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A71105 Generation-work, or, A brief and seasonable word offered to the view and consideration of the saints and people of God in this generation, relating to the work of the present age, or generation we live in wherein is shewed, I. What generation-work is, and how it differs from other works, II. That saints in the several generations they have lived in, have had the proper and peculiar works of their generations, III. That it is a thing of very great concernment for a saint to attend to and be industrious in, the work of his generation, IV. Wherein doth the work of the present generation lye, V. How each one in particular may find out that part or parcel of it, that is properly his work in his generation, VI. How generation-work may be so carried on, as that God may be served in the generation / by John Tillinghast ... Tillinghast, John, 1604-1655. 1655 (1655) Wing T1175; Wing T1177; Wing T1178; ESTC R17254 317,518 510

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delivered of a Man-child who hath heard such a thing who hath seen such things shall the earth bee made to bring forth in one day or shall a Nation be born at once for as soon as Sion travelled shee brought forth her children And then presently vers 16. wee have this battel 2 Upon the battel of Armageddon wee have a new Heaven and a new Earth as the consequent of it Rev. 21.1 I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth for the first Heaven and the first Earth were passed away So this vers 22. For as the new Heavens and new Earth which I will make shall remain before me 3 Wee read of a Lake of fire after the battel of Armageddon Rev. 19.20 So here verse last Object But have we a coming here Answ Yea vers 15. For behold the Lord will come with fire and with his Chariots like a whirlewind to render his anger with fury and his rebukes with flames of fire Which coming that it must be Personal I shall shew anon out of Rev. 19. which speaks of the same coming as the battel there and here spoken of are one and the same The Prophet Daniel in his seventh Chapter doth excellently set this forth where having had the four Monarchies which Chap. 2. were represented to him in the form of a great Image and Antichrists Kingdom a part of the fourth or last Monarchy by the feet of that Image part of Iron and part of Clay now represented under another form of four Beasts and Antichrist●s Kingdom by a little horn arising amongst the horns of the 4th Beast or Roman Monarchy he saith ver 11. That he beheld because of the great words the Horn spake i.e. because of the blasphemies of Antichrist the Beast that is the fourth Monarchy now governed by Antichrist the little Horn slain his body destroyed and given to the burning flame agreeing punctually to what is recorded Rev. 19.19 20. of casting the Beast into the Lake of fire burning with brimstone which comes in there as an effect of the battel of Armageddon And indeed that these two Texts must agree in time and be one and the same is clear to me because the main thing held forth in either is the final destruction of the Roman Monarchy and that as the same is under Antichrist Neither may it be doubted that by the little Horn the Kingdome of Antichrist should bee meant seeing what is here spoken of the little Horn agrees so exactly to what in the Revel●tion is spoken of Antichrist yea which makes the thing most evident the little Horn and the Beast or fourth Monarchy are vers 11. made one and the same Bu● you will say Where have we a coming here Ans Look vers 13 14. I saw in the night visions and behold one like the Son of Man came with the clouds of Heaven and came to the Ancien of days and they brought him near before him And there was given him Dominion and Glory and a Kingdome that all People Nations and Languages should serve him his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion that shall not pass away and his Kingdome which shall not be destroyed Object But how appears this coming to be Personal Ans From the Text for observe first God as the Ancient of dayes by the manifestation of his presence and power with and amongst his people which I take it answers to the smoak wherewith the Temple is filled Rev. 15. last first begins to judge the little Horn or fourth Beast casting down his Thrones the work at this day in hand Now whilst the Ancient of dayes is amongst his people sitting and judging the Beast one comes to him like the Son of man with the clouds of Heaven to whom is given a Dominion Glory and Kingdome Observe first He comes not to receive a Kingdome in a spiritual way as God but as the Son of man Secondly He comes with the clouds of Heaven the very phrase used to set forth his personal coming Mat. 24.30 They shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of Heaven with power and great glory Chap. 26.64 Hereafter shall yee see the Son of man coming in the clouds of Heaven Rev. 1.7 behold he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him Thirdly He comes to the Ancient of dayes who according to his God-head is the Ancient of dayes that is the Father who now had set up his Throne on earth and as the Great Judge was in the midst of his people manifesting his Almighty power amongst them in judging the Beast and there receives his Kingdome where the Ancient of dayes had now set up his Throne was sitting and judging And this is a manifest Argument that although his coming is mentioned after the casting of the Beast into the burning flame yet that indeed the same must be before because he comes to the Ancient of dayes i.e. the Father whilst hee was sitting upon the Throne in the midst of his people and passing sentence against the Beast before the Beast is slain his body destroyed and given to the burning flame which is the concluding act and the breaking up of the judgement after which the Ancient of dayes sits no longer Therefore I say his coming must of necessity be before the utter everthrow of the Beast or fourth Monarchy and within the time that the Father by his presence and power amongst his people is judging of the Beast And indeed if we do but compare this seventh of Daniel with the 110. Psal which is also a Prophecie of Christs Kingdome we shall find them most excellently answering one to another and the one helping to open the other In vers 1. the Father saith to the Son Sit thou at my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool What then Why the Father as the Ancient of dayes having judged Christs enemies and brought them well under we have streightway vers 2 Christs coming The Lord shall send the Rod of thy strength out of Sion And what doth Christ do at his coming Why as upon his appearing he finds the Beast Antichrist here called the Head over many Countries because this Whore sits upon many waters and the Kings of the earth with their Armies gathered together to oppose him so presently he in his fury falls upon them and destroyes them Vers 5. The Lord at thy right hand shall strike through Kings in the day of his wrath The battel of Armageddon is called That great day of God Almighty Rev. 16.14 upon the founding of the seyenth Angel the time of wrath Rev. 11.18 Thy wrath is come here the day of wrath Vers 6. He shall judge among the heathen he shall fill the places with the dead bodies he shall wound the Head over many Countries agreeing to that of Daniel of slaying the Beast destroying his body casting it into the burning flame and that Rev. 19. where the battel of Armageddon is described of destroying Kings and Captains Vers 18. casting the
Generation-work OR A Brief and Seasonable Word offered to the view and consideration of the Saints and People of God in this Generation relating to the work of the present Age or Generation we live in Wherein is shewed I. What Generation-work is and how it differs from other works II. That Saints in the several Generations they have lived in have had the proper and peculiar works of their Generations III. That it is a thing of very great co●cernment for a Saint to aeternal to and be industrious in the work of his Generation IV. Wherein doth the work of the present Generation lye V. How each one in particular may find out that part or parcel of it that is properly his work in his Generation VI. How Generation-work may be so carried on as that God may be served in the Generation The first part By John Tillinghast an unworthy Minister of the Gospel at Trunch in Norfolk Gen. 6.9 Noah was a just man and perfect in his Generations and Noah walked with God LONDON Printed by R. Ibbitson for L●vewell Chapman at the Crown in Popes-head-Alley 1655. To the Supream Authority the Parlament of the Commonwealth of England Right Honorable AS the Lord Jehovah when he first chose Israel to be a peculiar people to himself out of all the Nations of the world did give unto them righteous Judges Moses Joshua Gideon Sampson Samuel c. such as were after his own heart and of his own raising up So is it his promise to his people in the last days before the dross of Sion shall be taken away and her tin purged and she called the City of righteousness the faithful City that he will restore their Judges as AT THE FIRST and their Counsellors as AT THE BEGINNING Isa 1.25 26. How high the faith and expectations of Gods people of late years have been as to the accomplishment of these things is known to many and what uncessant prayers have been put up to the Throne of Grace for the same is best known to the Lord. That you are raised up this day to be the repairers of our breaches and the restorers of paths to dwel in is we hope the long expected and much looked for fruit of this our faith and prayer which as it doth cause rejoycing within many hearts so hath it fixed the eyes of most upon you to observe what great thing that is which God by you is about to do for his poor people Not to teach you Right Honorable what is your work but to declare what that is which the Lord in the age we live in is about to do and expects his people should eye and follow him in is the design of this little Treatise which although it had its conception some months since and was then designed for other hands yet could it not be brought forth until this day in which it casts it self into yours not so much seeking protection for what is truth will stand of it self and what is not shall fall though by men protected as that it might hereby become the more serviceable to that great interest it pleads for in doing of which the Author hath obtained whatsoever is herein his end desire or joy And now Right Honorable God having raised you up and put into your hands so great an opportunity let not the same be lost for want of any improvement which may be made thereof this is your day to honor God and serve your Generation let this day slip and it may be hereafter when you would do the thing you shall not have a day to do it Men wise men good men have fallen before you by putting off and neglecting the work of their Generation take Feed lest ye also fall through the same example of neglect THE MORE EMINENT GODS HAND HATH APPEARED IN RAISING OF YOU THE MORE NAKED AND REMARKABLE WILL IT BEE IN THROWING OF YOU DOWN IN CASE YOU FAIL HIM AS OTHERS BEFORE YOU HAVE DONE But I am perswaded better things of you Right Honorable and things that accompany diligence though I am bold thus to speak for surely the Lord who in an extraordinary way hath brought you together hath some work more than ordinary to do by you wherein if you shall observe making it your business to follow him ●●ing justly relieving the oppressed helping the fatherless ●eading the cause of the Widow and walking humbly before him though the Nations may rush against you as the rushing of many waters yet the Lord will rebuke them and you shall be as a burdensome stone to all your Enemies round about who shall weary themselves with you though all the people of the earth should be gathered together against you for behold the day is coming in which the hand of the Lord shall be known towards his people and his indignation towards his Enemies which when you shall see your hearts shall rejoyce and your bones shall flourish like an herb and your tongue shall speak and say Lo this is our God we have waited for him we will be glad and rejoyce in his Salvation and when the light of this day is come and the glory of the Lord shall be risen upon you it shall then never repent you that you have put your hands though with your lives in them to the work of Christ but whatsoever you have herein done or suffered shall now be your glory joy and Crown of rejoycing which that you may at this day from Christ obtain and in the mean time be faithful in his work he shall continue to pray for who is Your Honors humble and unworthy Servant John Tillinghast July 8. 1653. To the Saints and people of God in England Children of the same Father Members of the same Body partakers of the same Spirit having the same hope Grace and Peace be multiplied DEarly beloved in the Lord It is not many years since that this poor Nation and you in the same did sigh and groan by re●son of that bondage both Civil and Spiritual which we were in to the will of tyrann cal unjust oppressors and the superstitious innovations and injunctions of Antichristi●n Task-masters What your fears and prayers yea resolutions to do for God in case of deliverance were at this time the casting your eye a few years back again taking a view of the state of things without according as the wheel did then move and the frame and carriage of your souls within under all will better remember you of than I can tell you How suitable the spirits and actings of many of you who in this day were Gods remembrancers and Sions mourners have since the time God hath cast off the heavy yoke and broken the bonds of our oppressing persecutors been to your past prayers and resolutions I fear and yet I hope when the violence of your distemper shall be over and you so far recovered as to weigh things in the ballances of righteousness love and impartiality not so much others as your selves
sense and that in Christs admonition to the Church of Sardis Chap. 3.2 3. Yet considering that is but once and the other sense frequent there is hardly room left could nothing else be said for an indifferency in the the thing whether the coming here be spiritual or personal so as that we may take or leave but now when together with these the weight of the foregoing Arguments and Scriptures shall be put in the ballance it will then appear that there is not only a probability but a concluding strength in these also Before I leave the thing I shall adde yet further two Arguments more tending not so much to prove the Personal ceming of Christ to be here meant as in the general that the same is very neer and therefore most likely to be the coming here spoken of 1 Because the Apostle tells us 2 Thes 2.8 That the man of sin is to be consumed with the breath of his mouth and destroyed with the brightness of his coming which coming can be no other than his Personal coming because it was that coming the Apostle had been speaking of Vers 1 2. about which the Thessalonians were shaken in mind and troubled as conceiving it to be at hand possibly from what the Apostle had written in his first Epistle chap. 4.15 16 17. whence it might be inferred as if that present Generation should live to see that day and therefore he saith Not by word nor letter as from us Verse 1. which trouble the Apostle endeavors to remove by telling them that the man of Sin who was to be destroyed with the brightness of this coming was not as yet revealed and that therefore this coming which they were in doubt about could not be sudden Now observe do we already see the first viz. The Man of Sin in a consumption by the breath of Christs mouth i. e. the preaching of the Gospel then may we conclude the second viz. his final destruction which shall be by the brightness of Christs coming or appearing cannot be far off and therefore it is more consonant to the Apostles meaning to look for and expect this coming here betwixt the sixt and seventh Vials where a Personal coming is hinted which time is near to us than not to expect the same till the General Judgement which as shall appear hereafter is from us a thousand years at least how much more I know not and surely Antichrists continuance shall not be so long 2 Because Peter tells us expresly that Christs Personal coming shall be before the New Heavens and Earth 2 Epist 3.10 11 12. But the day of the Lord will come as a theef in the night in the which the Heavens shall pass away with a great noyse and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat the Earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up None that ever I mes with denies this to be his Personal coming yet afterwards and that too as a fruit of this coming which therefore Peter brings in with a nevertheless as having reference to the Heavens and Earth before dissolved comes in the promise of the New Heavens and Earth verse 13. Nevertheless we according to his promise seeming to have his eye upon those very New Heavens and Earth promised Isa 65.66 look for New Heavens and a New Earth wherein dwelleth righteousness Now that these New Heavens and New Earth must be and therefore this coming which is to precede them before the last and General Judgement is clear because at the General Judgement the Earth and the Heavens fly away and their place is no more found Rev. 20.11 therefore no New Heavens or Earth after that yea the places in Isaiah which Peter hath his eye upon cannot be applied to the General Judgement or any time after it therefore the New Heavens and New Earth which this Personal coming is a fore-runner of must be before that day Obj. But when then are they or where are we to place them To that I Answer immediately after the battel of Armageddon or instantly upon the pouring forth of the seventh Vial when the voyce comes from the Throne It is d●ne Rev. 16.17 that is as appears Chap. 21.5 6. All things are made new He that sate upon the Throne said Behold I make all things new and then verse 6. He i.e. He that sate upon the Throne still said unto me It is done one Phrase expounding the other If therefore Christs Personal coming according to Peter must be before these New Heavens and Earth and if these New Heavens and Earth are the effect of the seventh Vial then is it most agreeable to Peters sense as well as Pauls in our last words and the Prophets of the Old Testament yea our Saviour himself in our former Arguments to place the Personal coming of Christ here betwixt the sixt and seventh Vials where it is said I come as a Theef and indeed as Peter doth here mention a Personal coming a little before the New Heavens and the New Earth so doth Isa 66.15 16. with verse 22. and John likewise chap. 19.11 with chap. 21.1 both which comings I have proved to be personal so that in this there is a glorious Harmony betwixt them and therefore it is safest to make the coming and time thereof one and the same in all And truly to me it is a Riddle how any of those worthy men which are not a few who yet strongly affirm the pouring out of the seventh Vial to be the last and General Judgement can from their own Principle conclude any other than that the coming of our Text which is the immediate antecedent of the seventh Vial is yea must of necessity be a Personal coming Having hitherto been proving Christs personal coming to be the coming intended in these words I shall now nakedly discover my own thoughts about it which possibly may prevent the rise of some Objections in the breasts of others and withall be no weakening to my former Arguments which are That I do not conceive this coming to be any other than that second coming which is an Article of our Christian Faith and we all look for though not to be at this time and indeed what I said last out of Peter though I should add nothing else doth give it so to be for I can finde in Scripture but two personal comings of Christ one in which he bare our sins and the other in which he shall appear without sin to salvation Heb. 9.28 Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin to salvation and as all the Scriptures which speak of his Humiliation Death and Sufferings have relation to the first so those Scriptures which speak of his coming Kingdom and glory to the second And indeed that coming which good men look upon to be at the General Judgement doth most exactly agree to what is recorded of this coming for 1 That
coming shall be a Coming as a Bridegroom Matth. 24.6 Behold the Bridegroom cometh intimating it shall be comfortable and glorious to the Saints such shall this be Rev. 19.7 8 9. 2 That coming shall be a black dreadful and terrible day to the Enemies of Christ to whom therefore he is said to come in flaming fire rendring vengeance 2 Thes 1.8 to descend from Heaven with a shout with the voyce of the Arch-Angel and the Trump of God 1 Thes 4.16 such a coming as shall make all the Tribes of the Earth to mourn Matth. 24.30 Then shall al● the Tribes of the Earth mourn and mens fiearts fail for fear Luk. 21.26 Mens hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the Earth for the powers of Heaven shall be shaken in which the Heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat 2 Pet. 3.12 such also shall this be as in many of the fore-quoted Scriptures appear Isa 63.1 Who is this that cometh from Edom with died garments from Bozrah Vers 4. The day of vengeance is in mine heart Verse 6. I will tread down the people in mine anger and make them drunk in my fury Chap. 65.15 For behold the Lord will come with fire and with his Chariots like a whirlwind to render his anger with fury and his rebukes with flames of fire Verse 16. For by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh and the slain of the Lord shall be many Joel 3.16 The Lord also shall roar out of Sion and utter his voyce from Jerusalem and the Heavens and the Earth shall shake Mal. 3.2 Who may abide the day of his coming and who shall stand when he appeareth for he is like a Refiners fire and like Fullers sope Chap. 4.1 For behold the day commeth that shall burn as an ov●n and all the proud yea and all that do wickedly shall be as stubble and the day that cometh shall burn them up that it shall leave them neither root nor branch These Scriptures as hath been before shewed relate to this coming 3 That coming shall be upon men unawares Luk. 21.34 35. Take heed lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfetting and drunkenness and cares of this life and so that day come upon you unawares For as a snare shall it come on all men that dwell upon the face of the earth 1 Thess 5.2 Your selves know perfectly that the day of the Lord cometh as a Theef in the night So shal this Behold I come as a Theef 4 That coming shall be at a time of great tribulation such tribulation as makes Christ out of love to his Elect that they might not be swallowed up with it to shorten the daies of his coming Matth. 24.21 For then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall be Verse 22. And except those days should be shortned there should no flesh be saved but for the Elects sake those days shall be shortned So shall this Dan. 12.1 At that time shall Michael stand up and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a Nation even to the same time Zech. 14.2 I will gather all Nations against Jerusalem to battel and the City shall be taken and the houses rifled and the women ravished and half of the City shall go forth into Captivity and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the City Verse 3. Then shall the Lord go forth and fight against those Nations 4. And his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives Verse 5. And the Lord my God shall come and all the Saints with thee 5 That coming shall be about the time of the Beasts final overthrow This hath been the opinion of all good men till of late that Christs second coming should give the final overthrow to Antichrist and this they have founded upon that of the Apostle 2 Thess 2.8 which I made use of but even now Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth i.e. by the preaching of the Gospel the Man of Sin shall first grow into a consumption which consumption he hath been in these many years and shall destroy viz. his final destruction with the brightness of his coming and this Text some call an undeniable Oracle to prove this truth accordingly the coming I am speaking of agrees exactly to this for the effect of the battel of Armageddon which battel is instantly upon this coming is the utter destruction of Antichrist giving the body of the Beast to the burning flame Dan. 7.11 casting the Beast and false Prophet both into the lake of fire burning with brimstone Rev. 19.20 but in case Christs second coming should not be till the last Judgement which cannot be less as I shall shew anon than a thousand years after this battel then could not the final destruction of Antichrist be at the time of Christs second coming for according to this principle his destruction should be a thousand years before it 6 That coming called by good men Christs coming to Judgement shall be a coming with all the Saints 1 Thess 3.13 At the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his Saints So shall this Zech. 14.5 The Lord my God shall come and all the Saints with thee And indeed that Christ shall at this day bring all his Saints with him and not those only who have been Martyrs or Sufferers as some suppose is a thing that necessarily follows upon what hath been said before for if this shall be that very coming of Christ which is by all looked upon as his last after which Christ will return no more to Heaven to come in such manner thence again then most certainly not Martyrs only but all his shall come with him And this Scripture doth plentifully bear witness to 1 Thess 4.14 For if we beleeve that Jesus dyed and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus as all Saints do will God bring with him vers 16. The dead in Christ not some of them only but all that are dead in Christ shall rise first i. e. shall have part in that first Resurrection Rev. 20.5 6. 1 Cor. 15.23 Christ the first fruits afterwards they that are Christs not some but all that Christ hath a right unto and is interest in at his coming and it is of the first Resurrection only I take it that this whole Chapter speaks for the following verses from vers 35. to the end speak of the Resurrection of such only as shall have glory put upon them in the Resurrection Though sown in dishonour yet raised in glory Though sown in weakness yet raised in power vers 42.43 Yea such in whom death upon their Resurrection shall be swallowed up in victory vers 54. which are things not appliable to the resurrection of any but
