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A06832 The gouernaunce of vertue teaching all faythful christia[n]s, how they oughte daily to leade their lyfe, & fruitfully to spend their time vnto the glorye of God & the health of their owne soules. Newlye corrected & augme[n]ted by Thomas Becon. 1566 Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1566 (1566) STC 1727; ESTC S101289 136,978 330

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Lorde our God is one Lord onely And thou shalte loue the Lord thy God with all thy harte with al thy soule with all thy might And these woordes which I commaunde thee thys day shalt thou take to harte and shalt rehearse them vnto thy children and shalt talke of them when thou sittest in thyne house and whē thou walkest by the way when thou lyest downe and when thou rysest vp And thou shalt binde them for a signe vpon thine hand and they shall bee a token of remembrance before thine eies thou shalt write them vpon the postes of thine house and vpon the gates If ye harken vnto my commaundemēts which I commaund you this day that ye loue the Lorde your God and serue hym with all your hart wyth all your soule then will I geue rayne vnto your lande in due season earlye and late that thou mayest gather in thy corne thy wine and thine oyle and I wyll geue grasse vppon thy fielde for thy cattell that ye maye eate and be fylled But beware that your harte bee not deceyued that ye goe aside and serue other gods and worship them and then the wrathe of the Lorde waxe whote vppon you and he shutte vppe the heauen that there come no rayne and the earth geue not her encrease and ye perish shortly from the good land which the lord hath geuen you Put vp therefore these my woordes in your hartes and in your soules and binde them for a signe vpon your handes that they bee a token of remembraunce before your eyes and teache them your childrē so that thou talke of them when thou sittest in thine house or walkest by the way when thou liest downe and when thou risest vp and write them vpon the postes of thine house and vpon the gates that thou and thy children may liue long in y e land which the Lord sware vnto thy fathers to geue them as long as the dayes of heauen endure vpon earth Let my doctrine encrease as rayne and my speach flow as doth the dew Euen as the rayne vppon the grasse and the drops vpon the herbe Take to heart all the wordes which I testifie vnto you this day that ye cōmaūd your children to obserue and do all these woordes of this lawe For it is no vayne worde to you but it is your lyfe and this worde shall prolong your life Be strong and verye bolde that thou mayest keepe and doe euery thing according to the lawe that Moses my seruaunt commaunded thee Turne not aside from it neither to the right hand nor to the left that thou maiest deale wisely whether soeuer thou goest And let not the booke of this lawe depart out of thy mouthe but exercise thy selfe therin day and nighte that thou mayest keepe and doe euery thing according to it that is written therin Then shalt thou prosper in thy wayes and deale wisely Lo I haue commaunded thee to be strong and bolde Fear not and be not afrayde for the Lord thy God is with thee whersoeuer thou goest Blessed is the man that deliteth in the law of the Lord and exerciseth himself in his law both day and night Lay hand on the learning lest the Lord be angry so ye perish frō the right way The law of the Lord is pure it turneth soules The witnesse of the Lord is faith full it geueth wisdom euen vnto babes The statutes of the Lord are right they reioyce the hart the commaundement of the Lord is bright and lighteneth the eyes The feare of the Lord is holy it endureth for euer the iudgements of the Lorde are true and righteous altogether they are more pleasaunt and worthy more to be desired then golde and precious stone yea they be sweter then the hony and the hony combe The Lord shall tell in the Scriptures of the people and of those Princes that were in her Blessed is the man whom thou hast nur tered O lord and taught him thy lawe He hath sent his word healed them deliuered them from their destructions Blessed are thei y e search his testimonies seeke after him with their whole harte Thou hast geuen strait charge that thy commaundements should be kept Oh that my wayes were stablished to kepe thy statutes then should not I be cō founded while I haue respect vnto all thy commaundements Where with all shall a younge man clenfe his way Uerely by ruling himselfe according to thy worde With my whole hart haue I sought thee oh let me not goe wrong out of thy commaundements Thy wordes haue I hid within my hart that I should not sinne against thee Thou rebukest y e proud cursed are they that depart from thy commaundements In thy testimonies is my delite yea thy statutes are my counsellers Teach me O Lord the way of thy statutes and I shall kepe it vnto the ende Oh geue me vnderstanding and I shall kepe thy law yea I shall kepe it with my whole harte Leade me in the path of thy commaundements for that is my desire Enclyne my hart vnto thy testimonies and not vn to couetousnes The law of thy mouthe is better vnto me then thousandes of gold and siluer The wicked mē haue told me tales but nothing agreable to thy law For all thy commaundements are true yet haue the vngodly persecuted me If my delite wer not in thy law I shuld perish in my trouble Oh how swete are thy wordes vnto my throte yea more then honye is vnto my mouth Thy worde is a lanterne vnto my feete and a light vnto my pathe It is hie time for thee O Lord to laye to thyne hand For they haue destroyed thy lawe For I loue thy commaundementes aboue golde and precious stone The preachinge of the worde geueth sighte yea and bringeth forth vnderstanding euen vnto the very babes Helthe is far from the vngodlye for they regard not thy statutes But great is the peace that they haue which loue thy lawe and they are not offended at it My Sonne if thou wilte receiue my wordes and kepe my commaundementes by thee that thine eare may harken vnto wisedome apply thine hart then to vnder standing For if thou criest after wisdome and callest for knowledg if thou sekest after her as after mony diggest for her as for treasure then shalt thou vnderstande the fear of the lord and find the knowlege of God For it is the Lorde that geeueth wisdome out of his mouthe commeth knowledge and vnderstandinge He preserueth the welfare of the righteous and de●…ēdeth them that walk innosētly he kepeth thē in the right path and preserueth the way of the saintes Then shalt thou not vnder stand rightuousnesse iudgement and equi tie yea and euery good path If wisedome enter into thine harte and thy soule delite in knowledge then shall councel preserue thee and vnderstanding shall keepe thee That thou maiest be deliuered frō the euill waye and from the
bee vnto their soules for they haue rewarded 〈◊〉 vnto thēselues Byd the righteous do wel for they shal enioy y ● fruites of their study But wo be vnto th●… vngodly and vnrigheeous for thei shal be rewarded after their workes Thou shalt not praye for thys people thou shalte neyther geue thankes nor byd prayer for them Thou shalte make no in tercession to me for them for in no wise will I heare thee Read●… fourth This said the lord vnto me thou shalt not praye to do this people good for though●… they fast I will not heare their prayers Though they offer burnt offrings and sacrifices yet will not I accepte them For I wil destroy them with the sworde and hunger and pestilence ☞ Examples out of the olde Testament THe seruauntes and all the army of the proude Senacherib were destroyed for their blasphemy agaynst god Holo●…rnes blasphemed God when he sayde that there was none other god of the earth but Gabuchodonosor and therfore was he afterwarde slayne euen of a woman Nabugodonosor blasphemed god whē he sayde to the three chyldren who is the God that cā delyuer you out of my hands The children of Isarell blasphemed god therfore perished when they sayd to the Prophet Ieremy As for the wordes that thou haste spoken vnto vs in the name of the lorde we will in no wise heare them But whatsoeuer goeth out of our owne mouth that will we doo We will do sacrifice and offer oblations vnto the quene of heauen lyke as we and our forefathers our kyngs and our rulers haue done in the cityes of Iuda and in the streates and fieldes of Ierusalem For then had wee plenteousnesse of vitails then were we in prosperytye and no mysfortune came vpon vs. But sence we lefte to offer and to sacrifice vnto the quene of heauen wee haue had scarsnesse of all thynges and perish with sworde and honger Those Iewes blasphemed God which saide let vs goe and make a couenaunte with the Heathen that are rounde aboute vs. For since we departed from them we haue had sorowe inough Nicanor blasphemed god when he saide Is their a mighty one in heauen that commaunded the Saboth daye to be kept It was aunswered yea euen the liuing god the mighty Lorde in heauen commaunded the. vii daye to be kepte Then sayde be and I am myghty vpon earth to commaunde them for to arme themselues and to performe the kinges busines Sentences out of the newe Testament He that is not with me is again me saith Christe And be that gathereth not with me scatereth abrode Therfore I say vnto you all manner of sinne and blasphemy shal be forgeuen vnto men but the blasphe mye agaynste the spirite shall not be forgeuen vnto men And whosoeuer speaketh a worde against the sonne of man it shal be forgeuen him But whosoeuer speaketh against the holy ghost it shal not be forgeuen him neither in this worlde nor in the worlde to come If any men see his brother sinne not vnto death let him aske and he shal geue him life for thē that sin not vnto deth Ther is a sin vnto death for which I say that a mā should not pray It maye not be that they whiche were once lightened and haue tasted of the heau●…nly gifte and were become partakers of the holy ghost and haue tasted of the good word of god and the powers of the world to come If they fall awaye ' that they should againe be renewed by repentaunce which in them selues do crucify the sonne of God making a mock of him If we sinne wilfully after that we haue receiued the knowledge of truth there remayneth no more sacrifice for sinnes but a feareful loking for iudgement and violent fire whiche shall deuoure the aduersarie He that despiseth Moyses lawe dyeth without mercye vnder two or three wytnesses How muche sorer suppose ye shall he be punished which treadeth vnder foote the Sonne of God and counteth the bloud of the Testament wherewith he was sāctified as an vnholy thing and dishonoure to the sprite of grace Examples out of the new Testament The Iewes spake blasphemie against the holy ghoste when they said of Christ by the power of Belzebub doth he cast out Deuils They were blasphemers whiche sayde to Christe hanginge on the cros thou that destroyedst the Temple of GOD and buildest it againe in three dayes saue thy selfe If thou be the sonne of God come down from the crosse They also spake blasphemy against the holy ghost which now adaies of a pretensed malice condemne the worde of God as herey and persecute the preachers therof as heretickes and sedicious persons Against the despising of Gods word of the plagues that follow the same IF the deuil go about to pluck downe thy minde from the loue of gods worde and to moue thee to despise the doctrine of thy saluation so that thou shouldest no more delight in the moste comfortable gospel of Christe which is the power of god to saue so many as beleue but rather in thinges of vanitie ●…ake hede that thou leanest not to his subtile suggestions but standing in awe of gods iudgementes ▪ and fearing his plagues valeauntly resist Sathan with these holy scriptures following ☞ Sentences out of the olde Testament IF ye wil not harken vnto me saieth the Lord nor kepe my commaundementes but despise them c. then wil I doo this againe vnto you I will set my face against you and ye shall fal before your enemies and they that hate you shall raigne ouer you I will make the heauen ouer you as hardyron and your land as hard as bras I will sende my wilde beastes vpon you whiche shall rob you of your children and destroy your cattel I wil send a sword vp on you that shall auenge my Testament with you I wil send the pestilence among you Reade the Chapiter to thend If thou wilt not harken to the voice of the Lord thy God to kepe and to do all his commaundements and ordinaunces then all these curses shall come vpon thee ouertake thee Cursed shalt thou be in the Towne and cursed in the Fielde cursed shall thine almayrye be and thy store Cur sed shall the fruite of thine bodye and the fruite of thy lande be and the fruite of thy oxen and the flock of thy shepe The Lord shall make the pestilence cleane to thee vn til he haue consumed thee from the lande The Lord shall smite thee with madnesse blindnes and dasing of hart because thou seruedst not the Lord thy god with ioyfulnes and with a good hart for the aboūdācs of all thinges wherefore thou shalt serue thine enemie which the Lord shal send o●… thee in hunger and thirste in nakednes in neede of all thinges And he shall put a yoke of iron vpon thy necke vntil be haue brought the to nought Read this Chapiter diligētly from the beginning to
