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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11295 [Certaine points of christian religion] Saintbarb, Richard. 1589 (1589) STC 21556; ESTC S113423 55,419 187

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place neither subiect to change Rom. 1.23 1. Tim. 6.16 Psal 139.7 to 14. Esay 46.10 Iam. 1.17 Deut. 32.4 Psal 5.4 Question Now shew me what is a person Answere A Person is a subsistance in the Essence of God which being referred vnto the rest is distinguished by a certaine incommunicable propertie or which is not common to the other Question Then a subsistance is another thing than an essence Answere It is true for if the Word were simply God and had nothing proper seuerally to it self then had the holie Euangelist Iohn said ill when he said The Word which he afterwards calleth God was with God Iohn 1.2 3. Question What is the vse of this deepe mysterie Answere We are taught hereby First how we ought in all diuine wisedome and godlie humilitie to reuerence this deepe and holie mysterie of the Trinitie the Father the Sonne and the Holie Ghost and yet but one God in being and glorie contrarie to the opinion of Sabellius Secondly how Christ was both God man First God from euerlasting and begotten of his Father before all times contrarie to the heresie of Arius Iohn 1.1 2. Micah 5.2 Reuel 22.13 Secondly Man when the f●●nes of time was come by taking flesh of the Virgine Marie not bringing the same frō heauen from the Father so afterward swallowed vp of the Father became al one with him as Marcellus the heretike affirmed also renewed by the Anabaptists Rom. 1.3 4. Gal. 4.4 Heb. 2.16 Thirdly that the holy Ghost is God with the Father and the Sonne of the same beeing and glorie from all eternities Gene. 1.2 Esay 48.16 Math. 12.32 2. Cor. 5.19 contrary to the heresie of the Macedonians who denied the Diuinitie of the holie Ghost Fourthly it teacheth vs to praie vnto Almightie God and search after true wisedom and vnderstanding that we may both be led into the true mysterie and auoide al heresies herein Matth. 7.7 Question Nowe let vs proceede vnto the seconde point of the diuision namely of the creation of the world tell me what order wilt thou obserue herein Answere This first of creation generallie Secondly of creation particularlie Question Let vs then come to the first was the world without beginning Answere No for it was created although the philosophers did dream the cōtrarie Gen. 1.1 2. 2.2 Question Who created the same Answere Almightie God by his wisedome and power Gen. 2.1 2 3 4. Iohn 1.1 2 3 4. Prouerb 8. Question What is creation Answere Creation is that action of God whereby hée created and made of nothing all thinges both Heauen and earth and whatsoeuer is conteined in them when that there was none of them Gen. 1.12 Psal 33.6 Iere. 10. Acts. 14.15 Iohn 1.1 2 3. Question Were they created such as they bee now Or in what estate where they created at the first Answere Touching their nature it is all one but the qualities and conditions of them are merueilouslie altered and changed for whereas now we see them subiect to vanitie they were not so then but created verie good and perfect for that the worke did sufficientlie preach and set foorth the glorie and cunning of the worke man as it is plainelie set downe in the booke of Genesis thus The Lord sawe all that he had made and it was very good Gen. 1.31 Question How came this ruine and confusion to the creatures which were created perfect by God Answere Onely by the Apostacie and fall of man who was appointed of God to be Lorde and ruler ouer the whole world and all the creatures thereof Gene. 3.17.18 Rom. 8.20 Question Were all creatures that are now mouing and growing vpon the earth then made Answere No for God in his iustice to punish the fall and apostacie of Adam and mankinde yet iust good in God did cause the earth to bring forth thorough corruption many noisome and corrupt creatures since the sixe dayes which were not created at the first for it is saide that all the works of God were very good Gen. 1.31 Question How proouest thou that such noisome creatures were created after the