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A47548 Vox stellarum: or, the voyce of the stars being a brief and easie introduction to the knowledge of the number, names and characters of the planets and signs, aspects and anticions: the division of heaven, and how to erect a figure thereof, either by a table of houses or by a table of right and oblique ascentions: an exact and true description of the planets and signs, with the countries, cities or towns under them. Likewise, how to judge of the affairs of the world, by revolutions, eclipses, great conjunctions and blazing stars. Also, something touching the Popish Plot, and other remarkable affairs of the year, 1678. By William Knight, student in astrology and physick. Knight, William, fl. 1680-1699. 1681 (1681) Wing K696; ESTC R216118 49,914 170

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VOX STELLARUM OR THE Voyce of the STARS Being a brief and easie INTRODUCTION TO THE Knowledge of the Number Names and Characters of the Planets and Signs Aspects and Anticions the Division of Heaven and how to erect a Figure thereof either by a Table of Houses or by Tables of Right and Oblique Ascentions an exact and true Description of the Planets and Signs with the Countries Cities or Towns under them LIKEWISE How to judge of the Affairs of the World by Revolutions Eclipses great Conjunctions and Blazing-Stars ALSO Something touching the Popish Plot and other Remarkable Affairs of the Year 1678. By William Knight Student in Astrology and Physick Si Deus nobiscum quis contra nos London Printed by E. T. and R. H. for Thomas Passinger at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge 1681. TO THE READER Courteous Reader THe divine and laudable Science of Astrology is a Learning that teaches by the Natures Motions Configurations Significations and Influences of the Heavens and Stars therein how to judge of future Contingencies or predict natural Events the word Astrology is derived from Astra and Logos which is as much as to say the Speech reasoning or language of the Stars and to this we find the Psalmist consent when he sings the Heavens declare the glory of God and the Firmament sheweth his handy works day unto day uttereth speech and night unto night sheweth knowledge there is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard their line is gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the World in them hath he set a Tabernacle for the Sun which is a Bridegroom coming out of his Chamber● and rejoyceth as a strong man to run a race his going forth is from the ends of the Heaven and his circuit unto the ends of it and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof Psalm the 19.1 2 3 4 5 6. Thus being led by the signification of the word or appellation of this Noble Art unto those places of Scripture first I shall now look back to the beginning of the Holy Writ and so take along in order several portions thereof that farther prove the Stars to have influence on all sub-lunary things whether Animal Vegetable or Mineral to begin then observe And God said let there be Lights in the Firmament of the Heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for Signs and for Seasons and for days and years And let them be for lights in the Firmament of the Heaven to give light upon the Earth and it was so And God made two great Lights the greater Light to rule the day and the lesser Light to rule the Night he made the Stars also And God set them in the Firmament of the Heaven to give light upon the earth and to rule over the day and over the night and to divide the light from the darkness and God saw that it was good Genesis the 1.14 15 16 17 18. And for the precious Fruits brought forth by the Sun and for the precious things put forth by the Moon Deuteronomy the 33.14 Again they sought from Heaven the Stars in their Courses fought against Sisera Judges the 5.20 Canst thou bind the sweet Influences of the Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion Job the 38.31 So likewise saith the Lord I will hear the Heavens and they shall hear the Earth and the Earth shall hear the Corn and the Wine and the Oyl and they shall hear Jezreel Hosea the 2.21 22. Many more places might be produced but these are sufficient to convince any sober Person that those glorious Bodies were not by their Maker