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A65726 A diligent search amongst rulers, priests, professors, and people and a warning to all sorts high and low, that are out of the doctrine of Christ, and fear not God. Put forth by Dorothy White living in Waymouth. D. W. (Dorothy White) 1659 (1659) Wing W1747A; ESTC R217167 9,577 9

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A DILIGENT SEARCH amongst Rulers Priests Professors and People and a warning to all sorts high and low that are out of the doctrine of Christ and fear not God Put forth by Dorothy White living in Waymouth Woe unto him that offendeth one of these little ones that believeth in me saith Christ it were better for him that he had a Mill-stone hanged about his neck and that he were drownd in the depth of the Sea it is better for that man he had never been born UPon the 25th day of the second moneth 59. as I was passing along the street I heard a cry in me again on the 26th day of the same Moneth the same cry was in me againe on the 27th day the same cry was in me And as I was waiting upon the Lord in silence the word of the Lord came unto we saying write and again I say write As I have said it shall come to passe and this was the cry I will confound I will confound the devices of this people I will make their devices to be of none Effect I will cast out the councill of their Princes O Earth Earth Earth hear the word of the Lord and be warned before the cup of indignation of the Lords fierce anger is poured out upon you And though you stir never so much against the Lord and against his anointed you do but kindle a fire and at last you will fall into it your selves Yea you shall run into the Caves and dens of the Earth to hide your selves from the Lord and from the glory of his Majesty when he shall appear to shake terribly the Earth then shall your nakednesse be laid open before you then shall you see What you have been working in this dark night that is over you a night of thick darknesse hath over clouded you O you blood-thirsty Rulers of England you Rule by the powers of Darknesse you have joyned with the strength of Hell to ensnare the innocent and to destroy the Lamb of God where he doth rule you crucifie the Lord of Glory you are of Sodom and Egypt spiritually so called for in the streets of spiritual Sodom and Egypt is our Lord slain For the cry of blood is found amongst you and the cry of your sins is exceeding great it hath ascended to the eares of the Lord God of heaven and Earth And all the sacrifices that you offer up to the Lord is but a corrupted thing the Lord is wearyed with your abominations Therefore a warning from the Lord God unto you Priests Rulers people professors while there is a call to repentance for now hath the Lord called all to repentance and hath once more warned you whiles the day of mercy lasteth for Sodom and Ghomorah of old were warned to repent of the Judgements that should come upon them and they repented not and were destroyed And you hath the Lord warned to repent and once more hath he warned you before the day of desolation come wherein there will be no place for repentance found for now is the Lord God working his mighty work in the Earth he is subduing Kingdomes and ruling the Nations as with a rod of Iron he is bringing down the mighty from their sears he is throwing down Kings from their Thrones And all you high and loughty ones you fruitlesse branches you will the Lord cut down with the sword of his power and all you briers and brambles of the Earth that are now fighting against the Lamb of God you shall be as fewel prepared for the fite in the day of the Lords fierce indignation for a day of sorrow anguish and pain and great tribulation shall come upon all flesh and upon all that are out of Covenant with God for great is the God of Abraham of Isack and of Jacob and who shall be able to withstand his power For now is he come to establish his Throne in righteousnesse upon the top of all Thrones yea he will sit as King upon his holy hill of Sion for Jacobs God hath appeared and his light now shineth and hath broken through darknesse and hath broken the bonds of iniquity and is arising with healing in his wings on them that do believe None knoweth the Father but the Son and him to whom the Son revealeth him and him that hath the Son hath the Father also And the Son is the light and life of men that all through him might believe and have everlasting life For now is God appearing in power and in Majesty and through his Son is he drawing all men unto him that would come in unto him who is the light that enlightneth every man that cometh into the world this is him whom the Prophets prophesied of and the same which Iohn bare witnesse to and said that he was not that light but was sent to bear witnesse of that light This is the true light and he doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world The same do we bear witnesse to now The world was made by him and the world knew him not he came to his own and his own received him not But to as many as did to them he gave power to become the sons of God Now to you that are seeking abroad for that you have lost at home in your own houses within you you must turne in again to the light of Christ the way to the Father and Covenant of God All that are out of the light are out of Covenant with God For he is given for a covenant of ●ight unto the Gentiles and for salvation to the ends of the Earth This is my welbeloved Son hear ye him in all things saith God This is the true Prprophet and all that will not hear this prophet are to be cut off from the Earth And all other prophets do we deny that do run and never were sent of God these shall not profit the people at all they are the wolves they have gotten the sheeps cloathing but inwardly they are ravening wolves by their fruits you may know them These are the deceivers of the Nation upon these will the Lord God power out the cup of his fierce indignation for the fire of his jealousie is kindled against them and he will take vengeance on them for they are murtherers of the Son of God for the day of terrible judgement is drawn near unto them a day of howling and of bitter lamentation a cup of vengeance will the Lord God power out upon them woe woe woe from the Lord God unto them they shall down into the depth of Hell without speedy repentance a warning from the Lord God unto you Priests of England hear hear and consider before the fiery wrath of the Lord God fall upon you fear fear tremble for fear of the Lord God of Hosts for you hath the Lord God a great mighty controversie with against you for now is the Lord coming to try the sons of men and to purifie the sons of
