unto mee and mine also hast not thou said thou wilt circumcise mine heart and the heart of my seed to love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soule that thou wilt put thy Law in our inward parts and write it in our hearts and that thou wilt bee our God and wee shall bee thy people that thou wilt forgive our injquity and wilt remember our sinne no more O Lord hast thou said it and wilt not thou also doe it By faith I plead my interest thereunto not for my selfe alone but for mine also with whom I beseech thee to make an everlasting covenant of life and peace that being baptized into Iesus Christ they may bee sanctified and cleansed with the washing of water by the word O Lord wee are all borne the children of wrath and there is no way for us to escape the damnation of hell except wee bee borne againe of water and of the Spirit O Lord doe thou sprinkle cleane water upon us wash away the filth of Zion and purge the blood of Ierusalem from the midst thereof Baptize us with the Holy Ghost that having our hearts sprinkled from an evill conscience and our bodies washed with pure water wee may bee new creatures fit to bee an habitation of God through the spirit O blessed be thy goodnesse for ever which hast given us this seale of thy rich promise this is that Arke in and through which thou savest thine Elect thou dalliest not with us herein it is no idle ceremonie thou art present in thy own ordinance to fulfill that which thou hast promised O wash our soules with the baptisme of Repentance as thou doest our bodies with the outward element of water Let the vertue of Christs death kill sinne in us for how shall wee that are buried with Christ by baptisme and thereby dead to sinne live yet therein Doe not wee herein vow to forsake the Devill the Pomps and vanities of this wicked world and all the sinfull lusts of the flesh and shal we break our vow transgresse the covenant O let this be far from us teach us therefore to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts deliver us from every evill worke that we may serve the living God Sprinkle cleane water upon us that we may bee cleane from our naturall filthinesse and from all our uncleannesses Wash us O wash us throughly from our iniquities and cleanse us from our sinnes Make our hearts to be stedfast in thy love and never to forget this covenant of our God thy mercie doe thou keepe for us and ours for evermore and let thy covenant stand fast with us and bee established for ever as the Moone and as a faithfull witnesse in heaven And as thou hast thus brought us into the bond of the covenant so let us never depart from thee Bee thou unto us a God and let us be thy people for evermore even till thou bringest us unto Mount Sion and to the Citie of the living God the heavenly Ierusalem and to an inumerable company of Angels to the generall assembly and Church of the first borne which are written in heaven and to God the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect and to Iesus the Mediatour of the new covenant and to the bloud of sprinkling that speaketh better than that of Abel Make me to be thine my self be thou my Father and make me to be thy Sonne for if the first fruit be holy the lumpe also shall be holy and if the roote be holy so also shall the branches bee This mercie I beg of thee in his name merits and mediation out of whose pierced side issued forth water and bloud for the sanctifying and justifying of thine Elect. To whom with thee and the Holy Spirit be all glory service thanksgiving and dominion through all the Churches of the Saints for ever Amen For Regeneration Sanctification and grace to serve God O Lord thou God of truth who hast sworne in thy faithfulnesse that as thou livest thou hast no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that hee should turne from his way and live and therefore commandest thy people saying Turne ye turne ye from your evill wayes for why will ye dye O house of Israel and hast enjoyned that I should wash me and make me cleane put away the evill of my doings from before thine eyes promising moreover that though my sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as Snow though they bee red like crimson they shall be as wooll I that am a wicked and miserable caitiffe a sinner before the Lord exceedingly even as the men of Sodome that have done abominable workes and denied the God that is above wilfully sinning after I had received the knowledge of the truth and treading under foote the Sonne of God counting the bloud of the covenant wherewith I was sanctified an unholy thing and having done de●pi●e to the spirit of grace O Lord even out of the deepes doe I call unto thee for helpe yea out of the belly of hell doe I earnestly cry for thy mercie O cast not out my prayer Though mine iniquities be more than the haires of my head my transgressions heavier than the sand yet is there forgivenesse with thee and although my sinnes have reached up to heaven yet thy mercie is above the heavens mine are at the most but the sinnes of a man but thine at the least are the mercies of an infinite God yea thou hast the relenting bowells of a most tender Father O spread the robe of thy Sonnes righteousnesse over me that so thou mayest not behold my nakednesse cloath me with the garments of his salvation say unto my soule Live cause breath to enter into my dry bones lay sinewes upon them and bring flesh upon them and cover them with skinne that I may know that thou art the Lord. And albeit I be dead in trespasses and sinnes yet open my grave and cause me
idlenesse nor brawling nor quarrelling with my fellow servants but make me to be peaceable gentle easie to bee intreated Let me not be sloathfull in businesse or indammage my master by my neglect but desirous to promote his good and to please him in all things not answering againe not purloyning but shewing all good fidelity that I may adorne the doctrine of God my Saviour in all things And though my master should become a hard man and should make my life bitter with sore bondage making me serve with rigor yea though he make me a hewer of wood or drawer of water or imploy me even to the basest offices yet let not my proud heart swell and repine hereat Grant that I may submit my selfe under his hand not onely when hee is good and gentle but also when he is froward even when I am bu●feted for my faults remembring my blessed Saviour that tooke on him the forme of a servant who though he was our Lord and Master yet willingly gave himselfe an example and patterne of all patience and humility And although with One simus I have beene sometimes unfaithfull and unprofitable heretofore yet make me profitable to my master for the time to come that he may receive me not now as a servant but above a servant never suffer me like Iudas in a religious family to be ungodly to betray my master or bewray his secrets nor a lying covetous and dissembling servant as Gehezi nor as Ziba slandering my master but counting him worthy of all honour that he being a beleever I may not despise him because he is a brother but rather doe him service because he is faithfull