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A75349 The angels oath, time is no longer The kingdoms of this world, are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever, Revel.10.6. and 11,15. A prophecy from Mr. Mason's people at Water-Stratford. Glover, Elizabeth, fl. 1694. 1694 (1694) Wing A3163CA; ESTC R230971 20,731 47

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of the blind were opened The Lord plants the Heavens lays the Foundation of the Earth calls Zion brings in the ends of the Earth The Beast is given to the burning flame he lays hold on the Dragon that old Serpent and binds him for 1000 Years Thus things went on until the glorious Mistery of God was finished and the voice came from the Throne out of the Temple of heaven saying It is done Rev. 16. 17. Often then it was declared in the Name of God It is done It is fulfilled but they would not believe Then was Philadelphia called in to bare witness what she had seen done she witnessed that the Heavens were planted and the Foundations of the Earth laid for she saw the new Heavens and the new Earth she witnesseth the New Covenant for Zion for she saw the new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband She attests in the Name of God the hearing of that mighty Voice The tabernacle of God is with men She must bear witness to the Words of the Prophecy of the Book and say as God saith There is no more sorrow death nor pain for the former things are past He hath sate on his throne and made all new And he said unto me Write for these words are true and faithful And he said unto me It is done And this day is this Scripture fulfilled in your Ears And he hath given the waters of life and hath replenished every sorrowful Soul that hath waited for him they have Overcome and are on the Sea of Glass with the Harps of God and they sing the Song of Moses and the Lamb. But the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and the murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars have their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death Rev. 21. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. The Lord commands the Witness to go on another comes and says I saw an angel ascending from the east having the seals of the living God And he sealed the servants of our God on their forehead Rev. 7. 2 3. Another Witness was brought that he hath measured the temple and the altar and them that worship therein But the outward court is given unto the Gentiles Rev. 11. 1 2. He hath opened his Seals sounded his Trumpets poured out his Vials and blessed all his Churches Thus the Witness went on from day to day until all Accounts was taken and given in Philadelphia sometimes trembling and quaking before the Majesty of Heaven often acknowledging what an awful solemn thing it was to bear witness to the Word of God and Testimony of Jesus Christ other times astonished and amazed to think that Mistery the Angels desire to pry into should ever be broken up among a few poor Worms The Lord declares That he hath finished the heavens and the Earth and all the hosts thereof as in the first Creation All was done by his Word so now it is again not by Might nor by Power but by my spirit saith the Lord of hosts Zech. 4. 6. And the Witness of the two anointed ones was the Witness of God himself Now who durst have denied the sound of the seventh Angel when God had called in a Witness that these Misteries were finished or that this was the Angel that was to be sent to shew the things that must be done in a short time When Scripture Witness was brought in that all these things are done it was a very improbable thing that one whose Unction from the Holy One for the Work of the Ministry had been sealed for so many Years with the Conversion of so many Souls should at last deceive the World and delude poor Souls but as for those poor Creatures that bear witness to these things they were not suspected of that being looked upon as not capable to delude or deceive others but that they were deluded themselves It is possible had it been things of another nature you might have brought them off by telling them that their bodily Eyes had deceived them and all their Senses were deluded But if you come to deal with them about the Word of God and Testimony of Jesus you might as well pull down the Sun and darken the World as ever prevail against it for it is the Testimony of that God which is infallible therefore infinitely impossible that ever any thing that is offered against it should stand it will be the utter undoing of all them that shall oppose it for tho' these be never such poor weak contemptable Creatures yet what they witness to is the Word of God and Testimony of Jesus and there is no more to be said Evidence having been given That the mistery of God is finished the mighty Angel he comes down with a rainbow on his head and a little book open in his hand and swares by him that lives for ever and ever Time is no longer Come away Philadelphia and own his Kingly Dignity and Honour they had not been long dancing before the Ark ere the Lord appeared to his Servant this he owns before many Witnesses warns them once more to get Oyl others to go home and trim their Lamps they have no time to spare they should have Watched that God that hath appeared in this place will quickly appear to you all but what do these Wretches do but go and make all the hast and speed they can to turn