fall of man and for his punishment Answere By the words of GOD which the holy seruant of God Moses rehearseth in Gene. 3.17 18. Cursed be the earth for thy sake thornes also and thistles shall it cause to growe vnto thee c. ●o that whatsoeuer corrupt things doo growe and proceede from corruption they are not the natural fruits of the earth as reckned in the order of nature but corruptions and of corruptions which haue their originall of sinne as lice fleas flies frogges toades catterpillers grashoppers spiders briers thistles and such like noysome and hurtfull creatures Question Shall the heauens and the earth be consumed because the Elements the Ayre and the earth are corrupted by corruption in their substances at the day of Iudgement and so a new heauen and a new earth created Answere No but they shall bee renewed and purged from their corruptions which the sinne of man brought into the world Question Yea but it is written by S. Iohn that GOD will make a new Heauen and a new earth and that the first Heauen and earth shall fleete away from before him and their place shall bee no more founde Reuel 20.11 12. Answere Saint Iohns meaning is not that there shoulde bee a newe Heauen and a newe earth in respect of new and other substances then they were before but when Christ shall appeare hée shall chase away and purge all the corruptions of the Elements and the earth with his purging and pure fire Heb. 1.11 2. Pet. 3.12 13. Question What other proofe haue you for this thing Answere This the holie Ghost will not bee against himselfe for he sheweth by his Apostle that the heauens and the earth shall be restored and purged from all corruption but yet in their substances to remaine Roma 8.19 to 23. Actes 3.21 Question Rehearse the words of the first place Answere For the feruent desire of the creature saith the Apostle Paule waiteth when the sonnes of God shall be reuealed because the creature is subiect to vanitie not of it owne will but of him which hath subdued it vnder hope because the creatures also shall be deliuered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God for wee knowe that euerie creature groneth with vs also and traueleth in paine together vnto this present and not onlie the creature but we also Rom. 8.19 20 21 22 23. Question What gatherest thou out of these words Answere First by this word Creature is ment all creatures that liue mooue and growe vpon in or vnder the earth both senceles and sensible liuing and without life and not onely Angels men or diuels and therefore the Apostle saith euerie Creature Secondly the Apostle saieth that they waight for the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God that they also might be not destroyed but deliuered from the bondage of coruption Thirdly
euill thereupon Rom. 7.23 Gal. 5.17 Question What is the end of this commandement Answere Our good God who is most pure will haue the whole minde possessed with puritie and the affections of loue First vnto God himselfe Secondly to our brethren Thirdly that all lust which is contrarie to a true and pure loue must bee expelled out of our minde Matth. 22 37 38. Rom. 12.2 1. Thes 4.4 5 7. Question Now let vs come vnto the last point can we fulfill this holy and pure lawe of God Answere No verely and that because First our wisdome is both foolishnes and an enemie to the lawe of God Iere. 20.24 Rom. 8.7 Secondly because of the corruption of our nature which continuallie rebelleth against the lawe of God Romans 7.14 to the end Gal. 5.17 Thirdly because of our selues wee cannot think a good thought nor speake a good word much lesse doo good works 2. Cor. 3.4 5. Fourthly because that although we are regenerate and sanctified yet our faith is imperfect and subiect to sinne 1. Cor. 13.9.12 Question Seeing wee come to the knowledge of our sinnes by the lawe of God shall wee therefore reiect and cast away the same Answere God forbid for the lawe is good perfect and holy Question Wherefore then serueth the lawe and what is it Psal 19.7 8 9. Rom. 7.12 1. Timo. 1.8 Answere First it is a glasse to shewe vs both our sinnes and miseries thereby to pull downe our foolish pride Iam. 1.23 24 25. Rom 3.19 20. Secondly a schoolemaster to bring vs to Christ Gal. 3.24 Thirdly a rule of righteousnes to teach vs to liue well Psal 1.2 3. and 119.1 2 3 4 9. Pro. 2.10 to 20. Question Sith we cannot keepe the lawe and so not be iustified by the works of the lawe why should we do good works Answere First to testifie our loue and ready obedience vnto our good God and louing father Mal. 1.6 Iohn 14 21. 