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A10233 Two very lerned sermons of M. Beza, togither with a short sum of the sacrament of the Lordes Supper: Wherevnto is added a treatise of the substance of the Lords Supper, wherin is breflie and soundlie discussed the p[r]incipall points in controuersie, concerning that question. By T.W. Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.; T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. Treatise of the Lords Supper. aut 1588 (1588) STC 2051; ESTC S109031 114,878 260

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Thirdlie by this meanes the Lorde propoundeth vnto vs the mysticall vnion that is betwixt Christ and his church we and hee making but one bodie of his holie congregation hee being the head thereof and we the particular members by which also as we are instructed in our holie dueties towardes him we attempting nothing that may tend to the preiudice hurte or griefe of our holie head but endeuouring euerye thing that maye be good and acceptable before him so we comfortablie conceiue the great and continuall care hee hath for vs hee performing more effectuallie by much the duety of headship vnto his spirituall bodie the church than a naturall head dooth or can to a naturall bodie namelie not onelie in deuising for the good thereof both in generall and in particular but also in yeeldyng sence and moouyng vnto the whole bodie and euerie seuerall member thereof yea quickening the same and geuing together wyth the vnderstanding of heauenlie care and conscience yea some measure of strength and power to walke therein Ephes 3.12 so that He dwellyng in oure heartes by Fayth wee are therby not onelie become members of his bodie of his flesh and of his bloud but also he maketh vs zealous prepared and frutefull in euerie good worke both towards the Lord and one of vs towards an other 4 Fourthlie and lastlie the Lord deliuereth vnto vs in the vse of his supper that holie vnitie and agreement both outward and inward of bodie and mind that is and ought to be knowne felt and continued amongst all the members of his church whatsoeuer or wheresoeuer they be For euen as the bread that we are partakers of is made of many graines yet maketh but one loafe as we see as the wine that we drinke at the Lords table is made of manie grapes and yet maketh but one wine so all the faithfull people not onlie of one place parish but dispersed through out the whole earth notwithstanding that some through the riches of Gods mercies haue atteined more graces than other some make in deed but one holie bodie of the church Neither doth our being of seuerall members one of vs to another anie more hinder our growth in this same spirituall fellowship than the varietie of mēbers in a naturall body hindereth the constituting and making of the whole bodie it selfe nay rather as we may well perceiue it furthereth the same for as the whole cannot be said to be whole but in respect of all the parts whereof it consisteth no more can this whole or holie bodie of the church euerie particular congregation throughout the world concurring to the establishing thereof and yet so notwithstanding that the name church may as rightlie be attributed to euerie seuerall societie of the faithfull as the word earth to euerie part of the earth or to speake of the elements of the supper the word bread and the word wine to euerie part of the bread wine vsed in the same The third and last thing is that which I called before action and is to be performed as generallie all the daies of our life so particularlie and speciallie after the receiuing of the Lords supper And though this come in the last place yet is it not a matter of the least importance nay rather it is of such great weight that the former without it be little auailable for euen as in all humane sciences knowlege though it be neuer so exquisit is without action practise commonlie counted but a vaine conceit so in spirituall vnderstanding that is muche more true because if a man knowe neuer so muche of Gods mercies and meditate neuer so deeply in the same yet if that by the same he be not lead as it were by the hand both humbly to praise God for them and hartily praie vnto him for the continuance and increase of them with grace to embrace them and to vse them well it is to himselfe and others as if it were nothing Now this matter that we call action consisteth 1 First in earnest praier vnto God not onelie for a cleare sight of the graces offered bicause we are blind to perceue them but also for a liuely and continuall feeling of the same because we doo easilie choake and smother them vp yea for the plentiful fructifieng of the word of God and his sacraments in our heartes because wee our selues bee barren and ill ground and can hardlie bring foorth good fruit though we haue haue very much cost and labor bestowed vpon vs. And this duetie must be performed not for the time present alone as whilest we are in the publike exercises or for the day of communicating onelie returning afterwards as filthie swine to our former wallow or vncleane dogges to our vomite againe for alas what will that auaile vs but to a more fearefull iudgement and iust condemnation because wee continue in sin abuse the meanes of our sanctification and purging but euen for the whole race and course of our liues that as there is no day nor houre of a day going ouer our heades wherein wee stand not in neede of some blessing from the Lorde so there should few times escape vs wherein we would not do to God this duty that we beleeue to be acceptable to him bicause he hath commanded it and so profitable vnto our selues bicause it reacheth vnto euerie part and period or state of our whole life 2 Secondly in humble thankesgiuing as for all the vnestimable riches and treasures of grace and goodnesse generallie which it pleaseth him in his Church and