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A64572 A preservative of piety in a quiet reasoning for those duties of religion, that are the means and helps appointed of God for the preserving and promoting of godliness. Namely, I. Of four Christian-duties, viz. 1. Reading the Scriptures. 2. Preparation for the Lords Supper. 3. Estimation of the ministry. 4. Sanctification of the Lords-day-Sabbath. II. Of four family-duties, viz. 1. Houshold-catechising. 2. Family-prayer. 3. Repeating of sermons. 4. Singing of Psalms. With an epistle prefixt, to inform and satisfie the Christian reader, concerning the whole treatise. By William Thomas, rector of the church at Ubley in the county of Somerset. Thomas, William, 1593-1667. 1662 (1662) Wing T988; ESTC R37887 203,614 274

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of worship on that day 2. It is more attended because a Sabbath is a day of rest and receding from worldly works that we may better apply our selves to divine Worship And though there be a necessary use of natural supports yet the fear of God w●ites Holiness to the Lord upon them and takes care they be so used that the Service of God may be better attended 3. It is more intended or performed with more power and vigour because our minds are or should be discharged of all those creature-cares and cogitations wherewith on other dayes on which though we leave the world a little yet we do not so take leave of it as on the Lords day our hearts use to be and that in the Worship of God encumbred and weakened yea besides this the private religious Exercises of that day both before and after the publike Service namely Meditation and Prayer make us come with better affections to it lay an ingagement upon us to stir up the grace of God in us when we are about it draw from God vertue in it and a blessing of Heaven upon it Of the third Commandement Because the Sabbath is a day appointed for the honour of God and the greatning of his Name in the publike Ordinances God is greatly to be feared in the Assembly of his Saints and to be had in reverence of all that are about him Hence it is that on the day of publik and solemn Assemblies that is on the Sabbath now the Lords day the Name of God 〈◊〉 most set up because by most and among most In the multitude of people is the Kings honour and then the multitude go to the House of God to the Temple to the Congregation wherein every one speaks of his glory Thus doth the fourth Commandement assist for the performance of the first Table 2. Of the Second Table To speak to every Commandement thereof would be too long It may suffice to say what all men may see and hear That is that on the weekly Lords day all sorts of persons are acquainted with their duty towards men by the instructions then especially delivered and are also stirred up thereunto by the Exhortations added And are or may be much furthered therein by the Repetition of Meditation and Prayer for a blessing upon such Instructions and Exhortation The fourth Commandement standeth in the middle as it were between the two Tables to be a Bond of Perfection and to link together Piety towards God and Charity towards men What is said of the Magistrate may be truly also said of the Sabbath He is and It is the Keeper of both the Tables Thus of the Commodity of the Christian Sabbath 3. The Commendation The Sabbath hath a preheminence above other dayes in regard of Gods Institution of it for each Sabbath is the Sabbath of the Lord our God and that makes it glorious in it self and hath the blessing of God annexed and assured to the observers of it And that as it maketh also for the advancement of it in it self so it giveth a reason why it should be precious to us yea the very largeness of the Law of the Sabbath and the Lords using so many words about it may shew as our weakness who need it so the weight of that Law and worth of that Day in asmuch as in a Law of Ten Words so much is said of this one Word and particular Precept It is observed out of the Hebrew Doctors That the Sabbath and the Precept against Idolatry each of these two is as weighty as all other the Commandements of the Law for confirmation whereof they add this The Sabbath is a sign between God and us for ever and that other place of Isaiah Blessed is the man that keepeth the Sabbath from polluting it Aynsworth Exod. 31.13 And sure that weekly day of our solemn appearing before our God ought to be honourable in our account That is a sign and assurance that we are Gods Covenant-people and peculiar treasure for therein lies our safety our glory and our felicity Who is it that desires not to be known by his attendants that he is Kings the Servant Well may we say also that 's a blessed and glorious day that makes the observers thereof blessed yea if by keeping the Sabbath from polluting it be insinuated or described a respect to all Religion even that also makes greatly for the honour of the Sabbath that godliness in the genera●ity is thereby set forth because thereby so much set forward It 's very observable that Gods people reckoning up in their miseries Gods mercies do mention as the chief thereof Gods Commandements and among those Laws and Commandements single out the Sabbath speaking thus honourably of it in reference to