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A15983 The bokes of Salomon namely, Prouerbia Ecclesiastes Cantica canticorum. Sapientia. Ecclesiasticus or Iesus the sonne of Syrach; Bible. O.T. Hagiographa. English. Great Bible. Selections. 1546 (1546) STC 2755; ESTC S119611 151,243 344

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to kepe trew measure and weyghte to be content whether thou gettest muche or lytell to deale truly with temporall goodes in byenge and selling to bringe vp chyldren with dilygence to correct an euel seruaunt to kepe that thine is from an euel wife to set a lock where many handes are what thou deliuerest and gauest out to be kepte to tel it and waye it to write vp all thy outegeuynge and receiuynge to enfourme the vnlerned and vnwise Of the aged that are iudged of the ionge If thou be diligēt in these thinges truely thou shalt be learned and wise and accepted of al men The doughter maketh the father to watche secretely and the carefulnesse that he hath for her taketh awaye his slepe yee in the youth lest she shuld ouergrow hym And when she hath an husbande leest she shulde be hated leest she shulde be defiled or rauyshed in her virginitie or gotten with chyld in her fathers house Or when she commeth to the man lest she behaue her selfe not righte or contynue vnfrutefull ★ If thy doughter be wanton kepe her straytelye leeste she cause thyne enemies to laugh the to scorn and the whole Cytie to geue the an euel report and so thou be faine to hear thy shame of euerye man and be confoūded before all the people Eccl. 25. c. Beholde not euery bodyes bewtye and haue not muche dwellynge amonge wemen For lyke as the worme and moth commeth oute of clothinge gene iii. d so doth wickednesse come of wemen It is better to be with an euell man then with a frendly wife that putteth one to shame and rebuke I wyll remember the wordes of the Lorde and declare the thyng that I haue sene In the wordes of the Lorde are his workes The sunne ouerloketh al thynges with his shyne and all his workes are full of the clearenesse therof Hath not the Lord brought to passe that his Saintes shuld tell out all his wonderous workes whiche the Almyghty Lord hath stablyshed All thinges endure in his glory He seketh out the grounde of the depe the herte of men and he knoweth al theyr ymaginacion and wisedome For the Lorde knoweth all science and he loketh into the token of the tyme. He declareth the thynges that are paste and for to come and discloseth thynges that are secrete Iob. 42. a. No thoughte may escape hym neither maye any worde be hyd from hym He hath garnished the hye excellēt workes of his wysedome Esa 29. c. and he is frō euerlastynge to euerlastyng Vnto him may nothinge be added neither can he be minished he hath no nede also of any mans councel O howe amiable are al his workes and as a sparke to loke vpon They lyue all and enduer for euer and when so euer nede is they are all obedient vnto hym They are all double one agaynste an other he hath made nothing that hath faute or blemyshe Deu. 32. a He hathe stablyshed the goodes of euery one and who maye be satisfied with his glorye when he seith it ¶ The summe of the creacion of the workes of god Capi. xliii THE Glorye of the Heygthe is ‡ the fayer and cleare Firmamente the bewtye of the heauen is his glorious clearenesse The Sunne when it appeareth declareth the day in the goyng out of it Psal 8 a. a marueylous worke of the hyeste At noone it burnethe the earth and who may abyde for the heat therof Who so kepeth an ouen whē it is hote thre times more doth the sūne burne vpon the monutaynes whē it bretheth out the fyrye beames and shyneth with the bryghtnesse of it it blyndeth the eyes Great is the lorde that made it in his commaundement he causeth it to rē hastely gene i. b The moone also is in all and at conuenient season it sheweth the times and is a token of the time Exo. xii a The token of the solempne feaste is taken of the Moone a lyghte that minisheth and encreaseth agayne The moneth is called after the Mone it groweth wonderously in her chaungynge The armye of heauen also is in the Heigth in the firmament of heuen it geueth a cleare and glorious shine This is the clearenes of the Starres the bewtifull apparell of heauen the apparell that the lorde lyghteneth in the heigth In his holy word they cōtinue in their order and not one of them faileth in his watche gene ix a Loke vpon the rayne bowe and prayse him that made it very beutifull is it in her shyne He compassethe the Heauen about with his clerenes glorye the handes of the hyest haue bēded it Thorowe his commaundement he maketh the snowe to fal and the thōder of his iudgement to smite hastelye Thorowe his commaundement the tresures are opened and the cloudes fle as the foules In his power hath he strengthened the cloudes and broken the haile stones The mountaines melte at the sighte of him the wynd bloweth according to his wyll The sound of his thonder beateth the earth and so doth the storme of the North the whirle wind also lighteth downe as a fethered foule casteth oute and spreadeth the snowe abrode and as the greshoppers that destroye all so falleth it downe The eye maruayleth at the bewty of the whitenesse therof and the hert is afrayde at the raine of it He poureth out the frost vpō erth like salt and when it is frosen it is as sharpe as the pricke of a thistle When the colde Northwind bloweth harde Christall commeth of the water He lyghteth downe vpon all the gatheringes together of water and putteth on the waters as a brest plate He deuoureth the moūtaines burneth the wyldernesses loke what is grene he putteth it out like fyre The medicine of al these is when a cloude commeth hastely and when a dew commeth vpō the heath it shall be refreshed againe In his worde he stylleth the wynde In his councel he setteth the depe and the Lord Iesus planted it They that sayle ouer the see tell of the parelles harmes therof and whē we heare it with our eares we maruaile therat For ther be straunge wonderous workes diuers maner of nyce beastes and whalefishes Thorowe him are all thinges sette in good order and perfourmed and in hys worde all thinges enduer I speake moche but I can not sufficiently attaine vnto it for he hym selfe onely is the perfeccion of all wordes We shulde prayse the lorde after ol our power for he is great in all his workes The Lord is to be feared yee very great is he ⊣ and marueylous in hys power Prayse the Lord and magnifie hym as moche as ye maye yet doth he farre exceade all prayse ‡ psal xcvi a. Psal cvi a. O magnyfye hym with al your power and labour earnestly yet are ye in no wise able sufficiently to prayse him Who hath sene hym that he myght tell vs. ⊢ Deu. v. c Iohn i. b. Who can magnifie him so greately as he is
one only subtyll curteous discret quycke vndefiled playne swete louyng the thyng that is good sharpe which forbiddeth not to do well gentle kynde stedfast suer free hauynge al vertues circunspecte in al thinges receyuyng al spyrites of vnderstandynge beyng cleane and sharpe For wysdome is nymbler then al nymble thinges she goeth thorowe and attayneth to all thinges because of her clennes For she is the breth of the power of God and a pure cleane expressynge of the clerenes of almyghty God Hebre. 1. a Therfore cā no vndefyled thing come vnto her for she is the brightnes of the euerlastynge lyght the vndefyled myrrour of the maiestye of God and the ymage of his goodnesse And for so much as she is one she may do all thynges and beynge stedfaste her selfe she renueth al and amonge the people conueyeth she her selfe into the holy Soule She maketh Goddes frēdes and Prophetes for God loueth no man but him in whom wisdom dwelleth For she is more beutiful then the Sunne and gyueth more lyght thē the starres and the daye is not to be compared vnto her for vpon the daye commeth nyght But wickednesse cannot ouercome wysdome and foolyshenes maye not be with her ¶ The effectes of wysedome Capi. viii WYsedome reachethe frome one ende vnto an other myghtely and louinglye dothe she order all thynges I haue loued her and laboured for her euen fro my youth vp I dyd my diligēce to mary my selfe with her suche loue had I vnto her beutie Who so hath the company of God commendeth her nobilitie yee the Lorde of al thynges him selfe loue her For she is the scolemastresse of the nurtour of God and the choser out of hys workes Yf a mā wold desire riches in this lyfe what is richer then wysdom that worketh al thynges thou wylt say vnderstandyng worketh What is it amonge al thinges that worketh more then wysdome Yf a man loue vertue and ryghtuousnesse let hym laboure for wysdome for she hathe great vertues And why she teacheth sobernes and prudence rightuousnes and strength which are such thinges as men cā haue nothing more profitable in their lyfe Yf a man desyre much knowledge she can tel the thinges that are past and discerne thynges for to come she knowethe the subtilities of wordes cā expoūd darke sentences She can tell of tokens woūderous thinges or euer they come to passe and the ende of al tymes and ages So I purposed after thys maner I wil take her vnto my company and commen louingly with her no doubte she shall gyue me good counsell and speake comfortably vnto me in my carfulnes gref For her sake shal I be well and honestly taken amonge the comens Lordes of the counsel Though I be yong yet shal I haue sharpe vnderstandyng so that I shal be meruelous in the sight of greate men and the faces of Princes shal wonder at me When I holde my tonge they shal abyde my leisure whē I speake thei shal loke vpō me Iob. 26. c. yf I talke much they shal laye theyr hādes vpon theyr mouth Moreouer by the meanes of her I shal obtayne immortalyte and leaue behinde me an euerlastynge memoryall amonge them that come after me I shall set the people in order and the nacyons shal be subdued vnto me Horrible tiraunte shal be afrayed when they do but hear of me amonge the multitude I shall be counted good and myghtye in batayle When I come home I shall fynde rest with her for her company hath no bitternesse and her felowshippe hath no tediousnes but myrth and ioye Nowe when I consydered these thynges by my selfe and pondred thē in my herte howe that to be ioyned vnto wysdome is immortalytye and greate pleasure to haue her frendshyp howe that in the workes of her handes are infinite ryches howe that who so kepeth cōpany with her shal be wise and that he which talketh with her shal cōe to honoure I wente about sekyng to get her vnto me For I was a childe of a rype wytte and had a good vnderstandynge But whē I grew to more vnderstandyng I came to an vndefyled bodye Neuertheles when I perceyued that I coulde not kepe my selfe chaste Iacob 1. b Chastitie excepte god gaue it me and that was a poynte of wysdome also to knowe whose gyfte it was I stept vnto the Lorde and besought hym and with my hole harte I sayd after this maner A Prayer of Salomon to obtayne wysdome Capi. ix O God of my fathers and Lorde of mercye thou that haste made all thynges with thy worde 3. Reg. 3. d Gene. 1. c and ordeyned man thorow thy wysdō that he shuld haue domynyon ouer the creature which thou hast made that he shuld order the worlde accordyng to equitie and ryghtuousnes and execute iugement with a true hert gyue me wysdome which is euer about thy seate Psa 115 b and put me not out from among thy chyldren for I thy seruaunt and sonne of thy handmayden am a feble personne of a shorte tyme and to yong to the vnderstandyng of Iugemēt and thy lawes And though a man be neuer so perfecte amonge the chyldren of men 1. Pa 29. b yet yf thy wysdom be not with him he shal be nothynge regarded But thou hast chosen me to be a kyng vnto thy people and the Iudge of thy sonnes daughters Exo. 25. d Actu 7. f Hebre. 8. b thou hast cōmaunded me to buylde a Temple vpon thy holy mount and an aulter in the cytie wherin thou dwellest a lykenesse of thy holy Tabernacle which thou hast prepared from the begynnyng and thy wisdō with the which knoweth thy workes which also was with the Prou. 8. c Iohn 1. a whē thou madest the worlde and knew what was exceptable in thy syght and righte in thy commaundementes O sende her out of the holy heuens and from the trone of thy maiestye that she maye be with me and laboure wyth me that I maye knowe what is acceptable in thy sight For she knoweth vnderstādeth al thynges and she shall leade me soberli in my workes and preserue me in her power So shal my workes be acceptable and thē shal I gouerne thy people ryghtuously and be worthy to syt in my fathers seate Esa 40. b Rom. 11. d 1. Cor. 1. b. For what man is he that maye knowe the councell of God Or who can thinke what the wyl of god is For the thoughtes of mortal men ar myserable and our forecastes ar but vncertayne And why a mortall and corruptyble bodye 1. Cor. 5. a is heuy vnto the soule and the earthly mansion kepeth down the vnderstandyng that museth vpon many thynges Very hardly can we discerne the thinges that are vpon earthe and greate laboure haue we or we can fynde the thynges which are before our eyes Who wil thē seke out the grounde of the thynges that are done in heuen Oh Lorde who can haue knowlege of thy