namelie by the vse of his word and sacraments not onelie to offer but also to bestow vpon his people so specially for the death and obedience of hys Sonne the blessing of all blessings that is to saye the most excellent blessing the Lord bestowing thereby vppon vs all graces both bodilie spirituallie bodilie as the sanctification of all his creatures vnto vs which otherwise we continuing in our sinnes as we must needs haue doone if Christ had not died for vs should haue bin vncleane vnto vs and spirituall as the forgiuenesse of our sins the imputation of Christes righteousnesse which we must of necessitie beleeue because otherwise God may as well-condemne vs for want of righteousnesse as for our notorious transgressions and manie such other particulars before recited And that we may be the better prouoked to this great dutie of thankfulnes it shall be good for vs not onelie to alot vnto our selues sometime in euerie day wherin we will take a view so far foorth as we can of all the graces of God both generall and particular bestowed vpon our selues others but also deeplie to consider first the person that giueth the same who is the Lord of heauen and earth mercifull no doubt euen vnto thousands of generations to them that loue him and keepe his commandements secondlie the excellencie of the things bestowed which besides that they are bodily and spirituall temporal and
question in controuersie whether this doctrine concerning the reall presence of Christes very fleshe in many or all places at once can stand wyth the truth of Christs flesh whether wee consider it after or before the glorification thereof Now we stoutly and safely deny that Christs fleshe at any tyme can be in many or in all places at once and wee saye that it can not by anye necessary or fitte consequence bee gathered either from this hys walkyng vppon the waters or in that hee entered into the place where hys disciples were the dores being shut or in that hee arose againe the stone of the Sepulchre or Toombe Iohn 20.19 Math. 28.2 Certain reasons alledged for proofe of his assertion not beeing remooued or rolled awaye by mannes handes And of thys wee haue sundrye reasons for firste these myracles seeme rather to bee doone in the waters themselues made harde and firme not onelie vnder Christs feete but vnder Peters also than in Christs owne bodie the like whereof also is to bee saide touching the wall and sepulchre Matth. 14.29 the heape or weight whereof did sodainely yeeld vnto the body of the creator Moreouer though we shold grant that they were to be seene in the very body of Christ yet doth not the withholding of a bodily weight or the withdrawing of it for a time or else this thinnesse as a man woulde say of a bodilie heape either abolish a bodie it selfe sith it dooth at any hand take away the quantitie of a body or implie contradiction as they are woont to say in the schooles But we affirme that a true and very bodie can neither want quantity or circumscriptiblenesse but it shal cease to be a bodie neither can it be at once in one place as circumscribed and in an other place as not circumscribed but that we must of necessitie conclude both that it is a bodie and that it is not a bodie which are assertions meerelie contrarie The summe of all these thinges is this or tendeth to this ende namelie that this opinion of the reall consubstantiation of Christes flesh with bread and wine is most false and vntrue as by meanes whereof the trueth of Christes fleshe is vtterlie abolished Now againe The second reason against consubstantiation See the first before pag. 65. euen by this most weightie argument following may this forgerie and deuise be confuted namelie because it plainlie and wholie standeth vp against the analogie and proportion of faith so little need or iust cause haue the defendors thereof to call vs backe to the power and force of faith Acts. 1.11 Marke 16.19 The scripture witnesseth in manie places that Christes flesh ascended vp aboue the heauens and that there also at this day it remaineth we may not therefore seeke for it in earth otherwise it should not be an ascending but a vanishing away for the time Certeinlie A generall rule no man can trulie be said to come or go vp thither where he now was or to go away descend or be absent from the place where he remaineth Looke therefore in how manie places these things are spoken of Christ according to his flesh and that without anie figuratiue kinde of speech by so manie most strong and inuincible testimonies there is confirmed vnto vs the true taking away of the bodie of Christ from vs and also that reall dotage of the presence of Christes flesh vpon the earth that is to say thys opinion which the Dokits Marcionits mainteine sufficientlie confuted Of these see before pag. 70. As for that that they vrge against vs An obiection answered saieng How absurd is that that Christes flesh is now in heauen and no where else It is easilie answered that we speake no otherwise than Peter Acts. 3.21 Acts. 1.11 yea than the angels themselues haue spoken And though they say further that by this meanes we shut vp Christ as it were in a prison where as yet notwithstanding the right hand of God that is to say his heauenlie power and authoritie whereat he sitteth is euerie where What for all this Answer vs this and tell vs whether that being on the earth absent from heauen for he had not ascended thither where he was then present or whether that being in the virgins wombe or wrapped vp in swadling clothes lieng in the crib he was shut vp in prison Yea sith euerie bodie is conteined in his owne place yea things without bodies are yet notwithstanding included in the proprietie of their nature for onelie the Godhead is infinit what can follow else of this their most absurd argument and reason Absurditie in reason by the aduersaries argument than that all things are full of prisons and prisoners And though we should say that vnder the termes of sitting at the right hand Philip. 