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A51574 The acts of the witnesses of the spirit in five parts / by Lodowick Mvggleton ..., left by him to be publish'd after's death. Muggleton, Lodowick, 1609-1698. 1699 (1699) Wing M3040; ESTC R11186 121,881 188

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They made nothing of that 11. So the Time appointed came and there was prepared a good Dinner of Pork and the three came ready prepared to curse us and our God 12. So Proudlove and Remington went from us to those Men and Remington said unto them If you three will go up and curse them and their God you shall have a good Dinner of Porke 13. Then one the stoutest of the Three said unto him pray tell me what is their God that we must curse 14. Remington answered and said That the Lord Jesus Christ is their God and they own no other Father or God but he And now if you will go in they be there and curse them and the Lord Jesus Christ their God you shall have a good Dinner of Porke 15. When they heard this the most stoutest Man of them smote his Hand on his Breast and said If that be their God I will never do it if I might gain the whole World And said That he was sorry and troubled that he should conceive such a thing in his Heart So said the other Two We will do no such Wickedness So they departed without their Dinner of Porke 16. But he that repented himself could not be at quiet in his Mind until such time he had asked us Forgiveness 17. So we forgave him his Sin for that and he remained very kind to John Reeve all his days tho he did not beleive that we were the two last Prophets and Witnesses of the Spirit 18. Also this Remington was called to an account by John Reeve as one in this Plot and he told the truth how Proudlove laid the Plot and that he did but go with him being an old Acquaintance So we forgave Remington and gave Proudlove the Sentence of Condemnation to Eternity CHAP. VII Of the Dispute with Mr. Leader a New-England Merchant and of the Prophet's convincing him how that God had a Body and how God is worshiped in Spirit and Truth with Bodys and that there is no Spirit without a Body 1. AFTER this in the Year 1653 there came a certain Man a Merchant and a great Travellor into many parts of the World and he was a religious Man but had somwhat declined the outward Forms of Worship because he could find no Rest there 2. So he applied his Heart more to Philosophy and the knowledg of Nature more than Religion for he thought he had seen the utmost of Religion and that there was nothing in it 3. Indeed he was a great Philosopher and a very wise Man in the things of Nature His Name was Richard Leader 4. It came to pass when he came out of New-England being persecuted there because he could not submit to their forms of Worship and when he came into Old-England again he heard there were two Prophets now risen up who called themselves The two Witnesses c. 5. So he enquired where he might speak with these Prophets so he was brought unto us and he was very sober in his talk and he propounded his Questions with great Moderation 6. The first Question was concerning God Whether God that created all things could admit of being any Form of himself 7. We answered and said That God made Man in his own Image and Likeness And if Man have a Form then God must needs have a Form himself even in the form of Man else them Words of Moses are not true That God made Man in his own Image and breathed into him the Breath of Life and he became a living Soul 8. Mind the Form of Man was the Image and Likeness of God before God breathed into him the Breath of Life 9. Therefore God must needs be in the form of a Man from Eternity Therefore it was that God said Let us make Man after our own Image and Likeness This was the true Sense and Meaning of Moses and it is dangerous for any Man to deny it 10. Besides said we there is no Spirit can have any Being without a Body neither God Angels nor Man And further that God that is a Spirit without a Body is no God at all 11. For we that are men that have Bodies have power over all Spirits whatsoever that have no Bodies For it is the dark Imagination of Reason in man that hath created to it self Spirits without Bodies which is none of God's Creation 12. When he heard this he considered the things of Nature that no Spirit could have any being without its Body 13. Then he marvelled and said Where have we been all this while that took God for a Spirit without a Body Oh! how have we been in the dark 14. But said he doth not Christ say God is a Spirit and God will be worshiped in spirit and truth And Christ said His Words were Spirit and Life 15. We answered and said Can a Man worship God in Spirit and Trust without a Body He said No. Then said I neither can God accept of any Mans worship except he hath a Body of his own For God hath a Body of his own as Man hath a Body of his own only God's body is spiritual and heavenly clear as Christial brighter than the Sun swifter than Thought yet a body 16. But Man's body is earthly and made of the Earth in the image and likeness of God's own body only Man's body is of the Earth earthly and God's body is the Lord from Heaven heavenly Yet Man's body is the image of God as well as his Soul as Moses did truly mean as he spake 17. For this I say that if Man's Body and Soul had been spiritual in its Creation then when Man's Thoughts do assend up to Heaven his body would assend with it in the twinkling of an Eye 18. For the Thoughts of Man are swift and if his body which is earthly do but put on Immortality then his body would assend with his Thoughts up into the Aire and so to Heaven 19. These immortal bodies can do and at the last day these vile bodies of ours that doth truly beleive shall be made like unto his own glorious body 20. For now our bodies are natural bodies but when these natural bodies shall rise spiritual bodies then shall Immortality take place and these vile bodies of ours that are now mortal yet made in the image of God's own glorious body shall be spiritual and heavenly bodies even like unto his glorious body 21. And because God's body is spiritual and heavenly and cannot be seen by the natural sight of the Eye therefore it was that Christ said God is a Spirit and will be worshiped in spirit and truth 22. Observe For as a Man cannot worship in spirit and truth without a body neither is that any God at all that hath no body of its own neither is a Spirit without a body of its own any Object of Faith or Worship for a Spirit without a body hath no substance And as for those words of Christ being Spirit and Life consider they