crowne of his heed Vnto these the destroier gaue place and was afraid of them for it was only a temptacion worthy of death The death of the Egyptyans and the greate ioye of the Hebrues The meate that was geuen at the desire of the people The elemēts serue not only to the wyl of God but also the wyl of man Capi. xix AS for the vngodly the wrath came vpon them withoute mercye vnto the ende For he knew what shulde happen vnto them how that when they had consented to let them go had sente them out with great diligēce they wold repente and folowe vpō them For when they were yet mournyng and makyng lamentaciō by the graues of the deed Exo. 14. a they deuised an other foolishnes so that they persecuted them in theyr fleyng whome they had caste out afore with prayer Whorty necessitie also brought them vnto this ende for they had cleane forgottē the thynges that happeneth vnto theym afore But the thynge that was wantyng of theyr punishemēt was requysite so to be fulfilled vpon theym with tormētes that thi people might haue a maruelous passage thorowe and that these myghte fynde a straunge deathe Then was euery creature facioned agayne of newe accordyng to the wyl of theyr maker obeyinge thy commandementes that thy children might be kept without hurte For the cloude ouershadowed theyr tentes the drie earth appered where afore was water so that in the red see there was a way without impediment and the great depe became a grene felde where thorowe all the people wente that were defended with thy hande seyng thy wonderous marueilous workes For as the horses so wer they fed lepte lyke lambes praysynge the o lord which hadst delyuered them And why they were yet myndefull of the thynges that happened whyle they dwelt in the land howe the grounde broughte forth flyes in stede of catel and how the ryuer scrauled with the multitud of frogges in stede of fyshes But at the laste they saw a new creacyō of byrdes Exo. 17. c Num. 11. g what tyme as they were disceiued with lust desyred delycate meates For when they were speakyng of theyr appetite the quayles came vp to them frō the see and punyshementes came vpon the synners not without the tokens which came to passe afore by the vehemence of the stremes for thei suffered wortheli according to their wickednes they delt so abhominably churlyslye with straūgers Some receyued no vnknowen gestes some broughte the straungers into bondage that dyd thē good Besyde al these thinges there were some that not only receyued no straungers with theyr wyls but persecuted those also dyd them much euell that receyued thē gladly 3. Iohn b. Therfore were they punyshed with blyndnesse lyke as they that were couered with sodeine darknes at the dores of the ryghtuous so that euery one sought the entraunce of his dore Gen. 19. ● 3. Reg. 6 d Thus the elementes turned into thē selues lyke as when one tune is chaunged vpon an instrumente of musyke and yet all the resydue kepe theyr melodye which maye easelye be perceyued by the sight of the thinges that are come to passe The drye lande was turned in to a waterie the thynges that afore swame in the water went now vpon the drye grounde The fire hath power in the water cōtrarye to his own vertue and the water forgat his owne kinde to quenche Agayne the flammes of the noisome beastes hurt not the flesh of them that went with thē neither melted they the yse whyche elles melteth lyghtly In al thinges haste thou promoted thy people O Lorde and brought them to honoure thou haste not despysed them but alwaye and in al places haste thou stande by them ¶ The ende of the boke of wysedome ¶ The boke of Iesus the Sonne of Sirach whyche is called in Laten Ecclesia sticus or Iesus ¶ The Prologue of Iesus the Sonne of Syrache vnto hys boke MAnye and greate men haue declared wisdōe vnto vs out of the law out of the Prophetes out of other that folowed theym In the which thinges Israel oughte to be cōmēded by the reason of doctrine and wysdome Therfore they that haue it and reade it shuld not only them selues be wise there thorowe but serue other also with teachynge and wrytynge After that my graūdfather Iesus had gyuen diligent labour to reade the law the Prophetes other bokes that were lefte vs of our fathers and had wel exercysed himself therī he purposed also to wryt some thyng of wyesdom and good maners to the intent that they which were wyllyng to learne and to be wise might haue the more vnderstandynge and be the more apte to leade a good conuersacion Wherfore I exhorte you to receyue it louyngly to reade it with diligence and to take it in good worth though our wordes be not so eloquent as the famous oratours For the thing that is writtē in the Hebrue tonge soundeth not well when it is translated into an other spech Not only this boke of myne but also the lawe the Prophetes other bokes sound far otherwise then they do whē they ar spoken in theyr owne language Now in the .xxxviii. yere when I came into Egypt in the tyme of Ptolomy Euerges and continued there al my life I gat lyberte to reade wryt many good thinges Wherfore I thought it good and necessarie to bestowe my diligence and trauayle to interprete this boke And cōsydering that I had tyme. I laboured dyd my beste to perfourme this boke and to bryng it vnto lyght that the straungers also which ar disposed to learne myght applye them selues vnto good maners and lyue accordynge to the lawe of the Lorde ¶ Wysdome procedeth and commeth of God A prayse of the feare of God Ryghtuousnes is a degre to come by wysdome Capi. Primo ALl wysdome commeth of God the Lorde 3. Reg. 3 b and .4 c Iob. 28. a. Iacabi 1. a and hathe bene euer wyth hym and is before all tyme. Who hath nombred the sande of the see the dropes of the raine and the dayes of the tyme. Who hath measured the heygth of heuē the bredth of the earth and the depnes of the see Who hath sought out the groūd of Goddes wisdom which hath bene before al thynges Wysdom hath bene before al thynges the vnderstandyng of prudence from euerlastyng gods word in the heyghte is the wel of wysdō the euerlastyng cōmaundemētes are the entraūce of her Vnto whō hath the rote of wisdome bene declared Or who hathe knowē her wyt Vnto whō hathe the doctryne of wisdō bē discouered shewed who hath vnderstād the manifold entraūce of her There is one euen the hyghest the maker of al thinges the almyghty the king of power of whom men ought to stande greately in awe which sytteth vpō his trone beyng a god of dominion he hath created her thorow the holy gost he hath sene her
A man of vnderstandyng geueth credēce vnto the law of god the law is faithfull vnto him Be suer of the matter thē talke therof Be fyrst wel instructe thou mayst thou geue answere The hert of the folysh is like a cart whele his thoughtes ren aboute lyke the axeltre Lyke as a wylde horse that naieth vnder euery one that sytteth vpō him so is it with a scorneful frende Why doth one daye excell an other seyng all the dayes of the yere come of the sun The wysdom of the lord hath so parted them a sunder and so hathe he ordeyned the tymes and solempne feastes Some of them hath he chosē halowed before other dayes And al men are made of the Gene. 2. ● grounde and out of the earthe of Adam In the multytude of science hath the Lorde sundred them and make theyr wayes of dyuers fashyons Some of thē hath he blessed made much of them halowed them claymed them to hym self But some of thē hath he cursed brought them low put them out of theyr estate Lyke as the clay is in the potters hande and al the ordryng therof at his plesure Rom. 9. c so are men also in the hande of him that made them so that he may geue them as it lyketh him beste 1. Cor. 6. c Against euel is good and against death is lyfe so is the vngodlye againste such as feare God Beholde these are the workes of the hiest ther are euer two agaynst two one set agaynste an other I am a waked vp last of all as one that gathereth after in haruest In the gyftes of god in hys blessynge I am increased and haue fylled my wyne presse like a grape gatherer Eccl. 24. c Beholde howe I haue not laboured not onlye for my self but for all such as loue nurtour wisdō Heare me O ye great men of the people and herkē with youre eares ye rulers of the congregacion Geue not thy sonne wife thy brother and frende power ouer the while thou liuest and geue not away thy substance and good to an other leest it repent the thou be faine to beg therfore thy self As longe as thou liuest and hast brethe let no man chaunge the For better it is thy children to paye the then that thou shuldeste be fayne to loke in theyr hādes In al thy workes be excellēt that thy honour be neuer stayned At the tyme when thou shalt ende thy daies fynish thy lyfe distribute thyne inheritaunce The foder the whyp and the burthē belongeth vnto the Asse Meat correcciō worke vnto the seruaūt Yf thou set thy seruaunt to labour thou shalt finde rest But yf thou let him go ydel he shal seke libertie The yoke the whip bow down the hard necke but tame thou thy euell seruaunt with bondes and correccion Sende him to laboure that he go not ydle For ydilnes bringeth much euell Set him to worke for that belongeth vnto him becōmeth him wel Yf he be not obedyent bynde his fete but do not to muche vnto him in any wise and without discrecion do nothinge Eccle. 7. c Yf thou haue a faithful seruaunte lette hym be vnto the as thyn own soule ītreate him as a brother for in blode haste thou gotten hym Yf thou haue a seruaunte holde him as thy selfe for thou hast nede of him as of thy selfe Yf thou intreatest him euel kepest him harde and makest him to be proude and to ren away from the thou canst not tell what waye thou shalt seke him ¶ Of dremes diuinacions and enchauntemētes We ought to confute vayne hope and lying The prayse of them that feare god Of diuers workes of men God doth not alowe the workes of an vnfaythful man Capi. xxxiiii VNwyse people begyle them selues with vayne and disceytfull hope and foles trust in dremes Who so regardeth dremes is lyke him that wyll take holde of a shadow and folow after the winde Euē so is it with the apperinges of dremes Before the face is the lycknes of a face Who can be clensed of the vncleane Or what truth can be spoken of a liar Soth saying witchcraft sorceri dreming is but vanite like as whē a woman trauaileth with childe hath mani fantasies in her hert Where as such vysyons come not of god set not thine hert vpon them For dreames haue deceyued many a man and they fayled that putte theyr truste therin The lawe shal be fulfylled without lyes and wysdome is sufficient to a faithful mouth What knowledge hathe he that is not tryed A wyse man that is wel instructe vnderstandeth much and he that hath good experience can talke of wysdome he that hath no experience knoweth lytle he that erreth causeth much wickednes He that is not tryed what thīges knoweth he Who so foloweth no rule is full of wickednes When I was yet in errour I learned much also yee I was so learned that I coulde not expresse it al and came ofte in parel of death therouer tyl I was delyuered from it thorowe the grace of God Now I se that they whiche feare God haue the ryght spiryte for theyr hope stādeth in him that can helpe thē And the eyes of the Lord are on theym that loue him Who so feareth the Lorde standeth in awe of no man and is not afrayde for the Lorde is his hope and comforte Blessed is the soule of him that feareth the Lord In whō putteth he his truste who is his strengthe Par. 16. b For the eyes of the Lord haue respecte vnto them that loue him He is theyr mighty proteccion and stronge grounde A defence for the heate a refuge for the hote none daye a succour for stomblynge an helpe for fallynge He setteth vp the Soule and lighteneth the eyes He geueth life and blessinge He that geueth an offeringe of vnryghtuous good his offering is refused and the scornefull dealinges of the vnrightuous please not god The Lorde is theyrs only that paciently abyde him in the waye of the truth of rightuousnes The highhest doth not alowe the giftes of the wycked Pro. 15. a And God hath no delight in the offerynges of the vngodly nether maye sinne be reconcyled in the multitude of oblacyons Who so bringeth an offerynge out of the goodes of the poore doth euen as one that killeth the sonne before the fathers eyes The breade of the nedefull is the life of the pore he that defraudeth him theyr of is a man of bloode Who so robbeth hys neyghboure of his liuynge doth as greate synne as thoughe he slewe him to death De● 24 c Ecc●e 7. c He that defraudeth the laborer of his hyre is a bloode shedder When one buildeth an other breaketh downe what profyt haue they thē but laboure When one praieth and an other curseth whose voyce will the Lorde heare Nu. 19. b He that washeth him selfe because of a deed bodye thē toucheth the
the fornace The noyse of the Hammer soūdeth euer in his eares and his eyes loke styll vpon the thinge that he maketh He hath set his mynde therupon that he will make out his worke therfore he watcheth howe he maye set it out and brynge it to an ende So doth the potter sytte by his worke he turneth the whele about with his fete he is deligent and careful in al doynges and his labour worke is without nomber He fashioneth the claie wyth hys arme and with his feete he temporeth it His hert ymagineth how he maye make it plesaunt and his diligence is to clense the ouen All these hope in theyr handes euery one thynketh to be connynge in his worke Without these maye not the Cyties be maynteyned inhabited nor occupied and come not hye in the Congregacyon in the councell of the people they be not requyred they vnderstāde not the couenaunt of the law they cannot declare equytie iudgemēt they cannot fynde out the darke sentēce but thorowe them shall the creature of the worlde be maynteyned theyr prayer concerneth onely the worke and laboure of connynge ¶ A wyse man The workes of God Vnto the good good thynges do profyte but vnto the euell euen good thynges are euell Capi. xxxix HE that applyeth hys mynde to vnderstāde the lawe of God doth dylygentely seke out the wisdome of them of the olde tyme and exercyseth hym selfe in the Prophetes He kepeth the saienges of famous menne preasseth to the vnderstādinge of darcke sentences of wysdome He seketh out the misterye of secret saynges and exercyseth hym selfe therin continually He doth seruice amonge greate men and appereth before the Prince He goeth in to a straūge countree and trauaileth thorowe it loke what good or euel is amōg men he proueth it and seketh it out He purposeth in his hert to resorte earli vnto the Lorde that made him and to praye before the Hyest God He openeth hys mouth in prayer and prayeth for his sinnes When the greate Lorde wyll he shal be filled with the Spirite of vnderstandinge that he maye then poure oute wyse sentences and geue thankes vnto the Lorde in his prayer He shall order his deuyce and leade his knowledge a ryghte geue hym vnderstandinge of secrete thynges He shal shewe forth the science of his learnynge and reioyse in the couenaunte of the lawe of the Lorde The whole Congregacion shall commende his wisdom and it shall neuer he put out The remembraunce of him shall neuer be forgotten Ec. 44. b. his name shall continue from one generacyō to an other Hys wysdome shall be spoken of amonge the people and the whole Congregacion shal opēly declare his praise While he liueth he hath a greater name then a thousande besyde and after hys deathe the same name remaynethe vnto hym Yet wyll I speake of no men of vnderstandyng for I am ful as the Moone Herkē vnto me ye holy vertuous chyldrē br ing forth fruit as the rose that is planted by the brokes of the felde and geue you a swete smel as Lybanus Floryshe as the Rose gardeine syng a songe of praise O geue thankes vnto god ouer al his workes Geue glory and honoure vnto the lord shew his praise with your lyppes Yee euen with the songe of your lyppes with harpes and playenge and in geuynge thankes vnto him saye after thys maner Gene. 1. d. Al the workes of the Lord are excedynge good and al hys cōmaundementes are mete and conueniēt in due season A man nede not to say what is that what is that for at time cōuenient they shall all be soughte At his commaundement the water was as a wal and at the word of his mouth the water stode styll Gene. 7. b In his commaundementes is euery thynge acceptable and reconcyled and his helth cannot be minished The workes of al fleshe are before hym and there is nothynge hyd from his eyes He seyth from euerlasting to euerlastinge there is nothing to wōderful or hie vnto him A man nede not to say then what is this or that For he hathe made all thynges to do good vnto man Hys blessyng shal renne ouer as the streame and moysture the earth lyke a floude of water Like as he maketh the water for drouth so shall his wrath fall vpon the heathen Osee 14. a Rom. 3 d His wayes are playne and ryghte vnto the Iust but the vngodlye stōble at theym For the good are good thynges created from the begynnynge and euell thynges for the vngodly Eccle. 29. c All thynges necessarye for the life of man are created from the begynnyng water fyre yron salte meel wheate and honi milke and wyne oyle and clothynge 1. Ti. 4. a All these thynges are created for the beste to the faythfull But to the vngodly shall all these thinges be turned to the hurte and harme There be spirits that are created for vengeaūce and in theyr rigorousnes haue they fastned theyr tormentes Mat. 25. d In the tyme of the ende they shal poure out theyr strength and pacyfie the wrath of him that made them Ecc. 40. b Fyre hasle honger and death al these thynges are created for vengeaunce The teeth of wylde noysome beastes the Scorpions Serpentes the swerde are created also for vengeaunce to the destruccyon of the vngodly They shall be glade to do his Cōmaundementes and when nede is they shal be redy vpō earth and when theyr houre is come they shal not ouerpasse the commaundement of the Lorde Therfore haue I taken a good corage vnto me from the beginninge thought to put these thinges in writinge and to leaue them behynde me Gene. 1. b. All the workes of the Lorde are good and he geueth euery one in due season and whē nede is so that a man nede not to saye thys is worse then that For in due season they are all pleasaunte and good And therfore prayse the Lorde with whole herte and mouthe and geue thankes vnto his name ¶ Many myseryes lyghte in a mans lyfe All thynges passe awaie but a fyrme and stable faith remayneth Of the blessynge of the rightuous prerogatyffe of the feare of God Capi. xl A Greate trauayle is created for all men and an heuy yoke vpon the chyldren of Adam frome the daye that they go oute of theyr mothers wombe tyll they be buryed in the earth the mother of all thinges namely theyr thoughtes ymaginacions feare of the herte counsell medytacyons longynge and desyre the daye of death frō the hyest that sytteth vpon the glorious seate vnto the lowest and most simple vpon the earth from him that is gorgyously arayed and weareth a crowne vntil him that is but homely and symply clothed There is nothinge but wrath zeale fearfulnesse vnquyetnesse feare of death rygorous anger and stryfe And in the nighte when one shulde rest and sleape vpon hys bedde the sleape chaungeth hys vnderstandynge and knowledge A
