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A10180 The Church of Englands old antithesis to new Arminianisme VVhere in 7. anti-Arminian orthodox tenents, are euidently proued; their 7. opposite Arminian (once popish and Pelagian) errors are manifestly disproued, to be the ancient, established, and vndoubted doctrine of the Church of England; by the concurrent testimony of the seuerall records and writers of our Church, from the beginning of her reformation, to this present. By William Prynne Gent. Hospitij Lincolniensis. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1629 (1629) STC 20457; ESTC S115281 150,664 200

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giuen vs by Christ. The wise man saith that in the power and vertue of the holy Ghost resteth all wisedome and all abilitie to know God and to please him We must beware and take heed that we doe in no wise thinke in our hearts imagine or beleeue that wee are able to repent aright or to turne effectually vnto the Lord by our owne might and strength For this must be verified in all men Without mee yee can doe nothing Againe Of our selues wee are not able as much as to thinke a good thought And in another place It is God that worketh in vs both the will and the deede For this cause although Hieremie had said before If thou returne O Israel returne vnto me saith the Lord Yet afterwards he saith Turne thou mee O Lord and I shall be turned for thou art the Lord my God And therefore that holy writer and ancient father Ambrose doeth plainely affirme that the turning of the heart vnto God is of God as the Lord himselfe doeth testifie by his Prophet saying And I will giue thee an heart to knowe mee that I am the Lord and they shall bee my people and I will bee their God for they shall returne vnto mee with their whole heart Both the Priesthood and the Law being changed wee ought to acknowledge none other Priest for deliuerance from our sinnes but our Sauiour Iesus Christ who being soueraigne Bishoppe doeth with the Sacrifice of his Body and Blood offered once for euer vpon the Altar of the Crosse most effectually cleanse the spirituall leprosie and wash away the sinnes of all those that with true confession of the same doe flee vnto him These seuerall passages quoted out of our Homilies do aboundanty testifie that ther is an eternal and immutable Praedestination of certaine men vnto eternall life out of meere grace and mercy and likewise a praetermission or reprobation of others to eternall death out of Gods meere pleasure That there is no Free-will or sufficient grace communicated vnto all men whereby they may conuert and saue themselues if they will And that man without the speciall assistance of Gods grace and Spirit is so weake and impotent that hee can neither doe nor thinke any thing that is good or prepare his heart to seeke for grace That Christ Iesus hath dyed sufficiently for all men but effectually for none but the Elect and such who are enabled through faith to apply his merits to their soules That Gods grace and Spirit doe alwayes worke effectually in the hearts of his Elect in the act of their conuersion which they can neuer finally nor totally resist And that the Elect and truely regenerate can neither fall finally nor totally from the state of grace which is firme and stable If any man desire to know more of mans imbecillity and misery since the fall which is such that he can neither will nor doe any thing that is good without Gods speciall preuenting and assisting grace a point which ouerthrowes the whole Fabricke of Arminianisme which is founded vpon mans Free-will Let him read the first and second part of the Homily of the Misery of man The Homilies of Christs Natiuitie Passion and Resurrection The first Homily on Whitsonday The first second and third part of the Homily on Rogation weeke And the first part of the Homily of Repentance where this point is so copiously handled and aboundantly confirmed that it needes no more dispute Hee that would further satisfie himselfe in the freenesse of our Election Vocation Iustification Sanctification and Saluation out of meere grace and mercy without any desire merits will or workes of our owne or any thing foreseene in vs Let him reade the foresaid Homilies together with the first second and third parts of the Homilies of Saluation and Faith Hee that would bee further and more fully instructed in the point of the sufficiency value worth and merit of Christs death which was able and sufficient of it selfe to redeeme not some but all mankinde though the effect and application of it belong not to all but onely to the Elect who alone haue Faith for to apply it let him reade all these forementioned Homilies For the point of Perseuerance if any desire more copious euidences for to cleare it let him peruse the second part of those Homilies Pag. 148. 209. 261. 262. 