door was set open to the Jews to recover their own land yet because Constantinople his chief City was not thereby destroyed therefore in respect of the wrath of God poured out upon that at this day it is here said Great Babylon came now in remembrance before God which words very fitly agree to the ruine of Constantinople but are not appliable either to the ruine of Rome or the Kingdome of the Beast in general both which came up into remembrance and had been actually punished before this day 2 The Inevitableness of this Ruine Vers 20. And every Island fled away and the Mountains were not found Islands and Mountains are places of refuge Men in times of commotion flye to these for shelter as being safer in them than they can be elswhere Now that which tome is a notable confirmation that the words are in this sense to be understood I find the Prophets in other places which relating to this very time serve as a Comment upon the Text intimating that men should at this day either be secure by reason of such shelters or flye to such places for shelter Ezek. 39.6 speaking of the Effects of the Battel of Gog and Magog saith I will send a fire in Magog and among them that dwell carelesly in the Isles as noting that some should at this day think themselves secure by being in Isles places of refuge and shelter The Prophet Isaiah Chap. 2.21 speaking of the day wherein God will arise to shake terribly the earth the same with that shaking Joel 3.16 Hag. 2.6 7. 21 22. tells us that some at that day for fear of the Lord shall flye to the clefts of the Rocks and to the tops of the ragged Rocks noting men shall seek shelter from such places of refuge as the Rocks of Mountains are But so inevitable shall their ruine be that notwithstanding men may flye for shelter to their outward Refuges thinking themselves secure by reason of them yet shall all their refuges and shelters prove no shelter against this storm for every Island shall flye away and the Mountains shall not be found 3 The Greatness of it Vers 21. And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven every stone about the weight of a Talent The Hail from Heaven denotes the more immediate judgements of God which shall fall on his enemies at this day and there may be an allusion to the destruction of the Canaanites by great Hailstones from Heaven Josh 10.11 The greatness of the Hailstones each being about the weight of a Talent notes the judgements God will inflict at this day to be the heaviest and most dreadful that can be a Talent of all weights being the greatest 3 Effect Blaspheming of God And men blasphemed God because of the plague of the Hail for the plague thereof was exceeding great The Eeast lived a Blasphemer now he dyes a Blasphemer and goes blaspheming to the Lake of fire burning with brimstone whither the just judgements of God which when they cannot reform sinners on earth cast them to Hell have now brought him And this is the conclusion of this great day as it respects Gods Enemies which to their woe they shall find and feel to be a black dismal and fatal day though but the beginning of it as it respects the Saints and people of God to whom it shall be the most glorious joyful and lightsome day that ever they beheld When God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more curse but the Throne of God and the Lamb and his Servants shall serve him And they shall see his face and his name shall be in their foreheads And this is that New Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven the hope of which let it purifie our hearts even as he is pure Let us alwayes have our loyns girded about our lamps burning and we our selves like unto men that wait for the Lord looking earnestly unto and breathing after that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ who once was offered to bear the sins of many and unto them that look for him will he appear the second time without sin to salvation When be that now overcometh shall be made a Pillar in the Temple of his God and he shall go no more out And Christ will write upon him the Name of his God and the Name of the City of his God which is New Jerusalem which cometh down out of Heaven from his God and he will write upon him his new name And those that do his Commandements shall have right to the Tree of Life and enter in through the Gates into the City when without shall be Dogs and Sorcerers and Whoremongers and Murderers and Idolaters and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie Which things he hath sent his Angel to testifie in the Churches who is the Root and Off-spring of David and the bright and morning Star Who also himself saith Surely I come quickly Amen Even so Come Lord Jesus The Reason of the Order observed in pouring forth the VIALS THe Beast having now for a long time trampled under foot the holy City blasphemed God his Name and Tabernacle and them that dwell in Heaven and exercised his utmost rage and cruelties against all those who holding the testimony of Jesus could not be brought to worship him his Image or receive his Mark in their fore-heads or in their hands and being in all these his insolent and outragious practces animated yea assisted by the Kings of the earth subjecting themselves to him and giving their strength power and Kingdome to the Beast Christ as able no longer to hear the Blasphemies and behold the rage and cruelties of the Beast with all the determined time of redeeming Sion avenging the blood of his Elect on those that dwell on the earth judging the Beast casting down his Thrones and taking the Kingdome to himself being come without delay now rouseth up himself and in his wondrous zeal his power and greatness marcheth forth to judge the great Whore destroy the Thrones of Kingdoms take possession of the Kingdoms of this world and subject them to his own righteous Scepter But finding upon his first Rise that two of his ancient and principal Rights had been long invaded and laid waste by the Enemy namely The glory of his Priesthood upon earth and the exercise of his Kingly Power and Prerogative in his Churches the first by the putrified and filthy stinking puddle of Romish Doctrine which instead of exalting that Righteousness alone in Justification which is pure perfect heavenly did establish a righteousness which was earthly impure full of filthy dregs out of which one poysonous root were grown up innumerable Idolatries viz. the Mass Purgatory Indulgences Invocation of Saints Penance Pilgrimages Monkish life c. by which the glory of Christs Priestly Office was veyled the precious truth of the Gospel perverted and Souls instead of bread of
be ensnared and polluted by any through the least compliance with or liking of the great Whore that hath deceived and defiled so many with her abeminations We are afraid because we have neglected it so much and so long lest you should forget to study and enquire into the great and marvellous things that God is doing for exaltation of his own name and Son And what the Saints ought to do for God at such a time as this Vnlike to the Children of Issachar which were men that had understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do We are afraid because we are so carnal and walk so much by sense our selves that there should not be such a living by faith amongst you as the word and dispensations of God require especially when we hear so many of those who formerly hoped and quietly waited for the Redemption of Gods chosen now being fearful and unbeleeving speak like Mary How shall this thing be seeing we know not how it should be brought to pass We are afraid likewise because our own hands are so heavy and we unable of our selves to keep them steady lest your hands of prayer should be let down at this time and Amaleck should prevail against Israel And if these things should be found amongst you of which we must confess our selves to be very guilty how ought you and we to fear and tremble and lye low before the Lord being very unworthy of and unthankful for all those great and terrible things which his hand hath wrought for us And if we have not had nor yet have hearts holy and heavenly and spiritual enough to walk before him with under his former and present dispensations towards us how shall we be able to stand before the Son of Man when he shall appear in far greater power and glory And to follow him in those strange and untrodden Paths that he hath yet to lead his people in and thorow Surely it is now time for us having been hitherto so much wanting in it to consider our hearts and ways and those wayes that the Lord calls us to wait upon him in Surely it is now time for us who have left our first Iove to the Lord Jesus for which we have cause to be ashamed before the Lord not onely to remember from whence we are fallen and to do our first works to love him as much we have done formerly but having tasted more of his goodness and seen more of his glory and hoping to behold much more of it to love him more than ever we did and oh that we had hearts to do it at this time Surely it is now time for those Saints that have had and have their hearts espoused to carnal and worldly interests as outward glory honor riches c. to look up to the Lord and to get their hearts dis-ingaged and set loose from the world and the things of the world and to be for ever hereafter without so much as a thought of seeking great things for themselves as becommeth Saints Surely it is now time for the Spouse and all the professed friends of Christ to cast off and abandon all acquaintance and compliance with Antichrist and to keep themselves so pure and to approve themselves so true to Christ that if the Devil should tempt them as he did their Lord by profering them all the Kingdoms of the World and the glory of them yet never to fall down and any way worship that Beast It argued a very chaste and faithful heart in that worthy Man Master John Knox unto Jesus Christ that when Edward the Sixth King of England offered him a Bishopricke he refused it as having Aliquid commune cum Antichristo something of Antichristianism in it Surely it is now time for us not onely to beleeve in Christ which many think is all they need to do but also to own him in this hour of his patience wherein he looks to beowned by his Saints lest he frown upon us in the day of his great power and glory which draweth near And Brethren let us make it our chief even our onely Design and count it our greatest Priviledge though we shall be men wondered at for it to follow and serve the Lord Christ in faithfulness and like Luther in the cause of Christ be content though our low and carnal hearts may tremble at the very thoughts of it to undergo the hatred and violence of the whole world Neither let us be too much troubled nor offended at those changes alterations and desolations which do and may and as Christ hath said will attend the going on and advancement of his Kingdom in the world which was that which some may be wel-meaning people objected to Luther That that doctrin could not be of God that was attended with such troubles and desolations who replyed thus Ego nisrtumultus istos viderem Christum in mundo esse non crederem Vnless I should see those troubles and tumults I should not beleeve Christ to be in the world So Brethren if we should hear of Wars and Commotions and upon the earth distress of Nations with perplexity mens hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth let us not be terrified nor offended but as our Savior hath bidden us look up and lift up our heads for our redemption draweth nigh And because it is high time awake Awake oh Saints lift up your hearts and cry mightily unto the Lord and never hold your peace day nor night and give him no rest for it will not be long till he establish and make Jerusalem a praise in the Earth Stand therefore with your loyns girded about and your lights burning And ye your selves like men that wait for their Lord who cometh as he hath said as a Thief in the night who may be upon you before you are aware in an hour that you think not of And however you may be hardly used and beaten of your Fellow-servants and Brethren too who say their Lord delayeth his coming Yet be not wearied nor faint in your minds because of these things but be ye patient Brethren unto the coming of the Lord. Behold the Husband-man waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth and hath long patience for it untill he receive the early and latter rain Be ye also patient stablish your hearts for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh Grudge not one against another Brethren lest ye be condemned behold the Judge standeth before the door For he cometh he cometh to judge the earth He shall judge the world with righteousness and the people with his truth And you that are of a fearful heart be strong and fear not behold your God will come with vengeance even God with a recompence he will come and save you and will perform all his good word towards you and give you an expected end Cast not away therefore your confidence which hath great recompence of reward For
ordinary Prophetical days noting three years and a half which three years and a half are not to be added to the 1260. as a lesser period which takes beginning where the greater ends because then as one saith well the Beast should Tyrannize above 42. months the woman be in the Wilderness above 1260 days namely 1263 and a half whereas the utmost tyranny of the Beast is but 42 months the utmost period of the womans being in the wilderness but 1260 days but we are to look upon them as a smaller period comprehended within the greater or to speak plainly we are to understand them of the very last three days and a half of the 1260. and therefore M. Mede in his Cl and our German Author in his both translate those words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 when they shall have finished their testimony Chap. 11. thus Cum finituri sint testimonium suum When they are about to finish their testimony the 1260 days now drawing to an end then shall the Beast make war against them overcome them and kill them As for that urged by a late Author who calls in reason to be Umpire or Judge in this business how the Beast now ready to die as our Author supposeth he will at the end of the 1260 days should be so magnanimous and warlike as to kill the Witnesses how the Sea being at this time tempestnous the earth terribly shaken can it be imagined that the Sont of the Sea and Earth i. e. wordly men should be so jocund and to banquet it sport it make merry send gifts one to another c. as they shall do in the day the witnesses lye dead I say no more but this that all time upon a mistake viz. That the rise of the Witnesses shall not be till the Empire of the ten-horned Beast i.e. Civil power of Antichrist is in a manner destroyed and this upon another that the subject of the fifth Vial is the political state of the present Roman Empire or Antichrists Civil State But as I have in my discourse upon the Vials proved the Subject of that Vial to be another thing so let me say here to the first it cannot be because the Whore but a little before Romes fall is so high and proud as that she fears no danger but saith I sit as a Queen and am no widow and shall see no sorrow which were her political State where lyes her outward strength and as for inward she hath none destroyed she should have little cause thus to brag and brave Nay what do the witnesses after their rise if the Beasts power were destroyed before onely kill him whose sword was taken away before they came at him Or how falls the tenth part of the City upon their rise if it were fallen before SECT V. AS for the particular time of the Witnesses slaughter the most certain and convincing demonstration that can be given thereof is that which must be fetched from a right supputation of the 1260 days which is the term of their Prophecy their killing time being as hath been faid the very last three days and a half of the 1260. But because the doing hereof to free the truth from the mists men have raised about it will require in a manner a Treatise of it self and also because no Mystical number by reason of that glorious harmony that is in all can carry with it that forcible demonstration going alone as will appear to be in it when accompanied with others I shall therefore that I may not make this single Section to become a Book wave this enquiry in this place contenting my self to lay down two or three more general Conclusions concerning this Grand Question What time we are to pitch upon as the killing time of the Witnesses The Conclusions themselves are these 1 CONCLUSION That the killing of the Witnesses shall be in that very three years and a half which shall immediately precede the Jews first stirring which is manifestly clear hence because Daniels 1290 dayes which point us to the time of the Jews first stirring are concurrent in their end with the end of he time times and a half which is the time of the Witnesses rising as shall be made appear in our following Discourse 2 To this agrees what I have formerly written upon the Vials The rise of the Witnesses I have there stated under the fourth Vial. The drying up of the Turkish Powers thereby to instate the Jews in their own Land under the Sixth Now as the first stirring of the Jews must needs be some little time before the sixth Vial is poured out because their stirring is as I have shewed the chief moving cause to the Gentile Saints to engage in this War against the Turk So also it is observable that the time from the Witnesses rise until the pouring out of the sixth Vial shall be but a very little time the fourth and fifth Vials being both to be poured out in an instant upon the resurrection of the Witnesses as may be seen with the reasons thereof in our Discourse upon the fifth Vial. Hence in regard the first stirring of the Jews must of necessity be before the pouring out of the sixth Vial as the cause is before the effect and the time betwixt the Witnesses rise and the sixth Vial is so short we may very well conclude that the first workings among the Jews themselves in a way of stirring will be upwards even as high as the time of the Witnesses resurrection And for this reason because the Jews shall about the time of Romes ruine which falls in the middle time betwixt the fourth and sixth Vials be stirring are the praises rendred for Romes fall as is Mr. Cottons conjecture expressed by an Hebrew word Hallelujah Revel 19.1 2 3 4. 2 CONCLVSION That the killing of the Witnesses shall be but a little before the downfal of Rome which therefore presently falls upon their rise First The Order of the Vials proves this for under the fourth Vial the Witnesses rise as upon the Vials I have shewed This Vial is poured out in an instant and therefore said to be in an hour In the same hour the tenth part of the City fell Rev. 11.13 that is Germany one of the ten Horns and the very place as shall appear by and by where the Witnesses lye dead is upon their resurrection in an instant broken off from being any longer a Horn in Antichrists Kingdome and then as the next thing and that in an instant too is Rome ruined by the pouring out of the fifth Vial. So that Romes ruine succeeding presently upon the rise of the Witnesses their killing must be but a little before it Secondly This is further clear Rev. 18.7 where wee have the proud Whore instantly before her downfal glorying I sit as a Queen and am no widow and shall see no sorrow What is the cause hereof Ans Undoubtedly the very same with the cause of that joy and triumph of the
say whether it seem not to savour more of curiosity than truth and might not possibly be by the wonderful wisdome of God so left in the Word on purpose that truth till the discovering time should come might be the more veiled I leave to the Spiritual and understanding Reader to judge The result of the whole is that the Prophecie of the twefth Chapter is not to be limited to the first period but brings us down even to the end of the second period namely of the 1260 years and consequently the time times and a half mentioned vers 14. is the same with the three dayes and a half Chap. 11.9 SECT VI. FRom what hath been said many useful truths arise which confirm us in the things before asserted upon Chap. 11. and also are a good confirmation by reason of that sweet harmony of truth it carries with it of the method laid down in this Chapter as 1 That the three days and a half Chap. 11.9 are not the s●me with the one thousand two hundred and sixty days because we have a manifest difference here made betwixt the time times and a half which answers to the three days and a half and the 1260 days 2 That the killing of the Witnesses shall not be a general act an act in all places at once because within the time times and a half which is the term of the Witnesses lying dead there is elsewhere a remnant of the Womans Seed standing up for Christ vers 17. 3 That the particular place in which the Witnesses are to lye dead is Germany because the War leading to their killing is in that Land 4 That the Witnesses in their killing time shall be deprived if not totally yet in a great measure of such outward Means and Ordinances as they enjoyed though in a mournful and suffering condition all the time of their Prophecy yet notwithstanding shall have a principle of life kept alive in them by the way of Christs more secret working therefore it is said of the Woman the 1260 days they fed her v. 6. but in the time times and a half she is non-rished vers 14. 5 That the People and Kindreds and Nations and Tongues Chap. 11.9 are such persons who drive on a worldly and earthly interest for they are here called the earth vers 16. And the earth helped the woman 6 And last That the people of God elsewhere within the time that the Witnesses lie dead shall have a cloud upon them and be brought into some straits for a War is attempted within the time times and a half by the Dragon upon the remnant of the Womans seed vers 17. SECT VII I Shall conclude this Chapter with a word or two of enquiry as touching this remnant of the Womans seed Two things concerning them are worthy a search after 1 What people are here meant by this remnant of the Womans seed that the Dragon within the three days and a half makes war upon 2 How or in what fense we are to conceive of this War made upon this remnant of the Womans seed by the Dragon Concerning the first I shall not presume to determine any thing of this people any further than the Holy Ghost hath who describes them by two notable distinguishing Characters as willing thereby to mark them out from all the people that within the time of the three days and a half should be found in the world besides First They are such who keep the Commandements of God By Commandements we are to understand those Gospel-Institutions Christ gave to his people in command upon his Resurrection so called Act. 1.2 After that he through the Holy Ghost had given Commandements unto the Apostles whom he had chosen Secondly They shall be such who have the restimony of Christ What is that Answ A Spirit of Prophecy amongst them Revel 19.10 the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of Prophecy i.e. they shall be a people much looking into the Prophe●ies of the last times having a great in-sight into what God is about to do in the world and abundance of faith in behalf of the cause of Christ so as not to fear it though the same be opposed by all the world yea and all the Devils in Hell Such a People who shall be eminent above all others for these Characters shall be found in the world at the time the Witnesses lye dead these shall be as an eye-sore to the Dragon who shall dread some mischief to arise to his Kingdom from them and therefore he shall wonderously d●sire and lay about him if it may be to rid these out of the way as fearing he shall not be secure in his seat whilst they are in the world and therefore having killed the Witnesses his next attempt is upon these But now as to the second How doth he attempt them or what manner of wat is it that he makes upon them In order to my answer I premise 1 That that Dragon which is the grand Persecutor of the Woman throughout this Chapter from whom all her sufferings originally arise is according to the Holy Ghosts interpretation vers 9. that old Serpent the Devil and Satan He stands ready to devoure the Childe as soon as born vers 4. He wars with Michael vers 7. He drives the Woman into the Wilderness vers 13 14. He casts a floud after her to drown her vers 15. He makes war after this with the remnant of her seed vers 17. 2 That this Dragon Satan being a spiritual and an invisible enemy and all the sufferings of the Woman until this day having been ever caused by some outward and visible means Wee may not therefore conclude that it is by any immediate hand or act of the Dragon that the Woman suffers but by some mediate hand that is some thing or power acted by this Dragon and made an instrument to serve his design against the Woman therefore is the Dragon said in his fighting to make use of Angels or Instruments vers 7. and also in his fal hath Angels or Instruments falling with him vers 9. 3 This thing or power acted by the Dragon to afflict the Woman is sometimes one thing sometimes another sometimes one thing onely sometimes more than one accordingly as he hath permission to act this or that thing and finds that by the acting of one thing or of diverse he may best effect his own design of distressing and if it might be destroying the Woman therefore before the Beast comes in he acts the power of the Pagan Empire after the Beast is come in the power of the Beast more in general but more particularly the power of the German Empire 4 That thing or power which is most commonly or properly governed by him is in a distinct consideration from all other things or Powers called by the name of the Dragon So of all the Powers in the world the Roman Power in the Primitive Ages goes under the name of the Dragon vers 3. of