of Abraham that is to say was made and became ve ry true and naturall man of the kinrede of Abra hā accordyng to Gods promise So that all that euer he had concerning his humanitie he had it of the blessed Uirgine which came of y ● stocke of Abraham ☞ Agayne he saith in all things it became hym to be made lyke vnto hys bretherne Here saint Paule confesseth that Christ was made like vn to vs in all thynges which thyng by no meanes could be true yf he had not taken vpon him our nature and substaunce If he belyke vnto vs in all thynges sinne alone excepte so followeth it that he is of the same nature of the same fleshe and bloud that we are or els could not he be like vnto vs in all thynges And so should thys holy apostle and al other godly writers and teachers haue brought vs in errour But let god be true and all heretikes lyers ☞ Now haue we learned both truly and fullye of the holy scriptures which are infallible verities that Christ was cōceiued by the holy ghost and borne of the Uirgine Mary By the which worde of we beleue that he toke his humanity of her substaunce and had none other begynnyng as touching his humanity than in her and of her by the operation of the holy ghost so that we may truely conclude that as Christ is very God of God the father wythout a mother so is he very man of Mary his mother wythout any Father Therfore may hys God head be as iustly denied as hys manhode and flesh takyng of the blessed virgine Mary But Christ abydeth very god and very man whatsoeuer the wicked hiretikes hable Cursed therefore bee Cerdo Marcian and Manes which taught that christ appeared as man and yet had no parte of true manhoode in hym but onelye had a fantasticall bodye ☞ Cursed be Cerinthus which taught that Iesus was begotten of Ioseph and Mary after y ● maner of other men and that Christ came down from aboue vnto Iesus ▪ Cursed bee the Ebionites the Theodosians the Antimonians and the Photinians which affirmed that Christe was borne of the virgine onely man not God Cursed be Appelles which taught that Christ had his body of the elements in the ayre Cursed be Ualentinus which sayd that Christ brought his body wyth him from heauen and tooke no fleshe of the Uirgine Mary but passed through her as water through the pype Cursed be hys Apes the Anabaptistes ▪ which in these our dais haue raysed vp that most detestable and horryble heresie Cursed and confounded be all they which wyth theyr hartes do not beleue wyth their mouthes vnfainedly confesse that Iesus Christ is both God and man to whom be glory for euer Amen Against the grosse and fantasticall opinion of the papistes which affirme that Christes naturall body and bloud is carnally eaten and dronken in the lordes supper IF the deuill or the pope or any of their impes go about with sophisticall reasons to persuade thee that Christ is naturall in the sacramentall bread and wyne or that the bread and wine is turned vnto the reall and naturall body bloud of Christ euen as he receaued it of the blessed Uirgine suffer not thy selfe to bee beguiled and mocked but valiauntly resiste them wyth these sentences and histories of Gods moste holye worde ☞ Sentences out of the olde Testament THe Lord is in his holye temple the Lordes seat is in heauen The Lord lord looked downe from heauen vpon the children of men to see if there were any that would vnderstād and seeke after god God is gone vp wyth a mery noyse and the Lorde wyth the sounde of the trompet God sitteth vpon his holy seate Thou art gone vpon hie O Christ thou hast led captiuitie captiue receiued giftes for men Syng vnto God O ye kingdomes of the earth O sing praises vnto the lord which sitteth in the heauens ouer all He looked downe from his sanctuarye euen out of heauen did the Lord behold the earth that he might heare the mourninges of such as be in captiuitie and deliuer the children appointed vnto death The Lord hath prepared hys seat in heauē and his kingdom ruleth ouer al. O Lord my god thou art become excedyng glorious thou art clothed wyth maiesty and honor thou deckest thy self with light as it were with a garment and spreadest oute the heauens lyke a curtayne Thou layest the beames of thy chambers in the waters makest the cloudes thy charets and walkest vpon the winges of the winde The Lorde sayd vnto my Lorde sit thou on my right hand vntill I make thyne enemies thy footestole The Lorde is hie aboue all heathen and his glory aboue the heauens Who is like vnto the lord our God that hath his dwellyng so hie and yet humbleth himselfe to behold the things that are in heauen and earth Wherefore shall the heathen saye where is now their god As for our god he is in heauen he hath done what so euer pleased hym Unto thee O Lord lift I vp my eies which dwellest in the heauens Whither shal I go from thy spirit or whether shal I flee from thy presēce If I clime vp into heauē thou art there c Wil god dwel on the earth Behold the heauens and heauens of all heauēs are not able to contayne thee And how should then this house do it that I haue builded The house which I build shal be great for great is our god aboue al gods But who is able to build hym an house whē that heauen and heauen aboue all heauens is not hable to receiue him God is hyer then heauen what arte thou able to do Deper then hell howe wilt thou then know hym His length excedeth the length of the earth and hys breadth the breadth of the sea Thus saith the Lord heauen is my seate and the earthe is my footestoole where shall now the house stand that ye will build vnto me And where shall be the place that I will dwell in Sentences out of the new Testament IF any man say vnto you Loe here is Christe or there is Christe beleue it not For there shall arise false annoynted and false teachers and shall shewe greate myracles and wonders in so muche that yf it were possible the verye electe should be deceaued Beholde I haue tolde you afore Wherfore if thei say vnto you behold he is in the desert goe not ye forth behold he is in y ● secret places beleue it not For as the lightnyng commeth out of the east and appeareth into the West so shall the commyng of the sonne of man be Ye haue the power alwayes w t you but me shall ye not haue alwayes And when the Lord had spoken vnto them he was receiued into heauen and is set downe on the right hand of god It came to passe as Christ
blessed thē he departed from them and was caryed vp into heauen I go to prepare a place for you And if I goe to prepare a place for you I wil come agayne and receiue you euen vnto my selfe that where I am there ye may be also If ye loued me ye would reioyce because I sayd I go vnto the Father Now I go my way to him that sente me and none of you asketh me whether I goe But because I haue saide suche thinges vnto you your hartes are ful of sorrow Neuertheles I tell you y ● truth it is expedient for you that I go away For if I go not away that cōforter will not come vnto you But if I departe I wil. send him vnto you I went out from the Father came into the world Againe I leaue y e world and go to the Father It is Christe whiche dyed ye rather which is risen againe whiche is also on the right hand of God So ofte as ye shall eat of this breade and drinck of the cup ye shall xemēber the Lords death til he come God the father raised Christe frō the dead and set him on his right hand in heauenly things aboue al rule power might dominiō and aboue all names that are named not in this world only but also in the world to come Christ is gone vpō highe hath led cap tiuitie captiue and hathe geuen giftes vnto men That he ascended what meaneth it but that he also descended first into the lowest parts of the earth He that descended is euen the same also that ascended vp ▪ euen aboue all heauens to fulfil al thinges God hath exalted Christ on high geuen him a name whiche is aboue all names that in the name of Iesus euery knee should bowe bothe in heauen and thinges in earth and things vnder the earth If ye be risen againe with Christe seeke those thinges whiche are aboue where Christe sitteth on the right hande of God Whensoeuer Christe whiche is oure life shall shew him self then shall we al so appeare with him in glory The Lord him selfe shall come downe from Heauen with a shoute and the voice of the archaungell and trompe of God c. Christe the Sonne of God being the brightnes of his fathers glory and the very image of his substaunce ruling all thinges with the woorde of his power hath by his own person purged our sins and sitteth on the right hand of the maiesty on hye This man Christ after hee had offered one sacrifice for sins sitteth downe for euer on the right hand of God and from hence forth tarieth till his foes be made his fotestoole Let vs runne with pacience vnto the battayl that is set before vs lokyng vn to Iesus the captain and finisher of our fayth which for the ioy that was set before him abode the crosse and dispised the shame and is set down on the right hād of the throne of god Iesus Christe is on the right hande of God and is gone into heauen Angels powers aud might subdued vnto him Examples out of the newe Testament When Iesus had spoke these things whyle the Disciples beheld him he was taken vp on hye and a cloud receyued him vp out of their sight And while they loked vp stedfastly to ward heauen as he went behold two men stode by them in whyte aparell whiche also sayde ye men of Galyle why stande ye gasyng vp to heauen This same Iesus which is taken from you into heauen shall so come euen as ye haue sene him go into heauen Stephen beyng full of the holy ghost loked vp stedfastly with his eies into heauen and sawe the glorye of god and Iesus standynge on the ryghte hande of God and sayd Beholde I see the heauens open the sonne of man standing on the right hand of God When Saule iornyed it fortuned that as he was come nye to Damasco sodenly there shyned rounde about him a lyght from heauen and he fell to the earth and heard a voyce saying to him Saule Saule why persecutest thou me And he sayde what art thou Lord and the Lord said I am Iesus whom thou persecutest c. Against the plucking away of thy trust and confidence from Christ and his merites to put it in the merites of other creatures or in thine owne good workes or in the intercession of saints or the sacrifice of the Popish Masse IF Sathan by this subtile and crafty suggestion seking thy dānation go about to pluck thy faith confidence and truste from Christe his bloud and his merites to repose it in the merites of men or in thine own good dedes works and merites or in the intercession of saintes or in the sacrifice of the Popishe masse so that thy whole saluation shall not hang on Christ ▪ his deseruīgs only but rather on some other stran̄g meanes leane not to his temptations but manfully resist them stedfastly abiding in this pers●…asion that Christ alone is thy righteousnesse and that all thy saluation dependeth on him alone and on none other thinge neither in heauen nor in earth And that thou may est be confirmed in this faith let these scriptures whiche are vn●…ubted verities euer be before thine eyes suffer not thy self neither by y ● crafty assaults of sathan nor by the subtle and fleshly reasons of any man to be plucked from them ☞ Sentences out of the old Testament Christ is that seede which did tread down Sathans head Christ is that seede in whom al nations of the worlde shal be blessed Christ is the ruler duke and captain whome al nations haue so long looked for whiche also defendeth his people from the power of Sathan Christ is that Sonne of God whom wee are commaunded to kisse and embrace least wee pearish from the ryghte way Christ is our vpholder our glory our strong shield Christ is the Lord from whō al helth and saluation commeth and hee it is y e blesseth his people Christ is the Lorde that neuer forsaketh them that truste in him and seeke after him Christ is our strength our sure rock our bulwarke our refuge our defence our buckeler and oure mighty sauinge helth and our sanctuary Christ is he that saueth vs because it is his pleasure Christe saueth the poore oppressed and layeth full lowe the highe lookes of the proude Christ is the Lord in whome alone our fathers trusted they trusted I say in him and he deliuered them They cryed vnto him and they were made safe they trusted in him and they were neuer confounded Christ is that Lord whose waies v niuersall are mercy and truthe to them that seke after his Testament and ordinaunces He it is that will be mercifull to our sinnes euen for his owne names sake be they neuer so great Christ is our light our sauing helth whō thē shall we fear Christ
Watch and praye that ye fall not into temptation Let your loines be gird about and your lightes be burning and your selues like men that waite for their maister when he will returne from the weddings that as foone as he commeth and knocketh they may open vnto him Blessed are those seruauntes whome the Lorde whan he commeth shall find waking Take hede watch pray for ye knowe not whan the time is As a man which is gone into a strange country and hath left his house and geuen his substance to his seruaunts and to euery man his worke and commaunded the porter to watche Watch ye therfore for ye know not when the mayster of the house will come at euē or at midnight whether at the cockecrow ing or in the dawning lest if that he come sodenly he find you sleping and that I say vnto you I say vnto all watch Take heede to your selues least your hartes be greued with sur●…eting and dron kennes and cares of the worlde and that daye come sodenly on you For as a snare shall it come on all them that sit on the face of the earth It is euen now hye time that we w●…ke out of sleepe Beholde nowe is the accepted time now is the day of health The day of the Lord shall come euen a●… a thefe in the night When they shall saye peace and no danger then commeth there on them soden destruction as the trauayling of a woman with child they shall not escape Let vs not sleepe as other doo but let vs watch and be sober The Lord is at hand Be patient and settle your hartes for the comming of the Lord draweth nigh Behold the iudge slādeth before the dore Be sober and watche for your aduersary the deuil walketh aboute like a roaring lion seeking whom he may deuour whome resist being stedfast in fayth The daye of the Lorde shall come as a theefe in the night Litle children euē now is the last time Yet a little while he that shal come wil come and will not tary If thou shalt not watch I wil come on 〈◊〉 as a theefe and thou shalt not know what hour I will come vpō thee Behold I come shortly Hold that which thou hast that no man take away thy crowne Beholde I stande at the dore to knock yf any man heare my voyce and open the doore I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me The time is at hand He that doth en●… let him do euil stil. And he which is filthy let him be filthy stil. And he that is righteous let him be more righteous And he that is holy let him be more holy And because I come shortly and my reward with me to geue euery man accordinge as his deedes shal be Examples out of the newe Testament That seruaunt that diligētly watcheth at all hours for his masters cōming doth in the meane season such things as his ma ster hath appoynted him is blessed for he shall enter into his masters ioye But the seruaunt that liueth without care is idle watceth not loketh not diligently vpō his office thinketh not of his masters cōming smiteth his fellowes eateth and drinketh with the dronken that seruant I say shall haue his part with Hipocrites and shal be cast into vtter darknes where wepinge and gnashing of teeth shal be The 5. wise virgines prepared both lampes and oyle tarriing and watching for the comming of the bridgrome There fore when he came they being in a redines went in with him vnto the wedding But the fiue folishe Uergines slumbred and slepte so that when the bridegrome came they were vnprepared and hadde no oyle in theyr lampes and therfore were they shutte out of the dores and entred not into the mariage Let vs therfore watche for we know neither the daye nor the howre when the sonne of man shall come Against the slacknes of doyng good workes IF that futtle Sathan by his crafty persuasions woulde at any time make thee beleue that thou art so thorowly iustified by faith alone and so perfectly saned by Christe onelye that thou nedes●… not do any good workes nor yet bring forth the frutes of faith according to thy profession but liue as thou lust and do what thou wilt so at the full art thou saued thorow faith in Christe take hed●… thou be not deceiued with this painted visar but rather to the vtteri●…ost of thy power labour to cō firme thy faith with the plenteous doynge of good workes workyng thinc owne saluation as blessed Paule saith with feare and trembling And that thou maiest be the better encouraged so to do set these sentences and examplee of the holy scripturs euer before the eies of thy minde Examples out of the olde Testament I am the almightye God walke before me and be perfect Kepe the commaundementes of the lord thy God and his witnesses and his couenauntes which he hath commaunded thee and do thou that which is acceptable and good in the sighte of the Lorde that thou mayest prosper Now Israel what doth the lord thy god require of thee but to feare the Lorde thy God and to walke in all his wayes to loue him and to serue the Lorde thy God with all thyne harte and withal thy soul namely that thou kepe the commaundementes of the lorde and hys ordinaunces that thou maiest doe wel and prosper The faithful man is like a tree planted by the water side that will bring forth his fruite in due season Thou hatest althem O Lord that work iniquity Lord who shall dwel in thy tabernacle who shall rest vpon thy holy hill Euen he that leadeth an vncorrupt life worketh righteousnesse c. ¶ Reade the whole Psalme Departe from euill and do good Put thou thy truste in the Lord and be thou doing good Cease to do euil learne to do good Seke to do right deliuer the oppressed helpe the fatherlesse to his right defend the widow Breake thy bread to the hungry the nedy and the wayfaring man lead thou into thy house Whan thou seest a naked man couer him and hide not thy face from thy neighbour c. Examples out of the olde Testament Nohe was perfect and iust in his generations and walked with god loued god that is to say beleued in god leued god feared god soughte the glory of god and framed his life according to the wil of god being plenteous in al good and godly workes therfore God preserued him and his when he dro●…ned all suche as were wicked persons and doers of no good workes Abraham was obedient to the wil of god and walked after his holye commaundements euer doing good works god therfore meruelously blessed hym made him the father of many nations and promised him that in his seede all kinreds shoulds be blessed God saw the workes of
