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A66465 Poetical piety, or, Poetry made pious by rendering into its method observations arising from various divine subjects, useful for these prophane and enormous times : to which is added, a brief alphabetical expositor, explaining the most intricate words made use of in this book, to the conception of a mean reader, and may serve as a remembrancer to the imperfect memory / by William Williams ... Williams, William, of Cardigan. 1677 (1677) Wing W2785; ESTC R8078 64,141 220

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the Head Heart and Soul of a man to the Contemplation of Heavenly things and if so doubtless God is much Glorified by it It activates a mans memory by representing unto the mind Objects and Subjects meet for Meditation it causes much Seriousness and Evacuates the mind of Vanity and as a watchful Sentinel protects the Heart from the Stratagems of Satans Temptations These benefits in some measure I have experienced by it through the blessing of God and mayest thou in their perusal experience the same likewise so recommending it and thee to the Protection and Benediction of God in hopes these my first Fruits may not prove fruitless I shall take my leave and subscribe my self truely thine in love and service if thou art a sincere Christian whilst W. Williams The Contents of the ensuing Poems SUbject I. page 1. Of God and his Eternal Being Subj II. page 7. Of the Incomprehensible Eternity Subj III. page 15. Of Time and Death with the Certainty and Vncertainty of them both Subj IV. page 29. A Prospect of the Glorious Creation and the Creator understood by the Creatures Subj V. page 38. The model of the marvellous Creation to wit the Heaven and the Earth and all the Hosts of them with their accomplishments inthe space of six dayes Subj VI. page 54. A Reflection on the wonderful Creation with the Formation of Adam and Eve their Happiness in the state of Innocency as also the Institution of Marriage Subj VII page 60. Of the Temptation and fall of man Subj VIII page 68. On the fall of Lucifer and the Apostate Angels Page 75. An Appendix to the fall of Angels Subj IX page 77. A brief Narration of the second Adam intimated by the Womans seed in Gen. 3. v. 15. as in repairing the loss of the first Adam c. Subj X. page 95. The right Description of a true Christian and those Quallifications pertinent to this Believer in his state of Grace and Christianity Subj XI page 100. A discovery of the faithful and devout Christians Quality and Conversation Subj XII page 106. Supremacy and Subordination considered both as to the Legality of Soveraignty and the loyalty of Subjection from the impartiality of our Saviours Expression to the Jews concerning the Tribute Money in Mat. 22.21 Render therefore unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are Gods Subj XIII page 111. Tribute and Custome are commanded by God to be rendred the Ministers of Christ because their due as well as their lawfull Magistrates observ'd from Rom. 3. v. 6 7. For this cause pay you Tribute also for they are Gods Ministers attending continually upon this very thing Render therefore to all their dues Tribute to whom Tribute is due Custom to whom Custom Fear to whom Fear Honour to whom Honour Sub. XIV page 114. Gods love to mankind and the Terms of Salvation considered from Joh. 3.16 God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Subj XV. page 117. A Meditation on Isa 55. v. 6. Seek the Lord while he may be found and call upon him while he is near Subj XVI page 121. A Contemplation on Job 20. v. 5. The Triumphing of the wicked is short the Joy of a Hypocrite is but for a moment Subj XVII page 123. A reflection on Eccles 7 v. 4. The heart of the wise man is in the house of Mourning but the heart of Fools is in the house of Mirth Subj XVIII page 125. A reflection on Psal 49. v. 20. Man that is born in Honour and understandeth not is like the Beasts that perish Subj XIX page 128. An Observation on Prov. 22. v. 22 23. Rob not the poor because he is poor neither oppress the afflicted in the Gates for the Lord will plead their Cause and will spoil the Soul of them that have spoiled him Subj XX. page 131. An Extraction from Isa 5. v. 11. Wo be to them that rise up Early in the Morning to follow Strong Drink that continue till night until Wine enflame them Subj XXI page 134. An Observation from Mat. 5. v. 33. Thou shalt not forswear thy self but shall perform unto the Lord thine Oaths Subj XXII page 138. On Luk. 12. v. 47 48 And that Servant which knew his Lords will and prepared not himself neither did according to his Will shall be beat with many Stripes But he that knew not and did things