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A02879 A chrystian exhortation verye profitable gathered out of the holye scriptures, vnto the great comfort, and vtilitye, of euery faythfull soule, being in agony of death, vnto whom, it oughte to be rehersed, with lowd voyce, diuers and sundry times, if nede so require vnto the which is added, towarde the latter end a godly praier for the sick drawing to an ende of this life, with a catechisme, not onely to instruct the sicke, but also to refreshe his memorye, wyth the great mistery of our redemption. Translated out of Frenthe [sic] into Englyshe by Robart Heasse minister at Algate. Heasse, Robert, d. 1594. 1566 (1566) STC 13017; ESTC S112577 12,008 45

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sorowes offring thee a wofull and penitent soule with an hūble hart the whiche we pray thee to accept for the loue of thy Sonne Iesus Christes sake our Lorde in whose name thou hast promised to exalt our prayers humble requestes wherfore we pray thee receiue vs in to thy holye tuicion illuminating our harts and vnderstanding to appeare before thee and to call on thy holy name as thy beloued Sō Iesus Christe oure Lorde hath taught vs to pray Math vi for al things necessary saying OVre Father whiche arte in Heauen Hallowed by thy name Thy kingdome come Thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen Giue vs this day our daily bread c. FInally O eternal god and most mercifull Father we hūbly beseech thee vouchsafe to strēthen vs by thy grace and power so that by and throughe the weaknes of our fleshe wee fall not and because that of our selues wee are so weake that wee can not nor may not remaine stedfast nor constant no not a minut of an hour vouchsafe we beseeche thee to strengthen vs with thy graces and heauenly benediction in suche sorte that we remaine constant vnto the end in the perfecte faith wtout the whiche it is vnpossible to please thee Heb xi confirme this faith in vs euermore of the whiche we shall make confession with hart and mouth saying I Beleue in God the Father al mighty maker of Heauen c. THe prayers ended then may be perceiued howe the sicke and patient dooth with inquisition of his helth with godly wordes and christen talke and if the sicke person decline from this life that no likelyhod be sene in him then may a commodiouse houre be appointed to speake vnto the said sick persō to know if he be willing to heare speak of gods woorde to his comfort Iohn viii whilest that he is yet in this world and of perfect memorye and if he be of God this litle and breef Cathechisme may be recited as foloweth A breefe Cathechisme not onely to instruct the sick but also to refresh his memory with the great mistery of our redemption the which wel to vnderstande and remember in his latter dayes Eccle 18 he oughte to make confessiō of his faith before the assistaunce of the faithfull wherof one of those in the absence of the Minister oughte to question wyth him as foloweth The Minister ANye man that knoweth well him selfe B.S.N. and doth not omit his condition qualitie truly he also ought to acknowledge Gene 1 Psal li Ephe 2 notwithstandinge that he was created the Image and likenes of God that he is cōceiued and borne in the sinne of the olde Adam thorowe the whiche he is become a poore and miserable sinner ignoraunt inconstaunt and full of iniquitie and consequently subiect to all miseries afflictions aduersities and finally vnto death it self Rom. 5 and all this hath sinne caused that which god not leauing it vnpunished he daily afflicteth vs by sundry manner wayes in this worlde to th end that we should not bee dampned with the world B.S.N. Haue therfore patience in your sicknes and surely in so doing you shall posses your soule in ioyes euerlastinge Acknowledge your sinne Psal 31 and accuse your self before the maiesti of God the which you must beholde and contemplat throughe faith making confession of the same with hart and mouth before all the assistaunce for it is written with the hart man beleueth vnto righteousnesse and with the mouth man confesseth to saluation harken then vnto these demaunds that shal now presētlye be asked and aunswer faithfully according to the intelligence that you haue receiued of the Lorde and if you cannot by reason of the weakenesse of your sicknesse I will aunswere for you my selfe and it shall suffice vs to haue vnderstandinge of your cōstant faith in the which we all must die Q. I demaund Wherefore and to what ende haue you beene