there may ye be also Father I wyl that they which thou hast geuen me be with me where I am that they maye see my glory whiche thou hast geuen me We knowe that if our earthy mans●…on of this dwelling were destroyed we haue a building of God an habitation n●…t made with handes but euerlasting in heauen Reade forth the Chapter When soeuer Christe our lyfe shall appeare then shall you also appeare with him in glory The lorde hymselfe shall come downe from heauen wyth a shoote and the voyce of the Archaungel and tromp of God And the dead in Christ shall arise first then we whiche shall lyue euen we which shall remayne shal be caught vppe with them also in the clouds to mete y e Lord in the ayre so shal we euer be with the lorde Therefore comfort your selues one another with these wordes The spirite or soule is before God a precious thinge and much set by Christ was killed as pertaning to the flesh but was quickened in the spirit In which spirite he also went and preached vnto the spirites that were in prison c. Here it is manifest that the spirites or soules of men are immortal and liue either in glory or in payne after they be losoned from the body Examples out of the new Testament WHen the Sad●…ces denied the resurrec tion of the body and the immortaliti of the soule Christe aunswered thē saying haue ye not reade what is wrytten I am the God of Abrahā the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob He is not the God of the dead but of the liuing By this testimony of the holy scripture Christ declareth that though Abraham Isaac Iacob and al other of the faithful be dead as concerning theyr bodyes yet their soules liue with God and are immortall The history of the pore mā Lazarus of the rich vnmercifull gloton proueth euidentlye that the soules dye not with the body nor yet slepe vntil the day of iudgement as the vngodly Anabaptists dream nether are they cast into purgatory as the papistes teach but that the soules of the faythfull goe immediatly after their departure from the body vnto eternal glory and the soules of the vnfaythfull vnto euerlasting damnation so that the soules of al men are immortall and liue for euer either in heauen or in hel in glory or in payne The parable of the vnrighteous steward setteth forthe also the immortality of the soule as these words of Christ do declare Make you frends sayth he of the wicked Mammon that when ye shal depart hence they may receiue you into euerlastig dwel ling places The soule came agayne to the widowes son to the rulers doughter to Lazarus to them that after Christes resurrection came out of their graues to Dor●…s to Eu tichus c. Which thing declareth ma●…festlye that the soule dyeth not with the bo dy but stil liued and remayned immortall The thiefe that hanged one the crosse with Christ sayde vnto him Lord remember me when thou shalte come into thy kingdome Christe aunswered verelye I saye vnto thee this daye shalt thou be with me in paradise The body of the thiefe dyed shortly after and was committed to the earth The soule of the thiefe was in paradise with Christ. The soule therfore liueth and remaineth immortall or els muste Christ be a liar But let God be true and all heretikes liars Sainct Stephen being at the pointe of death prayed saying lorde Iesu take my spirite Sainct Paule wisshed to be losoned out of his bodye and to bee with Christ. I saw vnder the aulter saith Sainct Iohn the souls of them that wer killed for the word of God and for the testimony whiche they had and they cried with a loude voyce saiing howe long tariest thou O lord bolye and true to iudg and to auenge our bloud on them that dwel on the earth and longe white garmentes were geuen vnto euery one of them And it was sayde vnto them that they should rest for a little season vntyll the number of their felowes and brethren and of them that should be killed as they were were fulfilled ¶ Of the glory of heauen and of euerlasting lyfe IF Sathan go forth to tempt thee that thou mightest lose the inheritance of the kingdome of god and say vnto thee that thou art a sinner an abhominable liuer and therfore thy faith is frustrate and thy hope vain in loking for the glory of heauen for God is a righteous Iudge and rewardeth euery man according to his deedes and merites let all these his crafty●… assaultes nothinge moue or abashe thee but call to thy remembraunce and beleeue stedfastlye that the heauenlye kingdome is not geuen thee for thy merites and desartes for so shouldest thou receiue nothing but eternal dampnation but for the promises which god the father hath made thee in Christes bloud if thou repent beleue Therfore cast away that rightousnes which the hypocrites chalenge by their good works and lay handes on that which commeth by faith of Iesus Christe so canst thou not be deceiued so can sathan win nothyng at thy hande so can it not but come to pas that thou shalt enioy the glory of heauen thorowe Christe Iesu. And that thou mayest doubt nothinge in this behalfe imprint these sentences and examples of the holy ●… scripture diligētly and earnestly in thy minde ☞ Examples out of the olde Testament THe Lord hath saued me because it was his pleasure Prayse the Lorde O my soul and all that is within me praise his holy name Praise the Lord O my soule and forget not all his benefites which forgeueth all thy sinnes and healeth all thine infirmities which saueth thy life from destructiō and crowneth the with mercy and louing kindnesse They that put their trust in me shall inherite the land and possesse my holy hil Thy damnation O Israel came of thy selfe but thy saluation commeth of me Examples out of the olde Testament That princelye Prophet Dauid being thorowly perswaded that the inheritance of the glory of heauen and the possession of euerlasting life is the free gift of god thorow Iesus Christe and is denied to none although neuer so sinful and wretched if they repent being nothing appalled with his former sinful liuig as though y ● shuld pluck him from the inheritaunce of the heuenly kingdome knew what blessed felicitie and ioyful quietnes the soules of the faithful do enioy after their departure frō the bodyes lamented he caried so longe in this vale of misery and no lesse feruently desired to come and appeare before the face of god than the thirstye harte desireth to come to the water brookes The godly auncient Tobye knowinge gods exceeding great liberalitie in the gift of euerlastinge quietnes after the humble submission of him self vnto the Lorde hys god wyshed rather to dy than to lyue and beseched god that hys spyryte might be receiued in
¶ The Gouernaunce of Uertue teaching all faythful christiās how they oughte daily to leade their lyfe fruitfully to spend their time vnto the glorye of God the health of their owne soules Newlye corrected augmēted by Thomas Becon 1566 ¶ Imprinted at London by Iohn Day ❧ CVM PRIVILEGIO Regie Maiestatis THOMAS BECONVS SACROSĀCTAE THEOLOGIAE PROFESSOR AETATIS SVAE 41 AN o. DN̄I 1553. Ora expressa vides viuos immitantia vultus Quod potuit calamo pictor arte vides Mentis quam Nullus potuit tibi redere pictor Effigiem scriptis prebuit ipse suis To the Godly Reader GRace groweth after gouernaunce Is an olde saide saw in eche place If gouernaunce hath good resemblance Grace delighteth to folow the trace Grace glorieth in godly gouernance Grace hasteth ●…o her haule and palace Grace doth godly gouernaunce auaunce And cause it to excel in eche place Where gouernaunce is godly wise Sage Sober Honest and Prudent There doth grace gloriously deuise To haue her seate aye permanent But if gouernaunce be wicked Idle wanton vndiscrete and vaine Grace whiche is godly disposed With such gouernaunce can not remaine This boke shall thee instruct therfore Thy life vertuously to leave That grace with thee may euermore Remaine as Gods moste blessed seede To fight against Sathan and sinnes To represse errours and heresies To pray to God his grace to winne In this boke to learne thou maiest deuise Take thou it therfore in good part As a ioyful Iewel for thy welth And geue God thankes withall thy hart Which by his worde worketh thy helth As for my trauaile and paine I craue none other recompence But thy life vertuously to traine That thou maiest enioy gods presence ▪ FINIS 3. Regum 1. If a man be vertuous ther shal not an heare of his fal to the ground But if wickednesse shal be found in him he shall dye for it Tobi. 4. Loue vertue all the dayes of thy life and walk not in the wayes of wickednes For while thou studiest for vertues thou shalt haue good successe in al thinges that thou goest about and so shall all they that loue goodnesse A Table to fynde the principall matters contayned in this booke AN exhortacion to the Reader The Epistle dedicatory How a man should be haue himself in the morning when he riseth A prayer in the morning A confession of our sinnes vnto God the father How thou shouldst behaue thy selfe before thou go to dinner A prayer before dinner Of the behauiour at the Table in dinner time A thankes geuinge after dinner What is to be done after dinner Of Supper A prayer before Supper Of the behauiour at the table in supper time A thankes geuing after supper Of going to bed A prayer to be sayd when we goe to bed A prayer to be sayd ▪ when thou art in bed Remedies against all kindes of temptacions Against Idolatry Against infidelity or misbeliefe Against the heresy of such as deny Iesus Christ●… to be god Against the heresy of them which holde that Iesus Christe the sonne of God tooke no fleshe of Mary his Mother Againste the grosse and fantasticall opinion of the Papistes which affirm that Christes naturall body and bloud is carnally eaten and dronken in the Lords supper Against the plucking away of thy trust and confidence from Christ and his merites to put in the merites of other creatures or in thine own good workes or in the intercession of Saintes or in sacrifice of the popish Masse Against such as go about to diswad●… the christian people from the studiing reading or hearinge of Goddes woorde Against strange religion or newe found woorshipping of God Against mens traditions and vnwritten verities Against the folowing of vngodly forefathers Against the wicked olde customes longe vsages Againste suche as slaunder Christes gospell by cal linge it newe learninge Against pensiuenes and thought taking for the life Against hunger pouerty or carefulnes of liuing Against keping of euill company Against idlenes Against swearing Against lying slaundering ▪ and filthy or vncleane talke Against pride or vayneglory Against feasting glotony and dronkennes Against fornication and adultery Against couetousnes Against rebellion and disobedience Against malice grudge enuy hatred and anger Against the temptation of the faythfull in consideringe their owne miserye and contrarywise the wealth of the wicked Against the most horrible and dampnable sinne the sinne against the holy Ghost Against the despising of gods word and of the plagues that folow the same Against carnall security and fleshly liuing without the feare of God Against the flacknes of doing good workes Against the troublous tempestes of sicknes of losse of goods or any other kind of aduersity Against the temptation of the Deuill for no●…t satis fieng the lawe of God and for thy sinfull liuing ▪ Against desperation for thy late conuersion and tur ning vnto God Against sinne death and hel●… To the right honorable and moste vertuous young Lady Iane Semer daughter to the highe and mightie Prince Edward Duke of Somerset his grace Thomas Becon wisheth increase of godlye knowledge in Christe Iesu our Lord. THere are no Parents most godlye Ladye that deserue better of the Christen publique weale then they whiche thorow gods gift hauing Children employ all their endeuours to traine them vp euen from theire verye cradels in good letters in the knowledge of gods moste blessed wil that with their young yeres learning vertue and godlines may grow and encrease and the younglinges by this meanes be made at the last auncient and perfect schollers in the mistery of Christes schole This careful study and studyous care for the vertuous bringing vp of youth god in time paste earnestlye required of all Fathers and Mothers in the common weale of hys people the Israelites and according to gods holy commaundement suche as vnfainedlye feared the Lorde their God and wished wel to their countrey refused no laboure no paine nor cost that their children might be made profitable members of the publique weale As I may pas ouer the auncient and holye Patriarches whiche were before the law of Moyses of whose diligēce in the vertuous bringing vp of their yonglinges it is more than double wickednesse to doubt seing we haue this euident testimony of Abraham euen of gods own mouth Shall I hide frō Abraham saith god that thinge which I entend to do Seing that Araham shal be a great and a migh●…ye people and all the nations of the earth shal be blessed in him I know this also that he wil commaund his Children and his housholde after him that they keepe the way of the Lorde and do after righte and conscience What earnest diligence did the moste noble and vertuous King Dauid shew in the godly bringing vp of his Children speciallye of Salomon that he might become a Prince worthye both for his godlynes learning wisedome and pollicye to rule in the common weale after him What godly
