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A09182 The pa[n]dectes of the euangelycall lawe Comprisyng the whole historye of Christes Gospell. Set forth by Thomas Paynell. Paynell, Thomas. 1553 (1553) STC 19493; ESTC S114317 166,754 466

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the wyfe of Ury Salomon begat Roboam Roboam begat Abia. Abia begat Asa. Asa begat Iosaphat Iosaphat begat Ioram Ioram begat Osias * Osias begat Ioatham Ioathan begat Achas Achas begat Ezechias Ezechias begat Manasses Manasses begat Amon. Amon begat Iosias Iosias begat Iechonias and his brethren about the tyme of the captiuitie o● Babilon And after the captiuitie of Babilon Iechonias begat Salathiel Salathiel begat Zorobabel Zorobabel begat Abiud Abiud begat Eliachim Eliachim begat Azor. Azor begat Sadoch Sadoch begat Achim Achim begat Eliud Eliud begat Eleazar Eleazar begat Matthan Matthan begat Iacob Iacob begat Ioseph the husbande of Mary of whome was borne Iesus whiche is called Christ. All the generations from Abraham to Dauid are fourtene generations From Dauid vnto the captiuitie of Babilon are fourtene generations From the captiuitie of Babilon vnto Christ are also fourtene generations The byrth of Christ was on thys wyse When hys mother Mary was maried to Ioseph before they came together she was foūde w t childe by y e holy gost But Ioseph her husbande was a perfyte man and woulde not brynge her to shame but was mynded to put her awaye secretlye Neuertheles whyle he thus thoughte Beholde the aungell of the Lorde appeared vnto him in a dreame sayinge Ioseph thou sonne of Dauid feare not to take vnto thee Mary thy wyfe for that whiche is conceaued in her is of the holy ghost She shal bring forth a sonne and thou shalte call hys name Iesus for he shall saue hys people from their synnes All thys was done that the thynge myghte be fulfylled whiche was spoken of the Lord by the Prophete sayinge * Behold a mayde shall be wyth chylde and shall brynge forth a sonne and they shal cal hys name Emanuell whiche is by interpretacion God wyth vs. Nowe when Ioseph awoke oute of slepe he dyd as the aungell of the Lorde badde hym and he toke hys wyfe vnto hym and knew her not tyl she had brought forth her firste borne sonne and called hys name Iesus ☞ Of the Natiuite of Christe Luc. ii Cap. vii IT fortuned at the same tyme that there wēt out a commaundemēt from Augustus the Emperoure that the whole worlde shoulde be taxed And thys taxing was the fyrst that was executed when Syreneus was Lefetenant in Siria And they went al euerye one to his owne citie to be taxed Then Ioseph gat him vp also from Galile out of the citye of Nazareth into Iewry to the cytye of Dauid which is called Bethleem because he was of the house and linage of Dauid that he myght be taxed with Mary his spoused wyfe whyche was with chyld And it fortuned while they were there the time was come that she shoulde be delyuered Also she brought forthe her fyrste begotten sonne and wrapped hym in swadlynge clothes and layed hym in a manger for they had els no rowme in the Inne And there were in the same region shepherdes in the feldes watchynge theyr flocke by night And beholde y ● angel of the Lord stode by thē the bryghtnes of the Lord shone rounde about them and they were sore afrayed And the Aungel sayde vnto them be not afrayed Beholde I brynge you tydynges of great ioye whiche shall happen vnto all people For vnto you thys daye is borne the Sauiour euen Christ the Lorde in the citye of Dauid And take thys for a token ye shall fynde the babe swadled and layed in a manger And strayghte waye there was by the Aungel a multitude of heauenly hoostes whiche praysed God and sayde Glorye be vnto God on hyghe and peace vpon earth and vnto mē a good wyll And it fortuned when the aungels were gone from theym into heauen the shepherdes sayde one to another Let vs go nowe euen vnto Bethleem and see thys thynge that is happened whiche the Lorde hathe shewed vnto vs. And they came with hast and founde bothe Mary and Ioseph and the Babe layed in a manger And whē they had sene it they published abrode the sayinge that was tolde theym of thys chylde and all they that heard it wondred at the wordes whiche the shepherdes had tolde them But Mary kept all these sayinges and pondred them in her heart And the shepherdes retourned praysynge and laudynge God for all that they had heard and sene euen as it was tolde theym ☞ Of Christes Circumcision Luc. ii Cap. viii ANd when eyght dayes were ended that the chylde shoulde be circumcised hys name was called Iesus whiche was named of the aungell before he was conceaued in hys mothers wombe ☞ Of the commynge of the wyse men Math. ii Cap. ix WHē Iesus was borne at Bethleem in Iewrye in the tyme of Herode the Kynge Bheolde there came wyse men frome the East to Ierusalem sayinge Where is the newe borne kynge of the Iewes We haue sene hys starre in the East are come to worshyppe hym When Herode the kynge had heard thys he was troubled and all Ierusalem with him And he gathered the hye Priestes and Scribes of the people and axed of thē where Christe shoulde be borne And they sayde vnto him at Bethleē in Iewrye for thus it is wrytten by the prophete * And thou Bethleem in the land of Iewry art not the least amonge the Prynces of Iuda for out of thee shall come vnto me the captayne that shall gouerne my people Israell Then Herode priuelye called the wyse men and dilygentlye enquired of theym what tyme the starre appeared and sente theym to Bethleem sayinge Goe and searche diligentlye for the chylde and when ye haue founde hym brynge me worde agayne that I maye come and worshyppe hym also When they had heard the Kynge they departed and ●oe the starre whiche they sawe in the East wente before theym tyll it came and stode ouer the place where the childe was When they saw the starre they were meruelously glad and went into the house and founde the chylde wyth Mary hys mother and * kneled downe and worshipped hym And opened their treasures and offered vnto hym gyftes Golde Frankyn●ense Myrce And after they were warned of God in a Dreame that they should not goe again to Herode they returned into their owne countrey another way ☞ Of y e presentacion of Christ in the temple Luc. ii Capi. x. ANd when the dayes of their purification after the law of Moses were come they broughte him to Ierusalē y ● they myghte present hym vnto the Lorde as it is wrytten in the lawe of the Lorde euerye manchylde that fyrste openeth y ● matrix shal be called holy vnto the Lorde and that they myghte geue the offerynge as it is wrytten in the lawe of the Lorde namelye a payre of turtle Doues or two yonge Pygeons And beholde at Ierusalem there was a manne whose name was Simeon and the same manne was iust and feared God and longed for the consolation of Israell and the