worthy of Stripes shall be beaten with few Stripes Subj XXIII page 141. A Contemplation on Mat. 6. v. 24. Ye cannot serve God and Mammon Subj XXIV page 144. A Pause upon Prov. 12. v. 2. When Pride cometh then cometh shame but with the lowly is Wisdom A Table of the observable Instances in these Poems hinted by the Marginal Notes SOadmirable is God that no one can display what he is should he require so many days to study him as Simonides did page 3. * God Created some things in the space of time which shall in duration exceed some other things though from all Eternity p. 18. * Some things there are that have neither beginning nor end as God himself p. 19. * Death varies oft and is full of uncertainties p. 20. It is hard for a man to foresee what manner of Death is ordained for him p. 22. The wisdom of God created man an Epitome of the great World and made man the great Ruler of it p. 28. * God may be understood by every Creature Ibid * God is the efficient cause of all causes p. 29. Nature is a second cause p. 30. * If the Stars govern men God governs the Stars p. 34. * The opinion of the Atheist the confutation thereof Ibid * Reason allows the creation of Angels to be on the first day p. 39. * It may be supposed that Hell was Created on the first day p. 40. * Man was made the Image of God p. 50. * Adam gave names to all Creatures according to their kind p. 58. * The Serpent tempts Eve p. 60. * Eves reply to the Serpents temptation Ibid † The Serpents reply to Eve p. 61. * The woman possest with the Serpents temptation Ibid † Eve beholds the forbidden Tree through Avarice takes of its Fruit eats thereof her self gives Adam of the same and both sin alike Ibid * The Devil told truth p. 52. * Adam and Eve hide themselves from Gods presence Ibid † God calls upon Adam p. 53. † Adams excuse Ibid * None knew but God whick was worst Adam Eve or the Serpent p. 64. * The woman must conceive in sorrow p. 65. † Adam must eat bread in the sweat of his face till he returns to the ground p. 66. On Luciser and his confederate Angels p. 96. The Angels ambition p. 71. * The names ascribed to the Devil and the distinction of Devils Ibid. None called Angels in Hell but those
And thus the Evening and the Morn again Compleats that work the Fourth Day did explain And now this Scene so splendid and so bright God drew behind the Curtain of the Night A Scene of the Fifth Days Creation GOd spake whose words the Thunder do's out-vie Let th' waters now bring forth aboudantly The moving Creatures that have life to move And Fowl which may take flight and soar above The Globe of Earth in the ope firmament Of Heaven as the place of their Assent With these great Whales Created God and all Live Creatures that have motion great and small Which by the waters were abundantly After their kind brought forth to multiply And every winged Fowl in his own kind Obey'd his Maker sought to please his mind Wherefore he every Creature had design'd When he renew'd his works we find that he Affirmed the sight was good which he did see By reason good we find him recommend To them his blessings which did then descend Upon these Creatures unto which said he Replenish Multiply and Fruitful be With plenteousness the waters of the Seas Ye Fishes fill and on the Earth increase Ye winged Fowls that for a full supply Your species may produce most plentiously At your Creation this was my intent Then gender in your liquid Element Be still increasing to a greater store You had Creation to supply the shore Thus to be Fruitful seems to intimate That Creature Man whom God was to Create The Inhabitants of the great Ocean God did Create to serve the Creature man Without dispute 't was only for Mans use He caus'd the Seas so flush Fish to produce In these productions aid the God of might Rejoyce they were his raptures of delight Deriving from his Wisdom and his Might The Evening and the Morning now display The Sun of Gods Creation the Fifth Day This Evenings darkness dims its Mornings dawn And thus the Curtain o're the Scene is drawn A Scene of the Sixth Days Creation THe great commander speaks and constitutes The Earth for to bring forth all living Brutes Each one according to his species and The groveling thing that creepeth on the Land The Beast of the Earth and Cattel he confin'd To be brought forth according to their kind And so it was which words do here attest The verity of what God hath exprest Again we find by powerful command The Beasts the Cattel what creeps on the Land Each after his own kind he made and lo All this was good for God did find it so Which Epithete he us'd his mind to show He gave the word once more and spake it thus As in Plurality sayes God let us * Man was