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A78030 The sounding of the two last trumpets, the sixt and seventh or Meditations by way of paraphrase upon the 9th. 10th. and 11th. Chapters of the Revelation, as containing a prophecie of these last times. / Digested by Henry Burton during his banishment, and close imprisonment in the isle of Guernsey. Burton, Henry, 1578-1648. 1641 (1641) Wing B6172; Thomason E174_1; ESTC R6165 58,961 100

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interpreted by the voice of the seventh Angell when these thunders shall have their effect upon the Beast in his destruction For thus also that which followeth as before is touched of the Angels Swearing that time should be no more is to be fulfilled under the Seventh Trumpet when also the Mystery of God shall be finished when all Prophecies shall be accomplished and in the end of the World all time shall be swallowed up of Eternity as before Which by the way noteth unto us that the Seventh Trumpet shall continue sounding and the seventh Viall powring forth untill the end of time Shall time then have an end certainly Here then a question may bee moved what shall become of the Sun and Moone and Starrs whose motion is measured out by time and which distinguisheth the y Gen. 1.14 times and seasons days months and yeeres of this inferiour world For answere whereunto in brief because the question is full of curiositie whether those glorious creatures shall cease to be or their motion shall cease as whereof there seemes to be no more use I find not clearly revealed but this I find There shall be a new z 2 Pet. 3.10 12. heaven and a new earth when the heavens being on fire shall bee dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heate and the earth also and the workes that are therein shall be burnt up But how this shall be or in what particular State or forme it is not revealed Only this resolution is the best which Peter gives * Verse 17. Seeing saith he all these things shal be dissolved what manner of persons ought yee to be in all holy conversation and godlinesse looking for and hastning unto the comming of the day of God c. a Verse 13. Neverthelesse saith he we according to his promise looke for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousnesse It followeth Verse 8 c. Here John is commanded to take the little Book which was open in the Angels hand who takes it and eats it up which becomes sweet in his mouth but bitter in his belly and thereupon he is bid to prophecie before many people and Nations and Tongues and Kings And this is the summe of the foure last Verses of this Chapter It is cleer that this little Book signifieth or containeth those prophecies which John and in him Christs Ministers under this Trumpet called his witnesses in the eleventh Chapter were to publish to the World For upon the receiving of the Book hee is bid to prophecie This place alludes to that in Ezechiel Chap. 2.9 10. and Chap. 3.1 2 3. where the Prophet beholds an hand sent unto him and a rowle of a book therein which was spread before him within and without and there was written therein Lamentations and mourning and wo and hee was bid to eate this rowle and to go and speake unto the house of Israel which hee eating found it in his mouth sweet as honey A just parallell to this little booke here all circumstances compared together So as this little booke containeth for the matter of it those judgements of God which Iohn was to denounce in his prophesying to fall upon the Beast and his Kingdome The sweetnesse of it in his mouth argues the b Esay 39.8 goodnesse of Gods Word even when it denounceth judgements for sinne whereupon if men bee brought to repent it is sweet as honey in the mouth but if they heare and doe not repent it goes downe into the belly and the effects thereof prove bitternesse in the end The Apostle saith that Gods Word is the c 2 Cor. 2.15 sweet savour of God in them that are saved and in them that perish Againe this sweetnesse in the mouth of John and bitternesse in his belly shewes that Gods message should be sweete to his Mininisters in receiving it and delivering it with their mouth although in the issue it prove bitter unto them as being the cause and occasion of much trouble and persecution which they suffer of the World such as befell the Prophets and Apostles and Ministers of Christ in all succeding ages and as we shall see more particularly in the next Chapter to which we now come Chap. 11.1 c. And there was given me a reed like unto a rod and the Angel stood Saying Rise and measure the Temple of God and the Altar and them that worship therein But the Court which is without the Temple leave out and measure it not for it is given unto the Gentiles and the holy Citie shall they tread underfoot fortie and two moneths