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A18910 A briefe of the Bible drawne first into English poësy, and then illustrated by apte annotations: togither vvith some other necessary appendices. By Henoch Clapham. Clapham, Henoch. 1596 (1596) STC 5332; ESTC S108001 105,612 254

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the Heavens and Earth Host hath fram'd He create g Man and h woman i Adā nam'd a signifying Strong o● Potent The first Atribute or Name of the Strong GOD given in the Holy Booke Gene. 1. 1. by Moses Elohim is the Plurall number of EL so that ELOHIM did Create is as much as 〈◊〉 the strong One did create the Plurall number denoting the pluralitie of Persons but ioyned with a word of the Singular Number it pulleth vs back to considder that That Three are but One ●ssence of S●bstance The Essence then is one and spirituall Iohn 4 24. but distinguished not devided into Father Sonne and Holy Ghost 1. Iohn 5. 7. b Signifieth All sufficiencie c Signifieth B●●ng or Eternall namely such a Being as hath his Being of None and by whome All other things haue their Being Act● 17. 28 and so Eternall as is not onely without Beginning and End but by and in whome All things beginne and end This woonderful Name is deeplie graven on the Forehead of the Tenne Commandements I IEHOVAH Exod 20. 2. dd signifying I AM so he speaketh to Israel by Moses I AM THAT I AM. He speaketh of himselfe in the Present Tense or Time because All time with vs passed and to come is presentay before him wee should so shape our selues as hauing our first Creation Fall and future Iudgment alwaies present befo●e vs then we would not content our selues with I was good or I will be good but wee would labour that howe sodainl● soeve● God come vpon vs even at that Present to bee founde watchfull and sober Heare not the High sacred Titles of God but be thereby in all estates edified ee This one God is distinguished into Three Persons the Powerfull Name into which Man was first Created Genes 1. and lastly baptized Math. 28. 19. not one Person before the other in Time but in a certaine respect or order whereof anone f In the beginning of Time and each Motion must haue a Moover before it that mightie Elohim steppe●●●oorth according to his Eternall Decree and createth Creatures for his own sake Prov. 16. 4. which work he manifesteth by dividing it into partes every part declared within a certaine Nomber of Motion or Time First he of Nothing created Something namely the Heauenly and Earthly Matt●r Genes 1. 1. whereout Al other Creatures were to be diduced And as To Create is properly to make Something of Nothing so this saide Matter is onely prope●lie Created and the Creatures formed out of That properlie M●de These that by Heauen and Ear●h in that first verse haue vnderstood the whole Subsequent as though the first verse delivered generallie what afterwards is handled particularly haue therein failed If this were no● so then Moses shuld afterwardes tell vs that Man was made of Earth and then haue omitted the Creation of Earthlie matter without which first knowne wee cannot conceiue the second Having Created that Heauenly and Earthly Matter ●oe it was as a confused Chaos or rude Lumpe but over-covered by the Breath or Spirit of EL as egges covered by the Hen for bringing soorth a more excellent Creature without which sitting vpon as not only there woulde be no newe Creature but also the egge wold in time cease to be that it first is so and much more than so without that over-spreading of the Spirit that first Matter would haue returned into Nothing and haue ceased Being But brieflie for I professe brevitie in this Book that Matter Created all being darknes ELOHIM calleth Light out of darknes and separating them hee calleth Darknes for it first had Being Night and the Light day and so was Created the first daye Into which day most liklie may be referred the Creation of Angels wherevnto I am the rather led because they are tearmed by the holy Ghost Angels of Light ● Cor. 11. 14. and it may be they had their Being from the Heavenly nature But in which of the Six daies soever they were Created sure it is that before Man his Creation they had forsaken their Originall Iob. 4. 