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A16734 Conceyted letters, nevvly layde open: or A most excellent bundle of new wit wherin is knit vp together all the perfections or arte of episteling, by which the most ignorant may with much modestie talke and argue with the best learned. A worke varying from the nature of former presidents. Breton, Nicholas, 1545?-1626?; Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637, attributed name. 1618 (1618) STC 3637; ESTC S104713 23,257 48

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CONCEYTED LETTERS NEWLY LAYDE OPEN OR A MOST EXCELLENT BVNDLE OF NEW WIT WHERIN IS KNIT VP TOGETHER ALL the perfections or arte of Episteling by which the most ignorant may with much modestie talke and argue with the best Learned A WORKE VARYING FROM THE nature of former Presidents LONDON Printed by B. Alsop for Samuel Rand and are to be sold at his Shop neere Holborne bridge 1618. To the iuditious Reader THree things Iuditiall Reader make Books and the puplication of Bookes aboue good excellent to wit Necessitie Vtility Implicity where any one of these are figured no doubt but the Image is most comely then how much more where all are contained not Helens thirty perfections can challenge more admiration and though it may sauor of Ostentation to say this Pamphlet hath all yet it shall not be against truth to approue the subiect more then a Master yea euen the soueraigne of all for if writings be the verie soules and eternal substances of Time what writings are so excellent as those which passe from man to man Religion Aduice Familiaritie Courtship and all necessary commercements by which euen the whole state of the world is sustained being in them as it were bound vp to outli●e all time all computation then what more necessary for the profit how shall Kings know and communicate their great actions enlarge their bounds redresse their peoples iniuries how shal the noble know intelligēce to serue his Coūtrie the Merchant trade or to his owne bring the wealth of many Kingdomes or any or all sorts of people speake at a farre distance but by the helpe of Letters only then what to mankinde more rich and beneficiall which Tully better to expresse made it the crowne of all his labors Lastly in these written Heralds are those imployments and braue implications that whatsoeuer is excellent or good in man is to be seene in them as in a myrror and so to be implyed eyther exemplarily or iudicially according to the vertues and vices in them contained If then these vertues shadowed in these Presidents shall giue thee that benefit which thine expectation hopes or the Authors ayme made his leuell vnto I doubt not but thou wilt loue it reade it and imitate i● so farre as to thy priuate benefit Farewell Thine I. M. CONCEYTED LETTERS NEWLY LAYDE OPEN A LETTER TO A FRIEND to Borowe Money IF borowing of Money be not a breach of Friend-ship let me intreat your pa●tience to open your Purse a present occasion puts me to the aduenture of your kindenesse the matter is not much yet will at this time pleasure me as much as so much may doo the sum fiue pounds the time three moneths my credit the Assurance and heartie● thankes the Interest Thus without troubling the Broker or charging of the Scriuener hoping my Letter shall be of sufficient power to preuaile with your loue I● treating your present answer in the affection of an honest heart I cōmit you to the Almightie Yours or not his owne D. M. His Answere IF your Friendship were a follower of Fortune Loue would haue but little life in this world the contents of your Letter hath put mee to a strict account with my estate how I may helpe you and not hurt myselfe I could make sufficient Excuses but that they taste of sm●ll comfort and therefore knowing Time to be precious and to voyde delayes let this suffise you your Request I haue satisfied and the Money I haue sent you and not doubting your Credite will take your word for a Bond. Now for the Use without abuse I wish but Requitall vpon the like occasion And so glad that in this or any thing in my power I may make proofe of my loue I Rest in the same Yours or not my owne N. R. A Letter to a Kinsman for Newes I Would be glad to heare how you doe how the worlde goes with you what newes are stirring what wherligigges are in the braines of mad men and what rekes Raskals keep among better men what their opinions are that study the starres of the man in the Moone and whether honest men among the multitude be not taxed for their wisedome How farre a mans tongue will goe beyonde his teeth and doe no hurt to his lippes and whether Dalyla be dead that betrayed Sampson to the Philistines How Pride and Patience agree together in vngratious Spirits How the Diuell bestirs him about his villany in the world and whether loue bee not laught at for a m●trie iest of witte especially where the weaker sorte want the strength of vnderstanding