sounde Then was he angry and wold not goo in Then wente hys father oute and prayed hym But he aunswered and sayde vnto hys father loo thus manye yeares haue I done thee seruyce neyther haue I broken thy commaundemente and thou gau●ste me neuer a kyd that I myght make merye wyth my frendes But now that this thy sonne is come whiche hathe deuoured his goodes w t harlot●es thou haste slayne a fed calfe But he sayd vnto hym my sonne thou art alwaye wyth me and al y ● is myne is thyne thou shouldest be merye and glade for this thy brother was deade and is alyue agayne he was loste and is founde agayne ¶ Of brotherly correccion Mat xviii Luke xvii Capitu. 95. TAke hede to your selues Math. yf thy brother trespasse agaynste thee go and tell hym hys faute Luke rebuke hym Math. betwene thee and hym alone Yf he heare thee Luke and do penaunce forgeue hym Math. and thou haste wonne thy brother Luke And thoughe he synne agaynste the seuen tymes in a daye and come seuen tymes in a daye to thee agayne and saye it repenteth me forgeue hym * Math. But yf he heare thee not take yet wyth thee one or two that in the mouthe of two or three wytnesses euery matter maye be stablyshed yf he heare not them tell it vnto the congregacion yf he heare not the congregacion holde hym as an heythen and publicane Uerely I saye vnto you what so euer ye shall bynde vpon earthe shal be bounde also in heauen and what soeuer ye lowse vpon earthe shal be lowsed also in heauen I saye agayne vnto you yf two of you shall agree vpon earthe for what thynge so euer it be that they woulde desyre they shall haue it of my father whyche is in heauen For where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the myddeste amonge them Then came Peter vnto hym and sayd Lorde howe ofte shall I forgeue my brother that trespasseth agaynste me● Seuen times Iesus sayde vnto hym I say not vnto the seuen tymes but seuenty tymes seuen tymes ¶ Of the wycked seruaunt vnto whome all the dette was forgeuen Mat. xviii Capi. xcvi THerefore is the kyngdome of heauen lykened vnto a kynge whiche woulde reken with his seruauntes And when he began to reken one was broughte vnto hym whiche oughte hym tenne thousande pounde Nowe whan he had nothinge to paye hys lorde commaunded hym to bee solde and his wyfe and hys chyldren and all that he had and paymente to be made Then the seruaunt fell downe and besoughte him saying syr haue pacience with me and I wyll paye the all Then had the lorde pitie on that seruaunt and discharged hym forgaue him the dette And the same seruaunte wente oute and founde one of his fellowes whiche oughte hym an hundreth pens and layde hande vpon him and toke hym by the throte and sayde paye me that thou owest Then hys felow fell downe and besoughte hym sayinge haue pacience with me and I wyll paye the all Neuerthelesse he would not but wente and caste him into pryson tyll he shoulde paye the dette Whan hys felowes same what was done they were verye sorye and came and tolde theyr lorde al that happened Then hys lorde called for him and sayde vnto hym O thou wycked seruaunte I forgaue thee all thys det because thou pra●edst me shouldest not thou then haue had compassiō also vpon thy felowe as I had pitie vpon thee And his lorde was wrothe and delyuered hym vnto the Iaylers tyll that he payed all that he oughte So shall my heauenlye father doo also vnto you yf euerye one of you from youre heartes forgeue not his brother hys trespasse● ¶ Of Christes commynge into the coastes of Iewrye and that his Disciples shoulde not feare those that kyll the body Mat. xix Mar. x. Luk. xi Cap. xcvi● ANd it came to passe whan Iesus had ended these sayinges he gate hym from Galile and he came in to the coastes of Iewrye beyonde Fordane and muche people folowed hym and he healed them there Marke and as hys maner was he taughte them agayne Luke and much people beinge about hym in so muche that they trode one another he beganne and sayde to hys dysciples beware of y ● leuen of the Pharises whiche is Ipocrisye for there is nothynge hid that shal not be discouered nother secrete that shal not be knowen Therefore what so euer ye haue spoken in darknesse that same shal be hearde in light and that ye haue spoken into the eare in the chambers shal be preached vpō the house roppes But I saye vnto you my frendes be not afrayde of them that kyll the body and after that haue no more that they can do But I wyll shewe you whome ye shall feare feare hym whyche after he hath kylled hathe power to caste into hell Yea I saye vnto you feare hym Are not fyue sparowes boughte for two farthynges yet is not one of them forgotten before GOD. The very heere 's of youre heade also are nom●red euery one Feare not therfore for ye are better then manye sparowes I saye vnto you whosoeuer confesseth me before men him shal the sonne of man confesse and knowledge before the Aūngels of God but he that denyeth me before men shal be denyed before the Aungels of God And whosoeuer speaketh a worde againste the sonne of man it shal be forgeuen hym But whoso blaspemeth the holy goost it shal not be forgeuē hym Whan they brynge you in to their synagoges and to the rulers and officers take ye no thought how or what ye shal answere or what ye shall speake for the holye goost shal teach you in the same houre what you ought to saye ¶ Of the cause why a man shuld forsake hys wife Mat 19. Mar. 10. Luc. 16. Cap. 98. THen came vnto hym the Pharises and tempted hym and sayde Is it lawfull for a man to put awaye his wyfe for anye maner of cause Marke But he aunswered and sayde what hathe Moses commaunded you They said Moses suffred to wryte a testimoniall of deuorcement to put her away Math He answered and sayde haue ye not red howe that he whiche made manne at the begynnynge made them man woman and sayde For thys cause shal a man leaue father and mother and cleue vnto his wyfe and they two shal be one fleshe Now are they not ●waine then but one fleshe Let no man therefore put a sunder that which God hath coupled together Then sayde they why dyd Moses then commaunde to geue a testimoniall of deuorcemente and to put her awaye He sayde vnto them Moses because of the hardnes of your heartes I suffred you to put a way your wyues mark And he wrote you this commaundemēt Math Neuerthelesse from the beginning it was not so Marke And at home his disciples asked him agayne of the same and he sayd vnto them Mathe I