2.9 there is meant the verie selfe same thing which the apostle simplie and without trope saith that Christ to wit as he is man hath receiued that is to say a name aboue all names yet it should be no lesse fond and absurd thervpon to gather and conclude the presence of Christes flesh in euerie place A similitude that if we would affirme that the bodie of some king is as large and wide as the bounds of his kingdome are brode But say they Another obiection answered Christ being present gouerneth all things We answer that is true as he is God and yet the person of Christ is not for al that rent in sunder or diuided For euen Christ man being euerie where the Lord is present also euerie where much more in the supper In what respect Christ is present euerie where howbeit not as in respect of the manhood it selfe but as in regard of another that is to say as he is one person not in himselfe as in regard of his manhood but in the verie nature of the Godhead it selfe of which the humanitie was so assumed that it is one subsistence or being togither with it as a little while ago we declared Therefore the man Christ is in deed present to wit as he the selfe same is Christ God and yet the manhood of Christ is not now in anie other place than in heauen The third obiection answered Ephes 4.10 But it is yet further obiected that Christ went vp into heauen to fulfill all things I grant it wherevpon also I gather that hee fulfilled not all things till he ascended and that therefore the definition of the personall vnion taken from habituall grace as they call it of which we haue said some what before is false and fond Yea I gather this further that if he did truelie and in deed ascend that that his flesh was not in heauen before he ascended thither that it ceaseth to be on the earth after that he ascended from thense into heauen But say they he ascended to fulfill or fill all things The same obiection vrged yet answered therfore he filleth
aunsweared as which indeede if it bee well weighed is not onelie vntrue as in respect of it selfe because though glorification implie a most excellent and heauenlie estate dooth not yet for all that destroye the essentiall properties of bodies glorified but most absurde and false also as in regard of vs. For if the glorification of Christs bodie haue remooued or taken awaye that essentiall propertie to witte that it shoulde truelie and indeede bee tied vnto a place then the like shall bee perfourmed and the same effect followe in all the glorified bodies of the faithfull after the resurrection because our Sauiour hath not onelie glorified his owne bodie for himselfe hee rising therein a mightie conquerour ouer death and hell and nowe triumphantlie ruling and raigning in the heauens in all maiestie but for our sakes also hath atchieued that greate honour wee hauing from him this assured promise in his worde Philip. 3.21 that God shal chaunge our base and vile bodies that they may bee fashioned like vnto his glorious bodie according vnto the mightie working whereby hee is able to subdue all things vnto himselfe But to saye that our bodies glorified after the rising againe of the same in the generall day of iudgement shall be euery where a rashe and vncertaine yea a beastlie and blasphemous assertion because it ascribeth that vnto vs which is proper and peculiar onelie to GOD for vnto hym alone it perteineth to fill heauen earth and all places alwayes and at one tyme as infinite places of Scripture doo plainelie prooue therefore this opinion also concerning Christes glorified bodie beeing euerie where or in infinite places at one time must of necessitie be suche likewise 4 Fourthlie it dooth directlye destroy and as it were at one blowe blotte out and deface all those Articles of our moste pretious Faith and Christian religion whych doo concerne Christes assured ascension into Heauen hys maiesticall sitting at the right hande of the Father and his glorious comming agayne from thence together wyth that infinite number of moste playne places of GODS holie woorde that out of the writinges of the Prophetes and Apostles may bee drawen for the proofe of those moste comfortable and necessarie pointes To deale wyth euerye one of these by themselues shortely and in fewe woordes I woulde faine knowe if our Sauiour Christ be here vpon earth in respect of his bodilye power and presence howe hee can iustlie as in regarde of the same hys bodye bee sayde to haue ascended into Heauen Or let them tel vs if hee remaine wyth vs in hys flesh how hee can bee truelye saide in hys manhoode to sitte at the right hande of hys Father in Heauen Or howe it can bee in religion or reason affirmed that our Sauiour shall come from Heauen with great power and glorie to iudge the quick and the dead seeing he is here on earth already The Scripture telleth vs for his ascension Actes 1.9 that in the sight and beholding of the blessed Apostles yea whiles they looked stedfastly towards heauen he was taken vp Let them shew so much for his bodilie abode vpon earth and proue it by such substantiall witnesse and wee are readie to yeelde Besides we knowe by the worde and therefore beleeue it that as he was seene go into heauen Actes 1.10 so shall he come againe but hee was seene to ascend thither bodilie and therefore so shall hee returne from thence againe I suppose they will not saye that our Sauiour had two bodies one that hee tooke wyth him an other that hee left heere for that were to make him altogether monstrous and men scrupulous none knowing in whether of them hee perfourmed the work of their redemption And to saye that that one blessed bodie of his was diuided is as absurde and erronious because it can not be so but that the whole bodie it selfe must be impaired and mangled at the least if not