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A00452 The sacrifice of a contrite heart in teares, meditations, and prayers. Penned by Iohn Euans minister of Gods word. Evans, John, minister of Gods word. 1630 (1630) STC 10586; ESTC S120845 111,350 374

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hainous crimes When I should walk sin drowneth me with sleepe for one good thought I sinne a thousand times Sigh O my soule weepe sorrow and lament and seeke for helpe if any hope be left Pray vnto Christ for grace thou mayst repent before his merits from thee be bereft Though by his rod afflictions humble thee and for thy sinnes thou suffer grieuous paine Yet with his flesh he still vpholdeth thee frō deepe despaire in bliss with him to raigne All glory be to God on high and to his Son our Sauiour wise and iust To whom with ioy still pray and sing will I and to my Comforter the holy Ghost Whose being was from all eternity one Deitie distinct in persons three According to the blessed Trinity distinguisht to three yet one in vnitie Abba ben Ruach sacred trinitie one drop of Nectar Lord on me bestow That glorious blood to cure sinnes miserie that all mankinde thy loue to me may know Let not sinnes hire nor grieuous punishment be condemnation to my stained soule Be pleased with Christ his all-sufficient payment who ransom'd vs from sinnes eternall thralls A prayer to be said on a Sunday morning for the right sanctifying of the Sabbath O Lord of Sabbath that in the beginning after the finishing of the sixe dayes workes in which by thy most mightie word thou didst create the heauen and the earth and produce all this wonderfull variety of things which wee perceiue euery day most admirably to be made not onely in the sensible but also in all insensible liuing things of all which workes thou hast caused man chiefely to excell hauing in him most curiously epitomised all the glory of this earthly fabrick and for all this thy great goodnesse thou hast done vnto him hast onely required of him that he in the contemplation of these created things not only without but within himselfe might finde out thee a louing Father and Creatour and doe vnto thee that high homage that thou hast commanded on this day not as slaues and seruants but as sonnes filled with all duty obedience which that wee might doe thou hast charged vs on the seuenth day to remember our Creatour not onely by refraining our seruile labour which in the sixe dayes thou hast appointed vs but by leauing the wicked workes of darknesse vnto which we are by nature and wicked desires so much addicted O Lord graunt that I may sequester my selfe this day vnto thy praise not onely in thy holy Congregation but in the secret cogitations of my heart And graunt that euery word or thing that I shall this day heare with my eares or see with my eyes may be so digested in my soule as fit subiects out of which I may bee occasioned to magnifie thy praise and glory O heauenly Father graunt that all those Sabbath dayes which haue passed in my youth and manhood while I knew thee not may be now recalled by double diligence in the deuout hearing of thy Word receiuing of the Sacraments and calling vpon thy name which on this day thou hast for euer commanded to bee done vnto thee in thy Church and holy Congregation And O Lord let my heart depart edified in thy most holy feare not for the present while I am hearing but for euer while I shall liue and let some part of thy holy Word which I shall heare expounded this day abide in me that at all times when I shall haue occasion or be called thereunto I may bee fitted and furnished to giue a full account and reason of the hope I haue in thee O Lord thy Apostles haue called this day not now the seuenth day from the Creation but the first day and the Lords day putting vs in mind of that high and admirable benefit of our Redemption as on this day accomplished by his glorious resurrection for the which wee can neuer rēder too much thanks neither publick nor priuate O Lord make my heart like the good ground mentioned in the Parable that when it had receiued good seede it brought forth thirty sixty and an hundreth fold so most sweet Sauiour graunt that I may haue thy Word so deepely rooted by the power of thy holy spirit this day sent downe into my heart that I may bring it forth in an hundreth fold thy power in my saluation And let it abide this day and euer in my soule the most sweet sauour of life vnto life O Lord driue from mee all impediments arising from the thoughts of the world the flesh and the deuill by which Sathan laboureth to frustrate in me the sauing hearing of thy Word and make me to heare thy precious Word with all reuerence and humility not as the word of man but as it is indeede the word of God And seeing thou hast said not the hearers of the law but the doers of the law are iustified O Lord make me a doer of the law And as thou hast againe said Blessed are yee if ye doe these things Wherefore Lord that I may bee capable of thy blessing graunt that this day when I haue heard I may doe the things and as thy blessed Mother pondered all thy sayings and layd them vp in her heart to remember them O sweet Sauiour helpe me this day and other dayes and times so often as I shall heare thy word or reade the same that my memory may be so quicke and fresh that I may retaine and remember all that shal most especially concerne me and not to be filled with idle knowledge but with constant doing that I may be accepted among those builders that set their house vpon the rocke most blessed Lord let me not be so simple as to thinke my selfe blessed by bare looking into thy law by an outward conformity in comming to thy Church to heare lest in so doing I become as a forgetfull hearer that offers to thee a sacrifice of fooles and so in sanctifying this thy Sabaoth so idely thou cast mee out among the hypocrites the chiefe profaners of the Sabbath in the burning lake and vnquenchable fire O Lord let no wicked temptation of sathan or of my flesh enter into my minde in the hearing of thy Word to make it vnsauourie or bitter vnto my soule but let it be this day and euer more sweet vnto my soule then honey vnto my lips O Lord let it be in some measure my meate and drinke to doe thy will and graunt that I may this day learne so much thereof that I may become wiser then my Teachers or those that regard not to keepe thy law graunt all these my requests most louing Lord both to mee and all thine this day and for euermore Amen Amen A Prayer for godly zeale O Lord knowing that zeale doth sauour our knowledge sweeten our vnderstanding confirme our faith and make acceptable all our sacrifices and seruices vnto thee and being a most excellent and perfect gift that commeth from thee the Father of gifts and how all thy seruants Moses Iosuah
beare children that my husband may be wise graue and sober and one that knoweth how to gouerne and rule his houshold children and seruants in faith and good conscience O Lord let him be one that is stedfast in the faith of Christ following righteousnesse loue faith patience and meekenesse and one delighted in good workes and hospitality courteous vnto all men O Lord make him a louer of good men and make him iust holy and in all things temperate euer walking in grace abounding in the fruits of the Spirit O good God send mee such a yoke-fellow that knoweth how to loue me not onely by the guide of carnall affection as for beauty comelinesse of person money goods which thou hast giuen me or for that I haue good friends and kindred whereby he hopeth of this worlds preferment and ability for if all these faile for the which he onely loueth then will his pretended loue be gone and I shall be exposed to the necessity of this world and for want of meanes be tempted to dishonest courses but most sweet Father as thou hast promised to be a Father vnto the fatherlesse vnto the Widdowes and Orphanes So be a Father vnto mee thy silly Handmayd whose trust is alwayes in thee And send mee such an one as knoweth how to loue mee in thee and for conscience sake yea that will striue to loue me as Christ hath doeth and euer will doe his Church to loue me as his owne body This fie●h yea as himselfe And keepe mee that I may doe nothing to hinder this his loue or to make him bitter vnto mee but that I may obay him ●care him and loue him in all things that are comely in the Lord and according as thou hast commanded mee in thy holy word and that for Christ Iesus sake to whom with thee and the holy Ghost bee giuen by mee all praise glory both now and for euermore Amen Amen The Prayer of a Woman with child that defireth safe deliuerance O Almighty God that after the floud didst command Noah and his posterity liuing in chast matrimony to replenish and fill the earth I thy poore and most weake seruant haue as thou didst ordaine by the will of my parents embraced the holy and honourable estate of married life and now by thy blessing am made a mother of the liuing through that hopefull ●ruit which after much sorrow and paine in breeding thou hast caused to spring in my wombe by which I am assured it is a liuing soule for which worke of thine I giue thee most hearty thanks still beseeching thee that as thou hast begun this good worke in mee that thou wilt goe on and finish it vnto a perfect birth in all right shape and comelinesse not onely in the outward feature of the body but in the inward parts of the minde that it may growe on vnto such a perfect man as may occasion honour and praise vnto thy great name so long as it shall please thee to giue it life and being And seeing O Lord thou hast for our first sinne in Paradise so wofully afflicted vs with many sorrowes in conception and with farre greater in bringing forth of our posterity in this life I beseech thee for Christ his sake to pardon my sinnes and to asswage those violent and raging paines that they neither deface deforme destroy mee nor yet that which is in my wombe O Lord let the power of the most high euen thy holy Spirit enter into me to strengthen and to vphold me that I faint not in my paines nor in my faith but that if I dye in this my child-bearing yet thy goodnesse supporting me in faith charity and sobriety I may as thou hast promised bee assured of my saluation O Lord if thou please to spare the tree and take the fruit which I beleeue by faith in Christ that thou hast made holy yet I will giue thee thankes because by reason of my sinnes thou mightest most iustly curse mee and my fruit as thou didst the figge tree to perpetual death But most high heauenly Father I thanke thee that thou hast made thy promise so stable that not onely we of ripe yeares that doe beleeue but euen our children as they are our seede are included in the couenant of grace that if they dye yet being borne of holy parents who are ingraffed through faith into the body of Christ they are saued not onely as being a part of vs in Christ but as true and reall members of Christ vnto whō through faith into which they are baptized with vs made one with Christ that with his comming they may bee raised at the last day Yet O Lord notwithstanding this assurance I entreate thee to graunt me ioy and comfort of them that trayning them vp in their youth in thy feare they may bee as a staffe in olde age in this life to comfort me an● their Father as the children of Noah and Iacob did yea Lord if it be thy will I desire to liue to bee a fruitfull vine on thy house side thy Church to breede to beare and bring forth children to multiply and accomplish thy glorious Kingdome visible and inuisible in earth and in heauen for euermore O Lord hauing taken away from mee the reproach of a barren wombe so much lamented by holy women graunt that after my dissolution my children may continue like oliue plants and flourish a seede mighty on earth not as the Giants in the olde world strong in sinne but valiant and bold in the profession and confession and practise of righteousnesse and good conuersation yea let them be a generation of vpright men and women and such as may remaine an heritage of the Lord as Isaac to Rebecka a blessed fruit of my wombe O Lord thou art my God heare the voyce of thine handmayd in thee is my trust heare my supplications and let not my soule faile of these her desires and that for Iesus Christes sake which was borne of the virgine Mary for my saluation Amen Amen LACHRIM 8. The penitent acknowledgeth mans vildnesse and Gods mercies by faith and example of Gods prouidence relieth on his goodnes O Lord thy name 's most excellent in all the world thy glory is spread Through heauens and the firmament and by all creatures vttered In vniuersall harmonie extoll'd in heauen and in earth Exprest in song and melodie with all alacritie and mirth What thou bestowest what man can number vpon vs slaues and sonnes of men Who by our sinnes are put asunder from thy deare loue by acts vncleane Forgetfull and so capeable of sinne as powder is of fire In all our workes and words vnstable and know not what we should desire Aboue all creatures we forget thy grace are proue to disobay And if thy mercy did not let all Adams broode thou shouldst destroy And I for my part me confesse guilty of all sinnes and all euills And that I haue deseru'd no lesse then to be damn'd
