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A10557 The Christian divinitie, contained in the divine service of the Church of England summarily, and for the most part in order, according as point on point dependeth, composed; and with the holy Scriptures plainly and plentifully confirmed: written for the furtherance of the peoples understanding in the true religion established by publike authoritie, and for the increase of vnitie in that godly truth eternall. By Edmund Reeve Bachelour in Divinitie, and vicar of the parish of Hayes in Middlesex. Reeve, Edmund, d. 1660. 1631 (1631) STC 20829; ESTC S115773 277,054 457

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pertaine unto every circumstance in Gods worship Let all things bee done m 1 Cor. 14.40 decently and in order CHAP. 43. Of the due Celebration of Sundayes and other times required by the Church to be kept holy IN the first part of the a T. 2. p. 124 125 126. Homily concerning the place and time of prayer the Church saith It appeareth to be Gods good will and pleasure that we should as speciall times and in speciall places gather our selves together to the intent his name might be renowned and his glory set forth in the congregation and assembly of his Saints As concerning the time which Almighty God hath appointed his people to assemble together solemnly it doth appeare by the fourth Commandement of God Remember saith God that thou keepe holy the Sabbath day Vpon the which day as is plaine in the b Act. 13.14.44 Act. 15.21 Acts of the Apostles the people accustomably resorted together and heard diligently the Law and the Prophets read among them And albeit this Commandement of God doth not binde Christian people so straitly to observe and keepe the utter Ceremonies of the Sabbath day as it was given unto the Iewes as touching the forbearing of worke and labour in time of great necessitie and as touching the precise keeping of the seventh day after the manner of of the Iewes For we keepe now the c Act. 20. l. 1 Cor. 16.2 Non inep è colligitur jam tum consuevisse Christianos hoc die solennes agere conventus Annol ad Act. 20.7 in Jun. Bibl. vide 1 Cor. 11.20 in Syriaco Teslamento n●c non in Arabi●o in utroque mentio fit de die Domini nostri Syrus legit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Arabs 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 qui●n nev 1.10 pro eo quod in Graecis exemplaribus legitur 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 habet 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in ●●e ●llo primo first day which is our Sunday and make that our Sabbath that is our day of rest in the honour of our Saviour Christ who as upon that day d Mar. rose from death conquering the same most triumphantly yet notwithstanding whatsoever is found in the commandement appertaining to the law of nature as a thing most godly most just and needfull for the setting forth of Gods glory it ought to bee retained and kept of all good Christian people But alasse it is lamentable table to see the wicked boldnesse of those that will bee counted Gods people who e Ezek 20.12 13. passe nothing at all of keeping and hallowing the Sunday And these people are of two sorts The one sort if they have any businesse to doe though there be no extreame neede they must not spare for the Sunday they must ride and journey on the Sunday they must drive and f Neh. 13.15 16 17 18 19 20. Ier. 17.21.22 carry on the Sunday they must row and ferry on the Sunday they must buy and sell on the Sunday they must keepe markets and faires on the Sunday Finally they use all dayes alike worke-dayes and holi-dayes all are one The other sort is worse For although they will not travell nor labour on the Sunday as they doe on the weeke day yet they will not g Isa 58.13 14. rest in holinesse as God commandeth but they rest in ungodlinesse and filthinesse prancing in their pride pranking and pricking poynting and painting themselves to be gorgeous and gay they rest in excesse and superfluity in gluttony and drunkennesse like Rats and swine they rest in brawling and rayling in quarrelling and fighting they rest in wantonnesse in toyish talking in filthy fleshlinesse so that it doth too evidently appeare that God is more dishonoured and the Devill better served on the Sunday than upon all the dayes in the weeke besides As soone as God had finished heaven and earth and all the same and had made man he rested the seventh day and blessed it and h Gen. 2.2 3. sanctified it for man therein to rest also as Christ saith i Mar. 2.27 The Sabbath was made for man The Lord saith by Isaiah k Isa 58.13 14. If thou turne away thy foot from the Sabbath from doing thy pleasure on my holy day and call the Sabbath a delight the holy of the Lord honourable and shalt honour him not doing thine owne wayes nor finding thine owne pleasure nor speaking thine owne words Then shalt thou delight thy selfe in the Lord and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth and feed thee with the heritage of Iacob thy father for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it The sacred l Canon 13. constitution of the Church concerning the due celebration of Sundayes and Holy-dayes is ever memorable viz. All manner of persons within the Church of England shall from henceforth celebrate and keepe the Lords day commonly called Sunday and other holy-dayes according to Gods holy will and pleasure and the Orders of the Church of England prescibed in that behalfe that is in hearing the Word of God read and taught in private and publike prayers in acknowledging their offences to God and amendment of the same in reconciling themselves charitably to their neighbours where displeasure hath beene in oftentimes receiving the Communion of the body and blood of Christ in visiting of the poore and sicke using all godly and sober conversation Concerning other times enjoyned by the Church to be observed for holydayes Of the celebration of holydayes as Christmas day c. it is to be remembred that because it is the Law of the Church our mother we ought so to observe them as she requireth And that the Church hath power to appoint holydayes it may appeare out of the m T. 2. p. 82 83. Homily of fasting where it is said We doe not read that Moses ordained by order of Law any dayes of publike fast throughout the whole yeare more than that one day The Iewes notwithstanding had more times of common fasting which the Prophet n Zechar. 7.5 Zachary reciteth to bee the fast of the fourth the fast of the fifth the fast of the seventh and the fast of the tenth moneth But for that it appeareth not in the Law when they were instituted it is to bee judged that those other times of fasting more than the fast of the seventh moneth were ordained among the Iewes by the appointment of their governours rather of devotion than by any expresse Commandement given from God Vpon the ordinance of this general fast good men tooke occasion to appoint to themselves private fasts at such times as they did either earnestly lament bewaile their sinfull lives or addict thēselves to more fervent prayer c. And the Prophet doth not disallow their sequestring of dayes for fasting but for that they neglected o Zech. judgement mercy and humilitie of heart and as it seemed accounted true religion for to consist onely
he is a Papist he is an Heretike O how the Church is divided O how the Cities bee cut and mangled O how the Coat of Christ that was without seame is all to rent and torne O body mysticall of Christ where is that holy and happy Vnity e Iohn 15.5.6 Eph. 2.12 out of the which whosoever is hee is not in Christ * Marke well this sacred delivery concerning the Absolute necessity of being in Christian Vnity or of unfeined striving thereunto If one member be pulled from another where is the body If the body be drawne from the head where is the life of the body Wee cannot bee joyned to Christ our head except we be glued with concord and charite one towards another For he that is not of this Vnity is not of the Church of Christ which is a Congregation or Vnity together and not a division Saint Paul saith That as long as emulation or envying contention and Factions or Sects be among us we be f 1 Cor. 3.3 carnall and walke according to the fleshly man And Saint Iames saith g Iam. If ye have bitter emulation or envying and contention in your hearts glory not of it for where as contention is there is unstedfastnesse and all evill deeds And why do we not heare Saint Paul which prayeth us whereas he might command us saying I beseech you in the name of our Lord Christ Iesus that you will speake all h 1 Cor. 1.10 one thing and that there be no dissention among you but that you will bee one whole body of one minde and of one opinion in the truth The same Apostle also saith i Eph. I exhort you that you walke as it becommeth the vocation in which you be called with all submission and meekenesse with lenity and softnesse of minde bearing one another by charity studying to keepe the Vnity of the spirit by the bond of peace For there is one body one spirit one faith one baptisme There is saith he but one body of the which he can bee no lively member that is at variance with the other members There is one spirit k Eph. 2.22 1 Cor. 12.13 which joyneth and knitteth all things in one And how can this one spirit l 1 Kings raigne in us when wee among our selves be divided There is but one faith and how can wee then say he is of the old faith and he is of the new faith There is but one baptisme and then shall not all they which be baptised be one m Prov. 13.10 Contention causeth division wherefore it n 1 Cor. 11.16.18 Rom. 16.17 Gal ought not to be among Christians whom one faith and baptisme ioyneth in an Vnity Againe Saint Paul saith o Phil. If there be any consolation in Christ if there bee any comfort of love If you have any fellowship of the spirit if you have any bowels of pitty and compassion fulfill my joy being all like affected having one charity being of one minde of one opinion that nothing be done by contention or vaine glory In the * T. 2. p. 179. Homily for Good-Friday it is said Christ delighteth to enter and dwell in that soule where p Ioh. 14.23 Act. love and charity ruleth and where peace and concord is seene In the second part of the * T. 2. p. 203. Homily concerning the Sacrament it is said Saint Paul writeth that we being many are q 1 Cor. 10.17 one bread and one body for all bee partakers of one bread Declaring thereby not onely our communion with Christ but that Vnitie also wherein they that eate at this table should be r Col. 2.2.19 knit together For by dissention vaine glory ambition strife envying contempt hatred or malice they should not be dissevered but so joyned by the bond of love in one mysticall body as the cornes of that bread in one loafe In the fourth part of the * T. 2. p. 235. Homily for Rogation weeke it is signified that by love and charity which is the onely livery of a Christian man and by godly peace and quiet wee bee knit together in one generall fellowship of Christs ſ Eph. 3.15 family in one common t Eph. 2.19 1 Gal. 6.10 houshold of God And because that all true members of Christs Church doe live in unity of the most holy faith and in uniformity of godly life or unfeinedly endeavor thereunto they are therefore in the first Collect for Good Friday called Gods Family and in the Collect for the fift Sunday after the Epiphany are called God Houshold David saith u Ps 122.3 as in the Divine Service translation Ierusalem is builded as a City that is at unitie in it selfe Saint Paul very lively sheweth the unity of Christs Church saying From the head Christ the whole body fitly w Eph. 4.16 joyned together and compacted by that which every joynt supplieth according to the effectuall working in the measure of every part maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of it selfe in love To the Colossians he saith From the head Iesus Christ all the body by joynts and bands having nourishment ministred and x Col. 2.19 knit together increaseth w th the increase of God S. Paul to the Corinthians speaking of himselfe and other servāts of Christ saith * An holy Scripture much considerable hereto Walked we not in the y 2 Cor. 12.18 same spirit walked we not in the same steps Were wee not of one minde and of one life The Lord by Ieremiah promiseth to all people obedient to his will that he will give them z Ier. 32.39 one heart and one way that they may feare him for ever for the good of them and of their Children after them Zechariah saith And the Lord shall be King over all the earth in that day there shall bee one Lord and his a Zech. 14.9 name one Saint Paul saith to the Corinthians As the body is one and hath many members and all the members of that one body being many are b 1 Cor. 12.12 13 14. one body so also is Christ For by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether wee be Iewes or Gentiles whether we bee bond or free and have beene all made to drinke into one spirit For the body is not one member but many Saint Paul saith to the Ephesians Christ is the Saviour of his c Eph. 5.23 body of members indeavouring to keepe the unity of his spirit He will save his d Heb. 5.9 obedient e Mat. 1.21 people from their sinnes but will condemne to everlasting destruction f 2 Thes 1.8 9. such as willingly disobey the commandements of his Gospell If a man saith Christ g Iohn 15.6 abide not in mee he is cast forth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into