And I will give power unto my two witnesses and they shall prophesie a thowsand two hundred and threescore days clothed in Sackcloth c. Still we are to rememb r as before is noted that wee are yet within the compasse of the sixt Trumpet So as what is here laid downe untill we come to the Seventh Trumpet Verse 15. must bee interpreted as appertaining to the sixt Trumpet Within this Sixt Trumpet then all this is done John here represents as I said those faithfull Ministers or witnesses of Christ here mentioned who living under this sixt Trumpet must rise and take the reed and measure the Temple and the Altar but must not measure the Court without the Temple but leave it out First they m●st rise that is begin to bestir themselves in their Ministery And wherein must they exercise themselves In measuring the Temple and the Altar with the reed in the Angells hand This alludes to that measuring Reede which Ezechiell saw in a vision wherewith he measured the Temple c. as Chapter 40. and 41. c. Now by the Temple here is meant the true Church of Christ as is cleer by many places as 1 Cor. 3.16.17 2. Cor. 6.16 Eph. 2.21 And in many places of this booke of the Revelation Temple is taken for the Church of Christ as Chap. 15.5.6 and in the 19 verse of this Chapter and elsewhere And by the reede in the Angells hand to measure withall is meant the straight rule of Gods word by which alone the true Church of Christ being measured is thereby known and distinguished from all false and pretended Churches And that John Christs Minister is bid to rise and thus to measure Gods Temple his Church doth plainly argue that in the time of this Trumpet the Ministers of Antichrist shall arise and make a loud claim to the title of the Temple as pertaining properly to them and to none other Among many other take one famous instance What a notorious booke is published of late by the Prelate of Canterbury wherein he sweats and labours to prove that the only true Catholike Church of Christ over the world is made up of the many Prelaticall Churches as the proper members of the body so as he makes the Church of England and of Rome to be all one Church and finally shuts out all reformed Protestant Churches that have no Prelates
in our time that we neede not doubt but that this is the time of the Sixt Trumpet under which wee now live How are the godly and painfull Ministers of God in England misused their mouths stopped their wives children and families dispossessed and cast out of their habitations all holy and true professors among the People vexed wearied and even worried by the Pursivants and courts of Prelates so as they are forced many of them to forsake their houses and sweete native country to go seeke for refuge among wild beasts and wilde Salvages and wilde deserts b Heb. 11.37 38. wandring up and down as the Apostle speakes in deserts and in mountains and in dens and caves of the earth of whome the world is not worthy c. Thus is not the holy City trodden under foote of these Gentiles yea worse then the old Gentiles the Babylonian Beast and his broode having lost all humanity and all the properties of reasonable men like c Dan. 4. Nabuchadnezzar when he grazed among the beasts of the field when nothing will satisfie them but the utter desolation and extirpation of the Saints of God and of all holinesse What neede then have Gods people to cry and pray with David d Psal 83.1 2 3 4. Keepe not thou silence o God hold not thy peace and be not still O God For loe thine enemies make a tumult and they that hate thee have lift up the head They have taken crafty counsell against thy people and consulted against thy hidden ones They have said come let us cut them off from being a Nation that the name of Israell may bee no more in remembrance For they have consulted together with one consent they are confederate against Thee But do thou unto them as unto the Madianites as to Sisera c. as it followeth to the end of the Psalme Let them be confounded and troubled for ever let them be put to shame and perish that men may know that thou whose name alone it Jehovah art the most high over al the earth But e Psal 94.3 4 5 6 7. how long shall these wicked thus triumph How long shall they utter and speak hard things and all the workers of iniquitie boast themselves How long shall they breake in pieces thy people O Lord and affl●ct thine heritage How long shall they slay the Widow and the stranger and murther the fatherlesse How long shall these Atheists say The Lord shal not see neither shal the God of Jacob regard it How long shall these Gentiles thus tread under foot the holy Citie of our God It is said here Two and forty moneths Surely as the words doe sound no very long time Two and forty moneths make up three yeers and a halfe and not much more then those thousand two hundred