Father and doest me foster What words or works can daunt my heart I am in thee become a boaster These men thy might and power disable or else thy loue to man diminish Or else they thinke thou art vnstable and doest begin and wilt not finish Or that the poore wilt not support nor helpe the needie in distresse But as thou knowest what they report so make them feele their wickednesse But I doe know thou failest neuer them that in thee their trust repose If they be constant and perseuer all things are for the best to those Thou art indeede a iealous God and first thy children thou doest monish Thou bear'st with loue and beat'st with rod if they mend not wilt further punish Yet call'st thy chosen children backe by gentle stroakes from running ryot And sufferest them to suffer lacke and doest prescribe to them their diet We may condignely then deride the iudgement of such foolish men That vnto thee Lord will prescribe the measure what and the time when Such fleshly men by wealth and woe censure thy loue or thy displeasure As Natures friend or Graces foe by humane reason all things measure They thinke thou lou'st whom thou feed'st fat with plenty pleasures worldly riches And that all others thou doest hate these world flesh and deuill bewitches And great is this temptation vnlesse our natures thou assist Infeebled with affliction whose helpe doth rest in Iesus Christ. When thou therefore do'st me correct with one hold hold me with the other Let fasth in thee make thee accept me for thy Sonne by Christ my brother Lay not vpon me greater loade then I poore wretch can well endure If I doe sinke stay my aboade and if I fall then keepe me sure Thou know'st Lord whereof I am made I am a silly simple man A worme a flea a puffe a shade that no good doe nor no good can Try by the Crosse true to the Crowne that we may proue by want and losses But to dispaire pull me not downe but vnto comforts turne my crosses I am not able to beare thy yoake vnlesse Christ thy Sonne doe with me draw I am not able to fend thy stroke vnlesse he O Lord doth ward the blow Lord with thy mercies compasse me protection draw out of despaire O let me thy saluation see and all things fit obtaine by Prayer Thou shewest mercy to the meeke that trust in thee in all mens sight There children shall finde what they seeke thou shalt to Sunne-shine turne their night A place whence worldlings are excluded and all the hellish rable out Though here on earth they haue intruded to roote Gods faithfull children out And such as haue with hate pursu'd and trusted in the arme of flesh And haue their hands in bloud imbru'd shall say in iudgement they were rash God's on my side who can ouerthrowe me Christ pleades my cause can God refuse me As iust in Christ the Lord doth know me he doth acquite who can accuse me We thought that this mans life was madnesse then shall the wicked worldlings say But see his words are turn'd to gladnesse whom we haue deem'd a cast-away His hand hath wrought what he would haue yea I my selfe shall say I err'd That thought thou wouldest me not saue because my ioyes were then deferr'd I thought my cries thou would'st not heare when I thee sought thy selfe did'st hide When I complain'd thou cam'st not neere as though thou could'st me not abide But now I knowledge and confesse thy wisedome great in humbling me Thy loue sustain'd me in distresse thy prouidence releeuing me This pass'd all iudgement and conceit of learnedst grauest wisest men Therefore deere Father I will waite take thine owne time how where and when I will not with thy will indent nor thee direct the manner how Thou should'st me helpe 't is mine intent vnto thy will to bend and bowe Hereafter I will hold my peace though men shall say yet still of me And though their tongues will neuer cease there is for me no helpe from thee 〈◊〉 Prayer for a Merchant that God would blesse his Sea aduentures O Almighty God the Creator of heauen and earth and that ●ath made the round world and 〈◊〉 that is therein that stretcheth ●t the North ouer the empty ●aces and hangeth the earth vp● nothing that hath set the Sea ●s bounds vntill night and day ●me to an end that diuideth ●e Sea and bindeth the floods ●om ouerflowing that looketh 〈◊〉 the ends of the earth and seeth ●e whole fabrick of heauen and ●e earth and all things therein ●t maketh the waight for the windes and knoweth the measures of the waters that hath since the dayes of Noah shut vp the Sea with barres and dores saying hitherto shalt thou come and no further and heere shall thy proud waues be stayed yet fo● the families of Jacob at their departure from Egypt and Pharaoh Court thou didst once againe interrupt the boundes of the Seas and made them to stand on heaps that Israel might escape from their cruell and bloody pursuer● The waters saw thee O God th● waters saw thee were afraid a● the presence of the Lord God A● mighty vnto thee most might Jehouah doe I come beseechin● thee to prosper my aduentures a● the Sea thou art the same Lor● that didst prosper the ancient a● uentures that thy seruant Salomo made to Opher in the land of Hau● lah toward the East O Lord beseech thee that when the wi● shall arise the Seas roare t● flouds raise them vp into heauen and cast them downe againe into the bottome of the deepe threatning nothing but death and destruction keepe them that they perish not in the proud waues thereof by falling into sands nor by running against the hard rock Keepe them safe in their persons ●nd goods as thou didst Salomons Marriners and the rich treasures 〈◊〉 their vessels O Lord let no ●obbers nor Pirates at Sea attach ●heir persons or goods but pro●ect them safe out of their hands ●hat I and they being made well 〈◊〉 liue may returne thankes and ●●sse thee all our dayes both pri●ately and publiquely in thy holy ●ongregation for they that goe ●to the deepe see the wonders 〈◊〉 the Lord thereby are taught ●w to praise thee Sweet Sauiour as thy Disci●s with thee in the Shippe in ●eir extreamities called vpon ●ee to helpe them that they might not perish So O Lord I● cail vpō thee beseeching thee to heare me for them and them for themselues and say vnto the Seas peace and be still for they are at thy command to obay thee and therefore subiect at thy rebuke to be still O Lord as thou didst reach forth thy hand vnto thy Disciples and to Peter at midnight when they were in distresse in the raging waues and by calling vnto thee were comforted So O Lord put into their hearts such a reuerend feare of thee that in any danger or extreamity by sea or land they may call vpon
thee and be comforted O Lord though they bee compassed about with death on euery side yet there is assured safety in thee wherefore keepe firm● their tacklings that they deceiu● them not in the raging windes nor mountaine billowes that bea● against their sides that their Ship in which they are be not broken O Lord if thou force them to cast out their goods for safety yet will it not auaile vnlesse therewith they cast forth by vnfained repentance their loades of sinnes through which bodies and goods are made to sinke And let them be in safety as the Marriners that were trauailing from Ioppa to Tarsus when they had cast forth rebellious Ionas O Lord of hoasts and God of heauen send thy Angels with them to guide them forth and conduct them safe in their return be with them in their greatest necessities as thou wast with thine Apostle S. Paul in his dangerous voyage to Rome This temporall blessing and all others that are needfull and that thou knowest better to giue then I to aske though a chiefe of sinners and therefore most vnworthy yet I begge aske it if it be thy good pleasure for thy Sonne Iesus sake my only Lord and Sauiour Amen A Prayer for the fruits of the earth and other nourishments of this mortall life O Eternall God which feedest with thy blessing euery liuing thing and satisfiest the desires of thy seruants with thy bountifull goodnesse wee wretched sinners vnworthy of the least of thy blessings and benefits doe most humbly beseech thee to be pleased to blesse all the fruits of the earth that wee and all thy seruants may be partakers of thy comforts therein for the nourishment of this life Giue vs O Lord this day our daily bread prepare our ground and prosper our corne Blesse the seede time with the first and latter raine and meete temperature of ayre Keepe our fruits while they bee in the earth from haile and thunder from excessiue droughts and immoderate raines from mildewes and all noysome wormes Send vs a ioyfull Haruest and giue a blessing to that which wee shall reape that for our vnthankfulnes it waste not away without our reliefe Increase our cattell with all other our prouision which we shall carefully labour for Replenish our basket and blesse our store that wee may haue wherewith as to furnish our selues so to giue some reliefe vnto others Protect our seruants and workefolkes that they may be strong to labour wise to forecast and faithfull in their businesse Keepe our Garners Barnes and Store-houses from fire and boysterous windes Theeues and suddaine inundations Prosper our workes and trauels whether by sea or land and blesse and prosper all them that any way labour for any of those things that we shall haue occasion to vse Send remedy O Lord for all hardnesse and misery turne our dearth into cheapenesse and our scarcity into plenty Open the hearts of rich men to whom thou hast giuen much that they may haue a charitable respect of the poore at all times Helpe vs O Lord and giue vs such things as we stand in neede of and make vs to desire such things onely as may bee pleasing vnto thee to search them wisely and to finde them easily Oppresse vs not with too much pouerty neither puffe vs vp with too much plenty but giue vs a competent store of things necessary for this life and grace to vse them soberly to thy glory and our comfort through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A thanksgiuing for our Benefactours O Lord which hast said that hee that giueth vnto the poore lendeth vnto the Lord and looke what he layeth out it shall be payd him againe wee beseech thee to be gracious and mercifull to all those for whom wee are bound to pray by nature by desert or any other duty whatsoeuer Of thy especiall fauour remember all our Benefactours and friends aliue euen all those our Parents kinsfolkes and others which haue brought vs vp taught promoted or any way relieued vs. Blesse them with all blessings that haue done good either to our bodies with temporall benefits or our soules with profitable instructions Bless their estates that in their godly dispositions they may haue alwayes wherewith to relieue and comfort others in their discretion giue them the consolation of the holy Ghost to the keeping of faith and a good conscience And as they haue shewed mercy vnto vs and comforted vs so Lord helpe and comfort them in their greatest needes that both they and their families may both haue comfort in their estate and condition heere and finde mercy with thy Sonne our Sauiour Iesus at the latter day Lord let all their almes-deedes and prayers be alwayes in thy sight as those of Cornelius that as they haue been vnto vs an odour that smelleth sweet whereby we haue receiued plenty and beene filled so they may bee as sacrifices acceptable and pleasant vnto thee Vouchsafe vs this grace O Lord that wee be not guilty of any ingratitude towards them but rather ready according to our abilities to recompence them if neede require Let not that which they haue bestowed vpon vs bee cast away but make it fruitfull vs worthy of it Graunt this O thou God which doest good both to the just and vniust for Iesus Christs sake our only Lord Sauiour Amen LACHRIM 5. Wherein the distressed sheweth his desire to hold more fast the promises of God O Lord thou art my hope and strength thou help'st in trouble doe not hide Thy selfe for euer but at length for men distrest doe thou prouide For I by thee will hold most fast I le trust in thee while I doe liue And till those stormes be ouer-past I le neither faint nor feare nor grieue Tremble thou earth rage sea and land winde tempest stormes and all about I see thee Lord hold out thy hand for my defence I le neuer doubt What though hills quake staggering stumble and fall into the midst of seas Though waters roare rage and tumble thou canst this change and all appease Should I then faint at troubles small which like small darts thou throw'st at me In loue but not to kill at all but make me leaue my vanity Forsake my follies euery deale reclayming errors to the truth T is thou didst hurt and thou canst heale thou hast preseru'd me from mine youth I must confesse I merited the death of death with paines of hell And to be disinherited of heauens high where iust doe dwell But Lord doe mittigate thine anger and turne thy heauie wrath to loue Deliuer me from all this danger let thy compassion mercy moue And with true comforts Christ all fountaine my dry and thirsty soule refresh And powre on me from holy mountaine sweet dewes to glad my soule and flesh Thy darts in me O Lord sticke fast O pull them out cast them away And cure my wounds to helpe make hast binde vp my sores soules sorrowes stay Cleanse the corrupt affections of
