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A03335 Mystical babylon, or Papall Rome A treatise vpon those words, Apocal. 18.2. It is fallen, it is fallen Babylon, &c. In which the wicked, and miserable condition of Rome, as shee now is in her present Babylonian estate, and as she shall be in her future ineuitable ruine, is fully discouered: and sundry controuersiall points of religion, betwixt the Protestants, and the Papists, are briefly discussed. By Theophilus Higgons, rector of the parochiall Church of Hunton, neere Maidstone in Kent. Higgons, Theophilus, 1578?-1659. 1624 (1624) STC 13455; ESTC S118140 129,351 289

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c. 30. Since therefore the Pope is truely that man of sin who appeared in his superlatiue power vpon the declination of the Romane Emperour for thence wee inforce by the verse words of Saint Paul that Antichrist is come euen as the Christians proue against the Iewes that Christ came long agoe because the Scepter departed from Iudah and then the Messiah was to be borne according to the prophecie of Iacob wee may conclude that the Babylon wherein hee sitteth is Rome not the Citie alone but the Church which seemeth to be entayled vnto that fatall place in the iudgement of her chiefest Doctors Thus farre out of Saint Paul and now we come vnto Saint Iohn Secondly then this prediction of Saint Paul is a fitting key to open the visions of Saint Iohn in this behalfe in cap. 13. 17. For in his thirteenth Chapter hee had a vision of two distinct beasts the very same which wee haue alreadie seene in the prophecie of Saint Paul Behold therefore the description of these Beasts and yet first vnderstand I pray you what the name of BEAST doth generally purport as well in this Reuelation of Saint Iohn as in the prophecies of Daniel whereof also I am now to take some speciall notice namely cap. 7. v. 4. Foure great Beasts saith hee came vp from the Sea Euery word hath weight as I will shew you in the retrograded order of the Text. They came from the great SEA signifying that the conuersions of publike States should bring great troubles and perturbations in the world They came vp or ascended for the great Monarchies had small beginnings and were aduanced vnto a very high estate They are Beasts for these Monarchies did with furie and violence enter increase and gouerne in the earth Lastly they are foure whereof the last is the Romane Monarchy thus characterized and marked by Daniel v. 7. The fourth Beast was fearefull and terrible and very strong c. and it had ten hornes which in the twentie fourth verse are interpreted ten Kings for the Romane Monarchie had a various and difforme gouernment of different nature from all precedent Monarchies till the Caesars who are here called the little horne rose vp who subduing a great part of their strength drew the principalitie vnto themselues and erected the Monarchie in their owne persons and this is the true genuine and proper interpretation of that text Now I returne vnto Saint Iohn The FIRST Beast which Saint Iohn did see Apocal 13.11 c. is the same Romane Monarchie and expressed in this manner A Beast arose out of the Sea hauing seuen heads and ten hornes c. and then followeth the persecution raised by this Beast against the Church of God This Beast was certainely the Romane Empire which in the publike gouernment by the Senate and by the people and in the priuate afterward by one person was still one and the same Beast hauing indeed ten hornes at the first till afterward one little horne carried the sway when it grew vnto great power that reuelled in Babylon and domineered in the world by whose Edicts and Authoritie the Christians so generally for many yeeres suffered cruell deaths and horrible tortures for the glorious name of Iesus Christ When this Tragedie was ended and that this first Beast though now growne more milde and tamed by the knowledge of the true Faith beganne afterwards daily to decline from his greatnesse and at the last to bee taken out of the way according to the words of Saint Paul then began a SECOND Beast to come vp out of the earth Apocal. 13.11 that is to say some other great and principall Potentate for so the word Beast importeth here as it doth in Daniel before began to reare vp himselfe and therefore is here said to come vp as hauing an inchoation and then an augmentation of his power and it is not without cause said here that he came out of the earth whereas the former Beast verse 1. came out of the Sea as the other three Beasts also did Daniel 7.4 because as hee is contrary to Christ who came from heauen so hee hath a different entrance into the world from the former Beast with Saint Iohn saw and from the other three which Daniel saw because those foure Beasts had a tumultuous violent and troublesome beginning of their Empires which came as it were out of a raging Sea but this Second Beast here in Saint Iohn hath a quiet secret peaceable ascension as it were out of the earth comming vp with the milde aspect of a Lamb not suddenly aduancing himselfe like the other Beasts with terror but cunningly insinuating