placed in the Heavens only for ignorant people to gaze at but to shew forth his Almighty Power in their subordinate Rule and Government And now seeing this their Lordships is not managed by sensible and palpable acts and agitation it must needs follow that they have a secret and hidden way of Rule whereby they operate imperceptibly in all their agitations of their Dominion the Sun and Moon indeed have their palpable effects for the Sun is the Fountain of heat and that heat is the Nurse of Life also his presence and absence causeth day and night likewise his nearness to and remoteness from our Zenith together with the nature of the Parts of Heaven he passeth through causeth Summer and Winter heat and cold alteration of days and nights now the Moon seems to be as much the Fountain of moisture as the Sun is of heat as is apparent by the Tydes which constantly attend her motion and by all sorts of Shell-Fish and the eyes of Cats which are all fuller and bigger at the Full-Moon then they are at the Change or New-Moon Again it is very observable that if a man chance to fall asleep abroad in the Fields in a Moon-light night how she besots him and fills him with dulness and drowsiness but besides those palpable acts of the Sun and Moon they have their secret and imperceptible influence as the other Planets and Stars for though heat is the Nurse of Life and moisture an hand-maid to it yet it is not the mere heat which giveth life nor the mere moisture that helpeth to live for if so then might man make living Creatures artificially but this we see is past his skill to do the heat may hatch the eggs but all the art of man cannot make an egg that can be hatched No for there is a secret act of Sun and Moon besides the mere putting to of heat and moisture which produceth life both in sensitive and vegetive Animals And in these secret and insensible operations or influences of the Sun Moon and Stars besides the light which they give consists that rule which they do exercise over all the Sons of day and night so that man if he lives upon the earth must come under the touch thereof so well as Brutes and Vegetives And this Power man being unable to avoid but must in a great measure submit thereunto the Stars therefore are said to give Laws unto him and to the whole Body of Mortallity so long as the World endureth So then Astra regunt homines sed regit Astra Deus the Stars rule men but God rules the Stars Ay but hark ye say some what do you tell us of the heat and moisture of the Sun and Moon and their secret influences in producing and upholding life it is God that giveth life to all Creatures and maintains the same in them and he it is that ruleth all persons and things on earth So say we too this we know and believe only the question is how he does them whether with means or without if without means then every Child that is born every living creature that is brought forth and every Seed and Herb that grows out of the Ground comes to pass by a new creation as well as by generation for to bring things to pass without means is all
Caves Hermitage places Moats about Houses or Towns Pomps Bear-casks Colour white glittering Quarter North by West CHAP. XIV Of the Countreys Cities and Towns under the Planets and Signs ♄ and ♑ GRaecia India Albania Ariana Macedonia Illyria Thracia Bosnia Bulgaria Massovia Lithuania Saxony Morea Orcades Islands Stiria Romandiola Marchia Hassia Turingia Cities or Towns Oxford in England Brandenburg Juliacum Chevonia Berga Meclinia Gaudanum Vilna Augusta Constantia Derrhona Faventia Tortona Pratum ♄ and ♒ Tartary Muscovia Arabia Desert Oxiana Sogdiana Paetrea Azania Sarmatia Valachia red Russia Dania Swecia South part Westphalia Mosselania Pedemontium Arabia Stoney West part of Bavaria Croacia Cities or Towns Hamburgum Monsferatus Brevu Pisaurum Salisburgus Forum Sempronium Trent Ingolstadius ♃ and ♐ Spain Hungary Arabia Foelix Dalmatia Slavonia Tyrrhenia Celtica Moravia Misnia Provincia Lyguria Lunesana Cities or Towns Colonia Toletum Volaterrae Mutina Norbona Avininion Agrippina Stutgardia Rotemburgus Tuberinum Indemburgus Astum Buda Firmum ♃ and ♓ Portugal Galitia Cilicia Egypt the higher Phazonia Nazomonitidis Garamatis Lydia Pamphilia Calabria Normandia Lusitania Cities or Towns Alexandria Compostella Sibilia or Hyspalis Parantium Rhotomagum Normatia Worms