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A00452 The sacrifice of a contrite heart in teares, meditations, and prayers. Penned by Iohn Euans minister of Gods word. Evans, John, minister of Gods word. 1630 (1630) STC 10586; ESTC S120845 111,350 374

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beare children that my husband may be wise graue and sober and one that knoweth how to gouerne and rule his houshold children and seruants in faith and good conscience O Lord let him be one that is stedfast in the faith of Christ following righteousnesse loue faith patience and meekenesse and one delighted in good workes and hospitality courteous vnto all men O Lord make him a louer of good men and make him iust holy and in all things temperate euer walking in grace abounding in the fruits of the Spirit O good God send mee such a yoke-fellow that knoweth how to loue me not onely by the guide of carnall affection as for beauty comelinesse of person money goods which thou hast giuen me or for that I haue good friends and kindred whereby he hopeth of this worlds preferment and ability for if all these faile for the which he onely loueth then will his pretended loue be gone and I shall be exposed to the necessity of this world and for want of meanes be tempted to dishonest courses but most sweet Father as thou hast promised to be a Father vnto the fatherlesse vnto the Widdowes and Orphanes So be a Father vnto mee thy silly Handmayd whose trust is alwayes in thee And send mee such an one as knoweth how to loue mee in thee and for conscience sake yea that will striue to loue me as Christ hath doeth and euer will doe his Church to loue me as his owne body This fie●h yea as himselfe And keepe mee that I may doe nothing to hinder this his loue or to make him bitter vnto mee but that I may obay him ●care him and loue him in all things that are comely in the Lord and according as thou hast commanded mee in thy holy word and that for Christ Iesus sake to whom with thee and the holy Ghost bee giuen by mee all praise glory both now and for euermore Amen Amen The Prayer of a Woman with child that defireth safe deliuerance O Almighty God that after the floud didst command Noah and his posterity liuing in chast matrimony to replenish and fill the earth I thy poore and most weake seruant haue as thou didst ordaine by the will of my parents embraced the holy and honourable estate of married life and now by thy blessing am made a mother of the liuing through that hopefull ●ruit which after much sorrow and paine in breeding thou hast caused to spring in my wombe by which I am assured it is a liuing soule for which worke of thine I giue thee most hearty thanks still beseeching thee that as thou hast begun this good worke in mee that thou wilt goe on and finish it vnto a perfect birth in all right shape and comelinesse not onely in the outward feature of the body but in the inward parts of the minde that it may growe on vnto such a perfect man as may occasion honour and praise vnto thy great name so long as it shall please thee to giue it life and being And seeing O Lord thou hast for our first sinne in Paradise so wofully afflicted vs with many sorrowes in conception and with farre greater in bringing forth of our posterity in this life I beseech thee for Christ his sake to pardon my sinnes and to asswage those violent and raging paines that they neither deface deforme destroy mee nor yet that which is in my wombe O Lord let the power of the most high euen thy holy Spirit enter into me to strengthen and to vphold me that I faint not in my paines nor in my faith but that if I dye in this my child-bearing yet thy goodnesse supporting me in faith charity and sobriety I may as thou hast promised bee assured of my saluation O Lord if thou please to spare the tree and take the fruit which I beleeue by faith in Christ that thou hast made holy yet I will giue thee thankes because by reason of my sinnes thou mightest most iustly curse mee and my fruit as thou didst the figge tree to perpetual death But most high heauenly Father I thanke thee that thou hast made thy promise so stable that not onely we of ripe yeares that doe beleeue but euen our children as they are our seede are included in the couenant of grace that if they dye yet being borne of holy parents who are ingraffed through faith into the body of Christ they are saued not onely as being a part of vs in Christ but as true and reall members of Christ vnto whō through faith into which they are baptized with vs made one with Christ that with his comming they may bee raised at the last day Yet O Lord notwithstanding this assurance I entreate thee to graunt me ioy and