and beloved pertaker of the benefit of thy Sons redemption Let my behaviour be as becommeth holinesse grant that with patience I may beare his threatnings chidings revilings because thou hast taught mee that a soft tongue breaketh the bones Make mee wisely to forbeare and in my patience to possesse my soule referring all my wrongs and injuries to thee though he should not doe unto mee that which is just and equall knowing that even hee also hath a Master in heaven neither is there respect of persons with thee O Lord I beseech thee let now thy eare bee attentive to the prayer of mee thy servant who desires to feare thy name and prosper I pray thee thy servant this day and grant me grace instantly to serve thee that so thou who hast the hearts of all men in thy hands as the rivers of water maist give me favour in the sight of my master that my worke and labour may bee accepted O Lord I beseech thee free me from sinne that I may become a servant of righteousnesse ● alasse I have made thee too long to serve with my sinnes I have wearied thee with mine iniquities pardon I pray thee all my transgressions and enter not into judgement with thy servant for in thy sight no flesh living shall bee justified let mee not henceforth serve sinne any longer but grant that I may serve thee in holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of my life Amen Lord Iesus Amen A thankesgiving to our Saviour Iesus Christ MOst loving Lord and blessed Saviour the mighty God everlasting Father Prince of peace and life the rocke of my salvation the fountaine opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Ierusalem for sinne and for uncleannesse the Lambe of God that takest away the sinnes of the world who now art set downe at the right hand of the Majestie on high and yet hast respect unto thy poore members here on earth O Lord heare O Lord forgive O Lord accept the groanings of my humbled soule which followeth ●a●d after thee which thirsteth longeth for thee in a dry and barren land where no water is O my sweet Saviour very loving hast thou beene to me thy love to me was wonderfull passing the love of women at the which so infinit so unconceivable unchangable everlasting and undeserved love of thine to me a miserable sinner the very Angels stand amazed desiring to prie into the mysterie of thy incarnation and admire to see thee the brightnesse of thy Fathers glory and the expresse image of his person assuming a nature inferiour to theirs who though thou wert Lord of Lords King of Kings the image of the invisible God the first borne of every creature heire appointed of all things by whom also the worlds were made yet tookest upon thee the forme of a servant and wast made in the likenesse of men being delivered to death for my sinnes and made a curse for mee Was there ever love like this love of thine that one should dy for his enemies from the beginning of the world was it ever heard before that God should become man to save man from the wrath of God due to mans sinne But thou art that good Shepherd that givest thy life for thy Sheepe and thou hast loved me and washed me from my sinnes in thy owne bloud and delivered me from the wrath to come O Lord Iesus Christ thou thou onely art the hope of Israel the Saviour thereof in the time of trouble whom have I in heaven but thee and there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee without thee and out of thee there is nothing amiable worthy the setting my heart upon Let the world love it selfe let men be Idolaters of their owne concupiscences of their goods lives wisedome reputation c but cause thou me to forsake and to hate all things for thee and to count them dung that I may winne Christ Let my heart take no greater pleasure than to see thee glorified in the world and enthronized in my owne soule Thou art my portion for ever hee whom my soule loveth whose love to mee is better than wine the Lord my righteousnesse Who shall now lay any thing to the charge of thine Elect seeing thou dost justifie who can condemne I desire to know nothing but thee crucified to love nothing more than thy sacred selfe I desire onely to be found in thee not having mine owne righteousnesse which indeed is none but to bee clad with the garments of thy salvation O sweet Iesus spread thy skirt over me for thou art my neere kinsman true Immanuel God with us God for us Never I beseech thee suffer me to bee unmindfull of unthankfull for that wonder of all thy wondrous workes my eternall redemption and salvation by thy precious bloud Order my conversation aright to the pleasing of thee in all my desires thoughts words actions that I may not henceforth live to my selfe but unto thee which hast dyed for mee and rose againe Guide mee Lord with thy counsell whiles I live on earth and afterward receive me to thy glory Amen A thankesgiving to God for his wonderfull deliverance of our King and state from the Gun-powder Treason Novem. 5. 1605. LOrd God Almighty glorious in holinesse working wonders alway for thy poore Church and in
the greatnesse of thine excellencie confounding all those that are implacable enemies to thine elect we the people of this land who have at this day tasted and seene how gracious thou art in saving us by so great a deliverance as the like was never heard of since man dwelt upon the fa●e of the earth doe with all humble and hearty acknowledgement prayse and blesse● thy glorious name for that admirable and strange deliverance which thou graciously vouchsafedst to our King Prince Nobles and the whole body of this Kingdome and state assembled together in the high-court of Parliament How great a cause have wee to praise thee day by day and to blesse thy name for ever ever who hast given us such deliverance as this which if ever we forget let our tongues cleave to the roofe of our mouth Doubtlesse unto God the Lord belong the issues from death it was thou that saidst hither to shall yee goe and no further here shall the proud waves of your hellish attempts stop themselves O yee popish conspiratours your mischiefe shall returne upon your owne head and your violent dealing shall come downe upon your owne pate and all that see it shall say this hath God done for they shall perceive it was thy worke Blessed be thy name O Lord who hast not given us as a prey unto their teeth that kept the proud waters from going over our soule and deliveredst us from so great a death thou hast broken the jaw-bone of those ravening Lyons and hast plucked us as a prey out of their teeth our soule is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowler the snare is broken and we are delivered Not unto us O Lord not to us but to thy name be the praise for ever given that thus savedst thy people with an outstretched hand and watchedst betwixt our enemies and us they thought to have cut off head and tayle branch and rush in one day to have swallowed us up alive as the grave and whole as those that goe downe into the pit but themselves are salne into the pit which they digged for us Righteous art thou O Lord God of recompences just and true are thy judgements who maintainedst our right and our