Ratisporia ♂ and ♈ England France Germany Sweedland Denmark the lesser Poland Judea the upper Burgundy upper Sylesia Syria Bastarnea Palestina Of Cities or Towns Naples Vtrecht Capua Ancona Imola Ferraria Florenea Verona Liudavia Brunswick Cracovia Massilia Seragosse Berganum Caesaria Padua ♂ and ♏ Catalonia Norway Cappadocia Matragonitida Commogena Idumaea Mauritania Getulia the Kingdom of Fez. Cities or Towns Algera Aquileia Ariminum Valentia Trapizuntius Virbinum Pistoria Camerinum Petavium Messana Viena of the Allobroges Gedamun Crema Forum Julii ☉ and ♌ Italy Sicilia Bohemia Phoenicia the Alps Aemilia Chaldea Sabina Togata Orichemia part of Turky Cities or Towns Bristol in England Prague Linzinus Damascus Rome Ravenna Cremona Confluentia Cremisium Croton Ghent in Flanders ♀ and ♉ Ireland the greater Poland Lorain Persia Media Parthia Cyprus white Russia the Islands of Archipelagus the lesser Asia Helvetia Rhetia Switzerland Franoamia Cities or Towns Mantua Bononia Parma Senas Tarentum Burgus a Castle in Spain Panoruma the head of Histria Brixia Tigurum Lucerna Vanceium Metis Herbipolis Carolastadium Liepsia Nants Posua Novogardi Guesma ♀ and ♎ Aethiopia Alsatia Austria Livonia Bastriana Caspia Seres Oasis Sabandia Sundgavia Pannonia the Dukedom of Savoy Jamaica Island Of Cities or Towns Lisbon in Portugal Vienna in Austria Olysiponis Arefatum Cajeta Lauda Suessa Placentia Friburgia Argentina Veldkirchium Spira Francofordia Halafrisinga Heilprima Mosbachium Landshuta ☿ and ♊ Flanders Brabant Lombardy Armenia Barbados Island Cities or Towns London Bamberg Norrinberg Lovain Cesena Hasford Bruges Corduba Mentz ☿ and ♍ Babylon Mesopotamia Corinthia Athens Croatia Assyria Achaia Greece Athesina Creet or Candy the lower Silesia Egypt the lower Cities or Towns Jerusalem Corinth Paris Cumas Novaria Rhodes Arethium Brundusium Tolosa Lugdunum Basil Heidelburg Cratislavia Erphordia Sigina Reding in England ☽ and ♋ Scotland Holland Zealand Granado Numidia Affrica Carthage Calchis the lower Burgundy Cities or Towns York St. Andrews Amsterdam Venice Lubeck Genoa Tunis St. Cadiz Millan Wittenberg Magdenberg St. Lucas Prousia VOX STELLARUM OR THE Voyce of the STARS Being a brief and easie INTRODUCTION To the Judgment of Annual REVOLUTIONS OF THE VVORLD Eclipses of the Luminaries great Conjunctions Comets or Blazing Stars c. By William Knight Student in Astrology and Physick Foelix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas LONDON Printed by E. T. and R. H. for Thomas Passinger at the Three Bibles on London Bridge 1681. OF REVOLUTIONS CHAP. I. SECTION I. Teaching how many Schemes ought to be erected for this purpose and for what time they are to be set I Shall not dispute the various Opinions of Authors about this business but wholly adhere to the Judgment and Precepts of Ptolomy who was Princeps Astro●ogo●um which is that we should erect Schemes for the punctual times that the Sun enters the four Cardinal Signs viz. ♈ ♋ ♎ and ♑ and from thence deduce a judgment of that years affairs that is thus from the Position of Heaven at his ingress into ♈ we are to judge of the Accidents of the Spring Quarter which is from the 10th of March until the 11th of June at which time he enters ♋ from whence judgment must be drawn of the Summer Quarter or until he enters ♎ which is about the 13th of September from the Figure whereof we are to judge the events of Autumn or the Harvest Quarter and lastly by the Position of Heaven at his ingress into ♑ we may know the state of the Winter Quarter that is from the 11th of December until he enters ♈ again However you ought in a general way to prefer and esteem the Scheme of his ingress into ♈ above all the rest For the Ancients have affirmed that the Sun was placed in this very Sign and in the first punctum thereof at the Creation where he began his unwearied course in the Meridian of Mesopotamia Therefore must the Position of Heaven at the time of his return thereunto every year be the Principal Piller on which we are to build our Astrological Judgment of Mundane Affairs and this we need not cavil at if we do but consider that he is sons vitae the Fountain of Life fons lucis the Fountain of Light or anima mundi the Soul of the World by which all things as well Vegetatives as Sensitives have their subsistence and vivifying nourishment Again