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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06663 The castell of comforte in the whiche it is euidently proued, [that] God alone absolueth, and freli forgeueth the sinners of so many as vnfaynedly repent, and turne vnto hym Lately compyled by Thomas Becon. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1549 (1549) STC 1712; ESTC S109188 24,993 94

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For y e Papistes will here obiecte If remissiō of sinnes cometh from God alone than were the keyes geuen to the congregaciō in vayne But to the entent that I maye stop the mouthes of y e aduersaries and that they may haue no occasion to barke agaynst the glory of God after this marke wel good Reader what shal be spoken Trueth it is y ● God alone teacheth men hys verite by the holy Ghoste as it is written Al shal be taughte of God Again I will poure oute of my spirite vpon all fleshe and youre sonnes and your doughters shall prophecye The Psalmographe also sayeth I will heare what the Lord speaketh in me yet will he that they shoulde be studious of the holy scriptures bothe daye and nyghte as it is commaunded of Christe Searche the scriptures and also diligently heare the preachynge of hys woorde as it is written He that is of God heareth the woordes of God My shepe heare my voyce Euery one that is of the trueth heareth my voyce So in like maner although God alone remitteth all synne yet will he y ● remission of synnes shoulde be preached to the people that by this meanes they maye repent beleue and be made whole as Christ testifieth saying It behoued Christ to suffer and too ryse agayn frō death the thirde day and that repentaunce and remission of synnes shoulde be preached in hys name amonge all nacions Faythe cometh by hearing hearing by the worde of God For the ministers of the gospell are the organnes instrumētes of Christ by whom God worketh thorow his holy spirit health and saluacion in so many as are predestinate vnto eternal lyfe They are Gods laborers ministers by whom we beleue euē as the Lord geueth euery man grace They are the oratours messengers interpreters Asigels Apostles and Embassadours of the Lord as the Apostle sayeth all thinges are of God which hath reconciled vs vnto hym selfe by Iesu Christ and hath geuē vs the office to preache the attonement For God was in Christ reconciled the worlde vnto him self and imputed not their sinnes vnto them and among vs hath he set vp the worde of attonement Now then are we messengers in the roume of Christ euen as though God exhorted by vs. We beseche you nowe therfore in Christes steade that y● be at one with god Agayne to the Galathians he writteth on this manner Ye did not despyse nor abhorre me but receyued me as an Aungell of God yea euen as Christe Iesu. Hereto pertayneth hys saying to the Thessalonians He that casteth awaye vs casteth not awaye menne but God whiche hath geuen hys holy spirit into vs. Moyses also in tymes paste sayde to the people that murmured agaynste hym The Lorde hath hearde your grudgynge and murmuryng wherwith ye murmure against him For what are we Youre murmurīgs are not against vs but agaynst the Lorde So likewise reade we in the Gospell that the Lord spake of hys ministers Uerely verely I saye vnto you He that receyueth wl●ome soeuer I shall sende receyueth me And he that receyueth me receyueth him that also that sent me Agayne he sayeth he that heareth you heareth me and he that despyseth you despiseth me and he that despyseth ●e despyseth hym also that sent me Here se we that the ministers of Goddes woorde are not to be despysed for they are necessarye instrumentes vnto the health of men and they are worthy of double honoure as the Apostle sayeth Therefore maye it be concluded that the absolucion of the Prieste is not too be despysed seynge it is none other thynge if it be a true and Christen absolucion than the preachynge of fre remission of oure synnes in Christes name And although he y ● plāteth be nothing he that wattereth be nothing but God which geueth the encrease agayne albeit the Lorde blesseth vs with al spiritual benediction yet inasmuche as the inestimable kyndnes manyfolde benefytes of God toward vs can not be knowen nor beleued without preachinge for fayth cometh by hearynge and hearing by the worde of God therefore hath God appoynted hys ministers to open declare vnto men those excellent misteries those confortable ioyful promyses of Gods