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A15995 Ieremy the prophete, translated into Englisshe: by George Ioye: some tyme felowe of Peter College in Camebridge. The songe of Moses is added in the ende, to magnifye our Lorde for the fall of the Pharao, the bisshop of Rome; Bible. O.T. Prophets. English. Joye. Selections. Joye, George, d. 1553. 1534 (1534) STC 2778; ESTC S119622 105,413 240

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which bringeth his worde to passe the Lorde which accomplessheth his thoughtis and purposes euen he whose name is the Lorde Thou cryedst vnto me and I answerde the aud I expowned the great and highe thinges which were vnknowne vnto you Thus I saye saith the Lorde God of Israel as concerninge the houses of this cyte the kingis houses of Juda to be thronedowne with ordinaunce and weapen the caldes now coming vpon to wonne it fillinge these houses with mennis caryons whom I shal smyte in my wrath furye my face turned awaye fro this cyte for the multitude of their malice Lo I shal close vp their woundes heale them I shal open them the tresure of peace and faithfulnes And I shal suerly bryng ageyne Juda and Israel and restore them as they were before And I shal pourge them frome al heir wykednes committed agenst me and parden al their synnes done so spyght fully agenst me wherby I shal get me a blessed glad name into my prayse and glorye amonge al the naciōs of therthe whiche shal hear of al my goodnes shewed vpon them For they shal feare and be astoned to se howe great goodnes and peace I shal bestow on them so louingly Also thus saith y e Lorde And ageyne there shal be herde in this place whiche ye saye also shal be turned into a wildernes so that nether man nor beast shal be in it and in the cyte of Juda withoute Jerusalem whiche also shal be desolate so that nother man nor beast inhabit them ther shal be herde I saye y e voyce of men makinge myrthe ioye solace euen the voyce of the brydegrome w t his spouse the voyce of men singinge Magnifye ye the Lorde of powers for right good is the Lorde whose mercy endureth for euer Ther shal be herde the voyce of men knowleging God with giftis in the Lordis house For I shal restore y e captiuite of this lande into their olde state saith the Lorde Thus saith the Lorde of powers Ther shal be ageyn in this region nowe desolate man and beste and in al hir cytes in the cytes of the mountayns of the playnes in the deserte herdemēnis lodges kepinge their flockes In the lande of Beniamin in the felde of Jerusalem in the cytes of Juda the flockes shal be noumbred agene vnder the handis of y e teller saith the Lorde Beholde the dayes shal come saith the Lorde that I shal performe this goodnes whiche I haue promysed to the house of Israel Juda. In these dayes in that tyme I shal bringforthe y t rightuouse budde of Dauid which shal do equyte rightuousnes vpon the erthe In these dayes Juda shal be made salfe Jerusalem shaldwel suerly And he shal be called in hir euen thus The Lorde our rightwisnes For euen thus promyseth God The sead of Dauid shalnot be withoute a man to sitte in the kinges seat of the house of Israel The preistis also the Leuites shal not lak a man to offer before me sacrifices to burne the sacrifice ministringe offeringe the slayne offeraunces euery daye Also the worde of the Lorde was shewed to Jeremye on this maner If it be possible my couenant to be broken which I haue smyten with the daye night so that nother y e daye nor y e night folowe not in their tyme so is it impossible my couenaunt to be voyde whiche I haue made w t Dauid my seruant so not to haue a sonne raigninge in his seat And euen lykewyse shalnot my seruice lake Leuite and Preiste For as the starres of heuen cannot be nowbred nor the sea sandes mesured euen so shal I encrease the sead of my seruant Dauid my Leuites and ministres Ouer this yet came the worde of y e Lorde ageyn to Jeremy thus Vnderstandest thou not what this peple saith Ther be two kynredis say they whom y e Lorde hath chosen and euen these same bothe hath he caste awaye for to this is my peple brought that they beleue themselues neuer to come in togither withe the gentyles wherfore thus saith y e Lorde If I haue not smitten a bargē with y e day night If I haue not geuen lawes to y e heuen erthe the sead of Jacob Dauid my seruant now shal I caste awaye so that I receyue not of his ysswe to be princes ouer the sead of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. For I shal repayer their fall and be merciful vnto them ¶ The .xxxiiii. Chapiter THe sermone which was shewed of y e Lorde vnto Jeremy whan Nebuchadrezar kinge of Babylon with al his hoste gatherd from al y e regions of his lande that were vnder his impery and al his peple made bataile agenste Jerusalem hir cytes borderinge aboute hir one this maner Thus commandeth the Corde God of Israel Go and speke to Zedechias kinge of Juda tel him Thus saith the Lorde Lo I shal betake this cyte into the hande of the kinge of Babylon whiche shal set fyer vpon it thou thy selfe shalt not escape his hande but be led captiue delyuerde into his power Thy eyen shal beholde the present face of y e kinge of Babylon he shal speke vnto the mouthe to mouthe than shalt thou come to Babylon But yet hear the worde of the Lorde Zedechias kinge of Juda Thus y e Lorde telleth the. That thou shalt not be slayne with swerde but thou shalt dye in peace For they shal burne y e in the fyer as they brente thy fathers y e kinges thy predicessours And shal geue the thy moorning tuwne sayng Ah Master For this counsel haue I taken saith the Lorde And the Prophete Jeremy spake vnto Zedechie kinge of Juda al these sermōs at Jerusalem whan the kinge of Babylons hoste layd sege to Jerusalem and to al the other cytes of Juda that were lefte as to lachis and Azecham whiche yet remayned of y e sironge defensed cytes of Juda. The sermone whiche y e Lorde sh●●wed to y e Prophete Jeremye aftir y t Zedechias had made a lawe w t al the peple of Jerusalem that lybertye fredome shuld be proclaymed so that euery man shuld let fre go his bonde seruāt y t were hebrewes both man w●man no iewe to suffre his brother to be his bondeman And al y e rulers w t the hole peple y t moued this bargen consented that euery man shulde let go free both bonde man and woman and nomore to be lordis ouer them And agreyng to this lawe they obayed consented sending them for the fre But aftir warde they repented them and plucked their bonde men mayde seruantis home ageyn whom they had let go free called them ageyn into bondage For the which cause y e worde of the lorde was shewed frō him vnto Jeremy thus Thus saith y e lorde god of Israel I made a couenaunt with your fathers whā I led thē
yet healed agayne But we haue done our cure say they right diligētly yet is she not healed We shal therfore forsake hir go our wayes euery mā to his owne regiō For hir iugemēt is turned vp vnto heuē remoued vp vnto y e clowdis The Lorde hath layd forth our ryghtwysnes Come hither therfore let vs put Ziō in mynde of y e worke of our Lorde God Sharpē your arows fill your quyuers For y e Lorde shal ster vp y e spryte of y e kinge of Mede agēst Babylon euē now redy bēte to destroye hir For this shal be y e vengeāce of y e Lorde euē y e auēginge of his owne tēple Lyft vp your sygnes shyldes vpō y e wallis of Babylon warne watches ynowe set kepers laye good a waite aboute And yet nethelesse shal the Lorde do his purpose decreed vpō y e inhabitours of Babylon Oh thou Babylō whiche haste thy situaciō by so goodly grete waters hauīg siche riches so grete tresure thy ende is come thou maist sitdowne and tell vp thy wynninge The Lorde of powers hathe sworne by his owne selfe to ouerwhelme y e w t men as w t locustis whiche shal aninate encourage one a nother agēste y e. Whiche Lorde made y e erthe by his might did set faste y e worlde by his wysedome stretched abrode y e heuēs by his prudēce At his worde y e waters in heuē aryse swell He calleth forthe y e clowdes frome y e coosts of the erthe changeth thondre into rayne leadeth forthe y e wynde oute of his secrete place Euery man is but a foole if thou estemest him of his coninge Euery man shal be cōfownded y e casteth or engraueth images For it is but deceitfully blowme framed to gither of lyes nether is there any brethe in it Dayne thingis ar they workes worthy to be scorned in y e tyme of their visitaciō shal they perisshe The porcion of Jacob is farre vnlyke these thingis But he y t made al thinges whose name is y e Lorde of powrs he is y e met rodde of his heretage Thou haste scatered our weapens of warre And I haue for thy sake scatered the gentyles dispersed kyngdoms For thy sake haue I scatered horse and man chariet and him that rode in it For thy plesure I dispersed men women olde and yonge bacheler and mayde For thy plesure I dispersed the herdeman and his flocke the tylman withe his catell Princes and rulers And now shal I rewarde Babylon al his cytesens and the Caldes al that calamite whiche they did to Zion ye and that your selues lokyng vpō saith the Lorde Beholde me here vpō the thou perniciouse pestelent hill saith the Lorde whiche vndoist al the hole worlde It is I I tell the y t shal stretche forth my hande vpon the rolle the downe frome the rockes and make the a perpetual burning hil that noman may take ether corner stōne or toppe stonne or foundaciō stōne at the but thou shalt be a perpetual deserte saith the Lorde Sprede your baners ouer the londe blow vp trōpets vpō the gentylis Moue ye the nacions to take vengeāce on them Call vp these kingdoms agenste thē Ararat Minni Aseenez and tell oute Tiphsar to be agēst hir Bringeforh horses lyke swarmes of locustis Appoynte forth agenst hir the peple of Mede with their kinge princes and al their rulers ye euen al y e hole londe vnder his empery Thē shal the londe quake and be ful heuy when the counsels of the Lorde shal come agenst Babylon to make the londe of Babylon desolate that nomā inhabit it The valcant men of Babylon shal nomore defende hir they shal krepe into their holdes their strength shal fayl them they shal be lyke wemen hir habitacions shal be brēte hir barres shal be broken one poste shal come runninge agenst a nother and messenger agenst messenger to bringe tydingis to the kinge of Babylon that his cyte is taken on euery syde and his foordis layed and occupyed hir ●ennes set on fyer and the soudyers oute of their witte for fear For thus saith the Lorde of powrs y e God of Israel Daughter Babylon hath ben in hir tyme lyke a ry●e plētuouse