Apostlesayth do all thyngs vnto the glory of God Agayne let euery man looke not for his owne profite but for the profite of other Charitie seketh not her owne Of Supper ☞ When the tyme is come ▪ that thou shalte leaue of thy worke and prepare thy selfe vnto supper euē with the same reuerence that thou camest vnto the table at dinner come agayne nowe but before thou doest taste any meate pray on this maner A prayer before Supper THe eyes of all thynges looke vnto thee O Lorde and thou geuest thē meate in due tyme thou openest thy hand and fillest euery liuyng creature with the blessing vouchesafe O heauē ly father for Christes sake mercifully to loke vpon vs louingly to blesse vs liberally to geue vs grace so to taste of these thy creatures that our bodyes beyng satisfied with the moderate vse of them we may bee the more able to serue thee our Lord God and to profit our neighbour thorow Iesu Christ our Lord. Amen Of the behauiour at the table in Supper tyme. ☞ After thou hast thus prayed vnto GOD ▪ eate thy meate with a chearefull and thankefull mynde vsing the same modesty and honest behauiour that thou diddest vse at dinner And whē thou hast supped geue thankes vnto god for his benefites on this wise A thankesgeuing after Supper FOr these thy benefites wherewith thou hast refreshed our hungry bodyes we thanke thee most merciful fa ther desiring thee that thou wilt also feede our soules with y ● lyuely faith in the bloud of thy sonne Iesu Christ our Lord that we beleuyng stedfastly and working diligently thy holy wil may obtayne thy glorious kyngdome thorowe the same Iesu Christ our Lorde Amen VVhat to be done after Supper ☞ When thou hast on this wise geue thākes vnto God thou mayest do what thou wilt so it be godly and honest ▪ vntill thou goest to bed ▪ If thou canst rede rede thou thy selfe or els here some other rede parte of the holy scriptures that may be to the comfort of thy self and of so many as be with thee or passe the tyme by frendly and honest talke with some of thy lo●…yng and trusty familiares or els debate with thy selfe how thou mayest most conueniently bryng that to passe that thou hast to doo the next day folowyng Of goyng to bed ☞ And whē the time cōmeth that thou must go to bed thou beyng in thy chamber to cal remēbraūce how thou hast spent the day past If thou perceiuest that y u hast offēded God in any thyng at all confesse thy fault vnto him with a repentaunt and sorowfull heart ▪ and desire hym of hys great mercye for Christes sake to forgeue thee and promise that vnto the vttermost of thy power hys grace woorkyng with thee thou wilt amende that wherin thou hast offended and walke more diligently in the rules of thy profession Cry with the Publicane O God be mercifull to me a sinner Cry with that lost sonne Father I haue synned against heauen and in thy sight and am no more worthy to be called thy sonne Pray with Dauid for thy names sake O Lorde for geue me my sinne for it is excedyng much Thus with a faythfull hart beleuyng that thy sinnes are for geuen thee content thy selfe and quiet thy conscience If thou perceyuest that thou hast that day committed no notable crime ▪ then geue to God right harty thankes whiche by his holy spirite hath wrought the same in thee and desire him to encrease his giftes in thee that hys glory may be shewed in all thy actes dedes This done prepare thy selfe to bedward and when thou art ready to lye down lift vp thou hart thy eyes and thy handes vnto heauen pray to God on this maner A prayer to be sayd when we go to bed I Thāke thee O heauenly father by thy dearelye beloued Sonne Iesu Christ our Lord and Sauiour that of thy free mercy thou hast preserued me this day from all hurtes and daūgers Uouchesafe also I most humbly besech thee to kepe me this night and to saue me ftom all myne enemyes both bodely and ghostlye Gyue to my body quietnesse and fleepe but let my mind continually watche vnto thee thinke on thee and on thy holy law that whē the cherefull light of y ● day shal spryng and appeare I being whole both in bo dy and mynde may ioyfull ryse again be thanckefull vnto thee and diligent ly walke in my vocation vnto the glo ry of thy blessed name and the commo ditie of my neighbour thorowe Iesus Christ thy sonne Amen ☞ When thou hast thus prayed lye down in thy bed and say on this maner The Prayer O Lorde God and my heauenly Father I commende my bodye and soule into thy handes that in Christe whiche is our life and resurrectiō thou mayest defende me from euerlastyng death and giue me that blessed and ioy full lyfe of immortalitie and that he which is the true light may poure out the brightenesse of hys grace into my hart preserne me both bodye soule vnto that day of the glorious resurrection where the faythfull with ioyfull harts shall see thee face to face and for euer reygne with thee in glory Amen ☞ Remedyes agaynst all kyndes of temptations Against Idolatry ☞ If that olde enemy Satan goeth about to persuade thee that there be ●…o gods then one resiste him with these Scriptures ☞ Sentences out of the olde Testament I am the Lord thy God Thou shal●… haue none other gods in my sight Understand and marke wel that the Lord he is God in heauen aboue and vpon the earth beneath neither is ther any other God besides him Here Israel the Lord our god is one Lord. Se howe that I yea that I am the Lord and that there is no god but I. Heare O my people I will charge thee O Israell that if thou wilt her●…en vnto me there shall no straunge god be in thee neither shalt thou worship any other god For I am the Lord thy God I am the lord there is none other I am the Lord there is els none It is I that created light and darknes I make peace and trouble yea euen I the Lord do all these thynges Am not I the Lord is there any god but I A god that is righteous such one as saueth ther is none besides me Turne vnto me all ye coastes of the worlde and ye shal be saued for I am God and there is els none Haue we not all one Father hath not one god made vs ☞ An example out of the old Testament Abrahā saw three worshipped one ☞ Sentences out of the newe Testament Thou shalte worshyp the Lord thy god and him onely shalt thou serue We haue but one god whiche is the Father of whom are all thinges and ●…e in him and one Lord Iesus Christ by whom are al thinges we in him
called w e his own name wonderful the geuer of coūcell the mighty god y ● euerlasting father y ● prince of peace ●… In that day it shal be said Lo this is our god we haue wayted for him he shal saue vs. This is the Lord in whō we haue hoped we shal be mery and reioyce in the saluacion that commeth of hym They shall see the glory of y ● Lord the maiestie of our god And therfore strēgth the weake handes cōfort the feble knees say vnto thē y ● ar of a feare full hart be of good chere feare not Behold your god cōmeth to take vēgeaunce you shall see the reward y e god geueth God commeth his owne selfe will deliuer you Thē shall the eyes of the blind be lightened and the eares of the deafe opened Then shall the lame mā leape as an hart and the dumme mans toung shal be losoned O that thou wouldest cleaue y ● heauens in sonder and come downe Behold I see foure men goyng lose in the middest of the fire and nothyng hurt and the fourth is lyke the sonne of god to looke vpon Out of Egipt haue I called my son This is our god ther shal none other be cōpared vnto him It is he that hath found out all wisedome and hath geuen her vnto Iacob hys seruaunt and to Israell his beloued Afterward did he shew him selfe vppon earth and dwelt among men The Lord said vnto me thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten thee Thy seat O god endureth for euer the scepter of thy kyngdome is a right scepter The Lord hym selfe had me in possession in the beginning of his wayes or euer he begā his workes afore time I haue bene ordeyned from euerlasting and from the begynning or euer the earth was made When I was borne there were net ther depthes nor springs of water Be fore the foundaciōs of the moūtaynes were layde yea before all hils was I borne The earth and all that is vpon the earth was not yet made no not y e ground it selfe For when he made the heauēs I was present when he set vp y ● depthes in order whē he hanged the cloudes aboue when he fastened the springs of the deepe when he shut the sea within certayne boundes that the waters shuld not go ouer their marks that he cōmaunded When he layd the foundacions of the earth I was with him ordryng all thinges deliting dayly and reioysing alwaye before him I came out of the moste hyest fyrste borne before all creatures I caused the lyght that fayleth not to aryse in the heauen and couered all the earth as a cloude I will be his father and he shal be my sonne ☞ Examples out of the old Testament WHen god created the earth and all thynges therein he sayd Let vs make manne in our Image after our owne lykenesse this worde vs. doth euidently declare that there bee three persōs in the godhead the father and the sonne and the holy ghost Wherof it manifestly foloweth that as the father is god and the holy ghost god so likewise is the sonne god yea true and naturall god hegotten of god the Father from euerlastyng Abraham sawe three and worshypped one saying Lord I beseche thee if I haue founde fauour in thy sight go not away from thy seruaunt ☞ Here it is euident also that there are three persons in the deity and yet notwithstanding they three are one God Therfore lyke as the first and the second persons in the deitie are ve ry God I meane the father the holy ghost so likewise is the second person in the trinitie I meane the sonne true naturall God worthy all honour and glory for euermore GOd sayd vnto Moses I am the god of thy father the god of Abrahā the god of Isaac and the god of Iacob ☞ Here also is euidently declared the blessing and glorious trinitie and that there be three persones in the godhead and yet one God so that as the father is God and the holy ghost God so lykewise is the sonne God IN the same yeare that kyng Osiah dyed I saw the Lord sayth the Pro phete Esay sittyng vpon an hygh and glorious feat and his trayne filled the temple And about hym stoode Seraphins wherof euery one had 6. wings With twayne eche couered hys face with twayne hys feete with twaine dyd he flee They cryed also eche one to another on this maner Holy holy holy is the Lord of hostes The whole worlde is full of his glory ☞ This worde holy thryse rehearsed doth also manifestly declare that there are three per sones in the godhead and that they three are one God Christ therfore the second person in the Trinitie is very God Kyng Nabuchodonosor commaunded these three men Sidrach Misach and Abdenago to be cast into an excedyng hote burning ouen because they would not become Idolatours and at his commaundement fall downe and worship the golden Image And whē they were bounde in theyr coates bosen shoes with their other garmentes and caste into the hote burnyng ouen the kyng looked into the ouen sayd vnto his counsell did ye not cast these three men bounde into the fyre They aūswered vnto the kyng yea O kyng He aunswered and said lo for all that yet doo I see foure men goyng lose in the middest of the fyre and nothyng corrupt and the fourth is lyke the son of god to looke vpon Here is a manifest testimony y t Iesu Christ is the son of God and God hymselfe as we shall euidently learne of the histories of the new Testament ☞ Sentences out of the newe Testament Hys name shall be called Emanuel which is by interpretation God wyth vs or God and man This is my welbeloued sonne in whome I haue great pleasure Thou art Christ the sonne of the liuyng God Without all doubte thys was the sonne of God He shall be great and shall be called the sonne of the most highest That holy thing which shal be born shall be called the sonne of God In the beginning was the word y ● word was w t god the word was god We sawe the glory of the worde as the glorye of the onely begotten sonne of the father No man hath sene god at any tyme the onely begotten sonne whiche is in the bosome of the father he hath declared hym Thou art the sonne of god y ● art the kyng of Israell He that beleueth not is condemned already because he beleueth not in the name of the onely begotten sonne of god The father loueth the sonne and hath geuen all thinges into his hande He that beleueth the sonne hath euerlastyng lyfe and he that beleueth not on the sonne shall not see lyfe but the wrath of god abideth on hym I am that liuyng bread which came downe from
heauen Except ye beleue that I am the son of god ye shall dye in your synnes I and my father are one I beleue that y u art Christ the son of god which should come into the word Doest thou not beleue that I am in the father and the father is in me This is euerlastyng lyfe euen to knowe thee the alone true God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ. O father thou louedst me before the worlde was made These thinges are written that ye might beleue that Iesus is Christ the sonne of god and that in beleuyng ye lyfe thorough his name Iesus Christ was declared to be the son of god with power of y ● holy ghost Christ is the image of the inuisible god first begotten of al creatures For by him were all things created things that are in heauen and things that are on earth things visible and things inuisible whether they be maiesty or lord ship either rule or power All thynges are created by him and in him and he is before all thinges and in hym all things haue their being We looke for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of the great god our sauiour Iesu Christ. God in tyme past diuersly and many wayes spake vnto the Fathers by the Prophetes but in these last dayes he hath spoken vnto vs by his Sonne who he hath made heyre of all things by whome also hee made the worlde Whiche Sonne beyng the brightnes of hys glorye and very image of hys substaunce bearyng vp all thynges wyth the worde of his power hathe in his own person purged our sinnes is sitting on the ryght hand of the maiestye on hie and is more excellent then the aungels in as much as he hathe by inheritaunce obtained a more excellēt name then they haue For vnto which of the aungels sayde be at anye tyme. Thou art my sonne this day begate I thee And agayne I will be his father and he shall be my sonne And agayne when he bringeth in the first begotten sonne into y ● world he sayth all the aungels of god shall worshippe him And of the aungels he sayth he maketh his aungels sprites his ministers flames of fyre But vnto the sonne he sayth God thy seate shal be for euer and euer The scepter of thy kingdome is a ryght scepter Iesus Christ yesterday and to day and the same cōtinueth for euer Who is a lier but he that denieth that Iesus is Christe The same is the Antichrist that denieth the father the son who so euer denyeth the sonne y ● same hath not the father Let therfore abide in you that same which ye heard from the beginning If that which ye hearde from the beginning shall remayne in you ye also shall continue in the sonne and in the father and this is the promise that