destroyed and so the woorke of saluation ouerthrowne To stand vpon anie naked interpretation touching the right hand of God will not serue their turne for there being nothing meant thereby in this article of our beleefe but the great glorie that is in heauen prepared for the saints and that most excellent blessednesse that belongeth to them whereof our sauior Christ was in a most full measure made by his ascention into heauen as in respect of his humanity absolute partaker what could they gaine Doo they imagine that it would heervpon insue that Christ should be euerie where and by consequent on earth but they are deceiued for why doo they not as well consider the word sitting which implieth locall residence in a place or doo they not know and beleeue that heauen it selfe is not euerie where but locall rather or will they not see that without warrant of the word yea contrarie to the same which in sundrie places opposeth heauen and earth one of them against another or sence of humane iudgement they iumble and confound them togither Reason will lead vs to this that none can be said to goe vp into the place where he is or to come downe from it when he remaineth there And though wee minde not to subiect our sauior speciallie as in respect of his eternall Godhead to humane sence yet by the same we may and ought to be ledde not to destroy the essentiall properties of his manhood Now then whether shall wee beleeue this trueth of the Lord or mens fantasies that go about to peruert our persuasions and deceiue our vnderstandings Let men of the worlde deeme what they lust this is the truth that God hath sanctified vnto vs in his word and I doo stedfastlie beleeue it in my heart and will throgh Gods goodnesse and strength alwaies confesse the same with my mouth that from the very time of Christes ascension into Heauen Acts. 3 2● The Heauens must conteine his naturall bodie vntill the time that all things be restored that is euen to the worlds end 5 Fiftlie I say that this opinion dooth vniustlie depriue vs of all such spirituall graces and comforts for our consciences as God the father in his sonne Christ by sending the Holie ghost the third person in the deitie hath not onelie promised but in good time wil performe and bestow vpon the whole church generallie and euerie sound particular member of the same yea if we wey it well we shall finde that it is the ruine and bane of the church it selfe both in the whole bodie of it and in the seuerall parts Our sauior himselfe in most plaine and expresse terms faith Iohn 16.7 I tel you the truth it is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the comforter will not come vnto you but if I depart I will send him vnto you Hee that knoweth anie thing of truth is well acquainted with this that generallie all the word but most especiallie the comfortable promises conteined in the same be as it were the life
and soule of the church it selfe The veritie and certeintie wherof though it lie in Christ 1. Cor. 1.20 because in him al Gods promises are yea and amen yet the particular applications of the same to our owne harts must come from the powerfull working of the holie spirit But how shall we come to the effectuall feeling of these if the force of the spirit be not shed abrode into our hearts or how can the holie spirit be called the pledge of Gods promises Ephes 1.13 and the earnest penie of our adoption and saluation if that promise of our sauior Christ be not accomplished or how can we find comfort against the feare of death or peace in our consciences against the sight of sinne and iudgement due vnto vs for the same without this Of a truth the remembrance of our dissolution and departure hense this being remooued shall be greeuous and the horrour of hell the iust punishment of our iniquitie will be readie euery houre to ouerwhelme vs. Wee need not stand long vpon this point either this must be true that wee haue the Holie ghost in most abundant measure by the bodilie absence of our sauior Christ giuen to the church as before is said and proued and so a spirituall supplie bestowed vpon vs for a bodiely want that being more excellent than this because the apostle saith that hensefoorth we know no man after the flesh 2. Corinth 5.16 yea though we had knowne Christ after the flesh yet now henseforth know we him no more or else if Christ be heere bodilie present the Holy ghost is not yet come nor the apostles indued with miraculous graces nor the fulnesse of the Gentils gathered in nor the comfort and peace of the church prouided for all which are fearefull to thinke vpon but much more horrible to feele and in deed are quite cleane contrarie to the truth of the word and if we had no more but onlie the second chapter of the Acts of the apostles it were sufficient to ouerthrow the same 6 Sixtlie this assertion dooth not onelie closelie but openlie accuse Christ himselfe of manifest lieng vntrueth who as both the prophets and apostles doo beare witnesse did no sinne Isaiah 53.9 1. Peter 2.22 neither was there any guile found in his mouth He himselfe hath plainlie told vs The poore ye haue alwaies with you Marke 14.7 and when yee will ye may doo them good but me yee shall not haue alwaies And againe elswhere Iohn 14.2 I go to prepare a place for you If this be not blasphemie to doo what we can to taint him with falshood that is both truth it selfe and the author of all truth I know not what is blasphemie And yet this iniquitie staieth not heere for it depriueth vs first of the comfort of the forgiuenesse of sinnes because if our sauiour haue beene tainted with anie manner of iniquitie though neuer so small he cannot be a price and ransome for sin because he that must recommit sinners to God must of necessitie be free from transgression Secondlie it dooth as it were violentlie take and pull from vs the hope that we haue of the heauenlie inheritance