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A30785 The Jewish synagogue, or, An historical narration of the state of the Jewes at this day dispersed over the face of the whole earth ... / translated out of the learned Buxtorfius ... by A.B., Mr. A. of Q. Col. in Oxford. Buxtorf, Johann, 1599-1664.; A. B., Mr. A. of Q. Col. in Oxford. 1657 (1657) Wing B6347; ESTC R23867 293,718 328

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help them to judge deStroy and utterly to extirpate from the face of the earth the Mountain of Esau that is to say the Christians together with their Kingdome they stiling the Christians Edomites and the Roman Monarchy the Kingdome of Edom and so shall bring them back into their own Land flowing with milk and honey what the reason is that they call u● Christians Esauites or Edomites I will at large inform the Reader in another place I will only insert thus much in this present Chipter which they write and teach in their secret and hidden books which they will not suffer to come into the hands of Christians that the soul of Esau passed from his body into that of Christs and that Christ was no lesse wicked then Esau was and that we are no better whence ever we are not without great cause called Edomites who put our trust and confidence in him Then they begin to sing God shall be King over the whole earth In that day there shall be one God and his Name shall be one as it is written in thy Law O God Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one God This they ●abble out as a thing clear contrary to our Christian profession as though we worshipped more Gods then one and were wont to give him more names then one as the nam● of Christ Next in order follows a short Prayer cal●ed Krias schmah taken out of the fift Book of Moses and when they read that verse in the Hebrew language Hear O Israol the Lord our God is one God and come unto the last word thereof which is Echad signifying One they toss up and down and bandied from mouth to mouth with eyes cast up to Heaven for the space of halfe an hour yea sometimes for an whole hour together and comming to the last letter thereof which is Daleth the whole Congregation doth bend and turn their heads successively towards the four corners and winds of the earth hereby signifying that God is King in every place yea throughout the whole world for the letter Daleth by reason of its place in the Hebrew Alphabet stands for the number of four Furthermore the word Ecthad comprehends in it two hundred forty five other words to which they superadding these three Hael elohechem Emeth your God is truth the number amounts to two hundred forty eight the very number of the members in mans body so that if these several Prayers be said for every member in particular then the whole man is strongly guarded against all manner of evil Whosoever repeats the foresaid verse three times shall be safe from the Divel for that verse begins with the Letter Schin and ends in Daleth in this manner Schema Israel Adonai Eloheim Adonai Echad which two letters conjoyned make up the word Sched which signifies a Divel They repute also this Prayer as a Prayer of singular worth and sanctity by which may be wrought many miracles whence it comes to pass that they are extreamly superstitious in a repetition of the same every morning and evening It is registred in the Talmud that upon a certain time when it was commanded by open Proclamation that the Jews any where having a Synagogue should not publickly teach and make profession of their faith Rabbi Akibha not regarding the command ceased not to read and preach it openly in the Synagogue upon which he was apprehended and for the fact cast into Prison When the Tormentors were about to bring him to the stake to be burnt they first of all curried his corps with an iron horsecombe wounding and tormenting him after a lamentable manner Yet notwithstanding Rabbi Akibha remained constant praying without intermission And when the time of the day came wherein he was to say that Prayer Krias Schema he begun it with great boldness At the last his Scholers bespoke him and said Most dearly beloved Master thou hast prayed sufficiently now yield thy selfe and take thy death patiently To whom he made this answer I have had this saying in great esteem all my life long Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy body and thus I have understood it that though any one should pluck out my heart and rent my body in pieces yet I ought ever to determine this with my selfe never to cease to love him Therefore when God hath confirmed this in me should I cease to worship him and to bring this Prayer to an end which is directed unto him Therefore holding on in this his prayer he never left repeating the word Echad until his soul forsook his body Then was there a voice heard in the air saying Blessed art thou O Rabbi Akibhah because thy soul departed breathing the word Echad now shalt thou have an entrance into life eternal and shalt come into that light of the Garden of Paradise Amen Selah They have also another prayer like unto the former which they call Schemon Esre i. e. eighteen because it contains so many particular thanksgivings and prayers of praise therein Concerning the sanctity and holinesse of this and the former prayer the Jews have written many a large Tract which I leaving to bespeak their own worth will neither praise nor any ways disgrace The last of these every one repeats twice a day and he that is their Chaplain or Reader in the Synogogue doth publickly sing it by himselfe two or three several times The Jews esteem highly of it hoping that hereby they shall obtain remission of all their sins When it is their will and pleasure to poure out unto God they are bound to do it standing and with such a posture that one foot may not insist more upon the ground then the other in imitation of the Angels of whom it is written And their feet were streight feet This is handled more at large in Rabbi Alphes in his first Chapter and in their Minhagim and in many other books When they say those words holy holy holy Lord God of hosts the earth is full of his glory being a parcel of the Prayer Schemon Esre by them named Keduscha a then they caper three times together leaping up as though by this their gesture they did indeavour to become like unto the Angels who were the first Choristers that sung this Song of praise Others say that because these words in the Prophecy of Esay immediatly follow And the posts of the doors were shaken at the voice of him that spake it is both meet and convenient that a man should touching move himself in the quavering of such an Angelical Anthem The Hebrew Doctors write that whosoever dare to mutter the least syllable while the Prayer Schemon Esre is a saying shall after his death have coals of fire given him to eat as it is written in the fourth verse of the thirtieth chapte● of Job for so Rabbi Salomon expounds the words Rabbi Tanchum saith in the name of Rabbi
and herein with great joy and gladness fulfil the will of thee their God and Creator who art the true worker and whose works are truth Thou hast spoken to the Moon to renew her self by her often change which renewing is as a beautiful Crown and a great ornament unto the head of every one that is in his mothers womb even to all the Israelites as saith the Prophet Esay who ought to renew themselves even as the Moon doth that they may praise and honour their Creator for the name of his Kingdom a name highly to be reverenced Blessed be thou O Creator Blessed be thou O Moon Blessed be he who made thee Blessed be thy Lord blessed be thy Maker At these words they leap three times upwards towards heaven the higher the Caper is the better it is in esteem Then they go on saying Even as we O God leaping towards thee cannot come near unto thee even so all our enemies bending their forces against us cannot approach to hurt us Here again they make a stay saying that of Moses three times Fear and dread shall fall upon them by the greatness of thine arm they shall be as still as 〈◊〉 stone till thy people passe over O Lord till thy people passe over which thou hast purchased hereby praying against us Christians For a conclusion of this prayer one par saith peace be unto you and the other answer Peace be unto you peace be unto you and to the Israel of God This benediction or blessing they for the most part bestow upon the new Moon upon the Sabbath thereof which Sabbath they sanctifie with a due solemnity putting on their new apparel in honour to the new Moon which they blesse and give it a court-like welcome with great joy and rejoycing I cannot but here insert a certain Dialogue set down in the Talmud between God and the Moon which Rabbi Sim●on the son of Pazzai thus relates It is written God made two great lights the greater to rule the day the lesse to rule the night Then said the Moon unto God O Lord of the whole world tell me I pray thee Can two Kings reign together and wear one and the same Crown To whom God made answer and said Go hence and lessen thy self She replies O my Creator shall I therefore be lessened because I have spoken before thee that which is true and right Then said God Go and bear rule and dominion both by day and night But quoth the Moon What great honour shall I reap from hence or what dignity shall accrew thereby A burning Candle at noontide what doth it profit Then the Lord bids her be gone saying that the people of Israel should number their dayes times and seasons according to her course and motion which she denies as impossible for to this end they ought to have an exact knowledge of the two Tekuphoth or Tropicks as also of the two Solstices as it is written They shall be for signes and times and dayes and years Then God makes her this answer Go thy way for many great and learned men shall take unto them this thy title as James the less Samuel the less David the less But all this cannot appease her which when he perceived he said offer a propitiatory sacrifice for me because that I have lessened the Moon And hereupon Rabbi Simeon the son of Sakis saith How much doth that Goat differ from others which is offered in the time of the new Moon of which the Lord said this shall be a propitiatory sacrifice for me who have offended in lessening the Moon So far the Talmudist The Rabbines diversly dispute what is the true sence and meaning hereof They who are of ancient dayes are of opinion that at the beginning the Sun and Moon were equal in light which they prove out of the words of Moses saying God made two great lights But so soon as the Moon murmured against God and would sit as Queen and suffer none to share in dominion with her but be sole Monarch in the celestial Orbs God debased her for her pride takes away her own light and ca●sed her to borrow of the Sun and hence are say they those immediately following words of Moses The greater light for the government of the day and the lesser light for the government of the night whereas he formerly made no such difference but simply ca●ling them two great lights And furthermore that God hearing the Moon complain of this her hard usage and mis-hap repented of that he had done and caused a propitiatory sacrifice to be offered for this his offence at every new Moon This opinion the modern Rabbines reject as a blasphemy against God considering that he is just and cannot commit iniquity neither is any wickedness found with him Wherefore they have very much tortured and rackt their inventions to finde out the true sence of these words diversly interpreting the word Alai written with Gnayn as Rabbi Bechai testifieth CHAP. XVIII Of the Feast of the new year how the Jews prepare themselves to the celebration thereof and how God at the time of this Celebration judges the Israelites for their sins and offences IT is written in the tract Medrasch Socher Tobh that at the same time when the Sanhedrin or that great Councel of the Jews is gathered together to set down and determine a certain day for the Celebration of the feast of the new year which begins the first day of the moneth Tesri or September and hath also agreed thereupon then God calls a Senate of Angels whom he sends into the earth to enquire see and know whether the time of the Celebration of this feast be determinately appointed which they presently put in execution and returning unto God declare unto him the day whereon the feast will be kept which when God by their relation understands he also decrees to fit in judgment and to judge the world upon the very same day as it is written God is gone up with a merry noise the Lord is gone up with the sound of a trumpet Then the two judgement seats are set the cushions laid the books opened and that great Senate of Angels sits down before him As it is written And I beheld till the thrones were set up and the Ancient of daies did sit whose garment was white as snow and the haire of his head like the pure wooll his throne was like the fiery fl●me and his wheels as burning fire Thousand thousands ministred unto him and ten thousand thousand thousands stood before him the judgment seat was set and the book opened In the Talmud we have an excellent story to this purpose Rabbi Iochamen saith that at new-years-tide three books are opened one for them who are extreamly wicked and ungodly as Atheists and lnfidels another for them who are just in a most perfect manner the third and last for them who are betwixt both in an indifferent manner godly
thing as it came to passe in the dayes of Josiah the King in which the Book of the Law was for a long time lost and being found again by Hilkiah the High Priest was accounted a rare and strange novelty as it is registred in the second Book of Kings It must also follow say they that the words of Moses above mentioned according to the tenor of these words must the jews being commentators be thus understood according to the words which were heard and received out of the mouth of God the sense must be that God made a Covenant with Israel not according to the written but unwritten Law which interpretation we find in the Talmud for in the Book Tauchum in the Section Elle Toledos Noach which begins at the 9. verse of the 6. Chapter of Genesis we find it thus written Our Wise-men say that God did not write 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Horum verborum gratia for these words but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Secundum os horum verborum according to these words which were delivered by mouth only not in writing have I made a Covenant with Israel And such are the words of the Talmud which is harsh and difficult to them that would learn it and therefore likened to darkness Esay the ninth and second where the words are The people that sate in darkness have seen a great light that is they who are much conversant in the study of the Talmud see great light for God inlightens their eyes to see how to behave themselves in respect of things permitted and not permitted clean and unclean which are not expressed to the full in the written Law A little after we read that by reason of this Covenant the World subsists because God created the day and night unto this end that the Israelites might learn the Law of Tradition or the Talmud by the benefit of them and so soon as they cease to study their Talmud day and night shall be no more Hereupon saith Jeremy If my Covenant be not with day and night and if I have not appointed the Ordinances of Heaven and Earth And what is this Covenant The Talmud saith the Jew and for this reason Jeremy a little before saith Thus saith the Lord if you can break my Covenant of the day and my covenant of the night that is when you will no longer learn and observe the Talmud then may also my Covenant be broken with David my servant Hereupon David saith in the Law of the Lord is his delight in his Law that is the Talmud will he meditate day and night Yea God himselfe hath also made a Covenant with Israel that this unwritten Law should never be subject to oblivion as it is written I saith tho Lord will make with them this Covenant my Spirit which shal come upon thee and the words that I have put into thy mouth shall never depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy children from this time for ever Here it is not written saith the Jew from thee but out of thy mouth that we might understand the unwritten Law here to be meant for the learning of which God hath placed the day and the night as two common Schools Hitherto Tanchum Moreover we read in the Sermons of Rabbi Bechai which booke he intitles Cad hakkemach a Barrel of Meale in that the six parts of the Talmud make up the Law of Tradition which is the proper foundation of the written Word considering that this without that can neither be profitably expounded nor understood Hereupon in that Tract of the Talmud called Bava meziah it is read that to study and read the Scriptures is profit and no profit to wit a small profit and not to be regarded But to learn the Talmud is an exercise worthy of a Salary and the workman shall surely receive it To commit unto memory the Gemarah which is the upshot of the Talmud is such a surpassing vertue that it admits not of an equal And this is the cause that the Jewish Rabbines and Doctors are better versed in the Talmud then the Bible I am now perswaded that I have given a full demonstration of the ground of the Jewish faith that it is not Moses but the Talmud that joy of their hearts and marrow of their bones which may put a period to the admiration of any who wonders at their blindness and superstition and they have forsaken the way of divine truth with a light heeled wantonness following the footsteps of their Ancestors in the way of lying When therfore the Divel that Father of lies for his recreation would play a game at Tick Tack with the Jews the Law of Moses being their stake he by cogging got the dice of them and would not give over till he had got the double point when he inspired into them this heart pleasing consequence Seeing the Talmud is the master point the true ground the right line according to which the written Word ought to be measured cut out squared and divided it must of necessity follow that the Doctrine of all the Rabbins should be conformable unto it as the Talmud is so true that it cannot be blemished with the least falshood so is every thing that the Rabbines do either write or teach Now that this after game or consequence did above all measure possesse the Rabbines who are such greedy hunters after glory that God and all the Prophets shall be tainted with a lie before they miss this their prey is apparent out of their following proud Luciferous speeches Rabbi Isaac who died in Portugal in the year of Christ 1493. in his Book Menoras hammaor a hath these words all that our Rabbines have taught or spoken either in their Sermons or in their mystical and allegorical Explications we believe as firmly as the Law of Moses In which if any thing be found smelling of an hyperbole or seeming clean contrary to nature and too high for the sensible faculty of any mortal we ought to ascribe it not to their words but to the defect of our understanding and although their strains be high and lofty and they seem to present unto our view things incredible yet if we rightly ballance them the truth will cast the Scales As for example we read in the Talmud that a Rabbine upon a certain time preached that the dayes shall come in which a Woman should every day bring forth grounding upon that Text she conceived and presently brought forth by presently understanding dayly which when some understood not they flouted the Rabbine and exposed him to contempt The Rabbine perceiving it answered that he spoke not after the vulgar fashion of a naturall woman but of an Hen that dayly layd an Egge an handsom put off indeed In the same place it is written all their words are the words of the living God neither shall any of them fall in vain unto the earth whereupon it is
they ought to leave their beds and go to prayers Blessed ●e God c. That he created me an Israelite or a Jew or as others render it that he did not make me one of the Gentiles By Gentile they understand Christian which they esteem as Infidels Idolaters and a cursed Nation The woman saith blessed be God c. that he created me a Jewess Blessed be God c. that he hath not created me a servant this also thwarts the profession of Christians whom they account their vassalls who shall sow and plow their ground and shall do all manner of servile imployments for them while in the mean time they shall sit behind a hot fornace rosting apples tossing up whole bowls of wine What kind of Captivity is this They answer if any man rest himself in any place having a huge Bowl of rich wine in his hand then he is free from bondage when on the contrary the Christians are forced to labour and till the Earth in the sweat of their browes and nostrils Blessed c. That he hath not made me a woman the women instead thereof say Blessed c. that he hath created me according to his own good will and pleasure This is done in contempt of the womans sex because they are not comprehended in the Covenant of Circumcision by which God ●eals unto himself his own peculiar people and therefore this Scripture must perforce be hatched in the womans brains that is to say whether they be in the Catalogue of Israelites as their husbands are Blessed c. who exaltest the humble Blessed c. who gives sight unto the blind This Thanksgiving is usuall when they first wake out of their sleep and unshut their eye-lids Blessed c. who makes the crooked straight this they say when lifting themselves up in their bed they go about to attire themselves Blessed c. who clothes the naked this they say when they put on their cloaths Blessed c. who raiseth them that fall Blessed c. who bringeth the prisoners out of Captivity These two severall Thanksgivings are assigned for this reason because God in the time of sleep doth in that manner sustaine and multiply mans spirits that they may again exercise their proper functions the time of their being asleep being like unto prisoners in the pit Blessed c. who stretcheth out the earth above the waters this they say when rising out of their beds they begin to tread upon the ground Blessed c. who directs prepares and governs the wayes of man this he saith so soon as he comes out of his bed-chamber Blessed c. who hath created all things necessary for this life this he utters when he ties his shooes Blessed c. who girdest Israel with the girdle of strength this he saith when he puts on his girdle which every Jew is bound to do as hath been formerly declared Blessed c. who crowns Israel with comelinesse this he saith when he puts his hat upon his head for it is an hainous offence to go out of his Chamber uncovered Blessed c. who refresheth the weary Blessed be thou O God our Lord King of the whole world who removest sleep from mine eyes and slumber from mine eye-lids These prayers ended being so many in number they adde two more wherein they petition God that he would vouchsafe to keep and defend them against sin reprobate angels wicked men and all kind of evil Then humbling themselves before God they confess themselves guilty and relying only upon the mercy of God they comfort themselves again with a certain Prayer beginning Ribbon Col haolamim and with much boasting and many brags in that oath which the Lord sware unto Abraham being about to sacrifice his Son Isaac say yet we are thy people and the children of thy Covenant and O blessed men that we are how goodly is our portion how pleasant our lot how beautifull our Inheritance O blessed men that we are who every morning pronounce this sentence Heare O Israel the Lord our God is one God! Gather us that trust in thee from the four corners of the earth by which action all the Inhabitants of the world shal know that thou art God alone O our Father which art in heaven run after us with thy mercy even for thy names sake because thy name is named upon us and confirm and establish in us that which is written At that time will I bring you back at that time will I gather you and give you a name and renown amongst all the people of the earth when I have turned againyour captivity saith the Lord God After these be ended there follow 2 other short Prayers in which they give thanks for the Law delivered to them from heaven From the Law they proceed to their sacrifices which because they may not offer in these dayes they are banisht out of their own Land their Temple is laid desolate as their Ancestors were accustomed the sacrifice of the lip succeeds in the place thereof and reading only the precepts cōcerning sacrifices as they ought in their appointed times to have been offered they solace themselvs with that saying of the Prophet though in a sense perverted We will sacrifice the calves of our lips After this they ruminate the historical narration about sacrifices as also a certain prayer beginning Rabbi Ismahel concerning the use of the Law and the manifold exposition thereof which being grounded upon the Talmud is so barbarous and difficult that not one Jew amongst an hundred is able to understand it This they read in such a manner as the Vestal Virgins do the Psalter This done they say a Prayer in which they Petition for the re-edification of Jerusalem and the Temple which they daily even unto this day expect and hope for yet this they say with such a fainting voice that none can hear it The words are these Let it be thy good pleasure before thy face O Lord and God the God of our Fathers that the holy house thy Temple may be built again in these our dayes and give unto us a will to abide in thy Law Hereupon rising up with great joy and shouting they chant out another laudatory Prayer or thanksgiving hoping that God will shortly begin to lay the foundation of their new Temple and bring them back again into their own Land Then sitting down they repeat a long Prayer collected out of the Psalms of David reading withall some whole Psalmes and a part of the thirtieth Chapter of the first book of Chronicles and lastly singing the last words of the Prophet Obadiah which are these Saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the Mount of Esau and the Kingdome shall be the Lords With attent minds and much rejoycing their hope is that these Saviours of whom the Prophet makes mention shall come quickly and shall go up to Mount Sion that is they shall undertake the quarrel for the Jews and