comfort of them that trayning them vp in their youth in thy feare they may bee as a staffe in olde age in this life to comfort me an● their Father as the children of Noah and Iacob did yea Lord if it be thy will I desire to liue to bee a fruitfull vine on thy house side thy Church to breede to beare and bring forth children to multiply and accomplish thy glorious Kingdome visible and inuisible in earth and in heauen for euermore O Lord hauing taken away from mee the reproach of a barren wombe so much lamented by holy women graunt that after my dissolution my children may continue like oliue plants and flourish a seede mighty on earth not as the Giants in the olde world strong in sinne but valiant and bold in the profession and confession and practise of righteousnesse and good conuersation yea let them be a generation of vpright men and women and such as may remaine an heritage of the Lord as Isaac to Rebecka a blessed fruit of my wombe O Lord thou art my God heare the voyce of thine handmayd in thee is my trust heare my supplications and let not my soule faile of these her desires and that for Iesus Christes sake which was borne of the virgine Mary for my saluation Amen Amen LACHRIM 8. The penitent acknowledgeth mans vildnesse and Gods mercies by faith and example of Gods prouidence relieth on his goodnes O Lord thy name 's most excellent in all the world thy glory is spread Through heauens and the firmament and by all creatures vttered In vniuersall harmonie extoll'd in heauen and in earth Exprest in song and melodie with all alacritie and mirth What thou bestowest what man can number vpon vs slaues and sonnes of men Who by our sinnes are put asunder from thy deare loue by acts vncleane Forgetfull and so capeable of sinne as powder is of fire In all our workes and words vnstable and know not what we should desire Aboue all creatures we forget thy grace are proue to disobay And if thy mercy did not let all Adams broode thou shouldst destroy And I for my part me confesse guilty of all sinnes and all euills And that I haue deseru'd no lesse then to be damn'd
sting mee Because my conscience doth controule and saith to hell gates they will bring mee Because they doe besot my senses because they dull my Spirits quicknes Because they cause so great expenses because they cause my sad soules sicknes Because all vertue hindered is by this vile worlds accursed pleasure Because it will bereaue of blisse and of that blessed heauenly treasure And therefore earth and world farewell adue fond fancies flattering fauours Your ioyes are toyes your heauen is hell I hate your poyson'd tast and sauours And thou that art life of my life soule of my soule ô Iesus Christ Point downe the period of worlds strife thou art the Prophet Prince and Priest That wentest vp to prepare that place aboue Sunne Moone and Planets seauen O saue me by thy sauing grace and bring me to that highest heauen Where are such ioyes caelestiall as cannot be exprest by pen Bring me from things terrestriall to raigne with thee for aye Amen A Prayer vnto Almighty God to prepare and dispose our hearts rightly vnto Prayer O Louing God and Father deare I humbly thee beseech and pray For Iesus sake my prayers heare and harken what my soule shall say My heart and thoughts Lord sanctifie thine holy Spirit inspire within me Me from corruptions mundifie and let thy louing mercies win me O let me aske and haue of thee let me by Faith my suite obtaine Thy louing fauour shew to me all other fauour is but vaine Restraine my vaine imaginations preuent by Grace Sathans intrusions Let him not taint my cogitations nor ●●●nd mine eyes with vaine illusions Which are the enticements and the baites of that great ghostly enemy That still for worldlings seekes and waites within which rancke poore wretch am I But as my mouth and lippes haue sayd words of a faithfull seruant true So let my soule of Christ craue ayd with inward spirit to liue anewe For now my poore soule is afraid and time mispent alas I rue To thee I runne imploring aid within me doe thy Spirit renue O Lord I see the bloody wounds of thy sweete Sonne my Sauiour 〈◊〉 see thy mercies there abounds and promised by thy fauour And therefore I by sinfull de●…des that earst liu'd carelesse in despaire Doe flye vnto those wounds that bleedes and plucke downe grace by force of prayer Oh in that grace grant me to live and in that grace grant me to die And when I die Lord grace me giue to raigne with thee perpetuallie A Prayer for Christian vertues OH my Lord God grant that with a sincere heart I may desire thee and in desyring seeke thee and in seeking find thee and when I haue found thee grant that I may constantly