the first parte of Christes sermone made there contayninge eyghte Beatitudes and certayne cursynge cap. xviii What Prelates ought to doe in worde and dede and that Christe came not to breake but to fulfyl the law cap. xix Of hauing pacience of shewing liberalitie to our neyghbours cap. xx Humayne prayse is not to be loked for in doing of good workes cap. xxi Of the maner of prayinge and forgeuyng cap. xxii Of the maner of fastynge and that we should not treasure vp in earthe but in heauen cap. xxiii Of doinge of mercy and that we shuld not iudge and of the truste and confidence of prayer cap. xxiiii Of the narowe way and conclusion of the Lordes sermone made in mounte Thabor cap. xxv● Of y ● leper which was hea●ed cap. xxvi Of the centurions seruaunt cap. xxvii Of y ● widowes sonne reuiued ca. xxviii Of a craftye scribe and of two y ● wolde felowe Christ. cap. xxix Of the quiet●nge of the sea at Christes commaundement cap. xxx Of. ii Demoniakes whiche were healed cap. xxxi Of him y ● was healed of y ● palsy ca. xxxii Of y ● feast in Matheus house ca. xxxiii Of the reuiuyng of the archsinagoges doughter and of her that was diseased with an yssue of bloude cap. xxxiiii Of two blind men illuminated and of the domme Demoniake cap. xxxv The disciples are cōmaūded to pray y e lorde of the haruest to sende workmen Capitulo xxxvi Of the sendyng forth of y e twelue Apostles to preache wyth power to heale the diseased cap. xxxvii Of Iohns interrogacion Arte thou he that shal come cap. xxxviii Of the maledictions of y ● cities vnto y ● whiche Christ had preached cap. xxxix Of the apostles retourning to Christ. Capitulo .xl. Of the sendinge forthe of the seuentye● and two disciples cap. xli Of the commynge agayne of the seuentie and two disciples cap. xlii Of the Samaritane that tooke cure of the woundyd cap. xliii Of Mary Magdalens conuertion cap. xliiii Of Marthas ministery and seruyce cap. xlv Of the doctrine of prayer cap. xlvi Of the woman of Samaria cap. xlvii Of the rulers sonne cap. xlviii Of the woman whiche ministred vnto Christe and of the parable of the sower and the exposition thereof captu xlix Of the parable of tares of mustarde sede cap. l. Of thre parables in the house cap. li. Of the Lordes commynge to Nazareth where he rodde and that the Nazarithes woulde haue caste hym downe headlynge cap. lii Of Iohn the Baptist death cap. liii Of the re●ection of fyue thousande men cap. liiii Of Christes deambulation vppon the Sea cap. lv Of the predication of Eucharistia for the which certayne went backe and departed cap. lvi Of the rubbynge of the eares of corne vpon the Sabboth day cap. lvii Of the healing of the wythered hande cap. lviii Of Herodes sayinge that Iohn was rysen and dyd miracles cap. lix Of the domme deuyl cap. lx Of the Iewes requiring a sygne from heauen cap. lxi Of the womā that lyfted vp her voyce And of the Lordes mother and brethre● whiche sought him cap. lxii Of the checkynge of the Pharises capi lxiii Of the brother which desyred Christe to deuyde the Heritage cap. lxiiii Of the ryche man which would make wyder his barnes cap. lxv Of the poole probatike cap. lxvi Of the Galileans which were slayne and of the fygge tree cap. lxvii Of the croked woman cap. lxviii Of y ● interrogation made vnto Christ whyther fewe shuld be saued And that Herode sought to kyl him cap. lxix Of hym that was healed of the dropsye of Christes exhortacion to humilitie cap. lxx Of callynge the poore to the feast And the parable of a great supper cap. lxxi That for Christes sake we must hate our parentes cap. lxxii Of the feast of Tabernacles And predication of Christes passion cap. lxxiii Of the woman deprehended in adulterye cap. lxxiiii Of Christes wordes in the treasurye Capitulo lxxv Of another communication of Christ for the which they woulde haue slayne hym cap. lxxvi Of hym that was borne blynde capitulo lxxvii Of Christes sermone I am the good she pherde cap. lxxviii Of the dedication cap. lxxix Of the reprehention of the Iewes tradition cap. lxxx Of the woman of Canane cap. lxxxi Of a deafe and a domme man whiche was healed of many other ca. lxxxii Of the seconde refection of the people with seuen looues cap. lxxxiii Of the Iewes askynge agayne a signe from heauen And of auoydynge of the Pharises leuen cap. lxxxiiii Of a blynde manne healed at Bethsaida cap. lxxxv Of Peters confession of the true faith cap. lxxxvi Of bearynge the crosse after Christe cap. lxxxvii Of y ● lordes tranfiguration ca. lxxxviii Of y ● dom lunatike spirit whō Christes disciples could not heale ca. lxxxix Of the disciples desyringe their faithe to be increased cap. xc Of the payment of didragma cap. xci Of the disciples contention whiche of them shulde be greatest cap. xcii Of him that cast out deuels folowed not Christ. cap. xciii Of. iii. parables y ● shepe grote y ● was loste of y ● prodigal sonne cap. xciiii Of brotherly correction cap. xcv Of the wicked seruaunte vnto whome al the dettes was forgeuen capi xcvi Of Christes comming into the costes of Iewry And y ● his disciples shuld not feare those y ● kyll the bodye cap. xcvii Of the cause why a man shuld forsake his wyfe cap. xcviii Of yong children which wer brought vnto the Lorde cap. xcix Of the yonge man that asked what he should do to possesse eternal life cap. i. Harde it is for a riche man to entre into the kingdom of heauen cap. ci Of rewarde of those that leaue al and folow Christe cap. cii Of the labourers quotidiane penye which were sent into y e vineyarde capitulo ciii Of the vnryghteous steward cap. ciiii Of the ryche glotton cap. cv Of the reuiuynge of Lazarus capitulo cvi Of the conspiracie made agaynst Iesus And of his going to Ephriam capitulo cvii. Of his departynge from Ephraim to Ierusalem cap. cviii Of the ten Lepers healed in the waye Capitulo cix Howe the Samaritans receaued not Christ. cap. cx The peticion of the chyldren of Zebebe cap. cxi Of the illumination of the blynde before he went into Hierico And of Zacheus and of the tenne poundes capitulo cxii Of two blynde men whiche receaued theyr syghte at hys departynge frome Hierico cap. cxiii Of blynde Bartimens whiche receaued his syghte betwixte Hierico Bethani cap. cxiiii Whan that the Lord after his returne frō Ephraim came to Bethani ca. cxv Of the syttynge vpon the asse ca. cxvi Of the glorious receauynge of Christ vpon Paulme sonday cap. cxvii Howe Iesus wept vpon Ierusalem and of the castynge out of those y ● solde Capitulo cxviii Of the Heathen whiche sought to see Christe cap. cxix Of the cursynge of the fygge tree And of the thirde