felde of corne but shortely oftir was come hir repyng tyme. Nebuchadrezar kynge of Babylon hath deuourerd vndone me he hath made an empty vessel swelowed me vp lyke a dragō he hathe filled his bely w t my tendernes He expelled me toke a waye my substance at y e I had lefte did caste me forth vnto Babylon saith y e inhabitres Zion expelled my blode vnto y e cytesens of Calde saith Jerusalem Wherfore thus saith the Lorde Beholde I shal defende thy cause auēge thy hurte I shal sowp vp hir sea dry vp her vaynes And Babylon shal lye lyke moll hyllis or graues It shal be an habitacion for dragons fear and wondre for that there dwelleth no bodye Then shal they rore togither lyke lyons and lyons whelpes when they ar angrye shaking their lockes In their hete I shal set drynke before them and they shal be dronken for ioye and then shal they slepe a longe sleape from whiche they shal not be waked saith the Lorde I shal lede them forthe to veslayne lyke shepe lyke wethers gotes Howe was Sesach taken Howe was this noble daughter flower of al y e erthe thus ●●atched Howe came Babylon into this wondring stok amonge the gentyls The sea swelled arose ouer Babylon which is ouer whelmed with hir grete waues hir cytes ar desolate hir londe ouer growne y e noman maye come to it a londe wheryn noman dwelleth nor yet any sonne of Adam maye passe thorow it And euen y e same Beel in Babylon shal I vyset and pluck oute of his mouthe that thinge whiche he hath so swelowedyn And those folke shal nomore swarme so faste to him Also the walle of Babylon shal falldowne Gette ye oute frome the myddis of it my peple and let euery man saue him selfe from the furiouse wrathe of the Lorde Let not your hertis faynte nor feare at euery rumour that shal be herde in the londe For yere by yere shal ye hear newes diuerse tydinges now this then y t strāge tyrannye and wykednes soden ofte chaunge of rule and empery More ouer beholde the daye shal come that I shal visete the grauen images of Babylon into the vtter shame confusion of al the region hir moste dere beloued shal lyedede in hir Heuen erthe and what so euer is in them shal reioyse vpon Babylon when these destroyers shal come vpon hir from the northe saith the Lorde As Babylon threwdowne the derebeloued of Israel euen so shal the beste beloued of Babylon be thronedowne thorouout al the realme ye that fle from the swerde spede you stonde not still Remēber
❧ Jeremy the Prophete translated into Englisshe by George Joye some tyme felowe of Peter College in Camebridge ❧ ❧ ❧ ¶ The songe of Moses is added in the ende to magnif ye our Lorde for the fall of our Pharao the Bisshop of Rome ¶ Anno M.D. and .xxxiiii. in the monethe of Maye ❧ ❀ ❧ ☞ ❧ ☜ ❧ The Preface THe Prophets as they were al taught steredvp and thrusted forth of one spirit to preche and wryte the worde of the Lorde so folowd they al one threde and lyne tending vnto one ende euen our sauiour Jesus Christe the parfait some ful conclusion of al the lawe Prophets So that whoso in reding the lawe Prophets directe his inwarde eye to beholde knowe our heuenly father for y e one very God a lone with his sone Jesus Cryste sent vs from him beleuinge perfitly to be iustifyed and saued by the grace of God y e father through y e merits onely of Cristis dethe very God man he readeth a right with grete frute he recheth resteth graciously vpon the same marke that al the Prophets did shote at euē vpon him that sayd I am the waie the trouthe and lyfe Vpon this gloriouse and sauing signe to be agayn said as Simcon tolde Mary y e virgen his mother Luke ii the two testamentis also loked with cōtrarye aspectis the olde beholding him to come y e new loking vpon him paste and comen no nother wyse then the two Cherubyms standing vpon the arke of the couenaunt did figure bothe loking contrary wais y e one beholding the tother yet did they bothe two set their eyes loking into the propiciatorye euē vpon Cryste our seat of mercye and mercy stole And hither loked also those two sufficient witnesses Moses Helyas the one representing the lawe and the tother the Prophetis when Cryste transfigured himself bothe concluding consenting with Cryst in that they talked togither w t him expressing his ende whiche he shulde make finesshe at Jerusalē For whom els aftir that gloriouse sight and cōmunication did his disciples there se but onely Jesus left alone What so euer therfore Cryste did or suffred as touchīg the benefit forme of our redempcion the lawe and Prophetis tolde it al before So that the talking togither of Moses Helias with Cryste declared the lawe Prophets to consent agree bothe vpō Cryste y e very helthe lyfe perfecciō of al y t beleue in him Whiche thinge to confirme the voice of the father was there herde out of the cloude sayng This is my dere beloued sone for whose sake I am peased set at one with man him therfore se that ye hear Obserue diligētly good Cristen reder the vehemēce pieth of this pronowne Ipsum when the father cōmanded vs sainge Ipsum audite him se y t ye hear And beware of them that wolde obtrude thrust yn to the chirche of Go● any vnwryten verities strange doctryne euen the doctryne of lying men Hear them not whiche wolde cōmande and compel vs to beleue hear any other techer then Cryste siche as their doctryne be consonant with Crystis worde apere they neuer so holy and wel lerned Let sich false Prophets as Jeremy whissheth and threteneth go and be ruled of y e wynde whiche preche vs to worship images or to seke eny other helpe saluacion intercessours and meanes betwene vs and our father then Cryste Jesus alone sufficient euer herde and praynge for vs incessauntly Cryste therfore to shewe himselfe that lyuely fountayn of perpetual waters plentuously springingforth into lyfe euerlastinge vnto al that drinke that is to saye beleue in him sate him downe once ful wery to reste himselfe vpon the wel bring whiche Jacob longe before had digged euermore seking an occasion to insinuate and offer himselfe a sufficient refrigery sauiour for synners what tyme he opened himselfe vnto that sinful Samaritane womā telling hir that who so drinke of the water which I shal geue him he shal neuermore thirste c. That is who so beleue in Cryste shal neuer desyer any other mean sauiour counforter refressher but shal fynde fele God the father one alone for al sufficient through the grace and merits of his sone our sauiour Criste In him onely to glory reioyse as this Prophete cōmandeth vs. Whiche glory who so once taste fele he wil not onely geue it to no nother as in Isaie is shewed but he will trēble and quake to hear this greuouse complaint and heuy manasshing of God almighty by the mouthe of Jeremy saying My peple haue caste me awaye which am their glorye they haue chāged their glory for y t an Idoll y t cānot helpe thē As here now the Prophete entred into the argument and mater of al his sermons of this hole boke and brekynge forthe into a great fereful exclamacion calleth in heuen and erthe as did Isaye in the beginning of his sermons to testifye and detest our abominable idolatrye criyng out thus Oh heuens be ye a stonned be ye a frayd and meruelously amased saith the Lorde For two offencis haue my peple cōmitted They haue forsaken me euen the very lyuely fountayn of perpetual waters and digged themself vp pittis al to troden and broken whiche maye holde no waters The heuēs to be a stonned and to deteste this bakfalling from Cryste our glorye vnto any other creature is as mych to saye as oh heuens withe drawe your helpe counforte from vs geue vs nether rayne nor any ceasonable wether nor yet holsom ayer but acording as it was thretened vs in y e lawe be ye as harde as yern that y e erthe might be as harde as stele for rayne to geue vs drought heat to bake our lande in baraynes for plesant wether to geue vs thondre terreble lighteningis corrupte ye y e ayer y t pestelence might take awaye man beast And yet as ▪ though al this were to lytle swerde and famyn be threatened vs to ▪ ye and at last to be casten out frō Cryste our glory in heuen vnto perpetual payn● in he● For forsaking Cryste our glorye diggīg vs vp theis poysoned pittis of our owne inuentiō pittes alto trodē troubles brokē euī the tradiciōs lawes decrees with all the deuellisshe doctryne drawne forthe of these dampnable deluers y e bisshops of Rome and their faccion deluing and digging vs vp their muddye myery stinkinge dykes al for to fede their own carnal affectis to maintayn their glitering glorye and to encrease their fylthy lucre and stalbeshe their falsely vsurped power wherby they haue hitherto so longe deluded and seduced many a simple soule trapped holdē captiue euen Emprours and kinges And how they theirselues dayly trouble and breke their own drye pittes with dispensaciōs relaxaciōs permissions gloses ce they know
thingis lyuinge man hath the moste disceaightful harte vnable to be serehed who then shal knowe it euen I the lorde bothe ensercher of herte espyerout of raynes to rewarde euery man aftir his owne wayes and according to the frute of his counsellis He maketh him a neste but hatcheth no eggis that gatherth goodis wrongefully In the middis of his lyfe he muste leaue them and laste of all be fownde a fole But thou Lorde who le seate is moste noblest highest and aunciaunt which dwellest in the place of our holy reste thou arte the hope of Israel All that forsake the ar confounded All bakflyders from the ar writen in the erthe not in heuen For they sorsake the Lorde euen y e well of euerlasting waters Heale me Lorde I shal be holl Saue me Lorde I shal be salfe for thou arte my prayse For lo these men saye vnto me Where is the worde of y e Lorde let it comeforth I praye y e Whiles I me selfe was now leading the flok in thy pathes I constrayned noman violently nor yet coueted I any mannis dethe as thou wel knowest But my wordes were right in thy sight oh lorde Be not fearful vnto me for thou arte he in whō I hope whā any perelis present Let my persuers be confounded let not me be confoūded Let thē be afrayde not me be afrayde Thou shalt bringe a troublouse tyme vpō thē destroye thē with a great destrucciō Forthermore thus sayd the Lorde vnto me Go stāde in y e. gate of y e peple for whose cause y e kinges of Juda come yn oute in al y e gatis of Jerusalem sayng vnto thē Hear y e worde of the Lorde ye kinges of Juda with all Juda all the cytesens of Jerusalem which passe thorow these gatis Thus cōmandeth the Lorde Take hede to your selues leste ye take vp your burdens in y e Sabbat daye to bringe them in thorowe these gatis Nether karye ye oute