he hath promised vs euen euerlastyng lyfe For this purpose appeared y ● sonne of god to lose the workes of the deuil This is gods commaundemēt that we beleue on the name of his sonne Ie sus Christ. In this appeared the loue of god towards vs because y ● god sent his onely begotten sonne into the world that we might lyue thorow hym Who is it that ouercommeth the world but he which beleueth that Iesus is the sonne of god God hathe geuen vnto vs eternall lyfe and this life is in hys son He that hath the sonne hathe lyfe and he that hath not the son of god hath not lyfe We know that the sonne of god is come and hathe geuen vs a mynde to know him whiche is true and we are in hym that is true euen in hys son Ie sus Christ. The same is verye god and eternall lyfe Examples out of the new Testament God the Father proclaymed Iesu Christ both when he was baptised and transfigured hys onely begotten naturall and welbeloued sonne saying this is my dearely beloued son in whō I haue great pleasure Two men possessed w t deuils called Iesu the son of god saying O Iesu the son of god what haue we to do w t thee The men which were in the ship se yng that the winde ceased so soone as Christ was come into the ship said vnto him truly thou art the son of god When Christ demaunded ōf hys dis ciples whom they thought him to be Peter in the name of all the disciples aunswered and sayd thou art Christe the sonne of the liuyng god When bishop Cayphas sayde vnto Christ I charge thee in the name of y e liuing god that thou tell vs whether thou be Christ the sonne of god Christ answered thou hast sayd Neuertheles I saye vnto you hereafter shall ye see the sonne of man sitting on the righte hand of power and come in the clouds of the sky Whē the Centurion and they that were with him watching Iesus sawe the earthquake those thinges which happened they feared greatly saying Of a surety this was the son of god They brought to Christ a mā sicke of the palsie lying in his bed whē Iesus saw the faith of them he said to the sick of the palsey son be of good chere Thy sinnes be forgeuen thee And behold certain of the Scribes sayd in thēselues this man blasphemeth And when Iesus sawe their thoughtes he sayde wherfore thynke ye euill in your hartes Here Christ proueth himselfe god agaynst all his enemies two maner of wayes Fyrst in that he forgeueth sinnes For no man can forgeue sinne but god alone Secondly in that be knoweth the verye hidde and secret thoughtes of men For who searcheth the hartes and raines of men but god onely When a certayne man possessed w t an vnclean spirit saw christ a far of he came runnyng and worshipped hym and cried with a loude voyce saying What haue I to do with thee O Iesu thou sonne of the most hyest god The high priest asked Iesu●… and said vnto him art thou Christ the sonne of the blessed He aunswered I am And ye shall see the sonne of man sitting on the right hand of power and comming in the cloudes of heauen Christ sayde vnto Nathanaell Before that Philip called thee whē thou wast vnder the ●…ygtree I saw thee Na thanaell answered and sayd vnto him Rabby thou art euen the verye sonne of god thou art the king of Israel Iesus aunswered and sayd vnto him Bicause I sayd vnto thee I saw thee vnder the figtree thou beleuest thou shalt see greater thinges then these And he said vnto them verely verely I say vn to you hereafter shall ye see heauen open and the aungels of god ascēdyng and descendyng ouer the sonne of mā The miracle which Christ wrought at the mariage in Cana by turnyng water into wyne proueth hym manifestly to be god After the sermon that Christ made of the eating of his fleshe and the drinking of
his bloud manye of his Disciples vnderstandyng his wordes grosely as the papistes doo vnderstande the wordes of the Lordes Supper wente backe and forsoke him and walked no more with him Then said Iesus to y ● twelue will ye also goe away Then Simon Peter aunswered him Lord to whome shall we goe Thou haste the wordes of eternall lyfe and we beleue and are sure that thou art Christe the sonne of the liuyng god Iesus heard that the Iewes had excommunicate the blinde man whome he had made to see and when he had found him he said vnto him doest thou beleue on the sonne of god He answered and said who is it Lord y ● I myght beleue on him And Iesus sayde vnto him thou hast sene him and he it is y ● taketh with thee And he sayd lorde I beleue and he worshipped him Martha said vnto Christ I beleue y ● thou art Christ the sonne of god which should come into the world Iesus sayde to Thomas bring thy finger hether and see my handes and reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my side and be no more faithles but beleuing Thomas answered and said vnto him My Lord and my god Iesus said vnto hym Thomas because thou hast seene me thou hast beleued blessed are they that haue not sene and yet haue beleued The Enuche sayd vnto Phillip see here is water what doth let me to bee baptised Phillip said vnto him If thou beleue with all thine heart thou maiest And he aunswered and said I beleue y ● Iesus Christ is the sonne of god The restoryng of y ● blind to their sight the raysing vp of the dead vnto life the clēsing of the leapers the healyng of thē that were diseased with the palsey the restoring of men possessed with deuils vncleane spirites to their whole minde the makyng of the deafe to heare and the dumme to speake with the other mi racles that Christ wrought do euidently proue Christ to be the natural sonne of god yea and god himselfe Against the heresie of them vvhich hold that Iesus Christ the sonne of God toke no fleshe of Mary hys mother ☞ I feyther Sathan wyth hys subtle suggesti ons or anye of hys decetifull worke men wyth theyr crafty reasons and falsifiyng the holy scrip tures goe about to perswade thee that Iesus Christ the sonne of God tooke no fleshe of that blessed virgine Mary hys mother but brought hys body wyth hym from heauen enarme thy sel●…e wyth these authorities of gods worde against theyr pestilent and damnable dartes Sentences out of the olde Testament I will set enmitie betwene thee and the woman betwene thy seede and her seede The verye selfe same seede shall treade downe thy head and thou shalte tread vpon his hele In thee all kynreds of the earth shal be blessed In thy seede shall all the nations of the earth be blessed The scepter shall not departe from Iuda and a lawe geuer from betwene his fete vntil S●…lo come and vnto him shall the gathering of the people be He shall bynde his fole vnto the vine hys Asses colte vnto the braunche He washed his garment in wyne and his man till in the bloud of grapes His eyes are redder then wine and his teethe whiter then mylke There shall come a star of Iacob and raise a Scepter of Israel Out of Iacob shall he come that shall haue dominion I will raise them vp a Prophet from among their brethreb lyke vn to thee wil put my wordes in hys mouth he shal speake vnto them all that I shal cōmaūd him and whosoeuer wil not har ken vnto the wordes whiche hee shall speake in my name I wyll require it of hym I wil set vp thy sede after thee which shall be of thy sonnes and will stablish his kingdō He shall build me an house and I will stablish his seate for euer I will bee his father and he shall bee my sonne and I wil not put away my mercy from him as I did from him y ● was before thee but I will set him in my house and in my kingdome for euer his seate shall be sure for euer I haue sworne once by my holines y ● I will not fayle Dauid Hys seede shall endure for euer and his seate also like as the sunne before me He shall stande for euer more as the moone and as the faithfull witnes in heauen The Lord hath made a faithful othe vnto Dauid and he shall not shrink frō it out of the fruite of thy body shal I set vpon thy seat Behold a Uirgine shall conceaue beare a sonne and shall call hys name Emanuell Unto vs a child shal be borne vnto vs a child shal be geuen vpō his shoulder shall the kingdome lye he shall be called with his owne name the wonde rous geuer of councell the mighty god the euerlasting father y e prince of peacer he shall make no ende to encrease the kingdome and peace and shall sit vpon the seate of Dauid and in his kingdom to set vp the same to establish it with equitie and rightousnes from henceforth for euer more This shall the gelousy of the Lord of hostes bring to passe There shal come a rod forth of the kin dred of Iesse a blossō out of his roote The spirit of the Lord shall light vppon it the spirite of wisedome and vnderstanding the spirite of councel strēgth the spirit of knowledge and of the feare of god c. Behold the tyme commeth sayth the Lord that I will raise vp the righteous braunche of Dauid which shall beare rule and discusse matters with wisdō and set vp equitie and righteousnesse agayne in earth In his tyme shall Iuda be saued and Israell shal dwel without feare And this is the name y t they shall cal him euē y e lord our rightous maker Behold the time commeth sayth the lord that I wil performe the good thing which I haue promised vnto the house of Israell and to the house of Iuda In those dayes and at the same time I wil bryng forth vnto Dauid the braunch of righteousnesse and he shall doe equitye and righteousnes in the lande In those dayes shal Iuda be helped and Ierusalem shal dwel safe and he that shal call her is euen god our righteous maker For thus the Lord god promiseth Dauid shal neuer want one to sit vpon the stole of the house of Israel I will rayse vp vnto them one onely shepeheard euen my seruant Dauid he shall feede them and he shall be theyr shepeheard I the Lorde will bee theyr god and my seruaunte Dauid shall be their prince Euen I the Lorde hathe spoken it Understand this and marke it well that from the tyme it shall be concluded to go and to repayre Ierusalem againe vnto Christ there shal be seuen wekes Then shal the stretes
is the defē der 〈◊〉 our life of whome then shall we ●…e afrayed Christe is the strength of his people and the defender of the health of his annointed Christ is our refuge in all tribulatiōs that assaile vs. Christes eyes are vpon them that fear hym and vpon them that trust in hys mercy he may deliuer their souls from deathe ▪ norishe them in the time of hunger Christ is gentle blessed is that man that trusteth in him Christ beholdeth the righteous and heareth their prayer Christ is at hand for them that are troubled in hart he shall saue the hum ble and meke spirited Christe geueth saluation to the righte ous and he is the defēder in the tyme of trouble He helpeth thē and deliuereth them and maketh them free from finners and saueth them because they trust in hym Christ pardoneth all our iniquities and healeth all our dyseases he delyuereth our lyues from destruction and crowneth vs in iuercye and louynge kindnes Christ is righte mylde and mercyfull flow vnto wrath but ready to forgenenes He chydeth not euer neither is he angrye alwayes he dealeth not with vs after our sinnes nor rewardeth vs accordyng to our wickednesse The height of the heauens is not so present ouer the earth as is his merciable goodnes ouer them that worship him He setteth our sinnes as far from vs as is the East frō the West Neuer was there any father so tender vnto his chyldren as is the Lorde vnto them that worshippe hym For it is he that knoweth our making he remembreth that we are but of dust That the age of man mortall is lyke grasse that he florisheth lyke a flowre of the fielde Whiche as soone as anye sharp wind toucheth it it is gone being no more founde in hys place But the merciable goodnes of the Lord is for euer and euer preseruyng hys worshippers and the form of his rightwise m●… kyng is presente with theyr chylders chyldren so long as they kepe his couenaunt and hold his commaundementes inmynd to do them Christ is the Lorde with whome there is both infinite mercy plenteous redētion For he it is that redeemeth Israel from al their sinnes Christ is that Lord yea Christ is that Lord in deede which putteth awaye our iniquities for his owne sake and will remember them no more Neither haue we anye thyng wherby we may be iusti fied in his sight Christ alone is that sauiour in whom Israel is saued with an euerlasting health Christ can no more forget vs then a mother can forgette the chylde of her wombe And thoughe she forgetteth her childe yet cannot he forget vs For he hath written vp vs in his hands so that we are alway in his sight Christ hath taken vpon him our dyseases and borne awaye oure sorowes Christ was wounded for our iniquities and brused for our sinnes Christ was offerd for vs because it was his pleasure Christe alone hath troden downe the vynepresse neither was there any at al that helped him Examples out of the old Testament When God determined to slea all the first borne in the land of Egipt bothe of man and beaste hee commaunded his people euery man in hys house to slea a Lambe of a yere olde and without spot and with the bloud therof to annoynte the vpper doore post and the two syde postes that whan the Aungell whiche smote the land of Egipt should see the bloud he mighte passe ouer them not destroy them This pascal Lambe of the Iewes is a figure of the true Pascall lambe Iesus Christ the Lorde whiche is the pure and vndefiled lambe of God whiche offered him selfe a sweete smellynge sacryfice vnto God for vs which neuer committed synne and in hys mouth no gyle was founde For as the bloude of the Lambe sprynckled on the doore postes of the Israelites dydde dryue awaye the auenger and kepte harmles the fyrst begotten of the Israelites so lykewyse the bloude of Christ sprinckeled in the heartes of men by ●…aythe dryueth Sathan synne death desperation and hell from them puryfieth their consciences maketh their hear tes merye setteth them at one wyth God and bringeth ouerlastyng lyfe as Sainct Iohn saith Behold that lambe of god which taketh away the sinne of the world Hereto agreeth the saying of S. Paule christ our passeouer is offred vp for vs. Christ was figured by Manna which God gaue from heauen vnto the Israelites to eate in the desart For as that breade was very plesaunte and good of taste and had in it the sauour of all sweete and deintye meates so that they whiche dyd eate of that neded none other meate Euen so lykewyse is Christ the moste sweete and pleasaunte breade that came downe from heauen He that eateth of thys bread shal lyue for euer neyther nedeth he to folow ani other straung repast For in Christe the soule of a christen man through fayth findeth enough to fede vpon The rock out of the whiche plenty of swete waters gushed out for the cōfort of the thirstye Israelites in the wildernes signifyed Christe also as Sainte Paule dothe declare For as that rocke gaue out abdundance of swete and plea sant waters to the great comfort of the peple of Israel which otherwise should haue pearished so likewise is Christe y ● rock out of the which floweth plenty of heauenlye waters comfortable for the thirsty soule whiche otherwise can not be succoured but muste needes pearish And he that drinketh of those heauenly waters whiche come out of the rocke Christ shall not nede to seeke after the ●…inking dirtie puddles of other For in this Christe he shall finde plentye of waters to drinke yea and that vnto the vttermost for his soules helth as Christ him self sayeth Whosoeuer shall drink of the water that I shall geue him shall neuer more be a thirste but the water that I shall geue him shall be in him a wel of water springing vp into euerlasting life The brasen serpent in the olde lawe was a figure also of Christ. For as those whiche were striken of y ● fyry serpentes were made whole whē they loked vppon the brasen Serpent for their faithes sake which they had in the promise of god annexed vnto the ser pent so likewise they that are wounded with the firie darts of Sathan are made whole when so euer they beholde with the eyes of the inward man by fayth Iesus Christe whiche was crucified for our synne as Christ himselfe testifieth sayinge As Moises lyfted vp the Serpent in the wildernesse euen so must the Son of man be lyfted vp that none that beleueth in him peryshe but haue euer ●…astyng life Sentences out of the newe Testament Christ is so called a Sauiour for hee it is that saueth hys people from theire synnes Christe came not to call the iusticiaries but sinners to repentaunce Christ calleth al them that labour and
