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A17589 The countesse of Marres Arcadia, or sanctuarie Containing morning, and evening meditations, for the whole weeke. By M. Ia. Caldwell sometimes preacher of Gods Word, at Fawkirke. Enriched with a godlie treatise, called, An ascension of the soule to heaven, by meditation on the passion of our Lord Iesus Christ. Caldwell, James, 1580?-1616.; Anderson, Patrick, 1575-1624. 1625 (1625) STC 4366; ESTC S116200 116,521 496

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Now hee must play the Priest and suffer patientlie his death which hee would not stay Thou should vse poore Soule the opportunitie of the worde verie earnestlie while the raine thereof from Heaven doeth water the dry and thirstie soules of men and whilst it is called to day let vs not barden our hearts The Lord therefore will knowe the inventer of this accusation and in all the History wil haue every mans part knowne in this action I am no Iew said hee cleansing himselfe Thine owne Nation doeth accuse thee I count not for the Messias religion troubles me not so much The Cleargie and Church-men must take heed thereto A liuelie image of wordlings who in the matters of the earth are more thā curious But spiritual things are spirituallie decerned For he inquireth not what a King hee was where his Kingdome was that he might haue a part and sh●re thereof but breakes off in an accusation of Iesus if he was a King The naturall man knoweth not the thinges of the sp●rit of God 1. Cor. 1.14 for they are f●clishn●sse to him And therefore Christ taketh the mouth of Pilat to bee witnes that hee was a King Who albeit hee was equall with the Father Phil. 2.6 and thought it no robberie made himselfe of no reputation by taking on him the forme of a servant to his Father to be witnes to the Truth He wold haue hereby wonne Pilat if it had been possible but he was interrupted for the word is euer a sweet odour to God 2. Cor. 2.15 either to salvation or damnation in mercie or Iustice. With great constancie and grauitie without respect of persons doeth Christ answere so should his servants defend Gods honour and not to turne their faile to everie Winde and therefore hee did avouch his Kingdome as anonynted of the Father Psal 2.6 and sat vpon M●unt Syon his holie Mountaine Zac. 9.9 who is just and saued himselfe and his people from their sinnes Mat. 2.21 Blessed is hee that commeth in the Name of the Lord Hosanna Mat. 21.9 thou which art in the highest heavens who hath giuen vs to inherite the Kingdome prepared for vs Mat. 25.34 from the f●undation of the world And therefore weak Soule Why art thou aff●aied Is it of the Devill hee can not hurt one haire of t●i●e head Mat. 8.31.32 without thy Kings will Art thou troubled with sickenesses At his command they depart Mar. 1.31 Are enemies risen against thee Hee can crushe with a Scepter of Iron Psal 2.9 and breake them in pieces like a Potters vessell Art thou astonished at Death 1. Cor. 15.55 Death is swallowed vp in victorie feare not therefore feeble Soule For it pleaseth the Father to giue thee his Kingdome Luc. 12.32 who can therfore separate thee from the loue of Christ bee perswaded that neither Death nor Life nor Angels nor Principalities nor Powers nor thinges present nor thinges to come nor hight nor deepe nor any other creature shal bee able to separate thee from the loue of God Rom. 8.35 38.39 which is in Christ Iesus our Lord for he hath al power in heaven Mat. 11. ●7 and in earth His Kingdome is not subject to change and vanitie but eternall Iohn 3.35 and reacheth aboue the heavens and the earth and the depths therof Ier. 6.7 Therefore poore Soule place thy treas●●e in heaven but alace as the Fountaine casteth out her waters so doe wee cast out our malice Let the world bee crucified to vs and vs to the world Gal. 6.14 For if wee bee dead with him wee shall also liue with him 2. Tim. 2.11.22 if wee suffer with him wee shall reigne with him if wee be therefore troubled with the Children of this vvorld remember my Soule his Kingdome is not of this world Iohn 16.33 in the world thou shall suffer affliction but be of good comfort bee hath overcome the world This his Kingdome is from Sea to Sea Psal 72.8 and to the last parts of the earth and it is governed by the preaching of the Gospel Heb. 2.8 who in place of taking tribute from his subjects Luc. 24.47 hath caried vpon him our sorrowes plagued of God Esay 53.4 and smitten of God and humbled who hath giuen vs eternall goods as Righteousnesse Rom. 14.17 Peace and joye in the holie Ghost And therefore my Soule bee wise serue the Lord in feare and rejoyce in trembling Psal kisse the Sonne least hee bee angrie and thou perish in the way when his wrath shall suddenlie burne blessed are all they that trust in him I came in the world to witnes the Trueth Iohn 14.6 who am the Way Veritie and Life to giue knowledg of salvation vnto my people by remission of their sins Luc. 1.77 that all that beleeue in mee ●ohn 3.15 should not perish but haue everlasting life Hee is therefore not onlie the Teacher of that heavenly wisedome Iohn 3.32 but is also made our wisdome from God 1. Cor. 1. 