their Fathers And madest known unto them thy holy Sabbath as if there were an eminency in that above other Laws as indeed there is in this regard because as on Fairs and Markets men are furnished with commodities of all sorts so on this day principally all spiritual good things are offered with an invitation to the buying and for the enjoying of them and that good knowledge of God is more aboundantly dispensed whereby all other Commandements are better performed O How little is God known to them to whom no Sabbath is made known or that will not be made to know any Sabbath The reason whereof is because on that day of Rest and Religion there is an opportunity offered of the freest fullest and highest Communion with God without those interruptions that we have on other days by the crowding in of our earthly occasions yea and that into the inner chamber and closet of our hearts which is the retiring room wherein God is pleased to communicate himself abundantly to the faithful soul when all worldly things and thoughts are had out and dismissed for that day yea charged and as it were conjured not to disturb the intimate society of the Lord Jesus with the soul that hath found him and fastened on him Thus of the Sabbath in general As to the Christian Sabbath a great glory is put upon it in the Scripture-title it being called the Lords day and that name and title being continued and applyed unto it to this day The Lord Jesus hath put his own Name and stamp upon it It is the day of that Lord who is the Prince of the Kings of the Earth Rev. 1.5 Of the Jews Sabbath and of our Lords day there is as St. Austin speaks one and the same Lord but now is the Lords-day prefer'd before that Sabbath as the same Father speaks by the faith of the Resurrection Unto this Resurrection day is that honour given to have this said of it Thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee Act. 13.33 For by his Resurrection on that day he was manifestly and mightily declared to be the only-begotten Son of God
God should take away Sabbaths from us I doubt not but that in all good Christians the grief would prove the delight for no man is grieved to lose what he never lov'd nor took any pleasure in I say it is thus in all good and truly godly and especially greatly-godly persons for as the man is so is his delight No marvel if the men of the world say When will the Sabbath be gone No wonder if the holy and strict observation thereof be unto carnal people and persons that savour not the things of God like Saul's Armour to David they cannot tell how to go with or undergo matters of so spiritual a nature for they never prov'd them they were never us'd to such things But on the other side the same spiritual observation of the Lords-day unto a spiritual Christian is like Jonath●n's robe and his garments even his Sword his Bow and his Girdle to the same David which no doubt he us'd and wore with much delight they being great testimonies of Jonathan's singular love to him and signs and symbols of the Covenant made with him as also the Lords-Sabbath and the Ordinances thereof are great tokens of his speci●l love to us and a sign of his holy Covenant made with us Ezek. 20.12 O why should not the Lords-day be our delight Is there not full joy in fellowship with God the Father and with Jesus Christ in the Preaching and with the Preachers of the Gospel Is not Christ who is observed to appear on that day again and again to his Disciples after his Resurrection and is still in the Assemblies of the Saints and in the Ministry of his Servants I say Is not He the desire and the delight of all Nations And who is it that is the Comforter and solace of Saints but that holy Spirit with whom the Servants of God have much to do on that day in heavenly Meditations So that if the whole Trinity Father Son and Holy Ghost can minister any delight unto us then may we call the Sabbath a delight for therein God our Creator Redeemer and Sanctifier doth eminently appear and operate This is a day very useful and subservient to all the necessities of our souls If we be ignorant in any thing or in many things on this day we are all taught of God It 's a Soul-enlightning day If we be as we are Strangers in the Earth on this day we are most taught the way to our Countrey It 's a Soul-guiding day Psal. 73.17 24. If we hunger and thirst after Righteousness the spiritual Manna falls from Heaven and water comes out of that Rock which is Christ principally upon this day It 's a Soul-satisfying day If we languish under spiritual diseases or lie low under outward calamities on this day the Lord offereth Medicines in the Ministry for all our Maladies It 's a Soul-restoring-day Christ heals still on Sabbath-days And that I may once conclude could we be in the Spirit upon the Lords-day as we ought to be or as we might be for I do not mean extraordinarily as John was but having our hearts taken up with and heightned in the pure spiritual observation of it we might have then a fair sight yea a sweet sense of that unspeakably glorious Sabbath which right and real Saints shall shortly celebrate all-together in the heavenly Canaan where there remaineth a rest or the keeping of a Sabbath to the people of God Heb 4.9 The Second Part. CHAP. I. Of Family-Duties AFter