many such notes may light in the way of thy obseruation of which what thou hast in memory I pray thee put downe in a few lines which shal not be lost in my loue and the sooner the better for by thy long silence I doubt of thy welfare how euer it be kéepe it not from thy friend who regards not fortune but vertue vpon which my affection grounded can neuer be remoued Fa●ewel Thine or not his owne W. T. GGod C●●zine you write vnto mee to knowe how I doe in a word neuer worse both weak● in bodie and sicke in minde in briefe as neare death as may be to liue if you knew my crosses you would pittie my discomforts the varieti● whereof is so great that I thinke there was neuer Carte so loaden with Wares as my heart is with heauinesse and woes Oh this iron Ag● smells of nothing but Rust whiles the bagges of mettall eates vp the hearts of man where is kindnesse but onely among Children for Apples and Nuts Friendship I thinke is flowen away for feare of abuse and loue is among the Saintes which are onely in Heauen and if the world be at this passe in what case are the people wh●re Men in shape are Monsters in Nature and where Women since the Creation are become straunge Creatures Whiles howling with sinne and wéeping with shame makes such black ghost amongst tormented soules as if the Diuell had licence to make a Hell vpon Earth Some are all for the Church and nothing for GOD other all for CHRIST nothing for Charitie and ●est men for themselues and leaue their Neighbours to the wide worlde Children are weary of their Parents before they bee parence of Children and Parents so couetous and vnkinde that nature hath forgotten her course To conclude the misery of Time is such as puts Patience to the vtmost tryall of her strength and by the course of the Elements the Almanack● makers knowes not what will become of this world now for my selfe I would I were with him that madeit but his Will be done who can mende it at his pleasure vnto whose heauenly tuition vntill I sée you I leaue you Yours or not his owne R. B. A Letter of Challenge IF I thought that you durst answer me I would challenge you yet where the sicke of a Feuer may burue after a shaking I kn●we not how shame may make a
of her content which being in three Letters makes a word soone to be read which being Y O V nothing doubting you● spelling I hope you will so kindely put together that a Coniunction of Lo●● shall haue no separation daring life And thus b●see●hing you to learne this lesson by hart without a crosse in conceyte to hinder the course of loues comfort Till I heare from you in that nature that may make mée a happy creature I rest Yours wholly and onely if you will M. D. Her Answer KInd● Syr to tell you I loue you were too crosse an Answer with a comfortable request and yet when dissimulation is the worst fruit● of inuention descretion may be pardoned in concealing of loue Touching your letter they are sooner read then vnderstoode while Imaginatiue hopes may be deceyued in theyr happinesse and yet to auoyde all touch of Ingratitude in that nature of kindenesse that may giue honor content as a simple scholler in the arte of loue ●●sath● to haue that by heart that may trouble more then my head when separation of Coniunctions may endanger the death of Comfort wishing nothing nothing amisse to them that meane all well I rest Yours as I may be mine owne E. B. A Letter from ● Ladie to a Gentleman whom shee called her Seruant for the preferring of a Gentle-woman vnto her SEruant I haue often spoken to you for that you must needs doo for mée I am going to the Court and shall haue great vse of a Gentle-woman to attende mée I know you haue many Kins-men and acquaintance among whom you may finde ●ne to fitte mee I will take her at your hand and regard her for your sake and if her desarts answers my desires shée shall lose no loue in my fauor and therefore leauing this trusty charge to the care of your discréete kindenesse as you will expect a greater courtesse at my hands I rest Your louing Mistrisse F. T. His Answer GOod Madame you spake vnto mée to helpe you 〈◊〉 a Gentle-woman which with my letter I haue here sent you a Woman and gentle who I hope will not be altogether vnworthy of your entertainment for her Person shée is not deformed nor her face of the worst feature shée is neither b●ea●-eyed nor tongue-tyed and for her qualities I hope shée can doe more then make curtsey and blush her Parentage is not bare nor her breeding idle and for her disposition I hope it wil be nothing vispleasing to praise her in any perfection I dare not but in all will leaue har to the tryall of your patience So wishing my dutifull seruice in this or what else may lye in my power so Fortunate as to deserue your sauour and this Gentle-woman so gracious as to gaine the continuance of your g●●d opinion in Prayer for your health and hearts most wished happinesse I take my leaue for thie time but rest at