created in this world Math 10 Sicke For to knowe God Ge 2 Minister Was it not necessarye vnto you to knowe God Sicke Yes truly Psal 17. for seinge that hee is my soueraygne LORDE without the knowledge of him I had bene more miserable thē the brute beastes Psal 61 17 Minister Seing you knowe GOD you knowe that he is my wisdome and all infinite goodnesse one onely God in persons three the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghoste he is the onely God that Abraham Isaac and Iacob haue worshipped Ge 1 Ihon. i Luke i Gene. 18 in spirite and truthe he is the onely and eternall God which hath made the heauen and also the earth and al things which is in them contayned the knowledge that you haue of GOD is it not in this sorte Sicke yes Minister But may suche a simple knowledge of God lead you vnto the life euerlasting Sick Very hardelye for it is life euerlastinge to confesse and acknowledge one onely God Ihon. xvii and he whom he hath sent his eternall sonne our Lorde and sauyour Iesus Christ Minister Wherefore is it necessary to acknowledge and confesse the Lorde and Christ Sicke Because that I must recouer in Iesu Christ Rom. 5 Psal li Luke xxiiii Psal 2 Rom xi all that I haue lost in my selfe by reason of the sinne committed by Adam oure fore father in the whiche I am conceiued and born so that now it was necessary for my saluation that Iesus Christe the sōne of God both God and man clothed with our flesh should geue me through his grace and free mercy all that I had lost in Adam Minister It is very well sayde that is the cause Math 1 why Iesus Christe was cōceiued by the holy ghost and borne of the virgin Mary for to purge and sanctifye you for all together contrarye vnto him Ephe 2 Rom viii are you borne and conceiued in sinne and sinful Parēts wherfore you must confes that without Iesus Christ you had remained a pore and miserable sinner in euerlasting Death Sicke Rom. 5 I truly but I beleue and cōfesse that Iesus Christ hath reconciled mee vnto God his Father Minister How hathe he reconciled you to God his father Sicke Math 26 By his death and passion by the shedding of his most precious blood for I knowe am fullye perswaded that Iesus Christ hath suffred vnder Pōce Pilate diuers and many afflictions Acts 3. iniuries and tribulatiōs to deliuer me frō eternall death it is Iesus Christe whiche hath beene crucyfied for mee Math. 2● and accursed vpon the tree of the cros to deliuer me from the malediction of rhe Deuil vnto the which Adam had bound me vnto Iesus Christe hath bene truly buried for to burye all my sinnes because they may not be imputed vnto me before God it is mi Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ whiche is descended into Hell suffring an extreame agony for to deliuer me from the eternall Pitte
you at libertye Math 27 Iesus Christe hath bene crucifyed and accursed vpon the tre of the crosse to deliuer you from the malediction perpetuall Iesus Christ Esay 53 is deade in sheading his precious bloude for to washe you Apo i For to redeeme you i Peter 1. for to deliuer you wholy from death and hell fyre and from the myghte and power of Sathan Rom. vi Iesus Christ hath bene buryed in the Sepulchre for to bury all your synnes the whiche he hath borne on his shoulders and hath wyped them out Actes i Iesus Christe is descended into hell suffring an extreame agonye for to deliuer you from al paines and griefes of death Iesus Christ is rysen from death i Cori rv Actes i. Colio iii. for to make you rise in your proper bodye to a glorious immortality Iesus Christ is ascended into the Heauens for to make you ascende after him i. Ihon ii Iesus Christ is set on the right hande of God his father almighty Hebre vii being your aduocate and intercessor towardes hym and the atonement for all your synnes Math. xv Pa ●i We looke that he shall come to Iudge the quicke and the dead Rom viii for to render to euery one according to his deds But to his electe whiche beleue in him their Synnes shal not be imputed for he wil iustify them throughe his grace Math xxv and make them to raigne with him in the heauenly throne worlde withoute ende B.S.N. Suche is the great mestery of our redemption the whiche throughe the power of the holye Ghoste you oughte fermelye to beleue it to be done for your saluacion And doubt not Ephe i but that by the merite of Iesus christ chiefe of his church you be a member incorporated vnto the same thankinge hym with gret humilite that he hath vouchsafed to geeue you grace to haue beene associated