these things into foolish ridiculous Stories to be cry'd up and down the Streets and so far are they from any fear or concern upon them at such a wonderful time as this is that they make merry and sport themselves at the Word of God and Revelation of Jesus It would make a Christian's Heart tremble to think what a God-daring Generation the Earth groans under And now the Lord comes like a Lyon rends and tears the very cauls of their hearts they would take no Warning till they were dashed in pieces but all the Wit and Art they have must be laid together to make the Word of God and Revelation of Jesus the Scorn and Derision of the whole Nation without any stop being put to these things there was none to do it The Lord sought but for a Man to stand in the gap to make up the hedge that he should not destroy the Land but he finds none good and bad all give in their Verdicts that the Word of God and Testimony of Jesus Christ was a Delusion and so here is an end of all these things until God calls for another Account But we do attest in the Name of the Eternal God That the sounding of the quick and sudden Coming of our Lord and Saviour was the sound of the seventh Angel and God hath given infallible Proof and Witness for the Mistery of God is finished as he declared it to his Servants and as it was declared when the Trumpet first began to sound
so now all is done and the solemn Oath of the Eternal God is to be given to you to deside all matters of Controversy and you shall know whose Words shall stand His or yours Rev. 10. 5 6 7. And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever who created heaven and the things that therein are and the earth and the things that therein are and the sea and the things which are therein that there should be time no longer But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel when he shall sound and the mistery of God be finished as he hath declared unto his servants the prophets The seventh Angel hath sounded and the Mystery of God is finished and there is time no longer not a Moment nor a Minute for The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign for ever and ever Rev. 11. 15. Blow ye the trumpet in Zion and sound an alarm in my holy mountain let all the inhabitants of the earth tremble for the day of the Lord cometh it is nigh at hand Joel 2. 1. A voice from the city a voice from the temple a voice of the Lord that rendreth recompense to his enemies Isa 66. 6. And he saith unto me Seal not the sayings of the Prophesie of this Book for the time is at hand He that is unjust let him be unjust still and he which is filthy let him be filthy still and he that is righteous let him be righteous still and he that is holy let him be holy still And behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give to every Man according as his work shall be Revel 12. chap. 10 11 12. YOU are to take notice That the Rage and Tumult that hath been in this Nation hath been against the Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave him to shew to his Servants and this Blessed Servant of God that hath been trampled as the Mire in the Streets is that Angel spoke of in the Revelations that was sent to shew Gods Servants the things that must be done in a short time therefore there is no answer can be given to God for these things when his Word had expressly spoke of a Messenger that was to come and the day came and the Messenger was sent and this was Witnessed to them by a certain number of Souls that God appointed to be Witnesses that God had shewed the things that must be done in a short time but they wilfully shut their Eyes God hath worked a work and a marvellous work but they would not Believe though it was told them I further bear Witness that the Woman in the Wilderness hath brought forth a Man Child that shall rule all Nations with a Rod of Iron and tho' the Dragon hath raged blasphemed and this day thrown a third part of the Stars to the Earth yet all is in Vain for the Child is caught up to God and to his Throne Revel 12. And our God hath set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed but it shall break and destroy all kingdoms and it shall stand for ever and ever And all these things that have been here done in Spirit and in Mistery shall quickly be made visible and sensible things in the sight of all the World THE Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly come to pass and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John Who bare record of the word of God and of the testimony of Jesus Christ and of all things that he saw Rev. 1. 1 2. I bear witness That in the Year 1689 there came a Messenger from God and declared That the Lord would have a Kingdom in this World and the time draws near behold I come quickly and surely I come quickly Rev. 22. God will deliver the creation from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the sons of God Rom. 8. And there shall be no more sorrow nor death nor pain he will sit upon the throne and make all new the tabernacle of God shall be with men there shall be a new heaven and a new earth and Babylon shall be thrown down the Jews called and the ends of the earth brought in and the Dragon chained God commands the Trumpet to be sounded Repent quickly or you will be in hell quickly When the shewing time and fufilling Mistery was ended one of Philadelphia received this Word from God He hath sent his angel to shew the things that must be done in a short time Now they are to be done The Lord's Servant also himself declared That the hand of God had been strong upon him to write the words that I have spoken shall be done saith the Lord. And now a new course was speedily entered upon The heavens are planted and the foundations of the earth laid and now God saith unto Zion thou art my people Isa 5. 