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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19747 A protestation against popery by way of a confession of Christian religion collected for the benefit of private friends I. D., fl. 1607.; Dunster, John, attributed name. 1607 (1607) STC 6172; ESTC S117486 16,972 41

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A PROTESTATION AGAINST POPERY BY way of a Confession of Christian Religion collected for the benefit of private friends Apoc. cap. 18. ver 2. Cecidit Cecidit Babylon illa magna Senec. in Troas Haemanus Troiam erigent Nullas habet spes Troia sitales habet AT OXFORD Printed by Joseph Barnes Printer to the Vniversitie 1607. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I vnfainedlie beleeue that there is one immortall vncompounded vnlimited Essence which created this world furnished the shop thereof with wonderfull variety who since doth guide and gouerne the same by a prescribed and regular order taking immediate notice not only of Angels offices and mens actions but of every yea the smallest and basest thing in the world not permitting any thinge to the lust of fortune or command of destiny this supernall power J call God and avow him to be the maintainer and rewarder of vertue the revenger and iudg of wickednes and J ascribe vnto him heauen for his throne and the ball of the earth for his footstoole and J subiect vnto his absolute command all the powers of heauen and earth render vnto him obedience praier and thankesgiuing for his tribute That there is such a God J appeale vnto the cōscience of the most desperate forlorne wretch in the world tell me whosoever thou be that hast thy conscience most deaded seared with a hott iron when thou committest a sinne and thinkest that thou hast a vaile cast before the eies of God resoluest thus in thy hart Who seeth me J am compassed about with darknes the walles couer me whome need J to feare the most high will not remember my sinnes yet tell me J say why is thy hart so disquieted within thee why is thy coūtenance cast downe for shame why do thy knees smite togither and thy ioints shiuer for feare Jf there be no power that doth knowe or cā punish thy fault what need this anguish But J wot well that these stiring motions within thee are as so many summons to put thee in mind that there is a God in thy conscience which seeth thy sinne wil arraigne thee for the same and award condēnation against thee if thou prevent not his iudgment by repentance I beleeue this God is one as it is said in Deuteronomie Audi Israel Deus tuus Deus vnus est there is not for every kingdome a God a God for Zidon a God for Amon a God for Moab and a God for Ekron but one alone God manageth the affaiers of the whole world for if it be true in government of an earthly kingdome 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 much more in the being of a Deitie for a multitude of Gods would crosse and incumber the designes one of another and none should be omnipotēt and so there should be a tumultuous disorder in the gouernment of the world which Ovide pointeth out vnto vs saying Mulciber in Troiam pro T'roiâ stabat Apollo And Homer in the 21. of his Jliades 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This God is simply one in nature essence yet this one God doth subsist in three persons each of them severally communicating in the whole of that one nature and essence yet so as we cannot say that there are three Gods but one God for though the persons be distinguished in number yet they be not devided in Essence which is a mistery to which mans vnderstanding must vaile bonnet seeing that it hath not pleased God wholie to reveale it to the sonnes of men and that the Cherubins do couer their faces before it as beeing not able to apprehend the persit view therof wherfore let vs say with holy Moses Hidde things belonge vnto thee ô lord but revealed thinges vnto vs and our children and let vs onlie learne as much of this vnitie Trinitie as it hath pleased God to reveale vnto vs in his word alwaies remembring that saieing of Arnobius De Deo loqui etiam vera periculosissimum est That there are three persons in the Deitie the father the sonne and the holy Ghost as it may be proued by manie pregnant places of scripture so it is evident frō the baptisme of Christ in Iordan where the Sonne was baptised by Iohn the holie Ghost descended in the visible forme of a doue the father gaue witnes from heauen that this was his welbeloued sonne etc. vpon which place St. Augustine giueth the note Qui nescis trinitatē ito ad Iordanem And yet that there is likwise an vnitie of Essence of which without inequalitie the whole Trinitie doth participate may be proued by an vsuall forme of speech in the Hebrew original when speaking of God a nowne of the plural number is ioined with a verb of the singular as in the begining of Genesis 1.5 In principio creavit Elohim 1 Dij caelum et terram-Dij for the persons in the plurall number creauit to note the vnity of the Essence in the singular number This Trinity of persons thus conspiring in the vnitie of Essence is notwithstanding distinguished by attributes and proprieties These attributes or proprieties are twofold 1 Incommunicable and 2 Communicable Incommunicable proprieties are 1. Of the father to be vnbegotten 2. Of the sonne to be begotten the curious search of whose generation is sealed vp with that saying of Gregory Nazianzene 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 3. Of the holy Ghost to be proceeding How the generation of the sonne and the procession of the holy ghost do differ J cannot tell only J say with St. Augustine that they doe differ sed ego distinguere nescio non valeo non sufficio The cōmunicable proprieties are simple infinite immutable eternal iust merciful only wise omnipotent of which the three persons doe inseparablie communicate Out of these proprieties doe issue Apotelesmata and actions in which the Trinitie doe likewise severally yet inseperablie communicate These outward actions of the Trinity doe belōg vnto one of these three heads viz 1. Creation 2. Redemption 3. Sanctification Creation is 1. Of the world in generall 2. Of man in speciall God created the fabrick of the world of nothing bestowing but six daies for the making and adorning of the same euer since by his watchful eie of prouidence hath and doth carefully gouerne the same Which Plato could teach vs who avoweth it to be one and the selfe same supreame powers office to bee 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 We condemne therfore the blasphemy of the Epicures which make our God an idle and carelesse God like vnto Baal in the book of Kings which was asleep and must be awaked as also the opinion of Auerroes vpon how goodly pretence soever builded who hemd the prouidence of god within the circle of the moone saying as it is in Iob The clouds hide him that he cānot see he walketh in the circle of heauē thinking it absurd ad hoc deducere Dei maiestatem vt sciat quot culices