18. Iude 6. compared with his time of tempting the Woman In the second day was created the Firmament or superiour Region calling it Heauen putting a separation betwixt the superior inferior waters In the third day ELOHIM first commanded the inferiour waters to gather into appointed places calling them waters so collected Seas and the drye part Earth Secondly hee commaundeth the same Earth to bring forth Hearbs and Trees In the fourth day the Lord commaunded two great shining Starres to Exist in the firmament appointing the Greater namely the Sun for the day and the lesser namely the Moone for the Night In the fift day God commaunded divers Creatures to haue their Being out of the Waters first creeping water Creatures as Eeles Snakes c. Secondly he commaundeth Being to Whales and all Fishes Thirdly to all feathered Fowles blessing all of them to multiplication In the f●xt day hee commaundeth the Earth to bring forth every kind of Beast pasing or creeping As I vnderstand the Serpent Genes 3. 1. in English Creeping not to be a Creeper of the Waters longing to the fift daies work but of these Earth-creepers because there he is called a Beast of the Feild So I marvell at some who haue peremptorilie affirmed because ELOHIM there commaundeth him to go on his bellie that he crept not before As M. Caluin thereon might haue staied such resolute heades so in a case at least doubtfull they should haue feared lest they should haue rushed on Moses who in the fift day giveth amongst watry Creatures the Creepers first place as in this sixt daies work placeth the creeping Beast next immediatly before Man being in the same day and in the place next before man Created which done g Hee ELOHIM doth of the dust of the Earth make Man breathing into him a reasonable Soul In this Soul a spirituall Substance as is God but finite and not being of it selfe so is not GOD in it ELOHIM stamped his owne likenes of an holy Vnitie in Trinitie and of an holy Trinitie in Vnitie As the Soul is but one Essence so there ariseth three divers Faculties or Powers in that one Substance First there is the Mind Secondly the Will Thirdly the Power of Doing or working The Minde conceiveth and vnderstandeth things the Wil affecteth the obiect accordingly as the minde first conceiveth of the thing and from this minde conceiving and will affecting there proceedeth a working power or a power by which something is done The Minde so conceiving resembling the Father the Will hauing his affection begotten of the Minds Conceipt resembling the Sonne begotten of the Father and the Power of Doing proceeding both from the Minde and Will resembling the Holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the Sonne And as them three Persons make but one God so these three Faculties for the Sou●e being a single Substance it cannot be parted do make but one spirituall
brazen Serpent set vp on which who so looked they were cured That figured our Iesus on whome no person by the eye of faith can look but loe they are cured of Satan and sinnes sting let the repentant Theefe witnes that who entred Paradise heavenly the sixt day as Olde Adam the same daye and like ynough the same houre was driven out of the Earthly In Matthewe 10. we are willed to be as Serpents that is to bee like them in something not in every thing Though we be wise as Serpents yet let vs be without sting as was Iesus and the Serpent his figure Nay let vs labour to heal others that are stinged and not sting and bite others lest we be bitten and consumed of others g After many mocks revilings the adversaries giving him bitternes to drink he gaue vp the ghost saying It is finished And here was the perimplishment of Daniels halfe week of yeares for now the Vaile of the Temple rent in two so that the common people might steppe out of the Temples Cour● into the Holy-place and be their owne Priests in offering vppe a rent heart for nowe Iesus our high Priest entred into the Most holy of the Heavens there to make continuall intercession for vs. At the renting of the Temples Vaile the Iewes might haue learned that then there was an end of Levies ministerie the Priest according to Melchisedeks order having made a newe and liuing way vnto