seuen deuyls and Ioanna the wyfe of Chusi Herodes stuarde Susanna and manye other that ministred vnto them of theyr substance Mathevv And y e same day wēt Iesus out of the house Marke and began again to teache by the sea side and there gathered much people vnto him so that he went into a ●hyp and sat vpon the water Mat and all the people stode vpon y e shore Mar and vpon the lande by the sea syde Luke Now whā muche people was gathered together and hasted vnto him out of y e cities he spake Mar taught thē in his dortrine Luk by a similitude marke Herkē to behold there wēt oute Luk. a sower to sowe his sede whyle he was sowing some fel by y ● way side was trodē vnder fote y e foules of y ● ayre did eate it vp And some fel on stone Mark stony grounde where it had not much earth and anone it came vp becau●e it had not depe earth Now whan y e sunne arose it caught heate and wycheres awaye Luke because it had no moystnesse Mark. nor no roote Luke some fell amonge the thornes and the thornes sprāge vp Mark. grew vp Mat. grew vp and choked it Marke and it gaue no fruite And some fell vpon a good grounde which gaue fruite that came vp and grewe Math. some an hundreth folde some syxtie folde some thyrtye folde Luke Whā he said this he cried Who so hath eares to heare let hym heare Mark And whan he was alone Math his dysciples came vnto him Marke they that were about him with y e twelue asked him Luke what parable was this Math and sayd vnto hym why speakest thou to them by parables Luke And he sayd Mathe. vnto you it is geuen to knowe the misterye of the kyngdome of heauen but vnto them Mark that are withoute al thinges happē by parables Mathe. And to them it is not geuen Therfore speake I vnto them by parables Mar. that wyth seynge eyes they may se and not dyscerne and that with hearynge eares they may heare and not vnderstande Mar. that in them maye be fulfilled y e Prophesie of Esai which saith ye shal heare in dede and shal not vnderstād w t seynge eyes shal ye se and not perceaue for the hert of this people is waxed grosse their eares are thicke of hearīg their eyes haue they closed lest they shuld once se w t y e eyes heare w t the eares vnderstande wyth the heart turne y ● I myght heale them Marke and their synnes be forgeuen thē Math But blessed are your eyes for they se your eares for they heare Uerely I say vnto you many prophetes righteous mē haue desyred to se the thinges y ● ye se and haue not sene thē to heare y e thinges y ● ye heare and haue not hearde them Mark. vnderstande ye not this parable How wyll ye then vnderstande al other parables Math. Heare ye therfore the parable of the sower Luke This is y e parable The sede is y e worde of God Marke The sower soweth y ● word Luke as for those y ● are by y e way side marke where y ● word is sowē Luk. are they y ● heare it Marke and as soone as they haue hearde it immediatly commeth Sathan Luke and taketh away the word oute of their heartes that they shoulde not beleue and be saued Mat. When one heareth the worde of the kyngedō and vnderstādeth it not the euel man commeth and plucketh it awaye that is sowen in hys heart Luke But they on the stone are suche as whan they heare it Marke by and by receaue it wyth ioye Luke and these haue no roote they beleue for a whyle Marke when trouble and persecucion aryseth for the wordes sake immediatly they are offended Luke and in the tyme of temptacion they fall awaye As for it that fell amonge the thornes are such as heare it and of the carefulnesse mat of this world and the deceatfulnesse of ryches Mar and many other lustes enter in and choke the woorde and so it is made vnfrutful And these are they that are sowen vpon a good grounde whych heare y ● word and receaue it and brynge forthe fruyte in pacience Math and some geueth an hundreth folde some sixtye folde and some thyrtye folde Mar. And he said vnto them is a candell lyghted to put vnder a bushell or vnder a table or a bed Luke No man lighteth a candel and couereth it wyth a vessell or putteth it vnder a bed but setteth it vpon a candelstycke that such as go in maye se lyghte for there is nothynge hyd that shall not be openlye shewed and there is nothynge secrete that shall not be knowen and come to lyghte Marke Who so hathe eares to heare let hym heare and he sayde vnto them Luke take hede therfore howe and what ye heare Marke Wyth what measure ye meate wyth the same shall it be measured vnto you agayne Math. Who so hathe vnto hym shal be geuen and he shal haue aboundaunce but who so hathe not from hym shall be taken awaye euen that he hathe Luk. and that he thyncketh to haue shal be taken from hym ¶ Of the Parable of tares and of mustarde seede Mat. xiii Marke iiii Luke xiii Capitulo l. ANother parable put he forth vnto them and sayde The kyngedome of heauē is like vnto a man that sowed good sede in his felde But whyle men slepte there came an enemy and sowed tares amonge the wheate and went his way Now whā the blade was spronge vp and brought forth fruite then the tares appeared also Then came the seruauntes to the householder and sayde vnto hym Sir sowdeste thou not good seede in thy felde From whence then hathe it tares He sayde vnto them that hath the enemy done Then sayd the seruaūtes wylt thou then that we go and wede them out He said No leste whyle ye wede out the tares ye plucke vp the wheat also with them Let them bothe grow together tyl the haruest and in tyme of haruest I wyll say vnto the reapers Gather the tares fyrste and bynde them in sheaues to be brente but the wheate into my barne mar And he sayde vnto them The kyngedome of God is after this maner as when a man casteth sede vpon y e lande and slepeth and it ryseth nyght day and the seede spryngeth vp and groweth he not knowynge of it For the earthe bryngeth forthe the fruite of itselfe fyrste the grasse afterwarde the eare then the full Wheate in the eare But when she hathe broughte forthe the fruite he putteth to the Sickle because the Haruest is come mat Another Parable he put forth vnto theim Mar and he sayde Luk What is the kyngdom of God lyke Or where vnto shall I compare it Mathevv The kyngdome of Heauen is lyke vnto a grane of Musterd sede whyche a man tooke and sowed it in hys felde Mar
