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A08620 The fift lampe of virginitie conteining sundrie forms of christian praiers and meditations, to bee vsed onlie of and for all sorts and degrees of women, in their seuerall ages and callings ... A treatise verie needful for this time, and profitable to the Church: now newlie compiled to the glorie of God, & comfort of al godlie women, by the said T.B. Gentleman.; Monument of matrones. Part 5. Bentley, Thomas, student of Gray's Inn.; Abergavenny, Frances Nevill, Lady, d. 1576. 1582 (1582) STC 1893; ESTC S101563 134,473 221

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be broken from the bones of them O mercifull God extend thy fauour vpon all widowes that at all times and in all afflictions they may trust in thee the liuing God and continue in supplications and praiers night and daie being diligent in all good works not occupied in pleasures neither wanton light idle wandering from house to house no tatlers nor busie bodies no speakers of things vncomelie nor giuers of occasion whereby thy word may be blasphemed Keepe all parents that they being taken awaie either by war or vntimelie death their wiues be not widowes and their children orphans running heere and there a begging Be thou their helper and comforter euen for Christes sake our Lord and sauiour Amen The orphane or fatherles childs praier O Lord so narowe is the mouth of charitie so consumed is the fire of Christian loue that where the foxes haue their holes and birds their nests yet haue we poore fatherles children and orphans no place to rest our heads on As pilgrims we wander from place to place and are driuen with the wind of pinching pouertie vpon the seas of this world to seeke releefe but alas and wo to the world for it The rich man deuoureth all superfluouslie or else hoordeth vp to fill his garners niggardlie so that Lazarus may not only walke amidst the streets naked but also lie begging at the gates sore and yet go without euen the crumbs that fall from the table to ease the time of his necessitie O Lord therefore doo I poore orphane flie vnto thee haue thou mercie vpon me for it is onlie thou which fillest with thy blessing euerie liuing thing I am better than a farthing sparrowe O Lord thou knowest it and I acknowledge it to my comfort feed my soule with the flesh of thy sonne and let me drinke of his bloud that seeking first thy kingdome I may in the end be crowned with glorie and sit at the table of ioie in heauen with thee O Lord grant this I beseech thee Amen The old womans praier O God of our fathers and Lord of all grace throughout all nations all ages and generations past present and to come and which powrest bountifullie vpon all flesh the treasures of thine heauenlie vertue and wisedome grant I humblie beseech thee not onlie vnto my selfe which am now become aged and full of daies but also vnto whomsoeuer thou hast giuen the blessing of long life and manie yeares to liue in this vale of miserie to be mothers of manie children to multiple vpon the earth to increase heere thy kingdome and to be as organs and instruments of thee preserued to set foorth as we ought the glorie of thy maiestie that thou wilt vouchsafe alwaies so to indue me and all sage and ancient matrones with the spirit of truth vnderstanding and knowledge with thy fatherlie wisedome will to holines deuotion granitie temperance and constancie that the vnexpert the iuniors yonger women and inferiours which through want of time the affects of youth and void of the like gifts of grace can not deale as they should for thy glorie in the common wealth of the Church may yet by our sober sound and graue conuersation followe vs as true patronesses of pietie be ruled by vs guided instructed wel trained vp and christianly counselled that vnto vs aged and graue matrones againe by such iust desert and cleere shining light of our good example our due honor worthie estimation condigne worship humble submission and reuerence may most amplie for thy glorie dailie redound towards vs so shall it come to passe that now at all times and in all ages from tender youth to verie old age through generations and all posterities thy holie name shall be magnified in righteousnes and true holines with all ioifulnes lauds thanks-giuing heere and for euer in the euerlasting world to come through thine onlie free grace in the merits most pretious of thine onlie Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ Amen Ad this Psalme or praier O Lord which woorkest woonders which cheerest my hart with remembring thee and which inlightenest my youth despise not mine old age but make my bones to reioice and my hoarie heares to waxe fresh againe as the eagle Cast me not off in the time of mine age forsake me not now when my strength faileth me but as thy mercie hath come in the beginning of my life so helpe me now in mine old age and weaknes and let it finish the end of my course to thy glorie and my comfort For thou O Lord hast beene my trust euen from my youth vpon thee haue I staid my selfe from the wombe Thou art he that tooke me out of my mothers bowels that didst helpe me in my youth and hast preserued me euer since I was borne and conceiued Thou O God hast taught me from my youth euen vntill now O therfore forsake me not now in mine old age and graie head but as thou hast begun so continue thy benefites towards me that thy liberalitie may haue perfect praise that I may tell yet of thy woonderous works and shew thy power vnto them that shall come after me Haue mercie vpon me O Lord haue mercie vpon me for behold my life is wasted my daies are spent my yeeres are past my strength faileth the marrowe in my bones is consumed for age The beautie of youth is gone the glorie of age and graie-head is come I have beene yoong and now am old full of daies am I and striken in yeres yet haue I seene nothing no nor done anie good in thy sight I haue spent my yeres as a thought or tale that is told my daies are gone like a shadowe and I am withered awaie like grasse The time of my pilgrimage is but greefe sorrowe few euill haue the daies of my life beene and I haue not attained vnto the yeres of the life of my grandmothers in the daies of their pilgrimage The time of our life is threescore yeres and ten and if we liue till fourescore yeres yet is our strength then but labour and sorowe for it is cut off quicklie and we flie awaie so soone canst thou turne man to destruction and bring the sonnes of Adam to naught One daie with thee O Lord is as a thousand yeres and a thousand yeres in thy sight are but as yesterdaie which is past and as a watch in the night and our age is nothing in respect of thee Thy yeres O Lord endure through all generations and thy daies are without end or beginning yea heauen and earth shall perish but thou shalt endure they shall all waxe old as doth a garment and as a vesture shalt thou change them and they shall be changed but thou art the same and thy yeres shall not faile But the daies of men surelie are determined which he can not passe and the number of his moneths are knowen to thee thou hast appointed him his bounds and terme of yeres which he can not go beyond Thou
restore in me that which my sins haue hindered and corrupted and either take from me the great labour and dangerous trauell that my sins haue deserued the feare that it hath brought me into for the same so that I shall not need such power and strength such care and industrie as my corruption now seeketh and requireth or else so qualifie mitigate and order all my throwes paines pangs and pinches of this my child-birth that the trauell thereof doo not surmount nor ouercome my strength further than thou oh father wilt make mee able to beare endure the same or else encrease my strength encourage my mind and fortifie my senses so that I may without mistrust despaire or grudging against thy maiestie beare the labour to the end For my God and deere Father I doo knowe and assuredlie beleeue that all my paines and throwes are so in thy fatherlie ordering and working that onlie so far foorth shall they be painefull and greeuous vnto mee and no further but as thy diuine prouidence doth appoint Assist mee therefore oh most deere father with thy most cheerefull present and readie helpe and comfort me with thy holie Ghost For deere father as thou didst laie this rod of correction vpon vs for our sins that we should conceiue in sorrowe and beare in perill so Lord thou of thy goodnes didst promise that we should bring foorth Therefore oh most louing and pitifull father according to this thy holie promise I beseech thee send me good deliuerance of such a child as may be to the praise of thy holie name a witnes and testimonie of thy good will and blessing to this most honourable state of matrimonie and also by thine holie institution of baptisme may be made of the number of thine elect children and heire of thine eternall kingdome by the merits and deseruings of thy deere Sonne Iesus Christ in whose name I beseech thee furthermore as he hath taught and commanded me saieng Our father which art in heauen c. The same praier more breefe THY wisedome and power shine foorth in all thy works O Lord but yet much more greater more manifest and more woonderfull are they in the shaping of man Of how small beginning dooest thou make so maruellous a liuing thing infusing a soule into it whose originall is from heauen to the intent he should long to returne thither as into his countrie And now that thou hast ●●uchsafed to make me as it were thy worke-house wherein to fashion so singular a worke I most humblie and hartilie thanke thee beseeching thee that as thou hast giuen me abilitie to conceiue so thou wilt giue me strength to the perfecting of the thing that is in breeding that I may safelie both beare it and bring it foorth Trulie thou O mercifull father hadst of thine owne goodnes made this worke of child-bearing easie but our sinne hath made it sorrowfull and full of danger O most gratious worke-man let thy pitifulnes amend the thing which our sinfulnes hath marred and either abate my paine that I may not haue need of so great strength tendance and running or else increase my strength power and courage that I may be able to ouercome all the paines of my trauell Amen The same praier againe in Meeter THY wisedome Lord in all thy waies and power great to performe it We cease to search and onlie praise They passe so far the reach of wit And thus we muse and maruell much at all thy works and yet we find No maruell nor no wonder such as dailie forming of man-kind Of such beginning such an end and of such séed such fruit to growe With Dauid well we may contend to maze to muze and nothing knowe The matter earth the shape from heauen doth knit both soule and flesh in one Whereof such strife is them betwéene from whence they canie they would be gone And yet in all thy wonders great thy mercie Lord doth far passe all Which dooest vouchsafe to worke this feate in me poore wretch thy bond and thrall And as good Lord thou dooest me make thy shop to shape thy worke therein Thy hand-worke so doo not forsake but end the thing thou dooest begin Thy goodnes Lord did once make light this burthen now which sore doth gréeue Untill which wo did wrap each wight the wofull worke of wofull Eue. That Eue hath lost let Christ restore that guilt hath made let grace amend Why should the fault of Eue doo more than grace in Christ God it defend Oh Lord the time approcheth néere that throwes of Eue I must sustaine And that I may the same well beare increase my strength or lesse my paine Thy will this burthen on me laid thy goodnes eke will ease the same Where Christ hath once the ransome paid