folishe Wyse men layeth vp knowledge but the mouth of the foolishe is nye destruccyon The rich mans goodes are his strong holde but pouerte oppresseth the poore The righteous laboureth to doo good but the vngodly vseth his increase vnto synne To take hede vnto the chasteninge of nourture is the waye of life but he that refuseth to be refourmed disceaueth him selfe Pro. 11. b Dissemblynge lippes kepe hatred secretli and he that speaketh any sclaunder is a foole Where moche bablinge is there muste nedes be offence and he that refrayneth his lippes is wise An innocent tongue is a noble treasure but the herte of the vngodly is nothinge worthe The lippes of the rightuous fede a whole multitude but foles shall dye in theyr owne foly The blessynge of the Lorde maketh ryche men Iob. 42. c Eccl 11. b ps 126. a. ma. 6. c. d as for carefull trauayle it doth nothing therto A foole doth wyckedly and maketh but a sporte of it neuerthelesse it is wisdome for a man to beware of suche The thynge that the vngodly are afrayde of shall come vpon them but the ryghtuous shall haue theyr desyre The vngodly is lyke a tempeste that passeth ouer and is no more sene but the ryghtuous remaineth sure for euer As vyneger is to the teth as smoke is vnto the eyes euen so is a slougyshe personne to them that sende hym forth The feare of the lorde maketh a longe life but the yeares of the vngodlye shall be shortened The pacyent abidinge of the righteous shall be turned to gladnesse but the hope of the vngodly shall perishe The waye of the Lorde geueth a corage vnto the godly but it is a feare for wycked doers psa 124. a The rightuous shall neuer be ouerthrowē but the vngodly shal not remaine in the lande psal 36. b. The mouthe of the iust wyll be talkinge of wisdome but the tongue of the frowarde shall peryshe The lippes of the rightuouse are occupyed in acceptable thynges but the mouth of the vngodly taketh them to the worste Capitulo xi A Pro. 16. b and .20 c False balaunce is an abhominacyō vnto the Lorde but a true weyght pleaseth him Wher pryde is there is shame also and confusion but where as is lowlines there is wysdome The innocent dealing of the iust shal leade thē but the wickednes of such as dyssemble shall be theyr owne destruccyon Pro. 10. a. Eccle. 5. b Riches helpe not in the daye of vengeaunce but ryghtuousnesse delyuereth from deathe The rightuousnes of the innocente ordreth his waie but the vngodly shal fal in his owne wyckednes The rightuousnesse of the iust shal delyuer them but the wicked shal be taken in theyr owne vngodlynes Sapi. 5. b. When an vngodly man dyeth hys hope is gone the confydence of rychesse shall peryshe The ryghtuous shall be delyuered out of trouble and the vngodly shall come in his steade Thorowe the mouthe of the dissembler is his neighboure destroied but thorowe knowledge shall the iuste be delyuered When it goeth well with the rightuous Pro. 14. d. the Cytie is mery and when the vngodly peryshe there is gladnes When the iust are in welthe the Cytie prospereth but whē the vngodly haue the rule it decayeth A foole bryngeth vp a sclaunder of his neyghbour but a wyse man wil kepe it secrete Pro. 10. c. A dissemblynge person will discouer preuy thynges but he that is of a faythfull herte wyll kepe counsell 3. Ro. 12. a Where no good counsell is there the people decaye but where as many are that can geue counsell there is welthe Pro. 6. a 27. c He that is suertie for a straunger hurteth him selfe and he that medleth not with sureteshyp is sure A gracyous woman mainteineth honestye as for the wycked they maynteyne ryches Psalmus 37. c. He that hathe a gentle liberall stomake is merciful but who so hurteth his neyghbour is a tyraunt The labour of the vngodly prospereth not but he that soweth righteousnes shal receaue a sure rewarde Lyke as rightuousnes bringeth lyfe euen so to cleaue vnto euell bryngethe deathe The Lorde abhorreth them that be of a peruerse herte but he hath pleasure in them that are of an vndefiled conuersacion It shall not helpe the wicked though they lay all their hādes together but the sede of the rightuous shall be preserued A fayre woman without discrete maners is lyke a ringe of golde in a swines snoute The desyre of the rightuous is acceptable but the hope of the vngodly is indignacyon Psalmus 37. d. and .112 d. Some man geueth out his goodes and is the richer but the nygarde hauynge ynoughe wyll departe from nothynge and yet is euer in pouertie 2 Cor. 9. d He that is liberall in geuinge shall haue plenty and he that watereth shall be watered also him selfe Psa 1. a Iere. 17. b Who so hoordeth vp his corne shlabe cursed amonge the people but blessynge shall lyght vpon his heade that geueth foode He that laboureth for honesty fyndeth his desyre but who so seketh after myschefe it shall happen vnto him He that trusteth in hys ryches shall haue a fall but Psal 13. a Iere. 17. b the ryghtuouse shall floryshe as the grene lefe Who so maketh disquyetnesse in hys owne house he shall haue wynd for his heritage and the foole shal be seruaunt to the wyse The frut of the ryghtuous is a tree of lyfe and he that endeuoureth hym selfe to wynne mens sowles is wyse 1. Pe. 4. d Yf the ryghtuouse be recompensed vpon earthe howe moche more then the vngodly and the synner Capi. xii WHo so loueth wysdome wyll be contente to be refourmed but he that hateth to be reproued is a foole Gen. 4. a A good man is acceptable vnto the lord but the wycked wyl he condempne A man can not endure in vngodlynesse but the rote of the rightuous shal not be moued A stedfaste woman is a crowne vnto her husbande but she that behauethe her lyfe vnhonestlye is a corrupcyon in his bones The thoughtes of the ryghtuouse are ryght but the ymaginaciō of the vngodly are disceytfull The talkynge of the vngodly is howe they maye laye wayte for blode but the mouth of the ryghtuouse wyll delyuer them Psa 17. f Or euer thou canst turne the aboute the vngodly shal be ouerthrowen but the house of the ryghtuouse shall stande A man shal be commended for hys wysdome but a foole shal be despysed Eccl. 10. d A symple man whyche labourethe and worketh is better thē one that is gorgyous and lacketh breade A ryghtuous man regardeth the lyfe of hys catel but the vngodly haue cruel hertes Eccl 20. d He that tylleth his lande shall haue plentuousnes of bread but he that foloweth ydylnes is a very foole ✿ Who so hath pleasure to contynue at the wyne leaueth dishonestye in hys owne dwellynge The desyre of the vngodly hunteth after myschefe
consydered in the tyme of my vanytie that the Iust mā perysheth for his righteousnesse sake the vngodly lyueth in hys wyckednesse Therfore Ro. 12. c. be thou nether to rightuous nor ouer wyse that thou perishe not be nether to vnryghtuous also nor to foolysh leest thou dye before thy time It is good for the to take holde of this not to let that go out of thy hāde For he that feareth God shall escape them all Wysdome geueth more corage vnto the wise then ten myghtye men of the citie 3. Re. 8. c. 2 par 6. g. Pro 20. b. 1. Ioh. 1. d. for there is not one Iust vpon earth that doth good and synneth not Take not hede vnto euery worde that is spoken leest thou heare thy seruaunt curse the for thyne owne hert knoweth that thou thy selfe also haste oftymes spoken euen by other mē All these thynges haue I proued in wysdome I wyl I sayde be wise Iob. 18. c. but she went farther fro me then she was before yee and so depe that I myghte not reach vnto her I applied my mynd also vnto knowledge and to seke out science wysdome vnderstandyng to knowe the foolyshnes of the vngodly and the errour of dotyng fooles And I foūde that Pro. 7. d. a woman is bitterer then deathe for she is a very angle her hert is a net her handes are cheynes Who so pleaseth God shal escape from her but the synner wyl be taken with her Beholde saythe the preacher this haue I diligētly searched out and proued that I myghte come by knowledge which as yet I seke finde it not Amonge a thousande men I haue foūde one but not one womā among all Lo this only haue I foūde that Genes 1. d god made man Iust and right but they sought many inuencyons ¶ The Kynges commaundement oughte to be obeyed Gladnes is one of the chefe thynges vnder the Sunne Capi. viii WHo is wyse Who hathe knoweledge to make aunswere A mans wysdome maketh hys face to shyne Pro. 17. d Iob. 9. d. but malyce putteth it out of fauoure I muste kepe the Kynges commaundement and the othe that I haue made vnto God Be not hastye to go out of his sight and se thou contynue in no euell thynge for what so euer it pleaseth hym that dothe he Lyke as whē a kyng geueth a charge his Cōmaundemente is myghtye Euen so Iob. 9. b. who may saye vnto hym what doest thou ‡ Leu. 1● a Who so kepeth the cōmaūdemente shall fele no harme but a wise mans hert discerneth the time and maner For euery thynge wyll haue oportunite and iudgement and this is the thing that maketh mē ful of carefulnes and sorowe And why A man knoweth not what is for to come for who will tel hym Nether is there any man that hath power ouer the spiryte to kepe styl the spiryte nor to haue any power in the time of death it is not he also that cā make an ende of the batayle neyther may vngodlynes deliuer them that medle with all All these thynges haue I consydred and applied my mind vnto euery worke that is done vnder the Sunne howe one man hath lordshipe vpō an other to his owne harme For Psalmus 37. c. I haue ofte sene the vngodlye broughte to theyr graues and fallen downe frō the hie holy place in so much that they were forgottē in the citie where they were had in so hye and greate reputacyon This is also a vaine thing Because nowe that euell workes are not hastely punyshed the herte of man geueth hym selfe ouer vnto wyckednesse But thoughe an euel personne offende an hundred tymes and haue a lōge life yet am I suer that it shall go wel with thē that feare God because they haue him before theyr eyes Agayne as for the vngodly it shal not be well with him nether shal he prolonge his daies but euen as a shadow so shal he be that feareth not god Yet is there a vanite vpon earthe There be iust men vnto whō it happeneth as though they had the workes of the vngodly Agayne there be vngodly with whome it goeth as thoughe they had the workes of the rightuous This haue I called also a vayne thing Therfore I comend gladnesse because a man hath no better thing vnder the Sunne thē to eate and drinke and to be mery for that shall he haue of his labour al the daies of his life which God geueth him vnder the sunne And so I applyed my mynd to learne wisdome and to knowe the trauayle that is in the world that of such a fassiō that I suffered not myne eyes to slepe neither day nor nyght I vnderstode of al the workes of God but it is not possible for a mā to attaine vnto the workes that are done vnder the Sunne though he bestowe his laboure to seke them out yet can he not reache vnto thē yee though a wyse man wolde vndertake to know thē yet shall he not fynde them ¶ A man wottethe not by the ryghtuousnes of his owne workes whether he be worthy of lo●e or hate A man oughte to lyue merelye wyth hys wyfe A prayse of wysdome Capi. ix FOr al these thynges purposed I in my mynde to seke out The ryghtuous and wyse yee and they re Seruauntes also are in the hande of God there is no mā that knoweth either loue or hate but all thynges are before them It happeneth vnto one as vnto an other It goeth with the ryghteous as with the vngodli Iob. 9. c with the good and cleane as with the vncleane with him that offerethe as wyth hym that offereth not lyke as it goeth wyth the Vertuouse so goethe it also wyth the Synner As it happeneth vnto the periured so happeneth it also vnto him that is afrayde to be forsworne Amonge all thynges that come to passe vnder the Sunne this is a misery that it happeneth vnto all a lyke This is the cause also that the hertes of men are ful of wickednes mad foolyshnes is in theyr hertes as longe as they lyue vnytl they dye And why As longe as a man lyuethe he is carelesse for a quycke dogge saye they is better then a deed Lion for thei that beliuing know that they shal dye but they that be deed know nothing neyther deserue they any more For theyr memorial is forgotten so that they be neyther loued hated nor enuyed nether haue they any more part in the world in al that is done vnder the Sunne Go thou thy way then eate thy breade with ioye drynke thy wyne with a glad hart for thy workes please God Let thy garmentes be alwayes whyt and Mat. 6. b. let thyne head lacke none oyntment ‡ Pro. 5. c Vse thy selfe to lyue ioyfully with thy wyfe whom thou louest all the daies of thy lyfe whiche is but vayne that God geueth the vnder the sunne al the dayes of