the Sabbath From thence came this my Mammon and great riches which God vouchsafed unto me as a reward for my diligent observance of Sabbaths Then said I Blessed be God who hath given thee this abundance and hath made thee worthy to bea possessour of so great wealth This befell the Butcher In the same page it is registred that there was sometimes one Joseph surnamed Mokir Schabbas that is to say an honourer of the Sabbath This man of all those victuals that the Shambles could afford thought nothing too deare for the celebration of the Sabbath yea he would spare neither cost nor charges in the procurement of the most rare fishes the waters could furnish him withall This Joseph had a certaine neighbour who was very rich By him he was continually flouted with a goe to what doth it profit thee that thou celebratest the Sabbath in such a religious manner Certainly thou art never the richer then if thou studied the contrary I do not reverence the Sabbath in that degree that thou doest and yet I am richer then thou art Good Joseph little regarding his mocks put his trust in God hoping that hee would give him a large harvest of rewards for these his weekly expences At that time there were certaine Astrologers in that City who said unto the rich man Friend what availeth it thee to bee so rich when thy heart will not suffer thee to buy one good fish with all thy bags We by the observation of the stars have gathered thus much that thy goods and riches which are so infinite shall all come iuto the hands of Joseph Mokir Scabbas that reverent observer of the Sabbath who upon the Sabbath day is wont to have some morsell for his money The rich man hearing the words of these star-gazers and meditating upon them went and sold all that he had and with the money purchased many Margarites and other precious stones all which he pursed up in a girdle of haire and presently takes shipping for another country that the good man Joseph might not inherit his goods When he was about the middle of the Sea behold a great tempest arose and did ●o split the ship that it was beyond expectation if he did not take up his lodging in the chambers of the deep The wind blowing most vehemently snatcht his hat from off his head tossing it into a remote place of this vast Ocean where a fish at that time there swimming swallowed up the hat together with the girdle wherein were the Margarites and other precious stones A little after this this huge fish was taken and carried to the City upon Friday to be sold in the Market Every Caterer prized the fish but for a great price set upon it none could buy it at last comes Joseph Mokir Schabbas who was alwaies accustomed to buy great fishes of what price soever who never s●uck to buy this also for the celebration of the Sabbath which he did with a great alacrity of mind and joy of heart of no vulgar extent Which when he had carried home and cut up he found in the leaunch thereof the aforesaid girdle stuft with precious stones which the rich Euclio had lost And so the prediction of the Astrologers came to passe Then became Jos●ph a man of exceeding great wealth greatly rejoicing because these jewels were valued to be worth a whole Kingdome Then came a certaine old man unto Joseph and said unto him Whosoever borroweth much for the Sabbath day the Sabbath wi●l likewise repay him much againe and who honours it but in part the Lord will restore it unto him foure-fold It is also recorded in the Talmud in the Tract concerning the fasting of one Rabbi Chonech He was wont every Fryday to send his servants into the Market and cause them to buy up all the pot-herbes which the Gardiners could not put off their hands and then commanded them to throw them into the rivers The Rabbines in Gemarah which is an appendix to the Talmud aske the question why he did not rather give their herbes unto the poor The answer is that if he had given them to the poor then they would have bought none for the celebration of the Sabbath and if it should have come so to passe that the Gardiners should have withdrawne all their pot-herbs so that the poor people could not have had them then should not the Sabbath have been celebrated by them Againe the Rabbines ask why he did not give them unto the beasts to eat which had been far better then thus to throw them into the water where they are utterly void of profit The answer is that hee would not have that to bee devoured by the irreasonable creature which may serve for the proper food of man And that although he cast them into the waters yet men might take them from thence and transfer them to their own use But why did he buy up all the pot-herbes This he did for the encouragement of the Gardiners that they might the more willingly and with a better accord bring them into the Market every Friday For if they could not have sold this their garbish for one day or two together then had they staied at home ever after and so the poor people should have wanted food upon the Sabbath day and by this means the Sabbath it selfe should have been dishonoured And therefore Rabbi Chonech tooke this course that the Sabbath might bee honoured by voluptous living and that by the poor man too though a green sallet were his chiefe delicate It is written in the tract concerning the Sabbath that whosoever upon the Sabbath lifts us his head that is to say who celebrates the Sabbath with joy and rejoicing God shall give him a large inheritance subdue unto him many nations people infinite and innumerable as it is written Then that is when thou shalt keep the Sabbath with joy and rejoycing and call it thy delight thou shalt delight thy self in the Lord and I will set thee upon the high places of the earth and feed thee with the inheritance of Jacob thy father of whom it is written Thou shalt spreadforth east and west north and south even into the foure corners of the earth Rabbi Nachman averres that whosoever exhibites himselfe as a pattern of merriment upon the Sabbath day shall be free from the bondage of the nations as it is written I will set thee upon the high places of the earth and thou shalt tread upon the necks of thine enemies Rabbi Juda saith that whosoever keepes the Sabbath with a joifull heart God shall give him whatsoever his heart can wish as it is written Delight in the Lord and he shall give thee thy hearts desire And now seeing the Jewes doe not as yet tread upon the necks of their enemies nor are really possest of the highest places of the earth neither have gained their hearts desire to wit that they may bee Lords and Masters over the Christians that
That by this mean Covenant-breakers may as well as the keepers the bad and the villanous as well as the good and just may sing praise and pray unto God Whence every Christian may see how little they esteem of an oath especially made unto one of us Then they hold on to sing and pray untill the night be far spent Some all the night over others returning to their houses betake them to their rest other sleep in some corner of the Synagogue or other or in the Synagogue of the women in some place farthest remote from the Arke They among the Jews who have an earnest desire truly to repent them of their sins and to lead a holy life stand all the time that the feast endures singing and praying without intermission as I have seen some who have stood immoveable in the same place for twenty seven hours together When the morning begins to approach they all repair to the Synagogue before the dawning of the day making there their agode untill night boasting very much of the book of the Law reading many Sections therein Falling often to the earth with their face uncovered and then chiefly when they make confession of their sins smiting their brests at every word to shew the devout attention of their mindes and the lifting up of their hearts unto their God and maker When it begins again to be night then the Priest wrapping a great hair-cloth ahout his neck and drawing it over his head so far untill it come to the threshold of his eyes he blesseth the people according to the ordinary forme prescribed by Moses Numbers the 6. the 24 25 26 and 27. verses When he pronounceth the blessing he stretcheth out his hands towards the people they covering their faces with their own for it is lawful for no man to look upon the hands of the Priests because the spirit of the Lord rests upon them while he blesseth the Congregation As it is written He standeth behinde our wall looking forth at the windows shewing himself through the grates that is to say God stands at the Priests back and looks through the windows and grates that is to say through his hands being being stretched out and his fingers being spread abroad severed one from another Then he si●gs another prayer repeating it seven times sometimes with a submisse and low sometimes with a lo●d voice and the reason of this reiteration is because God at this time departs from them and goes into heaven not coming again untill the priest be the seventh time in repeating of this prayer The seventh time therefore they sing it in a melodious tune with a sense bereaving harmony having very good skill and sweet voices as they can witness who have heard them Before they depart the Synagogue they blow upon the Rams horne before mentioned a sound both long and loud in remembrance of the year of Jubile which in ancient times was wont to begin as upon this day Others write that they do it in memory of the seven heavens which the Lord opened when he descended upon Mount Sinai and gave the law to the people of Israel and declare unto them that in heaven there was no other God besides him When they have put an end to this their festival and a period to these their trifles then as they blush not to affirm there comes a voice from heaven saying goe and eat thy bread with joy and gladness of heart for God accepts all thy good works at the best Instantly upon the hearing of the voice they return to their own houses some carrying the reliques of their wax lights along with them because they commonly use them in making the separation between the festival and other dayes of the week But others on the contrary leave them in the Synagogue in the Candlesticks for a year together lighting them at some certain times They who are very holy and religious among them have a wax light burning in the Synagogue night and day never going out throughought the whole year this they call Ner Tamid an everlasting light When they are returning home one sayes unto another God the Creator seal unto a happy year for the three books of which we formerly made mention are now sealed up and Gods sentence pronounced upon every one is ratified and stands immutable Being come home they finde their guts to make a grievous complaint and themselves exceeding hungry having eaten nothing for twenty eight hours together they make haste therefore to satisfie their greedy appetite and to replenish their belly with store of victuals The next morning after they rise betimes out of their beds and return to the Synagogue lest Satan should take an occasion to complain of them saying unto God yesterday they rose early because it was the day of reconciliation but this day their devotion grows cold loving their pillow better then the Synagogue What should I say more this day they are so holy and religious so honest and devout that even the Devil is forced whether he will or not to commend their carriage concerning which we have his following conference in Pirk Rabbi Eleazar Upon that day in which God gave the Law to the Children of Israel the evil spirit Samael came unto him and said O Lord of the whole world thou hast given unto me power and dominion over all the people of the earth only the children of Israel excepted To whom the Lord made answer On the day of reconciliation and thence-forward thou shalt have power over them if thou canst finde any sin fault or offence in them of which if they be found in no manner guilty then shalt thou not approach so much as to touch them Which when Samael understood he said unto God thou hast a people upon earth like unto the Angels in heaven For as the Angels in heaven standing immoveable neither eat nor drink and being free from all sin live in peace among themselves even so do thy people Israel upon the day of Reconciliation which God hearing out of the mouth of the Devil presently without delay forgives them all their sins and opens his ear unto their prayers It is read in another place that they give gifts unto Satan that they may blinde and shut up his eyes lest he should see their doings and accuse them unto the Lord of hosts as it is written A gift blindeth the eyes of the wise and perverteth the words of the righteous I conclude with the words of God to Esay Cry aloud and spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet and shew my people their transgressions and to the house of Jacob their sins Yet they seek me daily and will know my wayes even as a nation that did righteously and had not forsaken the statutes of their God They will ask of me the ordinances of justice they will draw neer unto God saying Wherefore have we fasted and thou seest it not We have punished our selves and thou regardest
of any of the first sort being onely tied to the observation of them which forbid something to be done They say also that there are some Preceps which are onely to be executed by them at certain times when their pleasure is and also others to which they are no way subject as Circumcision the office of the Priests and Levites and such like Sometimes they may not observe the Commandements because of their husbands to whom they acknowledge themselves to ow dutifull obedience who have power over them and oftentimes call them to the performance of other things than Gods Law yet never by compulsion If any one make a question to what the women are more particularly obliged the answer is that they are bound to the performance of sixty four of the prohibiting and thirty six of the Commanding precepts Thus do the Rabbins appoint their women their Task which they have not alwayes leasure to mannage because they are to keep the house play the Cook Laundresse and Nurse and are also forced to do what ever their husbands enjoin them yet for all this the number of the Precepts was not thought sufficient for the Rabbines have added seven more that the summe ariseth to six hundred and twenty according to the number of the Letters in the Hebrew Decalogue which number the Hebrew word Keter signifying a Crown comprehends for the three radicall Letters Caph Thau and Resch make up the number and certainty if there were any who could fulfill the whole Law of God he were worthy to wear the Crown of the whole world and needfull it is that the Law should be fulfilled for otherwise the world cannot subsist as their wise men would perswade us out of the words of Jeremy If my covenant had not been with day and night I had not made the earth for so is this place perverted after a swinish manner in the forenamed book Brand spigelium A Jew is as fit an Interpreter of the Scripture as a Sow to be an Husbandman as in rendring these words that unlesse the Law which they call Berith that is to say a covenant had been given I had not created the heaven and the earth and whatsoever now hath any existence it hath it from the observation of the Divine Law moreover say they whosoever keeps all these Commandements sets a Crown upon Gods own head and in lieu thereof God shall invest their forefronts with seven Crowns who doe celebrate his Coronation and shall make them heirs of the seven bed-chamber which are in the Garden of Para dise and he shall defend them from the seven infernall Mansions and they shall obtain seven heaven's and so many earths Hereupon it is recorded in that Tract of the Talmud entituled Joma that it was the opinion of Rabbi Eliezer that the world was created for the sake of one just man for it is written in the first book of Moses the first chap. v. 31. That God shallman that it was good and by this good thing is meant that good and just one as it is written Praise the just one because he is good and it necessarily follows out of the words of Moses above mentioned And God saw c. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or one just man which was Adam for at that instant there were no more in the earth Rabbi Chaia Bar Abha is of the same mind and Rabbi Jochanan confirms it out of the 25. verse of the 10. Chapter of Solomons Proverbs where it is written 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The righpeous is an everlasting foundation Moreover the wisest of their Doctors write that every vein in mans body is the souls pedagogue to instruct it what to avoid whereupon it shall be found that if any proves disobedient to such an admonition he shall be branded with this mark that he hath not one good vein in him Again all the members prick a man forward to the execution of that which is commanded him and in this manner the three hundred sixty five prohibitory precepts are observed and fulfilled O●●serable Jew what Chirurgion can prick that vein in thee whren hath any good●nesse in it or extract from thee the smallest dram of blood which is not corrupt King Salomon in his Proverbs saith Keep my Commandements that thou mayest live that is thy veins and members shall become thy provocative unto goodnesse thou shalt live for ever and David the King in the 34. Psalm and the 21. verse promiseth He shall keep all thy bones so that not one of them shall be broken which is as if had said who keeps the commandements of the Lord his bones shall not be broken Thus the poore blind doting Jews are fallen into such a reprobate sense that they neither will nor can understand the essence of faith and good works but running headlong into their obstinate errours persist in their folly so that the words of Sophonie are now verified Her Prophets are light and treachchrous persons her Priests have polluted the Sanctuary they have done violence to the Law Truly any one would think that they ought to be ashamed of so gross ignorance by which they dilacerate the word of God in that manner as though they had not the least relish or spark of understanding in them for in the confirmation and declaration of their faith settled upon no foundation in the Exposition of the holy Scripture they seema as strangers and aliens to the word of God who had dreamed of it about some thousand years ago and now grope after it as the blind man gropeth the for wall in darkness I will not in this place add one word more concerning the Jewish beliefe and superstition considering that I shall speak more largely of it in the following Chapters yea more then they could wish should be revealed It is now seasonable and expedient to speak something of the cause of their blindness and obstinacy with which they are plagued especially in the reading of the Word of God It is apparent out the History of the Old Testament The Jews always have been so stiff necked that if once they fixed upon any opinion that no force of Argument could inforce them to relinquish it whereupon Moses and the rest of the Prophets so often reprehend them for which many of them were persecuted and put to death by the obstinate Jews who for this very cause are often in the new Testament termed the Murtherers and Butchers of the men of God When God had once chosen them for a peculiar people made a Covenant with them and for the confirmation of it had annexed unto it the seal of Circumcision as an external sign had delivered them out of the hands of their enemies brought them into a Land surpassing a others with great strength and a stretched out arme and also had given unto them by the hand of Moses a Law according to whose prescript they ought to frame their lives acknowledge God praise and exalt him
favour of children in the Cradle and so the Jewes in my judgment understand it of some diabol cal Ghost appearing in the shape of a woman which was accustomed either to kill or carry away young Infants after their Circumcision on the eighth day This Ghost or Spirit was named Lilis from Lel which in the Hebrew tongue signifies night Concerning this matter we read a story in a Book called B●n Sira not after the Edition of the learned Paulus Fagius but after the Jews own impression The copy that I have Printed at Constantinople is the same with that which Sebastian Munster makes mention of in the end of his Cosmography and out of which he transcribed the Hebrew History of the Kingdome of Prester John which is also printed in the end of that Copy which I bought of a Jew inhabiting those parts who had got it out of Munsters Library for Munster was professor of the holy tongue in this City of Basile where also he was buried In this Book I say it is recorded that when God had created Adam alone and placed him in Paradise he said it was not good for Man to be alone therefore out of the Earth he formed a Woman like unto him and called her Lilis They presenly fell at odds began to brawl and chide the Woman saying to the Man I will not be subject unto thee and the Man replying neither will I be a Vassal to thee ●ut exercise dominion over thee for thou ought to obey She presently makes answer we are both equall thou art not better then I am nor I better then thou we were both fashioned out of the earth and thus shall they continue in strife and variance At last when Lilis perceivs that there is no hopes of agreement she pronounceth the name Schem hamphorasch which is the holy name Jehovah together with its secret and Cabalisticall interpretation against which Luther writ a Book and instantly upon the pronunciation flies into the air then Adam said unto God O Lord of the whole world the woman which thou gavest me is flown away from me Upon the hearing hereof God sent three Angels after the woman Senoi Sansengi and Sanmangeloph bidding them tell the woman that if she would return and be obedient unto her Husband all should be well if not that every day an hundred of her children should give up the Ghost These Angels having received this their commission presently were upon the wing and made after her and overtook her upon a most tempestuous place of the Sea even there where the Egyptians were afterwards drowned proclaiming unto her the will of the Almighty she refusing to return the Angels threatned to stifle and drowne her in the waters unless she would obey and go back unto her Husband Then began Lilis to pray and beseech them that they would let her passe because she was created to this end that she might torment and put to death little Infants the eight day after their nativity if they were males but upon the 20. if they were females Which so soon as the Angels perceived they attempt to force her to return to her Husband which Lilis fearing swore unto them that whensoever she should find the names or shape of these three Angels either written or painted upon any scrowl parchment or any such like matter that then she had no power over Infants and that she would not hurt them furthermore she refused not to embrace ●he condit on that every day one hundred of her children should die the death and so accordingly it fell out for upon one day a whole Centenary of her off-spring or so many yong Divels went unto their long home And this is the cause that we imprint the names of these Angels upon certain sorowls of par●hment use to hang ●hem about the necks of our Infants that Lilis beholding that which is written may remember her oath not hurt them Thus much we have transcribed out of Ben Sira It may very well go for a truth that they hang such scrolls about their childrens necks seeing they daily perform many a strange cure by the help of them In what place soever any woman is brougbt to bed we may find the forementioned picture as also the names of those Angels who are appointed for the safeguard of us mortalls written above the doore of the same But from whence had the learned Rabbines this their pleasant History this quaere is answered in the book called Brand spigelium in these words The rib which the Lord had taken from man he made it a woman that she as a rib taken from his side should be liable to his service hence the Rabbines comparing them words God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female with those It is not good that man should be alone I will make him an help meet for himself make a grand question what became of that first woman who was created at the same time that Adam was and they salve it thus the first woman of all whose name was Lilis being too highly conceited of her own worth would not be obedient to her husbands command because the earth was a common mother to them both the Lord therefore divorced her from Adam and gave unto him another who was flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone who might follow obey and serve him as a member of his own body So from Brand spigelium So soon as this Witch or night hagge is by these their exorcismes banished and expelled the room and the pangs of child birth begin to se●se upon the woman and the little infant ready to weep out a salutation to his fellow m●rtalls it is first of all provided that a Christian midwife be not sent for for this is most severely pro●ibited in their Law unlesse in case of necessity when the absence of a Jewish midwife must force a dispensation of the Statute neither is this licenced unlesse the woman to be delivered be guarded about with a whole Troup of her own nation for they greatly suspect the Chri●s tian women that they should either neglect their office or else kill their children while they are a coming out of the womb If the birth be fortunat● so that a man child be born into the world then nothing but the mounting echoes of joyfull acclamations are heard in their habitations the father of the child makes speed into the Market there to buy fat Geese crammed Capons flesh and fish of all sorts not omitting a cup of good liquor against the feast of the Circumcision which is to be celebrated the eighth day accordingly as God By Moses enjoyned them In the mean time the ten are called for They must be neither more nor fewer to the Circumcision of the Infant who ought all to be above the age of thirteen years and this number in their own language they term Minian a The night following