and threescore days in the next Verse Now whether these forty two moneths be taken literally and strictly or whether they signifie some longer or shorter time is uncertain to us this we may certainly build upon that the time of Antichrists afflicting of Gods Church under this Trumpet shall not be long But this number of forty and two moneths being so precisely laid downe as containing three yeeres and a halfe we may be the bolder to take it literally for this space of time Nor is it unusuall in Scripture so to number according to the strict letter thereof as of Israels affliction in Egypt from Abrahams calling just foure hundred and thirtie yeeres and the Jews Captivitie in Babylon just seventy yeeres And in Daniel f Dan. 7.25 A time times and halfe or part of a time is taken for three yeers and part of the fourth wherein that proud King Antiochus who was a type of Antichrist should and did afflict the people of God A time or times being interpreted by Daniel himselfe to bee so many g Dan. 4.16 11.13 yeers The like phrase whereunto wee have Revel 12.14 that the Church should be persecuted of the Dragon a time times and halfe a time Which is to bee interpreted according to those times in Daniel three yeers and a halfe And hereupon it is that the Jesuits as Bellarmine and others stand so stiffe that Antichrists Reigne shall continue but three yeeres and a halfe by which they think to excuse the Pope from being Antichrist But it will not serve their turn For we easily grant that three yeers and a halfe being the summe of fortie and two moneths is that space of time wherein the Beast out of the bottomlesse pit that Antichrist shall afflict Gods Church under this sixt Trumpet And so likewise this space of time doth answer that time times and part of time wherein Antiochus the type of Antichrist afflicted the ancient people of God which was a good part of three yeeres and a halfe as Tremelius well sheweth in his notes upon Daniel And if we consider the practices of Antiochus in that time and compare them with Antichrists practices in this sixt Trumpet we shall find a marvellous correspondence between them Now of Antiochus Daniel saith h Dan 7.25 He shall speak great words against the most High and shal weare out the Saints of the most High and think to change times and Laws and they shall be given into his hand untill a time and times and the dividing of time Whereupon Tremellius notes that this Antiochus was most blasphemous against God and a most cruell Tyrant over Gods people in so much as he took upon him and did arrogate unto himselfe divine authoritie in abolishing the Sabbaths and other Laws of God and did institute and impose new Laws and Ceremonies according to his owne humour and pleasure Now what doth Antichrist and his Limbes the Prelates in these our days Doe they not most proudly i See the Prelate of Canterbury his last Book throughout toge●her wi●h all his practices arrogate to themselves divine authoritie and impiously blaspheme God and Christ in saying Christ thought it fittest to appoint them as his Viceroys in governing his Church Doe they not hereupon beare themselves as so many gods sitting in Christs throne imposing their owne devices Ceremonies Canons upon the consciences of Gods people Doe they not vilifie the holy Scripture as an insufficient and imperfect Rule of Faith and preferre the Tradition of their prelaticall Church before it Doe they not abrogate the moralitie of the fourth Commandement as not binding us Christians to keep the Lords day for our Sabbath day Do they not dispense with the profanation of it by most licentious and lascivious Sports and Pastimes to all youth and others thereby also dispensing with the fifth Commandement when Masters may not restrain their own Servants nor Parents their Children from their laudable Sports as they call them that day Doe they not forbid Ministers to preach twice on that day Doe they not altogether forbid sound preaching of the doctrines of Grace And do they not i Dan. 7.25 weare out
thus crucified O England blush and be abashed yea confounded in thy self at these things return at length to a sober minde repent and reforme thy selfe lest thou perish with the Beast and his Kingdom whose wofull ruine hasteneth on a pace as Verse 14. But now what becomes of these thus dead bodies Surely they lie in the Street of the great Citie unburied How long Three dayes and an half How so The people kindreds tongues and nations seeing them wil not suffer them to be put in graves Just so did the barbarous heathen with the Martyrs not permitting their bodies to be buried 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as Euseb Eccl. H ist l. 5. c. 1. Eusebius reports Thus our Antichristian heathen or Gentiles here so called Verse 2. as before Now for dead bodies to lie in