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earth_n creature_n heaven_n world_n 8,020 5 4.5844 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69200 Godly priuate prayers for housholders to meditate vpon, and to say in their families; Godlye private praiers for housholders in their families Dering, Edward, 1540?-1576. 1578 (1578) STC 6685.5; ESTC S105306 32,382 67

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beeing altogether goodnesse it selfe giue good thinges to them that aske in thy Sonnes name And that although a mother should forsake her children yet wilt thou not forsake vs thy children whome thou haste before the bginning of the worlde in thy deere Sonne Iesu Christe chosen to be thy children and heires with him of thine immortall Kingdome Whereof that we in our selues mighte be sure and certaine and out of all doubte that wee are the children and heires of euerlasting life thou haste giuen into our heartes thy holy Spirite as a true pledge and earneste of our inheritaunce whiche Spirite doth assure our spirites that we are thy children and therefore crieth in our harts Abba Father Wee therefore as thy deere children raunsomed and boughte by thy deere sonne flee to thee our moste louing and mercifull Father who in goodnesse art infinite in mercy aboundant in substance incomprehensible in immortalitie euerlasting who by thy mightie power and singular prouidence rulest all thinges according to thy heauenly wisedome beseeching thee for thy deere sone Christ Iesus his sake that as thou hast sufficiētly sette forth thy glorious Name in making the whole worlde heauen earth and al things therein contained so we may in beholding and viewing thy creatures the works of thine handes be lifted vp to thee our Lord God the Creatour and Maker and in them glorifie thy holy name acknowledgeing in them thy singular goodnesse and loue towardes man for whose vse thou haste created all thinges both in Heauen and earth and that we may for the same euen from the bottom of our harts yeeld due honour praise and thankesgiuing to thee deere Father all the dayes of our life Graunte moste mercifull Father that wee may in hart and minde be fully assured that thou by thy heauenly prouidence rulest and guidest all things in heauen and earth so that nothing in the whole world commeth to passe but according to thine appoyntmente that thou guidest and framest the affaires and doings of men that thou haste euen their harts and all their powers in thy mercifull hande to turne them whiche way soeuer it seemeth best to thy godly wisedome so that whither wee be in prosperitie or aduersitie we may acknowledge both of them to be thy woorke in vs and therefore be no lesse thankful for sicknesse then for health for sorrowe then for comforte for a troubled mind then for a quiet for imprisonment and banishmente then for libertie especially seeing we know that y turnest them all seeme they neuer so sharp to the comforte and cōmodity of thy children which feare thee and that in al things whiche shall befal vnto vs whither they be greuous or ioyous prosperitie or aduersitie life or death thy holy Name may be sanctified in vs by yeelding due and continuall praise and thankesgiuing to thy eternall Maiestie that wee neuer cease to put our ful truste and confidence in thy mer●y who haste promised to be our defender buckler and shielde to keepe vs as the apple of thine eye to deliuer vs when we call vppon thee to open when we knock to giue when wee aske that we knowing our owne weakenesse that of our selues we haue no power or strength to do no not so muche as to will that whiche is good wee may acknowledge all our strength comforte ioy faith loue hope and confidence to be thine only gifte and woorke in vs And for the same and the increase of the same and for all thy benefites in vs whereof we feele our selues destitute we may constantly flee vnto thee by harty prayer requiring the same at thy mercifull hande And hauing felt thy mercifull dealing towardes vs we may alway to the end of our life continue thankfull to thy blessed Name that wee neuer speake or thinke of thee O Lord God without high reuerence and an obediēt feare vnto thy Glorious Name And that thy kingdome O Lorde may more gloriously shine amongest men subdue the hearts of the people to be obedient to thy woorde Lighten all nations with thy glorious Gospell raise vp faithful ministers of thy woord aboundantly in euery place who with pure and perfect zeale in true knowledge may feede the hungrie soules with the foode of life Lighten the harts of thy children whome yet thou haste not called to the feeling of thy mercies in thy sonne reuealed Beate downe the furie and rage of the kingdome of satan and antichrist with all tyrants who shewe their vtter malice and furie against thy deare and faithfull flock Confounde their deuises suppresse their pride and so strengthen all thy true and faithfull seruauntes againste their rage that they may haue true wisedome to confound their enimies and steadfast constancie to professe the truth of thy glorious gospell euen to the death And that euery one of vs may feele the force of this thy kingdome particularly in our selues wee beseeche thee kill in vs by thy holy spirite all wicked delightes of sinne and vanities of this worlde Mortifie in vs our earthly and carnall affections and graunte that wee may haue our full delighte and pleasure in thee our Heauenly Father and in thy sonne Christe Iesu our Lorde and Sauiour and reuerently embrace thy holy Woord that our soules may be comforted therein and our faith thereby confirmed Lighten our vnderstanding that we may in thy holy woord learne and in heart be fully assured that thou art our most merciful Father and thy deere Sonne our Lorde and Sauiour Beate downe in vs all sinnefull motions of the aduersarie whiche do rebell againste thy holy spirite and settle and frame our mindes by thy holy spirite in vs that all rebellion in our fleshe being killed wee may quietly with stayed mindes and consciences sette our full ioy comforte and consolation in heauenly thinges walking before thee in sinceritie of mind put our ful trust and confidēce in thee rest and quiet our selues wholy in thy mighty protection and prouidence And forasmuche O Lord God as of our selues wee be nothing but stubbernesse and rebellion wee beseeche thee deere Father that as thine Angels in heauen doe willingly obey thy Will without resistance so wee thy children in earth all stubbernesse and peruersnesse by thy holy spirite in vs being vtterly extinguished and quenched wee may willingly submit our selues resigne and yeelde our whole affections to thee O Lord to be gouerned after thy blessed and heauenly Will. That we may feele in our selues no other motion or desire then a meete consente to thy holy Will that whatsoeuer affections in vs fighte against thy holy Will thou wilt vtterly make them voyde That wee neuer will any thinge of our selues but that thy holy Sp●rite in vs may gouerne our heartes by whome inwardly being taughte wee may learne to love embrace and take comforte in those thinges that please thee and to hate those thinges that displease thee That our heartes mindes and willes beeing wholy subdued to thy moste blessed Will wee may willingly bee