1. Pet. 1.14.17 Secondly to win our bretheren to Christ Iam. 5.19 20. 1. Pet. 2.12 Thirdly by them must wee stoppe the mouthes of the aduersaries of Christ and the trueth which are without Col. 4.5 6. 1. Pet. 4.14 15 16 17. Phil. 2.14 15 16. Fourthly by them we must make our election sure to our selues as the onely fruits of a liuely faith in Christ whereby wee are iustified and saued 2. Pet. 1.8 10. Phil. 2.12 13. Gal. 2.16.20 and 3.14 Fifthly by them we must comfort and nourish the poore and miserable people Matth. 25.34 35 36 c. Esay 58.7 Question How many things belong vnto good works Answere First they must be ruled by the liue of Gods word Deut. 4.2 Matth. 28.20 Secondly proceede from a true and sounde faith Rom. 14.23 Heb. 11.16 Thirdly be free from all hipocrisie vaine-glorie discerning and such like and onely be done to the glorie of God Matth. 6.1 2 3 4. Matth. 5.16 1. Pet. 2.12 Question Who must put good works in our hearts and frame vs there vnto Answere Onely God our Creator and Sauior for he it is that must giue vs First a right vnderstanding of his will 1. Cor. 2.12 13. Iam. 1.5 Secondly a true faith in his word and mercies in Christ Ephes 2.8 9 10. Iohn 6.29 Thirdly true humilitie zeale and power to set foorth his glorie Phil. 2.12 13. 2. Cor. 3.4 5. Question Let vs come to the third parte of this article namely how God preserueth the worlde with all his creatures and tell mee how doost thou prooue the same Answere The holy scripture assureth and teacheth me how that God onely with his mightie power in his diuine wisdome giueth life strength increase generation and continuance vnto his creatures and the huge masse of the earth otherwise they and it would soone come to destruction Gene. 1.1 2. Psal 104.29 30. Heb. 1.2 3. Gene. 1. the whole Question What haue wee to learne in this part Answere First the great power of God in vpholding and mainteyning all things Iere. 10.10 11 12 13. Secondly his vnspeakeable wisdome not onely in creating all things so excellently and beutifullie but also in that same wisdome hee keepeth and preserueth them Heb. 1.2 3. Thirdly his goodnes in doing those things for the sonnes of men Psalm 8. Question What is the vse of this doctrine Answere First a reuerent feare of his power Iere. 5.22 23 24. Secondly an admiration and praising the greatnesse of his wisedome Psal 104.24 Thirdly a true and continuall thankesgiuing for his mercies and a reuerent vsing of his creatures Psal 103.1 2 3 4. c. Rom. 11.36 1. Cor. 10.31 1. Tim. 4.1 2 3 4. Question Now let vs come to the last part to wit of Gods prouidence and tell me what it is Answere It is the foreknowledge eternall decree and appointment of the almightie wise and holie God of all the affaires and actions that should be done from the beginning of the worlde vnto the ende thereof either of good or euill as Angels men diuells or anie other creature whatsoeuer Question How prouest thou that God soreknoweth all things before they come to passe whatsoeuer he hath appointed shall come to passe Answere That he foreknoweth all things and whatsoeuer he hath appointed in his vnchaungeable decree to be done either in creation redemption saluation or gouernment these places of scripture most effectually doo proue Esa 7.14 Matt. 1.22 23. Mich. 5.2 Matt. 2.1.2 1. Pet. 2.19 20 21. 2. Ti. 1.9 2.19 act 19.48 Esay 46.10 Psal 239.15 16. Question How doost thou prooue that hee ruleth all things and all his creatures Answere That God doth rule al creatures is proued Psa 115.3 113.7 8 9. 147. 107. 