why should the déed of Eue bring blame Thus O Lord I me in thy will doo put eke wholie in thy hand I will not once swarue from thy skill to die or liue to fall or stand Amen Another godlie and earnest praier to be said of euerie Christian and faithfull woman in the time of hir trauell or child-birth vsed of the vertuous Ladie Frances Aburgauennie ALmightie God my heauenlie and most mercifull father I feele thy promised punishment at this present to take effect on me which for the gilt and transgression of my progenitors hath beene by thy diuine maiestie iustlie pronounced against me and the whole generation of Adam Great and intollerable are these bitter pangs and pearsing paines that in this my trauell of child-birth I endure and abide Now feele I as it were a cruell and sharpe conflict betwixt death and life now feele I O Lord the rod of thy correction according to thy iustice laid heauie vpon me for the vse and exercise of sin and iniquitie yet when it shall please thee good Lord looke vpon me with the eies of thy fatherlie compassion and pitie and according to the multitude of thy manifold mercies be thou now present with me Arm● mee O mightie God with perfect patience ioifullie to beare thy correction and in the middest of these my sharpe and bitter brunts of greefe giue me grace still to call vpon thee Strengthen me a poor wretched woman giue mee comfort and heauenlie consolation from aboue and when thou shalt thinke it meet and conuenient send me safe deliuerance that I may enioie the fruit of my wombe the sight whereof shall adorne and decke me anew with ioie and gladnes otherwise good Lord if in this season thou determine to take mee hence vnto thy selfe by thy messenger death to whose stroke all creatures when thou thinkest it meet and expedient shall bow make me constant and faithfull in thee whose I am whether I die or liue Forget my sins and offences committed by mee against thee Let the bloud of the Lambe Iesus wash away my deformitie Let the spots of my corruption be purged and taken awaie Let my infected soule that is putrified therein be purified therein
thy people and their posteritie Take from me all ignorance negligence slouthfulnes slacknes and disdaine yea from all vnmercifulnes rough handling hardnes of hart contempt of others falshood crueltie and bloudgiltines good Lord deliuer me and in steed thereof make me wise-harted skilfull louing gentle tender pitifull cherefull comfortable helpfull painefull watchfull strong able readie willing carefull diligent faithfull euen for thy sake onelie without respect of filthie lucre to pleasure all women at all times in my calling to the full discharge of my conscience and dutie both before thee and the world And O Lord to the end there may be found no fault in my ministerie nor anse woman or child said to be hurt or perish in their trauell by my negligence or ignorance and that I may auoid all slander and reproch I beseech thee O almightie God worke thou all my works for me and that which thou beginnest by me finish it I praie thee also by me to the glorie of thy name and giue me euer good lucke and prosperous successe through the power of thy spirit in all my womanlie and lawfull enterprises enioined of thee as a necessarie businesse to be done that they may come to a fortunate and desired end in thee as I hartilie wish and praie Finalie blesse me O God with all thy good gifts of grace vertue skill and cunning as thou didst thy holie seruants Shiphra and Puah the two graue matrons godlie women and famous midwiues of the Hebrue women in Aegypt that I fearing thee more than men as they did and being faithfull to my patients as they were may not onelie moue thee to haue mercie on me and to prosper me in making my house to increase as thou didst them but also by mine obedience and vpright dealing in mine office thy people may be multiplied and the families of thy true Israelites increased to the praise of thy glorie the exaltation of thy power renowme of thy name through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Another praier to be said of the midwife when she goeth about to doo hir office OH my celestiall Father be now mercifull vnto me thy repentant handmaid and sinfull seruant fled from mine enimies vnto thy helpe and succour Impute not vnto me my sinnes for Christs sake for I haue heard thy fatherlie voice and yet it soundeth dailie in mine eares out of heauen promising mee and affirming constantlie thy selfe to be appeased pleased and at one with me for thy Sonne my sweet Sauiour Iesus sake whom thou commandest me to heare and beleeue who I am sure is made of thee my righteousnes my satisfaction my reconciliation my peace-making my mediatour and intercessour with his praiers my fulfilling of the lawe my deliuerer and the whole wholie accomplisher of all my iust desires and my sauiour Christ Iesus God and man In whose blessed and holie name at this present I attempt and take in hand to doo mine office according to my vocation for thy glorie and this womans profit ease comfort and helpe in thee desiring thy gratious goodnes most mercifull Lord and Father for thy dearly beloued sonne sake Iesus Christ who without all helpe of man was conceiued and begotten of thee his father before all worlds and who also without anie helpe of woman was borne brought foorth into this world for our sakes of his blessed mother Marie the virgin For his sake I saie vouchsafe to prosper it further it and to giue it happie increase whatsoeuer I take now in hand iustlie and fortunatelie to finish the same O holie Father worke thou all our works for vs here in secret that we may praise thy name openlie before all people O prosper thou the works of our hands vpon vs Prosper thou our handie worke and blesse all things which I take in hand with thy blessed increase and let me doo nothing in this my action hurtfull either to the mother or hir babe neither let me seeke mine owne will but euer to praie that thy will be fulfilled here now in earth of vs as it is in heauen of thine angels And lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from all euils present and to come Amen Amen In doing hir office let the midwife praie thus with hir selfe and saie I In the name of God Amen Preuent vs O Lord in this action and all our doings with thy most gratious fauour and further our labours with thy continuall helpe that in this and all our works begun continued and ended by thee and in thee we may glorifie thy holie name and finallie by thy mercie obteine euerlasting life through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Or else thus THE glorious maiestie of the Lord our God be vpon vs. Prosper and direct thou O God the worke of our hands vpon vs. O prosper thou our handi-worke and this womans labour that we may bring foorth more fruite in our age to flourish with praises in the Church of Saincts to glorifie thee Amen If the woman haue verie sore labour and be long in trauelling and in danger of death then let the mid-wife and all the women assistant about hir kneele downe and praie one after another hartilie and ●arnestlie as followeth Midwife O Lord remember not our offences nor the iniquities of our fore-fathers and mothers neither take thou vengeance on our sins but spare vs good Lord O spare thy people whom thou hast redeemed with thy most pretious bloud and be not angrie with vs for euer Women Correct vs O Lord and yet in thy iudgement not in thy furie least we should be consumed and brought to nothing Midwife Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Women Christ haue mercie vpon vs. Midwife Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Altogither Our Father which art in heauen halowed be thy name thy kingdome come thy will be done c. Midwife And leade vs not into temptation Women But deliuer vs from euill Amen Mid. O Lord saue this woman thy seruant and hand-maid Wo. Which putteth hir onlie trust in thee Mid. O Lord send hir present helpe from thy holie place Wo. And euermore mightilie defend hir Mid. Let the enimie haue none aduantage of hir Wo. Nor the wicked approch to hurt hir Mid. Be thou now vnto hir O Lord a strong tower Wo. From the face of all hir enimies visible and inuisible Mid. Lord heare our praiers Wo. And let our crie come vnto thee Amen Midwife Let vs praie O Most mightie God our heauenlie Father we beseech thee looke downe mercifullie from heauen behold visit releeue and ease this wofull woman thy seelie seruant which is greeued now with sore labour tedious trauell and bitter paines Looke vpon hir with the eies of thy mercie and extend thine accustomed goodnes to hir now in this hir perplexitie And for-as-much as hir pangs and paines seeme vnto vs most extreame and hir trauell verie dangerous both to hir selfe and hir babe giue hir grace we beseech thee patientlie to endure this thy crosse of griefe and
mercifullie shewedst vpon them in their great trauels labours and paines when they fled vnto thy holie name for succour as vnto a strong tower bulworke and holie defence Go foorth O Lord to make them the ioifull mothers of manie children endue them with long life that they may see their childers children and the children that thou giuest vnto them make thou as in age so likewise in wisedome and in the abundance of thy holy spirit to increase that they may haue fauour both with thee and with all good men vnto the glorie of thy most blessed name Amen The mothers praier for hir childrens good education O Eternall God creator and preseruer of all man-kind the giuer of all spirituall grace and the onlie author of eternall life I most hartilie thanke thee that it hath pleased thy fatherlie goodnes to giue me these thy creatures the fruit of my bodie as a witnes and testimonie of thy fatherlie fauour and good will towards this most honourable state of matrimonie Oh Lord as thou hast giuen them vnto me so I beseech thee vouchsafe to giue me thy gifts both spirituall and bodilie that I may haue competent wherwith to educate and bring them vp Haue mercie on me oh Lord and giue vnto them thy grace and holie spirit and open thou their wits and senses and giue them the true knowledge and vnderstanding of thy holie word a louing affection and obedience vnto the same and a true faith in it Giue them wisedome vnderstanding knowledge and discretion docilitie capacitie and facilitie to comprehend take and receiue doctrine learning nouriture and discipline that they may be made worthie instruments of thy glorie and profitable members of thy Church to the aduauncement of thy glorie the edifieng of thy Church and the comfort of my conscience by Iesus Christ our Sauiour Amen Another praier to be vsed of euerie godlie mother for the godlie proofe of hir child made for the Ladie Lettice O Most mercifull Lord God almightie onelie which art gratious and good as by thy diuine will power this my child was formed and made a liuing creature consisting of bodie and soule in the wombe of me his naturall mother from whom he is departed into this world by naturall birth weake and impotent of fraile and sinfull substance by his owne propertie inclined to ignorance and sinne and now inuironed with thousands of malicious mightie and subtill enimies both bodilie and ghostlie which waite for the seducing leading of him to perill death and destruction wherevnto all mankind is prone and were it not for thy mercifull grace and tuition soone ouercome So be it thy will O most gra●ious Lord in the abundance of thy mercies and loue for Christs thy deere sonnes sake with thy fatherlie eie to looke vpon him to blesse him powring plentifullie of thy heauenlie gifts vpon him that being preserued brought vp and nourished in diuine knowledge faith feare