thy vanitie for that is thy porcion in this lyfe of al thy laboure and trauayle that thou takest vnder the sun What so euer thou takest in hand to do that do with al thy power for in the graue thou goest to ther is nether worke councel knowledge nor wisdō So I turned me vnto other thynges vnder the sun I sawe in running it helpeth not to be swyft in batayle it helpeth not to be strōge to feding it helpeth not to be wyse to riches it helpeth not to be suttel to be had in fauour it helpeth not to be cunnyng but that al lyueth in tyme and fortune For Luke 21. d a man knoweth not his tyme but lyke as the fish are taken with the angle and as the byrdes are catched with the snare Euen so are men taken in the parlous time whē it cōmeth sodenly vpon them This wysdome haue I sene also vnder the Sunne and me thought it a great thing There was a litle cytie and a fewe men within it so there came a great kynge and beseged it and made greate bulwarkes against it And in the cytie ther was foūde a pore man but he was wise whiche with his wysdō delyuered the Cytie yet was there no bodye that had any respect vnto suche a symple man Then sayde I wysdome is better then strength Neuerthelesse a symple mānes wysdome is despysed and hys wordes are not hearde A wyse mannes counsell that is folowed in scylence is farre aboue the cryenge of a captayne amonge fooles Sapi. 6. a 3. Re. 22. c 1. Re. 17. c For wisdome is better thē harnesse but one vnthryft alone destroieth much good ¶ The dyfference betwyxte a foole and a wyse man Fortunate happye is that Realme which hath a wyse Prynce Capi. x. A Deed fly doth corrupt swete ointment and maketh it to stynke Euen so oftymes he that is made of for wysdome honoure is abhorred because of a lytle foolyshenes A wise mans herte is vpon the ryght hand but a fooles herte is vpō the lefte A dotinge foole thynketh that euery man doth as foolyshely as hym selfe Yf a pryncipall spirite be geuen the to beare rule Rom. 1 2. b be not neglygent then in thine office for he that can take cure of himselfe auoideth great offences An other plage is there which I haue sene vnder the sun nameli the ignoraunce that is cōmenly amonge Princes in that a foole sytteth in great dignite and the riche are sette down beneth I haue sene seruauntes ryde vpon horses and Princes goinge vpon they re fete as it were a seruante Pro. 26. a Eccl. 27. d But he that dyggeth vp a pytte shal fal there in him selfe who so breaketh down the hedge a serpent shall byte hym Who so remoueth stones shall haue trauayle withal and he that heweth woode shal be hurte ther with When an yron is blonte and the poynte not sharpened it must be whet agayne and that with mighte Euen so doth wisdome folowe dilegēce A babler of his tonge is no better thē a Serpente that slingeth without hissing The wordes out of a wise mans mouth are gracious but the lyppes of a foole wil destroye hym selfe The beginning of hys talking is foolyshnes and the laste worde of his mouth is starke madnes A foole is full of wordes and a man cannot tell what shal come to passe who will then warne hym of it that shall folowe after hym ▪ The laboure of the foolyshe is greuouse vnto thē whyle they knowe not howe to go into the cytie Woo be vnto the o thou lande whose Kynge is but a childe and whose Prynces are early at they re bankettes But well is the O thou lande whose king is come of nobles and whose Prynces eate in due season for necessite not for luste Thorowe slouthfulnesse the balkes fall downe and thorowe ydle handes it rayneth in at the house Meate maketh men to laughe and psa 104. ● wyne maketh them mery but vnto money are all thynges obedyent Wyshe the kynge no euel in thy thought and speake no hurte of the ryche in thy preuy chaumber for a byrde of the ayre shall betraye thy voyce and with her fethers shall she bewraye thy wordes ¶ Rychesse ought to be destrybute vnto the nedy Capi. xi SEnde thy vitayles ouer the waters and so shalte thou fynde them after manye dayes Geue it awaye amōge seuen or eyghte for thou knowest not what myserye shall come vpon earthe When the cloudes are full they poure out rayne vpon the earth And when the tree falleth whether it be towarde the Southe or Northe in what place so euer it fall there it liethe He that regardeth the wynde shall not sowe and he that hathe respecte vnto the cloudes shall not reape Nowe lyke as thou knowest not the waye of the wind nor how the bones are fylled in a mothers wombe Euē so thou knowest not the workes of God which is the worke maister of all Cease not thou therfore with thy handes to sow thy seed whether it be in the mornyng or in the eueninge for thou knowest not whether thys or that shall prospere yf they both take it is better The light is swete and a pleasaūt thing it is for the eyes to loke vpon the Sunne If a man liue many yeres and be glad in them all let him remember the dayes of darknes which shal be mani and that foloweth all thynges shal be but vanytie Be gladde then O thou yonge man in thy youth ▪ and let thine herte be mery in thy yong dayes folow the wayes of thine owne hert and the lust of thine eyes but be thou sure that God shall brynge the into iudgement for all these thinges ¶ From youth oughte we to consyder and regarde the goodnes of God Capi. xii PVt awaye dyspleasure out of thyne herte and remoue euell from thy body for chyldehode and youth is but vanyte Remember thy maker in thy youthe or euer the dayes of aduersitye come and or the yeares drawe nye whē thou shalte saye I haue not pleasure in theym before the Sunne the lighte the moone and starres be darkenned and or the cloudes turne agayne after the raine when the kepers of the house shal tremble and whē the stronge men shall bew them selues when the millers stande still because they be so fewe and whē the syght of the windowes shal waxe dymme when the doers in the stretes shal be shurte and when the voice of the myster shal be laide downe when men shal ryse vp at the voice of the byrde and when al the daugters of musike shal be brought low whē men shal feare in hye places and be afrayde in the stretes whē the Almonde tree shal florishe and be laden with the greshoper and whē al lust shal passe because when man goethe to hys longe home and the mourners go about the stretes Or euer the syluer lace be takē awaye and or the golden band be
place where eury one beareth two twynnes not one vnfruitefull among thē Thy chekes are lyke a pece of pomgranate besydes that which lyeth hyd within There are 1. Re. 11. a .xi Quenes .lxxx. wyues and damesels wtout nomber One is my doue one is my derlinge She is the onely beloued of her mother and dere vnto her that bare her When the daughters saw her they sayd she was blessed Yee the Quenes and wiues praysed her ¶ The voyce of the synagoge What is she this that pepeth out as the mornynge fayer as the mone cleare as the sunne and feareful as an armie of men with theyr banners ¶ Christe to the Synagoge I went downe into the nut gardeyne to se what grewe by the brokes and to loke yf the vineyarde floryshed or yf the pomgranates were shot forth ¶ The voyce of the Synagoge I knewe not that my Soule had made me the people that be vnder trybute ¶ Christe to the Synagoge What wyll ye see in the Sulamyte She is lyke mē of war that be in a daūce ¶ The voyce of the Churche callynge agayne the Synagoge Turne agayne turne agayne O thou perfecte one turne agayne turne againe and we wyll loke vpon the. Capi. vii ¶ Christe to the Churche O Howe pleasaunte are thy treadynges with thy shoes thou Princes daughter Thy thyghes are like a faier iewell which is wrought by a cunnyng worke master Thy nauell is lyke a round goblette which is neuer without drynke Thy wombe is lyke a heape of wheate that is set about wyth roses Cant. 4. a Thy two breestes are lyke two twynnes of yonge rooes Thy necke is as it were a tower of yuery thyn eyes also are lyke the water poles that are in Hesebon besyde the porte of Bathrabbim thy nose is like the tower of Libanus which loketh towarde Damascus That heed that standethe vpon the is lyke Carmel and the beare of thy heade is lyke the Kynges purple folden vp in playtes O howe fayre and louely arte thou my darlinge in pleasures Thy stature is like a Palme tree and thy brestes like a cluster of grapes ¶ The spouse speakynge of the Crosse I sayd I wyl clyme vp into the palme tree and take holde of his braūchesse ¶ The Spouse speakynge to the spousesse Thy brestes also shal be as the vyne clusters the smel of thy nostrelles lyke the smel of apples and thy throt like the best vyne This shal be puer and clere for my loue his lippes teth shal haue theyr pleasur There wyll I turne me vnto my loue and he shall turne him vnto me ¶ The Churche speakynge vnto Christe O come on my loue we wyl go forthe into the felde and take oure lodgyng in the villages In the mornyng wil we go se the vyneyarde yf it be spronge forth yf the grapes be growne and yf the pomgranates be shot out There wyl I geuethe my brestes the Mandragoras geue theyr smell and besyde our dores are all maner of pleasaunte frutes bothe newe and olde which I haue kepte for the O my beloued Capi. viii ¶ The voyce of the Patriarches ▪ speakynge of Christ O That I myght finde the without and kysse the who I loue as my brother whyche suckte my mothers breestes and that thou wouldest● not be offended yf I toke the brought the into my mothers house that thou mightest teach me and that I might geue the drynke of spyced wyne and of the swete sappe of my pomgranates Canti 2. a Hys lefte hande shal be vnder my heade and hys ryght hande shall embrace me ¶ The voyce of Christe I charge you yee daughters of Ierusalem that ye wake not vp my loue nor touche her tyl she be contente her selfe ¶ The Sinagoge speakyng of the churche What is she this that comme vp from the wyldernes and leueth vpō her loue ¶ The voyce of the spouse before the spousesse I waked the vp amonge the apple trees wher thy mother brought the into the world ¶ The churche speakyng to Christe O set me as a seale vpon thyne herte and as a seale vpon thyne arme for loue is myghtye as the death and gelousy as the hell Her coales are of fyre a very flamme of the Lorde so that many waters are not able to quenche loue neither may the streames drowne it Yee yf a mā woulde geue all the good of hys house for loue she shulde counte it nothyng ¶ Christe speakynge of the Churche to the Sinagoge Our syster is but yonge and hathe no brestes what shall we do for oure syster whan she shall be spoken for ¶ The aunswere of Christe for the Churche Yf she he a wal we shall buylde a siluer bulwerke there vpō yf she be a dore we shal fastē her with borders of Cedre tree ¶ The Churche aunswereth vnto the Sinagoge I am a wal and my brestes lyke towers then was I as one that hath founde fauoure in his syghte The synagoge speakynge to the Churche Salomon hath a vyneyarde at Baal Hamon and thys vyneyarde delyuered he vnto the kepers that euery one for the fruyte therof shuld geue him a thousāde peces of syluer ¶ The voyce of Christe My vyneyarde is in my syght thou O Salomon must haue a thousande the kepers two hundred with the fruyte Thou that dwelleste in the gardeyns O let me heare thy voyce that my companions maye herken to the same ¶ The voyce of the Churche speakynge vnto Christe O get the away my loue and be as a Roo or a yonge herte vpon the swete smellynge mountaynes ¶ The Ende of the Ballette of Ballettes of Salomon called in Latten Canticum Canticorum ¶ The boke of wysdome ¶ An exortacion for Iudges and rulers to loue wysedome The spyrite of wysedome hateth falshed dyssimulacyon and hypocrysye rebuketh vnryghtuousnesse and abhorreth wycked doers Capi. Primo O Set your affeccyon vppon wysedome ye that be Iuges of the earth Haue a good opinyon of the Lorde and seke hym in the synglenesse of herte ●●ar 15. a For he wyl be foūde of them that tempte him not and appereth vnto such as putte theyr truste in hym As for frowarde thoughtes they be separated frō God but vertue yf it be alowed refourmeth the vnwyse And why wysedome shall not entre in to a frowarde Soule nor dwell in the bodye that is subdued vnto sinne For the holy goost abhorreth fayned nurtoure wyth draweth hym selfe frome the thoughtes that are with out vnderstandyng and where wyckednesse hath the vpper hande she fleeth frō thence Galat. 5. c For the spyrite of wysdome is louynge gentle and gracyous wyl haue no pleasure in hym that speakethe euyll wyth hys lyppes Esay 6. a Iere. 23. d Iero. 7. c For God is a wytnes of his reynes a trew searcher out of his herte an hearer of his tongue For the spyrite of the Lord fylleth the rounde cōpasse of the world and the same that vp holdeth al thynges
shall put on ryghtuousnesse for a brest plate and take sure iudgemēt in stede of an helmet The inuyncyble shylde of equytie shal he take his cruel wrathe shal he sharpen for a speare and the hole compasse of the worlde shal fyghte with him againste the vnwise Then shall the thunder boltes go oute of the lightenynges and come out of the raynebowe of the cloudes to the place appoynted out of the harde stony indignacyon there shall fall thycke hailes and the water of the see shall be wrathe agaynst them and the floudes shall renne roughlye togyther Yee a myghtie winde shall stande vp agaynste theym and a storme shall scatter them abrode Thus the vnryghtuous dealing of them shal bring al the lande to a wildernes a wyckednes shall ouerthrowe the dwellinges of the myghtye ¶ The callynge of Kynges Princes and Iudges whyche are also exhorted to searche wysdome Capi. vi WYsedome is better then strengthe and a mā of vnderstādyng is more worthe then one that is stronge Wysdom Eccle. 9. d Psal 3. b Kyng●s Rom. 13. a Heare therfore O ye Kynges and vnderstāde O learne ye that be Iudges of the endes of the earthe Gyue eare ye that rule the multitudes delite in muche people For the power is gyuen you of the lorde and the strēgth from the hyghest which shall trye youre workes and searche out your ymagynacyons Howe that ye beynge offycers of hys kyngdome haue not executed trewe iugement haue not kept the law of rightuousnes nor walked after his wil. Horrybly and that ryght soone shal he apere vnto you for an harde Iudgement shall they haue that beare rule Mercy is graunted vnto the symple but they that be in auctorite shall be sore punyshed Eccle. 