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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A25343 Ancient truth revived, or, A True state of the antient, suffering Church of Christ, commonly (but falsly) called Brownists, living in London, and other places of this nation wherein I. Is shewed (in the preface) the state of the gospel-church, from the time of Christ's ascension, to the end of the world, gathered out of the book of Revelations, II. The confession of our faith, grounded on the doctrine of the apostles and prophets, III. By vvhom the gospel vvas first preached in this island, IV. Our practice in the worship of God, according to the practice of the primitive church, with an explanation of every ordinance, and vvho have right to administer the same, V. The first day of the week proved to be the gospel-sabbath. 1677 (1677) Wing A3076; ESTC R40283 61,216 57

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allowance of our Liberties in the service of God according to his Word we must notwithstanding not forsake the a assembling of our selves together but walk together in the obedience of Christ and b confession of his Faith and Gospel even through the midst of all Trials not accounting our c Goods Lands d Wives Children Father Mother Brethren or Sisters nor our own e Lives dear unto us so as we may finish our f Course with Joy remembring we ought to obey g God rather than Man that so when we have finished our Course and have kept the Faith we may certainly expect to be given unto us the Crown of Righteousness which is laid up for all that love his appearing so that in the mean time we labour to give unto God the things that are h Gods and unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto all men that which i belongeth to them so endeavouring to have a k Conscience void of offence towards God and towards Man and having hope in God that the Resurrection of the l dead shall be of the just unto Life and of the unjust unto Condemnation everlasting If any take this to be m Heresy then do we with the Apostle confess after the way they call Heresy we worship God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ believing all things that are written in the Law and Prophets and Apostles on which foundation all true Christian n Faith is built Christ being the chief Corner-stone Now unto him that is able to keep us that we fall not even to the only wise God and our Saviour be Glory Majesty Dominion and Power both now and for ever Amen a Heb. 10.25 b Mat. 10.32 Rom. 10.9 1 John 4.15 c Heb. 10.34 d Luke 14.26 27. e Acts 21.13 f 2 Tim. 4.7 8. g Acts 4.19 2 Tim. 4.8 h Mat 22.21 i Rom. 12.17 and 13.8 k Acts 24.15 16. l Luke 14.14 Acts 23.6 1 Cor. 15. John 5.29 m Acts 24.14 n Eph. 2.20 A Description of the true Church of Christ with the Practice of all her Ordinances in that holy Order and Government which Christ by his Apostles established the Primitive Churches in as a Pattern for all true Christians to follow the Lamb on Mount Sion in the performance of his Worship With several grounded Reasons from the holy Scriptures to prove that the first Day of the Week is the Gospel-Sabbath With many-useful Observations needful to be known in this Age for the unfolding of the Right Use and Benefit of every Ordinance according to Gods holy Order SEeing glorious things are spoken of the City of God Psal 87.3 let us therefore take a view how and by whom this City or true Church of God was first planted in this Island of Great-Britain The Welch or British People the first Inhabitants of this Land as Gildas affirmeth received the Gospel in the time of Tiberius the Emperor under whom Christ suffered Acts and Mon. Book 2. Pag. 95. He also saith that Joseph of Arimathes after the dispersion of the Jews was sent of Philip the Apostle from France into Britain about the Year of our our Lord 63 and remained in Britain all his time who with his fellows laid the first foundation of the Christian Faith among the British People Gild. de lib. Vict. Aurelii Ambrosii Onesephorus saith that Simon Zelotes did spread the Gospel of Christ to the West Ocean and brought the same into the Isle of Britain Oneseph lib. 2. cap. 4. And thus we see the British People received the faith of Christ and not from Rome fulfilling the Words of the Prophet The Isles shall wait for his Law Isa 42.4 As is expounded by Christ The Gentiles shall trust in his Name Mat. 12. And thus the Gospel was preached to every Creature to wit of Mankind under Heaven Col. 1.22 And the Lords Name was great among the Heathen Mal. 1.11 as was promised to be given to Christ for his Inheritance and the uttermost parts of the Earth for his Possession And thus Christ by the preaching of the Gospel being King of Saints is set upon his holy Hill Mount Sion Psal 2.6 8. Rev. 14.1 Where all his Elect are gathered in the dispensation and fulness of times Eph. 1.10 to serve the Lord whose Kingdom and Dominion and the greatness of his Kingdom under the whole Heavens hath no end Dan. 7.13 14 27. Luke 1.33 So that in all