made the Image of God Make man according to our Image he After our likeness shall Created be And let them have Dominion where I find The Plurall Number note what God design'd E're this Dominion was conferr'd on Man Over the Fish in the great Ocean Or o're the Fowl i' th Air or had command O're Cattel or what creeps upon the Land We find the blessed Trinity consult Here Mans Creation what could the result Of this so wise a consultation be But to make Man next Angels in degree Thus in his likeness God Created Man Both Male and Female Metropolitan And Universal Potentate to Reign O're all in Earth in Air or in the Main To whom his Blessing he did not deny That they should Fruitful be and multiply Replenish all the Earth herein be abound That plenteousness in it for Man found The which unto Gods Glory should redound Again to speak we find the Lord began And say behold unto this formed Man I give you every Herb that beareth seed Which on the surface of the Earth do breed Likewise the Fruit of every seeding Tree To you for meat appoint I it to be To every Beast of th' Earth each Fowl that flies Up in the Air beneath the lofty skies To every thing that on the Earth doth crawl Wherein is life are given even all Green Herbs and these to be their proper meat For them to feed themselves therewith and eat So God looks back on every thing which he Created and of nothing made to be And when he these review'd he understood And said that all his works was very good Again the Evening and the Morn attest What God the Sixth day fram'd that he might rest * The Epilogue This Sixth and last Scene now I do present And hope herein spectators to content Expert the Actor is it was but Play With him to Act Creation every day Doubtless delightful this had been to view When every day God did this Play renew Six dayes the Lord his pleasure did ingage To Act Creation on Time's transient Stage God had a certain Scene for every day Or new additonals unto the Play Which was but his command and all obey Creation Recreation needs must be To him that had design'd it by decree But God to clear the Stage did not refrain To draw the Curtain o're the Scene again And thus the Evening darkness did allay The Morning Light and Lustre of the day Three persons Acting every Act I 've shown And yet no Act was Acted save by one SUBJECT VI. A Reflection on the wonderful Creation With the Formation of Adam and Eve Their happiness in the state of Inocency As also the Institution of Marriage This pleasant story plainly do's relate In Paradice how happy was Mans state THus were the Heav'ns the Earth compleated And all their Hosts in their right stations seated And on the Seventh day from the Creation God fix'd a Period and a termination Unto the Six dayes works and for a closure Upon the Seventh took his blest reposure From all the things that he before Created And from all Creatures which he animated Thus-wise the Heavens had their generation And thus the Earth when all had their Creation The very day when they of God were fram'd The Heavens and the Earth they then were nam'd Of him by these for ever shall be fam'd To every Plant God Planted in the Fields And every Herb its flower and Seed that yields He gave production that thereby might grow And appellation by which men all know Though when God planted these their growth was slow To nourish which his wisdom found away Whereby to moisten Earths obdurate clay Cause these to root afterwards to spring Their gendring Seeds and gay flowers forth to bring This means God us'd the Lord caus'd it to rain The which these Vegetables would sustain And make them to increase and grow amain But yet one thing most needful was not found And that was Man for to manure the ground Yet God Almighty would not form the same Without a liquid matter in his frame He from the Earth a mist made to ascend The which dssiolv'd in Dew and for this end The Superficies of the ground to wet That God the mould to make this man might get And now methinks we easily
of fire Somtimes for horrid deeds we recompence Our selves by doing wilful violence Somtimes Gods Judgments for mans sins are found Like Pharohs Hoast it 'h Oacen men to drownd Some wicked men the Lord comits in Ire With Nadab and Abihü to the fire Others there are whom Death doth thus deprive Like Sechems men are Swallow'd up alive Others again like Sisera were brought To death by Starrs which in their courses fought And some we read another way are Dead By Houses overwhelming on their head Which Sampson and Job's children did devour With those Eighteen interr'd by Shiloams Tower Some with wild Beasts there are in pieces torn As were those scoffing boyes in Bethel born And some are found like Achan