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A06667 A rule how to bring vp children A treatise wherein is declared, how the father apposeth his sonne in the holy Scripture, whereby all parents may be taught a rule how to bring vp their children, briefelie collected into a short volume.; Rule how to bring up children. Lyster, John, fl. 1588. 1588 (1588) STC 17122; ESTC S104942 107,568 287

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soeuer is iust but sinneth seauen tims a day but what sayest thou of the electe Saints of God Sonne Iob. 15. Iob that iust man in respect of others saith behold the Lorde doth not trust his saints yea the very heauens are not cleane in his sighte Iob. 25 How may a man compared to God be iustified how can he be cleane that is born of a woman the stars are corrupt in his sight Father What sayst thou of that Virgen Mary Mother of Iesus Christ Virgin Marie for some say that she is coequall with God some affirme that shée may bée compared to a sacke that when the meall is out is nothing better Sonne I for my part Exod. 20. thinke well of neither of these for the one speaketh blasphemie to make any like God who created and made all thinges and the Lorde is a Iellious God and I will haue none to be compared to him as for the other they speake vnreuerently to compare that elect and chosen of God Marie blessed that blessed among women to a sacke or filthie vesture for she is called of the Angell Gods messenger vnto her blessed for thus he saith Luke 1. Haill full of grace our lord is with thée blessed art thou among women for thou hast found grace with God The mother of Iohn the baptist that holie woman full of the holie ghost Luke 1 cryed with a loud voice saide blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruite of thy wombe Luke 11 Euen a simple woman cryed before Christ and said blessed is the wombe that bare thée and the paps that gaue the sucke She was called blessed because she was elected to saluation by faith in her sauyour she was called blessed because shée was chosen of God to beare Iesus that anoynted of the father she is called blessed by reason she obayed the Lordes commaundement and yéelded to his will Luke 1. And she was most blessed that the Lord imputed no sinne vnto her and as touching this her blessednesse she saith her selfe Behould from hence foorth all generations shall call me blessed so that this blessed and elect of God is neither Goddesse for she exalteth not her selfe so hie neither to be compared so vnreuerentlie séeing that it pleaseth the Lord our God and sauiour to be borne of her Father Math. 1 Then thou makest her without sinne Sonne As touching the conception and byrth of Christ she was a most pure Virgen in al respects touching the same vndefiled but as touching her owne conception and byrth Psal 51. she will say and confesse with Dauid behold I was gotten in wickednesse and in sinne my mother conceaued mée How can he be cleane that is borne of a woman Iob. 25. the starres are not cleane in his sight Looke at her owne words She saith Luke 1. my soule doth magnifie the Lord and my spirit reioyceth in God my sauiour if she had béene cleane from all sinne then shée might haue béene saued by the lawe and Christ Iesus although her Sonne should haue profited her nothing therefore you may sée that she findeth somthing in her selfe that causeth her to confesse with ioye gladnesse of soule that her owne sonne must be her sauiour For why there is none that commeth vnto the Father of heauen but those that are brought by Christ for hée saith Nemo venit ad patrem nisi per me There is none that commeth vnto the father but by mée Father May wée not lawfully woorshippe and praye vnto this blessed Virgin and other Saincts Prayer to Saints Sonne Noe Father for Christ saith Dominum deum tuum adorabis et illi soli feruies Thou shalt worship the Lorde thy God and him onely shalt thou serue Reuel 19 Iohn fell downe at the Angels féete to worship but hée saide vnto him sée thou doe it not for I am thy fellow seruant and one of thy brethren euen of them that haue the testimonie of Christ Iesu but worship God Acts. 10 Cornelius fell downe at Peters féete and worshipped him but Peter tooke him by the hande and saide stande vp I my selfe am also a man Acts. 14 Iupiters Priestes brought Oxen and garlands vnto the Porch and would haue done sacrifice with the people which when the Apostles Barnabas and Paull hearde they rent their clothes and ranne among the people and saide sirs why doe ye this wée are mortall menne like vnto you and preach vnto you that yée shoulde turne from these vanities to the liuing God 4. king 17 Feare serue bow and doe sacrifice to God and to none els The Lord charged that they shoulde feare none other God nor bowe them selues vnto them nor serue them nor sacrifice to them but feare God that brought them out of Egypt him feare and to him bowe and to him doe sacrifice And as touching praier Christ teacheth his Disciples to pray Prayer Our Father which art in heauen hallowed be thy name c. When thou prayest Math. 6 Pray to the father of heauen enter into thy Chamber and shut the doore and pray to thy Father which is in secret and he will reward thée openly I cry vnto the Lorde with my voyce saith Dauid Psalm 77 euen vnto God will I crye with my voyce and he shall harken vnto mée Looke vnto whome Abrahams seruaunt prayed Lord God of my Maister Abrahā Gene. 24 send mée good spéede this day and shewe mercy vnto my Maister Abraham Abraham praied for Abimelech vnto the Lorde Gen. 20. and the Lorde healed Abimelech He that offereth to any but to the Lord onelie let him be rooted out Exod. 22 Serue where thou wilt saith Iosua Iosua 24 I and my house will serue the Lord God The Angell sayde Iudg. 13. if thou wilt offer an offering thou must offer it vnto the Lorde Elcana went euerie festiuall day to pray and to offer vnto the Lord God of hostes in Silo. Anna prayed and saide I haue powred out my soule before the Lord wherby you may perceaue father that none is to bée worshipped bowed vnto feared sacrificed before prayed vnto but onely the God of heauen and earth Father May we not pray thus and say GOD and our Ladie helpe mée or God and S. Iohn Peter or Iames Sonne Esay 59 None can helpe but God That is to make others equall with God For Esay sayth that the Lord sawe that none was righteous and he wondred that there was none to helpe him wherefore he helde him by his owne power and susteyned him by his owne righteousnesse And I tould you before that it was blasphemie to compare any with GOD and besides such are enemies to those Saincts for they wish that the Lord in his ielousie shoulde plague them by reason that they attribute that vnto them 2. King 6. that belongeth onely to the Lord. Vsa as we réede when he saw the Oxen
the dewe of Pearles and the Earth shall cast them out that bée vnder her the earth shall disclose her owne bloude and shall no more hide them that are slayne in her Beholde saith the Lorde I will open your Graues Ezech. 37 and take you out of your Sepulchers and bring you out of the lande of Israell againe my spirit shall I put in you and ye shall liue Many of them that sléepe in the dust of the earth shall awake Dan. 12 some to euerlasting life some to perpetuall shame and reproofe There shall bée a resurrection both of iust and vniust Good and bad Acts. 24 For by Christ shall all menne liue 1. Cor. 13 and GOD shall giue to euerye one his owne bodye at his pleasure For when the Trumpe shall blowe the deade shall ryse incorruptable and bée chaunged Father 〈◊〉 terrible lay Iesus be mercifull vnto vs. Procéede tell me now of this terrible day of iudgement Sonne ●say 13. The day of the Lord shall come terrible full of indignation furie and wrath to make the lande wast and to roote out the sinnes thereof for the Starres and Planets of heauen shall not giue their light the Sunne shall be darkened in the morning and the Moone shall not shine with his light I shall shake the heauen and the earth shall remoue out of her place saith the Lord of hostes ●say 14 Hell be-neath trembleth to méete the Lord at his comming ●say 24. The earth shall réele too and fro like a drunken man and shall be remoued out of her place like a tent in one night and the iniquitie thereof shall be heauie vpon it it shall fall and not rise agayne in that day shall the Lorde visite the hoste that is on high aboue and the kinges that are vpon the earth and they shall bée gathered together and they that be in pryson the Moone shall be abashed and the Sunne ashamed when the Lord of hostes shall reigne in Syon and in Ierusalem with worshippe and in the sight of such as shall be of his counsell Beholde Esay 28. there commeth a vehement and sore day from the Lord like an vnmeasurable hyll and perillous tempest euen like the force of mightie and horrible waters that violentlie beareth downe all thinges The earth shall bée visited of the Lorde of hostes with Thunder Esay 29. Earthquake and a great noyse with storme and tempest and with the flame of a consuming fier The heauens shall vanish away like smoake Esay 5● and the earth waxeth olde like a cloth and they that dwell therein shall perish in like manner The verie fishes of the Sea Ezech. 3● the foules of the ayre the beastes of the fielde and all people that are vpon the earth shall tremble for feare of mée sayth the Lord the Hilles shall be turned vpside downe the stares of stone shall fall and all the walles shall sincke to the grounde ●oel 2. The day of the Lord commeth and is harde at hande a darke day a glouming day a cloudie day yea a stormie daye before the Lord shall be a consuming fier and behinde him a burning flame Micheas 1 The mountaynes shall consume vnder him the valleys shall cleaue a sunder like as waxe consumeth and like as water runneth a pace ● Pet. 3. The world shall perish ●y fier The heauen and earth that are nowe to be kept by his worde in stoore and reserued vnto fier agaynst the daye of iudgement and perdition of vngodlye men ●opho 1 The great day of the Lord is at hand it is harde by and commeth on a pace horrible is the tidings of the Lords daye then shall the Gyants crye out for the day is a day of wrath and of trouble and heauinesse a day of vtter destruction and miserie a darke and glouming daye a cloudie and stormie daye a daye of noyse of Trumpets and Shalmes Trumpets shalms agaynst the strong Citties and high Towers ●euel 6 I sawe the Sunne as blacke as sackcloth and the Moone as bloud the Starres fell from Heauen the Heauen vanished away euen as a scrolle that rooled together and all mountaynes and Iles were remooued out of their places the great day of his wrath is come and who is able to endure Christ himselfe saith Math. 24 the Sunne shall bée darkened and the Moone shall not giue her light the Starres shall fall from heauen and the powers of Heauen shall be mooued and then shall appeare the token of the Sonne of manne in Heauen then shall all kinredes of the earth mourne when they shall sée the Sonne of manne come in the cloudes of Heauen with power and great glorie Father Mercifull God deliuer vs on that terrible and dreadefull daye of vengeance and wrath shielde vs vnder thy winges and couer vs with thy fethers But tell mée of that Iudge before whome we must make our appearances Sonne The Lorde Iesus shall shewe hymselfe 2. The●● from Heauen with his Angells of his power and with a flaming fier Math. 25 The sonne of man shall come in his glorie and all the holie Angells with him and then shall he sitte vpon the seate of his glorie and before him shall be gathered all nations Daniel 7. The olde aged satte him downe and his cloathing was as white as snowe and the haires of his heade like pure wooll his Throne like the fierie flame and his wheeles as the burning fier a thousande serued him and tenne thousande times tenne stoode before him the iudgement was set and the bookes opened Reuela 1 Beholde saith Saint Iohn hée commeth with cloudes and all eies shall sée and they also that pearsed him and all kinreds of the earth shall waile ouer him Father Oh great and mightie GOD merciful father The iudgement not ●scaped be mindefull of thy people whome thou hast bought with thy precious bloud Goe on tell mée Sonne if none can escape this iudgement neither by witte pollicie strength ritches by hiding or couering themselues nor by anie other shift Sonne No Father Reuel 20 none shall escape that euer were are or shall be to that day For S. Iohn saith I sawe the deade both small and great stand before God and the bookes were opened and the Sea gaue vppe her deade which were in her and death and Hell deliuered vp the deade that were in them There shall be Kinges of the earth Reuel 6 great men and ritch men and chiefe Captaines and mightie men We must all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ 2. Cor. 5. that euerie man may giue accompt of his workes All mightie men and Princes of the earth Esay 14 and all Kinges of the earth shall stande vp from their seates that they may aunswere and speake vnto the Lord. The glorie of the Lorde shall appeare Esay 40 and all flesh shall at once sée it All flesh shall come to worship