the Father throgh the vaile of his flesh a way for every man that commeth vnto the Father by him for not in the Name or power of any other than Iesus is Salvation to bee accomplished for through Iesus even as wee are members knit vnto him we are made not onely Kings over Satan sin death but also Priestes for lifting vp pure handes without wrath and doubting in all places wheresoever Much of the Epistle vnto the Hebrewes is spent in perswading this neither yet knowe they Christ rightly that knowe not this 9. Staffe He dead a they seale the stone vpon his Tombe But b Third day he ariseth powerfullie Good c Magdalen early to graue doth come Anone Iesus speaks to her cheerefullie d Ten times he did appeare in 40. daies Then calles the Twelue and thus to them he saies a Ioseph of Aramathea having of Pilate obtained Iesus his body and Nicodemus hauing brought one hundreth pound waight of Myrrhe and Aloes they take the body wrap it in lynnen with the odours and burie him in a new Sepulcher within a Garden neete to his suffering place He so buried the high Priests and Pharisies come to Pilate who by common agreement appointed certaine Souldiers to watch the Tombe vntill the third day lest his Disciples should steale him away and so it should be bruted that Iesus rose the Third day as he had promised Therewithall they sealed the Cover-stone as Darius sealed Daniel in the Lyons denne b The third day which was the first day of the weeke he rose from the deade The 6. day of the weeke Heathen-like called Fryday hee departed this mortal life and so entred into Paradise aboue forefigured by Paradise belowe even as Adam on the 6. day through sinne begunne this mortall life and therewithall was expulsed the Lowe Paradise the first figure of Heavens blisse The 7. daye Pagan-wise caled Satur-day the first Adam rested out of Paradise but our second Adam rested in Paradise for as his spirit rested in his Fathers handes so his body in the Earth did feele no corruption Act. 2. 31. This thwarts our disputers about Descension into Hell Having so finished Moses week Iesus ariseth on the next day after the 7. which day as hereto fore in some respect I called the 8. daye so in simple proprietie it is the First day of the week prophanely called Sun-day As our Lord rose this daye so Revel 1. it is called therefore the Lords day As Iesus rose from the power of death Moses his Law having done what it could so like a Samson of Samsons hee caries that Cities gates away on his shoulders and vp he mounteth for our Iustification No marvell then if his Rising-day be our Rest-day and that day we celebrate in meditating of our second Creation and Resurrection even as the first Sabaoth was appointed to bee spent had Adam stoode in meditating the first Creation and Adam falling then appointed to further meditation as first of Creation secondly of the Fall thirdly of Restauration in the promised Seede Moses from the beginning of Creation to the end of Deuteronomte and then from Ioshuah to the end of the Old Testament hee and all the Canonicall writers vse to entitle the daies onely thus the First Second Third Fourth Fift Sixt Seauenth Daye Throughout the Newe Testament the daies haue no other names but wee will not be so precise as to speak like Moses to speak like Christ to speak as the wordes of God Nay if a man so tearme the daies he shall be called Puritane Heretike Howe will our Im-puritanes be pleased if so we cal them Sun-day Moone-day c. Hearken to Venerable Bede His nomina a Planetis Gentilitas indidit c. To these 7. daies Gentilisme did attribute the Planets names beleeving that they had their Spirit of the Sunne the body of the Moone the blood of Mars wit and tongue of Mercuri of Ioue tempetance of Venus lust of Saturne slownes Let men nowe either tip their tongue with the holy Ghosts tearmes or at least not bee offended with such as disdaine to fashion themselues to the Gentiles c As Marie had much forgiven so shee-loved much Her loue partly appeared in this her earlie repaire to the Sepulcher Before her comming an Angel from Heaven had rowled the sealed stone aside Iesus was risen and the hyred watchmen were gone to the Rulers who bribed the Soldiers to the end they should say that Iesus his Disciples had in the night stole away the body Shee comming to the Sepulcher as did Salome and another Marie the Angel informes them of his Resurrection commanding them to returne and tell the same to Peter and the other disciples They departed Iesus first appeares to Marie Magdalene Marke 16. 