the Holy Ghost PAG. 373 CHAP. 97 Of Sundry other Gods Curses upon disobedient people PAG. 377 CHAP. 98 Of deferring Repentance untill likelyhood of bodily death PAG. 382 CHAP. 99 Of sundry of Gods blessings upon obedient people in this present life PAG. 386 CHAP. 100 Against separating from the Church of England by law established under the Kings Majesty in any manner PAG. 390 THE CHRISTIAN DIVINITY OVT OF the Divine Service CHAP. I. That there is a GOD. IN the third part of the * In the second Tome in folio page 228. Homily for Rogation Weeke it is sayd That faith is the first entry into the Christian life according as the Scripture deliuereth He a Heb. 11.6 that commeth to God must beleeue that he is and that he is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek him The * Heb. 4.2 Mal. ● ●4● want of which beleefe is the cause that m●● in these dayes are so negligent in seeking th●●ord some being cold in Religion others 〈…〉 warme Some there are that say in th●● b Psal 14. ● hearts there is no God through c Psal 10. ● their pri●● they will not seeke after him God is not in all their thoughts Sundry others there are which though they doe d Titus 1.16 with their mouthes professe to know God in their Workes they deny him being abhominable and disobedient and vnto euery good Worke * Or voyde of Iudgement as the Margent hath it Reprobate That there is a God it needeth no demonstration for euery e Psalme 19.3 Nation on the face of the whole Earth doth acknowledge it There was neuer any one borne into the world Rom. 10.18 Nulla est gens tam barbara quae non fateatur esse aliquem Deum adeò quidem vt homines falsum Deum haebere inalint quàm nullu● omnino tam alte nimirū sensus divinitatis indit incordibus nostris Cice●o which at one time or another if he or she liued vnto ripe yeares testified f Rom. 2.15 Act. 14.7 not vnto it It is a principle or g Iohn 1.9 light which God hath set in euery Humane soule That sayth the Apostle which h Rom. 1.19.20 is naturally knowne of God is manifest in mankinde for God hath shewed it vnto them For the invisible things of him from the Creation of the World are clearely seene being vnderstood by the things that are made euen his eternall power and Godhead so that they are without excuse The i Psal 9 16. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Th●●y●●●des iudgments which euen in all ages come vpon wilfull breakers of Gods Lawes as on Traytors on such as breake their lawfull oathes or take false oathes Also the iudgments on wilfull murderers who being apprehended and examined commonly cannot but confesse their deed also on Blasphemers and the k 〈◊〉 5 9. like declare plainely that there is a Righteous most mighty power though in his Essence or being he is l 〈◊〉 ●1 27 vnseene to al eyes of flesh on Earth Also the m Heb. 〈…〉 horrours and terrours which come into the hearts of such as liue wilfully disobedient to Gods Lawes and especially when as 〈◊〉 haue n Mat 27.37 〈…〉 10. committed some great Wickednesse The o Acts 2.37 hea●● and ●●ings and the p Wisd 17.11 Conscience remorses the inward q Gen. 3.10 Rom. 6.21 ●●●me which followeth after transgressing of Gods euerlasting Law and the like Effects shew the r Colos 1.29 Iob working of the infinite Godhead in the minds of Mankind Vnto this God blessed for euer the Church sayth ſ In Saint Ambrose his song All the earth doth worship thee the Father euerlasting To thee all Angels cry aloud the Heauens and all the powers therein To the● Cherubin and Seraphin continually do cry Holy holy holy Lord God of * Or hosts See Rom. 9 29. with Isa 1.9 Sabaoth Heauen and earth is full of the Maiesty of thy glory CHAP. 2. That there is a Trinity in the Godhead In Hebraico Bibliorum exemplari non rarò Trinitatis mysterium significatur vti in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Iob. 35.10 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Psal 149.2 vide Isa 54.5 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Eccles 12.1 IN the Athanasian Creed it is sayd The Catholike Faith is this That we worship one God in Trinitie and Trinitie in Vnitie Neither confounding the persons nor diuiding the substance For there is one person of the Father another of the Sonne and another of the Holy Ghost But the Godhead of the Father of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost is all one * Ioh. 10.30 Ioh. 17.22 the glory equall the Maiestie co-eternall Saint Iohn sayth t 1. Ioh. 5.7 There are three which beare record in Heauen the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one Saint Mathew sayth u Mat. 3.16.17 Tetragranimaton ut Author est Galatinus in Targum anti●●itus scriptum erat 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ad Trinitatis divinae mysterium inunondum When Iesus was baptized of Iohn he went vp straight way out of the water And loe the Heauens were opened vnto him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a Doue and lighting vhon him And loe a voyce from Heauen saying This is my beloued Sonne in whom I am well pleased There was Iesus the Sonne in his humane nature baptized with water There was the Holy Ghost descending like a Doue and lighting vpon him There was the Father speaking from heauen and saying This is my beloued Sonne And in the name of each person of the Trinity Christ commaunded his Ministers to baptize saying * Mat. 28.19 Goe yee and teach all Nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost The Church in the Preface to be read vpon the feast of the Trinity onely Singula sunt in singulis omnia in ●●ngulis singula in omnibus omnia in omnibus unum omnia Qui videt hoc vel ex parte vel per speculum in aenigmate gaudeat cognoscens Deum sic ut Deum honoret gratias agat Qui autem non videt tendat per pietatem ad videndum non per caecitatem ad calumniandum quoniam unus est Deus sed tamen Trinitas nec confuse accipiendum est ex quo omnia per quem omnia in quo omnia nec dijs multis sed ipsi gloria in secula seculorum August l●bro sexto de Trinitate capite ultimo teacheth vs to say It is very meete right and our bounden duty that we should at all times and in all places giue thankes to thee O Lord Almighty and euerlasting God which art one God one Lord not one onely Person but three Persons in one substance For that which we beleeue of the glory of the Father the same we beleeue of
the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost without any difference or inequality CHAP. 3. Of God the Father IN the third part of the * 2 To. p. 40. Homily against perill of Idolatry it is sayd Deus est spiritus ●aturà simplex lux in accessibilis c Augustinus initio lib. quaest vet Noui Test ad Quaest quid sit Deus How can God a most pure Spirit whom neuer man saw be expressed by a grosse bodily and visible similitude How can the infinite Maiestie and greatnesse of God incomprehensible to mans minde much more not able to be compassed with the sense be expressed in a small and litle image That God in his Essence is Spirit Christ hath witnessed saying x Iohn 4.24 God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth In the Nicene Creede it being sayd concerning God the Sonne That he is Light of Light we are taught that God the Father is the Light Eternall Saint Iohn sayth y 1 Iohn 1.5 God is Light and in him is no darkenesse at all In the first * 2 Tom. p. 179 Homily concerning the passion of Christ it is sayd Christ delighteth to enter and dwell in that soule where loue and charity ruleth and where peace and concord is seene For thus wrighteth Saint Iohn z 1 Iohn 4.8.16 God is Charity he that abideth in charity abideth in God and God in him Which to be spoken of God the Father also it appeareth out of the Words afore that Text where Saint Iohn sayth We haue seene and do testifie that the a 1 Iohn 4.14.15 Father sent the Sonne to bee the Sauiour of the World And we haue knowne and beleeued the loue that God hath vnto vs c. Also of b Rom. 11.36 Not si quis roget quodnā sit quod colamus atque adoremus promptam est respondere quod sit Charitas Etenim vt à Spiritu Sancto pronunciatum est Deus noster Charitas est coque nomine magis quàm quovis alio delectatur Nazianzen Orat. 14. him and through him and to him are all things To whom be glory for euer Amen CHAP. 4. Of God the Sonne IN the Nicene Creed it is sayd I beleeue in one Lord IESVS CHRIST the onely begotten Sonne of God begotten of his Father before all worlds God of God Tertul libro contra Praxean capite octauo pretulit Deus Sermonent sicut radix fruticem et sol radium Et mox Quia omnis origo parent est et omne quod ex origine profertur progenies est Multo magis sermo Dei qui etiam proprie nomen silij accipit Nec frutex tamē à radice Nec fluvius à fonte nec radius a sole discernitur Sieut nec à Deo Sermo Light of Light very God of very God begotten not made being of one substance with the Father by whom all things were made The which Saint Iohn testifieth saying c Iohn In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God He was the true Light which lighteth euery man that commeth into the world All things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made In the third part of the * T. 2. pa. 228.229 Homily for Rogation weeke it is sayd concerning God the Sonne d Heb. 1.3 That he is the brightnesse of his Fathers glory and a very cleere Image and patterne of his substance It is there also sayd That Christ is the euerlasting Wisedome as in the booke of the Prouerbs it so of it selfe speakes saying I e P●o. Wisedome dwell with Prudence The Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way before his workes of old I was set vp from euerlasting from the beginning or euer the earth was Then was I by him as one brought vp with him and I was dayly his delight rejoycing alwayes before him The eternall Sonne of God is signified in Genesis where it is sayd f Gen 19.24 The Lord rained upon Sodome and vpon Gomorrah Brimstone and fire from the Lord out of Heauen And likewise in the Psalme where Dauid sayth The g Psal 110.1 Lord sayd vnto my Lord sit thou at my right hand vntill I make thine enemies thy foote-stoole A saying of Iesus the sonne of Syrach is memorable hereto who in his prayer vttered these words h Eccles 51.10 I called vpon the Lord the Father of my Lord that he would not leaue me in the dayes of my trouble and in the time