263. and there hee shall finde it prooued That the Spirit of God doth alwaies dwell in the hearts of the Regenerate and that Dauid Solomon Noah Lot and Peter though they fell into grosse and 〈◊〉 sinn●● yet they did not fall finally nor totally from the state of Grace The cauils which haue bene raised against this point vpon some passages in the Homilies of falling from God I my selfe with others haue formerly answered them in other books I therfore spare for to repeate them since the now recited passages are sufficient for to cleere this point to euidence it to the world that the Arminian Tenents are manifestly oppugned yea condemned not warranted by our Homilies These Homilies were most of them penned and composed by the Learned Archbishop of Canterbury Doctor Cranmer afterwards a Martyr A short Catechisme set foorth by King Edward the 6. his Authority for all Schoolemasters to teach Printed at London in Latine per Reginaldum Woolfium 1553. and the same yeere in English Cum Priuilegio by Iohn Day out of which I haue transcribed it verbatim from Folio 37. to 41. Scholer AFter that the Lord God had made the Heauen and Earth hee determined to haue for himselfe a most beautifull Kingdome and holy Common-wealth The Apostles and Ancient Fathers that wrote in Greeke called it Ecclesia in English a Congregation or Assembly into the which he hath admitted an infinite number of men that should be subiect to one King as their Soueraigne and onely Head him wee call Christ which is as much as to say Anointed c. To the furnishing of this Common-weale belong all they as many as doe truely feare honour and call vpon God dayly applying their mindes to holy and godly liuing and all those that putting all their hope and trust in him doe assuredly looke for the blisse of euerlasting life But as many as are in this Faith stedfast were fore-chosen Praedestinat and appointed to euerlasting life before the world was made Witnesse heereof they haue within their hearts the spirit of Christ the Author earnest and vnfailable pledge of their faith Which faith onely is able to perceiue the mysteries of God onely brings peace vnto the heart onely taketh hold on the righteousnesse that is in Christ Iesus Master Doth then the Spirit alone and faith sleepe we neuer so securely or stand wee neuer so rechlesse or slothfull so worke all things for vs as without any helpe of our owne to carry vs idle up heauen Schol I vse Master as you haue taught me to make a
man c. 16. with my owne Perpetuity p. 100. 101. 621. in the raigne of our gracious King Charles who all giue full particular and copious testimony to this conclusion Certainely he who shall but seriously suruay these seuerall Scriptures Gen. 17. 1. I am the Almighty God Gen. 18. 14. Is any thing to hard for the Lord 1. Chron. 29. 11. 12. Thine O Lord is the greatnesse and the power and the glory and the victory and the maiestie thine is the kingdome O Lord and thou art exalted as head ouer all Both riches and honour come of thee and thou raignest ouer all and in thine hand is power and might and in thine hand it is to make great and to giue strength vnto all 2. Cron. 20. 6. Art not thou God in Heauen and rulest not thou ouer all the Kingdomes of the Heathen and in thine hand is there not power and might so that none is able to withstand thee Iob 9. 4. 12. 19. He is wise in heart and mighty in strength who hath hardned himselfe against him and bath prospered Behold he taketh away● who can hinder him who will say vnto him what dost thou If I speake of strength loe he is strong cap. 12. 13. to 25. With him is wisedome and strength hee hath counsell and vnderstanding Behold he breaketh downe and it cannot be built he shuteth vp a man and there can be no opening he leadeth away Counsellers spoyled and maketh the Iudges fooles he looseth the bond of Kings and girdeth their loyues with a girdle he leadeth Princes away spoyled and ouerthroweth the mighty hee powreth contempt vpon Princes and weakneth the strength of the mighty he increaseth the Nations and destroyeth them he inlargeth the Nations and straitneth them againe he taketh away the hearts of the chiefe of the people of the earth c. cap. 23. 13. 14. But he is in one minde who can turne him and what his soule desireth euen that he doth for he performeth the thing that is appointed cap. 33. 11. 12. 13. 16. 17. He putteth my feet in the stockes c. I will answer thee that God is greater then man why dost thou striue against him for he giueth not account of any of his matters he openeth the eares of men and sealeth their instruction that he may withdrawe man from his purpose and hide pride from man he keepeth backe his soule from the pit and his life from perishing by the sword cap. 37. 7. 12. He sealeth vp the hand of euery man that all men may know his worke It is turned round about by his counsels that they may doe whatsoeuer hee commandeth 〈◊〉 vpon the face of the world in the earth cap. 40. 8. 9. Wilt thou also disanul my iudgements hast thou an arme like God or canst thou thunder with a voyce like him c. 42. 2. I know that thou canst doe euery thing and that no thought can be with-holden from thee Psal. 33. 9. 11. He spake and it was done he commanded and it stood fast The counsell of the Lord standeth for euer the thought of his heart to all generations Psal. 47. 2. 3. The Lord most high is terrible hee is a great King ouer all the earth Hee shall subdue the people vnder vs and the Nations vnder our feete Psal. 115. 