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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01491 The Societie of the Rosary. Newly augmented Garnet, Henry, 1555-1606.; Clement VIII, Pope, 1536-1605. 1596 (1596) STC 11617.5; ESTC S114738 71,526 308

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Christ for the Rosary of 5. Paters and 50 Aues out of Ludouicus Bolsius Cap. 8. The first parte PATER noster c. Aue Maria c. O benigne sweete Mary The begining and ending of this petition is to be added in euery one pacifie our most clement Redemer Iesus whō thou a most pure Virgin vpon the Angells annunciation didest conceiue by the holy Ghost in the citie of Nazareth and beare 9. monthes in thy most chast wombe Cause that we may please thy most sweete sonne Iesus Christ and destrue to see him and thee in heauen Amen 2 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. who being cōceiued within thee thou full of God didest go with speed vnto thy cousen Elizabeth and salute her humbly exhibit thy seruice vnto her Cause that we c. 3 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Whom thou a most pure Virgin didest bring forth in Bethlem in a most vile stable not only without all paine but also with vnspeakable ioy and being borne didest presently adore him as true very God with a deuout mind Cause that we c. 4 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Whom thou diddest foster with thy virginall milke being as yet a litle crying child swathed in cloutes didest lay him in the man ger vpon hay straw Cause c. 5 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Whom yet new borne the Angells in most ioifull maner shewed to the Shepheardes and with cheerfull voices geuing laudes praises vnto him song peace to men of good will Cause c. 6 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Whom the Shepheardes speedely repairing to Bethlē found laide in a Maunger and adored with great ioy admiratiō Cause c. 7 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Who the 8. day after his Natiuity voutsafedto shed his most pure blood for vs and to be circumcised and to be named Iesus for our comforte Cause c. 8 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Whom the Sages coming from the East deuoutly sought being replenished with great ioy came by the direction of a Satrre into Bethlem and there humbly adoring him they deuoutly offered vnto him Gould Frankencense and Mirrhe Cause c. 9 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Whom when the 40. day was come thou didest according to the lawe present in the Temple and beeing redeemed with the hoast of those which were of the poorer sort didest offer vnto god the Father with a most gratefull harte Cause c. 10 Aue Maria c. O benigne c Whom thou like a most faithfull mother by the admonition of an Angell didest carry into Egipte for feare of Herod and at the last broughtest him backe againe into the citie of Nazareth Cause The second parte 1 PATER noster c. Aue Maria c. O benigne sweet Mary c. Whom thou a Virgin mother didest loose in Hierusalē when he was 12. yeeres olde and seeking and inquiringe for him with an heauy harte didest finde him with ioy three daies after in the Temple Cause c. 2 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Who beeing subiecte vnto thee thou diddest diligently nourishe with a motherly care and neuerthelesse diddest alwaies exhibite an holy reuerence vnto him as to the most high and mightie God Cause that we c. 3 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Who in the 30. yeere of his age would humblye be Beptized by his seruant IHON in the Riuer of Iordan wheras notwithstanding he being the most innocēt Lamb of GOD neuer contracted anie spot of sinne Cause c. 4 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Who in the Desert 40. daies and 40. nightes fasted without eating any thing and so being the Lord of heauen and earth made his abode among the wilde beastes Cause that we c. 5 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Who for our saluatiō refused not to be tempted of the Deuill and shewed vs the way to ouercome Satan Cause c. 6 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Who trauailing by cities castells and villages preached diligently the Gospell of the Kingdome of Heauen and willingly sustained for our sakes all toiles and wearinesse of body Cause c. 7 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Who oftē watched whole nights in praier fuffered for our sakes hunger thirst cold heat and diuerse persecutions with a most milde harte Cause c. 8 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Who conuersing amongst men did mercifullye succour all afflicted persons and wrought very many miracles and readily gaue pardon vnto Mary Magdalene and other sinners that were truely penitent and cōuersed familiarly with them Cause c. Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Who beeing transfigured vppon the Mount before three Disciples shined in fact like the Sunne and maiestically shewed the excelencie of his glorious body Cause 10 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Who coming to Hierusalem to suffer for vs as a meeke and humble King satte vpon an Asse and in the middest of those praises which the people song vnto him looking vpon the citie wept The third parte PATER noster c. Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Who at his last supper humbly vpon his knees washed the feet of his Disciples and with vnspeakable charitie instituted the most excelent Sacramēt of the Eucharist Cause that we may please c. 2 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Who going with his Disciples in to the gardē of the Mount Oliuet was striken with a greate sadnes for our sakes and praying a long space togither through the vehemencie of th anguishes and distresses that he was in fell into a bloodie sweate that issued from all partes of his body Cause c. 3 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Who went out to meet his enimies and voluntarily offered him selfe vnto them and refused not to take a kisse of Iudas that betraied him Cause c. 4 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Whom those wicked men apprehended vnreuerently and as a male factour and a theefe moste shamefully bound with hard and cruell bandes Cause c. 5 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Who being bound was brought oprobriously vnto the high Preist and at the hands of one of his seruantes receiued a most cruell and violent blow Cause c. 6 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Who in the house of Caiphas was accused by false witnesses and defiled with stinking spittle and scornfully hoodwinked and barbarously beaten with strokes and buffettes and most vnworthelye blasphemed Cause c. 7 Aue Maria c. O benigne c. Who being brought to Pylate incōtemptible maner stood before him with a lowly and cheerfull countenance and humbly passed ouer with silence the false accusations of the Iewes Cause 8
and that the Popes benediction is annexed with most ample Indulgences and that sometime they are set out with medalls or Crosses of siluer brasse or wood these thinges haue not as some doe cauell increased superstition but Religion 16 For as Iosue the Captaine of the holy hoast Ios 4 at what time the children of Israell passed ouer Iordane dry footed commanded that twelue great stones should be deuoutly and religiously caried out of the chanel of the Riuer into the Tents to this end that if any should aske of the posterity what mean these stones the perpetuall tumemory of there wonderfull passage might be recorded So haue our auncestors deuoutly religiously annexed fiue beads in euery Rosary that are greater then the rest that the Heretickes laughing therat and asking what meane these fiue beades what meaneth the wholle Rosary Answere may be made that they are significatiōs of the fiue wounds which Christ suffered for them and vs. And that the Rosary is a certaine summe or abridgmēt of the new Testament Christian doctrine 17 For they that haue knowne the manifolde vse of the Rosary are not ignorant that the number of beads therin contained do serue to renue the memorie of all the misteries of the life of Christ and of the blessed Virgin and of the principall pointes of the Catholicke religion as of the B. Trinitie the Incarnation and Passiō of Christ the worship of God his Saintes the ten Commandementes Iustificatiō and life euerlasting Which briefe summe or abridgmēt is doubtlesse so much the more profitable amongst the common people by how much farther the vse therof is extended then the vse of books For it may be read euen of the vnlearned of the blind of those that trauaile on horse backe or in wagons or such like finally in most darke obscure places 18 And the benediction of the POPE doth nothing els but with solemne wordes consecrate the beades The benedictiō of the Pope otherwise prophane of them selues to the deuoute and holsome vse of the faithfull as by auncient custome of the Church Water Salte Chalices Candles Herbes and the Churches them selues are by the benediction of a Preist consecrated to an holy vse For sanctified saith the Apostle is euery creature by the word of god and praier 1. Tim. 4 The Indulgences anexed 19 And that the Indulgences annexed to the benediction are very profitable there is no doubt for by these the faithfull people being incouraged doe in greater number and with greater zeale and feruencie pray vnto Almightie God for most waightie causes For the increase of the Catho licke Church for the concord of Christian Princes for the rooting out of heresies For these are the points that for the most part are mentioned in the forme of all Indulgences 20 And as for the Images of gold siluer Crosses and Me dalles or wood annexed vnto the beades they haue neither any misticall significatiō nor vse other then the very Images in Churches that is to put vs in mind of the actes of Christ his Saints that in or before thē we may reuerence and call vpon that which by them is represented vnto