grace especially vnto thee a most vile wretched sinner and chiefe of sinners doe I prostrate my selfe and confesse that my heart is so hardned in euill custome of sinne that when it commeth vpon me by the motion of thy spirit to desire to doe good I finde no meanes in my selfe to doe any thing that is good neither for the vertue it selfe nor as it is thy commandement so that thou mightest most worthily cast mee off as thou didst that vnmercifull seruant into bonds of death and imprisonment of hell for euermore But O Lord it is thy property alwayes to haue mercy Wherefore I beseech thee to bestowe this gift of loue on me that through thy acceptation it may couer in mee the multitude of my sinnes for vnto whom thou forgiuest much much is returned to thee againe wherefore O Lord let this gift of loue bee mighty and strong in me that I may loue thee againe as thou hast loued me and expresse my loue by being ready to forgiue all wrongs and offences of my brother and neighbour and not vnto seauen times but vnto seauenty times seauen O let mee loue thee and my neighbour out of a sincere faith and loue vnfained and at all times as thou hast forgiuen mee my debts offences and trespasses So O Lord make me ioyfull and willing to forgiue as I desire of thee to be forgiuen And seeing it is the end of thy Commandements and the fulfilling of the law O heauenly Father let this gift of loue through the operation of thy spirit bee neuer wanting or absent in this life nor in the life to come O Lord graunt that this marke of Adoption and stampe of Regeneration may encrease in mee not onely to my friends in affinity and consanguinity and acquaintance but vnto all men in generall as my owne flesh and thy image by which bonds thou hast commanded mee to doe good vnto all of all sorts that shall stand in neede of my helpe saying Be you mercifull as your heauenly Father is mercifull who doeth good vnto all in outward things of this world causing his raine to raine and his Sunne to shine vpon the vniust as vpon the iust And in the endeauour of doing this generall good O Lord let mee not forget to doe most good vnto the Saints and dye in loue to all men in thee and for thee and that through the loue of thee and my onely Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ and the holy Ghost for euermore Amen Amen LACHRIM 9. The poore and distressed soule being loaden with the burthen of his sinnes ●eruently prayeth vnto God for his remission thereof O Lord come pittie my distresse see how I sigh and groane With teares and floods of heauinesse my heart is ouerthrowne No hope I finde no helpe I feele no cure nor salue I see None can my sinnes corruptions heale sweet Iesus comfort me My wounding sorrowes neuer cease my griefes growe more and more What I should kill doth still encrease Lord saue my soule therefore I liuing dye yet dying liue in life yet daily dye I sigh and groane yet cannot grieue sinne makes this mysterie Lord let me liue yet hourely dye in loue yet daily hate Let me embrace yet still defie let peace breede all debate O let me liue yet neuer liue aliue yet euer dead O let me grieue yet neuer grieue fed with thy liuing bread Let passions passe let groanes be gone let m●anes be turn'd to mirth I liue and dye to Christ alone Let sorrowes sinke to earth An exhortation to praise God and to acknowledge our Thanksgiuing to him without ceasing VVE praise thee God we acknowledge thee our onely Lord and Christ to be The earth and world doe worship thee eternall Father heauenly King To whom aloud bright Angels sing the Thrones and powers thee magnifie The Cherubins and Seraphin to crie to thee doe neuer linne Holy holy most holy Lord of Sabbath God of maiestie Heau'ns full of thy glory all Nations laude thy name and word The glorious ' postles companie the goodly Prophets vnitie The holy Martyrs noble Armie the holy Church the world throughout Doth spread the Gospell all about the Father of true pietie Thy sacred true and onely Sonne the holy Ghost vs comfort wonne Thou art of glory King O Christ thou art the euerlasting Sonne Of God whose blessed will was done by thee all people to deliuer Thou didst not the 〈◊〉 the virgins wombe abhorre nor loath that sacred To●…be Till thou wast borne from God sent hether when thou th● serpents head hadst broken The Heauens Kingdomes gate set open for true beleeuers to come thither Thou si●s● on Gods right holy hand thy Fathers will doest vnderstand Whence thou shalt come our Iudge to be we therefore thy poore seruants pray Thy succour helpe and ayde that day whose pretious blood redeem'd vs free Let them with Saints be numbered in endlesse glory comforted Thy people Lord keepe saue and stay blesse saue thine owne inheritage Lift vp their hearts from age to age we magnifie thee day by day We worship thee world without end This day from sinne Lord vs defend Haue mercy mercy on vs Lord. Lord let thy mercy on vs light Our trust is on thee day and night We trust in thee with one accord O Lord I put my trust in thee Let neuer me confounded be All glory to the Trinity to God the Father and the Sonne And holy Ghost all praise be done for euer and euer eternally FINIS Psal. 51. Math. 26 1. Cor. 14. Math. 5. Acts 10. Iona. 3. 1. Thess. 5 Actes 10. Daniel 6.
small but my heart may affright terrific and amaze m● as it did Dauid when he cut off the lap of Saule● garment And when I haue sinned let thy louing countenance shine vpon me as it did vpon Peter when hee had denied thee that I may poure forth a fountaine of teares And in bed if I happen to awake at midnight giue mee thy holy Spirit that with sobs sighes and groanes in the secret closet of my heart I may cast vp loude cryes vnto thee not onely for my sinnes past in the darke night of my childhood and youth while I knew not thee but euen now since I came to some groath and manhood in Christ I haue broken all thy Commandements thy Lawes thy Statutes thine Ordinances not in ignorance but in knowledge for which I haue neede againe to pray vnto thee Wherefore Lord forgiue mee forgiue mee for thy Christ his sake O my Loue my Doue the blessed and powerfull Sauiour of my soule thou knowest that I haue sought after thee euer since I knew thee by night in my bedde haue I sought thee whom my soule loueth O my Sauiour since thou hast first drawne mee with the cordes of thy loue let the strength thereof hold mee so fast that I may for euer abide constant in the like loue to thee againe Thou hast promised that him thou once louedst that thou wilt loue him vnto the end Good God in thy loue keepe mee this night in soule and body and not onely mee in mine owne person but all that belong vnto mee for the loue of thy onely Sonne Iesus to whom with the Father and the holy Ghost be all honour and glory by mee and all thine this night for euermore world without end Amen Amen An Inuocation to God humbly praying for remission of sinnes VVEll-spring of bounty God of feare beginning that mak'st all begin With what oblation to appeare t' appease thy wrath that 's due for sin I know the blood of bulls and beast or sweetest Incense that doth rise From earth of old they were the least and are not now of any prise O how should I be reconcil'd againe vnto thy louing fauour How long Lord shall I be exil'd from my sweete Lord and onely Sauiour How long oh haue I call'd to thee to thee in name of thy deare Sonne Yet what I ask'd thou gau'st not mee and what I would is left vndone I long haue knocked at thy dore of mercy but no ●n rance finde Sorrowes and troubles more and more increase and vexe my soule and minde I daily waite most wofull motall before thy seate of clement grace But may not peepe within thy portall nor see thy glorious beauteous face I sighe I mourne my teares are seas I sinke vnder the burdenous load Of sinne and shame and finde no ease prouoke me forward with thy word My selfe chastising I desire to quench thy wrath with floods of teares Yet still encrease thy fearefull fire and so eucrease my daily feares By prayers thee to presse who dares except by thy Sonnes mediation To seeke thy glory 's all our cares and the end of earthly mens creation What course should I then poore wretch take to doe or aske that 's good and iust But vnto thee my prayers make and onely in thy Sonne put trust If that my sinnes shall thee offend then all thy creatures rage and storme And all conspire by thy command to punish me poore silly worme Where shall I be or whether flie from sight of thine all-seeing eyne As Noahs Doue on earth am I and cannot looke against thy shine But if thou show thy louing face all creatures on my seruice tend Men beasts and Angels doe me grace to helpe me all their powers doe bend What should I then say giue or doe what paine can gaine thy fauour lost Riuers of oyle or ought thereto they are thine owne and of thy cost Accept yet Lord the sacrifice of heart and calues of lippes vnfain'd This is that offering thou didst deuise to haue thy grace to be obtaind The free-will offerings of my zeale in sense of sighing still ascending They to thy mercies seate appeale and would make peace for mine offending Although mine heart and tongue doe falter Yet through my Sauiours blest mediati● Receiue this offering on thine alter with all my best imagination Heare me in him in him relieue me for without him no helpe can bee None can my soules or hearts ease giue me nor can I inward comforts see Till I know that thy wrath 's appeas'd and haue thy Charter for my pardon Then shall I finde my heart so eas'd that I desire no further guērdon And now I most vnhappy man that did offend my God so kind By grace in him in all I can I le seeke with heart with soule and mind To honour serue obey and please him that is my gracious maker Whom I beseech to grant me peace and make me of his ioyes partaker An Euening prayer to be said with a whole Family O Most blessed Sauiour b● whose merits alone the● is graunted vnto vs this prese● libertie to approach vnto the F● ther and in thy name after th● end of our labours this day accomplished by which through thy goodnesse wee haue profited our selues and furthered the continuāce of humane society which by no meanes could continue if wee did not seriously apply our selues in the workes of our vocation in which thou hast ordained that euery man should liue not onely to his present necessity but vnto the furthering of the welfare of our children and alliance which accordingly wee haue this day done so farre foorth as the approaching ●ight would suffer and as our fraile bodies soone spent and tired with the cares and labours of this world would giue vs leaue And seeing thou hast ordained the night for man by sleepe to refresh himselfe Lord we intreate thee to giue vnto our bodies such rest and sleepe this night that the day following wee may be raised strong in minde and body to goe on in our seuerall labours honest businesse and employments in moderation wisedome and discretion as may bee most to thy glory and to the honour of thy great name O Lord wee beseech thee let not our sinnes of which wee bee many wayes guilty cause thee to remooue away our sleepe from vs nor frustrate this dayes endeauours let no blasting or mildewe or any the euill that walketh in the darkenesse hurt the fruite of our labours Let no sons of Belial when we are in our fast sleepe come in vpon vs to spoyle without nor steale within that which thou through our honest endeauours or the gift of our parents hast blessed vs withall for as the beastes of the forre●… which are of sauage nature hunt after the prey so wicked me● that aske not their bread of thee doe in the night by violent hands robbe and spoyle thy people O Lord we know not but that for the wickednesse of our hearts