before mée saith the Lord Esay 66. and they shall goe foorth and looke vpon the carrions of them that haue transgressed against mée Amos. 9 They shall not flée away there shall not one escape nor be deliuered though they were buried in hell my hande shall fetch them from thence though they clime vppe to heauen yet shall I cast them downe though they hide themselues on the toppe of Carmell yet shal I séeke them out and bring them from thence though they créepe downe from my sight into the depth of the Sea I shall commaunde the Serpent there to bite them Math. 25 Iesus Christ shall sende his Angells with the great voyce of a Trumpet and they shall gather together his chosen from the foure windes euen from the highest parte of heauen till the endes thereof Thus father you may sée that this iudgement cannot be secaped Father Sonne the Lord comforte vs. What saiest thou shall there be no warning before the Trumpet bée sounded Sodenly and all summoned to iudgement but shall it come vnwares and sodainely Sonne Christ saith if we shall not watch Reuel 3 hée will come as a théefe and we shall not knowe what houre he shall come on vs. The day of the Lord shall come as a théefe in the night 1. Thes 5 for when they shall say peace then shall sodaine destruction come vpon them euen as sorrowe vpon a woman in traueile and they shall not escape Of that day and houre saith Christ Math. 24 knoweth no manne but my Father onelie for as it was in the daies of Noa they eate and dranke married and were married builded and planted vntil Noa went into the Arke and the floude came and tooke them all away So shall the comming of the Sonne of man bée Watch therefore for ye knowe not what houre the sonne of man will come Father The Lord giue vs grace to be watchfull What shall the Lorde doe when all people kinredes and tongues and nations are set before him Sonne Partition Math. 25 He shall seperate the good from the bad euen as a shepperd parteth the shéepe from the Goats Ezech. 34. I will saith the Lord put a pertition and make a difference among the shéepe among the weathers and Goats Math. 25 Hée shall sette the shéepe on his right hande and the Goates on the left hand Father Christ helpe vs but howe shall the Lorde Iesus among all the people of the worlde knowe which are good to set them on his right hande and the euill and place them on his left hande Sonne Father the Lorde séeth and knoweth all thoughts words and workes of all men hee séeth from euerlasting to euerlasting there is nothing hid frō his eyes and besides they shall all bée marked the faithfull and good with the marke of the Lambe Iesus The wicked shall haue in their handes or foreheades the Beastes marke The Lord saide to one that had a linnen rayment vpon him Ezech. 9 and a writers Incke-horne by his side goe thy way through the Cittie of Ierusalem sette a marke vpon the foreheades of them that mourne and are sorie for all the abhorcions that are done therein And to an other he saide goe after him through the Cittie slay ouer sée none spare none kill and destroy both mē and young maides children and wiues but as for those that haue the marke vpon them sée thou touch them not An Angell hauing the seale of the liuing God in his hande Reuel 7 and he cryed to the foure Angels that haue power ouer the Earth and sayde hurte not the Earth neyther the Sea neyther the Trées till I haue sealed the seruaunts of GOD in their foreheads The names of the good are written in the Booke of life of the Lambe Reuel 3 They haue his name Eod. and his Fathers name written in their foreheads When the Lorde woulde smyte the firste borne in Egypte Exod. 12 and delyuer his owne people he commaunded that all his owne people euerie householde shoulde kill a Lambe late at night and sprinckle the doore chéekes and postes of the doore with the bloud so that when the destroyer should come he might sée the bloud and might passe by that house and not smite it So in like manner whosoeuer haue their hearts and consciences sprinckeled with faith in the bloud of the Lambe Iesus the destroyer in the day of vengeance shall not hurt but destroy the Egiptians that is the wicked that haue receaued the beasts marke Father Not pacified The Lord our God sprinckle our hearts with that bloud Sonne I haue brought thée a little from the purpose but turne againe to it and tell mée if the Lord will not be a mercifull God at that time and soone entreated Sonne Pro. 6. Mercifull no Father not mercifull but iust full of wrath and indignation Salomon compareth the Lord to a Iellious husbande the Ielousie and wrath of the man will not be intreated no not though thou wouldest offer him great giftes to make amends he will not receaue them There is no daise-man betwixt GOD and man Iob. 9. When he is wrath the earth shaketh Ieremy 10 all the Gentiles may not abide his indignation Heauen and earth shall remoue in the wrath of the Lord of hosts Esay 13. and in the day of his fearefull indignation Neither their siluer nor their gold shal be able to deliuer them in that wrathfull day of the Lord Sophony 1. but all the whole lande shall be burned with the fier of Ielousiie Beholde Amos. 2 I will crash you in sunder like as a waine crasheth that is full of sheaues so that the swift shall not escape neyther the strong doe any thing no the Gyant shall not be able to saue his owne lyfe I will not spare because he persecuted his brother with the sworde destroyed his mothers wombe bare hatred verie long and so kept indignation alway by him Who may abide his wrath Nah. 1. or who is able to abide his grymme displeasure his anger taketh on like fier and the hard rockes are clouen asunder He shall be like a Beare that is rauished of her whelpes euen full of wrath and indignation shall the Lord be in that day Father Good God what shall we doe séeing there is no mercie but that Clausae sunt ianuae the gates of all mercie are shutte vppe and iustice drawen out Cognoscetur dominus iuditia faciens The Lorde shall bée knowen to execute iustice and iudgement Procéede to tell mée when all people kinreds and tongues are araigned before this terrible iudge Plead guiltie or not guiltie and pleade guyltie or not guiltie what shall the iudge obiect or lay to their charge what will he saye to the faithfull on his right hande Sonne Math. 25 He shall say Oh ye blessed children of my Father when I was hungrie you gaue mée meate when I was thirstie you
Sonne The young men must be sober minded Titus 2 Yoūg men young women The young women must be sober minded also and loue their husbands and children they must be discréet chast huswifly good obedient vnto their husbands that none haue any euill to say of them Father What sayst thou to souldiers toll-gatherers and Baylifes Sonne Luke 3. Souldiers The souldyers demanded of Iohn Babtist what they should doe And he said hurt no-man neither trouble any man wrongfully and be contented with your wages Luke 11 Lawiers As for the lawiers the Lord cursed them and sayd wo vnto you ye Lawiers for ye loden men with burthens which they are not able to beare and ye your selues touch not the packes with one of your fingers Father But thou tellest me not what they should doe I sée a great sort euill enough Sonne Math. 23 They ought to execute Iudgement mercie and faithe Father What off bayllifs and common tol-gatherers and such like Sonne They ought to require no more then that is apponted vnto them Luke 3 Father Thou hast spoken of all perticulerlie Euery mās dutie But now let me heare in generall words of the dutyes of all states and degrées of people young and olde learned and vnlearned rich and poore man and woman Sonne The grace of God saith saint Paull Titus 2. hath appeared that bringeth saluation vnto all men and teacheth that all men should denye vngodlinesse and worldlie lusts and that they should liue soberly righteously and Godly in this present worlde They ought to feare God Reuel 14 and giue honour vnto him and worshippe him that made heauen and earth and the sea and the fountaines of water They ought to follow righteousnesse 1. Tim. 6 Godlinesse faith loue pacience méekenesse to fight the good fight of faith to lay hād on eternall life wherevnto they are called and haue professed the same before manie witnesses They ought to recompence to no man euil for euil to warne thē that are vnruly 1. Thes 5 to comforte the féeble minde to lift vp the weake and to be patient towards all men Phillip 2 They must be like minded hauing one loue being of one accord and of one minde that nothing be done through strife or of vaine glorie but in méekenesse of minde let euerie man estéeme an other better then himselfe Luke 12 They ought to séeke the kingdome of God and the righteousnesse thereof Luke 3. He that hath two coats must part with him that hath none and he that hath meat must doe likewise 1. Cor. 11 Euerie one must be a chast virgin vnto God 1. Peter 2 They ought all to loue as the seruants of God to honour all men to haue brotherly felloship to feare God to honour the Kinge Ecclesi 8 They must kéepe the kinges commandement and the oathe that is made vnto God Eccle. 12. This is the conclusion of all thinges that they feare God and kéepe his commandements for that toucheth all men Father Election Beginne to shewe me the goodnesse of God vnto his people I haue heard that we are elected of God euen of his méere loue Sonne Yea Deu. 4. whatsoeuer the Lord God doth vnto vs that it is of his mercy and loue and for our election the Lord saith because I loued thy fathers I chose their séede after them and brought them out of Egypt The Lord hath chosen thée to be a seuerall people and nation to himselfe Deut. 7. aboue all nations of the earth The Lorde chooseth vnto himselfe the man that is godlie Psal 4. I prepared thée or euer thou knewest me Esay 45. The Lord saith Ieremi 1. before euer I fashioned thée in thy Mothers wombe I did knowe thée and or euer thou wast borne I sanctified thée and ordayned thée to be a Prophet vnto the people The Lord choseth those that put their whoredome out of his sight Oscas 2. and their adnoutry from their breasts He whom the Lord chooseth shal be holy Nume 16 Was not Esau Iacobs brother Malachi saith the Lord yet haue I hated Esau and loued Iacob Io. 6. No man saith Christ can come vnto me except my Father draw him Io. 15. Chosen to good works I haue chosen you and ordayned you to goe and bring foorth fruit and that your fruit should remayne Ephe. 1. And concluding with Saint Paules words the Lord hath chosen vs in hym before the foundations of the world were laide that we shoulde be holye without blame before him through Iesus Christ to bée heyres vnto himselfe Father Creation What saiest thou touching our creation Sonne Gen. 1. In the beginning God made heauen and earth and all other things and sawe that they were excéeding good Psalm 33 By the word of the Lorde were the heauens made and all the hostes of them by the breath of his mouth Esay 41. He that called the generations from the beginning euen the Lord which is the first and the last made and created all thinges ●eremi 27 I am saith the Lord he that made the earth the men and Cattell that are vpon the grounde with my power and out-stretched arme and I haue giuen it to whome it pleaseth mée The Lorde is the worke-master of all things which teacheth wisedome Wisd 7 All things were made by the worde of God Io. 1. and without it was made nothing that was made And concluding with Saint Paull Collo 1. who saith That all things were created by him that are in heauen and that are in earth visible and inuisible whether they be Maiestraies or Lordship either rule or power Father But how was man created Sonne Euen after the image of God Mans creation Gen. 1. God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him Male and Female created he them The Lorde shaped man euen of dust of the moulde Gen. 2. and breathed into his nostherells the breath of life and so Adam was made a liuing soule The Lord saith Iob Iob. 10. made mée of the mould and shall bring me into dust againe he hath turned me as it were milk and turned me into cruds like chéese hée hath couered me with skinne and flesh and ioyned me togther with bones and sinewes ●ob 33. The spirit of God hath made me and the breath of the almightie hath giuen mée life Eccle. 7. This I haue founde that God made man iust but he hath many inuentions ●ust ●eremy 2 Faithfull I placed thée saith God a noble vine and a good roote whose seede is faithfull but thou art turned into a bytter vnfruitfull and straunge Grape Wisd 2. God made man to be vndestroyed yea after the Image of his owne likenesse made he him neuerthelesse through the mallice of the Diuell came death into the world ●phe 4 Ye are shapen after