all times Your Ladyships most humble Seruant R. G. A Letter from a kinde of Diogines to a Courtyer SYr I heare by some of my acquaintance that you goe on apace with the World I pray GOD you go as fast towards Heauen but by the way let me tell you what I thinke fittest for you now and then to haue minde of least you forgette the mayne while the bye-way deceyue you for what is Honor without vertue King Dauid tells you it is but a blast meaning a prowde man and what is Wealth without Wisedome but Couetousnesse and that is the toole of all euill and what is Life without Grace the very high-way to Hell Let therefore Vertue be your Honor Wisedome your Wealth and Grace your Life so that GOD bless●yon the diuell can neuer hurte you Let not a little wealth beget a great deale of pride in you lest a great deale of pride beget you but little witte Know whence you are who you are and where you are You are from the ●lim● of the Earth but a Creature on Earth Be merry with measure but be not madde in any case For Patience is the guyde of Experience where haste makes more waste then good worke To conclude be loyall to Soueraignti● faithfull in Friendship constant in Loue and honest in all Farewell Thine as thou knowest B. B. A Letter of zealous loue written from a Gentleman to his Brother BRother since I last hearde from you I am sorrie to heare that I doo of you that you are wound so farre into the World as if that you neuer meant to get out of it you know I haue trauelled farre séene much and haue some vnderstanding by all the obseruation of time in the courses of Nature I finde Salomons truth in the tryall of the Worlde that there is little of it but is little worth in it when all béeing but Uanitie there is little Uertue to be found in it Beléeue me Brother wée are neuer in one nature but differ in another in the Flesh but not in the Spiritie For whiles I contemplate the substance of the Soules comfort thou art puzzelled in the Worlde among the puddles of the Earth yea I feare the nature of thy affect to bee as farre from the rule of Religion as the most sen●lesse Creature is from the vse of Reason Oh brother I know thou hast wronged many and thy selfe most I would thou wert a Zacheu● to write all but better betimes then to late looke home to the maine chance haue a care of thy soule and thy body will be the better beleeue it there is no rust eateth so fast into any mettall as the venom of Au●●ice into the heart of a wicked man Prodigality is the way to penury but Couet●usnesse is the roote of all euill betwixt both there is a meane that to hit on is a kinde of happinesse and if thou hast no eares but of Midas that can heare of nothing but gold take a heart of Simion to ioy in nothing but Christ Iesus Turne a new leafe serue God for whom thou wert created and let not the earth triumph ouer thée for whom it was made to tread vpon lift vp thine eyes towards heauen where one ioy of the Elect is worth all the Kingdomes of the world leaue the world ere it leaues thée and loue him euer that will neuer leaue thée let thy li●e be a Pilgrimage and the earth but a passage and the heauen only the home of thy soules eternall happinesse once a day reade these few lines for my sake which if they doe that good to thée which I hartily pray for in thee till when and euer my hearts loue Thy louing Brother N. P. His answere MY good Brother I thanke you for your carefull and kinde Letter yet let me tell you that zeale without discretion proues not the best part of Religion Reports may be idle and then belee●e may be erronious when mistakings by misconstruings may bréed abuse of good vs●s I know that Riches are Witches to them that make their heauen of this world but he that
my skill in those secrets yet ●or your Schoole-fellowes sakes I haue taken a little paines for you I will tell you what I haue found among them all if you were borne vpon the Sunday Sol is a hote Planet and you will be much subiect to Sun-burning especially if you goe to Plough bare headed if vpon the Munday the Moone is full of water and if you ●●ll your braines too full of Drinke you may growe Lunatike and so be in danger of Bedlame if vpon Tuesday Mars is a bloody fellowe and if you goe to Fisticuffes you will hardly be without a bloody nose if vpon Wednesday you must weare ● Nightcap and bée euer at your booke especially if you can write and reade and be in any Office in your Pa●●ish if vpon the Thursday you will be as prowde as a Beggar especially if you weare your best cloathes on a working day if vpon a Friday beware Wenches least they make thée a poore man especially about Cuckow time and if vpon a Satterday Oh you will be so froward that if you Marrie your Wife will neuer endure the house with you especially if shée be of the bréede of a Scholler and therefore not yet hauing heard any newes in any of the houses of you vntill I heare from you againe I can say no more to you and so