of the proud when there was no helpe Vnto God the Sonne it is sayd in the Scripture i Heb. 1.8.9 Thy throne O God is for euer and euer a Scepter of righteousnesse is the Scepter of thy Kingdome Thou hast loued righteousnesse and hated iniquity We are taught in the sacred Lyturgie most piously to say vnto God the Father k In Saint Ambrose his song The holy Church throughout all the World doth acknowledge thine honorable true and onely Sonne And vnto God the Sonne for to say Thou art the King of Glory O Christ Thou art the euerlasting Sonne of the Father CHAP. 5. Of God the Holy Ghost IN the first part of the * 2. To p. 207. Homily concerning the comming downe of the Holy Ghost it is sayd The Holy Ghost is a spirituall and diuine substance Opus est spiritu sancto ut piè dexterè loquamur de Trinitate per quem folum Deus intelligitur exponitur auditur Divus Nazianzenus oratione prima de fugae sua in Pontum the third person in the Deity distinct from the Father and the Sonne and yet proceeding from them both As for his proper nature and substance it is altogether one with God the Father and God the Sonne that is to say Spirituall Eternall Vncreated Incomprehensible Almighty he is God and Lord euerlasting Concerning the Holy Ghost Christ hath sayd to his Disciples l Ioh. 15.26 When the comforter is come whom I will send vnto you from the Father euen the Spirit of truth which proceedeth from the Father he shall testifie of me That the Holy Ghost is God it is manifest out of St. Peters words vnto Ananias saying m Acts 5.3.4 Why hath Satan filled thine heart to lye vnto the Holy Ghost Thou hast not lyed vnto men but vnto God So where Saint Paul saith n 1. Cor. Now there are diuersities of gifts but the same spirit And there are differences of administrations Spiritus Sanctus à patre procedit Qui quatenus ab illo procedit Creatura non est quatenus rursū genitus non est filius non est quatenus autem inter ingenitum et genitum medius est Deus est D. Nazianzenus oratione 37. but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations but it is the same God which worketh all
in all In all the Sacred Song of the Church which is to be sayd or Sung in the Ordering of Priests which also is commonly set afore the Psalmes in Meeter what the Holy Ghost is and what his gifts and workings are it is very Divinely deliuered and remarkablely it is sayd in the second Staue thereof Thou art the very o Iohn 14.16 Comforter in all woe and distresse The Heauenly p Luke 11.13 gift of God most high which no tongue can q 2 Cor. 12.4 as in margent expresse The fountaine and the liuely spring of r 1 Thes 1.6 ioy Celestiall The n = s Acts 2.3.4 fire so bright Omnes quod sumus ac vigemus inde est Regnat spiritus ille sempiturnus à Chriso simul et parente missus intrat pectora candidus pudica qua Templi vice consecrata vidēt Post quam combiberint deū medullis Sed siquid vitij dolive nasci inter visceraiam dicata sensit ceu spurcum refugit ●eler satellum Et nonnullis interjectis Hic pastui anima est saporque verus Po●●● pr●denti●● the t Rom. 5.5 loue so cleare and u 1 Ioh. 2.20.27 vnction Spirituall And now concluded be these Collections concerning the Holy Blessed and Glorious Trinity with that of the Prayer to the Holy Ghost to be sung before the Sermon All glory to the Trinity that is of mighties most The liuing father and the Sonne and eke the holy Ghost As it hath beene in all the time that hath beene heretofore As it is now and so shall be henceforth for euermore CHAP. 6. Of certaine Attributes vnto God IN the beginning of sundry Prayers and in other places of the Divine Service Of Gods Eternity for the more expressing of the glory of God there are added vnto his name sundry Attributes As it is sayd oftentimes O euerlasting God O euerliuing God And in the Athanatian Creede hee is sayd to bee the One Eternall Moses in his Prayer which is in the Booke of the Psalmes doth in like manner confesse the Eternity of God saying Before w Psal 9● 2 the Mountaynes were brought foorth or euer thou hadst formed the earth and the VVorld euen from euerlasting to euerlasting thou art God The Euerlasting is in the Booke of Baruch mentioned as one of Gods names where it is sayd Let them x Baruch 4 14. that dwell about Syon come and remember yee the Captivity of my Sonnes and Daughters which the Euerlasting hath brought vpon them God is also sayd to be Infinite or Incomprehensible Of Gods infinitenesse or immensity as in the first part of the * 2 T. p. 221. Homily for Rogation VVeeke where it is sayd He is y Iob 9.11 invisible euery where and x Acts 17.27.28 in enery Creature and a Ieremia 2 3.24 fulfilleth both Heauen and earth with his presence In considering whereof Dauid said Whether shall I goe from thy Spirit Or whether shall I flee from thy Presence if I goe vp into Heauen thou art there if I make my bed in Hell behold thou art there If I take the Wings of the morning and dwel in the vttermost parts of the Sea euen there shall thy hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me b Psal Thou hast possessed my Reines thou hast couered me in my mothers Wombe In the Booke of Wisedome it is sayd The c Wisd 1.7 Spirit of the Lord filleth the World and that which contayneth all things hath knowledge of the Voyce And d Wisd 12.1 thine incorruptible spirit is in all things Of Gods Almightinesse Moreouer God is often called Almighty as in the prayer to be sayd in the time of Warre O Almighty God King of all Kings and Gouernour of all things whose power no Creature is able to resist The Almighty power of God is liuely expressed in the end of the Visitation of the sicke where it is sayd The Almighty Lord which is a * Pro. 18.10 strong Tower to all them that put their trust in him to whom all things in Heauen in Earth and * Phil. 2 9.10 vnder the Earth doe bowe and obey be now and euermore thy defence and make thee know and feele that there is none other name vnder Heauen giuen vnto men in whom and through whom thou mayest receiue health and saluation but only the name * Act. 4.12 of our Lord Iesus Christ The Prophet Dauid sayth The c Psalm 103.19 Lord hath prepared his Throne in the Heauens and his Kingdome ruleth ouer all Esay sayth Behold f Esay 40.15.17 the Nations are as the drop of a Bucket and are counted as the small dust of the Ballance Behold he taketh vp the Iles as a very little thing All Nations before him are as nothing and they are counted to him lesse than nothing and vanity Incomparable Wisdome is also ascribed vnto God as in the first part of the * 2. T. p. 219. Sermon for Rogation VVeeke Of Gods Wisdome where it is sayd I do not take vpon me to declare vnto you the excellent power or the incomparable Wisdome of Almighty God as though I would haue you beleeue that it might be expressed vnto you by Words And in the second part of that Homily it is sayd Page 224. His sight looketh through Heauen and Earth and seeth all things presently with his eyes Nothing is too darke or hidden from his Knowledge not the priuy thoughts of mens mindes Dauid sayth Great g Psal 147.5 is our Lord and of great power his vnderstanding is infinite The Apostle to the Hebrewes sayth there is not any h Heb. 4.13 Creature which is not manifest in his sight but all thinges are naked and opened vnto the eyes of him with whom we haue to do Againe concerning Gods Wisedome Dauid sayth O i Psal 104 24. Lord how manifold are thy Works in Wisedome hast thou made them all Of Gods goodnesse Goodnesse also is attributed vnto God euen through out all parts of the Divine Seruice In the first part of the * 2. Tom p. 217. Homily for Rogation Weeke there is amply declared the goodnesse of God towards mankind in sundry particulars Wherein Holy Church doth as the Scripture sayth aboundantly k Psal 145 7.9 vtter the memory of Gods great goodnesse The Lord is good to all Of Gods Ivstnesse Iustnesse also is ascribed vnto God as in the Prayer to be sayd in time of Warre where it is written To God it belongeth iustly to punish sinners and to be mercifull to them that truely Repent Dauid saith The O Lord is righteous in all his wayes And m Psal 62.12 thou rendrest vnto euery one according to his workes Nehemiah sayd vnto God Thou n Nehem. 9.33 art iust in all that is brought vpon vs for thou hast done right but we haue done wickedly Zephaniah sayth
The o Zeph. 3.5 iust Lord is in the midst of Ierusalem He will doe none iniquity Euery morning doth he bring his iudgement to light he fayeth not but the vniust know no shame The Lord saith Hosea hath a controuersie with Iudah Hosea 12. ● and will punish l Psal 145.17 Iacob according to his wayes according to his doings will he recompence him God also is often in the Diuine Seruice mentioned to be Mercifull Of Gods Mercifullnesse as in the third Collect to be read on good Friday it is sayd Mercifull God who hast made all men and hatest * Some obiect against this Divine Doctrine of the Church the saying in the Scripture I haue hated Esau The Scripture sayth not that God hated Esau vnto euerlasting damnation afore hee was borne but signifieth that hee loued him lesse than hee loued Iacob in that for a time he was to serue Iacob That the word h●te doth in Scripture signifie to Loue lesse See Iunius on Genes 29.31 Deut 21.15 See Math. 6.24 Luk. 14.26 And that Esau was to be vnder Iacob foratime See Genes 27.40 Saint Paules Doctrine hereabout is one of his sayings hard to be vnderstood 2. Peter 3.16 There is in it an Allegory as in Gal. 4.24 See 2. Esaras 6.8.9 Also in Genes 25.23 mentioned By Saint Paul in Rom. 9. Iacob and Esau are called two Nations and two manner of people And that Esau was sayd to be hated was not expressed in those words vntill many ages after Namely in the dayes of the Prophet Malachy 1.3 See Ezech. 33.11 and 2. Peter 3.9 Math. 23.37 Acts 7.51 See Pro. 1. from verse 20. vnto the Chapters end All Ezechiel 18. Eccles 15.11 to the end nothing that thou hast made nor wouldest the death of a Sinner but rather that he should be conuerted liue haue mercy vpon all Iewes Turks Infidels and Hereticks c. So in the last Prayer sauing one of the Commination it is sayd Oh most mighty God and Mercifull Father which hast compassion of all men and hatest nothing that thou hast made which wouldest not the death of a sinner but that he should rather turne from sinne and be saued c. Dauid sayth The q Psal 145.9 Lord is good to all and his tender Mercies are ouer all his workes Likewise Saint Paul witnesseth God hath concluded all men in vnbeleefe that he might haue Mercy vpon r Rom. 11.32 all In the Booke of Wisedome it is sayd Thou ſ Wisedome 11.23 24. haste Mercy vpon all for thou canst do all things and winkest at the sinnes of men because they should amende For thou louest all the things that are and abhorrest nothing which thou hast made for neuer wouldest thou haue made any thing if thou hadst hated it Vnto the which Eternall Incomprehensible Almighty Wise Good Iust and Mercifull God be glore through Iesus Christ for euer Amen CHAP. 7. Of the Creation of the World and of the Angels in speciall IN the first part of the * T. 1. p. 67. Homily an Exhortation concerning good order and obedience to Rulers and Magistrates it is sayd Almighty God hath created and appointed all things in Heauen Earth and Waters in a most excellent and perfect order In Heauen hee hath appointed distinct and seuerall orders and states of Archangels and Angells In the beginning sayth the Scripture God t Genesis 1.1 and 2 1. Created heauen and earth and all the Host of them Also that by the u Col. 1.16 Sonne of God were all things Created that are in Heauen and that are in Earth Visible and Inuisible whether they be Thrones or Dominions or Principalities or Powers all things were Created by him and for him That there are Archangels aswell as Angels it appeareth out of Daniel where it is Written that Michael one of w Dan. 10.13 the chiefe Princes came to helpe