c. A godly Meditation wherein the distressed sheweth his vnfained griefe and sorrow for hauing offended so powerfull a God and so-mercifull and gracious a Father ALas that I offended euer this God of gods this Lord of powers That can in peeces all men shiuer and ouerturne the stateliest towers Ah woe is me that I offended and iustly God stirr'd vp to ire Who by his Law hath sinne condemned vnto the pit of endlesse fire I daily see Gods creatures all iustly for sinne displeas'd with me Mens hearts are hardned and with gall feede me that haue offended thee My God thy blessings all on earth tho duoest with-hold and from me keepe Alas my soule sustaines a dearth of grace vnto thy grace I creepe But what to doe or what to say I know not Lord but I know this My griefes encrease more day by day my mirth is moane bane is my blisse One euill doth another call like waues on waues in raging seas My weary burthen makes me fall I finde no comfort helpe nor ease I hope of helpe but that hope quailes in crosses are my comforts ended I flie to Faith but then Faith failes when I neede most to be defended As if I were the onely man prepos'd by thine intendement Whom heauen ond earth must curse and ban as subiect of all punishment Thy iustice damnes me I appeale to mercy then appeal'd I feare To be reiected thus cold zeale and secret sinnes with griefe I beare Shall I thinke it a fruitlesse taske vnto my God for to repaire That sinners cals and bids them aske and they shall haue all things by prayer Can it be bootelesse downe to fall before his throne of Maiestie And with repentant tongue to call for pardon for mine iniquitie May not vnfaigned cries at last preuaile with him that 's pittifull To pardon mine offences past reuiue my soule which now is dull I le frame my heart to meditate my tongue to vtter what may please Him whom best knoweth my estate and seeke his wrath for to appease To him I le goe in Christ his name in whom I know he is well pleas'd And will confesse my sinne with shame and so mine heart shall sure be eas'd For Christs sake looke on me againe he is God all-sufficient He doth behold and see my paine my inward faithfull hearts intent He knoweth what I goe about all I thinke speake or doe amisse He writes or notes without all doubt in his remembrance booke it is I know he will in worth accept what iustly I intend to be And cannot it performe except he put his helping hand thereto He knoweth that I am but flesh and what is flesh but fraile and ill And what is man a lumpe of trash whom vaine desires doe fully fill And will this God Iehouah high so strong and powerfull set his might Against a worme so weake as I a silly man a shade of night What conquest can there be in God to worke reuenge on me poore soule Who still corrects me with his rod whose Iustice doth my sinnes controle Shall I dispute with thee nay rather poore wretch I should fall prostrate downe And humbly kneele vnto my Father and pray with teares when he doth frowne If he afflict more be it so if further plague me le't be so If he will kill with paines and woe doe what he will let it be so For I am his doe what he will with me and all that mine can bee It is his owne and must be still there 's no disputing Lord with thee There is no Art or Eloquence can quench thy coales of burning ire It is not words can make defence nor friends can saue me from the fire Nor take me from thy powerfull hands so full of might force strength and power Or breake in sunder thy strong bands nor ease one minute of an houre I le yeeld me therefore to his will Lord doe what thy good pleasure is Turne me as may thy minde fulfill I le waite the time of happy blisse I le waite thy pleasure time will come wherein I may the issue see Of my afflictions all and some and what thy purpose is with me The meane time I will with thy word consult and vse my exercise And comfort take through hope ô Lord refresh dull spirits and cleare dimme eyes With dewe of thy sweete promises laying aside all fleshly aide I onely rest on thy mercies in holy word as thou hast saide And in true faith will I remaine and seeke thee being the true way Wherein who walkes at length shall gaine true blisse and happinesse for aye Who this embraceth shall not erre wherein who liues shall neuer dye But weare a crowne past reason farre and liue with God eternally An Euening Meditation O Most deare Lord Iesus to whose euerlasting goodnes wee are daily engaged for all the good things we haue which hast granted the cheerefull light of the day vnto all men both good and bad to follow their affaires and seuerall employments in and mercifully giuest the sweete stilnesse of the night to refresh their wearred bodies and to put away the cares of their mindes and to asswage their sorrowes wee ●…seech thee that those things 〈…〉 haue done amisse this day 〈…〉 our common imbecillit 〈…〉 gence ignorance or ●…g 〈…〉 rash and vnaduised presumpti●… 〈…〉 wherein we haue offended 〈…〉 cred eyes they may be pa●… and forgiuen for thy 〈…〉 goodnesse sake and according 〈…〉 the innumerable multitude 〈…〉 mercies And grant herewithall that this night may be blessed and prosperous vnto vs safe by thy protection ouer vs and free from the dangerous illusions of wicked spirits so as this refreshment by quiet rest and sleepe may make both our bodies and mindes more cheerefull to morow and we the more enabled to doe thee seruice and faithfully to follow those employments thou hast appointed for vs blesse vs ô Lord and water vs with the dew of thy blessings and let the drops of thy Sonnes blood shed for our sinnes and yet crying for mercy distill into my heart by a liuely Faith for the comfort of our soules and the amendment of our sinfull liues wee beseech thee ô Lord take from vs all manner of darkenesse misbeleefe infidelitie carnall lustes and affections and so strengthen vs with thy grace that the Barke of our weake Faith sinke not through the stormes of Sathans temptations nor our hopes be ouer whelmed through the weight of our vnworthinesse n●r any of thy good graces in vs extinguished or blemished by the waues of a wicked conuersation Enter thy Iudgements into the tables of our hearts that wee may bee content to spare of our ordinanary sleepe to muse of all thy Cōmand●ments and that wee may bee more earnest vpon the meditation of thy sacred word then the Kings of the Nations haue beene to turne ouer their Records in the night season Be mindfull of vs when wel appen to forget our selues and think vpon vs ô Lord sleeping
healed His was a death cause death was due in him di'd all he died for all Gods Iustice vs to death doth sue he pay'd it and repair'd the fall That we might sleepe he suffered paines that we might laugh he oft did weepe His was the losse ours was the gaines thus did he change death to a sleepe To Christ did Stephen yeeld vp his spirit for he 's the way the truth the life He purchast life by death and merit the husband's he the Church his wife He is that Noah his Church the Doue that holds his hand for to receiue vs He bids vs come to embrace his Loue we flye to him when all deceiues vs. The heauens the earth the Lord commands to him all creatures runne but wee None can vs take out of his hands in life and death to him we flee Pillar of faith Basis of blisse of true Religion true supporter The point of Resurrection is in death it is the chiefe Comforter If this doe fall all faith may faile what Article doth vs refresh When life and health and strength doth quaile the Resurrection of the flesh Our bones shall blossome as the grasse we shall be raised out of dust The body that before time was by Christ his power arise it must The first fruits Christ the head is rais'd the members shall the same likewise The Lord God for the same be prais'd we know that we shall also rise If he ad aboue the water be how can the body then be drowned We shall arise and Iesus see and with him shall be Kingly crowned Of life and death the true directour who in his life and in his dying Of our misdoing is Correctour and into all our actions prying Christ is afflicted for our sake left vs example that we should Follow his steps and his way take thy crosse to beare with courage bold Our Sauiour Iesus teacheth thee how can that be say'st thou behold Example if thou punish'd be with sicknesse hunger thirst and cold With thy selfe reckon and account how it cannot compared be With his thornes his nayles surmount the greatest paine that paineth thee Art thou restrain'd of thy desire and lusts that draw thou know'st not whither Thinke on Christs Crosse his wrath and ire and put his tortures all together If pride puffe vp thy minde with motions looke on Christ nayl'd on the Crosse And thinke as bound by due deuotions of our great gaine by his great losse If thou in filthy lust doest burne or any other ill desire Thinke but how Christ his flesh was torne to saue thy soule from flames of fire With stripes thrust through and all to broken his drinke was Eysell mixt with gall With his last gaspe the earth was shaken who suffered for the sinnes of all If enuie hate reuenge thee grieue thinke with thy selfe how Christ did pray O Father doe them all forgiue for them that tooke his life away God vs commanded to forgiue and sayeth then we shall be forgiuen Without offence no man can liue and God his ballance hangeth euen He ●hat doth not forgiue his brother will then the Lord his faults remit No as he de●…h with another another shall repay 't is sit And when you kneele to God and pray forgiue if you haue any thing Gainst any liuing man that day that Christ may you remission bring And when thy gift thou do'st present and on the Altar sacrifice First with thy brother make consent and him forgiue in any wise When thou to Christ wast enemie and strengthened in great extreames Yet then did he giue remedie and o're thee spread his mercy beames He gaue to thee his holy spirit to guide and leade thy soule aright And gaue thee heauen there to inherit all ioyes and blisse aye in his sight When thou from him was gone astray be sought thee out and did thee finde And finding thee brought thee away vnto his fold he thee resignde Thanke God therefore and render praise exalt and laude his holy name Vnto the heauens sing alwayes All men on earth doe yee the same Henceforth my soule walke in his path and erre not from him any more Lest thou prouoke his heauy wrath and then art worse then wert before Let not Gods gifts be giuen thee to worke thy condemnation With feare and trembling walke sincere confirming thy Saluation Shunne thou all wicked Company with doers ill associate not Lest thou from faith should'st fall and 〈◊〉 and soule and body soile and spot But blesse his name who called thee vnto the state of righteousnesse And thy sinnes vengeance tane hath he to giue thee heauens happinesse Blesse thou his blessed Holinesse his praise let heart and minde record And let thy tongue and voyce confesse the gracious goodnesse of the Lord Prostrate thy selfe downe at his feete offer thy seruice with free heart O yeeld God all for 't is most meete since he made sau'd and blest each part Who spared not his onely Sonne but let him dye thy soule to saue To pay and ransome thy faults done and to redeeme thee from the graue So in the Prayer of our Lord we doe forgiue what 's done against vs As God forgiuenesse shall afford our Sauiour Christ doth teach vs thus A Prayer to beare patiently the Crosse of Christ or any affliction And if God so please to call vs to that triall euen to reioyce in Martyrdome O Almighty God most mercifull and louing Father that hast decrced that through manifold tribulations and afflictions in this world we that trust in thee must enter into the Kingdome of heauen And those that will follow thee my Sauiour and be thy Disciples must take vpon them by the constraint of the world as Simon of Cyrene to beare thy Crosse and to follow thee and those that liue godly in thy Son must suffer reproach and affliction And that there is neuer a Son whom thou louest but must like Peter drinke of thy Cup and endure chastening And in so doing thou offerest thy selfe an assured louing Father and assurest vs that wee are thy sonnes because it is giuen vs not onely to beleeue in thee but also that wee should suffer for his names sake O Lord I am willing not onely to liue with thee but also to dye with thee My Spirit is willing though my flesh bee weake Wherefore if it bee possible let this bitter Cup passe from me or if thou please and hast appointed that I by death should glorifie thee and with my blood seale and confirme thy truth sweet Iesus giue mee strength comfort and patience blessed be thy name and thy most holy will be done O Lord manifest thy power in my weakenesse and strengthen me that I may by the same power whereby thou raisest thy selfe from death to life patiently beare and willingly suffer that for thy name sake which otherwise for flesh and blood seemeth fearefull to be endured O Lord when I consider the hazards that wee runne through for the obtaining of