ston'd to Death That 's presently bereft of mortal Breath Again we find that Justice often times Hangs men like Haman for malignant crimes And there are men by their acquaintance slain As Abner or as Abel was by Cain For Abel as he walked in the Field Through Cain's assault his life to death did yeild To shew the uncertainty of Death the more It slew old Eli sitting at his door To Eglons Summer Parlor death retird And Eglons life by strange surprise requir'd Betwixt the Temple and the Altar Death Met Zachary there him depriv'd of Breath Senacharib of life likewise was Rob'd By Death in Nisrah's house though 't was his God Again 't is said whils't sleeping Isboseth In his Bed-Chamber was surpriz'd by Death Death the Philistines smote in their resort To the Theatre there themselves to sport And stately Herod he within a Trice After Deaths Summons was destroy'd by Lice An Archer from his Bow did let to flie An Arrow which Josiah's caus'd to die A Prophet of the Lord we find again Was by a Lyons Teeth both torn and slain The falling of a Stone did break the head Of stout Abimeleck and made him dead And cruel Jezabel as strangely dy'd Entomb'd by Dogs for her accursed pride Zimri and Cozby for their wicked Fact Were slain by Phineas in the very Act Two Captains with their fifties bore Gods Ire And were consum'd by his Caelestiall Fire Curst Ananias and Saphira dy'd Because against the Holy Ghost they Ly'd Thus Judas who betray'd his Lord that Elf Withdrew from Christ went forth hang'd himself To Period these examples who from hence * It is hard for a man to foresee what-manner of death is ordain'd for him Is' t can derive the proper inference Of his own death fith these mutations are So incident to men in them to share Thus may the question be resolved then Those that fear God shall die like Godly men That is a timely death in mans full Age Or when some sickness does mans death presage There is a certain Time for man that 's born Like Harvest season for the Shock of Corn And ther 's a death untimely that doth lop Mans life like to the Ears of Corn men crop And there 's a Lingering death which seems to be A Prison to the Soul till it gets free So there 's a sudden death which gives a blow Without its warning and this death is wo There is a tranquil death to die in peace As not perceiving of the souls Release And there 's a death attended with distress As raving raging and unquietness What man is he that can the knowledge have Which of these deaths shall bring him to his grave Thousands of deaths there are that men befall And yet no man can tell which of them all Belongs to him these Issues do depend On God alone the lives of Men to end Thus all transactions acted from the prime Of mans Creation periods death and time As touching man both time death might wel In some opinions thus run Paralell Yet Death and Time from Paralells have ran In a Parenthesis to limit man Time past behind him Time to come before Where death arrests him to pay natures score But not to leave till render'd Time its due Great benefits to men herein ensue If that but seriously we recollect What God for mans salvation did effect The accomplishment of every thing was done By Gods Incarnate word or Christ his Son The best production of the space of Time Was mans Redemption from each mortal crime By our Emanuel which cherisheth A christians heart and gives him life in death So that he 's willing to dismiss Times Span Since life Eternall purchas'd is for Man As much as in us lyes let 's all apply Our hearts in time to gain Eternity I mean this present space although that some Will say if time is past there 's Time to come But when the time to come likewise is past Through carelesness great proves the loss at last If we regard our Time but Righteously Our sure reward will be Eternity Neglect we Time Eternity we gain In everlasting torments to remain Improve we Time and doubtless we shall find Joyes to Eternity remain behind Thus of a Truth Eternity rewards Him that esteems it or it disregards Sith thus it is I am resolv'd therefore Betimes in Time the grace of God t'implore That after Time I may my soul supply With life and joy in blest Eternity Of which through mercy may all men partake When Time 's no Time for Mans Messiah sake SUBJECT IV. A prospect of the Great Creation And the Creator understood by the Creatures All living Creatures most apparently A God that is Omnipotent descry O What contrivance I behold When seriously I gaze On Gods Creation wrought of old Such as my mind amaze II. Methinks Gods wisdom did fore-run His might when as I see Above and eke beneath the Sun Such wondrous works to be III. The Lord did by his prudence frame And by his word has wrought