and obedience of thee through true profession of thy sweete sonne Iesus in the sinceritie of the Gospell he may growe rich and beautifull in all godlines and vertue in all his waies and proceedings seeking the kingdome of eternall glorie through firme abundant faith and holie conuersation in Christ our sauiour working all righteousnes filled with meeknes brotherlie loue obedience cheerfull hope desire of heauenlie things contempt of the world and mightilie armed with thy grace and strengthened by thine assistance to vanquish the power of sinfull flesh and satan that hauing victorie in the end he may ioifullie triumph in thy presence O God with the rest of thy beloued saints to giue honour and continuall praise to thy most holie name in blisse euerlasting through thy deere sonne our mercifull Lord and Sauiour Amen Another praier of the mother for hir child ALmightie euerlasting God which of thine infinit mercie and goodnes hast promised vnto vs that thou wilt not onelie be our God but also the God father of our children I beseech thee that as thou hast vouchsafed to call vs to be partakers of this thy great mercie in the felowship of faith so it may please thee to sanctifie with thy spirit into the number of thy children this infant which thou hast giuen me to the end that he comming to perfect age may confesse thee onelie the true God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ and to serue him and be profitable vnto his Church in the whole course of his life that after this life beeing ended he may be brought as a liuelie member of his bodie vnto the full fruition of thy ioies in the highest heauens where thy sonne our sauiour Christ reigneth with thee world without end Amen Another praier to be vsed of the mother for the good education of hir youth and children OH gratious God in knowledging that thou louest all things which thou hast made of thy goodnes and that thing cannot perish which is committed to thy charge now I come vnto thee with my tender children committing them into thine hands and desiring thee to couer them vnder the wings of thy prouident mercie Hew and square the rough table of their hearts of stonie make them fleshie that being softened by the deaw of thy blessings they may beare the seales of adoption in thy Sonne Christ. O Lord guide them in this darke vale of vanitie with the light of thy fauour that escaping the dongeon of sin they may walke in newnes of life and lodge alwaies in thine holie will Imprint in their harts faith hope humilitie chastitie and charitie that following thee they may be humble and meeke holie vertuous perfect and godlie as thou art Indue them with the spirit of feare that they may kisse thee in faith liuelie obedience and thou be neuer angrie with them but louing vnto them as the mother is to hir tender sucklings Amen Another praier for the godlie and vertuous life of thy childe O Lord God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ and father of all them that beleeue which hast said by the mouth of Salomon the sonne of Dauid that an vndiscreet sonne is a greefe vnto his father and an heauines vnto his mother that bare him and that the wise sonne maketh a glad father but an vndiscreet bodie shameth his mother that it would please thee so to conduct and guide this my sonne S. in his waie that he may acknowledge and confesse that thou art the author of his life that he may serue and honor thee without feare in all truth and righteousnes and growing in age he may be mortified in spirit that he may be filled with wisedome and that thy grace be with him To conclude that by that meanes keeping thy precepts he may prolong his daies heere vpon earth obeieng vs his parents whom thou hast chosen as instruments for to place him in this world Giue vnto him O Lord such ease for the commoditie of this life that vnder colour of pouertie he doo not couet or
hast numbred all our daies which vade awaie suddenlie like the grasse for we are soone dispatched and easilie consumed A man in this world is euen like a vapour or shadow that quicklie vanisheth awaie For all flesh is grasse and the glorie thereof as the floure of the field which flourisheth in the morning and afterward withereth and vadeth Behold our daies are to be measured they are as it were but a spanne long and our age is nothing to speake of Our age is folden togither and taken awaie from vs like a shepheards cotage our life is cut off and our daies shortened by our sinnes like the thred of the weauer which is suddenlie broken off We are but strangers in this world soiourners as were our forefathers our daies on earth also are but a shadowe our life speedilie goeth awaie like the weauers shuttle and it abideth not We are as nothing Lord in respect of thee and verelie euerie man liuing is altogither vanitie yea infancie childhood youth middle age and old age all are but meere vanitie Wherefore O Lord teach me to number my daies that I may yet applie mine hart vnto wisedome and bring foorth more fruit euen in mine old age O let me knowe mine end and the number of my daies that I may be certified how long I haue to liue and what is yet to come Instruct me O Lord that being alwaies mindfull of my mortalitie I neuer promise to my selfe manie yeres nor long life in this pilgrimage of ours so shall I not liue securelie deferring my conuersion to thee from daie to daie nor yet put confidence in this fraile and vncertaine life as did that rich man saieng Soule thou hast much good laid vp in store for manie yeres take thine ease eate drinke and be merie whose soule notwithstanding was taken from him the same night But giue me grace that in thy feare I may dailie prepare my selfe to depart out of this prison and lothsome dungeon of my soule Now let me remember thee my Maker in the daies of my old age and in the yeres wherein I find no pleasure but paine and greefe whiles the sunne the light the moone and starres begin to waxe darke and the clouds of continuall miserie seeme to remaine after the raine to the increasing of my greefe Now let me thinke on thee my Creator whiles my hands the keepers of the house of my bodie doo tremble and the strong men my legs doo bow themselues and the grinders my teeth doo cease or stand still bicause they are few and they that looke out by the windowes mine eies I meane waxe darke and dimme Now let me remember thee my Maker whiles the doore of my lips and mouth beginneth to be shut by the base sound of the milner or grinding when my iawes I saie are scarse able to chawe my meat And I rise vp at the voice of the bird or crowing of the cocke bicause I can not sleepe And whiles all the daughters of musike euen my windpipe and eares are abased and become deafe and not able to heare singing Whiles I am afraid to climbe high bicause of my weaknes and stoope downe for feare least anie thing should hit me Whiles feare is in the waie I tremble as I go and am afraid of stumbling Whiles the almon tree my head doth florish with white heares and the verie light grashopper is a burden vnto it to beare And whiles all lust is past and driuen awaie Now I saie O Lord euen now yet let me call to mind thee my creator before I go to the house of mine age or long home the graue I meane and the mourners go lamenting my death about the streetes Or euer the siluer lace the sinewes and marowe of my backe bone be taken awaie and or the golden ewer or well of that litle yellow skin that couereth my braine-pan be broken or the pitcher of my two great veines be crackt at the well of my liuer or the wheele my head be broken vpon the cisterne of my hart out of the which the powers of life are drawne Euen now I saie at the least O my Creator let me remember thee before I which am but dust doo returne againe to the earth from whence I came and my spirit and soule returne to thee O God that gauest me it For all is but plaine vanitie and nothing more certaine than death though nothing more vncertaine than the houre thereof Therefore let me haue alwaies before mine eies an image and meditation of my departure the better to knowe the fleeting and vanitie of this combersome and vncertaine life that I may liue to thee my God being sound in faith and strong in hope looking with cheerefulnes for the daie of my departure and the ioifull appearing of thy sonne Iesus Christ my redeemer And as long as I abide in this tabernacle of my decaied and forworne bodie let me with all studie minister to my faith vertue to vertue knowledge to knowledge temperance to temperance patience to patience godlines vntill this tabernacle being laid awaie I shall passe ouer to my long home and dwelling place not made with hands but euerlasting in the heauens where I shall be clothed with eternall glorie and immortalitie when this my earthlie house is put off and destroied by death Grant also O God that trusting firmelie to thy promises I may be readie and glad to returne from this vale of miserie to mine euerlasting and celestiall countrie for while I am in this bodie I wander from thee my God For now I walke in faith not in the full and perfect enioieng and possessing of eternall good wherefore whether I be at home or from home let me endeuour my selfe to be acceptable in thy sight Make me a faithfull seruant and wise virgin alwaie hauing the lampe of faith readie light and with the oile of thy grace and merits prepared in my hand and still looking for the comming of the bridgrome my Lord and Sauiour Iesus for I knowe not when he will come at the euening or at midnight whether at the cocke-crowing or in the dawning of the daie least by a sudden houre of death I beeing ouertaken and as it were caught in the fowlers trap I be found vnreadie and haue a repulse among the foolish virgins but contrariwise by prudent watching in true conuersion and repentance I may continuallie couet to be dissolued and to be with Christ my redeemer Grant also deere Father that at the verie point of death hauing escaped all hardnes and temptations I may triumph like a conquerour behold the presence and power of thine holie spirit and let my last words be that which thy sonne did vtter vpon the altar of the crosse saieng Father into thy hands I commend my spirit and when my spirit is taken from me heare yet O God the grones of my hart And the houre glasse of life death being outrun and come let thy seruant and hand-maid depart