these present profits and delights of this life and with what vnwearied paines wee prosecute the winning of this worlds vanities that in the end are nothing worth but to pamper the body and make it vpon euery slight occasion most willing to deny thee O Lord when I consider the pleasure of this world and the abundance of content I haue in this life wanting nothing for my bodie Oh what a Coward doth it make mee that with the young man that was most ready to follow thee yet when thou biddest him sell all his worldly riches and follow thee O simple man hee neuer came at thee more So me thinkes I feele Sathan to say vnto me What a foole art thou to leaue father or m●ther wife and children houses lands goo●s a certainty for an vncertainty to follow thee O Lord how am I tempted by the Papists the Enemies of the Gospell to think this way foolishnesse a Sect and heresie lately risen and seperated from the Church meaning themselues Oh how they doe tempt mee by the examples of my ●ore-fathers that for many gen●rations time out of minde haue liued and died in the Romish Religion and why should I thinke my selfe wiser then they O heauenly Father see and behold these subtill instruments of Sathan and keepe me that these crafty baytes of Sathan arising from the flesh and the world preuaile not ouer me that like Peter in the water or the young man I let goe my true faith not to beleeue in lyes and errours and so finally forsake thee who hath so dearely loued me and bought me But O God my Sauiour strengthen my faith that I be not moued to let goe my first loue with which I haue been so much comforted in thee O strengthen me that neither Sathan by himselfe nor by his Antichristian Instruments which hee ruleth at his pleasure preuaile against me either to doubt of my faith much lesse to denie thee my Lord and Sauiour but as thou for my sake didst not contemne nor despise the reproach of the wicked nor yet the cursed death of the Cross but for the ioy that was set before thee and which thou hadst with the Father before the world was endured the same and though thou wert reuiled yet thou reuilest not againe but with infinite patience committed thy cause to thy Father So O Lord graunt that by my faith in thy power I may bee no lesse assured of patience in the greatest torment that shall be inflicted vpon my body For I know that although they kill my body yet they cannot touch my soule but that it shall liue with thee for euer And in despight of their malice while they thinke to destroy my soule with death they shall extract my spirit into glorious life with God the Father and his Christ for euermore Sweet Sauiour as Sampson in his death triumphed most gloriously ouer his enemies so graunt to me that they seeing my patience and beholding my vnmoueable hope may be so ashamed and in their conscience so affrighted that they may like Saul at the death of Stephen be conuerted and after their change of minde magnifie as most pretious the death of thy Saints and by preaching the truth strengthen the brethren and stand fast in the Faith vnto the end O Lord strengthen mee that I may not faint vnder the crosse because thou hast appointed vs thereunto that in thy crosse wee should be more then conquerours and by his example whose steps we should onely follow account our selues most happy that thou wilt call vs and grace vs to lay downe our liues for his name sake as thou hast layd downe thy life for our sakes O God if the righteous scarcely be saued as it seemeth vnto the world through these bitter torments with which wee are to be scourged and made cleane vessels to serue thee in thy Kingdome where shall the wicked and sinners which regard not thy crosse appeare O Lord being confident of thy mercy in the merits of thy Sonne doe I submit my selfe in soule and body to doe seruice and sacrifice vnto thee as vnto a faithfull Creatour knowing that a crowne of glory remaineth for mee Father into thy hands doe I commend my spirit Lord Jesus after death receiue my soule as thou hast all those braue champions that were slaine with the sword that wandered about in Sheepe-skins and Goat-skins and thought it better to liue with beasts in woods and dennes to enioy thee then to liue among men Gentiles and Antichristians and denie thee being destitute afflicted and tormented wandering in Desarts mountaines and dens and holes of the earth to auoyde the beastly and cruell enemies of thy word O Lord as thou hast made thy wrath smoke against the Heathens the Assirians the Egyptians the Moabites the Ammonites that first trampled vnder foote the blood of thy Saints by labouring an vtter consuming of them So O Lord either graunt the conuersion or else let thine indignation appeare in these our dayes against the Turkes Heretikes Athiests and all Antichristian enemies that like Herod and Iulian obstinately persecute and scorne thy name And this though a most vnworthy Suppliant I beseech thee to graunt and that for the honour of thy great name in which thy true Church doth onely trust Amen Amen A thanksgiuing for Gods temporall and spirituall blessings O Most bountifull and kinde Creatour vnto thee in Christ Iesus doe I come and returne most humble and heartie thankes not onely for the generall goodnesse which thou hast extended vnto all mankinde but for that especiall part which thou hadst diuided vnto mee in more speciall manner O Lord I giue thee most humble thankes and praise for that portion of thy blessings set forth vnto mee to my present vse and comfort in this life as for thy daily preseruations of mee not onely in the wombe of my parents but for my safety in my birth that I was not mishapen in breeding nor in comming forth into this world and that after my birth in the time of my swadling bands infancie childhood and youth no mishap nor mishape befell me to the defacing of that perfect shape in which at first thou broughtest me forth O Lord how many children and youth haue beene maymed at nurse and through the carelesnesse of those vnto whom they haue beene committed vnto trust how many haue fallen into the fire and beene burned no● onely in some part but in th● whole body vnto death and by other chances whereof thi● world is full as drowned bruised broken in the body armes backe legges thighes feet in the eyes nose and face O Lord how innumerable ar● the perils and dangers of this life vnto which euery man is subiect and doth continually run throug● in euery state and degree of thi● present age and life and yet re ceiue no dammage O Lord fo● these deliuerances from dangers through which I haue passed an● receiued no hurt and for whic● I haue neuer giuen thee thanks 〈◊〉
saying that they would honour him But O Lord how much more cruelly did they behaue themselues towards thee calling thee a sinner and friend of Publicans and sinners and the Prince of the deuils and would haue throwne thee the Lord of life as Sathan did the Heard of Swine from the Rock into the Sea And at last when nothing tooke effect according to their malicious minds they came out against thee as against a malefactour with clubbs and staues and tooke thee and carried their expected Messiah before Herod and Pontius Pilate and brought false witnesse against thee and preferred a murtherer before thee and though indeede thou wert their King yet in mockage they put vpon thee a purple roabe and in thy hand a Scepter of reede on thy head a crowne of thornes then buffetted they thee and spet vpon thy face contemning both thy princely priestly and propheticall offices in which thou wast their perfect Sauiour Then disroabed they thee and carried thee without the gates of the Citie and after an ignominious manner with two theeues vnto Golgotha the place of common execution and nayled thee to a woodden Crosse in the middest of them And after they had wounded thee in sundry places yet againe in their malicious and cowardly fury they pierced thy side with a speare euen when thou sighedst groanedst prayedst vnto thy Father to forgiue them their sinnes and to accept thy sacrifice Yea all this while they mocked thee and bid thee come downe from the Crosse to saue thy life as thou sauest others and wrote a title ouer thy head vnto all Nations in contempt of thee and when in the pangues of thy passion thou didst thirst for their pardon then they ranne and flapped in thy mouth not to comfort thee but to prolong thy sorrowes an hysope spunge dipt in vinegar and after thy death to make them sport they cast lots for thy garments O sweet Sauiour being thus abused by thy once peculiar people thou hast most righteously according to their wish brought vpon them and their children the reward of thy innocent blood and done iustly in forsaking the house of thine honour and put it into the possession of the Gentiles to bee battered downe that there might not bee left one stone vpon another and to scatter them into perpetuall captiuity as at this day we doe behold But O heauenly Father thou hast made knowne vnto vs Gentiles that beleeue in thee according to thy Word that they did no more then what they hand and counsell had determined long before to be done And had they knowne that they had crucified thy Sonne the Lord of glory no doubt they would not haue done it for in ignorance as did their Fathers they haue done it wherfore O God for the respect thou bearest to Abraham Isaac and Iacob and for thy seruant Dauids sake as thou hast promised that a remnant should be saued euen as many as thou wilt call and the first fruits being holy the branches descending thereof should be holy haue respect vnto them that with the fulnesse of vs Gentiles they may come againe into the folde of Christ. O Lord our Sauiour open their eyes that they may beleeue the Scriptures and so come againe and be grafted into their owne Oliue stocke for thou O God art able to graffe them in againe for thy gifts and calling are without repentance Wherefore take from them their vnbeliefe that wee both Iewes Gentiles may be saued through thy mercy O sweet Sauiour haue mercy on them call them home againe that wee and they may make one sheepe-fold and like good sheep know thy voice and follow thee our louing Shepheard in the sincere obedience of thy Gospell Heauenly Father blesse thy Church vniuersall that it may stand fast in the obedience and faith of Christ giue thy Gospell a free passage in it among all people that yet know not thee O thou which art the Lord of the haruest send forth diligent and painefull labourers into thy haruest Blesse all the reformed Churches in these westerne parts but especially this church of England that it bee an ensample of sound doctrine and godly life vnto all other Churches And graunt that the Kings Nobles and Senators may remaine and succeede nursing Fathers in it for euermore O Lord let not the wilde Boares of the Forrest the Turke nor Antichrist supplant the faith established among vs nor roote vp the vine that thine own right hand hath planted but continue the light among vs which now liue or hereafter shall liue euen as long as the Sun or the Moone shall endure O God as thou hast promised for thy Elect sake finish these dayes of sinne and hasten thy comming vnto glory And as by all thy workes in generall so by vs men in speciall yea by me with the residue of thy holy Church be especially giuen both now and for euermore all honour and glory world without end Amen Amen A Prayer for the discouerie and desolation of Antichrist O God of Hoasts the omnipotent inuisible and incomprehensible the Father the Son and the holy Ghost the eternall Creator and most mighty vpholder of all things in heauen and in earth and by whom Kings ruie and Princes raigne heare me a poore sinfull subiect of thy great dominions grieued and distressed in soule to behold how the enemies of thy trueth doe bandy themselues against thee and thy Christ the Annoynted of the Lord and the only King of Kings the wonderfull Counsellour the mighty God the euerlasting Father the Prince of peace Looke downe and discouer the haters of thy Word those that haue cast thy lawes behinde their backes and scorne to be ruled by the sincere trueth of the same yet shame not to take thy lawes in their mouthes though they hate to be reformed thereby O God we haue heard with our eares and our Fathers haue tolde vs that in the last dayes shall bee perilous times in which men shall be louers of themselues couetous proud boasters blasphemers disobedient vnto superiours vnthankfull vnholy without naturall affection truce-breakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good traytours heady high minded louers of pleasure more then of thee hauing a forme of godlinesse a great shew of righteousnesse wanting the power thereof being in trueth nothing but scoffers and walkers after their lust forbidding meates drinkes marriages which with thanksgiuing thou hast made holy and honourable being indeede giuen to adulterie fornication lasciniousnesse Idolatry witchcraft hatred variance emulations strifes wrath seditions heresies murthers drunkennesse reuilings and infinite the like whereby it is come to passe that there is none righteous no not one none that vnderstandeth none that seeketh after GOD aright but haue stumbled at noone-day euen against that rocke of life thereby haue vsed their tongues to deceit and opened their mouthes full of cursing and bitternesse and haue runne as Caine with their feete to shed innocent blood yea