loue thee and not returne to that filthinesse of sinne for which thou hatest me and I become odious loathsome in thy presence that thou art constrained to withdraw thy gracious countenance from beholding so great impuritie Giue me ô my Lord God a repentant heart a contrite Spirit eyes flowing with fountaines of penitent teares quench in me all the concupiscense of the flesh and kindle in me the fire of thy loue Oh my Redeemer take from me the Spirit of pride and most f●●ourably enrich mee with the treasure o● thy humilitie remooue from me● ô my Sauior the fury and distem perance of choller and graciously arme me with the shield of pati ence O my Creator roote out o● me all ranck or and malice and en due me with gentlenes and meek● nes bestow vpon mee a perfec● faith a right hope and constan● loue Preserue me ô Lord from a● vanitie inconstancy of minde wa● uering of heart scossing and con● temptuous speaking reproches tauntes and slanders against m● neighbour busie curiositie hun● ger of riches extortion ambiti● on vaine-glory from the vice o● hypocrisie the poyson of flatte ry contempt of the weake op pression of the poore from gree dy auarice cankered enuy deadly blasphemy Deliuer me ô Lord from ras● boldnesse contumacy frowardnesse idlenesse negligence sloath dulnesse of wit blindnes of heart obstinacy of minde sauage conditions contempt of good things the abandoning of wholesome counsell offence of the tongue rapine of the poore malicious and false accusation against the innocent violence against the impotent neglect of inferiours cruelty towards my family impietie and infidelitie towards them that repose trust in me and from vniust and rigorous dealing with all men O my God my merciful God I beseech thee in thy beloued Sonne blesse me with the workes of mercy and zeale of godlinesse to suffer with the afflicted to minister to the needy to succour the miserable to counsell them that go astray to comfort the sorrowfull to releeue the oppressed to nourish the poore to cherish and comfort such as mourne to forgiue my debtors to pardon them that trepasse against mee to loue them that hate mee to render good for euill to despise none but to honour them to imitate the good to beware of euill things and euill vngodly societie to eschew vice and to embrace vertue in aduersitie patience humblenesse in prosperitie to guard the doore of my mouth to watch the enemies that compasse my lippes to despise worldly things and earnestly to thirst after the heauenly O Lord my God blessed be thy name for euer dispose my heart open my lippes and guide mee by thy holy Spirit to a true acknowledgement of all my sinnes and an eternall detestation renouncing and forsaking of them that my prayers may bee heard of thee in the name and for the name of thy Sonne Iesus Christ. To whom with thee and the most holy Spirit three sacred persons one mighty and immortall God bee ascribed attributed and giuen all praise all thankes all honour and glory this day and for euermore Amen Amen A generall confession of sinnes OMnipotent and gracious Father I from thy wayes haue stray'd and err'd Like a lost sheepe and followed rather mine hearts deuises and prefer'd My foolish fancies fond desires and broke the lawes set downe by thee I haue not done what thou requires but done those things that should not be No health in mee but thou ô God haue mercy on me sinfull wretch Spare me oh spare me hold thy rod that to offenders thou doest stretch I doe confesse my faults restore mee I doe repent for Iesus sake That promise euer is before thee which thou in Christ to God didst make And grant for his sake liue I may a godly right and sober life To thy names glory still for aye possessing heauen where is no strife All laude and praise be to thy name for euer and euer now and then To whom all nations sing with fame sweete Psalmes of ioy Amen Amen A Morning Meditation I Laid me downe to rest and slept and in the moring rose againe God me sustain'd and safely kept and by his grace did me maintaine His Angels pitcht me round about sleeping and waking keeping me Both comming in and going out