I rest Your assured Friend T. W. A Letter to a Friend on the otherside of the Sea DIstance of placo must make no difference of minds Loue and Life amongst hearts make an ende together I haue long longed to heare from you and if I had knowne whether I had ●are this written vnto you but now hauing met with him that meaneth shortly to see you I haue thought good to let you know that I yet liue to loue you and forget net to pray for you that all happinesse may befall you Glad I would be to see you and in the meane time to heare from you how the world goeth there about you whether al birds be of one feather and how they flie together what blazing stars haue beene lately seene and what your Astronomers thinke what will follow of their appearance whether your wine be watered before it come ouer how youth and age agrée vpon the Coniunction Coplatiue how the great Fish and the little agree together in your seas and how your Rabbets escape the Kite abroad and the Pole-Cat in their Borowes how the fexes and wolues prey vpon your Géese and Lambs what sport your Swallowes make with the Flyes in the ayre I wish you not to write of any Wonders because they are incredulous nor of matters of state for they may be perhappes ill taken but onely how honest men thriue and knaues haue their rewardes how Wise men are honoured and Fooles laught at and how the weaker sort hold their strength with the stronger when Wenches eyes pull out mens hearts out of their Bellies their wittes out of theyr braiues and theyr money out of their purses and such matters of no moment then must needes if you will take a little paines so set downe in a little Paper I shall be glad to looke vpon them and in my loue to requite them for our World to heare it were a worlde to thinke of it But the Messengers haste not giuing me time to write of it vntill the next Poste I will say but this of it God blesse the best and mend or end the worst grant all honest harts good liues in it and a ioyfull departure when they are to leaue it to which prayer hoping you will say Amen till we meet and alwayes I rest Yours or not mine owne I. G. His Answere MY long acquaintance and worthy beloued friend● I haue lately receyued your letters wherein I find your desire to heare of the passages in the world on this side the salt-water Now to satisfie in as much as I can let mee tell you that I finde some difference in the natures of Nations but touching their di●sions I thinke they are much alike thorow the whole World for on the one side I ●inde the powerfull imperi●us the ambitious en●ious the couetous neuer satisfied the licentious idle and the foolish vnprofitable on the other side Maiesty gratious Honour v●r●uous wealth charitable Thrift wealthie 〈◊〉 all and Religion loyall and Labour commodious Now looking into the danger of Greatnesse the charge of Honour the care of wealth the misery of want the ●●lly of wantonnesse and the beggery of idlenese I haue chosen the meane for my part of musicke where I shall neither stra●n my voyce nor stretch my stringes but with little charge keepe my instrument 〈◊〉 tune The passages are heere as in other places when Ianuary and May meet in coniunction there are strange kindes of countenances that shew not the best content And when Windes are highest in Summer the fruit shall fall 〈◊〉 they be ripe Many idle exercises are more costly then comfortable much talke and little truth gaye outsides haue poore insides ●athes● and lyes as common as High-wayes and painted images make feeles idels honest men thought more silly then the wise among she Wizards of the world and the Diuel among the Brokers dayly hunted with beggars murmuring of warre among vnquiet Spirits and Peace guarded for feare of a close stratagem● In summe such variety of businesse that euery mans braine is ●ul of humours and for women they are of such force that they put men to great patience for my sel●e I see the world at that passe that I thinke him happy that is well out of it in summe God blesse the best while the worst mend and sen● vs his grace and health with a happy méeting so till I heare from you which I wish often with my harts loue that shall neuer end but with life with my heartie commendations I commit you to the Almighty Yours as mine owne R. G. A Letter from a friend in the City to a Scholler in the Vniuersity HOnest Ned since I left the blessed place wherein thou dwellest I am come into a world that doth amaze me with imaginations how Nature could so iuggle with the world as to make men become shadowes women picture but neare the end of daies I see the Diuell labours hard about his haruest else could madnesse neuer so ouer-rule as to turn wisdome out of dores The disloyaltie of Subiects to most gratious Princes vnthankefulnesse of seruants to most bountifull masters vnthankefull heartes to best deseruing Spirite disobedient children to most carefull parents yea most vngracious creatures to the most gracious Creat●r makes mee feare a ne●● dealing vpon the earth to cleanse the World from iniquitie the Diuel is feared in his colours but followed in his conditions and heauen more spokē o● th● lookt after charitable mouths haue other meanings in their hearte and ●●thes are so common that they are little in account the cuppe of 〈◊〉 is toppe full to the brimme 〈…〉 to the health of