10. ● For God which is Lorde ouer al shal excepte no mans person neyther shal he stande in awe of any mans greatnesse for he hathe made the smal great and careth for all alyke But the myghtie shal haue the sorer punyshment Vnto you therfore O ye Kynges do I speake that we maye learne wysdome not go amysse for they that kepe ryghtuousnes shal be ryghtuously iuged and they that are learned in ryghtuouse thynges shall fynde to make aunswere Wherfore set your lust vpon my wordes and loue theym so shal ye come by nourtoure Wysdome is a noble thinge and neuer fadeth away yee she is easeli sene of them that loue her and found of such as seke her She preuenteth them that desyre her that she maye fyrste shewe her selfe vnto them Who so awaketh vnto her by tymes shal haue no greate trauayle for he shall finde her syttynge redye at hys dores To thynke vpon her is perfect vnderstandyng and who so watcheth for her shal be safe and that soone For she goeth al oute sekynge suche as are mete for her sheweth her selfe cherfully vnto them in theyr goynges and meteth them with all diligence For the vnfayned desyre of reformacyon is her begynnynge to care for nurtour is loue Rom. 13. b and loue is the kepynge of her lawe Nowe the kepynge of lawes is perfeccyon an vncorrupte lyfe an vncorrupte lyfe makeeh a man familier with God And so the desyre of wysdome leadeth to the kingdome euerlastinge Nu. 27. c Yf your delite be then in roiall seates cepters O ye Kinges of she people set your luste vpō wisdome that ye may raygne for euermore 2. Re. 14. c 3. Reg. 3. a O loue the light of wisdome al ye that be rulers of the people As for wisdome what she is and howe she came vp I wyll tell you wyll not hyde the mysteryes of God frō you but will seke her out from the beginnynge of the Natiuite and brynge the knowledge of her in to light will not kepe backe the truth Nether wil I haue to do with consuminge enuye for such a man shall not be partaker of wisdome But the multitude of the wise is the welfare of the worlde and a wise Kynge is the vpholdynge of the people O receyue nurtour then thorow my wordes and it shall do you good ¶ Wysdom oughte to be preferred before all thynges Capi. vii I My selfe also am a mortal man lyke as all other and am come of the earthly generacyon of him that was fyrste made and in my mothers wombe was I fashyoned to be fleshe In the tyme of ten monethes was I brought together in bloode thorowe the sede of man and the commodyous appetyt of slepe When I was borne I receiued lyke ayre as other men and fell vpon the earth whiche is my nature cryenge and wepynge at the fyrst as al other do I was wrapped in swadling clothes brought vp with great cares For ther is no kyng that hath had any other begynning of byrth Al mē thē haue one entraūce vnto lyfe Iob. 1. c 1. Ti. 6. b and one goynge out in lyke maner Wherfore I desired and vnderstanding was gyuē me I called and the spyrite of wysdom came into me I set more by her then by kyngdomes and Royall seates and counted rychesse nothyng in comparison of her As for precious stone I compared it not vnto her Iob. 28. b. for all golde is grauel vnto her and siluer shal be coūted but claye before her syght I loued her aboue welfare beuti and purposed to take her for my lyght 3. Reg. 3. b Mat. 6. d for her shyne cānot be quenched All good thynges came to me with her and innumerable riches thorow her handes I was glad in them all for this wysdome went before me I knewe not that she was my mother of all good thynges Nowe as I my selfe learned vnfaynedly so do I make other mē partakers of her and hyde her rychesse from no man for she is an infinite treasure vnto men which who so vse become partakers of the loue and frendshyp of God and are excepte vnto hym for the gyftes of wysdome God hath graunted me to talke wyslye and conueniently to handle the thinges that he hath gracyously lent me For it is he that leadeth vnto wysdome Sapi. 3. a and teacheth to vse wisdome a ryght In his hande are we and our wordes ye● al our wysdome our vnderstandyng and knowledge of al our workes For he hathe gyuē me the true sciēce of these thynges so that I know how the worlde was made and the power of the elementes the begynnyng ending and myddeste of the tymes how the tymes aulter how one goeth after an other and how they are fulfylled the course of the a yer the ordynaunces of the starres the natures and kyndnes of bestes the furyousnes of bestes the power of the wyndes by the ymagynacyons of men the diuersities of yonge plātes the vertues of rotes and al such thynges as are secret and not loked for haue I learned For the workemayster of al thinges hath taught me wysedome In her is the spyryte of vnderstanding whych is holy manifolde
The ieoperdes of chastnes are to be eschued An olde frende is to be prefarred before a newe The glory and riches of synners Ryghtuous mē shulde be bydden to geste Laboure is the chefe thynge in a worke man and wysedome in a Prynce Capi. ix BE not gelouse ouer the wyfe of thy bosome that she shew not some shreed poynte of wycked doctryne vpon the Geue not the power of thy lyfe vnto a woman lest she come in thy strengthe so thou be confounded Loke not vpon a womā that is desirous of many mē lest thou fal into her snares Vse not the company of a woman that is a plaier daūser and heare her not leste thou peryshe thorow her entisyng Behold not a mayden that thou be not hurt in her bewtye Cast not thy mynde vnto harlottes in any Prou. 5. a. maner of thing lest thou destroy both thy selfe thine herytage Go not about gasing in euery lane of the citie neyther wander thou abrod in the stretes therof Turne awaye thy face frō a bewtiful woman and loke not vpon the fairenes of other Math. 5. c Many a man hath perished thorow the bewtye of women for thorowe it the desyre is kindled as it were a fyre Gen. 34. a 2. Reg. 11. a Iudit 10. and .11.12 An aduouterous woman shal be troden vnder fote as myre of euery one that goeth by the waye Many a man wounderyng at the bewtye of a straunge woman hath bene cast out for her wordes kīdle as a fyre Sit not with an other mans wife by any meanes lye not with her vpō the bedde make no wordes with her at the wine lest thyne hert consent vnto her and so thou with thy blode fal into destruccion Forsake not an olde frend * Olde frendes for the newe shall not be like him A newe frende is new wyne let him be olde and thou shalt drinke him with plesure Desyre not the honour ryches of a synner for thou knowest not what destruccyon is for to come vpon him Delyte not thou in the thing that the vngodly haue plesure in being suer that the vngodly shall not be accepted vntil theyr graue Kepe the from the man that hath power to slaye so nedest thou not to be afrayd of death And yf thou cōmest vnto hym make no faut lest he happē to take away thy lyfe Remember that thou goest in the mydst of snares and vpon the bulwarkes of the citie Eccl. 8 a c .37 a b. Beware of thy neighbour as nygh as thou cāst medle with suche as be wise and haue vnderstādyng Let iust men be thy geftes let thy myrth be in the feare of god let the remembraūce of god be in thy mynde and let al thy talkynge be in the commaundemētes of the highest Deut. 6. b. and .11 c 3. Reg. ● b In the hādes of craftesmen shal the workes be cōmended so shal the princes of the people in the wisdom of theyr talking A man full of wordes is perylous in his cite he that is temerarious paste shame in his talking is to be abhorred ¶ Of Kinges and Iudges Pyrde and couetousnes are to be abhorred Labour is praysed Capi. x. A Wyse iudge wyll order hys people with dyscrecyon kynges Pro. 29. b. and where a man of vnderstandynge beareth rule there goeth it well As the iuge of the people is him selfe euē so are his officers and loke what maner of man the ruler of the citie is suche are they that dwel ther in also An vnwise destroieth his people but where they that be in auctorytie are men of vnderstanding 3. Re. 12. a ther the cyte prospereth The power of the earth is in the hande of God and when his tyme is he shall set a profytable ruler vpon it in the hand of god is the power of man vpon the scrybes shall he laye his honour Remember no wronge of thy neyghboure medle thou with no vnryghtuous workes Leuit. 19. c Pride is hateful before god and mā and all wyckednes of the hethen is to be abhorred Bycause of vnryghtuous deling wrōg Iere. 17. a Dani. 4. c blasphemies diuers disceyt a realme shal be translated from one people to an other There is nothyng worse thē a couetuous mā Whi art thou proud o thou earth and ashes There is not a more wicked thynge then to loue money And why such one hath his soule to sel iet is he but filthy daunge whil he liueth And though the phisicion shew hys helpe neuer so longe yet in cōclusion it goeth after this maner to day a kyng to morowe deed For when a mā dyeth he is the heyer of serpentes bestes and wormes The beginning of mans pryde is to fal away from god and why his hert is gone frō his maker for pryde is the oryginall of all syn Who so taketh holde therof shall be filled with cursinges at the last it shal ouerthrow him Therfore hath the lorde brought the cōgregacions of the wycked to dishonoure and destroied thē vnto the ende God hathe destroyed the seates of proude Princes and lette vp the meke in theyr steade God hath withered the rotes of the proude hethen Sapi. 6. b Luke 1. d 14. b. 18. b. Gene. 19. a plāted the lowly amonge them God hath ouerthrowē the landes of the hethen and destroied them out of the ground He hath caused them to wyther away he hath brought thē to naught and made the memoryal of them to cease frō out of the earth God hathe destroyed the name of the proude and lefte the name of the humble of minde Pride was not made for man neither wrothfulnes for mens chyldren the sede of man that feareth God shall be brough to honour but the sede whych trāsgresseth the commaundementes of the Lorde shal be shamed He that is the ruler among brethren is holden in honour amonge them and he regardeth such as feare the lorde The glorye of the ryche of the honourable and of the poore is the feare of God Despise not thou the Iust poore man and magnifye not the ryche vngodly Great is the Iudge and myghtye in honour yet is ther none greter then he that feareth god Pro. 17. a 1. Re. 12. b Vnto the seruant that is discrete shal the free do seruyce He that is wyse wel nurtured wil not gruge whē he is refourmed and an ignoraūt bodye shal not come to honour Be not proude to do thy worke dispayer not in the tyme of aduersite Better is he that laboureth and hath plētuousnes of al thynges thē he that is gorgyous and wanteth breed My sonne kepe thy soule in mekenes and gyue her her due honour Who shall iustify hym that sinneth against himself who wyl honour him that dishonoureth his own lyfe The poore is honoured for his faythfulnes truth but the riche is had in reputacion bicause of his goodes He that ordereth him self honestly in
pouerte How much more shal he behaue hī self honestly in ryches And who soordereth him selfe vnhonestly in riches how much more shal he behaue him self vnhonestly in pouerte ¶ The prayse of humilite After the outwarde aperaunce ought we not to iuge Of hedy rash iugement The ryche is not without offence Al thinges come of God All men are not to be broughte into thy house Capi. xi Gene. 41. f Dani. 6. a THe wysdom of hym that is brought lowe shall lifte vp his heed and shal make hym to syt among great men Commende not a man in his beutye neyther despise a mā in his vtter apperance The Bee is but a smal beest amonge the foules Actu 12. d yet is her fruyte excedynge sweete Be not proude of thy raiment and exalte ot thy self in the day of thy honour for the workes of the hyest only are wōderful yee glorious secrete vnknowen ar his workes 1. Reg. 15 ● 1. Hest 67 Many tiraūtes haue bene faine to syt down vpon the earthe and the vnlykely hath worne the crowne Many myghtye men haue bene brought lowe and the honorable haue bene deliuered in to other mens handes Deut. 13. b and .7 b Iosue 7. c and .20 c Pro. 18. b Condēpne no man before thou haste tried out the matter and when thou hast made inquisicyon then refourme ryghtuously Geue no sentence before thou hast heard the cause but fyrste let men tel out theyr tales Stryue not for a mater that toucheth not thy selfe and stonde not in the iudgement of synners My sonne Mat. 19. c 1 Ti. 6. b. Pro. 10. c. medle not with many maters and if thou wilt be ryche thou shal not get it and though thou rēnest thy way afore yet shalt thou not escape Ther is some man that laboureth and the more he weryeth him felfe the lesse he hathe Agayne some man is slouthfull hathe nede of helpe Iob. 13. c wanteth strēgth and hath great pouerte Godes eye loketh vpō him to good setteth hym vp from his low estat and lifteth vp his heed so that many men maruell at hym and gyue honour vnto God Iob. 1. c Eze. ●● a. Prosperyte and aduersytie lyfe and death pouertie and rychesse come of the Lorde Wysedome nurtour and knowlege of the law are with god loue the wayes of good are with him Errour and darknesse are made for synners and they that exalte thē selues in euil waxe old in euel The gift of god remaineth for the rightuous hys good wyl shall haue prosperite for euer Luke 12. d Some mā is rich by liuing nigardly and that is the porcyon of his reward in that he saith Luk. e 12. c now haue I gottē rest now will I eat drinke of my goodes my selfe alone And yet he cōsidereth not that the tyme draweth nye and death approcheth that he must leaue all thse thynges vnto other men and dye him selfe Stande thou fast in thy cōuenaunte and exercyse thy selfe therin and remaine in the worke vnto thy age Continue not in the workes of synners but put thy truste in god byde in thine estate for it is but an easy thing in the sight of god to make a poore man riche and that sodēly The blessinge of god hasteth to the reward of the rightuous maketh hys frutes soone to florishe and prospere Saye not what helpeth it me what shall I haue the whyle Agayn saye not I haue ynough how can I wante Eccle. 18. c When thou art in welfare forget not aduersitie when it goeth not wel with the haue a good hope that it shal be better For it is but a smal thinge vnto God in the daye of death to rewarde euerye man accordynge to hys waies The aduersite of an hour maketh one to forget al pleasure and when a mā dieth his workes are discouered Praise no body before his death for a man shal be knowen in his childrē Bring not euery man in to thine house for the disceitfull laieth wayte dyuersly Like as a partrych in a maunde so is the herte of the proude and like as a spie that loketh vpon the fal of his neyghbour For he turneth good vnto euell and sclaundreth the chosē Of one sparke is made a great fire and of a disceyteful mā is blode increased an vngodly man layeth waite for bloode Beware of the deceytful for he ymagineth wicked thīges to bring the in to a perpetual shame If thou takest an ale aūt vnto the he shal destroye the in vnquyetnes driue the frō thine owne wayes ¶ Vnto whom we ought to do good Enemyes ought to be escheued Capi. xii WHen thou wylte do good knowe to whome thou dost it so shalt thou be greatly thanked for thy benefytes Gala. 6. a Tim. 5. a Do good vnto the vnrightuous and thou shalte fynde greate rewarde though not of hym yet no dout the lorde him selfe shall rewarde the. He stādeth not in a good case that is alwaye occupyed in euel and geueth no almes for the hyest hateth the synners hath mercy vpon them that shew the workes of repētance Geue thou vnto such as feare god and receyue not a synner As for the vngodly synners he shal recompence vengeaunce vnto them and kepe them to the daye of wrath Geue thou vnto the good receyue not the synner do wel vnto hym that is lowly but geue not to the vngodly Let not the bred be geuen him that he be not mightier then thy self therin For so shalt thou receiue twise as much euel in all the good that thou doest vnto hym And whi the highest hateth sinners and shal rewarde vengeaunce to the vngodly In prosperite a frende shal not be knowen and in aduersytie an enemye shal not be hyd For whē a man is in welth it greueth his enemyes but in heuines trouble a man shal knowe his frende Truste neuer thine enemy for like as an yron rusteth so doth his wickednes ▪ and though he make much crowchyng and knelyng yet kepe wel thy minde beware of him Set him not by the neyther let him syt at thy ryght hande lest he turneth him get into thi place take thy rowme seke thy seat and so thou at the laste remēber my wordes and be prycked at my sayenges Who wyll haue pytie of the charme that is stynged of the serpent or of al such as come nye the bestes Euen so is it with hym that kepeth company with a wycked man lappeth him selfe in his sinnes For a season wyl he byde with the but if thou stomble he taryeth not ¶ An enemye is swete in his lyps Ier. xli b ymagineth disceyte in his hert to throw the into the pit ye he cā wepe with his eyes yf he maye fynde oportunite he wyl not be satisfied with blod yf aduersite come vpō the thou shalt find him there first though he pretend to do the helpe