Nations him that feareth God and worketh righteousness is accepted of him Acts 10.35 And thus Christ in his Church doth reign on Earth over both Jews and Gentiles Rom. 15.11 12. and yet no earthly Monarch as will further appear in handling the Ordinance of Christs Government in his Church or Kingdom Now having shewed how and by whom the Church of Christ and his Gospel was first planted in England among the British People In the next place let us behold this Church of Christ how she was planted and established in her primitive Beauty in this Island as in other parts of the World by the heavenly Builders the Apostles 1. Forasmuch as the Scriptures hold forth unto us that every true Church of Christ is a Company of a faithful People called and b separated from the World 〈◊〉 all false Worships c gathered and joyned together with their seed into a holy d Covenant or Marriage-state with the Lord to serve him according to his written Word and thus the Govenant is the Form of the Church by which the faithful and their seed entring into the same do become members of Christs Mystical Body as the Scriptures shew a 1 Cor. 1.2 Rev. 18.4 John 15.19 Acts 19.9 10. and 2.40 b 2 Cor. 16 17. c Isa 60.4 d Esay 62.4 5. Jer. 50.5 2 Cor. 11.1 2. Deut. 26.17 18 19. and 29.10 11. Ezra 9.2 compared with 1 Cor. 7.14 Luk. 18.16 Isa 49.5 2. This Church being thus joyn'd together have power from their Head and Husband Christ Jesus to elect and ordain by a free consent of the whole Church that are come to understanding some from among themselves being found fitly qualified with Gifts and Graces to the office of a Pastor and Teacher for the work of the Ministry and Administration of the Signs or Seals of the benefit of Christs death to wit Baptism and the Lords Supper and likewise to chuse some to be b Elders with the Pastor and Teacher for the Oversight and Guidance of the Church and others to be Deacons c for the gathering the Contribution of the Saints to distribute to the maintenance of the Ministers and relief of the poor and when Widows for helpers be found fit for both Age and Qualifications the Church may likewise enjoy the same as d Deaconists to look after the sick as these Scriptures shew a 1 Tim. 3. Acts 14.23 b 1 Tim. 5.17 c Acts 6.2 3 4. d 1 Tim. 5.9 10. 3. Unto this Church thus gathered and constituted the Lord Jesus hath given his Ordinances every one of them in that holy Order he himself hath
29. d Mat. 21.43 e 1 Thess 2.12 Rev. 1.9 Heb. 12.28 f 1 Chron. 24.25 26. g 1 Pet. 2.9 h Rev. 4.5 Levit. 24.8 Numb 8.2 i Rev. 10.4 k Rev. 5.5 l John 15.15 Col. 2.3 m Mat. 13.11 n Rom. 16.25 Again 2. In chap. 6 is shewed How that for the Sins of the Churches who began to revolt from the Faith once given to the Saints which they were commanded to a contend for but neglecting their b Watch herein Hypocrites crept in among them deluding them by their c fair Speeches so deceiving the hearts of the simple they soon embraced the Doctrine of Antichrist for many Opposers of the Truth were in those days And so the Churches fell more and more from the Truth as was clearly signified by the opening of the Seals Rev. 6. and sounding of the Trumpets Rev. 8. So that the Sun wherewith the Church was cloathed became black as d Sackcloth of Hair the Moon bloody the Stars the Ministers fell from the heavenly Doctrines of Faith to e earthly things like unto the Doctrine of these times that Men speak evil of those things they cannot comprehend by f corrupt Nature So that the heavenly State of the Church was rolled up together as a g Scroll That as God of old delivered his Church for like sins into the hands of the old Babylonians who destroyed both Temple and City and killed many and would not suffer their Bodies to be put in the h Grave Even so did the Lord deliver the Christians into the hands of the Spiritual Babylon the Romish Harlot who like old Babylon killed many of God's Servants and would not suffer their Bodies to be put in the i Grave Notwithstanding though the Beast was said in a sense to overcome k he Saints yet he could not for they were with Christ in this War the called chosen and faithful l all the time of the thousand Years of the Beasts Reign and would not worship the Beast nor his Image neither had received his Mark in their Foreheads by openly yielding unto his Canons nor secretly in their Hands by paying his Priests their duties as they call them but by Falth keeping the Commands of God they lived and m reigned with Christ a thousand years on n Earth and this was in the time of the Beast's Reign else the Praise given them by God's Spirit had not been properly belonging unto them of not worshipping the Beast So that they are under a great Mistake that have taught from Rev. 20.4 that the Saints have not yet reigned with Christ on Earth and how many have been deceived in this Point by them when the Saints Reign on Earth is not after an earthly manner as in pag. 18. is shewed but over Sin the World and the Devil and this is the Saints Victory even their Faith So saith Paul I have fought the good Fight I have finished my Course I have kept the Faith henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown not of Gold as some expect on Earth but of Righteousness and Glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ a Jude v. 3. b 1 Cor. 16.13 c Rom. 16.18 d Rev. 6 12. e Phil. 3.19 f Jude 10. John 6.60 g Rev. 6.14 h Psal 79.1 2 3. 