of your houses any burdēs in y e Sabbat daye Nor do you any worke but sauntifye y e Sabbat daye as I cōmaunded your fathers albeit they obayed me not nor gaue eare but rather hardened their stiffe neckes to th entent they wolde not be reclaymed receyue my disciplyne But you if ye will hearme saith y e Lorde not carye in your burdens thorow y e gatis of this cyte in y e Sabbat daye doing in it no werke than shal y e kingis princes of this cyte which shal sit vpō y e seat of Dauid go thorow these gatis karyed in charietis vpon horse bothe they their princes al Juda with their cytesens shal passe thorow them this cyte shal abyde for euer And men shal come from the cytes of Juda and from the felde of Jerusalem and the lande of Beniamin from the playnes and mountayns from the wildernes bringing brente sacrifices and beastis slayne to be offred vp encense offeringe vp prayse and thankis in the house of the Lorde But if ye obaye me not I shal sanctifye the sabbat daye so that ye shal take vp no burden to bringe it in thorow these gatis of Jerusalem in the Sabbat daye I shal set the gatis on fyer which shal deuower the houses of Jerusalem so that it maye not be 〈◊〉 ¶ The .xviii. Chapiter THe sermon of the Lorde shewed vnto Jeremye saying Aryse go downe into the potters house that I myght there certyfye the more of my mynde And whā I came vnto the potters house I fownde him making his worke vpō a whele And that vessel which he ofayned out of claye broke vnder y e hādis of this potter which then his mynde changed made a nother vessel therof as it semed him beste for his purpose And here thā the Lorde spake vnto me May not Jeuen as this potter do vnto you o house of Israel saith the Lorde Lo ye be in my hande oh house of Israel euen as the claye is in the hande of the potter Anon as I haue determined to pluck vp by the rotes to destroye to cut awaye any nacion or kingdom and if y t same nacion wil returne from their malice vpon which I begane nowe to take my counsel by and by it repenteth me of y e plage which I determyned to caste vpon thē And agen and as I am purposed to buylde and to plante any nacion or kingdom the same folke wil do euyl in my sight and not hear my voyce by and by it repēteth me of that goodnes wherby I purposed to edyfye and to encrese thē Wherfore I praye the tell all Juda and euery cytesen of Jerusalem Thus saith the Lorde Beholde I am deuysing a plage and will conspire agenste you Turne ye therfore euery man from his owne euyl wayes both do thinke well But here shal they saye ▪ Let these wordis passe for as for vs we will walke aftir our owne mynde and we wil euery man do aftir the luste of our owne herte Wherfore thus sayd the Lorde Enquyre I praye ye among the gentyles if any man hath committed any siche lyke abominacions as hath Israel y e virgen done and that so greuously May the snowe that lyeth melting vpon y e rockis of Libanus fayle the feldis Or the vaynes of springes euē from the botome be so takē awaye that they flowe nomore forthe to water and to make plentuouse And yet my peple hath forgoten me In somich that they brenne offer vnto vayne Idols in folowing their owne wayes ar fwarued and wandred frō the lawful comen waye ar gone a waye by an vntroden priuate pathe For the which thinge they haue geuen vp their lande into a perpetual desolaciō and outehissinge So that euery man passinge thorowe may be woundresly astonned and shake his head I shal therfore scater them in the sight of their enymes with a contrary skorching este wynde And whan their destruccion is at hande I shal turne my backe to them and not my face And than they sayde Come and let vs go and conspire agenste Jeremye We be the Priestis to whom the lawe is committed that it perisshe not And ye be the elders endewed with wysedome We be the Prophetes that neuer ar withoute the worde of the Lorde Let vs I saye than go and kutoute his tonge that we be nomore cōstrayned to hear his sermons Attende vnto me Oh Lorde and heare the noyse of my aduersares Is not euil for good reqcquyted me while they digge this pitte for me Remember how I stode before the to speke the best for them and to turne thy wrathe from thē Nowe therfore betake their chyldern into honger and caste them agenste the violence of swerde Let their wyues be chyldelesse and housbandlesse their housbandis put to dethe and the yongemen slayne with swerde in batayle Let oute cryes aryse frō their houses theues breaking yn vpō
and in the which noman dwelled And when I had brought you vnto that fatte lande of Carmelus to take your plesure of hir frutes commodites you went your wayes and defyled my lande made myne heretage abominable And euen the priestis they do not once remembre me sayng where is the lorde The lerned in the lawe they know me not And as for the pastours they synne agenst me The prophetes they preache al for Baal his profit and ar gone aftir ydols wich cannot helpe them Wherfore I am vtterly constrayned to cōtende in iugemēt bothe with you your childerne saith the lorde For go your wayes vnto the eylandis of Cethim beholde sende into Cedar and consyder diligētly whither ther be any siche thinge done ye loke wh●ther the gentiles haue castou●e their goddis albeit in very dede they be no goddis But my peple hath castawaye their glory for an Idole that cānot help thē For this thinge therfore Oh heauens be ye astouned be ye a frayd and meruellously amased saith the lorde For two grete offences hath my peple cōmitted They haue forsakē me euen the very lyuely fountayne of perpetual waters and digged them vp pittis al to troden brokē which may holde no waters Is Israel a bōde slaue or rather the good mānis sonne of the house And wherfore thē is he gon into a proie Wherfore rore they vpō him like lyons They haue brought their lande into a wildernes Their cites ar so thron downe brent that no man may inhabit thē For theffeminat childerne of Memphes Thanneos haue polluted the euen vp vnto thy nek Hapened it not thus vnto the for that thou forsokest the lorde thy god euen then whan he wolde haue directed the in the waye And now what hast thou to do in the waye to Egypte To drīke trowbled waters Or what makest thou in the waye to Assyrye to drinke the waters of the floude Thy nowne malice shal reproue the and thy nowne bakslydinge from God shal condemne the that thou maist know and vnderstande how perniciouse perelouse a thinge it is that thou hast forsaken the lorde thy God dreding him nothing at al saith the lorde God of powrs when euen from the beginning I broke of thy yoke and thy bondes for that thou complaynedst and praydst me to make an ende of thy bondage But for al this yet thou stodest forth offring thy bodye to be abused vpon euery highe hil and vnder euery brode branched tree Oh harlet ye that euen while I went aboute to plant the that thou mightist haue ben altogither of that noble vyne stocke and of that faithful sede How art thou this alienated fro me into so strange and barayn a vyneyarde oute of kinde In somiche as wasshe thou thy selue neuer so clene with Nitro And powder thy selue neuer somiche with Borith yet art thou spotted with thy nowne wikednes in my sight saith the lorde God Nether cannest thou saye I am not so polluted nether haue I gon● aftir goddis For loke vpō thy nowne wayes in wodis valeis oh swif● Cam●l thou shalt se what thou hast done Thou hast runne vnto these places lyke a sw●fte ast●ling drom●dary with as fi●●ce a desier as the wylde asse●● wōte in wildernes for his plesure to brea●h himselfe Who coude refrayne the who soeuer seke the oute shall fynde the euermore in thy menstrwe When we forbode the these vngodly peins taking saing Go nomore bare fote to these Idole kepe thy throte frome thirst Thou answerdst vs saing we wil not we care not for these pains for our loue is set vpon strange goddis and euē them wil we folowe But as the thefe is a shamed whan he is espyed euē so be ye confounded oh house of Israel Bothe the peple yea their kinges rulers Prestis and prophetis al be ye ashamed and confounded For they say their Pater noster vnto a stocke and to a stone they saye Thou art my mother they haue turned me their backe not their face But in tyme of their trouble whan they shall saye Aryse and helpe vs I shal answer Where ar thy goddis whom thow madest the Let thē ryse saue the in tyme of thy affliccion For loke how many cites thou hast oh Juda so many goddis hast thou Wherfore cōtende ye with me sith ye be al synners agenst me saith the lorde I smite your childern but al in vayne for they receyue not my disciplyne your swerde deuowreth your prophetis like a deuouring ●●ō ye ar the peple of the lorde loke therfore vpō his worde Am I become a wildernes or a derke londe to Israel Wherfore than saith my peple let vs fal from hym and come nomore at him Do the mayde forget hir cheife ornamēt or the wife hir goodly girdle And doth my peple forgete me so longe Wherfore settest thou forth cōmēdest thy nown wayes to be so good as to fynde fauour for thē when euen thy selue hast stayned thy nowne wayes with sinne For vnder thy winges is ther founde the bloude of pore innocēt soules that not in corners and holes onely but openly in al these places And yet darest thou saye I am an innocent wherfore his indignaciō may not lyght vpō me But beholde I wil cōtende with the in iugemēt because thou thinkest sayng I am no synner But how filthy a sinner shalt thou apere when it shal be declared openly how ofte thou hast returned repeted thy nowne ways For thou shalt be ashamed as wel of egypt as of ●ssyrye For thou shalt go hence with thy handis cowpled ouer thy head For the lorde shal frustrate thy hope confidence and f●l litel prosperite and conforte shalt thou fynde in them ¶ The thirde Chapiter IT is thought comonly that yf a man put away his wyfe she now go an marye hirselfe to a nother it wil be asked shal he any more take hir agayn For is not this felde now defiled But thou hast playd the harlet with many an herdemā nethelesse turne agayn to me saith the lorde Lift vp thy eyes loke vp vnto al these qua●ters aboute the se whither any place be vndefiled Thou satest downe by the wayes wayting for thē in the desert lyke a thefe insomiche that therthe was polluted with thy synnes horedome Herof ceased the smal raynes ceasonable showers Thou hast goten the an h●rsets forehed and cannest not be ashamed O●els euen nowe thou woldst haue called vnto me sayng Oh my father thou art the goyde of my yougth and wilt thou be turned fro me for euer wylt thou holde thy selfe frome al wayes But lo thou bothe spekest and doist euel more and more Also the Lorde sayd vnto me in the tyme of Josias the kinge Seist thou not what Israel that bakslyder from God hath done Which went hir wayes vpon euery highe hil and vnder euery thicke tre and their playd