30 Receiue therefore comfortles Soule receiue his testimonie Hee that receiueth his testimony Iohn 3.33 hath sealed that God is true for hee whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God for God giueth him not the spirit by measure Iohn 8.47 he that is of the Trueth doeth heare his voice be that is not of God Iohn 10.27 heares not Gods word Iohn 12 48. for the word that hee hath spoken shall judge him in the last day Verily he that heareth his word Iohn 5.24 and beleeueth in him that sent him hath everlasting life and shall not come vnto con●emnation but hath passed from death vnto Life So Pilat comming from the Common-Hall testified Christs innocencie but herein hee offended that hee did not deliver him who suffred wrong from the band of the oppressor Eccl. 4.9 but was faint hearted when he judged Iam. 1.26 All this while in silence and patience our Saviour possessed his soule vseing great moderation in speeches 1. Pet. 3.10 If thou lay thy injurie poore Soule at Christs feete hee will avenge it if thy wrong hee will repare it 1. Cor. 6.7 if thy sorrow he will care it And therefore learne to suffer wrong and sustaine harme Thy Christ sad Soule is thy patron and Advocate in the presence of God who by his silence hath opened thy mouth giuē thee libertie to speak for because thou art his son hath sent forth the Spirit of his Sonne into thy heart Gal. 4.9 which cryeth Abba Father Let not therefore thy vnworthinesse dash thee so that thou should bee frighted Therefore come boldlie vnto the Throne of grace Heb. 4.16 that thou mayest receiue mercie and grace in the time of need The third Step of the third degree of the ascension of the Soule to Heaven c. NOw must Christ pas to Herod
downe thy Spirit to put vpon my soule that I may awake out of the deep sleep of vnrighteousnesse take the staffe of God in mine hand and never to looke backe with Lots wife Gen. 26. but ever to haue my face towards the new Ierusalem that in the end I may say with thy servant Paul 2. T● 4. ● I haue runne a good race I haue foughten a good fight from this time foorth is the Crowne laid vp for mee Leade mee thorow the snares of this day See my feete vpon a rocke Psal 2. and order my going● Furnish me with wisdome that I may go in and out wiselie before thy people set a watch before my lippes Psal and the doore of my speech let all my speeches bee seasoned with grace and tend to edifieing Let my heart ever be with thee what ever I bee doing beneath And finallie as thou led thy servant Moses vnto mount Pisga and did let him see Canaan a farre off Deut. 34. 1 let my soule delite to walke vpon the mountaine of heavenlie meditations looking a farre off to that heavenlie Canaan while in thine owne good time thou bring mee through the waters of Iordan even through death it self and enter me into that rest Now to my blessed Lord the purchaser of this rest with the Father who from all eternity appointed the same the holie Spirit who daylie confirmeth me in the hope of it bee praise for ever 3 Eph. 1.13 Amen Evening meditation of the second Day O LORD let that same Spirit which indyted thy holy Word whereby thou speakes to my Soule indyte my prayers Rom. 8.26 whereby my soule speaketh to thee thou knowest the voyce of thine owne Spirit but the voyce of a stranger thou wilt not heare I continue my complaint to thy Majestie still lamenting this ignorance and yet remaineth into the mind notwithstanding I am ever endevouring to know thee Who can take thee vp who is such an infinite and incomprehensible Spirit thou dwellest into a light 1. Iohn 4.12 wherevnno man can haue accesse No man can take thee vp by naturall light 1. Cor. 2.14 for the naturall man knoweth not the things that are of God they are foolishnesse vnto him I crave therefore such a measure of that vncreated light even the light of thy Spirit as may breed into the mind a continuall reverence of thee bring the heart to an holie obedience to thee and make all my affections and actions directlie to tend to thy glorie True it is O LORD now and then I haue enjoyed sensiblie this light but ever after humiliation and fervent prayer I am become colde in prayer I seek thee not with that hunger and thirst as I should doe and this maketh my feellings not so frequent Lord stirre vp my spirit that I may seeke thee continuallie with that holie zeale and fervencie that becommeth mee Indeede O LORD these desertions are ●earefull and terrible to fall vnto thy Children Truelie I am most certaine that greater deadnesse darknesse and senselesnesse can not fall vnto a reprobat If the memorie of by past experiences did not comfort me these fearfull desertions wold mak me