experience crams us with belief that this affirmation of the Ancients is an undeniable truth First we see that when the Sun 〈…〉 this Equinoctial Sign the Earth and 〈◊〉 grow green and ●r●ctifie by degrees afterwards the birds warble forth their sweet and melodious Tunes and all Creatures rejoyce Secondly we find the Actions and Affairs of the World correspond with the Face of Heaven at this time SECTION II. Of the Lord of the Year The Lord of the Year is that Planet who is almuten of the Ascendent at the Sun's ingress into ♈ CHAP. II. Of the significations of the Planets when they are Rulers of the Year SECTION I. Of ♄ when strong THe People will that year build New Houses and alter and repair their Old they will be fortunate in all their worldly Employments and be in good esteem among their Neighbours the Earth shall be fruitful so that the Farmers or Countrey-men will increase in Substance and the poor Day-labourer have little cause to complain But if he be weak Then instead of building and repairing their Houses they may be forced to sell or morgage them There will be much cold weather People shall be sorrowful crossed and vexed in their undertakings grievous infirmities will be spread abroad dammage by Storms and Tempests Hurricanes Earth-quakes Ancient People will die and the Winter pinching cold SECTION II. Of ♃ when strong Noblemen Judges Councellors and all such Persons signified by him shall be succesful and they will do justice too which as
their light for a season SECTION II. That of the Sun is occasioned at the ☌ or Change of the Moon by the interposition of the Moon between the Body of the Sun and the Earth averting or turning his Beams from us whereby he becomes darkned for that time That of the Moon is by the Diametrical Interposition of the Earth betwixt the Sun and the Moon so depriving her of the light that she receiveth from the Sun and this is always at the ☍ or Full-Moon the Sun ever moveth in the Ecliptick-Line and therefore were it not so that the Moon at her Conjunction and Opposition with him had Latitude whereby she deviates from the Ecliptick sometimes North-ward and at other times South-ward that she cannot exactly meet with him there this defect would be every Change and Full. SECTION III. The time for which we should erect a Figure concerning this business Guido Bonatus that Learned Italian Astrologer tells us in these Words Si autem in anno fuerit Eclipsis vide in quo signo sit adventa aequabis tunc Planetas Domos ad horam mediae Eclipsis if in any year there be an Eclipse see in what Sign it is and reduce the Planets and Houses to the Time of the middle of the Eclipse SECTION IV. The Places concerned in the effects of an Eclipse Ptolomy informs us Muxime evenient in ea quae eidem Signo Eclipsis assimilatur in qua super terram videtur Eclipsis the effects will chiefly happen to those Parts subject to the Sign wherein the Eclipse is and in those Places where the Eclipse is visible Now on what the effects will be manifested Ptolomy also tells us ex Qualitatibus Figuris quae proprie sunt Signorum in quibus est Eclipsis locus indicatur Signorum etiam in quibus erraticae non erraticae consistent Stellae quae Signo Eclipsis Signo Anguli praecedentis Eclipsi donando disponunt the meaning of these words run to this purpose That we may know from the Qualities and Forms of those Signs wherein the Light is Eclipsed and from those Places in which the Planets or other Stars having chief dominion in the place of the Eclipse and the Angle preceding the Eclipse shall be located the Angle preceding is the Ascendent if the Eclipse be in the Forenoon but if it be Afternoon then 't is the Mid-heaven or tenth house from hence we learn that if an Eclipse be in humane Signs it will manifest its effects on men if in a Bestial Sign on Cattle in the Ascendent on the Common People in the second on their Substance c. if it be on the ninth house on Church-men in the tenth on Kings Princes c. an Eclipse on the fiery Triplicity denotes the motion of Armies Wars effusion of Blood detriment to Kings Princes or Noble-men Murthers Thefts Robbers on the high-ways Depopulations Abortions to Women with Child malignant Fevers destruction to Sheep Coneys and Horses strange Apparitions in the Ayr in the earthy Triplicity scarcity of Corn and other Fruits death of Bulls Oxen Cows