his glory as saith the Prophet Esay A singular care is also to be had that no man put on his shirt or any other of his garments out of order he must put on his right foot shooe first but in tying of them begin with the left But if any man have a pair of shooes which are destitute of shooe-ties then must he first fit the left foot then the right at night the left foot shooe ought first to be put off as that worthy man Rabbi Jochanan hath taught and commanded When any one is altogether ready and invested from top to toe then must he leave his bed-chamber his head being bowed toward the ground and his mind full of devotion in remembrance of the Temple of Jerusalem now waste and desolate always provided his head be covered and his feet shod yea the-whole body cloathed seeing the Majesty of the Almighty always hovereth over his head and because it is scandalous and an enemy to good manners to come naked into the sight of any one After this every one drawing aside unto some secret place shall endevour to purge his belly so far as is needfull and to take all pains possible that he may come pure and cleanly to morning prayer as it is written Prepare thy self to meet thy God O Israel and David saith Praise the Lord O my soul and all that is within me praise his holy name in which place according to the Exposition of the Rabbines thus much is intimated that the very intrails ought to be clean and empty It is not lawfull to name the holy name of God unlesse it be done with all cleanlinesse which is the reason that every one must carefully endeavour that his garments be not polluted● in his devotions he ought to be very bashfull and modest yea though he be alone in some dark and private place as it is written humble thy self to walk before thy God that is the Rabbines being Commentators in a secret place No man must be conscious of so small providence as too long to defer the works of nature for it is not a sin onely so to do but also may greatly endanger his belly and make it liable to rupture I do not here mention that the soul by these means procures a stinking breath and other consequent discommodities It is written in Parscha Kedoschim You shall not make your souls abominable but ye shall be holy unto me which the Rabbines interpret of them who against nature stop the work of nature saying that whosoever makes a delay to salute the lakes when the excrement is ripe for an egresse he is unclean and a transgressour of this Commandement in cleansing of himself he must use the left hand not the right for with this he judiciously handles the holy Scripture with this he writes the holy names of God and Angels When any one is in a private place he must be carefull with an exact diligence that the suffer not the word of God and his Commandements to come into his remembrance and much lesse to account it as a thing dispenced withall to name any name expressing a Deity the reason according to the wisest of the Rabbinicall Rable being this because God will shorten his dayes who repeats his name in secret The Schollers of Rabbi Sira upon a time demanded of him how it came to passe that he lived so long to whom he answered I had never since I was born the least meditation of any thing contained in the Word of God neither did his name ever proceed out of my mouth in an impure place When any one is to ease himself he may turn his face either towards the North or South but by no means toward the East or West because a due reverence ought to be had of and tendred unto the holy Temple at Jerusalem to which we ought alwayes to turn the face not out back parts Enough of this I omitting also their morals and such like trash I will show unto you how the Iews prepare themselves to morning prayer by the washing of their hands The Chachamim and skilfull Rabbines write that no man ought to touch his own body untill his hand● be washed and that in respect of the great danger that may ensue thereupon for the hand in the morning is a thing most impure and venomous by reason of the unclean evil spirits which rest upon the hands untill they be drenched in water If any one touch his eyes with such hands they shall become blind if his ears they shall be stopped with deafnesse if his nostrils they become obnoxious to a continuall distillation if his mouth it shall be vexed with stinking if his hands they shall be clothed with scabs When any one washeth himself he holds the right hand under the Ure and pours the water thrice upon it and after that the le●t in the like manner for without this Ceremony it is not allowable that the one hand should touch the other No man in washing ought to be sparing of water for Rabbi Chasda saith that whosoever useth plenty of water in the washing of his hands shall be a man of great riches They must lift their hands on high in time of washing lest the unclean water resulting out of the Bason should repollute them In the next place they ought to wash their mouth and face because this was created according to Gods own image as it is written God created man in his own likenesse according to the image of God created he him The Rabbines illustrate the whole matter by this similitude An Artificer one who is Master of his trade makes some goodly vessel and therewith gratifies one of his dearest friends This his friend knowing of his approach and seeing the Crafts man coming to his house takes the vessel scours and makes it as clean as he can possible left the workman should be wroth and angry that he kept not this his handy work from filth and pollution In like manner any Jew who every day in the morning frequents the Synagogue appears in the presence of God his Creator and is bound to worship and honour him ought also accurately to wash his face lest the chief workman should be angry to behold his creature disfigured with uncleannesse In Bereschith Rabba which is an Exposition upon Genesis the Rabbines winnowing that Sentence of Salomon A mercifull man doth good to his own soul affirm it also to be behove●ull for him to keep himself cleanly for the good of his body How can any call upon God with his mouth when as yet it is filled with spittle and other filthy matter A Jew being about to wash must do it over a bason or some other vessel not over the earth which done it is not lawfull for him to pour out his water where any one treadeth yet are there found men who practise the contrary for the promotion of their art in poysoning and skill in Magick The
for the Rabbines in their Masseches Berachos upon those words When all the people saw the thunders and the lightnings and the sound of the trumpet and the mountain burning the people saw and were afraid and stood afar off dispute and say that the people through great fear and amazement was in a moment of time three miles backward from the mountain Sinai The chief Glosse-monger Rabbi Salomon Jarchi writes in his glosse upon this Text that the people kept back twelve miLes of which David spoke saying The Kings of the Armies did flie and she● that tarried at home divided the spoil and then came the good Angels and ministring Spirits and brought the people back unto the Mountain When they are about to depart the Temple or Synagogue then they speaking within themselves quietly and without the least noise they say a certain Prayer beginning Alenulesh abeach It is meet that we should praise the Lord who is above all and in an excellent degree to celebrate him because he hath created all things and not made us like unto the rest of the Nations likewise that he hath not made us as other generations of the World and hath not appointed us an inheritance like unto theirs neither is our lot as their lot neither as the lot of their whole multititude Here are some words omitted in their Books of Common-prayer and that by the Commandement of the Magistrates of Italy where their Books are wont to be and for the most part are at this day imprinted The things omitted were some blasphemous sayings against our Saviour which are found expressed in the ancient copies of which I have one which was imprinted at Augusta by a Jewish Printer called Chajim in the year of Christ 1534. In other copies instead of the words omitted there is left an empty space about the length of one line to this end that the children of the Jews and others who are ignorant may be warned to enquire what saying it is that is there omitted which when they do some relate the words unto them or otherwise write them in the margent of the Book as I have observed them to have practised in many of their Prayer books the words left out are these Who bend their knee and crouch to that which is vanity and foolishness and adore another God who cannot help these words they utter against Christ wherefore they spit upon the earth in the mouthing of them But we bend and bow our knees yea our whole man to that King who is King of Kings to God holy and blessed for ever who stretcheth out the heavens establisheth the earth whose glory and chair of estate is in heaven and the seat of whose power is in the highest heavens he only is our God and there is no other besides him These things thus finished the Jew now going out Of the Synagogue saith O Lord God lead me by thy justice by reason of those that lay wait for me in secret make plain thy way before my face Preserve me in my going out and my comming in from this time forth for evermore They must go out of the Synagogue in the posture of a Crab sish creeping backward through the Gate thereof and that their back part should not be towards the holy Ark in which the book of the Law is laid up to which they ought to exhibit a certain kind of reverence by turning their face thereunto The Rabbines upon those words of the Prophet Ezekiel Who have turned their back unto the Temple of the Lord have delivered thus much in the Talmud that a grievous and heavy punishment was inflcted upon the Priests because in going out of the Temple of the Lord they turned their back parts towards the ark of the Covenant wherefore the case standing thus we ought to depart out of the Temple with all fear and reverence even as a servant being about to take his leave of his Maister doth it with a retrograde crowching submission and submiss lowliness They must not run out of the Synagogue lest some might think him that runneth to be weary with praying and to rejoyce that it is now lawfull for him to depart They must go out with decurtate steps for if any one doth this God numbreth his steps and gives him a great reward as it is written Thou hast numbred my steps c. If any in his going forth chance to meet a woman or a damsel whether she be one of the Jews or Christians he ought to shut his eye● and turn away his face from beholding her he must not afford her the common curtesie of a Complement lest thereby taking occasion of longer discourse he should be woed to the entertainment of lustfull notions and evil cogitations Concerning the serious manner of praying they write that whosoever wil pray attentively ought to have his head and heart covered to incompass his body with a girdle in the middle lest his heart by the sight of the secret part should be inveigled with wicked thoughts He must turn his face towards Canaan and the City Jerusalem his feet equally placed upon the Earth as abovesaid He ought to put his hand upon his heart in that manner that his right hand may rest upon his left withall bowing his head with great humility as it is written Let us lift up our hearts with our hands unto the Lord in the heavens and again My life is alwayes in my hand yet do I not forget thy Law In time of prayer none must yawn belch or spit yet if he must spit on necessity then ought he privately to receive it in his Handkerchiff and modestly to cast it behind him or upon his left hand but not before him or upon his right for there stand the Angels invisible whom if any should beray with this excrement he should be guilty of an heynous offence It is not lawfull for any to let a scape in time of Prayer if he do it against his will then ought he to suspend the act of praying until the ill savour thereof be gone If the wind urge him so much and so vehemently that he must of necessity let fly then shall he go some four paces aside set a packing and instantly thereupon saying O Lord of all the earth thou hast created me full of holes Whi●h I cannot shut up all our modesty is open and known unto thee our life is full of shame we are nothing but worms and Maggots Sneesing in time of Prayer if it come from the parts below is an ill sign if from above a good one He that beginneth once to pray must not break off in the middle of his Prayer yea although the King of Israel should come and salute him yet he may not answer him though a Serpent took him by the heel and bit him yet ought he to continue in his devotions yet there is a certain dispensation which licenseth a man to give way unto a
and nourished they ought first to serve them before they presume to sit downe to table as Rabbi Juda in the Talmud hath taught and commanded grounding upon those words I will send grasse in thy fields for thy cattell that thou maiest eat and bèe full For there the Law in the first place making mention of Cattell gives us to understand that a man ought first to shew mercy and care for the soule of his beast then to refresh himselfe that in so doing his meat may be wholsome unto him and he by feeding thereupon may be full In the book called Sepher Mitznos Naschim or the booke of womens conditions it is registred to be the dutie of women presently after the ending of morning prayer to fodder their Cattell yea before they take their children out of bed and put on their clothes because it is written A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruell Therefore if the good wife of the house doe earely feed her flock she gaines from thence a name graced with the addition of just and honest It is read in the same place that it is good and praise-worthy to breed up young Cattell in the house because the stars and celestiall planets doe often prognosticate by their aspects some misfortune about to happen unto the Master or Mistrisse of the family Now if in the mean time the husband or wife have been pious in the distribution of almes and done many good workes of the same nature then the Lord chiefe Chancel our some Angell is hereby understood who is overseer of the good deeds of men here on earth presently enroles them in his table-book by which means they come unto the fight of the Almighty unto whom the foresaid publike notary delivers this petition O Lord of the whole universe avert the unfortunate influence of the starres from this man and his fimily for they have done these and these good works Then the misfortune seiseth upon some wicked person or other for the heaven being a naturall agent doth of necessity keep his course as it is written The righteous is delivered out of trouble and the wicked commeth in his stead If there be no ungodly sinner in the house then the influentiall mi●chiefe lights upon the head of some of his Cattell This matter is too prolixe and cannot be comprehended by the shallow capacity of many women It is necessary that before any presume to set downe to dinner he should go and unload his belly in some secret place that he fall to his victuals with an empty stomack and purified body for if he come to the table with a full stomack he shall depart from it with a body stuft with diseases This the Jewish Doctors gather out of that verse bring forth the old because of the new Hence concluding that a man ought first to empty his stomacke of the meat formerly received before he take in any more It is also necessary that a man should wash his hands before he go to dinner to this end he ought to have fresh and clean water not that which is any way troubled and that is accounted for cleane water which hath not formerly been transferred to any other use that is accounted uncleane in which any kind of wine hath been cooled in the former time in which cups or drinking glasses have been washed or out of which hens or dogs have drunk Ordinarily the houshold servants wash first then the Mistrisse and last of all the Master of the family that he being cleane every whit may instantly beflow a blessing upon the creatures provided for their daily food and nourishment the form of which I will here after delineate Furthermore it is a position of the Rabbines that any Master of a family being exquisite in the performance of this ceremony which is as an usheting prologue to the filling of his paunch cannot come within the reach of any evill The hands being washed are to be cleanly wiped Hence it is recorded in the Talmud that Rabbi Ahbahu was wont to affirm that whosoever eates his bread with wet and undried hands his fact is no lesse hainous then if he had eaten that bread which by the law was accounted uncleane unto the Israelites as it is written So shall the children of Israel eate their defiled bread among the Gentiles whither I will cast them In the Originall the words signifying defiled bread are lachmam Tame which comprehend according to the Hebrew Cabbalisticall computation 168. Which number the letters of these three words Belo Niggubh Jadaiim doe likewise specifie which do signify being construed without the washing of the hands So then the Cabbalisticall meaning must bee this The Israelites shall eate their bread with unwashen hands that is they shall eat it defiled Rabbi Jose saith that whosoever eates bread with unwashen hands commits as grievous a sinne as if he had laien with a whore And this he sifts out of those words of Solomon For a whorish woman a man shall be brought to a morsell of bread This then is so slrictly observed of the Jews both before and after meat that you shal not sind one amongst a million that is forgetfull or negligent in the performance thereof yea so curious are they therein that when they wash they will not suffer a ring to stay on their finger left some filth might be sheltered under the same and the observation of drawing off the ring is so accurate that he who in time of washing doth not draw it off is accounted as unclean as if he had not washed at all It is written in the Talmud that Rabbi Akibha was once for a long time imprisoned by the Gentiles or Christians To whom Rabbi Jehoshua Garsites brought every day so much water as might serve for to quench his thirst and wash his hands At a certaine time the keeper of the prison tooke the water from him and poured halfe thereof upon the ground which Rabbi Akibha seeing and perceiving that there was not water sufficient said unto Rubbi Jehoshua reach me the water that I may wash my hands who replyed Sir here is not enough for you to drink Rabbi Akibha answeres whosoever eates meate with unwashen hands is guilty of death It is better therefore that I should dye by thirst then that I should despise and set nothing by the traditions of my Ancestours There is also another story in the Talmud to this purpose Rabbi Meir Rabbi Josa Rabbi Juda upon a certaine time were travelling together and comming to a certaine Inne where mine Osle was a Jew they required lodging for the Sabbath drew on when it is not lawfull for the Jewes to travell Rabbi Meir asked the In-keeper what his name was who answered and said his name was Kiddori Whereupon Rabbi Meir began to think with himselfe that his Oste must needes be a wicked man who had such an ill
putting it into the salt or into some sort of sauce if there bee any upon the table presently eates it speaking not a word for if he doe he is bound to say grace the second time The piece which he breaks off is of a good quantity lest he should be accounted for a miserable niggard who desires to be sparing where spending is ranked in the place of a good worke and laudable It is also required that two or three should sit together at the same table for otherwise every one must say grace for himselfe This finished he takes the bread into his hands the second time and cuts every one there present a shive of the same laying it on their trencher that every one may feed thereupon In the same manner also he blesseth the wine especially in those regions where they commonly use to drinke it and were not only the whole number of ten` but three or foure are in company It is performed in this manner A cup brim full of wine being presented he takes it first into both his hands then holds it in the right hand alone yet if it bee big and weighty hee may also imploy his left so that hee place it below the right This done he lists it up above the table a hands breadth and fastning his eyes upon it raising himselfe a little in way of honour saith Blessed bee thou O Lordour God King of the world who hast created the fruit of the vine Here it is also provided that when many sit not at the same table every one in particular ought to blesse his owne cup where Ale or water and honey mixed together are wont to be drunk they use the same kind of grace The richest sort of the Jewes drinkes up the sanctifyed cup of wine though they carouse their cups of Ale after it They use not at any time to give ablessing being about to drinke water Grace being ended the Master of the family useth to repeat the twenty third Psalme after which they fall to lustily and feed deliciously if they have wherewithall He that gives not thankes himselfe must say Amen to him that supplies the place Hereupon it is read in the Talmud that whosoever saith Amen with an attentive and zealous minde he is farre more worthy and of greater esteem then hee that saith grace before or after meat The Rabbines illustrate this by a simile taken from one that writes a letter in another mans name For as the letter is then confirmed and ratified when it is sealed and signed by the hand of another so they make good and establish the blessing given upon the meate who say Amen at the ending thereof Salt is set upon the table in remembrance of their sacrifices which were wont to be offered in the daies of old for the table represents the Altar and the meat thereon is compared to the sacrifice yea it is also written And every oblation of thy meate-offering shalt thou season with salt neither shalt thou suffer the salt of the Covenant of thy GOD to be lacking from thy meate-offering with all thine offerings thoushalt offer salt and therefore it is lawfull to want salt at the table The reason why they doe not cut and divide their bread into parcels before they blesse it is because it is the position of their Doctors that hereby they should offend God seeing it is written Ubozeah berech nietz adonai which the Jews very handsomely translate whosoever cuts and gives a blessing offends the Lord. The Hebrew word Bozeah never signifying to cut neither admits it of any such signification in this place neither is it so translated in the Germane Psalter but only is so rendered at the pleasure of the Rabbines as wee may read in Orach chajim a little booke translated into the Germane tongue for the use of women and children in which is briefly set down the plat-forme after which their life ought to bee framed untill the end of their daies They lay both their hands upon the bread their fingers being stretched out in remembrance of the ten commandements which God gave concerning the graine whereof the bread is made These commandements cannot bee conveniently inserted into this place being set downe in a place a little before cited Secondly they do it moved thereunto by some sayings of holy writ one whereof is this He bringeth forth grasse for the cattell and green herbes for the service of men that he may bring bread out of the earth Another is this The eies of all wait upon the Lord and thou gavest them their meat in due season the third The Lord thy God bringeth thee into a good land a land of brookes and waters of fount aines and deeps that spring out of the vallies and hils A land of wheat and harly of vines a●d fig-trees and pomegranates a land of oile olive and honey And many other sayings of the same sort which in the originall consist onely of ten words and so the usuallgrace also consists of ten words onely In blessing the wine foure things are especially to be taken notice of and had respect unto all which are briefly comprehended in the word Chamischah which is as a note of remembrance for the more easie retaining of them The first of the word is Cheth which notes unto us Chai signifying new intimating that the wine ought both to be new and also to be poured out into the bowle from a full tankard The second letter Mem signifies Male which is as much as full for the cup ought to be full of wine as it is written O Naphtali satisfied with favour and full with the blessing of the Lord possesse thou the west and the south Hence concluding that their cup which they blesse in this manner ought to bee full of wine If any drinke out of the foresaid cup before grace be said it is to be filled againe out of a fresh and full tankard if there remaine no wine at all in the tankard then must that which is in the cup bee poured out into a cleane tankard and from thence into the cup againe and so it passeth for currant The third letter Schin notes the word Schetiphah which is ablution intimating that the out-side of the cup ought to bee washed with cold water The last letter He notes out the word Haddacha which signifies a washing intimating that the inside of the cup ought also to bee washed with cold water That they ought to lift up the cup with both hands from the table they prove from the words of David Lift up your hands unto the Sanctuary and bless the Lord a very doctor-like proofe indeed While they are at their repast every one using a modest carriage must think with himselfe that he is in the presence of the Lord. As it is said con●erning the tithes of the field that thou shalt eat before the Lord thy God Againe This is the table that is before the Lord.