not I helpe y e in tyme of tribulaciō Whā thou art in trouble euen among thy vtter enimes Dothe yern hurte yerne or stele brought frō the northe But your substance and tresure shal I geue into their proye not for any pryce but for al your synnes which ye haue cōmitted in al your costes And I shal trāslate you with your enimye into a lande which ye knowe not For y e fyer which is kindled with my wrathe shal burne you vp Than begane I agene to entreat sayng Thou Lorde knowest clerely al thingis remembre me defende me delyuer me fro my persuers let thy mercy preuente thy wrathe For thou knowest that for thy sake I suffre this opprobrye I fil vpon they wordes and de●owred thē they were ioye and gladnes vnto my herte For it is thy name Lorde God of powrs that I cal vpon I am not cōuersant with scorners to deryde and to make a gaudye but I dwel alone vnder the fere of thy hande for thou haste filled me with bitternes Shal my heuynes laste euer and my vncurable wounde shal it neuer be healed Wilt thou tosse me here and there lyke vnstable and violent waters Vnto this my cōplaynt the Lorde answerde If thou turnest ageyn I shal restore the to my seruice And whan thou shalt deuyde the preciouse from the vyle thou shalt be as my nowne mouthe They shal be turned to the but beware thou turnest not awaye fro me vnto them For I shal set the agenste this peple lyke a stronge brason wall They shal fight therfore agenst the but they shal not winne the. For I wil be with the to saue and delyuer the saith the Lorde For I shal delyuer the from the hande of the moste myscheuouse and take the oute of cruel handis ¶ The .xvi. Chapiter THe worde of the Lorde was geuē me on this maner saing Take no wyfe nor bringeforth no chyldern in this place For thus saith the Lorde vpon the childerne borne in this place vpon the motherne that bringe them forthe and fathers that begete thē in this lande They shal dye a full bitter and paynful dethe They shal not be moorned for nor buryed but lye still vpon donghillis on therte They shal be consumed with swerde and hōger their carions shal be meate for the fowles of the ayer and beastis of the erthe Also thus spake the Lorde Come not at their comen festis or at their comen moorningis and lamentacions For I haue taken awaye my peace from this peple saith the Lorde ye bothe my fauour mercye And bothe olde and yonge shal dye in this lande and not be buryd ther shal noman clippe or shaue his head for them They shal not viseteche other in tyme of moorning to coūfort thē for y e dead nother drinke with eche other of y e cuppe of consolaciō to take awaye the heuines for their father and mother Come not in their feste houses to sitdown with them at meat and drinke For thus saith y e Lorde of powrs y e God of Israel Lo I shal take frō this place your selues loking on lyuing y e voyce of ioy mirth the voice of brydegrome spouse Wherfore whan thou shalt shewe this peple al these wordis and they shal aske the agene wherfore hathe the Lorde decreed all these grete mischeues to fall vpon vs or what is our wykednes and sin that we committed agenst our Lorde God Thou shalt answer Because your fathers haue forsaken me saith the Lorde and folowed strange gods whom they worshipt fyll downe before forsaking me keping not my lawe And you haue excedid thungodlynes of your fathers in your owne sinnes For euery one of you folowe the deuellishe thoughtis of his owne shrewd herte obayeth me nothing at all Wherfore I shal caste you oute of this lande into a lande vnknowne both to you your fathers there shal ye serue strāge gods daye and night where I shal haue no cōpassion vpon you Wherfore beholde the dayes ar come saith the Lorde that it shal no more be sayd The Lorde lyueth that brought the chyldern of Israel oute of the lande of Egypt but it shal be sayd the Lorde lyuethe whiche hath brought the chyldern of Israel oute of the northe easte lande and from euery region whother I casted them forthe For I shal bring them agene vnto their owne lande which I gaue their fathers Beholde I shal sende them many fysshers saith the Lorde which shal ketche them vp and aftir that I shal sende many honters to honte them oute of euery mountayne and hill and also forthe of euery hole in the rockes For my eyes ar bente vpō all their wayes and they cannot be hidde fro my face nor their sinnes kouerd fro my sighte ye that aftir I haue fully rewarded thē for their iniquytes sinnes wherwith they haue defyled my lande that is to saye for their abominable stinkīg Idols wherwith they replenesshed my heretage Oh Lorde my strēgth my might my refuge in tyme of tribulacion yet shal y e gētylis come to y e from y e costes of y e erthe sayng Suerly our fathers cleued to lyes ful vayne ar Idols and no profit is ther in them For shuld a man make him goddis of thē whō it is impossible to be goddis Wherfore se I shal teache them nowe agayn saith the Lorde make my powr strength known vnto thē so that they shal knowe that my name is Jehouah ¶ The .xvii. Chapiter YOur syn o trybe of Juda muste be wryten with a pēne of yerne grauen yn with an Adamantyne klaye into y e table of your herte into the corners of your alters that your chylderne shulde remembyr your alters wodis and thicke trees hill toppes mountayns and feldis Wherfore I shal layeforthe al your substance tresure to be a proye for your open crymes cōmitted in hillis at images whō ye worshipt thorowt all your regiō And ye shal also be blotted oute of your heretage which I gaue you And I shal caste you vnder the bondage of your enymes in an vnknowne lande for ye haue put fyer vnto my furye whiche shal burne euermore These thing is saith the Lorde Cursed be the man that trusteth in man maketh man his arme whose harte gothe from the Lorde For he shal be lyke the fearne that groweth in the deserte neuer to se the goodnes to come but shal abyde vpon the drye deserte euen the salte barayn grownde inhabitable But blessed is the mā that trusteth in the Lorde whose hope is the Lorde For he shal be lyke a tree planted by the waters puttīg downe hir rootes to drawe vp moystenes which tre may abyde the heate whan it cometh and shal flowresshe with grene leaues whan the drowght shal dryvp and waste al other frutes yet this tre shal not fade nor ceasse from bringing forth hir frute Of al
betake the into the handis of them that seke thy lyfe into the power of them whose face thou fearest euem into the hande of Nebuchadrezar kinge of Babylon into the handis of the Caldes And shal translate the and thy mother that bore the into a strange lande where ye were not borne but ye shal dye in it And into this lande whither ye shal so sore desyer to returne shal ye neuer come agene This man Jechonias shal be plucked torne in peses lyke a cōtemptible grauen image which for al his costely aparel yet pleaseth he nomā wherfore he shal be baneshed both he his sead casteforth into an vnknowne lande But oh erthe erthe erthe hear the worde of the Lorde Thus saith the Lorde Bill me this man barain to be emōge the dishereted outelawes for he shal neuer more prosper in al his lyfe there shal none of his sead prosper to sit in the seat roial of Dauid and to raigne in Juda. ¶ The .xxiii. Chapiter UVo be the herdemen that destroye and scater my flocke saith the Lorde Wherfore this commaundement sendeth the Lorde God of Israel vnto the herdemen that shulde gouerne my peple ye destroye and thrust oute my flocke and ye loke not vpon them Wherfore I shal loke vpō your wyked counsels studyes saith the Lorde and gather the resydew of my flocke frō al the partes into which I had caste themforth and restore them vnto my pasture that they maye growe and be encreased I shal set herdemen ouer them which shal fede them They shal nomore be afrayde nor dreade for they shal not perishe saith the Lorde Beholde the tyme shal come saith the Lorde that I wil stere vp that rightuouse Budde or braunche of Dauid to raigne and to execute his offyce prudently in restoring equite and rightwysnes in the erthe In his dayes Juda shal be saued and Israel shal dwel suer And this is the name that men shal cal him by euen the Lorde our rightwysnes Vvherfore lo the tyme shal come saith the Lorde that men shal nomore swere As verely as the Lorde lyuith whiche led the childern of Israel oute of the lande of Egypte but as verely as the Lorde lyueth which hath ledforth and brought agene the sead of the house of Israel from the northe este lande and from al the regions into whiche I had dispersed thē to dwel in their owne lande Wo be to the Prophetis also My herte is alto broken al my bones ar shyured in sondre I am lyke a dronken man troubled with wyne for feare of the Lorde and his holy worde For therthe is ful of aduouterers wherfore it is now come y t she being a cursed aborred shal waile hir plesante feldis of the deserte shal be withred vp For the lyuinge of these men is euel their powr contrarye to the holy worde Both Prophet and Prieste ar polluted and be filthy ipocrytes and their maliciouse wykednes is espyed euē in my house saith y e lorde Wherfore their waye shal be slybery and ful of stomblinge stones in derkenes at which they shal stomble and fall for I shal bringe a plage vpō them euen the day of their visitaciō saith the Lorde The same foleshnes which I sawe amonge the Prophetis of Samarye wherby they preched for Baalis profite decyued my peple of Israel I haue now sene also amonge the prophetis of Jerusalem euen filthy stinkinge aduoutery and licenciouse liberte to lye Thei flater and ioyne handis with the moste mischeuouse men to th entent that euery one of them shulde neuer returne from their wykednes Thei al with their cytesens ar vnto me lyke Sodome the cytesens of Gomorre Wherfore thus saith the Lorde of powers vpon the Prophetis Beholde I shal fede them with wormewode and geue thez to drinke water mengled with gall For oute of the Prophetis of Jerusalem ar brokenforth the contagious spottis of al ipocrysye into al the worlde Wherfore thus warneth the Lorde of powers Se that ye lysten not vnto the wordis of these prechers that preache vnto you for thei deceyue you speking the vision of their own hertis and nothing of the mouthe of the Lorde Thei tel them boldely which depyse me The Lorde saith we shal haue prosperous peace and thei tel al them that walke aftir the lustes