shall be in the land of Canaan near Jerusalem Hence that opinion falls to the ground which would have this 1600 Furlongs to be a designation of Peters Patrimony which saith the Author of it in the longest extent thereof from the wals of Rome to the River Po is exactly 1600 Furlongs whence saith he its probable that the Popes own Territories may prove the Cock-pit of this execution whither Christ as into a Wine-press will from all parts gather the bloody grapes when he means to tread them Another opinion I find hereof which applies 1600 Furlongs to the greatness of the punishment which shall befall the enemys of Christ at this day and that in respect both of the multitude of those who shall be punished and the length of their torment Blood flowing so great a depth as to the Horse Bridles and this for 1600 Furlongs is an Argument both of abundance of blood and a long time of pressing This conjecture also agrees well to the Prophets who speaking of this day make mention of multitudes that shall be destroyed Ioel 3.14 Ezek. 38. 39. Rev. 16.14 16. 19.19 20 21. and also of length of torment Isa 66.24 Now seeing that either of these opinions will and do agree to the mind of the Holy Ghost in other places where mention is made of this day I judge it most safe not to restrain the interpretation of so great a mystery to any one but as the wisdom of God in Scriptures more plain much more in places so mystical is manifold so to conceive that either viz. the time place and greatness of the punishment also may be here intended Thus once more we are come unto the day of Christs appearing which though looked for but by a few yet doubtless hastens upon us By how much this blessed time is nearer by so much the more doth it call upon us to have our eyes fixed thereupon to awake arise put on our beautiful garments and shake our selves of our dust gather up our courage our zeal our life our love to Christ his cause and people resolving within our selves for Sions sake not to hold our peace and for Jerusalems sake to give him no rest till the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness and the salvation thereof as a Lamp that burneth till she who now is termed forsaken and her land called desolate shall become a Crown of glory in the hand of the Lord and a royal Diadem in the hand of our God and be no more called Hephzibab nor her land Beulah but the Lords delight marryed unto him the praise of the whole earth an eternal excellency a joy of many Generations a City of solemnities a Tabernacle that shall not be taken down nor one of the stakes be for ever removed where the glorious Lord will be unto his a place of broad Rivers and Streams to water the City of our God to replenish and make fat the Mountain of his Holiness Which things as he hath foretold them in his Word and will surely fulfill them in their season So let me say THIS GENERATION SHAL NOT PASS TIL ALL THESE THINGS BE FULFILLED for the time is at hand He will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness Verily a short work will the Lord make upon the earth Warch ye therefore and pray always that ye may be accounted worthy to escape those things that shall come upon the world and to stand before the Son of Man For he that doth these things saith Behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give to every man according at his worke shall be I come as a Thees● Bl●ssed is he that watcheth and keepeth his G●rments lest be walk ●●ked and they see his shame Even so Come Lord Jesus Come quickly Amen Isa 14.32 What shall o●● now duswer the Messongers of the Nation That the Lord bath founded Sion and the poor of his people shall trust in it From my S●●dy in Trunch the 23. day of the first Month in the year of our Lord 1654. FINIS A MOTIVE TO Generation-work OR A Key to unlock the Mysticall Numbers of Daniel and the Revelations tending to resolve the great Question of the Age we live in viz. How long shall it be unto the end of Wonders By J.T. A waiter for the Redemption of Sion Dan. 8.13 Then I heard one Saint speaking and another Saint said unto that certain Saint which spake How long shall be the Vision concerning the daily Sacrifice and the transgression of desolation to give both the Sanctuary and the Host to be trodden under foot Vers 14. And he said unto me Vnto two thousand and three hundred dayes then shall the Sanctuary be cleansed Exod. 12.41 And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years even the self same day all the Hosts of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt LONDON Printed for Livewell Chapman 1655. The Epistle to the Reader Christian Reader IT hath been oftentimes in my thoughts that there is hardly any controversie in this age which is fruitful in little else but there are in that thing wherein the controversie lyes some more general principles of truth which as in their own nature they do carry a light round about them so could they be found our would in a few words inlighten a man more than all those tedious Volumes which about things controverted are daily sent forth into the world which ordinarily do but beat about the Bush never coming at the place where these principles lye The care of that man who would make discovery of Truth should be in the first place and above all to search these out and having found them to place them rightly for these being to be his foundation if but a stone in this foundation be either not of the true metal or displaced it necessarily follows that so much of the building as hath it for its Basis must be weak or carried awry The best outward means to attain these principles is to give attendance to the reading of the word and diligently to compare one place with another but yet this may be done and a man no whit the neerer if with this endeavour there do not concur the inward supply and assistance of the Spirit And truly I have many times thought with my self that as the great thing our faith is to have in its eye when it goes to the Promise for teaching is That the Lord would lead us to these so the principal thing in the Spirits teaching when it teacheth any soul is by its inward hints to point it unto these The most certain Character to know these principles by when they are attained and when not is an universal harmony of Truth for these principles are as the Center in which all the lines of Truth which are separated in the Circumserence do weet together and become one point But now as the wider any Circumference is the farther will a man be
likewise it is said vers 26. after 62 weeks that is 62 added to the other seven spoken of vers 25. which make 69 shall the Messiah be cut off and not after 70 weeks shall the Messiah be cut off because indeed Christs sufferings came before the 70 week was fully and compleatly expired These four deducted there remains to be accounted upon only 486 years which passed from the 20 of Artaxerxes Mnemon until Christs Passion THESIS LVIII Our third part or period comprehends the number of years from the year of Christs Passion until the end of the year 1655 or which is all one the beginning of that noted year 1656. THESIS LIX Within this Period we are to account upon 1622 years thus Christ was thirty years old when he began to preach Luke 3.23 from the time he began to preach until his Passion the common opinion holds three years and a half but we are to account three years only as is clear from Christs own words Luke 13.32 Go ye and tell that Fox Behold I cast out Devils and I do cures to day and to morrow and the third day I shall be perfected vers 33. Nevertheless I must walk to day and to morrow and the day following Shewing us that Christ in preaching spent three full years and yet but three for as he is baptised at the very beginning of the seventieth week i.e. at the beginning of the first day or year of that week so he is perfected at the end of the third day of that week or the third year from the time he began to preach Christ then at the day of his Passion was three and thirty years old which three and thirty years because our common account begins from the year of Christs Nativity we are to deduct these deducted of 1655 there remains only 1622 which we are to account upon THESIS LX. Let us now reckon up the three last periods that wee have gone through and see what number of years of the 2300 we have already gained those yet behind will fall in of themselves The first period from the first of Cyrus to the twentieth of Artaxerxes Mnemon contains 147 years The second from thence to Christs Passion 486 years Both together makes up 633 The third period from Christs Passion to the year 1656 contains 1622 The total Sum is 2255 It follows then that with the beginning of the year 1656 there are 2255 of Daniels 2300 years expired the remaining years are only 45 which will expire A.D. 1701 the very year in which Daniels 1335 dayes doth also expire THESIS LXI The 2300 dayes of Daniel are the best and surest Chronologie of the Number of the worlds years that have passed since the first of Cyrus or the beginning of the Persian Monarchy until this present day THESIS LXII The 2300 years ending according to our former Computation at the same point with the 1335 is a good Argument to prove that our course by a good hand of Providence hath been steered aright both as to the beginning of either number and also the carrying on of this great number for should we seek after any other beginning of the 1335 dayes then what we have before stated the 1335 dayes could never be brought to end with the 2300. Or in case the head of the 2300 dayes were to be placed either higher or lower or the Computation to be made otherwise than what hath been laid down then would not the 2300 dayes concur in their end with the 1335. And such a Computation it is necessary should bee made as may bring both these to end together THESIS LXIII The Harmony that is betwixt all those Mystical Numbers we have passed through is a thing very glorious and admirable to behold for there is not any one of them but affords a beam of light to the other The 1290 dayes affords a great beam of light to the 1260 and contrariwise the 1260 to that again The 1335 dayes affords a glorious beam of light to the 2300 and contrariwise the 2300 to that again Finally as the beginning of the 1260 proves our beginning of the 1335 to be true so our beginning of the 1335 proves the beginning of the 2300 to be true And contrariwise as the beginning of the 2300 proves the beginning of the 1335 to be true so the beginning of the 1335 the beginning of the 1260 to be true So that which is glorious to consider the Mystical Numbers of Daniel and the Revelations though diverse and having diverse beginnings yet have within themselves such an universal Harmony that each one serves to inlighten the other and the other him again THESIS LXIV The final Conclusion is That the rise of the Witnesses the end of the Beasts reign and treading underfoot the Holy City and the first stirring of the Jews will in greatest likelihood be in the year 1656 with which year ends the 1290 dayes the 1260 the 42 months The Personal coming of Christ the final destruction of the four Beasts or Monarchy and the compleat deliverance of the Jews in the year 1701 with which year ends Daniels 2300 dayes and his 1335. Matth. 24.48 But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart My Lord delayeth his coming 49. And shall begin to smite his fellow-servants and to eat and drink with the Drunken 50. The Lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him and in an hour that he is not aware of 51. And shall cut him asunder and appoint him his portion with the Hypocrites there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth A Concluding Word WHen Daniel understood by Books the number of the years whereof the Lord had said He would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem he set himself to seek the Lord by fasting weeping and mourning When Moses understood the time of the delivery of Gods people out of Egypt to be at hand he not only strengthned his Brethren but took courage and went in unto Pharaoh Though it is far from entring into my thoughts to compare my self with these yet is it my duty and desire to imitate them in their grace As to the first my hearts desire and prayer to the Father of mercies is That a Daniels praying Spirit might abound in my self and all the people of God at this day As for the second my intents and purposes were to have closed up this discovery with a solemn Exhortation First To the Higher Powers of this Commonwealth Secondly To all those who have fellowship with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ within it But considering how poor and vain a thing the words of the Creature are and how little where much is spoken reacheth the heart if the Holy Spirit apply it not in my after thoughts I judged it better to leave it to the Spirit of God to set home these truths than to undertake to do it my self and therefore resting in these thoughts I shall only in a word or two deliver a Message and I hope not my own First To the Higher Powers the Message is this THIS PEOPLE SAY THE TIME IS NOT COME the time that the Lords work should be carried on Is it time for you O yee to dwell in your cieled houses and this work of Christ lye waste Now therefore thus saith the Lord of Hosts Consider your wayes Yea thus saith the Lord Consider your wayes For if at this time you lay aside that work wherein the cause and glory of our dear and blessed Redeemer is so neerly and immediately concerned and attend to work of another nature which comparatively he calls you not to he will assuredly in sore displeasure with shame and contempt lay you aside ruine shall come to Babylon salvation and deliverance unto Mount Sion another way Secondly To the people of God in this Common-wealth the Message is this That although you are verily as unworthy a generation of Saints considering how formal the profession of some is how loose the Principles of others how unlike Saints of old yea Saints but of yesterday we are all of this so great Grace now ready to be revealed as ever the earth bore Yet that the whole world may see and know the exceeding riches of his grace and that by the sheddings abroad of his love which is a way more suitable to Gospel administrations your over-grown corruptions may be rooted out and the breaches of Sion made up and you made to remember your own evill wayes and doings that were not good and to loath your selves in your own sight for your iniquities and abominations his grace shall with a notwithstanding triumph over all this your unworthiness and he will yet redeem his cause from the Grave carry on his work among you before you and by you as Instruments gloriously and speedily yea with a high hand for his Name sake Thirdly in particular to the Imprisoned Saints together with all those who in this day suffer the reproaches of men the scorn and censures of Brethren for the testimony of Jesus and upon the account of his Kingdom my Message is Your Brethren that hated you and cast you out for Christs name sake said LET THE LORD BE GLORIFIED but he shall appear unto your joy and they shall be ashamed Lastly To all Sions Children wheresoever they may be that take pleasure in her stones and favour the dust thereof let me say Lift up your heads with joy for your redemption draweth nigh For yet a little while and behold the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the Inhabitants of the earth for their Iniquity when as he hath purposed he will stain the pride of all glory and bring into contempt the honorable of the earth For it is the day of the Lords vengeance and the year of recompences for the controversie of Sion And though the scarlet Whore begins now to say in her heart I sit as a Queen am no Widow and shall see no sorrow yet shall her plagues come upon her in one day death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burnt with fire for strong is the Lord our God that judgeth her FINIS
will discern and first condemn Jerusalem of old expected and waited for the coming of their Messia● or Christ their King yet no sooner news abroad of his being born into the world but upon the account of a meer worldly interest viz. fear of tumults and commotions which might hereupon arise betwixt Herod the usurper and this King to the imbroiling of them in wars who now were in quiet enjoying their wealth in peace they are troubled at it Matth. 2.3 I wish a worldly interest may have no such effect now as to beget trouble in the spirits of any at the coming forth of that mercy which time was they both prayed and waited for Surely as it savors of great ingratitude towards our most gracious Father to call mercies given in as an answer of former prayers by the name of Judgements so also of no less sloath and negligence when the glorious arm of God hath been made bare in working wonders for his people for them to sit still doing little or nothing for him That nothing done of late years comes as an answer of these prayers put up whilst we were in the house of bondage none of you will or can deny If any thing else be wrought which then we prayed not for it is either a superabounding of mercy beyond what then we were able to aske or think or a trial of our faith If a superabounding of mercy shall we quarrel with God and one another for that and if a trial of our faith shall we think that strange which hath been the ordinary way of Gods dispensations towards his in all ages when he gives forth mercy then to try their faith and like a company of sullen Children shall we wrangle with our Father and in a humersom fit throw away our bread because the crust is on it O let it not be told in Neighbor Nations that the God of England hath been so kind to his people and Saints in England so unkind to their Father and one unto another Why O ye Saints should you not all in this day go hand in hand about your Fathers work What hinders unless the corruption of your hearts your being as active for the Lord and as holy as you will Why should the great work of the Generation wherein the cause and honor of your Father and Redeemer is so deeply engaged be at a stand whilst each of you are driving on particular designs parties and interests It is from you alone that God expects this service it is work the world cannot do nor will God own them in the doing of it he calls for this from the hands of you his houshold Servants neglect it and he can raise up others even out of holes and corners which shall do the work when you shall be thrown by When the Jews once the visible people of God neglected Generation-work God threw them by and brought in the Gentiles if Gentile-Churches now grafted in prove fruitless in this work God may cut them off and graft in the Jews again If those that are visibly the children of Abraham put off Gods work God can of stones great and hard hearted sinners ra●se up children to Abraham which shall do the same When the learned and righteous Scriles and Pharisees will not own Christ he can raise up poor illiterate Fishermen yea Publicans the worst of sinners sitting at the receipt of custom for to do the thing If Jerusalem the chief City will not furnish Christ with instruments to carry his work on by he can find men for the same where they were least expected in the dark waste car●ers of Galilee and the little hole of Bethsaida Joh. 1.44 Christ is never at a loss for instruments when he hath work to do That any of you are imployed it is more his free grace towards you than from any need that he hath of you he is not beholding to you for doing his work but t is you are beholding to him that he will honor you in it O therefore Saints awake awake put on your beautiful Garments shake your selves from your dust the Sun of right●ousness is rising upon you the whole earth begins to be enlightned with his glory it is now high time to rouze up your spirits awake out of sleep to be up and doing Christ your Captain General is abroad in the field upon his march in the way to his Kingdom he will make no halts if you sleep loyter straggle or sit still you will be left behind and lose the sight of your Leader he will bear no delaies if you will not now come and kiss him subject your selves to him he will make a riddance of you and throw you by as he goes up to his Kingdom The times of former neglect God winked at but now he cals upon all that make mention of his Name not to sit still not to keep silence nor give him rest till he establish and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth That you may do this work and the same in your hands may prosper I shall as an additional word unto the last general Head in the following Discourse leave with you these few particulars 1 Endeavor union with your selves Divisions will obstruct the work Union will further it The great work in the Apostles time never went on so gloriously and successfully as when the number of those that beleeved were of one heart and of one soul 2 Strive after purity The seven Angels that go out of the Temple with the seven Vials their cloathing is pure and white linnen Rev. 15.6 3 Desire God to lay you in with principles suitable to his work neither below it nor above it As a mans principles are so will his actions be principle being the rule of action Some mens principles are above generation-work these vilifie and trample it as a low and carnal thing and instead of laying themselves out therein they slumber and sleep doing nothing at all Others principles are below the work and instead of acting in it they are offended at it He whose principles are above the work will not do it for the thing is low and base in his eies and he whose principles are below the work in case they continue so to be shall not do it for this is an evident sign that God will lay him by it being the way of God when he will use a man in a work to give him principles as high as that work and when he will laie a man by to blind him first to that work in which he will laie him by 4 Carry a meek spirit along with you in the work When Christ rode as King into Jerusalem he rode meek meek those that would accompany Christ to his Kingdom must be of that spirit their King is of Moses never failed but once in the work of his Generation and it was then when he lost his meek spirit Num. 20.10 Eapounded Psa 106.32 They angered him at the waters of st●ife so
truth had I dropped doubtful words concerning the same Yet because this Answer is none at all and I would not have any take bare words for Arguments and yet am loath here neither is it proper to start the question therefore setting aside the joynt and concurrent testimony of every of the Prophets of the Old Testament Jonah onely excepted which is rather a History than a Prophesie in this thing the truth whereof is not much more difficult to prove than to affirm I shall onely commend to such that of Paul Rom. 11. who speaks expresly not of spiritual but of natural Jews whom therefore he all along opposeth to the Gentiles calling them also branches broken off which cannot be spiritual branches but natural v. 21. the same broken off shall be grafted in again v. 24. And this not done only one by one in continuance of time but according to that of Isa 66.8 in a manner all at once ver 25 26. And so all Israel shall be saved which as yet we have never seen and yet because Scripture speaks it are to believe it Thus according to present light both of what I have received from others and have been able to add of my own a discovery of the age we live in hath been made and found to be that in which the great work of Israels redemption is most likely to be effected 2 Our next thing is that we may walk in the path before laid down to observe what those glorious and remarkable things are the accomplishment whereof God hath foretold and promised in and about these times And here give me leave to say that when I take a view of what holy Scripture hath recorded of that time in which Israel shall return to their own Land and also to the Lord and David their King that I do find this age none more full of wonders to all which Gods glorious work of redeeming Sion literal Sion or the Jews from their long captivity and spiritual Sion or the Gentile Churches from Antichristian bondage as it were the Axis upon which they turn Now to enumerate each particular of those transactions that Scripture tells us shall fall out in this age is not my intent but onely to take notice of some of the chief and such as are most free from exception for the directing of us to that which is our special work in this Generation Which are 1 Israels Redemption Which although by mentioning here again I may seem to tautologize yet must I do it this being the first and great thing promised which therefore we have before proved and make use of as a mark to descry the rest by 2 A large and plentiful conversion of Gentles to the Lord. as Isa 2.3 Many people shall say Come yee let us go up to the mountain of the Lord Which that it relates to the time in and about which the Jews shall be converted is clear vers 5. O house of Jacob i.e. ye Jews as distinguished from the Nations before spoken of Come ye and let us walk in the light of the Lord. And yet more clear Mica 4.2 ver 6.7 So Isa 60.3 4 5. Lift up thine eyes round about and see all they gather themselves together they come to thee the abundance of the Sea or Nations shall be converted unto thee the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee Which that it is spoken of the Jews is clear because they are distinguished from the Gentiles and that the time of their redemption is here spoken of appears if you look back to Chap. 59.20 compared with Rom. 11.26 So Zach. 2.11 Many Nations shall be joyned to the Lord in that day What day is that See vers 12. When the Lord shall inherit Judah his portion in the holy Land and shall choose Jerusalem again So Zach. 8.20.21 22 23. To all which add Rom. 11.25 26. where the Apostle speaking of the conversion of the Jews mentions also a fulness of the Gentiles about that time coming in 3 Vniting Saints that differ Zach. 14.9 In that day shall there be one Lord and his Name one And when shall this be why then when all Nations shall be gathered together against Jerusalem to battel as vers 2. So Zeph. 3.9 I will turn to the people a pure language that they may all call upon the Name of the Lord to serve him with one consent Division of languages made a division of men but when Gods people shall come to have a pure unbroken language all to speak one and the same thing division amongst Saints shall cease and there shall be union But when shall this be See vers 20. At that time will I bring you again even in the time that I will gather you for I will make you i.e. Israel distinguished from other people a name and a praise among all people of the earth when I turn back your captivity before your eyes saith the Lord. So Isa 11.13 The envy of Ephraim shall depart and the adversaries of Judah be cut off Ephraim shall not envy Judah and Judah shall not vexe Ephraim When shall this be the foregoing verse tells us He shall assemble the out-casts of Israel and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth So Ch. 54.13 all thy children shall be taught of the Lord and great shal be the peace of thy Children which may as well be understo●d of outward as inward peace for all being taught of God they shall not jar amongst themselves But when shall this be why then when as the Jews which now are barren as a widow and a wife of youth refused as vers 1.4.6 shall be received into favour again 4 Pulling down of high and lofty things under which as principal or head we are to comprehend the man of Sin or Romish Antichrist Is 2.11 12 13 14 15 16 17. The lofty looks of man shall be humbled and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day For the day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty and upon every one that is lifted up and he shall be brought low And upon all the Cedars of Lebanon that are high and lifted up and upon all the Oaks of Bashan And upon all the high mountains and upon all the hils that are lifted up And upon every high Tower and upon every fenced wall and upon all the sh●ps of Tarshish and upon all pleasant pictures And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down and the haughtiness of man shall be made low and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day The meaning of all these metaphorical expressions is only this That at this time the day of the Lord the day of the Lord shall be upon all the strength and glory of the Creature upon all high and lofty things and persons that exait themselves above the Lord Christ to the pulling of them down