the open street unburied three dayes and a halfe is enough to make their smell odious and abominable in the nosthrils of all men So as this appeares to be the meaning these Witnesses being slaine or so as is before said they are kept above ground to become an object of abomination to all that behold them and by their long keeping they are made so to stink as men pass by them stopping their Noses and will not or doe not or dare not come neere them And who doth or dare visit the dead bodies of those Witnesses aforesaid But they are not in the Street True they are dragged or drawn out of the Street they doe so stinke in the nosthrils of the Beast and his kindred and people But yet they are above ground they are not yet buried under the earth though they lie buried within strong walled vaults that none can come any more at them then at the dead bodies of those that lie in their graves But not lying in the street and having lyen now above three dayes and a halfe yea some of them three yeeres and a halfe and the least and last is now going upon the last halfe yeere how come they to bee reckoned here in the account and numbred with the dead bodies of these two witnesses lying three dayes and a halfe in the street of the great Citie For this we must take the sense and not the strict Letter The lying of dead bodies three days and a halfe in the open street where all passengers are to passe is to note unto us that as is before noted they lie so long till none can endure their smell but of force they must bee removed out of the way And is it not so done with these Their smell grew so strong that they were faine to remove them Whither Into their Graves No they are above ground still For it is added here The people and kindreds and nations and tongues will not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves Who are these people and kindreds and tongues and nations Surely all those of this great Citie which is spiritually called Sodome and Egypt such as are the members of the Beast For though sometimes these termes as people kindreds c. are taken in the good part for those of Christs Kingdome as Chap. 7.9 10.11 yet here they are taken as Chap. 17.15 for those of Antichrists Kingdome And for proofe hereof they will not suffer the dead bodies of the two witnesses to be buried As wee read of the Pope as I remember Hildebrand who after hee had by his Thunderbolt of Excommunication blasted the Emperour Henrie the Fourth and driven him out of his Kingdome by his own Son and he dying in that his exile his Holinesse would not suffer him to be buried so as his dead body continued unburied for five yeers space So here with the same spirit of Charity doe these his people and kindreds and tongues and Nations the whole body of that Beast not suffer the dead bodies of these two witnesses to enjoy the ordinary honour of Christian buriall which even the Law of Nature and common humanity commands The summe of it is they will not allow them any benefit nor any right which by the Law of God and the Law of Nature and Nations is due unto them in that case So as being banished in a remote Country in a close imprisonment living indeed but as dead men as before they may there rot above ground before either Wife or children or friend or acquaintance shall be suffered to come at them to performe that last duty which all are bound unto the buriall of their dead Thus if any shall deny this also concerning these 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or dead bodies to be a true 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Symptome of this Trumpets sounding which wee ought not to thinke gives an uncertain sound he may with as good reason deny the fulfilling of all Prophecies even then when their proper effects being seene of all men become to every mans reason and understanding cleere demonstrations thereof Except wee are yet to looke for more monstrous beastly cruelties under this Trumpet which can hardly be imagined by any Creature It followeth And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoyce over them and make merry and shall send gifts one to another because these two Prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth These Earth-dwellers are the same with those people and kindreds and tongues and nations those of the Beasts Kingdome in the former Verse These are said to dwell on the earth because their Kingdome and happinesse is altogether earthly They minde earthly things and place their felicitie in them contrary to Gods children who living on earth yet have their conversation in heaven and their treasure in heaven and their Country Heaven So as to be said to dwell on the earth is opposed to those who are y Heb. 11.13 1 Pet. 2.11 Gen. 47 9. Exod. 6.4 Psal 119.54 every where in Scripture called pilgrims and strangers in the earth and the earth it selfe called not their habitation but the land or house of their pilgrimage Whereas on the contrary to be said to dwell on the earth is usually put in Scripture for all the wicked of the earth as els-where in this Booke Chap. 8.13 13.12 14. 