Goats and Hogs Earth-quakes c. in the airy Triplicity Hurricanes stormy Winds pestilential Diseases a scarcity of Food death of Birds or the Fowls of the Ayr in the watery Triplicity Wars rumors of Wars eruptions or over-flowing of the Sea-banks Floods of water death of Vulgar People damage to Fish c. SECTION V. The effects of an Eclipse doth without doubt begin to operate from the first appearance thereof though not much to be descerned and when the ☉ or ♂ cuts or oppose the place thereof they rouse it up to action but Authors teach us other Lessons which I shall not trouble my self with here nor shall I say any thing against it SECTION VI. For to know how long the effects of an Eclipse will continue let enquiry be made of Ptolomy whom you shall hear speak thus sciemus quod futura Solaris Eclipsis tot annis durabit quot ejus horae aequales fuerint Lunaris vero totidem mensibus the sence of these words is we must know that in an Eclipse of the Sun the effects shall continue so many years as he is eclipsed equal hours and of the Moon so many months CHAP. II. Shewing the signification of each of the five Planets when they are Lord of an Eclipse here you must know the ☉ and ☽ are excluded IN the fourth Section of the last Chapter aforegoing you may perceive or understand that the Lord of the Eclipse is that Planet which hath the most essential Dignities in the Sign of the Eclipse and Angle preceding SECTION I. ♄ When this Planet is Ruler of an Eclipse he causeth Want Tribulation Sadness Fears obnoxious Diseases and Death among the People destruction to Cattle mischief to Birds cold pinching weather Frost and Snows in Summer pestiferous unwholesome Ayr Tempests Shipwracks scarcity of Fish eruptions of the Sea banks over-flowing of Rivers Inundations Floods of Rain Worms and Caterpillars abound destroying the Fruits SECTION II. ♃ Signifies an increase or plenty of all useful things Health Renown Tranquillity and Peace among the People Grandees are now made illustrious inlargeth their Territories or Dominions and in general success to most Persons wholesome Ayr and quiet Sea SECTION III. ♂ Denotes much Mischief Wars Quarrels Duels Massacrees suddain Violence Fewds malignant Diseases Discords and Troubles among all sorts of People Robbery Tyranny Rebellion Combustions and Uproars Tumults and Seditions hot Ayr Thunder and Lightning little Rain Rivers lessened Fountains dry Beasts and Vegetables suffer by Drought a scarcity of the Fruits of the Earth Ship-wracks or losses by Pyrates at Sea SECTION IV. ♀ Declares prosperity health and happiness to the People in general Joy Success Delight and Pleasure increase of all worldly Fame or Felicity temperate Winds plenty of seasonable growing Showers the Earth fruitful Beasts and Vegetables prosper a superfluity of Fish and safe navigating SECTION V. ☿ Signifies quick and crafty actions on the Stage of the World excites men to much subtility or policy in all their undertakings but he denotes a scarcity of the Fruits of the Earth tempestuous Winds Ship-wracks Pyrates at Sea Thieves or Robbers at Land Schisms or Heresies in Religion Observe the Positions and Configurations of all the Planets with each other in the Figure of an Eclipse and what Houses they rule so odering your Judgment accordingly CHAP. III. Of the Eclipses of the Sun in each Face of the twelve Signs as also the Moon with very little variation First Face of ♈ IN this Face it signifies bold resolute confident and violent actions on the Stage of the World quick and suddain Controversies the motion of Armies Tumults Seditions Duels Assaults and Batteries against Forts or Castles hot and dry Ayr Thunder Lightning a scarcity of Waters Drought of Rivers and Fountains malignant Fevers Second Face of ♈ Detriment unto Princes Nobles and Great-men Barren-earth and scarcity of the Fruits thereof Pestilence