cause and gavest not the soule of thy turtle into their hands but gavest them blood to drinke for they were worthy Blessed be thy name who redeemedst our life from destruction and thus crownest us with loving kindnesse thou satest in heaven and laughedst them to scorne thou Lord hadst them in derision and though they cursed yet thou didst blesse us yea thou didst curse them and didst blow upon them in the fire of thy wrath and dashedst them in pieces like a Potters vessell They digged deepe to hide their counsell from thee but the darkenesse ●ideth not from thee thou broughtest to light their workes of darkenesse thou causedst their own tongus to ma●e them to fall thus when thou pleasest to worke for thy Church a bird of the aire shall carry the voyce and that which hath wings shall discover the matter and in the thing wherein they deale proudly thou wilt bee above them They tooke craftie counsell against thy Saints and were mad against thy people and sworne together against us and had their mischievous device not beene defeated by thee our land had beene as Sodome our people as Gomorrah a desolation our Cities Golgotha our fields Aceldama Cursed bee their anger for it was fierce and their wrath for it was cruell but blessed bee thou O Lord who savedst us by a great deliverance and gavest us not over to the will of our enemies into the hands of bruitish men and skilfull to dust oy more fierce then the Evening Woulues bloody and breathing out cruelty This was none other but the finger of God this was thy doing O Lord and it is marvellous in our eyes this is the day which thou hast m●de to be unto us a good day a day of blessings and prayses we will rejoyce and be glad in it yea and the children which are yet unborne shall arise and for it praise thy name and tell it also unto their children that even to perpetuall generations we all may remember this day as the Iewes did their feast of Purim and keepe it throughout every generation every Family every Province and every Citie that it may not faile from among the people of this land nor the memoriall of it perish from our seed Still confound all their devilish practises blast their purposes infatuate their policies as many as have evill will to Zion Let the ravens of the valies picke out those eyes and the young Eagles eate them as many as rejoyce not to see thy Gospell flourish nor thy Saints prosper nor the welfare of this state and Church all their dayes So let all thine enemies perish O Lord but let them that love thee bee as the Sunne when hee goeth forth in his might Amen Deut. 4. 7. What nation is there so great who hath God so nigh unto them as the Lord our God is in all things that we call upon him for Happy art thou O Israel who is like unto thee O people saved by the Lord the shield of thy helpe and who is the sword of thy excellencie and thine enemies shall be found lyars unto thee A Praxis upon the Holy Oyle shewing the Vse of the Scripture Phrases In Praying meditating writing Letters exhorting comforting reproving c. yea in any Christian dutie on any occasion to be performed For Example Wouldst thou in the time of dearth and famine insert a seasonable petition or two into thy prayers that God would please to provide for thee thy family and the poore c. to remove this judgement and send plenty Turne then to the Heads Famine Poore Plenty provide c. Let me if thou wilt spell thee out this lesson and shew thee the way-thus then O Lord the God of the Spirits Scripture Numb 27. 16. Head GOD of all flesh who givest to the beast Scripture Psal 247 9 his food and to the young ravens which cry the God which Scripture Gen. 48. 15. hast fed us all our life long unto this day and hast said thou wilt never Scripture Heb. 13. 5. leave us nor forsake us Give us this day Scripture Math. 6. 11. Head Compe ∣ tencie our daily bread feed us with food Scripture Fro. 30 8. convenient for us The eyes of all wait Scripture Psal 145. 15 -16. Head Provide upon thee and thou givest them their meate in due season thou openest thine hand and satisfiest the desire of every living thing Look Scripture Deut. 26. 15. downe now from thy holy habitation from heaven and Head Famine kill not the assembly Scripture Exod. 16. 3. of thy people with hunger Thou hast Scripture Amos 4. 6. given us cleannesse of teeth in all our Cities and want of bread in all our palaces Scripture Hos 2. 9. thou hast
bee removed neither shall any of the cords thereof bee broken O Scripture Psal 63. 1. how my soule thirsteth for thee how Head Desire my flesh longeth after thee in a dry and thirstie land where no water is But now O blessed day thrice welcome newes the Head Die messengers of death Scripture Pro. 16. 14. tell mee that the Scripture Gen. 47. 29. time drawes neere that I must dye 1. And shall I so Head Death Scripture Math. 25. 23. soone enter into the joy of my Lord is the time of my DEPARTING so Scripture 2 Tim. 4. 6. neere at hand then blesse the Lord O Scripture Psal 103. 1. my soule and all that is within mee bless his holy name I have long lyen Head World Scripture Dan. 7. 2. upon this great SEA the world looking longly for this happy day when one sweet gale of wind my last breath should wast me over Scripture Hebr. 11. 10. unto a better countrey that is an heavenly where Scripture 3. 11. I shall enter into REST and bee Scripture Col. 1. 12. partaker of the inheritance of the Saints in light 2. Alas I am but a Stranger on this earth and woe is Scripture Psal 120. 5. Head Wicked me that I Sojourne in Mesech that I dwell in the tents of Kedar my soule Scripture 6. hath too long dwelt Scripture Mal. 3. 15. with such as tempt Scripture Ephe. 2. 2. Head Profane God children of disobedience that Scripture Pro. 30. 12. are not washed from their filthynesse I have beene long Head Vngodly absent from the Lord But now Scripture Eccle. 12. 5. I am going to my long HOME to Head Death my Fathers House Head Heaven Scripture Ioh. 14. 2. 3. where are many mansions whither my Saviour is gone before to provide me a place there Scripture 1 Sam 20. 3 is now but a step betwixt me and life everlasting Head Glorified I shall Scripture 2 Cor. 5. 8. now shortly be present with the Lordbeing Scripture Hebr. 7 26. seperate from sinners and made higher than the heavens 3. I dwell now Scripture Iob 4. 19. in a house of clay whose foundation is in the dust an Head Body Scripture 2 Cor. 5. 1. earthly Tabernacle which may bee crushed before the moaths But blessed bee God now I am ●●itting to an House Head Heaven not made with hands but eternall in the Heavens whose builder and Scripture Heb. 11. 10. maker is God 4. Why should I then feare death Head Death though a King of terrours to ungodly Scripture Iob 18. 14. men ●a● with holy ●o● All the dayes of Scripture 14. 14 my appointed time I will waite till my CHANGE comef●r death is but a-Change yea and a Head Glorifie Change also for the better for thereby Scripture Phil. 3. 21. Christ shall Change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body Scripture 2 Co 5. 