2 Chron. 36.19 20. i Rev. 11.8 9. k Rev. 13.7 l Rev. 17.14 m Rev. 20.4 n Rev. 5.10 3. As God of old in Wrath remembred mercy to his ancient Church captivated in Babylon signified to Ezekiel there by the little Book given him to a eat that he must prophesie again to the dry b Bones to call them to Repentance and to return and build the Temple as was further signified to Zachary by a measuring c Line shewed him that Jerusalem should be built and the Temple in it and God's Worship restored as was accomplished in the days of Nehemiah Ezra Zachary and Haggai As their Books do shew at large Even so did the Lord in Wrath remember Mercy to his Church captivated by the spiritual Babylon Therefore by a like Sign as was shewed to Ezekiel so to John that he must eat the little d Book signifying how the Lord after a thousand years of the Beasts Reign would raise up his faithful Servants and deliver his Captives as was fulfilled in the end of the sixth Seal Rev. 7. and the beginning of the seventh with a measure of John's Spirit to call his Elect out of the Spiritual e Babylon the Romish Church the great City which reigned over the Kings of the Earth whose f City was so large as she reigned over all People Kindreds Tongues and Nations where her Canons and Orders were obeyed So that to the Elect among these must the Eaters of the little Book prophesy as Ezekiel did to the dry Bones that lay dead in the g Antichristian Errors So that the rest of the dead lived not again h since their Fall in Adam and their own Trespasses and Sins since comitted in spiritual i Fornication with the Romish Harlot until the thousand years Reign of the Beast was ended which time of her Reign to wit her Eclesiastical Estate in making Laws over Mens Consciences began about the year of our Lord 313 or 315. and made not an end of making Laws till about the year 1564. The Councel of Trent was the last wherein the Beast perceiving that the Lord began to raise up his Servants to shew all Nations deluded by her k Sorceries the Judgment of the great Whore who now did gather together her Armies of m Locusts in this last Councel but all in vain as was said to Ezekiel when God's time was come to deliver his People out of old Babylon The Time is at hand and the n Effect of every Vision So was it in like sence said to John There shall be Time no o longer But in the dayes of the Voice of the seventh Angel when he shall begin to sound the Mysteries of God shall be finished as he hath declared to his Servants the Prophets So that it appeareth the last great Mystery in the Prophets before Christ's coming to Judgment was to raise up all his Elect out of the Graves of Sin as is this last restoring of his Church out of the spiritual Babylon so that from the time the Kingdom of Israel was divided under p Rehoboam there was no Mystery more to be observed from that Estate as it is written Behold Israel 1 Cor. 10.18 but in their Captivity and Return out of the same Which second Temple building answered this second Restauration as aforesaid in these last days A Point worth observing a Ezek. 3.3 b Ezek. 3.7 c Rev. 18.4 f Rev. 17.18 g Eph. 2.1 2. h Rev. 20.5 i Rev. 17.2 k Rev. 18.23 l Rev. 17.1 m Rev. 9.3 n Ezek. 12.22 o Rev. 10.6 p 1 Kin. 11.11 12 13. 4. The Time when the seventh Angel began to sound or the Eaters of the little Book began to prophesy as aforesaid was about the year of our Lord 1541. To mention one one or two
Members of Christ's Church as many Heathen Magistrates in the Apostles days were h then are they said to have their portion in the Holy Land and they do bring their honour and glory as the Gentiles their i riches in becoming Nursing-fathers k preserving the Church from outward Injuries while they in Spirit and in Truth l worshipthe Lord in keeping his Commandments and so the m Earth is said to help the Woman As these Scriptures shew a 2 Chron. 26.16 18. b Jer. 27.6 8 12. c Jer. 40.5 d Jer. 29.22 23. e Jer. 29.7 f Mat. 17.24 25 26 27. g Rom. 13.6 h Ezek. 48.21 i Isa 60.3 6. Rev. 21.24 k Numb 11.12 Isa 49.23 l John 4.24 Phil. 3.3 Rev. 22.14 m Rev. 12.16 Again there are three Kingdoms here on Earth first the Kingdom of Magistratical a Government in Nations secondly the Kingdom or spiritual b Government of Christ in his Church thirdly the Kingdom of c Darkness where Satan the d Prince of this World ruleth in the hearts of the children of e disobedience The two first Kingdoms or Governments are ordained of God the third was usurped of the Devil The time when his Kingdom began was so soon as Man fell by his means into f Sin and thus Satan as a strong Man armed took g possession in our first Parents until a stronger than he came upon him and dispossest him to wit Christ by God promised to them that the Seed of the h Woman to wit Christ should bruise the Serpents Head and God gave them faith to believe the same and thus Christ threw out i and took possession in his Elect Children whom the Father had given k him to dwell in their hearts l by faith Thus the War began betwixt Christ and Satan in Paradise a figure of the m Church and n Heaven it self so that in a Mystery it is written There was War in Heaven o Michael and his Angels fought against the Dragon and the Dragon fought and his Angels and prevailed not neither was place found any more in Heaven for them Thus Christ in the purpose of God and in the fulness of time by his death spoiled p Principalities and Powers as it is written For this purpose the Son of God was manifest that he might q destroy the Works of the Devil Thus Christ by the Ministry of his Word as a r Prophet worketh upon the knowledge of his Elect Children that they may discern Sin and Righteousness as a Priest to work upon the Will and Affections s killing them a t sacrifice Which Work of Christ Abel by faith saw by killing the sacrifice he was worthy to die and by offering it up on the Altar he u confessed that Christ must die for his Sins but Cain who was not of the number of the Elect yet shewed he a form of Godliness offered his m Sacrifice as Hypocrites do without faith therefore it was not accepted as Abel's was for which cause he x slew his Brother so he is said to be of that wicked One in whose posterity Satan had his Kingdom called the World of y ungodly which perished in the Flood and their Spirits remain in prison in expectation of endless woe to have their portion with him they served a Rom. 13.2 b Psal 149.6 7 8 9. Mat. 18.18 c Rev. 16.10 Eph. 6.12 d John 14.30 e Eph. 2.2 f Gen. 3.1 John 3.8 g Luke 11.21 h Gen. 3.15 i Heb. 2.14 15. k John 6.37 39. l Eph. 3.17 m Cant. 4.12 n Luke 23.43 o Rev. 12.7 Dan. 12.1 p Col. 2.15 q 1 John 3.8 r Acts 3.22 s Phil. 2.13 t Rom. 12.1 u Heb. 10.4 Psal 40.6 7. Gal. 3.24 w Prov. 15.8 Isa 66.3 x 1 John 3.12 y 2 Pet. 2.5 1 Pet. 3.19 Mat. 25.41 Moreover after the Flood Satan began his Kingdom again in Noah's Son Canaan the Son of Ham whom Noah a cursed for his sin of tale-bearing who ought to have b concealed and not to have reproached his Father nevertheless in the Field of the c World God hath his Elect in whom as aforesaid Satan ruleth for a while until Christ by the Word of his Grace worketh Repentance in them to the acknowledgment of the Truth that they may be recovered out of the d snare of the Devil captivated by him at his will Thus we see the Work of Christ is to dispossess Satans Government or Kingdom out of the hearts of his Elect as is opened to us in Rev. 11. When Gods time was come that he would restore his Church by raising up of his Elect out of the e grave of sin wherein they lay f dead under the Antichristian Errors and Doctrines of Devils whom the Lord g awakened by the h Lightnings and thundering Power of his Law as was signified by the Temple of God being opened in Heaven and the voices of his servants signified under the seventh Angel sounding his true Doctrine out of the same which caused such an Earthquake or trembling that some like i Felix trembled yet not bettered but were angry to have the Doctrine of eternal k Judgment preached against the Romish Hirlot their Mother who had made all Nations drunk with the Wine or salfe Doctrine of her Fornication in this Earthquake Others like as the m Jaylor were converted insomuch that the tenth part of the City n fell from the belief of the Antichristian Errors to believe the Doctrine of Christ's Temple and Altar See the Preface to the Reader Thus the o Arrows of Gods Truth pricking the hearts of the Elect wrought so effectually that there was slain of Men or Names of Men p seven thousand now no more to be q named of the number of the Beast but of the number of the r Names that do follow the Lord Jesus on such is written a new s Name even the Name of the City of the Heavenly Jerusalem the Mother of all God's Children So that now in whom Satan had his Kingdom by ruling in them Christ by faith now dwelleth and ruleth which causeth the Angels who are round about the Throne of Christ in his Church to rejoyce at the conversion of poor sinners and so likewise do the Saints as it is written There were great voices in Heaven to wit in the Church saying The Kingdoms of this World are become the u Kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ and he shall reign for ever and ever And again Now is come salvation and strength and the w Kingdom of our God for the Accuser of our Brethren is east down And thus the Kingdom of the World that Abraham was Heir of to wit the World of the Elect which in the dispensation of times are brought into subjection to Christ by the faith of Abraham as it is written If ye be Christ's then are ye Abraham's seed and Heirs according to promise a Gen. 9.25 29. b Prov. 11.12 13. 17.19 c Mat. 13.28 d 2 Tim. 2.25 26. e Ezek. 37.13 John 5.25 f Rev. 20.5 Eph. 2.1 g Eph. 5.14 h Hos 6.5