woorde agaynste the sonne of man it shal be forgeuen him but who so euer speaketh against the holy ghoste it shal not be forgeuen hym nother in thys worlde nor in the worlde to come Ether make the tree good and his frute good also or els make the tree euell and hys fruyte euell also For the tree is knowen by the fruyte O ye generacion of vypers howe canne ye speake good when ye youre selues are euell for of the aboundance of the hearte the mouthe speaketh A good manne out of a good treasure of his hert brīgeth forth good thinges and an euell man oute of hys euell treasure bryngeth forthe euell thynges but I saye vnto you that of euery ydle woorde that menne haue spoken they shall geue accomptes at the daye of iudgemente Oute of thy woordes thou shalte be iustifyed and oute of thy wordes shalte thou be condemned ☞ Of the Iewes requyrynge a sygne from heauen Mathew xii Luke xi Capi. 61. THen answered certayne of the Scribes and Pharises sayd Master we woulde fayne se a token or sygne of thee Luke whā the people were gathered thicke together he beganne to saye This is an euell generacion mat This euell and aduouterous generacion seketh a token and there shal no token be geuē them but the token and sygne of the * Prophet Ionas Luke for lyke as Ionas was a sygne vnto the Niniuites so shall the sonne of man be vnto this generacion Math. For as Ionas was thre dayes and thre nyghtes in the whalles belly so shall the sonne of man be thre dayes and thre nyghtes in the hearte of the earthe The menne of Niniue shall ryse in the laste iudgement wyth this generacion and shall condemne it for they dyd penaunce at the preachynge of * Ionas And behold here is one greater then Ionas* The Quene of the southe shall aryse in the laste iudgement wyth this generaciō and shall condemne it for she came frō the vtmost partes of the earth to heare the wysedome of Salomon and lo here is one greater then Salomon Christ declareth that he oughte not for the Ievves incredulite to cease from preachynge tellynge this symilitude Luke No man lighteth a candel and putteth it in a priuye place nother vnder a busshel but vpon a candelstycke that they whyche come in may se the lyghte The eye is the lyghte of the bodye If thyne eye then be syngle all thy bodye shal be full of lyght but yf thyne eye be wycked then shal al thy body be full of darckenesse Take hede therefore that the lyghte which is in thee be not darkenesse yf thy body now be lyghte so that it haue no part of darknesse then shal it be ful of lyght and shal light the euen as a clere lyghtenynge Math. But whan the vncleane spirit is gone out of man he walketh thorowe drye places sekynge rest and fyndeth none Then sayeth he I wyl turne againe in to my house from whence I went out And when he commeth he fyndeth it emptye swepte and garnyshed Then goeth he hys way and taketh vnto him seuen other spyrytes worse then hym selfe and whan they are entred in they dwell there And the ende of that manne is worse then the begynninge Euen so shall it go wyth this euell generacion ¶ Of the woman that lyfted vp her voyce and of the Lordes mother and brethren whyche soughte hym Mat. xii Mar. iii. Luke xi and. viii Capit. lxii ANd it fortuned whā he spake such wordes a certaine womā among the people lyft vp her voyce and sayde vnto him blessed is the wombe that bare the and the pappes that thou haste sucked But he sayde yea blessed are they that heare the worde of God and kepe it Mat. While he yet talked vnto the people beholde hys mother and hys brethren stode wythoute desirynge to speake wyth hym Luke and they coulde not come at hym for y e people Marke and they sēt unto him and called hym and the people sat aboute hym Math. Then sayde one vnto hym beholde thy mother and thy brethren stāde without and would speake wyth thee Luke and woulde se thee Math. But he aunswered and sayde vnto hym that tolde hym Who is my mother who are my brethrē Mar. and he loked roūd about him vpō those y ● sat roūd in cōpasse about him Mat. he stretched forth hys hāde to his disciples said beholde my mother my brethrē for who so euer doth y e wyll of my father which is in heauē y e same is my brother sister mother Luke my mother my brethrē are these whyche heare the worde of God and do it ☞ Of the checkynge of the Pharises Luke xi Capitu. 63. ANd whyle he yet spake a certaine Pharise prayde hym y ● he would dyne wyth hym And he wente in and sat hym downe at the table Whan the Pharise sawe that he maruayled that he washed not fyrst before dyner But the Lorde sayde vnto him Now do ye Pharises make clene the outesyde of the cuppe and platter but youre inwarde partes are full of robbery and wickednesse ye fooles is a thynge made clene within because the outesyde is clensed Neuerthelesse aboue that is necessarye geue almes of that ye haue and beholde all is cleane vnto you But wo be vnto you Pharises ye that teeth mint and rewe and al maner herbes and passe ouer iudgemente and the loue of God These oughte to haue bene done and not to ●eaue the other vndone ☞ Of the brother which desyred Christe to deuyde the heretage Luke xii Capitulo lxiiii BUt one of the people sayde vnto hym Maister byd my brother diuyde the enhiritaunce wyth me But he sayd vnto him man who hath set me to be a iudge or heretage parter ouer you And he sayd vnto theym Take hede and beware of couetousnes for no man lyueth therof that he hath aboundaunce of goodes Of the ryche man that woulde make wyder his barnes Luk. xii Capitulo lxv ANd he tolde theym a similitude and sayde There was a ryche man whose feldes had broughte forth fruites plenteouslye and he thought in hym selfe and sayde What shal I doe I haue nothyng wherin to gather my fruites And he sayd Thys wyll I doe I wyll breake downe my Barnes and buylde greater and ther●in wyll I gather all myne increace and my goodes and wyll saye vnto my soule Soule thou haste muche goodes layed vp in stoore for manye yeares take nowe thyne ease eate drinke and be mery But God said vnto him thou foole this night shall they require thy soule from thee and whose shal it be that thou hast prepared thus goeth it with him that gathereth treasure for hym selfe and is not ryche in God But he sayde vnto his disciples Therfore I say vnto you Take ye no thought for your life what ye shal eate nother for your body what ye shal put on The lyfe is moore then meate and the bodye more then