The Master of the family must sit a long time at the table expecting the approach of some poore person to whose necessity he may communicate some of his broken meate This is a good worke and to be had in honour for he that feeds the poore shall prolong his own daies as we may read in the Talmud Of this the Prophet spake saying Is not this the fast that I have chosen that thou deale thy bread to the hungry and bring the poor that are cast out to thine house No man ought to eate more then will suffice nature as the Rabbines write in the Talmud saying The poore are alwaies to bee in thine house Which they construe in this sence that no man ought to eat unto satiety at any time even as poor folks are wont to doe who have not wherewithall to content their crying appetites Bread is not to bee handled but in a pure and holy manner for according to the Talmudist a threefold honour must be given unto it First no vessell ought to be set upon it Secondly no p●atter may be underpropped with it Thirdly it is not lawfull to throw it after any thing Hence whosoever contemnes and despiseth bread shall fall into extreame poverty as it is written He shall wander abroad for bread The Talmudists record that there is a certaine Angell set a purpose to observe and take notice of them who by their negligence and incogitancy suffer the bread ordained for their nourishment to fall upon the ground and to be trodden under foot whom for their offence he brings to poverty This Angels name is called Nabel who upon a time watching a man very narrowly it was his whole desire to make him fall into want and misery for the accomplishment of which his end hee hoped that some time hee would leave his bread lying upon the earth that so it might bee trode upon It came to passe on a certaine day that the man sitting in the field did eate breade upon the greene grasse which the Angell seeing confabulates with himselfe Now at length I shall have my wish for it is impossible for him to gather up his crums which have fallen among the grasse but he must of necessity leave them to be trodden under foot The man when he had done eating takes a spade cut away the grasse together with the crums and casts them both into the sea whence it came to passe that the fishes came and eat them up making a meale of them Thus were the hopes of the Angell made frustrate and his voice was heard in the aire saying woe unto me foole that I was that this man hath drawn me from my habitation all in vaine for I can finde no occasion to punish him In the mean time while any man is eating and chewing his meate in his mouth he ought not to speake according to the Talmud lest the meat should chance to slide some other way then into his throat and be choaked by the meanes thereof Although one sneese at the table yet he that eateth ought not to say God blesse you These wise and holy Rabbines write that Elias the Prophet is alwaies present at the table and that every man hath one peculiar Angell waiting over him who being a daily attendant at the table notes with what devotion he gives thankes how his words fall from him and according to what square he frames his behaviour If they who are set downe to meate commune of the things contained in the Law of God then the Angell doth not depart from them and their meate becomes wholsome unto them but if they spend the time in foolish tales or scurrilous relations then hee leaves the roome and an evill spirit and infortunate supplies his place who dinner and supper being ended stirres up strifes brawls blowes and diseases such men also are not satisfied though they eate abundance as it is written The righteous eateth to the satisfying of his soule but the belly of the wicked shall want And because such ministring spirits whether good or bad are alwaies present at the table thence it comes to passe that no Jewes will presume to cast the bones and finnes of fishes upon one hand or other or behind his back lest hee might touch and offend these invisible creatures They doe it also to this end that the dogs under the table snatching at the bone should catch them by the shinne In the same kind they never suffer that any knife should lye upon the back with the edge upward lest those angelicall and spirituall creatures should bee hurt thereby Marrow bones are not to bee knockt upon a trencher for hereby the evill and uncleane Spirits being roused up thinke that the men are gone by the eares together and so comming into the roome annoy those they find present Some smailpiece of bread is therefore to be fitted for the receit of the marrow which is quietly to be picked out of the bone In ancient times they were wont to wash between the eatings of flesh and fish which at this day they seldome practise onely a respect is to be had in the opinion of the holy ones that flesh and fish bee not eaten together but in a due method one after the other alwaies provided hee pick his teeth eate a piece of bread take a draught of wine hereby making a difference between the flesh of fowles and fishes The knife which they use to cut flesh withal they account it as an hainous offence to cut butter or cheese or any thing made with milk therewith Milk and flesh may not be set upon the Table at the same time neither is it permitted that the one should touch the other con●erning which they have many statutes and Ordinances of which in another place Every religious man sitting at the table ought to meditate with himselfe how vaine and tran●tory a thing man is and how great a vanity meat and drinke is the least part of which remaining in the man the greatest port on thereof is cast out into the draught as Martzutra di●putes upon those words of the Prophet David For this shall every one that is mercifull pray unto thee in a time when thou maist bee heard The Jew rendering those words leg●●th metzo In that time when the guts are in emptying For it is the Rabbines position that he is an honest man who when he eates and drinkes thinkes withall that he must be forced to evacuate his belly of what it hath received nature that cleanly huswife willing the same and yet those two words whereon they ground this their assertion signifie in the time when he may bee found that is in a fitting time and the fittest time to finde the Lord i● when trouble and necessity molest the just But to return to the matter in hand The Jew entertaining and feeding upon the foresaid meditations must remember that it is altogether requisite for him to leade a temperate
gracious GOD I have sinned in thy sight but thou art full of mercy Have mercy therefore upon mee and receive my prayer which proceedeth out of unfained lips Rebuke mee not O Lord in thy fury neither chasten mee in thy heavy displeasure They moreover repeate the sixt Psalme from the beginning to the end with their heads covered and bended towards the earth The Chanter fals downe upon his knees before the Arke in imitation of Joshua of whom it is written That hee rent his clothes and fell to the earth upon his face before the Arke of the Lord untill the eventide he and the elders of Israel and put dust upon their heads The reason why they cover their faces is this In ancient times when they had a large and spacious Temple they came thither to confesse their sins every one stood from another by the space of four els lest his neighbour should heare his confession In these daies therefore they cover their faces for the same end and purpose They leane their head upon their left hand moved hereunto by that which is written His left hand is under my head and his right hand doth embrace me And moreover because Isaac being about to bee sacrificed lay upon his left side But to returne to the point in hand They suddenly rise up againe and their Chanter saies Wee are ignorant O Lord what other thing to put in practise but only to lift up our eyes unto thee as though they would say Wee have worshipped thee O God sitting and standing being humble and lifted up kneeling and with anerected posture not knowing what more is re●●i●ed of us yet wee will once againe lift up our eies unto thee Hitherto they only have sung their prayer called Kaddisch which finished their evening prayer is ended Now indeed it were very laudable if after this evening sacrifice of prayer and thanksgiving returning to their owne houses they did immediately fall to supper and that ended againe to assemble themselves into the Synagogue for the performance of their nocturnall devotions But this practise is disapproved by the Rabbines as a thing very inconvenient seeing many may be drunke and so forget their duty of prayer therefore they have decreed that presently after the evening prayer be ended that accustomed to be said in the beginning of the night should also be finished Yet not withstanding they make some small stay between Minhah and Ma●rib that is to say between their evening and nightly prayers to the end the one may be differenced from the other They have one quaint custome concerning the reconcilement of them that are at strife one with another and that in time of prayers For if two be at ods and the one cannot bring the other with him into the Synagogue That a reconcilemet may be made he steps unto the book out of which the Chanter sings or saies their common prayers shuts it and giving it a clap with his hand saith I conclude and put a period to this exercise which is all one as if he should say I locke and seale up this order of praying interdicting the same untill an agreement be made between me and mine adversary And from that time forward untill his desire bee accomplished it is not lawfull for them to say any more prayers in the Synagogue Thence it often fals out that they retune home without any praying yet if the one party bee wayward and refractory there happens many times a surcease and intermission of this duty of prayer for some whole dayes together Among many others they have a prayer that God would vouchsafe to deliver them from the Christians and bring them back againe to their owne land This prayer begins Baruch Jehovah O blessed God our Lord help us gather together and deliver us from the Gentiles that we professing thy holy Name may make our boast of thy praise All the people which thou hast created shall come and worship thee fall down before thee and sing praises unto thy name Our eyes shall see it our heart shall rejoice our soul shall be joyfull in thy strength when it shall be said in Sion The Lord doth reign God is King he doth rule and shall beare rule for evermore for thine is thy Kingdome c. But alas poore silly Jew in vaine thou gapest after with a greedy expectation this thy rejoicing seeing he is come some sixteen hundred years agoe whom thou as yet waites for and expects to bring thee joy and consolation Furthermore they say one petition more formerly mentioned in their morning prayer in which they entreat God to revenge their cause against all the Christians in generall but in a more especiall manner against their Magistrates If any lost a father in that yeare he is tied all the yeare long to say that praier called Kaddisch the lesse by the mediation of which his father shall be delivered out of purgatory of which God willing more hereafter When they go out of the Synagogue then must they repeat those sentences formerly mentioned in the fifth Chapter And in this place againe they exercise many prolix disputes about that prayer beginning Schema Israel Heare O Israel the Lord thy God is one God questioning the manner how the time when the place where this prayer should bee said and repeated All which to avoid prolixity I willingly omit At dinner and supper their carriage is the same When they goe to bed they must first draw off the left foot shooe then the right They put off their shirts lying in bed and covered with clothes lest the beams and wals of the house should behold their unseemly nakednesse And this is the cause that they never use to empty their bladder in their bed-chamber their clothes being off the very act becomming a shamefull disgrace unto them and the consequent of such impudence being a fearfullapse into an extream poverty a consideration also had that it is one of those things God hateth Whosoever saies that prayer Schema Israel Heare O Israel c. must endeavour instantly upon the finishing of the same to fal asleep and take an especiall care that he speake nothing after it as it is written Commune with your own heart upon your bed and be still Selah If sleepe will not presently attempt to close up his eyes he must not cease to repeate the said prayer untill the approach thereof tongue-tye his devotions for in●o doing his rest shall bee sweet and delightfull unto his wearied body his sleep comfortable and restorative The bed wherein the man and wife are to make their repose is to bee furnished with cleane sheets without spot or blemish for it may come to passe that the man may meditate upon some thing which he hath learned and also committed to memory by reading the Scriptures whilst it was yet day yea both man and woman may joyne in prayer to the Almighty that they may beget children which will bee obedient to
which they attribute great vertue and strange operations hidden ones surely for they have not made their appearance for one thousand six hundred and odd yeares This they use to say standing and that with great devotion There is a certaine story very pat to this purpose When the Jewes were banished out of Jerusalem by Titus Vespasian the Roman Emperour The Emperour commanded that three ships filled with Jewes should be set to float upon the sea having neither mast nor sailes This his command being put in execution the ships being tost with a most violent tempest were parted asunder and cast upon the shore of three divers countries the names whereof were Lovanda Arlado and Burdeli which are now worne out of remembrance All the Jewes in one of those ships were very courteously entertained by the Lord of that country in which they landed who in a most bountifull manner gave them land to till and Vineyards After his death there arose another King who handled and vexed the Jewes most inhumanely even as Pharaoh did their Ancestours saying unto them that he would try whether they were true Jewes or not after the same manner that Nebuchadnezzar tryed Hananias Misael and Azarias and if you can walke without hurt in the middle of the fiery furnace as they did then will I confesse that you are true Jewes indeed To whom the Jewes made answer entreating him that he would doe unto them as Nebuchadnezzar did to the three former which was to grant them three dayes respite that they might pray unto God to deliver them Which when he had granted two brothers called Joseph and Benjamin and their Couzen Samuel came together to consult what was best to be done who determined neither to eat or drinke for three dayes together Which while they put in practise every one having a severall prayer which they joined in one and repeated it without intermission night and day untill their allotted time was ended In the morning of the third day one of them said he had dreamed that he heard one read a verse out of the Bible in which Kt was twice and Lo three times reiterated but what it meant or where it was he was altogether ignorant Then answered one of the other two and said this verse will be a helpe and comfort unto thee for hereby is signified that God will send thee help from heaven and it is written in the forty third chapter of Isaiah and the second verse the words wherof are these K● when thou passest through the waters I will be with thee and through the rivers they shall Lo not overflow thee Ki when thou walkest through the fire thou shalt Lo not bee burnt Lo neither shall the flame kindle upon thee Upon the third day a huge fire was provided earely in the morning an immense number of people flocking to the execution who were very desirous to be present at the burning The congregation being compleate these three men did commend their bodies to the mercy of the fire singing and praying untill all the wood being consumed they came out of the fire without the least touch thereof This miracle the foresaid men divulged in what place soever they came whereupon it was ordained and commanded that this prayer should bee said every Munday and Thursday morning in every Synagogue and place of publike prayer which the Jewes observe and keepe unto this very day hoping that by the power of this prayer they shall be delivered from their long continued captivity and tedious exile But alas their hopes will be frustrate so long as they despise and set at nought the Saviour of their soules Christ Jesus and persevere in their horrible superstition This Fable is here related more at large then it is by Antonius Margarita out of the booke Colbo The prayer beginning Vehu racham so much esteemed of them is written in the forme following He is mercifull forgiving iniquity and not destroying the sinner He oftentimes turns his anger from us and suffers not his fury to arise O God I beseech thee take not thy mercy from me let thy meeknesse and truth alwaies preserve me Help us O God our God and gather us from among the Gentiles c. In briefe the sum of this prayer is this They beg of God that hee would vouchsafe to pardon their sinnes take pity upon the desolations of their City and Temple to gather them from the foure corners of the earth and never suffer his inheritance to bee ashamed In this prayer they are also mindefull of us Christians against whom they thus petition O God how long shall thy strength remaine in captivity and thy beauty in thy enemies hand O Lord God stirre up thy strength and revenge us upon all our enemies so shall their might be turned into weaknesse and they shall be ashamed and perish These last words are in many Copies left out by reason of an injunction laide upon the Printers by the Christian Magistrate an empty space being left that they may either write them or e●se inquire what is wanting These things thus finished they fall the second time upon their faces and saying many other prayers as was declared in the former Chapter they beseech God that hee would remove his anger farre from them and not deliver them into the hands of their enemies but being mindefull of the Covenant that hee made with their fathers would make their seed like unto the starres of Heaven for multitude After that they have for such a space either kneeling or standing poured out their souls in prayer unto God then followes the narration of that pompe and state which they exhibite to the booke of the Law they reade weekly Lectures out of it according as they were enjoyned by Ezra the scribe The manner followeth In every Synagogue they have the booke of the Law to wit the Pentateuch written in long schroles of parchment sewed together at the ends thereof are fastned certaine pieces of wood for the safer keeping and more easie carriage of the booke of the Law This book is kept in a certaine Arke or Chest standing continually against some wall of the Synagogue Before the Ark is a little doore and before it a hanging made by the Art of the embroiderer This is of divers sorts and the more solemnn the festivall is the richer are the hangings Those are had in greatest esteeme with them whose outside is adorned and wrought with the shapes of divers birds for such were alwaies an ornament upon the old Arke of the Covenant The booke is alwaies wrapt up in a linnen cloth in which are characterised some Hebrew words and divers names That which is the most outward of all is oftentimes a linnen cloth much like unto a little coat or cloake made of silke but sometimes of puregold upon which they hang some silver plates fastned to a golden chaine in which is written Kether thorah that is to say the crowne of the Law or Kodesch adonai
holinesse to the Lord. Then the sexton goes about and cries who will buy Gelilah etz chajim which is a certaine kinde of office which any supplying is licenced to tosse over the booke of the Law by a serious revisall Which office is granted unto him who will give the most money for it which is put into the poore mans box and chested up for their reliefe Those pieces of wood by the helpe whereof the booke of the Law is carryed up and downe are called by them etz chaijm the wood of life to which that sentence of Solomon was Godfather Wisdome is the tree of life to them th●t lay hold on it Gelilah signifies a folding intimating what things may be observed in the folding and unfolding of the book When the Chanter takes this holy booke out of the Arke then he goes into the pulpit where he reads out of the same these words following It came to passe when the A●ke was set forth that Moses said Rise up O Lord and let thine enemies be scattered and let them that hate thee flee before thee Againe Many people shall goe and say come yee and let us goe up to the mountaine of the Lord to the house of the God of Jacob and he will teach us of his waies and we will walke in his pathes for out of Sion shall goe forth the Law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem The Chanter when he begins to sing laying the book upon his arme saith O praise the Lord with me and let us magnifie his name together To which the whole congregation makes this answer O magnifie the Lord our God and fall down before his foot stool for he is holy O magnifie the Lord our God and worship him upon his holy hil for the Lord our God is holy Directly above that four square structure is placed a certain table covered with a silken Carpet upon which the Chasan or Chanter laies down the book of the Law Then comes he who is to purchase the Office of Gelilah with his money taking away and devesting the booke of its formerly in wrapping garments which finished the Chasan and the other who was to buy his place calling one out of the whole congregation and commanding his personall appearance in his fathers name and his own he approaching the presence seats himselfe in the middle kisses the book not upon the bare leaves of the same for this were an hainous offence but through the swadling cloutes thereof and grasping the cover thereof saies with a loud voice praise the Lord c. Blessed be thou O God who hast chosen us unto thy selfe before all other nations of the earth and hast given us thy Law Blessed be thou O God the Law giver Now the Jew perswades himselfe that his lot is fallen unto him in a fair ground seeing he hath seen and handled the tree of life and therefore becomes blessed above all other people In the next place the minister reades a chapter or section out of the Bible which ended he who was formerly summoned to appeare takes the book the second time and kisseth it saying Blessed be thou O God who hast given us the very law and implanted unto us eternall life Blessed be thou the Law-giver After this two more are successively called whose behaviour is squared according to the platforme of the formers carriage He that came first in goes out by another doore then that which afforded him entrance After these another is cited who ought to have a well brawned arme for hee must lift up the book at armes end and turning round must expose it to the view of every spectator the whole congregation in the mean season bellowing ou● This is the law which Moses gave to the Israelites This Office is named Hagbahah and is sold to him for money who bids most While the match is in making those brawling scolds the women presse into the Synagogue with a great deale of quarrelling and much opposition every one striving to gain a place in some window or other where they may be blessed with the sight of such an holy booke thinking to reape some pleasure by the sole beholding of it seeing their lips cannot bee allowed to second their husbands in billing of it The women have a peculiar Synagogue of their owne differenced from that of their husbands with latticed and cross-barred windowes Concerning which much is spoken in the Talmud and an evident demonstration there of is given by the Prophet Zachary in these words The land shall mourne every family apart the family of the house of David apart and their wives apart the family of the house of Nathan apart and their wives apart The family of the house of Levi apart and their wives apart The family of Shimei apart and their wives apart All the families that remaine every family apart and their wives apart Whence they conclude that the men and women are not to come into the same Sinagogue in the time of divine service and that for modesty and honesties sake seeing not only women but men likewise are apt and inclineable to fall into divers lustfull cogitations when they are in the same place together If the Jew who reades the Law chance to stumble and let the booke fall out of his hand he is bound to fast and all the rest also for a long time together seeing this accident presageth some great calamity to come upon them At length come they who have purchased the Gelilah and etz chajim the one of them touching the wooden cover of the booke folding it up great experience is required in this case the other administers the linnen clothes in which it ought to be inwrapped and its silver-twisted coat involving all the rest Then comes every one in the Synagogue both young and old and kisses the booke touching it only with two fingers with which they afterwards handle their face which action relishing of a supreme sanctity is held for a soveraigne medicine against blindnesse and all diseases incident to the eie While the booke is carryed to the Arke the Chanter sings praise the name of the Lord for the name of this our God is of great power and strength The congregation answereth and saith His praise is above heaven and earth he hath exalted the horne of his peculiar people to the praise of all his saints Yea the Israelites being a folke most neare unto him praise yee the Lord. When the book is laid in the Arke the people say or sing those words of Moses used by him when the Arke rested Returne O Lord unto the many thousands of Israel Then they conclude all saying as was formerly noted at their going out of the Synagogue O Lord lead me in thy justice because of mine enemies make my way plaine before thy face The Lord shall keep my going out and comming in from this time forth for evermore These words they repeate also when they goe out