Levi and to purifie them as fine gold that hath been tried seven times in the fire And he is purifying of his temple that he may dwel therein as he hath said I will walk in them I wil dwel in them I will be their God and they shall be my people and it shall come to passe saith the Lord that I will raise up the righteous branch of David and a King shall rule and prosper and of his Dominion there shall be no end And this is the name they shall call him the Lord our righteousnesse For many shall come from the East and from the West and shall sit down with Abraham with Isaack and with Jacob that are the seed of Abraham borne after the spirit In Isaack shall the seed be blessed That is not the seed of Abraham that is born after the flesh for that is the persecuting birth he that is born after the flesh persecuteth him that is born after the spirit Cain was a murtherer from the beginning Cain offered up sacrifice yet he slew his brother Abel the just one born after the spirit but Caines sacrifice was not accepted with the Lord but the blood of righteous Abel cried from the Earth for vengeance to the Lord although you offer many sacrifices yet doth not the Lord regard them you are of Cains stock you persecute the just one born after the spirit you murther your brother but the blood of him cryeth from the Earth for vengeance to me saith the Lord to be taken on you Woe unto the drunkards of Ephraim that are not drunk with wine nor strong bear but with the blood of Saints you must drink the cup of wrath you heap up wrath upon your selves you heap up destruction upon destruction for the all seeing eye of God beholds you and your secret intents let them be never so secretly acted he doth see your waies and he wil reward you openly a just recompence according to your deeds of darknesse for the powers of heaven shall move and there shal be earth-quakes in divers places the powers of heaven doth move the Earth doth tremble before the Lord the mountains melts at his presence he doth not shake the Earth onely but the heavens also Like as the lightning cometh out of the East and shineth into the West so shall the coming of the Son of man be And we have seen his coming and we are built upon the Rock and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against us Although many are saying there are a people risen up now that go about to turne the world upside down if we let them go on But I tell you it is not the people but it is the power of God for he is come to turne the World upside down That that which hath ruled over may be brought down under and that which hath been of low degree may be raised up by the power of God to rule and have the dominion for God is coming to throw down the kingdom of Anti christ that hath had the dominion and hath ruled in the hearts of men the prince of the powers of darknesse that rules in the hearts of the children of disobedience that obey not the Gospel of Christ For kingdom shall rise against Kingdom and nation shall rise against Nation for there shall be wars and rumors of wars on the Earth and when you see those things coming to passe then is the end neer behold the time cometh saith the Lord that I will draw near unto judgement I will be a swift witnesse against the double minded and all that are covered with an unrighteous covering for all coverings shall be too narrow for Sion shal be ploughed as a field the follow-ground turned up the frutless branches burned for now is the Lord comming to require fruit of his vine-yard Behold I will tell you of my be loved concerning his vine-yard my beloved hath a vineyard upon a very fruitful mountain he looked for fruit and it brought forth wild grapes I wil tel you what I will do with my vine-yard I will take away the hedg about it I will also forbid the clouds of heaven that it should not rain Now man in the beginning was created in the Image of God he was the vine-yard of God placed in a very fruitfull mountain as long as he stood there he was in union with God but when he went our into transgression he lost the union with God then he brought forth the wild grapes he became the degenerated plant degenerated from his maker this is the state of fallen man so long as he is in transgression let him professe what he will yet he is naked and ashamed to appear before the Lord when the Lord calleth to him to return because he is not covered with that righteous covering that he was in in the beginning but he hath sown to himself figg-leaves to cover his nakedness that is a self-righteousness God that made Heaven and Earth and created all things hath looked down from heaven and is beholding the children of men and is calling to them to return from the evil of their wayes by his Son Christ the light and life of men and doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world he is not come to destroy life but to save life but he is not come to destroy sin in the flesh for this very end and purpose was the Son of God made manifest in the flesh that he might destroy the works of the devil by the light is his work manifested for whatsoever manifesteth the same is light and as it is received and believed in and followed and obeyed it will lead out of sin and out of transgression and it will lead unto the Father of lights from whence it came as he said I came out from the Father and I testifie of the Father to the world Again I shall leave the world and go to the Father So all that come unto him that is the light he leadeth out of the world and leadeth to the Father again for he was given for a leader to the people and for a light unto the Gentiles and for salvation to the ends of the earth unto the people that sate in darkness hath the light shined and a glorious light hath appeared to them that sate in the shadow of death and hath given them the knowledge of the Father in the face of the Son he hath given us the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ the light that John bear witness too John said he was not that light but was sent to bear witness of that light and said that was the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world Yet John was a burning and a shining light John was in prison when Christ came for hearing witness to the light and for preaching repentance and for crying in the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord and make his paths straight in the