and the remembrance of whom eternallie endureth from generation to generation worlds without end Haue mercie vpon me thy sinfull hand-maid for behold I as all thy works else both in heauen and earth by little and little am waxen old as is the garment by long vse as a vesture am I outworne I saie greatlie changed My strength abateth more more I perish and consume hourelie and am withered awaie like mowne grasse or haie Howbeit Lord if praise bee seemelie in the mouth of so old a sinner or if rottennes and dust may presume to giue thanks vnto thee then lo I thy wretched creature humblie laud and magnifie thy maruellous mercies extended towards mee from my first conception in my mothers wombe vntill this present houre yea would God I could tell what to render vnto thee O Lord my God for all thy benefits towards me which hast not taken me awaie hastilie nor cut off my daies by death as I iustlie deserued but let me run the race of this life and suffered me to passe the tempestuous seas of this dangerous world and liue vnto so good an age Now therefore as it hath pleased thee in mercie to augment the number of my yeares to lengthen thus my daies and to satisfie me with long life heere vpon earth to my comfort for the which I offer and paie vnto thee the sacrifice of praise so I call still vpon thy holie name beseeching thee to vouchsafe in like goodnes to grant me grace that during the remnant of my race and little time of being yet to come I may liue still to glorifie thee by endeuouring my selfe dutifullie to further and helpe not onlie the yonger sort of women and my freends and kindred but also my verie enimies and the Common-weale wherein I liue with such good councell wisedome and discretion as it hath pleased thee in mercie to reueale vnto me or by experience in this long course of my life I haue obteined that shewing my selfe a guide vnto godlines and an example of vertue vnto all I may worthilie haue that honor and dignitie attributed and giuen vnto me which is due vnto the image and portrature of wisdome vnto a matrone of modestie and to an instructer or teacher of honestie and vertue Furthermore take from me the foule vice of auarice wherewith old age is most commonlie infected and incline my hart vnto thy testimonies and not vnto couetousnes and grant that I may euer eschew and auoid all sloth waiwardnes and lasciuiousnes Teach me yet to number my daies that I may applie my hart vnto wisedome and giue me grace to weigh and consider diligentlie with my selfe what the graie heares in my head and this my crooked and riueled bodie postulateth and requireth euen that I vse apparantlie graue manners and vertuous conditions O let me remember how that I doo dailie drawe neerer and neerer vnto death that mine out-worne bodie is bowed downe towards the ground and that my graue is at hand wherein by death I shall ere it be long enter to be consumed into earth and dust from whence I was taken that knowing this my earthlie house and tabernacle shall be destroied I may laie aside all the vaine pleasures and delights of this wretched world and giue my selfe wholie to looke for death and patientlie in watching fasting and praieng abide his comming And bicause my life is now lamed with age broken with infirmitie and oppressed with sorrowes I come crieng vnto thee oh mercifull God sighing in my soule and saieng Oh would God that thou O Christ of thy heauenlie pitie hauing released the heauie burthen of my sins wouldst commaund mee thine humble hand-maid to laie aside the fardell of this flesh that I might passe hence by death vnto the endles ioies of paradise For now I ware weerie of this painefull sinfull and corruptible life I begin to loath and detest this queene of pride this mistres of all mischiefe and hand-maid of hell yea therefore in deed I sigh and grone desiring that this ruinous and rotten tabernacle of mine earthlie house wherewith I am yet clothed and burdened might be destroied to the end I might be clothed and compassed with the building giuen of God euen with our house of unmortalitie which is from heauen that mortalitie might be swalowed vp in life For I loue rather to remoue out of this fraile bodie and to dwell with thee O Lord and with S. Paule I hartilie wish and desire to be dissolued and to be with thee for I would faine see thee And bicause no man can see thee and liue here behold therefore O Lord I can find in my hart to die here leaue this life that I may see thee Let me see thee that I may die here I desire not to liue anie longer I had leuer die that I may liue with thee in the kingdome of heauen which is the blessed the chast and holie life prepared of thee O father for them that loue thee where youth neuer waxeth old where life neuer weareth out where there is no age nor anie miserie or infirmitie of age where there is no lame crooked or foreworne person but all growe vp to perfect men and women after the full measure of the age of Christ there in happie eternitie and full suretie of the incorruptiblenes of thine euerlasting immortalitie to reioice with thine elect saints and praise thee for the gift of perpetuall blisse and happines through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Amen A praier to be said of anie woman generallie for all women that they may haue in remembrance the fall of their grandmother Eue and be moued therby the rather to turne to God and liue in their calling according to his will FOrasmuch O heauenlie Father as at the beginning when thou madest man and woman thou didst place them both in paradise and there blessing them in their state of innocencie didst giue them also a lawe of obedience in paine of eternall death damnation to be straightlie of them obserued and kept which through the spite sleights of satan was most miserably broken working his purpose by the woman Eue whom he foresawe to that speciall end to be an organ most apt instrument of al mischeefe for hir owne destruction hir husband Adams and their whole posteritie for euer Bicause in hir our grandmother Eue as in the first transgressour we are all spotted haue lost our innocencie and haue sinned to eternall death and should therefore haue beene damned for euer vnlesse through thy mercie O God in the promised seede the seede of the woman Christ Iesus thy sonne which brake the head of the serpent we did ground our assured faith and confidence to be saued I beseech thee and that most humblie O louing father to haue mercie vpon thine inheritance the whole generation and ofspring of our old parents Adam and Eue so worke in the harts of all vs women that we especiallie may haue in our remembrance the originall
in lawe Let all contumelie despite rancor brallings tauntings curssings slanderings reuilings vpbraidings with such other like wicked and vnchristian behauiour either in thought word or deed of a reprobate and accurssed child of Sathan be far from me that so I may auoid the plagues threatned and obteine the blessings promised Take from me I saie O Lord all hardnesse of hart euill custome vaine opinion churlish conditions and disdainefull or coie behauiour neither let me willinglie greeue hir or in anie thing be offensiue vnto hir as long as we liue togither O let me not I saie through euill maners lewd disobedience and peruerse rebellion be a vexation of mind to this my mother in lawe and parents as Iudith and Bathcath the two wiues of Esau were to Isaac and Rebecca their father and mother in lawe but giue me grace after the good counsell of Raguell and the holie example of Sara his daughter to obeie this my father or mother in lawe as she did Anna and Tobit hir father and mother in lawe to honor hir in deed and in word and in all patience and to vse all gentle courteous mild meeke and sweet words yea all childlike dutie and christian behauiour vnto hir for thy sake that thereby I may win hir good will and motherlie fauour more and more towards me Grant that I knowing my father and she to be now all one flesh as my husband and I am one bodie may reckon and repute hir now also to be as mine owne mother and to take my husbands parents for my parents and so to loue cherish reuerence and obeie them in euerie condition no lesse than as mine owne naturall parents that being seruiceable alway vnto them and fulfilling in all points the roomth and dutie of a good and godlie daughter in lawe I may find them againe the more to loue cherish and prefer me as their owne daughter Let me not be displeased if my husband loue his owne mother but rather as it becommeth a good and a vertuous wife if I see he doth not behaue himselfe towards hir like a naturall sonne giue mee both grace and wisedome quietlie to exhort him and friendlie to desire him to behaue himselfe better towards hir that she seeing and well knowing my chastitie of bodie my louingnesse towards my husband and my good will and gentle nature towards hir may through these vertues if she be curst alter hir fierce mind towards me and turne it to good and be the better content with me neuer heereafter to hate me either as a daughter in lawe or as a stepdaughter Finallie grant that after the good example of vertuous Ruths obedience to Naomie hir old mother in lawe I may with great humilitie entirelie loue hir hartilie praie for hir and dutifullie honour serue cherish and obeie hir yea and to spare no painefull diligence to doo hir all the good I possiblie may or can in thee and for thee that thus obeieng nourishing and susteining my mother in lawe in hir necessities none otherwise than if she were mine owne mother and bearing patientlie at hir hands all infirmities and miseries for thy sake while I liue may to thy glorie and others good example declare my good affection and great loue that I beare towards hir as she that standeth both in awe and feare of thy commandements and gladlie endeuoureth to obeie thee and my superiours in all things according to thy word and that this my mother in lawe may also sometime worthilie saie of me to my praise and others encouragement as Naomie said of Ruth namelie that I am better in troth vnto hir than seuen of hir owne sonnes This grant O God for thine owne glorie sake and my comfort and commendation in Christ Iesus to whome with thee the holie Ghost be all honor glorie and praise for euer and euer Amen A praier to be said of anie woman when she is woed of anie man to be his wife O Lord God of our fathers creator of heauen and of earth the sea and all that in them is which workest all things according to thine owne purpose and will which rulest the harts of all men and women and disposest them after thine owne counsell as seemeth best to thy godlie pleasure Oh good God the preseruer of mankind in thy great loue by thy godlie prouidence thou didst prouide and giue vnto our first father Adam a fellow-helper not onlie like vnto himselfe but euen of his owne bodie and substance commanding them to increase and multiplie to the figuring and coniunction of thy deere sonne Iesus Christ our continuall and onlie mediator and thy holie congregation for the which blessed be thy name for euer Oh thou God of all comfort and father of all mercie when thou art angrie with vs for our sinnes then shewest thou vs mercie and in time of trouble and temptation thou forgiuest sinnes to all them that call vpon thee faithfullie To thee therefore oh deere father I turne my hart and direct mine eies as thou hast commanded vs to doo in all our needs and necessities beseeching thee to be mercifull vnto me oh deere God and heare me thy poore handmaid and worke of thy hands Thou hast made all mankind of the mould of the earth and hast wrought in me and this man that now woeth mee according to thy good pleasure Thou hast regenerated vs by thy holie spirit and new created vs in thy deere sonne Iesus Christ vnto good works that we should walke in them so that we can not nor may not come togither in marriage after the manner of the heathen which be ignorant and knowe not thee to be their God Now therefore O louing father to whome all harts are open and knowne in this beginning of our loue and coniunction of our minds I humblie beseech thee so to order our affections and rule our harts and desires that therein we seeke nothing but thy glorie and the profit of thy Church Therefore in Christes name I praie thee suffer vs not to go amisse but as a father helpe and guide vs to a right marriage in the which we may liue honestlie and prosperouslie euen as we ought to thy honour and either deliuer vs from all euill lusts and concupiscence of the flesh and defend vs from all slander and shame whereby anie offence may be giuen to thy people or else in thy good time take vs out of this earth and miserie Thou knowest O Lord that I haue not fished with poison nor endeuoured to allure him by deceipts charmes to loue me and that this coniunction of our minds is not begun in vs for voluptuousnes nor of lust but onlie in the feare of thee and for the desire of Christian societie and mutuall loue and the increase of godlie fruit to the profiting of thy holie congregation We knowe O Lord that it is thou onelie that prouidest the marriage that hast the harts of vs both in thy hand and that giuest the will to consent