him Michael is called an Archangell in the x Iude 9. Epistle of Iude. There is mention of another Archangell in y 2. Esdras 4.36 Esdras namely Vriel In Saint Ambrose his Song it is sayde vnto God To thee all Angels crye aloud the Heauens and all the powers therein To thee Cherubin and Seraphin continually do crye Holy holy holy Lord God of * Or Hosts Sabaoth That there are Powers in heauenly places and also Principalities among them not only the text aboue cited out of the Epistle to the Colossians prooueth but also Saint Paules words to the Ephesians saying To z Eph. 3.10 the intent that now vnto the Principalities and Powers in heauenly places might be knowne by the Church the manifold VVisedome of God Of Cherubins Novem Angelorum est cord●nes testante sacro eloquio scimus scilicet Angelos Archangel●s virtutes potestates principatut dominati●nes th●onos Cherubin aeque Seraphim Greg. in H●mil there is often mention in the tenth Chapter of Ezechiel And of Seraphins it is mentioned in the sixt Chapter of Isaiah In the Collect to be read on the day of the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel the Church sayth Euerlasting-God which hast o dayned and constituted the Services of all Angels and Men in wonderfull order Mercifully grant that they which alway do thee seruice in Heauen may by thine appoyntment succour and defend vs in Earth through Iesus Christ our Lord. Heb. 1.14 Are a they not all ministring Spirits as the Apostle sayth sent foorth to minister for them who shall be Heires of Saluation Dauid sayth Because b Psal thou hast made the Lord which is my refuge euen the most High thine Habitation there shal no euill befall thee neyther shal any Plague come nigh thy dwelling For he shal giue his Angels charge ouer thee to keepe thee in all thy wayes They shal beare thee vp in their hands least thou dash thy foot agaynst a stone Some of the Angels sinned in not c 2 Pet. 2 4. Iude 6. keeping their first estate but left their owne habitation and are cast downe to Hell reserued in euerlasting Chaines vnder darknesse vnto the iudgement of the great day It is our duty as the Church d In the Communion Service exhorteth with the holy Angels and Archangels and with all the Company of Heauen to laud and magnifie the e Deut. 28.58 glorious name euermore praysing him and saying f Reue. 4.8 Esay 6.3 Holy holy holy Lord God of Hosts Heauen and Earth are full of thy glory Glory be to thee O Lord most high CHAP. 8. Of the Creation of Man and of his estate in his innocency IN the * To 2. p. 167. Homily concerning the Nativity of our Saviour Iesus Christ it is sayd That among all the Creatures which God made in the beginning of the World most excellent and wonderfull in their kinde there was none as the Scripture beareth VVitnesse to be compared almost in any point vnto man who as well in Body and Soule
came to passe in some measure when as the Sacrament of circumcision according to Gods ordinance was receiued But now the grace is receiued in Baptisme and in the circumcision of the heart CHAP. 16. Of the calling of Moses IN the second part of the * T. 1. p. 33. Homily of good workes it is sayd Euer since the fall of Adam all that came of him haue beene so blinded through Originall sinne that they haue beene euer ready to fall from God and his Law and to inuent a new way vnto saluation by Workes of their owne deuising Insomuch that almost all the World forsaking the true honour of the onely eternall liuing God wandred about their owne fantasies Worshipping some the Sunne the Moone c. Such was the rudenesse of the people after they fell to their owne fantasies and left the eternall liuing God and his Commandements that they deuised innumerable images and Gods In which errour and blindnesse they did remaine vntill such time as Almighty God pittying the blindnesse of man sent his true Prophet Moses into the World for to reprooue and to rebuke this extreame madnesse and to teach the people to know the onely liuing God and his true honour and worship o 1 Iohn 3.11.12 Caine is mentioned the first man after Adam that brought foorth the fruites of the fall in that he fell from the loue which by the Law of nature hee owed vnto his Brother and hated him and slew him Caines posterity shewed a degenerated nature namely p Genesis 4.23 Lamech in taking two Wiues Whereas as Christ sayth From q Math. 19.8 the beginning it was not so For in the beginning it was sayd r Genesis 2.24 A man shall leaue Father and Mother and shall cleaue to his Wife and they twaine shall be one flesh Lamech also further manifested his corrupted nature saying I haue ſ Genesis 4.24 slayne a man in my Wounding and a young man to my hurt Great was the departure from Gods euerlasting Law vntill the dayes of Enos And t Genesis 4.26 then sayth the Text beganne men to call vpon the name of the Lord. Afterward Enoch the u Iude 14.15 seuenth from Adam prophecied saying Behold the Lord commeth with ten thousands of his Saints to execute iudgement vppon all and to conuince all that are vngodly among them of all their vngodly deedes which they haue vngodly committed and of all their hard speeches which vngodly sinners haue spoken against him But in the dayes of Noah iniquity agayne more exceedingly abounded though hee was a w 2 Pet. 2.5 Preacher of righteousnesse among the people And God brought in the Flood vpon the World of the Vngodly After the Flood the consideration whereof one might thinke would haue terrified mankinde from committing wickednesse people being multiplied especially the x Gene. 10.10 posterity of Ham fel to euill working againe to the building of a City and Tower whose y Gene. 11.4 top might reach vnto Heauen and to make themselues a name c. Yea not only the posterity of Ham but many also of the posterity of Shem degenerated so farre as that they serued z Ios 24.2 other Gods And as Achtor in the Booke of Iudith sayd Abraham with his would not follow the a Iudith 5.7 Gods of their Fathers which were in the Land of Chaldea but left the way of their Ancestours and worshipped the God of Heauen the God whom they knew In the dayes of Abraham there was in the World Gods Priest-hood after the order of b Genesis 14 18 Melchizedec whereof among the most there was little or no vse made but blindnesse of vnderstanding and iniquity of life most preuailed vntill that God raysed vp Moses as the Homily sayth who was c Heb. 3.5 faithfull in all Gods house who also witnessed against the abominations of the world and taught Gods d Ecclus 1.5 euerlasting Law with Gods Statutes e Deut 4.1 and iudgments CHAP. 17. Of the Passeouer IN the first part of the * T. 2 p. 197. Homily concerning receiuing the Sacrament it is sayd Of old time God decreed his wonderous benefits of the deliuerance of his people to be kept in memory by the eating of the Passeouer with his rites and Ceremonies In the second part of the * Page 202. Homily concerning the Sacrament it is sayd That newnesse of life as fruits of Faith is required in the partakers of the Lords table wee may learne by eating of the Typicall Lambe whereunto no man was admitted but hee that was a Iew that was circumcised that was before sanctified And in the * To. 2. p. 196. Transitus noster id est Phase ita e●lebratur siterrena et Aegiptū dimittente● ad Coelestia festmemus Hieronimus in cap. 26. Math. Homily of the Resurrection it is sayd Christ our Easter Lambe is offered vp for vs to slay the power of sinne to deliuer vs from the danger thereof and to giue vs examplē to dye vnto sinne in our liues And let vs passe ouer the affections of our old conuersation that wee may be deliuered from the bondage thereof and rise vp with Christ Moses from the Lord sayd vnto the people of Israel And f Exo. 12.26.27 it shall come to passe when your Children shall say vnto you what meane you by this seruice That yee shall say it is the sacrifice of the Lords Passeouer who passed ouer the houses of the Children of Israel in Egypt when hee smote the Egyptions and deliuered our houses Also sayth Moses g Exod. 12.48 when a stranger shall soiourne with thee and will keepe the Passeouer vnto the Lord let all his Males bee Circumcised and then let him come neere and keepe it And he shall be as one that is borne in the Land for no vncircumcised person shall eate thereof And concerning the Spirituall signification of the Passeouer it is manifest out of Saint Paules Words where he sayth h 1 Cor. 5.7.8 Purge out the old Leauen that yee may be a new Lumpe as yee are vnleauened for euen Christ our Passeouer is sacrificed for vs. Therefore let vs keepe the Feast not with olde Leauen neyther with the Leauen of malice and wickednesse but with the vnleauened bread of sincerity and truth The Passeouer was the second Sacrament celebrated in the Church of the Iewes the i Deut. 14.2 peculiar people of God in those times CHAP. 18. Of the Law giuen by Moses IN the first part of the * T. 2. p. 275. Homily against Disobedience and wilfull Rebellion it is sayd As God the Creatour and Lord of all things appoynted his Angels and Heauenly Creatures in all obedience to serue and to honour his Maiesty So was it his will that man his chiefe Creature vpon the earth should liue vnder the obedience of his Creatour and Lord. And for that cause God as soone as hee had Created man gaue vnto him
Iesus concerning you And Isaiah signifieth that thankesgiving acceptable to God consisteth not in words onely where he saith u Isa 5.16 God that is holy shall be sanctified in righteousnes In another place he saith w Isa 66.5 Heare ye the word of the Lord yee that tremble at his word your brethren that hated you that cast you out for my names sake said Let the Lord be glorified but he shall appeare to your joy and they shall bee ashamed Memorably saith the Church in the Communion service It is very meet right and our bounden duty that we should at all times and in all places give thankes unto thee O Lord Holy Father Almighty Everlasting God Of confession to God Concerning publike confession of our sinnes unto God the Divine Service beginneth with one that is generall and likewise there is a generall confession to be made afore receiving of the holy Communion The Prophet Daniel made a solemne x Dan. 9.4 confession unto God in the behalfe of the Iewes in generall that were with him in captivity in Babylon And Baruch wrote a long y Bar. 1.14.15 c. confession for the Iewes at Ierusalem to make reading it in the House of the Lord upon the feasts and solemne dayes There is also private confession of our sins to be made unto God whereof it is said in the second part of the * T. 2. Homily of repentance that it is the second part of repentance And the Homily saith If we will with a sorrowfull and contrite heart make an unfeined confession of our sinnes unto God hee will freely and frankly forgive them and so put all our wickednesse out of remembrance before the sight of his Majestie that they shall no more be z Heb. 8.12 thought upon Hereunto doth pertaine the golden saying of David where he saith on this manner a Ps 32.5 Then I acknowledged my sinne unto thee neither did I hide mine iniquitie I said I will confesse against my selfe my wickednesse unto the Lord and thou forgavest the ungodlinesse of my sinne These are also the words of Iohn the Evangelist b 1 Iohn 1.9 10. If wee confesse our sinnes God is faithfull and righteous to forgive us our sinnes and to make us cleane from all our wickednesse Which ought to be understood of the confession made unto God This is then the chiefest and most principall confession that in the Scriptures and Word of God wee are bidden to make and without the which wee shall never obtaine pardon and forgivenesse of our sinnes The Prodigall sonne made such a confession saying c Luke 15.21 Father I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight and am no more worthy to be called thy sonne Salomon saith d Prov. 28.13 Hee that hideth his