6. In which time we saw the new heaven and the new earth and heard that mighty voice The tabernacle of God is with man And he that sits on the throne and saith Behold I make all things new And there is a rainbow round about the throne Rev. 4. 3. At this time that Blessed Oath that hath stood so many 100 Years in Rev. 10. 6. is sworn in the heart of a poor Worm to be a Sign and a Witness to the Church of Philadelphia that God remembers the Oath which he sware to Abraham that ancient Oath and Covenant which we so often read of in the Word of God And this shall be as the waters of Noah unto me the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed but the covenant of his peace shall never be removed Isa 54. 9 10. And now the Rainbow appear'd Temptations Sins and Sorrows were all on a sudden removed and took away and I wrapt up into those Kingdom Joys that I scarce knew what they were doing here on Earth But I can bear witness That I saw the heavens planted and the foundations of the earth laid and that God said to Zion thou art my people Isa 51. 16. At this time the Voices were heard the Visions seen set down in the Book of the Revelations and Witness born to the keeping of these Sayings of the Prophecy of that Book The time that was taken up in the fulfilling of these things continued near 2 Years to my best Remembrance but before all was finished a sign of Deliverance was given to the Church of Philadelphia these Words being sent to the Lord's Servant that he having looked upon the Sorrows of his poor lost Zion Lifts up his hand to heaven and swares by him that liveth for ever and ever that there should be time no longer And Here now O Joshua the high priest
Isa 24. 3. but the dreadful Sentences of his Judgments are now to be executed on a sinful God-daring Generation that scorned to take any Warning till Himself should come and take Vengeance on them Yet blessed be his glorious Name there is a Rainbow round about his Throne and when he shall bring a Cloud and cover the Earth the Bow shall be seen in the Cloud and he will remember the Everlasting Covenant Glory to the Righteous we have a full assurance of Faith we shall see an innumerable Company of all Kindreds People Tongues and Nations with white Robes and Palms in their hands crying Salvation to him that sits on the throne and to the lamb for ever and ever And for all these things Blessing Glory Wisdom Honour and Might be unto our God for ever and ever Laws Statutes and Judgments to the Church of Philadelphia THAT that I am to Witness to you now is that which was declared by the Lord's Servant whilst the Mystery of God was finished and witnessed by the Church of Philadelphia was the Laws Statutes and Judgments of the Eternal God that stand fast for ever and ever throughout all Generations And when the Word came forth in the Father's Season He that sits on the throne saith behold I make all things new The Lord pointed me to Witness to it and write it down and gave it to his Servant 't is gone forth in Righteousness and shall return no more till it hath formed the new heaven and the earth You will say How should I know that that Word was gone forth in Righteousness Alas I knew no more than a stock or a stone but the Lord made me know that it was the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus and that I must bear witness to it and I could have no ease in my Conscience till I had done it and again when the heavens were planted and the foundations of the earth laid and he said to Zion thou art my people That Lord sent me to bear witness I saw the new heaven and the new earth and he had sworn in my heat time should be no longer The day is come he makes a new covenant with the house of Israel Jer. 31. 31. These Mysteries were as far above the reach of such a poor Worm as I as the Heavens are above the Earth for when I was so wrapt up in the sight of the new heavens and the new earth I could not forbear saying as I went up and down I see a new heaven and a new earth it was as wonderful to me when I heard those Words Rev. 21. as if I had never known there had been any such Scripture therefore God forbid that you should think there was any thing in the Creature in these things I did also about this time several times here Voices and they were those Voices in Revelations and I knew when I heard it it was the Voice of God differing from all other that ever I heard in all my life-time and when-ever I heard a Voice or saw a Vision or bore witness to any of the Words of the Prophecy of that Book I was so awed with it that I durst never entertain a thought ever any more against it it became a perpetual law in my Soul and when the Blessing was pronounced upon the Church of Philadelphia in a Ministerial way the Lord sent me to bear witness to it Rev. 1. 3. Blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the word of the prophecy of this book and he had declared the Downfall of Babylon and the chaining of Satan the Lord made us see it done in an Angelical way and so bare witness to it according to these words Rev. 20. 