the Diuell Reason 〈…〉 to the World that A. T. to much in the world ●akes him a wofull Scholler that keepes that lesson in his heart Iacke a Lent scarce a Gentleman will ride on Cocke-horse like a rascal and Io●e Fiddle in a French hoode will be a Lady before her Mistresse Prison is become a practise of policie to deceiue the witt● with a plot of villanie The breath of some man is deadly especially vpon a capitall ●ffence when iustice impartiall weedes the land of the vnnaturall The Pruner of the three trees hath gotten● much by vnwholesome fruit who when he hath pared the outside puts the rest in an earthen pi● Beléeue me Ne● I shall not bee at rest till I be with thee where I may walke to the well that yeeldes the Spirit a sweet Water Shortly I hope to see thee in the meane time let mee heare from thee that vpon the least of thy wish I may the sooner be with thee Farewell Thine if his owne R. D. His answere KInde Francke in perusing of thy Letter I find no little touch of passion and that thy brain is not a little distempered with the cares of this world which though they touch not thy person yet being a Christian thou canst not but hate a Iew far mine owne part I haue read of many idle passages in times past but I am most hartily ●ory to heare of the sinfull occurrents of this age I haue read in the Discourse of Sin that Enuie is a pestilent humor in a pestiferous spirit and that Pride is the fore-horse of Follies that drawes the Diuels Car into hell I haue read likewise that Queene Helens lust was the spoile of Trey and that her name will neuer be blotted out of the blacke booke of Infamie I haue read of many things of which I haue taken some notice as of the Cuckow ●illing the Sparow that hatcheth her and the Turkie cocke beating his henne when hee hath trod her but a Dogge to be too saw●ie with a Lion fie vpon it there is almost no beast can abide it I read likewise that vpon a time that sin was growne to such a a height that the Diuel laid about him like a great Lord but God be thanked there was an Angell that had authoritie ouer him seeing his ●●●kes quickely weakened his force fetched him into his precinct and kept him so fast lockt in his chaine that he could not passe beyond his ●●●its but what is all this to thée no more but a 〈◊〉 of thy kindnesse as thou writest what thou hast séen so I what I haue read when set the Hare against the Goose giblets and there would be a strange ●ish of didlums wel when thou art weary there come hither and as wee may wee will be merrie together Farewell Thine or not his selfe W. R. A Letter to a Scholler that tooke vpon him the Interpretation of Dreames SIR I heare by a kinsman of mine among other your deepe iudgements in many other learned points of Arte of your excellent iudgement in the interpretation of Dreames and being perswaded much of your kindnesse by such as hath conuersed much in your company I am bold to intreate your opinion vpon some apparisions that lately troubled me in my ●leep and though I will not be frighted with Furies nor will trust vnto flatteries yet if I may haue some notice of the issue of these night troubles I shall take it for a kindnesse that I would not bury in obliuion First mée thought I saw Phaeton in the skie sitting in Sols glorious Carre and many fiery driuers about him but on a sodaine giuing his horses the bridle for want of holding they run with such a speed that the Carre was ouerthrowne Phaeton fell downe and all his driuers with him with the sudden noise whereof I awoke when I fell a sléepe againe I saw me thought certaine great Starres mounting aboue the Sunne but comming neere his heate they were suddenly dissolued hange a while in the aire and at last fell into the bottome of the earth with the fall whereof I awoke now toward morning taking a little nappe me thought I saw a kinde of Furie or shee Diuell let out of hell with charmes or poisons to doe much hurt in the world but a gratious power came from heauen for the good of the world and with the breath of his mouth made her so vanish away that I neuer heard more what bec●me of her These were the thrée dreames which troubled me in my sleepe the interpretation whereof leauing to the description of your kinde patience I rest Your louing friend R. I. His answere SIR though my profession be not to interprete night troubles yet at the request of your friend I am content to tell you mine opinion of your strange apparitions Touching your first dreame it should seeme you are somewhat Poeticall and hauing