the thinges that are vpon earthe He made all flesh to stande in awe of him so that he hadde the domynyon of all beastes and foules ¶ He made oute of hym an helper lyke vnto hym selfe and gaue them dyscrecion and tonge Gene. ii d. eyes and eares and a herte to vnderstande and fylled them with instruccion and vnderstandynge He created for them also the knowledge of his spirite fylled theyr hertes with vnderstandynge shewed them good and euell He set his eye vpon their hertes declarynge vnto them his great noble workes that they shulde prayse his holy name together reioyse of his wonders Exo ●● a. Deu. 4. v. and .ix. and be tellynge of his noble actes Besyde this he gaue them instruccion and the lawe of lyfe for an herytage He made an euerlastynge couenaunt wyth them and shewed them his rightuousnes and iudgem●ntes They sawe his glorye wyth theyr eyes and theyr eares harde the maiestie of his voyce And he sayde vnto them beware of al vnryghtuous thinges he gaue euery man also a commaundement concerning his neyghbour Their waies are euer before him and are not hyd from his eyes Ro. xiii a. Deu. iii. c and .x. c. He hath set a ruler vpon euery people * but Israell is the Lordes porcyon Al theyr workes ar as the sunne in the syght of God and his eyes are alwaye lokynge vpon theyr wayes All their vnrightuousnes are manifest vnto hym Eccl. xxixb and all their wyckednesses are open in his sight ¶ The mercye that a man sheweth is as it were apurse with hym mat 33. c. and the grace that is gyuen to man preserueth hym as the apple of an eye At the last shal he awake and rewarde euery man vpon his hed and shall turne them to gether into the nethermoste partes of the earth Acre iii c. ¶ But vnto them that wil repent he hath geuē the waye of rightuousnes As for such as be weake he comforted them suffered them and sendeth them the porcyon of the verytie O turne then vnto the Lorde forsake thy sinnes make thy prayer before the Lorde do the lesse offence thine ageyne vnto the Lorde forsake thine vnryghtuousnesse be an vtter enemye to abhominacion learne to knewe ryghtuousnes and iudgementes of God stande in the porcion that is set forth for the and in the prayer of the most hie God Go in the porcyon of the hole worlde Psal vi●● Es 38. d with suche as be liuing and geue thankes vnto god Who wyll prayse the Lorde in the hel Abyde not then in the errour of the vngodli but geue hym thankes before death As for the deed thanckfulnes peryshed from him as nothynge Geue thou thankes in thy lyfe yee whyle thou art liuyng and whole shalt thou geue thankes and prayse God and reioise in his mercye O howe great is the louynge kyndnesse of the Lorde and his mercyful goodnes vnto such as turne vnto hym Fo● all thinges maye not be in man and why the sonne of man is not immortall and he hath pleasure in the vanyte of wickednes What is moore clere then the Sunne yet shal it fayle Or what is more wycked then the thynge that fleshe and bloode hath ymagyne and that same shall be reproued The Lorde seeth the power of the hie heuen and al are but earth and ashes ¶ The meruelous workes of God the misery and wretchednes of man Agaynst God ought we not to complayne Praye must we continually Capi. xviii HE that lyueth for euermore made all thinges together Gene. i. a. Psal c.v. a Eccle. 45. d God onelye is ryghtuouse and remayneth a victorious kyng for euer ¶ Who shall be able to expresse the workes of hym Who wyll seke out the grounde of his noble actes Who shall declare the power of his greatenes Or who wyl take vpon hym to tel out his mercy As for the wonderous workes of the Lorde there maye nothynge be taken from them nothynge maye be put vnto them neyther maye the ground of them be found out But when a man hath done his best he must begyn agayne and when he thynketh to be come to an ende he muste go agayne to his labour What is man Wherto is he worth Psal cx a. What good or euyll can he do ¶ yf the nomber of a mannes dayes be almoste an hundreth yeare ii Pe. 3. b it is moche Lyke as the droppes of rayne are vnto the see and as a grauell stone is in comparison of the sande soo are these few yeares to the dayes of euerlastynge Therefore is the lorde paciente with them and poureth out his mercy vpon them He sawe and perceyued the thoughtes and ymaginacyons of their hert that they were euell therfore heaped he vp his mercyfull goodnes vpon them and shewed them the waye of ryghtuousnes The mercy that a man hath reacheth to his neyghbour but the mercy of god is vpon all fleshe He chasteneth he teacheth and nourtoureth yee euen as a shepehearde turneth agayne hys flocke so doth he all them that receiue chastenynge nourtour and doctryne Esa xlvi a ¶ Mercyfullis he vnto them that stande in awe of his iugementes My sonne when thou dost good make no grudgynge at it and what soeuer thou geuest speake no discomfortable workes Pro. 1● a. ● 25. c. Eccle. xli b. Shal not the dewe coole the heat euen so is a worde better then a gift ¶ Is not a frendlye worde a good honeste gyfte but a gracyous man geueth theym both ¶ A fole shal caste a man in the teeth and that roughlye a gyft of the nygarde putteth out the eyes Get the out rightousnes before thou come to iudgement Learne before thou speake and go to physycke or euer thou be sycke i. Corin. xi examē iudge thy selfe before the iudgement came so shalt thou fynde grace in the syghte of God Humble thy selfe afore thou be sycke and in tyme of thy disease shewe thy conuersacion Let not to praye alwaye stande not in feare to be refourmed vnto deth Luke 18. a Tes vx e. for the rewarde of god endureth for euer Before thou prayest prepare thy soule be not as one that tempted god Thinke vpon the wrathfull indignation that shal be at the ende and the houre of vengeaūce Ecle xi d when he shall turn awaye his face when thou haste ynoughe remember the tyme of hunger and when thou arte ryche thynke vpon the tyme of pouerte and scarsnes From the mornynge vntyll the euenige the tyme is chaunged and all suche thinges are sone done in the syght of god A wyse man fearethe god in al thinges and in the dayes of transgression he kepeth hym selfe from synne A discrete man hath pleasure in wysdome the that fyndeth her maketh much of her They that haue had vnderstandynge haue delte wysely in wordes haue vnderstande the truth and ryghtuousnes Ro. vi b. and .xiii. c. and haue sought out wise
reioyse in the myddes of his people In the congregations of the Hyest shal she open her mouth and triumph in the beholdyng of his power In the myddes of her people shal she be exalted wondred at in the holy fulnesse In the multytude of the chosen she shal be cōmēded among suche as be blessed she shal be praysed and shal say I am come out of the mouth of the hiest fyrst born before all creatures I caused the light that fayleth not to aryse in the heuen couered all the earth as a cloude My dwelling is aboue in the heyth my seat is in the pyller of the cloud I my self alone haue gone rounde aboute the cōpasse of heuē pearsed the ground of the depe I haue walked in the floudes of these and haue stande in al landes my dominiō is in euery people and in euery nacyon and with my power haue I troden down the hertes of all both hye and lowe In all these thīges also I sought rest a dwelling in some enheritaunce So the creator of al thinges gaue me a cōmaūdemente and he that made me apoynted me a tabernacle saide vnto me Let thy dwellinge be in Iacob and thine inheritaūce in Israel and rote thy selfe amonge my chosen Prou. 8. c I was created from the beginnyng and before the worlde shall not leaue of vnto the world to come Exod. 31. a In the holy habitaciō haue I serued before him and so was I stablyshed in Syō Psal 13● a In the holy Citie rested I in like maner and in Ierusalem was my power I toke roote in an honorable people euē in the porcyon of the lorde and in his heritage and kept me in the fulnes of the saintes I am set vpp an hye lyke a Ceder vpon Libanus as a Cypers tre vpō the mount Hermon I am exalted like a palme tree in Cades and as a rose plāt in Iericho As a faier Olyue tre in the felde and am exalted like as a planteyne tree by the water syde I haue geuen a smel in the stretes as the Cinamon and Balme that hath so good a sauour yee a swete odour haue I geuen as it were Mir of the best I haue made my dwellīges to smel as it were of Rosī Balbanum of Cloues and Incense and as Lybanus whē it is not hewen downe and myne odoure is as the pure Balme As the Terebynt haue I stretched out my braunches my braunches at the braunches of honour and louyng fauour ●●hū 15. a As the vyne haue I brought forth frute of a swete sauour and my floures ar the frute of honour and ryches I am the mother of bewte of loue of feare of knowledge of holy hope ●ob 14. a In me is al grace of lyfe truth In me is al hope of lyfe vertue O come vnto me al ye that be desyrous of me and fyl your selues with my fruytes for my spirit is sweter thē hony and so is my enheritaunce more then the hony combe the remembraunce of me endureth for euermore They that eate me shal haue the more honger and they that drynke me shal thyrst the more Who so herkeneth vnto me shal not come to confusion and they that worke in me shall not offende They that make me to be knowen shal haue euerlastyng lyfe Al these thynges ar the boke of lyfe the couenaunt of the hiest and the knowlege of the truth Exo. 20. a 〈◊〉 24. a Moses cōmaunded the law in the preceptes of ryghtuousnes for an herytage vnto the house of Iacob ●salmus 1● b. cōmytted the ꝓmises vnto Israel Out of Dauid his seruaūt he ordened to raise vp a most mightie Kynge syttyng in the seat of honour for euermore Actes 7 b. Deut. 4. a and .29 b This fylleth with wysdome lyke as the floud of Physon as the floude of Tigris when the new frutes are a growing Iosue 3. c This bringeth a plentuous vnderstanding like Euphrates and fylleth it vp as Iordane in the time of haruest This maketh nurtur to breake forth as the lyghte and as the water Gihō in the haruest The first hath not knowen her perfectly no more shal the last seke out the grounde of her For her thought is fuller then the see her councel is profunder then the great depe I wisdom haue cast out floudes I am as a great waterbroke out of the ryuer I am as the ryuer Doryx and as a water condyte am I come out of the gardein of pleasure I said I wil water the garden of my yonge plantes and fyl the frute of my birth So my waterbroke became excedynge greate my ryuer aproched vnto the see For I make doctryne to be vnto al men as lyghte as the fayer mornynge and I shall make it to be euer the clearer I wyll pearse thorowe all the lower partes of the earthe I wyll loke vpon al suche as be a sleape and lyghten al them that put theyr trust in the Lord. I shal yet poure out doctrine like as prophecye and leaue it vnto such as seke after wysdom and theyr generacions shal I neuer fayle vnto the holy euerlastyng world Eccl. 33. b Beholde how that I haue not laboured for my selfe only but for al thē that seke after the truth ¶ Of thre thynges whiche pleaseth God and of thre which he hateth Of nyne thynges that be not to be suspect of the tenth chefelye of the malyce of a woman Capi. xxv THre thynges there are that my spy ryte fauoureth which be also alowed before God and men Gen. 13. b Rom 11. a The vnyte of brethren ‡ Ex. 40 a the loue of neighbours and man and wyfe that agree well together Thre thynges ther be which my soule hateth I vtterlye abhorre the lyfe of thē A poore man that is proude A rich man that is a lyer Gene. 18 b and an old body that doteth and is vnchast Yf thou hast gathered nothyng in thy youth what wylt thou fynde then in thyne age O how plesaūt a thyng is it when graye heeded men ar discrete when the elders can geue good counsel ▪ O how comely a thynge is wysdom vnto aged men yee vnderstandyng and councell is a gloryous thynge The crowne of olde mē is to haue much experyence and the feare of god is theyr worshyp There be nyne thynges whiche I haue iudged in my hart to be happye and the tenth wyl I tel forthvnto men with my tonge A man that whyle he lyueth hath ioye of his chyldrē and seith the fall of his enemyes Well is him that dwelleth with a houswyfe of vnderstandyng Eccl. 19. c and 24. a. Iame. 3. c that hath not fallē with his tong that hath not bene fayne to serue such as are vnmete for him Wel is hym that findethe a faythful frend and wel is him which talketh of wysdome to an eare that heareth him
great misfortune by the reason of gold haue found theyr destruccion before thē It is a tree of fallyng vnto them that offer it vp al such as be folysh fal therin Blessed is the ryche which is found without blemish and hath not gone after gold nor hoped in money and treasures Where is there suche a one and we shall cōmende him cal him blessed for great thīges doth he amonge his people Whoso is tried and found perfect in such thynges shal be cōmended and praised Who might offēde and hath not offēded Who coulde do euell hath not done it Therfore shall his good be stablyshed and the whole congregacion shal declare his almesses Yf thou syt at a great mans table open not thy mouth wid vpō it make not many wordes Remember that an euel eye is a shrew What thyng created is worse thē a wicked eye therfore wepeth it before euerye mans face Laye not thyn hande vpō euery thīg that thy eye seythe stryue not with him in the dish Mat. 7. ● Ponder by thy selfe what thy neyghbour wolde fayne haue be discrete in eueri point Eate the thing that is set before the manerly as it becōmeth a man and eate not to much lest thou be abhorred Leaue thou of firste of al because of nurtour lest thou be he whom no man maye satisfye which maye turne to thy decaye When thou syttest among many men reach not thyn hande fyrste of all Eccl. 37. d O how wel contēt is a wyseman with a lytle wine so that in slepe thou shalte not be sicke therof nor fele any pain A swet wholsome slepe shall such a one haue fele no inwarde grefe He riseth vp by times in the mornynge and is wel at ease in him self But an vnsaciable eater slepeth vnquietly and hath ache payne of the body Yf thou feleste that thou haste eaten to much arise go thy waie cast it of thy stomake and take thy rest it shall ease the so that thou shalt bringe no sicknes vnto thy bodye My sonne heare me despyse me not at the last thou shalt finde as I haue tolde ye. Rom. 12. c In all thy worckes be dylygent and quycke so shal there no sicknes happen vnto the. Pro. 22. a Who so is liberall in dealinge out his meate manye mē shal blesse him praise hym with theyr lippes and the same is a suer tokē of his loue and faythfulnesse But he that is vnfaythful in meat the whole citie shal cōplayne of him and that is a suer experience of his infydelytie wickednes Ephe. 5. d Iudi. 13. a Be not thou a wine bibber for wine hath destroyed many a man The fyre proued the harde yron euē so doth wyne proue that hertes of the proude when they be dronkē 〈◊〉 31. a 〈◊〉 4 c Wyne soberly dronken quickeneth the life of man Yf thou drinke it mesurably thou shalt be temperate What lyfe is it that maye continue without wine What taketh awaye the life euē death Wyne was made from the beginning to make mē glad and not for drōkennes Wine mesurablye dronkē is a reioisyng of the soule body A mesurable drink is helth to soule and bodye But yf it be dronkē with excesse it maketh bitternes sorow vnto the minde Drōkennes filleth the mynde of the foolish with shame and ruyne minished the strength maketh woundes Eccl. 20 a Rebuke not thy neyghbour at the wine despise him not in his myrth Geue him no despiteful wordes prease not vpon him with contrary saienges ¶ Of the discrecyon and prayse of the preacher and of the hearer Of the feare fayth confidēce of God Capi. xxxii YF thou be made a ruler Deu. 17 d Rom. 12. b pryde not thy self therin but be thou as one of the people Take diligent care for them and loke well therto when thou hast done al thy dewte syt the downe that thou maist be mery with them receiue a crowne of honour Talke wisely honestli for wisdom becōmeth the right wel Hynder not musicke Speake not where there is no audiēce Eccle. 