the four Christian-duties spoken of in the fore-going part I shall now proceed to four other Family-duties the first whereof because Religion is rooted in knowledge may well be Family-Catechising I say Family-Catechising for I shall not here speak of Catechising in its general extent but only apply my self to it as it is a duty belonging to Christians in their several Families which godly Exercise I shall endeavour to assist and perswade unto by Texts of Scripture first and some Arguments and Motives after Texts of Scripture to prove Catechising in Families a duty It is not my purpose here to mention every Text of Scripture that gives strength to this necessary duty but shall content my self with the naming and with the opening of two Texts in the Old-Testament and one in the New The first in the Old Testament is Deut. 6.6 7. These words which I command thee this day shall be in thy heart And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way and when thou liest down and when thou risest up For the opening of this Scripture and the awakening of Conscience to a due consideration of it there comes to be considered in the first place Who it is that speaks in it even the Eternal God by his Servant Moses that was faithful in all his house Remember that it is He that saith Keep these words that I command thee this day But How must Parents keep them For to Parents and every Parent God here speaks and in answer to that question saith These words shall be in thine hea●t yet are they not only to be in the hearts of those that have Families but in their houses therefore it is added Thou shalt teach them thy children Nor was this a Ceremonial P●ecept or a Commandement given peculiarly to the Jews for their assistance in the remembrance of the Law of God as their Phylacteries-fringes and fastning the Law to their door-posts but it was and is a moral and perpetual Precept binding us in Gospel-times as well as them and therefore the very same things that we read in this Text we find also in the New-Testament That is 1. That the Word of Christ must dwell in us which is all one with this here Let it be in thine heart And 2. That it must be in our houses also for Parents are required to bring up their children in the nurture and information of the Lord In obedience therefore to this standing Command they to whom God hath given children should say as the Psalmist doth Come ye children hearken to me I will teach you the fear of the Lord And when the children be come together the Spirit of God in the Text we have in hand teacheth in what manner they are to be taught saying Thou shalt teach them diligently and in the margent of our Bibles it is Thou shalt whet or sharpen which is well and plainly expressed in the Text by teaching diligently but yet the word in the Original doth more particularly note out a teaching by way of repetition and going over and over again as men do with Knives when they whet them that so as the Knife by such whetting is more keen and fit to cut so religious Instructions by often turning and returning them on the ears and tongues of children
God From God as the Author It 's he that brings men nea● to himself to do Tabernacle-work And the Commission of Gospel-Ministers is issued forth out of Christs own Charter unto whom all power is given both in Heaven and in Earth Mat. 28.18 19. And it is also for God as the end of it when David would set out the work of the Temple and speak honourably of it It 's a great work saith he for it is not for man but for the Lord God such is the wo●k of the Ministry it is to bear the name of God before the children of men and by sowing the seed of the Word to be instruments of bringing forth those fruits of righteousness that are for the glory of God Luk. 8.15 Phil. 1.11 Col. 1.6 Thus is God the Alpha and Omega of the Ministers Office 2. By th● subject matter of it for the work of a Minister of the Gospel is to preach the high hidden and manifold wisdom of God and that among those that are perfect who alone can receive are capable of such heavenly mysteries It is to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ. In sum It is to preach Christ that mens eyes may see that King in his beauty This is Angels work Luk. 2.10 11 14. yea Angels wonder and sweetest study Eph. 3.10 1 Pet. 1.11 12. 3. By the object of it as to men and that is their everlasting salvation 1 Tim. 4.16 Obad. v. 21. How did men honour in the Old Testament their temporary Saviours How have men still honoured Physitians and bodily Saviours Hence Paul was honoured with many honours Act. 28.10 If they be thus esteemed out of the principles of nature that save mens lives how much more should they be reckoned of out of the principles of grace that are Instruments to save mens souls unto which soul-salvation bodily cures do but hold the Candle to shew in a small degree how great it is as we see our Saviours own bodily healings which were but obscure expressions to mens sense of his soul-healing vertue Mat. 8.17 Thirdly It 's their work that is besides the work and worth thereof they are called to it If others uncalled to that Office do the work the honor is not due it appertaineth not to them any more then the work doth Who commends a busie body in other mens matters But