no mā deceaue you for there shal many come in my name saye I am Christ and shal deceaue many Luke and the tyme shal drawe nye folowe them not Math. Ye shal heare of warres and of the noyse of warre Luk But whan ye heare of warres and insurreccions be not ye afraied For suche must come to passe but y ● ende is not yet thereof so sone Thē said he vnto thē One nacion shal rise agaīst another one realme against another And there shal be great earthquake here there pestilēce and dearth and fearfull thinges and great tokens shal there be frō heauen Math All these are the begynnynge of sorowes Marke But take ye hede to your selues Luke But before al these they shall laye handes vpon you and persecute you Mat they shall put you to trouble and shal kyl you Mar they shal deliuer you vp to the councels and synagoges and ye shal be beaten and brought before Princes kynges for my sake Luk But this shal happē vnto you for a witnesse Mat. Then shal many be offended shal betray hate one another And many false prophetes shall arise shall deceaue many because iniquite shal haue the vpper hād y e loue of many shal waxe cold abate But who so endureth vnto y e ende the same shal be saued And this gospell of the kyngedome shal be preached in all the worlde for a witnesse to all people and then shall the ende come Marke Now whā they shal lede you deliuer you vp Luke Be at a point therfore in your heartes that ye take no thought how ye shal answere Marke For it is not yr y ● speake but the holy gost Luke For I Mar● in y e same houre Luke wil geue you mouth wysedō against the which al your aduersaries shal not be able to resist Mar One brother shal delyuer another to death and y ● father the sonne y e childrē shal ryse agaīst theyr fathers and mothers and shall helpe them to deathe Luke ye shal be delyuered vp euen of your elders brethrē kynsfolkes and frendes and ye shal be hated of euerye manne for my names sake and yet shal not one heere of your heade peryshe holde faste youre soules with paryence ¶ Of the commynge and persecucion of Antechrist Math. xxiiii Marke xiii Luke xxi Capitu. C. xxxiiii WHen ye therefore shall se the abhominacion desolation where of it is spoken by Daniel the prophete standinge in the holy place marke where it ought not Mat whoso readeth it let hym marke it well Luke that the desolation of Ierusalē is at hande math Then lette them which be in Iewry flye vnto the moūtaynes and lette him whiche is in the house toppe not come doune to ●et any thinge oute of his house and let hym which is in the felde not turne backe to fetche his clothes Luke And let suche as be in the middest therof depart out and lette suche as be in the countreys not come therin for those are the daies of vengeaunce that euery thing which is wrytten maye be fulfylled But wo vnto them that are with chylde and to them that geue sucke in those dayes Math but praye ye that youre fiyghte be not in the wynter nor in the Sabboth Luke For there shal be greate trouble vpon earthe and wrathe ouer thys people and they shall fall thorow the edge of the sweard and he led captiue amonge all nations And Ierusalem shal be troden downe of the Heythen vntyll the tyme of the Heythen be fulfylled ¶ Of the signes of the consumation of the worlde Math. xxiiii mar xiii Luc. xviii Ca. C. xxxv ANd he said to his disciples y e tyme shal come whan ye shal desire to se one day of y e sonne of man and shall not se it Math Then shall there be greate trouble Marke for in those dayes there shal be suche trouble as was not from the begynnynge of the creatures whiche God created vnto this tyme nother shal be And yf the Lorde had not shortened those dayes there should no man be saued But for the electes sake whome he hath chosē he hath shortened those dayes then yf anye manne shall saye vnto you lo here is Christe or there beleue it not Luk goo not you nother folow Mat for there shal aryse false Chrystes and false prophetes and shall do great tokens and wonders Marke to deceaue euen the verye chosen yf it were possible but take ye hede beholde I haue tolde you all before Math Wherfore yf they shall say vnto you beholde he is in the wyldernesse go not ye fourth heholde he is in the chamber beleue it not Luke for as the lyghtenynge shyneth aboue from the heauen and lighteth ouer all that is vnder heauen Mat so shal the cōmyng of the sonne of man be in his day for wher soeuer a dead carcase is ther will the Aegles be gathered together Luke But fyrste muste he suffer manye thynges and be refused of thys generacion Of the laste signes of the consumation of the worlde Mat. xxiiii Luc. xxi Capi. C. xxxvi IMmediatlye after the trouble of the same tyme shall the sunne and the moone lose their lyghte and the starres shall fall from heauen Luke And there shal be tokens in the sunne and moone and starres the people shal be in perplexite through the confusion and roring of the sea and waters that men shall pyne awaye for feare and for loking after the thinges whyche shall come vpon earthe math And the powers of heauen shal moue ¶ Of the comminge of Christe the iudge diuerselye sygnified Math. xxiiii Luke xvii xxi Mar. xiii Cap. C. xxxvii ANd then shall appeare the sygne of the sonne of man in heauē and then shall all the kinredes of the earthe mourne and they shall see the some of manne come in the cloudes of heauen with greate power and glorye And he shall sende his aungels wyth the greate voyce of a trumpe and they shall gather together his chosen from the foure windes from one ende of the heauen to the other mar from one ende of the earth to the other math Learne a similitude of the fygge tree whan his braunch is yet tender and his leaues sprong mar ye know that the sommer is nie Luke but when these thinges beginne to come to passe then loke vp and lyft vp your heades For youre redempcion draweth nye and he tolde them a similitude Behold the figge tree and all the trees whan they nowe shute forthe theyr buddes ye se by them and perceaue that sommer is now at hande mar So in lyke wise whan ye se all these thinges come to passe math be ye sure that it is nye euen at the dores Luke the kingdome of God Uerely I saye vnto you thys generation shall not passe tyll all be fulfilled heauen and earthe shal passe but my wordes shall not passe But take hede to youre selues that youre