the day before read of the fiction were troubled in the night with a fable for your mounting Starres I guesse you were the euening before at the Starre or the Moone or some such elemental signe studying some Tauerne Astronomie that your braine being in the altitude of Canary taking the candles for starres seeing one of them by mischance 〈◊〉 with his candle stick downe to the ground being a little troubled with it to bed-ward brought out this strange vision in your ●●●pe For the third if you come to Furies shee Diuels or such kinde of Spirits I haue nothing to say to them nor will trouble my thought with them And therefore leauing such as loue Hell to deale with such Hagges Beseeching God to blesse me and thee and all honest hearts from all such horrible creatures I rest Your louing friend L. T. A Letter of a Patient to his Physitian MAster Doctor your Patient cōmends him to your patience to beare a little kinde chiding for your too long absence my disease holds his owne and my paine nothing diminished and if you come not the sooner your Physicke will be past working for my stomacke is weake and my heart groweth faint and yet I feede though my 〈◊〉 be not the best loath I am to languish if I may haue hope of comfort but your absence makes me doubt of my recouery I pray you therefore haste you vnto me and let me be assured of your comming● lest you come too late you know my disease and are acquainted with my body for my cure I leaue it to God and your conscience and so entreating your present answere of your Spéedie presence I commit you to the Almightie Your sicke louing Patient T. N. His answere MY good Patient I feare your impatience hath by some passion encreased your paine I know the force of your disease cannot but be weakened if you be not mor afraid then hurt you will not die of this malady if my businesse were not great I would see you or if your need were great I would not be from you but knowing euery erampe is
hath a leaden wit will ●euer worshippe a golden Calfe But since I know Abraham and Lazarus were alike in election giue mée leaue while I am in this world by Christ rather th●n Auarise rather to be a Husbandman then tobe a labourer for hire if I haue wronged any it is vnwillingly whom if I know I will satisfie most willingly and for the wound of conscience I hope to be so farre from Hypocrisie that I shall be free from that feare and therefore though trauel hath taught you much experience in the world and hauing sufficient maintenance to passe through the world you make the lesse account of the world yet when carefull thrist bréedeth no couetous thraldome be not iealous of my loue with all the pleasures of the world to make comparison with the least of heauens comfort I know the highest mountaine is but earth and the lowest valley is no other and therefore when I carry my foot-stoole on my head let mée walke like a foole or monster In briefe I know the world and how to vse it and kéepe account with my cares how I may most contentedly leaue it but for my loue to him that make it let me liue no longer in it then I loue and honor him aboue it and so intreating you to blow off●ll breaths that may abuse my disposition and to be perswaded so farre of my soules health that my ioy is euer and only in Christ Iesus to his preseruation leauing the happy issue of your hopes in the nature of the best loue till I sée you and alwaies I rest Your most louing Brother T. W. A Letter of Loue to an Honourable Ladie HOnourable Madame if Loue were not aboue reason it would not be so high in regard who dwelling onely in the spirites of the best vnderstandings feedes the heart onely with the frui●ts of an infallible resolution What it is in it ●wne nature hath bene diue●sly described but I thinke neuer knowne but vnto them that inwardly knowe it Some holde it a Riddle that none can interpret but hée that made it and others a Myracle that amazeth all that beleeue it but if it bée as I haue read of it a Childe and Beautie begotte it I hope Nature will bée her selfe and not vnkinde vnto her owne breede How to prooue truth the Honor in your Eyes that haue wrought my heart to your seruice shall ●ake knowne to your fauor in the happinesse of your Employment So crauing pardon for my presumption in my deuoted duety to the honor of your commaund I humbly take my leaue Your Ladyships in all humblenesse R. M. Her Answer WOrthie Knight if Loue be aboue Reason it must be eyther Diuine or Diuelish and so regarded accordingly what it is I thinke is best known by the effect of it howsoeuer idle braynes haue beaten about the description of it Riddles are but Ieasts of witte and Myracles are ceased for being seene in our Age but if it be a Childe though of a strange Parentag● surely Nature will not suffer the Mother to be cruell to her owne bréede but if it fall out to bée an vngratious Father what then will be thought of the Children yet least in