104. Question What order wilt thou keepe in this point Answere First how he ruleth al the creatures in heauē Secondly all the creatures on earth Thirdly all punishments and plagues Fourthly all the Creatures in the seas Fiftly all the diuels and vncleane spirits Question Proceede to the first part Answere Those in heauen are First Angels Psal 81.11 12 13. Heb. 1.14 Secondly thunder 1. Sam. 12.18 Exo. 20.18 Thirdly Windes Num. 11.31 Iona. 1.4 Fourthly lightnings Ier. 10.13 Exo. 20.19 Fiftly raine Ier. 10 13. Psal 147.8 Sixtly Snow psal 147.16 and 148.8 Seuenthly haile Iosh 10.11 Eightly Sonne Moone and starres Iosh 10.12 13 14. Esa 38.8 Question Proceed to the second that God ruleth all the creatures vpon and in earth Answere Then to the mouing creatures as of one kind First al men generally Pro. 26.1 9 7. 20.24 Ier. 10.13 Psa 33.16 acts 17.28 Secondly particularly of good euil men as First in all good actions 1. Cor. 4.7 2. cor 3.4 5. Iam. 1.17 Ephe. 2.9 Genes 40.1 Secondly in their euill actions Iudg. 7.22 2. cron 20. Gen. 50.20 Thirdly more particularly as First Princes Psa Pro. 8.15 Secondly Nobles and Senators Esa 3.1 2 3 4. Thirdly Iudges Pro. 8.16 Fourthly subiects 1. Sam. 10.26 Fiftly enemies Pro. 16.7 Sixtly Warres both to raise and cease
hee saieth that they are subdued vnder hope namelie of restoration to that excellent estate that they had by creation Question Proceede to your second place of proofe Answere Whome the Heauens must conteine vntill the time that all things bee restored which God had spoke by the mouth of all the holy Prophets since the world began Actes 3.21 Question What gather you by these words Answere That al things shal be restored to an excellent perfection and therfore S. Peter calleth the day of Iudgement the day of restoring of al things which could not be attributed vnto that day vnlesse that there should be a restoration of them Question To what end or what vses shall they serue after the day of Iudgement Answere That is a wicked curiositie to search after those things which God hath not reuealed vnto vs let vs therefore say with Moses The secret things belong vnto the Lord our GOD and the things reuealed vnto vs and our children for euer that we may doo all the words of this Lawe Deu. 29.29 and so auoide likewise such vaine questions as these whether they shall be perpetuall or not perpetuall for vses or not for vses for they breed but strife and meere babling 1. Tim. 1.4 5 6 7. Titus 3.9 Question What is the vse of this point Answere First how all things were created of God most perfect and good at the first and he therfore holy and iust in his works Psalm 145.10 11. Deut. 32.4 Secondly how our sinne was the ruine and confusion of the perfection and excellencie of the creatures in their first creation so that hereby we may see how horrible and filthie a thing sinne is and therefore so much the more to hate the same Gene. 4.11 12. Ephe. 2.2 3. Col. 3.1 2 3 4. Thirdly the iustice of GOD in punishing sin and therfore we ought to kil and flie from the same as the only enemy of our health and saluation Psal 5.4 5 6. Co. 3.5 6. Ro. 6.23 Fourthly how all things in Christ shall bee restored to health and the former excellencie but man to a greater excellencie and more perfect happines than at the first Rom. 8.14 to 26. Question As wee haue hetherto intreated generallie of the creation of the world with all things therein so now more particularlie let vs come to the making and creating of man the which is the second point and tell me what order thou wilt keepe herein Answere First who made man Secondly whereof he consisteth Thirdly of his excellencie in his first creation Fourthly of his fall Fiftly how wee come to the knowledge thereof and our sinnes Sixtly of the vses of the lawe and good workes Question Who made man Answere God Question What things may we consider in God in the creation of man Answere First his wisdome Psalm 104.24 Secondly his power Thirdly his goodnes Psalm 8. Question Let vs come to the second thing What is man and whereof dooth he consist Answere Man is an excellent and reasonable creature created after the image of God his creator consisting of two partes Gene. 1.26 27. First a soule Gene. 2.7 Second a bodie Eccle. 