All things to Glorifie his name And fram'd the same of nought IV. All things that are once nothing were Which nothing every thing At Gods command was made to bear What he to pass should bring V. Then how might mortal men admire The wisdom of the Lord Who at his pleasure and desire Made all things by his word VI. The Earth which is through wisdom was Made uniform in frame Of that Rude Lump confus'd when as It from the Chaos came VII So was the world although so wide Of nothing made to be So great a Bulk 't is not deny'd By God and none but he VIII * The Wisdom of God Created man an Epitom of the great World and made man the great Ruler of it Which Macrocosm was since comprizd Or modeliz'd to man This Microcosm Epitomiz'd It s Metropolitan IX Lo here 's prudence most profound Discretion to behold And understanding to a bound By wisdom manifold X. These are Gods works and they do seem Most wond'rous in the sight Of Prudent man and his esteem That ponder's them aright XI * God may be understood by every Creature God may be seen in every thing All Creatures comprehend Some sign of
there is no mention made as when I leave this seruple to be Judg'd by men And will according to Gods word proceed To what he has Created or decreed Behold the formless Earth confus'd and void Its matter and formation now enjoy'd This time the darkness that did vail the face Of the great Abbisse found its proper place Which deep no doubt the waters were whereon Gods breathing Spirit had his motion His Spirit on these waters surface mov'd By which the watry Element was prov'd And made productive that therein might breed Those various Broods for aye should thence proceed This Element does not alone produce Supply for food but is it self of use To heal Diseases this will do beside Since by Gods Holy Spirit qualifi'd Note those effusions that from hence do flow And those extractions God gave men to know From Chimick misteries in things below But to return to what should follow next Let 's take a view of what lies in the Text 'T is not amiss to look a little back The Text implies of light there is a lack And God who did Eternally foresee The need of light commands that Lamp to be Who in this manner said let there be light And it appear'd in presence of his sight It seems that God no sooner this had said But lightimme diately his voice obey'd Such was the ruling power of his word That every thing could but obey the Lord And with his pleasure presently accord God saw the light that it was good and he From darkness made the light divined be Which light he called day it 's glorious sight Render'd the darkness to be named night By this time light and darkness both display The Evening and the Morn of the first day One act is acted God leaves this aside Nights Curtain draws the Terrene stage to hide A Scene of the Second Days Creation AGain God said whose pleasure did invent 'Twixt Heaven and Earth a fixed Firmament Amid'st the waters or betwixt them let The Firmament my word has fram'd be set And to regard command we find the skie Render submission to his potencie To shew subjection gains sublimity Thereby exalted unto that degree The highest thing that mortal eye can see Wich firmament created was apply'd The waters from the waters to divide That is by its attraction do's retain The Clouds sometimes permits them not to rain Upon these lower springs which would increase Our floods too great but as its greatness cease And thus we find the showers congeal'd to Snow Or unto Hail not long prevail below God having made this sirmamentall frame Above it waters were beneath the same Likewise were waters as God had decreed At the Creation and 't was so indeed The water that 's above the firmament Is mixt with fire sometimes in its descent When thus 't is seen the Heavens seem to shake Their voice of thunder makes the Earth to quake Till consternation mankind over take Thus Water seems for to wage war with Fire While trembling mortals at their sound admire The noise so loud as if design'd to rent In sunder the Caelestial Firmament Which firmament admits an other Name And that is Heaven thus God calls the same What I have said with Scriptures will accord Which Oracles most magnifie the Lord And thus I have endeavour'd to explain What on the Second day God did ordain Until the Evening from the Morning Tide Clos'd up the day and drew this Scene aside A Scene of the Third Days Creation NOw God was pleas'd who all things did design For his own Praise the waters to confine And gather these together to one place Which by appointment in a little space Effected was and at the Lords command Immediately appeared the dry Land To this dry Land God did ordain a Name The which is Earth