heartes be not ouerladen wyth excess● of eatinge and with dronkennesse and with takynge of thought for lyuynge and so thys daye come vpon you vnwares For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwel vpon earth Math yet of that daye and houre knoweth no man no not the aungels of heauen Mark nor the sonne hymselfe Math but onely the father euen as it was in the tyme of Noe so shall the comming of the sonne of man be also for as they were in the dayes before the floude they dyd eate they dranke maried and were maried euen vnto the daye that Noe entred into the shyppe and they regarded it not tyll the floud came and toke them al away Luke and destroyed them all Mat so shal also the commynge of the sonne of man be Luk Lykewise also as it came to passe in the tyme of Lotte they dyd eate they dranke they bought they solde they planted they buylded but euen y e same day y ● Lot went out of Sodom it rayned fire brimstone from heauen and destroyed them all After this maner also shall it go in y e day whan the sonne of man shal appeare In y e daye whoso is vpon the roofe his stufe in y e house let him not come downe to fetch it like wise he that is in the felde let hym not turne backe for it that is behinde him Remember Lottes wife Whosoeuer goeth about to saue his life shal lose it whosoeuer lose it shall saue it I say vnto you In y ● night shal two lie vpon one bed y ● one shal be receiued y ● other shal be forsaken two shal be gryndyng together Mar at the myl Luke y ● one sha●be receaued y ● other shal be forsakē Math two shal be in the felde the one sha●be receaued and the other refused Luk and they answered and said vnto him where Lord he sayde vnto them Whersoeuer the dead carcase is there wyl the Aegles bee gathered together watch cōtinually therfore pray y ● ye may be worthy to escape al this y ● shall come to stand before y e sonne of man Of watch and prayer Luc. xxi xviii math xxiiii marke xiii Capit. C. xxxviii HE tolde thē a similitude signifyinge that men ought alwaies to praye not to leaue of And sayde there was a iudge in a citye whiche feared not God stode in awe of no man And in the same cytye there was a widdowe which came vnto hym and sayde delyuer me from myne aduersari And he woulde not a great while but afterward he thought with him selfe thoughe I feare not God and stande in awe of no manne yet seynge the wedow is so importune vpon me I wyll delyuer her leste she come at the laste and rayle vpon me Then sayde the Lorde heare what the vnrighteous iudge saythe But shall not God also delyuer his chosen that crye vnto him daye and nyght though he deferre them I saye vnto you he shall delyuer them and that shortelye Neuerthelesse whan the sonne of man commeth suppose ye that he shal fynde fayth vpon earth Marke Take hede watche and praye for ye knowe not whan the tyme is Lyke as a man that wente into a straunge countrey left hys house and gaue his seruauntes authorite vnto euery one hys worke and commaunded the porter that he shoulde watche Watche ye therefore for ye knowe not whan the master of the house commeth whether he commeth in the euening or at mydnyght or aboute the cocke crowynge or in the morninge that he cum not sodenly and fynde you sleping Loke what I say vnto you that I say vnto al watche Luk Let your loynes be gyrded aboute and your lyghtes burnynge and be ye lyke vnto men that waite for their Lorde againste he returne from the mariage that whan he commeth and knocketh they may straight way open vnto him Blessed are these seruauntes whome the Lord whan he commeth shal finde wakynge Uerely I saye vnto you he shall girde vp him selfe and make thē syt downe at the table and shall go by thē and minister vnto them And yf he come in the seconde watche in y e third watch finde them so blessed are those seruaūtes math Watche ye therfore for ye know not what houre your Lord wil come Luke But be ye sure of this that if the good man of the house knew what houre the thefe woulde come he woulde suerly watch and not suffer his house to be broken vp Therefore be ye readye also for at an houre whan ye thynke not shal the sonne of mā come But Peter sayde vnto hym Lord tellest thou this symylytude vnto vs or to al men also The Lorde sayde how great a thing is a faithful and wise stewarde whome hys Lorde s●tteth ouer hys householde to geue them their dutie in due season Blessed is that seruaunte whome hys Lord whan he cōmeth shal fynde so doynge Mat. Uerely I say vnto you ouer al his goodes Luk that he possesseth shal he set him Math. But and yf the euell shall saye in hys harte Tushe it wylbe longe or my Lorde come and begynne to smite hys felowes Luke and the maydens and to eate and drynke and be dronkē Mat. to eate and drinke with the dronken Luke the same seruauntes Lorde shall come in a daye whan he looketh not for hym and in an houre that he is notaware of and shall hewe hym in peces and geue hym his rewarde with the vnbeleuers Math. With ipocrytes there shal be waylynge and gnasshynge of teeth Luke The seruaunte that knoweth hys Lordes wyll and prepareth not hym selfe nother dyd accordynge to hys wyll shal be beaten wyth many strypes But he y ● knoweth not and yet dothe thynges worthye of strypes shal be beaten with fewe strypes For loke vnto whome much is geuen of hym shal muche be sought and loke to whome muche is commuted of hym shall muche be required I am come to kindle fyer vpon earth what would I rather then that it were kind led already Notwithstandinge I must fyrste be baptysed wyth a baptime and howe am I payned tyll it be ended Thynke ye that I am come to brynge peace vpon earthe I tell you nay but rather debate for from hence forthe there shal be at variaunce in one house three agaynste two and two agaynste three The father shal be deuyded agaynste the sonne and the sonne agaīst the father the mother agaynste the doughter and the doughter agaynste the mother the mother in lawe agaynste the doughter in lawe and the doughter in lawe agaynste the mother in lawe ☞ Of the ten virgins and tenne talentes Math. xxv Luke xix Capi. Cxxxix THen shal the kyngedome of heauen be lyke vnto tenne virgins wh●ch toke their lampes went forth to mete the bridegrome But fyue of them were folyshe fyue very wyse The folyshe toke their lampes but toke non● oyle with them But