faint fall a back Lord let not thy servant bee tempted aboue his strength 1. Cor. 10.13 Returne O Lord deliver my soule Psal 119.8 save mee for thy mercies sake forsake mee not over long And if it shall please thee O Lord to hold mee vnder the bitter sense of those fearefull desertions for a time for my further humiliation let this ever bee my greatest griefe that I misse thy presence Teach mee to seeke vncessantlie vntill I finde thee to knocke vntill thou open to call vntill thou answere Psal 39.7 What waite I for O Lord Is not mine hope even in thee Yea let the hope I haue to enjoye thee and thy presence for ever make mee to possesse my soule with the greater patience in the middest of all these feares And now O Lord in this absence from thee albeit the body be here on earth Phil. 3.20 let my conversation ever bee in heaven Giue me grace this night to examine my heart vpon my bed Teach thou my reines in the night Psal 4.4 let mee lye down in thy peace and rest vnder the shadow of thy protection Psal 4.9 Let my bed remember mee of the grave and my rising againe of the last resurrection Make ●ee alwayes w●tchfull and suffer not Oyle to bee inlacking to my lampe Mat. 25.8 When my Lord shall come grant I may meet h m with joy ever bee with him in heaven whom my soul hat● sought on earth Amen Morning meditation of the third Day O LORD my God if I had eyes to see the miserie of this time wherein I doe live I could take vp both the vniversall defection of the whole world and the particular desolation of my owne soule then would mine eyes bee a fountaine of teares Thy servant David powred out rivers of teares Psal 119.136 when hee did see the wicked not keepe thy Law 2. Pet. 2.8 Lots heart was vexed within him when hee saw the iniquitie of Sodome but alaace Lord I am not so sensible these things are hidde from mee therefore I pray thee remove this vaile that overshaddoweth my soule Act. 9.18 Make the skales to fall from mine eyes that I may take vp those decayes into a clearer light from the Priest to the people Hos 4.9 all haue a part in this defection Where is that wonted zeale to thy glorie Who are they who in singlenesse of heart seeke thee All doe seeke their owne thinges Phil 2.21 but few the things which are Christs Religion which should overrule mens wayes are made a coverture to vice and sinne O Lord demaske them and let them appeare who turne the trueth of GOD into a lie and laboure to cover vngodlinesse with a clo●ke of an holie profession Mat. 2.12.13 Take the scourge into thine hand and purge thy Temple put to the door those buyers and sellers who make the house of God a denne of theeves and touch mine heart with a livelie feeling of my particular defects I confesse O Lord I haue fallen from my first love from my former zeale Revel 2.4 from my former care and diligence in thy service Where is the melting hearte the mourning eye the painfull diligence night and day at home and abroad to seek thy face Where I was wont to pray with delite with libertie and with teares now I wearie of prayer I finde no inwarde libertie no softnesse of heart I come vnto thee with a senselesse heart I depart from thee with as senselesse a heart Where my heart was wont to bee pricked at the hearing of thy Worde Act. 2. ● where I was wont to depart from Sermons with great comfort now I finde my selfe neither casten downe nor raised vp Thy Word O Lord worketh not
18. Luc. 2● examinatioun boxing and answere to that wicked fact Ioseph lib. 28. antiq cap. 8. Valerius Gratus deposed this Annas and planted in his place Ismael the sonne Fabius who is thereafter rejected and Annas his son substitute But the yeere after Symon the son of Canuthus is promoted to that dignitie Miserable was the condition in these times those thinges which should be done by the holie Ghost in the warrand of his Word Exod. 29.29 were traversed by Symonie such was the greedines and pride of the Romane Precuratours a presage of their fall which is to bee feared where the like had place also This Annas house apparantlie was in the way they came And they woulde gratifie him to see this miserable spectacle the most mischieuous fact that euer was done in the world the crucifying of the GOD of Glorie Woe vnto them that deliteth to see the bondes of Christ in his servants From thence hee is caried to his greatest enemie Iohn 11.49 that gaue counsell that one should die for the people it is a prophesie whose tongue was guyded by the Lord as Balaams was Men would haue their Counsell put in execution and before it faile they had rather hang themselves as A●hitophell did 2. Sam. 17.23 O remember my Soule many servantes to humour their masters doe villanous factes 1. Sam. 22.9.10 Manie Doegs now adayes who to hunt their Superiours favoures will not spare the life of foure score and fyue Priestes Cajaphas minde was to cut by all meanes Christ off but God moste wise in his eternall decree