grace especially vnto thee a most vile wretched sinner and chiefe of sinners doe I prostrate my selfe and confesse that my heart is so hardned in euill custome of sinne that when it commeth vpon me by the motion of thy spirit to desire to doe good I finde no meanes in my selfe to doe any thing that is good neither for the vertue it selfe nor as it is thy commandement so that thou mightest most worthily cast mee off as thou didst that vnmercifull seruant into bonds of death and imprisonment of hell for euermore But O Lord it is thy property alwayes to haue mercy Wherefore I beseech thee to bestowe this gift of loue on me that through thy acceptation it may couer in mee the multitude of my sinnes for vnto whom thou forgiuest much much is returned to thee againe wherefore O Lord let this gift of loue bee mighty and strong in me that I may loue thee againe as thou hast loued me and expresse my loue by being ready to forgiue all wrongs and offences of my brother and neighbour and not vnto seauen times but vnto seauenty times seauen O let mee loue thee and my neighbour out of a sincere faith and loue vnfained and at all times as thou hast forgiuen mee my debts offences and trespasses So O Lord make me ioyfull and willing to forgiue as I desire of thee to be forgiuen And seeing it is the end of thy Commandements and the fulfilling of the law O heauenly Father let this gift of loue through the operation of thy spirit bee neuer wanting or absent in this life nor in the life to come O Lord graunt that this marke of Adoption and stampe of Regeneration may encrease in mee not onely to my friends in affinity and consanguinity and acquaintance but vnto all men in generall as my owne flesh and thy image by which bonds thou hast commanded mee to doe good vnto all of all sorts that shall stand in neede of my helpe saying Be you mercifull as your heauenly Father is mercifull who doeth good vnto all in outward things of this world causing his raine to raine and his Sunne to shine vpon the vniust as vpon the iust And in the endeauour of doing this generall good O Lord let mee not forget to doe most good vnto the Saints and dye in loue to all men in thee and for thee and that through the loue of thee and my onely Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ and the holy Ghost for euermore Amen Amen LACHRIM 9. The poore and distressed soule being loaden with the burthen of his sinnes ●eruently prayeth vnto God for his remission thereof O Lord come pittie my distresse see how I sigh and groane With teares and floods of heauinesse my heart is ouerthrowne No hope I finde no helpe I feele no cure nor salue I see None can my sinnes corruptions heale sweet Iesus comfort me My wounding sorrowes neuer cease my griefes growe more and more What I should kill doth still encrease Lord saue my soule therefore I liuing dye yet dying liue in life yet daily dye I sigh and groane yet cannot grieue sinne makes this mysterie Lord let me liue yet hourely dye in loue yet daily hate Let me embrace yet still defie let peace breede all debate O let me liue yet neuer liue aliue yet euer dead O let me grieue yet neuer grieue fed with thy liuing bread Let passions passe let groanes be gone let m●anes be turn'd to mirth I liue and dye to Christ alone Let sorrowes sinke to earth An exhortation to praise God and to acknowledge our Thanksgiuing to him without ceasing VVE praise thee God we acknowledge thee our onely Lord and Christ to be The earth and world doe worship thee eternall Father heauenly King To whom aloud bright Angels sing the Thrones and powers thee magnifie The Cherubins and Seraphin to crie to thee doe neuer linne Holy holy most holy Lord of Sabbath God of maiestie Heau'ns full of thy glory all Nations laude thy name and word The glorious ' postles companie the goodly Prophets vnitie The holy Martyrs noble Armie the holy Church the world throughout Doth spread the Gospell all about the Father of true pietie Thy sacred true and onely Sonne the holy Ghost vs comfort wonne Thou art of glory King O Christ thou art the euerlasting Sonne Of God whose blessed will was done by thee all people to deliuer Thou didst not the 〈◊〉 the virgins wombe abhorre nor loath that sacred To●…be Till thou wast borne from God sent hether when thou th● serpents head hadst broken The Heauens Kingdomes gate set open for true beleeuers to come thither Thou si●s● on Gods right holy hand thy Fathers will doest vnderstand Whence thou shalt come our Iudge to be we therefore thy poore seruants pray Thy succour helpe and ayde that day whose pretious blood redeem'd vs free Let them with Saints be numbered in endlesse glory comforted Thy people Lord keepe saue and stay blesse saue thine owne inheritage Lift vp their hearts from age to age we magnifie thee day by day We worship thee world without end This day from sinne Lord vs defend Haue mercy mercy on vs Lord. Lord let thy mercy on vs light Our trust is on thee day and night We trust in thee with one accord O Lord I put my trust in thee Let neuer me confounded be All glory to the Trinity to God the Father and the Sonne And holy Ghost all praise be done for euer and euer eternally FINIS Psal. 51. Math. 26 1. Cor. 14. Math. 5. Acts 10. Iona. 3. 1. Thess. 5 Actes 10. Daniel 6.