vs. A BREIFE EXPLIcation of our Lordes Praier Cap. 12 THe Preface of this Praier Franciscus Costerus hath fewe wordes full of misteries Father is a name of loue signifying first of all that he which goeth about to pray must not be the enimie but the frend yea the child of Almighty God hauing laid aside all will to sinne hereafter and being sorowfull penitent for his sinnes past Secondly that he must come to Almighty God with great cōfidence because that of a Father all thinges are to be expected Our thou dost not say mine but our which is a name cōmon to all for God is the Father of all as wel one as an other respecting all indifferently as well poore as riche Therfore with this Praier must cōcur first charity towards neighbours wherby thou maiest loue all the children of God and wish well vnto them then Humility that thou preferrest not thy selfe before any other which arte in heauen Here first is signified that vnto this praier must be brought a mind lifte vp to heauenly thinges excluding earthly cogitations Secondly a greate reuerence of the wholle man as well externall as internall because he is an heauenly not an earthly Father Thirdly that nothing is to be demāded of an heauenly Father but heauēly things Here after do folow the 7 petitions wherof the 4 first do pray for good thinges to be graunted the 3 later for euels to be remoued Hallowed be thy name that is to say I giue thee thanks for thy benefits and I desire that thy name goodnes Maiesty may be well knowen vnto all men praised of all men and published in all places and especially I beseech thee that I in all my actions wordes may seeke thy glory referre all that I haue to thy honour the profite of my neighbours 2 Thy Kingdome come That is I wishe that thou O Lord maiest raigne all the world ouer that all dominion of the Deuell being abandoned thou maiest possesse all the Kingdomes of the world and especially that sinne may not raigne in my mortall body but that thou maiest rule gouerne all my powers and forces directe and bring me to the kingdome of heauen 3 Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauē that is Grant I besech thee grace vnto thy people that they may obey thy commaundements Furthermore in euery of our acttiōs do thou make known vnto vs thy will Finally my selfe O Lord I do resigne wholly to thy will so that thy name may be praised and sanctified by me thou hauing excluded the kingdome of sinne maiest only and wholly raigne in me thou maiest do with me and dispose of me as it shall stand best with thy most holy will and pleasure 4 Giue vs this day our daiely bread that is nourish and feede my soule and my body with conuenient food my soule with thy word that I may alwaies haue a tast and feeling therof when it is by preaching or praier or by any other meanes proposed vnto me Moreouer with thy most sacred body also vnto the oftē and deuoutreceauing wherof I doe desire to be moued stirred vp and my body with daily food sustinance and with thinges not superfluous but necessary not wrōgfully gotten but with dew labour iustice and equity Here foloweth the three euels which we desire to be remoued 5 And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. that is the euells past to witt the sines wherby we haue offended thee by the Passion of thy Sonne do thou gratis frely forgiue the veniall quotidian sinnes by sorow and the vertue of this Praier instituted by thy selfe and the more greeuous or mortall sinnes by the Sacrament of penance to which Sacrament that wee may come
Christ yee be so conioined with vs and so neere vnto vs that we do no lesse then behold and alway looke vppon you as though you were heere present with vs and doe continually in our mindes thinke vpon you yea we be so moued with euery euent of your affaires that with you and in you we doe reioice and to gither also with you we beare your crosses for in our harte we holde you and in the Bowelles of Iesus Christ we be singularly reioiced our very spirite doth take comfort in our Lord when as we doe heare of your constācy in the Catholicke faith of your patience of the fortitude of your christiā courage and of your gloriouse confession of the name of Christ For you beeing by the singular goodnes of God strengthned with the grace and vertue of the holy Ghost haue with most especiall dilligence and as it were a pretious treasure as it is indeed safely and inuiolably preserued that sacred Depositum of the Catholicke faith which youre Auncestors haue from this holy Romane Church the mother mistres of all the faithfull receiued and as a matter of inheritance vnto you deliuered haue not suffred your selues by any incōueniences or miseries nor yet by any of Sathan his deceiptes or intisementes and vaine hope of worldly thinges to be remoued aside from that rocke of faith whereupon Christ our Lord hath found his Church which is one Catholicke Apostolicke Romane out of which there neither is nor can bee any saluation whose vnion you doe as members of the body of Christ conioyne vnto the head with greate praise and