the seven Planets Secondly their significations from thence deduced Thirdly and lastly what they signifie by their appearance in any of the 12 Signs of the Zodiack the two first I shall joyn in one Chapter CHAP. I. A Comet of a pale leaden ashy or dull wan colour belongs to ♄ it denotes terrible frights or fears among the People exile or banishment to many Famine Pestilence lingring Diseases outragious Storms and Tempests Ship-wracks Inundations scarcity of Fish plenty of little else but Worms or Caterpillers Such as are of a bright and clear colour relate to ♃ they signifie a fertile and plentiful year wholsome gales of wind seasonable Showers alterations and change of Laws perhaps for the better if Jupiter be then strong otherwise much detriment to those Kingdoms and Places under him Those that are red or fiery be Comets of ♂ they denote Wars Quarrels Duels Blood-shed Tumults Seditions Massacres Sea-fights Thundering and Lightning in the Ayr and in mens minds too nothing delights them now but the clattering of Arms and russing of Armies Thieves and Robbers abound scorching hot weather drying up Rivers Wells and Fountains intollerable Diseases Mars will be rampant in earnest The Comets of the Nature of ☉ are of a yellow or gold colour splendid and glorious to behold They signifie the death of Kings Princes or Rulers alterations of Government War Drought Uproars many and dangerous Infirmities Such as be of a glittering illustrious white colour belong to ♀ those denote much evil to Women great mutations in the World alterations of Laws Customs and Priviledges dammage to the Fruits of the Earth and also to fresh-water Fish When any Comet appears of an azure sky or rain bow colour ☿ claims it these are the fore runners of strange Catastrophes Wars Plague and Famine Trouble Sorrow Tribulation and Mourning wise and learned men degraded and lorded over by Clowns Learning it self turned out for a wrangler Lastly Those that appear of a pale white or somewhat spotted therein are Comets of the ☽ they denote much mischief to Women and Vulgar People alteration of Laws Customs and Rites Scarcity Wars Troubles Sickness Floods of Water Ship wrack and misery to Sea-men dammage unto Fish of the Sea CHAP. II. ♈ A Comet or Blazing-star appearing in this Sign is the prodromus of Wars clashing of Armies Blood-shed evil to Grandees death of some mighty Prince Drought cruel Diseases among men rot or murrain amongst small Cattle ♉ Here it signifies pernicious Diseases long lingring Infirmities Captivities Poverty death of some great Lady evil to the greater sort of Cattle paucity of Fruit and Corn Earth-quakes violent cold Winter ♊ When in this Sign men lay aside goodness it denotes War Quarrels Sickness death of Young men and Children Abortions lofty Winds blowing down Trees and Houses Thunder and Lightning Famine and dammage to Birds of the Ayr. ♋ Here it denotes Wars Duels Robberies Pestilence and Famine abundance of Locusts or Caterpillars paucity of Fruit and plenty of Worms or other Vermine many men drowned Ships overwhelm'd in the Sea ♌ In this Sign a Comet doth signifie Wars effusion of Blood detriment to Kings Princes Nobles and Gentry Worms and other Vermine destroy the Corn in the Fields Lyons Wolves and mad Dogs rage People molested with dolorous griefs in their Eyes Thunder and Lightning in the Ayr drought or scarcity of Water ♍ Here it prenotes much mischief unto many that are placed in the Courts or Houses of Princes loss of Offices without hope of regaining some suffer Exile or Banishment dammage to Merchants many Insolencies Rebellions Animosities and Tribulations Sorrow among People Abortions to Women c. ♎ In this Sign it imports plenty of Thieves Robbers or Padders on the High-ways poverty and want the death of some great Person Slaughters Plots or occult Conspiracies high Winds Earthquakes a drying up of Rivers and Fountains scarcity of the Fruits of the Earth ♏ Here a Comet doth signifie Wars Quarrels Rebellions Perils and Dangers surround the People scarcity of Corn and Fruits little water and that is corrupted or unwholesome causing Sickness to those that use it Teeming-women are very sensible of many Troubles ♐ When a Blazing-Star appears in this Sign Wise and Noble-men are depressed or detrimented in Person or Estate if not both likewise Wars and much Mischief to most People ♑ Here it denotes Wars Quarrels Calamities poysoning of Princes cutting by the High-ways contempt of Religion Persecution to many Professors thereof pestilent Diseases sharp Frosts and cold Weather great Snows Famine or scarcity of Provisions much Mischief on foot among People ♒ In this Sign it menaces terrible and durable Wars a sweeping Pestilence dark obscure Ayr high Winds Thunder and Lightning some great Prince or Lady yields to the Grave ♓ Lastly a Comet or