found it most expedient that Christ shuld die for thee else wee should all haue beene lost Gal. 3.28 All I say for there is neither Iew nor Grecian there is neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female but all are one in Christ Iesus Yea God shall never bee destitute of his owne glory for if men would suppresse it God would draw it out of verie dumbe beastes Num. 22 2● Luc. 19.40 as hee did out of Balaams Asse yea make verie stones to speake The Iudges therefore in great hate doe meete by day which if they had done for decerning of a good cause and just it had beene worthie of praise and commendation Esay 59.7.8 But their foote ranne to euill and they make haste to shedde innocent blood Their thoughtes are wicked thoughtes desolation and destruction is in their pathes the way of peace they knowe not and there is none equitie in their goinges they haue made them crooked pathes whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace Psal 82.6 Iudges that delayes the righteous cause and prorogates it from time to time hath cause to bee affrayed seeing they are Vicars to God Rom. 13.1 to minister justice indifferentlie to all But heere deare Soule consider this high Priestes negligence slouth should hee not haue knowne those thinges which were done and spoken in his owne Church O! but the malitious fellow sought the occasion if possiblie he could of binding on Christs backe the crime of Heresie and Sedition But our Saviour appealed to his Auditours whose judgement hee is not affraied of beeing a paterne heere to Preachers of the Gospell not to be like dumbe Dogges Mar. 16.15 But to preach the Evangell to everie creature neither to bee affrayed of their sincere dispensation of the word but to render an accompt of the hope that is in them Mar. 16.15 And thus the servant of the high Priest voyd of all humanitie gaue Christ a boxe to showe his loyaltie to his master But trueth breeds hatred Ieremias Mica hath proved the same before Light is noysome to sore eyes Such master and such servants Hos 4.9 such Priests such people and good reason it is for like in sinne like in punishment But heere a notable image of flatterers Christ is accused of Treason and beaten besids because he had so answered the hic Priest Great mens courtes are full of Caterpillars which are Mothes to destroye the best constant Common-wealth Hee that rebuketh a man Pro. 28.13 shall finde more favour at the length than bee that flattereth with his tong for why a man that flattereth his neighbour spreadeth a net for his steppes Pro. 29.5 But good King David served the Amalakite 2. Sam. 1.15.16 hypocrite and flatterer otherwise Neither is t●is to be passed that as the maliciousnes of the servant was inexcuseable so the Prieste was to bee blamed also for the servants fault redundeth to the master Baana● and Rechab which did slay Ishbosheth the sonne of Saul 2. Sam. 4.7 David commanded them to bee slaine and therefore all in place and authoritie should obserue that Princelie counsell of King Dauid Psal 101.8 to cut off all the workers of iniquitie bee times from the house of the Lord. But heere the patience and long suffering of the Sonne of God passeth all commendation by his power he did not punish this sinfull servant Psal 103.10 but delayeth looking for amendement and is not moued to vengeance Far be it from thee my Soule thou abuse his patience not one blow but a number hast thou giuen him when thou purse west him in his members grieuouslie Act. 9.5 Rom. 2.24 and blasphemest his holie Name denying thy Christ for bellie and favour Philip. 3.19 contradicting his word and dissembling the trueth but hee that boldlie shall put hand in the members of Christ 2. King 13.4 let him but thinke what became of Ieroboam And yet just defence with meeknesse is tolerable so did Paul tell Ananias who gaue commandemēt to beat him Act. 24.10 Indeed captiues should not be hardlie entertained for the Iayler vsed great humilitie and favour to Ioseph Gen. 39. And nowe deare Soule behold Christs innocencie hee spake nothing in secret wherof he culd be chalēged indeed he did not cast pearls before Swine Mat. 7.6 the substance of his Doctrine was ever one both to the people and to the disciples But after divers manner of his passion he taught and admonished his Apostles of the ruine of Ierusalem Luc. 18. Luc. 22. and mysteries of the kingdome of God and sundrie passages at the supper which the world was not capable of that it might bee fulfilled which was said I haue not spoken in secret Esay 65.2.3 neither in a place of darknesse in the earth And againe I haue spread out mine handes all the daye vnto a rebellious people which walketh in a way which was not goood even after their owne imaginations a people that provoketh mee euer vnto my face But thou vile creature shuld thy Creator who hath made thee of the dust of the earth by grace receiue a blow Servants when they are made free-men doe receiue such a stroke to enjoye libertie But thou my Soule remember thy Saviour giueth his cheeke to him that smiteth him Lam. 3.30 be is