1. I saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand and he laid hold on the dragon that old serpent called the devil and satan and bound him for a 1000 years Rev. 18. I saw another angel come down from heaven and he cryed mightily with a strong voice saying Babylon the great is fallen is fallen Again when the seventh Angel had poured out his Vial into the Air a great voice came out of the temple of heaven from the throne saying It is done enter Philadelphia in the Name of the Father Son and Holy-Ghost the Lord sent me to bear Record to the Word of God and to the Testimony of Jesus Christ That we are now entered into the Paradice where there is no more curse but the Throne of God and of the Lamb are in it and his servants shall serve him and they shall see his face and his name shall be in their foreheads and there shall be no night there and they need no candle neither the light of the son for the Lord God gives them light and they shall reign for ever and ever Some of these things I am forced to bear witness too that all the World may know that the Words of the Kingdom are no cunning devised Fables when our Blessed Lord and Saviour came and wrought those Miracles that never Man did yet they would not believe but said He cast out devils by Beelzebub the prince of devils What a dreadful Sentence he passed on them therefore said he All manner of sins and blasphemies shall be forgiven but the blasphemy of the Holy-Ghost shall never be forgiven You must think God will stand up for his great Honour and Name and call all nations together Who amongst them can declare this Isa 43. 9. Could all the Art in Heaven and Earth have caused one of these Voices to have been heard or Visions to be seen or one Word of the Prophecy of this Book to have been kept without the omnipotent power of God Indeed we might have seen these things with our bodily Eyes when they had been done to our outward Senses but to see them with Christ's seven Eyes which are upon the Stone that can be attributed to none but God Himself Can you think without a Commission from God any under the Copes of Heaven durst be so audacious as to take his Sacred Name into their Mouth and come and witness and affirm before all the World The keeping of the sayings of the prophecy of this book when such a dreadful Sentence is passed on them That shall add to these things Rev. 22. 18. but so great and vast are these Misteries above the comprehension of Men and Angels no Word can utter or Tongue express what is here delivered is but a short account of some few particular things to be a Testimony to you of the fulfilling of the whole Book but you must look to it for what comes to you is the Word of God and Testimony of Jesus Christ Object But we look for visible sensible things Answer That we are bound in Conscience because of this Word every moment to expect the great change that comes on the whole world but yet if the Word of God
THE Angels Oath Time is no longer The KINGDOMS of this WORLD are become the KINGDOMS of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall Reign for ever and ever Revel 10. 6. and 11 15. A PROPHECY FROM Mr. Mason's People AT WATER-STRATFORD London Printed for the Author 1694. The Testimony of Valentine Evans WO to London Wo to England Thou art that Servant which hath known thy Masters Will but hath not done it but now thou shalt be beaten with many stripes Oh! how Mercifully hath GOD dealt with thee by warning thee with Judgments and wooing thee with Mercies and thou hast been favoured highly in this respect for the Revelation of Jesus Christ hath been given out to us and the Messenger of Christ's Kingdom hath been sent to us and his way is prepared I Witness the Midnight-Cry was a Message from GOD. I declare the Two Witnesses was a Message from God I declare likewise in the Name of GOD that the gathering of us to this place was the Holy Will and Command of God A few days after we were gathered I Witness the Person of the Blessed Son of GOD appeared in this place to his Servant but you have scoffed and despised and forged Lies and called these things Delusions But what will you do now the Lord sends you word by this fellow Servant from the Oath of Jesus Christ That there is Time no longer A Word to you Wise Virgins you that love the Lord Jesus Christ in Sincerity you that have spoke or acted against these things you are guilty with the Foolish Virgins and have exposed your selves to Wrath but Blessed be God you are not under the Law but under Grace but you must apply your selves to the Blood of Christ and repent for what you have said thought or done against these things for GOD is a great God and you will Tremble for a time for slighting these things Isa 35. 3 4. strengthen ye the weak hands and comfort the feeble knees say to them that are of a fearful heart Be strong fear not Behold your God will come with Vengeance even God with a Recompence he will come and save you but it must be in his own way and that is in this place which the Lord hath called Zion where the Lord hath taken possession in his Kingdom Isa 25. 9. And it shall be said in that day Lo this is our God we have waited for him and he will save us this is the Lord we have waited for him we will be glad and rejoyce in his salvation Vers 10. For in this Mountain shall the hand of the Lord rest It is said so this day in this Mountain blessed be God Where the Body is there the Eagles shall be gathered together Luk. 17. 