But when shall this be Then when the Mountain of the Lords house shall be exalted above the hills and all Nations shall flow unto it vers 2. the time as even now was proved of the Jews conversion So Isa 24.21 And it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high and the Kings of the earth upon the earth When shall this be See vers 23. When the Lord of Host shall reign in Mount Sion and in Jer●salem and before his Ancients the people of ancient times chosen and in Covenant with him gloriously So Chap. 30. last Tophet the pit of destruction is ordained of old yea for the King it is prepared The meaning is not only an eternal as some carry it but temporal ruine shall attend great ones But when shall this be To that I answer Although in the type it was fulfilled upon Senacherib King of Assyria and his Armies yet the whole Chapter especially from vers 18. hath relation to another time which is that we are speaking of of the Jews conversion as is evident vers 19. For the people shall dwell in Sion at Jerusalem thou shalt weep no more But more clear vers 26. The light of the Moon shall be as the light of the Sun In the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people and healeth the stroke of their wound 5 The establishment of Justice and Righteousness in the world as Isa 1.26 27. And I will restore thy Judges as at first and thy Counsellors as at the beginning afterwards thou shalt be called the City of righteousness the faithful City Zion shall be redeemed with judgement and her Converts with righteousness Chap. 54.14 In righteousness shalt thou be established thou shalt be far from oppression So Chap. 60 18. I will make thine Officers peace and thine Exactors righteousness Violence shall no more be heard in thy Land wasting nor destruction within thy borders but thou shalt cal thy walls Salvation and thy gates Praise These places as already hath been shewn looking all to the time of the Jews redemption 6 The pouring out of more abundance of the Spirit Joel 2.28 And it shall come to pass afterwards that I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh When shall this be Even then when in Mount Sion and Jerusalem shall be deliverance as vers 32. or more clearly then when God shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem as Chap. 3.1 For although Peter Acts 2. speaks of these words as fulfilled in his time yet was that only in the beginning the powring down of the Spirit then being not so general as that here promised and that which shall be upon the coming in of the Jews So Zach. 12.10 And I will poure upon the house of David and upon the Inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication So Isa 32.15 Vntil the Spirit be poured upon us from on high It is observable that the giving forth of the Spirit at this time is set forth by this word of pouring noting abundance that shall then be given forth more than in former ages 7 As an effect of the former Increase of light and grace as Isa 30.26 Moreover the light of the Moon shall be as the light of the Sun and the light of the Sun shall be sevenfold as the light of seven dayes in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people and healeth the stroke of their wound Chap. 52.8 They shall see eye to eye i.e. clearly when the Lord shall bring again Sion See both Zach. 12.8 He that is fecble in that day shall be as David and the house of David shall be as God as the Angel of the Lord before them Which that it relates to the time of the Iews call the whole Chap. is proof 8 The exaltation of the Lord Christ alone as King Isa 2 11. The Lord alone shall be exalted in that day Chap. 24.23 The Lord of Hosts shall reign in Mount Sion and in Ierusalem and before his Ancients gloriously Chap. 2 3 4. Out of Sion shall go forth the Law and the word of the Lord from Ierusalem and he shall judge among the Nations Zach. 14.9 The Lord shall be King over all the Earth All which places I have already proved to speak this time So Isa 33.22 The Lord is our King he will save us When is this Ans● then when Ierusalem shall be a quiet habitation vers 20● Look unto Sion the City of your solemnities Thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation Ezek. 37.24 And David my Servant Christ of whom David was a type shall be King over them And to what time doth this look to that time in which Israel and Judah shall be gathered together and brought to their own Land and be made again one Nation upon the mountains of Israel as vers 21 22. Thus have I done with the second thing viz. the things foretold to be done in this age 3 The third is to observe the visible dispensations of God towards the age we live in and in case upon inquiry these be found to answer to what God hath foretold they shall be in that age in which the Jews shall be converted then this will not onely serve for discovery of the thing in hand wherein the work of this Generation lyes but also adde a beam of light unto the former viz. That we are fallen into that age in which the Jews shall be converted Onely here I would carry this along with me that in regard as yet things are but coming on therefore many things before this Generation is over may be transacted which yet we see little of But in case it appear that transactions begin already to agree with the things foretold and promised have we not ground then to hope things coming on apace every day that before this Generation expires wee shall see most if not all fully accomplished Let us then compare what God hath promised to the age we speak of with present dispensations and see what way Gods dispensations are making or have already made towards the performance of them 1 For the bringing in of the Jews is not a fair way made to that already by that general expectation they have of their Messiah's comming in this age as Manasseth Ben. Israel before quoted is witness sect 29.35 as also by that light that at present is amongst them which the aforesaid Author in several of his Sections declares into many of those Prophecies of the Old Testament which directly point at their call 2 For the Conversion of the Gentiles Not to speak of the great conversions of late near home in poor Wales and some parts of Ireland and the hopeful way we are in by the going out daily of poor despised Labourers into the Lords Vineyard of a large Harvest is it not admirable that in this age and that within a few years each of
stand with the Lamb upon Mount Sion Rev. 14.1 2 3 4. are differenced from others not in this that they were Saints and others not nor in this that they followed the Lamb which others did not but the difference is made to lye in these two things 1 They were Virgin-Saints which had not defiled themselves with women i.e. were not espoused to any worldly interest the desire of which is as natural to the hearts of men as the desire of women and particularly they had never any thing to do with the interest of that Whorish woman spoken of Chap. 17. And this to be the meaning of the phrase the foregoing words do give it which by a parallel phrase setting forth the same thing cals them the Redeemed from the earth i. e. from earthly interests as outward glory honor riches c. 2 They were such who follow the Lamb whethersoever he goes Vers 4. If the Lamb will go in strange untrodden paths making his way over the necks of the Kings and Princes of this world they will follow him there If in unpleasing paths turning about in a manner upon themselves and treading under feet their beloved interests dear and near Relations taking from them their outward glory and ornaments yet they will make a turn with him and follow him there for they are such as will follow the Lamb whethersoever he goes Now although there may be many besides these at this day who may come under the more general Character of Saint-ship and followers of the Lamb i.e. for some time yet shall they be found short of these particular Characters viz. of being Virgin-Saints un-espoused to worldly interests and followers of the Lamb not onely here and there but whithersoever he goes Hence we have it specially noted of these that they sing as it wert a new Song before the Throne which no man could learn but onely the one hundred forty four thousand which were redeemed from the earth vers 3. Why doth the Holy Ghost say As it were a new Song and not rather a new Song The reason I take to be this because the Song for the matter of it in general is the old Song i.e. the same Song still that all the children of Sion sung together upon their first coming out of Babylon But now the Lamb their Leader having upon his march towards Mount Sion taken some strange rough untroden unexpected paths which they upon their coming out did not so much as dream of many of those who upon his first march set forth with him with as loud a cry as the rest begin now some to draw backwards again to Babylon some to lag behind their Colours and now they can sing with the rest no longer i.e. they cannot now any longer own his Appearances and workings praise him or magnifie his name for them yet for all this even at this time when many fall off offended the One hundred forty four thousand redeemed from the Earth they march on with the Lamb singing still owning approving his works resolving to keep him company whethersoever he goes Now in this respect the Holy Ghost doth not term it a new Song but as it were a new Song because it puzzles most of the old Singers seeming akogether new and another to them though yet indeed it is the same the change being more in them than in the Song and the One hundred forty four thousand can sing it still Hence likewise this One hundred forty four thousand are spoken of as being a select and picked party called therefore vers 4. The redeemed from among men being the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb i. e. they are if I may so say for the choyceness of their spirits above others in adhering to the Lamb their Leader the very cream of men such as the Lamb accounts his first fruits i.e. makes more store of than of others who yet may bee of his Corn and a part of his Harvest too And as that which is not here impertinent we may observe that as the coming out of Egypt was in Old Testament times one eminent type of the Saints deliverance from Spiritual Antichristian bondage for which cause the Antichristian State is spiritually called Egypt Revel 11.8 and the comming out of Babylon afterwards another for which cause Rome in the Apocalyps takes denomination from Babylon So is it a thing worthy to be noted as touching both these Types that that Generation which by stirring set the work first on foot did afterwards prove the greatest I may say the onely retarders of it For as touching the first WHO hankered after the Flesh pots of Egypt but that Generation WHO though come out yet had been brought up there WHO moved the returning back again but that Generation that came thence WHO made light of the great things God did in the Wilderness but that very Generation who from the first had seen his mighty Wonders in Egypt As touching the Second WHO are they that cry out The time is not come the time that the Lords house should be built Hag. 1.2 But that very Generation who came out of Babylon with great hearts at first to do the work but were afterwards engaged in particular concernments and private interests building seiled houses for themselves vers 4. hereby letting the work of their Generation lie waste And truly it is that which I have verily thought with my self and that some time namely That it would befall us in this Age coming out of Antichristian Babylon even as it did them coming out of Egypt and Babylon of old i.e. we should see those very persons who leading us out of Babylon at first did cry Christs Kingdom Christs Kingdom either by hankering after the Egyptian Flesh-pots of Honor Profit c. which once having tasted they cannot lose the rellish of wholly to quit their first principles and affections and so set their faces back again to return into Egypt or if not so yet at leastwise as the commers out of Babylon did who were somewhat the better of the two finding difficulty in going on make a stand on the way there building seiled houses for themselves i.e. advancing their own particular interests instead of helping forward the work of Christs Kingdom What shall I any further enlarge upon this uncouth Theam harp any longer upon this unpleasing string It was without doubt an ill Omen to Barnabas when he chose Marke to go with him to the work who had before deserted it that he should do but little in it And indeed the Event proved it for as by that act he lost the hearts of the Church who recommended Paul and Silas to the Grace of God but take no notice of Barnabas and Mark So also is it observable that from that very day he who was so active before we hear no more of him True he had this to plead Mark was a good man but Paul whose eyes were more open saw that notwithstanding his goodness yet
the most gross part Air is of a subtle nature Water of a more gross Earth the grossest of all as being the dregs and settlements of the whole By Earth then we are not here to understand Earth as opposed to Heaven i.e. the true Church as vers 1. but the Popish Earth viz. the grosser part of Popery or the Lees and Dregs of that Religion opposed to the finer parts of it Now these Lees and Dregs are no other but that damnable Doctrine of the Papists by which Christs Mediation and Priestly Office and so consequently the very foundation of Faith and Salvation is destroyed which maintains Justification by works upon which poysonous deadly root do grow the filthy abominations of their Mass their Crosses Indulgences Invocation of Saints Purgatory Penance Pilgrimages Monkish-life c. which in respect of their Discipline though that be impure may yet well be called the Dregs as being far more impure Upon these filthy Dregs of Romish Doctrine began the first Vial to be poured forth by Luther and other Worthies of those times who by the light of truth made such a discovery of the unsoundness yea perniciousness thereof as that now the same began to be odious in the eies of all And that here and no where else either sooner or later we are to begin the Vials is clear because no time doth so exactly agree to what wee have said concerning the time in our first Proposition as this doth That discovery of the filthiness of these things which was more ancient in the times of Wickliff Hus the Waldeneses and Albigenses could not be any part of this Vial for the grounds of our first Proposition and also because that discovery served onely to deliver the faithful ones of those times from the poyson of these abominable Errors not having any such effect as to destroy them in others for they remained still in credit with the generality 2. The EFFECT A noysom and grievous Sore And there fell a noysom and greievous Sore upon the men which had the Mark of the Beast and upon them which worshipped his Image Our Expositors do generally understand this Sore to be that inward vexation envy wrath fury madness which as an inward Sore torments those in whom it is that befell the Priests Monks Canonists with all that Rabble who had the Mark of the Beast and worshipped his Image upon the pouring out of this first Vial. But according to this Interpretation the Effect of the Vial should be no other but a tormenting of the men who were the upholders of the evil and not a destruction of the evill it self whereas indeed the proper and natural Effect of every Vial is a destruction of the thing it falls upon It is not amiss therefore to seek yet some other interpretation of these words And what if we say thus That look as it is with a man or men that have noysom grievous Sores upon them others loath them withdraw from them cannot bear their presence or company So did it now befall the men who were the Authors and Assertors of these abominable Idolatries The generality of the people who before adored them as Gods not once calling their principles or practices into question did now by the pouring forth of this Vial come so palpably to discern the gross and horrible Idolatry of these their Forgeries as that they began to loath and abhor not only the things themselves but the very Assertors of them and to withdraw from them as infectious persons full of grievous and noysome Sores so that now they can no longer delude the people and draw them to a loving and liking of these things as formerly they had done no but themselves with their principles and invention are become odious and a filthy stinking Sore in the eyes and nostrils of the Commonalty Which Effect how evidently it did shew it self in Germany and here with us in England and also in other Nations about this time upon the preaching and writing of the forenamed Worthies with others their fellow-helpers is by many sufficiently recorded Thus much as touching the first VIAL VIAL II. 1 The SVBJECT The SEA Vers 3. AND the second Angel poured out his Vial upon the Sea By Sea here we may not as some understand Nations because they are a part of the Subject of the next Vial. Nor yet as others the corrupt Doctrines of Antichrist concluded upon in the Council of Trent which say they the learned Chemnitius poured out this Vial upon in his Book called Examen Concilii Tridentini because as hath been said the former Vial fell on these to which the Subject being still the same it is more proper to refer the labours of those godly men who after Luther still continued to lay open these things in their colours than to account the same the pouring forth of another Vial. Nor yet as a later Writer the Political state of the Roman Empire which did suffer detriment by the late German War 1 Because the Effect of that War fell as heavy upon Gods people there as his enemies whereas the Vials are upon enemies only as our fourth Proposition proves 2 Because notwithstanding those shakings the Empire is yet standing whereas the shaking of the Vials is such a shaking as destroyes and removes the thing shaken 3 Because the German Empire is as in its place shall appear the Subject of another Vial. But by Sea we are to understand the Discipline of Rome as under the former their Doctrine or to speak better the Romish Hierarchy in whose hands the power of Discipline lyes made up of a Pope Cardinals Archbishops Bishops together with the inferior Clergy who receive their power and standing from these which is by themselves called and to us known by the name of the Sea of Rome the Popes Sea the Cardinals Sea the Bishops Sea c. And truly this monstrous Beast though his Rise is out of the Earth Rev. 13.11 yet doth he exercise all the power of the first Beast vers 12. whose Rise was from the Sea vers 1. and therefore is not amiss called in this second Vial where the downfall of his power is spoken of by the name of the Sea whence his power is primarily derived And indeed look what neer affinity there is betwixt the Sea and the Earth they bordering one upon another the same is betwixt Discipline and Doctrine And as the Sea girts in the Earth on every side so that which is as it were the Girdle holding together all the gross earthly superstitions and inventions of Antichrist is an absolute tyrannical power of Discipline imposing principles wayes and forms upon the consciences of men wheresover the same is set up If you ask me When was this Vial poured forth I answer In the yeer of our Lord 1641. it had its beginning though the Effects of it are not wholly over as yet when the Parliament of England did vote down Arch-bishops Bishops with all that crew root
uppermost in his Kingdom upon it Mich. 4.8 And thou O Tower of the flock the strong hold of the Daughters of Sion unto thee shall it come even the first Dominion the Kingdom shall come to the Daughter of Jerusalem Isa 61.9 Their seed shall be known among the Gentiles and their off-spring among the people all that see them shall acknowledge them that they are the seed which the Lord hath blessed Zech. 8.23 In those daies ten men shall take hold out of all the languages of the Nations even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew saying We will goe with you for we have heard that God is with you And they are called Kings of the East the Greek reads it from the rising of the Sun because as some think their coming shall be from the Eastern Countries which though I do not altogether deny yet cannot I here subscribe to it as the reason why they are so called because as this interpretation adheres too much to the letter so it is evident that the Scriptures which speak of their return do as well mention their coming from other quarters as from the East and not one Scripture speaks of their coming from the East alone Isa 43 5. I will bring thy seed from the East and gather them from the West I will say to the North give up and to the South keep not back bring my Sons from far and my Daughters from the ends of the Earth Chap. 49.12 Behold these shall come from far and loe these from the North and from the West and these from the Land of Sinim Jer. 31.8 Behold I will bring them from the North Country gather them from the coasts of the earth Zech. 8.7 Thus saith the Lord of Hosts behold I will save my people from the East Country and from the West Country and I will bring them and they shall dwel in the midst of Jerusalem But rather following the Greek Kings from the rising of the Sun I take it they may be so called because then they shall come to this great preferment honor and dignity when Christ the Sun of righteousness shall arise whose rising that it shall be upon the pouring forth of this Vial before the last is poured forth shall appear hereafter Now God in his wonderful and unsearchable Providence will so order it as that at the appointed time of the Jews return the power and multitude of the Grand Signeur who is now the greatest Monarch in the world and holds their Land in possession shall be much wasted and consumed and that in such a way by such means and instruments that as the one viz. The wasting of the Great Turks Power shall set open a door for the Jews to possess their own Land so the other viz. the way means or instruments by which this shall be done shall be a special help and furtherance to their receiving of the Gospel and Christ for their true Messiah and so indeed the pouring out of this Vial upon the Great River Euphrates shall prepare a way as hath been said both for their possession of their own Land and their conversion to Christ both which to take in here is much better I conceive and more agreeable to the mind of the Holy Ghost than to limit and straiten the same to any one onely Now that the Jews are spoken of under this Vial whose conversion we are to expect before the pouring out of the seventh is clear 1 Because the Jews conversion being a thing so remarkable as nothing more and this to be in the very last ages of the world it cannot be thought that in the Vials which is a Prophetical History in short of things to be transacted in the last times the same should be wholly omitted which yet in case it be not here spoken of is 2 Because in Rev. 19. which Chapter is but a Commentary upon the two last Vials the Marriage of the Lamb to his Bride which Bride can be no other than the General Assembly of the faithful ones both of Jews and Gentiles converted to Christ among which the Jews as elder Sister are chief and therefore particularly spoken of Isa 62.4 5. and 54.4.5 6. Hos 2.19 20. is made an immediate forerunner of the battel of Armageddon as compare ver 7 8 9. with 19.20.21 with which battel the seventh Vial beginning for what is done before the pouring out of the seventh is onely a preparation to it the Conversion of the Jews or the Marriage of the Bride must necessarily be before the seventh Vial is poured forth He who desireth further light as to this Argument may at his leasure read over the 37 38 39 Chapters of Ezekiel the third of Joel and the 12 13 14 th Chapters of Zachary and by comparing Chapter with Chapter and the whole with this Prophecie may finde it 3 Because upon the pouring out of the seventh Vial a great voyce comes out of the Temple of Heaven from the Throne saying It is done What is the meaning hereof Why the phrase is but once more used in all the Revelations and that is chap 21.5 6. He that sate upon the Throne said Behold I make all things new And he said unto me it is done here it is applied to the setting up of the New Jerusalem noting the meaning of the phrase to be this Now is the New Jerusalem established and how should this be in case the Jews the primary and principal Inhabitants of this new City were yet to be converted Object If it be said the words speak not of their Conversion but onely preparing a way thereto I grant it the pouring out of this Vial doth onely prepare the way as to their Conversion to Christ which Conversion of theirs is to be for the fore-mentioned reasons in the Interval of time betwixt the sixt and seventh Vials Object Whereas it is further objected That the Conversion of the Jews cannot be until such time as the seventh Vial is poured forth because Chap 15.8 it is expresly said No man could enter into the Temple till the seven plagues of the seven Angels were fulfilled To that I answer That this doth as well exclude the Conversion of Gentiles and Pagans all the time the Vials are pouring forth as Jews and who will affirm that so long as daily experience hath and blessed be the Lord doth prove the contrary Some other interpretation must therefore be given of this Scripture to free it from such an assertion and whether doth not this suite the place well which also serves to forward the work of pouring out the Vials by putting life and courage into the Angels which are to do it to wit That the glorious and powerful presence of God in his Temple all the time the Vials should be in pouring forth which is here set forth by smoak alluding to that cloud covering the Tabernacle of old Exod. 40.34 and filling Solomons Temple 1 King 8.10 which was a sign