most watchfull to shed the blood of the righteous destruction and misery are in their wayes and the way of peace they doe not know For the feare of God is not before their eyes euery one deuiseth to worke mischiefe putting farre away the euill day professing themselues wise till they became fooles O Lord thou hast iustly done to the men of this world in these our dayes as vnto the ancient Philosophers who mightily boasted themselues of their wisedome generall knowledge and yet were ignorant of thee euen as the Antichristian enemies doe at this day boast themselues to be the onely true Church Yet because they knew thee in word and not in deede therefore thou gauest them vp vnto their owne hearts lusts to worship and serue the creature in steed of the Creator adoring the bread in the Sacrament for Christ himselfe and honouring the Pope a mere man as God himselfe saying hee is God euen as the heathen Gentiles vnto their wooden Gods sometime said thus O Lord because the Antichristian enemies haue agreed with the heathen to contemne thy Word thou hast iustly done to giue them vp vnto a reprobate minde to worke all manuer of vnrighteousnesse as at this day wee see the Romish Bishop Prelates Clergie and Professours to be the man and men of sinne that should sit in the Temple of God and in doctrine speake blasphemies and wicked vntrueths O God in thy Word thou hast euidently marked him out shewing that hee should pretend chastity in heart and body but indeede haue nothing lesse to claime all spirituall power to open and shut the gates of thy Kingdome at his owne will and pleasure and against whom hee lust to bee vniuersall Bishop through the whole world and supreame head of the Church and Kings and Princes to be his vassalls and at his making and deposing O Lord hee thrusteth out of the Church as heretickes all that speake against his blasphemies denouncing damnation to all that will not beleeue his exposition of thy Word saying that hee hath alwayes the holy Ghost in his breast and that hee cannot erre He hath forbidden the publique reading of thy Word as hereticall and dangerous especially for simple people and ordained thy seruice in an vnknowne tongue that the people might offer vnto thee the Sacrifice of fools in stead of the Sacrament which wee should often receiue he hath brought into the Church a superstitious sacrifice of the Masse in which they pretend to offer thee O Christ againe for the sinnes of the people and the Priests eating is sufficient for all the rest of the Church be they neuer so many or if they receiue it in one kinde it is enough for them saying that the body is no● without the blood quite gaine saying thy commandements drink yee all of this Hee teacheth for sound Doctrine that wee must be cleansed in Purgatory in which he can giue indulgence to release whom he will and that wee are saued by our good workes that wee may keepe perfectly all the commandements and so deserue our saluations by our owne merites and that in Prayer we should call on the virgin Mary as Queen of heauen to command her Sonne to heare vs teaching vs that she is our Aduocate that pleadeth for vs. He teacheth Pilgrimages worshipping Images keeping Reliques and that euery man hath ●is peculiar Saint in heauen to whom he liketh best to commend his sutes by saying that it is presumption to approach to thee on●y in thy Sonne though thou hast ●id There is no name in heauen ●r in earth whereby wee should ●e saued but onely by the name of ●esus to whom thou hast ordai●ed euery knee to bow and onely ●or to come By these and infinite of Romish forgeries and blasphemies ●ath this strumpet of Babylon ●…de drunke the Kings and Prin●s of the earth by those abomi●ble and lying wonders and mi●cles hath hee blinded the eyes 〈◊〉 Christian Kingdomes and Na●ons that they doe not know ●w to serue thee the Lord. Wherefore O Christ and most ●ly Lambe of GOD against ●…m he hath so long time war●d as it were drunke with the bloud of the Saints Yea O Lord with the brightnesse of thy comming let the violls of thy wrat● be powred out vpon her to he● vtter desolation that the soule● of iust and righteous men tog● ther with the Angels in the vnit● of the spirit may sing a song 〈◊〉 Halleluiah saying saluation gl● ry honour and power be to th● Lord our God to the Lambe a● holy Spirit for euermore Ame● Come Lord Iesus come quickl● Amen LACHRIM 3. Wherein the distressed prayeth for faith zeale and strength in vndergoing Gods corrections O Lord I lift my heart to thee my soule in thee doth euer trust O let me not confounded be but make me righteous with the iust Let men not haue their wills ' gainst me but powre on me thy comforts sweet Thy sauing health Lord let me see who prostrate begge it at thy feete Let thy right hand and prouidence be stretched out to hold me vp And giue me grace and patience in lowlinesse to taste thy cup So shall I sit on surest rocke and strength and power to me get And stoutly shield mine enemies stroke though round about they me beset For why my comfort is in thee and on thy prouidence I depend O keepe me safe in liberty till all my troubles come to end From perils sixe hast me deliuered I know therefore thou wilt from seauen From earthly thoughts let me be seuer'd and conuersation haue in heauen I know that loue a multitude of shamefull sinnes doth closely couer Within the gates I me include thou art my soules true spouse and louer The faithfull thereby may take hold of hope to haue a prosperous end Of their desires this makes me bold for ayde and comfort to attend And with all patience to perseuer I know thy word it is most sure Poore penitent by faith I le euer stand firme and to the end endure Alas deere God I nothing crane to haue of thee by mine owne right But in Christs name I le aske and haue for he is most gracious in thy sight Yea for his merits thou do'st loue me in him I know thou art well pleas'd And hearest sinners when they moue thee for giu'st their sinne and they are eas'd Amongst whom Lord I am the chiefe and of good things am ignorant Yet on the Crosse didst saue the Thiefe for Christ his sake me mercy graunt In this world vanities most vilde I liue and haue no taste of truth I knew not I was in exile but did in folly spend my youth Of thee alone I knowledge haue for of my selfe I am but weake Thou art my God that strength me gaue to worke to rest to liue to speake For of my selfe is miserie and of my selfe is all that 's ill But from thee Lord comes all mercie and perfect power to worke thy will Within to consolation of my sad
Church euen so by the profits and pleasures which he profereth vs would hee cunningly steale our hearts from thee and thy worship vnto himselfe which we abhorre as most wicked and vngodly And considering how hee stirreth our vncleane hearts and wicked corruptions as a stinking puddle to breath forth many noysome and loathsome cogitations and euill actions whereby he would brand our consciences not only to doubt of our redemption by Christ but also of thy mercy which is so exceeding comfortable For all these considerations wee entreate thee to heare vs helpe vs and strengthen vs in all these seuerall temptations and as in these so in all other of what nature or kinde so euer they are or shall be in this world and that not onely in prosperity but in aduersity and in the strength of Sathans temptations especially when thou shalt haue cast vs vpon the bed of sicknesse and bring vs vnto the point of death when we are most weake and Sathan in his greatest insolencie Wherefore O Lord giue vs grace that in the time of this life we may not be negligent but most carefull in the vse of all good meanes whereby wee may finish our saluation in feare and trembling for of our selues we cannot moue one foot forward vnto thy Kingdome without thy helpe to stirre vs inwardly by the motions of thy spirit and outwardly by the hearing and reading of thy word with conference meditation and prayer Let not thy grace be absent at such times but goe on with vs in blessing helping and guiding vs till wee haue obtained full assurance euen the testimony of thy holy Spirit in our hearts witnessing vnto vs and with vs that thou art our God and wee thine adopted sonnes and children in Christ Iesus our Lord and so may bee enabled to stand fast in loue and charity as to all men in generall so especially to thy Church which are onely the houshold of faith O make me mercifull to the fatherlesse to widowes indeede to captiues bondslaues and all sorts that suffer aduersity in soule or body Hauing prayed for our selues and such things as concerne this present life as feeling members of the misticall body of thy Church militant dispersed and scattered throughout the whole world we entreate thee to haue mercy vpon it and blesse it by strengthening those that thou hast called that we may stand fast in the profession of thy Name and not bee ashamed of that inseparable yoke-fellow thy crosse vnder which thou hast caused vs as spirituall souldiers alwayes to warre And graunt that by no temptations inward or outward wee be forced to faint but enable vs that fighting against our most subtill aduersaries flesh or spirit our corrupt nature men or the deuill being Lords of the whole world that i● wicked carnall and vnregenerate men that are wholly led of Sathan and the power of darknesse● Heauenly Father I beseech thee more particularly to looke downe vpon the reformed Churches and among them more especially vpon the Churches of England Scotland and Ireland and all othe● our owne and neighbouring Nations that we may enioy the promises of the Gospell as long as the Sunne and Moone endure● And graunt that out of those Churches may be spread farre and wide among the Iewes and Heathen that are called the amiabi● tidings of the Gospel that thereby the Kingdome of thy Sonne may be more and more enlarged To this end blesse all Christian Kings Princes and Potentates but especially thy seruant Charle● our King that by thine appointment at this present doth rule and gouerne vs encrease in him ●nd them religious zealous and ●incere hearts so as hee and they ●ay goe before all other Kings ●nd Princes in m●st holy wise Christian life ministring iudgement and iustice without respect ●f persons O Lord make our King and all other Kings strong ●aintainers and defenders of thy ●ue ancient Catholicke and Christian faith now established 〈◊〉 these his Dominions that no ●olicie of man nor subtilty of Sa●han may preuaile against it but ●hat his Maiestie by the tempo●all sword and the Ministers of ●…e Word by the spirituall sword ●…e preaching of the Word as ●…ttle Dauid may preuaile against ●…l the enemies thereof secret or ●pen abroad or at home within ●…ese his owne Dominions Hea●enly Father send him wee be●…ech thee if it be thy will No●…e and Royall issue that after him 〈◊〉 euery Age they may sit vpon ●…e Throne of this Kingdome r●le and gou●rne it vnto the comming of thy deare Sonne our Sauiour vnto iudgement O Lord settle about him and them i● euery age and generation a god ly learned religious truly noble and wise Counsell And graun● that both hee and they may truly loue and aduance vnto and in gouenrnment a learned and religious Ministerie and Magistrac●… within thy Church of great Brittaine especially And most migh● ty God I pray thee perpetually to looke downe vpon all men bu● especially vpon our owne Country men that are in any aduersity by sea or land and in their seuerall trialls and crosses of this life● giue them patience to beare 〈◊〉 deliuerance in or out of them 〈◊〉 may be best vnto thy godly wise dome as may make most to th● glory and their comforts 〈◊〉 these and all other blessings spirituall and temporall beyond th● wee are able to aske and thinke we pray thee to hear● vs 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 onely and alone 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Son●e our Sauiours sa●e 〈◊〉 ●hom with thee and thy ●…t holy Spirit be 〈◊〉 ho●… and glory from this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and for euermore Amen LACHRIM 6. In which the distressed craueth pardon for his sinnes the cause of all his miseries O Had I wings like to a Doue then should I from these troubles flie To wildernesse I would remoue to spend my life and there to die Mongst bushes thicke and branches tall of mighty Cedars huge and hie With sauages and wilde beasts all for to auoyde my miserie But why thus wish I Lord alas that am vaine man of flesh and blood Thou God that bring'st all things to passe doest know this sorts not for my good For were ●…in vaste wildernesse in furthest part of earth or ayre I could no whit my case redresse as being in thy power there Were I in bowells of the earth were I in sea in cloudes or skie With sorrow griefe with ioy or mirth there Lord thou art with powerfull eye There canst thou also finde me out and visite there my foule effence Thou art my pathes and bed about t is vaine to hide or feele defence Then let me at thy footestoole fall and there acknowledge mine amisse For pardon begge and mercy call and pray for griefe and heauenly blisse And that thou bridle my desires cleanse mine affections with thy spirit Inflame me with thy holy fire in nought but thee let me delight Lord can the fiercenesse of my heart r●forme my words my mouth my speech Thou fountaine of all wisedome art therefore true wisedome