3. But our God is in Heauen he hath done whatsoeuer he pleased Psal. 135. 6. Whatsoeuer the Lord pleased that aid ●e in Heauen and in Earth c. Prou. 21. 1. 30. The Kings heart is in the hands of the Lord as the Riuers of water hee turneth it whether soeuer he will There is no wisedome no vnderstanding nor counsell against the Lord. Eccle. 9. 1. The righteous and the wise and their worke are in the hand of God Isay 14 27. The Lord of Hoasts hath purposed and who shall disanul it surely as I haue thought so shall it come to pas and as I haue purposed so shall it stand Isayah 41. 10. to 29. Behold the Lord God will come with strong hand and his arme shall rule for him he shall feed his flocke like a Shepheard he shall gather his Lambs with his arme and carrie them in his bosome and shall gently lead those that are with young Behold the Nations are as the drop of a bucket and are counted as the small dust of the ballance behold hee taketh vp the lles as a very little thing All Nations before him are as nothing and they are counted to him lesse then nothing and vanity It is he that sitteth on the circle of the earth and the inhabitants thereof are as Grashoppers that stretcheth out the Heauens as a Curtaine That bringeth the Princes to nothing and maketh the Iudges of the earth as vanity yea they shall not be planted yea they shall not be sowen yea their stocke shall not take roote on the earth and he shall also blow vpon them and they shall wither and the whirlewind shall take them away as stubble To whom then will yee liken me or shall I bee compared saith the holy one Lift vp your eyes on high and behold who hath created those things That bringeth out their Hoasts by number he calleth them all by their names by the greatnesse of his might for that hee is strong in power not one faileth cap. 43. 12. 13. I am God I am he and there is none that can deliuer out of my hand I will worke and who shall let it Ieremiah 18. 6. O house of Israel cannot I doe with you as this Potter saith the Lord behold as the clay is in the Potters hand so are yee in my hand saith the Lord c. cap. 32. 27. Behold I am the Lord the God of all flesh is there any thing too hard for me cap. 49. 19. He shall come vp like a Lyon from the swelling of Iordan against the habitation of the strong but I will suddenly make him runne away from her and who is a chosen man that I may appoint ouer her for who is like me and who will appoint me the time Ezechi 22. 14. Can thine heart indure or can thine hands be strong in the dayes that I shall deals with thee I the Lord haue spoken it and will doe it cap. 36. 24. 25. 26. 27. I will take you from among the heathen and gather you out of all Countryes and will bring you againe to your owne Land Then will I sprincle cleane water vpon you and you shall be cleane from all your filthynesse and from all your Idols will I cleanse you A new heart also will I giue you and a new spirit will I put within you and I will take away the stonie heart out of your flesh and I will giue you an heart of flesh and I will put my Lawes within you and cause you to walke in my statutes and yee shall keepe my iudgements and doe then Dan. 2. 20. 21. Blessed be the name of God for euer and euer for wisedome and strength are his
make any doubt or scruple of passing such a sentence Neuer were there any truthes more copiously confirmed more constantly defended more posit●uely resolued more aboundantly propagated more generally Preached more vnanimously imbraced more vncontrolably published more peremptorily established in our Church then these Anti-Arminian Tenents which I heere present vnto you There is scarce one publike whether Ancient or Modern Act Record or Euidence of our Church since her Reformation hitherto but doth in terminis at least in substance guie iudgement for them Scarse a learned or godly Martyr of note or eminency in our infant Church but hath planted them with his hand watred them with his bloud Scarce one Diuinity Professor in either of our Vniuersities hardly an Orthodox or renowned Writer in our Church from the beginning of King Edward the 6. his Raigne till this very present but hath subscribed them with his hand and feale and transmitted them to posteritie in some publike Worke. Not one constant Preacher of a thousand who hath not proclaimed them in the Pulpit Scarce a Graduate in Diuinitie but hath either in Lectures or Disputes defended them in the Schoole Scarce an Act or Commencement hath passed in either of our Famous Academies wherein all or some of them haue not bene publikely affirmed in Diuinity Exercises Not one authorized or approued Writer of our Church for I count not Barret Thomson Mountague or Iackson such the only opposites to them that I know off and those generally opposed by all our Orthodox Diuines who did euer once oppugne them Yea al such who haue formerly but barked against them in their inconsiderate Sermons haue beene forced to sing a publike Palinodie for their paines as the Recantations of Barret Sympson and others largely testifie And shall wee now beginne to question whether they are the Doctrines of our Church or no