you ye scribes Pharasies and Ipocrits for ye deuoure widowes houses Sore punishment that vnder a pretence of long praiers therefore ye shall be sorer punished Father What sonne doth not prayer auayle the dead Sonne No father Eccle. 10● for when the trée falleth whether it be to the South or North there it lieth in what place soeuer it fall They that be liuing Ecclesi 9 knowe that they shall die but they that be deade knowe nothing neither deserue they any more for their memoriall is forgotten so that they be neither loued hated nor enuied neither haue they any more profite in the world in all that is done vnder the sunne Praiers help not the dead But prayers and offerings father are done vnder the same and therefore the deade haue no part thereof Father If prayers helpe not the dead wherefore shoulde we goe to the houses of the deade Sonne To giue thankes vnto God Io. 11 and to comforte the friends and kinsfolkes of the dead as the Iewes when Lazarus was deade there came many to comfort Martha and Marie ouer their deade brother Father What must we carrie out of this life with vs Sonne Reuel 14 Our good déedes and our euill Opera eorum sequntur eos their workes saith Saint Iohn shall follow them Father Shall the ritch take none of their substance treasure with them that they so diligently séeke for and so carefully kéepe Sonne Iob. 27. When the ritch man dyeth saith Iob he taketh nothing with him but perisheth and the thinges he leaueth behinde him come to naught Luke 12 Christ tolde a ritch man that had filled his Barnes and houses to the doores and saide to his soule eate and drinke take thy rest for many yeères and the Lord sayde thou foole this night shall they fet thy soule away from thée then whose shall those be that thou hast prepared Eccle. 41 The remembrance of death is bitter to a man that séeketh rest and comfort in his substance and ritches to remember that he must byd all farewell in one day Iob saide Iob. 1. naked came I out of my Mothers wombe and naked must I returne thyther agayne We brought nothing into this world Tim. 6. neither must we carie any thing out Father Well sonne shall none walke as some imagine nor come agayne after death Sonne None father for Iob saith Iob. 1● the way that I most goe is at hande from whence I shall not returne agayne He that goeth downe to the graue shall come no more vp Iob. 7. till the heauens perish nor turne againe to his house neither shal his place know him any more Whether his children come to worshippe or not hée cannot tell Iob. 14 and if they be menne of lowe degrée hée knoweth not After our ende there is no returning Wisd 2. for it is fast sealed so that no man commeth agayne Eccle. 38. Forget not there is no returning agayne 2. kings 12 Dauid saide séeing the childe is deade I cannot bring him agayne I shall goe to him rather then he shall come to mée by this place you may perceaue that men walke not Iob. 7. nor rise till the heauens perish which is at the day of iudgement Father What saiest thou by the prophet Samuell who appeared to king Saull after he was dead being called vp by a woman Sonne 1. king 28 31. He whome the woman called vp was a diuel as appeareth by these words To morrow shalt thou and thy sonnes be with me for in the day following Saull tooke a sworde and fell vpon it dispayring of Gods mercie and so perished and had his part among the desperate and not with Samuell that elect of God Father But sonne why was Saull the first king of Israell that annoynted of GOD cast off from the Lord. Sonne Because he trespassed against the Lord 1. Cro. 10 in that he kept not the word of the Lord and in that he sought and asked counsell of a woman that wrought with a spirit and asked not of the Lord. Father Séeing that none returne to shewe how they are delt withall and that prayers wil not helpe those that be dead what must we doe to be without daunger Sonne We are taught by the prophet Sophonie to examine our selues Sophony 2. and search our consciences or the things goe foorth that God hath concluded Good coūsell and or the time come wherein man shal passe away as the dust and or the fearefull wrath of God come vpon vs work while we liue yea or the day of the Lords sore displeasure come vpon vs séeke the Lord all ye méeke harted of the earth ye that worke after his iudgements séeke righteousnesse séeke lowlinesse that ye may be defended in the wrathfull daye of the Lord. Gette thée righteousnesse before thou Eccle. 1● come to iudgement learne before thou speake go to phisicke or euer thou be sicke examine and iudge thy selfe before the iudgement come and so shalt thou finde grace in his sight Io. 9. Christ saith worke while it is day for the night will come in which none can worke Father Why shoulde we be so earnestly moued to flée from sinne Sonne Sins part from God Esay 59. Because they seperate from the Lord for your iniquities saith God hath seperated you from mée and your sinnes hide my face from you that I heare you not for your fingers are defiled with bloud and your hands with vnrighteousnesse your lippes speake leasing and your tongues speake out wickednesse 4. king 17 They left the commaundement of the Lord their God and made them Images of mettall euen two Calues and made Idoll groues These sins part from God and worshipped the host of heauen and serued Baall and sacrificed their sonnes and daughters in fier and vsed witchcraft and inchauntment and the Lord therefore was excéeding wroth and put Israell out of his sight The Lord droue man out of Paradise at the East side Gen. 3. because he hadde sinned By the sinne of one man there sprong vp euill on all men to condemnation Rom. 5 for we were enimies vnto God There is nothing that causeth the Lorde to hide his face from vs but our sinnes and iniquities Father I vnderstand that all men and women by the sinne of Adam were subiecte to death and condemnation VVhat we are made by sinne in the handes of the Diuell made straungers and aliantes from the Lord enimies vnto God children of wrath firebrands of hell but tell mée howe mankinde was redéemed and deliuered being in this damnable state Sonne When manne and woman hadde transgressed and broken that commaundement of GOD the father Gene. 3 and that the Lord haue iudged them guiltie by their owne confessions and had cursed the Serpent who deceaued them then he spoke a comfortable word for he saide there should be one springing of a woman that
in the nauell of his body he spreadeth out his taile like the Ceder trées all his veines are stiffe his shinnes are like pipes of brasse and his rydge-bone was like staues of Iron A great deceuer Leuiathan dare not thou draw out with an angle no manne is so cruell that dare stir him vp when thou thinckest to haue hold vppon him he shalbeguile thée he hath horrible téeth round about his bodie is couered with scales as it were shéelds lockt in kéept and well compact together his weysing is like the glistring fier and his eyes like the morning shine out of his mouth goe torches out of his nosthrells there goeth a smoke like as out of an hote pot his breath maketh the coles burne He is neuer wery and the flame goeth out of his mouth in his necke remaineth strength and there is nothing to laborious for him he is as fast as the stithie that the Smith beateth vppon there may neither speare Iauelen or brestplate abide him he setteth asmuch by straw as by iron he setteth asmuch by a roten sticke as by brasse a sword hurteth him not he maketh the déepe to boyle like a pot The diuel is a king ouer al chi●dren of pride and stirreth the sea like an oyntment vppon the earth there is no power like his for he is so made that he feareth not and he is a kinge ouer all Children of pryde The Diuell is a lyer Math. Lyer and the father of the same thing euen from the beginning From the time of his creation hée was right excellent Ezech. 31 tyll wickednesse was found in him Lucifer Zachar. 13 The Angell shewed me Iosua that hye Priest standing before the Angell of the Lorde and Sathan stood at his right hand to resist him and the Lord saide the Lord reproue thée Sathan Once an Angel but now a diuell Io. 13. A tempter Ephe. 6. The diuell put in the heart of Iudas to betray Christ We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against rule against power against wordlie rulers euen gouernours of the darkenesse of this world against spirituall craftinesse in heauenlie thinges ● Peter 5. A ●ror●ng ●on Your aduersarie the diuell goeth about like a roaring lyon séeking whom he may deuoure ●euel 2 Behold saith Saint Iohn the diuell shall cast some of you into prison tempt you and you shall haue tribulacion tenne daies ●euel 9 ●ferior ●●rits I saw a star fall from heauen vnto the earth and to him was giuen the key of the bothomles pit and there came out of the smoke that arose out of the pit Locust vppon earth and to them was giuen power and they had a king ouer them of the bothomles pit And his name was called Abdon in Hebrue but in greke Apolliō a destroier A great dragon Reuel 12 The great Dragon an olde Serpent the Diuell and Sathanas the accuser of the brethren that deceaueth the world The Dragon and all the beastes that rose vp with him An accuser Reuel 13 blasphemed the God of heauen and his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heauen and hée had power giuen to warre with the saints and ouercome them and all people and nations worshipped him whose names were not written in the booke of life and of the lambe which was killed from the beginning of the world and to euerie one that worshipped him was giuen a marke in their hande or foreheade else they coulde not be permitted to buy or sell And thus Father you may perceaue the strength subtiltie craft and falsehood of this beast yea this deadelie enemie our aduersarie that runneth daylie through the worlde like a roaring Lion séeking whom he may deuoure Father I tremble and quake to remember this great Dragon this olde Serpent and destroyer tell mée therefore or thou procéede anie further howe I and euerie man and woman may escape his power and kéepe vs out of his hands Sonne Father as you sée that Sathan is strong and well armed so ought we to be well weaponed and besides manly souldiers fighting vnder the banner of Iesus Christ who hath ouercome and conquered this enemie in his owne person Armour of a christian wée must stande saith Saint Paull and our loynes gyrded with the truth hauing on the brestplate of righteousnesse Ephe. 6 and hauing shooes on our féete that we may be prepared for the Ghospell of peace aboue all Truth Righteousnesse Peace Faith VVord and prayer let vs take vnto vs the shielde of faith wherewith we may quench the fierie dartes of the wicked and take the helmet of saluation and the sworde of the spirit which is the worde of God and pray alwaies with al manner of prayer and supplication in the spirite 1. Thes 5 Faith and hope Loue. Iames. 4 Be watchfull and sober armed with the brestplate of faith and loue and with hope of saluation for an helmet Submitte your selues vnto GOD and resist the Diuell and hée will flie from you Be sober and watch 1. Peter 5 for our aduersarie the Diuell goeth about like a roaring Lion séeking whome he may deuoure whome resist stedfast in the fayth knowing that the same afliction is appoynted vnto your brethren that are in the world but the Lorde Iesus shall after that wée haue suffered a little afliction settle strength and stablish vs to whome therefore be prayse for euer We must fight with him 1. king 17 as Dauid did with Goliath he saide to Goliath I come vnto thée in the name of the liuing GOD and in his name I shall subdue thée and so he did Sathan will séeke to sift you like wheat Luke 22. Faith but resist him by fayth and let them that be strong saith Christ helpe their brethren Sathan will tempt you Reue. 2 but be faithfull to death and I will giue thee faith the Lorde the crowne of life The Saincts of God ouercame him by the bloud of the Lambe Reuel 12. and by the worde of his testimonie and they loued not their liues vnto the death Cōclusion So that although this Dragon the Diuel maketh warre with the people and saincts of God and with all them that haue the testimonie of Iesus Christ yet if we like manlie souldiers resist him by faith we shall ouercome him by the bloud of the Lambe Iesus and that Dragon will flée away for all the souldiours of Christ are called Faith and faithfull and chosen and kéepe their garments vpon them that men sée not their filthienesse Father Blessed be that Lambe for euer through whose precious bloud wee are deliuered from this roaring Lion Those that ●ied before Christ and alwaies increase our faith so that it growe daylie more more But sonne what became of our forefathers that died before Christ suffered his death and destroyed Sathan and deliuered vs were not all in the power and handes of the Diuell before
Reuel 13 and all that dwel vpon the earth whose names are not written in the booke of life of the Lambe He is the Captaine ouer all that worship diuels and Images of gold Reuel 19 and siluer and brasse and stone and of wood which neither can sée heare nor go of all murderers fornicatours sorcerers Impenitēt persons are his souldiers and théeues which repent not of the déedes of their handes Father Many souldyers then hath the diuell vnder his banner if all naughtie men that repent not of the déeds of their owne handes be his but what will the Lord do to them if they amend not and come home to their God Sonne Reuel 8 Saint Iohn telleth that their plauges shall come in one day death and sorow and hunger and they shal be burnt with fier for strong is the Lord God which shal iudge them Rom. 1 There shall come tribulacion wrath and anguishe vppon euery soule of them Father Tell me who are souldyers vnder Christes banner and what reward shall they haue Sonne Reuela 16 Those that watch and kéepe their garments that they walke not naked so that men may sée their filthienesse Io. 4. He that confesseth that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God They that kéepe his commaundements and doe those thinges that are pleasant in his sight and this is the commaundemēt Faith and loue are badges of Christs soldiers that we beléeue on the name of his sonne Iesus Christ and loue one another as he hath giuen commaundement They are buried by baptisme Collo 3 but raised againe by faith They haue their conuersation in heauen from whence they looke for a sauiour euen the Lorde Iesus Christ Phillip 3 They beléeue onely in Christ Iesu Gall. 3. I beheld saith Saint Iohn Reuel 7 a great multitude which no man could number of all nacions people and tongues that stood before the seat and the Lambe clothed with lōg white garmēts palmes in their handes they are they that came out of tribulation and made their garmentes white with the blood of the Lambe therfore are they in the presence of God and serue him day and night in his temple and he that sitteth vppon the seat will dwell among them they shall hunger no more neither thirst neither shall the sunne light on thē any more neither any heat for the Lambe which is in the middest of the seat shall féed them and lead them vnto fountaines of liuing water and God shall wipe away all teares from theire eyes Father Let vs pray against these enimies the Diuell world and the flesh Sonne A prayer O Lord God and mercifull father the diuell goeth about like a roaring Lyon séeking whome he may deuouer the flesh lusieth against the spirit the world perswadeth vnto vainities that we may forget thée and so for euer ●e damned thus are we myserablie beset be séeged on euerie side with cruel and restles enimies and like at euerie moment to perish if we be not defended by thy mightie hand against their tiranny we therefore poore and wretched sinners disparing of our owne strengthes which in déede is none most heartely pray thée to endue vs with strength from aboue that we may be able with strong faith to resist Sathan with feruent prayer to mortifie the luste of the flesh with continuall meditation of thy holy Law to auoide the foolish vanities transitory pleasures of this wicked world and béeing set at libertie from the power of these our mortall enimes may serue thée in true holynesse and righteousnesse after be partakers of thine euerlasting ioies prepared for thy Children which as they are great and vnspeakable so are they few that do enioye thē for straite is the way narrow is the gate that leadeth therevnto and few therebe that finde it Notwithstanding thou hast a little flocke to whom it is thy pleasure to giue that ioyfull kingdome whose names are written in the booke of lyfe make vs of that number for Iesus Christ his sake place vs amongst those shéepe that shall stand on thy right hand and receiue that blessed inheritance and dwell with thée for euermore Amen Father Iudgement generall Graunt this O Lord for Iesus Christ his sake Well procéede sonne is there once a reckning to be made and an accompt to be giuen before whom shall that reckning be and who shall recken Sonne That straight accompt and reckning shal be before the maiestie of that terryble and fearful God iudge Iesus Christ and they that shall recken are all people kindreds and tongues good and bad that haue béene are or shal be till the ende of the world come and that fearefull iudgement bée Father Resurrection How shall the dead be raised vp if all shal be iudged Sonne Trumpe 1. Cor. 15 With the sound of Gods trumpet father for the trumpe shall blowe and the deade shall rise incorruptable and we shal be chaunged for this corruptable must put on incorruption and this mortall shal put on immortalitie In that day shall the great Trumpet be blowen Esay 23 so that they which were lost in the land of Assyria and those that were banished into the lande of Egypt shal come and worship the Lord in the holy mount at Ierusalem The Lord shall crie with a great shout from his court regall Ieremi 2 he shall giue a great voyce like the grape gatherers and the sounde thereof shall be heard to the ende of the world The Lord shall roare out of Sion Amos. 1 and shew his voice out of Ierusalem that the heauens and earth shall quake withall He shall sende his Angells with the great voice of a Trumpet Math. 24 and they shall gather together his chosen from the foure winds euen from the highest partes of heauen to thendes thereof The Lord God shall blowe out the Trumpet zachary shall come foorth as a storme out of the south The Lorde shall disend from heauen with a shout 2 Thess and the voice of the Archangell and trump of God I will blow for them zachar 1 and gather them together saith the Lorde for I will redéemed them Thus by the sounde of the Trumpet shall all be raysed vp from death Father The Lorde be mercifull vnto vs. The remembraunce of the voyce of the Trumpet terrifieth mée which shall bée hearde in Heauen Earth and Hell but procéede howe shall men rise Sonne ●ob 19 Iob saith I knowe that my redéemer liueth and that I shall rise out of the earth at the last daye and shall bée cloathed agayne with my skinne and shall sée GOD in my fleshe yea and I my selfe shall beholde him not with other but with these same eyes ●say 26 The deade menne shall lyue sayeth GOD euen with their bodies shall they ryse agayne awake and singe thou that dwellest in the dust for thy dewe is euen as
aunswere to euery man that asketh me a reason of the hope that is in me that with méekenes feare hauing a good cōcience that whereas they back byte mée as an euill doer they may be ashamed that falsly accuse my good conuersation in Christ demaund therefore what pleaseth you and I will according as Gods holy spirit shall teach me aunswere to the same Father In whome doest thou beléeue and whom doest thou worshippe Sonne Acts. 24 I aunswere with Saint Paull and confesse vnto you that after the way which some called heresie so worship I the God of my fathers beléeuing al things that are written in the Law and Prophets and haue hope towards God that the resurrection of the dead shall be both of iuste and vniust and therefore I study to haue alwaies a cleare conscience towardes God and towards men Father Shew mée if thou hast read perfectly the whole booke of God Sonne Psalm 1. Yea father I may say with Dauid my delight is in the Lawe of the Lorde and in his word haue I exercised my selfe day and night Father Are all thinges necessary to saluation contained in that booke of life called the Byble Sonne Yea truly father Io. 5. search the Scriptures saith Christ for in them ye thinke ye haue eternall life and they are they which testifie of mée and yet ye will not come vnto-mée that ye might haue life Saint Iames saith Iames. 1 Suscipite insitum verbū quod potest saluare animas vestras receiue with méekenesse the worde which is grafted in you being able to saue your soules Many signes truly did Iesus in the presence of his disciples Io. 20. which are not written in the Byble but so many are written that may learne vs to beléeue that Iesus is Christ the sonne of GOD and that in beléeuing wée may haue life through his name Saint Peter sayth 1. Peter 2 although wée sée not Christ yet wee doe beléeue and reioyce with ioye vnspeakable glorious The end of faith is saluation receiuing the ende of our faith euen the saluation of our soules Io. 15. Christ Iesus himselfe saith that we are cleane through the words which he hath spoken vnto vs. Peter the Appostel rose vp and saide ye men and brethren Acts. 15. ye knowe that GOD did choose among vs that the Gentiles by my mouth should heare the worde of the Ghospell and beléeue and GOD which knoweth the hearts bare them witnesse and gaue vnto them the holie ghost euen as he did vnto vs and put no difference betwixe vs and them Purified by faith séeing that with faith he purified their hearts Saint Paull saith to Timothie continue thou in the thinges which thou hast learned which also were committed vnto thée knowing of whome thou hast learned them 2. Tim. 3 And for as much also as of a Childe thou hast knowen the holie Scriptures which are able to make thée learned vnto saluation through the faith which is in Christ Iesu for all Scriptures giuen by inspiration of GOD is profitable to teach Scripture makes men perfect in righteousnesse to improue to amēd to enstruct in righteousnesse that the man of God may bée perfect and prepared vnto all good workes Whereby you may plainelie perceiue Father that all thinges néedefull to saluation both to the Iewes and Gentiles Conclusion bonde and frée is contained in the written worde of GOD. Father Me thinkes that by these proues the holie Scriptures contained not onelie all thinges necessary for Saluation but also all other thinges néedefull for the good gouernement of a Christian life Sonne It is so Father as if it please God you shall heare afterwarde in the declaring of the duties of all estats and degrées of people for what blasphemy were it to the holy spirit of God to say that God hath left his word will and Testament vnperfect Father Is there nothinge then left out of Scripture for manne to teach that is néedefull many rites ceremonyes ordinances and inuentions of manne haue béene added thereto and taughte as things most requisite euen in my time Sonne Deu. 4. No father the Lorde saith you shall put nothing vnto the worde which I commaund you Prou 30. neither doe ought there from put thou nothing vnto his wordes least he reproue thée and thou be found a lyer Reuel 22. I testify saith Saint Iohn vnto euery man that heareth the prophecie of the Lords booke if any man shall adde vnto those thinges God shall adde vnto him the plagues that are written in that booke and if any man shall minish of the words of the prophecie of that booke God shall take away his parte out of the booke of life and out of the holy Cittie and from the things that are written in that booke who then dare be so bould father to thrust in among the ordinances and statutes of our heauenly father mans inuencions and constitutions séeing there hangeth Gods vengeance and eternall punishment ouer the heades of such ready to destroy soule and body when the Lorde commaundeth and to cast them into hell fire that neuer quecheth Father Séeing that the Scripture is the word of saluation why doe so many in these dayes refuse to heare or reade the same Recusants Sonne Christ Iesus saith Io. 8. he that is of God heareth Gods wordes they therfore heare them not because they are not of God To those Recusants saith Christ further Io. eod why doe you not know my spéech euen because you cannot abide the hearing of my worde Yée beléeue not my wordes Io. 10. because you are not of my shéepe for my shéepe heare my voyce and I know them Recusants none of his sheepe and they follow mée and I giue vnto them eternall life and they shall neuer perish neyther shall anye man plucke them out of my handes He that heareth you saith Christ to his disciples heareth mee Luke 10 and he that heareth mée heareth him that sent mée Recusants despise Christ and he that dispiseth you despiseth mée and he that despiseth mee despiseth him that sent mée The Quéene of the South shall rise at the daye of iudgement Luke 11. with this nation and condemne it for she came from the vttermost partes of the earth to heare the wisedome of Salomon and beholde a greater then Salomon is héere Luke 14 Nemo virorum istorum qui vocati sunt gustabunt cenam meam None of these saith Christ that were called and refused to come shall tast of my Supper Acts. 3. The time will come sayth the Apostle That euerie soule that wil not héere that same Prophet shall bee destroyed from among the people 1. Io 4. Recusants are not of God neither know him We are of God saith Saint Iohn hée that knoweth God heareth vs he that is not of God heareth vs not hereby knowe we the spirit of God and the