9. Ioh. 20. 14. c. with whome he familiarly talketh A shame to men that women should loue Iesus more earnestly Secondly he appeared also to the other Marie and to Salome called also Ioanna Luke 10. as they were going to tel the disciples of the Angels words Mat. 28. 9. 10. Thirdly hee appeared to Peter or Cephas 1. Cor. 15. 5. That this must be on the same day may appeare by the Angels command before And that it is not like to fall out betwixt the two next appearances the length of time here and the shortnes of time there makes it most probable Fourthly he appeared to Cleopas and the other Disciple as they were going to Emmaus 60. Furlongs from Ierusalem Luke 24. 13. c. Fiftly hee appeared to the Eleven the greater number bearing name
against the Prophet that denounced Iudgement against the Alter in Bethel that hand of his withered He beseecheth the prayer of the Prophet who praieth vnto God wherevpon the hand was healed At this time the Prophet plainly saide that A Childe should bee borne vnto the house of David Iosiah by name who vpon that Alter should sacrifice the Idole Priestes This was spoken 300. vea●s before Iosiah was borne Ieroboam dyeth an Heade Idolater hauing raigned 22. yeares 2 Nadab his Sonne was half King in his Fathers two last yeares for he begun his Raigne in the 2. yeare of Asa king of Iudah 3 B●asa killed N●da● and raigned over Israel 24. yeares He consumes Ieroboams house His raigne beginneth in Asa his 2. yeare 4. Elah his sonne was Vice-roy in Baasa his 2. latter yeates for he begun his raigne in the 26 yeare of Asa. 5 Zimri slewe his M. Elah Against Zimri ariseth Omri Zimri bu●nes himselfe in the Kinges house togither with the house Omri maketh pla gye Statutes Against him ariseth Tibni but Omri prevailed He raigneth the Rivals time ioyned to his 12. yeares 6 Ahab an evil slip of Omri followeth beginning his Raigne in Asa his 38. yeare Hee married with vncircumcised Iesabel Daughter to the Zidonian King He bad Shee worse the Devill put them togither In his time Eliiah the Prophet was famous He reprooued Ahab for reaving Naboth of his Life and Vineyarde telling him plainely that his House should come to nought and that painted I●sabel was destinat for Dogs-meat and so it fel●out for Iehu afterwards caused her to bee cast downe from a lo●t They that doe humble themselues shall be lift vp but the proude God resisteth and will cast downe Hee raigned 22. yeares 7 Ach●ziah his Son begunne to Raigne in I●hos●phat his 17 yeare He Raigned two yeare which fell out in his Father Ahabs 20. and 21. yeare 8 IORAM his brother began to Raigne in his Father Ahabs 21. and 22. yeares of his Raigne which was in the 18. and 19. of Iosaphat of IVDAH and in the second yeare of IORAM I●hosopha● his Sonne then halfe King with Iehosophat his Father This man took away the Image of Baal which his Father made but yet stood an Ido ater With this fellowe Iehos●phat of Iudah did go to warre with Moab for the King of Moab having become tributarie to Ahab he now Ahab dead rebelled Now El●sha or El●seus the Prophet is famous and therefore before their going vp with him ●he Kings consulted who assureth them of victorie Having raigned 12. yeares Ioram died 9 Iehu is annointed King Hee slayeth Iezabel and all Ahabs house for Nabaoths bloode cryed for bloode as did Habels He maketh Baals Priests beleeue that hee would sacrifice before the Idole All the Priestes gather for that supposed sacrifice They being once in BAALS house he shew them all Notwithstanding for this was but a starting Zeal he afterwards fell to palpable Idolatrie all Isr●●l became so notably wicked as IEHOVAH loathed Israel in somuch as Hazael of Aram in Syria smot them in all the coastes of Israel Iehu having raigned 28 yeares he dyed 10 Ioachaz or Iehoachaz his sonne succeeded beginning his raign in the 23. yeare of Ioas● of Iudah He following the waies of Ieroboam the