4. mortalitie shall bee swallowed up of life then I shall hunger no more neither thirst any more nor sinne any more O blessed Change for my sinning against my God hath grieved me sore hath even Scripture Psal 69. 20. made me weary of my life and broken my heart but I shall then follow Scripture Rev 14 4. the Lambe whither soever hee goeth 5 What is Death Head Die but a putting off the rags of mortalitie Scripture 2 Cor. 5. 4. and why should I feare to be u●cloathed or be loath to put off this corruptible yea rather why should I not be gla● when I can find the grave For 6 Now I shall Scripture Iob 3 22. Scripture Iob 7. 21. -14. 12. Head Die Sleepe in the dust I shall lye downe and not rise againe till the heavens bee no more I shall make Scripture 17. 13. my bed in darkenesse I shall fall Scripture 1 Thess 4. 14. Scripture Acts 13. 36. asleepe in IESVS and bee laid to my Fathers where though wormes be spread under mee and wormes cover me and though after this skin they Scripture Iob 19. 26. shall destroy this body Head Resurrecti ¦ on yet in my flesh I shall see God Therefore as the Scripture Psal 42. 1. Hart panteth after the water-brookes so panteth my soule after thee O God My soule thirsteth Scripture 2 for God for the living God when shall I come and appeare Head Life before God My times Lord Scripture Psa 31. 15. are in thy hand-thou breathedst into me Scripture Gen. 2. 7. at first the breath of life command Head Die Scripture Tobit 3. 6. now therefore my Spirit to bee taken from me that I may be dissolved and become earth and my soule returne to God that gave it Father into thy hands I commend Scripture Psal 31. 5. my spirit for thou hast redeemed mee O Lord thou God of truth Amen An humble Soule bemoaning it selfe under its many Sins may thus pray O My God I am ashamed and Scripture Ezr. 9. 6. Head Ashamed blush to lift up my face to thee my God for mine inquities are increased over mine head and my trespasse is growne up unto the heavens yet suffer me O thou Holy Scripture 2 King 19. 22. Head God One of Israel suffer me who am Scripture Dan. 4. 17. Scripture Iob. 30. 8. Head Base the basest of men viler than earth Scripture 1 Tim. 1. 15 the chiefe of sinners to bring Scripture Numb 5. 15 mine iniquity to remembrance Head Repent to afflict Scripture 29 7. my soule in thy sight to abhorre Scripture Iob. 42. 6. Head Humble my selfe and repent in ●ust and ●shes Scripture Isai 57. 9. d●basing my selfe even unto hell because of my manifolde Scripture Amos 5. 12. transgressions Head Sinne. and my mightie sinnes Father I have sinned Scripture Luk. 15. 21. against heaven and in thy sight and am no more worthy to bee called thy Sonne I have dealt treacherously Scripture Hos 5. 7. against thee and have gone a whoring Scripture 9. 1. from my God yea in the land of righteousness I have Head Sinne. done wickedly and thee the God Scripture Dan. 5. 23. in whose hands my life is and whose are all my wayes have I not glorified But have walked Scripture Lev. 26. 21. contrary unto 〈…〉 and to make Scripture Rom. 7. 13. 〈…〉 me become exceeding sinnefull I have added rebellion Scripture Iob. 34. 37. unto my sin Alas how often have I yeelded my Scripture Rom. 6. 13. members as instruments of unrighteousnesse unto sinne doing evill with Scripture Mic. 7. 3. both hands earnestly seeking after Scripture Numb 15. 39. mine owne heart and mine owne eyes making my Scripture Lev. 20. 25. soule abominable by those things which are forbidden to bee Scripture 5. 17. done by the commandements of the Lord. And as if it had Scripture 1 K. 16. 31. beene a light thing for me to commit those sinnes which men commit I Scripture 1 Kin. 16. 25. have done woorse than all that were before me drinking iniquity like water Scripture Iob 15. 16 and selling my selfe to doe evi●l in
Scripture 2 Ki. 17. 17. the sight of the Lord to provoke him to anger Alas Head Excuse how shall I Scripture Gen. 44. 16. cleere my selfe concerning these my overspreading abominations Scripture Dan. 9. 27. how shall I lift up my face before thee my God for though I should Head Purge wash my selfe with Scripture Iob. 9. 30. snow-water and make my hands never so cleane yet Head Disclose Scripture Ier. 2. 22. mine iniquitie is marked before theeyea the heaven shall Scripture Iob 20. 27. reveale mine iniquitie and the earth shall rise up against me woe unto my Scripture Isay 3 9. soule for I have rewarded evill unto my selfe But if thou Lord be extreme to mark iniquities if thou enter into judgement with the servant Lord who who shall stand for so detestable and Scripture Ier. 16. 18. abominable are my doing● that for the ●einousnesse therof thou mightest let death seaze upon me Scripture Psal 55. 15. and make mee goe downe quicke into Head Damne hell where the Scripture Isai 66. 24. worme shall never dye and the fire shall never be quenched But thou hast in love to my soule Scripture 38. 17. delivered it from the pit of corruption for thou hast cast all my sinnes behind thy backe thou hast ransomed Scripture Hos 13. 14. me from the power of the grave thou hast redeemed mee from death by the mediatour betwixt Scripture 1 Tim. 2 5. God and man even Iesus who Scripture 1 Thess 1. 10. hath loved me and given himselfe for me and hath washed mee from my sinnes in his blood and delivered mee from the wrath to come O that I Head Repent Scripture Ezek. 36. 31 could loath my selfe in mine owne sight for all mine iniquities and abominations O that they might grieve me at the heart O that Scripture 21 6. I could sigh even with the breaking of my loines wailing Scripture Mic. 1. 8. as the dragons and mourning as the owles because I have sinned against the Lord and have Scripture Psal 18. 21. departed wickedly from my God Amen A Letter consolatorie to his friend perswading to patience in his afflictions Faithfull and beloved brother Scripture Col. 4. 9. GOd that comforteth Scripture 2 Cor. 7. 6. Head God those that are cast downe Scripture 1 Cor. 16. 18. 2 Scripture Thess 2. 16. refresh your spirit and give you everlasting consolation Head Comfort and good hope through grace for he hath torne and he Scripture Hosea 6. 1. will heale you hee hath smitten and he onely can bind you up I indeed faine Scripture Iob 16. 5. would strengthen you with my mouth and the moving of my lips should asswage your griefe But alas miserable Scripture 2. comforters are wee all if the comforter that should relieve your soule bee farre from you It grieveth mee Head Grieve Scripture Ruth 1. 13. much for your sake that the hand of the Lord is gone out against you that the Scripture 20. Almighty hath delt so very bitterly with you making Head Afflict Scripture Eze. 20. 37. you to passe under the rod and to Scripture Iob 13. 26. possesse the iniqui-quities of your youth you were at ●ase but hee hath broken you asunder hee hath also taken Scripture Iob 16 12. you by the necke and shaken you to pieces and set you up for his marke It is good for a man Scripture Lam 3. 27. saith Ieremy that he beare the yoke in his youth for whom the Lord loveth Scripture Hebr. 12. 