Saint Paull sayth 1. Cor. 12 yée are the bodie of Christ and members one of an other The Church saith the Prophet Ose Oscas 2. is married vnto the Lorde in righteousnesse in equitie in louing kindnesse in mercie and also in faith There is neyther Iewe nor Gentile Gal. 3. bonde nor frée man nor woman but all one in Christ Iesu As the body sayth Saint Paull is one and hath many members 1. Cor. 12 and all the members of one body though they bée many yet are but one bodie euen so is Christ for by one Spirite wee are all Baptised to make one body whether wée bée Iewes or Gentiles whether wée bée bonde or frée and haue all drunke of one spirit Rom. 12. For as we haue many members in one body and all members haue not one office so we being manie are one bodie in Christ and euerie man among our selues one an others members Ephe. 1. Christ the head we his members Christ saith Saint Paull is made aboue all thinges the heade of the congregation which is his body and the fulnesse of him that filleth all in all Ephe. 2. Ye are not strangers and forrenners but Citizens with the saintes and of the housholde of God and buylt vppon the foundation of the Apostles and prophets The true Church Iesus Christ himselfe being the head corner stone In whom what building so euer is coupled together it groweth vnto an holy temple in the Lorde in whome ye are also buylt together to be an habitation of God through the holy Ghost Ephe. 4. Let vs follow the truth in loue and in all things that grow in him which is the heade euen Christ Head 2. Thes 2 They that are chosen to saluation sanctified by his spirit through beliefe of the truth What is the Church 1. Tim. 3 whervnto they are called by the Gospell and so obtaine the glory of our Lord Iesus Christ The house of God the congregation of the liuing God 2. Tim. 3. the Pyller and ground of the truth Christ hath rule ouer the house whose house we are if we hold fast the confidence the reioycing of that hope vnto the ende Saint Peter sayth that the Church of God is a chosen generatiō 1. Peter 2. a royall priesthoode an holy nation a people which are wonne that should shewe the vertues of him that called them out of darkenesse They that heare the voyce of God indéede and kéepe his appointment Exod. 19. are chosen aboue all nations to bée the Lordes owne people a kingdome of priestes Deut. 7. and an holy people The true Church Whereby father you may sée that the faithfull which heare the voice of God and kéepe the Lords appointment are members of the misticall bodye of Christ and Christ Iesus their heade whereby they are made an holy Temple Father Is there my sonne some that are not of this true Church of God Christ being the head Sonne Yea Father for true is that saying The diuels Chaplen where God hath a Church Sathan hath commonly a Chappell Father Tell mée in few wordes who are of the Diuels Church Sonne Exod. 19. 2. Thess 2 They that refuse to heare the voyce of God in déede and deny to kéepe his appointment that beleeue not the trueth wherevnto they are called by the Gospell that buyld not vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Iesus Christ being the head corner stone The malignant Church for any other foundation can no man lay then that which is layde which is Iesus Christ Father My Sonne I perceaue that there bée many that are Recusantes and refuse to heare Gods voyce deny his holy lawes beléeue not the truth which is Christ and that buylde not vpon this rocke but vpon the constitutions of men and traditions of Elders flatly denying as I think their owne saluation whome the Lorde in his good time call home out of Sathans holde that there may be one foulde and one shepheard But procéede Sonne to shewe mée who is the head of the Church of God next and immediatly vnder Christ the chiefe head Sonne Euery Emperor King or prince King supreme head within their seuerall Empyres or kingdomes Father What sayest thou then to those that chalenge Supremacy ouer Kings as they say by the succession of Saint Peter Sonne Let Saint Peter aunswere that hymselfe 1. Peter 2 who being inspyred with Gods holy spirite did foresée that many woulde séeke honour ambition and promotion and desire to bée called Rabbi contrarie to Christs words preuented them in these words Submitte your selues vnto al māner of ordinaunces of man for the Lords sake whether it bée to the King King chief head as vnto the chiefe head eyther vnto Rulers as vnto them that are sent of him for the punishment of euill doers but for the loue of them that doe well Nay 1. Peter 2 in an other place he concluding vpon the dutie of all the true seruaunts of God sayth honour all men Honor Kings Titus 3 loue brotherly felowship Feare God honour the King Saint Paul willeth Titus and all ministers and Preachers to warne all subiectes that they submitte themselues to their King and Prince and that they also obey all the officers ordayned by them Father Kings are the ordinance of God Well doth the Apostle S. Peter shewe who is the heade of Christes members which as he sayth is the king therefore tell me by whome are kinges ordayned Sonne Rom. 13. Saint Paul saith that there is no power but of God the powers that be are ordayned of God Wisd 6. Heare O ye kinges and vnderstand O learne ye that be iudges of the earth giue eare ye that rule the multitude and delight in much people for power is giuen you of the Lord and the strength from the highest 1. Kings 9 The Lord told the prophet Samuell in his eare And saide to morrow this time will I send a man out of the lande of Byniamin him shalt thou anoynt to be king ouer my people of Israell that he may saue my people out of the handes of the Philistines 1. King 10 Samuell tooke a vessell of oyle and powred it vpon the heade of Saull and kissed him and said the Lord hath anoynted thée to bée king ouer his inheritance Dauid saide to his wife Michell the Lord hath chosen me commaunded me 2. King 6 to bée a ruler ouer all the people of the Lorde euen ouer Israell Thus saith the Lord of hostes vnto Dauid 1. Cro. 17. I tooke thée out of the pastures when thou wentest after shéepe that thou shouldest bée king ouer my people Israel Salomon the third king of Israell said to the Lord 2. Cro. 1. thou hast made me a king ouer a people which is like the dust of the earth in multitude Salomon said ● Kin. 3. O Lord my God it is
thou that hast made thy seruant king in steade of Dauid my father Wisedome and strength are the Lords Dan. 2. he putteth downe kinges and setteth vp kinges The Lord hath set a ruler ouer euerie people so that the ruler Eccle. 17. Conclusiō that the Prince is the head Prince or king set ouer euery people by the Lord being so ordayned of God is chiefe head ouer those people where the Lord hath placed and set him Father Thou proouest verie well and directly my Sonne if Kinges and Princes are ordayned of God But now procéede and tell me for what cause Sonne 1. Pet. 2. Rom. 13. The Apostle aunswereth thus for the punishment of euill dooers but for the loue of them that doe well Rulers are not fearefull to them that doe well but to them that doe euill for he is the minister of God for thy welth But and if thou doest euill then feare for hée beareth not the swoord for naught for hee is the minister of God to take vengeance of him that doth euill Exod. 18. Moyses saide iudge betwéene euerye man and his neighbour and shewe them the ordinaunce of God and his lawes Gen. 26. Abymelech the king commaunded that none of his people should touch Abraham or his wife and whosoeuer hurt eyther of them should die the death VVho are to be chosē kings Deut. 17. No stranger to be thy king Deut. 17. Thou shalt make him king ouer thée which the Lord thy God shalt choose euen one from among thy brethren shalt thou make king ouer thée thou mayst not make a stranger king ouer thee which is not of thy brethren The king ought to reade in the lawe of his God all the dayes of his lyfe and not turne there from neyther to the right hand nor to the left Dauid raigned ouer Israell and executed iust and right ouer all his people 2. kings 8 The King shall giue sentence betwéene parties 2. king 25 and iustifie the righteous and condemne the vngodly The King is like an Angell of God to heare good and bad 2. king 14 The King ought to defend the fatherlesse and poore Psalm 82. to sée that such as bée in néede and necessity haue right A wise King destroyeth the vngodlie Pro. 20. and bringeth the whéele ouer them Father Sonne 1. Pet. 2. I vnderstand the Kinges dutie and that the God of heauen hath chosen him for the punishment of the wicked and for the praise of the good doer but tell me if he haue this power and aucthoritie from God ouer all his subiects spiritual and temporall Sonne Yea Father ouer all people within his seuerall iurisdiction whether exclesiasticall or cyuell Iosua commaunded the Prists to take Iosua 3. vp the Arke of the Lord and to goe before the people and they so dyd Iosua 4 The Lord saide to Iosua commaund the Priests that beare the Arke of witnes to come vp out of Iourden and the people to followe 3. Cron. 8. Salomon set the sorts of the Priestes to their offices and the Priestes in their watches to minister to the Lord and the Priests the Leuites omitted not the commandement of the King concerning anie maner of thing Father Well but what further hath a Prince to doe in the Church of God Sonne 4. king 18 You may perceiue Father by these examples following Hezechia dyd that which was right in the sight of the Lorde as Dauid had done he put downe the hyll Alters and brake the Images cut downe the groues and all to brake the brasen Serpent which Moyses made for vnto that time the people did burne sacryfice to it called it Nehustan Dan. 6. Daryus the King wrote a commaundement that all menne spirituall and temporall within his domynion should feare and stand in awe of Daniels God for he is the liuing God that abydeth euer and his kingdome shall not fayll it is he that delyuereth and saueth The Kinge ought to ouerthrowe all Alters breake downe their Pyllers Deu. 7. cut downe their groues and burne the grauen Images with fire Whereby you may plainely sée that the King or Prince in the Church of God hath aucthorytie to roote out all supersticion and Idolitrie And to commaund that the liuing God be feared and worshiped Father What punishment may the Kinge or Prince appoint for Idolaters and for those that pollute the Temple of the Lord and will not feare the God of Israell Sonne Euen what punishmēt as the Prince shall thinke good for the Lord sayeth Iosua 2. The kings displeasure is a messenger of death whosoeuer doth disobay his mouth will not harken vnto his woords in al that he commandeth him let him dye Salomon sayd if thou be a Childe of 3. Kings 1 vertue there shall not one haire of thine head fall to the earth but if thou be wicked thou shalt dye Deu. 13 If there arise saith the Lord among you a Prophet a dreamer of dreames and giue a signe or wonder and that signe or wonder come to passe and shall then say come let vs worship strange Gods thou shalt haue no pittie nor compassion vppon him but cause him to be slayne thou shalt stone him with stones that he dye Exod. 22 He that offereth to any Gods but to the Lord onely let him be rooted out Exod. 21 He that smyteth a man that he dye shall dye for it He that curseth his father or mother shall dye for it Eye for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand c. By these examples you may well note Father that Princes may punish with imprisonment fyne or death offenders whether Priests or seculer persons Father Séeing that Princes are ordayned of God for these causes and haue power to punish with death or otherwise according to the offence must not all persons then néeds obey them Sonne Yes Father all subiects must honour them and obay them with their bodies goods and prayers Ouer all which the Prince hath power Let euery soule saith Saint Paull Rom. 13. submit himselfe to the aucthorytie of the hyer powers Ye must néeds obay Eod. not onely for feare of vengance but also because of cōscience Warne them that they submit themselues to rule and power Titus 3 that they obay the officers Submitte your selues vnto all manner of ordinances for the Lords sake 1. Peter 2 whether it be to the King as to the chiefe head eyther vnto rulers as vnto them that are sent of him for the punishment of euill doers but for the prayse of them the do well All our Cyties possessions Iudeth 3 al moūtaines and Hills all Fields great and small Cattell Shéepe and Goates Horses Camels all our goods housholds are in the power of the King and vnder his subiection we our selues and our Children are his owne Christ Iesus sayth Math. 22 giue to Caesar the things that belong to Caeser and