wyll caste an hunger vppon the earth not the hunger of breade nor the thirst of water but of bearing the word of the Lord. And they shal go from sea to sea and walke aboute from the South to the East sekinge the worde of the Lorde and yet shall they not finde it ☞ Examples out of the 〈◊〉 Testament GOd the Father wrote the law of the ten cōmaundements in tables of stone with his finger and commaunded Moyses to declare them vnto the people The people are commaunded of God not only to rede his holy law but also diligently to exercise them selues in the me ditation therof so long as they liue and to teach it their childrē yea to talk of it both in their house and when they go abroad and to write it vpon t●…e thresholds dores and postes of their houses that it may bee ●…er in their sight For man shall not liue with breade alone but with euery worde that procedeth from the mouth of God A kinge is commaunded to reade the boke of the law of the Lorde all the dayes of his life that he may feare the Lorde his God Iosua was commaunded that the boke of the Lordes law should not depart from his mouth but that he shoulde study in it day and night that he might kepe and do all thinges that are written in that boke King Saul was cast down from his roy all estate because he was negligente and disobedient to the law of God When Dauid lay on his deathe bed he saide to Sallomon thou shalt prosper and come to great renoume if thou kepest the commaundementes and ordinaunces which the Lord commaunded Moses Ioas when he was crowned in y ● temple had the law of the Lord deliuered vnto his handes that he shoulde keepe and maintaine the same Iosaphat that walked in the commaundementes of the Lord loued Gods word so entierly that he sent hys princes Leuites and priestes to teach in all partes of Iuda which had the booke of the Lordes law with them and went about in all the cities of Iuda and taught the people Ezechias diligently walked in the law of the Lord purged his realme of all idolatry set vp againe the true worshipping of God exhorted all his subiectes to followe the lawe of their Lord God Iossas that most godly king which walked so purely in the waies of the lord that he declined neither on the ryght hand nor on the left when the boke of the law was deliuered vnto him did not only cause the booke to be red before hym but he himself also red it before all his people both small and great and all idolatry destroyed restored the true religion to hys kingdome Esdras red the law of the Lord plainly and distinctly to the people they gaue very earnest and diligent attendaunce to the bearing of it Susan from her infanci●… was so diligentlye brought vp of her parentes in the lawe of God that she did not onely feare god but also chused rather to be stoned vn to death then she would once transgresse the law of god by committing adultery Sentences out of the newe Testament Man shall not liue with breade alone but with euery worde that commeth out of the mouth of God Uerely verely I say vnto you this age shal not passe till all these things be done Heauen and earth shall passe awaye but my wordes shall not passe away Blessed are they that heare the word of god and kepe it Blessed is he that eateth bread in the kingdome of God They haue Moyses and the Prophets let them heare them If they heare not Moyses and the Prophets neither will they beleue though one shoulde rise from the dead Thys is condemnation that lyghte is come into the world and that men loued darkenes more then lyght because theyr workes were euill For euery man that doth euill hateth the lyght neyther commeth he to y ● light least his workes should be reproued but he that doth truth commeth to light that his deedes myghte bee known how they are wrought in god Search the scriptures for ye thinke to haue eternall lyfe in them and these are they which testifie of me neyther will ye come vnto me that ye may haue life The wordes that I speake to you are spirite and life Lord to whom shal we go Thou hast the wordes of euerlasting lyfe He that is of god heareth the wordes of god But ye heare not bicause ye are not of god If a man kepeth my worde he shal neuer see death My sheepe heare my voyce and I know them and thei folow me and I geue them euerlasting lyfe Walke while ye haue light least darknes ouerwhelme you He that walketh in darknes knoweth not whether he goeth While ye haue light beleue in the lyghte that ye may be the children of lyght He that hath my preceptes and keepeth them he it is that loueth me If any man loueth me he will kepe my word and my father will loue him and we shall come to him and dwell with hym This is euerlasting life euen to knowe thee the alone true God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ. Euery one that is of the truth heareth my voyce The gospell of Christ is the power of god vnto saluation for so many as beleue Except the Lorde of bostes had left vnto vs sede that is hys most blessed word we had bene as Sodom and might well haue bene likened to Gomorra Faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God Whatsoeuer thyngs are written afore time are writtē for our learning that we thorowe pacience comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope The word of the crosse is to them that perishe folishnesse but to vs ▪ that obtaine saluation it is the power of God If the gospell of Christ be yet byd it is byd among them that are loste in whom y ● god of this world hath blinded y ● minds of them which beleue not least the light of the glorious gospel of Christ which is the image of God should not shyne vnto thē Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly with all wysedome Teach and monish one an other Quench not the spirite Despise not the studies and preachinges of the holy Scripture Proue all thinges and that is good holde faste God will all men to be saued and come vnto the knowledge of the truth Geue thy minde to reading exhortation and doctrine continue in these things Continue in reading the holy scripture which is able to make thee wyse vnto saluatiō thorow the fayth which is in Christ Iesus For all Scripture geuē by inspiration of God is profitable to teache to improue to amend and to instructe in ryghteousnes that the man of god may be perfecte and prepared to all good workes The word of God is
heare me ye shall eate the good fruites of y ● earth If that ye will not but prouoke me to anger the sworde shall deuoure you for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it Put your burnt offerings to your sacrifices eate the flesh For when I brought your Fathers out of the lande of Egypt I spake not one word vnto them of burnte offeringes and sacrifyces but thys I commaunded them saying heare my voyce and I shall be your God and ye shall be my people See ye walke in all the wayes that I haue commaunded you that ye may prosper I hate and vtterly defie your holy daies and where as ye sense me when ye come together I will not accept it And though ye offer me burnt offeringes yet will not I receaue your giftes Awaye from me with the noyse of thy songes for I can not abyde the hearyng of thy playeng at the Organs Prouide that equitie may followe as the water and righteousnesse as a mightie streame for in these thinges haue I delight and pleasure sayeth the Lorde I will mercy and no sacrifice sayth the Lord and the knowledge of God do I set more by then burnt offeringes What shall I offer worthy the Lorde Shall I bowe my knee to y ● hie god Shall I offer vnto him burnt sacrifices calues of a yeare olde May the Lorde be pleased with a thousande fat Weathers Or with many thousandes of lustie Goates Shall I geue my first begotten for my wickednesse Euen the fruite of my wombe for the sinne of my soule I will shewe the●… Oman what is good and what the Lord requireth of thee verely to do iudgement to loue mercy and carefully to walke with thy God How long will ye halte on both partes If the Lord be God follow him If Baall be God follow him ☞ Examples out of the old Testament NAdab and Abihu of a good entent offered incense to the Lord w t straunge fyre yet for all their good zeale they were consumed with fyre so that they dyed before the Lord. King Saule thought that he had done great worship vnto God when in the absence of Samuell he offered burnt offeringes but Samuell said vnto him thou hast done folishly neither hast kept the cōmaundements of the Lord thy God which I commaunded thee Saule also of a good zeale contrarye to the commaundement of God spared Agag the kyng of Ameleche aliue with the best and fattest flockes of sheepe oxen ●…c Pretending that he reserued them for to offer vnto the Lorde But Samuell sayd vnto him for asmuche as thou hast caste away the word of the Lord the Lord hath cast away thee that thou be no more king Willeth the Lorde burnt offringes and sacrifices and not rather that it maye be obeyed vnto his worde Obedience is better then sacrifices and to geue eare to the lordes commaundement is more then to offer the fatte of Weathers Oza thought y ● he had done God highe seruice when he stayed the Arke of God in the waine being in ieoperdie of falling but yet was y ● Lord angry with him because he touched it contrarye to hys word in so muche that he was striken and sodenlye dyed King Ozias toke vpon him to burne incense vnto the Lord thinking that by this meanes he should highlye please God but for all his pretensed holines he was strikē with leaprosie and so being cast out of the house of the Lorde he continued a leper euen vnto his death ¶ Sentences out of the new Testament THese people draw nighe vnto me with their mouthes honour me with their lippes but their hartes are farre from me Beholde they worship me in vaine teaching doctrines euen the cōmaundements of men Woe be vnto you ye Scribes Pharisees yea very ipocrites which deuour widowes houses vnder the pretence of long prayer ye shall therefore receiue the more greuous dampnation God hath deliuered vs from the hand of our enemies that we should serue him in holines and righteousnes all the daies of our life The houre commeth and now it is whē true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirite and truth for the father seketh such that should worship him God is a spirite they y ● worship hym must worship him in spirite and truth The time shall come that whosoeuer killeth you shall thinke that they do vnto God an hie good seruice God is my witnesse whom I serue in my spirite Be ye fulfylled with the spirit speaking with your selues in psalmes and hymnes spiritual songes and making melodie to the Lord in your hartes geuing thankes alwayes for all thinges vnto God in the name of the Lord Iesus Christ. Unto god king euerlasting immortall inuisible and wise only be all honour and glory for euer and euer Amen ¶ Examples out of the new Testament OUr Sauiour Christ whan he liued in thys worlde dyd all thinges according to hys heauenly fathers commaundementes as he hym selfe sayth as my father hath geuen me commaundement so doe I thys dyd he to geue vs example that in matters of religion we shoulde attempte nothing as due seruice vnto god but that only which we haue learned out of his holy worde The apostles of Christe bothe taughte and wroughte that onelye whiche they had receaued of their Lorde and maister Iesus Christ. Of these aforesaid Scriptures histories maiest thou learne that God is not worshipped as carnall reason and fleshly wisdome imagineth and prescribeth but as god by his holy worde biddeth appointeth and commaundeth A Christen man oughte to followe Christes steps and to walke as he hath walked Against mens traditions and vnwritten verities IF Sathan or any of his impes vnto the derogation of Gods glorye shall at any time tempt thee with mans tradicions or vnwritten veryties for to geue no les credite vnto them than vnto the word of God auoyde him with these scriptures ☞ Sentences out of the olde Testament YE shall not ad vnto the worde that I speake nor take ought from it Ye shall not turue vnto the right hand nor vnto the left hād but by the way that the Lord your god hath commaunded you ye shall walke that ye may liue and haue good luck Keepe the commaundementes of the Lord thy god and the testimonies and ceremonies whiche hee hathe commaunded thee and do that whiche is pleasaunt and good in the Lordes sight that thou maiest haue good luck That I cōmaūd thee do y ● only neither put to any thing nor take ought away Put nothing to his wordes least thou be reproued and found a lier Wo bee vnto them that cal euill good good euil which make darknes lighte and light darknes that make sower swete and sweet sower Wo be to them that are wise in their own sight and think them selues to haue vnderstanding Wo be vnto you that make vnrighteous lawes and