himselfe into the hearts and affections of men as Ribera doth well expound this place and is therefore well said to come vp out of the earth because being little meane at the first in comparison of his future glorie hee doth afterward attaine vnto a speciall and extraordinary power in the world euen to doe all which the first Beast could doe before him v. 12. Marke now this passage well It doth appeare that the First Beast viz. the Romane Empire in the ciuill state was now taken out of the way How doth that appeare Because this second Beast did all which the former could doe before him therefore the former was gone that is to say the great Imperiall power of Rome was now decayed and another arose vp after it in as great dignitie and power as the other did obtaine These two Potentates the first and second Beast stood not together in their greatnesse two Sunnes shine not in one firmament and the Pope did well espy this when he compared the Romane Empire to the Moone and the Romane Papacy to the Sunne as being of greater excellencie so that the Empire had her light from it and lost her light before it as being not able to shine in the glorious presence thereof And this is true indeed for O thou poore Empire of Germany what art thou before the conspect and shining light of the mightie Papacie of Rome which leaueth thee an emptie Title and possesseth the full power thereof But I proceed It doth now also appeare farther that this second Beast who could not aspire vnto the proportion of his greatnesse during the consistencie of the former is mounted vp into the Imperiall Dignitie and Seate but after the expiration of the Romane Empire for that Beast is gone that supreame power is abolished as he hath inuaded his Dominion to doe all that the other could doe before him If you aske how this came to passe I answere not by Sword not by Conquest not by forcible meanes for this Beast came out of the earth in a more meeke and meane fashion and like a Lambe but by a faire pretense of his Euangelicall Keyes which afterwards became no lesse powerfull then Swords and two Swords spirituall power which was the first horne that grew and then temporall power which was the second horne annexed vnto the
11.6 These are ensamples to vs and againe Verse 11. All these things came vnto them for ensamples and were written to admonish vs. If therefore Babylon heare of a ruine denounced by Esay Let Rome feare her ruine reuealed by Saint Iohn And let vs also conceiue for it is a truth and worthy by all meanes to be receiued that as a generall destruction of my people in the Old Testament is an admonition to any Kingdome or Nation in the New so a particular destruction of any person there is an example and premonition vnto me and to thee and to euery one in his degree qualitie and place to auoid the like sinne by which the former perished and fell through the exemplarie iustice of God esteeming his case to be a prediction of ours as if our very names and persons were expressed in that Scripture and in that example as indeed it is really though not verbally not in such apparant and identicall tearmes as the ruine of Mysticall Babylon heere is discouered in the ruine of Literall Babylon there And so much of the second point which I proposed before in the distribution of my Text and haue now explained in the orderly pursuit thereof The THIRD point concerning the nature and qualitie of this ruine what this Fall of Babylon doth heere import NOw I am come vnto the substance of the matter for the former points concerning the time past the Duplication of the fal are accidents circumstances of the Fal whereof I now intreat but yet such so proper and so effectuall as that they bring an especiall light thereunto and therefore I haue handled them before as being accessorie helpes for vs to vnderstand the principall point it selfe As for the word Fall it is plaine and easie but very significant and Emphaticall in this place it being a fall of speciall and extraordinary note as wee shall perceiue in the third sense and acception of the same FIRST therefore according to the primarie and simple meaning of the Letter it doth import a locall motion whereby some thing of an higher place or of a firme consistencie before is lapsed into a lower properly vpon the Earth or so dissolued into pieces that it doth not cohere and stand in the former qualitie and manner as the house fell vpon Iobs children Iob 1.19 though by a violent meanes and the walls of Iericho fell downe as it Iosh 6.20 though by a miraculous meanes signifying in a sense allegoricall the fall of Impietie at the sound of Gods Word Though Babylon shall haue a fall of a more markable nature as anon you shall heare yet this fall doth likewise appertaine vnto her in her glorious Churches in her sumptuous Monasteries in other magnificall Palaces of his Holinesse and his Cardinals whom hee maketh Princes in all Lands as some haue blasphemously applyed that Text Psal 45.16 in the stately houses of the Citizens and finally in her walls the carkasse of that proud and insolent Citie O that spatious ancient and venerable Church of Saint Peter it was sometimes a Sanctuarie and protection of the miserable distressed Citizens of Rome as Sozom. doth relate lib 9. c. 9. and Saint Augustine himselfe doth insinuate De Ciuit. Dei lib. 1. c. 1. 