wiues according to knowledge giueing honour to the wife as vnto the weaker vessell and as vnto them that are heyres of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindred Ye husbands saith Saint Paull loue your wiues and be not bitter vnto them Collo 3 Ye husbands loue your wiues Ephe. 5. euen as Christ loued the congregation and gaue himselfe for it to sanctifie it so ought men to loue their owne wiues as their owne bodies he the loueth his wife loueth himselfe for this cause shall a man leaue father mother shal be ioyned vnto his wife Gen. 2. and of two shal be made one flesh Father Shew me what wiues should doe to their husbands because many now adaies grow stubbourne and wilful Sonne Ye wiues saith Saint Paull VViues duties submitte your selues vnto your owne husbands as vnto the Lorde for the husbande is the wiues heade euen as Christ is the heade of the congregation therefore euen as the congregation is in subiection vnto Christ likewise let the wiues be in subiection vnto their husbands in all thinges Gen. 3. Sub potestate viri eris thou shalt sayd God be subiect to thy husbande Col. 3. Ye wiues submit your selues vnto your owne husbands as it is conuenient in the Lorde 1. Peter 3 Ye wiues saith Saint Peter be in subiection to your husbands that euen they that obey not the word may be without the woord wonne by the conuersation of the wyues while they beholde their chast conuersation coupled with feare VViues apparell whose apparell shall not be outwarde with broyded hayre and hanging on of Golde eyther in putting on of gorgious apparell but let the hyd manne which is in the hart be without all corruption so that the spirit be myld which is before God a thing much set by for after this manner in the olde time did the holye women which trusted in God tyre themselues and were diligent to their owne husbands euen as Saray obeyed Abraham and called him Lord whose daughters ye are as longe as ye doe well and are not dismaide with any terror All women should hold their husbands in honour both among great and small ●ester 1 Father What may not man and woman be diuorsed after they be married together Sonne At the beginning God made man and woman and saide Gene. 2 Diuorce for this cause shall a man leaue father and mother Math. 19. and cleaue to his wife and they twaine shal be one flesh wherefore they are not twaine but one flesh let no man therfore put a sunder that which God hath coupled together Father Moyses gaue the people a testimoniall of diuourcement that they might put them away Sonne Yea father Moyses Fornicatiō Math. 19. because of the hardnesse of their harts suffred them to put away their wiues but whosoeuer saith Iesus Christ putteth away his wife except it be for fornication marrieth an other breaketh wedlocke and whosoeuer marrieth her that is deuorsed committeth adulterie Father Parents The dutie of parents would I learne for many bring vp their children wantonlie tel me therefore plainely and truelie although thou be but a Childe in yéeres yet I praise God thou art almost a man in wisdome and knowledge Sonne Gen. 13 The Lord said I know that Abraham will command his Children and his housholde after him that they kéepe the waye of the Lorde and doe after right and concience Eccle. 26 If thy daughter be not shamefast hold her in straitely least she abuse her selfe through to much libertie Eccle. 7. If thou haue sonnes bring them vp in nourture learning Daughters married to wisemen and hold them in awe from their youth vp If you haue a daughter kéepe her body and shew not thy face cherefull towards her marry thy daughter giue her to a man of vnderstanding If thy daughter bée wanton kéepe her in straitly Eccle. 42 least shée cause thine enimies to laugh thée to scorne You shall saith God Deu. 4. teach all my lawes and ordinances vnto your Children Ye fathers moue not your children vnto anger and wrathe Ephe. 6. but bring them vp in the doctrine and informacion of the Lorde Ye fathers prouoke not your Children to anger least they be of a desperate minde Collo 3 He that spareth the rood hateth his sonne Pro. 13. but who so loueth him chasteneth him betimes Who so loueth his childe holdeth him still vnder correction Eccle. 30 that he may haue ioy of him afterward and that he grope not after his neighbours dores he that teacheth his sonne shall haue ioye of him and néede not to be a shamed of him among his acquaintance Giue him no libertie in his youth Eccle. 30 Libertie hurteth children and excuse not his follie teach thy Child and be diligent therein least it be to thy shame Father What saith the scripture of Children to their parents Sonne Children Ephe. 6 Thus saith S. Paull children obey your fathers and mothers in the Lorde for that is right honour the father and mother that thou maist prosper and liue longe on the earth Col. 3. Ye Children obey your fathers and mothers in all things for that is well pleasing vnto the Lorde Leuitic 19 Ye shall saith the Lorde of hosts feare euery man his father and mother and kepe my sabaoths Pro. 23. Giue eare to the father that begat thée and despyse not thy mother when she is olde Pro. 28. Robbers of parents Tobias 4. He that robbeth his father and his mother saie it is no sinne he is a destroyer Hold thy mother saith Toby as in honour all the daies of the life for thou oughtest to remember how great perills shée suffered for thée in her wombe Tobias 5. All that the parents command them that they ought to doe dyligentlie honour thy father in word and déed Ecclesi 3 in paciens that thou maist haue Gods blessing and his blessing shall abyde with the at the last He that defyeth his father shall come to shame Fathers blessing and he that forsaketh his mother is cursed of God The blessing of the Father buildeth vp the houses of the Children Eccle. 3 but the mothers curse rooteth out the foundacions He that forsaketh his Father shall come to shame and he that defieth his mother is accursed of God Father Now would I know Sonne how elders both men and women ought to liue for the example of the younger sorte Elders Sonne The elder men must be sober sage Titus 2 discret sound in the faith in loue in pacience The elder women likewise Elder women must be in such rayment as becommeth holynesse not being false accusers not giuen to much wine but that they teach honest thinges let them shew themselues in all thinges an example in good workes with honistie and grauitie Father How must the younger sorte behaue themselues
of the Trée of knowledge shee sayde that the Lorde had forbid them and threatned death vnto them if that they eate thereof but he saide the Lord knoweth that yée shall be as Gods and not dye if you eate VVomen are proude So the woman desiring to bée a Goddesse tooke and eate and gaue to her husbande who did eate also and they saw then that they were naked destitute of all felicitie happinesse grace and vertue Wherewith the Lorde had endued them and were most lothsome filthie and stinckeyng in the Nosthrells of the Lorde and the Lorde God calling them to an accompt bolted out the matter howe Adam had eaten moued by Eua. And Eua had eaten by the enticement of the Serpent and the Lord saide to the woman in multiplying I will multiply thy sorrowe and thy conceauing in sorrowe shalt thou bring foorth thy children VViues subiect to their husbands and thy lust shall pertaine to thy husbande and he shall haue rule ouer thée And vnto Adam he sayde because thou hast harkened vnto the voice of the woman and hast eaten of the trée concerning the which I sayde vnto thée thou shalt not eate of it cursed is the ground for thy sake in sorrowe shalt thou eate of it all the dayes of thy life Thorne also and Thistle shall it cause to growe vnto thée and thou shalt eate the hearbe of the fielde and in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eate breade till thou be turned again to the ground for out of it wast thou taken in as much as thou art but dust into dust shalt thou be turned agayne And the Lord saide to the Serpent Gen. 3. because thou hast done this thou art cursed aboue all cattell and aboue euerie beast of the field vpon thy bellie shalt thou goe and dust shalt thou eate all the dayes of thy life I will also put enmitie betwéene thée and the woman betwéene thy séede and her séede the same shall treade downe thy head Christ promised and thou shalt treade on his héele And the Lord clothed Adam and Eua with leathering garments droue them out of Paradise to dresse the groūd out of the which they were taken And he set the Cherubins and the glistering flame of a shaking sworde to kéepe the way of the trée of life Father Let me nowe heare howe they liued and their posteritie and whether they for the most part serued God or no Sonne Adam Sinne increased● hauing shortly after a Sonne named Cane and after him Abell Cane and Abell going to the fielde together Cane rose vp against his brother Abell and slew him Murder and after dispayred of the mercie of God and saide my sinne and iniquitie is more then it may be forgiuen And God saw that the malice of man was great in earth Dispaire and all the imaginations of his heart was onely euill and that continually The imaginations of mans heart Gen. 6. was euill euen from his youth The earth was fiilled with crueltie and corrupted before God for all flesh had corrupted his owne way vpon earth So that the Lord destroyed all the worlde with the floud Noas floud Gen. 9. Drunckennesse Mocking Gen. 13 except eight persons Noa being drunke was vncouered in his tent and his sonne Ham mocked him being newlie deliuered from drowning The men of Sodom were wicked and excéeding sinners before the Lord. Gen. 18. The crye of Sodom is great saith God and their sinnes are excéeding grieuous Gen. 19. Lot being drunken with wine laye with his two daughters being newly deliuered from destruction of fire and Brimstone Gen. 38. Eer Iudas eldest son being wicked in the sight of the Lord and the Lord slew him Gen. 38 Onan another of Iudas sonnes being wicked did the Lord slay And thus the people still wrought wickednesse in the sight of God and sundrye times the Lord therefore destroyed them with fier pestilence swoorde noysome beastes and such like death Father Exod. 20 The Lord punished the people for their vncleanenesse and sinne as I perceaue but now tell me Ten com when the law was giuen by God which reuealed sinners Law written which is called the lawe written or ten commaundements Sonne The God of heauen and earth gaue thē to Moyses to be taught vnto his people in mount Sinay written vpon two tables of stone Father How many commaundements were written in the first table Sonne Fower Deu 5. euen with the finger of God wherein is contained our obedience vnto our God and in the second table sixe commaundements wherein we may learne a perfect and absolute dutie to our neighbour Father I haue often red those precepts I thinke there be none ignoraunt thereof therefore thou shalt not néede to repeat them but can any man be saued by obseruing and kéeping of them Sonne The Lord shall aunswere you Leuitic 18 who saith ye shall kéepe my ordinaunces and iudgements which if a man doe he shall liue in them I am the Lord. Math. 19. One came to Christ and saide vnto him good Maister what shall I doe that I may attaine eternall lyfe Christ aunswered if thou wilt enter into life kéepe the commaundements Math. 22 A Lawier saide vnto Christ Maister what shall I doe to obtayne eternall life Christ saide how readest thou And the Lawier answered thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thine heart with all thy soule with all thy strength and with all thy minde and thou halt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe And Christ Iesus aunswered Hoc fac et viues This doe and thou shalt liue Gal. 2. And concluding with Saint Paull the man that doth the things contayned in the lawe and fulfilleth them shall liue by them Father Well let mée now sée howe well wée obserue these and whether any are saued thereby or not Sonne Deut. 11 I shall aunswere you therevnto but first fée what the Lord addeth Beholde saith the Lord I set before you a blessing and curse a blessing if you obey the commaundement of the Lord thy God And a curse if thou wilt not obey the commaundement of the Lord thy God Cursed is he that continueth not in all the words of the law to doe them Deut. 27. Father I feare then we all incurre the curse of God Goe to now doe we kéepe this law Sonne I will shew you by what meanes we may violate and breake the lawe And then if we examine our selues we shall perceaue as it were in a glasse our corruption and disobedience We may breake the lawe of our God by thought woorde and worke The imaginations of mans heart is euill euen from his youth Thought Gen. 8. The Lorde smote Pharao and his house because of Saray Abrahams wife Gen. 12. he lusting after her Math. 5 I say vnto you saith Christ that whosoeuer looketh on a woman to lust after her he hath committed adulery