both sense of that celestiall wisedome and a true desire of our coupling to thee In thee a true and burning good will towards man whose nature thou tookedst on thee is inflamed such a comfortable affection of vnfeigned loue should the chast bridegroome beare towards his beloued wife and the bride likewise to hir husband Thou louest and makest much of thy flesh thou nourishest and dooest comfort the faithfull ingraffed into thee by true faith and so should man and wife beeing one ●●esh loue togither hartilie without all dissimulation Behold the Church according to the auncient custome of espousals lieth before the altar beseeching thee to reconcile thine eternall father vnto vs and to receiue vs into thy societie O our spouse most heauenlie make vs partakers of that couenant which thou entredst into with our nature Blot out all the filthinesse of our sinfull flesh by thy merite transforme vs into new through thine holie spirit and make vs by the same spirit to be one with thee depending vpon thee And forasmuch as thy diuine pleasure is to haue this heauenlie marriage to be celebrated among manie troubles in this miserable life where wine is not alwaies to be had and the face of thy Church is manie times like our water pots our fraile bodies oppressed with euils filled to the full with water and teares where also we are troubled if we be not heard when we make our praiers and hardlie we can bridle our selues with patience to expect thine houre assist and strengthen vs that these fraile vessels of ours in which thy Church hath hir nest be not broken through the malice of Sathan and rage of tyrants Graunt that in crosses and troubles of this life we may constantlie depend vpon thy counsell and assistance and doo that thing onlie which thou hast commanded and gratiouslie prouide that in that ioifull houre thy seruants and ministers may powre out the sweet wine of thy voice giue comfort in our greatest needs and bring vs to thee which art the truth and the life so that when this temporall marriage shall take an end wee may drinke new wine with pleasure in the feast of thy father Amen Ecclesiasticus 15 verse 2. As a pure virgin newlie married doth friendlie entreate hir husband so shall iustice and wisedome being pure and vndefiled greatlie entertaine hir louers Or thus Wisedome as a wife married of a virgin shall receiue or entertaine him that feareth God and keepeth the lawe A praier to be vsed of a virgin newlie married togither with hir husband the first night before they ioine togither in the dutie of marriage after the godlie example of Sara and Tobias who made and vsed the same before they laie togither for the space of three daies as appeareth Tob. cap. 8. 9. A sentence out of Tob. cap. 6. verse 17. worthie to be called to memorie of all new married folkes THey that receiue marriage after such a fashion that they shut God out from them and from their hart and giue themselues to their owne lusts euen as it were in Horsse and Mule which haue no vnderstanding vpon such hath the diuell power Therefore when thou takest an husband and art come into the chamber withhold thy selfe from him awhile and giue thy diligence vnto nothing but vnto praier with him that Sathan may haue no power ouer you that ye may be receiued into the companie of the holie Patriarchs and finallie that ye may obteine the blessing and fauour of God euen holie and sound children the fruits of your bodie and knéeling on your knées saie one after another as followeth ¶ The Praier or petition Husband BLessed and praised be thou O Lord God of our fathers and blessed is thine holie and glorious name for euer Wife Let the heauens blesse thee O God yea the earth the sea the welles the flouds and all the creatures that be therin praise and magnifie thee Husband Thou madest Adam of the mould of the earth and gauest him Eua his wife for an helper and staie Wife Of them came mankind O Lord and thou hast said It is not good that a man should be alone let vs make him an aid like vnto himselfe Husband And now O Lord thou knowest I take not this my sister to wife for fornication or voluptuousnes but vprightlie in thy feare for continencie and onlie for the loue and desire of children in whome thy name may be blessed for euer Wife Thou knowest also O Lord that I thine handmaid am pure from all sin with man and that I haue consented to take this my brother whome thou hast kept for me to be mine husband not for anie pleasure or fleshlie lust but in thy feare and for the desire also of children that in the seed of Abraham I may obteine thy blessing in children Husband Therefore haue mercie on vs twaine being the deerelie beloued children of our parents and cause vs to magnifie thee more perfectlie and to offer continuallie vnto thee the sacrifice of thy praise and of our health and sweetnesse for thy mercies extended towards vs. Wife Haue mercie vpon vs O Lord haue mercie vpon vs and as thou hast put awaie from vs the enimie that persecuted vs and made vs ioifull in thee so according to thy great mercie deale mercifullie with vs still and grant that we may come whole and sound each to other and become aged togither Husband Thy blessing O God be now and euermore vpon vs and vpon both our parents and as thou O Lord of thy goodnesse hast ioined vs togither so by the vertue and power of thy holie spirit blesse vs and multiplie and increase vs that we may togither see our children and our childrens children vnto the third and fourth generation Wife Yea let our seed be blessed of thee our most high and holie God that all people may knowe that thou onlie art God reigning in all the earth and to be blessed and praised for euer Husband Heare our praiers O God and for thy holie name sake grant our request through the intercession of our onlie mediatour and sauiour Iesus Christ our Lord. Wife Amen deere God Amen God the Father blesse vs God the Sonne blesse vs God the holie Ghost blesse preserue and kéepe vs the Lord mercifullie with his fauour looke vpon vs and so fill vs with all spirituall benediction and grace that we may so liue togither in this life that in the world to come we may haue life euerlasting Amen Another verie necessarie and fruitfull praier to be often vsed of all married couples for the obteining of a godlie louing and quiet life in that honourable state of Matrimonie FOrasmuch as it hath pleased thee O almightie God the creator and anthor of all things to direct both our minds rule our hearts and call vs from single life vnto this holie state of honourable wedlock whereby through thy mercie we haue not onlie escaped the entising snares of Sathan our ancient enimie the euill example of
of iniquitie perished altogither and were vtterlie confounded and drowned in the mightie waters that ouerflowed the whole earth Uouchsafe therefore I beseech thee O most mightie God and mercifull father the ruler and gouernour both of heauen earth and sea with all the creatures conteined therein in thy mercie so to dispose the wind and the weather and to giue my husband or father such successe in this his voiage and iournie which he hath now presumed to take onlie vppon a sure faith assurance of thy mercie that it may turne him to no danger dammage losse or misfortune but that he may alwaie be deliuered from all the dangers both of the sea pirats and enimies and so that he may be safelie conducted by thy mercifull protection and assistance and haue a safe and prosperous returne home againe into his countrie as was righteous Noah in his arke and as may be most to thy glorie my comfort and his commoditie Behold I thine hand-maiden whom thou hast ransomed and redeemed doo crie vnto thee yea euen I as now a s●litarie woman left all desolate alone whom thou hast with thy pretious blood redeemed doo still crie and call hartilie vpon thee for my deere and welbeloued husband or father according to my dutie and thy commandement Heare me O God my sauiour the hope of ●ll the ends of the earth and of all them that be in the sea a far off Heare me I saie O mercifull father for now my deere husband or father is conuersant in a troublesome sea and perillous waters O stand thou vpon the shore of thy heauenlie countrie and looke at his perils Lord saue him for thy name sake that he perish not Gouerne his ship with thy right hand by the helpe of thy grace that he perish not in the waues of the stormie sea that the tempest of the waters ●rowne him not and that the deepe swallowe him not vp but Lord grant him so to keepe his course amiddes the vast seas betweene the most perillous rockes of Scilla and Caribdis and to hold so with the anchor of faith and hope in thee and in thy crosse and passion that he may escape the danger of both those dangerous rocks and be guided by thee the morning light and sea-star of daie sonne of righteousnes that he may come safe to land both outward and homeward without losse of man ship or fraught so will I yeeld thee immortall thanks perpetuall praises for thy fatherlie benefits and my tongue shall record thy works of glorie for euer and euer which thou dooest for the children of men both vpon the sea and land Yet O father not my will but thy blessed will and secret counsell be fulfilled both in him and in me and I beseech thee set thy feare alwaies before mine eies and indue me with such plentie of thy grace to strengthen my weakenes and frailtie in falling that in this my husbands or fathers absence I may continue faithfull and godlie in my vocation and persist in faith loue and holines with modestie Make me diligent to rule well my children and familie and to keepe them in all christian obedience that I may get my selfe a good report of all men Let me abandon all vaine pleasures fond delights which beguile vnstable soules Make me to shun and auoid all vnprofitable practises all idlenes s●oth and securitie and let me be well giuen and disposed to all huswifelines sobrietie godlines and chastitie keeping home instructing my houshold and praieng continuallie day and night because of my great necessitie that so liuing purelie and behauing my selfe christian●e in all obedience towards thee and loiall faithfulnes towards my husband or father I may giue occasion to the aduersarie to speake well of the professors of the Gospell to thy glorie and my comfort in Christ Iesus to whome with thee and the holie Ghost be all honor and glorie now and for euermore Amen Amen When your husband or father is come safe home from his iournie giue God thanks therefore and saie I Thanke thee O heauenlie father for this thy great mercie and grace which thou hast shewed vnto mee thine vnwoorthie hand-maid both in hearing and granting mine humble requests also in leading foorth and bringing in and causing this my deere husband or father to returne and come home againe safe and sound in good health to my great ioie and comfort This I acknowledge and confesse O Lord is brought to passe euen through thy meere mercie gracious goodnes and holie blessing which thou of thy woonted clemencie and bountifull liberalitie giuest and extendest to all them that keepe thy holie word and doo thereafter Blessed and praised therefore be thy most holie name for euer and I beseech thee O gratious God grant now both vnto my husband or father and me whiles we liue heere in this vale of miserie where we haue no abiding dwelling place or permanent citie but looke for one else-where with thee in our celestiall home a sure and quiet conscience to loue each other of vs in thee and for thee and to serue thee loue thee and praise thee with all our harts with all our strength and with all our soules for euer and euer through thy sonne Iesus Christ our Lord who is our onlie rest and peace to whome with thee and the holie Ghost three persons and one inuisible God be all praise dominion thanks for euer and euer Amen A praier and thanks-giuing to be said when your husband or father with his ship is safelie come home from his voiage by sea O Most mercifull Lord and heauenlie father I render vnto thee most humble and hartie thanks for the manifold and great mercies which thou from time to time hast mercifully bestowed vpon me both for my soule and bodie And amongst other O father I thanke thee for the good and prosperous successe which thou in thy mercie hast giuen my husband or my father in this his voiage and iournie deliuering him and his from all the dangers of the same disposing all things by thy good prouidence to a good and happie end and now safelie bringing him with ship and fraught home into his owne countrie and house to my great comfort and his commoditie Let this thy fatherlie fauour O Lord be both vnto him and me a sufficient cause to mooue vs continuallie to render thanks vnto thee and wholie to depend vpon thy mercifull prouidence both in prosperitie and aduersitie and that we may so walke before thee as thy glorie alwaie may shine in vs and that our tongues may be instruments of thy praise at all times and in all places euen all the daies of our life that we thus liuing in thy faith feare and loue and in the obedience of thy holie commandements may passe the time of this our pilgrimage in peace concord mutuall loue and amitie so that when the same is ended wee may liue and reigne with thee for euer and euer Amen When your