of their owne hertis There shal no plage come vpon you for who stode in the counsel of the Lorde to heare and know his mynde Beholde the whirlewynde of the Lorde that is to saye his wrathe shal comeforthe and turne hirselfe with grete violence into the headis of the vngodly Nether shal the lordis wrathe be returned vntil he hath acōpleshed and finesshed the set purpose of his herte But in tyme to come ye shal vnderstande his counsel I sent not these Prophetis saith the Lorde and yet they runne I sayd nothinge to them ▪ and yet they preache and Prophecye But had thei stode in my counsel and herde my wordis thei had cōuerted my peple from their euel wayes and euel thoughtis Am I god whiche maye se but thingis onely at hande saith the Lorde and not thingis al afarre Maye any man hyde himselfe so preuely that I se him not saith the Lorde Do not I fulfil both heuen and erthe saith the Lorde I haue herde verely what maner thinges the Prophetis saye which preche lyes vnder the cloke of my name saing I dremed I dremed How longe shal this steke in y e Prophetis hertis to preche lyes to preche y e desaight of their owne myndis whose counsel is bente vpon this euen to deceyue my peple with their dremes whiche they tel euery man to drawe my name oute of memory as their fathers forgote my name by processe of tyme bringingin Baal That Prophete which hath seene a dreme wil preche but a dreame But he vnto whom my worde is shewed wil speke my worde euen of faithe What shal chaffe do with wheate saith the Lorde Is not my worde lyke fyer saith the Lorde and lyke a twybit cleauinge the rocke of stone wherfore beholde me now agenste the Prophetis saith y e Lorde whiche steale my worde frō whom they liste Beholde me nowe agenste y e Prophetis saith y e Lorde whiche take vpon their tongues to saye Thus saith y e Lorde Beholde me now agenste y e prophetis euen agenste their lyinge dreames saith the Lorde which dreames yet dare they mynde speake to deceyue my peple w t their lyes fayned miracles whom I neuer sente nor cōmanded them any thinge whiche prophetis shal be ful grete hurte vnto this peple saith y e Lorde Whan this peple or prophete or prieste shal aske y e sayng what maner thinge is y e burden of y e Lorde Thou shalt saye vnto thez What Askeyeme of y e burden Euen yourselues be y e burden Wherfore I shal
one with a nother that dwel in the deserte al the kingis of Zimri al the kingis of Elam al the kingis of Mede al the kinges of the north este both nighe and farre euery one with his borderer and al the kingdoms of the erthe which ar vpon the face of the rownde worlde And let kinge Sesach drinke with thē to And thou shalt saye vnto thē This is the Lorde of powers euen y e God of Israel his plesure and commandement Drinke and be dronken runne to gither that ye might fal neuer to ryse agene ye and that by the swerde which I shal sende amonge you And if they refuse to take the cuppe of thy hande to drinke than shalt thou saye vnto them Thus threateneth you the Lorde of powers ye shal drinke it suerly For so I begin to scourge the cite named aftir my nowne name and shal I let you than escape vnpuneshed Verely ye shal not go quyte For I now cal for a swerde to come vpon al the inhabitours of therthe saith y e Lorde of powrs Wherfore se that thou preache them al these sermōs and tel thē The Lorde shal thondre from aboue and shal crye a lowde frō his holy habitaciō He shal thonder with grete noyse frō his kingis haule The lowde noyse lyke the grape gatherers shal come before vpon al thin habitours of therthe and the sowne shal be brought vnto the vttermost costes of therthe For the Lorde wil sitte in iugement vpon the naciōs declare him self the iuge of al maner men liuing to betake the vngodly vnto the swerde saith the Lorde For thus saith the Lorde of powers Beholde a miserable calamite shal go thorowe the gentyles one aftir another and a grete whirlewinde shal be stered vp from diuerse costes of therthe y e swerde shal krepe thorowe with slaughter in that daye from one coste of therthe to the tother Noman shal be moorned for non gatherde vp noman buried but lyke donge shal they lye vpon y e face of therthe Howle oute oh ye pastours crye bespriene your selue with asshes oh ye rāmes leaders of the flocke for y e tyme of your slaughter downe tredinge is fulfilled ye shal faldowne togither lyke costely byral vessels made to cōtayne daintes There shal be no waye to fle for the pastours for the rammes of the flocke shal not escape Than shal the pastours crye oute the rāmes of the flocke shal howle For the Lorde shal waste consume their pastures And their best feldis shal lye dead with out noyse for the furye of the Lordis wrathe They shal forsake their foldes weping and roringe lyke lyons For their lande shal be desolate for his indignacion and furiouse wrathe ¶ The .xxvi. Chapiter IN the begininge of the raigne of Joachim sonne of Josias kinge of Juda this worde was shewed of the Lorde Thus saith the Lorde Stonde in the fore courte of the temple and speke vnto al the cites of Juda whiche come to y e house of the Lorde to do their worshipe Speke al the sermōs which I commande the. And be ware thou takest not awaye one worde y t if thus paraduenture yet they maye obaye and returne euery man from his owne wiked waye y t it might for thinke me of y e plages which I had ordened for them for their owne maliciouse myndes coūsels And thou shalt saye I tel the vnto them Thus saith the Lorde If ye obaye me not to walke in my lawes which I haue geuen you hearing the sermons of my seruants the Prophetis whom I sende vnto you erly rysinge yet stil sending If you I saye obaye not I shal make this same house like vnto Sylo and euen thissame cite shal I caste into a contumeliouse curse to be aborred of al the nacions of the erthe And the Priestis and Leuits with al the peple herde Jeremy preching these sermons in the house of the Lorde Wherfore whan Jeremy had made an ende of al that the Lorde commanded him to preche vnto the peple the Priestis Prophetis and al the peple did set holde vpon him and toke him saing Thou muste dye Wherfore prechedst thou as thoughe the Lorde had cōmanded the that it shuld hapen vnto this house as it did once to Sylo and that this cite shulde be destroyed that noman shulde inhabit it And whan al the peple were gathered to gither in the temple aboute Jeremye the rumour of this mater came vnto the chefe rulers of Juda which a non camvp from the kinges palace vnto the house of the Lorde sate downe to gither before the newe dore of the temple Than came the Priestis and Prophetis vnto the rulers and to al the peple saynge these wordis This man is giltye dethe for he preched agenst this cite as he ye haue herde with your eares Than sayd Jeremye vnto al the rulers to al the peple these wordes The Lorde sente me to preche agenste this house and this cyte al that ye haue herde Nowe therfore amende your lyuinge your thoughtis and obaye the voice of your Lorde God and than it shal forthinke the Lorde God of thafflicciō whiche he hath decreed agenste you And as for me lo I am in your handis do with me what semeth to you right good But yet this one thinge I assuer you that if ye kill me ye shal make your selues this cite and the citesens therof gilty my innocent blode For this I ensuer you the Lorde hath sente me to you to preache into your eares al these sermons Than sayd the Princes and all the peple vnto the Priestis and Prophetis ye can fynde no cause of dethe in this man sith he preched vnto vs in the name of our Lorde Also the elders of the lande rose vp to gither sayng vnto the hole company of the peple on this maner Micheas Morastith was a Prophete in the dayes of Ezechias kinge of Juda and this Micheas sayd to al the folke of Juda. Thus saith the Lorde of powers Zion shal be ploughed vp lyke a felde and Jerusalem shal be turned into an heape of stones And the hill where the house of y e Lorde standeth into an highe wode And yet notwithstandinge this sermone did nether Ezechias kinge of Juda nor yet the comen peple go once aboute to slaye him But did they not rather reuerently feare the Lorde and prayd him to turne a waye his wrathe Wher vpon it forthinked him of the plage which he had decreed vpon them And shal we nowe committe so grete a cryme agenste our selues But yet was there a nother that preached constantly in the name of the Lorde called Vrias the sone of Semee of Cariathiearim which preched agenst this cite and lande in al poyntis euen aftir the sermons of Jeremye And kinge Joachim with al the grete men and rulers herde his sermons wher vpon the kinge sought to kil him But whan Vrias herde of
But the worde of the Lorde was shewed him aftir Ananias the Prophete had broken the chayne from y e Prophet Jeremyes necke on this maner Go and tel Ananias these wordes Thus saith the Lorde Ananias thou hast broken cheynes of wode but for thē Jeremye thou shalt make agene chaynes of yerne For thus saith y e Lorde of powers the God of Israel I shal laye a yoke of yerne vpon al these naciōs that they shal serue Nebuchadnezar kinge of Babylon that shal they And euen the beastis of y e felde shal I betake vnto him so shal I. Than sayd the Prophete Jeremy vnto y e Prophete Ananias Hear I beseche the Ananias The Lorde sente the not but thou goist a boute to bringe this peple into a vayne and false hope Wherfore thus saith the Lorde Beholde I shal sende y e therfore but whither verely euen frō the face of the erthe For withyn this same year shalt thou be dead For ful emnyously and despightfully hast thou spoken agenste y e Lorde And so Ananias dyed the same year in the seuenth monethe ¶ The argument of this .xxix. Chapiter Ther arose certayn false Prophetis amonge the captynes in Babylon whiche promised themselues liberty to retourne aftir Ananias his saing with in two year but these false Prophetis Jeremye confutethe THese ar the wordes of y e pistle which the prophete Jeremy sent from Jerusalem vnto y e men in captiuite both to the elders priestes prophets to y e peple also whom Nebuchadnezar had led a waye to Babylon aftir that kinge Jechonias and his quene the g●lded men y e rulers of Juda Jerusalem sinythes also with y e artificers were gone Aelassa sone of Saphan and Gamaria sone of helkie bering it Whom Zedechias kinge of Juda sent to Babylon to Nebuchadnezar kinge of Babylon the pistel I saye cōtayning these wordis Thus saith y e Lorde of powers y e God of Israel vnto al the captiues that ar led from Jerusalem to Babylon Buyld ye houses to dwel in plante gardens hortyardis