the bread to be covered in remembrance of the Manna For first of all a certaine dew fell in the desart after that the Manna and then another dew between which two it lay hid as between two napkins And so the bread upon the Jewes table lyes between two linnen clothes Hence it is that the women make minced pies or boile some other thing like unto it which they eat instead of Manna for their minced pye hath a certaine lumpe for its bottom and in the middle it is stuft with flesh above also it hath a certain cover made like unto Manna The reason why they take two loaves is in remembrance of the Manna whereof they gathered in times past two measures full upon every Friday according to that which is written And it came to passe that on the sixt day they gathered twice as much bread Briefly of all things to be done by us in this world an especiall care is to bee had of our bodies upon the Sabbath day which thing the holy Scripture so often commands us saying Thou shalt call the Sabbath Oneg a delight because wee ought to restrhaine our selves from no sort of pleasure upon the Sabbath day In the same manner speaks the holy Scrpture concerning festivals Thou shalt rejoice in thy feasts thou and thy sonne c. that all our actions may tend to Gods glory Eat and drinke therefore and be good unto thy selfe and remember to doe it in honour to the Sabbath Yet not thinking that hee may eat many delicates upon the Friday for the filling of his paunch especially if he be poor and cannot away with the cost for this should rather have a place in the Catalogue of sinnes then good workes seeing he should also thinke upon the Sabbath day that he should have no such cheare upon Sunday and so become sorrowfull at that time when he ought the most of all to be merry Al this also is summarily comprehended in a little book called Sepher hajirah teaching us how a Jew ought to lead his life in the feare of the Lord and is delivered by the Jewes themselves in the following verses Against the Sabbath ready thou shalt be To leave all worke that doth belong to thee Thy selfe for Sabbath do prepare its gaine Though many maids and servants thou maintaine The Sabbath equally in all precepts availeth Be of good cheare thinke as thee nought aileth Use neat apparell costly raiments weare For Sabbath of a bride the name doth beare Buy that is daintiest ' gainst the Sabbath's day Strictly observe its precepts every way Keep in good appetite the stomack thine Feed upon fish and flesh and healthy wine Dresse up thy bed in handsome fashion good Order thy table well set on thy food Bath wash and cleanse thy head trim up thy haire About thee never any thing do beare Sharpen thy knife fall stoutly to thy meate Cut off thy nailes fling them in fiery heate Speake blessing to thy wine cleanse hand and foot By this precept thou shalt doe good I wot Be of good mood of comfortable ease Refraine not from thy selfe wherein canst please Merry and withall joyfull shalt thou be As if thy workes all finish'd were by thee Remove thee fro all dumpes and pensivenesse Table and stools have in a readinesse Lay on cleane table cloth and napkins as 't is fit Hasten away your rost-meat from the spit Swill handsomely your cups and drinking glasses Put out of mind your once endured losses Buy the best bit thou find'st upon the Mart With wife and children make a merry heart One table once thus dressed gives thee three meales Talke nothing but of merry making tales c. There is also extant a certaine booke of theirs wherein are contained many graces used by them before and after meat as also upon the chiefe festivals throughout the whole yeare written in Hebrew and Teutonicke verse Amongst others there is one prayer which begins How lovely is thy rest O Lord c. Where it followeth In gallant suit thyselfe aray Blesse candle light so 't will in burning mend From all manner of working flye away On Fryday all thy works bring to an end Eat savoury f●shes goodly capons quailes Live delicately see that nothing failes Then against Even thy selfe thus recreate All manner of good things for thee provide Well-fatted beeves and such as likes thy pate From a good cup of spice'd wine doe not slide c. Item In all meeknesse thou shalt walke For of that the Law doth talke With meeknesse all thy lifetime shall be led When Sunne doth rise at leisure keep thy bed c. Item Linnen and silken rayment much is made of Honour'd they be that doe make their clothes thereof An holy day the Sabbath is Happy that keeps it not amisse Bring not your hearts to heavy mournfull courses Although much leannesse lodge within your purses Cheerfull you ought to be and without sorrow Although elsewhere your mony you do borrow Furnish your selves with wine with flesh and fishes Upon your table set three sorts of dishes A good reward for thee will then be hasting Here and in time to come for everlasting c Item Women your candles remember for to light With carefull heed observe this time aright Here of great profit you will make full quickly When great with child you shall come to be fickly If then fine cakes to bake you shall be skilfull At child birth you may play and laugh your wil-full And now lest any should account of these as poeticall figments and fables I will relate some pleasant histories out of the Talmud whereby you may have a plaine evident yea even miraculous demonstration that the pleasure and jocund life upon the Sabbath day is the chiefest honour In that tract of the Talmud entituled de Sabbatho These e words are registred as they came from the mouth of Rabbi Chaia I saith he was upon a time in Cyprus others say in Ladkia where I lodged with a certaine Katzubh or Butcher At the time of supper a table all of gold was brought in which sixteen men were scarce able to carry all the furniture and other necessaries upon the table were of gold the platters candlestickes salts cups and trenchers all of gold with a snmptuous variety of delicates an most excellent apples When the table was set before him he beginning to praise God said The earth is the Lords and the fulnesse thereof When the table was removed he againe singing praises unto God said The heaven is the Lords and the earth hath he given unto the children of men Then I spoke unto him and said Good Sir how came you to be so rich and what good thing have you done in all your life The Master of the houshold the Butcher I meane replyed I have been a Butcher all my life long and whensoever it was my chance to happen upon some choise fatling I alwaies reserved it for the celebration of
many touch their naked body with their hands that hereby they may take occasion to wash them They use Claret wine for the most part in this Feast because there is the greatest plenty of it to be had if such cannot be had then they use some other for the initiation hereof alwaies provided it be intermixed with certaine spices Immediately after they have washed their throats they fall sourely upon the sallets every one taking a little thereof and dipping it in vinegar the Master of the house also saying Blessed be thou O Lord our God King of the world who hast created the f●uites of the earth They eat these herbes thus drencht in vinegar to make their stomach give a more plausible entertainment to the succeeding dishes it being very soveraign for the invitation of an appetite To proceed The Master of the houshold taking that cake of the three which lyeth in the middle out of the platter breaks it in twaine and putting the greater part there of under his pillow or napkin signifying thereby that their fathers flying out of Egypt took their dough before it was leavened their kneading troughes being bound up in their clothes upon their shoulders hee puts the other halfe into its former place between the two whole cakes throwing the lambes legg rosted and the egg out of the other platter Then every one laying hands on the dish wherein is the halfe cake saith with a loud voice such was the bread of affliction wherewith our fathers were fed in the land of Egypt Every one that is hungry let him come and eat his fill whosoever hath need let him come and eat of the paschall lambe This yeare we are in this place the next yeare we shall be in the land of Canaan This yeare we are servants and bond-men the next yeare God saying Amen we shall be redeemed become Lords and Masters In this place the halfe cake is an emblem of poverty and exile The reason is a poor man or a beggar hath not a whole loase in all his house but only scraps and fragments This their practise they ground upon those words of Moses Seven daies thou shalt eate unleavened bread therewith even the bread of affliction This descant ended they set the lambes legg and the rosted egg upon the table againe and the second time present every person in particular with a bowle of wine and take the platter wherein the cakes are from the table that the children may move a question according to the custome of ancient daies which is recorded in these words It shall come to passe that when your children shall say unto you what meane you by this service That yee shall say it is the sacrifice of the Lords passeover who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt when he smote the Egyptians and delivered our houses So the children of the Jewes at this day ought to aske their fathers why they remove the cakes from the table before they have tasted of them and they are to answer them according to the tenor of these words Instantly upon the solution of the objection the cakes are the second time set upon the table and then the whole company sings a tedious song concerning their deliverance out of the land of Egypt When they come to that division wherein mention is made of the ten plagues of Egypt they slacke their voice and with their fingers cast some drops of wine out of the cup thereby intimating that these ten plagues being banished out of their doors ought to fall upon their enemies the Christians The song being ended every one taking his cup into his hand and in a high note singing or saying It is meet and our bounden duty that we should confesse praise glorify extoll honour and blesse him who hath not done not only for our Ancestors but for us also all these signes and wonders who hath vouchsafed to bring us out of darknesse into light out of bondage into liberty out of the dungeon of sorrow into the faire fields of joy and gladnesse and hath changed our daies of mourning and lamentation into holy Festivals representing a delightfull Jubilee for this cause will we come before him and sing many hallelujahs to his holy name sitting in his chair like a spanish Don newly transformed by a new fashion he carouses the second bowle Then the Master of the house washing his hands takes the uppermost cake out of the dish and saith Blessed be thou O Lord our God King of the world who bringest bread out of the earth yet not eating thereof he takes againe the middle cake and saith Blessed be thou O Lord our God King of the world who hast sanctifyed us by thy commandements and hast enjoined us to eat unleavened bread Immediately upon the pronuntiation of these words he breaks a morsell of both cakes and eates it commanding the rest to doe likewise who all leane upon their left side Then they take one whole cake together with the halfe notwithstanding that upon the Sabbath they are accustomed onely to the use of whole loaves and the reason because Moses cals it the bread of poverty or affliction for a poore man is Lord of no other save some basket-pieces In the next place the Master of the family takes some of the bitter herbes and puts them into the foresaid pottage saying Blessed be thou O Lord God King of the world who hast commanded us to feed upon bitter herbes and then hee invites every one to eat thereof They doe not now as formerly leane upon their pillowes in remembrance that their forefathers were as yet servants compelled by Pharaoh togather straw and labour in the bricke kilne Lastly he takes the third cake out of the platter and breaks a piece out of the same and fals againe to feed upon his bitter sallet but dips not the herbs into the pottage because Rabbi Hillel who li●ed before the destruction of the second Temple was accustomed so to do and they prove it also out of the words of Moses who saith you shall eat unleavened cakes with bitter herbes shall you eat them so they read it But the words of Moses are according to the truth of the originall these which follow In that night they shall eate the flesh roste with fir● and unleavened bread and with bitter herbs shall they eate it So much concerning the prologue or preparatory acts to the Supper of the Paschall lambe now begins the supper it selfe They eate whatsoever God hath provided making very merry quaffing off and carousing whole bowles of wine and beer untill the middle of the night which approaching the Masser of the Feast takes the halfe cake which he had hid under his pillow eates a little thereof and reacheth unto every man present a morsell of the same which done they leane very demurely upon their left sides wash their hands take a cup of wine and drinke it off which is the third cup
ought to drinke off in lieu of a thanksgiving as Rabbi Bechai writes for the foure great deliverances mentioned by Moses in those words I will bring you forth from under the burdens of the Egyptians and I will rid you out of their bondage and I will redeem you with a stretched out arme and with great judgement And I will take you to me for a people and I will be your God which bringeth you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians I will bring you out from under the hands of the Egyptians there is the first I will redeem you with a stretched outarme that 's the second I will take you to me for a people there 's the third I will be your God c. there 's the fourth In remembrance of which foure deliverances they take off foure whole cups of wine in the time of the celebration of the passeover lest they should seem forgetfull of Gods benefits The reason why after these their cups they curse the Christians in a praier called Schepoch is according to Rabbi Bechai in the foresaid place because God shall poure upon the enemies of the Jewes the Christians and all others foure cups of his wrath and vengeance and make them drinke the dregs thereof as it is written Take the wine cup of this fury at my hand and cause all the nations to whom I send thee to drinke it And againe Babylon hath beene a golden cup in the Lords hand that hath made all the earth drunken The nations have drunke of her wine therefore the nations are mad Againe He shall raine upon the wicked snares fire and brimstone and vapours of smoake this shall be their portion to drinke Againe There is a cup in the hand of the Lord and the wine thereof is red as for the dregs thereof all the wicked of the earth shall drinke them and suck them out If the Jewes could rightly weigh and ponder the scope of these words and parallell them with other places of holy writ they might easily finde that this cup is in the first place filled for them according to that which is written by the Prophet saying I took the cup at the Lords hand and made all the nations to drinke to whom the Lord had sent me To wit Jerusalem and the Cities of Judah and the Kings thereof to make them a desolation and an astonishment an hissing and a curse as it is this day Pharaoh King of Egypt and his servants his Princes and his people When therefore the Jewes have drunk off and digested this fearfull cup they will have but a slender stomack to reach it out unto the Christians From all that hath been said we may conclude that the Jewes keep not the passeover according to Moses his institution and Gods command but according to the traditions of the Rabbines which with them are in farre greater account then the commanements of God as is apparent in the Talmud Wherein is extant a huge tract concerning the celebration of this Feast upon which the Rabbines have written whole Books and Commentaries To leave them to their vanities let it bee our consolation That Christ our passeover is sacrificed for us and therefore let us keep the feast not with old leaven neither with the leaven of malicio● snesse but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth saying with John Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and with St Peter knowing that we were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from our vaine conversation received by tradition of the fathers but with the precious blood of Christ as a lambe undefiled and without spot which was ordained b●fore the foundation of the world but declared in the last times for our sakes let us learn not to be ashamed CHAP. XIV Of the manner how the Jewes celebrate the seven daies of the passover and put a conclusion to the Festivall VVHile the Feast of the Passover lasts every morning betimes they repaire to the Synagogue they sing Psalms as they are wont to doe upon the Sabbath say many prayers make sale diversly of the book of the law they take two several bookes of the Law out of the Arke calling forth five men to reade some sections out of the same If the passeover fall upon the Sabbath then they call out seven men When the Priest blesseth the people the prayers being ended then he spreads abroad his hand because it is the assertion of their Doctors that the majesty of the Lord rests upon them who hereupon have given a strict inhibition that none in the meane while should presume to looke upon his own hands unlesse he will incurre the danger of blindnesse Praiers being ended every man returns unto his own house where he fals to his dinner with a merry hea●t When a speciall caution is to be had that he eate no more then necessity requires that they may the night following with greater alacrity satiate their stomacks with those three cakes mentioned in the former Chapter Great di●putes arise what labors it is lawfull to undertake what meats may be boiled and eaten upon this day for it is not lawfull to boile more then they can eate yet notwithstanding it is allowed to set on the great pot and to fill it with flesh For by this action no danger can accrew unto them though the whole be not that day consumed Much flesh is the cause of much good and the more is put in the pot it will tast the better in it selfe and make the fatter pottage yet though this be tollerated yet it is not permitted to roste more then they may with ease devoure for one joint upon the spit is never the better tasted for the neighbourhood of his fellow And againe meate is farre more delightsome to the palate when it is piping hot then when it is cold That which may be boiled upon the eve of the Sabbath or any Festivall and not lose its taste before the nextday they may then boile it if not it is lawfull sor them to boil it upon the Sabbath day or Festival the great Sabbath only accepted as also the beating of pepper and other spi●es which once beaten do quickly lose their proper re●ish yet a ceremony is to be used for they must bray with the smal end of the pestle and also make the mortar to leane more to the one side then the other that a certain differe●e may be observed between the labors of the week and those of the holy day It is no offence for the mother to wash her infant with hot water in the time of this Festivall although a Christian did make it hot It is not lawfull to take the match out of one lampe and put it unto her If any desire that a wax light should not be altogether consumed he may set it in the water that when the flame comes to the water it may be
because without these there is no pleasure and also by reason of the command which saith Thou shalt rejoice before the Lord thy God thou and thy son and thy daughter For a conclusion le ts see what the Prophets say concerning these Jewes who have taken the Law to wife The sentence of Isaiah is The earth is defiled under the inhabitants thereof because they have transgressed the Lawes changed the Ordinance and broken the everlasting Covenant And the Lord by the mouth of Ez●kiel saith The Priests have out of malice perverted my law and profaned my sanctuary Stephen cries out against them Ye stifnecked and uncircumcised in heart and eares you doe alwaies resist the holy ghost as your fathers did so do yee Who have received the Law by the disposition of Angels and have not kept it CHAP. XVI Of their Feast of Tabernacles THE third great Festivall of the Jewes which they are to celebrate every yeare once appearing before the Lord in Jerusalem is the Feast of Tabernacles concerning which as also the two former it is writ in the fifth book of Moses Three times a yeare shall all thy males appeare before the Lord thy God in the place which he shall chuse in the Feast of unleavened bread in the Feast of weeks and in the Feast of Tabernacles and they shall not appeare before the Lord empty The time of the celebration of this Feast was according to Gods owne commandement to bee the fifteenth day of the seventh month according to the vulgar account beginning to reckon from the first day of the new yeare of Festivals of which we have spoken formerly that it begins in March and so consequently inferre that this seventh month must be our September The etymologie whereof as also the reason why this month in their common annuall account is called the first shall hereafter be more at large declared The end of their keeping of this Feast was as a signe or token whereby the Israelites might recall to mind the fatherly providence of Almighty God by which hee had sustained the children of Israel after a wonderfull manner for the space of forty yeares in the desert having neither house nor harbor The manner of celebration is thus prescribed by Moses You shall dwell in boothes seven daies all that are Israelites born shall dwell in boothes that your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in boothes when I brought them out of the land of Egypt These boothes were wont to be made of the boughes of goodly trees as the mirtle olive firre which by reason of their fatnesse would for a long time retaine their green attire branches of palm trees boughes of thicke trees willowes of the brook as it is in the same place This they put in practise in the daies of Nehemiah after their returne from Babylon for it is recorded that then they published and proclaimed in all their Cities and in Jerusalem saying Goe forth unto the mount and fetch olive branches pine branches myrtle branches and palme branches and branches of thicke trees to make boothes And they did so From that which hath been said we may gather 1. That the Jewes in ancient times made Tabercles of these kinds of boughes in which they dwelt for the space of eight daies 2. That there were in use for the fabrick more then foure severall kinds of boughes or branches yea the willowes of the brook are not mentioned in the forecited place of Nehemiah which were used for the knitting together of the other branches being plyable and fit for that purpose Therefore the Jewes of these present times commit a grosse error that they in a most superstitious manner in the celebration of this Festivall tie and confine themselves to those foure kinds of branches only mentioned by Moses and not building them Tabernacles therewithall but transferring them to another use of which more hereafter Concerning this Feast there is extant a large tract in the Talmud wherein the genuine observation and celebration thereof is set downe the plat‐forme of the boothes or Tabernacles exquisitely drawne the use of the foure severall sorts of branches described with much disputation and great subtilty as their manner is not omitting to handle all the ceremonies belonging there unto yet never seeking after the true way and meanes whereby they may rightly lift up their hearts unto the God of their fathers For though in the time of this Feast they say many prayers yet they offer them up unto the Lord only upon the censure of their tongue not upon the altar of their hearts for in these they are far from him an evident demonstration hereof is the winged hudling over of these their petitions using such a precipitancy of speech as though they were able to pronounce a thousand words with one breath and accounting it a work of art and skill so to do This Feast endures for the space of eight daies the two first and the two last whereof are to be kept holy altogether those which are of the middle rank only for halfe the day Upon the fourteenth day of the month about eventide they meet in the Synagogue according to their ecclesiastical Ordinances and institutions where they sing and pray untill it bee night At which time they returne to their houses and retire themselves into their Tabernacles where the Master of the family saith a certaine prayer which serves for the initiation of the Feast and consecration of the Tabernacles giving thanks unto God that he hath chosen them before all other people exalted sanctified and commanded them to dwell in Tabernacles The thanks giving being ended they fall to supper where they are very jocund and merry In ancient daies they were wont also to lodge in their boothes which the Jewes at this day use not the coldnesse moistnesse and other maladies and incumbrances which might accrew unto them thereby being as so many potent arguments to disswade from this and to invite them to their owne bed‐chambers which experience hath taught them to be the sweeter resting place Upon the morrow of the fifteenth day they returne into the Synagogue singing and praying and honouring the Lord with a little lip-service their hearts roving quite another way When the Chanter hath proceeded so farte in his prayers that he is come at last to those words Give peace in these our da●es O Lord then every one taking a little bundle of palm oli●e and willow branches in his right hand and an orenge in his lest saith Blessed be thou O Lord our God King of the world who hast sanctifyed us by thy commandments and commanded us to carry a bundle of branches Which while he is in repeating he shakes the bundle that it may make a noise the words of the Prophet moving him thereunto who saith The trees of the wood shall clap their hands Then he shakes the bundle three times towards the East three times towards the West