For why hath our sauior Christ sundred himselfe for a space from vs as in respect of his bodilie presence not yet leauing vs comfortlesse for he hath giuen vs his spirit to supplie as it were his absence but to the end that we might heereafter in time to come most comfortablie enioye him bothe in bodie and soule for euermore Dooth not hee himselfe say Iohn 16.16 Yet a little while and yee shall not see me and againe a little while and ye shall see me for I go to my father And in another place Though I go to prepare a place for you Iohn 14 3. yet will I come againe and receiue you vnto my selfe that where I am there may yee be also And yet all this notwithstanding superstitious and brainesicke people dare with open mouth affirme that we haue him continuallie with vs here vpon earth and that not in respect of his spirituall power and presence onelie wherevnto we our selues most gladlie yeeld as a verie principall comfort vnto vs in the daies of all our distresses because in that respect as God eternall with his father we beleeue that he filleth all places both in heauen and in earth and is said to be with the beleeuers euen vnto the end of the world Matth. ●3 20 but as in respect of his corporall and bodilie presence also than the which nothing vndoubtedlie can be more false and absurd as hath beene sufficientlie shewed alreadie and plainelie prooued before Now hauing waded thus farre in the trueth and certeinetie of the matter it selfe wee might safelie shut vp and conclude this point but that there remaine sundrie of the aduersaries obiections to be answered wherin I cannot but let the godlie reader vnderstand that I minde not to answer either all of them or manie of them because the most in trueth be friuolous and vaine and it would be ouer tedious to wade into such idle and vnprofitable matter Three there are in deede which because they seeme to be of speciall strength and ordinarie vse I can not let passe Two of them are taken from the words of the text of holie scripture and the third from the omnipotencie and almightie power of our sauiour Christ which though they be common things in deed and such as might as easilie be reiected as obiected because the controuersie is not touching the plaine wordes of the text and the almightie power of Christ as God for be it far from vs to be so absurd as to draw things of such euidency and excellencie into question but we striue rather as for the true sence naturall meaning of the wordes so for the veritie of Christes person and the essentiall properties of either his distincted natures yet we cannot but both for the strengthening of them that be weake and ignorant in the same as also for the discharge of our conscience before God and man but in a word or two as it were make a short but withal a sound sufficient and true answer I hope to euery one of these three seuerallie and by themselues 1 The first place obiected is these words of our sauiour in the gospell after Iohn Except ye eat the flesh of the sonne of man Iohn 6.13 and drinke his bloud ye haue no life in you Weerevnto I answer first that neither these words neither the rest of the chapter can in anie probabilitie or shew of reason properlie be vnderstood of the Lords supper And if we had no more for it but this yet were this sufficient because at that time the supper it selfe was not instituted and ordeined but a long while after as in the euangelists writings dooth plainelie appeare but must rather be referred to our spirituall communicating or partaking with Christ by the meanes of a liuelie
impossibilitie of the thing it selfe the Lorde hath in the fourth place for the ouercomming of that temptation sette before vs sundrie of his seruaunts who beeing men like vnto vs in all respects Actes 7 6● haue yet notwythstanding in the dayes of their flesh doone the same as we see particularlie in Stephan Fiftlie the verye Sacrament it selfe and the elements in the same leade vs thereto 1. Corinth 10.17 For wee that are manie are one bread and one bodie because wee are all partakers of one bread at the Lordes boorde euen as that bread wee eate of there is made of manie graines and yet maketh but one loafe Lastlie our owne good shoulde carrie vs forward to this because thereby wee prouide well for our selues that so wee might feele the forgiuenesse of our sinnes before GOD our Sauiour telling vs in plaine wordes Matth. 6.14 That if wee doo forgiue men their trespasses our heauenlie Father wil also forgiue vs. And though it bee true that wee can and doo greatlie aggrauate other mens sinnes against vs as for example hee hath taken away my good name he hath spoiled me of my goodes hee hath killed my father husband children and a thousand suche like and what hainous offences be these Yet if GOD woulde geue vs grace vprightlie to looke into our owne sinnes committed eyther agaynst other men or Gods owne maiestie wee shall finde that wee haue good cause offered to be ready to remitte For if men offend vs wee doo in as great points offend others And though that were not true yet wee cannot denie but that wee doo more highlie displease Almightie GOD than men can or doo displease vs and that not onelie in the notoriousnesse of our sinnes but euen in a dailie and continuall course of iniquitie and in an infinite multitude of transgressions also What a fearefull thing will this bee in our owne heartes that wee woulde gladlie haue God mercifull vnto vs in forgiuing most greeuous and innumerable transgressions and wee will not remitte small offences and sinnes seldome tymes committed By this wee doo nothing else but cast awaie the sure seale and earnest pennie as it were that our sinnes are forgiuen vs before GOD and refuse a certaine pledge that our praiers and all other good things that come from vs are in Christes obedience accepted in his sight yea and moste iniuriouslie treade vnder our filthie