4. when the furious and barbarous Gothes spoyled and ransacked the Citie and made a cruell massacre of the people But now it is defiled with Babylonian Merchandize and when the Day of this vengeance doth come it shall fall it shall bee cast downe to the ground it shall haue no Sanctuarie for its owne protection That shall be verified in her which was fulfilled in the desolation of the Temple One stone shall not be left vpon another And this is the first fall of Babylon in this place SECONDLY this Word doth sometimes note the act of death whence the name of a carkasse in the Hebrew Greeke and Latine is deriued in the seuerall originals for that by death wee fall and cannot now stand and wee fall into the earth as the Centre of grauitie to which all heauie things doe tend and where they haue their rest Now death is either naturall or violent NATVRALL as Psal 82.7 You Princes shall fall like others that is you shall dye as it is in the words next going before and as you had one Genesis by birth so you shall haue one Exodus by death with the poorest and meanest of the people Heere is something for our Humiliation the strong the rich the mightie man shall fall and fall into the earth the mother out of whose substance he is framed and into which he shall be dissolued againe What is my condition I am a piece of clay moulded into humane shape what is my end I must fall into the matter and principle of my beginning O that I could euer thinke of this fall into the earth by my death that I might neuer fall from Heauen by my sinnes This fall is no speciall iudgement vnto the Citizens of Babylon which is a generall necessitie of all men in the World But let vs obserue something for our Consolation and then wee shall see more For our fall by death is not without hope of a Resurrection and that also vnto eternall glorie for the resurrection of the dead is the confidence of Christians as Tertullian speaketh but the fall of Babylon by the Sword by fire by extreame desolation hath no hope of a ciuill resurrection to arise after her fall vnto any splendour or dignitie againe and therefore I may say of her as Iacob of his eldest sonne the first-borne of his strength thy dignitie is gone Gen. 49.4 The second kind of fall by death is VIOLENT and now we come neerer vnto the point This kinde of fall is often remembred in the sacred Scriptures but out of many places I will select a few as Exod. 32.28 There fell of the people about three thousand men when Moses handled the peoples cause with God by Prayer but Gods cause with the people by Swords And Psal 36.12 They are fallen that worke iniquitie This fall may well be applied vnto Babylon because her ruine is not onely locall for houses and walls but personall for the Inhabitants themselues Clericall and Laicall who dwelling within her precincts shall fall by the extreame furie of the Sword which shall deuoure their flesh in the Day of the LORDS vengeance Tremble therefore O yee vnhappie Citizens at the voice of the fatall ruine of that vnfortunate place your knees may smite the one against the other as Balshazzars Dan. 5.6 with the extremitie of your iust feare for that disastrous calamitie which shall fall vpon you or vpon your posteritie and succession Therefore depart out of her it is Gods owne premonition vnto you and they that are his people will depart out of her either corporally to saue their liues or spiritually to saue their soules And as for you that are yet immaculate and not defiled with her contagion heare not her inuitation
beareth rule therein as in the very Seate and Center of his Dominion The SECOND obseruation which from thence I frame and tender vnto your religious hearts is a Morall truth namely that God doth often punish our sinnes by such meanes and instruments as were seruiceable vnto vs therein to the accomplishment of our desires So wee read Ezek. 16.37.39 c. that whereas the Iewes committed spirituall fornication with the Idols of Aegypt and Assyria and reapposed more in the helpe of the Aegyptians and Assyrians sometimes then in the protection of God therefore he threatneth to giue them into their hands who being instruments of their sinnes against him should bee also instruments of his iudgements against them Sundry are the examples in this kind which I cannot now produce but leauing the ponderation of this point vnto your owne hearts I aduise you in the tender feare of God so to please him in all your wayes that not onely all men but all his creatures may bee disposed and inclined by him to our incolunitie and preseruation So saith the Wiseman When the wayes of a man please the Lord hee will also make his enemies at peace with him Prou. 16.7 To this purpose spake Eliphaz in Iob. 5.23 The stones of the field shall bee in league with thee and the beasts of the field shall be at peace with thee But if wee sinne impenitently against him euery creature in heauen and earth is readie prest by his instinct