see the day of Israels redemption which therefore they shall wait upon God for Both these are expressed Isa 60.9 Surely the Isles shall wait for me Thirdly They shall be such who shall be very considerable and strong in shipping having multitudes of ships at their command as this in the following words and the ships of Tarshish first Tarshish was a place very considerable for Navigation and Shipping in time of old for which reason the Scripture never speaks of great ships strong ships or multitude of ships but they are called by the name of the Ships of Tarshish 2 Chron. 9.21 Psal 48.7 Isa 2.16 Ezek. 27.25 Now this people dwelling in the Isles and so strong in shipping shall be the first that shall put their hands to this work The Isles shall wait for me and the ships of Tarshish first to bring thy Sons from far and thy Daughters from the ends of the earth Fourthly What if I say they shall be a people under a State Government for such a kind of Government of old had the Philistims the power of Government among them residing not in one man but in many which in Scripture are called the Lords of the Philistims Now this people who shall assist the Jews at this day are Isa 11.14 likened to the Philistims of old they shall flye upon the shoulders of the Philistims how not in qualities or conditions for the Philistims were ever enemies to Israel and these are friends but rather in the form of their Government the Philistims were governed by a State so shall these These are the characters let the Reader refuse or apply them as he pleaseth Now because the thing aimed at in pouring forth this Vial concerns the Jews more especially and their Restauration as hath appeared in our Discourse hitherto and because the thoughts of good men are various and their notions and conceptions very different in the point of the Jews first stirring some conceiving the same to be upon a Civil account only to recover their Country and their conversion to be some years after Others judging that they shall at the first be converted to the faith of the Gospel and their stirring to arise from that the right understanding of which mystery is a thing of such importance either opinion having seemingly much footing in the Prophecies of the Old Testament as that without some further light then as yet I have seen the Prophecies relating to this people and the time of their return cannot be brought to a joynt concurrence and harmony one with another I shall therefore not boasting of any light that I have above others having reason enough to be otherwise minded but as one willing with others to seek after and if it may be to find the truth offer here in the close of this Discourse and that in as few words as I can my own present thoughts concerning the thing which are That the first stirring or moving of this people shall be as I conceive from some notable work of God upon the hearts of some who shall at this day be Principal ones or Leaders amongst them working in them a sincere earnest and longing desire to find the Lord their God Hereupon arising themselves and stirring up others to arise with them now to go unto Sion unto the Lord their God which we have Jer. 31.6 For there shall be a day that the Watchmen upon the Mount of Ephraim who was head of the ten Tribes for which reason the Restauration here spoken of must be their last which is yet to come shall say Arise yee and let us go up to Sion unto the Lord our God and vers 9. wee have the manner of their coming They shall come with weeping and with supplication will I lead them Qualifications not proper to such persons who move only upon a Civil account and for worldly ends So Chap. 50.4 5. speaking of the frame they shall be in whilst as yet they are but upon the way In those dayes and at that time saith the Lord if the children of Israel shall come they and the children of Judah together going and weeping They shall go and seek the Lord their God They shall ask the way to Sion with their faces thitherward saying Come and let us joyn our selves to the Lord in a perpetual Covenant that shall not be forgotten Which Text was not fulfilled in the return from Babylon when Judah only not Israel and Judah together did return but manifestly looks to their last Restauration so Isa 51.11 we have a contrary affection arguing the inward joy and delight they shall have in this journey from considering whither and about what they are going viz. to Sion to seek their Lord The redeemed of the Lord shall return and come with singing unto Sion and everlasting joy shall be upon their heads So Hos 3.5 they go seeking the Lord Afterwards shall the children of Israel return and seek the Lord their God and David their King and they shall fear the Lord and his goodness When in the latter dayes Chap. 1.10 11. at their beginning to stir before yet they are come forth the place of their captivity shall be called the children of the living God It shall come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them ye are not my people there shall it be said unto them ye are the Sons of the living God Then shall the children of Judah and the children of Israel be gathered together and appoint themselves one head and they shall come up out of the land for great shall be the day of Jezreel Now those amongst them who from such an inward desire and principle shall move themselves and put others upon it shall be as I conceive persons under a state of true conversion to God being now delivered from the curse before they lay under and that hardness which before was upon them though the particular Revelation of Christ as come in the fiesh shall not as yet be manifested to them but with a strong breathing after the Lord and a general faith in the Messiah whom they shall truly beleeve in look for but as to come they shall now go seeking after the Lord and David or Christ their King and this faith of theirs though for want of New-Testament light it be not a New-Testament faith i.e. a faith in Christ as come already yet shall the same be true faith though running in the Old Testament way they having yet no higher light for such was the faith of Gods people of old before Christ came a looking to the Messiah which was to come acknowledging their salvation to be only from him and earnestly breathing and longing after the day of his appearance And these persons who shall have already this true saving work begun in them shall by converse with and beholding the holiness grace and love of those Gentile Christians who shall be instruments to help them in their land have a farther work wrought in
Beast into the lake of fire slaying the remnant Vers 20 21. This appears yet farther Dan. 12.1 There shall bee a time of trouble such as never was since there was a Nation even to that same time and at that time shall thy people be delivered The concurrence of this day of trouble and the battel of Armageddon both with the time of the delivery of Daniels people or the Jews proves them to be one and the same Now that a coming there is here is clear At that time shall Michael stand up which that it is Personal will appear by comparing with Matth. 24. where all acknowledge his Personal coming is spoken of which yet is the same with this for Christ speaking of the time of it quotes this of Daniel vers 21 22. Then shall b●e great tribulation such as never was from the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall ●e Another evidence of this wee have Joel 3. which Chapter agrees exactly to the battel of Armageddon 1 In that the Kings of the earth and the whole world gather together Rev. 16.14 here all Nations vers 2. multitudes multitudes vers 14. 2 That is about the time of the Jews return for when the Kings of the East are upon coming in the Kings of the Earth gather together So this vers 1 2. For behold in those dayes when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem I will gather all Nations 3 That is the great day of God Almighty Rev. 16.14 the Supper of the great God Chap. 19.17 this the day of the Lord spoken of by way of emphasis vers 14. The Day of the Lord is neer 4 That shall be in a place called Armageddon Rev. 16.16 signifying a place of destruction his in the valley of decision vers 14. i.e. the place of cutting off where God will cut off his enemies 5 That is the treading of the Winepress Rev. 19.15 So this vers 13. the press is full the fats overflow But is here a Personal coming yea vers 16. The Lord shall roar out of Sion and utter his voyce from Jerusalem and the heavens and the earth shal shake agreeing to tha● Hag. 2.6 7. of which presently v. 17. So shall ye know that I am the Lord your God dwelling in Sion my holy Mountain agreeing to that Rev. 21.3 Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them So Hag 2.6 7. I will shake the heavens and the earth and the Sea and the dry land And I will shake all Nations and the desire of all Nations shall come This being the same with the other of Joel can relate to no other time than the battel of Armageddon Now the coming here spoken of is not spiritual for the Prophets of the Old Testament having an eye upon Christ as yet to come do mostly if not ever when they speak of his coming intend such a coming of the Messiah as they expected and waited for which was Personal Neither can this coming be his first coming which was in a time of great peace not of shaking Heaven Earth all Nations as this is then was Christ the desire of the Jews only because known only to them but at this coming he is the desire of all Nations to which let me adde the Apostle speaks of this as a thing to be fulfilled Heb. 12.26 27. Nor can the words look to the last and General Judgement as if this coming were not till then because after this coming Gods House here below is to bee built and God will give peace in this place i.e. either largely taken for the Earth or strictly for Jerusalem and hard it will be to prove either of these things at or after the General Judgement This coming therefore must be that in the Text I come as a Theef both agreeing in time and this being personal that must also The like to this we have with much clearness vers 21 22 23. Yet further this is clear Zech. 14.3 4 5. which place by all circumstances the combination being general of all Nations ver 2. the time about the time of the Jews discovery c. must needs be the same with the battel of Armageddon Now would you see a coming here read ver 3. Then shall the Lord go forth and fight against those Nations Vers 4. And his feet shall stand in that day on the mount of Olives Mount Olives was the place whence Christ rode as King into Jerusalem Mat. 21.1 2 3. The place where Christ preached the most remarkable Sermon of his coming Mat. 24.3 the place whence Christ ascended Act. 12. and probably at his descending shall come thither again But perhaps this coming is not personal Yes ver 5 The Lord my God shall come and all the Saints with thee agreeing to that 1 Thes 3.13 At the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ with all his Saints which coming none deny to be his personal coming One place more and I conclude this Argument and that is Rev. 19.19 20 21. which that it is the same with the battel of Armageddon appears 1 In that the parties are the same the Beast the false Prophet and the Kings of the Earth being parties in both 2 The time is the same for this in the Vials hath two notable things going before it 1 The ruin of the City Rome under the fifth Vial. 2. The coming in of the Jews who are spoken of in the sixth Vial Accordingly that in chap. 19 hath preceding First Romes ruin chap. 18. Secondly The Marriage of the Lamb to his Bride including in it the Jews conversion chap. 19.7 8. 3 The Expressions argue them to be the same for one is called That great day of God Almighty vers 14. the other The Supper of the Great God chap. 19.17 In the one they are gathered to Armageddon a place of destruction vers 16. In the other the rout gathered together are slain with the sword of him that sits upon the horse that is Christ Object But how doth it appear that here is a Personal coming spoken of Answ 1. Christ comes as a Bridegroom vers 7 8 9. Now Christs coming as a Bridegroom is his Personal coming Mat. 25.6 10. Behold the Bridegroom cometh go yee forth to meet him 2 He is called the Word of God vers 13. The most glorious Title of all by which the person of Christ is expressed John 1.1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God yea the person of Christ as considered in both Natures goes under this title ver 14. The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us 1 Joh. 1.1 That which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the Word of Life It is Christ as personally present that is the object of the outward Senses Hearing Seeing Handling yet Christ as the Word was
manner affirm all their suppositions in saying It is not for you to know the times and seasons as to say true Israel shall have a Kingdom restored I am to do it and that as you now conceive personally appearing onely it is not for you at present to know the time And this will more clearly appear if we carry these words to Act. 3.21 where we have that set forth by the word Restitution which here is called a Restoring Whom the Heavens must receive untill the times of restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophets since the world began yet with this difference Act. 1. speaks of the Kingdom in reference to Israel onely who shall be chief in it Mich. 4.8 Thou O Tower of the Flock the strong hold of the Daughter of Sion unto thee shall it come even the first Dominion the Kingdom shall come to the Daughter of Jerusalem but Acts 3. in reference to the whole Creation which in the day the Kingdom shall be restored to Israel shall also have a Restitution which is expressed Rom. 8.19 20 21 22. Now in these words we have a coming clearly discovered he shall send Jesus which before was preached unto you whom the Heavens must receive Which that it is Personal and not Spiritual onely is clear because such as the receiving of Christ in the Heavens at the time when these things were spokrn was and hath been since such shall his coming at this day be but the receiving of Christ in the Heavens then and since cannot be understood in a spiritual way because in that sense he had said before Lo I am with you to the end of the world Mat. 28.20 but must be in respect of his Personal and Corporal presence therefore such shall his presence Verse 19. be with his people at this time viz Personal and Corporal Now that this time of the restitution of all things should be the Day of the General Judgement which hath been the common opinion I cannot incline to for these Reasons 1 Because I find not the General Judgement spoken of in the plural number as times daies as this is the times of refreshing vers 19. times of restitution vers 21. these daies vers 24. 2 Because this is such a time as all the Prophets have spoken of Which God hath spoken of by the mouth of all bis holy Prophets Now not all Nay hardly any have spoken expresly of the General Judgement but of the time of Christs Kingdom all have spoken as will appear to him that shall but take a view of the Prophets severally in doing which though we might begin with Enoch the seventh from Adam who according to Jude Vers 14. prophesied of Christs coming and Kingdom and after him Jacob in his blessing of Judah Gen. 49.9 10. and Balaam afterward though a wicked man yet a Prophet Numb 24.17 18 19. Yet I rather choose to begin after Samuels daies for there the Holy Ghost seems to point out our beginning Vers 24. yea and all the Prophets from Samuel have likewise foretold of these daies Now beginning from Samuel setting Jonah aside which is but a History not one but have spoken of these times as to give instance David did it Psal 62. The whole Psalm is a Prophecie of Christs Kingdom and not Solomons any otherwise than in the Type as is clear 1. From the continuance of this Kingdom vers 7. as long as the Moon indureth 2. The extent of it vers 8. From Sea to Sea from the Rivers to the ends of the Earth 3. The Subjects of it all Kings and all Nations vers 11. neither of which either did or could agree to Solomons Kingdom Psal 102.16 When the Lord shall build up Sion he i.e. Christ shall appear in his glory And that the fulfilling of this relates to the last times is evident Vers 18. This shall be written for the Generation to come when as verse 22. the people are gathered together and the Kingdoms to serve the Lord. Isaiah likewise Chap. 2.2 3 4. It shall come to pass in the last dayes the mountain of the Lords house shall be established in the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the Hills and all Nations shall flow unto it And he i.e. Christ shall judge among the Nations and rebuke many people Chap. 9.7 Of the increase of his Government and peace there shall be no end upon the Throne of David and upon his Kingdom whose Throne and Kingdom was outward to order it and establish it with Judgement and Justice Chap. 32.1 2. Behold a King shall reign in Righteousness and Princes shall rule in Judgement Christ and his Saints reigning together And a man noting a corporal presence as well as spiritual at this day shall be a hiding place from the wind and a covert from the tempest Chap. 35.4 Your God will come with vengeance even God with a recompence he will come and save you The whole Chapter speaks of Christs Kingdom and the coming here agrees to that chap. 63.1 2. c. which I have proved to be Personal Jeremiah also who throughout chap. 30 31 32 33. treats of Christs Kingdom and that too in the last days when Ephraim Head of the Ten Tribes never gathered as yet since their Captivity shall come in Ezekiel Chap. 34 11. to the end Chap. 37. throughout So Daniel Chap. 2 44.45 In the dayes of these Kings shall the God of Heaven set up a Kingdome which shall never be destroyed and the Kingdome shall not be left to other people but it shall break in peeces and consume all these Kingdomes and it shall stand for ever This Kingdome must bee outward because it breaks in peeces the four Monarchies which were outward and takes the place of them and it is improper to say a meer Spiritual Kingdome can take place of an outward and why as the four former Monarchies had alwayes some visible Head the same should not be in this fifth I see no reason Chap. 7.27 And the Kingdome and Dominion and the greatness of the Kingdome under the whole Heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most High whose Kingdome is an everlasting Kingdome and all Dominions shall serve and obey him i.e. Christ who in this Kingdome shall rule as Head and the Saints under him And this Kingdome must be outward for the Kingdome of the little Horn which was an outward Kingdome is the Kingdome here given to the Saints that Christ and his Saints rule in So Hosea Chap. 1.10 11. Chap. 3 4 5. both places agreeing punctually to that of Ezek. 37. which I have opened Joel Chap. 2.28 to the end Chap. 3. opened also before Amos Chap. 9.11 to the end Obadiah vers 21. And Saviours shall come upon mount Sion and shall judge the mount of Esau and the Kingdome shall be the Lords Micha Chap. 4.6 7. In that day will I assemble her that halteth and
I will gather her that is driven out and her that I have afflicted And I will make her that halted a remnant and her that was cast off a strong Nation and the Lord shall reign over them in mount Sion from henceforth even for ever Chap. 5.4 And he i.e. Christ as vers 2. shall stand and feed in the strength of the Lord in the Majesty of the Name of the Lord his God and they shall abide for now shall he be great unto the ends of the earth vers 5. And this man shall be the peace it is proper to Christ alone to be called the Peace when the Assyrian shall come into our land and shall tread in his Palaces Nahum Chap. 1.15 Behold upon the Mountain the feet of him that bringeth good tydings that publisheth peace O Judah keep thy solemn Feast perform thy vows for the wicked shall no more pass through thee he is utterly cut off explained Zech. 14.4 His feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives vers 21. And in that day there shall be no more Canaanite i.e. the house of the Lord of Hosts Habakkuk Chap. 2.14 For the Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the Sea To what time this relates see by comparing with Isa 11.9 where wee have the same words Zephaniah Chap. 3.8 to the end Haggai Chap. 2.6 7 21 22 23. before opened Zechariah Chap. 6.12.13 Thus speaketh the Lord of Hosts saying Behold the Man whose name is the Branch and he shall grow up out of his place and he shall build the Temple of the Lord Even he shall build the Temple of the Lord and he shall bear the glory and shall sit and rule upon his Throne and he shall be a Priest upon his Throne This Prophecie relates to Christ who is the Branch who is to bear the glory and not any creature yea who and no other is King and Priest both upon his Throne Chap. 9.9 Rejoyce greatly O Daughter of Sion shout O Daughter of Jerusalem Behold thy King cometh unto thee he is just and having salvation lowly and riding upon an Asse and upon a Colt the foal of an Asse And I will cut off the Chariot from Ephraim and the horse from Jerusalem and the battel bow shall be cut off and he shall speak peace unto the heathen and his Dominion shall bee from Sea even to Sea and from the River to the ends of the earth Which latter words are an evidence the Prophecie is yet to be fulfilled and this coming of Christ as a King is the same which as under a type was represented by Christs riding into Jerusalem Mat. 21.4 5. and that was in a Personal way There is but one Prophet more and that is Malachy who also speaks of this Chap. 3.2 Who may abide the day of his coming and who shall stand when he appeareth for he is like a Refiners fire and like Fullers sope Chap. 4.1 2 3. Behold the day cometh that shall burn as an oven and all the proud yea and all that do wickedly shall be as stuble and the day that cometh shall burn them up that it shall leave them neither root nor branch But unto you that fear my Name shall the Sun of righteousness arise Thus I have lead you through all the Prophets naming but a few Texts out of each more especially the Psalms Isaiah and Zechary which every where are full of this instead of many that might be shewing you what a harmony there is amongst them all as to the time of Christs Kingdome which if any one can shew so full a harmony as to that of the General Judgement I shall for time to come lay by this Scripture as not of weight to prove the thing in hand but till this is done I shall hold my own conclusion viz. That the time of the Restitution of all things when Christ is Personally to appear being that which all the Prophets have spoken of is not the General Judgement which few or none have spoken of but the time of restoring the Kingdome of Israel that being the thing that all the Prophets are full of having treated of no one Subject more nay not half so much And indeed the 20. verse suits this Interpretation well And he shall send Jesus which before was preached unto you the latter words unto you having reference as well to sending as preaching and the meaning is That Christ shall at this time as verily be sent of the Father to the Jews as then he was preached to them by Peter and therefore Tremelius in his Translation out of the Syriack reads the Vobis to you twice after either Verb. The Argument then lyes thus If that Christ shall personally appear at the time of the Kingdoms restoring to Israel as hath been at large proved and if this shal be in the Interval of time betwixt the sixth and seventh Vials as also hath been formerly proved then doth it follow that Christs personal appearance or coming shall be betwixt the sixth and seventh Vials and so is the very coming here spoken of Behold I come as a Thief Two Arguments more to prove our Position are in the words themselves which are 3 ARGUMENT The phrase of coming as a Thief is most frequently used in Scripture to express Christs personal coming which therefore is the coming here intended 1 Thess 5.2 For your selves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a Thief in the night 2 Pet. 3.10 But the day of the Lord will come as a Thief in the night in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noyse So Mat. 24.42 43 44. Luk. 12 39 40. 4 ARGUMENT The duty here spoken of to which a special blessing is annexed is that very duty which beleevers are with much earnestness exhorted unto whensoever Christs personal coming is spoken of Mat. 24.42 Watch therefore for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come Chap. 25.13 So Mark 13.32 33 34 35 36 37. 1 Thess 5.2 compared with 6. all which places speak of no other coming but his Personal Yea the blessing annexed to this duty of watchfulness we do not read of but thrice more in all the Scripture and that is ever in such places where mention is made of his personal coming Luke 12.37 38. we have the blessing twice pronounced Blessed are those servants whom the Lord when he cometh shall find watching And if he come in the second watch or in the third watch and find them so blessed are those servants Mat. 14.46 Blessed is that servant whom the Lord when hee cometh shall finde so doing what doing why watching and being ready against his coming as vers 42.44 These two last Arguments taken from the words I must confess do not of themselves conclude the thing because the same expression of coming as a Thief with the duty of watching annexed thereto I find once used in a spiritual