sinnes shall not prosper but he that confesseth and forsakes them shall finde mercy CHAP. 45. Of singing Psalmes and spirituall songs in publike and in private and also of singing with musicke IN the title of the Psalmes in meeter in the Booke of Common prayer it is thus said The whole booke of Psalmes collected into English meeter by c. Conferred with the Hebrew with apt notes to sing them withall Set forth and allowed to bee sung in all Churches of all people together before and after morning and evening prayer as also before and after sermons and moreover in private houses for their godly solace and comfort laying apart all ungodly songs and Ballads which tend onely to the nourishing of vice and corrupting of youth Iames 5.13 If any be afflicted let him pray and if any be merry let him sing Psalmes And then in the Common prayer booke of that forme which is appointed for Churches there is added a Treatise made by Athanasius the great cōcerning the use and vertue of the Psalmes whose beginning is thus and a delivery most memorable All holy Scripture is certainly the teacher of all vertue and of true faith but the booke of Psalmes doth expresse after a certaine manner the very state and condition of the soule For as he which intendeth to present himselfe to a King first will compound with himselfe to set in good order both his gesture and his speech lest else he might be reputed rude and ignorant even so doth this godly booke informe all such as be desirous to lead their life in vertue and to know the life of our Saviour which hee ledd in his conversation putting them in minde in the reading thereof of all their affections and passions whereto their soule is inclined c. And then doe follow 99. signifyings of what Psalmes may be sung even upon most occasions that come to passe in this present life And both before and also after the Psalmes in meeter there are sundry spirituall songs which may be sung upon sundry occasions unto the great comfort of the minde * Of singing with musicke Concerning singing in publike it is said in the booke of Ezra e Ezra 3.10 11. When the builders laid the foundation of the Temple of the Lord they set the Priests in their apparell with Trumpets and the Levites the sonnes of Asaph with Cymbals to praise the Lord after the Ordinance of Dauid King of Israel And they sang together by course in praising and giving thankes unto the Lord because hee is good for his mercy indureth for ever towards Israel And in the booke of Chronicles it is said f 1 Chron. 16.7 David delivered a Psalme to thanke the Lord into the hand of Asaph and his brethren The which holy Prophet hath said g Ps 148.11 12 13 14. Kings of the earth and all people Princes and all Iudges of the earth both young men and maydens old men and Children let them praise the name of the Lord. h Ps 149.1 3. Sing unto the Lord a new song and his praise in the congregation of Saints let them sing praises unto him with Timbrell and Harpe i Ps 150.1 Praise yee God in his Sanctuary k Ps 95.1 2. O come let us sing unto the Lord let us make a joyfull noyse to the rocke of our salvation Let us come before his presence with thankesgiving and make a ioyfull noyse unto him with Psalmes l Ps 100.1 Serve the Lord with gladnesse come before his presence with singing Saint Paul said to the Church of Ephesus Be m Eph. 5.18 19 filled with the spirit speaking to your selves in Psalmes and hymnes and spirituall songs singing and making melodie in your heart to the Lord. n Ps 150.3 4 5. Praise the Lord saith David with the sound of the Trumpet praise him with the Psaltery and Harpe Praise him with the Timbrell and daunce praise him with stringed instruments and Organs Praise him upon the loud Cymbals praise him upon the high sounding Cymbals It is written that Moses and the Children of Israel o Exod. 15.1 sang a song unto the Lord. And that p
be b Ps 25.12 13 Isa 50.10 left without helpe For either God Almighty will c Acts 8.29 send him some godly Doctour to teach him as he did to instruct the Eunuch or else if wee lacke a learned man to instruct and teach us yet God himselfe from above will give d 2 Sam. 22.29 See the Collect for the third Sunday after Easter light unto our mindes and teach us those things which are necessary for us and wherein we bee ignorant And in another place Chrysostome saith That mans humane and e 1 Cor. 1.19 20 21. Rom. 1.22 Col. 2.8 1 Cor. 2.14 3.19 20. worldly wisdome or science needeth not to the understanding of Scripture but the f Mat. 11.27 Ioh. 14 26. 16.13 revelation of the holy Ghost who inspireth the true meaning unto them that with humility and diligence doe search therefore c. In the second part of the * T. 2 p. 149 150. Homily an information concerning certaine places of Scripture It is said If ye will be profitable hearers and readers of the holy Scriptures yee must first g Mat. 16.24 1 Cor. 4.18 deny your selves and keepe under your h 1 Cor. 2.14 Isay 55.7.8 Rom. 8.5 6 7. carnall senses taken by the outward words and search the inward meaning i Rom. 4.18 19 20 21 22. reason must give place to Gods holy Spirit you must submit your worldly wisedome and judgement unto his diuine wisedome and judgement Consider that the Scripture in what strange forme soeuer it be pronounced is the word of the living God It cannot therefore bee but k Tit. 1.2 Pro. 8.6 7 8 9. truth which proceedeth from the God of all truth it cannot be but wisely and prudently commanded what Almighty God hath devised how vainly soever through want of grace we miserable wretches doe imagine and judge of his most holy Word In the third part of the * T. 2. p. 231. Homily for Rogation weeke it is said l Wisd 7.14 Wisedome is an infinite treasure unto men which who so use become partakers of the love of God I might with many words move some of this audience to search for this wisedome to sequester their reason to follow Gods Commandement to cast from them the wits of their braines to savour this wisedome to renounce the wisedome and policy of this fond world to taste and savour that whereunto the favour and will of God hath called them and willeth us finally to enjoy by his favour if we m Prov. 1.33 2.1 2 3 4 5. 8.34 35. would give eare The elect as they can search n Iob where to finde this wisedome and know of whom to o Iam. 1.5 Ephes 17. aske it So know they againe that in time it is found and can therefore attemper themselves to the occasion of the time to suffer no time to p Eph. 5.15 16 17. Prov. 14.23 passe away wherein they may labour for this q Ecclus. 51.30 See all c. Ecclus. 24. wisedome And to encrease therein they know how God of his infinite mercy and lenitie giveth all men here time and place of r Rom. 2.4 Rev. 2.21 repentance The naturall man saith Saint Paul receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishnesse unto him neither Å¿ 1 Cor. 2.14 can he know them because they are spiritually discerned Wherefore the Lord Christ said verily verily except a man be borne againe he t Iohn 3.3 cannot see the kingdome of God The Prophet David saith u Psal 25.12 13 14.9 What man is hee that feareth the Lord him will hee teach the way that he shall choose His soule shall dwell at ease and his seed shall inherite the earth The secret of the Lord is with them that feare him and he will shew them his covenant The meeke will hee guide in judgement and the meeke will hee teach his way Saint Paul also saith Let no man deceive himselfe If any man among you seemeth to bee wise in this world let him become a w 1 Cor. 3.18 19 20. foole that hee may bee wise For the wisedome of this world is foolishnes with God We are to beleeve that every word syllable and x Mat. 5.18 Gal. 3.16 1 Cor. 15.27 Heb. 2.8 letter of the holy Scriptures is truth though the matter be farre y Rom 4.18.20 21 22. See in Homily in T. 2. p. 149. aboue our comprehension or * Some words are to bee understood not naturally but spiritually as in Rev. 11.8 and some figuratively as John 15.8 Luke 22.20 Psalme 6.6 Matth. 3.5 namely when as the naturall or proper sense of them cannot stand consonant either with the context or with other Scriptures The letter is to be retained alwaies in every understanding for let any jot or title passe and where is the Scripture then understanding The Lord saith Till heaven and earth passe one z Mat. 5.18 jot or one title shall in no wise passe from the Law till all be fulfilled The Scripture cannot be a Iohn 10.35 broken Yee shall not b Deut. 4.2 adde unto the word which I command you neither shall ye diminish ought from it that yee may keepe the commandements of the Lord your God which I command you c Pro. 30.6 Adde not thou unto his words lest he reproue thee and thou be found a lier Saint Peter saith that in Saint Pauls Epistles are some things d 2 Pet. 3.16 hard to bee understood which they that are unlearned and unstable doe wrest as they doe also the other Scriptures unto their owne destruction Againe the Lord Christ saith If ye e Iohn 8.31.32 continue in my word then are ye my disciples indeed And ye shall c know the truth and the truth shall make you free Againe hee said unto the Iewes If any man will doe the f Iohn 7.17 will of God my Father he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speake of my selfe Saint Iames saith If any want wisedome let him g Iames 1.5 aske of God that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be giuen him Christ saith your heauenly Father will h Luke 11.13 give the holy Spirit to them that aske him and which also i Acts 5.32 obey him which holy Spirit teacheth k 2. Pet. 1.3 all things that pertaine unto life and godlines and l Iohn 16.13 Psal 25.5 leadeth the obedient into all truth unto m Eph. 4.3 Ioh. 17.21 221 unity n Iam. 3.17.18 Gal. 5.22 23. peace and o Act. 1.14 Act. 2.46 and 4.32 Col. 2.2.5 1 Cor. 1.10 Phil. 2.2 concord Solomon most memorably saith p Prov. 2.1 2 3 4 5 6 7. My sonne if thou wilt receive my words and hide my Commandements with thee so that thou encline thine eare unto wisedome and apply
workes of the spirit namely the fruits of faith charitable and godly motions if we have any at all in him they proceed onely of the Holy Ghost who is the x onely worker of our sanctification and maketh us new men in Christ Iesus as David of a poore shepheard to become a Princely Prophet Matthew of a proud Publicane to become an humble and lowly Euangelist Peter of a simple fisher to become a chiefe and mighty Apostle Paul of a cruell and bloody persecutor to become a faithfull disciple of Christ and a teacher of the Gentiles Such is the power of the Holy Ghost to x 1 Cor. 6.11 regenerate men and as it were to bring them forth anew so that they shall bee y 2 Cor. 5.17 nothing like the men that they were before Regeneration is begun in Baptisme as the Service thereof expresly delivereth and it is increased afterward in all such as are z Rom. 8.14 Gal. 5.18 Eph. 4.15 16. led by the spirit of Iesus Christ Concerning conversion repentance and regeneration the holy Scriptures doe thus deliver Iesus Christ saith Verily I say unto you a Mat. 18.3 Except ye be converted and become as little children ye shall not enter into the Kingdome of heaven Except ye b Luke 13.3 repent yee shall all likewise perish Verily verily I say unto thee c Iohn 3.5.3 Except a man be borne againe he cannot see the kingdome of God Verily verily I say unto thee except a man be borne of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdome of God Moses saith d Deut. 10.16 Circumcise the fore-skin of your heart and be no more stiffe-necked The Lord saith by Ieremiah e Ier. 4 3 4 Break up your fallow ground and sow not among thornes Circumcise your selves to the Lord and take away the fore-skins of your heart lest my fury come forth like fire and burne that none can quench it because of the evill of your doings Hosea saith f Hos 10.22 Sow to your selves in righteousnesse reape in mercie breake up your fallow ground