feete Gods worde Gods example Gods sacraments and many other tokens of his grace and lastlie pull vpon vs a fearful vengeance from God to be manifested in this life and in the life to come And therefore I beseeche all the godlie that haue care of their saluation to looke heedilie to this point Meditation which is the second thing and is to be vsed speciallie in the tyme of the celebration of the Lordes Supper consisteth chieflie in these points to wit in regarding the outwarde elementes of the Lordes Supper that is to saye the breade and the wine and in considering the rites vsed in and aboute the same as the breaking of the Breade and the pouring foorth of the Wine and so forth For though the outward things are not the matters that wee shoulde stand vppon yet because by them it pleaseth the Lorde as it were by the hand to leade vs vnto right excellent thinges namelie by them to sette foorth vnto our Soules the crucifieng of Christes bodie the sheading of his bloude and so foorth and all for our transgressions that therefore they shoulde not bee sleightlie passed ouer wythout verye deepe and due consideration of the same And then because wee must not stay below on the earth nor be busied in beholding of earthlie things onelie but must by faith rise vp to heauen as it were there to behold the abundant riches of Gods spirituall graces offered and giuen to the faithfull in with by the outward elements we are throghlie to wey what great mercies the Lord setteth before vs in that holie and spirituall banket which though partlie for the woorthinesse of the giuer and partlie also for the excellencie of themselues as also by the want and weakenesse of our blinde and dull vnderstanding they cannot be sufficiently conceiued much lesse vttered may yet in my mind be brought into these foure points following as most materiall and principall 1 God setteth before our eies in that holie action first Christes death and passion togither with the benefits effects which we reape thereby and namelie the remission and full forgiuenesse of all our sinnes togither with the imputation of Christes righteousnesse vnto vs and the assured possession of eternall life for we doo no more verilie behold the bread broken and the wine poured foorth in our bodily sight and presence than wee do or ought by the eie of our faith to beholde the bodie of Christ crucified and his bloud shead vppon the crosse for the forgiuenesse of our sinnes neither are wee more fullie or particularlie put in possession of the bread and wine when wee haue eaten and druncke the same than wee are of Christ and all his merits then when by a liuelie and stedfast faith we lay hold of him and the most excellent graces that in him are offered vnto vs applieng them all particularly to our own souls which yet that they might be more effectually pledged vppe in vs it pleased the Lord to appoint not onlie that the bread should be broken and the wine poured foorth but that euery one of vs should seuerallie by him selfe and for him selfe take it eate it and drincke it c that so wee might bee in the more full and assured possession of hym and his graces 2 Secondlie the Lorde pledgeth out vnto vs therby that ful and spirituall nourishement that through Christ we haue both in the outward and inward man euen to the hope and fruition of eternall life for euen as verilie as that bread and wine dooth seeme to strengthen our out-ward manne so euen as verilie yea more verilye by much dooth Christe and is graces nourishe our soules yea I saye more verilie because that though some part of the bread and wine wee receiue bee turned into our healthfull and profitable nourishment and is become as it were part of our substaunce yet some of it also passeth thorowe the panch into the priuie but Christe remaineth alwaies a most holie and sound nutriment vnto our soules no parte of him vanishing awaye but hauing rather this effecte in vs that hee is not onely turned into our substance as the bodilie elements are in respect of our outward man but rather wholie turning vs as a man would say into his most holie and blessed substance he being not onelye a plentifull but a pleasaunt nourishment also bringing alwaies with him that effect to our soules that the outwarde elements doo to our bodies namelie giuing them all spirituall strength and inwarde comfort Iohn 15.5 because without him we haue nothing nor can doo anie thing 3
all things We answer that he performed that for which he ascended that is to say he filled or fulfilled the whole mysterie of our saluation which the prophets foretold and the full state whereof as in respect of that for the performance of which Christ came into the world is finished by Christs ascension as it had the beginning of it from his comming into the earth But if we had rather refer these words which also we may do to the frute that followed his ascension into heauen by which not as a seruant but as a sonne he tooke vpon him and entered into the kingdome and gouernment then we shall perceiue that he therefore ascended Iohn 14 2● that sending downe the Holie ghost he might bestow vpon his church all necessarie gifts for he ascended that he might euen lade men with his graces Ephes 4.8 and heape vp benefits blessings and gifts vpon them which seeing the apostle himselfe speaketh euen in so manie words as it were what man in his right wit would beleeue them that will transfer that to the verie person of Christ which is spoken of the office of his kingdome and the mightie and effectuall power thereof The fourth obiection answered Luke 24.31 But they yet further say he was taken out of their sight or he vanished away from it I grant it but if from hense they may gather this their presence in all places or in manie places or that which they call maiestie euerie where it is woonderfull and pitifull to behold what monstrous opinions in a verie