17.8 Where we see that these earth-dwellers are all those people over whom the Beast reigneth And so on these all the plagues are powred as Chap. 8.13 12.12 16.1 Luke 21.35 and in many other places And in this Verse it is twice repeated Thus we see who they be Now what doe they further First These earth-dwellers rejoyce over the dead bodies of the witnesses Secondly they make merry Thirdly they send gifts one to another by way of congratulation And the cause is added because these two witnesses tormented them that dwelt upon the earth First they rejoice over their dead bodies as the Philistins did over Sampson when they had put out his eyes they made sport with him as with a Fool in a Play Hee whom they durst not looke upon when he had his eyes and liberty
with the same spirit namely such as prophesie against the Beast and his Throne and all those that by their constant profession of the Truth and refusing communion with the Beast doe become thereby the witnesses of Christ For the Beast wars with the Saints Chap. 13.7 But what be those weapons and what those forces wherewith this Beast warreth against Christs witnesses and Gods Saints Surely hee useth all manner of weapons whereby to execute his beastly cruelty And these may be reduced to two kindes The Spirituall Sword and the Temporall Sword His Spirituall Sword is the brute Thunderbolt of his execrable Excommunication direfull Curses and dreadfull Courts as his Court of Inquisition and of High Commission and other his Prelaticall and Hierarchicall Courts which are so many Dens wherin this hideous Beast once inclosing the Saints doth prey upon them he and his Cubs But if this his Sword prove not strong enough as meeting with some mettle too tough for it to ●●●rce then he can command with a wet finger the helpe of the Temporall Sword which is like Tamberlains black and bloudy Banner which being displayed by the Beasts power and inspired with his fiery-mettled spirit breathes nothing but either fire and faggot or Pillory with shedding of bloud perpetuall close imprisonment banishment and all other evils of this life more bitter and cruell by many degrees than death it selfe And this is his kinde of warre But how comes he to do these things by the help of the Temporall Power when commonly all his proceedings are without either law or colour of justice except according to the Beasts owne lawlesse Law For this hee wants not his devices for hee will so contrive the matter and lay his snares as either the innocent being brought into the Temporall Court where also he himself wil sit a Judge and where his spirit is wondrously predominant shall be forced to assent to the condemnation of his own cause before the hearing or else if hee refuse so to doe he shall be censured as guiltie of all those hainous crimes laid to his charge though never so false and maliciously devised yea hee can so handle the businesse as the censure shall be agreed upon and concluded before ever his day of hearing come and when it is come his Legall Defence shal never be heard This needs no application And this is the Beasts manner of warring right nor should it be properly the Beasts warre were it not altogether bestiall void of all Law or conscience or honesty or humanitie And ever his mayn forces and battery are bent against the two witnesses namely such as doe constantly testifie and maintain the Prerogative of Christs Kingly Government over his Church against the Beasts proud and tyrannicall usurpations and the truth of the Gospel and Word of Christ against all Antichrists lyes and the authoritie and sufficiencie of the Holy Scripture against the Beasts unwritten Traditions and Ecclesiasticall Canons the authoritie whereof hee preferreth above and opposeth against the Law of God As for all wicked prophane and impious persons his Holines hath no quarrell against them for either they are such as belong to the Beasts Den or at least though they be not of it yet they are not much against it Thus he warreth Secondly as the Beast warreth against the witnesses so hee shall overcome them How shall hee overcome them Their faith and testimony hee shall not overcome so as to force them to recant or desert their cause or betray their conscience For Chap. 12.11 those on Christs side overcame the Dragon by the bloud of the Lamb and by the word of their Testimonie and they loved not their lives unto the death Nor shal the Beast be able to overcome them by force of arguments and reasoning for he is a Beast yea the Beast of all Beasts his Arguments are fire and faggot Pillory and bloud-shed as before down-right club-law or a push with his ten q Revel 17.12 hornes or a by-back-blow with his paw So as thus hee comes to get the conquest over their bodies indeed he can shut them close up hee can pillory them hee can mangle and torture them and a thousand ways subdue r Matth. 