small but my heart may affright terrific and amaze m● as it did Dauid when he cut off the lap of Saule● garment And when I haue sinned let thy louing countenance shine vpon me as it did vpon Peter when hee had denied thee that I may poure forth a fountaine of teares And in bed if I happen to awake at midnight giue mee thy holy Spirit that with sobs sighes and groanes in the secret closet of my heart I may cast vp loude cryes vnto thee not onely for my sinnes past in the darke night of my childhood and youth while I knew not thee but euen now since I came to some groath and manhood in Christ I haue broken all thy Commandements thy Lawes thy Statutes thine Ordinances not in ignorance but in knowledge for which I haue neede againe to pray vnto thee Wherefore Lord forgiue mee forgiue mee for thy Christ his sake O my Loue my Doue the blessed and powerfull Sauiour of my soule thou knowest that I haue sought after thee euer since I knew thee by night in my bedde haue I sought thee whom my soule loueth O my Sauiour since thou hast first drawne mee with the cordes of thy loue let the strength thereof hold mee so fast that I may for euer abide constant in the like loue to thee againe Thou hast promised that him thou once louedst that thou wilt loue him vnto the end Good God in thy loue keepe mee this night in soule and body and not onely mee in mine owne person but all that belong vnto mee for the loue of thy onely Sonne Iesus to whom with the Father and the holy Ghost be all honour and glory by mee and all thine this night for euermore world without end Amen Amen An Inuocation to God humbly praying for remission of sinnes VVEll-spring of bounty God of feare beginning that mak'st all begin With what oblation to appeare t' appease thy wrath that 's due for sin I know the blood of bulls and beast or sweetest Incense that doth rise From earth of old they were the least and are not now of any prise O how should I be reconcil'd againe vnto thy louing fauour How long Lord shall I be exil'd from my sweete Lord and onely Sauiour How long oh haue I call'd to thee to thee in name of thy deare Sonne Yet what I ask'd thou gau'st not mee and what I would is left vndone I long haue knocked at thy dore of mercy but no ●n rance finde Sorrowes and troubles more and more increase and vexe my soule and minde I daily waite most wofull motall before thy seate of clement grace But may not peepe within thy portall nor see thy glorious beauteous face I sighe I mourne my teares are seas I sinke vnder the burdenous load Of sinne and shame and finde no ease prouoke me forward with thy word My selfe chastising I desire to quench thy wrath with floods of teares Yet still encrease thy fearefull fire and so eucrease my daily feares By prayers thee to presse who dares except by thy Sonnes mediation To seeke thy glory 's all our cares and the end of earthly mens creation What course should I then poore wretch take to doe or aske that 's good and iust But vnto thee my prayers make and onely in thy Sonne put trust If that my sinnes shall thee offend then all thy creatures rage and storme And all conspire by thy command to punish me poore silly worme Where shall I be or whether flie from sight of thine all-seeing eyne As Noahs Doue on earth am I and cannot looke against thy shine But if thou show thy louing face all creatures on my seruice tend Men beasts and Angels doe me grace to helpe me all their powers doe bend What should I then say giue or doe what paine can gaine thy fauour lost Riuers of oyle or ought thereto they are thine owne and of thy cost Accept yet Lord the sacrifice of heart and calues of lippes vnfain'd This is that offering thou didst deuise to haue thy grace to be obtaind The free-will offerings of my zeale in sense of sighing still ascending They to thy mercies seate appeale and would make peace for mine offending Although mine heart and tongue doe falter Yet through my Sauiours blest mediati● Receiue this offering on thine alter with all my best imagination Heare me in him in him relieue me for without him no helpe can bee None can my soules or hearts ease giue me nor can I inward comforts see Till I know that thy wrath 's appeas'd and haue thy Charter for my pardon Then shall I finde my heart so eas'd that I desire no further guērdon And now I most vnhappy man that did offend my God so kind By grace in him in all I can I le seeke with heart with soule and mind To honour serue obey and please him that is my gracious maker Whom I beseech to grant me peace and make me of his ioyes partaker An Euening prayer to be said with a whole Family O Most blessed Sauiour b● whose merits alone the● is graunted vnto vs this prese● libertie to approach vnto the F● ther and in thy name after th● end of our labours this day accomplished by which through thy goodnesse wee haue profited our selues and furthered the continuāce of humane