for it is time to seeke the Lord till he come and raine righteousnes upon you Christ said to the Angel of the Church of Ephesus Remember from whence thou art fallen and g Rev. 2.5 repent and doe the first workes or else I will come unto thee quickly and will remove thy Candlesticke out of his place except thou repent Saint Paul mentioneth to the Corinthians seven fruits of such repentance saying Godly sorrow worketh h 2 Cor. 7.10.11 repentance to salvation not to be repented of but the sorrow of the world worketh death For behold this selfe same thing that ye sorrowed after a godly sort what carefulnesse it wrought in you yea what clearing of your selves yea what indignation yea what feare yea what vehement desire yea what zeale yea what revenge c. CHAP. 79. Of our duty towards God as it is delivered in the most sacred Catechisme MY duty towards God is to beleeve in him to feare him and to love him with all my heart with all my minde with all my soule and with all my strength To worship him to give him thanks to put my whole trust in him to call upon him to honour his holy name and his word and to serve him truely all the dayes of my life Here are mentioned ten sundry matters of our duty towards God and each hath a large extent Now onely there shall bee delivered some briefe exposition of them The first of the duties reckoned up The first duty is to beleeve in God The i Iam. 2.19 Devils saith Saint Iames doe beleeve that there is one God and they tremble also But true Christians doe more they k Iohn 14.1 beleeve in that one eternall God In the first part of the * T. 1. p. 22. Homily of Faith it is said And this is not onely the common beleefe of the Articles of our Faith but it is also a true trust and confidence of the mercy of God l Act 15.11 Rom. 5.1.11 through our Lord Iesus Christ and a stedfast m Eph. 1.18 hope of all good things to be received at Gods hand and that although we through infirmity or temptation of our ghostly enemy doe n Rev. 2.5 fall from him by sinne yet if we o Deut. 30.2 and 4.29.30 returne againe unto him by true repentance that he will forgive and forget our offences for his Sonnes p Dan. 9.17 sake our Saviour Iesus Christ and will make us inheritors with him of his everlasting Kingdome and that in the meane time untill that Kingdome come he will bee our q Psal 91.1 2 protector and defender in all perills and dangers whatsoever doe chance and that though sometime he doth send us sharpe r Psal 44.19 adversitie yet that evermore he will be a loving father unto us correcting us for our sinne but not Å¿ Psa 89.28 29 30 31 32 33. and 99.8 withdrawing his mercie finally from us if we trust in him and t 1 Pet. 4.19 Psal commit our selves wholy unto him u 1 Pet. 5.7 hang only upon him and call upon him ready to w Heb. 5.9 obey and serve him Read the whole Homily of Faith for therein in wonderfull divine manner is declared what it is to beleeve in God Abrahams beleefe in God is set forth unto us for an example who as Saint Paul saith x Rom. 4.18 against hope beleeved in hope that he might become the father of many Nations according to that which was spoken so shall thy seed be It is the property of Christian faith to be y Rom. 4.19 20 21. fully perswaded that what God hath promised hee is able also to performe though the matter farre exceed our naturall comprehension how it can bee The Apostle saith z Heb. 11.1 faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seene The second duty The second duty is to feare God The feare of the Lord saith Solomon is to a Prov. 8.13 hate evill And he there reckoneth up the foure chiefe evills which are to be hated namely pride and arrogancie and the evill way and a froward mouth David saith Let all the earth b Ps 33.8 feare the Lord let all the Inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him Peter intimateth unto professors of Christianitie why they should feare God saying Forasmuch as yee call on the Father who without respect of persons judgeth according to every mans work passe the time of your sojourning here in c 1 Pet. 1.17 feare David declareth who truly feareth God saying Blessed is the man that d Ps 112.1 as it is in the Divine Service translation feareth the Lord hee delighteth greatly in his Commandements The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that e Ps 103.17.18
feare him and his righteousnesse unto childrens children To such as keepe his Covenant and to those that remember his Commandements to doe them Iesus the sonne of Syrach saith They that f Ecclus. 2.15.16 17. feare the Lord will not disobey his Word and they that love him will keepe his wayes They that feare the Lord will seeke that which is well pleasing unto him and they that love him shall bee filled with the Law They that feare the Lord will prepare their hearts and humble their soules in his sight They g Isa 66.5 tremble at Gods Word they dread to transgresse h Iam. 2.10 any part of it David saith Serve the Lord with feare and rejoyce with i Ps 2.11 trembling Paul saith to the Romanes Bee not high minded but k Rom. 11.20 21. feare For if God spared not the naturall branches take heed lest hee also spare not thee To the Philippians he saith Work out your owne salvation with l Phil. 2.12 The third Duty To love God feare and trembling The third is To love God with all our heart with all our minde with all our soule and with all our strength To love God is to love that which God is as namely heavenly m 1 Iohn 1.5 light n 1 Iohn charity o Pro. 8.12 14. Wisd 7.25 26. with Heb. 1.3 wisdome for God is in Scripture said to be Light Charity Wisedome Hence Christ saith Yee are my p Ioh. 15.14 friends or lovers if yee doe whatsoever I command you This is the q 2 Ioh. 5.3 love of God saith Iohn that wee keepe his Commandements and his Commandements are not grievous Againe he saith This is r 2 Ich. 6. love that wee walke after his Commandements Wherefore Christ saith If yee s Ioh. 14.15.21 23.24 love me keepe my commandements He that hath my commandements and keepeth them he it is that loveth mee If a man love me he will keepe my words He that is of God t Ioh. 8.47 heareth Gods words The entrance of Gods words giveth u Ps 119.130 light God is a w Ioh. 4.24 spirit of light a spirit of love and a spirit of eternall wisdome They therefore that love this Holy Spirit blessed for ever cannot but love his nature and propertie They delight to have heavenly x Ps 43.3 light come more and more into their understanding they delight to y Eph. 5.2 1 Cor. 16.14 walke in love They unfainedly desire to doe all things in z 1 Sam. 18.5 Prov. 13.16 Wis 7.8 Col. 1.9 godly wisdome God requireth that we a Prov. 23.26 Luke 10.27 give him our whole heart minde soule strength and that the b Iam. 4.7 1 Ioh. 5.18 ill spirit have no part nor portion of us David a man after Gods owne heart said to God With my c Ps 119.10 whole heart have I sought thee The Lord saith by Ieremiah Yee shal seeke me and find me when yee shall search for me with your d Ier. 29.13 whole heart The Lord Iesus saith If any man come to me and e Luk. 14.26 hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters yea and his owne life also hee cannot be my Disciple To hate in this place signifieth to love lesse as it is observed to signifie so in sundry f Gen. 29.31 Deut. 21.15 Mat. 6.24 other places The holy Prophets and Apostles which for the Lords sake left not onely their earthly substance but their friends wives and children yea and their owne bodily lives they in some measure loved God as the commandement requireth So such as unfainedly strive to be more and more dead unto g Rom. 6.11 sinne to bee more and more buried with Christ in his h Rom. 6.4 Col. 2.12 1 Cor. 15.31 death to i Rom. 6.6 crucifie the old man and utterly to abolish the whole body of sinne as it is prescribed in the Baptisme-service to the end that the k 2 Cor. 4.10.11 life of Iesus may be manifest in their mortall flesh and that his kingdome of grace may l Zach. 14.9 Obad. 21. Luk. 17.21 onely and wholy be administred in their soules they in some measure love God as his Law requireth The fourth duty is to worship God Christ saith God is a spirit to be worshipped in m Ioh. 4.23.24 spirit and in truth The fourth duty To worship God Paul saith Glorifie God in your n 1 Cor. 6.20 body and in your spirit which are Gods As I live saith the Lord every knee shall o Rom. 14.11 bow to mee and every tongue shall confesse to God Of the outward worships due to God read the 68. Chapter afore There are also other bodily worshippings of God mentioned in the Holy Scriptures besides those as to p Gen. 17.3 fall downe on ones face to the earth unto the Lord c. The receiving of the Sacraments is said to bee a part of Gods worship yea and the due observation of all his other outward ordinances as r Mat. 15.9 See concerning Gods inward worship or worship in spirit in the end of T. 2. p. 75 teaching c. is worship to God also The inward worshipping of God is the doing of all such duties within the spirit as thēce are to be performed unto God immediately as to ſ Micah 6.8 humble ones selfe so as to walke with God to do our parts towards the t Iam. 4.8 purifying of our hearts to u Ioel. 2.13 Ezech. 36.31 beare sorrow for our sinnes committed to rent our hearts to do our parts towards the w Ezech. 18.31 making of a new heart and a new spirit c. The fift duty is to give thankes unto God The fift duty to thanke God And this duty is to bee done within the spirit in bearing a gratefull minde x Eph. 5.20 continually unto God for all his mercies So did the Virgin Mary when she said My soule doth y Luk. 1.46.47 magnifie the Lord and my spirit hath rejoyced in God my Saviour So did David when hee said Blesse the Lord O my soule and al that is within me blesse his Holy name z Ps 104.1.2 Blesse the Lord O my soule and forget not all his benefits Concerning thanking God outwardly see Chapter 44. The sixt duty To trust wholy in God The sixt duty is to put our whole trust in him We are said to trust wholy in God when wee a Ps 37.7 rest on him and b Ps 37.5 depend totally upon him with hope of receiving his promises wee faithfully doing our parts in keeping the c 2 Kings conditions wherewith his promises are made Trust or confidence in God proceedeth partly out of knowledge of Gods Attributes or properties as it is written They that know thy d Ps 9.10 Name will put their trust in thee