workes of the Lord. The ancient Prayer called O bountifull Iesus O Bountifull Iesu O sweet Iesu O Iesu the Sonne of the Virgine Mary which art full of mercy and truth O sweet Iesus haue pittie vpon mee according to thy great mercy O benigne Iesu by the same pretious blood which thou wast contented to shed vpon the Altar of the Crosse for vs miserable sinners I beseech thee vouchsafe to cast all mine iniquities out of thy sight and despise not mee that thus humbly begge of thee crying and calling vpon thy holy name IESVS This name IESVS is a sweet name this name IESVS is a name of saluation for what is IESVS but a Sauiour O good IESVS which hast created mee and redeemed mee with thine owne blood suffer not mee whom thou hast made of nought to be damned O good IESVS let not my wickednesse haue power to destroy me whom thine Almighty goodnesse hath made O good IESVS reknowledge that which is thine in mee and that which is not of thee take that away from me O good IESVS euen now while the time of mercy is haue mercy vpon me and let mee not be con●ounded at the day of thy fearefull iudgement O good IESVS although I vile sinner by thy straite ●ustice haue deserued to bee punished euerlastingly for my most grieuous sinnes yet hauing sure confidence in the trueth of thy righteousnesse I appeale to thine vnspeakable mercy I am sure thou wilt haue mercy vpon mee like a louing Father and a mercifull Lord. O good IESVS what profit is there in my blood if I descend into the pit of eternall corruption for surely they that be dead shall not magnifie thee or any that goe downe into the place of silence O most mercifull IESVS haue mercy vpon mee O most sweet IESVS deliuer m●… O most holy IESVS be mercifull to me a sinner O IESVS accept me wretched sinner among the number of them whom thou hast elected to saluation O IESVS the health of all that hope in thee the life of all that beleeue in thee haue mercy vpon mee O sweet IESVS the remission of all my sinnes O IESVS the Sonne of the virgine Mary powre thy grace into my heart endue mee with wisedome charity chastity and humility and in all mine adversity graunt me holy inuiolable and stedfast patience that I may perfectly loue thee and haue my onely delight and a●●iance in thee world without end Amen The Sicke-mans Prayer O Louing Lord and most holy Father I poore wretch thy seruant feeling in this sicknesse which thou hast layd vpon me the punishment of that corruption and transgression that is in me and all flesh doe most willingly submit my selfe to thine holy ordinance to beare this crosse and taste of this bitter cup which I haue deserued and much more so that I may follow thee whither thou art gone Therefore O Lord since thou hast not yet called mee to the barre of death but sent thy Heraulds to summon me to a triall I beseech thee looke on me with thine eye of mercifull pittie and helpe me in this day of visitation powre out thine oyle of grace into my wounded conscience purge my defiled soule forgiue mee all my sinnes and giue mee competent comfort and consolation in this distresse let me not dye ere I begin to liue giue mee time to repent and occasion to amend but if thou wilt needes put any more of thy wine of correction into my festered sores lay no more O Lord lay no more vpon me then I shall bee able to beare Make good vnto mee that goodnesse which thou hast graunted me vnder the great seale of thy promise Supply my want pardon my sinnes and ayde me against all temptations and I am recouered of all mine infirmities I offer here vnto thee O Lord a penitent heart for the time past and promise through thy grace amendment if it shall please thee to draw out the threed of my life any longer yet I neither desire the continuance of this mortality nor a more speedy deliuerance otherwise then as thou wilt Lord looke not vpon my merits for they are either none or not good nor vpon my life for it hath been naught but looke vpon Christ thy deere Sonne who from the Altar of the crosse cried vnto thee on my behalfe and accept his satisfaction for my sinnes Arme mee with patience to take vp my crosse follow thee euen to beare my visitation willingly and giue mee strength by faith to resist the Aduersary in the brunt of temptations With my sorrow and paine encrease thy grace that when I am in greatest agony I may find comfort beleeuing and saying with the holy Prophet My flesh faileth and my heart also but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for euer O Lord if thy decree be gone forth as it was to H●z●kiah that I shall dye and not liue giue me grace to put in order my things of this world that I may depart in more peace and when the pangues of death haue shut vp the eyes of my body and taken away the vse of my tongue I beseech thee let the eyes of my soule still behold and looke vpon thee so that when I shall leaue my earth to earth and my body to the graue thine Angels may carry vp my soule vnto thee and be par●aker of a ioyfull resurrection through Ies●● Christ our Lord. Amen Amen A Prayer for the sicke O God most high mighty and i●uisible I thy vnworthy seruant not worthy for my selfe to be heard in any request vnto thee for I am a sinner Yet Lord being confident of the pardon of my sinnes in Christ in whose power is onely to forgiue sins I am bold to come vnto thee to begge the pardon of my sins as of my sinnes so of the sinnes of this thy weake and sicke seruant that lyes pained and diseased not onely in the outward members but in the inward parts of the body And though thou hast depriued him of experience in naturall Physicke whereby his skill to doe himselfe good yet good Lord be thou his Physitian and let thy helpe and assistance neuer faile in this his weakenesse to doe him good and strengthen him And if it be thy will O Lord restore him againe vnto that health which her●tofore to the comfort of himselfe and many others hee hath enioyed O Lord thou art able not onely with meanes as vnto Hezekia● but without meanes as vnto Malchus eare and blinde Bartimaeus but euen against meanes as vnto the widdowes sonne going vnto his Graue and the Sunamites sonne at the Prayer of Elisha O Lord thou didst beyond all hope and expectation raise Lazarus stinking in the graue and Peters wiues mother of a burning beauer and the woman of her bloudie issue and the man that was irrecouerable of the dead Palsie onely by thy vertue and power O Lord now when all meanes seeme to faile that wee know not whither to goe but vnto
thee I beseech thee if it be thy will let thy secret and hidden power in which there is more ver●ue then in all mineralls plants be extended forth to his comfort reliefe that he again may come into thy house and magnifie thy mercy for his renewed strength O Lord as hee hath abounded with charity and compassion vnto others in their extreamities of sicknesse so likewise as thou hast promised let this thy mercifull seruant in his languishing paines obtaine mercy from thee that art most mercifull and as hee hath heard the lamenting cries of others so Lord doe thou heare his mournefull and lamenting sighes vnto thee for thou art very pittifull and of tender mercy O Lord he humbleth himselfe in thy sight wherefore I beseech thee to raise him vp againe if any man be sicke thou hast willed vs that be well to pray one for another assuring vs that the Prayer of the righteous if it be seruent auaileth much In confidence and full assurance that thou wilt make good thy word O Lord I earnestly beseech thee to restore my sicke and weake friend N vnto his perfect health if it may bee thy good pleasure and this I aske as one not without hope for I beleeue that as Iesus died and rose againe euen so by his power shall this my sicke friend doe at the last day Yet O Lord for the perfecting of that which is wanting in his faith repentance and good works I earnestly beseech thee to adde some more vnto the number of his dayes haue mercy vpon him and restore him againe to strength his former health But most mercifull Father if thou please through this his sicknesse to finish his dayes graunt that he may in quiet minde and stedfast faith commend to thee the care of all his worldly charge because thou hast promised to be a Father vnto the widdowe and the fatherlesse And it is thy wil that wee should cast our care on thee not onely in life but in death especially O Lord when death that cruell tyrant sinne the graue the deuill and all the fries of darknesse shall assault his body and affright his soule with distrust in thee and of his part in the glorious resurrection then strengthen him by the power of thy Sonne my Sauiour that hee may no lesse triumph ouer all the terrours and feares of the graue of hell and death as all the Saints in like case haue done and then I my selfe may doe in the same houre of my departure which I beseech thee to graunt through him that hath loued vs euen Iesus Christ my most absolute and perfect Sauiour Amen Amen LACHRIM 7. Wherein the distressed detesteth the world and wouldly things and desireth heauen and heauenly things MY soule doth long and shall depend on God for euer euerliuing God shall begin and make an end that hath giuen all yet euer giuing I sigh and groane for to appeare before his gracious mercy seate As thirsteth the Hart for water cleare so long I for thy m●rcy great I am quite tyred with my groanes I faint vnder mine heauie loade Of miseries breaking all my bones layd on me iustly by my God O God the rocke of my whole strength Lord of mercy behold mine anguish O graunt me helpe and ease at length I faint I fall I figh I languish Why doe I daily weepe and mourne and haue no comfort helpe nor ease Why do'st not heare but from me turne why doe my woes and foes encrease Sith I doe seeke thee vnfainedly defend me Oh defend me in This dangerous time of misery layd iustly on me for my sin Preserue me from men mercilesse hard hearted bloudy minded cruell Blesse me with thine hid blessednesse giue me thy fauour my soules i●well The man of earth layes load on loade as on an Anuile stroke on stroke Within without at home abroad mine head to the heele bowes with the yoke I am reproach to neighbours all I am ashamed men should see me They scorne and laugh to see my fall but this mine hope doth comfort me That thou from them wilt set me free And thee triumphant shall behold In shining Throne of Maiestie where 's neither hunger thirst nor cold No want nor sinne nor ignomie nor sicknesse death nor deadly paine But fulnesse mirth ioy victory with thee in glory I shall raigne And if it be thy will O Lord now after all this sturdy storme To my most troubled soule afford thy peace and pitty mee poore worme Free me from death that 's mors Gehennae giue peace ioy rest not transitorie I take it as an earnest pennie of perfect blisse and endlesse glory And I le here praise thee men among that they may see marke and consider T is thou canst onely right our wrong and from all troubles vs deliuer Thou canst and wilt vs saue and keepe though much we suffer in this life Thou art our Shepheard wee thy Sheepe saue me from hate enuie and strife So shall I also giue thee praise my mouth continually thee laude My soule and inward part alwayes thy wonderous workes shall still applaude I will be glad and ioy in thee reioyce yea and againe reioyce Abiect though I yet comfort me I le praise thee with minde heart and voyce Awake therefore in time awake preserue me that I perish not I am if thou do'st me forsake but as a dead man cleane forgot And censured a cast-away among such as see me depriu'd Of present helpe for these men say my soule can neuer be reuiu'd One sorrow doth encrease another all hope on earth turnes to distrust Of ayde from neighbour friend or brother hide not thy face my God most iust Forget not mine extreamities Lord free me from in fernall hells Of torments and of miseries which comes from thee and from none else My soule is beaten to pits brimme my heart doth faint my hands grow weeke My knees doe faile mine eyes growe dimme my tongue is dumbe and cannot speake And each part of my body vext I daily moane my miseries Looke on me Lord I am perplext O ease my griefe and heare my cries Though thou by Iustice made the wound and by correction grieu'd mine heart If thou wilt cure salue soone is found with spirituall comfort ease my smart Doe not withhold such things are good which for thy children are ordain'd Turne thou thy face with Christes blood cleanse all the spots my sinnes hath stain'd Rise vp O Lord rise vp I say with thee doth Loue and Bounty raigne I am throwne downe I thee obay therefore rise vp raise me againe Although my sinnes like swords doe cut me from thy fauour and thy grace Let righteousnesse of Christ be put to hide my sinnes before thy face Unite me vnto thee againe in such sort Lord make me so fast That I with thee may still remaine and ioy in ioyes that aye shall last The young mans Prayer for a vertuous wife O God the euerliuing and only wise the