Son of Nebat caused Israel to sinne for which the Lorde gaue them into the hands of Hazael King of Aram and into the handes of Ben●adab King Hazael his sonne Hee raigned 17. yeares and dyed 11 Iehoash or Ioash Son of Ieh●●haz or Ioachaz beginneth Goverment in the 15. of his father that being the 37. of Amaziah of Iudah Hee raigned 16. yeares Being provoked by Amaziah he went against him tooke him captiu● and then went to Ierusalem making much spoyl In this mans time holy Elisha after many miracles wroght dieth 12 Ieroboam his Son succeeded Hee begun his raigne in his Fathers last year that being the 15. of Amaziah of Iudah Hee Raigned 41. yeares In his time the Prophet Ionah was sent by the Lord to Niniuie the Metrapolitane Cittie of Ass●ria there to proclaime Iudgment against the Cittie Hee imagining small credite by such a Sermon doth by Sea flie another way The Lord by a Tempest ●ursues him The Mar●●ne●s cast out Ionah A Whale receiveth him who after 3. daies casteth Ionah vppon Land So was the Earth the third daye to deliver vp Iesus Mat. 12. 40. Neither Earth nor Sea can hide or drown that true Ligh● which God hath appointed to be declared to a People After Ionah his being cast vpon the shore the Lord renueth his Mandat he goeth to Niniuie and proclaimeth destruction after 40. daies They at the first hearing belieued that they there●ore genera●ly humble them selues and for that time are spared This King restored the coast of Israel from the entrie of Hamath vnto the Sea of the wildernes according to the worde of the Lord by IONAH the Sonne of Am●●●ai the Prophet which was of Gat●-Hepher But this Ieroba●m followed the steppes of the first Ieroboam In his time begun likewise Amos and Hosheah to Prophecie 13 Israels Kingdom thencefoo●th vnstayed for 22 yeares full even vntill Zach●rie Nowe Hosh●ah plainly telleth Isra●l that shee was not IEHOVAHS wife Here was like Priest like People 14 Z●chariah Ieroboa●● his Sonne beg●n to Raign in the 38. yeare of Azariah King of Iudah 2 King 15. 8. which was fulli● 22. years after his Fathers death A wicked man was hee and therefore slaine by S●allum the sonne of I●besh and that in the Peoples sight He raigned but 6. Moneths 15 Sha●lum hauing slaine Zechariah begun to raigne in the 39. year of A●●ria● of I●dah Against him riseth M●n●he● the sonne of Gadi who slew Shallum in Samaria So that hee raigned but a Moneth 16 Menahem immediatlie vppon Shallums death beginne●h his regiment and hee raigned 10. years But vnto him the Citie T●rzah in Israel wou●d not open her gates He therfore smot it and ript vp all their women with child Now God stirred vp Pul the Assyrian King against Israel who puld 1000. Talents of Silver from Menahem which Menahem puld from Israel 17 Pekachiah his son begun to raigne in the 50. yeare of Azariah of Iudah He raigned two years and was slaine by his Captaine Pekah in Samaria 18 Pekah the Son of Remaliah begunne to raigne fullie in the last yeare of Azariah of Iudah Hee raigned in Samaria Metrapolitane of Israel 20. years In his time T●glah Pileser king of Ashur came vp and tooke divers Cities and carrved the People away to Ashur Hoshe● the son of Elah slayeth Pekah 19 The States of Israel now governe for 9. yeares thogh vnder Tiglath P●●eeser who had before tyme captived them 20 Hoshea called also Osee beginnes his raign in the 12. yeare of Ahaz of Iudah and a bad man he was Against him Iehovah sende●● Sabnanesar King of Ashur who took Hoshea prisoner after 3. yeares besieging Samaria which was the 9. yeare of Hoshea his
thy Kingdome that consisteth in Righteousnes and Holines oh let it Come and as a stronger man let thy Spirite cast out the Tyrannie of Sinne that howsoever it dwell yet it may never raigne in our mortall members Sweete Father thou hast begunne a good work in vs and shall Satan overturne it shall Sinne supplant it Alas alas except thou vpholde vs wee shall deceiue our owne soules Satan the World and our Flesh are at league therefore as thou hast hitherto caused vs to put our trust in thee so continue thou our Governour and cause vs to stoup vnto the sugered motions of thine own spirit And for the better building vp of our inwarde man and the repairing of thine