and motion to reuenge the iniurie done vnto him who is the Creator of heauen and earth And so much concerning the first question I come therefore vnto the second The SECOND Question SECONDLY if you require of me what are the causes for which these ten Kings shall take vp their Armes against Babylon I answere partly out of the euidence of the Scripture and partly out of the demonstration of reason that three principall causes concurre in this behalfe The FIRST is a meritorious cause by congruitie and condignitie as they vse to speake of the merit of their workes in regard of her sinnes which I haue touched heretofore in the comparisons betwixt the Misticall and the Literall Babylon which being a burthen vnto the earth cry for vengeance vnto heauen And now here is a collection of her sinnes the old and the new come into one reckoning and account They were past in act but remained in guilt wherefore it is said Apoc. 18.5 Her sins are come vp vnto heauen and God hath remembred her iniquities for though hee alwayes remembred them in his prouidence and knowledge yet now hee declareth his remembrance by the execution of his Iustice Thus we perceiue that God hath a time to permit sinnes and a time to punish sinnes the former and the latter sinnes together of any state or of any person when our repentance bindeth not vp the hands of his iustice but our continuance addition and renouation of sinne draw the sword out of the scabbard and compell him vnto the manifestation of his wrath as it is here in the fall of Babylon whose sins are bound vp together in this great and fearefull iudgement But since she will make no benefit of this instruction as being obdurate in the course of her sinnes and prepared for destruction let vs obserue it brethren for our owne vse since wee know the iust seueritie of God which leadeth vs vnto speedie repentance least he arraigne vs at the barre of his Iustice for our ancient for our latter sins This obseruation pertaineth first vnto a Kingdome and State hee doth not forger her sins though he remember them not presently in iudgement After many hundred yeeres he called Amalek vnto an account I remember saith he vnto Saul what Amalek did vnto Israel how they laid wait for them in the way as they came vp out of Egypt therefore he sent Saul vpon an expedition against the Amalekites to destroy them from the face of the earth O that my natiue Countrey would take notice of this at the heart and not adde sin vnto sin new vnto the old prouoking God vnto great indignation against her But two things comfort me here the one that God will spare the Land because hee hath many faithfull seruants therein that mourne for the sins of England and that as Eliphaz speaketh in Iob 22.30 the innocent shall deliuer the Iland For it is not the Sea that can defend vs from inuasion it is not any Castle that can saue vs from the enemy and sin within the Land is of greater force to destroy it then any foe without but some righteous men are in the Iland and God doth spare it for their sake The other is that according to Dauids option and choyce wee shall rather fall into the hands of the Lord then of men for the punishment and castigation of this Land This obseruation pertaineth secondly vnto the Church which falling in her inward puritie cannot stand long as Gregorie noted in her outward glory If wee haue not a place in the conscience of men by our effectuall doctrine and our exemplarie life that wee haue a mansion in their very hearts then the Law our Gouernment our Temporalties all outward prouision for the Ministers of the Church shall make them but a weake consistencie and a feeble station in the world Let not our sins preuaile against vs to prouoke God and we shall not feare the complotments of any mortall man whose breath is in his nostrills This obseruation pertaineth thirdly vnto euery particular person of whatsoeuer qualitie or condition rich or poore high or low For for if thou addest the sins of thy age vnto the sins of thy youth for which Dauid intreateth pardon of God Psalm 25.7 and makest an accumulation of thine iniquities of latter vnto former without remorse of thy conscience and feare of Gods displeasure saying I shall haue peace although I walke according to the stubbornenesse of mine owne heart thus adding drunkennesse to thirst know then that the Lord will not be mercifull vnto thee but then the wrath of the Lord and his iealousie shall smoake against thee and euery curse that is written in his booke shall light vpon thee and the Lord shall put out thy name from vnder heauen Deut. 29.19 20. yea out of heauen also that is hee shall declare that thy name was neuer written there according to that in the Psalme Let them be put out of the booke of life Psa 69.28 And so much concerning the first cause why these ten Kings assemble against Babylon to worke her fall The SECOND is an efficient cause and that is God by his iustice his iustice being prouoked by her sins according to that of the Prophet Esay 42.24 Who gaue Iacob to the spoile and Israel to the robbers Did not the Lord because wee haue sinned against him Thus we haue a connexion of the first and second cause in this one sentence which meete in Babylons case For first wee heare of the