12.7 Question What is the bodie Answere A wonderfull Creature of the workemanship of God framed out of the dust of the earth and of a notable proportion in euerie parte made vpright to looke vpward alwaies to God his maker Gene. 3.19 Question Although the bodie bee of the dust of the earth is it not yet more excellent than all other creatures that were made of the earth Answere Yes verelie and that first in respect of the time of his creation Secondly of the forme of his creation Thirdly of the end of his creation Fourthly of the person of the Sonne Question 1 How in the time of his creation Answere When the Lorde made man hee first tooke counsell of his wisdome and power and deliberated on the matter but when he made all other creatures before hee made man hee saide let it be done and it was done presentlie not taking such deliberation on their Creation although his wisdome power and glorie may bée seene in them Gen. 1.26 Roma 1.20 21. and 11.36 Question 2 How informe of his creation Answere God made all other creatures to go groueling on the earth and to looke downeward but he made man a streight bodie to go vpright and alway to looke vp into Heauen and so to consider of his Creator also he hath planted a certaine Maiestie in the face of man to the terror of all other creatures Gene. 1.28 29. Question 3 How in the end of his creation Answere First in glorifying GOD in holy words and also in good workes Ephesians 4.29 30. Matth. 5.16 Secondly in respect of the redemption of the bodie thorough Christ to be the childe of God and heire of eternall life and saluation Ro. 18.7 Thirdly to bee the temple of the holy Ghost 1. Cor. 3.16 and 6.19 Question 4. How in the person of the Sonne Answere In that Christ the sonne of God hath onely communicated with man in taking to himselfe mans nature Heb. 2.16 Rom. 1.3 Question What hath man to consider in that his body is made of the earth and aduanced to such glorie Answere First it beateth downe all pride Iere. 22.29 Secondly his brittlenes is shewed therin Isay 40.6 7 8. Iob. 14.1 2. Thirdly it teacheth man to consider his excellencie in Christ and not to defile in sinne and vncleanenes of life his bodie 1. Cor. 6.15 to the end 2. Cor. 6.14 to the end Question What is the soule Answere It is an immortall and spirituall substance created of GOD and infused into the bodie which quickneth and giueth life thereunto and of it selfe neuer dieth Eccle. 12.7 Iob. 10.12 Matth. 10.28 Reue. 6.9 10 11. Question What are the powers of the soule Answere Principallie two First reason Esay 29.9 1. Thes 5.23 Secondly will Heb. 4.12 Question Are they perfect in vs Answere No but most imperfect Gen. 6.5 Ier. 17.9 Matth. 15.19 20. Rom. 8.7 1. Cor. 2.24 Question Were they so created in vs Answere No but we got corruption by the fall of our first parents Adam and Eue. Gen. 3.1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 2. Cor. 11.3 Question Thou saiest that the soule is a spirituall substance but there are some that doo affirme it is but a motion other some to bee a vanishing breath Answere The Scripture teacheth the contrarie for First God is called the father of the spirits Heb. 12.9 Secondly Christ is called the pastour of soules 1. Pet. 2.25 Now if these sentences shal be applied to motions and a vanishing breath thereby to make God a Father and Christ a Pastour of a thing of naught it were most wicked and absurde Thirdly the soule is subiect to torments and capable of ioy in this world and in the life to come which things cannot be applied to motions and a vanishing breath Luk. 16.24 25. Fourthly it shoulde than followe so many motions and breathes seeing
as Loue is the fountain of al those things which belong vnto God comprehended in the first Table euen so the loue of our neighbor is the head of all those things which are due vnto our neighbor and is expressed in the second Table Mark 12.29 30 31. Question Wherfore is the second Table preferred before the first as appeareth by Hos 6.7 Mat. 9.13 12.13 if they be not equal in excellencie Answere First the Lord dooth thereby reproue hypocrites which especially busie themselues with the outward seruice of God but void of all pietie and their manners alienated from all integritie the fruites of charitie and true righteousnesse is farre from them Mich. 6.5 6 7 8. Hosea 6.6 Matth. 