to eate their frutes marye wyues to bringforth sonnes daughters ye and geue your sonnes your daughters housbandes that they maye bringforthe sonnes daughters encrease there gretely Studye in nowyse to be fewe in nowmber But study for y e prosperouse peace of y e same cite wheryn ye be holdē captiue praye to the Lorde for it For their peace shal be yours For thus saith y e Lorde of powers y e god of Israel Let not y e prophetes w t your diuynes that ar w t you deceyue you Nether beleue your own dreames which ye dreame For these mē prophecye vnto you lyes in my name I sent thē not saith y e lorde But thus saith y e Lorde Whan ye haue fulfilled .lxx. years in Babylon I shal viset deal w t you aftir my goodnes to bringe you agene into this place For I forgete not my set purposes decreed vpon you saith y e Lorde They ar coūsels of holsom peace not of troublouse afflicciō to geue you another maner chaunce y t ye might haue a fresshe a better hope ye shal crye vnto me I shal hear you ye shal seke me fynde me If ye sek me with al your herte I wil be fownde I saye of you saith y e Lorde I shal redeme you frō captiuite gather you frō oute of al y e gētyles frō al places where yn to I had dispersed you saith y e Lorde restore you into thissame place fro whēce I led you captiue But as touching this where ye saye the lorde to haue stered vp Prophets in Babylon Thus saith y e Lorde both as concerninge thissame kinge y t yet sitteth in y e set of Dauid al y e peple y t inhabit this cite with your brothern y t ar not yet gone with you into captiuite thus I saye saith y e Lorde of powers vpō thē Lo I shal sende amōge thē y e swerde hōger pestilēce make thē lyke vnrype figges which for their bitternes may not be eatē And I shal persecute thē w t swerde hōger pestilēce I shal geue thē to be vexid of al y e kīgdōs of therthinto an execracion to be aborred into an outhissinge and obprobry among al nacions wher so euer I shal scater them because they obayed not my cōmandements saith the Lorde which I sente them by my seruantis the Prophetis erly rysinge euermore sendinge but yet obayed they not saithe the Lorde And al you in captiuite whom I sente from Jerusalem to Babylon hear the worde of the Lorde Thus saith the Lorde of powrs the God of Israel as concerninge Ahab the sone of Colie and Zedekia sone of Maasie whiche prophecy lyes vnto you in my name Beholde I shal geue them into the handis of Nebuchadnezar kīge of Babylon to slaye them before your faces And al the captiues of Juda whiche ar in Babylon shall take vp this worde of excecracion vpon them saynge The lorde rid thē out of the waye as he did Zedekias and Ahab whō the kinge of Babylon fryed in the fyer because they committed wyked folishnes agenste Israel For whan they had defyled their neghbours wyues yet wēt they and preched lyes in my name which I neuer commanded them These thinges do I certifye and testifye vnto you saith the Lorde But as touchinge Semeia y e Neemalite thus shalt thou tel him Thus saith the Lorde of powers the God of Israel Sith thou haste sente letters vnder thy nown name sealed vnto the peple in Jerusalem and also vnto Zephanias sone of Maasie Prieste and to al the Priestis also in which thou spekest to him thus For as moche as the Lorde hath set y e beinge Prieste in the stede of the Prieste Joiada to bere rule in the house of the Lorde and to serche for al furiouse sprited Prophetes that preache or prophecy to caste them into presone or stockes how hapeneth it that thou takest not and correckest not Jeremy of Anathot that precheth with you so continually Whiche ouer al this yet he sente vnto vs that ar here holden in Babylon sayng playnely our captiuite to be very longe bidding vs to builde houses to dwelyn and plante orteyardes whose frute we might eate Whiche letters Zephanias the Priest red ouer Jeremy the Prophete hearing thē Then was the worde of the Lorde shewed vnto Jeremy sayng thus Tell the hole companye in captiuite thus Thus saith the Lorde vpō Semeia that Neelamite Sith Semeias hath thus preached vnto you with oute my commandemēt stuffinge you ful of vayne hopes therfore this is the Lordes plesure Beholde I shal viset Semeias the Neelamyte his sede so that non of his shal neuermore dwel amonge this peple nether shal they se that goodnes which I shal do vnto this peple saithe the Lorde for he hathe preached emayously spight fully vpon the Lorde ¶ The .xxx. Chapiter THe
forth of y e lande of Egypte that they shulde nomore lyue in bondage with these wordis At the seuen years ende let euery man let go free his bonde seruant that is an Hebrew and bought aftir hath serued vi year let him go free But your fathers obayed me not 〈◊〉 yet herkened to me And ye were 〈◊〉 turned doinge that iuste and right 〈◊〉 in my sight euery mā proclayming fredome to his neghbour smyting y e bargen in my presence euen in the tēple whiche bereth my name But your myndis sone chāged ye haue defyled my name euery mā callinge home agein his bonde mā mayde whom ye had once let go free at their owne lybertye Wherfore this is the lordis plesure saynge ye obayed me not whan eueryman proclaymed lyberty to his brother neghbour wherfor I my selfe shal call you vnto a lybertye saith the lorde euē into y e lybertye of the swerde pestelence honger And I shal delyuer you for the to be vexed of al naciōs of y e erthe euen these men which haue brokē my bargen not obseruing the wordis of the couenaunt smiten in my presence the bullok cleft in twayn the goinge thorow betwene the partes therof solempnly done euen the rulers I saye of Juda y e rulers of Jerusalem with their geldid men the priestis and al the peple of y e lande which passed thorow betwene the two sydes of this bullok I shal betake into the power of their enimes which longe to drawe oute their hertis And their karions shal be meat for the foules of the ayer beastis of the erthe And as for Zedechias kinge of Juda hir rulers I shal delyuer them into their enimes handis which thirste for their lyfe euen into the handis of the kinge of Babylons hoste whiche nowe goithe awaye from you but at my becke saith y e Lorde he shal returne vnto this cyte whiche wone and taken they shal set on fyer And the cytes of Juda I shal leue desolate noman to inhabit them ¶ The .xxxv. Chapitre THe sermon shewed of the Lorde vnto Jeremy in the raigne of Joachim the sone of Josias kinge of Juda on this maner Go to the house of the Rechabites and call them forthe and bringe them to the house of the Lorde into some of y e reuestrys and geue them wyne to drinke Then toke I Jazaniam the sone of Jeremy the sone of Habaznie and his bretherne with al his chylderne and al the famylye of y e Rechabites brought them to y e house of the Lorde into the reuestrye of y e chylderne of Hanan sonne of Igdalie the man of God whiche reuestry was by the reuestry of the rulers this was ouer the vestry of Maasie sonne of Sallum cheife of the tresure house And I set before y e sonnes of the famylye of the Rechabites tankerdis ful of wyne and cuppes and bad them drinke wyne And they answerde we drynke no wyne For Jonadab our father the sone of Rechab commanded vs sayng Drynke neuer no wyne nother you nor your sonnes Bilde no houses sowe no corne Also ye shal nether plante nor possede any vyneyardes but dwel ye in tentis al your lyfe y e ye may lyue longe vpon y e lande wheryn ye be strangers Wherfore we obayed the cōmandement of Jonadab the sonne of our father Rechab in al that he bode vs so y t nether we our wyues our sonnes nor daughters drynke wyne al our lyues nor bylde vs houses to dwelyn nother haue we vynyardes nor corne feldis amonge vs but dwel in tabernacles obayng doing to our power al y t our father Jonadab bode vs. But now it chaunsed so y t whan Nebuchadrezar kinge of Babylon cam vp into this prouince we comoned togither saynge Let vs go to Jerusalem y t we mought scape y e hoste of y e Chaldes Assyriōs Wherfore we dwel now in houses here in Jerusalez Thā came y e worde of y e lorde to Jeremy sayng Thus saith the lorde of powers y e god of Israel Go saye vnto al Juda to y e cytes of Jerusalez Wil ye receyue no disciplyne y t ye might obaye my wordis saith y e Lorde The wordis of Jonadab sone of Rechab cōmanding his chylderne to drynk no wyne stande faste for they drynk non vnto this daye but obayed y e precept of their father But I meselfe haue spokē to you both erly rysing diligētly warning yet obayed ye not me ouer al this I sent you al my seruātis y e prophetis both erly rysinge ouer sendinge saynge Lome ageyn I praie you euery mā from his own yl waye turne your myndes into a better state go not thus awaye aftir strāge goddis to worship thē y t ye might abyde stil in this lande whiche I gaue you your fathers but ye gaue no eare nor obayed me The childerne of Jonadab sone of Rechab kept faste their fathers precepte whiche he gaue thez but this peple obayed not me Wherfore y e Lorde God of powers the God of Israel cōmandeth me thus to saye Lo I shal bringe al thaffli●●iōs vpon Juda vpon al the cytesens of Jerusalem which I haue decreed agenste them For I spake to them but they obayed me not I called them but they answerde not Than sayd Jeremy vnto the familye of the Rechabites Thus saith y e Lorde of powers the God of Israel For y t ye obayed the commandement of Jonadab your father kept al his preceptis doing aftir al y t he body you therfore thus saith the Lorde of powers the God of Israel The stok of Jonadab sonne of Rechab shal not be with oute a man to continewe and stande in my presence for euer ¶ The .xxxvi. Chapiter THe fowerth yere of Joachim the sonne of Josias kinge of Juda thus did the Lorde his worde vnto Jeremy sayng Take the a grete boke and wryte therin al the sermons whiche I haue spoken vnto the to be preched vnto Israel Juda and to al nacions sence I begane to fpeke with the in the raygne of Josias vnto this present daye If paraduenture yet the house of Juda hearing al these affliccions wiche I purpose to do to them turne euery man from his euil waye I forgeue them their wykednes and synne Then Jeremy called to him Baruch the sone of Nerie And Baruch did wryte in the boke at the mouthe of Jeremy al the sermons of the Lorde spoken vnto Jeremy And Jeremy commanded Baruch sayng It is not suer for me to come into the house of the Lorde Go thou therfore and rede this boke wryten of my mouthe the very wordis of the Lorde al the peple hearing it in the daye of the faste and al Juda hearing it to ye euen vnto them to that ar comen hither from their cytes shalt thou rede thē If paraduenture they wil submitte their prayers vnto the presence of y e