in the felowship and company of hys faithfull Math iiii feeding you with hys holye worde of his bodye i Cor xi and of his precious bloude acknowledginge as fully perswaded of the great mercye and compassion of God by the remission of all your synnes Rom v the which is done vnto you i Cor xv by Iesus Christ who will make you rise again in the laste daye and their to raigne with hym in the life eternall Marke 16 which he hath promysed to all those that beleue in him beyng baptised in his name B.S.N. Nowe seynge you haue such a faith doubte not to receiue the promesse of faythe For God is true Rom iii he is not a lier as man is Heauen and Earthe shall passe Math 24 but the worde of god shall last euermore God is your father and maker Esay 40 you are hys creature worke of his hands he made you not to leese you Gene i For he is the sauiour of all men and willeth not the deathe of a sinner 1 Timo 2 but rather that he should tourne from his sinne by faith full repentance and so be saued Wherefore I heare pronounce vnto you Ieremy in the name of God that by and throughe his great goodnes and mercye Titus iii. you haue full forgeeuenes and remission of all your sinnes 1 Timo 1 by the onely merite of his dere sonne Iesus Christ our Lord in the sheding of his precious bloud Actes 4. For he is the propiciation Apoca 1 1 Ihon. 2. not onelye of all youre synnes but of all the sinnes of the world B.S.N. Iesus Christ saithe that all thinges are possible to those that beleue Math 17 Beleue then withoute doubtinge that Iesus Christ puttinge on our fleeshe hathe made him selfe perfecte man dying for you bearing all your sinnes on his bodie to abolishe and wype them oute 〈…〉 Offer to god the precious death of his sonne Iesus Christ and by the merite of the same death and passion demannde of him mercye and forgeuenes in sayinge from the botome of youre harte in and with greate humilitie and repentaunce A Prayer ALmightie God and heauenly father shew mercie vnto mee poore and miserable Synner Rom iii for the loue of thy Sonne Iesus Christe my Lorde and sauiour Ihon xiiii And by the mirite of his death and passiō vouchsafe to receiue my soule whom I commend in to thy handes Math 26 Psal 30 Haue your full confidence in God Rom viii for seing that God is with you nothinge shall be against you For Iesus Christ which is the inmaculate lambe hath vanquished all thinges for you Esay 6. he hath offered him selfe once for you and by the same onelye oblation hathe wholye ouercome all your synnes he hathe ouerc●…d all your infirmities Heb. 7 9 vnrighteousnes abhomynation and obligaciō With this good Lord Iesus Christ God the father hath geuen you all thyngs strengthen you in Iesus Christ who hathe called you Rom viii by his Prophetes Apostles Esay 55 and Euangelists to come frely vnto him saying All that are thursty come vnto the great fountaine Math xi Come vnto mee all ye that trauayle and are laden and I will ease you B.S.N. Beleue steadfastlye that Iesus Christ hath deliuered you of all your sinnes i Ihon v and hathe reconciled you vnto God his Father vnto whome with great reuerence and harty repentaunce say from the botome of your heart A Prayer O Almighty and eternall Lorde God Rom. iii Ihon xiiii be mercyfull to me pore and miserable sinner for thy sonne Iesus Christes sake my Lorde and sauiour And by the merite and worthynes of his death and passion Mathe 26 vouchsafe to receiue my soule into thy handes Psal 3●… Amen B.S.N. Haue hope for truth it is that he will receiue your soule as his owne for the loue of his Sonne Iesus Christ which is the sauiour and redemer of all those that beleue in him Marke 16 Deute 18 Psal 11 Esay 53 Ge 3 22 Moyses and all the prophetes haue witnessed that al nations shall receiue saluation and benedictiō onely by and through Iesus Christ the Apostles and Euangelists doe testifye that Iesus Christe came not to call the righteous Mathe 9 but sinners to repentaunce Ihon x And to geeue his soule for the redemption of manye Luke 21 For he hath shed his precyous bloude for the remission of sinnes Beleue then and doute not at all Hebre. i for Iesus Christ hath made the Purgatyon for all youre sinnes promising that all those that shall beleeue in him and in the Father Ihon 5 who hath sent him life euerlasting and shall not come to iudgemēt but shall passe from a short deth to a long life B.S.N. Take then a good courage in Iesus Christ for he hath loued you and washed you from all your sinnes in his precious bloud Esay 53 Apo i take holde in