if they be duly called and the Word of Reconciliation be committed unto them as the Lords Ambassadours then they are to be highly esteemed both because of the work and the right they have to administer it All this is cold comfort for such as are call'd to the Ministry and yet are careless of doing their Office for the worth is joyned to the work and the doing of the work insomuch that Idol-shepheards fall under the most heavy and dishonorable judgements And unsavoury Salt is neither fit for the land nor yet for the dunghil when it hath once lost its savour it is thence-forth good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot So great is the infamy of Ministers that are the Salt of the Earth when they are quite destitute of Ministe●ial vertue Mat. 5.13 Luk. 14.35 Yet let all take heed of contemning the Office because of the person say not if you see some or many bad These be your Ministers But so manage the dis-estimation of ill-deserving Ministers as alwayes to preserve the estimation of the ever-honourable Ministry Having thus opened the Text I shall shut up all with an earnest Exhortation to Christians to make conscience of performing the duty which it doth so manifestly and fully mind them of In this Exhortation because our desire is not to have an estimation forced but flowing from light and love I shall therefore speak in the Apostles language We beseech you Brethren know those that labour among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you Know them 1. As the great gift of Christ who when he ascended up on high gave gifts unto men Amongst the rest he gave some to be Pastors and Teachers to continue to the end of the world Not only the abilities of Ministers are Christs gift to his Church but their Office according to the old Prophesie I will give you Pastors Let none therefor call in question the wisdom or love of Christ as if he knew not what was best for his Church or were loth to give it but prize the gift for the Giver and consider how much they are like to stead you whom he hath left in his stead Christ is the great gift of God and Ministers the great gift of Christ. 2. As Ambassadours for Christ in whom God is pleased to treat with you and by them in Christs Name to offer conditions of peace unto you yea God doth as it were beseech you by us to accept of his terms and to be reconciled to himself Unto Ministers is committed the Word of reconciliation that you may enjoy and be happy in the work of reconcil●ation O How beautiful to a sin-sick-soul that labours under the sad sense of Gods anger are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of peace 3. As your great comforters in your most grievous afflictions It is the misery of misery that there is no more any Prophet but though the Lord give you the bread of affliction and the water of affliction and your Teachers be not removed into a corner but your eyes behold your Teachers how great cause is there to say Blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear M●t. 13.16 The sight of Christ in the Gospel-Ministry makes believing souls not only desirous to depart out of the wo●ld in peace but willing to live in the world in trouble Phil. 1.24 4. As your soul-guard and defence against false Teachers who like subtile Foxes deceive first and like grievous Wolves devour after A Minister is an Over-seer that people may not be over-seen and over-reached by Church-cheaters that by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple Rom. 16.18 even as of old the Serpent beguiled Eve 2 Cor. 11.3 5. As the Chare●s and Horsemen of Israel as your Life-guard and the best Militia of the Nation who do not only prevail in the behalf of a weak Church over every Amal●k and so procure their peace but so wrestle as to prevail with God it is not hainous to say over God Hos. 12.4 in the behalf of a sinful Church and so obtain their pardon How often had Israel been burnt up by the fire of Gods anger had not Moses stood in the gap and the Ministers of the Lord wept and prayed between the Porch and the Altar The last and best refuge is Go to Isaiah Isai. 37.3 6. As the Angels of the Churches and the glory of Christ 2 Cor. 8.23 Yea the Galatians did not
hath so done those Priests are blameless because those works though servile in their nature yet were sacred in their end and application Such a work was the infirm mans carrying his bed on the Sabbath when Christ had healed him The bearing of burthens on that day for worldly lucre is one of the things that Nehemiah here contends against but that mans carrying his bed became a religious action by being an appurtenance of the Miracle and an open declaration to all men who on that day did more flock together of the grace and power of God by which he was cured under this head may be comprehended those bodily provisions that are truly needful and helpful for our more able and vigorous performance of religious duties or for the glory of God some other way 2. Works of necessity to wit real not feigned and present and apparent not possible only and which may be or not be To this we may refer the Disciples plucking and eating the ears of corn whom Christ excuseth because at that time they as David needed sustenance And add thereto the other plain instance of a Sheeps falling into a pit Matth. 