and be not able to kill the soule But rather feare him which is able to destroye both soule and body in hell Are not two sparowes solde for a farthing And none of them fall on the ground without the will of your father Yea all the hayres of your head are numbred Feare not therfore ye are of more value than manye sparowes Ye be come out as vnto a theefe with swordes and staues When I was daylye with you in the temple ye layd no hand vppon me but this is your houre and the power of darkenesse Thou couldest haue no power at all against mee sayd Christ vnto Pilate except it were geuen thee from aboue All thinges are of him by hym and in hym If we liue we liue to be at the Lordes will And if we die we die at the Lordes will Whether we liue therfore or die we are in the Lordes hand Beholde I am aliue sayth Christ for euermore and haue the keyes of death ●…nd hell ☞ Examples out of the new Testament THe ship wherin Christ and his Disciples were was greuouslye tossed with the waues of the sea through y ● winde and the tempest that arose in so muche that it was at the point of drowning Notwithstanding neither water winde nor tempest did once hurte it The deuills had no power to enter into swine till Christ gaue them leaue If thou cast vs forth sayd they suffer vs to enter into the herd of swine Christ aunswered goe ye and they went The Iewes did seke to kill Christ but hys tyme was not then come No man dyd set hys handes on hym because hys houre was not yet come They went aboute to take Christ but he escaped from the midst of their hands There came certain of y e Pharisees and said vnto Christ get thee out of the waye depart bence For Herode will kill thee And he said vnto thē go tell that Fore behold I cast out deuills and heale y ● people to day and to morow and the iii. day I make an end Neuertheles I must walke to day and to morow and the day following for it can not be that a prophet perish any other where then at Ierusalem Herode threwe Peter in prison bound him faste with chaines and set certaine souldiours for the more assurance to kepe him purposing after Easter to bring him forth vnto the people and so to haue slaine him But God being mightier then all the tirannie and power of the world sent his Aungell and deliuered Peter out of prison Paule being at Milete gathered a bundel of stickes and put them in the fire and sodenlye there came a venemous adder otherwise called a Uiper out of the heate and lepte on his hande The men The men that were present and sawe this thinge waited when he shoulde haue swollen or fallen down dead sodynly But Paule shoke of the vermine into the fier and felt no harme Against hunger pouertie or carefulnes of liuing IF at anye time thou be tempted with the carefulnes of liuing comfort thy self with these holy scriptures Sentences out of the olde Testament THey that feare the Lord shall haue no scarcenesse They which seke the Lord shall want no good thing Beholde the eyes of the Lord are vpon them that feare him and vpon them that trust in his mercy y ● he maye deliuer their liues from deathe and norishe them in the time of honger I haue bene young and am waxē old and I haue not seene the righteous forsaken nor his children begging their bread on the earth Lay thy care on the Lord and he shal norishe thee All creatures depende vpon thee O Lord that thou shouldest geue them meat in due time For thou geuing it them they take it and thou opening thy hande they are well satisfied But thou hidinge thy face they are sorowful thou taking away their breath they are but dead and turned into y ● earth that they came of The eyes of all things loke vpon thee O Lorde and thou geuest them meate in due time Thou openest thy hande and replenishest all thinges liuing with thy bles singe The Lord geueth meat to the hungry The blessing of the Lord maketh men riche and there shall no greife accompany them The Lord wil not let the soule of the righteous suffer hunger but hee putteth the vngodly from his desire He that tilleth his land shall haue plē teousnes of bread but he that foloweth idlenes is a very foole Good and euil life and death pouerty and riches are of God Trust in god abide in thy place For it is an easy thing in the sight of God quickly to enrich a pore mā Feare not my sonne we leade a pore life notwithstanding we shall haue plenty of all good things if we feare the Lord depart from all sinne and do wel Examples out of the olde Testament GOd fed the people of Israel with meat from heauen and gaue them drinke out of the rock God sent meate by the Rauens to Helias The Aungell of god tooke Abacuk by the top and bare him by the heare of the head and thorow a mighty winde set him vpon the den wher Daniel was prisoner and gaue him that meat whiche the Prophet had prepared for his reapers Sentences out of the new Testament MAn shall not liue with breade alone but with euery word that cō meth out of the mouth of god Take no thought sayinge what shall we eat or what shal we drīk or wherwith shall we be clothed after these things seke y ● heathen For your heauenly father know eth y ● ye haue nede of all these things But seke ye first the kingdom of god the righ teousnesse thereof and all these thinges shal be caste vnto you God geueth vs abundantly all things to enioy them I wil not fail thee nor yet forsake thee Examples out of the new Testament CHriste at the mariage turned water in to wine Christe with fiue barlye loues and two fisshes fed fiue thousande people and yet remained xii baskets ful of fragmentes Against keping of euil companye When the Deuil the Fleshe or the worlde moue thee to resorte vnto any euill company defende the selfe from it with remembring these scriptures Sentences out of the olde Testament HE shall dwel in the Lords tabernacle and rest vpon his ●…oly hil whiche setteth not by the vngodly but maketh much of them that feare the Lord. With the holy shalt thou be holye and with the innocent thou shalt be innocent With the cleane thou shalt be cleane and with the frowarde thou shalt be froward A froward hart shall depart from me I wil not know a wicked person Who so hath a proud loke and an high sto make I may not awaye with him Mine eyes shall looke for suche as be
and thē wil my wrath waxe whote and I will kill you with the sweard and your wiues shal be widowes and your children fatherles Thou shalt take no giftes for giftes blinde the wise and peruert the wordes of the righteous Thou shalt not do thy neighbour wronge neither violently oppresse him Ye shal do no vnrighteousnes in iudgement in mete yard in weighte or in measure True ballances true weightes a true Epha and a true Hin shall ye haue Fire shall consume the houses of such as are gredy to receiue giftes He heapeth vp treasure and yet know eth not he for whom he gathereth it O truste not in wronge and robbery geue not your selues vnto vanities ▪ and if ritches encrease set not your harte vpon them Encline my har●… O Lord to thy testimonies and not to couetousnes Who hordeth vp his corne shal be cursed among the people but blessing shall light vpon his hed that geueth food He that trusteth in his riches shal haue a fall but the righteous shall florishe as y e greene leaf Better is a little with the feare of the Lorde then great and innumerable treasures otherwise He goeth aboute to destroy his own house that geueth his mind to couetousnes but who so hateth reward shall liue Better it is to haue a little with righteousnesse then great rentes wrongfully gotten He that hateth couetousnesse shall liue long A man that is sodenly riche enuyeth other and considereth not that pouertye shall come vpon hym Who so robbeth his father and saith it is no sinne y ● same is like vnto a mans●…ear O Lord geue me neither pouertye nor riches onelye graunt me a necessarye lyuinge He that loueth mony wil neuer be satisfied with monye and who so delighteth in riches shall haue no profit therof Where as muche riches is ther are ma ny also that spende them away And what pleasure more hathe hee possessed then sauing that he maye looke vpon them wyth his eyes A labouring man slepeth swetely whether it be litlle or much that he eateth but the aboundance of the riche wil not suffer him to slepe There is a sore plague which I haue sene vnder the sonne namely riches kept to the hurte of him that hath them in possession For oftimes they pearishe with his great misery and trouble and if he haue a childe it getteth nothing Read forth the Chapiter Let not thyne hande be stretched out to receaue and shut when thou shouldest geue Trust not vnto thy riches and saye not tushe I haue inoughe for my life For it shall not helpe thee in the time of vengeance and temptation Trust not in wicked riches for they shal not healp thee in the daye of punishment and wrath Nothing is more wicked and vngratious then a couetous man He that with all his carefulnes heapeth together vnrightuously gathereth for other folkes and another man shal make good chere with hys goods A couetous mans eye hath neuer inough in the portion of wickednes vntil the time that he wither away and hath lost his own soule The riches of the proude shal be rooted out He that loueth ritches shall not ●…e iustified Manye one is come in great mysfortune by the reason of gold and haue found their destruction before them It is a tree of fallinge vnto them It is a tree of passage vn to them that offer it vp and al such as be folish fall therin Blessed is the riche which is founde without blemish and hath not gone after gold nor heaped in mony and treasures where is there such a one and we shal com mende him and call him blessed For great things doth he among his people Wo be vnto you that ioyne house to house and coopl●… land to land euen so lōg as any can be gotten Shal ye alone dwel vpon the earth These things are in the eares of the Lorde of hostes c. Wo bee vnto them that geue sentence with the vngodly for rewards and condemne the iust cause of the righteous Wo be vnto thee that spoylest for thou also shalt be spoyled Wo be vnto him that heapeth vp other mennes goods Howe long will he lade himselfe with thick claye O howe sodenly will they stand vp that bite and awake that shall teare thee in peces yea thou shalt be their pray Wo be vnto him that couetously gathe reth euil gotten goods into his house that he may set his neste on hye to escape from the power of misfortune Thou haste deuised the shame of thyne owne house so that the very stones of the wall shall cry out of it and the tymber that lieth betwixt the ioynts of the building shall aunswere Their siluer and theyr gold shall not be able to deliuer thē in the day of the Lords wrath Examples out of the olde Testament Balaam for luc●…es sake would haue cur sed the people of Israel contrary to his own conscience but he was reproued of the Aungell of the Lord so that his cursing was turned into blessing Acham by the commaundement of God was stoned to death because ●…e toke of the excommunicate goods Saul for the couetousnes of the praylost his kingdome The couetousnes of Naball his churlishnes shewed vnto Dauid had almoste caused that Naball and all that euer hee had had bene vtterly destroyed if Abigail his wife had not pacified the matter Notwithstanding God shortlye punished him with death so that he was taken away frō all that euer he had The couetousnes of Achab and Iesabel was the occasion that the good Nabothe was stoned vnto death against all equitie and right that by this meanes they might haue his vineyarde But howe miserable their end was for that their abhominable murther the holy stories do declare Gehesy was striken with leprosy because he receiued mony of Naaman ☞ Sentences out of the new Testament BLessed are the poore in spirit for theirs is the kingdome of heauen Lay not vp treasure for youre selues vpon earth where neither rust nor mothe doth corrupt and where theues break thorow and steale But lay vp treasures for you in heauē where neither rust nor moth doth corrupt and where theeues do not breake through nor steale For where your tresure is ther wil your hart be also What dooth it prophet a man to win the whole worlde if he loseth his soule A rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdome of heauen It is more easye for a cable rope to go thorow the eye of a nedle then a rich man to enter into the kingdome of heauen Wo be to you riche men whiche haue your comfort Take heede and beware of couetousnes For no mans life standeth in the aboū dance of thinges which he possesseth Thou foole this night wil they fetche away thy soule againe from thee Then whose shall the thinges be that thou hast gathered
thend They haue caste away the lawe of the Lord of hostes and haue blasphemed the word of the holy one of Israel Therefore is the wrath of the Lorde kindled against his people and he shaketh his hand at thē yea he shall smite so that the hils shal trēble And their carcasses shall lie in the open streate They haue offended the law chaunged the ordinaunces and made the euerlasting testament of none effect And therfore shal the curse deuoure the earth for they that dwel thereon haue sinned wherefore they shall be brent also and those that remaine shal be very fewe The sweete wine shall moorn the grapes shal be weake and all y e haue bene mery in hart shall sighe The mirth of tabrets shal be laid down the chere of the ioyful shall cease and the pleasure of the Lutes shall haue an ende There shall no more wine be dronk with ●…irth the beere shal be bitter to them that drinke it the wicked cities shal be broken down al houses shal be shut that no man may come in Woe is me sayth the Prophete all is full of synners which offend of purpose malice And therfore O thou that dwellest vpon the earth ther is at hand for thee feare pit and snare Whosoeuer escapeth the terrible crye shall fall into the pitte and yf hee come out of the pytte he shall bee taken with the snare For the windowes aboue shal be opened and the foundation of the earth shall moue The earth shall geue a great crake it shal haue a sore ruine and take an horrible fal The earth shall stacker like a dronken man and bee taken away like a tent Her misdedes shal light so heauy vpon her that she must fall and neuer rise vp againe Reade ●…e whole chapter These people are obstinate they prouoke me vnto anger they are lying childrē and euen such children that will not heare the law of God They say to them that see see nothing and to the Southsayer tell of nothinge for to come if it bee either good or honeste but 〈◊〉 pleasant things vnto vs and preach vs false things Treade out of the waye goe out of the path turne awaye the holye one of Israell from vs. Therfore thus saith the holy one of Israel for asmuch as ye haue cast away his worde and haue comforted your selues with power and nimblenes and put your confidence therein therefore shall ye haue this mischiefe againe for your destruction fall like an hye wal that falleth because of some rift or blast whose breakinge commeth sodenly And your destruction shal be like an earthen pot which breaketh no mā touching it but breaketh so sore that a mā shall not finde a sheu●…r of it to fetche fyre in or to take water out of the pit For the God euen that holy one of Israel hath pro mised thus Who suffered Iacob to be troden vnder foote and Israell to be spoyled was it not the Lord himselfe against whome we haue sinned we had no delight to walk in his waies neither were we obedient to his lawes Therfore hath he poured vpon vs his wrathfull displeasure and straunge battayle which maketh vs haue to do on euery side yet will we not vnderstand He burneth vs vp yet it sinketh not into our hartes Because they haue sorfaken my lawe that I gaue them and haue not harde my voyce nor yet walked therafter but folow ed the wickednes of their owne hartes runne after straung gods as their fathers taught them Therfore thus saith the Lorde of hostes the god of Israell beholde I wil feede this people with wormewoode and geue them gall to drinke I wil scatter them amonge the Heathen whom nether they nor their fathers haue knowne And I wil sende a sword amonge thē to persecute them and neuer leaue vnto I bring them to nought If ye wil not obey me saith the Lorde to walk in my lawes whiche I haue geuē you and to heare the words of my seruāts the Prophets whom I sent vnto you and rising vp timely and stil sēding If ye will not folow them I say then will I do vnto this house as I did vnto Silo will make this Citie to be abhorred of all the people of the earth I wil send vpon them sworde honger pestilēce because they haue not regarded my words which I sent to them sayth the Lord by my seruauntes the Prophets They would not take hede saith y ● lord but turned their backe and stopped their eares that they should not heare Yea they made their hartes as an Adamant stone least they should heare the law and words which the Lord of hostes sent in his spirit by the Prophetes afore time Wherefore the Lord of hostes was very wroth at thē And thus it came to passe that like as hee spake and they woulde not heare euen so they cried and I would not heare saith the Lord of hostes Sentences out of the olde Testament NOhe preached to the olde world and exhorted them to repent and amend their life or els god woulde surelye plage them But they laughed Nohe and hys doctrine to scorne and continued in their abhominable and wicked liuinge What folowed was not al the world drowned right persons onely excepted Lot seing the vnnaturall most filthye vnclennes of the stinking Sodomits coun selled them to cease so to muche licentiouslye ▪ to offende their Lorde God They would not heare Lot nor his sermons but churlishly entreated him what folowed Wer they not consumed with water fyre and brimstone from heauen O most dread full plages After what sorte the Israelites were plaged for their disobediēce to gods word the bookes of the old Testamente do euidently declare The despisers of Gods word are punished manye and sundrye wayes as wyth sword pestelence hunger wilde beastes and fyre Of the sworde Read Exod. 5. Leuit. 