hath beene Peter was taught this lesson of his Saviour That hee loued much to whom much is forgiuen and so being demanded if he loved him more than the rest of the Disciples did hee according to the multitude of his compassions bestowed vpon him referred the answere to his Master Iohn 21.15 whom hee knew did know all things knew how much and in what degree hee loved him Neither is this contradicent to the word which sayeth Thou shalt denie mee thrise for Christ said not thrise onlie but thrise and hee that denyeth seven times denyeth also thrise Peter had said before shall I forgiue my brother seven times to whome Christe answered not seven times but seaventie times seven times Christs favour to his owne is aboue the affection of men or loue of women as Dauid said of Ionathan and according to his everlasting mercies doth hee so much more freely and readilie forgiue yea this was also to strengthen Peter that when hee should fall which Christ did foresee he should not bee swallowed vp in desperation but constantlie beleeue with a liuelie and justifying faith in the Sonne of God as hee had professed before his Master To wh●m shall we goe Iohn 6.68 69. thou hast the words of eternall life and wee beleeue and know that thou art the Christ the Son of the liuing God Mat. 16.16 Thus haue wee spoken of these two Disciples Peter Iudas their falles and repentance which are as different as Heaven is aboue Hell How are now the Priests Elders of the people imployed they are about the counsell for buying of the Potters fielde because they would not put his money in their Treasures Narrow and strait is their conscience in small things but rowme large broade in greater affaires They are constrained to perfect the Lordes decree pronounced by the Prophet Zacharie It is impossible that the enemies of Christ can stoppe the course strength of the Trueth There is neither wisedome neither vnderstanding Pro. 21.30 nor counsell against the Lord. O propheticall certaintie O great vnspeakable knowledge of the holie Ghost He said not ten or twentie but preciselie thirtie as if he had told debursed to them these pieces of silver Let nothing diswade vs from the certanty of Gods promises although there appeare vnto flesh and bloode no reason how they shall bee accomplished yea and that all thinges tend to the flat contrarie never doe thou swerue nor shrinke but beleeue against hope vnder hope Rom. 4.18 Many beautifull showes of outward holinesse doeth these represent they knewe vnlawfully purchased almes was displeasing vnto God They knew a care should be had of the poore and strangers departing this life that they be buried and for the perpetuall memorie thereof did giue the place a name Heere is their Pharisaicall hypocrisie they attend outward religion but lacke internall worship of the minde which is not looked to Well said Christ of thē Woe be vnto you Scribes Pharisees Hypocrits for yeare like vnto whited Tombs which appeare beautifull outward Mat. 23.27.28 but are within full of dead mens bones and of all filthinesse So are yee also for outwardlie yee appeare righteous vnto men but within yee are full of hypocrisie and iniquitie Yet the faithfull should not omit their dueties of humanty to support the indigencie of their brethren while they liue duetiful care of them when they are dead neither not to pull the goodes from their heires vnto themselves Yet one thing heere thou must learne poore Soule of their hypocrisie to bestow thy charitie and almes vpon the poore of thy own lawfull goods For I the Lord Esay 61.8 loue Iudgement and hate robberie for burnt offering and I will direct their work in truth will make an euerlasting Covenant with them for the sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord Pro. 15.8 to present him in his members with such is to associat him to their villany he that taketh away his neighbours liuing Esay 1. 11.12 slayeth him and be that defraudeth the labourer of his hyre Eccl. 34.23 is a blood-shedder But heere behold an everlasting monument raised by them of their impietie and malice against Christ for whiles dissemblars will cover their wickednesse then most of all it is made manifest by reason of Aceldama But this was long time before figured in Ioseph who at the desire of Iuda was sold to the Ishmaelites Gen. 47.5 6. wherby it came to passe that the Land of Goshan was giuen his brethren to dwell in So Iesus sold and delivered to death Iohn 14.2.3 prepared a place for vs where beeing delivered from all troubles Iohn 17.24 we might enjoy rest for euer Remember my Soule that thou art solde vnder the tyrannie of sinne But by Iesus Christ who was solde for thee thou art restored to libertie Beeing then made free from sinne wee are made the servants of righteousnesse and