mercy and good wil towarde mankynde that they maye perceyue learne and vnderstande what is geuē them of the Lorde what they ought to beleue how thei shuld obtayne the giftes of God and lede a lyfe worthy the kyndnes of so bounteous a father God also hath appoynted the ministers to beget men in Christ Iesu by the Gospell too open the eyes of the blynde to turne thē from darkenes to lighte to cōuerte the hertes of fathers into children and the disobedient to the wysdome of the righteous He hath commaunded them to preache repātaunce and remissiō of synnes in his name vnto all nacions Go youre waye sayeth he into the worlde vniuersall and preache the gospell to euery creature He that beleueth and is baptised shall be saued He that beleueth not shal be condemned Moreouer he hath geuen to his faythful ministers the keyes of the kyngedom of heauē that whatsoeuer they loosen in earthe maye be also loosened in heauen And whatsoeuer thei bynde in earth maye also be bounde in heauē that is to saye he hath committed to theim the office of preachyng the Gospel y t they should go forth into the worlde preache vnto all men the grace and fauoure that is geuen of God the father for Christes sake yea and that thei should proclaime publish and set abrode vnto all men that so many as repent beleue are losoned frō the captiuitie of sathā purged frō syn deliuered frō death made enheritours of eternal life Again that so many as beleue not remayne still y ● captiues bonde s●aues of satā cōtinew boūde in their synnes and in the state of damnacion and that therefore thei shal dye the death and for euer more be damned excepte they repent turne and beleue And thus their preachynge is so certeyn and sure before God that whatsoeuer they pronounce beynge conformable to the worde of God shall as certenly come to passe as thoughe God hym selfe had spoken it As for an example Whan soeuer the ministers preachers of Gods woorde in this worlde shall declare to the faythfull repentaunce remission of synnes tell them that they be losoned frō y ● captiuitie of sathā it is euen as certen sure as though God hym selfe had sayde these woordes vnto them Thy synnes are forgeuē the. In lyke manner whan they shall saye to the vnfaythfull that they remayne still boūde in their synne and that the wrathe of God abydeth vpon them and therefore they shall be damned God approapproueth their sayinge and it shal vndoubtedly come to passe according to their preachinge So that whatsoeuer the minister of Gods worde sayeth accordynge to the worde of
my soule blesse y ● Lord and forget nor al his benefites For he it is that pardonneth al thyne iniquities that healeth all thy diseases yea he it is y ● deliuereth thy lyfe from destruccion and crouneth the in mercy and louing kyndnesse Agayne let Israel trust in the Lord for with the Lord there is infinite mercy and plenteous redēptiō And he it is that redemeth Israel frō all their sinnes Whosoeuer therfore taketh on hym to forgeue synne maketh hym selfe a sauiour and sayeth with the Aungell Apostata I will clyme vp aboue the hygh cloudes and I will be lyke vnto y ● mooste hyghest But let hym knowe that pryde will haue a faule and that the Lorde is a ielous God and will geue hys glorie to none other Who deliuered Adam from euerlastinge damnacion whan he with hys wyfe had transgressed the commaundemēt of the hygh Lord Who absolued Nohe from his dronkennes Who deliuered Loth frō the vnclennes which he committed with hys doughters Who saued Moyses and forgaue hym hys manslaughter Who absolued Dauid frō hys adultry Who had cōpassion on the Niniuites whā they repēted beleued and cōuerted To be shorte who forgaue and absolued all the Patriarckes Kynges Prophetes prestes c with all other of the olde testament whan they knowledged their sinnes and returned vnto the Lord their God with faithfull repentaūce but onely God alone to whome did theif●e for remission of sinnes but to God alone In whome did they put their afflaunce and trust but in God alone as the Psalmographe testifieth sayinge Our fathers trusted in the o Lord yea they trusted in the and thou deliuerest them They cryed vnto the and they were made safe in the o Lord they trusted were not confounded Are not these the woordes of blessed Dauid I sayde I wil confesse my sinnes vnto the Lorde and thou forgauest the wickednes of my sinne Here is no menciō made of Aarō or of any of that priesthode nor yet of Pope Patriarcke Cardinall Archebishop Bishop Prieste or of