10.28 their bodies but can doe no more Luke 12.4 Not only so but in the third place hee shall kill them Famous is the Beast for his infinite bloudy victories over Christs Witnesses in this kinde by putting them to death But now there is a twofold kind of death which he puts them to The first is by a violent separation of their soule from their bodie as in the flames of Martyrdome This hath bin the Beasts practice of old But this subtile Dragon finding by experience that his kingdome rather suffered damage this way then wonne any ground and that it proved rather an advantage to his Adversaries and brought much hatred to his barbarous cruelty in so putting them to death hee hath found out another kinde of death and that though not in show yet indeed farre more cruell than the other and that is by a violent and perpetuall separation of a living man from all the delights comforts and contentments in the World from his wife and children from his meanes and livelihood friends and acquaintance from the Communion of Saints yea from all societie of men and in a word from all the means of comfort in this life Spirituall or Temporall So as a man in this case may be said to be killed or deprived of life when he is deprived of all those things without which life cannot well be called a life but a death rather or such a life as that in hell where not one drop of comfort is allowed to those tormented souls And as dead men neither see nor heare nor speake nor write nor have any commerce with the living So these may neither see their living friends nor heare from them by letters nor speake nor write unto them nor have any commerce with them Thus far dead they be And in this sense we have seen some eminent Witnesses of Christ yet living in their close Prisons in remote Lands thus to bee killed in these our dayes Which being so may it not bee one evident signe that we are now in the sixt Trumpet wherein wee have seene so many things to be come to passe and fulfilled so particularly set forth in this Prophecie It followeth Verse 8. Verse 8. And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great Citie which spiritually is called Sodome and Egypt where also our Lord was crucified And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and Nations shall see their dead bodies three dayes and a halfe and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoyce over them and make merry and shall send gifts one to another because these two Prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth Now these dead bodies as we said before may
be so called in respect of a civill death as dead to the whole World in a civill respect having no communion nor commerce with the World And the bodies are here named not the persons because persecuting Tyrants as we touched before have no power over the soule but only over the body this they may torment imprison ſ Matth. 10.28 kill but that 's all they can doe Well what of those dead bodies take them in any sense They shall lie in the street of the great Citie which spiritually is called Sodome and Egypt where also our Lord was crucified What great City is this Surely it can be no other but the Citie of the Beast together with the Suburbs And the Suburbs are all those Cities or States which are either subject to or confederate with the Head-Citie which is Rome We can not have a fitter exposition hereof then that which the Prelate of Canterbury gives us in his reprinted Conference with the Jesuite Fisher For there he saith That the Church of Rome and the Church of England as also all other Prelaticall or Hierarchicall Churches are all one and the same Church no doubt of that as he saith and as is noted before This is his Catholike Church And so this is that great City which stands in opposition to the Holy Citie and treads it under feet as Verse 2. For as Christs Church is called a Holy Citie though it be dispersed over the World So Antichrists Synagogue is here called a Great Citie as comprehending in it all those Cities and States which make up one body of the Beast This great City is spiritually called Sodome and Egypt Sodome for the wickednesse voluptuousnesse prophanenesse pride and other sins of Sodome raigning therein and where they make open warre against all holinesse and all good Laws of GOD and Man And secondly it is called Egypt for its tyranny in oppressing and afflicting of Gods people with their intolerable burthens And for this they have their Task-masters to wit the Prelates and their