unarmed in this behalfe he must needs be in continuall danger of that cruell adversary the roaring Lyon against whom the Apostle Peter warneth us to prepare our selves in continuall Å¿ 1 Pet. 5.8 9. sobriety that we may resist being stedfast in faith To the intent therefore that this sobernesse may be used in all our behaviour it shall be expedient for us to declare unto you how much all kinde of t Ephes 5.18 excesse offendeth the Majestie of Almighty God and how grievously he punisheth the immoderate abuse of those his creatures which he ordaineth to the maintenance of this our needy life as meats drinks and apparell In the * T. 2. p. 108. Homily against the excesse of apparell it is said It is not the goodlinesse of apparell nor the excellency of beauty nor the abundance of gold that maketh a woman to be esteemed but u Prov. 31.30 1 Tim. 2.9.10 modestie and diligence to live honestly in all things In the third part of * T. 2. p. 271. Homily of Repentance it is said The true parts and tokens of repentance are an hearty w Ps 51.17 contrition and sorrowfulnesse of our hearts unfained x Ps 32.5 confession in word of mouth for our unworthy living before God a stedfast y Rom. faith to the merits of our Saviour Christ for pardon and a purpose of our selves by Gods grace to z Isa 55.7 renounce our former wicked life and a full a Ezech. 18.21 conversion to God in a b Ioh. 15.8 new life to glorifie his name and to live c Col. 2.5 orderly and charitably to the comfort of our neighbour in all d Eph. 5.9.10 righteousnesse and to live soberly and modestly to our selves by using abstinence and e 1 Cor. 9 25. temperance in word and deed in f Col. 3.5 mortifying our earthly members here upon earth Saint Paul unto Timothy signifying with what conditions a Minister of the Church is to bee endued mentioneth modesty among the rest saying He must be blamelesse the husband of one wife vigilant sober of good behaviour or * 1 Tim. 3.2 as in the margent modest given to hospitality apt to teach c. The Apostle commandeth women to adorne themselves in g 1 Tim. 2.9 modest apparell Also he teacheth that aged men bee h Tit. 2.2.3 sober grave temperate sound in faith in charity in pacience The aged women likewise that they bee in behaviour as becommeth holinesse not false accusers not given to much wine teachers of good things That they may teach the yong women to be i Tit. 2 3.4 sober to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet chast keepers at home good obedient to their owne husbands that the word of God bee not blasphemed Young men exhort likewise to be sober minded The instruction in Ecclesiasticus is memorable k Eccius Speake young man if there bee need of thee and yet scarcely when thou art twice asked Let thy speech bee short comprehending much in few words bee as one that knoweth and yet holdeth his tongue If thou be among great men make not thy selfe equall with them and when l Ecclus. 7.14 ancient men are in place use not many words Of Patience IN the Collect for Saint Iohn Baptists day it is said Make us so to follow his Doctrine and holy life that we may truly m Luk. 3.3 4 5 6. repent according to his Preaching and after his example constantly n Mat. 10.32 Phil. 2.16 speake the truth boldly o Lev. 19.17 rebuke vice and patiently p Mat. Iam. 1 Pet. 3.14 suffer for the truths sake In the first * T. 2. p 178. Homily of the Passion it is said Let us therefore now open our harts againe to Iesus Christ study in our lives to bee thankefull to such a Lord and evermore to bee mindfull of so great a benefit yea let us take up our q Mat 10.38 crosse with Christ and follow him His Passion is not onely the r 1 Tim 2.6 ransome and whole amends for our sinne but it is also a most perfect s Heb 12.1 2 3 4. example of all patience and sufferance For it behooved Christ thus to t Luk. 24.46 suffer and to enter into the glory of his Father Why should it not become us to beare patiently our small crosses of adversity and the troubles of this world For surely as saith Saint Peter Christ therefore suffered to leave us an u 1 Pet. 2.21 example to follow his steps And if we w 2. Tim. 2.11.12 suffer with him we shall be sure also to reigne with him in heaven Not that the x Rom. 8.18 sufferance of this transitory life should be worthy of that glory to come but gladly should we be contented to suffer to be y Rom. 8.29 1 Ioh. 2.6 like Christ in our life that so by our z Mat. 5.16 workes we may glorifie our Father which is in heaven And as it is painefull and grievous to beare the Crosse of Christ in the griefes and displeasures of this life so it a Heb. 12.11 bringeth forth the joyfull fruit of b Rom. hope in all them that bee exercised therewith Let us not so much behold the paine as the c Heb. 11.26.27 reward that shall follow that labour Nay let us rather endeavour our selves in our sufferance to endure innocently and guiltlesse as our Saviour Chirst did Perfect patience careth not what nor how much it suffereth nor of whom it suffereth whether of friend or foe but studieth to suffer d 1. Pet. 2.19 and 3.14 innocently and without deserving Yea he in whom e Mat 5.48 perfect Charity is careth so little to revenge that he rather studieth to doe good for evill to blesse and say well of them that curse him to pray for them that pursue him according to the example of our Saviour Christ who is the most perfect example and patterne of all meekenesse and sufferance Saint Iames saith My brethren count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh f Iam. 1.2.3 patience but let patience have her perfect worke that ye may be perfect and entire wanting nothing Saint Paul to the Thessalonians saith Be g 1 Thes 5.14 patient toward all men And againe Saint Iames saith Bee h Iam. patient therefore brethren unto the comming of the Lord Behold the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth and hath long patience for it untill hee receive the early and latter raine Bee ye also patient stablish your hearts for the comming of the Lord draweth nigh Take my brethren the Prophets who have spoken in the name of the Lord for an ensample of suffering affliction and of patience Behold wee count them happy which
saith the Lord and yee have made hast every man to his owne house for this cause are the heavens stayed over you that they should give no deaw and the earth is forbidden that it shall bring forth her fruit and I have called drought upon the earth and upon the Mountaines and upon corne and upon wine and upon Oyle and upon all things that the earth bringeth forth and upon men and upon beasts and upon all things that mens hands labour for In the second part of the * T. 2. p. 91 92. Homily of fasting it is said God sometime striketh private men privately with sundry adversities as d Deut. 28.65 66 67. trouble of minde losse of friends e Zeph. 1.13 losse of goods long and f Deut. 28.22 27 c. dangerous sicknesses c. In the fourth part of the * T. 2. p. 236. Homily for Rogation weeke it is said That God in his ire doth g 1 King 14.15 Zeph. 2.3 4. roote up whole kingdomes for wrongs and oppressions and doth translate kingdomes from one nation to another for unrighteous dealing for wrongs and riches gotten by deceit This is the practice of the Holy One saith h Dan. 4.30 31 32. Daniel to the intent that living men may know that the most High hath power over the Kingdomes of men and giveth them to whomsoever he will Furthermore what is the cause of penury and scarcenesse of dearth and famine Is it any other thing but a token of Gods ire i Ezech. 5.6 7 8 15 16. revenging our wrongs and injuries done one to another Ye have sowne much upbraideth God by his Prophet Aggai and yet bring in little yee eate but ye be not satisfied ye drinke but ye be not filled ye cloath your selves but yee bee not warme he that earneth his wages putteth it in a k Hag. 1.5 6. bottomlesse purse ye looked for much increase but loe it came to little and when yee brought it home into you Barnes I did blow it away saith the Lord. The Lord saith by Moses It shall come to passe if thou wilt not hearken unto the voyce of the Lord thy God to observe to doe all his Commandements and his Statutes which I command thee this day that all these curses shall come upon thee overtake thee Cursed shalt thou be in the City and cursed shalt thou be in the field c. Reade from verse 16. unto the Chapters end it is of all Chapters in the Bible amplest in reckoning up Gods sundry curses in this life upon disobedient people Reade also the 26. Chapter of Leviticus The Lord in these dayes much inwardly punisheth people of unbeliefe and disobedience The Lord doth unto many now as he did to the Israelites He giveth them their request as concerning many outward blessings but sendeth l Ps 106.15 leannesse into their soule Isaiah saith The wicked are like the m Isa 57.20 21. troubled Sea when it cannot rest whose waters cast up mire and dirt There is no peace to the wicked In the Revelation it is said They have no n Rev. 14.11 rest day nor night who worship the Beast and his Image and whosoever receiveth the marke of his name Isaiah concludeth his prophecie with declaring what is the inward estate and condition of all such as continue in sinne willingly yea whiles they live here on earth saying also concerning obedient people That they shall goe forth and o Isa 66.24 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 looke upon the Carkeises of the * transgressing ones against God for their worme shall not dye neither shall their fire be quenched and they shall bee an abhorring unto all flesh In all people which will not humble themselves to live according to all the commandements of Christ and according to all the Ordinances of his Church but resolve to persist in their owne-chosen wayes and to follow the imagination of their owne mindes there at length breedeth in such people a worme within their conscience which more and more * Abben Esrain Ps 1.1 s●ribit Improbos esse dictos 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quasi inquietos qui nunquam in eadem constitutione permanent gnaweth them so that if the said worme like as the Woolfe which breedeth in some peoples bodies be not fed with what liketh him he gnaweth the conscience exceedingly Such a worme was bred in the Conscience of many of the Iewes through their wilfull disobedience when as Christ and his Ministers preached amongst them Nothing could those disobedient people p Iohn 8.43 45.51 learne from Christ and his Ministery which could comfort them or appease their troubled mindes whiles they endeavoured not to obey his Gospell Also within disobedient peoples breasts there becommeth a q Heb. 10.27 Ps 11.6 fire kindled wherethrough they are in a spiritual fire any spiritual person which had the spirit of discerning might insee into them and perceive them inflamed with a great ſ Rom. 10.2 3. zeale but not towards obediēce of al the Cōmandements of Christs Gospell nor towards obedience of al the Ordināces of Christs Apostolical Church of Englād There is a proverbe The which are in hell know of none other heavē Wilfull disobedient people being themselves without t Isa 48.22 Rom. 3.17 peace of conscience conclude contrary to the Doctrine of the universall holy Scriptures of the whole Divine Service of the Church that no body else hath that u Phil. 4.7 peace of God which passeth all understanding and keepeth our hearts and mindes in the knowledge and love of God and of his Sonne Iesus r 1 Cor. 2.13 Christ our Lord with the which blessed peace holy Church from Sabbath to Sabbath w Numb 6.23 c. blesseth her obedient Members and every one of them x 2 Thes 3.16 Isa 66.12 Isa 14.27 Phil. 1.9 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in all sense or feeling as it is rendred in the Margent feeleth it within themselves more and more CHAP. 98. Of deferring repentance untill likelihood of bodilie death IN the Collect for the first Sunday in Advent we are taught to pray Almighty God give us grace that we may cast away the workes of darknesse and put upon us the armour of light y Rom. 13.11 12 13 14. now in the time of this mortall life in the which thy Sonne Iesus Christ came to visit us in great humility c. In the Rubricke afore the Communion of the sicke it is said Forasmuch as all mortall men be subject to many sudden perils diseases and sicknesses z Ps 31.15 and ever uncertaine what time they shall depart out of this life therefore to the intent they may be alway in a a Iob. 14.14 1 Cor. 5.9 Mat. 25.10 Rev. 19.7 readinesse to dye whensoever it shall please God to call them the Curate shall diligently from time to time c. In the Service for Buriall it is said b Iob 14.1