sate upon them and judgement was given unto them Isa 31.1 A King shall rule in righteousness and Princes shall rule in judgement and we may read Luke 19.15 16 17 18 19. that at the time when Christ receives his Kingdome the faithful servant who hath improved his ten Talents well is then made ruler over ten Cities hee that well improved five over five Cities expounding that 1 Cor. 6.2 Do yee not know that the Saints shall judge the world 2 The sentence passed at the last day shall concern eternal life or death Mat. 25.46 the result of the General Judgement is the wicked go into everlasting punishment the righteous into life eternal but now the judgement in the time of the one thousand years shal be a judging of the world that is those wicked ones that shall bee suffered to live in this day as to outward punishments and servility in way of requital of what Christs people in all Ages have suffered from the world which is expressed Psal 140.6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouths and a two-edged sword in their hands vers 7. To execute vengeance upon the heathen and punishments upon the people vers 8. To bind their Kings with chains and their Nobles with fetters of Iron vers 9. To execute upon them the judgement written This honour have all his Saints Halelujah So Isa 61.5 6. And strangers shall stand and feed your flocks and the sons of the Alien shall be your Plow-men and your Vine-dressers expressions which note a servility But ye shall be named the Priests of the Lord men shall call you the Ministers of our God Chap. 14.2 They shall take them captive whose captives they were and they shall rule over their oppressors All which places as is most clear to him that views the context and compares them with other Scriptures have respect to the glory of the last times as the day where in they are to have their accomplishment and a type of this I conceive the Gibeonites might be who as a remnant of those Canaanites destined to destruction were yet spared by Joshna who in entring Canaan was a notable type of Christ taking possession of his Kingdome to be hewers of wood and drawers of water for the house of God and this is as I also conceive one reason of it why Daniel Chap. 7. after the destruction of the fourth Beast i. e. the Roman Monarchy as under Antichrist and casting him into the burning flame vers 11. yet addeth vers 12. that the rest of the Beasts i.e. those powers of the world whose dependance was not upon Antichrist had their Dominion taken away but their lives were prolonged for a season and time Why so namely That Saints to whom now the Kingdome was to be given vers 27. might rule over them And here as I judge are to be brought in those Scriptures which speak of the Saints Ruling and Reigning Rev. 5.10 And hast made us unto our God Kings and Priests and we shall reign on the earth Chap. 20.6 they shall be Priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years agreeing exactly to that of Isa Chap. 61.5 6. which was named but now strangers shall stand and feed your flocks but ye shall be named Priests of the Lord 2 Tim. 2.12 If we suffer with him we shall also reign with him which cannot bee meant of a Spiritual Reigning on earth because in that fense Timothy and other Saints Reigned then but this is a promise of a thing for future nor can it be a Reigning with Christ in Heaven because where is no Rule nor Authority there can be no Reigning but the Apostle tells us plainly speaking of heavenly glory 1 Cor. 15.24 that there all Rule and Authority and Power shall be put down it must be therefore at some other time which is this I am speaking of And what dangerous consequences will follow hereupon in case we say that as Christ himself after his resurrection continued some time on earth doing his fathers work before he entred into his rest so the Saints that herein also they might be like him shall after their resurrection continue here on earth doing the work of their Redeemer and that some time before they enter into their rest doth not as yet appear to me Object In case it be said How can these things be seeing upon Christs second coming the world that now is shall perish by fire as did the old by water that yet after this a seed of wicked men should remain for Saints to rule over Ans True the Scriptures which speak of this coming mention a coming with fire Isa 66.15 The Lord shall come with fire to render his rebuke with flames of fire Mal. 4.1 The day cometh that shall burn as an Oven 2 Thes 1.8 In flaming fire rendring vengeance and Rev. 19.20 immediately upon the battel of Armageddon before the thousand years begin we read of a Lake of fire into which the Beast and false Prophet are cast which fire that it shall be material fire Peter implys plainly 2 Epist 3. in saying that as the old world was drowned with water viz. material water so is this reserved to fire against the day of Christs coming Yet that this fire which whether it shall be general in all places at once or onely in that place where Christ shall appear and his enemies be gathered together whither the dross of the world shall be gathered as into one Lake is a question too nice to dispute shall not destroy the being of the World is clear First Because it is a fire for another end viz. refining not destroying Mal. 3.2 Who may abide the day of his coming for he shall he as are finers fire Secondly The New Heavens and New Earth that Isay and John speak of wherein shall dwel Righteousness and in which the Saints shall regin with Christ Peter makes mention of as a thing to be after this fire which as I have said he therefore brings in with a nevertheless 2 Pet. 3.13 Now what if we should say that as when the old world was destroyed by water not onely righteous Noah and godly Shem and Japhet but also cursed Cham yea the kinds of all the creatures were spared from that deluge to replenish the new world so at this day not onely the Saints in the world shall be preserved but even some of the wicked yea of all the creatures to serve the glorious ends and designs of God and that in the new Heavens and Earth which seems not without all ground because the Apostle Paul tels us plainly Rom. 8.20 21 22. That the creatures earnest expectation waits for that day in which the Sons of God shall be manifest when the creature Devils and wicked men on whom the curse shall still remain excepted shall be delivered from that bondage of corruption that now it groans under and that not by a total dissolution or annihilation of it but
place of their own destruction Verse 16. ANd he i.e. Christ gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew Tongue Armageddon These words have relation to the 14. Verse where we have the Kings of the Earth and the whole world gathering together to the battel of the great day of God Almighty onely because whilst they are gathering together from all parts and now in a manner their whole body united and ready to swallow up his people Christ appears and interposeth himself betwixt his people and their bloody raging enemies therefore we have the coming of Christ Verse 15. brought in between their gathering together and their full and compleat Randezvouze and so these words come to be dis-joyned from the former As touching the place here called Armageddon the opinions of Writers are various which being not a thing so material I shall not recite my own thoughts incline to their opinion who read it the place of destruction of an Army And possibly there may be an allusion in the name to that great destruction of the Canaanites at the waters of Megiddo Judg. 5.19 when Sisera the chief Captain of Jabin with all his Host fell by the hand of Deborah and Barak where was made such a total destruction that it is said Judg. 4.16 And the Host of Sisera fell upon the edge of the sword and there was not a man left And indeed I the rather incline to this interpretation for the agreeableness of it to those other Scriptures where as before I have shewed this battel is spoken of Isa 63.6 I will tread down the people in mine anger and make them drunk in my fury Chap. 66.16 The slain of the Lord shall be many Joel chap. 3.14 calls it the valley of Decision or cutting off and Rev. 19.21 The remnant were slain with the sword of him that sate on the Horse All implying a great and marvellous destruction of enemies The meaning of the whole is That Christ himself as well as the spirits before mentioned Vers 13 14. hath a special hand in the gathering together this cursed Troop they to destroy the Saints and people of Christ but he to manifest his love to his children and his own glory the more upon his appearing and to revenge upon them with his own hand the blood of his people and although their coming up and gathering to a head is through their instigation yet the disposing of their Quarters and place of Randezvouze is his who gathers them together into the appointed place of their destruction where for his peoples sake he intends to render upon them his anger with fury and his rebukes with flames of fire as Isaiah expresseth it And methinks when my thoughts are fixed upon this day I cannot but sometimes stand and admire not so much at the ruin of the enemies as at that matchless love of Christ towards his which will appear in doing of it who seems at this day to act the holy passions of a provoked Father and Husband who having seen his children oft murdered before his face and his beloved Spouse now in the hands of the Murderers can no longer forbear but in the heat and vehemency of affection with unexpressible indignation he himself with his drawn sword rusheth forth upon the Murderers as not contented to have their blood if his own hands be not dipped in it fighting with fury through and through and from the rage of his mightily provoked spirit being become deaf to all cryes kils and slays without pity or mercy and is so far from sadly resenting what he hath done afterwards as that he is marvellously delighted yea glories in it that for the sake of his Children and Spouse whose quarrel he hath been now revenging he hath ingaged so far as to come off the field with Garments dyed red in the blood of their enemies which excellently we have set forth Isa 63. where we have Christ after this wonderful slaughter made of his peoples enemies and that with his own hand who therefore is said to come from Edom Edom being ever a cruel enemy to Israel turning himself and in a way of triumph presenting himself to his Spouse who seeing one coming glorious in his apparrel i.e. most delightful to behold and yet withall having Garments dyed in blood and travelling as a mighty Gyant in the greatness of his strength she is astonished and as in an ex asie through wonderment fear and joy she cryes out Who Who is this that cometh from Edom in such a manner with dyed Garments yet glorious in his apparrel travelling in the greatness of his strength To whom Christ presently replies It is I O my Spouse It is I who am mighty to save thee who for thy sake have been treading the Winepress alone trampling the people in mine anger making them drunk in my fury bringing down their strength to the Earth and it is so far from repenting me of any thing that for thee I have done that were there or shall there be any more to gather together against thee I can yet do no less for my heart is filled with vengeance than tread them in mine anger yea trample them in my fury and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my Garments and I will slain all my Rayment Wonderful unspeakable love a●ming a most dear and blessed Saviour with burning affections and fury cladding him with zeal and vengeance as a cloak that hee might plead their cause and avenge their quarrel pour abroad the blood of their enemies who by their sins have thrust a spear in his side and wickedly poured out his What heart without melting into tears can consider of this Thus much as touching the fourth and last thing namely Christs wonderful disposing of his enemies to their own ruine with which concludes the Interval or space of time betwixt the sixth and seventh VIALS VIAL VII 1 The Angel pouring it out Vers 17. AND the seventh Angel poured out his Vial. The Angel of this Vial is doubtless Christ himself whose coming we spake of but now and who instantly upon his coming pours out this Vial called the Archangel 1 Thess 4.16 who is there said to come with a shout or voyce The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout and with the voyce of the Archangel And accordingly as an Adjunct accompanying this Vial we have a great voyce The seventh Angel poured out his Vial and there came a great voyce out of the Temple of Heaven which voyce is no other but the voyce of Christ himself as I shall shew anon 2 The Subject of it The Air. Into the Air No subject can be more general than the Air which containeth all things fills all places in which all Creatures breath The universality of the subject notes the pouring out of this Vial to be universal the fore-going Vials have fallen upon particular subjects The first upon the grosser parts of Popery The second upon the Antichristian Hierarchy The third upon some
into the Divinity so as that Christ shall be God-man no longer for the Apostle in saying the Humane Nature shall be subject denotes plainly that the same shall even in Heaven hereafter have a being for how can that be subject which hath no being And as the Lambs having a Throne in the New Jerusalem proves clearly that it cannot be meant of Heavenly glory after the day of Judgement so doth it as strongly prove what before I have laid down that not a Spiritual onely buth a Personal presence of Christ shall be with his people in the New Jerusalem all the time of the thousand years for Christ as the Lamb hath his Throne in it but Christ Spiritually onely is not the Lamb nor was he sacrifised in that sense Seventhly and lastly Because Isa 60. which Chapter as is most evident speaks not of heavenly glory but of a glorious state of the Church here on Earth is for time one and the same with this as plainly will appear by comparing one with the other Isa Rev. 60.11 the Gates shal be open continually they shall not be shut day nor night 21.25 And the Gates of it shall not be shut at all by day Verse 3. The Gentiles shall come to thy light and Kings to the brightness of thy rising Verse 24. The Kings of the Earth do bring their glory and honor into it Verse 10. Their Kings shall minister unto thee Verse 11. That men may bring unto thee the forces of the Gentiles and that their Kings may bee brought Verse 26. And they shall bring the glory and honor of the Nations into it Verse 1. Violence shall no more be heard in thy Land Verse 20. The dayes of thy mourning shall be ended Verse 4. God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death nor sorrow nor cry●●● neither shall there be any more pain Verse 19. The Sun shall be no more thy light by day neither for brightness shall the Moon give light unto thee but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light and thy God thy glory Verse 23. And the City had no need neither of the Sun nor of the Moon to shine in it for the glory of God did lighten it and the Lamb was the light thereof Verse 21. Thy people also shall be all righteous Verse 27. And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth neither whatsoever worketh abomination or maketh a lye but they which are written in the Lambs Book of life Yet because it would be a thing hard to be beleeved that the New Jerusalems glory should be here on Earth therefore it is said chap. 21.5 These words are true and faithful and again chap. 22.6 These sayings are faithful and true One thing here is of special concernment to be opened to the end the words of the seventh Vial may be brought to a reconciliation with the description of the New Jerusalem chap. 21. both as I have shewed being to be referred to one and the same time which is this Seeing John in describing the New Jerusalem saith I saw no Temple therein Chap. 21.22 and the contrary is here intimated There came a great voyce out of the Temple of Heaven how can these things agree or the one be made Expository of the other when they speak things contradictory I answer John saw no material Temple such as was in Jerusalem of old to which here new Jerusalem is opposed Or secondly which I rather incline to John saw no such Temple as was the former Temple or Church-state under the Gospel But that a Temple there shall be is manifest for saith he in the next words which are given as a reason why no such Temple as formerly had been should be in this New state because indeed they should now have a better Temple The Lord God Almighty and the Lamb is the Temple of it So that a Temple there is but this shall not be such a Temple in which Christ through outward Ordinances as a medium is conveyed to his and they by faith enjoy him as now for what need of these things when Christ is with his people and to be enjoyed in another way of Vision● yea the duration of these things is but untill his coming 1 Cor. 11.26 For as oft as ye eat this bread and drink this cup yee shew the Lords death till he come And the Apostle is clear in this that all injoyments of God by faith cease when sight takes place 2 Cor. 5.7 1 Cor. 13.8 9 10 11 12 13. And indeed what use will there be of 2 Glass to see Christ in when he shall present himself face to face which he will do at the day of his appearing 1 John 3.2 It doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is yea to behold the Lamb thus shall be a principall part of the New Jerusalems glory Rev. 22.3 4. They shall see his face and his name shall be in their fore-heads So that this Temple shall not be a worshipping of Christ and an injoyment of him through outward ordinances but rather a more immediate worshipping and injoyment of him in himself who therefore in this New Jerusalem is not onely the person worshipped but the very Temple we worship in And this which now I am speaking of is I ta●● 〈◊〉 clearly held forth in those words of the Apostle Heb. 12.26 Yet once more I shake not the earth onely but also Heaven which place he quotes from Haggai chap. 2.6 7. which before I have proved relates to this time Now as Christ at his first coming shook the legal worship which the Apostle tels us stood in meats and drinks and carnal Ordinances imposed on them until the time of Reformations Heb. 9.10 for which reason the shaking hereof is called ashaking of the earth and did at his resurrection establish another way of worship far more spiritual than the former yee having also some outward Ordinances and Institutions as the former had which in Scripture is frequently called as opposed to the other Heaven and the Kingdom of Heaven so at his second coming will he shake this worship cast this Temple though more spiritual than the former to the ground also for saith he yet once more I shake not earth onely but Heaven also i.e. all the worship that now is I mean outward is upon Christs second coming to be removed and such a Kingdom and Worship instead thereof is to be set up as can never be shaken i.e. shall never be broken in peeces any more as the former worships have been but shall be the same for kind being as I have said a more immediate worship with that which shall be in Heaven hereafter And not darkly is this hinted Isa 60.19 20. The Sun that is those outward things which before were as a Sun under which are comprehended outward
a pure River of water of life proceeding out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb Verse 12. And by the River upon the bank thereof on this side and on that side shall grow all Trees for meat whose leaf shall not fade neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months because their waters they issued out of the Sanctuary and the fruit thereof shall be for meat and the leaf thereof for medicine Verse 2. In the midst of the street of it and of either side of the River was there the Tree of life which bare twelve manner of fruits and yeelded her fruit every month and the leaves of the Tree were for the healing of the Nations Chap. 48.35 The name of the City from that day shall be the Lord is there Verse 3. And there shall be no more curse but the Throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it Now Ezekiel in describing the New Jerusalem doth all along sure his expressions to that Administration and the capacities of Gods people in those times not speaking of things as they are in themselves or were to be in the accomplishment of which the whole of his Discourse is an instance But to instance more especially in one thing we have Chap. 41. a large description of a Temple which he that reads will hardly imagine to be the same Temple John speaks of Rev. 21. vers 22. The Lord God Almighty and the Lamb is the Temple of it and yet it is the very same and no other for Ezekiel Chap. 47. tells us of waters coming out of this house verse 1. causing a River verse 5. which River had on each side of it Trees for meat bearing fruit according to the Months whose leaf was for medicine verse 12. which very River is said Rev. 22.1 2. to proceed from the Throne of God and the Lamb interpreting clearly what we are to understand by Ezekiels Temple notwithstanding all the measuring the height length breadth Chambers Ornaments c. that we there read of things suting their capacities to whom the Prophet spake yet the Temple is indeed no other but the presence of the Lamb the Throne of God and the Lamb which is the very Temple of the New Jerusalem Rev. 21.22 And as in these so in many other places where the New Jerusalems glory is described by the Prophets we have sometimes long life intimated The childe shall die an hundred years old as the daies of a tree are the daies of my people Sometimes building houses planting Vineyards c. as if the great glory were to lye in such things which is not so but as Ezekiels Temple hath in his description a great deal of outward bravery suitable to such a Temple as their thoughts to whom he spake were most taken up with yet is in a word interpreted in the Revelations to be another manner of thing viz. the Lamb and his Throne so these things are spoken rather by way of condescention to their weakness who standing under an outward Covenant in which such things were promised were exceedingly pleased with things of this nature looking much at them making a greater account of them than as the things in themselves are or will appear to be when this day shall come 2 RULE That the coming of Gods people out of Babylon building the second Temple and Jerusalem being all an eminent Type of the thing I am speaking of therefore in some Scriptures where we read of this glory under that deliverance as a Type we are to look upon some things to have their fulfilling then in the Type some others to be fulfilled for time to come in the Antitype To this Rule appertain not a few places in the Prophets especially in Haggai and Zechary who prophesied upon the coming out of Babylon and at the time the second Temple was building as Hag. 2.6 7 8 9. the Prophet hath reference to the second Temple as a Type which he calls the latter house v. 9. but whilst he speaks of shaking Heaven Earth the desire of all Nations coming and thereupon the glory of the latter house to surpass the glory of the former built by Solomon in all these things it hath relation as in our former Discourse hath been proved to the time of Christs second coming and the state of the new Jerusalem So also in Zechary where we have several Prophesies concerning Jerusalems being built Chap. 1. chap. 2. chap. 8. some things had their fulfilling then in that Jerusalem which was afterwards built by Nehemiah as when it is said Jerusalem should again be inhabited as a Town without wals for the multitude of men and cattel therein Chap. 2.4 There should be yet old men and old women dwel in the streets of Jerusalem and the streets of the City should be full of Boyes and Girles playing in the streets thereof chap. 8.4.5 which things were afterwards fulfilled Jerusalem betwixt Nehemiahs time and the time of Christs coming being inhabited again and grown populous which when Zechary Prophesied was but a ruinous heap or in case these things are to be extended further to the time of the New Ierusalem we are to interpret them according to our first Rule but now there are other things as many Nations being joyned to the Lord in that day becoming his people and the Lord himself dwelling in the midst of them chap. 2.11 The coming of many people and the inhabitants of many Cities and the Inhabitants of one City saying to another Let us go speedily to pray before the Lord and to seek the Lord of Hosts yea many people and strong nations coming to seek the Lord of Hosts in Jerusalem and to pray before the Lord chap. 8.20 21 22. These things relate to the time of the New Ierusalem yet so as we must also interpret the Prophets manner of speaking and setting forth these things according to our first Rule 3 RULE That as the Gospel Administration which was when the Prophets wrote to come was to be a very considerable step towards the glory of the new Ierusalem things being under it to make a great advance in Spirituals in comparison of what then they were by reason whereof a beginning or a peeping forth of new Ierusalems glory should be held forth in that Administration Hence we are to look upon some places in the Prophets where this glory is spoken of as relating in part and in some things to the state of the Church under the Gospel Administration that now is but to have a more special relation in regard of the Prophets scope to the state of the New Ierusalem which is yet to come This is clear from the Scriptures before mentioned Isa 54.13 All thy children shall be taught of the Lord Jer. 31.34 They shall no more teach every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying Know the Lord which places as I have said have an accomplishment in part at