6. he chasteneth and scourgeth every sonne whom he receiveth but if you be without chastisement Scripture 8. whereof all are partakers then are you a bastard and not a sonne Assure Scripture Isai 1 25. Head Purge yourselfe when God shall have purged away your drosse and taken away al your tin when he hath tryed you you Scripture Iob 23. 10. shall come forth as gold Therefore in your Head Murmure Scripture Luk. 21. 19. patience possess your soule looke unto Scripture Hebr. 12. 2 Iesus the author and finisher of your faith Hee was oppressed Scripture Isay 53. 7. and hee was Scripture 10. afflicted yet he opened not his mouth Behold and see if Scripture Lam. 1. 12 there were ever any sorrow like to his sorrow O then Scripture Mar. 10. 21 take up the crosse and follow him Be dumbe and open Scripture Psal 39. 9. not your mouth for it is his doing Bee you partaker of the Head Afflict Scripture 2 Tim. 1. 8. affliction of the Gospell Take pleasure in infirmities in reproaches Scripture 2 Cor. 12. 10. in necessities in persecutions in distresses for Christs sake for this light affliction Head Patient which is but for a Scripture 2 Cor. 4. 17. moment worketh for you a farre more exceeding and eternall weight of glory Though you Scripture 1 8. bee now pressed out of measure above strength insomuch that you dispaire even of life yet unto Scripture Psal 68. 20. God the Lord belong the issues from death Wherefore lift Scripture He. 12. 12. up the hands which hang downe and the feeble knees look Scripture Isa 17. 7. to thy Maker and let Head Rely thine eyes have respect unto the Holy one of Israel and Scripture Hos 12. 6. waite on thy God continually and he will turne for thee thy mourning into dauncing hee will Scripture Psal 30. 11 put off thy sackcloth and gird thee with gladnesse Amen The Lord doe Scripture Ier. 28. 6. so Farewell and Head Requite according to the Scripture Gen. 21. 23. kindnesse that I have done unto thee in this day of thy distresse thou shalt likewise doe unto me who also am Your Brother and Scripture Rev. 1. 9. Companion in tribulation and in the kingdome and patience of Iesus Christ L. M. If thou wert to disswade thy friend from keeping bad company thou mightst find here happily some prevailing arguments nay were I to preach on such a text as I might find sufficient footing to ground this point of Doctrine that A godly man must avoid the company of the wicked If I doe but turne to some of these heads Godly Regenerate Righteous Christian live Godly Sanctifie Hate Fly Abborre Wicked Vngodly Prophane live Wickedly Company c. I shall t is likely in ●t with good matter and savourie expressions suiting to my purpose for example suppose my text were Psal 26. 5. I have hated the congregation of evill doors It might bee confirmed by Pro. 1. 10. 15. Psal 97. 10. or 2 Cor. 6. 14. or Eph. 5. 7. 11. c. For what should a godly man doe in the wickeds company seeing 1 Vngodly men are Gods enemies Psal 92 9. for loe thine enemies O Lord God himselfe sayes of them Zech. 11. 8. my soule loathed them and their soule also abhorred me Now every Godly man is on the Lords side Exod. 32. 26. yea are the friends of God Ioh. 15. 15. Lam. 2 23. Shouldst thou then helpe the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord as Iehu the Seer reproved Iehoshaphat ● Chron. 19.
2. Surely there will bee wrath upon us from the Lord for so doing 2 Wicked men are Sonnes of Belial 1 Sam. 2. 12. of their father the Devill Ioh. 8. 44. servants of ●inne Rom. 6. 20. now the Godly are borne of God Sons of God 1 Ioh. 3. 9. heires of God Gal. 4. 7. the servants of God 1 Pet. 2. 16. who have fellowship with the Father and with his Sonne Iesus Christ 1 Ioh. 1. 3. and shall such keepe company with prophane wretches uncircumcised in the heart Ier. 9. 26. 3 Wicked men are of the Synagogue of Satan Rev. 3. 9 the Godly are the Temple of the living God 2 Cor. 6. 16. of the houshold of Faith Gal. 6. 10. Besides the Godly feare the Lord and thinke upon his name Malch 3. 16. Wicked men forget God neither is God in all their thoughts their 's are the paths of all that forget God Iob. 8. 13. 4 What communion hath light with darkenesse now wicked men walke in darkenesse 1 Ioh. 1. 6. nay are darknesse Ephe. 5. 8. But the Godly are light in the Lord 1 Thes 5. 5. yee are all the children of the light Againe Godly men are Wise men Math. 7. 24. wicked men Fooles Psalm 14. 1. and what credit shall a Wise man have by keeping Fooles company 5 What should living men doe among the dead Luk. 24. 5. why seeke yee the living among the dead None but L●gion a mad man possessed of the Devill lived among the tombes But all ungodly men are dead in trespasses and sinnes Ephe. 2. 1. Dead while they live 1 Tim. 5. 6. yea they seeke death Pro. 21. 6. Now the Godly are quickened together with Christ Eph. 2. 5. and therefore should arise from the dead Eph. 5. 14. Vse Exhort Therefore have no fellowship with the unfruitfull workes of darknesse all yee that know righteousnesse the people in whose heart is Gods law order your conversation aright and walke worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing behave your selves holily justly and unblameably say with David Psal 139 ●2 Doe not I hate them that hate thee O Lord And as inducements Feare lest ye perish in the sinnes of the ungodly men and partake of their Plagues for consider I pray that among prophane ungodly men the best of them are as a Bryer and the most upright of them are like a thorne hedge Bryers and Thornes bee with thee and thou dwellest among scorpions a generation of vipers that will sting the conscience scratch and teare your flesh 2 Wicked men pervert their wayes are out of the way but the Godly walke in the way of the Lord they walke with God their faces are to Zion-ward what then should they doe in such company as turne their backs on heaven they have turned away their faces from the habitation of the Lord and turned their backs 2 Chr. 29. 6. 3 Consider your owne dignity you are Saints on earth and excellent Psal 16. 3. Gods jewells Mal. 3. 17. wicked men make themselves vile very swine dogs that love the myre 2 Pet. 2. 22. 4 The Godly are trees of righteousnesse the planting of the Lord wicked men are roots that beare gall and wormwood Deut. 29. 18. 5 The shame and discredit will light on your selfe If you follow vaine persons you will get to your selfe a blot Prov. 9. 7. It s a shame for Christs Spouse whom he hath married to himselfe Hos 9. 1. to keepe strumpets company they are a wicked and adulterous generation Math. 12. 39. that goe a whoriug from the Lord Psal 37. 24. and will you associate your selfe with such This for a taste I meant not to handle the Point exactly but only to point to a way in which there may be use of these Phrases for who seeth not that Reasons Uses Motives Meanes Marks c. may from hence as a Sacrum pena be drawne which have a speciall weight Emphasis and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in them surely the Spirit and blessing of God goes along with his Word even those expressions which it pleased the Holy Ghost to utter himselfe in at the first carry with them an heate and warmth to the soule of a beleever And why may not the most able memorie and best versed in Scripture be helped hereby to find readily some apt expressions which memorie could not command presently What disparagement to any mans Prayers Meditations Exhortations to have a helpe at hand In the time of Pestilence thou mayest thus order thy complaint and meditate RIghteous art thou O Lord Head God Scripture Ier. 12. 