according to the rule of thy holy commandements through the inspiration of thy blessed spirit to whome with thee and thy deerelie beloued Sonne Iesus Christ be all praise honor and glorie for euermore Amen Amen Praiers to be said of women with child and in child-bed and after their deliuerie A praier to be vsed of a woman with child O Almightie and mercifull Father which of thy bountifull goodnes hast fructified my wombe and of thy gratious blessing hast created in me a reasonable creature I most hartilie thanke thee not onelie for this thy gratious gift but also for that thou hast at all times sith I conceiued preserued me from all perils both of soule and bodie and hast so moderated all my nips pinches and pangs that I haue hitherto right well escaped them I acknowledge O Lord that iustlie for our ●infull transgression of thy commandements thou saiedst vnto the first woman our grand-mother Eue and in hir to vs all I will increase thy sorowe when thou art with child with paine shalt thou bring foorth thy children All our paines therefore that we suffer in this behalfe are none other thing but a woorthie crosse laid vpon vs by thy godlie ordinance to the which with hart mind I humblie submit my selfe trusting surelie and being fullie persuaded in my faith that thou callest none into perill and danger but both thou canst and wilt at conuenient season deliuer them Thou most gratious God hast commanded vs in all our trouble to call vpon thee for aid and helpe and not only hast commanded vs but also of thy mercifull goodnes hast promised to vs good deliuerance saieng Call vpon me in time of trouble and I will deliuer thee O good Lord how greatlie doo these words comfort my hart and susteine my seelie soule Who would not greatlie reioice that knoweth certainlie almightie God to be present with him in his trouble Saith not God thus Or euer they call saith he I shall answere them While they are yet but thinking how to speake I shall heare them And in the Psalme I am with him saith God in his trouble out of the which I will deliuer him What a comfortable Lord is this He is more readie to helpe than we to call for helpe He is more readie to giue grace than we to aske it There was neuer anie yet that with a pure faith asked grace of his Lord but he had it Christ saith Aske and ye shall haue Euerie one that asketh hath He that saith euerie one excepteth none Uerelie verelie I saie vnto you saith Christ whatsoeuer you shall aske my father in my name he shall giue it you Our sauiour Christ saith this and he is God and shall not I hearken to my Lord Gods commandements promises Uerelie I will sticke surelie to it for sure I am that sooner shall heauen and earth perish than Gods promises be vnperformed For albeit euerie man naturallie is a lier and deceiuer yet God is alwaies true and iust in all his words and promises I will therfore make my sute vnto him whome I need not go far to seeke for he is euerie-where present with his elect and is nigh vnto all them that call vpon him faithfullie and thus will I praie vnto him FAther of mercie and God of comfort and all consolation I thy poore hand-maid humblie beseech thee for Christ Iesus sake and in his blessed and holie name that thou wilt vouchsafe to forgiue me all my sins and trespasses that I haue heeretofore offended in against thy godlie maiestie either in thought consent delectation word or deed and that thou wilt heereafter during my life mercifullie preserue me from transgressing of thy commandements and dailie increase in me perfect repentance for my sins a sure purpose of amendment of my life and a diligent studie to walke in thy commandements Increase in me also a liuelie faith a sure hope and charitie Ingraffe in me humblenes of hart meekenes of mind cleannes of conscience Grant mee that I may be wise sad sober discreet circumspect and well aduised in all my saiengs and that I may stronglie ouercome all the temptations of mine enimies the diuell the world and the flesh and that whether I be sleeping or waking eating drinking or whatsoeuer I doo all may be to thine honor and glorie Grant me also that I may humblie reuerence my husband and faithfullie loue him and be obedient to all his honest lawfull and godlie requests And chieflie of all grant mee O Lord that I may feare and dread thee for well assured I am that looke how high the heauen is in comparison of the earth and so great is gods mercie towards them that feare him Looke how wide the East is from the West so far hath he set our sins from vs yea like as a father pitieth his owne children euen so is the Lord mercifull to them that feare him And as touching my deliuerance of this burthen and thy gratious gift I am right well assured that vnlesse thou prosper my trauell all womens helpe and all physicke is in vaine but my full trust is that like as thou hast created this child in me and hast breathed into it the spirit of life so at such time as shall be feene most meete to thy most godlie maiestie thou both canst and wilt prosper the childs birth and my deliuerance In consideration whereof I humblie beseech thee of thy fatherlie pitie to strengthen me in this my dangerous labour and trauell and so susteine me that I may patientlie beare all my throwes and pangs and according to thy promise suffer me not to be tempted aboue my strength but in the midst of my temptation make a way to come out that I may beare it Increase my faith O most mercifull sauiour Christ that I may constantlie beleeue thy word which saiest Ye shall be sorrowfull but your sorrowe shall be turned into ioie A woman when she trauelleth hath sorrowe for hir houre is come but when she is deliuered of the child she thinketh no more of the anguish for ioie that a man is borne into the world I be seech thee therefore in the dangerous time of my trauell grant me speedie deliuerance and ioifull beholding of my child that I being a merie and ioifull mother may render vnto thee honour laud praise and thanks for thine aboundant mercies and gratious gifts and benefits And finallie aboue all things I beseech thy gratious goodnes to endue my child with grace that it may be one of the number of thine elect baptised and regenerated in the holie Ghost and that at the yeeres of discretion it may learne to knowe thee and knowing thee may trust surelie in thy mercie trusting in thy mercie may hartilie loue thee louing thee may feare to displease thee and fearing to displease thee may bee obedient to thy commandements and finallie atteine euerlasting ioie and felicitie through our Lord Iesus Christ which liueth and reigneth with thee and the holie Ghost
openlie in the multitude of people and I will performe my vowes in the sight of them that honour thee The poore shall eate and be satisfied they shall praise the Lord that studie to please him and as manie of you as continue still such your harts shall liue All the ends of the world shall consider these things and be turned to the Lord and all heathen nations shall submit themselues and doo homage vnto thee my God For the Lord hath a power roiall and an imperiall dominion ouer the heathen The most mightie greatest of all them that dwell on the earth haue eaten and after that they haue tasted the spirituall gifts of the Lord they haue submitted themselues and made humble suite vnto him Yea and all the dead which are buried in the earth shall kneele and make reuerence in his honour because he hath not disdained to spend his owne life for them They that shall come after vs shall honour and serue him These things shall be written of the Lord that our posteritie may knowe and vnderstand them That they also may come and shew these things to the people that shall be borne of them that the Lord hath done these things which be so maruellous The praier in long and dangerous trauell of child to be vsed either of the woman hir selfe or by the women about hir in hir behalfe HAue mercie vpon me O Lord haue mercie vpon mee thy sinfull seruant and wofull hand-maid who now in my greatest need and distres doo seeke thee behold with grieuous groanes deepe sighes I crie vnto thee for mercie Euen now while thy heauie hand in chastening is vpon me doo I powre out my soule and make my pitious mo●e and humble supplication vnto thee my God for mitigation of my miserie For lo thou seest how I pant with paine and grone through griefe and trauell in sore labour before thee togither with all thy creatures sighing in my selfe and waiting for thy readie helpe and my speedie deliuerance foorth of this distres Oh Lord am not I now that wofull wight who with all the sorrowes of a trauelling woman am oppressed in thy sight Yea thou seest in what pitifull plight I am drawing nigh towards my trauell and hearest me sorrowfull wretch crieng out in my pangs as she that is destitute of all mortall helpe Alas how tediouslie doo I trauell of this child how pinching pangs doo I iustlie suffer for my sins I haue a long time O Lord held my peace suppressing my throwes so long as my womanlie strength will suffer I haue beene quiet and still and refrained my selfe I saie as much as I am able but now alas such and so intolierable is my greefe so manie and vehement are my throwes yea so continuall and tedious is my trauell that without thee I can not possiblie anie longer forbeare but am forced through bodilie paine and inward greefe to shrich and crie alowd vnto thee and that with teares for speedie comfort and heauenlie helpe that she which is in sore labour may find mitigation of hir paines through thy mercie and being readie to bring foorth may be deliuered through thy power For except thou O Lord make a waie out that which is conceiued can not be borne Oh Lord this daie is a gloomie daie a bitter time and terrible houre a daie or night of anguish and tribulation of sorrowe and perturbation vnto the verie soule of thine hand-maid for the babe is come vnto the place of the birth and lo it seemeth that thou for my sins hast shut vp the dores of my wombe