society which by no meanes could continue if wee did not seriously apply our selues in the workes of our vocation in which thou hast ordained that euery man should liue not onely to his present necessity but vnto the furthering of the welfare of our children and alliance which accordingly wee haue this day done so farre foorth as the approaching ●ight would suffer and as our fraile bodies soone spent and tired with the cares and labours of this world would giue vs leaue And seeing thou hast ordained the night for man by sleepe to refresh himselfe Lord we intreate thee to giue vnto our bodies such rest and sleepe this night that the day following wee may be raised strong in minde and body to goe on in our seuerall labours honest businesse and employments in moderation wisedome and discretion as may bee most to thy glory and to the honour of thy great name O Lord wee beseech thee let not our sinnes of which wee bee many wayes guilty cause thee to remooue away our sleepe from vs nor frustrate this dayes endeauours let no blasting or mildewe or any the euill that walketh in the darkenesse hurt the fruite of our labours Let no sons of Belial when we are in our fast sleepe come in vpon vs to spoyle without nor steale within that which thou through our honest endeauours or the gift of our parents hast blessed vs withall for as the beastes of the forre●… which are of sauage nature hunt after the prey so wicked me● that aske not their bread of thee doe in the night by violent hands robbe and spoyle thy people O Lord we know not but that for the wickednesse of our hearts
c. A godly Meditation wherein the distressed sheweth his vnfained griefe and sorrow for hauing offended so powerfull a God and so-mercifull and gracious a Father ALas that I offended euer this God of gods this Lord of powers That can in peeces all men shiuer and ouerturne the stateliest towers Ah woe is me that I offended and iustly God stirr'd vp to ire Who by his Law hath sinne condemned vnto the pit of endlesse fire I daily see Gods creatures all iustly for sinne displeas'd with me Mens hearts are hardned and with gall feede me that haue offended thee My God thy blessings all on earth tho duoest with-hold and from me keepe Alas my soule sustaines a dearth of grace vnto thy grace I creepe But what to doe or what to say I know not Lord but I know this My griefes encrease more day by day my mirth is moane bane is my blisse One euill doth another call like waues on waues in raging seas My weary burthen makes me fall I finde no comfort helpe nor ease I hope of helpe but that hope quailes in crosses are my comforts ended I flie to Faith but then Faith failes when I neede most to be defended As if I were the onely man prepos'd by thine intendement Whom heauen ond earth must curse and ban as subiect of all punishment Thy iustice damnes me I appeale to mercy then appeal'd I feare To be reiected thus cold zeale and secret sinnes with griefe I beare Shall I thinke it a fruitlesse taske vnto my God for to repaire That sinners cals and bids them aske and they shall haue all things by prayer Can it be bootelesse downe to fall before his throne of Maiestie And with repentant tongue to call for pardon for mine iniquitie May not vnfaigned cries at last preuaile with him that 's pittifull To pardon mine offences past reuiue my soule which now is dull I le frame my heart to meditate my tongue to vtter what may please Him whom best knoweth my estate and seeke his wrath for to appease To him I le goe in Christ his name in whom I know he is well pleas'd And will confesse my sinne with shame and so mine heart shall sure be eas'd For Christs sake looke on me againe he is God all-sufficient He doth behold and see my paine my inward faithfull hearts intent He knoweth what I goe about all I thinke speake or doe amisse He writes or notes without all doubt in his remembrance booke it is I know he will in worth accept what iustly I intend to be And cannot it performe except he put his helping hand thereto He knoweth that I am but flesh and what is flesh but fraile and ill And what is man a lumpe of trash whom vaine desires doe fully fill And will this God Iehouah high so strong and powerfull set his might Against a worme so weake as I a silly man a shade of night What conquest can there be in God to worke reuenge on me poore soule Who still corrects me with his rod whose Iustice doth my sinnes controle Shall I dispute with thee nay rather poore wretch I should fall prostrate downe And humbly kneele vnto my Father and pray with teares when he doth frowne If he afflict more be it so if further plague me le't be so If he will kill with paines and woe doe what he will let it be so For I am his doe what he will with me and all that mine can bee It is his owne and must be still there 's no disputing Lord with thee There is no Art or Eloquence can quench thy coales of burning ire It is not words can make defence nor friends can saue me from the fire Nor take me from thy powerfull hands so full of might force strength and power Or breake in sunder thy strong bands nor ease one minute of an houre I le yeeld me therefore to his will Lord doe what thy good pleasure is Turne me as may thy minde fulfill I le waite the time of happy blisse I le waite thy pleasure time will come wherein I may the issue see Of my afflictions all and some and what thy purpose is with me The meane time I will with thy word consult and vse my exercise And comfort take through hope ô Lord refresh dull spirits and cleare dimme eyes With dewe of thy sweete promises laying aside all fleshly aide I onely rest on thy mercies in holy word as thou hast saide And in true faith will I remaine and seeke thee being the true way Wherein who walkes at length shall gaine true blisse and happinesse for aye Who this embraceth shall not erre wherein who liues shall neuer dye But weare a crowne past reason farre and liue with God eternally An Euening Meditation O Most deare Lord Iesus to whose euerlasting goodnes wee are daily engaged for all the good things we haue which hast granted the cheerefull light of the day vnto all men both good and bad to follow their affaires and seuerall employments in and mercifully giuest the sweete stilnesse of the night to refresh their wearred bodies and to put away the cares of their mindes and to asswage their sorrowes wee ●…seech thee that those things 〈…〉 haue done amisse this day 〈…〉 our common imbecillit 〈…〉 gence ignorance or ●…g 〈…〉 rash and vnaduised presumpti●… 〈…〉 wherein we haue offended 〈…〉 cred eyes they may be pa●… and forgiuen for thy 〈…〉 goodnesse sake and according 〈…〉 the innumerable multitude 〈…〉 mercies And grant herewithall that this night may be blessed and prosperous vnto vs safe by thy protection ouer vs and free from the dangerous illusions of wicked spirits so as this refreshment by quiet rest and sleepe may make both our bodies and mindes more cheerefull to morow and we the more enabled to doe thee seruice and faithfully to follow those employments thou hast appointed for vs blesse vs ô Lord and water vs with the dew of thy blessings and let the drops of thy Sonnes blood shed for our sinnes and yet crying for mercy distill into my heart by a liuely Faith for the comfort of our soules and the amendment of our sinfull liues wee beseech thee ô Lord take from vs all manner of darkenesse misbeleefe infidelitie carnall lustes and affections and so strengthen vs with thy grace that the Barke of our weake Faith sinke not through the stormes of Sathans temptations nor our hopes be ouer whelmed through the weight of our vnworthinesse n●r any of thy good graces in vs extinguished or blemished by the waues of a wicked conuersation Enter thy Iudgements into the tables of our hearts that wee may bee content to spare of our ordinanary sleepe to muse of all thy Cōmand●ments and that wee may bee more earnest vpon the meditation of thy sacred word then the Kings of the Nations haue beene to turne ouer their Records in the night season Be mindfull of vs when wel appen to forget our selues and think vpon vs ô Lord sleeping
Father and doest me foster What words or works can daunt my heart I am in thee become a boaster These men thy might and power disable or else thy loue to man diminish Or else they thinke thou art vnstable and doest begin and wilt not finish Or that the poore wilt not support nor helpe the needie in distresse But as thou knowest what they report so make them feele their wickednesse But I doe know thou failest neuer them that in thee their trust repose If they be constant and perseuer all things are for the best to those Thou art indeede a iealous God and first thy children thou doest monish Thou bear'st with loue and beat'st with rod if they mend not wilt further punish Yet call'st thy chosen children backe by gentle stroakes from running ryot And sufferest them to suffer lacke and doest prescribe to them their diet We may condignely then deride the iudgement of such foolish men That vnto thee Lord will prescribe the measure what and the time when Such fleshly men by wealth and woe censure thy loue or thy displeasure As Natures friend or Graces foe by humane reason all things measure They thinke thou lou'st whom thou feed'st fat with plenty pleasures worldly riches And that all others thou doest hate these world flesh and deuill bewitches And great is this temptation vnlesse our natures thou assist Infeebled with affliction whose helpe doth rest in Iesus Christ. When thou therefore do'st me correct with one hold hold me with the other Let fasth in thee make thee accept me for thy Sonne by Christ my brother Lay not vpon me greater loade then I poore wretch can well endure If I doe sinke stay my aboade and if I fall then keepe me sure Thou know'st Lord whereof I am made I am a silly simple man A worme a flea a puffe a shade that no good doe nor no good can Try by the Crosse true to the Crowne that we may proue by want and losses But to dispaire pull me not downe but vnto comforts turne my crosses I am not able to beare thy yoake vnlesse Christ thy Sonne doe with me draw I am not able to fend thy stroke vnlesse he O Lord doth ward the blow Lord with thy mercies compasse me protection draw out of despaire O let me thy saluation see and all things fit obtaine by Prayer Thou shewest mercy to the meeke that trust in thee in all mens sight There children shall finde what they seeke thou shalt to Sunne-shine turne their night A place whence worldlings are excluded and all the hellish rable out Though here on earth they haue intruded to roote Gods faithfull children out And such as haue with hate pursu'd and trusted in the arme of flesh And haue their hands in bloud imbru'd shall say in iudgement they were rash God's on my side who can ouerthrowe me Christ pleades my cause can God refuse me As iust in Christ the Lord doth know me he doth acquite who can accuse me We thought that this mans life was madnesse then shall the wicked worldlings say But see his words are turn'd to gladnesse whom we haue deem'd a cast-away His hand hath wrought what he would haue yea I my selfe shall say I err'd That thought thou wouldest me not saue because my ioyes were then deferr'd I thought my cries thou would'st not heare when I thee sought thy selfe did'st hide When I complain'd thou cam'st not neere as though thou could'st me not abide But now I knowledge and confesse thy wisedome great in humbling me Thy loue sustain'd me in distresse thy prouidence releeuing me This pass'd all iudgement and conceit of learnedst grauest wisest men Therefore deere Father I will waite take thine owne time how where and when I will not with thy will indent nor thee direct the manner how Thou should'st me helpe 't is mine intent vnto thy will to bend and bowe Hereafter I will hold my peace though men shall say yet still of me And though their tongues will neuer cease there is for me no helpe from thee 〈◊〉 Prayer for a Merchant that God would blesse his Sea aduentures O Almighty God the Creator of heauen and earth and that ●ath made the round world and 〈◊〉 that is therein that stretcheth ●t the North ouer the empty ●aces and hangeth the earth vp● nothing that hath set the Sea ●s bounds vntill night and day ●me to an end that diuideth ●e Sea and bindeth the floods ●om ouerflowing that looketh 〈◊〉 the ends of the earth and seeth ●e whole fabrick of heauen and ●e earth and all things therein ●t maketh the waight for the windes and knoweth the measures of the waters that hath since the dayes of Noah shut vp the Sea with barres and dores saying hitherto shalt thou come and no further and heere shall thy proud waues be stayed yet fo● the families of Jacob at their departure from Egypt and Pharaoh Court thou didst once againe interrupt the boundes of the Seas and made them to stand on heaps that Israel might escape from their cruell and bloody pursuer● The waters saw thee O God th● waters saw thee were afraid a● the presence of the Lord God A● mighty vnto thee most might Jehouah doe I come beseechin● thee to prosper my aduentures a● the Sea thou art the same Lor● that didst prosper the ancient a● uentures that thy seruant Salomo made to Opher in the land of Hau● lah toward the East O Lord beseech thee that when the wi● shall arise the Seas roare t● flouds raise them vp into heauen and cast them downe againe into the bottome of the deepe threatning nothing but death and destruction keepe them that they perish not in the proud waues thereof by falling into sands nor by running against the hard rock Keepe them safe in their persons ●nd goods as thou didst Salomons Marriners and the rich treasures 〈◊〉 their vessels O Lord let no ●obbers nor Pirates at Sea attach ●heir persons or goods but pro●ect them safe out of their hands ●hat I and they being made well 〈◊〉 liue may returne thankes and ●●sse thee all our dayes both pri●ately and publiquely in thy holy ●ongregation for they that goe ●to the deepe see the wonders 〈◊〉 the Lord thereby are taught ●w to praise thee Sweet Sauiour as thy Disci●s with thee in the Shippe in ●eir extreamities called vpon ●ee to helpe them that they might not perish So O Lord I● cail vpō thee beseeching thee to heare me for them and them for themselues and say vnto the Seas peace and be still for they are at thy command to obay thee and therefore subiect at thy rebuke to be still O Lord as thou didst reach forth thy hand vnto thy Disciples and to Peter at midnight when they were in distresse in the raging waues and by calling vnto thee were comforted So O Lord put into their hearts such a reuerend feare of thee that in any danger or extreamity by sea or land they may call vpon