owne Image in vs mercifully giue vnto vs faithfull Ministers of thy word that so we may receiue the blessing of Illumination and Sanctification that accompanieth thine owne ordinance And for making roome to thine owne Ordināce vouchsafe to remoue from all thy People such as haue run out without thy bidding Remoue hyrelings dumb dogs and all such cursed plants as thy right hand never planted that so an open way being made for thine owne Servants the Scepter of Iesus may be lifted vp in the midst of thy People that they seeing the Banner of thy Sonne displaied they may bring their sons daughters from farre and so giue vp their names to liue Subjects in the kingdome of thy son Christ. And inasmuch as thou hast commanded Kings Queenes Magistrates to bee Nource-fathers and Nource-mothers vnto thy Church Lord we humblie intreate thee not onely to giue such vnto vs and others thy poore people but also do thou put the remembrance of that dutie in their heades that they may not dare like lewde Nources to mingle with thy Wine and Milke their owne liquor and leaven but that they may compt it their Glory as Elders to cast their Crownes downe before thy Throne spirituall wherevpon thou sittes in the middest of thy Church Let them knowe that thou hast appointed thē to lick vp the dust before the feete of thy Church yea to remoue the smallest lets to godlines so farre let them knowe they ought to bee from casting their owne inventions as stumbling blocks before the feete of thy people These of them that will bee brought to honour thee do thou honour them but if with horne side they wil dedicate themselues to push thy Sonnes Spowsesse then mercifull Father do cut their hornes shorter and breake off their power that so they may learne how the kingdome that serues not thee shall perish And because mercifull Father this spirituall kingdome of thine in vs will here never be perfected we therefore intreat thee to hasten the comming of thy Son our blessed Saviour vnto that finall doome that so having gathered his kingdome of Iewe and Gentile into one hee may deliver vp the same into thine hand and so thou maist be al in all In the meane time oh Lord let thy spirit so guide and leade vs in thy truth as by vs The third Petition Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven THy vvill may be done in Earth as it is in Heuen by the blessed Angels Oh Lord They could keepe their place but Satan and wee would needes forsake our place They therefore haue continued happie doers of thy will where Satan and Man-kind haue sought their own will Satan therefore for ever alotted vnto the burning pit whither likewise whol Man-kind had packed had not thy Sonne stept in and made attonement for me and al such as apprehēd him by a liuely Faith which is the Guift even the flower that buddeth out of our adoption Considering all the benefits we haue received from thee oh Lord why should not wee in the Earth do thy will aswell as doe the blessed Angels in Heaven They were created once so were we yea wee haue bene created twise so were not they by so much the more are wee bounde to do thy will even thy will by forsaking our own will yet this will of ours wee are most prest to preferre before thy will Oh false heart crooked heart wilt thou never be duly subject vnto that pure and only holy will of thy Creator of thy Redemer As the Angels do in the heauenlie places continuallie beholde thy face ô Father so hast thou called vs in the Earth to liue before thee as in Heaven and therefore hast thou called vs out of the worlde out of the kingdome of darknes and that to be Citizens with thy Saintes in the Earth who howsoever they are in the worlde yet are not of the worlde howsoever they walke their pilgrimage in the Earth yet their conversation is in Heaven their conversation is heavenly As thou addes vnto thy Sonnes Church such souls as are appointed to be saued so ô mercifull Father it is not sufficient for vs to be in thy Church except thou lead vs doing thy will in the Church It is not sufficient that wee be Cittizens of thy spiritual Ierusalem except we liue according to the Citties Lawes and ordinances Thou having Lord given vs to knowe this giue vs power likewise to do it even