Blazing-Star in this Sign presages Wars Slaughters high Differences among Relations and Friends Contentions about Religion prodigious Apparitions tumultuous Bickerings over-swelling of Rivers dammage to Fish Thus have you a brief and true account of the natural significations of those Beacons which by the will of the Almighty are hanged over peoples heads to allarum them against approaching evils Note that the Effects of these new Stars are chiefly manifested in those Kingdoms Countries or Places subject to the Sign in which they appear and to those Places where they are seen likewise we must observe which way they emit their Rays or Tayl and to what Planet they point Some say that their Effects will be chiefly apparent when the Sun cuts the place of the Heavens in which they were seen or when he comes to the Planet whose nature the Comet is of this seems to me very probable and will be performed in much less than 100 years Comets or Blazing-Stars Threaten the World with Famine Plague and Wars To Princes Death to Kingdoms many Crosses To all Estates inevitable Losses To Heards-men rot to Plow-men hapless Seasons To Saylors Storms to Cities civil Treasons Some necessary Rules to be well observed in Predictions relating to the Subject of this Book or indeed to any part of Astrology First know that generally ♄ and ♂ are evil Planets or Infortunes ♃ and ♀ are good Planets or Fortunes ☿ and ☽ indifferent the ☉ is Rex Planetarum vel Stellarum the King or Prince of Planets or Stars ♌ is his Mansion House ♈ his Throne wherein he is exalted or as Mr. Gadbury terms it his Seat in Parliament hence it will result that he rules the Heart and hath also much to do with the Brain of Kingdoms and Nations so well as Persons Therefore I say his ☌ □ or ☍ is the very worst of all Afflictions especially in matter of Life or Honour and his ⚹ or △ in such respects more to be prized than the same Rays or ☌ of either ♃ or ♀ Humane Signs signifie men bestial Signs Beasts aiery Signs Birds of the Ayr watery Signs water-Fowl and Fish earthy Signs the Fruits of the Earth the fiery
Triplicity rule over the East part of the World the aiery West the watery North and the earthy South Remember the particular Beasts under the five bestial Signs as under the rule of ♈ are Sheep Coneys or Rabbets ♉ Bulls Oxen Cows ♌ Deer Lyons and other furious Beasts ♐ Horses Mules ♑ Goats Hogs Hares ♄ ♃ ♂ ☉ ☿ are masculine Planets ♀ ☽ Feminine ♄ ♃ ☉ are Diurnal Planets ♂ ♀ ☽ Nocturnal ☿ Convertable ☊ is Masculine ☋ Feminine ♂ signifies bold audacious Pyrates at Sea or Robbers at Land such as fear nothing or are of good force ☿ small slie pilfering Pickaroons or Privateers at Sea and close ambush Robbers at Land This is meant when either of those two Planets be Lord of an Eclipse Ruler of a Comet or posited in the ninth or third House of a Revolution and chiefly if then in evil Aspect to the Lord of the Horoscope or ☽ Some Aphorisms of Hermes pertinent to the Subject of this Book 1. An Artist cannot make a commixtion of the significations of the Stars before he know their Friendships and Enmities which is threefold First according to their Nature Secondly according to their Houses And Thirdly according to their Aspects 2. ♀ is opposite to ☿ he embraceth Languages and Discipline she Delights and Pleasures ♃ the like to ♂ he loves Mercy and Justice the other Impiety and Cruelty 3. Make the ☉ or one of the Superiours to signifie Princes and Great men Scribes and Rusticks the inferiour Planets and chiefly the ☽ 4. The signification of a ☌ is not lessened by an Aspect but an Aspect is by a ☌ as having lesser force 5. Make ♄ and ☉ Significators of Kings and Princes with the Planet or Planets in the tenth but their helpers take from the eleventh and the Assisters of the Vulgar People from the second House ♃ dissolves the malice of ♄ and ♀ dissolves the malice of ♂ 7. The ☽ increasing in Light and Motion and in ☌ with ♄ and ♃ is generally good in all things but if she be diminishing in light 't is ill understand the contrary wholly when she is in ☌ with ♂ and ♀ 8. ♄ passing out of one Sign into another causeth strange Apparitions in the Heavens 9. In Summer when the ☉ enters the terms of ♂ heat is caused or increased in Winter Drought and scarcity of Rain and Waters 10. When Significators of either good or evil shall be Stationary and