3. a Eccl. 20 a and poure not forth wisdome out of tyme at an importunyte Like as the Carbuncle stone shyneth that is set in golde so doth a songe garnishe the wyne feast and as the Smaragde that is set in golde so is the swetnes of Musicke by the myrth of wyne Geue eare and be still for thy good behauour thou shalt be loued Thou yonge man speake that becōmeth the and that is profitable yet scarse whē thou art twise asked Cōprehende much with fewe wordes In many thynge be as one that is ignoraunte geue eare holde thy tonge withall Yf thou be amonge men of hier auctoryte desyre not to compare thy selfe vnto thē whē an elder speaketh make not manye wordes therin Before the thunder goeth lightenyng before nurtor shamefastnes goeth loue and fauour Stāde vp by tymes be not the last but gete the home soone and ther take thy pastyme and do what thou wilt so that thou do no euel defie no man But for all thinges geue thankes vnto hym that hath made the and replenished the with his goodes Who so feareth the lorde wyl receyue his doctryne they that get thē to hym by tymes shall fynde grace He that seketh the lawe shal be fylled withall As for him that is but fained he wyl be offēded therat They that feare the lorde shall finde the iudgemēt theyr righteousnes shal be kyndled as a light An vngodly mā will not be refourmed but cā helpe him selfe with the example of other in his purpose A mā of vnderstāding despiseth no good councel but a wilde proude body hath no feare Yee euen whē he hath delt rashly with an other man but his owne doinges shal be his rebuke My sonne do nothinge without aduisement so shal it not repent the after the dede Go not in the waye where thou mayste fall nor where thou maist stomble againste the stone Geue not thy selfe into a laboryous slyppery waye beware of thine owne childrē take hede of them that be of thine owne housholde In all thy workes put thy trust in god frō thy whole hert for that is the kepinge of the cōmaūdementes Who so beleueth Gods worke taketh hede to the cōmaūdementes and he that putteth his trust in the lorde shall wante nothing ¶ The delyueraunce of hym that feareth god The aunswere of the wyse The lytle discresion of a fole Man is in the hand of god as the earth is in the hande of the potter ▪ we ought not to dispose our selues to become subiect to other Capi. xxxiii THere shal no euel happen vnto him that feareth god but whē he is in temptaciō the Lorde shall delyuer hym and kepe him from euell A wyse man hateth not the lawe but an ypocrite is as a shippe in ragyng water
deade agayne what doth his watching Pro. 26. b 2. Pe. 2. b So is it with a man that fasteth for his synnes doth them agayne who wil heare his prayer Or what doth his fastinge helpe him ¶ It is well done to praye and to do sacrifice The prayer of the fatherlesse of the wydowe and hym that humbleth hym selfe Capi. xxxv WHo so kepeth the lawe Iere 7. c ▪ bryngeth offerynges ynough He that holdeth fast the cōmaundement offereth the right helth offeringe He that is thanckfull and recompēseth Hebre. 13c Phili. 4 c offereth fyne floure Who so is mercyfull and gueth almes that is the right thanckoffring God hath plesure when one departeth frō synne to forsake vnrighteousnes recōcileth vs with him Exo. 43. a Thou shalt not appere emptie before the lorde Gene. 4. a for all suche is done because of the cōmaūdement The offering of the rightuous maketh the aulter fat a swet smel is it before the hiest The offeryng of the rightuous is acceptable vnto god and shal neuer be forgottē Geue god his honour with a cherful hert kepe not backe the firstlinges of thi hādes In al thy giftes shew a merciful coūtenaūce and halow thy tithes vnto god with gladnes Geue vnto god 2. Cor. 9. b according as he hath enryched and prospered the Tob. 4. b loke what thyne hādes is able gyue with a cherful eye for the Lord recompenseth geueth the seuen tymes as muche agayne Geue no vnryghtuous giftes for such wyll he not receiue Beware of wrōgeous offringes for the Lord is a rightuous iuge regardeth no mās persō He accepteth not the person of the poore but he heareth the prayer of the oppressed He despyseth not the desyre of the fatherles Iudi. 4. b nor the wydow whē she poureth out her praier befor him Doth not god se the teares that rē down the chekes of the wydow Or heareth he not the cōplaint ouer suche as make her to wepe For frō her chekes do the teres go vp vnto heuen the lorde which heareth them doth accept them Who so serueth god after his plesure shal be accepted his prayer reacheth vnto the cloudes Tren 3. d ●●te 10. a The prayer of him that humbleth him self goeth thorowe the cloudes tyll she come nye She wil not be comforted nor go her wai til the hiest god haue respect vnto her gyue true sentence refourme the iudgement And the Lord wyl not be slacke in cōming nor tarye longe tyll he haue smytten in sonder the backes of the vnmerciful auenged himself of the hethē tyl he haue takē away the multitud of the cruel broken the cepter of the vnrighteous til he geue euery mā after his workes reward thē after theyr doynges til he haue deliuered his people maīteyned their cause reioyced then in his mercy O how fayre a thīg is mercy in the time of anguishe trouble It is lyke a cloude of rayne that cōmethe in the tyme of a drouth ¶ A prayer to god in the person of all faythfull men with the prayse of a good woman Capi. xxxvi HAue mercy vpon vs O Lorde thou God of al thynges Haue respect vnto vs shewe vs the lyght of thy mercyes and sende thy feate among the Heathen and straūgers which seke not after the that they may know howe that there is no god but thou and that thei may shew thy wonderous workes Lift vp thy hād ouer the outlandish hethen that they may lerne to know thy myght power Lyke as thou art halowed in vs before thē so bryng to passe that thou maist be magnifyed also in thē before vs that they may know the lyke as we know the. For there is none other god but only thou O lorde Renue the tokens chaunge the wonderous workes Shew thyn hand and thy right arme gloriousli raise vp thy indignacion and poure out thi wrath Take a way the aduersary and smyte the enemye Make the tyme short rememberthe couenaunt that thy wonderous workes may be praysed Let the wrath of the fyre consume them that lyue so careles let thē perysh that do thy people hurt Smit in sonder the heade of the prynces that be oure enemyes and saye there is none other but we Gather al the Tribes of Iacob together agayne that they may know howe that there is none other god but onlye thou that thei may shew thy wonderous workes be thou thy peoples heritage like as from the beginnynge O Lorde haue mercy vpon the people that hath thy name and vpon Israell Exo. 4. e. whome thou hast lykened to a fyrst borne sonne O be merciful vnto Ierusalē the cytye of thy sāctuary 1. par 6. g. the cytie of thy rest Fyl Siō with thy vnspekable vertues thy people with thi glori Giue witnes vnto thy creature whom thou madest frō the beginnyng and rayse vp the prophecyes that haue bene shewed in thy name Rewarde them that wayte for the that thy Prophetes maye be founde faythful O Lorde heare the prayer of thy seruaūtes accordyng to the blessyng of Aaron ouer thy people gyde thou vs in the waye of ryghtuousnes that al they which dwell vpon the earth Nume 6 d maye know that thou art the Lorde the eternall god which is frō euerlastyng The bely deuoureth al meates yet is one meate better thē an other Lyke as the tonge tasteth venisō 1. Cor. 2. b. so doth an hert of vnderstāding marke fals wordes A froward hert geueth heuines but a mā of exeperiēce lyfteth him vp agayn The woman receyueth euery mā yet is one daughter better thē a other A fayer wyfe reioiseth her husbād a mā loueth nothing better Yf she be louyng and vertuous withal thē is not her husbād lyke other men He that hath gotten a vertuous woman hath a goodly possession she is vnto him an helpe pyller wher vpō he resteth Where no hedge is there the goodes are spoiled where no huswife is there the frendles mourneth Like as ther is no credence gyuen to a robber that goeth frō one cite to an other So is not the man beleued that hath no reste and muste turne in where he maye abyde in the nyght ¶ Howe a man shulde knowe frendes and coūcellers and searche the company of a hoolye man Capi. xxxvii EVerye frende saythe I wyll be frendly vnto him also But ther is some frende whych is onely a frende in name Remayneth there not heuynes vnto death when a companyon and frende is tourned an enemy O mooste wycked presumpcyon From whence art thou spronge vp to couer the earthe with falshed and dysceyte There is some companyon which in prosperite reioyseth with his frēde but in the time of trouble he taketh part agaynst hym There is some cōpanion that mourneth with his frend for the belisake Eccle. 6. b but whē trouble cōmeth he taketh hold of the
shild Forget not thy frend in thy mynde and thynke vpō him in thy rychesse Seke no counsel at thy kinsmē and hyde thy coūcell from such as beare the no good wyl Eccle. 8. c. and. 9. c Euerie counseler bryngeth forth his councel Neuertheles there is some that counceleth but for his own profyte Beware of the coūseler be aduysed afore wherto thou wilt vse him for he wil coūcell for him selfe Lest he cast the lot vpō the and saye vnto the. Thy waye and purpose is good and afterward he stāde agaynst the and loke what shal become of the. Aske no counsell at hym that suspecteth the for an enemy and hyde thy coūcel from suche as hate the. Aske no councel at a woman concernyng the thinges that she lōgeth for nor at a feareful and fainte harted bodi in matters of warre or at a marchaunt how deare he wyl chepen thy wares towardes his or at a bier of sellynge Or at an enuyous man of thankes geuinge Or at the vnmercyful of louing kindnes or at an vnhonest mā of honesty Or at the slouthful of workynge Or at an hyrelynge which hath no house or profyt or welth An ydle body wold not gladly here speake of much laboure Take no such folkes to coūcel but be dilygente to seke councel at a vertuous man that feareth God suche one as thou knowest to be keper of the commaundementes whiche hathe a mynde after thyne owne mynde and is sory for the when thou stomblest And holde thy councell fast in thyne herte for there is no man more faythful to kepe it thē thou thy self For a mans mynde is somtyme more disposed to tel out then seuen watchmē that syt aboue in an hye place lokynge aboute them And aboue al this praye the hyest that he wyl leade thy waye in faythfulnes truth Before al thy workes aske coūsel fyrst and or euer thou dost any thing be wel aduised There be foure thinges that declare a chaunged herte wherout there spryngeth euel and good death and life and a masterful tong that bableth much Some man is apt and wel instruct in many thinges yet very vnprofytable vnto hym selfe Some man there is that cā geue wyse prudente councel and yet is he hated contynueth a begger for that grace is not geuen him of God to be accepted An other is robbed of all wisdom yet is he wyse vnto hym self the fruite of vnderstandynge is cōmendable in his mouth A wyse man maketh his people wyse and the frutes of his wisdome faile not A wise mā shal be plenteously blessed of god all they that se him shal speake good of hym The lyfe of man stādeth in the nomber of the dayes but the dayes of Israel are innumerable A wyse mā shal optayne faythfulnes and credence amōg his people and his name shal be perpetual My sonne proue thy soule in thy life yf thou se any euel thyng geue it not vnto her 1. Cor. 6. c. and. 10. c. For all thinges are not profytable for al men nether hath euery soule pleasure in euery thīg Be not gredy in euery eating and be not to hastie vpon al meates Ecc. 30. b. for excesse of metes brīgeth sicknes and glotony cōmeth at the last to an vnmesurable heat Thorow surfet haue many one peryshed but he that dieteth hym selfe temperatly prolongeth his life ¶ A Phisicyon in sickenesse ought we to praye to fynde a Physycyon whiche healeth by praier The bewepynge of the deade Sadnes wisdome Artificers or craftesmen Capi. xxxviii HOnoure the Phisycyon honoure hym because of necessytie God hath created him for of the Hiest commeth medicine and he shall receyue gyftes of the Kinge The wisdome of the Phisycyon bryngeth hym to greate worshyppe and in the syght of the great mē of this worlde he shall be honorably taken The Lorde hath created medicine of the earth and he that is wyse wil not abhorre it Exo. 15. d. 3. Re. 4. c. Was not that bitter water made sweate with a tre that men might lerne to knowe the vertue therof The Lorde hath geuen me wisedome vnderstādinge that he myght be honoured in his wounderous workes With such doth he heale mē and taketh awaye theyr paines Of such doth the Apotecary make a confeccion yet can no man perfourme al his workes For of the Lorde commeth prosperous wealth ouer all the earthe My sonne despise not this in thy sicknesse but 2 Pa. 16. d Esa 38. a. praye vnto the Lorde and he shall make the whole Leaue of from syn and order thy hādes a right clense thine herte from al wickednesse Geue a swete sauoured offeryng and the fyne floure for a token of remembraunce make the offerynge fatte as one that geueth the fyrst fruytes and geue rowme to the Phisycion For the Lorde hath created hym let hym not go from the for thou hast nede of hym The houre maye come that the sycke maye be helped thorow thē when they praye vnto the Lorde that he maye recouer and get helth to liue longer He that sinneth before his maker shall fall into the handes of the Phisycion My sonne Eccle. 22. e bringe forth thy teares ouer the deade and begynne to mourne vs if thou haddest suffered greate harme thy selfe and thē couer hys bodye after a conuenyent maner and dispyse not his buryall Enforce thy selfe to wepe and prouoke thy selfe to mourne 1. Tes 4. make lamentacyon expedyently that a daye or two leest thou be euell spoken of and then comforte thy selfe because of the heuynes Prou. 12. d and. 17. d Eccle. 30. c For of heuynes commeth death the heuines of the herte breaketh strength Heuynesse and pouertie greueth the herte in temptacyon and offence Take no heuynesse to herte dryue it awaye and remember the last thinges Forget it not for there is no turnynge agayne Thou shalt do hym no good but hurte thy self Remember his Iudgement thyne also shal be like wise vnto me yester daye vnto the to daye 2. Re. 12. a Let the remembraunce of the deade ceasse in his reste and comforte thy selfe agayne ouer him seynge hys spirite is departed from hym The wysdome of the Scrybe is at conuenyēt tyme of rest and he that ceasseth from exercyse laboure shall be wise He that holdeth the ploughe hath pleasure in proddynge and dryuynge the Oxen and goeth aboute with suche workes he can speake of Oxen He setteth his herte to make forowes and is diligent to geue the kyne fodder So is euery carpenter also and workemayster that laboureth styll nyght and daye he carueth graueth cutteth oute and his desyre is in sondrye connynge thinges his herte imagyneth howe he maye connyngly cast an ymage his diligence also watchyng perfourmeth the worke The yron smyth in like maner bideth by his stithie and doth his diligence to laboure the yron The vapoure of the fyre brenneth hys fleshe and he must fyghte with the heate of