26. Deut. 22. Iob. 19. Esay 1. Iere. 9. 15. 20. 25. 29. 42. 43. 46. 50. Of the pestelence Reade Exod. 5. Len. 26. Deut. 18. 32. 1. Reg. 24. Psalm 104. 1. Par. 22. Ezech. 7. 14 18. 33. 23. 38. Math. ●…4 Of hunger Read●… Deut. 28. 32. 1. Reg. 24. Psalm 104 Eccle. 39. Iere. 1●… 14. 18. 54. Amos. 8. Act. 11. Apoc. 18. Of Beastes Read Leuit. 26. Deut. 22. 1. Reg. 27. 3. Reg. 13. Sap. 16. Esay 18. Ieremy 11. 15. 27. 34. Ezech 4. 5. 14. 20. 32. 13. 39. Ose. ●… Of Fire Read Gene. 19. Leuit. 10. Nume 1. 16. 21. Deut. 32. Iosue 7. 3. Reg. 18. 2. Par. 7. Iob. 1. 15. 20. 31. Psalm 10. 87. Esay 9. 26 66. Ier. 15. 2. 7. Treno 1. 2. Baruc. 4. Eze. 22 28. 30. 38. 39. Danie 3. Ose. 8. Amos. 1. 2. Abd. 1. Mich 6. Sopho. 2. Nahum 3. Zach. 11. 12. 13. Apo. 9. 11 18. 19. 20. Sentences out of the newe Testament Whosoeuer shall not receiue you nor heare your Sermons goe ye oute of that house or citye
in Paradise Against sinne death and hell IF Sathan in the time of sicknes or els whā goe about to fray thee to quenche thy spirit either with the greatnes of thy sinnes or els with the error and fearcenes of death and hell be not dismayd but with a lustye courage resiste his temptations with these most swete and comfortable scriptures Sentences out of the olde Testament I am he indede sayth god he which puteth away thy sinnes yea that for myne own sake will remēber them no more As for thine offēces I haue driuen thē away like the cloudes and thy sinnes as the miste Turne thee againe vnto me for I haue redemed thee Where is ther such a god as thou art●… that pardonest wickednes and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunt of thine heritage He keepeth not his wrathe for euer And why for his delighte is to haue compassion He shall turne againe and be mercifull to vs hee shall putte downe our wickednes and caste al our sinnes into the bottome of the sea Out of the power of death sayth the lord wil I deliuer them yea from the death it self wil I redeme them O death I will be thy death O hel I wil swallow thee vp Examples out of the olde Testament That holy king and prophet Dauid being fully perswaded that by Christ which was to come Sathans head was broken a sunder sinne was vanquished death was ouercome hell was swalowed vp that they could nothinge hurt that faythful man lamented sorowed that he continued so long in this vale of misery and moste hartelye wished to be deliuered out of thys prison and to goe vnto the Lord his God That godly and aunciente father Toby knowing that neither sinne death nor hell can do any thing against gods chosē people which in Christe haue gotten the victory ouer them al so that they nede not to feare death nor anye thing to come after this life praied to god on this maner Nowe O lord drale with me according to thy wyl and commaūd my spirite to be receiued in peace for more expedient were it for me to dye than to liue Sentences out of the new Testament CHriste shall saue hys people from their sinnes Behold the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world There is no damnation to thē that are graft in Christ Iesu. Christe came into the worlde to saue sinners The bloud of Iesu Christe maketh vs cleane from all synne Thorow the name of Christ al Prophets beare witnes that so many as beleue in him shal receiue remissiō of their sinnes Death is swalowed vp into victory Wher is thy sting O death Wher is thy victory O hell The sting of deathe is sinne and the power of sin is the lawe But thankes bee to God which hath geuen vs the victory thorow our Lord Iesus Christ. By death hath Christ put him to flight that had lordshippe ouer deathe that is to saye the Deuill that he myght delyuer them which thorow the fear of death were all theyr lyfe tyme in daunger of bondage Examples out of the new Testament SO sone as the auncient father Simeon had seene and receiued Christe into his armes he fering neither sin death nor hel shewed himselfe redy to depart out of this world and spake with a ioyful voice O Lord now lettest thou thy seruaunte depart in peace c. Blessed Paule knowing that thorowe Christ the power of synne death and hel is so altogether weekened that they can do the faithful no harme wished to be losoned out of this world and to be with Christ. ¶ Against them that deny the resurrection of the body IF that olde enemy Sathan labour to perswade thee that there is no resurrection of the dead but as the bodye returneth to death so shall it for euer continue in the earth neuer receiue lyfe again nor line either in glory or in peace after this present life that therfore thou maiest liue as thou iust defende thy selfe against his cruel assaults 〈◊〉 these sentēces exāples of the holy scripture Sentences out of the olde Testament The Lorde killeth and maketh alyue againe bringeth downe to the graue and stretchet●… vp againe I am sure that my redemer liueth and that I shall rise out of the earth in the latter day and that I shall be clothed againe with this skinne and see god in my flesh yea I my self shall beholde him not wyth other but with these same eyes These that be deade will I raise vp againe from their places and bringe them out of the graues Thy dead shall liue euen with my body shall they rise againe Awake and singe ye that dwel in the dust For thy dew is euen as the dew of hearbes and the earthe shall cast out of her them that be vnder her the earth shall disclose her own bloud and shal no more hide ●…em that are slaine in her Your bones shall florish like an herbe Beholde saith god I wil put breath in to you that ye may liue I wil geue you sinowes and make fleshe growe vpon you and couer you ouer with skin and so geue you breath that ye may liue knowe that I am the Lord. Thus saith the Lord god behold I wil open your graues O my peo ple and take you out of your Sepulchres Many of them that slepe in the duste of the earth shall awake some to euerlasting life some to perpetuall shame and reproofe Examples out of the olde Mestament THe Prophet Helias raised vp frō death vnto life the Sonne of the widdow of Sarepta which is in Sidon Helizeus obtained of God a Childe for his Hostesse which dyed and as afterward by the prayer of Helizeus raysed vnto life Read and mark diligently the 37. Chapiter of Ezechiel A certaine woman with her 7. Children were cruellye put to death because they would not eate swines flesh contrary to gods worde at the commaundement of the kinge The seconde of the brethren saide vnto the kinge thou moste vngracious person puttest vs now to deathe but the kinge of the worlde shall raise vs vp which dy for his lawes into resurrection of euerlasting life The mother of the 7. Children sayde thus vnto them I cannot tel how ye ●…am in my wōbe for I neither gaue you breath nor soule no nor life It is not I that ioyned the members of youre bodyes together but the maker of the worlde whiche fashioned the birth of man and began all thinges Euen he also of his owne mercye shall geue you breath and life againe like as ye now regard not your own selues for his lawes sake ☞ Sentences out of the newe Testament AS touching the resurrection of y ● dead haue ye not reade what is said vnto you of god which saieth I am Abrahams god and Isaackes god and god is not the god of
man that speaketh froward thinges from such as leaue the high streat walk in the way of darknes which reioyce in doing euill and delite in wicked thinges whose wayes are crooked and their pathes slaunderous That thou maiest be delited also from the straunge woman and frō her that is not thine owne which geueth sweet wordes forsaketh the husbande of her youth and forgetteth the couenaunte of her God For her house is enclined vnto death and her pathes vnto Hell All they that go in vnto her come not againe neither take they holde of the waye of life That thou walk in the good way and keepe y ● pathes of the righteous For the iust shall dwell in the lande and the innocentes shall remaine in it but the vngodly shall be rooted out of the lande and the wicked doers shal be taken out of it Blessed is the man that findeth wisedome and obtaineth vnderstanding for y e getting of it is better then any m●…rchandise of siluer and the profit of it is better then gold Wisdom is more worth then precious stones and all the thinges that thou canst desire are not to be compared vnto her Upon her ryght hand is long life and vppon her lefte hande is ryches and honor Her wayes are pleasaunt waies and al her pathes ar peaceable She is a tree of life to them that lay hold vpon her and blessed are thei that kepe her fast My son let not these thinges depart frō thine eies but kepe my law and counsail so shall it be life vnto thy soule and grace vnto thy mouthe Then shalte thou walke safely in thy waye and thy foote shall not stumble If thou slepest thou shalt not be afrayed but shalt take thy rest and slepe swetely Thou shalte not nede to be afrayed of any soden feare neither for the violent rushing in of the vngodly whē it commeth For the lord shall be beside thee and kepe thy fote that thou be not taken Let thine heart receiue my words kepe my commaundementes and thou shalt●… lyue Get the●… wisdome get thee vnderstandinge forget not the wordes of my mouth and shrink not from thē Forsake her not and shee shall preserue thee loue her and she shal kepe thee The chief point of wisedome is that thou willingly to obtaine wisedome and before all thy goods to get vnderstandinge Make much of her and she shall promote thee yea if thou embracest her she shall bringe thee vnto honour She shall make thee a gracious head garnishe thee with the crowne of glory Heare my son receiue my wordes that the yeres of thy life may be manye I will shew the way of wisdome and lead thee in the righte pathes So that if thou goest therin there shal no straitnes hinder thee and when thou runnest thou shalt not fall Take faste holde of doctrine let her not go kepe her for she is thy life The commaundement is a lantern and the law is a light and the way of life Wher no knowlege of gods word is the soule is not wel Apply thy heart vnto learning and thine eare to the wordes of knowledge Hee that turneth away his eare from hearing the lawe his prayer shal be abhorred When the preachinge of Gods worde faileth then perisheth the people Euerye worde of GOD is pure and cleane yea it is a shield to them that trust in it Uaine are all those men in whom no knowledge of god is Neither hearbe nor emplasture hathe healed thē but thy worde O Lord which healeth all thinges The fountaine of wisedome is the the word of god Be make and lowly to heare the word of god that thou mayest vnderstand and bring forth a wise and true answer Haue all thy pleasure in the commaun dements of god and in his lawes be thou most of al occupied and he shall geue thee an hart and a desire of wisdome shal be ge uen thee Be not slacke to beleue the worde of God Learnig is a precious iewel to a wisemā Nothing is better then the feare of god and nothing is sweter then to haue a respect to the commaundements of the Lord My people is led captiue because they haue no knowledge They haue caste away the lawe of the Lorde of hostes and the worde of the holy one of Israell haue they blasphemed Therfore is the wrath of the lord who●… agaynst his people and he wyl stretche oute his hande and destroye them Make hast vnto the law and witnesse If they speake not according to this word they shall not haue the morning light All ye that are a thirst come vnto the waters and ye that haue no mony make haste by and eat Come I say by without mony and without any ●…xchaunge wyne and milke Why lay ye out your monye for that that is not breade in deede and spend your labor about that that shall neuer satisfye you Heare me heare I saye and eate that which is good that ye may be well liking Geue eare and come vnto me heare me I say and your soule shall liue As raine and snowe commeth downe ●…rom heauen and returneth not th●…ther agayne but watereth the earth and maketh it to bud and bring forth the fruit so that it geueth sede to the sower breade to the eater so shall my word be that shal come out of my mouth It shall not returne vnto me boyde but shall do what soeuer I wil and prosper in them to whom I send it Let not the wise man reioyce in his wysedome nor the stronge man in hys strength nor yet let the riche man glorye in his riches but let him that reioyseth reioyce in this thing that he know me that I am y e Lord which doth mercy iudgemēt and righteousnes in the earth Withdrawe not the woorde from the people if peraduenture they heare turne from their wicked way so that it may repent me of the euil which I haue determi ned to do vnto them for the maliciousnes of their councels Heare Israel the commaundements of life geue eare that thou maiest become wise Howe chaunced it O Israell that thou arte in the lande of thine enemies Thou art worne out in a straunge lande thou art defiled with the dead Thou art●… reputed with them that go down to Hell Thou hast forsaken the fountain of wisedome For if thou haddest walked in the way of god vndoubtedlye thou haddest dwelt in rest vpon the earth Learne therfore where wisedome is and vnderstanding is that thou maiest also know where continuance of life is and all thinges necessary for to maintaine the same agayne where the light of the eyes and peace is This is the booke of the commaundementes and the lawe whyche abideth for euer All that keepe it shall come vnto life but they that forsake it shall come vnto death Behold the day is come sayth y ● Lord that I