1. when I plead with thee yet let mee who am but dust Scripture Gen. 18. 27. and ashes talk with thee of thy judgements Wherefore hast thou shewed Head Man Scripture Esal 60. 3 thy people hard things and made us to drinke the wine of astonishment why hast thou smitten Scripture Ier. 14. 19. Head Afflict and there is no healing for us why doth thine anger Scripture Psal 74 1. smoake against the sheepe of thy pasture All joy is Scripture Isai 24. 11. Head Plague darkned the mirth of the land is gone all the merry-hearted Scripture 7 doe sigh weep and howle Scripture Iam. 5. 1. Head Mourne for the miseries that are come upon us Scripture Psal 83. 15. for thou persecutest us with thy tempest and make●● us afraid with thy stormes The arrowes of the Scripture Iob 6. 4. Almi●hty are within us the poyson whereof drinketh Head Afflict up our spirits the terrours of God do set themselves in array against us For Loe Death is come up Head Pestilence Scripture Ier. 9. 21. into our windowes and is entred into our palaces to cut off the children from without and the young men from the streets thy anger Scripture Deut. 29. 20 and thy jealousie smoake against us and thou hast Scripture 21 separated us unto evill there is a Head Plagues Scripture 1 Sam. 5. 11 deadly destruction throughout all the Citie and Country the hand of the Lord is very heavie there upon us The Scripture 1 Chr. 21. 12. Sword of the Lord even the Pestilencefills all places with Scripture Psal 110. 6. the dead bodies Head Slay the carkeises of men Scripture Ier 9. 21 fall as dung upon the open held the valliant men are swept Scripture Ier. 46. 15. away and thou Scripture Rev. 2. 23. hast killed our children with death O thou Sword of Scripture Ier. 47. 6. the Lord how long will it be ere thou be quiet put up thy Head Peace selfe into thy Scabberd rest and bee still Surely for the Scripture Ier. 13. 22. greatnesse of our iniquities Head Plague our skirts are discovered and our heeles made bare Our transgressions Scripture Ezek. 33. 10 and our Head Sinne. sinnes bee upon us and wee pine away in them how should we then live We are a people that Scripture Isai 65. 3. provoke thee continually Scripture Psal 78. 8. a generation that set not our heart aright and Head
herein Was not thy servant Moses a very meeke man above all the men that were on the earth Doth not my blessed Saviour command mee to learne of ●i● who was meeke and lowly in heart he was oppressed and he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth he was led as a Lamb to the slaughter and as a sheepe before her sherer he was dumb and can all the indignities offered to me be comparable to all those shamefull spittings and revilings that he for my sake was exposed unto alasse no. O teach me therefore to bring downe my swelling and proud heart to suffer patiently for his sake the servant of God must not strive but be patient toward all men why doe I not then rather take wrong and suffer injury why doe I not take up my Crosse daily and follow him that endured such contradiction of sinners Labouring for A meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price but hee that is soone angry dealeth foolishly O make mee therefore wise in watching over mine owne heart in keeping downe mine owne unmortified spirit to restraine my mouth with a bridle seeing the discretion of a man deferreth his anger and it is his glory to passe over a transgression vouchsafe mee thy grace for Iesus Christ his sake To whom with thee and c Against Apostacie and Backsliding in religion O Lord my God never I beseech thee let there be in me an evill heart of unbeliefe to depart from thee the living God let mee never be of the number of them that draw back unto perdition leaving my first love casting off my first faith to embrace this present world or to enjoy the pleasures of sin which are but for a season O Lord though some fall away and are already turned after Satan even denying the Lord that bought them and so bring upon themselves swift destruction yet doe thou please so to establish my heart with grace that I may continue to the end in that good way in which I have begun let mee not leave the pathes of righteousnesse to walke againe in the wayes of darkenesse or with the dog returne to my former vomit and with the sow that was washed to my wallowing in the mire O Lord there is in me by nature a revolting and rebellious heart I am bent to backsliding from thee unlesse thou doe draw me I shall settle and lag O teach mee to looke to my selfe to keepe my heart with all diligence that I lose not those things which I have wrought but that I may receive a full reward make mee to run with patience the race that is set before me and to be faithfull unto the death that thou maist give me a crowne of life As thou hast given mee a little strength to keepe thy word and not to deny thy name so establish O God the thing that thou hast wrought in me ' ● is he that continueth to the end that shall be saved not he that beginneth well that putteth his hand to the plough and looketh backe O let me hold Faith and a good conscience that my last workes may bee better moe than at first thou art able to keep mee from falling and to preserve me faultlesse before the presence of thy glory with exceeding joy O doe it I beseech thee for thy names sake Even so Lord Iesus Amen See Apostate Backslide Persevere c. in the Scripture phrases Against distrustfull Cares O Lord hast not thou commanded me to cast all my care upon thee because thou carest for me hast not thou said thou wilt never leave me nor for sake me art not thou God all-sufficient Thy Sonne my Saviour hath also bidden mee to take no thought for my life what I shall eate or what I shall drinke nor yet for my body what I should put on Doest not thou feed the fowles of the ayre which sow not neither reape nor gather into barnes By taking thought I cannot adde one cubit unto my stature and thou my heavenly father knowest what things I want what things are best for me and hast promised rather to starve the Lyons than to let thy children want any thing that is good for them O let me believe thy gracious promise to live by Faith to be content with those things that I have yea to receive evill at thy hands as well as good I am yet in better condition to the world-ward than many of thy dearest Saints and now-glorious Martyrs that wandered up and downe in sheepe-skins and goat●-skins being destitute afflicted and tormented of whom the world was not worthy yea I have more worldly riches than the Lord of the whole world my blessed Saviour who had not wheron to rest his head who when he was to pay tribute-money had never a penny but sent his Disciple Peter to the Sea to cast in a hooke and to take up the first Fish and there found to supply his present necessitie O let not me