desert for they that are not come to the light of Christ within them are yet in the wilderness They have not heard the cry of John nor made straight the way of the Lord nor regarded his cry that calleth to repentance but he is kept in prison by them that deny the light but now is the light come and doth rule in the hearts of the children of light and the day hath dawned and the day-star is risen in our hearts that leadeth to the Lamb of God and the Lamb shall get the victory and the Lamb shall have the dominion for he is come to rule in the earth and all shall throw down their Crowns at his feet for now is God exalting him over all the Kingdoms of the world and he shall sit in Majesty and rule the Nations with the word of his power for now is the Gospel of peace to be preached unto all Nations and peoples kindreds and tongues to all that dwell on the face of the whole earth for now hath the trumpet of the Lord sounded and an Alarum is gone forth of his holy mountain to all that dwell on the earth to worship him in the spirit and in the truth for such is the Lord calling to worship him For behold now is the day wherein the Lord will not be worshipped at Jerusalem nor in this mountain nor at Samaria but he will be worshipped in the spirit and in the truth for when the woman of Samaria was drawing water at the well of Samaria Christ said unto her if thou hadst asked of me I would have given thee living water that whosoever drinketh thereof should never thirst again then she left her water-pot and went into the City said behold a man that told me all that ever I did is not this the Christ Then she left the water of Samaria when the living water was come and when she had tasted of the water of life she left Samaria and worshipped there no longer Behold now is the Lord coming to make a separation between those that worship him in the spirit and in truth from them that worship him not in the spirit and in the truth for that is the false worship that is out of the truth there the deceivers worship the deceivers went out from the truth they do lead people into error and deceive them for dishonest gain O Israel thy leaders hath deceived thee they have corrupted thy footstepts before the Lord therefore is the Lord coming to scatter them with the whirlwind of his wrath They shall be as chaff that is to be burned with unquenchable fire in the day of the Lords fierce indignation Therefore a warning from the Lord unto you Rulers Professors and people in the Town of Waymouth a warning from the Lord God unto you that are out of the light of the Son of God that are yet in rebellion against the Son of God the light of the world To you that are seeking the living among the dead in vain do you seek there for the living God you do not serve whiles you live in sin and say you must live in sin whiles you are upon earth this is contrary to the doctrine of Christ that the Apostles Preached and said they were sent to turn people from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God and they preached the Gospel freely as they had received freely for they Preached the Gospel of Christ to be the power of God and they spake as they were moved by the holy Ghost and from the Revelation of Christ in them These be the true Ministers of Christ that Preach Christ revealed in them they are sent of God and this is the difference between the Ministers of Christ and if Antichrist that run and are not sent of God they tell the people of a Christ that they must believe in that dyed for their sins when they themselves do not believe in him nor know the light of Christ in them he died to save his people from their sins not that they should live in their sins they that know him so far knows him to be their Saviour and they to be saved by him and redeemed from all iniquity They can say their Redeemer liveth in them and they are translated from death unto life and set free by the Son As many as are set free by the Son are free indeed they are no more under the Law but under grace The Law came by Moses But grace and truth came by Jesus Christ had it not been for the law we bad not known sin The law is light and this is the law of God written in our hearts as he said I will write my law in their hearts and will put my spirit in their inward parts and they shall not depart from me I will give them a heart of flesh I will take away their stony heart and they shall be my people and I will be their God Behold now is the Lord gathering in his chosen seed chosen before the foundation of the world that shall serve him in truth and in righteousness for righteousness shall flow down as a stream and justice shall Rule in the earth and judgement shall be set up in the earth that the inhabitants thereof may learn righteousness for judgement is he come who is the light that those that do not see may see and those that do see may be made blind and he is come not to bring peace on the earth but a sword to cut down and destroy the man of sin and this is the work he is doing to destroy sin in the flesh In them where sin yet remaineth there Christ is not known to destroy the works of the devil for that end was he manifested in the flesh for this is the mistery of godliness Christ manifested in the flesh for he that revealeth the Father is the Son and the Son is the light and by him are the secrets of God revealed to them that fear him But them that are out of the light they know not the secrets of God they are out of the fear of God For he that believeth out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water springing up to eternal life the everlasting fountain shall be opened unto him and the springs of life unstopt that all may come and drink freely for Christ came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance and to unstop the ears of the deaf and to open the eyes of the blind and to raise the dead to life I am the resurrection and the life said Christ he that believeth in me shall never see death and I will raise him up at the last day But he that walketh in darkness and fayes he hath fellowship with God he is a lyar and does not the truth but if we walk in the light as he is in the light then have we fellow-ship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin This