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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13881 A full and plaine declaration of ecclesiasticall discipline owt off the word off God and off the declininge off the churche off England from the same.; Ecclesiasticae disciplinae, et Anglicanae Ecclesiae ab illa aberrationis, plena è verbo Dei, et dilucidà explicatio. English Travers, Walter, 1547 or 8-1635.; Cartwright, Thomas, 1535-1603. 1574 (1574) STC 24184; ESTC S118505 144,991 206

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commendeth also vnto the Elders the flocks which ar amonges them that is to say to euery one off them ther owne flockes wherby yt may appeere that they were set ouer certen flockes And these be not only the examples off the Apostles but the lawes which they geue vs and the commandementes which they left vs to ordeyne Elders and Deacous in the churche as the necessitie and state theroff shall require And sure I cannot tell how he can thinck him sellfe to haue receyned any office who with out doinge any man wronge may sitt idle iff he list Offten tymes the auncient Sinodes made decrees against thes idle orders that leaue a man so free bindinge him to no certen charge That no man should be ordeyned an elder as they vse to speake yt without a title that is to say without a churche And suerly iff all wer not confused and trobled in the Discipline off our churche we could neuer beare so notable disorder that suche kind off allowinges should be esteemed lawfull ministeries which ar then only Mynisteries off the churche when they that ar thus commended and allowed off haue gotten a churche that will vse ther labor and who in the meane tyme eyther do nothinge or ells goe about as they lift in all the realme as roges and masterles seruantes seekinge some mayster that will hyre them and vse ther Labor Suche tymes in deed ar spoken off in the stories off the Iudges wher Ionathan the Leuite wantinge a highe place and an aulter went rouinge to let out his seruice to any that would hyre hym but it is added in the same place that ther was then no kinge in Israell But this great confusion was taken away afterward by Dauid and Salomon and euery one accordinge to the ancient prescripcion off Moses and Iosus wer appointed ther proper seates townes and cynes ●o occupy them in Therfore whie do we that lyue vnder the kingdome off CHRIST our true Salomon who hath sett all this in very Good order whie do we I say suffer the churche to be stayned with so notable a spott and ordeyne not accordinge to the word off God that no no man be appoynted to any Ecclesiasticall office But he that is called to a certen churche wher to to exercise it And why do we not accordinge to this example call home the Priestes to the Arcke off the Lord and the leuites to the appointed cities Ther remaineth somewhat that lickwise perteineth to all that beare office in the churche That is that they so execute them that they may not be accused for neglectinge or pretermitinge ther duties For in the church what so small a charge is there which we ought not to studie with all faithfulnes laboure and diligence to make florishe to beautifie and adorne seinge we haue the Angelles for lookers on to see how we vse and behaue our selues in the execucion theroff and the Lord him selfe a most liberall rewarder off the one parte yff we do it well and contrariwise a most seuere Iudge and Auenger iff we do it not accordinge to our dutie For that which the Apostle cōmandethe to geue Archippus warrninge off That he should diligently see to his office which he had receyued off the Lord is to be extended also to all thos that beare any charge or office in the church off God and euery one ought to thincke it to perteine to them selues which the same Apostle admonisheth Tymothie off that is That they discharge ther dutie and make knowne ther ministerie by all meanes yea further all that are called to any office or gouernment in the churche must vnderstand that the same hange he ouer ther headdes which the Apostle declareth that he was afraide off iff being called therunto he should not preache the Gospell For ther is none so litle a charge in the howse off god wheroff one day most streight Accompt shall not be asked In vayn then shall men dreame off pardons dispensacions and priuiledges All shal be called to Accompt to declare with what faithfulnes and diligence they haue done ther dewties They shal be ●e compelled to aunswer ther most deadly enemyes that off them selues shal be readie to accuse them for not hauing discharged ther dutie And the accompte shal be made in the greatest and most solemne assemble that euer was for seing that it appeare the by the parable off the talētes com̄itted to the seruantes that a most streight accompt shal be asked off the lest gift off god that we receyne in this world how muche streighter do we thinck it wil be for thē that haue receeyued gouerment in the churche and iff he shal be so hardly delt with that neglecteth one talēt that he hath receiued They that beare greatest offices in the churche and vpon whos faithe and credit in discharging off them the saluacion theroff dothe in a maner depend how carefully ought they bothe day and nyght to thinck off dischardging this dewty hauinge so great a reckoninge to make not off one Talent but off the churche which our Lord Iesus so deerely loued that for loue theroff he vouchsafed to come frō the highest heauens into thes lower partes off the earthe to redeeme it and purchase it not with gold or siluer as saithe Sainct Peter but with his precious bludd But I do otherwise then I was purposed that am fallen to threatninges and exhortacions wheras in the beginninge I only purposed to declare what ought to be doone and what we do not And yet ther be so great faultes committed in this behalff that it seemuch nothinge can be greuously and vehemently enoughe spoken against them For the chiefe charges off the churche ar not only left vndischarged for negligence but dispensacions and priuiledges are granted that exempt ministers from the necessary doinge off ther dewty and geue Pastors leaue off this condicion to leaue ther flocke and ther churches yff they leaue an other in ther place to read seruice vnto them And for them that will goe to the vniuersitie by an ordinary lawe it is lawfull to be absent three yeeres and the realt with a litle mony may purchase the like dispensacions in the Archbishops court and market Off the sāe sort also be thos bulls that are bought in the same market that geue ycence off heaping so many churches or as they call them Beneficies to gether which Faculties as they call them besides the intollerable couetousnes wher with also for some mennes diligence in this behalffe is ioyned extreeme need and pouertie off a great nomber off other as commonly it commeth to passe wher a fewe men rake all vnto them selues bringe in a●so into the churche a necessitie off neglectinge off dewty seinge yt is impossible that one should be able to serue more churches and thos often tymes the lenght off the whole land a sonder In which horrible destroyinge off the churche and neglectinge and for sakinge the Lordes flock streyinge in the
it throwglie and with diligētlie considereth how small frute hath growē off so long trauaile and labor in the preaching off the gospell Out off this Cānon lawe came all that romyshe Hierarchie primates Archbishoppes Lord Bishoppes Chancellors Achdeacons and there seruantes Officialls Commissaries and therest off that Trashe by whom the churche as it were taken prisoner is now off long tyme kepte in prison and bondage From hence commeth also that romische courte wheron a most shamefull markete off vnlawfull and wicked dispensacions and all gainful meanes off destrouing the churche is kepte wold to God that we had rather suffred the papistes when they were cast out to haue gone awaie with there bagge and baggage and that we had not had so greate a desire to be enriched by these spoiles and praies This is not beleue me to he enriched with the Iewells off the Egyptians but to be infected with there boy●es and soares These eare ringe● and Egyptian ornamentes which we haue gottē are fytter to make a golden calfe with then to adorne and beautifie the tabernacle off god Therfore let vs send them backe againe frō whence they come and at the last take in hand an earnest and sincere reformacion off the churche Let vs abrogate and abolishe the authoritie off this Canon lawe then the which there is nothing lesse canonycall and which is the fyrst and greatest faulte in our discipline and the fountaine and originall off all the rest and Let this be the fyrst article off the newe reformacion that all thinges be exacted as nere as maie be vnto the worde off god That our particular lawes grownde vpon this foundacon and let so much be admitted for Ecclesiasticall discipline as may be confirmed by the voice and authoritie off God him selfe And thus muche let yt suffice generally to haue spoken what discipline is Now let vs devide the rest off this treatise as almost all politique doctrine is wont to be deuaded into two partes whereoff the fyrst declareth that which belongeth vnto them who bare any office or haue any charge in the churche the other