as ye haue giuen your members servants to vncleannes Rom. and iniquitie to commit iniquitie so now giue your members servants vnto righteousnesse and holinesse that beeing fred from sinne yee haue your fruit in holinesse and the end euerlasting Life Mat. 13.18 Wherfore this Field is the world the Potter is God who made mā of the slime of the earth Gen. 2.7 The strangers are Christians who haue no abiding Citie heere Rom. 9.21 but haue renoūced the world The buriall place is our rest in Christ whose sepulchrs are sanctified by him Col. 2.11 1. Cor. and who shall restore our bodies committed vnto him as vnto a faithfull Creator the price of blood is the merite and vertue of his Passion 1. Pet. 1.19 The second Step in the third degree of the as●ension of the Soule vnto Heauen c. NOw haue we conveyed our Saviour frō the Garden to Cajaphas now wee would accompanie him to Pilat Iohn 19. there false accusation against him Mat. 27. of the sending of him to Herod Luc. 23. and of most wrongous excambing of him with Barabbas with the most mishant condemnation of that Innocent Lambe of God Mar. 15. Pilat at the desire of the Iewes is deafe for hee heares nothing worthie of death in him The Iewes vvere verie diligent to take all occasions to put Iustice to execution if any had bene against him which now is oft times delayed But the cause that hee should bee presented before his Tribunall was Mat. 20.19 that it behoued the Sonne of man to bee delivered to the Gentiles to mocke and to scourge and to crucifice him that both Iew and Gentile as they had conspired his death so should both bee partakers of his Life And the first If they abide not still in vnbeliefe Rom. 11.23 should bee graffed in for God is able to graffe them in againe And for the second God hath concluded all vnder sinne
that hee found himselfe deserted but in him are we takē vp saued Martyrs and witnesses of the trueth haue suffered great and grievous tormentes but divine consolation from aboue did aboundantlie shine in their soules the part which tyrantes could not kill nor touch looking vnto Iesus the author and finisher of their faith who for the joy that was sett before him indured the Crosse Heb. 12.2 and despised the shame and mocking of them that stood by who turned his holie word in scornefull jest as though hee had called for Elias Christs Soule now beeing burnt vp with the wrath of God for Sinne Psal 69.22 and all the moisture of his body dryed vp with the same yet did hee not quensh his thirst vntill the wrath of his Father was satisfied Iohn 19.28 the infinite wrath of God thirsted after the blood of the mediator bearing our sins Mat. 11.2.8 Esay 12.3 was not quenshed till the Blood of the Mediator was dryed vp But blessed bee Iesus that had a spirituall thirst pleasure to obey his Father to the death Esay 55.1 to saue thy soule from hell and yet in bitter malice and scorne they tooke a watersponge and putt it to his mouth on a reede The wrath of his Father was begun to bee mitigated yet the wrath of the Iewes could not be asswaged for when hee was liuing they raged against him when hee was dead they persecut him when hee vvas in glorie they would shame him The Lord seeketh but chastismēt the wicked seeke overthrow of bodie and soule if it were possible For Evahs sweet Apple Christ must drink this bit er liquor both thy bread drinke must bee boght with the blood of Iesus To them who are sanctified all things are sanctified If thou bee not found in him thou shall bee accused as a violent possessour of what-soeuer thou hast Now thou dost heare him daylie in his members calling vpon thee I hunger I thirst Mat. 25.35 but thou convertest Gods good creatures to the fulfilling of thy lust rather bereaueth the servants of Christ that that they haue than vouchsafe anie thing on thē Christ after he had drunken cryed out in the audience of them al It is finished the work of Redemption is ended the ransome is payed to buy heaven conquere life which is the first vvorke and to put vs in possession of it which hee began at his Resurrection shall continue till his comming againe declared that no mā did take his life from him but layde it downe Iohn 10.17.18 and would tak it vp againe for he was not a cōmon man but God also to keepe his life or put it out at his pleasure Hee might haue liued lōger by the strength of Nature for the other two out-liued him and were not dead till they came and broke their legges And now when he yeelded vp the Spirit he had a divine power aboue Nature which put out the life saying Father into thine handes Psal 31.5 I commend my Spirit vvhile his Soule was loused from his bodie vvith joye Which sweete death hee did communicate vnto his Martyres Act. 7.59 as Steven all his members Consider heere vveake Soule that Christ hath purchast vnto thee the great benefite of Adoption Iohn 20 1● For thy Brother Christ hath made his Father thy Father therfore vvil haue a Fatherly care of thee for euer For vvho is more faithfull 1. Pet. 4. 