the wyse toke oyle in their vessels with their lampes Nowe whyle the brydegrome taryed they slumbred al slept But at mydnyghte there was a crye made behold the brydegrome cōmeth go youre waye oute for to meete hym Then arose all those virgins and prepared theyr lampes But the foolyshe sayde vnto the wyse geue vs of youre oyle for our lampes are gone oute Then aunswered the wyse and sayde Not so leste there be not ynoughe for vs and you but go rather vnto them that sell and by for youre selues And whyle they wente to bye the brydegrome came and they that wer ready went in wyth hym vnto the mariage and the gate was shut vp At the laste came the other virgins also and sayde Lorde Lorde open vnto vs. But be answered and sayde Uerely I saye vnto you I knowe ye not Watche ye therefore for ye knowe nother the daye nor the houre whan the sonne of manne shall come Lykewyse as a certayne manne readye to take hys iourney into a straūge cōtrey called his seruaūtes and delyuered his goodes vnto them And to one he gaue fyue talentes to another two and to another one vnto euery mā after his abilitie stra●ghte waye he departed Then he that had receaued the fyue talentes wente and occupyed with the same and wanne other fyue talentes Lykewyse he that receaued two talentes wan other two also But he that receaued the one wente and dygged a pytte in the earth and hyd hys Lordes money After a longe season came the Lorde of those seruauntes and rekened wyth them Then came he that had receaued fyue talentes and sayde Syr thou delyueredeft vnto me fyue talentes Beholde with them haue I wonne fyue talētes mo Then sayde hys Lorde vnto hym Wel thou good and faithful seruaunt thou haste bene faythfull ouer lytle I wyll set the ouer muche enter thou in to the ioye of thy Lorde Then came he also that had receaued two talentes and sayde Syr thou delyueredest vnto me two talentes beholde I haue wonne two other talentes wyth them his Lorde sayde vnto hym Well thou good and faythfull seruaunte thou haste bene faythfull ouer lytle I wyll set the ouer muche entre thou into the ioye of thy Lorde Then he that had receaued the one talente came and sayde Syr I knewe that thou arte an harde manne thou reapest where thou haste not sowen and gatherest where thou haste not strowed and so I was afrayed and went and hydde thy talente in the earthe Lo here thou haste thyne owne But hys Lorde answered and sayde vnto hym Thou euell and slouthfull seruaunte knowest thou that I reape where I sowed not and gather where I strowed not Thou shouldest therfore haue had my money to the chaungers● and then at my commynge shoulde I haue receaued myne owne wyth vauntage Therefore take the talente from hym and geue it vnto hym that hath ten talentes For who so hathe to hym shal be geuen and he shall haue abundaunce But who so hathe not from hym shal be taken awaye euen that he hathe And caste the vnprofytable seruaunte into vtter darcknes there shal be waylynge and gnashynge of teethe ¶ Of the purgynge of the floore in the laste iudgemente Math. xxv Capi. Cxl. BUt whan the sonne of man shall come in hys glorye and all holy angels with hym then shal he syt vpon the seate of hys glory And all people shal be gathered before hym and he shall separate the one from another as a shepherde deuideth y e shepe from the goates And he shall set the shepe on his right hande and y e goates on the lefte Then shal the kynge saye vnto them that shal be on his right hād come hether ye blessed of my father inheret ye the kingdō which is prepared for you frō y e beginning of the worlde For I was hongrye and ye gaue me meate I was thirsty and ye gaue me drinke I was harbourles ye lodged me I was naked and ye clothed me I was sycke and ye vysyted me I was in pryson and ye came vnto me Then shal the righteous answere hym and saye Lord when sawe we the hungry and fed thee or thyrstye and gaue the drynke When sawe we the harbourlesse and lodged thee Or naked and clothed thee Or when sawe we y e sicke or in prison and came vnto thee And the kynge shall aunswere and saye vnto them Uerely I saye vnto you Loke what ye haue done vnto one of y e leste of these brethrē the same haue ye done to me Then shal he say also vnto them that shal be on the lefte hande Depart from m●ye cursed into the euerlasting fyer whyche is prepared for the Deuyll and hys aungels For I was hungrye and ye gaue me no meate I was thyrstye and ye gaue me no dryncke I was harbourlesse and ye lodged me not I was naked and ye clothed me not I was sycke and in pryson and ye vysyted me not Then shal they also answere hym and saye Lorde when sawe we the hongry or thrystie or herbourlesse or naked or sycke or in prison and haue not ministred vnto the Then shall he answere them and saye Uerelye I saye vnto you loke what ye haue not done vnto one of the least of these that same haue ye not done to me And these shal go in to euerlastinge payne but the ryghteous in to euerlastynge lyfe ¶ Of Christes last returning from mounte Oliuet vnto Bethani Luke xxii Math. xxvi Mar. xi Cap. C xli THe feast of swete bread which is called Easter drewe nye Math And it came to passe whan Iesus had finished all these wordes he sayde vnto his disciples Ye knowe that after two dayes shal be Easter and the sonne of manne shal be deliuered to be crucified Mark And at euen he went oute of Bethani with the twelue ¶ Of the Alablaster boxe of ointment Iohn xii Marke xiiii Math. xvi Cap. C. xlii THere they made hym a supper Mar in the house of Simon the Leper Iohn and Martha serued but Lazarus was one of hem that satte at the table with hym Marke and as he sat at the table Ioh Mary toke a pounde of pure and costelye Nardus and anoynted Iesus fete and dried his fete with hir heere mar and she brake the boxe and poured it vpon his heade Math syttynge at the table Iohn and the house was full of the sauoure of the oyntemens Marke There were some that disdayned and sayde amonge them selues Iohn then sayde one of his disciples Iudas Iscarioth Simons sonne whiche afterwarde betrayed hym Why was not this oyntment solde for thre hundreth pens and geuen to the poore Thys sayd he not that he cared for the poore But because he was a thefe and had the bagge and bare that which was geuen marke they grudged against her Math. Whan Iesus perceaued that he fayde vnto them marke Let her in reaste Iohn this hathe she kept against the day