37. And now 't is our Duty to look for the breaking forth of these things visibly with an immediate expectation The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with all you that love Him in sincerity Amen The Testimony of Thomas Harris I Bear Witness to you in the Name of GOD That this Servant that Writes to you this Little Book is one of the Anointed Ones that stood by the GOD of the whole Earth Zech. 4. 14. and by the Will and Appointment of GOD Almighty this Servant did bear Record to the Word of GOD and to the Testimony of Jesus Christ for Two Years together Rev. 1. 2. and now Blessed is he that hath read and they that have heard the Words of the Prophecy of this Book and I declare in the Name of GOD that this Book that comes to you is the open Book out of Christ's Hand Rev. 10. 2. and it is turned into Bitterness in the Bowels of this Nation Lamentations Mournings and Woe And now the LORD comes like a Refiner's Fire and like Fuller's Soap But now Blessed are all they that put their Trust in CHRIST Revelations 10. 6. and 11. 15. Time is no longer The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign for ever and ever IT is the Will and Pleasure of God that his dealings to this poor miserable Nation should be given an Account of for a Warning and Witness to all round about that they take heed that they do not dally and triffle with the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ but Fear and Tremble before a Crowned Solomon and give Glory to him for the hour of his Judgment is come Worship that God that hath made the new Heavens and the new Earth Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron thou shalt dash them in pieces like a Potters vessel Be wise now therefore O ye kings be instructed ye judges of the earth Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling Kiss the son lest he be angry and ye perish from the way when his wrath is kindled but a little blessed are all they that put their trust in him Psal 2. 9 10 11 12. Now go write it before them in a table and note it in a book that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever That this is a rebellious people lying children that will not hear the law of the Lord Which say to the seers See not and to the prophets Prophesy not unto us right things speak unto us smooth things prophesy deceits Get you out of the way turn aside out of the path cause the holy one of Israel to cease from before us Isa 30. 8 9 10 11. Sad and woful Accounts to be given up what entertainment the Word of God and the Testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ met with that was first given forth in England we witness the Trumpet was sounded several Years of the Coming and Kingdom of our Lord but they all slumbered and slept but they was told again and again how often that Word was commanded in the Scripture Watch and that the day was come God commanded every one to it The Lord threatens to cut them down for he had looked for Fruit Year after Year but found none loth was he to strike tryes them one Year more but swares Time shall be no longer but whilst the Mistery of God was finished the Lord was then proclaimed He 's brought to the ancient of days And there was given him a Kingdom and Glory that all Nations People and Languages should serve him Dan. 7. 13 14. The many Crowns was now set upon his head Rev. 19. 12. He was proclaimed to the ends of the Earth Zions God now reigns The Earth saw and trembled the Heavens were all on Flames of Fire whilst dreadful Thundrings and Lightnings proclaim our King but here is none regard The Trumpets blew in the Ears of the dead it was declared That Christ was on his great white Throne he finds all old but makes all new The Lord calls bring in those poor Worms let them bear witness in that day The deaf heard the words of the Book and the Eyes
thou and thy fellows ye are men wondred at but behold I bring forth my servant the BRANCH Zech. 3. 8. Established for ever is his Word in Heaven signified sealed and ratified upon Earth but we knew not what these things meant until the Lord's Servant came with these Words from God Behold the Man whose name is the BRANCH See the Christ of God given to you out of the Father 's own hand here 's the visible sensible unvailed Christ performed to you And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air and a great voice came out of the temple of heaven from the throne saying It is done Rev. 16. 17. Enter Philadelphia in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy-Ghost the Lord he declares the Revelation which is a Prophecy of a Prophecy is fulfilled The voices have been heard and the visions seen and the words of the prophecy of the book have been kept from that word Rev. 1. 3. Blessed is he that reads and they that hear until that Sentence was pronounced upon them They shall reign for evermore Rev. 22. And then the mighty angel came down with a rainbow on his head and the little book open in his hand and lift up his hand to heaven and sware by him who lives for ever and ever who created the heaven and the things that therein are and the earth and the things that therein are and the Sea and the things that therein are that there should be time no longer O joyful happy day And the Lord himself descended from Heaven with a Shout and with the Voice of the Arch-Angel and the Ark of his Testament was seen in his Temple and they were called to return thanks to God and to sing with gladness for Jacob and the Lord appeared to his Servant as a Zion's God and then received him to himself on whom he had writ the Name of the City of his God for the new Jerusalem comes down out of heaven from God Rev. 21. 