misconstruing a conceit I may mistake a content since in the secret of Nature may be a sense of strange vnderstanding I will suspend my iudgement till I haue made proofe of my opinion when Eyes and Hearts méete together in discourse I hope the businesse will be soone ●nded that is referred to indifferent iudgement So till occasion be offered of the performance of Employment hoping that Uertue and Honor will soone agrée vpon sure grounds till I sée you I rest Your louing Friend M. W. A Letter from a Knight to a Nobleman for the entertaining of a Secretary NOBLE LORD I heare that your Secretary hath lately taken his leaue of this worlde in whole place if you be not prouided let my loue preuaile with your Honor for the entertainment of this bearer a Gentleman and a Kinsman of mine in whose commendations I dare thus farre vse my credite his heart shall bee as faire as his hand vppon any occasion of your Employment and for his wit it is both in Caput and Copie-holde for he hath read much and obserued more then a little his discent hath béene from the loynes of an honourable Line and for his disposition euery way I hope you shall finde it no way displeasing not to trouble you with long circumstance leauing your happinesse to your acceptance with my seruice to your commaund in all humble loue I take my leaue for this time But rest during lif● Your Honours deuoted to be commaunded W. R. The Lords answere MY kind Knight I haue receyued your letter fulfilled your request and entertained your kinsman of whom I am already so well perswaded besides the assurance of your knowledge that I thinke a little matter shall not make square in our loues I finde what you writte of him and shall haue much employment for him I thanke you for him and if he continue his carriage which I doubt not he will bee of better fortune then my fauour and yet somewhat the more for your sake I will take such a care of him that ere many monthes passe you shall finde my loue in him so till I sée you at my house where you shall make your owne welcome I rest Your most assured friend E. S. A Letter of a simple man to a Scholler that was determined to play the Wagge with him WOrshipful Sir I vnderstand by my honest friend and Scho●lfellow in our Parish church that your Worshippe hath a great knowledge in casting of Natiuities and telling mens fortunes to tell you truely what yeares I am my Grandame sayes I was at lawfull age to enter vpon my Fathers Farme at Lent last and then your Worship may ghesse much about the time the the day and the hours I do not wel remember But to the purpose I heare say that in your Studie among the Starres you haue gone by all the Planets and ten to one if your Worshippe will goe ouer them but you shall finde mee in one of them and if you aske of them that dwell in those hou●es some of them may tell you that of mee that all the world is not acquainted with I pray you Sirlet mee entreate you to take a little paines for mee and chiefely what good happe or ill is like to before mee as well among men as women and when I come for my note I will better consider your paines in the meane time I haue sent you a peece of gold that saw no light this many a day so till I heare from you which I pray you let bee as soone as you can I commit your Worshippe to God From my house at Columsbery this second day of Iuly 1615. Your Worships to commaund Ienkin Hoguiskine His Answer MY good Friend I receyued your Letter and your kinde Token and though I loue n●t to shewe
not a con●ultion nor euery stitch at the heart I will onely wish you to put off melancholie to take heed of cold to haue minde rather of heauen then earth Eate good meat but not too much Drinke good wine but measurably be in charitie with all the world but not too farre with any especially with the feminine gender vse metion for naturall Physicke 〈◊〉 let a merrie heart be your best Physitian for conceit is hurtfull if it be not contentiue and it is past the reach of my reason to eure a corrupted mind shortly and God willing I will see you in the meane time imagine I am with you for indeed I wil not be long from you and this let me tell you that to put you out of feare I haue no feare of you but that you will be past Physicke ere my hope faile of your cure and that will not be in haste and so hoping that you are not so weeke in spirit but that you can endure a little paine with patience in hope or assured health till I sée you and alwaies I rest Your Physitian and louing friend W. R. A Letter from a yong Gentleman to an old Captaine MY good Captaine hauing of late no little disposition to martiall disciplino and in the field of bloud to aduenture life for honor I am to entreate your aduice as one long experienced in that course for what you shall thinke fit ●or my furniture for such seruice as may deserue regard and how I may so cary my selfe in al companies that I may not be ●anished the best and i● it