expect to be carved to in a better condition than my Lord and Master But to wait on thee my God continually Teach me first to seeke the Kingdome of heaven and the righneousnesse thereof then hast thou promised that all other things shall be added unto me Amen Vid. Care Providence c. For Marriners or Seafaring men c. O Lord the great and dreadfull God which hast placed the sand from the bound of the Sea by a perpetuall decree that it cannot passe it and though the waves thereof tosse themselves yet can they not prevaile though they roare yet can they not passe over it for thou shuttest up the Sea with doores and barres and sayest to the waves hither shall yee come and no further Thou art the hope of all the ends of the earth and of such as abide in the broad Sea wee O Lord whose imployment and calling is in the deepe in this heape of great waters in the midst of the Seas that go down to the Sea in ships and doe businesse in great waters we see thy works and wonders in the deep For thou commandest and raisest the stormie wind which lifteth up the waves thereof We mount up to the heaven we go downe againe to the depths our soule is melted because of trouble wee reele too and fro and stagger like a drunken man and are at our wits end O teach us to cry unto thee in our trouble and doe thou bring us out of our distresses make thou we beseech thee the storme a calme that the waves therof may be still and so bring us to the desired haven then shall we praise thee Lord for thy goodnesse and for thy wonderfull works towards the children of men Thou art our refuge and strength a very present helpe in trouble therefore will wee not feare though the earth be removed and though the mountaines be carried into the midst
wise Contend I not against them all Against thee that arise I hate them with unfained hate Even as my utter foes Try me O God and know my heart My thoughts prove and disclose I will not stay nor linger long As they that slothfull are But hastily thy lawes to keepe I will my selfe prepare THe greater fort crave worldly goods And riches doe embrace But Lord grant us thy countenance Thy favour and thy grace For thou thereby shalt make my heart More joyfull and more glad Than they that of their corne and wine Full great increase have had LOrd leade me in thy righteousnesse For to confound my foes And eke the wayes that I shall walke Before my face disclose Let me thy loving kindnesse in The morning heare and know For in thee is my trust shew me The way where I should goe That folke is blest that knowes aright Thy present power O God For in the favour of thy sight They walke full safe abroad Give us O Lord thy saving health When troubles doe assaile For all the helpe of man is vaine And can no whit availe Lord let thy grace and glory stand On us thy servants thus Confirme the workes we take in hand Lord prosper them to us O God thy house I love most deare To me it doth excell I have delight and would be neare Whereas thy grace doth dwell Send out thy light and eke thy truth And leade me with thy grace Which may conduct me to thy hill And to thy dwelling place I will harke what God saith for he Speakes to his people peace And to his Saints that never they Returne to foolishnesse The righteousnesse of thy judgements Doth la●t for evermore Then teach them me for even in them My life lies up in store Therefore will I come to thine house Trusting upon thy grace And reverently will worship thee Toward thy holy place c. vi Ps 84. IT is a thing both good and mee●e To praise the highest Lord And to thy name O thou most high To sing with one accord This is the joyfull day indeede Which God himselfe hath wrought Let us be glad and joy therein In heart in minde in thought Fall downe and worship yee the Lord Within his Temple bright Let all the people of the world Be fearefull at his sight Let all thy Priests be clothed Lord With truth and righteousnesse Let all thy Saints and holy men Sing all with joyfulnesse The man is blest whom thou dost chuse Within thy courts to dwell Thy house and Temple he shall use With pleasures that excell Vnto thy house resort will I To offer and to pray And there will I my selfe apply My vowes to thee to pay O come let us lift up our voyce And sing unto the Lord In him our rocke of health rejoyce Let us with one accord Yea let us come before his face To give him thankes and praise In singing Psalmes unto his grace Let us be glad alwayes MY hands I wash and doe proceede In workes to walke upright And to thine altar I make speede To offer there in sight That I may speake and preach the praise That doth belong to thee And so declare how wondrous wayes Thou hast beene good to me Within thy house they shall be fed With plenty at their will Of all delights they shall be sped And take thereof their fill For why the well of life so pure Doth ever flow from thee And in thy ●ight we are full sure The lasting light to see BVt as for me I am but poore Opprest and brought full low Yet thou O Lord wilt me restore To health full well I know And in my bed while I lye sicke The Lord will me restore And thou O Lord wilt turne to health My sicknesse and my sore Then in my sicknesse thus say I Have mercy Lord on me And heale my soule which is full woe That I offended thee Refuse me not O Lord I pray When age my limbs doth take And when my strength doth waste away Doe not my soule forsake Cast thou thy care upon the Lord And he shall nourish thee For in no wise will he accord The just in th●all to see FOr neither from the Easterne parts Nor from the Westerne side Nor from forsaken wildernesse Protection doth proceede For why the Lord our God he is The righteous Iudge alone He putteth downe the one and sets Another in the throne But yet the poore he raiseth up Out of their troubles deepe And oft-times doth their traine augment Much like a flocke of sheepe FOr why the Lord the portion is Of mine inheritance And thou art he that dost maintaine My rent my lot my chance The place wherein my lot did fall In beauty did excell Mine heritage assign'd to me Doth please me wondrous well THou givest to beasts their food and to Young ravens when they cry Thy pleasure not in strength of horse Nor in mans legs doth lye But in all those that feare the Lord The Lord hath his delight And such as doe attend upon His mercies shining light The mighty mountaines of his land Of corne shall beare such throng That it like Cedar trees shall stand In Libanus full long He covers Heaven with clouds and for The earth prepareth raine And on the mountaines he doth make The grasse to grow againe THou mak'st our sonnes to be as plants Whom growing youth doth reare Our daughters like carv'd corner stones Like to a Pallace faire Our garners full and plenty may With sundry sorts be found Our sheepe bring thousands in our streets Ten thousand may abound THy promise which thou mad'st to me Thy servant Lord remember For therein doe I put my trust And confidence for ever It is my comfort and my joy When troubles me assaile For were my life not by thy word My life would soone me faile THough th' earth remove we wil not feare Though hils so high and steepe Be thrust and hurled here and there Within the sea so deepe No though the waves doe rage so sore That all the bankes it spils And though it over-flow the shore And beate downe mighty hils The Lord of hosts doth take our part To us he hath an eye Our hope of health with all our heart On Iacobs God doth lie The strength that doth our fo●s withstand O Lord doth come from thee My God he is my helpe at hand A fort of fence to me Thou art my strength thou hast me stayd O Lord I sing to thee Thou art my fort my strength and ayde A loving God to me Then Lord depart not now from me In this my present greife Since I have none to be my helpe My succour and releife Thy mercy Lord endures for aye Lord doe me not