Councells by Fathers by Reasons framed out of the grounds of Scripture and Religion but in a new obscure intricate course of Positions Suppositions Conclusions vaine Opinions of darke and obscure Schoolemen c. which made the learned Doctor Raynolds say that till hee saw this Treatise of Indulgences hee tooke Bellarmine to be a man of some conscience and that hee wrote out of his perswasion but now hee conceiued of him otherwise But I proceed and hasten vnto a conclusion of this point This Babylonian ware of Indulgences is that traffique of the Church of Rome whereby shee keepeth her intimate correspondencie and participation with all her members tying thereby their consciences by a secret and strong obligation vnto the Pontificiall Seate it being also of singular vse in the manner of her proceedings For as this Merchandize is the daughter of many false doctrines Supererogations Merits euen the hatefull and dangerous merit of Condignitie of an Ecclesiasticall treasure arising out of the merits of Christ and also of the Saints the same being more then they were bound vnto and therefore being not rewarded vnto them in heauen may bee communicated to the poore soules in Purgatorie and the dispensation of this mysticall treasure is committed vnto the Pope by vertue of his keyes c. so it is the mother of many wicked practises for the aduantage of their Church as being the very bellowes which blow the fire of treason against the Persons and States of Princes This is the ware wherby Babylon bewitcheth not onely priuate men but great Kings for her Merchants are the great men of the earth Apocal. 18.3 Therefore infinite store of this Babylonian trumperie was transported vnto the poore Indians for the pretended benefit of their soules but for the intended benefit of a Princes worldly estate This is the ware which Leo the tenth so freely and bountifully dispensed for the redemption of soules out of the Purgatorian fire which keepeth warme the kitchin of his Holy-ship in the compassion of his charitable heart and fulnesse of his Papall power Said I freely Forgiue mee this wrong it was for the commoditie and reliefe of his sister Magdalen as Guicciardine a Popish Historian doth relate lib. 13. who had her Factors to distract and vent this Babylonish ware whence Magdalen the sister had the gaine but Leo the brother had the losse for vpon this occasion no lesse iust before God then acceptable to the Christian world Martin Luther began that course which hath succeeded so happily to the further discouery of Babylon and scandall of her wares for since that time her brocage hath suffered a great decay Finally this is that ware whereby this merchandizing Babylon doth principally subsist in honour authoritie riches and applause of the world inebriated with such incantations of her whorish cup and deluded with the vaine hope of these miserable helpes What should I speake of the Pedlery of Meddalls Beades Graines Holy Water Images certayne peculiar Churches Chappels and other places of blind deuotion vnto which sundry Pardons are appendant as being the meanes and instuments of Papall benignitie thereby to dispense and communicate Indulgences vnto poore seduced soules euen as certaine Fryers receiuing temporall reliefe from their deuoted followers pretend to communicate the merits of all the Saints of their owne order vnto them for their helpe and some Lay-men by wearing a Franciscans Girdle and vsing certaine Ceremonies according to the Rites of the Papall Church are made partakers of the merits of Saint Francis and of all the brethren of that religious Order All which and many more Wares come originally out of the Store-house of Rome To conclude then vnto these Indulgences some of them being for an hundred thousand yeeres so liberall is the holy Father I may adde other spirituall ware of Babylon as of Agnus Dei which is a ware of speciall vertue and force but chiefly of Dispensations which are sometimes the dissipations of diuine and humane right of naturall and morall bands as full of great presumption against the Lawes of God and Nature to tye some Princes in vnlawfull Mariages and to vntye many subiects from lawfull obedience as of singular art thereby to intangle Souereignes and subiects in the obedience of that predominant See and to keepe them vnder the captiuitie of the Triple Crowne Therefore the Pope doth greatly applaud his owne felicitie when Princes insnared with the loue or terrified with the greatnesse or oppressed by the power of this Apostaticall Seat will humbly sue vnto him for Dispensations or accept such gracious fauours kindly at his hands whereby hee gaineth ground vpon them still to keepe them more securely within the obedience of the Church which they shall not dare to offend without the perill of their liues and states And now since this Romish ware is Spirituall and of the Church and for soules not temporall not of the Citie and for this life I conclude the second proofe of my assertion namely that this Babylon in my Text is the Church of Rome or Papall Rome or Ecclesiasticall Rome wherein the greatest Monarch doth reigne next vnder the King of Heauen aboue all the Kings of the Earth as we know by their owne pretenses challenges doctrines and vsurpations in this behalfe And so I proceed vnto a new and the third proofe of my said assertion THIRDLY therefore I proue my assertion to be true because the whole World as the Iesuites say perhaps they meane the Romane World according to the phrase of Scripture Luc. 2.1 and the sense of the ancient Fathers or some great part thereof and specially in Europe shall bee vnder the gouernment of Rome and so she shall make a generall communication of her Idolatry vnto the same Now in this great dependencie of the World vpon Babylon and in this vniuersall reference of Nations vnto her how can this be verified of the Citie How should the Citie arriue vnto such a large Dominion in the World and specially in so little a time as the Babylonians doe prescribe You haue heard the difficultie proposed lately by Ribera himselfe and how hee resolueth it by a poore coniecture But the truth is cleere and easily seene where God doth open the eye namely that Rome had this generall Dominion once in and by her Imperiall State not onely vnder the Emperours succeeding Iulius Caesar but while the dignitie of Rome remayned in the Senate and the authoritie in the people During this Imperiall State Rome receiued Idolatry from all Nations as Leo sometimes Bishop of Rome doth speake Serm. 1. in Natal Petri Pauli and the ciuill Stories of Liuie Plutarch and others doe sufficiently declare how ambitious rather then zealous or how senselesse rather then religious the old Ethnicall Rome was in bringing forreine Gods and extraneous Idolatrie into her bosome for the publike honour and safetie of that blinded Citie Therefore Rome had once her Pantheon a Temple of all the Gods conuerted since into a Church of
if this be not Idolatry Yea Gregorie himselfe disapprouing the fact of Serenus doth yet reprehend the popular adoration of Images in that time which certainly did not exceed if it did equall the Papisticall in our dayes And though Doctor Carrier who seemed not therein to vnderstand the Papists or not himselfe pretendeth gloriously in his Letter to the Kings most excellent Maiesty that the point of Images and the worship thereof is a small matter of none offence c. yet my eyes my heart do teach me otherwise and therefore notwithstanding all their sophisticall distinctions I must resolue with Erasmus It is more easie to take Images out of the Church then to define by what reasons they may stand therein Finally their doctrine in this point is so false contrary to Gods Word to the iudgement of the ancient Fathers to the opinion of many former Papists also and their practise so wicked that in this odious and execrable Idolatry you may see the old Babylon reuiued in the new which varying from the Scripture from the Church yea from her selfe commeth more neerely vnto the patterne of Babylon whose name she beareth and as you may easily see shee beareth it not in vaine but the daughter daily going forward in the courses of her Idolatry wil at the last excell her Mother notwithstanding all her distinctions to which she may adde this viz. There is a double Idolatry Ethnicall and Christian or rather Antichristian as wee shall yet more euidently discerne The THIRD instance concerneth their exorbitant and irregular adoration of the Pope For howsoeuer they delay the heate of the matter with the coole water of a moyst and emptie distinction as the oppressed Emperour Barbarossa spake vnder the feet of the insulting Pope non tibi sed Petro not to thee but vnto Peter I submit my selfe euen to this base conculcation to whom the Pope answered againe Et mihi Petro it is vnto Peter and also vnto me or else by some other euasion of ciuill religious and diuine worship or the like yet if wee consider with what opinion of his excellency which they attribute vnto this Babylonian Idoll they adore the Pope what Diuinitie in regard of his pretensed office they ascribe vnto his insolent person and lastly with what power and authoritie they inuest him we may well perceiue that this is Idolatry and not of the meanest degree Hence it is that immediately vpon his election so soone as euer he is now Sanctissimus the most holy Lord howsoeuer wicked before the Cardinalls come to their seruice of adoration for so is the very terme imposed vpon this solemne action and with most kisses of his sacred feet for he is greater then Kings who vouchsafe vs the kisses of their hands euery Cardinall doth performe his homage in signe of subiection vnto the new aspiring Potentate of the earth And because this action should better expresse their Idolatry in this point his new Holyship is aduanced vpon an Altar the place of the God of their Masse the Idoll of bread and as I haue vnderstood by the relation of others he is there or thence adored as the God of the Church the God of the World of which presumptuous Titles I shal speak more in a more conuenient place of my discourse And the truth is though this adoration may