Angular it shall be the more durable but if cadent or retrograde more mutable 11. Planets under the Sun-beams or within 12 Degrees thereof are unfortunate unless in the same degree with him but when they are passed 13 degrees from him they are fortunate 12. All Rebellions breaking out at the beginning of the year are not easily suppressed 13. Oriental Planets signifying good or evil perform their work speedily Occidental more slowly 14. There will happen great Wars and many difficulties when in a Revolution of the World ♄ and ♃ shall be in their Exaltations 15. Planets in fixed Signs shew the matter durable in common Signs doubtful in moveable Signs convertible to good or evil ♄ performs evil slowly ♂ swiftly therefore ♂ is reputed to hurt more than ♄ Some Aphorisms of Ptolomy 1. Ate à Scientia from thy self and Science for it is impossible that the Artist should foresee the particular Idea of things neither can sence receive a particular but a general notion of the sensible matter wherefore he ought in these things to use conjecture for none but such Persons as are inspired from above can predict particulars 2. That Person who is naturally propended or inclined to any Science shall verily attain to greater perfection therein than one that by hard pains and learning shall strive to attain it 3. A wise man doth co-operate with the celestial operations and doth assist nature as the Husbandman in the ploughing and preparing his Ground 4. When the Significator of a Kingdom shall be directed to the Anaretical Points the King or some great Prince in that Kingdom shall die 5. When ♄ and ♃ are in ☌ see which of them is most elevated and judge according to his nature do the like in the ☌ of other Planets 6. The ☉ is the Fountain of the Vital Vigor the ☽ of the natural this I judge in Kingdoms or Nations so well as particular Persons 7. The significations of an Eclipse shall be most visible when the Eclipse is near an Angle consider also the Stars in Aspect one with another and not the Planets only but the fixed Stars also the constellations arising together with the Signs and from thence frame your Judgment 8. Shooting Stars and other such like Apparitions shew great Scissity in the Ayr and if they be produced from one part only it shews there shall be great Winds produced from that Quarter also but if they are driven into several Parts it shews scarcity of Waters a troubled Ayr and incursions of Souldiers 9. Comets whose distance from the Sun is eleven Signs if they appear in an Angle the King or a Great man in some Kingdom shall die but if they appear in a succedent House the Princes Attendants shall do well yet shall some Kingdom change their Governour but if they appear in a cadent House Diseases and suddain Deaths ensue if they move from the West to the East a Forreign Enemy shall invade several Kingdoms but if the Comet move not the Enemies shall be of the same Countrey born and bred Here followeth six remarkable Aphorisms more to make up the Game 1. The five grand Afflictions or Unfortunacies of the Planets are these viz. when they are Combust Retrograde Peregrine in their detriment or fall 2. When two Planets are in ☌ or in any other Aspect to each other if they be in reception it increaseth the goodness of a good Aspect and abateth the malice of an evil Aspect 3. Observe still the Antiscions and Conter-Antiscions of the Planets for they have their effect so well as the Aspects 4. The vertue of a Planet is in that House whose beginning or Cusp he precedes by no greater space than five degrees 5. If ♃ or ♀ be Significators of any good and strong then it shall take place to the full 6. When ♄ or ♂ are Significators of any evil and strong they will bring it on with a vengeance Those that would be furnished with variety of Aphorisms I recommend them to that ingenious little Treatise entituled Vade Mecum written by Mr. John Patridge The Days on which the immovable Feasts are celebrated with us The Circumcision of Christ January 1 Epiphany or Twelfth-day January 6 Conversion of St. Paul January 25 Purification of the Virgin Mary February 2 Valentine February 14 St. Matthias Apostle February 24 Annunciation of the Virgin Mary or Lady-day March 25 St. George his Day April 23 St. Mark Evangelist April 25 Philip and Jacob Apostles May 1 St. Barnabas or Barnaby June 11 St. John