9.13 Secondly herein he noteth his great care vnto mutuall loue in vs one towardes another accounting it not to bee his seruice and worship although commanded if the dueties that we owe to our neighbors be neglected 1. Ioh. 3.15 17. 4.7 8 12. Esa 58.3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. Question May not the two Tables be seperated and plucked asunder Answere No verely for they were ioined of God together therefore not to be seperated Mat. 19.6 Question What gather you thereby Answere First that it is not sufficiēt for vs only to haue a ciuill honestie busie our selues in the second Table but also we must be religious exercise our selues in the first table Deut. 6.5 Eph. 4.24 Tit. 2.12 Secondly not onely religious vnto our God but also we must practise the second table that is to loue our neighbor vse honestie of life Eph. 4.24.25 Titus 2.11 12. Question What if we do the one neglect the other Answere If we doo the first and not the seconde it is but an outward holinesse which is hypocrisie And to doo the second and not the first is but ciuill honestie which is méere Atheisme therefore the one must goe with the other that is true godlinesse and righteousnesse and the second must proceed out of the first or els it is but a counterfet righteousnesse Iere. 7.4 5 6 9 10. Question Why did hee write them in stone and not in parchment or after some other manner Answere First to teach vs that it serueth for al ages as a doctrine of continuance to be a perfect rule of righteousnesse Psal 19.7 8 9. Secondly to shew vs that our heartes are stonie before they are softened by the Spirit of God Ezek. 35.26 27. Thirdly that we must write them in our harts to be our instructers and counsellers Psal 1.2 and 119.24 Fourthly it telleth vs that vnlesse the Lord write them in our harts by the finger of his hand all is but vaine 2. Cor. 3. Question Why was the Law giuen after so fearefull a manner as by thundrings lightnings darknes and shaking of heauen and earth Answere It was to driue not onely the Iewes but all other people of God vnto the end of the world to haue it first in great reuerence Psalm 19.9 Esay 66.2 Secondly to heare it with great attentiuenesse Eccl. 4.17 Matth 13.9 Thirdly to practise it in al obedience 1. Sa. 15. 22 23. Iere. 7.23 Question Why would not wee els regard the Lawe of God Answere No verelie for such is the corruption of our nature that those things which are first most easie secondlie familiar and thirdly not carrying with them a Maiestie and power are contemned in our eyes for which cause God séeing the crookednesse of our Nature did magnifie both his Lawe and Gospell with wonderfull miracles and fearefull signes hauing fixed in them great power and sharpnesse to terrifie and strike downe the froward and rebellious Mark 16.20 Heb. 2.4 2. Cor. 10.4 5 6. Actes 2.5 9 10. and 24.26 Question By whom was the Lawe giuen Answere By the Angels as the holie Apostle Saint Paule witnesseth wherein wee may see a notable commendation of the Lawe to teach vs al holy obedience Acts. 7.39 Gal. 3.19 Question Rehearse those commandements Answere God spake these words and said I am c. Question Is the first which is comprehended in these words God spake c. a commandement Answere No but a preface or introduction to the lawe of God Question What learne you out of the same Answere First that God is the author of the lawe and therefore the same to be obeyed and loued Ioh. 14.23 Psalm Secondly how it is spirituall and therefore it teacheth vs to bee spirituallie minded Ro 7.7 14. Matth. 5.28 Iohn 4.24 Thirdly the might and maiestie of God is set foorth in the same to teach his children to reuerence him with feare and to terrifie the rebellious Actes 5.5 Iere. 10.6 10 to 14. Exod. 20.18 19. Deut. 4.10 Fourthly the goodnes of God is expressed in the children of Israell their and our deliuerance theirs temporal frō a fleshlie Pharao but ours a spiritual Pharao the diuel the eternal bondage of hell al which teach vs true thankfullnes Exod. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. cha Ephe. 4.8 Heb. 2.14 15. 