because some pur-blinde squint-eyed ideall Arminian Nouellists begin for to dispute it What is this but to make a scruple whether the day be light or no because Buzzards and blind-men cannot see it or sottishly to enquire whether the Sunne stands centred in one constant climate whiles the massie Earth wheeles round because one brainesicke Copernicus out of the sublimitie of his quintessentiall transcendentall Speculations hath more senselesly then Metaphysically more ridiculously then singularly auerred it Shall others wilfull gainefull and aspiring blindnesse make vs to doubt our eye-sight or shall the absurd and idle Quaerees of some Romish or Temporizing Spirits so vnsettle vs in our long-professed faith as to cause vs now to question the most positiue palpable and resolued Principles of our reformed Religion Yea so farre to besot vs as to put vs to this irrationall this frantique scrutinie Whether that bee the vndoubted Doctrine of our Church which shee hath alwayes hitherto beleeued embraced professed as a truth or that rather which she hath alwaies Diametrally opposed yea censured as an Error O let not vs be so vnchristianly so Atheistically wauering in the Fundament all Tenents of our long-professed Faith as that this Apostolicall Stigmaticall brand of an admired subitane Galathian Apostasie I maruell that you are so soone remoued from him that called you into the grace of Christ vnto another Gospell O foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you that yee should not obey the truth c. With the disgracefull and soule-pricking obloquies of our insulting Aduersaries who will be apt to vaunt that we now begin to doubt of our Religion and fall backe to them should now iustly seize vpon vs for our halting in these oft yea late resolued points in which both we and our Forefathers haue beene so long instructed Alas why should Papists why Turkes or Atheists thus reproach vs Where now is your reformed Religion in which you haue thus long reposed your Saluation and imbarqued all your soules Where is the Faith the Doctrines of your Church which you haue thus pertinatiously embraced since your reuolt from Rome Where is the precious bloud of all your glorious mocke-Martyrs in which you haue so long gloried Where the Orthodoxie Learning and Solidity of your much renowned Academies of your vnparallel'd Martyr Bucer Tyndall Latimer Beacon Cranmer Iewell Nowell Veron Fox Fulke Reinolds Whitakers Hooker Hutton Cartwright Hill Babington Willet Perkins Abbots Field Crakenthorpe Whites Vsher Prideaux Ward Benefield Sharpe Sybthorpe Ames Featley Wilson Carleton Dauenat Morton Goad Belcanckquall Burtons your imcomparably learned King Iames the Phaenix of his Age and eminentest of his ranke for solid learning with all your other Centuries of Writers in which you so much triumph Where the Authority of your Church you Parliaments or your Articles that you now begin to doubt yea question and re-examine the truth and verity of these dogmaticall Conclusions which all these haue planted watered sealed and setled thus among you What a shame a brand a downefall will this bee to our Religion What an inexpiable blemish and intollerable disgrace to all our godly Martyrs to these our famous Writers to our learned Soueraigne of blessed memorie to his two vnparalleld Predecessors Queene Elizabeth and King Edward to our whole glorious and flourishing Church since the beginning of her Reformation to this present What a griefe a heart-breaking to all faithfull members of our Church State yea what a dangerous Praecipice and fatall ouerture to all our soules if wee should now beginne to plucke those foundations vp on which wee haue thus long built the hopes the structure of our eternall happinesse or to call that into question which wee haue so oft resolued for the vndoubted Orthodox beleefe and Tenent of our owne yea of the Catholike and Apostolike Church of Christ frō age to age which can neuer totally nor finally erre in Fundamentall truthes Memorable is the answere of that blessed ancient Martyr Policarpus when hee was vrged by the Pro-consul to blaspheme and denye Christ that so hee might escape Fourescore and sixe yeeres saith hee haue I serued him neither hath hee offended me in any thing and how can I now reuile or denie that King which hath thus kept mee Surely not to ascend to Wickcliffe Bradwardine Bede or Anselme who all concurred with vs in our present Tenents but to confine our selues vnto the Ages of those later Martyrs and Writers of our Church which I haue heere recorded I can safely say and I hope I haue sufficiently euidenced it in the ensuing Catalogue that our Church hath this fourescore and sixe yeeres and more euen constantly embraced and defended these Anti-Arminian Theses neither did they euer offend or doe her harme in any thing yea they haue beene so farre from preiudicing or offending that they haue accumulated her with all varieties of blessings of contentments making her as the very Eden and Paradise of God while they dwelt in peace within her whereas now shee ebbs and sinckes together with them And shall shee now proue so vngratefull to her gracious God so iniurious