present but for their fulness they look to the time of the New Jerusalem which is yet to come So Ezek. 43.10 11. Those that are ashamed of their abominations shall have the form and fashion of Gods house shewed to them and chap 44.10 11. The Levites that went astray when Israel went astray are laid by in the special acts of Gods worship but v. 15 16. they that kept their charge when the rest went astray are imployed in the service of Gods Sanctuary and Table which things in a spiritual way God hath fulfilled and is daily fulfilling to his people under the present Administration though yet the general scope of this Propliecy as before looks to the time of the New Ierusalem By these few examples under each rule we may be able to judge of many others of a like nature which will in reading offer themselves to us 4 The Effects 1 Effect Terror Vers 18. And there were voyces and Thunders and Lightnings and there was a great Earthquake such as was not since men were upon the Earth so mighty an Earthquake and so great The great voyce from the Throne upon the seventh Angel pouring his Vial forth fills the whole world with terror In the Air are heard most dreadful astonishing thundrings and lightnings fearful affrighting voyces through the sound of the Trumpet Mat. 24.31 1 Cor. 15.52 houlings screechings lamentings of Devils whose torments now begin the time being come The Earth is terribly moved and ready to be rent in peeces with a horrible shaking upon the appearing of the Lord as Mount Sinai shook and quaked greatly when the Lord descended upon it Exod. 19.16 17 18. hereby the whole world is filled with trembling now do the Tribes of the earth mourn mens hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of Heaven are shaken 2 Effect Ruin Wherein we have 1 A particular List of the things ruined which are 1 The Great City 2 The Cities of the Nations 3 Great Babylon Vers 19. And the Great City was divided into three parts and the Cities of the Nations fell and great Babylon came in remembrance before God to give unto her the cup of the Wine of the fierceness of his wrath Setting aside the Dragon who was the principal stickler in encouraging and gathering together that Rout and Multitude who from all parts of the world come up to the battel of the great day of God Almighty whose punishment is passed over here but particular mention is made thereof Chapter 20. there seems to be three sorts of enemies who shall gather together at this day 1 The Popish Crew 2 Mahumetans 3 Some Kings of the Earth neither Papists nor Mahumetans The first stand under the Banner of the Beast The two last being one in this that neither pretends to stand up for Christ as doth the Beast who shall at this day by the subtlety Miracles and counterfeit holiness of the false Prophet be marvellously blinded being made to beleeve his cause to be quite contrary to what indeed it is but coming forth upon the account of some carnal respects or worldly interests yet mixed with malice which is natural to all that are of the Serpentine seed against the Saints are both comprehended under that of the Kings of the earth Rev. 19.19 I saw the Beast and the Kings of the earth Daniel Chap. 7. describes them otherwise though not much differing calling the first as here the Beast which I have shewed to be the Roman Monarchy as governed by Antichrist the little Horn the other the rest of the Beasts vers 12. noting other worldly powers who shall joyn hands at this day with Antichrist or the fourth Beast Now that Antichrist with other Kings of the earth as his adherents shall at this day make one Head to oppose the Saints is without question but yet perhaps it may be thought sufficient proof hath not from what hath been said appeared to evidence that the great Turk or the Mahumetan party shall joyn with the rest or should be comprehended under that of the Kings of the earth Now although no less can be thought when the Holy Ghost speaks in such general termes vers 14. The Kings of the earth and of the whole world then that the Turk who possesseth a great part of the world should be included yet that the sense of the words may be more clear I shall from other Scriptures prove that the great Turk shall have a hand yea a deep one too in this desperate ingagement Not much to insist upon because I would not bee prolix the gathering together of Gog and Magog spoken of in Ezek. 38.39 which divers worthy men and not without giving good reasons for it interpret the Pope and the Turk which gathering together that it is the same with that at this day the several circumstances of the place do evidence as will appear to him who shall compare the battel of Gog and Magog with this of Armageddon and not as some that spoken of Rev. 20.8 9. which mentions no battel as doth Ezekiel nor will that agree to the time of the Jews delivery which Ezekiel is clear in but rather should be a thousand years after neither can there the General Judgement immediately insuing thereupon be any allowance of time either to bury Gog's dead or for a glorious state of the Church here on earth both which Ezekiel speaks punctually unto yet well may those Rev. 20. being such of the seed of old Gog and Magog as shall survive the thousand years and shall at the end thereof upon the Devils letting loose act against the Saints as their Fore-fathers did retain the names of their Ancestors Gog and Magog still But to pass this I take it those places which are not a few in the Old Testament where mention is made of the rage of the Assyrian against Israel have a special reference to the thing I am now in proving for whereas the Turk doth at this day possess Chaldea Mesopotamia with such other Countries as did anciently belong to the Assyrian Monarchy so do I conceive what the Prophets oft hint at as touching the Assyrians invading Israel with his Armies to be rather Typical of what should be in the last dayes acted by his Successor the Turk than a plenary fulfilling of those Prophesies by any Invasions of the Assyrian in or about those times Isa 30.31 For through the voyce of the Lord shall the Assyrian be beaten down Which Text although I deny not but it had a typical accomplishment in the dayes of Senacherib yet doth not that answer the scope of the Chapter which it is manifest looks to the last dayes and how the 30 31 32 33 verses agrees to what we have formerly spoken as touching Christs coming at the battel of Armageddon will be clear to him who shall but compare sundry places which upon that occasion I have opened before with this As
flee p. 105 The signification of the one thousand six hundred furlongs ib. The Conclusion of all Generation-work OR ANEXPOSITION Of the Prophecies of the Two Witnesses From the 11 12 and 14 Chapters of the Revelations Shewing yet farther what the designs of God abroad in the world may in all likelihood be at this present day and in the dayes near approaching To which is added A Key to unlock the Mystical Numbers of Daniel and the Revelations tending to resolve this Great Question How long shall it be to the end of Wonders The Third and last Part. By John Tillinghast Minister of the Gospel Isa 26.20 Come my people enter thou into thy Chambers and shut thy doors about thee hide thy self as it were for a little moment until the indignation be over-past 21. For behold the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the Inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity the earth also shall disclose her blood and shall no more cover her slain LONDON Printed for Livewell Chapman at the Crown in Pope●-head-Alley 1655. To his Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland MY LORD IT is an Apocryphal saying but yet a true one Truth is greatest of all those who have others in Subjection unto them are themselves to become Subject to it We yeeld up our outward man to men and they can command no more but Truth commands our inwards This glorious Truth dwels not in the wisdom of the wise nor in the godliness of the godly nor in any creature-impulsions though ever so forc●ble which have no rule but their own but in the blessed word alone where truth hath pitched its Tabernacle and the way to be acquainted with it is through the help of the Spirit of Truth unsealing the Book opening our understandings to understand the Scriptures The knowledge of this Truth The great Revealer of secrets hath thought good to impart to his people not all at once but by degrees and so the several ages of the Church have had their several manifestations of truth a peece of truth coming forth in one age a peece more in the age following a peece more in the age following that God thus by degrees enlightning his people as they are able to bear it who should the Sun rise upon them all at once would be dazled not enlightned As the workings of the mystery of iniquity on the one hand or Gods dispensations of providence on the other have risen higher in any age so have also Gods dispensations of truth to the end his in every age might from principles of truth be led up to renounce the one and own and imbrace the other Hence those things which later ages look upon as low and poor things not worth contending for were great things in former ages because the Truths of that age And contrariwise those things which former ages could not have born with had they been revealed may be the necessary discoveries of ages since because the Truths of these times Hence likewise it is a marifest with holding the truth in unrighteousness and a declaration to the world of a compliance with Antichrist to confine either by penal Laws threats or practices the people of God in this age to the Truth or Truths of the former age Yea those that love the Truth ought not to suffer themselves f●r love or fear of men in this case to be confined Had the people of God in the age before us contented themselves to have preached the precious truths of Christs Priestly Office and out of obedience to the Wills and Commands of the then Ruling Powers surceased any farther enquiry how had the blessed Truths of Christ as King in his Churches been discovered If Christ hath yet farther and higher Truths to make known and the dispensers of truth shall suffer Bonds to be laid upon them how shall the will of God at this day in the revelation of truth be performed The wisdom of a Christian man who would serve God in his Generation is to enquire into the particular Truth of the age he lives in for it is a thing much more acceptable to a Friend when he ha●h some great design in hand to serve him in that than to serve him in another thing but he that neither knows his friends mind nor his design cannot serve him in it The Truth of the age although the matter of it is to be looked for in the Word and no new thing contrary thereunto to be admitted the word without any additions being compleat in all knowledge able to make the man of God perfect throughly furnished unto all good works and if there appear to us to be a defect in this thing or that the defect is in our understandings not in the word yet in regard the word hath no where told us that the revelation of this truth belongs to this age the revelation of that to that We are therefore by some other Rules to make up a judgement which amongst the manifold truths of the word is the Truth of the age we live in Now among many I could name those which I judge the safest are 1 An observation of the time and a comparing therewith the Prophecies relating to that time 2 The dispensations of the age Gods truth and his workings going together 3 The general opposition that is made by men of the world carnal Professors yea Saints themselves so far as they have espoused a sinful or worldly interest against this or that truth for it is a thing of universal observation that the most opposed truth in any age hath ever been the truth of that age Neglect of looking into this Truth of the Generation is that fatal Rock upon which many worthy Instruments in all ages have split themselves and should search be made after instances of this kind the names of not a few might be produced who did run well at first and were lights and helps to others yet after all have concluded like the bright Sun setting in a cloud That the great truth of Christs Kingdom over the world judging the Beast c. is the truth of this Generation is so manifestly clear the former Rules with others of a like nature being seriously considered as that it would be but an adding light to the Sun here to give demonstration of it It being so I shall take the boldness craving leave a while not to know your power or greatness nor any private or personal engagements which yet I remember with thankfulness having begged it of the Lord and it is still my request that neither fear nor favor might make me unfaithful in the dispensation of truth according to my talent to be plain with your Highness not in mine own behalf nor in the behalf of any party at this day in England whom to gratifie in a case of this nature is a thing my soul desires to abhor for he that pleaseth men cannot be the servant of Christ but in the
of Christ at Northwalsham in Norfolk walking in fellowship with the Churches of Christ in this Country sendeth Greeting Dearly beloved in the Lord AS the Lord the mighty God hath done great things and unsearchable marvelous things without number for his great Name and peoples sake within the space of a few years so certainly there shall not be an end of Wonders until his peoples full Redemption be accomplished And although the wicked of the earth regard not the works of the Lord neither consider what he hath already done or shall do hereafter yet they are observed and diligently sought out of the Saints that have pleasure therein And they shall speak of the might of his terrible Acts and shall declare his greatness they shall abundantly utter the memory of his goodness and sing of his righteousness they shall speak of the glory of his Kingdom and talk of his Power and make known to the sons of men his mighty Acts and the glorious Majesty of his Kingdom When we consider what a company of poor weak and unprofitable creatures we are having such dead dark and unsuitable hearts and spirits to the extraordinary appearances and dispensations of God towards us we might think it most meet that we above all others should sit down in silence and shame at such a time as this but while we are musing of the former wayes and dealings of God with his people and of those glorious things which must shortly come to pass our hearts do burn within us and having this opportunity we cannot but speak and declare a few things which are upon our spirits As touching our dear and worthy Brother the Author it may be expected something by us should be spoken but his desire as concerning himself hath laid silence upon us Yet this we shall say As we conceive him to be one who hath received much light from the Lord and esteems it a choice and special mercy to be taught of God the things of Christs Kingdom so we are his witnesses how holily and justly and unblameably he hath and doth behave himself amongst us and many others that beleeve As for the Treatise it self it needs not mans commendation because Truth commends it self Yet this we say It hath been a great refreshment to our spirits and we hope will be to the spirits of Gods people elswhere It is the Authors desire that things may not be received on your parts without trial yet in case any who fear the Lord be in this matter otherwise minded it is our desire they would not rashly condemn that which was neither rashly undertaken nor published But to come to what we have further to say It is an undeniable truth confirmed by long experience that the Devil hath ever had a great design against the Kingdom of Christ that holy City and hath so far prevailed as by his instruments to tread it underfoot for a long time though not able to destroy it So that those that have appeared and witnessed for Christ have been forced to do it in sackcleath in a very mean and low condition yet however they do it they will do it though in sackcloath And this hath been such a trouble and torment to the Beast and the dwellers on the earth that like men or rather Devils full of rage and fury against them they make War against them overcome them pull off even their sackcloath strip them kill them And whether this hath been already done or is yet to do is the great Question which this Treatise will give some light into and a little time will more fully determine And that those that dwell upon the earth Christs enemies should rejoyce and make merry when they see Christs Witnesses who tormented them by witnessing lye dead is not to be thought strange But that the Lord should be so tender and mindful of those that appear and witness for him as after a little while to give life unto them and not only to set them upon their feet but to raise them up to an high and glorious condition and that in the sight of their enemies greatly fearing and trembling to behold it is very affecting and comfortable to our hearts to consider And Dear Brethren having had some serious thoughts both of the spirits and wayes of Gods professing people at this time we cannot apprehend that the LORD hath yet performed his whole work upon Mount Sion but that he hath yet much to do yea though the Lord hath been a long time purging his people and hath cut off two parts and left onely a third yet there is so much filth and dross in that that surely he will bring the third part through the fire and will refine them as Silver is refined and will try them as Gold is tried And what condition the Lord hath yet to bring his people into to take away their dross in is best known to himself And may not the people of the Lord even after he hath done much for them in them yet polluted with several abominations expect some hour of temptation to be tried and purged in which may also be at hand And seeing we are speaking and speaking to Brethren that know how to bear with our weaknesses though we be poor stammering creatures we shall take liberty and boldness to speak a few things to you as plainly as we can it being now high time to deal faithfully and plainly with one another and to tell you more particularly what we fear And indeed Brethren we are afraid from a sad experience of the coldness and remisness of our own hearts that the charge of Christ against Ephesus will not fall upon us onely but upon other of the Churches and Saints of Christ that they have left their first Love We are afraid because we are so earthly minded our selves that some of you may be tempted also to seek other things before the Kingdom of God and to take too much thought what you shall eat and what you shall put on what profits preferments and incouragements you shall have in the world which are the things the men of the world seek after for the obtaining of which you may be prone to seek to please and serve men rather than Christ We are afraid because we have so little our selves that a spirit of self-denial should be wanting among you and that you should not have hearts to rejoyce when Christ doth increase if you should decrease and so lie open to that great and common evill of neglecting at least Christs interest to uphold and maintain your own We are afraid because of the drowsiness of our own bearts lest a spirit of slumber should fall upon you and you become mindless and regardless in comparison of what you formerly were and now ought to be of the voyce and works and coming of Christ We are afraid because we our selves are not Virgins chast and faithful to the person and interest of the Lord Christ lest your hearts should
this day seem to have lost that noble spirit that was in their Ancestors who for Christs sake loved not their lives unto death yet surely this consideration That they are the Children and Off-spring of those famous blessed Witnesses who with undaunted resolution appeared for Christ when our Fore-fathers yea and the whole world wondered after the Beast should not a little draw out the Bowels of our compassion towards them Notwithstanding what I have said of Germany as the place yet let me add this in the conclusion that I conceive withall that the condition of the people of God in other places will not be so prosperous but a cloud will be upon them their comforts and expectations a great part if not the greatest of this time for though the thickness and blackness of this cloud is to hang over Germany yet may it not be thought but that so great a cloud will cast a shadow further and thereby afflict at the same time though not in the same measure the people of God elsewhere And indeed it is very reasonable to think it should be so for if when but a member suffers in the natural body all the members suffer with it then surely when not a member onely but a principal part of the mystical Body lies under so fore a pressure as the body of Christ never before lay under cannot we think the other members should at that time have such cause of rejoycing as those who feel no smart at all How could there then be a sympathy in the mystical body Nay it is not onely reasonable but a thing of great concernment and special use it should be so to the end the other members by feeling smart and anguish from a few onely of the scattered drops lighting upon them might hereby be made the more sensible of the condition of their fellow brethren who lie under the furious rage of the tempest and also might from hence be stirred up to cry aloud to the Father of Mercies for their poor Brethren who now being thunder-struck have for the present neither sense nor life in a manner and so cannot cry for themselves SECT IX TWo things we have in an especiall manner noted by the Holy Ghost both which concern the Witnesses and are to have their fulfilling within the three days and a half of their lying dead First They of the People Kindreds Nations and Tongues see their dead bodies three days and a half and will not suffer their dead bodies to be put into graves vers 9. The putting of the dead bodies of the Witnesses into graves notes a corporal death it being Scripture phrase to put the grave for bodily death 1 Cor. 15.55 1 King 14.13 2 King 22.20 This would the Beast do but he is hindred Here a Controversie ariseth Who those People Kindreds Nations and Tongues should be Some will have them to be the Popish party some a reformed people if the one the act is an act of dis-favor if the other of favor Both these opinions you may see with the reasons of either laid down by Mr. Woodcock in his Treatise of the Two Witnesses who himself is for the first that they are the Popish party To bring here the Arguments on both hands to the Touchstone would be more tedious than profitable in regard the thing it self is not a matter of so great moment but that without any prejudice to all my other Principles there may be an allowance of different conjectures and therefore to make a great contention for a little gain I shall not do it for it will not quit time and cost I shall therefore onely offer to consideration my own thoughts hereof viz. That neither the Popish party nor a reformed people properly so called or so esteemed by Christ are here meant but indeed a third party a party that cannot properly be said to worship the Beast because him they disown Nor a party that may properly be called a reformed people because Reformation is a thing they have little regard unto But if you would see them in their proper Character They shall be persons of a worldly interest or to speak plainly pure Statists who walking by the rules of State-policy shall neither professedly own the Cause of Antichrist nor Christ beyond these principles And therefore very emphatically hath the Scripture as seems to me set them forth by people and Kindreds and Nations and Tongues which as it is a middle name neither so odious as the name of the worshippers of the Beast nor so honorable as that of the Witnesses so doth it excellently agree to such persons whose main design is a meer worldly interest for of such the great thing in their eye is the good of Common-wealths the regulating and ordering the affairs of People and Nations and Kindreds and Tongues and though they may own and favor the cause of Christ yet will they not appear for it a step farther than will stand with National interests the good of People and Nations and Kindreds and Tongues Now such there shall bee in the world in the time the Witnesses lie dead who shall take notice of the Witnesses slaughter and have a cast of their eye that way and by their power so far awe the Beast as that he shall not satisfie his lusts upon the Witnesses Secondly Besides these we have another sort of people spoken of who formerly being such as were tormented by the Witnesses in the time of their prophecy shall now upon their death be jovial make merry send gifts one to another as hoping they are now delivered from that danger they feared they should sustain by these Witnesses These are called the dwellers on the Earth ver 10. And they that dwell on the earth shall rejoyce over them and make merry and shall send gifts one to another because these two Prophets tormented them that dwelt on the Earth The phrase needs no other interpretation than what we have Chap. 13.8 And all that dwel upon the Earth shall worship him i.e. the Beast Ver. 14. And deceiveth them that dwel on the Earth clearly shewing that the dwellers on the Earth are the Popish party such as worship the Beast and are deceived by him These as well as the other see the Witnesses lie dead The difference is the other see them with an eie of care and some kind of pitty these with an eie of scorn and triumph Hence it is said that at the Witnesses rise great fear fell on them that saw them vers 11. which words relate to these latter sort of beholders who therefore vers 12. are called enemies these at the Witnesses rise shall fear Why Because having been tormented by them before they shall now expect the same again The demeanor and carriage of this latter sort of beholders set forth by their rejoycing making merry sending gifts one to another c. hath sometimes made me conceive that there should be within these three days and a half a great calm