hande Agge ii c. and .ii. a. So was Iesus also the Sunne of Iosedec these men in their tymes buylded the house and set vp the Sanctuary of the Lorde agayne 2. Esd i a. 2. Es 7. a. whiche was prepared for an euerlastynge worshyppe ¶ And Nehemyas is alwaye to be commended which set vp for vs the walles that were broken downe made the portes and barres againe and buylded our houses of the newe ‡ But vpon earthe is there no mā created lyke Enoche for he was taken vp from the earthe gene v. c. Eccl. 44. c. Heb. xii a gene xli f 42. a. 45. e. And Ioseph whiche was Lorde of his brethrenne and the vpholder of his people his bones were couered and kepte Seth and Sem were in greate honoure amōge the people and so was Adam aboue all the beastes when he was created ¶ Of Symon the Sonne of Oniah Capi. l. SIMON ● Mac. 3.4 the Sonne of Onyas the hie Preest whiche in his lyfe sette vp the house againe and in his dayes made faste the Temple The heighte of the Temple also was foūded of him the double buyldynge and the hye walles of the Temple In his daies the welles of water flowed out were exceadinge full as the see He toke care for his people and deliuered them from destruccion He kepte his Citie and made it stronge that it shulde not be beseged He dwelt in honour and worship amonge his people and enlarged the entraunce of the house and the courte He gaue lyght as the mornynge Starre in the myddest of the Cloudes and as the Mone when it is full He shyned as the Sunne in the Temple of God He is as bryghte as the raine bowe in the fayer cloudes and florisheth as floures and Roses in the spring of the yeare and as lylyes by the riuers of water Lyke as the braunches vpon the mount Libanus in the time of Sommer as a fyre and in sence that is kyndled Lyke as an whole ornament of puer golde set with all maner of precyous stones and as an Olyue tree that is frutefull as a Cypres tre which groweth vp an hie When he putte on the garment of honoure and was clothed with all bewtie Whē he went to the holy Aulter to garnyshe the coueringe of the Sanctuarye when he toke the porcions out of the prestes hand he him self stode by the herth of the aulter and his brethrenne rounde aboute in order As the braunches of Cedre tree vpon the mount Libanus so stode they rounde aboute him And as the braunches of the Olyue tre so stode all the sonnes of Aaron in the glorye and the Oblations of the Lorde in their handes before all the Congregation of Israell And that he myght sufficiently perfourme his seruyce vpon the aulter and garnyshe the offrynge of the Hyest GOD he stretched oute his hande and toke of the drynk offrynge and poured in of the wyne so he poured vpō the bottome of the Aulter a good smell vnto the hyest Prynce Then beganne the sonnes of Aaron to singe and to blow with trompettes and to make a greate noyse for a remembraunce and prayse vnto the Lorde Then were al the people afraide and fel downe to the earthe vpon their faces to worshyppe the Lorde their God and to geue thankes to the Almyghtye GOD They songe goodly also with their voices so that there was a pleasaunt noise in the greate house of the lorde And the people in their praier be sought the Lorde the hyest that he wolde be mercyfull tyll the honoure of the Lorde were perfourmed Thus ended they theyr ministracyon and seruyce Then wente he downe and stretched out his handes ouer the whole multitude of the people of Israell that they shuld geue prayse and thankes out of their lyppes vnto the Lord and to reioyse in his name He beganne yet once also to pray that he myght openly shew the thankes geuynge before the Hieste namely thus O geue prayse and thanckes ye al vnto the lord our god which hath euer done noble and great thinges whiche hath increased our dayes from our mothers wombe and dealt with vs accordynge to his mercye that he wyll geue vs the ioyfulnes of hert and peace for oure tyme in Israell Whiche fayth fully kepeth hys mercy for vs euermore and alwaye delyuereth vs in due season There be two maner or people that I abhorre from my herte as for the third whom I hate it is no people They that syt vpon the mountayne of Samaria the Philystynes and the folysh people that dwell in Sichimis I Iesus the sonne of Syrach Eleazarus of Ierusalem haue tokenned vp these informacions and documentes of wysdomme and vnderstandynge in this boke and poured out the wisedome of my herte Blessed is he that exercyseth hym selfe therein who so taketh suche to herte shal be wyse for euer yf he do these thinges he shal be stronge in all For the lyght of the lord leadeth hym ¶ The prayse of Iesus the sonne of Syrach Capi li. I WILL thanke the O Lorde and Kynge and prayse the O God my Sauiour I wyll yelde prayse vnto thy name for thou arte my Defender and helper and haste preserued my bodye from destruccion from the snare of trayterous tongues and from the lyppes that are occupied with lyes Thou hast bene my helper from soch as stode vppe agaynste me and haste delyuered me after the multytude of thy mercye and for thy holye names sake Thou haste delyuered me frome the roarynge of them that prepared thē selues to deuoure me out of the handes of suche as soughte after my life from the multitude of them that troubled me went about to sette fire vpon me on euery syde so that I am not brente in the myddest of the fyre From the depe of hell from an vncleane tonge from lieng wordes from the wycked Kyng from an vnryghtuous tonge My soule shall prayse the Lorde vnto deathe for my lyfe drewe nye vnto hell dounwarde They compased me rounde aboute on euery syde and there was no man to helpe I loked aboute me yf there were any man that wolde socoure me but there was none Then thought I vpon thy mercye O LORDE and vpon thy Actes that thou haste done euer of olde namely that thou delyuerest suche as putte their truste in the and ryddest theym oute of the handes of the Heathen Thus lyfte I vp my prayer from the earth and prayde for deliueraunce from death I called vpon the LORDE the Father of my Lorde that he wolde not leaue me without helpe in the daye of my trouble and in the tyme of the proude I wyll prayse thy name continually yelding honour and thanckes vnto it and so my prayer was hearde Thou sauedst me from destruccion and delyueredest me frome the vnrightuous tyme. Therfore wyll I acknowledge prayse the and magnifie thy name O LORDE When I was yet but yong or euer I went astraye I desired wysdom openly in my prayer I came therefore before the Temple and sought her vnto the laste Then florished she vnto me as a grape that is soone rype My hert re●oysed in her then wente my foote the ryght way ye from youth vp sought I after her I bowed downe myne eare receiued her I founde me moch wysdome and prospered greatly in her Therfore wyl I ascribe the glory vnto hym that geueth me wisdom for I am aduised to do therafter I wyll be gelouse to cleane vnto the thynge that is good so shall I not be cōfounded My soule dath wrestled with her and I haue bene diligent to be occupyed in her I lyfte vp myne handes on hye then was my soule lyghtened thorowe wysdom that I knoledged my folyshnes I ordered my soule after her she and I were one hert from the begynnyng and I founde her in clennesse And therfore shall I not be forsaken My hert longed after her and I gat a good treasure Thorowe her the lorde hath geuen me a newe tonge wherwith I wyll prayse him Eccl. lv a. O come vnto me ye vnlearned and dwell in the house of wysdomme withdrawe not your selues from her but talke and commen of these thinges for youre Soules are very thirstye I opened my mouth and spake O come and by wysedome without monye bowe downe your necke vnder her yocke and youre soule shall receyue wysedome She is harde at hande and is contente to be founde Beholde with youre eyes Eccl. vi ● how that I haue had but lytle labour and yet haue found moche reste O receyue wysedome and ye shall haue plentuousnesse of syluer and golde in possession Lette your mynde reioyse in his mercye and be not ashamed of his prayse Worke hys worke by tymes and he shall geue you youre rewarde in due tyme. ¶ Here endeth the boke of Iesus the sonne of Syrache which is called in Latyn ECCLESIASTIcus FINIS huius libri ❧ Imprynted at London in Paules churcheyarde at the sygne of the Kinges armes by Wylliam Bonham
and fastenethe his stake in her walles He shall pytche his tente nye vnto her hande and in his tente shall good thynges rest for euermore He shall set his children vnder her couerynge and shall dwell vnder her braunches Vnder her couerynge shall he be defended from the heat and in her glory shall he reste ¶ The goodnesse that foloweth hym whiche feareth god god reiecteth casteth of the synner god is not the auctor of euell Capi. xv HE that fearethe god wyll do good and who so kepeth the lawe shall optayne wysdom As an honorable mother shall she mete hym and as a virgin shal she receyue hym mat ● ● Ioh. 4. a With the breed of lyfe and vnderstandynge shall she fede hym * and geue him the water of wholsome wysdom to drynke yf he be constaunt in her he shal not be moued and yf he holde hym faste in her he shall not come to confusion She shall brynge hym to honoure amonge hys neighboures and in the myddes of the congregation shall she open hys mouthe Wyth the spirite of wysedome and vnderstandynge shall she fyll hym and cloth him with the garment of glorye She shall hepe the treasure of myrth ande ioye vpon hym and geue him an euerlastyng name to heritage Folysshe men wyll not take holde vpon her but suche as haue vnderstandynge wyll mete her Folysshe men shall not see her for she is far from pride and disceit Men that go about with lyes wyll not remember her but men of truth shall be foūd in her and shall prospere euen vnto the beholdyng of god Praise is not semelye in the mouthe of the vngodlye for he is not sent of the LORDE For of God commeth wysdome and the prayse shall stande by the wysedome of god and shall be plentuous in a faythfull mouth and the lorde shall geue her vnto hym Saye not thou It is the Lordes faute that I am goue by for thou shalt not do the thynge that God hateth Saye not thou he hath caused me to do wronge for he hath no nede of the vngodly God hateth abhominacion of erroure and they that feare God wyll loue none suche Genes 1. d. ¶ God made man from the begynnyng and left hym in the hande of hys councell He gaue hym hys commaundementes and preceptes if thou wylt obserue the commaundementes Iere. 1. b. and kepe acceptable faithfulnes for euer they shal preserue the. ¶ He hath set water and fyre before the reache on thine hande vnto whiche thou wylte Before man is lyfe and death good and euel loke what hym lyketh shal be geuen hym For the wysdome of god is greate and myghtie in power and beholdeth all men continually The eyes of the Lorde are vpon them that feare hym and he knoweth al the workes of man He hath cōmaunded no man to do vngodly nether hath he geuen any man space to synne ¶ Of vnhappy and wycked chyldren No man can hyd hymselfe from god An exhortacion to the receyuing of instruccion Capi. xvi DElyte not thou in the multytude of vngodly chyldren and haue no plesure in them if they feare not god Trust not thou to theyr lyfe and regarde not theyr laboures for one sonne that feareth God is better then a thousande vngodlye And better it is for a man to dye without chyldren then to leue beh●nd him suche chyldren as are vngodly For by one that hath vnderstndynge maye a whole cytie be vpholden but though the vngodly be many yet shall it be wasted thorow thē many suche thynges hath myne eye sene greater thynges then these haue I herde with myne eares Eccle. 21. b ¶ In the congregatyon of the vngodlye shall a fyre burne and amonge vnfaythfull people shall the wrath be kyndled ¶ The olde gyauntes optayned no grace for theyr synnes Gene vi a which were destroyed trustyng to theyr owne strength Neyther spared he them amonge whome Loth whiche was a Ge. xix ● straunger but smot them and abhorred theym because of the pryde of theyr wordes He had no pytye vpon them but destroyed al the people that were so stoute in sinne ¶ And for so much as he ouer awe not the sixe hundreth thousande Nu. xiiii r and .xxvi. t that gathered them selues together in the hardnes of their hert it were meruel yf one beyng harde necked shulde be free ¶ For mercy and wrath is with hym E●cle v. a he is both myghtye to forgeue to pure out displeasure Lyke as his mercye is great euen so is his punishment also he iudgeth a man accordyng to his workes The vngodly shall not escape in hys spoyle and the longe pacyence of hym that sheweth mercye shall not byde behynde All mercye shall make place vnto euerye man accordynge to the worthynesse of hys workes and after the vnderstandynge of his pilgremage Saye not thou I will hyde my selfe from God for who wyll thyncke vpon me from aboue I shall not be knowen in so greate a heape of people for what is my soule amonge so many creatures Beholde the heuen yee the heuen of heuenes the depe the earth and al that ther in is shall be moued at his presence the mountaynes the hylles and the foundacyons of the earth shall shake for feare when God visyteth them These thynges doth no hert vnderstande but he vnderstandeth euery herte and who vnderstandeth his waies No man seith his stormes and the mooste parte of his workes are secrete Who wyl declare the workes of hys ryghtuousnesse or who shall be able to abyde thē For the couenaūt is far frō some and trienge out of men is in the ende He that is humble of hert thinketh vpon such thinges but an vnwyse erroneous man casteth his mynde vnto folyshe thynges My sonne herken thou vnto me and lerne vnderstandyng and marke my wordes wyth thyne herte I wyl geue the a suer doctrine and playnely shall I instructe the marke my wordes then in thyne herte for in ryghtuousnesse of the Spiryte do I speake of the wonders that God hathe shewed amonge hys workes from the begynnyng And in the truth do I shewe the knowledge of hym God hath sette hys workes in good order frome the begynning and parte of them hath he sundered from the other He hathe garnysshed his workes from euerlastynge and theyr begynnynges accordynge to theyr generacyons None of them hyndered an other nether was anye of thē disobedient vnto his wordes After this God loked vppon the earthe fylled it with his goodes With all maner of lyuynge beastes hathe he couered the grounde and they al shall be turned vnto earth agayne ¶ The creation of man and the goodnes that god hathe done vnto hym Of almes and repentaunce Capi. xvii GOd shape man of the erth and made hym after hys owne ymage and turned hym vnto earthe agayne Gene i. d and clothed hym with his own strength He gaue hym the number of dayes and certayne tyme yee and gaue hym power of