seeme too much yet it is the lesse to be admired in them if we consider that in the opinion of his Babylonian vassals he is a pardoner of sin and a deliuerer from paine that can by his Pontificial authority draw soules out of Purgatorie that can depose Kings that can dispose Kingdomes that can absolue subiects from the strong obligations of Oath and Nature that can absolue Princes from the bond of a iust and necessary Oath made vnto their Subiects as in the case of our King Henry the Third whence ensued the publike calamitie of this Kingdome that can dispense against the Scriptures that can define matters of faith as infallibly as the Scriptures yea saith Gregory de Valentia a Iesuite for who but a Iesuite were a fit Author for so strange a speech that cannot erre that must bee beleeued in his Pontificiall definitions Whether he vse diligence or not in vnderstanding and determining the point for wee beleeue that if hee will pastorally define any thing with purpose to bind the Church vnto his definition he shall not hee cannot erre therein So writeth the Iesuite in his Analysis fidei O sure anchor of their Religion the rocke their petra vpon which Christ buildeth his Church and they their faith Doe you maruell then at the outragious title ascribed vnto him by a Canonist the same being printed and re-printed and neuer corrected that this second Beast in Babylon should beare the the stile of Dominus noster Deus Papa Our Lord God the Pope And doe you maruell that whom they so extoll in dignitie more then all Kings they should so adore with worship no lesse then a God If this be not Idolatry what is Idolatry and what doth deserue that name The child humbleth himselfe vnto his Father the subiect vnto his Prince and this honour is due If you will call it adoration though the word be not receiued publiquely into such vse I will admit it because it is a ciuill action founded vpon the Word of God and warranted by the examples of his Saints in regard of a certaine diuine authoritie which by Gods holy ordinance doth shine in their persons But since the Pope assumeth this honour of an higher and different nature also without the warrant of Gods Word and against the rule of Gods Word with immoderate exaltation as Gerson spake of Popes in his time volunt adorari vt Dij they will be adored as Gods yea by Kings also who are the Gods of this earth by Gods owne approbation for so hee speaketh also of inferiour Magistrates Psal 82.1 vnto which as he hath no proper right by any warrant from God so no mortall man the greatest Souereigne that is or euer was were he the onely Lord of all the World as the Pope doth gladly beleeue of himselfe and there are sundry Babylonian Parasites that applaud his insolencie in this kind can haue right by Gods Word vnto the like I conclude therefore that this adoration of the Pope the God of Babylon is Idolatry and such as is not to bee found any where but in Rome where the Pope sitteth in the Temple of God lifting vp himselfe aboue all that is called God Saint Paul saith not that which Is God to wit in nature for so the Pope pretendeth a subiection vnto Christ but that which is called God to wit in title and office as Kings are most properly for aboue all such Gods this man of sinne doth exalt himselfe as you haue heard a little now but shall heare more anon howbeit also it is true that he exalteth himselfe aboue the God of Heauen and earth while he maketh the
First Beast Apocal. 13.1 till the Second Beast Apocal. 13.11 by his artificiall proiects and the popular applause of the Citizens diuested and disseized the true Lord of his ancient right For Leo the lawfull Emperour of Rome residing in Constantinople as many of his Predecessours before him was excommunicated by Gregorie the Second bearing the name but not hauing the disposition of the first his subiects were released by Apostolicall dispensation from their Oath of Alleageance and vpon these proceedings the Romanes like wicked Traytours submitted their Citie vnto the Pope a more wicked Traytour then they as vnto their Souereigne Lord if that bee true which the Iesuite Azorius doth affirme Instit Moral part 2. lib. 4. c. 20. Thus the old Lord beeing vniustly depriued a new Lord entred vniustly into his place The second concerneth the Papall intrusion vpon Infidels for hee must goe out of the World that will goe out of his reach vpon whose estates also and Kingdomes this Babylonian Monarch stretcheth out the line of his Apostolicall power Witnesse America poore distressed America in the liberall donation of large and ample Territories therein vnto the Kings of Spaine For he was a Pope but a Catiline a Iudas the man of sinne or rather of all sinnes euen that execrable villaine Alexander the sixt who out of his meere motion and liberalitie as the Beast roareth in his Bull to that purpose did bestow all the great and mightie Kingdomes in these parts vpon Ferdinand King of Arragon and Elizabeth Queene of Castile and vpon their heires for euer Therefore Francis Lopez in his generall Historie of the Westerne Indies lib. 1. cap. 19. expressing the title and interest of the said Princes