part brieflie toucheth the dewtie off the rest off the bodie off the churche For as the Apostle saith all the bodie is not one membre nor all axe not Prophetes or Doctors but there is a certeine diuersite and dinstinction off Offices as off members wherby the whole bodie is preserued All which diuersitie and difference is deuided by the Apostle into two sortes who in the Epistle to the Corrinches calleth some Fellovve helpers and laborers naming the rest off the churche by the name off Sainctes Thus allso the Apostle to the Hebrewes deuideth the churche into those who had the ouersight and into the rest off the Sainctes Now to speake fyrst off the former part it is to be vnderstoode that to the bearing off any ecclesiasticall office there is a certeine vocation and calling to be vsed which a man owght to waite for being necessarie to the taking vpon him off any charge what soeuer which manner off apointing to an office wither we call it Creation or Assignacion or as the ecclesiasticall writers doe most vsually Vocacion It is the apointement off God to the bearing off some office in his churche in suche sorte and maner as he hath ordeined for euerie officer to be apointed by Which calling to the Bearing or the excuting off any ecclesiasticall charge and function hath all tymes bene holdē so necessarie that no man hath bene thowght to exercise any lawfull authoritie therin who had not fyrst off all in his owne conscience wytnesse off the calling off God thereunto and after also off the churche apointing him according to Goddes decree and ordinaunce For that sentence off the Apostle is generall that no man owght to take this honor vn●o him but he that is called thereto as was Aaron For this doctrine off the necessytie of a Voca●on and Calling did not so once growe ou● off that noble rodde off Aaron togither with the Almandes that yt fell afterwardes also from the tree togither with them but this Almād three off Aaron sette and planted by the witte and labor off Moses florisheth euen to this daie So that we maie yet gather this doctrine off yt which is muche more precious then any Almondes or other frute what soeuer Nere to the same place in Moses is rehersed also a notable iudgement off God whereby yt semeth that the lorde ment to ratefie this lawe off the necessitye off Vocation for euer wherein we see that neyther the heauens could abyde to loke vpō nor the earthe to beare so shameles boldnes but the one melting consumed with fire such as without a calling would take vpō thē the priesthoode and the earthe gaping and opening it selfe swallowed thē vp aliue which owght to be a lesson to vs for euer not only as Moses writeth that not man burne incense before the lorde but only they which are off the stocke off Aaron and are thereby called thereunto but also that no man be so bolde as to peruert or alter that order which God hath established in his churche and to arrogate vnto hī that honor which he hath by no right or lawfull callīg obteined Hitherto belōgeth also that which is writtē off Peres vzzach that is to saie off the breache which the lorde made in vzzach who was stricken sodainlie to deathe only for that beyonde the bondes off his calling he put to his hand and held vp the arcke of God which shaked and was readie to fall which was lawfull only for the Leuites to touche So the the Lord did no more spare Vzza attempting beyonde his vocacion to touche the arke althoughe his entent and purpose were neuer so good then he had pardoned before Aarons kinsmen But if we require yet witnesses of greater authoritie we may reade that king vzziah was stricken with the leprosie for that being not content with his kinglie office he wold haue taken vpon him the Priestes office also Thus the lorde hath ratified and sealed vp this parte of discipline with most grieuous ād fearfull punyshement and the same not once but oftentimes executed to this entent that this lawe might for euer be off such authoritie in the churche that no man should euer dare to be so bolde and hardie as to breake yt Wherefore seing that god neuer forgaue or lefte vnpunished this faulte in any degree state or person but punyshed the leuites and euen Aarons owne howse and familie Sathā and Abyram also being Princes off tribes yea Vzziah being a king and that so sharpelie and seuerelie so greate punishemēt in such personages fire from god the earthe opening hir mowthe Sodaine death and the most fylthie disease off the leprosie owght to stricke such a feare into our hartes that we suffer not sacred functions and offices to be prophaned by volōtarie officers ād such as take them vpon them without any lawfull