to do thy Wil as diligently faithfully earnestly as doe the heavenly spirites whome thou hast appointed to minister vnto the heires of Saluation whome thou hast appointed for to watch over the Church over every the faithfull Giue vnto thy Ministers grace to do thy Wil in preaching thy blessed Wil in season and out of season not measuring what man wold heare but what thou hast commanded them to speake Giue vnto thy people such Pastors as may powerfully Exhort such Teachers as may trulie deliver the Doctrine of faith such Elders as may diligentlie Governe such Deacons as may faithfully Distribute the contribution of the Saintes such Widowes as may with Mercifull Affections attend the sicke and impotent that so the Ministers of thy Church performing dutifully thy will the Communion of thy People as it is called the Kingdome of heauen so it may be beautifull as Heaven Vnto Princes Magistrates People giue grace of subjection to thy wil that all of them seeking thy glory not their owne wil it so may come to passe that thy will may be preferred by Al in every their several callings that Parents and Children Maisters Servants so studying the doing of thy will there may be an heavenly concent and harmony of obedience towardes thee in the Earth as is vnto thee by all the blessed spirits in Heaven And inasmuch as oh mercifull Father after we haue prayed for the glorifying of thy gret Name in the establishing of thy Kingdome and doing thy Will in asmuch as after that we are enjoyned to praye for the things which necessarily and immediatlie concerne our selues wee humblie intreat thee to The fourth Petition Giue vnto vs this day our Daily Bread GIue vnto vs our daily Bread Breade oh Lord is more than we deserue why should wee then be discontented with
Serpents possessor and his seed of vnfaithful and rebellious people on the other side betweene them I say is heere fore-decreed a spirituall Battell Satan called the Dragon Rev. 12. 7. it may be because hee here possessed that kind of Serpent he sha● bruise the heele of Christ and his mysticall body far enough from the heart but the Blessed-seed in the end breaketh the Dragons head and casteth him out of Heaven into the Earth as worthie to be excommunicate to the death This Seede of the Woman darklie preached heere is afterwards in God his booke more and more clearlie revealed and taught 5. Staffe Promise of Life made through that holy seed Adam he calles her a Heuah dame of Life Then God to let them haue their right meed Our of the b Garden sends Man and his wife Life and Heaven lost they lost the Signes withall which holy Signes we Sacraments do call a Gen. 3. 20. As the Lord of Life was to come of womans not o● Mans seed so he entitleth his wife Heuah that is Giving Life From the Beginning holy significatiue names were given but we neglect the wisedome of God b As the Lord is the onely Institutor of Sacraments so he hath appointed that the sacramentall signe shuld be removed from These that haue not the Thing signified by that signe Adam Heuah hauing in themselues and for their seed lost Heauen they therefore are expulsed the Garden the signe of Heaven hauing lost Life they are banished from the sight of the Tree that signifyed Life Sacramentall Signes therefore are outwarde visible Creatures preaching vnto Man some inward invisible grace which inward thing or thing signified is as verilie to bee apprehended by Faith as is the outward Sign to be apprehended by the eye hand mouth 6. Staffe HEVAH after conceiu'd and brought forth c Kain Then holy c Habel churches figure right Who for his goodnes was by brother slaine In roome of whome God gaue her blessed d Sheth As of Kain came the seede of Serpents brood So of this Sheth came many Persons good cc whether Kain and Habel were Twyns Kain first came foorth and afterwards Habel in the same Conception it is not plain Yet considering that Heuah was to increase and multiplie for filling of the Earth it is not vnlike that in that her strength shee brought foorth more than one at a Birth-time Kain being taught Husbandrie by his Father and Habel instructed to keep s●eep Gen. 4. they brought sacrifices to the Lord. Kain as it seemeth rather as standing in awe of his