and caused the babe to stand still like to be stiffled What shall I saie O my God what shall I doo Haue mercie vpon mee O Lord haue mercie vpon me and helpe me Make a way out for my deliuerance for in me there is no helpe no strength nor power to bring that foorth that I haue conceiued It is thou onlie O Lord my God which hast fashioned it in my wombe that must doo it Oh therefore put foorth speedilie thine almightie hand and helpe me and giue me strength and patience to endure whatsoeuer for my sins it shall please thee to laie vpon me in this my sore labour O good God thou that hast promised to intreate those gentlie that beare yoong haue mercie vpon thine hand-maid and vouchsafe to shew that tender care and fatherlie fauour vnto mee that am full weake feeble helpe me speedilie that stand in great need thereof For without thee I confesse there is no deliuerance nor saluation in the earth to be expected neither can anie worldlie meanes preuaile anie thing at all heere in this action Oh Lord thou art he that hast drawne me out of my mothers womb long since and hitherto hast had a tender care ouer me so that thou hast caused me to looke vp vnto thee when I did hang yet on my mothers breast so soone as I was borne and came foorth into this world I was committed vnto thee and euen then thou didst declare thy selfe to be my God and father Now then O Lord when so great miseries doo approch and enuiron me I beseech thee be not thou far from me neither forsake me which am destitute of all manner of succours besides Come holie Ghost and regard the sorrowes of thy hand-maiden for behold he that is mightie hath humbled me greatlie O blessed trinitie come visit a wretch that now as thou seest is entred into hir secret chamber and hath shut the dores about hir to hide hir selfe for a little while vntill thine indignation be ouerpassed Come I saie O glorious and almightie God come speedilie and through thy diuine power worke thou all our works for vs heere in secret that we may praise thee openlie For thou art my God and my soule hath greatlie longed for thee both daie and night Yea with my spirit within me doo I hartilie and earnestlie seeke thee earlie and late oh would God that I might find thee whome my soule loueth For in the waie of thy iudgements O Lord doo I wait I constantlie abide in mi●e aduersities wherewith thou dooest woorthilie afflict me and put my trust onlie in thee from whome I expect speedie deliuerance in thy good time Thy sweet name O Iesu and the remembrance of thee is now the thing that my languishing soule so much longeth for● O come therefore vnto me at the last and comfort me satisfie my longing to the full and deliuer thy faithfull hand-maid and sorrowfull seruant out of this extreame sorrowe and easelesse paines that I may no longer crie and saie Why is my heauines continuall and my paines so intollerable How is it Lord that for no intreatie thou wilt not deliuer thine hand-maid from such indurable greefes How long shall I suffer the paines of the birth and the anguish of the trauell Now long Lord shall my bowels thus sound like an harpe my bones and sinewes be racked asunder and mine inward parts be thus
his mercifull Father through thine holie spirit working in his hart by whose diuine power he may so preuaile against Satan that in the end obteining the victorie he may be exalted vnto the libertie of thy kingdome Amen Heere you may saie or sing to the glorie of God and your owne edifieng the 103. the 30. and the 116. Psalmes of Dauid A praier to be vsed of a woman at hir purification or Churching O Eternall father of thine onlie sonne our Lord and sauiour Christ which in the common-weale of Israel ordeinedst according to thy wisedome adornedst with excellent statutes necessarie for the state of man-kind and signifieng secret and heauenlie things didst make diuers lawes concerning vncleannes and the keeping of women with child and an other for the first borne and that not onelie to put vs in mind of order in this life and thankfulnes towards thy Maiestie but also to teach that this our giltie and polluted nature like the fowle menstruous cloth of a woman is washed by the blood of thy sonne which is the first borne thy substantiall image and the word sounding thy will whom from the heauens thou commandest to be harkened vnto Gouerne me by thy first and onlie begotten sonne and giue vnto me thy most defiled amd polluted hand-maid thy holie spirit that earnestlie I may bewaile mine vnworthines vilenes and vncleannes aske helpe at thy mercifull hands be this day purified both bodie and soule by the blood of thy Sonne and be redeemed by him vnto true pietie holines and in●egritie which pleaseth thee that through him I may be presented vnto thee with a pure and cleare mind and for his sake I may be adopted into thy children find fauour in thine eies Amen Or you may giue thanks and praie as in the booke of common praier and saie to your selfe or with the Minister as followeth FOr-as-much as it hath pleased thee O almightie God of thy goodnes to giue me safe deliuerance and hast preserued mee in the great danger of child-birth I therefore heere in the Church and congregation giue hartie thanks vnto thee O God and saie Psalme 121. I Haue lifted vp mine eies vnto the hils from whence commeth my helpe My helpe commeth euen from the Lord which hath made heauen and earth He will not suffer my foote to be mooued and he that keepeth me will not sleepe Behold he that keepeth Israell shall neither slumber nor sleepe The Lord himselfe is my keeper the Lord is my defence vpon my right hand So that the sun shall not burne me by day nor the moone by night The Lord shall preserue me from all euill yea it is euen he that shall keepe my soule The Lord shall preserue my going out and my comming in from this time foorth for euermore Glorie be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. Let vs praie Lord haue mercie vpon me Christ haue mercie vpon me Lord haue mercie vpon me Our father which art in heauen c. O Lord saue me thy sinfull seruant which put my trust in thee Be thou vnto me a strong tower from the face of mine enimie Lord heare my praier and let my crie come vnto thee Let vs praie O Almightie God which hast deliuered me thy most vnwoorthie handmaid and sinfull seruant from the great paine perill of child-birth I hartilie thanke thee and humblie praise thy holie name for euer and euer Grant me now also I beseech thee most mercifull father that I through thy helpe may both faithfullie liue and walke in my vocation according to thy will in this life present and also may be partaker of euerlasting glorie in the life to come through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Praiers to be said for women with child before or in trauell by the Mid-wife husband or anie other man or woman THou O Lord art woonderfull in all thy works and whatsoeuer thy good pleasure is that dooest thou easilie bring to passe neither is there anie thing impossible with thee that thou wilt haue done And albeit this thine almightie power sheweth it selfe abundantly in all thy works yet in the conceiuing forming and bringing foorth of man it shineth most euidentlie At the beginning O heauenlie Father when thou hadst made man and woman thou commandedst them to increase multiplie and replenish the earth if through the subtill entisements of Satan they had not transgressed thy commandements by eating of the forbidden fruit the woman whom thou hadst appointed the organe instrument and vessell to conceiue nourish and bring foorth man through thy woonderfull workmanship had without anie labour paine or trauell brought foorth hir fruit But that which thy goodnes made easie sinne and disobedience hath made hard painfull dangerous and if thy helpe were not impossible to be brought to passe so that now all women bring foorth their children in great sorrowes paines and troubles Notwithstanding thou shewest thy selfe vnto thy creatures a father of mercie and God of all consolation For that which through their owne imperfection and feeblenes they are not able of themselues to bring to passe thou thorough thine vnspeakable power makest easie in them and bringest vnto a fortunate end Wee therefore being fullie persuaded of thy bent and readie goodnes of thy present helpe of thy sweete comfort in all miseries and necessities knowing also by the testimonies of thy holy word how great and intollerable the pains of women are that trauell of child if through thy tender mercies they be not mitigated and eased most humblie praie thee for Iesu Christs sake thy sonne and our Lord to assist and helpe as all other women else-where in like case so especiallie this thy seruant S. B. here now in trauell labour that by thine almighty power both they she may safely bring foorth that by thy goodnes they or she hath conceiued and that thy louing kindnes may make that easie and tollerable which sinne hath made hard and painfull Ease O Lord the paines which thou most righteouslie hast put vpon hir and all women for the sinne and disobedience of our grand-moother Eue in whome all we haue sinned and giue both vnto thy seruant here present and vnto all such as haue conceiued and be with child strength to bring foorth that which thou woonderfullie hast wrought in hir and them Be present now with hir them in their trouble according to thy mercifull promise helpe hir and them and deliuer them Let thy power be shewed no lesse in the safe bringing foorth than in the woonderfull framing or fashioning of the child Make perfect that which thou hast so gratiouslie begun in hir them so that it may come vnto good succes Make hir and them glad and ioifull mothers that she and they through thy goodnes being safelie deliuered and restored to their old health and strengths may liue and praise thy blessed name for euer Amen Another praier for a woman with child IN the beginning of the world
fashioned vs altogither With skin and bones hast thou couered vs and ioined vs togither with bones and sinews Thou hast giuen vs life and grace and thy visitation hath preserued our spirits Grant we beseech thee to all infants yet vnborne that knit togither with their due veines and members they may come foorth into this world sound and perfect without fault or deformitie and grant that they being borne vpon their mothers sides may be ioifull vpon their mothers knees and sucke the milke of comfort out of the breasts of hir loue to the reioising of the mother Staie the furiousnes of wicked spirits that they shewe not their tyrannie vpon yoong infants Keepe all women with child that no waie being terrified frighted or troubled extreemelie they be vntimelie deliuered Giue grace also to the babes newlie borne that togither with their outward baptisme they may be receiued into the congregation of the faithfull with wholesome water through the renewing and regeneration of the holie spirit which thou wilt plentiouslie powre vpon them through Iesus Christ our Sauiour that being iustified by grace they may be made heires according to the hope of eternall life and become new creatures through him Strengthen all women deliuered and lieng in child-bed that beeing restored to their woonted health they may glorifie thee their helper in the time of need and learne afterward to repose their whole confidence in thee which art nigh vnto all that call vpon thee to all we saie calling vpon thee in truth And if at anie time through thine vnsearchable iudgement an vntimelie birth or vnluckie deliuerance happen so comfort O mercifull father the mournefull and sad parents that they faint not with sorrowe but beleeue rather that the woful chance is a triall of their faith hope and patience