99. Of sundry of Gods blessings upon obedient people in this present life IN the first part of the * T. 2. p. 5. Homily concerning the right use of the Church it is said If we would with diligence resort to the house of the Lord together to serve the Lord with one accord and u Zeph. 3.9 consent in all holinesse and righteousnesse before him wee have promises of benefits both heavenly and worldly Wheresoever two or three be gathered in my name saith our Saviour Christ there am I in the w Mat. 18.20 middest of them And what can bee more blessed than to have our Saviour Christ x Psal Ezech. 48.35 among us In the second part of the * T. 2. p. 93.94 Homily of Fasting it is said Godwhich heard y 1 King 21.29 Ahab and the z Ionah 3.10 Ninevites and spared them will also heare our prayers and spare us so that we after their example will unfainedly turne unto him yea he will blesse us with his heavenly benedictions the time that we have to tary in this world and after the race of this mortall life he will bring us to his a Mat. 7.21 heavenly Kingdome In the second part of the * T. 2. p. 212. Homily for Whitsunday it is said Our Saviour Christ departing out of the world unto his Father promised his disciples to send downe another Comforter that should b Iohn 14.16 continue with them for ever and direct them into c Iohn 16.13 all truth The blessing pronounced at the end of Evening-Service namely d 2 Cor. 13.14 The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost be with us all evermore Is it not a great comfort to a soule for to enjoy all the same Saint Iohn accounted the fellowship with Gods Spirit the Sūmum bonum the supreame happinesse in this world where hee saith z Pet. 1.11 to the little children in Christ That which we have seene and heard declare we unto you that ye also may have fellowship with us and truely our e 1 Ioh. 1.1 2 3 fellowship is with the Father and with his Sonne Iesus Christ And these things write wee unto you that your joy may be full In the * T. 2. p. 193. Homily of the Resurrection it is signified That untill the generall resurrection in the last day whiles wee now are in this world Gods holy spirit may be had within our hearts as a f 2 Cor. 1.22 seale and g Eph. 1.13.14 Rom 8.15 16.23 pledge of our everlasting inheritance Yea saith that sacred * T. 2. p. 192 Homily unto every true member of Christ Thou hast received Christs body to have within thee the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost for to h Ioh. 14.23 2 Cor. 6.16 dwell with thee for to endow thee with grace to strength thee against thine enemies and to comfort thee with their presence And againe Christ now entred within us how dare we be so bold to renounce the presence of the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost for where one is there is God i Col. 3.11 Ephes 4.6 1 Cor. 3.16 17. and 6.19 all whole in Majesty together with all his power wisdome and goodnesse and feare not I say the danger and perill of so traiterous a defiance and departure In the first * T. 2. p. 180. Homily of the Passion it is said God give us all grace to follow Christs k 1 Pet. 2.21 1 Iohn 2.6 examples in peace in charity in patience and sufferance that wee now may have him our ghest to enter and dwell within us so as we may be in full surety having such a pledge of our salvation If we have him and his favour we may be sure that we have the favour of God l Mat. 3.17 by his meanes In the third Exhortation afore the Communion it is said If with a true penitent heart and lively faith wee receive that holy Sacrament then we m Iohn 6.63.36 spiritually eate the flesh of Christ and drink his blood then we dwell in Christ and Christ in us we be n 1 Cor. 6.17 one with Christ and Christ with us In the * T. 2. p. 195. Homily of the Resurrection it is said Apply your selves good friends to live in Christ that Christ may still live o Gal. 2. 2 Cor. 4.10.11 in you whose favour and assistance if ye have then p Iohn 3.36 and 6.47 1 Iohn 5.20 have you everlasting life already within you then can nothing q Rom. 8.31 hurt you Whatsoever is hitherto done and committed Christ ye see hath offered you pardon and clearly received you to his favour againe in full surety whereof yee have him now inhabiting and r Rom. 8.9 10 11. Gal 4.6 1 Iohn 3.24 dwelling within you In the first part of Whitsunday * T. 2 p. 209. Homily it is said The Holy Ghost doth not thinke it sufficient inwardly to work the spirituall and new birth of man unlesse he doe also ſ 1 Cor. 3.16 dwell and abide in him In the first part of the * T. 1. p. 60. Homily against the feare of Death it is signified That a true Christian is the very t Ephes 5.30 member of Christ the u 1 Cor. 3.17 Temple of the Holy Ghost the w Rom. 8.14 15 16. Sonne of God and the very x Rom. 8.17 Iam. 2.5 inheritour of the everlasting Kingdome of Heaven Most memorable is that sentence of the Holy Ghost delivered by Saint Paul unto Timothy Godlinesse is profitable unto all things having promise of the life that y 1 Tim. 4.8 now is and of that which is to come David saith The Lord will give strength unto his people The Lord will blesse his people with z Psal 29.11 peace Wisedome saith in the booke of the Proverbs Whoso hearkeneth unto me shal dwell a Prov. 1.33 safely and shall be quiet from feare of evill And Solomon also saith b Prov. 3.16 17 18. Length of dayes is in her right hand and in her left hand riches and honour She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her Isaiah saith Since the beginning of the world men have not heard nor perceived by the eare neither hath the eye seene O God besides thee what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him Thou c Isa 64.4 5. meetest him that rejoyceth and worketh righteousnesse those that remember thee in thy wayes Peter saith The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous and his eares are d 1 Pet. 3.12 open unto their prayers Hanani the Seer said The eyes of the Lord runne too and fro throughout the whole earth to shew himselfe strong in the e 2 Chro. 16.9 behalfe of him whose heart is perfect towards him David saith The Lord is
a Sunne and sheild the Lord will give grace and glory f Psal 84.11 no good thing will he with-hold from them that walke uprightly Saint Iohn saith Whatsoever we aske g 1 Ioh. 3.22 we receive of him because wee keepe his Commandement and doe those things which are pleasing in his sight And Isaiah saith unto Christs Church Behold the darknesse shall cover the earth and grosse darknesse the people but the Lord shall arise upon thee and his glory shall be seene upon h Isa 60.2 thee Saint Paul saith to the Ephesians In Christ also after that ye beleeved ye were i Ephes 1.13.14 sealed with that holy Spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance untill the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of his glory Yea Saint Peter signifieth that if faith vertue knowledge temperance patience godlinesse brotherly kindnes and charity be in us and abound we shall never k 2 Pet. 1.10 11. fall but so an entrance shall be ministred unto us abundantly into the everlasting Kingdome of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ Many more are the blessings which accompany Gods true Religion now in this life present which a devout soule may observe signified throughout all the Scriptures and the books of Divine Service Read Deuteronomy 28. Isaiah 60. and observe the 7. sundry blessings promised by Christ in Mat. 5. and to what conditioned people they are made likewise the 7. promises or blessings signified to the seven Churches of Asia in Rev. 2 3 CHAP. 100. Against separating from the Church of England by law established under the Kings Majesty in any manner IN the third part of the * T. 1. p. 36. Homily concerning good works it is signified That the world from the beginning untill Christs time was ever ready to l Exod. 32.1 7 8. fall from the Commandements of God and to seeke other meanes to honour and serve him m 1 Sam. 15.21 22 23. after a devotion found out of their owne heads and how they did set up their owne n Mat. 15.3 6 9. traditions as high or above Gods Commandements which hath happened also in our times the more it is to be lamented no lesse than it did among the Iewes and that by the corruption or at least by the o Mat. 13.25 26. negligence of them that chiefly ought to have preserved the pure and heavenly doctrine left by Christ What man having any judgement or learning joyned with a true zeale unto God doth not see and lament to have entred into Christs Religion such p 1 Tim. 4.1 2 3. false doctrine superstition idolatry hypocrisie and other q 2 Tim. 3.1 2 3 4 5. enormities and abuses so as by little and little through the sowre leaven thereof the sweet r Rev 11 3 7 8. bread of Gods holy Word hath been much hindred and layed apart For the reforming of the which the like things amisse the holy Fathers of the Church of England by the assent and consent of the Royall Majesty set forth the book of common Prayer the book of Homilies and the booke of ordering of Bishops Priests and Deacons for to declare the true worship of Almighty God and to be used in the publike performance of the same They also for the avoiding of diversities of opinions and for the stablishing of consent touching true Religion composed 39. Articles concerning fundamental matter in religion And for to keepe decency order and uniformity of Christian life throughout the whole Church there are made Constitutions Canons Ecclesiasticall 141. Moreover for the instruction of scholers in schooles and likewise for the use of all other people there is set forth by publike authority a Catechisme of a larger and of a shorter forme which is commonly called Nowels Catechisme And it expoundeth the 10. Commandements the 12. Articles of the Creed the 6. Petitions of the Lords Prayer and the Sacraments Baptisme the Supper of the Lord There is also the booke called God and the King which every subject ought to have for to be minded most constātly resolved according to the information of the same booke These aforesaid books are the bookes of the established doctrine discipline of the Church of England Now besides those books the law instruction or teaching of the Church our ſ Prov. 6.20 21 22 23. mother There is also the whole holy Bible by the appointmēt of the royal Majesty the ministery of learned Doctors in the Church t 1 Cor. 14.12.19 Hab. 22. Psal 67.2 set forth into our mother tongue and so published as that every man woman child may enjoy it for to u Ps 119.9 conforme their minds lives according to all the everlasting commandements of the same Seeing then that the Church of England doth thus w Phil. 2.16 hold forth the word of life eternall cherisheth nourisheth up her members therin even from their very infancie for so it is her ordinance that every particular person should be educated how greatly doe they sinne which doe in any manner x Iude 19. separate from her But some will say That shee her selfe is separated from other Christian Churches with which shee was at unity in times past Let us heare the words of the Church her selfe concerning this matter written in her 30 Canon where it is said So farre was it from the purpose of the Church of England to forsake and reject the Churches of Italy France Spaine Germany or any such like Churches in all things which they held and practised that as the Apologie of the Church of England confesseth it doth with reverence retaine those Ceremonies which doe neither endamage the Church of God nor offend the mindes of sober men and onely departed from them in those particular points wherein they were fallen both from themselves in their ancient integrity and from the Apostolicall Churches which were their first Founders There are others of sundry kinds which say we separate not from the Church but from her errors and from her superstitions or from her imperfections If any one will unpartially by all Gods expresse word examine what those wise ones in their owne eyes doe finde fault withall in any of the aforementioned bookes of the Church and what they doe y Isa 50.11 Ier. 16.20 setup to themselves for to follow hee cannot but by the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ which at length z Psal 25.12 13 14. Iohn 7.17 Mat. 7.7 8. bringeth every one into the way of truth which unfeinedly seeketh it for to walke faithfully therein unto his lives end plainly perceive that such have no more cause to separate in regard of any particular than others have in regard of the generall deliveries by the aforesaid Church of England in the bookes above named To God onely wise bee glory through Iesus Christ for ever Amen FINIS