first vnfaithfull to the lawe of the highest Eccle. 23 secondlie she hath forsaken her owne husband thereby shée hath gotten her children by another man and played the whore but a shamefull repoorte shall shée leaue behinde her and her Children shall take no déepe roote Whosoeuer séeth a woman and lusteth after her Math. 5 hath committed adulterie with her alredie in his heart ● Cor. 6. And I will conclude with saint Paull flée fornication euerie sinne that a man doth is without the body but he that is a fornicatour sinneth against his owne bodie Father VVrath What sonne is wrath compted a sinne Sonne Ecclesi 7 Yea Father a detestable sinne bée not sayeth the wise man hastelie angrie in thy minde for wrath resteth in the bosome of fooles Eccle. 28 Be ware of anger and thou shalt make thy sinnes fewer for an angrie man kindleth varyance Eccle. 30 Zeall and anger shorten thy daies of life and carefulnesse and sorow bringeth age before the time Iames. 1 The wrath of man worketh that which is vnrighteous before God whosoeuer saith Christ is angrie with his brother vnaduisedlie shal be in danger of iudgement Math. 5. Father What is saide of enuie Sonne Father Wisd 1. wisdom entereth not into afroward and enuious soule nor dwelleth in the body subdued vnto sinne I will not haue to do with consuming enuie Wisd 6. for such a man shall not be pertaker of wisdome Let all bitternesse and fearcenesse Ephe. 4 and wrath and roaring and cursed speaking be put from you with all maliciousnesse Father Tell me somthing of gluttonie and drunkennesse Gluttony Sonne Excesse of meates bringeth sicknes Eccle. 37. and gluttony commeth at the last to an vnmeasurable heate through surfet haue manie one perished but he that dieteth himselfe temperatlie prolongeth his life Take héede to your selues Luke 21 least at anie time your hearts be ouercōmed with surfeting and drunckennesse He that hath pleasure in bankets shall be a poore man Pro. 21. and he that delighteth in wine and delycates shall not be ritch Esay 5. Wo be vnto them saith the Lord that follow drunkennesse and so continue vntil night Luke 16 For abusing Gods graces There was a certaine rich man clothed in purple and fine white and fared deliciouslie euery daie but when he dyed was tormented in hell Gal. 6. These are some of the déedes of the flesh drunkennesse and gluttonie they that commit such thinges shall not be inheretours of the kingdome of Christ and of God Father What saist thou of slouth and Idlenesse Sonne Pro. 6. The wise man saith goe to the Emit thou slougerd consider her waies and learne to be wise Luke 13. Behold saith Christ these thrée yéeres haue I sought fruit of the fig trée and finde none cut it vp why doth it trouble the ground Math. 25 The Lorde saide vnto the seruant that had one talent thou euill and slouthfull seruant thy tallent shall be taken from thée thou cast into vtter darknesse wher is wéeping and gnasshing of téeth Father What saith the scripture of swearing Swering that is almost in euerie mans mouth a common thing Sonne Let not saith the wise man thy mouth be accustomed with swearing Eccle. 23. for in it there be manie falls if he swere in vaine he shal be filled with wickednesse and the plague shall neuer goe from his house I saie vnto you saith Christ Math. 5 swere not at all neither by heauen for it is Gods seate neither by the earth for it is his foote stoole neither by Ierusalem for it is the Cittie of the great king neither by the head because thou canst not make one haire white or blacke but your communication shal be yea yea nay nay Iames. 5 and whatsoeuer is more commeth of euill Thou shalt not take the name of God in vaine Exod. 20 for the Lorde will not hold him guiltles that taketh his name in vaine The prophet saw a flying booke of xx zachary 5 cubits long tenne cubits broade this is the curse that goeth ouer the earth for all theues shal be iudged after this booke and al swerers shal be iudged after this booke it shall come into the house of the théefe and into the house of him that fastie sweareth by my name saith the Lorde and shall remaine in his house and consume it with the timber and stones Father Then it is not lawfull to sweare for anie cause Sonne Ieremi 4. No father except for the testifiyng of the truth in doubtfull causes being moued therevnto by a iudge and then they must sweare in iustice iudgement and righteousnesse Father It would be to longe to recite perticulerly euery sinne committed in the world therefore shew me the most vsuall sinnes in generall wordes Sonne Ieremi 22 In the world they despise Father and Mother in it they haue oppressed the straunger the fatherlesse widowe they haue despysed the Lords sanctuarie and vnhallowed the Sabothes murders are therein many deale shamefully with their neighbours wife guifts are receaued therin to shed bloud and vsurie haue béene committed Father Is not vsurie lawfull Vsury Sonne Lawfull No horrible Deu. 23 thou shalt not saith the Lord hurt thy brother by vsury of monie or Corne or by vsurie of anie thing that he may be hurt with all If thou lende monie to anie of my people that is poore by thée Exod. 22 thou shalt not be as a tyrant vnto him neyther shalt thou oppresse him with vsurie Thou shalt take no vsurie of thy brother nor vantage Leuiti 25. Blessed is that man that hath not laide out his monie for vsurie Psal 15. nor receaued rewards against the innocent so on the contrarie part cursed is he that lendeth out to vsurie Father Thou saiest that the Lords sabaoth is vnhallowed Saboth is it a day to be hallowed and sanctified Sonne Gen. 2. Yea Father for the seuenth day the Lord ended his worke which he had made and rested from all his worke and GOD blessed the seuenth day and sanctified it because he hadde rested from all his worke which he ordayned to make Exod. 16 No Manna fell on the Sabaoth daye for it is an holie rest vnto the Lord. Exod. 23. The seuenth day thou shalt rest thine Oxe thine Asse thy sonne thy maide and the straunger and so to be refreshed Numer 16 Let him that gathereth stickes on the Sabaoth day be stoned without the host Father Hath the Sabaoth béene sometime vnhallowed Sonne Esdras 4 Yea for Esdras sawe some treading wine presses on the Sabaoth and bringing Asses loden with grapes figges and bringing all manner of burthens vnto Ierusalem vpon the Sabaoth day and I rebuked them saide he earnestly the same day that they soulde their victualls and soulde fish and I reproued them and the rulers for breaking the Sabaoth
day but after this there came none to buy nor sell on the Saboth day Father Who doth kéepe the Sabaoth sanctifie it Sanctifiers of the Saboth Sonne He that kéepeth himselfe that he doe no euill Esay 56 If thou turne thy féete in the Saboth Esay 58 so that thou doest not the things that pleaseth thy selfe in my Sabaoth and thou call the pleasant holie and gracious Sabaoth of the Lord and that thou giue him the honour so that thou doe not after thine owne imaginations neither séeke thine owne will nor speake thine owne words It is lawfull saith Christ Math. 12 to doe good déedes on the Sabaoth day Father Me thought thou spakest that the Lords sanctuare was defiled Sonne Yea Father Ieremie saith Ieremy 22 they haue despised the Lords sanctuarie Father Temple Who did first builde the Temple vnto the Lord Sonne 3. Kin. 6. Salomon the third king of Israell built an house for the Lorde in Ierusalem that was thrée skore cubits long and xx cubits broade and fiftie cubites high Cro. 17. The Lord saide to Dauid thy sonnes shall buylde me an house and I will stablish his seate for euer Father Why did not the Lord suffer Dauid to buylde his Temple Sonne 1. Cro. 22. Because he had shed much bloud and made great battells in the Lords sight vpon earth 2. Cro. 7. The Lorde appeared to Salomon by night and saide I haue heard thy petition and haue chosen this place for my selfe to be an house of sacrifice A house of sacrifice I haue sanctified this house that my name may be there for euer Father Where did Salomon buylde the Lords house Sonne At Ierusalem in mount Morea where the Lord appeared vnto Dauid his father in the threshing floore of Ornan the Iesubite 2. Cro. 3 Father Thou sayest that we may not buy sell on the Sabaoth what must we then doe Sonne We must goe to the Temple of the Lorde and pray 1. king 1 and offer vnto the Lorde of hostes Serue the Lord onely 1. Kings 6 and prepare your hearts vnto him and he will rid you out of the hands of your enimies Salomon the king made a long prayer in the Temple vpon his knées 3. king 8 and his hands lifted vp to heauen The Lord aunswered Salomon and saide I haue heard thy petition 2. Cron. 7. and haue chosen this place for my selfe if I shut vp heauen that there be no rayne or if I commaund the Locusts to deuour the lād or if I send pestilence among my people Praiers repentāce conuersation in gods tēple and if my people vpon whome my name you called vpon doe humble themselues make intercession and séeke my presence and turne from their wicked waies them will I heare from heauen and be merciful vnto their sinne and will heale their land Father What name gaue Salomon to the house that he buylded for the Lord Sonne 2. Cro. 2 He called it an house of sacrifice for he saide euen to burne sacrifices before the Lord shall his building be Father Some refuse to go to this Temple of the Lord what saiest thou to those Sonne Psalm 27. I say they are not of the minde of the king and Prophet Dauid who saide one thing haue I desired of the Lord which I will require that I may dwel in the house of my God all the daies of my life I was glad when they said vnto me we will goe into the house of the Lord. Psal 122 Thanks giueing Therefore the cryes goe vp euen the cryes of the Lord to testifie vnto Israell to giue thankes vnto the name of the Lord. Eccle. 4 To offer acceptable offerings When thou commest into the house of God kéepe thy foote and draw nigh that God which is at thine hande may heare that thou giue no offeringes of fooles for they knowe nought but to doe euill We will goe into the tabernacle of the Lord Psal 132 and fall lowe on our knées before his footestoole The Publican comming to the Temple knéeled downe prayed Luke 18. Praier and confession and smote vppon his breast and saide God be mercifull vnto mée a sinner Father Are not the preachers and Ministers that be in the temple to be heard Sonne Yes truely no lesse then Christ himselfe for he saith he that heareth you heareth mée and he that heareth mée heareth him that sent mée They haue Moyses and the Prophets Luke 16 let them heare them Hée that is of GOD Io. 8. heareth Gods words He that God hath sent Io. 3. speaketh the words of God How shall they cal on him on whō they haue not beléeued Rom. 10 howe shall they beléeue on him of whom they haue not heard how shall they heare without a preacher how shall they preach except they be sent Father Why is the word of God to be heard Gods word to be hard Sonne Rom. 10 That by hearing we may haue faith and by faith be saued Psal 119 That we may learne to walke in the law of the Lord. It is to be laide vp in our heartes that we shoulde not sinne agaynst the Lord. Micheas 4 Let vs goe to the house of our God that he may teach vs his waies and that we may walke in his pathes Father What ought we to doe after we haue heard the preacher Sonne Ieremi 26 We ought to feare the Lord and make our prayers vnto him and then the Lord will repent of the plague that he hath deuised and not doe it Ionas 3. The people of Niniuie when Ionas preached that within fortie daies their Citie should be destroyed they put vppon them sackecloth laid them downe in ashes fasted and cried mightelie vnto the Lord and the Lord spared them and destroyed them not Father I meruell much that the Lord destroyed not that Cittie for he saide plainelie that within fortie daies it should bée destroyed and yet he did it not whereby it should séeme that Gods purpose is oft changed Sonne No father the Lord is no changeling Iames. 1 There is no variablenesse with God For the Lorde sayeth when I take in hand to root out to destroy Ieremi 18 or to wast away anie people or kingdom if that people against whom I haue thus deuised conuert from their wickednesse I repent me of the plagues that I deuised to bring vppon them Againe when I take in ha●● to build to plante a people or kingdom God repent if the same people or kingdom doe euill before me and héere not my voice I repent of the good that I deuised to doe for them and doe it not so that the people are changed and not good Father Blessed be God therefore Is the preacher appointed what he shall speake Sonne Yea Exod. 4 the spirit of God speaketh by his mouth if hée be a true preacher for the Lord