Hakkemach or a Barrell of Meale saith that these foure things shaddow out unto us foure Kingdomes to wit That of the Assyrians that of the Persians that of the Grecians and the now extant Monarchy of the Romans which last is typified unto us by the willowes To put a period to these subti●ties I will relate a story out of the Talmud concerning the adorning of these their Tabernacles and it is a certain conference or dialogue which God shal have with al people at the day of doom It is found in the Tract entituled Abhodahzarah or of Idolatry In these words At the last day God shall say that onely the Jewes are just and holy as they who have fulfilled the Law of God in every part and degree but all other people of the earth are ungodly and unjust as neither having the Law nor doing the workes presribed to bee done in the same Then shall the people of the earth answer and say O Lord God of the whole world give unto us that law and wee will in every point and parcell observe and keep it Then God will reply O foolish Christians doe you not know the old Proverbe that hee who labours upon the eve of the Sabbath shall have whereon to feed upon the Sabbath but hee that is idle and sits still shall want Goe yee therefore and first of all fulfill that little commandement of mine called Sukkah concerning the celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles Then every one of them shall run in all hast and make unto himselfe a booth or Tabernacle some upon their house tops as the Jewes were wont to doe in ancient daies in their owne land where the roofe was flat and plaine others in their gardens and they shall dwell in them Then shall God so mightily encrease the heat of the Sun at Midsomer and so forward that they shall be scor●hed and burnt and being not able to endure the heat shall trample these their booths under their feete and being mightily enflamed with anger shall cry out Let us break their bonds in sunder and csast away their cords from us Then God shall flout jeer and deride them as it is written in the same place Hee that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh them to scorne the most high shall have them in derision And hence Rabbi Isaac affirmes that it is never found that God is said to laugh but upon that day onely So farre the Talmud By which relation we may plainly perceive how these apish Jewes hug and please themselves in their own folly and how they would even in a manner force God to beleeve that they onely are his chosen and elect people who keep the whole law observing and fulfilling all his commandements when on the contrary the Christians and other people are men appointed to destruction and damnation reputed as a laughing stocke and abomination in the eyes of the Lord. But O silly Jew what saith Ezekiel of thee and thy observance of the Law hearken what the Lord saith by the mouth of his Prophet I caused them saith he to go forth out of the land of Egypt and brought them into the wildernesse and I gave them my statutes and shewed them my judgements which if a man doe hee shall live in them Moreover also I gave them my Sabbaths to bee a a signe between mee and them that they might know that I am the Lord that sanctifieth them But the house of Israel rebelled against mee in the wildernesse they walked not in my judgements which if a man doe he shall even live in them and my Sabbaths they greatly polluted Then I said I would poure out my fury upon them in the wildernesse CHAP. XVII Of the Feast of the New Moone HItherto we have treated of the chiefe Festivals usual●y solemnized by the Jewes at Jerusalem in ancient daies and of the manner of their celebration by the Jewes of these our times We come now to speake of those Feasts which their Ancestors were wont to keep in the Cities and places where they had their dwelling and setled habitation We will begin with the Feast of the New Moon which they solemnize once every month The first day of every New Moon was in old time accounted holy because God commanded that in the beginning of their months they should offer unto him a burnt offering as we may reade in the fourth book of Moses Yet is this day to the Jewes now living onely halfe holiday so that they may worke or not worke at their owne pleasure It is also recorded that the command for the celebration of this Feast is rather given to the women then men so that they ought upon this day to abstaine from all manner of labour because in times past they would not give their golden ear‐rings and other ornaments to the making of the molten calfe when on the contrary they offered them with a willing and ready minde yea also their rings and bracelets towards the building of the Temple whose first stone was laid the first of March Upon the e●e of this Festivall all they that are of a pious and honest carriage among the Jewes fast untill e●en‐tide praying unto God that hee would vouchsafe to send them a joifull and happy New Moon The next morning being that of the Festivall they goe into the Synagogue where they make many prayers yea more then they are wont to do upon other Festivals At mid‐day they goe to dinner at which they become very jocund cocking their beavers and sitting very long for which they urge Moses saying In the day of your gladnesse and in your solemn dayes and in the beginning of your months yee shall blow with the trumpets over the burnt offerings and over the sacrifices of your peace‐offerings that they may bee to you a memoriall before your G O D. And to the end that they may sit the longer at the Table they play at Cards almost all the day long passe away the time in jesting and merry-making the eclipse of the Moon they hold as a signe very ominous to them that trouble them Wherefore they commonly fast upon the day of the eclipse entreating God to save and defend them from all their enemies and them that hate them When the Moon is three dayes old or more they gather themselves together upon the night into some one of their Gardens or else into their street where they may clearly see the Moon lifting up their eyes to Heaven the posture of their body being exactly upright they blesse the Moon one of their chief Rabbines repeating a certain prayer and the rest saying after him as followeth Blessed be thou O Lord God our God King of the World who hast sanctified us by thy word and by the spirit of thy mouth who hast created the heaven and all the host thereof given laws thereunto and prescribed certain seasons in which they obey thy commandments measuring out aright the times and seasons
before the sun be up say their prayers and beg pardon for the sins which they have committed The Jews of Germanie also use to doe the like some foure dayes at least before the feast of the new-year moreover they meet every morning and evening through the whole moneth in the Synagogue sounding a rams horn not that they are so commanded by Moses but yet in remembrance of him who when he went the second time into the mount to fetch the tables of the law commanded a horne to be blowen that the people should take notice hereof and not transgress and say Arise and make us Gods which may goe before us as for this Moses which brought us forth out of the land of Egypt we do not know what is become of him Secondly they blow the rams horn that every one may seriously ponder and weigh the last judgment and be terrified with the meditation hereof that they may be affrighted and fear for shall a trumpet be blowen in the City and the people be not affraid and so consequently be hurried along to a bitter condolement eager contrition hearty confession and serious repentance of his sins and offences for even as a King makes some of his servants to blow a trumper that every watchman may keep diligent watch and be ready armed at a moments warning because the enemy approacheth So it is needful for the Jews in the moneth of August which is as herauld to the new year to sound the Rams hornes for to warn every man to repent him of his wickedness that they may more easily resist their enemy Sin Lastly the Talmudists those subtil pated doctors say that the reason why they blow the Rams horns at this season is for to put Satan to flight and to put him to a grievous torture and to make him forget the day appointed for the celebration of the New-years feast lest he should come then and appearing before Gods tribunal accuse them for their sins and offences Upon the Eve of the New-year they rise sooner from supper then ordinary for they have many Prayers to poure out unto God for the remission of their sins They usually eate before day hereby signifying that they are not like the Christians and other people who fast upon the E●es of their festivals y●t howsoever he that fasts offends not In Germany the Jews alwayes eat something before morning prayer alwayes provided that they fill not their bellies too full especially when they are to say many prayers whereupon it comes to pass that though they make great haste in the saying of their prayers yet they commit no offence therein because their guts are not crammed and full stuft which would be a great hinderance to the speedy gallop of their tongue in posting over their petitions Yet some of the more religious sort who would be accounted more holy then other doe fast and that in imitation of a King who imposes a great tribute upon such or such a City and coming with a great power of men commands payment to be made He being yet ten miles distant from the City the chief men and burgesses thereof come and meet him and say unto him O Gracious Soveraign we are poor and have nothing and what shall we give unto thee And so intreating him in the most humble subjective manner that the hams of an Alderman can personate to remit the tax or tribute of which the King remits the third part being brought down by their earish kissing congees When the King is yet five miles from the City then a troop of Citizens of another order and mean estate come to give his Majesty some gaping salutation making the same request with that of the former to whom also he forgives another thirds When he comes neerer to the City then yong and old flock about him and bespeak his Grace in the same language The king then moved by the multitude of petitioners forgives the whole sum In like manner God the King of all the earth willing to make Israel give an account of their life past and of all the sins by them committed requires yea enjoynes every one to give satisfaction in his own proper person whereupon the holy men and chiefest in Israel fast the Eve of this festival and the Lord to recompence them remits unto them the third part of their sins and offences It is therefore enacted that they of the better sort should fast that they may with the more facility obtain their petitions and also some of a lower ranke fortie dayes together whiah are set aside for the doing of pennance Some one must likewise fast upon the day of reconciliation of which day more hereafter and then God will forgive unto them all their sins and grant them a pardon for the same Morning prayer being ended they goe out of the Synagogue into the place where they bury their dead thereby signifying that unless God will be pleased to pardon their sins they are no better then they who are dead and laid in their grave They therefore pray unto God to have mercy on them and that for the merits of those just and holy Jews who are interred in that place Here they distribute great store of alms that their poor may not want wherewithall to celebrate the festival Midday being past the men send for the barber and cause him to use all his art and skill in the trimming of them thereby giving others to understand that they are not like unto other people who sorrowing suffer their hairs to grow and encrease But our security say they banisheth all grief seeing we are certainly assured that God the King of the world will have mercy upon us redeem us from our transgressions and graciously absolve us of all our sins and for this very reason they enter the bath or wash themselves in some running water that the day following they may appear purified and clean before the almighty tribunal It is also recorded that certain Angels fly in the aire who being placed over the world and men descend into these parts below where they being in a manner polluted must necessarily purge and cleanse themselves in the siery stream Dinor mentioned by Daniel before they sing praises unto God Now if it be necessary that such creatures as the Angels are must wash themselves before they may be suffered to praise the Lord how much more is it required at the hands of man who is so vile and loathsome While the Jews are a purifying their bodies and stand even up to the ears in cold water then they make confession of their sins in the form commonly used This their confession comprehends in it two and twenty words according to the number of the letters in the Alphabet at the repetition of every one of which the confessor beats his brest and then hides his body in the water craving so much courtesie of his fellow as to bear him witness Where they are neer
of God and a good work to fill their Panches and cram their Guts this night with the Cocks and Capons and soundly to liquor their throats then to fast the day following Alwayes provided that supper be ended before sun-set for then the feast of reconciliation begins and they are to dress themselves in neat and fine cloathing upon which they weare a surplice or garment of choise linnen coming down unto their feet hereby shewing unto other that the next day they shall be pure and clean from their sins and offences and like unto the Angels These garments they put on in honour to the festival the celebration of which consists not in eating and drinking being sottishly ignorant that the worship of God is of more worth then either Hence it is that the Lord complains by the mouth of his Prophet Hear O heavens and harken O earth for the Lord hath said I have nourished and brought up children and they have rebelled against me The Oxe knoweth his owner and the Asse his masters crib but Israel h●th not known my people have not understood Ah sinful nation ab people laden with iniquity a seed of the wicked corrupt children they have forsaken the Lord they have provoked the holy one of Israel to anger they are gone backward What have I to doe with the multitude of your Sacrifices saith the Lord Hosea also saith O I srael return unto the Lord thy God for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity Take unto you words and turn unto the Lord and say unto him Take away all our iniquity and receive us graciously and so will we render unto thee the calves of our lips So much of the preparation to the feast of reconciliation CHAP. XXI Of the Feast of Reconciliation COncerning the institution of this feast we may finde it recorded in the third book of Moses that the tenth day of the siventh moneth shall be a day of reconciliation it shall be an holy convocation unto you speaking to the Israelites you shall humble your soules and offer sacrifice made by fire unto the Lord And ye shall do no work that same day for it is a day of Reconciliation to make an attonement for you before the Lord your God For every person that humbleth not himself the same day shall even be cut off from his people And every person that shall doe any worke that same day the same person also will I destroy from among his people Ye shall do no manner of work therefore this shall be a law for ever in your generations throughout your dwellings By reason of this injunction and command the Jews at this day are wont to meet in their Synagogue about sunset before it be night carying with them their wax lights and placing them in their Candlesticks singing and praying with a beastly roaring and bellowing outcries The women which stay at home to keep the house light many candles in the bed chambers and other places blessing them and stretching out both their hands towards them as they do also upon the sabbath hereby making a difference between the festival dayes and others appointed for ordinary employments and manual labours If these lights burn clear they take it as a very good signe of some consequent hap believing that their sins are remitted that they shall see many happy dayes and not come as yet into the prison of the grave If they give not a clear light but that which is only glimmering dark and obscure if they melt away the tallow or wax distilling drop by drop then they begin to be sorrowful conjecturing this to be a signe of some evill ready to befall them They spread their floores pavements and hearths with Coverlets in some places as in Wormes they straw their hearths with rushes only lest they upon the day following by often stooping to the fire to chafe and rub themselves might defile and spot their holiday attire or otherwise lest they should seem to commit Idolatry which is altogether unlawful the reason hereof is that which is written You shall not pave your pavement with stone to bow and prostrate your selves thereupon That it is said in the forecited text of Moses that they ought to humble themselves before the Lord they understand to be meant of a five-fold kinde of pleasure from which they are to abstain And first of all from meat and drink even from sunset to ssnset from the beginning to the ending of the solemnity Boyes above twelve and wenches above eleven years of age women also who have been above three dayes in child-bed are not exempted from this fast A sick man may eat lawfully if he desire it If not the Physitian thinking it meet and convenient for the regaining of his health meat is to be administred unto him Secondly every one is bound to goe without shoes barefoot only it is permitted unto old decrepit and sickly persons to whose health the coldness of the season may bring hurt and dammage Thirdly no man ought at this time to annoint himself with oyle or wash his body with water for pleasures sake Fourthly no man must enter into a bath to wash himself no he may not be allowed to dip his finger in the water much less to wash his hands or face Yet if any have occasion to ease himself after the deed done he may dip his fingers into the water so that he goe no farther then the formost joynt Some take a wet linen cloth and make clean their hands therewith yet it is accounted as a thing very dangerous and neerly coming within the confines of an offence for if the cloth should chance to be so wet as the drops of water might be pressed out of it it were enough to prophan● the festival Fiftly the men must not come at their wives no not so much as touch them and keep themselves out of their company as though they were in their monethly flowers Before they begin their solemn prayers usually made by them after sunset at the begining of this festival three of the chief Rabbines walking through the Synagogue saying with a loud voice Bischibhah schel mahelah ubischibhah schel mattah etc. the meaning of which words is that they give power and license to the whole congregation as well to the bad as the good among them to pray unto God To this end also the Chaunter goes unto the Ark where the book of the law is kept opens it and saies a long prayer which begins Col nidere Va●ssare uschehue that is to say All Vowes Covenants and Oaths c. the first part whereof he repeats three times every time with a more lofty and joy resounding voice then other The sum whereof is that all the vows oaths promises covenants asseverations and protestations which any one of the Jewish nation hath not kept the year past to be void remitted disanulled the breach thereof not to be acknowledged for an offence to be utterly taken away and pardoned