in their owne esteeme and valeue if examined according to the precise rule of the decalogue lex spiritualis est ego autem homo carnalis and in the district iudgment of God and therfore away with meritt and let vs say with St. Augustine Vae laudabili etiam vitae hominum sire motâ misericordiâ discutias eam Domine and assuredlie every one of vs may confesse with Anselmus Terret me vita mea nā diligenter discussa apparet mihi aut peccatum aut sterilitas tota vita mea God maketh his will knowne two manner of waies 1. By his workes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of which I haue spoken in the creation 2. In his word Of the word of God Not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the substantiall word of God of whom before But 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the enunciatiue and created word of god called somtimes simpy the scriptures somtimes with an Emphasis the holy Rom. 12. and sacred 2. Tim. 3. ch scriptures That they are 1. The word of God 2. Sufficient to saluation 3. Plaine and therfore to be translated 4. By whom they are to haue their sence I acknowledg all these books which make vp the body of holy writt which we call the holy scriptures to be inspired by the holie Ghost and to be vndoubtedly the true word of God of which I am perswaded not so much by the iudgment of the Church as for these reasons following 1. From the Maiestie of God speaking in the scriptures for in them nothing is set downe in so easie and simple forme of words but I doe perceaue characters engrauen by the finger of God et genium humano maiorem 2. From the efficacie of the scripture for me thinkes while I read my hart doth burne within me as the harts of the 2 disciples that went with Christ to Emaus so that J confesse with the Prophet Surely as the raigne cōmeth downe and the snow from heauen and returneth not thither againe but watereth the earth and causeth it to bring forth and bud so is my word that goeth out of my mouth it shall not returne vnto me void but it shall accomplish that I will and prosper in the thing whereto I sent it This I confesse against all those Vatican Rabsakes who hauing adamant harts the which the spirit of the Lord cannot pierce doe impeach the power of this word Hosius that doth call it or approues it to be called egenum quoddam elementum Stephen Pal●…tus rem inanimatam Melchior Canus mortuum iudicem Eckius more blasphemously atramentariam scripturam and I condemne Angelus Politianus as blasphemous that preferred Pindarus his Odes before the Psalmes of Dauid Quid palea ad triticum Nonne verbum meum est instar ignis dicit Iehouah tanquam malleus conterens petram 3 Frō the event of prophesies every one compleat in his proper time although foretolde long before to wit The people of Israels bondage in Aegypt and delivery from thence The kingdome to continue in the line of Iudah vntil Christ came in the flesh The prophesie of Iosias given by name three hundred years before his cradle The captivity into Babylon freedome by Cyrus The time place and manner of Christs birth The reiection of the Jews calling of the Gentiles So that God might wel proclaime of himselfe as it is in Isay I am God there is none other there is nothing like me which declare the last things from the beginning from of old the things c. saying my councell shall stand and I will doe what soever I will evē so good Lord thy word is the word of Truth yea as one of thy Apostles hath it more Emphatically 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it is truth it selfe and one iod therof shall not fall vnto the ground vnfulfilled for though the Scheme of the world were a way and the Prophets doe not liue for euer yet thou ó lord with thy Angels wilt come to performe their prophesies in their moments 4 And especially from the testimony of the spirit of God which persuadeth vnto our soules and consciences the vndoubted truth of that word which some doe contemne and deride as foollishnesse and hence I iudge it to be that martyrs being resolued by the powerfull perswasion of this spirit of the truth hereof doe boldly offer to seale the same with their blood protesting that nothing shall remoue them from profession of this truth * non minae non blandi menta non vita non mors non palatium non satellites vin non imperator non imperium non homines non daemones 2 I beleue that almighty god hath made knowne vnto vs in his written word so much of his will as is sufficient for the instruction of the faithfull without the patching too of Traditions So that I account that Canon of the Councel of Trent to be blasphemous by which it is prouided that Traditions are to be receiued paripietatis affectu with the written word of God and concerning Traditions J am wont to say with St. Ambrose Quod non legi vsurpare non debeo That which J finde not in the scripture ether expressed or deducable by easy consequence I ought not to vse and againe Caeli mysterium me doceat Deus qui me condidit non homo qui se ipsum ignorauit and with Origene Non sum aliorum sermonū discipulus nisi caelestum 3 This scripture so sufficient I acknowledge to be easy and facile fitted to the capacitie of the simplest whose vnderstanding God hath not shut vp in that iudgment vobis non datum est nosse misteria regni ●… 12. so that the weaklin in faith thence may draw milke for his weake stomack and the more able Christian may haue stronger meat to better his groath in the mystery of faith wherfore J could wish that the scriptures were permitted to every nation ●…ee say of ●…o●…e as S. ●…m of ●…ehem unque●…teris a ●…situam alielu●…cantas ●…ans 〈◊〉 psal●… a vo●…curua ●…aens 〈◊〉 falce ●…n ali●… Daui ●…n can●…it inep and language vnder heauen in their owne familiar tongue that so euery mā may haue and read them to his comfort for why should I not wish that the spirit of God did not only rest vpon Moses and the seauenty ancient men in the book of Numbers but that Eldaed and Medaed yea and all the Lords people were prophets and that the Lord would put his spirit vpon them But since Scripturae non sunt in legendo sed in intelligendo as St. Hilary well obserueth and seeing in them somthings are so difficult as that we may truely saie with the Eunuch to Philip Quomodo possum intelligere si non aliquis viam praemonstret mihi J would haue you for the sence of scripture not to advise with humane reasō which is blind in matters of piety nor 2 with any Swenfeldian Enthusiast that vaunts of immediate reuelations