2 10 11. I witness That this Oath continued with that strength and power upon me that like Fire it broke through all that was cast upon me to damp it till the same Words were put into his Servants Mouth according to that Scripture Isa 59. 21. and then the Everlasting Covenant being pronounced with the Oath of the Eternal God it was declared in the Name of God That the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah had prevailed and they that had kept the Words of the Prophecy of this Book are all Conquerours in Him and as we had derived all Guilt and Misery Death and Sorrow in the first Adam so now we are come to inherit all Grace Glory and Comfort which came by the New we are come to the Blood of sprinkling to the Spirits of just Men made perfect Heb. 12. And that God that had set the bounds to the old Adam hath took an Oath of the time and he is cursed and gone for ever The Seed of the woman hath broke the serpent's head I heard a loud voice saying in heaven Now is come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ Rev. 12. 10. After these things the Lord shewed us as there had been a dark and obscure Sign in the Church of Philadelphia a Rainbow and a pouring down of the Spirit for a Covenant for Zion Isa 59. 21. so now there should be a bright and glorious Sign Isa 66. 18 19. And he will bring all Nations and they shall see his Glory for he will set up a Sign amongst them and in this Mountain will the Lord take away the Vail that is spread over all Nations for he will swallow up Death in Victory Isa 25. 7 8. After these things God ordered it to be declared That the days of the voice of the seventh Angel was ended he had finished his course and kept the Faith and received the Crown of Righteousness which the Lord the Righteous Judge had given him and that the Church of Philadelphia is that Stone spoke of Zech. 3. 9. And that Stone shall bear witness for it hath heard all the words of the Prophecy of that Book And in the Name of God it was declared That the Law of God was writ upon that Stone according to these Words Jer. 31. 33. The day is come saith the Lord that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah and I will put my law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts Object I. This means Zion Answer This is Zion's Representative this is that elect Seed that was to inherit God's Holy Mountain as you may see Isa 65. 9. Rev. 3. 12. I will write upon them the name of the City of my God Object II. Where is this New Covenant Answer I saw a mighty angel come down from heaven with a rainbow upon his head and the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lift up his hand to heaven and sware by him that liveth for ever and ever that time should be no longer I bear witness in the presence of God this Oath hath been sworn and performed to the Church of Philadelphia as Zion 's representative Isa 59. 21. As for me this is my covenant saith the Lord My spirit that is upon thee and the words that I have put into thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seeds seed saith the Lord from henceforth and for ever Arise shine for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee Isa 50. 1. I bear witness That the Angel of the Church of Philadelphia hath the highest badge of Honour writ on him that ever was engraven on the Sons of Men For he hath writ on him the name of God and the name of the city of his God which is new Jerusalem which comes out of heaven from God Rev. 3. 12. and 21. 2 10 11. He writ on him his new name King of kings and Lord of lords for as he represented our Lord Jesus in all his Offices of the Kingdom during the time they were done in Spirit and Mistery so he shall do again when they are done visibly and sensibly in the Eyes of all the World and as we have heard that mighty Voice saying Babylon the great is fallen is fallen so we shall see that other angel come down from heaven having great power and the earth shall be lightned with his glory Rev. 18. He was that olive-tree that stood on the right-side of the bowl that was on the top of the golden candlestick He was that anointed one that stood before the God of the whole earth Zech. 4. 14. He is that prophet that had power to smite the earth with all manner of plagues as oft as he would Rev. 11. 6. For the land is utterly emptied and spoiled the Lord hath spoken this word
and Testimony of Jesus be not as much assurance to me as these visible sensible things how dare we think we shall see them when he that takes away from the words of the prophecy of this book God takes his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city and from the things that are written in this book He that testifieth these things saith Surely I come quickly Arise and trim your lamps for he hath witnessed and testified All is done You know at the first creation all was done by his word God said Let it be so and it was so Gen. 1. Isa 48. 13. Heb. 11. 3. Isa 45. 12. Zech. 4. 6. Psal 33. 6 9. The reason why we saw the new heaven and the new earth was That we might bear witness to the Word of God and Testimony of Jesus Christ this needs not to be done when it appears to all the World The Scripture saith When Christ appears we shall appear with him in glory therefore that cannot be the time when so great and wonderful a Controversie is to be desided That the Eternal Majesty of Heaven that never did any thing in vain should come with so many Words and such a solemn Oath read Revel 10. bear witness that we do protest to you by the Eternal God That we have seen that mighty angel come down from heaven cloathed with a cloud and a rainbow was upon his head and an open book in his hand and he hath set his right foot upon the sea and his left foot upon the earth Psal 2. 8. And he cries as when a lyon roars Mat. 25. 6. And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth hath lift up his hand to heaven and hath sworn by him that liveth for ever and ever who created heaven and the things that therein are the earth and the things that therein are the sea and the things that are therein there shall be time no longer for the seventh angel hath sounded and the mistery of God is finished And by the God of Truth The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign for ever and ever Amen Hallalujah Go forth ye daughters of Zion and behold king Solomon with the crown wherewith his mother crowned him in the day of his espousals and in the day of the gladness of his heart Cant. 3. 11. Behold the Bridegroom cometh Mat. 25. The New SONG OVR JESUS this day is proclaimed In our Streets he is visibly Crowned And highly renowned Our JESUS this Day is proclaimed In our Streets he is visibly Crowned And highly renowned From the East from the West from the North from the South Is the Language I hear in every Mouth That JESUS is King let 's joyfully sing Our JESUS is King our JESUS is King That JESUS c. All Glory all Glory all Glory alone To the Glory that sits on the glorious Throne All Glory c. All Heavenly sweet Flowers be strewed in his ways Hallelujahs Hosannahs and Millions of Praises All Glory is due To the Holy and True Who sits on the Throne and makes all New Come now to his Temple ye lookers for JESUS His Honour advance and his Praise in the Dance Come now to his Temple c. Break forth into Singing ye Mountains and Woods For Joy clap your hands ye Fountains and Floods Let Him be ador'd by Angels and Men And Zion adorn'd with her Tabrets again Let Him c. Come away to his Courts ye longers for JESUS His Honour advance and his Praise in the Dance Come away c. Break forth into Singing c. Let Him be adored c. Come away to his Courts ye Lovers of JESUS His Honour advance his Praise in the Dance Come away c. Break forth c. Let Him be adored c. The SONG of Moses the Servant of God and the Lamb. GREAT and Marvellous are thy Works Jehovah working Wonders It lightens when our Lord appears And when he speaks it thunders Most Just and True are all thy ways Thy Saints shall bless thee all their days Thou art our King they gladly Sing Thy Subjects are before Thee Most Just and True c. Had People known thy Glorious Name They would have gloried Thee For Lord thou art that Holy One And there is none besides Thee The Nations all shall flock and meet With bowed Faces at thy Feet Thy Judgments shew thy Glory now Let all the World adore Thee The Nations all c. Revelations 22. 16 17. I Jesus have sent mine angel to testifie unto you these things in the churches I am the root and off-spring of David and the bright and morning-star And the Spirit and the Bride say Come And let him that heareth say Come And let him that is athirst Come And whosoever will let him take the water of life freely The Everlasting Covenant produced With the OATH of the Eternal God Sworn by Him that lives for ever and ever Time is no longer Rev. 10. 5. I lift up my hand to heaven and say I live for ever and ever Deuter. 32. 40 To the Church of Philadelphia THAT that I am to bear witness to you is concerning the Angels Oath which was to have a double fulfilment First For a Sign then to all the Church of Philadelphia several courses was gone upon in this Blessed Ministery Last of all The Glorious Mistery of God was to be finished This begun when our Lord was proclaimed KING and it was declared Zion's-God now reigns He is upon his great white throne and there was a rainbow round about the throne This was the time that this Oath came upon me to be a Sign to the Church of Philadelphia that God remembers the Everlasting Covenant the Oath he swore to Abraham that Oath Covenant we so often read of in the Word of God At the end of time times and half a time as it is in the last of Daniel This Oath came forth to All the Church of Philadelphia Time shall be no longer The Lord brought forth his Servant the BRANCH Old Adam's state is finished After this The Tree of Life which is in the midst of the Paradice of God was given to the Church of Philadelphia upon the Word and Honour of the Eternal God Now the certainty of our Lord 's being at this time on his Throne making every thing New and more particularly of our being under the New Adam because the Righteous BRANCH was now brought forth to the house of David and he is called The LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS Jer. 23. 6. And the Church of Philadelphia first pertakes of the Grace and Glory which comes by the New Adam For he hath writ on them the name of the city of his God from these things I was as much assured that it was my duty to believe it was as God said and to take this Righteous BRANCH which was now brought forth