short space haue sprong vp why may not we affirme the same likewise touching Philip Acts. 8.39.40 for he suddenlie did so banish out of the Eunuches eies sight that he was found afterward at Azolus And what was woont sometimes to be tide the prophets themselues appeareth by the example of Elias his disciples 2. Kings 2 3. The fift obiection Acts. 7.35.36 An other place they obiect Stephan saw Christ therefore he was on the earth I denie that for he being on earth saw him set in heauen as the holie historie declareth And to what purpose I pray you should he see him in heauen if he be at his side on the earth So that this miracle is to be considered not in the verie bodie of Christ but in Stephans eies Neither did that rite and ceremonie of the church vsed from all antiquitie whereby men with a loud voice were admonished to haue their hearts lifted vpward saieng Lift vp your hearts The vse of these words Lift vp your hearts in the celebration of the supper tend to any other end but to cause men to mount vp to heauen For to what purpose should that saieng Lift vp be vsed if wee had that in our mouths and in our hands which we seeke for The sixt obiection answered 1. Corinth 15.8 Acts. 9 4.5 c. August in psal 54. Againe Christ was seene of Paule as he went to Damascus Augustine shall answer this for vs. He writing vpon the fourth and fift psalmes saith The head that was in heauen cried alowd for the bodie that was in the earth Much like vnto this forme Acts. 22.17 is that which they yet obiect namelie that Paule saw the Lord when he praid in the temple therfore the Lord was in the verie temple we confesse that he saw him but in a vision or trance It was therfore a spirituall vision neither belongeth it anie whit at all to this present matter in hand and yet though we say it was a spirituall vision we meane not that Paule saw any false or forged thing Hitherto also we must refer other words of the same apostle seeming ●o tend to the same end for they may receiue the same answer likewise The last shift of the aduersaries fullie answered They run at the last to the same starting hole or shift which I call by that name as in respect of them that doo abuse it of the almightie power of Christ And when we set against them this sure ground that God cannot performe somethings then they throw out against vs bitter outcries as though that we were manifestlie and altogither blasphemous and euill men For mine owne part I would require this one thing of them The authors request to the aduersaries standing vpon two parts that they would with an vpright mind suffer such as amongst vs shall answer them and that they would not be caried so friuolouslie yet weaklie the Lord knoweth against such as whose life God be thanked for it freeth them from all suspition of blasphemie The first reason If euerie one denie the power of God that saith there is something which God cannot doo then they certeinelie were blasphemers that said God deceiued God lied and that he could not die Yea but they will say that in as much as these things are not of anie part of his power but rather imbecilities and wants this is not to make GOD weake or feeble but most mightie rather And this certeinelie is the same that long ago amongst others Theodoretus Theodoret did answere the Eutychian heretiks who defended this verie selfe same doctrine by the verie selfe same reason Let vs stay heere then a while and as we say in the prouerbe pitch our staffe for a season It is without all controuersie or doubt that God who at the first made all things of nothing is able vtterlie to turn all things vp side downe yea euen with his verie becke or breath to abolish and destroy them all and yet for all that he cannot effect or bring to passe this that that which hath beene should not be Certeine things that God cannot doo or that some one thing should be and not be at one the selfe same time or that it should at one and the selfe same time be such a thing and not such a thing The reason is because of two contradictorie speeches one of them must of necessitie be false Numbers 23.19 but sith he is God in deed he cannot lie and therefore he cannot either will or do such things as are contradictorie contrary one of them to another Wherefore he shall conuince GOD of lieng and himselfe of follie woosoeuer he be that will cloke and couer Gods almightie power with this deuise by which Christes bodie is circumscriptible and yet it shall in deed togither be present in manie places at once which properlie belongeth to that onelie infinit nature whereby also this is forged framed to wit that the bodie is finite and infinite great and not great yea a bodie and not a bodie The second reason And this I dare aduouch further Whatsoeuer God would once haue without exception to be vnchangeable that cannot be changed by him much lesse can it be abolished or doone away the reason is because God cannot depart from himselfe or be contrarie or vnlike vnto himselfe And I make this without all doubt or