please you shortly to go ouer to your Company that you will let me serue vnder your Colours and so beseeching your present answere that I may the better determine of my desires leauing to your kinde di●cretion the care of my instruction protesting in my best endeauors to shew my loue in you seruice till I heare from you I rest Your affectionate friend B. R. His answere SIR your desire I mislike not if your bodie will answere your mind your booke warres yéeld n● blowes and therefore séeme swéete in reading but come to the triall of the buisinesse and you will finde it full of bitternesse but if resolution haue taken roote with you and not easily to bee remoued I will tell you what I thinke shall most behoue you to carrie with you a good heart a stayed head and a strong stomack a purse to de●ray necessary charge and a care in laying out of expences neither offer nor take wrong at least not much borrow little pay all obserue the wise loue the honest be not idle nor ill exercised beware of for●eits play and wanton pleasures for thy furniture thy armor and pike thy peece and thy sword shall be sufficient to make thee a Souldier serue God and feare not the Diuell let thy enemie sée thy face and not thy back and be not proud of any honorable action but giue God the glory of all when I goe which will be shortly I will giue thée notice in the meane time sée mee and I will loue thée Farewell Thy assured louing friend B. W. A dogged Letter to a displeasing Companion AFter my harty commendations hoping that you are in good health as I was at the writing hereof when my head aked wishing you no better comfort then a Scould to your wife desirous to heare from you that I may neuer heare more of you and sorie with my slefe to be troubled with the thought of you assuring you that there is no man cares lesse for you for the vilenesse I know in you and the villany I heare of you wishing all honest men to beware of you no wise man to trust you hoping if that God doe not the sooner m●nd you the Gallowes will and you to deale plainly with you as a Rakehell I found you so a Rakehell I leaue you Yours as you see by your good seruice T. M. His answere O Man in desperation how are thy wits out of fashion it seemes by thy spight thy Spleene is full of corruption for thy wishes they cannot hurt me nor thy words trouble mee ●ory I am that thy wits are a w●●ll gathering or gone God knowes whither what ill soeuer you think of me I knew better then you thinke of mee if your head ake you should better binds vp your braines then let them fly● so neere Bedlam to raile without discretion vpon a causelesse imagination but while the wise note your folly and the honest pitie your ●urie I shall be the lesse sorie for you because I will haue nothing to doe with you if your breath bee as 〈◊〉 as your pe●ne no Christian will abide you and so 〈◊〉 nothing but as an idle humor followeth you a worse plague then a scoulding wife which is as neare hell as may he wil torment you as a Woodcock I know you and a Dawcock I hold you and so 〈◊〉 I see better of you to you● madde fits I leaue you and so rest as you see by the course of your owne cards Yours as you mine D. R. A Letter of Reconciliation HOnest Daniel I thought to trie the vertue of thy loue in thy patience but I see we are all weake when rage gets vpto his height Reason is a poore man if thou diddest thinke I was madde thou mightest haue béene sory and not angry and if well in my wits thou mightest haue thought it an humor of iest to trie a friend in earnest onely louers haue not beene of a little continuance and shall a conceit of vnkindnesse breake the knot of our friendship ●acre bee it from both and either of vs thou knowest thine owne desert and my disposition and mightest therefore suspect my distemper of braine through the 〈◊〉 of the same disease then fall into collor vpon 〈◊〉 of male content But since I began a 〈◊〉 I will end the combate and all causes set aside loue thee in spight of all spight and therefore let vs be as we were and euer will be one minde in two bodies and so with hearts shaking hands and shaking of all ill humo●rs that may make the least breach into our loues till I see thee And alwayes I rest If not thine not mine owne W. T. His Answer MY most worthy Beloued and neuer to be remoued kind Wilkin beleeue me it I can be angry and ●ke with kindnesse to meete with humors in their kinde onely to bee out of your dept for a few good words I tooke a little paines to blot a little pa●er which if you will put to the fice mine shall soone consume to ashes and to auoyde all memoriall of mad humours I confesse Nature is subiect to imperfection yea and Reason is sometimes weake in discretion but loue is euer himselfe where hee liues in the Spirites of vnderstanding Thinke therefore of me as of your selfe who rather embrace kindnesse then beléeue madnesse and leauing all humour of iest haue a heart that will euer