any other man to forgeue vs our synnes but of God alone So foloweth it that the Lorde alone remitteth the vngodlynes of oure synne and that he alone absolueth a pena et culpa This was godly doctrine in the olde testament neyther was he counted of godly mē any Heretyke that taught this kynde of learning at that tyme. God was thā the Lorde alone omnisufficient for all hys people that truly repented and conuerted to his vnmesurable mercye neyther had he nede at that tyme of any other to be conioyned with hym as he hym selfe sayde vnto Abraham feare not Abraham I am thy defender and thyne altogether sufficient rewarder and is the Lordes hande nowe so abbreuiated and shortened that he can saue nomore or is hys eare so stopped that he can not heare Lorde God what a so●ē chaunge is this But I stedfastly beleue that he is thesame Lorde now that he was in the olde tyme and of no lesse power to remit sinne at thys present than he was many thousande yeres before these oure dayes in asmuche as he abydeth euer one and is not chaūgeable as he sayeth by the Prophet Malachie I am the Lord and am not chaunged ¶ Hytherto haue I bene holde in few wordes to proue y ● in the time of the olde law God alone forgaue the synnes of his people without the helpe eyther of Bishop Prophet prieste leuite or any other y t the whole glory of their saluacion might be ascribed to hym alone Nowe let vs also labour to declare that God alone doth the very same thynge in the new testament y ● he alone maye stil remayne the God of health agaynst the pestilent doctrine of the wicked Papistes whiche so borishelye sweate to maintaine their vsurped power and fayned authoritie to the greate obscuringe of Gods glorie and that to hym alone all honour and prayse maye be geuen ¶ We reade in the holy gospel that when a certen man beyng diseased of the palsey was brought vnto Christe to be made whole Christ sayde vnto hym Sonne be on a good conforte thy sinnes are forgeuē the. The Scribes hearing these wordes of forgeuing sinne thinking w t thē selfs y ● Christ was not God but mā onely that it was the office of God alone too remit forgeue synne spake on thys manner within them selfs Hic blasphemat this felow blasphemeth or as Marke Luke writeth Who is he y ● speaketh blasphemies Who is able to forgeue sinne but God alone here the Scribes tēdering more the glory of God then our papistes pharises do at this time could not abyde y ● Christ whome they iudged only mā should chalēge to him power to forgeue sinne seing y ● alone pertained to God And vpō this place of y e scripture many write y t y ● Scribes erred not in this cōfession y ● God alone forgeueth synne but in this thei sai thei were deceyued because thei beleued not y ● christ was bothe God and man If Christe had bene nothinge but mā he had blasphemed in dede that is to say taken that thing vpon hym whiche is the office of God alone but forasmuche as he was not onely man but also God he blasphemeth not he chalenged nothing but that was hys righte So did the Scribes and not Christe blaspheme Let all men therefore learne of this historie that God alone forgeueth synne Doeth not Christe also in the aforesaid chapter of Matthew call hym selfe a Phisicion and shew that he came to call synners vnto repentaunce and to make them whole Why calleth he him self a phisicion but because it is his office to cure and heale Ieremy prayed vnto this phisicion sayeng heale me o Lorde I shall be healed saue thou me I shall be safe for thou arte he whome I will magnifye For he did knowe full well that all other phisicions were vnprofitable without his helpe and no more mete to cure sicke conscīces of them selfes then the olde Lyon was to heale the horse of whome Esope writeth in his fables whiche notwithstandyng take on him to practise phisicke whā of that same sciēce he was altogether ignorante Moreouer Christe calleth all them y ● labour and are laden to hym promiseth that he will refreshe ease and conforte them He sendeth them not awaye to other but calleth them all withoute excepcion to hym whereby he sheweth that no creature neyther in heauen nor in earth can truly and sufficiently heale our infirme and sicke consciences but he alone whiche sayeth I am the resurrectiō and lyfe He that beleueth in me althoughe he be dead shal lyue and euery one that liueth and beleueth in me shal neuer dye For who can forgeue me my synne but he alone which is without al sinne Who can deliuer me frō death hel but he alone which hath