vtterlie ouerthrowe and destroy the nature of a sacrament which as all men knowe and confesse must euer consist of two partes to wit of visible elements and inuisible graces the trueth whereof appeareth not onely by the generall consent of all men as before is alleadged but also by the particular viewe of all the Sacramentes mentioned in the olde or newe testament But this trueth is not onely defaced and laid euen wyth the ground but swalowed vp also and as it were broght to nothing if so be it that the nature and substance of the elements bee either chaunged or vanish awaie in this matter of the lords supper as some affirme and hold the things represented by the same come in their place The reason wherof is plaine and euident to witte that the one parte of the Sacrament namely the visible signe is then and there absent And therefore it must of necessitie followe that not onelie the nature of a Sacrament is destroyed but by consequent also the Sacrament it self because the nature of a thing being taken away the thing it selfe can not stand or continue for the nature is it whereof the thing it selfe consisteth Yea this also falleth out vpon it that those men that in the pride and vanitie of their owne hearts inlarge the number of Sacraments aboue them that christ hath left vnto his church publishing to the worlde that there are seauen where indeede there are but two In the true and naturall vse of the worde Sacrament are founde not onelie to bee clippers of the Lordes coine but vtter defacers of his holie ordinaunce in taking from the Churche whatsoeuer they pretend to the contrarie one of those that Christ hath left to the same for the comforte thereof beeing founde likewise by this meanes not onelie presumptuous against Christ but iniurious also to the people in spoiling them of so great consolation So fruitfull in vngodlinesse is the euill weede of corrupt doctrine Indeede if the signe of the sacrament and the thing signified by the same were thinges contrary they might haue some shew of reason for this vnmeasurable affection but forasmuch as wee all knowe them to be not things contrary but diuers no doubt but they not onely may but do very well stand together the one of them beeing so farre from destroying or defacing of an other that they in a most louing consent agree and concurre together to the setting foorth of Gods glorie and the spirituall good and comforte of hys children Wherefore I saye it cannot be auoided but that they doe very ill that do thus malapertlie disioyne and put in sunder such things as God hath most wiselie ioyned and glewed as it were fast together 2 Secondlie I affirme that this doctrine is woonderfullie iniurious vnto the glorified bodie of our Sauiour not onely whilest it fetcheth him from heauen the place of all such blessednesse as can not be conceiued much lesse spoken of into the earth the place of all vnspeakeable miseserie and wretchednesse which yet is not all this circumstaunce further aggrauating the error of this vniust assertion that they make the blessed body of Christ our Lord and god subiect to the call of a mortall and miserable creature the priest I meane as they name him as though if he bade go it should go or if he commaunded it to come it shoulde come c But also whilest it maketh it to be rent and torne in peeces not only with the teeth of good mē a matter which our nature abhorreth both in respect of the rawnes of it also in respect of the substāce of it for we are not Anthropophagi that is eaters of mans flesh but euen with the teeth of the wicked and vngodlie also which euen for this cause if there were no more is most vntrue and false because that then they shold liue for euer Iohn 6.54 in as muche as all that eate his fleshe and drincke his bloude haue this promise that they haue eternall life And yet these wicked menne cease not heere but proceede to further impietie some of the chiefest among them affirming though in deede others are not so resolute in it by whyche also wee may see that there is not so muche vnitie or consent amongest Popishe diuines and doctors as they pretend that mice rattes dogges hogges and other vnreasonable creatures falling vpon consecrated hostes and deuouring the same doo vndoubtedlie eate the blessed bodie of our Sauiour And if they staied heere their sinne were somewhat lesse but this is not all the mischiefe that falleth out in this behalfe for whereas in trueth and christian religion the bodie of our Sauiour Christ is now immortall and in immortall glorie as Gods worde and the articles of our Beleefe agreeing wyth the same doo plainelye teache vs these menne subiect it to putrefaction corruption and wormes by reason of the long reseruation thereof and at the last to consuming in the fire a fact of most horrible crueltie if it were Christes flesh but no maruaile though they deale so wyth him when they handle hys Saints as hardelie as that commeth vnto which thing experience of all ages dooth sufficientlye prooue because it maye not otherwise bee made awaye as they themselues confesse if it be once taken wyth hoarinesse mouldines or such like If any man doubt of the truth and certaintie of these points obiected against them lette hym but reade their owne workes and hee shall see the matter sufficientlie cleared Yea I suppose that the verye aduersaries themselues will not growe so shamelesse as to denie that which with a full mouth and in the open Sunne light hath beene published by the best of their side And if they woulde or shoulde yet wee haue the liues and the leaues the wordes and the workes in sentence and sense for manner and matter to charge them wythall and to throwe this dung into their faces 3 Thirdly I say that by consequent it dooth most cursedly confounde if not vtterlie subuert and ouerthrowe the humanitie of our Sauiour with his Godhead whilest that which indeede and all trueth is proper and peculiar to the eternall Deitie onely for example to be euerie where which can not agree to anie but to GOD alone as both reason and religion will sufficiently perswade if wee will giue eare vnto the same is yet notwythstanding most blasphemouslye attributed and ascribed to his manhoode which as hath beene already shewed before and shall more plainelie if GOD will be prooued heereafter is and must of necessitie since the time of his moste glorious ascension into Heauen and sitting at the right hande of the maiestie of GOD his Father the very onelie seate and throne as it were of his bodilie residence bee circumscriptible and tied to a place As for that which they are woont vsuallie to obiect for the impeachement of this trueth and the establishement of their owne errour beeing taken from the glorification of our Sauiours bodie is easily beaten backe and