in these rich and spacious Kingdomes setteth downe the Bull of Alexander the sixt who out of his Papall authoritie and particular affection to his Countrey freely and powerfully bestowed them vpon the said Princes and their heires to this end and purpose That all men may vnderstand saith hee that the conquest and conuersion of these Countreyes which the Spaniards doe make is by the authoritie and donation of the great Vicar of Iesus Christ Is this then the title and right which Spaine pretendeth to haue in this new and other World Is this the colour and pretense for the cruell and infinite effusion of bloud humane though not Christian in these miserable Countreyes whereof Benzo an Italian and Bartholomaeus à Casa himselfe a Spaniard doe so pittifully complaint conuerted now as you may perceiue vnto Christian Religion so powerfully by the Sword Wherefore I may truly say that euery drop of Indian bloud shed in this discouery and conquest shall be required of Babylon as truly guiltie of the same according to the prediction of the Angell In her was found the bloud of all them that were slaine vpon the earth namely in the Dominions of Infidels as well as of the Prophets and of the Saints in the Christian World it selfe Apocal. 18.24 And now because the diligent obseruation of this particular prepareth vs vnto a fourth Comparison betwixt the Literall Babylon and Papall Rome therefore I pray you to cast your eyes backe a little vpon this passage of the Scripture that so you may looke forward the better vnto the sequele of my speech Well saith the Angell that the bloud of ALL MEN slaine vpon the earth was found in Babylon for in her is the bloud of these Indians in her is the bloud of her owne Pseudo-Catholikes shed in England by the Sword of Iustice in her is the bloud of all them that perish in for or by her designes in her is the bloud of many Christians shed for the truth of Gods Word in so many Countreyes in her is the bloud of many thousand persons shed vpon the contentions of her Popes in her is the bloud of so many people taking armes vpon her incantations against their Souereigne Lords in her is the bloud of so many thousand Christians in their vnlawfull warres against other Princes vpon her prouocations in her is the bloud of many poore subiects against whom she hath incited their owne Princes Thus Rome began in the bloud of two brethren it increased in the bloud of many neighbours it was inlarged by the bloud of many Prouinces it stood in the bloud of many subiects it continued in the bloud of many people first by Emperours lastly by Popes and it shall end in the bloud of her selfe and her followers as you shall see more cleerely hereafter when wee come vnto the second part of my Text. Meane while I proceed vnto a new comparison which fitly taketh its beginning from the end of this discourse The FOVRTH Comparison betwixt Literall Babylon and Papall Rome THe fourth point then wherein this comparison doth stand is CRVELTIE bloudie crueltie very spectable in that ancient Monarchie the figure of the Papall as the Scriptures themselues in the two Prophets Esay and Ieremy besides ciuill Histories doe sufficiently deduce vnto our knowledge vnto which for breuitie sake I must now remit you as men expert and skilfull in the sacred Sriptures it being a great part of your happinesse that you haue Gods Word in your owne tongue which many other Nations though bearing the name of Christians doe not enioy to read it and obserue it for your instruction and vnspeakable comfort Well then let vs leaue the first and come vnto the second Babylon which in this point of barbarous and inhumane crueltie exceedeth all example of Ages past and preuenteth the example of all that are to come vnlesse it be in the persecutions which she perhaps may yet raise against the Church of God for the instruments of crueltie are in their habitations which Iacob spake of his bloudie sonnes and I may speake it of our more bloudie mother Her voice is the voice of bloud Surge Petre Paule quinte Occide c. Arise O Paul the fift in name but Peter in Office so is euery Pope and therefore none taketh that name vpon him when in their entrance vpon the Papacie they leaue their former Christian names as comming vnto an Antichristian place arise and kill the Venetians saith that flattering false cruell Baronius their learned Cardinall kill them with thy thunderbolts which rarely kill any but men of softer metall despoile them of their Dominion expose them vnto ruine because they dare so insolently resist thy great and mightie power Heere was a killing Text in deed especially by vertue of SAINT PETERS name who knew well how to handle a Sword and because hee cut off a seruants eare why may not his successours cut off a Princes head For what Text if it touch Saint Peter doth not animate and confirme these Babylonian Monarchs vnto Depositions Assassinates Poysons though in their sacred Hoast it selfe as Henry the sixt the Emperour knew very well by wofull experience and finally to ruinate Christian Princes that dare withstand their Antichristian pride Yet wonder not at the former Text for that