19. than our Father to vvhō vve commend our soules vvhich doe not perish but are kept by him 1. Cor. 15.21.22 while they bee joyned to the bodie at the resurrection are receiued vvhen vvee depart this life in his Armes vvho will not suffer them to be taken from his hands but vvill surelie keepe them in peace Be thou therefore carefull of thy Soule at al times but speciallie at the houre of separation for then the devil is busie to devour thee For be knoweth his time to bee short the gulfe of hell open to swallow thee vp If Iesus who had no sin be so careful for his Soule how carefull shuldst thou be who is nothing else but a masse of sinne yea he cryed so loud that the Earth quaked againe and the Temple raue asunder now to declare his Power and Victorie to terrifie the Iewes of whom hee is so mishantly handled and to bring if it were possible that stubborn people to Faith and Repentance Now hath the Doue gone out of the Arke which wil returne with an Oliue branch in signe of peace The Deludge is the wrath of God for Sinne the Arke is Christs Bodie the Doue his Soule At his Resurrection how great joye peace and comfort doeth hee purchase to man-kinde Rom. 4.25 For as he dyed for our sinnes so rose he for our righteousnesse Thē yeelded delivered hee his Spirit which was not taken from him against his vvill For hee hanging on the Crosse did make all the creatures quake and tremble Great was his humilitie beeing made obedient to his Father vnto the death euen the death of the Crosse of the vvhich thou may learne the exceeding greatnesse of his Majestie who euen then whē hee was exalted from the earth did draw all things vnto himself for where a Testament is there must bee the death of him that made the Testament Heb. 9.16 for the Testament is confirmed when men are dead for it is yet of no force as long as hee that made it is aliue So behoued this Testament leauing such an inheritance to his Saintes in that exceeding great glorie bee ratified by the blood of the Testator which is the ground of thy Salvation His death is thine honour the assurance of thy life is the assurance of his death his ignominie and shame is thy Glorie Now haue we heard of the Passion and death of Christ novv shall wee touch briefelie the thinges vvhich followed thereafter The fift Steppe of the fourth degree of the ascension of the Soule to Heauen c. THere fell out immediatly foure things of the which two did teach the people The other two the quaking of the earth renting of the Rockes did threaten destruction for no man to take all excuses away shall perish without advertisemēt The first of these the vaile of the Temple is rēt after the darkening of the Sun in Christes greatest humiliation The Father gaue greatest tokens of his Glorie who is the Lord of Life for dumbe senselesse creatures did shame the Iews and glorified their Maker The Temple was divided in two For the Priest went alwayes into the first Tabernacle and accomplished his office Heb. but into the second went the high Priest alone once everie year not without blood which hee offered for himselfe and ignorances of the people Betwixt these was a faire vvall overgilt with fine gold vpon the which hang a glorious Tapestrie wroght curiously which did hide the Sanctuarie
and knocketh if thou will heare his voyce and open the doore hee will come in vnto thee and supp with thee Esay 60.19.20 and thou with him where there shall bee no more Sunne to shine by day neither the brightnesse of the Moone Iohn 14.23 to shine to thee for the Lord shall bee thine euerlasting light and thy God thy glorie and the dayes of thy sorrow shall bee ended Loue him therfore freelie beloued Soule and keepe his word 2. Iohn 3.24 and his Father will loue thee hee will come vnto thee dwell with thee for hee that keepeth his commandements dwelleth in him and Christ in him and heereby shalt thou know that hee abideth in thee even by the Spirit which hee hath given thee I will intreate thee of all favour poore Soule to meditate thy omission of good thinges commission of evill and losse of wholesome time occasion which three are past by and these three present the shortnes of this life the difficultie to bee saved 1 Pet. 4.17 18. and the fewnes of them that do enter in that strait way For if judgement beginne first at the house of God what shall be the end of them which obey not the Gospel of God and if the righteous scarcelie hee saued where shall the vngodlie and sinners appeare Doe not forget these three things to come Death than the which nothing is more terrible the last Iudgment than the which nothing is more horrible eternall Punishment than the which nothing is more vntolerable O that thou were wise then wouldst thou vnderstand this Deut. 32.29 thou wouldst consider thy letter end But I poore Soule doe not know what to doe ● Chro. 20.12 but mine eyes are