from its Terrestial frame To th'gathering of the waters he did please As he knew fit to give the Name of Seas Which deluge rage his power did since appease So God himself saw that all this was good And pleased him as may be understood He gave command that Earth should bring forth grass At whose command the Earth brought it to pass All things obeying him who had decreed From evermore the Herb to yeild its seed The Fruit Tree to yeild Fruit each in his kind To the fulfilling of his will Inclin'd Whose Seeds in these remain and have their birth In them to propogate upon the Earth This barren Earth thus Fruitful now became Through their supply replenishing the same And since thus fertile every thing is found According to his kind in 't to abound It brings forth grass to satisfie the need Of what God should Create on Earth to breed That is all Creatures which threon should feed Thus bounteously did God give every thing It s proper species that from Earth do's spring Likewise the Herb did render of its Seed And so the Tree according as decreed And this was good in God Almighties eye When he reviewed all things with their supply These are the works of God and safely may Be said t' have been Created the third day And now the Morning and the Eve restore This days Perfection as the dayes before Thus wise this Scene seems to dismiss our sight Vail'd by the sable Curtain of the night A Scene of the Fourth Days Creation AGain God pleas'd to dictate thus and said Let there be lights and lights themselves displaid Which lights fixation in the firmament Of Heaven was design'd for this event The separation of the day from night Or if you please the darkness from the light And these were constituted by decree For signs for Seasons Dayes and Years to be These Luminaries God was pleas'd to fet In the Caelestial firmament and let Them render brightness on the Earth and be Light to all things God should Create to see For nothing more can satisfie the sight Than from the darkness to distinguish light And to behold its glory when most bright When to Create the light our God enclin'd Some passages observable I find This for a Truth methinks I might relate God did command and his command Create He never did command the least of things But presently from him its fountain springs Immediately from nothing some thing brings This Author of the Great Creation he Made two great lights and makes them rulers be To Rule the Day appoints the greater Light Commands the lesser for to Rule the Night Thus having made the Sun and Moon now he Proceeds to make the Starrs which in degree Exceed each other as in Influence So in proportion there 's a difference Who reads the Scriptures Astrologick story Will find them likewise differ in their glory In his Caelestiall Orbe the God of might Did fix these shining Lamps on Earth to Light Which Lights God gave unto a power to sway Not only o're the Night but o're the Day And to divide the Darkness from the Light Which thing was good in the Almighties sight
stark naked to himself does seem Yet cloath'd with Righteousness in Gods esteem One of his worth and merit never brags But strips himself of his unrighteo us rags He makes himself as naked as was Job For Christ to cloath him with his righteous robe And thus you see the Christian man is one That would be righteous either all or none Although to this he has a willing heart He 's never righteous here but in part He on the one hand will himself deny Thereby his God the more to glorifie And on the other hand he will confess That Christ is all in all his righteousness One thinks him rich enough whilst he can plead His Saviours merits and that Christ was dead 1 The Christian his behaviour towards God The Christian man foresees it him be fit When God commands he should to God submiti Let God rebuke him then will he not faint Nor yet of his correction make complaint When vile temptations seek to do him wrong He sheilds himself with faith and so is strong He ever dreads he shall himself disgrace Thus to the Devil never will give place He Souldier like keep-Guard does watch pray In these is exercis'd both night and day Through Christ his merits still he recommends To God his Soul and God his Soul defends He alwayes trembles at the Almighties Rod Which makes him more religious towards God All his deportment does derive from grace Whose love and meekness mercy will embrace His duty towards God discern I can But what 's this Christians duty towards man 1 His deportment towards man His carriage towards man is just and true For he will render to all men their due He hates contention and the cause of strife Loves Peace and Friendship as he loves his life Of quietness he does so much