multitude of officers who force Gods people through their whole Egyptian Provinces to fill up their tale and task of bricks in the strict observation of all their Rites and Ceremonies Constitutions and Canons the Spirituall burthens of their spirituall Egypt and for default thereof in the lest degree or kind the Taskmasters beat and abuse them if they t Exod. 5.15 complaine 't is to no purpose they can have no remedy Thus not without cause is this Citie called not only Great but spiritually Sodome and Egypt So as in what Country soever in the World this Beast sets his paw that is where ever hee hath his Taskmasters the Prelates and their Officers as where almost are they not there is the Kingdome of the Beast there be the Suburbs of this Great Citie And whatever Countrey or State doth incorporate it self into an union or confederation with this Papall Hierarchie becomes thereby ipso facto a member of this great Citie which is spiritually called Sodome and Egypt And this being so tell me ô England art thou not become a member of this great body of this Great Citie of this spirituall Sodome of this spirituall Egypt For wherein dost thou differ from Rome it selfe Doth not thy great Arch-prelate who is as thine Oracle professe in thy name and in Print with an unblushing forehead that England is of the u Conference Reprinted Epist Ded. pag. 16. And pag. 376. 338. c. same Church same faith same Religion with Rome And doth he not shrowd this his Book under the name of the highest Authoritie in England as commanded by the King to be published And hast thou not set forth Edicts dispensing with the open profanation of the Sabbath by heathenish Sports and others prohibiting Ministers to preach in the after-noons on Lords Days as preferring thy prophane Sports before the holy and divine Ordinance of Preaching and so consecrating at least the one halfe of the Lords Day to Bacchus or Belial Art thou not then a part of that great Citie which is spiritually called Sodome Again dost thou not permit if not command thy Prelates the Roman Pharoahs Taskmasters to vex afflict and grievously oppresse the people of God with the intolerable burthens of their and thine endlesse Ceremonies And not x These things were then in force when this Treatise was written content with the old thou addest new burthens as the Egyptians did in denying straw and those most abominable as thy Superstitious yea Idolatrous Heathenish Altars with all their Idolatrous Altar-Service wherein thou art utterly falne from being a member of the Holy Citie which thou treadest under thy feet and even professest thy selfe to be of that Great Citie which for its inthralling and oppressing of Gods people is spiritually called Egypt O England England Repent hereof cast out thy cursed and cruell Taskmasters like as thy Neighbour Scotland hath done so suffer thy people Gods people to serve their God as he hath commanded and to enjoy their Christian Libertie which Christ hath deerly purchased for them and no longer to be under the Antichristian Babylonian yoake and the Egyptian Taskmasters Thus we have seen as it were in a Map the large Territories and bound lesse bounds of this great City here mentioned spiritually called Sodome and Egypt in the street whereof lie the dead bodies of Christs two witnesses and where as here is added our Lord was crucified Which is to be understood not simply and personally of our Lords crucifying but mystically For our Lord in Person was crucified at Jerusalem and yet not within the Citie but without the Gate And yet Christ in his Person was crucified by the first Roman Beast the Emperour whose Successour both in his Seat and in the Image of his Power and State and in all his bloudy persecutions of the Saints the Papall Beast now is as also of the Scribes and Pharisees and High Priests who put Christ to death and so hee with them is guilty of his bloud as Matth. 23.35 36. Verse 31. But he is crucified mystically in his mysticall members even in the open Streets of this Great Citie Witnesse all those persecutions and Martyrdomes which the Beast in all Ages and Countries hath caused wherein the Lord himselfe hath been crucified to wit in his Saints and Witnesses And what thinke you of those Witnesses of whose crucifying on the Pillory in the open street or rather spacious Palace-yard in the Citie of Westminster we have been all eye-witnesses and spectators Was our Lord there then in them on those Pillories crucified or not If he were and that upon such an eminent Theatre and in the view of that Court where they were so censured the High Priests themselves with others of high note beholding and pleasing themselves with such a Tragedie of the Beasts cunning contriving and cruell execution was not this trow you a part of that Great Citie where our Lord hath been