12.11 which they that so quarrel'd with our Saviour made no scruple to pull out on the Sabbath day 3. Works of mercy as the healing of the woman bound by Satan Lo eighten years Luk. 13.15 16. A Saviour so merciful would not stand upon healing on the Sabbath day in a case so pitiful for The Sabbath is made for man Mar. 2.27 that is the rest of the Sabbath is to give place to mans relief And though God propound to us his example of rest on the seventh day for our resting yet we have his example of working also for mans benefit for saith Christ my Father worketh hitherto no Sabbath day excepted to wit in the preservation government and for the good of his Creatures Thus of the first thing belonging to a Sabbath to wit rest Secondly The thing further and chiefly required and which is intended in this rest is holiness Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy wherein is contained 1. A reverent opinion of it to wit as the Lords holy and honourable day There will never be a good observation of it in our practise without an estimation of it in our judgement Men will not leave the world with which nature closeth nor close with God in those holy things which nature is opposite to and in the best too averse from I say they will not do this on a day and that every week which they care not for on which they see no divine character and in the service whereof they expect no divine blessing 2. A dear affection to it calling it a delight and loving to be in the spirit on that day Revel 1.10 No delight is the companion of contempt but Delight is so far from despising service that it doubleth it 3. An holy imploying of the rest and bestowing of our selves in the duties belonging to such a day This is well express'd in those considerable Articles of Ireland thus The first day of the week which is the Lords day is wholly to be dedicated to the service of God and therefore we are bound therein to rest from our common and daily business and mark what followeth to bestow that leisure upon holy exercises both publike and private Publike exercises are the principal In reference to which publike worship especially the Sabbath is as I conceive said to be a Sign that is an open de●laration Whose we are and whom we serve Jona 1.9 Act. 27.23 For it doth not follow from the word Sign that the weekly Sabbath is a typical Ceremony If it were so then it should be a sin to observe a Sabbath now since all Ceremonies end in Christ in whom notwithstanding the Christian Sabbath begins as to the day and by whom it is confirmed as it is a weekly day which the fourth Commandement requireth because he declareth that he came not to destroy the Law but to fulfill it It is not therefore a ceremonial sign any more then the signs in the Sacraments are ceremonial but rather a moral and real sign and demonstration how things stand between God and his people which will further appear by looking more narrowly into that place of Ezekiel where it is called a Sign for thus the Prophet expresseth it I gave them my Sabbaths to be a sign between me and them that they might know that I am the Lord that sanctifie them which words are also mentioned and applyed to the weekly Sabbath Exod. 31.13 15 16 17. When the Sabbath is said to be a sign the meaning is as some do most probably expound it that it is a document or an instructing Sign and that between God and his people me and you saith the Lord it teacheth and sheweth that which is common to us both to wit on my part that I am your Creator and Sanctifier on your part that you are a people by Me created and sanctified And that it is thus an instructing sign appears by the words following that ye may know as if the Lord had said Look on the Sabbath as a monument of the relation between me and you I would have you know and observe it so to be Upon a nearer view of the words it will be found a teaching sign of these three lessons 1. That God is the Lord that is that Lord who is the only true God Jer. 10.10 and that because he hath made the Heaven and the Earth v. 11 12. Which the observation of a Sabbath that is resting a seventh day every week in relation to six dayes work clearly holdeth forth for it is in imitation of that God who in six dayes made Heaven and Earth and rested the seventh who can be no other then the true God and Lord of all The second lesson is that this great Lord is the God of his Church or a God in Covenant with them for thus the Lord speaks I am the Lord your God Hallow my Sabbaths and they shall be a sign between me and you that ye may know and learn this lesson that I am your God for Why do they wait upon him a whole day every week but to shew that they own him as their God and that they believe he owns them as his people Hence the Scripture saith They sit before thee as my people and hear thy words The third lesson is that he is the Lord that sanctifieth them which may be understood two wayes 1. Of a sanctification to himself by a separation from the world so as to enjoy the priviledg of his Covenant and so the Scripture speaks Ye shall be holy to me for I the Lord am holy and have severed you from other people that ye should be mine Lev. 20.26 Exod. 33.16 2. And also of an internal renovation and sanctification in spirit and