1. Iohn 3.8 Question What learne you in the first commandement thou shalt haue no other Gods but me Answere First that there is but one onely true God to witt the father of our Lord Iesus Christ Deu. 6.4 1. Cor. 8.4 6. Ephe. 4.5 6. Secondly that I must worship him in spirit and trueth onely in the mediatour Iesus Christ Iohn 4.24 Iohn 17.3.1 Timo. 2.5 Thirdly wherein this worship of God doth consist that is to say First in louing him Deut. 6.5 and 30.16 Secondly in fearing him reuerently Psal 34.9 1. Pet. 1.17 Thirdly in calling on him and praising him continuallie Psal 50.14 15. Math. 6.9 Fourthly in yeelding him an holy obedience 1. Sam. 15.22 23. 1. Pet. 1.14 15 16. Fifthly in putting my whole trust in his iustice mercy and power Ieremy 17.7 8. Actes 17.25 26. Question What is loue towards God Answere It is a burning zeale proceeding from a pure heart in desire to aduance the glory of God in thought word and works according to his will commanded in his word Exod. 32.32 Psalm 69.9 Iohn 2.17 Deut. 6.4 5 6. Question What is reuerent feare Answere It is a sonnelike reuerence kindled in the harts of the faithfull consisting vpon the reuerence of God being most iust and the loue of him being most merciful which is lightned by faith Psal 130.4 Psalme 119.53 Iob. 1.2 Acts. 10.2 Question What is obedience Answere It is a faithfull submission of the minde whereby the word and will of the commander is obeyed without gainsaying according to the strength and ability both in wll in eare in word and deede 1. Sam. 15.22 23. Psal 40. Heb. 10. Ioh. 4. Matth. 7. Phil. 2. Question What is the end of this commandement Answere The Lorde sheweth vs how hee alone will haue the preheminence among his people Question Whie is it set in the first place Answere This precept is not by order onely the first but also such as
Iudg. 9.23 24.25 psal 46.9 Then to mouing creatures of other kindes as First al manner of cattle as oxen horses sheepe c. Gen. 2.19 20. 7.1 to 11. Secondly lions 1. Reg. 13.24 Thirdly beares 2. Reg. 2.24 Fourthly frogges Exod. 6.12 Fiftly flies Exod. 8.22 Sixtly lice Exod. 8.17 Seuenthly wormes Ioel 1.4 Iona. 4.7 Eightly serpents Num. 21.6 Ninthly hornets Iosh 24.12 Tenthly rauens and sparrowes 1. Reg. 17.4 Now for al creatures that grow and are vnmoouable hauing their being on in the earth I will touch them but first beginning with the Earth it selfe for which this is my proofe Gen. 1.12 13. Secondly trees Matth. 19.19 20. Iona. 4.6 7. Thirdly hearbes flowers grasse corne Psal 104.14 Matth. 6.28 29 30. Question Proceede now vnto the third point and tell me how thou canst proue that all plagues and punishments come from God Answere The holy scripture sheweth how that there commeth no euil vnto a Citie vnlesse that God doo sende the same it is hee that killeth and giueth life and bringeth downe vnto the graue he maketh poore and bringeth lowe yea neither the pestilence consumption feauer burning ague feruent heat mildeaw sword blasting bocches emeroides scabbe itch madnes blindnes a mans wife defiled a mans house vineyeard taken away dearth famine captiuitie grashoppers worms to destroy the fruits of the earth hunger thirst nakednesse to eate the fruites of the wombe and such like nor anie else can happen except the Lord send them so that they neither come by chance or through ouersight or anie other way but by Gods prouidence and appointment Leuit. 26. Deut. 28. Exod. 8.9 10. chap. 1. Sam. 2.6 7 8. Amos 3.6 Question Proceede vnto the 4. point that God ruleth all the creatures in the sea Answere I will and therein proue that he ruleth First the sea it selfe Exod. 14 16. Iosh 3.14 15 16 17. Secondly the fishes in the sea Iona. 1.17 2.10 Matt. 17.27 Luk. 5 6 7 8. Thirdly the foules thereof Gen. 7. 8. Question Proceede vnto the 5. and last point tel me how ye proue that God ruleth the diuels of hel Answere I will effectually doo the same for First these places of Scripture doo affirm and proue his dominion and rule ouer them and of them Iob. 1. and 2. 