towards thee O Lord for trulie great travel doe sinners take to perfect their iniquities they imagine nothing impossible so they may aquire their designes The way of sinners is made plaine with stones so smooth thinke they i● Wisd 5.7 but the end thereof is hell darknesse and paine Flee from sinne as from a Serpent the teeth thereof are the teeth of a Lyon Eccl. 21.10 to slay the soules of men All iniquitie is as a two edged sword the wounds thereof can not bee healed And if thou hast sinned doe so no more but pray for thy fore-sinnes that they may bee forgiuen thee Eccl. And because thy sinne is forgiuen bee not without feare to heape sinne vpon sinne And say not The mercie of God is great hee will forgiue my manifold sinnes for mercie and wrath come from him his indignation commeth downe vpon sinners Make no tarying to turne vnto Lord and put not off from day to day for suddenlie shall the wrath of the wrath of the Lord breake foorth and in thy securitie thou shalt bee destroyed But blessed is that people whose God is the Lord for peace shall bee vpon them ●●l 6.16 and mercie and vpon the Israel of God Vnto him therefore ●h 3 20. that is able to doe exceeding aboundantlie aboue all that wee aske or thinke according to the power that worketh in vs be praise in the Church by Christ Iesus thorowout all generations for euer Amen THE AGREEMENT OF DIFFERENCES IN THE INCARNATION PASSION AND Ascension of our Saviour THE MYSTERIE OF the Incarnation A Mother and a Virgine beares a Sonne The Creature her Creator on her knee Frō all beginning yet but now begun Servant to Time Lord of Eternitie Earths Weaknes Heavēs Power in him doth dwell That is both God and Man Emanuel Meekenesse is heere combin'd with Maiestie The Lyon with the Lambe keepes peacefull place Obedience findes a Seat in Emperie This Earthly substāce breeds a heavēly grace To Poverty rich Gifts are broght by Kings Terrestriall figures of Coelestiall thinges Who sits in Heavē vpon the Throne of State Suckes here on Earth the milke of Infancie Who rules the Stars guids the sterne of Fate Sustaines the yoke of humane Miserie Eats drinks wakes sleepes weepes a mortall man In whom Immortall happines began THE MYSTERIE OF the Passion THe Iudge of Mā by Mā is iudg'd to die He that cōmands the law the law obeys Submission hath a Seat in Soveraingn'ty This stormie Night begets our Hal●yon days The best of Hope springs frō the worst of Fears And giues vs cause of Ioy from cause of Tears The Lord of Life is subiect vnto Death The Masters power the Minister obeyes At once inspyring expiring breath Submittes to Kinges yet Kings kingdomes swayes Sin vpon Vertue hath imposde a Blame Honour by Basenesse is exposde to Shame Thus from the Crosse our Blessednes is bred His suffering made it a triumphant Signe Our looks are raisde while he bowes down the Head He tasteth Vinegar to giue vs Wine Saues all by loosing all to Tyrannie Helpes all yet cryes Lamasabachtani THE MYSTERIE OF THE Resurrection and Ascension DEath frō the Graue Life to the Graue is broght Flesh without Sin sees no coruptiō By yeelding was this noble Conquest wroght O're Sin the World Death Hel al Pollution Extensiue Weaknes with intensiue Power His Hurts haue healed these woūded states of our ASCENSION He that the Earth hath for his Footestoole laid Makes his Ascens vp to his Heavenlie Seat There dwels his Power which his Mercy made And here his Mercy which his Power makes great All glorious in his Sea● he sits vpon All gratious in the Place he treades vpon Hee which is taken vp is left behind Vnbounded Power doth circumscribe al things He that hath fram'd the heart ruls the mind Doth giue Himselfe to Beggars as to Kings Mercie remaines whilst Maiestie doth tower And Grace descends with his ascending Power Succumbat ratio fidei captiva quescat A SHORT CONFESsion of our Sinnes MY life O LORD is a perpetuall rebellion against thee for who can make cleane that which is conceiued in the filth of sin My time was a Sea and flood of sorrow secluded frō all goodnes vntil thou didst put forth thy hand and pull mee into thine Arke and had I not bene made cleane in some measure by the red Sea of the Blood of thy Son in Baptisme I should haue lyen in the filthie puddle of my vyle corruption Neither hath Sathan ceased to bereaue mee of the loue whereby thou first didst loue mee Hee did not show me deceiuing Serpent the wages of Sinne but ●●eeting and turning did hyde thy wrath from mee Amitie with him is enimitie with my God His loue is hatred because the Image of my Saviour is in mee hee pursueth at my heales but if thou bee with mee who shall bee against mee I can not thinke a good thought of my selfe but shall doe all thinges through thee O Christ who strengthenst mee who is my life resurrection the hope of the afflicted my light in darknesse the wholesome dew of my drye and withered Soule my strength in weaknesse the Physitian of my