saide vnto Moyses I will be with thy mouth and teach the what thou shalt say Ioel. 2. I will saith the Lorde powre out of my spirit vppon al flesh and your sonnes and your daughters shall prophecie your olde men shall dreame dreames and your younge men shall sée visions Micheas 3 I am full of strength and the spirit of the Lord full of iudgement and bouldnesse to shew the house of Iacob their offences and the house of Israell their sinne 1. king 19 The spirit of God came vppon the messengers of Saull and they prophecied Math. 10. Christ tould his disciples and saide it is not you that shall speake but the spirit of my father that shall speake within you Luke 12. The holy ghost shall teach you what you shall say Io. 16. When the spirit of truth commeth he shall leade you into all truth Feare not what you shall say for it shal be giuen you in the same houre what ye shall speake Father If the spirit of truth speake by the mouth of his true messengers then it is likelie that the spirit of error I meane Sathan speaketh by the false Prophets Seminaries and seducers of Gods people Sonne True it is father 1. King 1● For an euill spirit sent of God came vppon Saull I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all the Prophets 3. king 2● And deceiue kinge Ahab that he may goe to warre in Ramoth Geliad and so be slaine They are of their father the Diuell Io. 8. his lusts will they follow saith Christ he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth The diuell speaketh by Seminaries for ther is noe truth in him when he speaketh a lie hée speaketh of himselfe for he is a lyer and the father of the same thing take héede father of these seducers by whom the diuel speaketh This false spirit spak to Eua Gen. 3. that if she eate of the trée of knowledge shée should not die the death but bée as God knowing good and bad so many deceiued now by this serpent dye the death Father ●an What saist thou by Man what is hée and to what ende shall he come Sonne Psal 144 Man is like a thing of nought his time passeth awaie like a shadowe Psal 90. When the Lord is angrie all our daies are gone we bring our yéeres to an ende as it were a tale that is tould ●ames 4. The life of man is euen a vapour that appeareth a litle time and then vanisheth awaie Gen. 3 Man is dust and into dust thou shalt bée tourned againe ●ob 7. Hath man anie certaine time vppon earth are not his daies like the daies of an hired seruant ●ob 10 The Lorde made man of moulde and shall bring him to dust againe ●ob 14. Man that is borne of a woman hath but a shorte time to liue and is full of miserie ●od While he liueth his flesh must haue trauell and while the soule is within him he must be in sorrow Isay 40 All flesh is grasse and all the goodlinesse thereof is euen as the flower of grasse the grasse is withered the flower falleth awaie euen so the people are as grasse when the breathe of the Lorde bloweth vppon them Statutum est omnibus hominibus semell mori Heb. 9. it is appointed that all men shal once dye Remember his iudgement Eccle. 38 thine also shal be likewise vnto thée yesterdaie vnto me to day Father I sée plainelie by these partes by dalie experience that all men must dye and that none can escape the hande of death therfore what saist thou to the death of the righteous Sonne The soules of the righteous Wisd 3. are in the hands of God and the paines of death shall not touch them The righteous shal shine as the sparks of fire in the read bushe Eod. and shall iudge the nations and haue dominion ouer the people and their GOD shall reigne for euer Psal 65 Blessed is the man whom the Lords choseth and receiueth vnto him he shall dwell in his court he shal be satisfied with the pleasure of his house euen of his holie Temple Psalm 72 The Lord shall deliuer their soules frō falshod and wrong For deare is the blood of his Saintes in his sight Father I perceiue that the righteous are alwaies preserued but what becommeth of the wicked Sonne Psalm 9 The wicked shal be turned into hell and all the people that forget God Macha 2. Fear not an vnrighteous mans words for his glorie is but donge and wormes to day he is set vp to morow he is gone Iob. 24. Some men there be saith Iob that remoue other mens land markes and rob them of their cattell and kéepe the same for their owne The lyfe and end of the couetous and wicked that take the asse of the fatherlesse and take the widowes Oxe for a pledge that thrust the pore out of the way that reape downe the corne that is not their owne they are the cause that so manie men are naked and bare The eye of the aduoute●er waiteth for the darknesse and faith no man seethe him but shortile are they gone and pluckt out of the way vtterlie pluckt off as the eares of corne Vppon the vngodlie shall the Lorde raine fire and brimstone storme tempest Psalm 10 this shal be their porcion to drinke Father What saist thou to purgatorie Purgatory out of which mens soules are deliuered by the prayers of holy Priests Sonne I say the Scripture maketh mencion of no such thing But of heauen and hell Christes blood and Saint Iohn sheweth by what meanes we are purged and clensed Io. 1. The blood of Iesus Christ clenseth vs from all sinne Through mercie and faith are sinnes purged Pro. 15. Almost euerie thinge is by the Lawe purged with blood Heb. 9 and without blood-shedding is no remession The blood of Iesus Christ doth purge our consciences from dead works Eod. to serue the liuing God Iesus Christ loued vs and purged vs from our sinnes in his blood Reuel 1 and made vs Kinges priestes vnto God the Father to him therefore bée glorie and dominion for euer more Father that was a false doctrine which was of purgatorie as you may sée and made to fill Priests purses Father What profit could that bring to Priests Sonne Mark 12 It brought much worldlie riches and Gods curse withall as Christ saith beware of the scribes which loue to goe in longe clothing and loue salutations in market places Damnaciō to thē that deuoure widowes houses with prayer and the chiefe seates at feasts and in the congregations which deuoure widowes houses vnder a pretence of long praier but they shall receiue greater damnation Math. 23. And Christ saith in the xxiii of S. Mathewes Gospell wo vnto
gaue mée drinke Blessed when I was harbourlesse you lodged mée when I was naked you cloathed mée when I was sicke and in pryson ye came vnto mée and visited mée Father And shall they aunswere any thing Sonne Yea father for the Lord saith Esay 14 there shall be all mightie men of the earth areigned and Princes and kinges and small and great shall stand from their seates that they may all aunswere and speake vnto the Lorde They shall aunswere Math. 25 Lorde Iesus when sawe we thée an hungered and féed the thirstie and gaue the drinke harbourles and lodged thée naked and clothed thée sicke and in prison and cam vnto thée he shall aunswere and say in asmuch as ye haue done it to the least of these my bretheren you haue done it vnto mée Father What speach shall his Maiestie vse to the wicked on his left hand Sonne Oh ye cursed of my father Cursed when I was an hungrie you gaue mée no meate when I was a thirst ye gaue me no drinck when I was harbourlesse ye lodged mée not when I was naked yée clothed mée not when I was sicke and in prison ye came not vnto mée to visit mée and they shall aunswere Lorde when saw we thée an hungrie or a thirst or harbourlesse or naked or sicke or in prison came not vnto thée he shall say in asmuch as ye did it not to these my brethren ye did it not to mée Father Iesus God if the Lord cōdemne them that helpe not their bretheren what will he do to the vnmercifull that robbe him that taketh meate drinke apparell lodging relefe and all from him euen fleaing the skin from the bone as much as lyeth in them Sonne The Lorde or they passe away will reward them for all as you shall heare afterwardes Father Well sonne who shal be present to heare all causes pleaded and what witnesse shall there be against the wicked for I am sure that the Lorde will haue all men sée that hée dealeth iustly and vprightlie withall Sonne True it is father VVitnesses 2. Cor. 5 there shal be present all Angells Archangels all the hosts of heauen there shal be all Saints and righteous all wicked and vngodlie that euer were vppon the face of the earth young and olde There shal be the great Dragon the diuell Sathanas with all the rable of hell-houndes and damned spirits for Saint Iohn saith Reuel 20. that he sawe the dead both great and small stand before God and the bookes were opened which is the booke of life and an other booke was opened and the dead were iudged of those thinges that were written in the booke according to their déedes Wherby we may learne that the bookes wer their cōciences layd abroad to al the world Consciēces It is a sore thing whē a man 's owne cōcience beareth witnesse and recorde of his wickednesse and condemmeth him Wisd 17 He that speaketh vnrighteous thinges cannot be hidde and why Wisd 1. inquisition shall bée made for the thoughts of the vngodly and the reporte of his wordes shal come vnto God so that his wickednesse shal be punished Eod. There is nothing so hid that shall not be reueled Luke 22 There is nothing so couered saith Christ that shall not be vncouered neither hid that shall not be knowen Father I sée then that euerie thing shal be opened for I haue heard that a mans concience is quasi millie testis As a thousand witnesse but what other witnesses will there be Sonne God himselfe a witnesse GOD himselfe who séeth all thinges from the beginning shall be both the iudge and witnesse Malachi 3 I my selfe saith the Lord will be a swift witnesse against al witches against aduoulterers against false swerers against those that wrongfully kéepe backe the hyrelinges dutie which oppresse the stranger and hurt the widowes and Fatherlesse Cor. 10. The Lorde will come and open the thinges that are in darkenesse and declare the counsell of Princes and then shall euery one haue praise of God Father What other witnesses will there bée against the wicked VVorks Sonne Their owne workes in fine hominis denunciatio operum illius at the ende of man there is a declaration of their works Blessed are the dead that dye in the Lord Reuel 14 euen so saith the spirit that they rest from their labours but their workes followe them The Appostle Saint Paull teacheth all men that they learne to excell in good works Titus 3 that they be not vnfruiteful in the Lords daie My deare brethren be stedfast and vnmoueable 1. Cor. 15. alwaies rich in the works of the Lorde forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vaine in the Lorde Father What are there any more witnesses Sonne The Diuell that great dragon as saith saint Iohn which deceiued all the world Diuell a witnesse the accuser of our brethren which accuse them before God day and night 1. Peter 1 That aduersary the diuel like a roareing Lyon séeketh whom he may deuoure Father Lorde God what shal the worme-eaten conscience then doe what shall the vnmercifull and couetous man say Sonne Luke 23. Decent montibus cadite super nos they shall say to the mountaines fal vppon vs and to the hills couer vs from the face of the Lorde Oseas 10 Esay 2 Then shall they séeke to crepe into holes and caues and rockes for feare of God but they cannot escape Reue. 6 They shall couet to hi●e themselues in dennes and Rockes of the Hills and shall say vnto the rockes fall on vs and hide vs from the presence of him that sitteth on the seate and from the wrath of the Lambe For the great day of his wrath is come and who is able to endure Reuel 9 At that time shall men séeke for death and shall not finde it they shall desire to dye and death shall flée from them Father Can there none hide themselues Sonne I tould you before father Amos. 9 that although they were buryed in hell the hand of the Lorde would fetch them from thence though they clyme vp to heauen yet will hée cast them downe though they hide themselues vppon the tope of Carmell yet will he séeke them out and bring thē from thence though they could créepe into the déepe of the sea yet hée will commaund the Serpent there to byte them Father Father of heauen be mercifull to vs. Well goe on seeing that euerie one must abyde the sentence of God and his straite iudgement tell mée now what will folow Sonne Then shall the Lorde Iesus Christ call those on his right hand and say come ye blessed of my Father Math. 25 inherite the kingdome of heauen prepared for you from the beginning of the worlde Father I perceiue that the faithfull mercifull and righteous shall then be blessed and without all feare But what shall he