fruite of spirituall life retaine and hold in cōtinuance These be the things that do fill our hart with ioy and gladnes This is that which doth edifie the Church of GOD and which doth cause all Catholickes to turne and fixe their eies vpon you who beholding your zeale and good workes do glorifie the Father of mercies who is in Heauen But like as in these thinges which yee do so godly religiously and constantly performe for the glory of God behoofe of your owne soules we do togither with you with all good men reioice and cōgratulate so do we on the contrary part suffer togither with you in your greefes and in the tribulations which haue come too too much vpon you For it hath bene brought vnto our vnderstāding that you are for the confession of the Catholicke faith most greeuously vexed at the hands of your owne Brethren who haue forsake the God of their forefa-fathers and haue betaken themselues to the following of strange Godds that is the prophane nouelties of errors and heresies and not considering their owne miserable estate do not only lye them selues in darkenes in the shadow of death but doe also most cruelly assault and persecute such as be the children of light their owne brethren who do firmely retaine the aunciēt religiō which they haue so many ages since bin taught by the holye ROMANE Church And doe further vppon the instigatiō and exagitation of a certaine furie neuer heard of be fore vse crueltie towardes their owne flesh and butcher teare asonder their owne bowels We haue compassion of your deare children and with all affection of charitie we do sorow togither with you for your calamities But we also reioice with you and for you in that ye be now the disciples of Christ with him fastened vpon the Crosse neither doe we doubt but that he who is present with his seruantes in tribulation and descendeth with them into the vgly dongeons and forsaketh them not in their bonds and fetters euen he so rich and aboundant in mercie doth visite you doth recreate you doth merueilously comforte you that euen as the passions of Christ do abound in you so also by Christ your cōfortes may abound And we also who though without our owne desert and vnworthy do holde the place of Christ our Lord vpō earth when as we did heare that you were in this maner afflicted resolued by our letters to cōfort you as our children singulerlye well beloued of whose welfare and glory in our Lord we be especially carefull Be ye therfore of good courage and as you haue hitherto done so stand ye in our Lord my dearest stedfast strōg in faith and rooted and founded in charitie carefull to preserue the vnitie of spirite in the bond of peace This peace of CHRIST which surpasseth all vnderstanding keepe you my childrē that ye may be one hart and one spirit Your concord your vnion your cōiunction of mindes Sathan trēbleth at That doth he and his ministers seeke to ouerthrow But all the driftes of enemies will fall to nothing if ye persist and remaine all of one minde with all humilitie and meeknes with patience supporting one an other in charitie And God is faithfull who will not permitte you to be tempted aboue that which you are able But will make with tēptation issue that ye may be able to sustaine Let your hartes therfore be comforted be cōstant and expect our Lord. For coming he will come and will not linger his reward is with him and he will comfort his seruants so that what yee haue sowen in teares the same yee shall in ioy and exultattion reape againe Be yee not therfore wearied fainting in your hartes but laying away all waight and sinne that compasseth you by patience runne to the fight proposed vnto you looking on the author of faith and the consummator Iesus who will geue you good measure pressed downe shaken togither and running ouer in the day of eternitie He gouerne and keepe you and replenish you with the grace of the holy Ghost and crowne you vpon the accomplishmēt of your lawfull cōbate Pray for vs deere children for many are the pastorall cares which by night day do vexe trouble vs. Do ye also pray for the Catholicke Church that all contradictions and errors being destroied shee may serue him with secure libertie And we with all affection of fatherly charity do impart vnto you our Apostolicall Benediction Giuen at Rome at Saint Markes vnder the fishers Ring the 18. of September the Sixt yeere of our Popedome DILECTIS FILIIS CAtholicis Albanensibus qui in Albaniae regno sunt Clemens Papa DILECTI filij salutē Apostolicam benedictionē Longo quidem terrarum marisque internallo a nobis disiuncti estis O filij Albaniae sed in vnitate fidei in vinculo charitatis Christi ita nobiscum cōiuncti estis ita propinqui vt vos tanquam presentes intueamur de vobis assidue cogitemus quin etiam quouis rerum vestrarū euentu ita commouemur vt vobiscum at que in vobis gaudeamus vobiscum etiam patiamur Habemus enim vos in corde nostro in visceribus Iesu Christi Gaudio autem singulari afficimur exult at in Domino spiritus noster quum audimus vestram in fide Catholica constantiam vestram patientiam