the eighth day they feed only upon lentiles in signe of sorrow and heaviness but they will neither eat beans nor pease because they have a certain black stroke in their upper parts much like unto a mouth but they eat lentiles and egges also such have no such lin● upon them neither any representation of a mouth and therefore do best decipher and figure out a man ful of grief and sorrow who sits still and sayes nothing as though he had no mouth at all A most Rabbinical allusion At night they eat but little continually sitting upon the ground if any thing then it must be an egge rosted which they do likewise in signe of sorrow for as an egge is round and in figure circular so is sorrow also running after the manner of a round body now to this man now to that Bed-time being come they lay themselves to rest upon a harder couch then at other times He that formerly used two pillows is now content with one He that formerly used one only casts it away and will not admit of any for soft feather and down-bed they embrace some bone pinching mattress and for sheets of the choisest lawne those which are hurden The fourth fast which is the fast of the seventh moneth is kept upon the third day of September because that good and excellent man Gedaliah which was by Nebuchadnezar set over the remnant of the Jews that were left of the captivity of Babylon was in a miserable and fraudulent manner slain as upon this day as Jeremy the Prophet beareth witness These are the foure general feasts usually kept by the Jews in the dayes of Zachary and also by the disp●rsed remnant yearly in these our times Besides these general fasts they have some more particular not kept by the whole Congregation of Israel in general but by every one apart at certain times according as they desire to become holy and religious Thus some of them fast every munday and thursday through the year as that proud Pharisee whereof our Saviour makes mention in the new Testament who bragged and boasted that he fasted twice every week Secondly some use to fast upon the tenth of March for Miriam the Prophetess who died upon this day upon whose departure the fountains in the wilderness did dry up so that the children of Israel wanted water and sinned in murmuring against the Lord yet many of the Rabbines are against this fast that every one ought to abstain from fasting in the moneth of March because therein God wrought their deliverance out of Egypt the remembrance whereof ought to cheer them up to joy and gladness Thirdly they fast for the most part upon the tenth of April because Eli and his sons died upon this day the Arke of the Covenant was taken by the hands of the Philistines and the glory departed from Israel Fourthly many of them fast upon the twenty eighth day of April because Samuel died thereupon They have also diverse other fasts which they keep by reason such wise men and Prophets changed this life for a better upon those dayes whereon they observe and keep them Some fast also upon every evening of the new moone Others so often as they have any fearful and unfortunate dreams He whose father is dead fasts yearly upon the day whereon he departed this life And many such like causes there are for which they abstain from meat at several times When they fast they abstain from all kinds of meat and drink from morning untill the st●s appear which were a true and laudable fast indeed if it were performed with a devout heat and minde in the fear of God and refe●red to that end which the Scripture prescribes But this kinde of fasting no● of the Prophets could never by the hammer of perswasion beat into their hearts and heads It is written in Medrasch rabba in the Chapter vezos habbetachah that ever and anon so soon as Moses saw that God would inflict some punishment upon him he appointed himself a fast making himself a cheese-cake as big as his own body put on sackloth sprinkled ashes on his head and going into the foresaid pie or cheese-cake fasting and praying without intermission did determine not to depart thence untill God had reversed and made void the sentence pronounced against him This fable smels of the Talmud in which it is written that a certain godly and religious Jew called Chon Hammagal did fast after the manner of Moses so often as he desired some great and weighty matter at the hands of God When upon a certain time it had not rained at any time throughout the whole moneth of February and rain was necessary that men might receive the fruits of the earth in due season the foresaid Chon fasted and prayed shutting himself up in such a pie or cake as in close prison and saying O Lord of the world thy childrens eyes are all upon me knowing that I am as dear unto thee as any son can be to a father I swear therefore by thy holy name that I will not goe out hence untill thou have mercy upon thy people Then the Lord sent a gracious rain upon his inheritance Habbacuck the Prophet also practised the like and hereupon he saith I will stand upon my watch tower and set me upon the tower and will look and see what he will say unto me and what I shall answer to him that rebuketh me that is to say I stand in my pie or chees-cake expecting untill thou make me answer how it comes to pass that the wicked do so prolong their life as Rabbi Kimchi comments upon the place So miserable are these poor seduced Jews in this manner deluded and given over to a reprobate sence so that they cannot blush at any thing neither are sensible of any gripes of conscience while they speak so grosly and vainly of God and his word interpret the Scripture according to the fancies of their brain and their own good pleasure This superstition and abuse in fasting had a strong head even in the dayes of the Prophets Whereupon Zachary reproves their false fast and prescribes the true for to the priests and people asking him Shall I weep in the fift moneth and separate my self as I have done these many years He answers in Gods name and saith when you fasted and mourned in the seventh moneth and in the fift even these seventy years did ye fast unto me and do I approve it And when you did eat and when you did drink did you not eat for your selves and drink for your selves should ye not hear the words which the Lord hath cried by the ministry of the former Prophets when Jerusalem was inhabited and in prosperity and the cities thereof round about her when the south and the plain was inhabited Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts saying execute true judgment and shew mercy and compassion every man upon his brother and oppress not
N. witness N. the son of N. witness This kinde of divorce is not in every place put in execution they chuse a place of some fame and note neer adjoyning some notable River whither fome of the chief Rabbines are cited by a writ if some others be not there resident The Jews are very much for this carnal divorce writing vast volumes in way of Commentary upon it but by reason of the hardness of their heart not once dreaming of the spiritual whereby they are severed from the Lord of hosts Hence remaining aliens from God and according to their desert vagabonds over the face of the whole earth CHAP. XXX Touching the manner how a Jewish woman divorceth her self from the brother of her deceased husband IT is recorded in the fifth book of Moses that the husband of a woman dying his brother being unmarried shall go in unto her take her to wife and raise up seed unto his brother that his name be not put out of Israel And if the man like not to take his brothers wife then shall she go up to the gate and accuse him before the Elders and lose his shooe from off his foot and spit in his face and answer and say so shall it be done unto the man that will not build up his brothers house But in process of time this custome was disanulled and it was ordained by the Rabbines that none should take to wife the widow of his deceased brother but rather for to free himself from her for his greater honour should suffer her to draw ●ff his shooe which kinde of divorce i● called by the Rabbines C●●litra which is performed in this manner The widow calls unto her five witnesses who must be men of another family with whom she being about to appear before the chief Rabbine summo●s her husbands brother ●lso to the same place When they are come the Rabbine asks the woman whether three moneths are gone and p●st since the death of her husband Whether her husband dying left behinde him a brother unmarried Whether he that is there present be the natural brother of her husband begot by the same man Whether they think themselves fit to beget children to raise up seed or an heir unto the dead as also to themselves now superviving What age they are of and lastly he asketh the widow whether she be fasting or not For if she have formerly taken any meat she may not lawfully spit in the face of her husbands brother Then he asketh the dead mans brother whether the woman there present was wife unto his deceased brother when he was alive Whether he will take her to wi●e or else be divorced from her by the Chalitza or drawing the shooe from off the heele If he answers that he is not willing to marry her then a shooe is brought unto him made after a singular fashion with latchets and other necessaries this he takes and leaning himself against a● wall puts it on upon h●s right foot naked Then comes the woman unto him and ●aith this my husbands brother would not raise up seed unto him and for this cause from henceforth he shall not be called my husbands brother Hereupon stooping towards the earth she unlooseth his shoe with her right hand and drawing it off his foot spits in his face and that with such force that the five witnesses may see the spittle and saith Thus shall it be done unto him that will not build up his brothers house Then the witnesses and all the whole company cry Chalutz hannahal that is the shoe is drawn off Thus are these two separated each from another that they may severally attend their own employments Here ariseth a great question among the Rabbines how a woman suppose that she wanted the right hand could draw off the shoe Some of them have permitted that in such a case she may ●se her teeth to the unloosing of it Others solve it in another manner If the brother to the man deceased will not suffer the ignominie of this discalceation and the woman be about to marry unto another then is he bound to pay a great sum of mony unto her that he may be freed from her If her husbands brother dwell in another City then is she her self compelled to follow him and to indent with him about marriage Concerning this custom of raising up seed unto the Brother was that Question proposed by the Sadduces to our Saviour that seeing seven brethren had one after another married the same woman whose wife she should be in the Resurrection out of which we may conclude thus much that it was in use among the Jews even in Christs time for the brother of the man deceased to go in unto and marry his brothers wife CHAP. XXXI Of the uncleanness of the women and how they carry themselves in the time thereof IT is not lawful for a woman in the time of her uncleannesse to enter into the Synagogue to pray to name the name God or to handle any holy book as it is written Let her touch no holy thing nor come into my Sanctuary untill the dayes of her purification be finished yet some of the Rabbines have licensed it They of the most holy sort write that what woman soever being admonished of these things abstains from them shall lengthen her own dayes So soon as she hath the least knowledge of her own uncleannesse she separates her self from her husband for the space of seven dayes in which time she dare not touch him sit upon one stool with him eat at the same table drink out of the same cup sit opposite unto him nor speak unto him face to face When the one would give any thing unto the other they are not wont to do it by throwing but they lay it down upon some table or stool that the one being for a good space removed the other may take it up When the man lieth with his wife in her uncleannesse then the children which they beget prove Lepers and they affirm that this is one of the chief reasons why there are so many Lepers among the Christians to wit carnal copulation in the time of the womans uncleannesse hence scattering abroad venemous and bitter words against us in writing among the vulgar which I will not now relate When any woman of the Jews hath reckoned up the seven dayes of her uncleannesse she holds on and addes seven dayes more of her purification unto them after which time she finding her self throughly purified she clothes her self in white robes takes another woman with her and goes to wash her self in cold water and that so nakedly that she must not have her smock to cover her In the Winter time in some places they are wont to powre hot water into the Cistern in which she bathes her self But in other places they are wont to wash themselves in cold water as well in Winter as in Summer They are bound to dive so deep that not an
shut thereby intimating that God hath given and as it were delivered unto them the riches of this carthly Tabernacle Then is he washed with hot water that he may be clean when he shall give an account of his sins and offences This done they take an cgge and break it mixing the intrals of it with wine and with a great deal of curiosity anointing the head of the dead carcass therewith They invest him with his white robe which he was wont to wear upon the day of reconciliation and for a conclusion of all commit him to the safe custody of the Grave When he is carried out of the house they hurry a certain shell after him thereby signifying that by his exit the harsh tones of a melancholy sadness ought to be utterly silenced So soon as they come to the place of burial then they say Blessed be God who hath created formed nourished sustained and at last brought you for so they bespeak the de●as is they were alive into the dust of the earth again He knowes your number and in his good time will restore you unto life Blessed be thou O God that takest away life and givest it again Then they set the Corps down by the grave and compassing the Sepulchre repeat a long prayer In this they praise God that he hath pronounced a just sentence upon him which sentence they name tzidduck haddin This done certain of them take up the Corps lay it in the grave casting the earth upon it His nearest kinsfolks beginning first The burial being ended they depart home with great lamentation By the way some one of them stooping three times backward pulls the grass from the earth and with his hands lifting it up above his head casts it behind him hereby signifying that the dead shall rise again and once more sprout out of the earth like unto grass as the Prophet saith You shall see it and your heart shall rejoyce your bones shall flourish as the herbe Others say that by this ceremony man is put in minde how he is dust and ashes When they return into the porch of their Synagogue they wash their hands saying He will swallow up death in victory and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces and the rehuke of the people shall he take away from off all the earth because the Lord God hath spoken it From thence they goe into the Synagogue and sit down by and by they leap up and down changing their place some seven times saying a prayer for the dead which they call Kaddisch as also some comfortable sentences as this The glorious majesty of the Lord our God be upon us They who bewaile the dead are forced to ●it seven dayes barefoot upon the ground in which space they are not permitted either to eat flesh or drink wine whether they be the children of the deceased or some of his kinsfolks Yet upon the sabbath dayes and other festivals a dispensation is granted unto them in honour of these dayes For the space of thirty dayes together they must not goe into the bath nor to the barber They must not annoint themselves with oyle or sweet water not cut their nailes c. The man who mournes for the dead must eat his meat with men the woman with women They idle become careless of their worldly affairs breathing nothing out but the doleful accents of grief and sorrow He that mourns eats none of his own bread his friends who come to visit him make him partaker of such victuals as they bring with them In the first place they give him a dish of egges to feed upon and that for his comfort for as egges are round and circular so is death also wheeling about now to one then to another The children bemoan their deceased parents for a whole year together the surviving son of the deceased father is tied every day for the space of eleven moneths to say a certain prayer called Kaddisch before mentioned by the virtue of which prayer the Rabbines write and beleeve that his father shall be delivered out of purgatory The wicked remain in purgatory for twelve moneths but they who have led their life in a more godly manner are delivered sooner Hereupon it comes to pass that the children commonly pray for their faters the space of an eleven years because there is not any who would have his father accounted for a reprobate That the father may be delivered by such a prayer they prove out of a certain story rather an old wives tale recorded in the book Brandspicilegium in the tract Calah Rabbi Akibha upon a certain time being travelling he met a man carrying a load of wood which neither any horse or asse was able to carry Rabbi Akibhah inquired of him whether he was a man or a ghost He answered I was once a man but now being dead I am compelled every day to carry such a heavie load of wood into purgatory and to this end that there I may suffer a miserable scorching for my sins which I committed in my life time so that I may more fitly be compared to an asse then a man Hereupon the Rabbine further enquired of him whether he had left a son behinde him what was his wives name as also his sons name In what City they dwelt All which when he had declared unto him the Rabbine instantly going into the said City happened to meet with his son whom he taught the prayer Kaddisch commanding him to repeat the same daily for his deceased father for by this means it should come to pass that he should be delivered out of purgatory The son when he had learned the prayer and had often repeated it for his deceased father the father appeared to the foresaid Rabbine in a vision by night and giving him thanks that he had freed him from so great torment as being the cause of his delivery out of Purgatory and confessed that he was now at length thence delivered and translated into the garden of Eden Paradise Hereupon the Rabbine made all the Schools of the Jews partakers of this history by his letters annexing also this injunction that every childe should say such a prayer for his deceased father And hereupon it comes to pass that the father of a Jew departs this life with great joy and consolation knowing that he hath left a son behinde him that will pray for him If one have no childe the whole Synagogue prayes for him upon their Sabbath and festival dayes By these and such like fables the profound Rabbines instill the Jewish religion into their yonglings that by this means they may become pious and learned Jews yea hence they are wont to boast before the nations of their sublime wisdom and sanctity far exceeding the vulgar holiness It is also provided that a lampe should burn for seven dayes together in honour of the soule of the deceased party for the soule of any dying man is wont
to return to the place where he gave up the ghost and dolefully to lament over his dear consort the body So soon as the man is dead they cast all the water in the house out of doors that they who pass by may be warned of the decease of some person there Others have recorded that they do this thing in memory of the Prophetess Miriam of whom it is written All the Congregation of Israel came into the wilderness of Sin in the first moneth and the people remain●d in Cades where Miriam died and was buried there And when there was no water for the Congregation they gathered themselves together against Moses and Aaron The Talmudists say that the occasion hereof is this the Angel of death who hath deprived the man of life washing his knife or sword in the water poisons it for they write that Satan or the messenger of death standing at the beds-head with a drawen sword in his hand upon which sword hang three drops of gall which as soon as the sick man beholds being terrified at the sight he opens his mouth whereupon these three drops fall into it By reason of the first he gives up the ghost the second makes him become yellow and pale the last causeth him to putrifie So soon as the sick man dieth the Angel runs to the waters washeth his sword in them by which means they being infected with poison are to be powred out Again this is one of the best grounds of the Jewish faith Antonius Margarita in his tract of Tabernacles or Booths writes that the Jews in ancient times were accustomed to pray unto God that he would not suffer the Angel of death any longer to appear in such a fearful shape at their bedsheads and that also they had their request granted and that they their ancestors put out his left eye conjuring and binding him by the holy names of God It is also recorded in the Talmud that great honour ought to be given unto them who have departed this life because they in the other world have perfect knowledge of all occurrences in this They write also that the soule doth not presently upon the dissolution return into heaven from whence it came but that for twelve moneths space it becomes a vagabond through the earth returns into the Sepulchre suffers many torments in purgatory and then twelve moneths fully expired it ascends up into heaven there taking its rest The question being proposed in the book called Schebhet Jehudah in a certain disputation betwixt a Jew and a Christian How it came to pass that the dead should know all things that are done here upon earth It is answered that the soule doth not gain an entrance into heaven untill the body that was buried be turned into dust and therefore it remaining so long a time upon the earth may without contradiction know the things which are done here below That the soule doth not presently goe into heaven is manifest out of the words of Solomon The dust shall return unto the earth from whence it was and the spirit to God that gave it In this place they say that by the dust is meant our bodie which of necessity returns unto the earth out of which it was taken and by the Spirit our soule which returns to God that gave it now then to conclude the body must first be made dust and ashes and then the Spirit shall return unto the Creator which if it were otherwise certainly Solomon had inverted his words and propounded them thus The Spirit shall return unto God that gave it and the body to the earth Elias the famous Grammarian in his dictionary called Tisbi expounding the word Chabat hath left it in record that it was the opinion of their Rabbines that so soon as any of the Jews do take their farewell of this t●r restrial paradise and the chamberlain death hath furnished him with a lodging in the lower parts of the earth that the Angel of death comes and sits upon his sepulchre and that at the same time the soule returns into the body reanimates and erects it Whereupon the Angel takes an iron chain the one part of which is hot the other cold with which he smites the dead corpes two times or more At the first stroke all the members of the body are torn one from another At the second all the bones are dispersed abroad at the third flesh and bones yea the whole carcass is turned into dust and ashes Then come the good Angels and gather the bones together honouring them with a second burial This punishment the Rabbines call Chibbut hakkeber which they do not only write of but also most absurdly believe in their common prayer petitioning that God would preserve them against this punishment and divert it from them as we may see in that petition which they call Benschen being in the number of those which they use upon the day of reconciliation It is written in the book Chasidim that who is much given to almsdeeds is a lover of reproof and honesty who entertains strangers willingly and from his very heart who prayes with an attent minde although he die without the land of Canaan he shall neither tast nor trie the violence of the grave but shall be certainly preserved against the Chibbut hackkeber Hence it is most evident that they who die in the land of Canaan are free from this torture but they who die in a strange land are subject thereunto Hither it is also to be referred that they who die in other lands are wont to wander through secret caves and holes of the earth untill they come to the land of promise otherwise they are not made partakers of the general resurrection which thing we have formerly made mention of in the first Chapter and other places of this book CHAP. XXXVI Touching the Jews Messias who is yet for to come THat a Messias was promised unto the Jews they all with one mouth acknowledge hereupon petitioning in their daily prayers that he would come quickly before the houreglass of their life be run out The only scruple is of the time when and the state in which he shall appear They generally beleeve that this their future Messias shall be a simple man yet nevertheless far exceeding the whole generation of mortals in all kinde of vertues who shall marry a wife and beget children to sit upon the throne of his kingdom after him When therefore the Scripture mentioneth a twofold Messias the one plain poor and meek subject to the stroke of death the other illustrious powerful highly advanced and exalted the Jews forge unto themselves two of the same sort one which they call by the name of Messias the son of Joseph that poor and simple one yet an experienced and valiant leader for the warrs Another whom they entitle Messias the son of David that true Messias who is to be king of Israel and to rule over them in