approve He would have all things to be done in love He bears in mind no bitterness nor gall To none but pure affection towards all He is not willing Gods commands to break Therefore will use forbearance with the weak He honours others does himself debase Gives them the better keeps the worser place Of others sins by no means will partake But warily these and their guilt forsake And thus his carriage towards men you see In all respects is from offences free Yet some would know since that it may be known What 's his decorum to himself alone 1 His descency towards himself Truth to declare he does in very deed At all times to himself take care and heed Is alwayes sober and does duly watch That no temptations unawares him catch Since Christianiz'd he holds it fit that he His sins of Youth and Youthful lusts should flee Christ is his Captain Devils him despite With whom Faiths battel he 's ingag'd to fight Though Devils aim his strength and force to blast He questions not to overcome at last He 's found in Armour fears no stab nor scar During the manage of his holy War He knows this is well doing is not tir'd In hopes his warfare will be soon expir'd His youthfull Time he now seeks to redeem Which he found lost in his and Gods esteem With wickedness resolves he to contend Till God shall bring his life unto an end Which times he knows shall gain so great renown God will himself reward him with a Crown 2 His carriage towards the World His carriage to himself we saw would see What yet might to the world his carriage be Within the world he Circumspectly walks With whom herein converse's wisely talks He views the world which is by him forgot And seems to use it as if us'd it not Himself he fashions not nor will he frame Like to the world because he shun's the same Nor with the cares thereof will he like some That are unwise be likewise overcome Nor lay up treasure on the Earth where rust And moth corrupt mens riches unto dust Content he 's with the tallent God him gave For to maintain his life this side the grave He meddles with no business but his own For he would not a meddling Fool be known During his life in this world all his care Is how for life Eternal to prepare To God to Man himself the world thus I In brief have writ the Christians History Which may all ever practice till they die SUBJECT XI A Discovery of the Faithful and devout Christians Quality and Conversation A Christian by belief those things obtains Promis'd in Time and after Time remains DEad was this man that 's now alive His death from Adam did derive In Adams sin he lay as dead Till Christ awak'd his drowsy head No sooner did this man awake But presently he does forsake His bed of sin wherein he lay And to the Temple goes to pray 1 The Christian resembles the Publican The gesture of the Christian man Is like that of the Publican Who thinks himself to be so base Not worthy there of the worst place He villisies himself that he The chief of sinners thinks to be And seriously will it confess Christ is alone his Righteousness He 's meek in Spirit and is Poor Therefore will pray hard by the door T' approach the Altar fears affront Till he does pennance at the Font. There falling down upon his knee O Lord be merciful to me A sinner prayes 't is not deny'd And by this prayer is Justifi'd Now since his Maker made him just In his Redeemer put 's his trust To whom he bears an upright heart Till death his Soul and body part He 's now alive and dead to sin When the dull world lies dead therein But he while living lives to God And fears his wrath to shun his rod. 1 He will not bring forth Fruit to himself He 'l not be found that fruitless Elf Like many one lives to himself By him shall Christ be glorifi'd To him will live for whom he dy'd 2 He hath content in every state In every state to be content He learn'd all dangers to prevent The Christian can for truth relate He has content in every state 3 He has nothing yet possesses all things He nothing has yet does possess All things because Christs Righteousness And should he not possess the same He all things else would nothing name He seems to sorrow and to joy Enjoys both comfort and annoy He 's like a Ship by waves that 's tost Somtimes all his Intents are crost He 's oft cast down like one forgot And yet we find him Perish not Sometimes to fall God gives him scope To rise again by Faith and Hope Likewise he seems for to decay Yet is renew'd that very day So that no man on Earth can know The Christian's state by outward show He 's poor but rich can many make That of his Councel will partake Whose Treasure 's there where is his bliss In Heaven's Kingdom not in this One that 's in darkness to our sight But in this darkness find's