of the Sea though the waters thereof roare and bee troubled though the mountaines shake with the swelling thereof for unto thee O Lord belong the issues from death O make us to cast the anchor of our hope still on thee who hast hitherto mercifully delivered us from so great a death and dost deliver us in whom we trust that thou wilt yet deliver us Let not the depths we pray thee cover us neither let us sink into the bottome as a stone though the flouds compasse us about yet let not the waves and billowes passe over us thou makest a way in the Sea and a path in the mighty waters thou art the God that hast made the Sea and the dry Land doe not thou suffer that there be the losse of any mans life among us let not a hayre of our heads perish Appease the mighty tempest when it ariseth that our Ship may not be broken rebuke the wind and say unto the waves peace and be still O teach every Ship-master and all the company in Ships those that handle the Oare the Marriners and all the Pilots of the Sea and as many as trade by Sea to trust in the saving helpe of thy right hand when we be toyled in rowing and the wind is contrary unto us and not to rely on our owne skill take from us that desperate boldnesse fearelesnesse of thee and danger that Atheisme Swearing and Prophanenesse and notorious Ungodlinesse which is too often found in many of us Make us to be at peace with thee in the blood of thy Sonne that he may be advantage unto us both in life and death There is continually but a step betwixt us and death yea even but an hand-breadth for thou hast made all mens dayes as an hand-breadth and our age is as nothing before thee Be thou our life in death and to trust thee with our bodies and soules knowing that the Sea shall at the last day give up the dead that are in it and our spirits shall returne unto God that gave them If thou please to bring us safely to land O make us to remember our vowes which we uttered with our-lips when wee were in trouble lest otherwise thou shouldst deliver us no more Grant this grace unto us for Iesus sake to whom with thee c. Amen Husbandman in Seed time O Lord doe thou teach me to cast abroad the fitches and scatter the cummin and cast in the principall wheat and the appointed barley and rye in their places and that I may plough and sow in hope make me to breake up the fallow ground of mine owne heart that the earth bring not forth bryars and thornes and thist●es unto me when it is tilled neither be cursed for my Sinne. Make me to sow to my selfe in righteousnesse 2 Spring-time BLessed bee thy name that thus renewest the face of the earth that crownest the yeare with thy goodnes and thy steps drop fatnesse the winter is past the raine is over the time of the singing of birds is come and the voyce of the turtle is heard in our Land the pastures are clothed with flocks the valleyes also are covered over with corne they shout for joy and sing O make my barren heart to flourish in grace to abound in the fruits of righteousnesse For Seasonable weather Plentie c. O Lord give us the raine of our seed that we have sowed the ground withall and bread of the encrease of the earth that it may be sat and plenteous Let not the Locust Catterpillar Cankerworme Blasting Mildew or unseasonable weather deprive us of the fruits of the earth but blesse them and bring them to maturity that our garners may be full abounding in all manner of store let our oxen be strong to labour let the mower fill his hand and hee that gathereth up the sheaves his bosome that our barnes may bee filled with plentie and our presses burst with new wine Reserve for us the appointed weeks of harvest and though wee deserve not the least morsell of bread we eate yet thou that art goodnesse it selfe and canst not but put on bowels of pitty wilt fulfill thine owne gracious promise that Seed-time and Harvest summer and winter may not cease true it is Lord we deserve not onely that the fruits of the earth but even that our selves also should be swept away like dung from off the earth for thou art pressed under us as a cart is pressed that is full of sheaves thou changest the seasons because we change our obedience our hearts are stony and the heavens weepe for their hardnesse yet we lay not all this to heart teach mee to provide my meate in summer as a Sonne of wisedome and although the fig-tree shall not blossome neither fruit be in the vine though the Labour of the Olive shall faile and the fields shall yield no meate the flock shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no herd in the stalls yet that I may rejoyce in the Lord and joy in the God of my salvation Amen FINIS Some Choise places taken out of the singing PSALMES Digested into a method of PRAYER And PRAISES Per hujusmodi aurium oblectamenta quae pietatis doctrinam continent saepe infirmior animus in affectum pietatis assurgit Theodoret. Printed at London for Rob. Milbourne 1634. To the Christian READER AThanasius in his Treatise upon the Psalmes to Marcelinus reports that the ancient old Father Philoponus in a learned discourse which he vouchsafed once to make to him did evidently demonstrate that whatsoever was contayned abroad in the whole Scriptures was fully reported in the Booke of Psalmes It conteineth saith he the motions the mutations the alterations of every Christians heart and conscience described and lively painted to his owne sight so that if a man list he may easily gather out thereof certaine considerations of himselfe as out of a bright glasse and plaine patterne set before his face so thereby to reforme himselfe He may have a very good forme of Prayer meet to be sayd and presently at hand in every case and state The words here delivered in the Psalmes are as it were his owne spoken in his owne person and is so affected with them as if they were first by him conceived and pronounced c. Liber Psalmorum est ars ritè precandi Oratorium ut ita dicam divinisssimum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Basil Magn. Veteres vocârunt librum Psalmorum PARVA BIBLIA quia breviter omnia quae in Biblijs habentur continet ut historias legem promissiones fidem consolationes poenitentiam bona opera Antiquitùs hic liber vocatus est Soliloquium quia solius hominis Christiani cum solo Deo colloquium habetur Est anatome conscientiarum Nullum in se affectum quisquam reperiet cujus in hoc speculo non reluceat imago Ab alijs rectè appellatur Panacea