Father but Habel offered with a free heart which was cause that the Lord reiected Kain and accepted Habel Kain seeing this Reiection he therefore slaieth Habel As hereby appeared Satans Serpentine-seede so the first borne of the Holy-seede is persecuted to death This wicked seede in Kain argueth that Heuah had not conceived till after their fall and therefore by consequent that Adam had not carnallie known the woman before their Fal. For had he there being no sin in them to hinder the blessing she must needs haue conceived an holy seed and so haue brought forth no Murderer That Habels sacrifices pleased God it was because hee first professed that maner of spirituall obedience not of his owne head but by God his Commaundement which precept he might well receiue of his Father Secondly because in that sacrifice he did though darkly see that one was to bee offered vp a slaine sacrifice for the sinnes of the People d In the next Staffe 7 Staffe To passe by Some of a Sheth came Henoch he Who walkt with God till God tooke him away Lamech and Noah that time Sheths petigre Matcht with Kains daughters to their dyre decay That sinne so greiued God as plainlie he Foretold to Noah the world should drowned be a Habel being slaine God giueth to Adam Sheth in his rome Sheth begot Enosh Enosh Kenan Kenan Mahalaleel Mahalaleel Iered Iered begot Henoch the 7. from Adam IVDI 14. Henoch begot Methushelah Methushelah Lamech Lamech Noah Noah begot Shem Ch●● and Iaphe● elder brother of Shem. Gen. 10. 21. Here Sheths seede was deeply degenerate from Henoch and Sheths sinceritie for they seeing the da●ghters of Men viz. of Kains lawles race to be snowt-faire Sheths Petygre marrieth with them mixing the holy seede with the vnholy by reason whereof Gyants and strong Miscreants abounded This so vexed the Lord as hee hastely repaireth to Noah and fore-tels him that hee may preach it to others that after the expirement of 120. yeares he would drowne the whole world with water Commanding him in the meane time to build an Arke of Pyne trees wherein HE and His might then be saved 8. Staffe One hundred yeares and twentie after then The a Cataracts were loosd Seas burst ope The rayne and waters drown'd the wicked men And over Earth had libertie and scope But ●re that day as God had Noah told An Ark he built of Pyne-trees room'd threfold a Noah preaching and building the Ark that 120. years the people believed not the spirit of GOD preaching in Noa● for the which as their bodies were drowned in the ●●ood so their soules nowe remaine in the Prison of God his wrath 1. Pet. 3. 18 19 20. That water was a figure of Baptisme for as by that water Noah and his Familie the faithfull for Cham was not then seene-wicked were saved from Iehouahs wrath even so by Baptisme the Faithful are saved and the lurking hypocrite for the time fareth not the worse But as all without the Arke were vtterly destroyed by the same water even so shall Baptizing water be but a Sacrament of condemnation vnto such as receiue it vnworthelie whether they be within the Ark the visible Church as was Cham or baptized in the Church of the World or visible worldlings such as is that great Citie Revel 17. 18. 9. Staffe Into this Ark did Noah and his Wife His sonnes Shem Cham Iaphet a enter anone With sortes of Creatures all that breathed life Preserved in the Ark by God alone b After twelue Months the Men their wiues and all Out of the Ark did go at God his call a The Worlde was here 1656. yeares old and so tooke his end with water Noah hauing in the Ark of every cleane Beast for Sacrifice and of vncleane for preservation of their kinde to the Newe World aswell as of the cleane b Noah and his Wife with his three sonnes and their Wiues even 8. Persons in the whole as they went into the Arke at God his commaund so they come not foorth vntill he commaund Gen. 8. 16. Comming forth Noah offereth Sacrifice to God whose savour was acceptable and therefore the Lord blesseth Noah to the beginning of the Newe World promising that he would no more smite the World as he had done with water and thereof he appointed the Rainbowe to be a signe sacramentall Here was Noah permitted to eate flesh but forbidden to eate of the blood of