For thou art a mercifull and gratious God forgiuing our sins Though thou art angrie with our wickednes yet in thy displeasure thou remembrest thy mercie that the troubled may take comfort and the afflicted find grace For this doo all thy seruants persuade themselues that if they be tried they shall be crowned if they be troubled they shall be deliuered and if they be chastened they shall be saued for thou hast no plesure in our damnation which bringest faire wether after stormes gladnes after teares Thy name O God be praised for euer Amen The same praier more breefe for women with child generallie O Heauenlie father and eternall God which through thine vnspeakable wisedome hast enioined woman-kind that in paine and sorrowe they should bring foorth children and replenish the earth O Lord we beseech thee giue them grace to call into mind this thy decree and pleasure and thereby patientlie to beare the greefe and groanes incident vnto them Conuert Lord their sorrowes into gladnes through a luckie deliuerance and let them remember their paines no more for ioie that a man is borne into the world Comfort them in the midst of their anguish and helpe as well the mother as the babe especiallie in the danger of deliuerance For without thine assistance they perish vndoubtedlie all the world cannot helpe them Grant to all yet vnborne that knit togither with their due veines and members they may come into this world sound and perfect without all deformitie Staie the furiousnes of wicked spirits that they shew not their malice and tyrannie vpon yoong infants Blesse all with child that no waie being terrified or troubled extreamelie they bee vntimelie deliuered Giue grace to all babes newlie borne that togither with their outward baptisme they may be receiued into the congregation of the faithfull and be made new creatures filled with the holie Ghost euen from their mothers womb Strengthen all women deliuered with thy vertue and power whereby they may receiue their woonted health and glorifie thee their helper in the time of need learning afterward to repose their whole confidence in thee which art nigh vnto all that call vpon thee euen to all that call vpon thee in truth And if at any time through thy sufferance and vnsearchable pleasure an vntimelie birth or if without offence we may saie an vnluckie deliuerance doth happen comfort O mercifull God the pensiue parents that they despaire not through sorrowe but thinke rather that the wofull chance is a triall of their faith hope and patience and so confesse thee to be alwaies as good and gratious God forgiuing sins and remembring mercie in thy great displeasure that the troubled may take comfort and the afflicted find grace For thus doo al thy seruants persuade them selues that if they be tried they shall be crowned if they be troubled they shall be deliuered if they be chastised they shall be saued through our Lord Iesus Christ Amen A praier to be said of euerie Christian midwife for hirselfe before she execute hir office O Heauenlie Father which at the beginning didst appoint woman to bee the organe instrument and vessell to receiue nourish bring foorth man through thy woonderfull workmanship without anie labour paine or helpe of flesh and blood but afterward through the sinne and disobedience of our grandmother Eue hast made that which before was easie now to become hard and painefull yea dangerous and impossible if thy helpe were not for them to be brought to passe and now as a meane hast ordeined man to be a god to man and made woman through thine vnspeakable power working togither with him to helpe ease woman which through their owne imperfection and feeblenes are not able in this case and time of their sore labour to helpe themselues For as much as it hath pleased thee among manie other more worthie to call me thy most vnworthie hand-maid to the office of a midwife among the daughters of Israel and made me an instrument and means vnder thee to comfort them in their sorrowes cherish them in their child-beds ease them in their pains and to further them in their deliuerance with all possible paines and conuenient speede that I may and can in thee and for thee I most hartilie thanke thee and praise thy holie name and maiestie beseeching thee of grace and vertue to walke worthie of this my calling in all holie obedience to thee and thy word to thy glorie others profit and mine owne saluation in Christ. And because I knowe and feele mine owne weaknes and must needs confesse how that of my selfe I am far vnable to discharge mine office with such dutie as apperteineth without the assistance and helpe of thine almightie power and holie spirit to strengthen me therein For it lieth not in the power of flesh and bloud no nor in all the helpe of the world to go through with so great a worke and weightie enterprise as this is but it onlie and alone belongeth vnto thee our creator and maker of heauen and earth Therefore blesse thou so my weake labours and further my paines that the fruit thereof may redound to the praise of thy name profit of
haue I receiued it Make therefore and ordeine thou O beloued God in heauen all them in my house and in my handling downe lieng and vprising after thy good will and pleasure thee to loue serue and obey euerie one to his profit For I beleeue in thee in thee is all my trust that thou wilt not forsake me nor my husband and children nor anie of my familie and houshold Defend vs Lord from sinne shame and sicknesse and from all euill Send vs thine holie angell that he may defend vs in all our deeds and liuing that he may lead vs foorth the right way that we may not talke doo or thinke anie thing against thy holie commandements and will but thereafter to liue worshipping thee and praising thee foreuermore through Iesus Christ our Lord thy beloued sonne Amen Another O Gratious God I commend vnto thy protection my house and all that thou hast giuen me my whole familie my husband and children beseeching thee to giue me the power of thy holie spirit that I may well and holilie rule gouerne nourish and bring vp these my children and familie in all godlie feare and knowledge of thy holie word and that I may be vnto them an example of all godlines and vertue to the praise of thy holie name through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Another O Father of our Lord Iesus Christ father of mercie and God of my life I beseech thee for thy sonne Christs sake haue mercie vpon me mine husband and vpon the houshold and familie that thou hast giuen me and powre thy wholsome benefites vpon vs alwaies sufficientlie for our liuing for our soule and bodie O thou great rich husbandman let thy great riches enrich our pouertie thy mercie beare our sinnes thy grace susteine and comfort our frailnes thy holie angell keepe vs from satan and from all euill that our conuersation may be honest faithfull and plentious in all good works and we saued through the merits of Iesu Christ our Lord Amen Another praier to be said of all christiam masters and mistresses both for themselues and other in like condition ALthough O Christ thou most high Lord all power both in heauen in earth be giuen vnto thee of thy heauenlie father and albeit thou hast giuen vs a commandment that we should not desire to be called masters or mistresses for we haue but one master which thou art all we brethren and sisters hauing one father which is in heauen Yet forasmuch as thou according to thy blessed will hast appointed some superiours some inferiours some masters and mistresses some seruants and hand-maids some to command some to obey some to rule some to serue and by this meanes such as be in superioritie haue obteined by thy holie word the name or title of masters or lords mistresses or dames bicause they haue seruants hand-maids vnder them and rule ouer them according to thy good pleasure and godlie appointment which art the most supreame power and most excellent maiestie King of kings and Lord of lords to whom all things both in heauen and in earth and vnder the earth doo bow their knees and giue reuerence and honour whose praise also euerie nation and language doth aduance and set foorth confessing that thou art the Lord Iesus Christ vnto the glorie of God the father we most humblie beseech thee which art the greatest master and most high Lord to send thy holie spirit vpon vs and all such as are called masters or dames here in earth and haue superioritie vnder thee that we and they remembring our selues to be thy seruants and that we also haue a master in heauen with whom there is no respect of persons may put awaie all threatnings all crueltie all vnrighteousnes and doo that vnto our seruants which is iust and equall Grant that we intreat not euil our seruants and hand-maids which worke truelie nor the hireling that is faithfull vnto vs. Grant that we be not as lions in our houses destroieng our houshold folks and oppressing such as are vnder vs but rather that we cherish and loue our faithfull and discreet seruants and maids euen as our owne soule and by no meanes suffer them to be unrewarded for their paines taking nor yet at the last to be driuen to beggerie for their true seruice dooing but that we liberallie rewarding them according to their deserts may shew our selues to be thy true seruants which leauest no man vnrewarded but giuest to euery one according to their deeds to them that doo well and continue in well dooing glorie honour peace immortalitie and euerlasting life to them that doo euill and continue in the same indignation wrath displeasure trouble sorowe and eternall damnation Grant therefore O Lord that we and all temporall masters dames may in all our dooings resemble thee which art the heauenlie and euerlasting master and so behaue our selues both towards our seruants and all other according to thy blessed will that at the last day we may be found in the number of them to whom thou shalt saie Come ye blessed of my father possesse the kingdome which was prepared for you from the beginning of the world Lord let it so come to passe Amen The maid-seruants or hand-maids praier ALl estates O Lord depend vpon thee king begger magistrate and cleargie-man master and scholer all come of thee and me thou hast made a poore hand-maid seruant which I doo not onelie willinglie beare knowing thou hast allotted me this calling but also manie waies I haue to thanke thee for it For thou hast not onelie deliuered me from the slauish seruice of satan but also dooest by this my yoke restraine the wanton reliques of stained nature preseruing me from the pampering of the old man in pleasures and idlenes Secondlie that I am not seruant or hand maid to any heathen Turke or Saracene but to a Christian in such a place where thy Gospell is preached freelie and fullie Thirdlie and especiallie bicause thou hast called me vnto such an estate of life as wherein I knowe I doo well please thee For who liueth after the Gospell if not I who get my liuing with the sweat of my brows I doo not glorie here in vaine but to thee therfore be the glorie who hast turned the curse into such a blessing O Lord giue me grace to consider this that I may be more diligent in my calling more earnest in seruing thee than euer I haue beene heretofore forgiue me all that is past and guid me in all things to come that I may neuer halt in my vocation nor doo my seruice deceitfully to the eie as a man-pleaser Giue me a sound and perfect faith in thy sonnes bloud O father wherein he hath washed of his great mercie my poore soule that notwithstanding I serue a mortall man and woman yet aboue them in all things I may serue thee to whom be all glorie and dominion both now and for euer Amen Another O Christ our Lord