And y e laste y e shal al to breke their bones is this Nebuchadrezar kinge of Babylon Wherfore thus saith y e lorde of powrs the God of Israel Beholde I shal viset the kinge of Babylon his kingdom euen as I visited the kinge of Assyrie And shal bringe Israel agene vnto hir plesaunte pasturs they shal fede vpon Carmelus Basan And in y e mounte Ephraim Galaad shal they be wel filled In these dayes this tyme saith y e Lorde If y e wikednes of Israel be sought for ther shal none be fownde If the syn of Juda be sought it shal not be fownde For I shal be mercyful vnto this litel reānant escaped by me Ascende oh auenger vnto this cruel lordely londe viset hir inhabitours take vengeaūce laye vpō their backis saith y e lorde finisshe al y t I haue cōmanded the. The rumor of batail grete destruccion shal fle thorow the londe men talking How is this grete hammer of al the worlde ihus now broken alto peses How hapeneth it that Babylon amōge al y e naciōs is thus brought into desolatiō It was I that layd waite for the thou wast taken oh Babylon thou wast espyed vnwares and thus trapped because thou prouokedst the Lorde to anger The Lorde layd opon his house of ordinance brought forthe the dartes of his indignacion For this is y e wurk of the Lorde God of powers done of him in the londe of Calde These thingis shal come vpon hir at laste They shal breke ynto hir preuey tresure houses leue hir as bare as stones takē caste vpon an heape And they shal so cut hir awaye that nothinge be lefte of hir They shal destroye al hir valeaunt soldeyers and put them to dethe Wo be to them for y e day howr of their visitacion shal be at hande Me thinketh I here euen now the noyse bothe of men fleyng and escapen frō the londe of Babylon which voice or noyse shal declare in Zion y e vengeaunce of our Lorde God euē the taking vengeaunce for his temple and also the noyse of men cryinge Cal vp agenst Babylon the multitude of al the bowemen Pitche your tentes agēst hir rowndaboute y e none escape Serue hir aftir hir owne dealinge and as she haue done to other so do to hir agen For she presumed to boldely agenst the Lorde euen him that sanctifyeth Israel Wherfore hir myghty soldiers shal be smyten downe in the stretis al hir noble men of warre shal be layed a slepe togither in that daye saith y e Lorde It it I lo y t tell it the oh thow prowde saith the Lorde God of powers For y e daye shal come euen the hower of thy visitacion and the prowde shal fall sodenly and be al to broken nomā to lyfte him vp agene I shal sette fyer on his cites which shal ete vp al rownd aboute hī These thingis saith the Lorde of powers The chyldern of Israel Juda shal suffer both a lyke grete violence and wronge Whoso haue taken them shal holde thē faste lothe to let them go But their stronge auenger and mighty redemer whose name is y e lorde of powrs shal so defende their cause y t he wil ster vp a dissension amonge themselues sette the chirche of Babylon togither by the eares The swerde vpon y e Caldes saith the Lorde and vpon the inhabitours of Babylon vpon hir rulers and vpon hir wyse men the swerde vpon hir soithe sayers they shal be made foles The swerde vpon hir bolde valeaunt and they shal be a frayde The swerde vpō hir horsemen chariets and vpon al the comē peple in hir so that they be al lyke womē The swerde vpon hir tresurs that they be stolen awaye The swerde vpon their waters that they be dryed vp For this londe is an image seruer and delyteth in strange wounderouse inuenciōs Wherfore these cruel vnsaciable satyris with marmesaits apes mermaydes shal inhabite hir nether shal she be inhabited for euer nor dwelled yn from age to age Lyke as God subuerted Sodome Gomor w t their cytes annexed saith the Lorde euen so shal ther here noman dwell nether the sone of Adam shal inhabit hir Beholde peple shal come from the northe with grete power many kinges stered vp frō the coosts of y e crt●e They bear bowe buckler they be cruel mercyles their noyse is lyke a fyerce swelling sea They come houerīg on horsebak they come forth well armed to fyght agenst the oh daughter Babylon The fame of these men once herde the kynge of Babylons handis shal tremble for fere Anguisshe and sorowe ful peine shal holde hym as a woman traueling of childe As the lyō lo cometh vpfrome y e grene fennes of Jordane vnto y e fatte fayer pasturs of Ethan euē so shal I prick thē forthwarde stere thē vp agenst hir But whō shal I chose chefe capitayne to do this dede Who is lyke vnto me or may stryue with me or whiche one of the herdemē may resiste my face Wherfore heare the counsel of the Lorde conceyued agenst Babylon heare his entēte entered agenst the londe of Caldey That is to wyt euē the most weake and lowest of y e flocke shal teare them in pieses And their most plesaunt placis with their owne selues also shal be desolate Al the worlde shal tremble quake at the fame of the taking of Babylon and the rumor of hir shal be herde into amonge the gentyles ¶ The .li. Chapiter THus sayd the Lorde Beholde I shal stere vp a pestelent wind agenst Babylon and hir cytesens whiche ar bēte cruelly agenst me And than shal I sende wenowers into Babylon which shal we now hir and destroye hir felde For they shal close hir in rownd aboute in the daye of hir affliccion Also vnto the archers and harnest men enteringe the walles thus sayd the Lorde Spare not hir men of armes Of with the hedis of al hir hoste that they maye lye dead thorow the felde of the Caldes and smyten thorow in hir stretes For Israel and Juda although they haue filled y e erthe with their synnes yet shal they not be forsaken of their God y e Lorde of powrs maker holy of Israel so lefte vnto the worlde Fle from oute of y e middis of Babylon let euery mā saue himselfe Let nomā dissemble y e wykednes of Babylon For the tyme of the vengeāce of the Lorde is now present For he wil acquyte hir ageyne Babylon was y e golden cuppe in the lande of y e Lorde Which cuppe hath made dronken al y e worlde Of hir wyne y e peple hathe dronkē wherfore they ar oute of their wittis But sodenly Babylō is fallen alto brokē Bewayle hir therfore laye y e plaster of resyne vnto heir woūdis y t if thus paraduēture she may be
is good paciently to suffer and softely to waite for that sauing helth from the Lorde verse Teth. Oh how goodly a thiug is it for a man to take and beare the yoke euen from his yougeth verse Jod He sitteth alone ful still that is contente with himselfe verse Jod He setteth his mouth vnto y e erthe if paraduēture any hope wil offer hir selfe verse Jod He offreth his cheke vnto the smyter is wel content with obprobrye verse Caph. For the Lorde neuer forsake the nor spurneth vs a waye for euer verse Caph. But if he cast vs of yet for his abundant mercye he forgeueth agene verse Caph. For he scourgeth not nor repelleth not the chyldern of men of herte and mynde verse Lamed As thoughe he wolde breke trede vnder his fete al that be bownde in preson on the erthe verse Lamed To auoyde turne from mannis iugement in y e sight of y e most highest verse Lamed Nether to vexe vniustly any mānis cause the Lorde knoweth it uot verse Mem. Who then dare saye y t any thinge is done w t oute goddis cōmandement verse Mem. Both good yll go they not forthe of y e mouthe of the moste highest verse Mem. Wheryn then is man yet lyuing so strōge He is valeaunt in the goodly actes of synne verse Nun. Let vs therfore serche remember our own wayes turne to y e Lorde verse Nun. Let vs lifte vp our hertis handis vnto the Lorde which is in heuen verse Nun. We be verely y e synners the disobedie●t● but thou shalt thou not forgeue verse Samech Thou hast harnest thyselfe w t wrath and persued vs thou hast slayne vs with out grace verse Samech Thou hast harnest thyselfe with a clowde that our prayer shulde not pearse thorow vnto the. verse Samech Thou hast made vs the dregges dirte euen abiectes of all peple verse Ain All our enymes potted and mowed with their mouthes vpon vs. verse Ain Fear snare a liftinge vp a throwing-downe chaunched vpon vs. verse Ain My eyes gusshedout water for the throyngdowne and brekinge of the daughter which is my peple verse Pe. My eyes powerout water ceasse not because ther apereth no reste verse Pe. When wilt thou se and beholde vs oh Lorde frome heuen verse Pe. My eye wasteth my herte for al y e daughters sake of my cyte verse Zadic My enymes honted me sharpely lyke a birde ye that with oute a cause verse Zadic They thrusted downe my lyfe into the pitte layed a stonne vpon me verse Zadic They powered water vpon my head I sayd now am I done verse Kuph I called vpon thy name oh Lorde euen from a right depe graue verse Kuph And thou herdst my voyce and turnedst not thy earis fro my sobbing and crying verse Kuph Thou didist come to me euen when I called vpon y e sayng vnto me be not a frayd verse Res. Lorde thou defendedst my cause and redemedst my lyfe verse Res. Lorde thou sawest my synnes take vp and defende my cause verse Res. Thou espyedst all their study to hurte me al their counsel agenst me verse Sin Lorde thou herdist their obprobriouse reuylingis and all their thoughtis to hurte me verse Sin And thou herdest the lippes of them that stode vp agēst me their conspirisons dayly conspired agenst me verse Sin Thou seist their downsittinge and vpstandinge I am the mater of their songes verse Thau Requyte them Lorde aftir the workis of their owne handis verse Thau Rewarde them the harpe of their owne herte euen their owne curse to light vpon them verse Thau Folow vpon them Lorde with thy indignacion and pluk them vp by the rotes from all that ar vnder heuen The .iiii. Chapiter verse Aleph OH How is the golde thus dimned hir so oriast● colour chāged How ar the stones of y e holy temple dispersed s●rewed vnto y e endes of euery strete verse Beth. The noble sonnes of Zion sometyme decked with the purest golde How ar they now lyke erthen potsherdis made with y e potters hande verse Gimel These ●amies geue sou●●e their whelps w t their bare brestis but y e daughter of my peple now lyke a wylde beast dwelleth in the wyldernes lyke Struthiōs verse Daleth The soukelings tongue cleued to the rofe of his mouthe for thirste the lytelons asked brede but ther was none that wolde geue it them verse He. They that fed somtyme dilicately dyed in y e stretis they that wer brought vp in purple were now ●ledde w t a torde verse Dau. And y e synne of y e daughter of my peple is reputed greter then the synne of Sodome subuerted in the twynkling of an eye withoute any mannis