Author and giuer of euery good and perfect gift looke downe vpon mee a● thou didst vpon Abimelech Abrahams seruant when he prayed vnto thee to guide and prosper him in the great trust that was committed vnto him in the choise of his Masters sonnes wife as thou wast pleased to heare him for his Masters sonne O Lord I beseech thee to heare me for my selfe Thou hast taught in thy Word that he that cannot abstaine let him marrie and that he that marrieth sinneth not that it is better to marrie then to burne in vnchast and vnbrideled lust and for auoyding of fornication let euery man haue his owne wife yea and that it is not good for man to be alone and woe to him that is alone In the beginning thou madest both male and female and didstordaine that for this cause man and woman should leaue father and mother and become one flesh and that hee that hath not the gift to abstaine should haue a care that he be not vnequally yoked but that he marrie in the Lord and thus to liue is a bed vndefiled and most honourable vnto all Wherefore O Lord I beseech thee to guide me vnto a wife and a vertuous woman for thou hast said that a vertuous woman is a crowne vnto her husband And though she bee comely and beautifull and therefore of many much desired yet O Lord guide mine eyes that I may not thus onely looke vpon a woman for thou hast said if shee haue not discretion she is but like a iewell in a swines snout not to be regarded But a wise woman buildeth her husbands house not onely with children but with her prouident care and discretion in the right gaining and a right vsing of the things of this world Vnto such a family O Lord direct my footsteps and keepe mee from the strange woman a contentious and angry woman the woman of brawling lips with whom there is no comfort nor content in this life to dwell neither for ciuill nor religious respects Heauenly Father if it be thy will for thou knowest what is better for mee then I doe my selfe graunt that the woman that I shall chuse and by thy prouidence thinke fit to take to wife may bee chast not onely of body but of spirit and adorned with the hidden man of the heart a meeke and quiet spirit and one who trusteth in God and delighteth in thee well reported of for good workes and loueth children one who in her wisedome affecteth modesty in all things as in her apparell and behauiour and is in her countenance sober and shamefast and one who delighteth in her home and loueth the affaires of her house and with watchfull eyes will be carefull for her children and seruants This O Lord though no way worthy I beseech thee to graunt vnto me houses lands or other portions of thy blessings thou hast appointed our parents to bestowe on vs but this blessing a wise chast sober and religious woman thou hast kept as a most speciall gift from thy selfe vnto vs and not in our parents or friends but thou bestowest it on him whom thou louest as a choise and most speciall fauour O Lord this is she that Salomon among many women could hardly finde yet graunt that I may finde her and being vnited in holy band may loue her both in sicknesse and in health O Lord graunt that I may walke with her as a man of knowledge readie in all things to teach and instruct her in thy commaundements as being heires together of the grace of life and make mee as truely to loue her as thou doest thy Church this great gift and chiefe blessing of this life I beseech thee if it bee thy will for the honour of thy Sonne to bestow vpon me Amen Amen The Uirgine or the Widdowes Prayer for a godly Husband ALmighty GOD the eternall Creatour of heauen earth the giuer disposer of all things that are done heere on earth Looke downe on mee thy sinfull Handmayd not worthy of any fauour spirituall or blessing temporall Yet O Lord I beseech thee to giue vnto mee thy seruant such wisedome that in all things I may be aduised by them whom thou hast appointed to haue care of my welfare and in nothing to bee so headstrong and aduerse as to follow my owne foolish and sinfull appetite and aboue all make me most dutifull in referring my selfe vnto the louing and carefull choise that my parents or guardians shall make in giuing me to an husband Heauenly Father graunt that they may not like of any without mee nor that I may choose any without them Direct them that they may chuse one in the Lord and that I may like him that is so chosen of them Let not my minde be so wanton as onely to like or dislike for want of beauty or comelinesse of person but if the feare of the Lord the beginning of wisedome appeare vnto mee graunt that I may perswade my selfe that hee is the man that thou hast appointed me O Lord I haue neither wit nor skill how to discerne or make an assured godly choise And thou knowest how cunning and subtill men are to entice and abuse my simple heart and how easily we are ouercome with their vaine complements and flattering words in which they promise much comfort and contentment but when their vnchast desires are satisfied how doe they cast off and scornfully and sinfully reiect those whom they haue abused and allured to folly so they leaue them to perish not onely in worldly misery through outward necessities but for want of teaching and instruction in the Lord Sathan falleth vpon them and through their weakenesse maketh them a prey vnto wickednesse But O Lord though their foule hearts are so deceiptfull that both I and my friends may be deceiued yet thou O Lord canst not be deceiued for thou art the searcher of the hearts and thou knowest what is in man therefore in this weighty worke in which consisteth my worldly weale or wee I doe onely O Lord cast my selfe on thee beseeching thee as thou gauest Euah vnto Adam a man then of innocencie and righteousnesse so thou wilt giue me an honest hearted man and one that truly loueth and feareth thee O Lord if thou haue appointed as is my desire that I shall marrie then I beseech thee send vnto mee a man of good behauiour of good report no extortioner no couetous person no chollericke no quarelsome person no drunkard not couetous of filthy and dishonest gaine no prodigall or vaine person no proud man no adulterer fornicatour whoremaster no swearer or blaspheamer no kinde of inordinate liuer no Papist nor Infidell no Hereticke Schismaticke no traytour vnto his Prince or Countrey no louer of the pleasures of this world either aboue or more than thee no hypocrite vnnaturall false-hearted person vnto mee his parents or friend heauenly Father for my Sauiours sake heare me in these my requests and graunt that if I shall marrie and
amongst the deuills The world for disobedience didst punish and thou moughtest subuert But chiefely me for negligence mayest plague with all plagues 't is desert I am not worthy to breathe in ayre nor haue the vse of any creature Much lesse to thee to make my prayer cause 'gainst my God I am a traytour Thou worthily me do'st afflict at me thou takest iust offence All punishments thou doest inflict because thy wrath I did incense My trespasses doe more offend then I can please with my best zeale The worthinesse I best intend I not performe my soule Lord heale I shame at mine vnworthinesse yet faine would be at one with thee Thou art a ioy in heauinesse a succour in necessity To them that doe their liues reforme and rightly frame their penitence Sincerely follow and performe thy will without all negligence All this to doe I doe desire and what thou sayest I doe beleeue Thy pardon graunt me I require release and pardon Lord me giue O be with them that doe thee seeke and yeeld them helpe that hold by thee Instructing humble men and meeke that wisedome seeke by thy mercy Sith I so long to thee haue cried so long thee sought yet hope I will Though my sad soule in silence bide in constant Patience I wayte still Thou rightly hear'st my inward groanes my sorrowes fighes wants and desire And doest respect the outward moanes of men distrest that feare the fire Though in their lips they mute doe seeme and doe speake nothing with their tongues What they conspire thou doest it deeme and present art to right my wrongs But loe the time is not expir'd of mine ordained punishment Nor of that freedome I desir'd I le waite by hope in languishment My helpe my comfort and my life saluation mine depends on thee Within my conscience stint the stri●e and giue me grace and liberty My life my comfort helpe and all saluation on Christ dependeth 'T is he doth raise me when I fall he all begins and he all endeth I will not murmure neither grudge nor seare nor faint but alwayes waite He is my Sauiour and my Judge his grace decreed who can retrait Is there not an appointed time for all things that by God be wrought Iob was brought low at last did clime to wealth and honour he was brought And Ioseph was afflicted long by brethren and by false accuse He was shut vp in prison strong didst all his cause and wrongs peruse At length brought'st him to honour great and Dauid was at fi●st cast downe And then inthroan'd in Princely seate and long enioyed the royall Crowne Poore widdowe of Sarepta shee and hers were ready for to pine Her barrell and her Cruse by thee were blest and that Prophet thine Her meale and oyle did neuer faile thou send'st that Saint euen to that end That they in dearth should neuer quaile so didst from famine her defend Wherefore a little while I le waite I know the appointed time will come I shall be freed from sinnes de●eite wilt mercies send in miseries roome Thou art my portion and my strength my defence and saluation Thou seest my troubles and at length wilt giue me consolation Thou sena'st them not as ignorant of them thou know'st thou didst me make Therefore what 's needfull God me graunt good Lord d●● neuer me forsake I am brought to the very pit of all confusion men suppose Thou hast decreed the time most sit of my deliuery from my foes To me vnknowne that being seene I may attribute to thee then The praise who praised ere hast beene without the ayde of mortall men Which I haue sought so long in vaine yea while I called thee vpon Let me acknowledge helpe againe to come from thee or else from none And all that the world can afford be but the effects of thy deare Loue Thy power thy prouidence thy word doe send me comfort from aboue O blessed man whom thou doest chuse and callest by crosses vnto thee Whom thou by death seem'st to refuse by secret sweetnesse liues by thee With inward consolation fed with the Manna of thy loue Who dwells in thy protection with liuely hope can neuer moue He fainteth not at mightiest frowne so I O Lord assured rest Thou art my portion and my crowne to dignifie those loue thee best Thou tendrest me as a deare sonne though thou me visite with thy rod Yet suff●rest not me for to runne with sinners and to fall from God Although I seeme of hope depri●'d and that my wented comforts past Yet I O Lord shall be reuiu'd by thee and by thy grace at last For all my long and instant cries I will not shrinke though knowing this Thy wonderous power and great mercies most infinite thy mercy is If thou mad'st the rocke a water spring thy thirsty people to refresh From mine hard hearted foes canst wring some comfort for my woes re●resse If thou rain'dst Manna from aboue and Rauen sent thy Saint to feede Thousands of men didst feede with loue when there was little shew of bread If to thy people thou sendest Quailes in desert where all foode was scant And since thy goodnesse neuer failes should I suppose that I should want Confirme my faith for euermore that I most constantly beleeue Thou canst and wilt encrease my store and all good things thou wilt me giue All power belongeth vnto thee who can imagine or will say Thou canst not in my neede helpe me or that thy loue is tane away Sith thou hast done such mighty things so freely for men in distresse Should not I flye with swiftest wings to thee in time of heauinesse But loe O Lord all things are thine the heauens are thine the earth also The cattell fowles the shrubs the vines all things in heauen and earth belowe All things aboue all things beneath is thine who truly then can say Thou canst not giue or them bequeath to whom thou wilt who can say nay Thou mak'st the corne to spring and grow and waterst the earth with thy sweet showres Thou causest beasts with thanks to lowe with dewes thou water'st fr●grant flowres Since then thou art the Lord of all sith thou command'st and doest forbid The rich and poore makest proud men fall that downe canst throwe and raise at neede Sith that thou try'st and wilt reward sith thou doest what shall please thy will And in what manner wilt regard and whom thou wilt canst saue or spill No liuing man commandeth thee not all the world can thee controle O Lord I still will pray to thee for health of body and of soule Let it be thus O Father deare for Christ his sake thy dearest Sonne That dy'd and rose my soule to cleare in all things Lord thy will be done All glory to the Trinity to Father Sonne and holy Ghost Combin'd in holy vnity of power and might and glory most A Prayer for loue and charity O Almighty God the Author and giuer of all things of