the king of Edom or the Pope of Rome and being conqueror shall kill a great part of his army and also cut the throat of the king of Edom make desolate the Roman Monarchie bring back some of the holy vessels to Jerusalem which are treasured up in the house of Aelianus Moreover the king of Egypt shall enter into league with Israel and shall kill all the men inhabiting about Jerusalem Damascus and Ascalon which thing once noised over the whole earth a horrid dread and astonishment shall overwhelm the inhabitants thereof The seventh miracle They say that at Rome there is a certain piece of marble in shape resembling a Virgin so framed and fashioned not by mans workmanship but by the Lords hand To this Image shall all the wicked livers in the world gather themselves and burning in lust towards it shall commit incest with it Hereupon in the same marble will the Lord forme an Infant which by a certain rupture shall issue out of it This infant shall be called Armillus Harascha Armillus the wicked and shall be the same which the Christians call Antichrist His length and bredth shall be tenn●els the space betwixt his eyes and the palm cross wise His hollow eyes red his hair yellow like gold the soles of his feet green and to make his deformity compleat he shall have two heads He coming to the wicked king of Rome shall affirm himself to be the Messias and god of the Romans to whom they easily give credit and make him king over them All the sons of Esau shall love and stick fast unto him He shall bring under his yoak the whole Roman Monarchie and to all Esaus ofspring glorying in the name of Christian he shall say bring me the law which I gave unto you Which they shall presently deliver together with their book of Common-prayer which he shall receive as true and legitimate acknowledging that he gave that law and book unto them desiring that they will beleeve in him These things once finished he shall send his Embassadors to Jerusalem to Nehemiah the son of Husiel and to all the Congregation of Israel with this mandate to bring their law unto him and confess him to be God At the report of this fear and wonder assault their souls and Nehemias accompanied with three hundred thousand voluntiers of the tube of Ephraim carrying also the book of the law with him shall come unto Armillus and out of it read him this sentence I am the Lord thy God thou shall have none other Gods before me To whom Armillus making answer shall deny any such sentence to be extant in their law and that therefore they ought to acknowledge him for a God following the example of the Christians and other people of the earth Then shall Nehemiah the son of Husiel in that instant command his followers to binde Armillus and entering the field with thirty thousand armed Nobles shall put to the sword two hundred thousand of his assistants For this cause Armillus greatly enraged shall gather together all his forces in a deep valley to fight against Israel and to destroy no small number of Jacobs posterity There shall Messias the son of Joseph breath his last whom the holy Angels shall take hide and casket up with other Patriarks of the world The Israelites shall be struck with such astonishment their hearts shall fleet like water but Armillus himself shall not know of the death of their Messias who otherwise would not leave one of them alive Then shall all the Nations of the earth banish the Jews out of their dominions no way permitting them any longer to be their coinhabitants Moreover such trouble and distresse shall at that time perplex the Jews as hath not been from the beginning to the world Then shall Michael come and fan away the wicked in Israel as it is written At that time shall Michael stand up the great Prince which standeth for the children of thy people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time Then the remnant shall flee into the wildernesse where God shall try and purge them after the same manner that silver and gold is tried in the Furnace For the Lord saith I will purge out from among you the Rebels and them that transgresse against me And again Many shall be purified made white and tryed but the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand but the wise shall understand Then shall the whole remainder of Israel be in the wildernesse for forty five dayes the chief of their fare being grasse leaves and herbs and that Scripture shall be fulfilled in their ears I will allure her and bring her into the wildernesse aud speak comfortably unto her The truth of this appears out of that of the Prophet From the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away and the abomination that maketh desolate set up there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety dayes Blessed is he that cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty dayes But goe thou thy way till the end be for thou shalt rest and stand in the lot at the end of the dayes Conceive that forty five being added to the precedent number of ninty the last number of 1335 daies doth arise In that time all the wicked in Israel shall perish who are unworthy to be copartners in such a deliverance Finally Armillus invading Egypt with great power shall subdue it as it is written The land of Egypt shall not escape From Egypt he shall muster his forces for Jerusalem striving with might and main once more to make it a desolate heap And he shall plant the tabernacle of his palace between the Seas in the glorious holy mountain yet he shall come to his end and none shall help him The eighth miracle The Archangel Michael shall arise and shall thrice winde a mighty trumpet as it is written It shall come to pass in that day that the great trumpets shall be blowen and they shall come that were ready to perish in the land of Assyria and the outcasts in the land of Egypt and shall worship the Lord in the holy mount at Jerusalem Again The Lord God shall blow the trumpet and shall goe with the whirlewinds of the South At the sound of this trumpet the true Messias the son of David and the Prophet Elias shall appear and manifest themselves to the devout Israelites inhabiting the wilderness of Judea Then shall they receive incouragement the weary hands shall be lifted up and strength shall visit the feeble knees All the Jews also wheresoever dispersed over the whole earth shall hear the sound of the trumpet and at last confess that God in mercy hath visited his people and by a plenary deliverance hath been gracious to his inheritance and all the captives of Ashur shall be gathered together But
the sound of this trumpet shall blast the Christians and people of the world with fear and astonishment casting them into horrid maladies Then shall the Jews gird up their loins and with many a weary journey seek to revisite their Jerusalem Messias also the son of David together with his harbinger Elias and all the faithfull his followers in Israell with great joy shall come into Jerusalem So soon as this pierceth the ears of wicked Armillus he will babble out how long will this abject and base people thus behave themselves and shall once more with a great army of Christians hasten to Jerusalem to give battel to to their newly inaugurated soveraign But God shall not permit that the Israelites should fall out of the fire into the pit but speaking unto the Messias shall say unto him Come thou and sit at my right hand and to the children of Israel sit you still hold your peace and quietly expect that great deliverance which the Lord this day will impart unto you Then shall the Lord rain from heaven fire and brimstone as it is recorded I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood and I will rain upon him and upon his bands and upon the many people that are with him an overflowing rain and great hailstones fire and brimstone Then shall Armillus with his whole army die and the Atheistical Edomites the Christians they mean who laid waste the house of our God and led us captive into a strange land shall miserably perish then shall the Jews be revenged upon them as it is written The house of Jacob shall be a fire and the house of Joseph a flame and the house of Esau that is we Christians as the Jews interpret whom they ' Christen Edomites shall be for stubble This stubble the Jews shall set in fire that nothing may be left to us Edomites which shall not be burnt and turned into ashes The ninth miracle At the second blast of Michael his trumpet being long and loud all the graves in Jerusalem shall open and the dead arise Messias also the son of David together with Elias the Prophet shall restore to life Messias that good son of Joseph reserved under a certain gate At the same time shall all the Congregation of Israel send Messias the son of David as an Embassador to the remnant of the Jews superviving the last slaughter dispersed here and there among the Christians and other people of the earth to summon them to Jerusalem Then shall the kings of the nations without delay carry the Jews inhabiting their quarters upon their shoulders and in Chariots unto Sion I think this will come to pass much about the Greek Calends The tenth miracle At what time the Angel Michael shall blow the trumpet the third time then shall God bring them forth who border upon the rivers Gosane Lachlacke Chabore and also inhabited the cities of Juda and they in number infinite and immesurable together with their infants shall enter into Moses Paradise the earth before and behinde them shall be nothing but a flame of fire which shall consume all which is needful for the preservation of life among the Christians and other people When the ten tribes of Israel shall return out of the land of their captivity then the pillar of the cloud of the divine glory and majesty shall encompass them as it is written the breaker up is come before them they have broken up and have passed through the gate and are gone out by it and their king shall pass before them and the Lord on the head of them Moreover God shall open unto them fountains flowing out of the tree of life wherewith he shall refresh them in their journey lest at any time thirst should annoy them For the Lord saith I will open rivers in high places and fountains in the midst of the vallies I will make the wilderness a pool of water and dry land springs of water Again They shall not hunger nor thirst neither shall the heat nor sun smite them for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them even by the springs of water shall he guide them To comfort them against these ten signes foregoing the coming of the Messias the most of which pretend great calamity and affliction to the Jews they have a tenfold consolation The first is that the Messias is certainly yet for to come according to that of the Prophet Behold thy king cometh c. The second that he shall again gather them together being dispersed over the face of the whole earth as it is written I will bring them from the north country and gather them from the coasts of the earth and with them the blinde and the lame the women with childe and her that travelleth with childe together a great company shall return thither From which place we may learn thus much that if any went unto his grave blind or lame the same shall God raise up cloathed with the same imperfections that one may more easily know another yet the Lord shall so perfectly cure the lame that they shall skip like Roes as the Scripture witnesseth Then shall the lame man leap as an hart and the tongue of the dumbe sing for in the wilderness shall the waters break out and streams in the desert The third is that God shall raise up the dead as it is written Many that sleep in the dust of the earth shall arise these to life eternal they to shame and everlasting contempt The fourth is that God shall build them up a third temple according to that plat-form and fashion which Ezekiel hath described cap. 41. ver 1. 2 3. The fift is that the people of Israel shall be the sole Monarchs of the whole world their dominion stretching from one end of the earth unto the other according to that of Esay 60. 12. The nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish yea these nations shall be utterly wasted Yea the whole world being turned unto the Lord shall be subject to his law as it is recorded For then will I turn to the people a pure language that they may all call upon the name of the Lord to serve him with one consent The sixth is that God at that time shall defeat and destroy all the enemies of his people that is the Christians and mightily to revenge himselfe upon them as it is written I will lay vengeance upon Edom by the hand of my people Israel and they shall do in Edom according to mine anger The seventh is that God shall take away all diseases and maladies from among the people of Israel according to that The inhabitants shall not say I am sick the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquitie The eight is God shall prolong the dayes and yeares of the life of the Israelites So that they shall live as
long as the oake or other of that kinde for saith the lord as the dayes of a tree are the dayes of my people and my elect shall long enioy the works of their hands and againe there shall be no more thence an infant of dayes nor an old man that hath not filled his dayes for the child shall die an hundred yeares old bnt the Sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed which is as much as to say if any die at an hundred years of age it shall be said of him that he died as a little infant or in his infancy for at that time the years of life of the Israelites shall be equal to them of the fathers from Adam to Noah as Abenezra comments upon the place The ninth is that God shall so clearly manifest himself to the Israelites that they shall see him face to face As it is recorded The glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see together because the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it Yea all the Lords people shall be Prophets as it is written It shall come to pass afterward that I will powr out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesie your old men shall dream dreams your yong men shall see visions The last degree of comfort is that God shall quite root out of them all imbred lusts and inclinations unto evil as it is written A new heart also will I give you and a new spirit will I put within you and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and I will give you an heart of flesh Hitherto we have delivered what we promised out of the book called Abhkas r●chel in which though it be summarily set down what the Jews beleeve concerning their Messias as also the manner how he is to bring them back to Jerusalem yet I think not impertinent in this place a litle more largely to declare with what solemnities their Messias shal give them intertainement in their own land and with what happiness and felicitie they shall lead their lives under him When then the Messias hath gathered all the Jews together out of all the nations under heaven and from the foure winds of the earth and hath brought them unto the land of Canaan flowing with milk and hony then shall he cause to be prepared a sumptuous and delicate banquet inviting and friendly welcoming unto it all the Jews with great pomp and joy inexpressible At this banquet shall be dished up and served in the greatest beastes fishes and fouls that ever God created The worst wine that they shall drink shall be that whose grape had its growth in paradise and hath been barrel'd up and reserved in Adams Cellar unto that time The first dish in this feast shall be that huge oxe described in the book of Job to be of such great strength and magnitude named Behemoth This the Rabbines affirme to be the same oxe whereof David makes mention in his 50 Psalm and 10 verse All the beasts of the forrest are mine and the cattel Behemoth feeding on a thousand hills that is to say which every day eateth up the grass of a thousand hils But a man will aske what at length would have become of this oxe if he had lived so long seeing he had long since eaten up all his fodder The Rabbines learnedly answer that this oxe is stall-fed and remains always in the same place and that whatsoever he eateth on the day grows again upon the night in the same length and forme The second dish adorning the table shall be that vast whale Leviathan according to the Jewish tone Pronounced Lipiasan who is also described in the book of Job and mentioned in other places of holy writ Concerning these two beasts there hath bin handsomly compiled this tradition by the wit and ingenuity of the solid pated Rabbins in their Talmud it runs thus Rabbi Jehudah saith that what thing soever God created in the world he created it male and female and that without all doubt for he created the Leviathan yet least the he and she Leviathan by engendring should augment the number and at length by there monstrous magnitude and multitude destroy the whole world God gelded the male and killed the female reserving her in pickle to be meat for them that are just in Judah and feared him in the dayes of the Messias as it is written In that day will the lord with a sore and great and strong sword punish Leviathan the piercing serpent even Leviathan that crooked serpent and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea In the same manner he created that great ox called Behemoth feeding on a thousand hils male and female yet lest by multiplying they might fill and destroy the earth he gelded the male and killed the female reserving it for the Jewes diet in time to come as it is written Loe now his strength is in his loynes and his force in the navell of his belly he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him The third dish in this banquet as Elias Levita in his dictionarie named Tesbi out of the Rabbins reports shall be that horrible huge bird called Barinchue which killed and unboweld shall then be rosted Concerning this bird it is written in the Talmud she cast an Egge out of her nest by whose fall three hundred tall Cedars were broken down and the Egge breaking in the full drowned three score villages By this relation it is easie to conceive this bird to have been little inferiour in greatnes to the forementioned oxe and fish whence we may also collect how glorious a dish the Messias is to make of it for his guests and when there are many such birds Guls I think found in the land of Judah none ought to think that which is reported of this to be fabulous In the forementioned book of the Talmud we read of a certain great crow which was seen of a Rabbine worthy to be credited The relation runs thus Rabbi barchannah saith At a certain time I saw a frog which is as great as the village Akra in Hagronia well how big was the village It consisted of no fewer then threescore houses Then came a mighty serpent and swallowed up this frog Instantly upon this a great crow flying that way picked up as a small morsel both the frog and the serpent and taking him to flight sat upon a Tree now think with your selves how great and strong this tree must be To which Rabbi papa the son of Samuel making answer unless I had been in the place and with these mine eyes seen the very tree I would not have beleeved it Thus much the Talmudist Who dare give the lie to this Rabbine When that good man Kimchi commenting on the fifty Psalm and explaining the word Ziz hath there witnessed that Rabbi
Kings and Princes shall be their servants whom they have subdued They themselves shall be cloathed in costly aray all their Priests anointed shall be holiness to the Lord as it is written The sons of strangers shall build up thy walls and their Kings shall minister unto thee for in my wrath I smote thee but in mercy have I had favour on thee therefore thy gates shall be open continually they shall not be shut day nor night that men may bring unto thee the forces of the Gentiles and that their Kings may be brought for the nations and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish yea those nations shall be utterly wasted and again strangers shall stand and feed your flocks and all the sons of the alien shall be your plow-men and your vine-dressers But you shall be named the Priests of the Lord men shall call you the Minister of our God you shall eat the riches of the Gentiles and in their glory stall you boast your selves Oh here with hunger and thirst how are the Jews opprest Although some of them satisfie and appease both without the sweat of their own brows gaining many a million for which many a poor Christian suffers toile and vexation 2. They shall have a new and wholsome aire as it is written Behold I create a new heaven and a new earth the former shall not be thought upon by the benefit of this aire they shall enjoy their health and prolong their life even as the men before the flood In their hoary old age their strength and agility shall not forsake them but remain in the same temper as in their youth as it is writen They who are planted in the house of our God shall flosrish in the courts of the Lord they shall bring forth more fruit in their age they shall be fat and well liking 3. The seed once sown shall for ever grow up increase and ripen of its own accord after the manner of Vines which require but one plantation as it is written They shall revive as wheat flourish like a vine his smell is like Lebanon Whensoever any one shall desire rain for the watering of any particular Field Garden or the smallest herb therein the Lord will pour out upon that place and on that onely without delay for saith the Prophet Ask you rain of the Lord and he shall create lightnings and give you showres of rain Then shall they gather their fruits and wine with great quietnesse and security and shall not be molested by any enemy as it is written The Lord hath sworn by his right hand and by the arm of his strength I will no more give thy corn to be meat for thine enemies and the sons of strangers shall not drink thy wine for the which thou hast laboured but they that have gathered it shall eat it 4. No war nor rumour of war shall any more be heard in the land and there shall be a firm and secure peace established not only between man and man but also between man and beast as it is written I will make a covenant for them in that day with the beasts of the field with the fowls of heaven and creeping things of the earth I will put away the bow and the sword and war from the earth and make them to sleep secure And I will espouse thee unto me for ever and ever I will marry thee in justice and judgement in mercy and commiseration Again The Cow and the Bear shall feed their young ones shall lie down together and the Lion shall eat straw with the Ox. The Wolf shall lie down with the Lamb and the Leopard with the Kid and the Calf and the young Lion and the fa●ling together and a little childe shall lead them 5. When any war or discord ariseth among the Gentiles then the Messias shall reconcile them and renew the league amongst them so that there shall be no more mutiny as it is written He shall judge among the nations and rebuke many people he shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning-hooks nation shall not lift up sword against nation nor learn war any more Then shall the Iews live in everlasting joyes make new marriages sing praise and glory to God without ceasing shall be full of the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord as it is written In this place of which you say that it is forsaken shall again be heard the voice of joy the voice of exultation the voice of the Bride and the Bridegroom the voice of them that say Give thanks to the Lord of hosts And again the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the sea is full of water Briefly the happiness of this holy people shall at that time be so immeasurable that neither can the heart of man conceive it or the tongue yeeld the least expression thereof Which things thus ordered and declared leaving the Iewes in this their prosperous estate I will put a period to my labours and hide the secret of their faith from the Christians seeing I have attempted more then they themselves if they could have ruled the matter would have permitted What I have done already will not be pleasing unto them in which I have exposed to every mans eye the full anatomy of their life and belief The Christian Reader may easily perceive by that which hath been said that the faith of the Jews and their whole religion is not grounded upon Moses but upon meer lies false and forged constitutions fables of the Rabbines and inventions of seduced Pharisees And that therefore it ought no more to issue out of the mouth of a Christian that the Jewes stand for the Law of Moses but rather with Jeremy that they are strong defendants of the false worship of the true God not suffering themselves any way to be drawn from it And with our Saviour to affirm that they make the Commandments of God of none effect by their traditions in vain they worship him when they teach nothing but the mandates of men honouring him with their lips but in their hearts are far from him In their words they professe to know God but in their works they deny him these are the men whom the Lord abhors who being disobedient unto his word are unto every good work reprobate as the Apostle Paul hath recorded By which it is more manifest then the light of the Sun at noon-tide that the punishment is now fallen heavie upon them wherewith Moses threatned them that the Lord should smite them with madnesse blindnesse and astonishment of heart that they should grope at noon day as the blinde gropeth in darknesse And this appears most clearly and is more then evident from this that they miserably pervert and contrary to all reason with an impudent front invested with a dull ignorance expound and interpret the word of God O merciful