hande verse Zain Her Nazarens wer whyter then the snowe or mylke they were roidirer than the diamonde or any of the oother preciouse stones their fresshe beutye did shyne lyke the Saphyre verse Heth. But now is their beutye blacker thē the very derkenes it selfe thou woldest not know thē in the stretis their skinnes eleue to their bones they be withred vp lyke a drye blok verse Teth. The slayne with swerde wer beter at ease then those that perisshed for honger whiche famesshed for the famyn of y e felde verse Jod The wemen naturally ful of pyte seethed their own chyldern with their own handis to eat them in that miserable famyne of the daughter of my peple verse Caph. The Lorde finesshed his wrath powered forth his hot indignacion and did sette fyer on Zion which deuowered hir foūdacions verse Lamed Nether the kinges of the lande nor yet al the worlde wolde not haue beleued y t their enymes shuld euer haue comen yn thorow y e gatis of Jerusalem verse Mem. Which thinge not withstandinge yet came it to passe for the synnes of her prophetis and myscheif of hir priestis whi che shed in hir the bloude of innocentis verse Nun. So y t these blynde betells went staggeringe in the stretis wrestlyng with blode saynge yet in y e mean ceason we maye not towche their clothes verse Samech But cryed vnto euery man fle frome blodeshedinge auoyde get ye hence touche them not Nethelesse thus sayng they cause men to be burned to fle frome place to place at laste neuer more to inhabite their owne countrye verse Ain Wherfore the grimme countenāce of the Lorde hath banesshed them neuer more to beholde them for nether they their selues reuerētly fered the face of the priestis nor yet had thy any pyte of their elders verse Pe. Wherfore euen yet our eyes dazel and fayl while we loke for our vayn helpe sekyng besely siche folke that canne not helpe vs. verse Zadic They layd a waite and made slyber our pathes so that we coude not go in the stretis then was our ende comē our dayes wer done our departing was present verse Kuph Our persuers were
swyfter then the egles of the ayer they persued vs in the hillis and layed awaite for vs in y e deserte verse Res. The breath of our mouthe euen Messias the Lorde shal be taken for our synnes of whom we saye y t in his shadewe we shal be saued emonge the Gentyles verse Shin Thou therfor ioye begladde daughter Edom which doist inhabit the londe of Hus for vnto the shal come the cuppe w t the whiche thou shalt be made moyste in drinking therof verse Thau Thy synne is fynesshed oh daugther Zion he shal trāslate the nomore but thy wikednes oh daughter Edom shal ●e vyset and translate the for thy synnes ¶ The prayer of Jeremye REmember Lorde what we suffer se beholde our ob●robrye Our heretage it turned vnto aliauntis and our houses vnto strāgers ●e ar karefull fatherlesse chyldern and our mothers sitte housbondles We bye our own water whiche we drynke we bye our wode with moneye Persecuciō hangeth ouer our neckis We labour yet ar lyke to haue no reste We once yilded our selfes bownde vnto thegypciōs but nowe ar we in like bondage vnder Assur to that yet at y e leste wyse we mought thus ete our brede Our fathers were synners whiche nowe be gone we bere their iniquytes The bōde seruāts ar become our lordes rulers nomā to delyuer vs oute of their hādis We gete our lyuinge w t grete perel of our lyfe for the drought of the deserte our hyidis be tanned parched as it were in an ●ouē so ougely is our stormey famyn They defyled womē in Zion virgens in the cytes of Juda. The rulers ar hanged vp with the handis of their enemes They did disreuerente the face and persone of the elders fered them nothing at al. They drewe the yongemen aboute by the mēbers tering out their bowels and hanged vp laddis vppon the treis The elderly men sate nomore in iugemēt at the gates their yonge men playd nomore vpon their musyke instrumētis Our hertis ioye fayled Our mery quere is turned into moornīge The crowne of our headis fallen of Ah lasse for sorowe y t euer we so synned For our synnes our hertis moorne our eyes be wasted w t bitter teris for y e mounte Zion Whiche is now so desolate that foxes rūne in it But thou oh Lorde whiche abidest for euer and thy seat roial thorout al ages wherfor forgettest thou vs for euer Why forsakest thou vs so longe Conuerte vs vnto the oh Lorde and so shal we be conuerted Renewe and restore vs our dayes as they haue ben in tyme paste For thou hast now repelled vs longe ynoughe ben angrye with vs aboue mesure ¶ The ende of the Prophete Jeremy translated by George Joye An M.D.xxxiiii Mense Maii. ¶ To supplee the lefe take here Crystē reder that goodly and godly songe of Moses Where w t thou oughtest now gloriously to magnifie prayse God for the destruccion and throing downe of our cruel Pharao the Bisshop of Rome no nother wyse then did Moses and his chirche loaue him for drownyng of Pharao whiche Pharao fygured our blodye Bisshops of Rome ¶ The songe of Moses and his Chirche songen aftir Pharasus dethe drowned with his hoste in the redde sea I Shal syng with prayse vnto the Lorde For it is he verely that is gloriously to be magnifyed Horse and man hathe he casten downe into the sea The Lorde it is vnto whom I ●leue It is the Lorde whom I prayse he is become my helthe and saluacion It is he that is my God Him will I glorifye He is the God of my fathers euen him wil I exalte The Lorde is a mighty man of warre Jehouah is his name Pharaous chariettis and hoste hathe he casten downe into the sea His ioylye chosen capytayns ar drowned in the redde sea the depe waters haue ouerwhelmed them they sanke downe vnto the botome lyke stones Thy righthāde oh Lorde is grete gloriouse in strength Thy righthande Lorde hathe thrusted downe the enemye To thy grete glory haste thou destroyed thyne aduersaryes thou sentst forthe thy wrathe it consumed them lyke stobble Withe the brethe of thyne anger y e waters rāne togither on heapis so that y e bare botome was sene the flowing flowd stodevp as faste as a rocke And the botōles water was congeled in the myddis of the sea The enemye had thought thus I shal folow and take them I shal deuyde oute the spoyle and satisfye my plesure vpon them I shal draw out my swerde and my hande shal slaye them But thou didist but blowe with thy brethe the sea ranne ouer them They sanke down lyk led vnder y e vehemēt waters Who emonge the goddis is lyke vnto y e oh Lorde Who maye be compared vnto the in power and myght who is lyke vnto the in magnificence and holynes who is lyke the in reuerent fere to be praysed doing so wondreful miracles Thou stretchedst forth thy righthande and the sea swelowed them yn But in thy mercye hast thou ledde forthe thy peple whom thou delyueredst and w t thy mighty power hast thou brought them vnto thy holy habitacion Whiche thing when the gentyles herde of they were sore trowbled soden sorowful panges fill vpon the Philistens Then the Princes of Edom were confownded with fear trembling came vpō the mighty Moabitis and al the hertes of thin habitours of Canaan melted for fear and sanke a waye lyke water Let anxt and fear fall vpon them thorow the grete might of thyne arme that them be as still as stones whyle thy peple passe thorowe oh Lorde whyle this peple passe thorow whom thou haste goten into thy possession Bringe them yn plante and fyll them vpon the mounte of thyne heretage y e very habitaciō Lorde which thou hast made the to dwell yn euen thy nowne secrete sanctuary oh Lorde whiche thy hādis haue prepared The Lorde be kinge euermore to raigne worlde with oute ende Amen Finis Johan xvii Johan xiiii Exodi ●xv Matth. xvii ●uk ix Jere. v .xxii Johan iiii Jere. ix Isa. 41. Jere. ii Isaie i. Deute xxviii ▪ Jeremi xiiii ●poc 13. Isa. 30. Jere. 1 15. Jere. 1 ▪ ●ere 51. ●ebr 11. Jere. 4● ●ere 19. Pet. 1. Anatho● was a l●●tel tow●ne in th● tribe of Beniam●n iii myle n● the we●● from J●rusalem wherei● Jeremy was bo●●ne * Othe●●wyse ca●led Na●buchod●●zar iiii boke of kīges capi xxii * Fullers erth * O ●rias * The ●one * Ex de x * 〈…〉 Psal. cxxxv● * their beasts sacrificed of fred vp is called holy flesshe * or of thy depe iugements * Or this prophecy * or gapīg for wynd● * the Lorde Psal. i * Tophet Gehena al one * Pas●ur is craf● glori●use vp ●ym●●er Pa●●ur is ●●ne shri●●ige in 〈◊〉 a kor●●er for ●●are Sodo●e and Gomer * neuer truste me the forme of his othe in y e scripture * otherwyse called Joachas now led captyuein to Egypt * strāge gods ymages Jechonias is called Joachin * Freely * Frely * the gētils * Hy coū●els ●y wor●●s ●ot mē●s * Pre●hers * The ●ope w t 〈◊〉 his ●dols This presidēt y e priestes brouht forthagēst Jeremy nothīg consydering that Vrias was vniustly slayn * tyme of destruccion * zephanias is magister inquisitor heretice prauitatis y t is master heretike taker Babylō was then y e head cite of y e gētils * fat of frīges Our cōuersion beginneth of God a token of repētaunce Ose. ii ●hat is ●chyl●●ein be 〈◊〉 for ●heir fathers fawtis Cryste is that rightwyse budde Cryste was of y e sead of Dauid bothe preste m●nister aftir y e order of Me●chisedech Theryte of cōuenāts to be cōfirmed then bothe w t Iwes gētyls ●f the ●echa●tesfa ●er re●e y e .iiii ●●ke of ●e kin●s ca● .x. It wa● noue●● by r Decembyr To the Egyptians Agenst y e Palestyns Sitfast proude Moab Beware Rome * A deuowering v●ciouse god ☞ Of th● horne r●de apo● where i● now ye●ur ▪ brachium culare * 2. tes Moabe thefte deceyte ☞ We sewe nomore to Rome Moab get no more peter petence ce Beware your herde Moab ☜ ii Th●ssa ii ☞ * Mencion is here made of the calling of the gētyls Ammon Moabs brother howthe● were begoten of their drōken father by his own daughters red● Gen. 19 * Then abeminable fil thy god The calling of the gentyls is here prophecyed The bu●den of Idumea i. Petri iiii ☞ Idum● The burden of Damask The bur●en of Cedar The burden of Elam The calling of the gentyls Babylon is Rome Agenst the king ●●om of ●●ntichri f●te ●●eel their ●●od the ●●ope ☞ Rome hath k●●ked vs ful long tyme. ☞ * Rome ●s as●nich to ●aye as ●nowde the gretwyse writer o● their vnwritē v●●●rites wher i● he now become● ●esyne ●aster 〈◊〉 the ●●riptu othere is ●ow our bu●ler of 〈◊〉 Pe●us 〈◊〉 hanc●etram ●ce * The Bisshopes gods of Rome ☞ ●iii Regum xxiiii xxv Decembyr June * Hir louers an● nexte frendis at hir goddis * Gentyls ar haithe● Juda i● here called goddis fo●stole * They ●ake ●nges 〈◊〉 me * Men maide● dragon or sich other ●●sters * Or ●●ke it th● * 〈◊〉 or co●all * embrwed with blode * Cryste * defe●● Exodi xx deutero v. Jerem. xxxi Ezech. xviii Exode xv