is therefore represented by Michael i. e. Christ himself who acts him and the principal Head of the Beast on the other set on and acted by the Devil and therefore represented by the Dragon Now this can be applied to no other War so aptly as to the German War for where hath there ever been since the first rise of the Beast the like viz. of a War betwixt him and the Professors of the true Religion headed by the Beast himself of the one side and a religious godly Prince of the other 3 Because this War which precedes the killing of the Witnesses must be such a War as shall have great acclamations of Saints going along with it and great expectations founded upon it and that both as touching their deliverance from Antichristian bondage and also concerning the setting up of Christs Kingdom by it Therefore they cry vers 10. Now is come salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of Christ i.e. Now the day of our deliverance of Babylons downfal is come Now the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus shall bee exalted in the world O now is the power of Christ manifested indeed Such was the Swedish War in Germany It is not yet out of the memory of many of Gods people what high expectations were raised upon that War in all the Protestant Churches How did every eye almost then look for the downfal of Rome presently conceiving no other than that that most worthy Prince would be the ruine of the Antichristian Where What wonderful triumphs and rejoycings were there upon the reports of his Victories by all the godly party within our Gates And how heavy a load did the news of his being cut off lay upon the hearts of Gods people every where Though the Author cannot testifie these things of his own knowledge his age not serving him to remember things of this nature beyond the sadding news of his death yet from what he hath read of this good Prince and the reports he hath had from persons aged and faithful he supposeth he may assert the thing and doubts not but many this day alive will witness it 4 Because the effect and issue of this War in Heaven is the casting down of the Dragon from Heaven to Earth who yet by this and partly for rage to see himself cast down finds out a way to persecute the Woman anew Accordingly the issue of the Swedish War was this The proud German Emperor who before in his pride was lifted up to Heaven would stoop and buckle to none is now glad by means of this War to come down from his greatness to condescend and stoop to such terms as he can for himself make with the Swede by which agreement notwithstanding and partly for madness to see himself made to creep on the earth i.e. condescend to terms who thought ever to have sate in Heaven i. e. rule as absolute Lord over Christs heritage doing to them what he list he finds out a way to persecute the Woman drive her into the Wilderness for a time times and a half i.e. kill the Witnesses for three dayes and a half So that the Swedish War agrees exactly and fully to this War here mentioned as the forerunner of the killing of the Witnesses And because the Witnesses were by this War to be killed and every death hath some struglings and girdings that attend it answerable to that life and strength in the thing killed that therefore the Beast might feel what life and strength is in the Witnesses he himself is almost broken to peeces at first by this War i.e. by the very struglings and girdings of the Witnesses whilst he is going about to kil them Object But it may be said more likely our late War in England should be this War Answ I have sometimes thought that this War in Heaven might comprehend the whole War within the last 60 years of the Beast and so take in the Swedish War and our English War too And this I confess that in most things this War doth carry a likelihood as well to the English as the Swedish War And farther I find my self much inclining to make this War and the War betwixt the Lamb and the Kings of the Earth Chap. 17.14 which War as I conceive points at our English War and no other one and the same but this I must also say that I am more satisfied to look upon them as two Wars both within the 60 years and the one following the other And so this War to be the German War only and the other betwixt the Lamb and the Kings of the Earth to be the English War yet both to fall within the last 60 years and to be forerunners of the killing of the Witnesses And the Reasons why I conceive this War to be the German War only and not the English also are 1 Because the English War hath been betwixt Protestants only but this War is a War betwixt some eminent Protestant Head on the one side and some eminent and professed Popish Head on the other as hath been before observed 2 Because this War being made by the Dragon is not so fitly appliable to any one Nation under Heaven as the German Empire which is as I may say the very Picture of the Old Dragon for the Dragon is set forth as having seven heads ten horns v. 3. And there appeared another wonder in heaven and behold a great red Dragon having seven heads and ten horns Accordingly the German Empire as upon another occasion hath been before observed consists of seven Electoral heads and ten horns i.e. so many Provinces The Prophecy therefore of this Chapter may without any forcing be applied in part to the Old Roman Empire and also in part to the present German Empire both of them bearing and giving the arms of the Dragon So that by the ruine of the old Roman Empire the Dragon only changed his Seat forsook Rome his old Seat leaving that to the Beast and betakes himself to Germany where the Beast for his willingness to surrender his old Seat to him provides him a new And indeed there may be these two Reasons given of it why the Dragon who governs the whole Papal Kingdom doth yet betake himself to Germany rather then any other place choosing that for his Seat 1 Because of all the Nations subjected to the Beast none was found so like his old Seat the Pagan Empire as the new erected German Empire 2 Because the Woman had in a manner for many ages together taken up her dwelling there bringing forth children and sending them abroad from thence into other parts therefore this old Persecutor of the Woman that he might the more trouble her peace placeth his Throne there What I have said is a good confirmation of our method before laid down that this Chapter brings us to the end of the Beasts Kingdom and is not to be limited within the first four hundred yeers after Christ for
clear Answer vers 11 12. And observe either Answer consists of two branches suitable to the Wonders themselves spoken of which were to have a double end or fulfilling time First A partial Secondly A total accordingly either answer hath I say two Branches The first Answer vers 7. hath first The time times and a half as one Branch Secondly The scattering the power of the holy people as another The second vers 11 12. hath First 1290 days as one Branch Secondly 1335 days as another Now that the same thing and not things of a diverse nature is pointed at in both these Answers is clear 1 Because each Answer consists as I have said of two distinct Branches 2 Because Daniel as is clear puts the Question the second time concerning that very thing that the first Question was moved about and the very reason of his putting the Question the second time is for more light into that answer which he heard given but did not understand therefore saith he vers 8. And I heard but I understood not and therefore puts the Question again The intent of the Question therefore in both being the same the Answer is to be looked upon as the same also 3 Because the very words of the Lord to Daniel before he gives him a second answer import as much for saith he vers 9. The words are closed and sealed up till the time of the end What words why those words Daniel asked after the words of the former answer more especially for the sealing the words of the Prophecy in general we had before vers 4. shewing plainly that as the Querist so the respondent was still upon one and the same thing as to say The thing O Daniel thou inquirest after is not to be revealed untill the time of the end yet because thou art so desirous to know thou shalt have it in a plainer and more familiar Dialect and what that is the second answer tells us Vers 11. And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away shall be 1290 days vers 12. Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the 1335 days The answer then being one and the same in both the thing now to be inquired into is How or in what sense can we make the time times and a half to be one and the same with the 1290 days Answ We cannot make them one and the same in duration for the time times and a half stretched out at that length Expositors would have them make but 1260 days which falls short by thirty days or years of 1290 they must therefore be one and the same in termination either terminating and ending at one and the same point If so then suppose we take the time times and a half for three years and a half onely namely the last three years and a half of Daniels 1290 will the time times and a half concur with the 1290 in their end as well as if by time times and a half we should understand 1260 years for reckon three years and a half onely or 1260 years compleat and make either but to end at the same point with Daniels 1290 it amounts all to one and the one is as good and as firm as the other Nay that the time times and a half is rather to be understood in our sense viz. for three years and a half onely than in the other for 1260 years seems to me upon this account because the intent of the Holy Ghost in the first answer is not to measure the length of the time how long it should be until the performance of those things enquiry was made after which is done in the second answer but rather to give some knowledge of the thing by hinting two wonderful remarkable actions as marks of which two the first should fall out at the beginning time the last at the compleating time of the work The first mark is the time times and a half i.e. The black day of killing the Witnesses which God in his all-wise Providence had so ordered and would in his time so bring about as that that black day and the 1290 days should expire together Or thus That the rise of the Witnesses at the end of the time times and a half and the first stirring of the Jews at the end of 1290 years should both concur as it were in the same point fall out much about one and the same time The second mark which relates to the latter number viz. of 1335. days is the accomplishing to scatter the power of the holy people And when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the Holy people all these things shall be fulfilled Two things ere we can make application of this mark to the number it relates to are necessary to be cleared up 1. Who are meant by this holy people 2. What that scattering is which is here spoken of and by whom To the first By the holy people we are undoubtedly to understand the Jews and no other in this place for the people whose deliverance Daniel is here so inquisitive after are that people of whose deliverance Daniel had had a promise made to him vers 1. At that time shall thy people be delivered but they were the Jews therefore called thy people i.e. Daniels people the people of Daniels Nation To the second This scattering is not to be understood of their present dispersed condition in which they are a people dispersed and scattered by the Lord himself into all the corners of the earth for in this state they are not the holy people but a people for the present rejected of God therefore called by God himself in this state Loammi Not my people Hos 1.9 but in the scattering here spoken of they are considered as the holy people and therefore the scattering of them is called the scattering of the holy people intimating that this scattering is not their scattering by God whilst they continue in their rejected state but a scattering by some other after they come out of that state and are again the chosen people of God and indeed were we to interpret this scattering to be the act of God then surely considering the person here speaking is the Lord himself as compare ver 7. with Rev. 10.5 6. he would rather have spoken in the first person when I shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people than in the third when he shall Quest But who then is this he Answ That proud raging He viz. the King of the North spoken of Chap 11 40 41 42. who at the time of Michaels standing up which is the time called in the words the fulfilling time or rather the concluding time when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people all these things shall be fulfilled shall come raging mad into the Land of Judea where the newly come in Jews shall have seated themselves again Chap. 11.45 which day shall be a time of such trouble
I have handled that in opening the Vials and shall not here repeat it What may be collected from Chap. 11. I have given some general hints of it likewise in our first Chapter All therefore I intend to do at present shall be to take up some few Observations as lie couched in this Chapter and will add some little further light than what hath been already brought forth to the Question in hand 1 More generally The work shall go on with a more swift and irresistable hand than ever formerly Now shall not all the means and endeavors that can by the world or hell it self be used be able to hinder but the wrath of God as a mighty over-flowing deluge shall irresistably come in upon the Antichristian ungodly world This seems to me to be noted in that running and posting of Angels one after another so soon as ever the work is set upon this Basis vers 6. I saw another Angel flie in the midst of Heaven having the everlasting Gospel ver 8. And there followed another Angel saying Babylon is fallen is fallen Vers 9. And the third Angel followed them saying with a loud voyce If any man worship the Beast and his Image or receive his mark in his fore-head or in his hand The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God Vers 15. And another Angel came out of the Temple Vers 17. And another Angel came out of the Temple Vers 18. And another Angel came out from the Altar which had power over fire The posting of Angels argues the work now to be hot it runs like fire in a Thatch every Angel or Instrument makes a quick and speedy dispatch of his work 2 More particularly we have these things noted in the following part of this Chapter First The everlasting Gospell is preached vers 6 7. And I saw another Angel flye in the midst of Heaven having the everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the Earth and to every Nation and Kindred and Tongue and People saying with a loud voyce Fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgement is come and worship him that made Heaven and Earth and the Sea and the Fountains of waters Five things we have here observable concerning this preaching of the Gospel which shall be at this day 1 The wonderful purity and simplicity of the Doctrine of the Gospel as now held forth it shall be purged from those Antichristian mixtures and devices of man which tend to nothing else but to corrupt and darken the pure word of the Gospel and lead souls from the simplicity of the Gospel Hence it is called the everlasting Gospel because it shall be now preached as it was at first or all that dross that hath been and is in the Doctrine of the best Preachers hitherto shall now be purged out and that onely which will abide the fire and shall be everlasting shall remain 2 The matter it self that shall be held forth as one principal part of this everlasting Gospel shall be those things which concern Christ judging the great Whore and all his enemies and the setting up of his own Kingdon● calling upon the Rulers of this world to worship the Lamb throw down their Crowns and Scepter at his feet and therefore observe the matter of the Sermon is Fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgement is come and worship him that made Heaven Earth c. as to say the time is come that the Lamb will judge the Whore destroy the Beast tremble all ye Nations before him ye Kings and Princes of the earth be wise give glory to him Kiss the Son worship before him who made Heaven Earth the Sea and the Fountains of waters lest he be angry and ye perish in the way as he is in his march to his Kingdom 3 The universal spreading of this Doctrine abroad and that as it were in a moment therefore the Angel to note the swiftness of carrying it is said to flye and to shew the universal spreading of it it is said to be preached to every Nation and Kindred and Tongue and People 4 The publick and boldholding of it forth such a spirit shall be upon the Preachers that they shall not whisper these things and speak them in private corners but openly and boldly in the Market-street yea in the very faces of the Kings and Princes of the Earth Hence to note the publickness of it the Angel is said to flie in the midst of Heaven i.e. openly in the view of all and to note the publickness and boldness both is said to proclaim it with a loud voyce 5 The great measure of faith that shall be upon the Preachers as to this particular business that the very time is come in which God will judge the Whore therefore they cry out The hour of his judgement is come As to say Flatter your selves no longer O ye Papists sit still no longer O ye Protestants with this in your mouths the time is not come the time is not come for assure your selves Christ will now delay no longer The hour of his judgement is come Secondly Romes destruction now comes unavoidably upon her vers 8. And there followed another Angel saying Babylon is fallen is fallen The words Babylon is fallen is fallen are not as I conceive to be looked upon as words of faith concerning a work to be done but rather a Proclamation of a work already done This Angel is but the Messenger and Herauld of those glad tydings who spreads this news over the Churches and Nations which what with the greatness of it the suddenness and unexpectedness of it begets such wonderment and joy that the whole World in a manner is filled with Hallelujah's Rev. 19. Thirdly A serious and solemn warning to all those who shall yet adhere to the Beast Vers 9. And the third Angel followed them saying with a loud voyce If any man worship the Beast and his Image and receive his mark in his fore-head and in his hand Vers 10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb. Vers 11. And the smock of their torment ascendeth up for ever and over And they have no rest day nor night who worship the Beast and his Image and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name But why are the Papals warned by pronouncing against them so dreadful a threatning at this day Answ The reason hereof I take to be this because the day of Christs coming and the fatal ruin of the Beast and his followers is now at hand therefore the coming of Christ and the treading of the Wine-press follows immediately upon this Now Gods way is ever before his fatal blow to give his enemies such a warning as may both
leave them inexcusable and clear his justice before all men in their destruction Hence in regard the dreadful day of the Lords wrath is immediately to approach in which the Beast is to be slain his body destroyed and given to the burning flame the Beast and false Prophet both to be cast into the Lake of fire burning with Brimstone that therefore the Justice of God in this most terrible execution of his wrath might be apparent unto Men and Angels God before he will strike stirs up some in a more special manner to make discovery among the Nations of the terror of the Day approaching warning all not to side or have any thing to do with the Beast whose final destruction and torment is at hand and in case notwithstanding this warning they shall this is that they must certainly and suddenly expect to drink of the wine of the Wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the Cup of his indignation and to be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb the smoak of which torment of theirs shall ascend up for ever and ever I have sometimes thought this Angel may be the same with that Ch. 19.17 18. for both are immediately before the Great Day of God Almighty both seem to have very clear light into that thing of the destruction of Gods enemies therefore as the one paints out the very nature and manner of their torments so the other is said as to this parsicular viz. of the certain ruine of Gods enemies to stand in the Sun i.e. in clear light both speak with abundance of saith the one to the Papal power assuring them of ruine the other to the Fowls that flye in the midst of Heaven i.e. the neutral party who would willingly joyn with the Conquering side could they tell which that side would be therefore are most fi●●y described by such Fowls whose chief desire is prey and said to flye in the midst of Heaven because they keep themselves as it were in the middle betwixt Heaven and Earth the Saints party and the party of the Beast not knowing which to fal in with yet would willingly be of the winning side and where they might have prey Now these the Angel assures that if they will joyn with the people of God they shall have victory and spoyl be both of the winning side and have prey to boot as to say You that waver and are doubtful which side to take would you bee of the prospering side take this then for assuredly the Victory shall fall to this party Now whether or no these Angels are two or but one I shall not be curious to determine nor is it a thing so material for us to know Onely such a thing may be and it is not improper to say That one and the same Angel may do both these works and that in a manner together viz. inform and invite the one whilst he threatneth and warneth the other 4 A sweet word of Heavenly consolation to the Saints and people of Christ the blessed day of their redemption being now come Vers 12. Here is the patience of the Saints here are they that keep the Commandements of God and the faith of Jesus That is in effect to say Here is the end and fruit of the Saints patience here is the blessed reward of keeping the Commandements of God and holding the faith of Jesus Now now the day is come in which it shall appear that the Saints have lost nothing by waiting patiently upon God for the fulfilling of his word by keeping the Commandements of God holding the faith of Jesus The world have looked upon them as fools and counted their life a very prison but here here are they that keep the Commandements of God here is the day of making up a right judgement of them here is their condition visible from under a veil Now now O yee world look upon them see what you think of them now and of all their patience obedience and faith whether were they fools as you esteemed them or no 5 And last We have Christs Personal coming vers 14. And I looked and behold a white cloud and upon the cloud one sate like unto the Son of man having on his Head a golden Crown and in his hand a sharp sickle That Christs Personal coming is the thing held forth in these words appears 1 Because the coming here is a coming of Christ as he is the Son of man which phrase doth ever point at Christs Personal coming 2 Because he cometh in the Clouds which is the manner of his Personal coming Matth. 24.30 Then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in Heaven and then shal all the Tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of Heaven with power and great glory Rev. 1.7 Behold he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him 1 Thess 4.16 17. The Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout and with the voyce of the Arch-angel and with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air Matth. 26.64 Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man fitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of Heaven Luke 21.27 Then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power great glory 3 Because Christ comes with a golden Crown on his Head which agrees to no coming so properly as his last when he comes to receive his Kingdome and when upon his coming the Kingdomes of this world are to be given to him Of this Daniel speaking saith Chap. 7.13 14. I saw in the night Visions and behold one like the Son of man came with the clouds of Heaven and came to the Ancient of dayes and they brought him neer before him And there was given Dominion and Glory and a Kingdome that all People Nations and Languages should serve him his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion which shall not pass away and his Kindom that which shall not be destroyed 4 Because the Battle of Armageddon follows immediately upon this coming This is noted by the treading of the Winepress vers last The phrase of treading the Winepress is the very phrase used by the Holy Ghost in other places to set forth the terror of that day Rev. 19.15 He treadeth the Winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God Isa 63.3 I have trodden the Winepress alone Joel 3.13 All which places I have proved upon the Viais to have their fulfilling immediately upon Christs coming in that terrible day of the battle of Armageddon So that by all circumstances this coming is the same and can be no other than the coming mentioned Rev. 16.15 Of which we have treated at large and proved in opening those words