1. Sam. 16.14 1. Re. 21.20 to 23. Ma. 8.31 32. Act. 16.18 Secondly if he were not tied by the power of God he would soone destroy and deuoure vs. 1. Pet. 5.8 Question Thou saist that God ruleth the planets and the firmament with all things therein Answere It is most true Question Yea but doo they not serue for times and seasons to rule dispose man in all his affairs as sicknesse health life and death in al good lucke and bad lucke besides Answere Farre be it from all good Christians once to thinke so but much more to beleeue affirme the thing for it is very sorcerie and soothsaying Question What els is it when Moses saith they are appointed for times seasons daies yeres Answere It is most true that he saith so but he meaneth nothing lesse than such a cursed astrologie his meaning is onely for things belonging to naturall and politicke order Question What meanest thou by this word naturall Answere Winter and summer sowing time reaping planting graffing gardening mowing and all tilling Question What meanest thou by this word politique Answere The reckoning of yeares daies months as some from the creation of the world some from Christes incarnation and some from one daie and some from another Question Yea but earthly things inferiour bodies haue a kinde of affinitie and kindred with the course of the starres and so come by their disposition and qualitie and so may be tolde because they are ruled by thē what shall become of them and what things shal happen vnto thē by the planets and starres Answere Although it be granted that there is such affinitie and kindred yet to conclude therefore that we may gather what shal befall vnto man either in good lucke or badde health or sicknesse life or death and what qualities and disposition he shall be of and what death he shall die it is most wicked for these things belong onely to God and are most vncertaine to men Question What reasons moueth thee thus to thinke 〈…〉 These first for the one of their chiefest grounds is vncertaine as the time of bearing to the time of conception as First it is a thing altogether impossible to haue a certaine knowledge of the verie time of begetting Secondly the time of birth is not onely oftentimes sooner than it should be thorough some occasion offred but also through weaknes of the woman shee oftentimes continueth a longer time or thorough long labour shee misseth often times not a minute but houres yea dayes so that in the meane time there is a very great inclination and moouing of the heauens and Starres Secondly seeing they that are borne at one minute and the selfe same instant of time are commonly altogether First vnlike in nature and manners Secondly doo die one before another some one death some another some are poore and some rich and some in authority and some of lowe degree Thirdly that the force of seed which is the matter whereof the childe is begotten and bred in the wombe is greter than the force of Starres concerning the framing of man to manners and nature as we may see children to imitate their parents in naturall things seeing this I say it cannot bee rightly attributed to the nature of the Planets and courses of Starres Question What euills doo they commit by these their southsayings in attributing the gouernement of man vnto the Planets and constellation of Starres Answere First if good lucke hang vpon the Starres then our holy obedience vnto God doth depend vpon them too for this is the proper cause of that and so we shall make the holy Ghost a lyer for he saieth that euery good and perfect gifte commeth of God Secondly if the kinde of death and euill luck as they cal it do hang vpon the starres then shall sinne depende vpon them too for of sinne commeth all punishments which is altogether foolish and wicked to bee so attributed for it commeth of the diuell and of our selues Math. 15.19 1. Ioh. 38. Thirdly they herein make the starres partakers of the diuine nature and power of God in that they say they gouerne and beare rule ouer mankinde to direct them in al their affaires and life and death Iob. 14.5 Fourthly in this they both rashly enter into the secrets of God and also as Gods they determine what shall come to passe Fiftly they are deceiuers and bewitchers of the people that so teach and therefore God will set himselfe against them and they are worthie to die the death Le. 20.6.27 Deut. 15.7 Esay 44.25 Mala. 3.5 Question Can the diuell and his inchanters raise vp windes stormes lightnings and raine when