weighed it in my Mind and was loath to forsake it 16. Then I consider'd my Soul was of more value and what would it avail me to be rich in this World for a Moment and to loose my Soul for I was extreamly fearful of eternal Damnation thinking my Soul might go into Hell Fire without a Body as all People did at that time 17. And after much strugling in my Mind I came to this resolution in my self that rather then I would loose my Soul or be damned to Eternity I would loose the Maid And that way that would have made me Rich and that I would be zealous of the Law of God as afterwards I was 18. Here the two Seeds of Faith and Reason did work in me but I knew them not by Name nor Nature at that time nor many Years after 19. But as I did fear it came to pass for the Maids Mother seeing my Mind so changed and so zealous of the Laws of the Scriptures and that I would not keep that way as I thought to do before 20. She would not let her Daughter have me to her Husband so the Maid was perswaded by her Mother 21. And my Zeal to save my Soul perswaded my Mind to let her go so we parted 22. Thus I forsook the World and a Wife which I lov'd in the days of my ignorance for zeal to the Law of God which I thought to be Truth and the true way and so it was 23. But I did not know it till many years after but the Lord God of Truth had respect unto my Person and Zeal at that time and prevented me from falling into that Snare of being rich in this World CAP. V. The Prophet shews his Care his Fear and Zeal in the Law of God and of the working of his Thoughts and heighth of the Puritan Religion 1. SO after I had parted with the Maid and that way that did offend my Conscience I was resolved to live so upright to the Law of God and so just between Man and Man that I thought in time I might procure favour with God and to attain assurance of my Salvation 2. For I was fully possest that there was really Salvation to be attained unto by my Righteousness and that there was a real Damnation to all those that were unrighteous or did not demean themselves so strictly as I did 3. For I was exceeding fearful of Hell and eternal Damnation The very Thoughts of it made my Spirit many times fail within me 4. But by Prayer and my Righteous Practices I did many times recover some Hope and Peace again 5. All this while I did suppose my Soul might go into Hell without a Body and that Millions of Souls were in Hell-Fire without Bodies and that the Devil being a Bodily Spirit did torment those Souls that came there and that the Devil had liberty to come out of Hell to Tempt People here on Earth and go there again but no Soul that he had gotten there could come out of Hell more 6. These things wrought in my Mind exceeding great Fear and stir'd me up to a more exceeding Righteousness of Life thinking thereby that my Righteous Life would have cast out those tormenting Fears but it did not 7. Yet notwithstanding I did continue in my Zeal and was earnest in the Puritant Religion and Practice neither did I know how to find Rest any where else neither did I hear any Preach in those Days but the Puritan Ministers whose Hair was cut short 8. For if a Man with long Hair had gone into the Pulpit to preach I would have gone out of the Church again tho he might preach better than the other 9. But we Puritans being Pharisaically minded were zealous of outward Appearance and of outward Behaviour for we minded that more than their Doctrin 10. For we took it for granted that God was a Spirit without a Body and that Christ Jesus his Son had a Body in form like Man and that he did mediate to God his Father who was a Spirit without a Body and that for Christ's sake this Spirit without a Body did hear us and speak Peace unto us 11. Also I believed that the Devil was a Spirit without a Body and could assend out of Hell when God did give him leave and sugest evil Thoughts of Lust Theft Murther and Blasphemy against God not thinking that these Thoughts and Motions did arise out of Man's own Heart but from a Divel a Spirit without a Body without Man 12. Also I thought those Souls which God did Save were carried up to Heaven without Bodies and should be with God who was a Spirit without a Body and that we should see Christ Jesus in Heaven with his Body with our Spirits that were Saved without Bodies till the Resurrection and then Body and Soul should be United together again 13. Also we did believe that the wicked Spirits should be cast into Hell Fire without Bodies where the Devil and his Angels being Spirits without Bodies should Torment the Souls of the Wicked till the Day of Resurrection and then those Wicked Souls should be United to their Bodies again and be Tormented Body and Soul together with the Devil and his Angels who were Spirits without Bodies in Hell Fire for ever and ever 14. And we did believe that the Angels of God were Ministring Spirits without Bodies as God was a Spirit without a Body so were they and could minister Comforts unto Men without Bodies 15. And we did believe our own Souls to be Immortal and could not Die but did subsist the good Spirits with God in Heaven without Bodies and the wicked Souls did subsist in Hell without Bodies 16. These were some of the Fundamental Principles of Faith and Religion we Zealous Puritans did believe and practice and there is no better Faith in the World to this day in the generality of Professors of Religion 17. These Things was I very well versed in and I grew in great Experience and Knowledge in the Letter of the Scriptures and had a good Gift of Prayer and was very strong in Disputes because my Mind was extreamly perplexed with the fear of Hell notwithstanding my exact life to the Letter of the Law 18. But the fear of Hell wrought in me much Experience so that I did exceed several other Men in that Knowledge which was in those days and tho' I was judged a very godly knowing-Man and a happy Man by others yet I could not judge so of my self but the fear of Hell was oft rising up in me 19. For I never Conceited well of my own Knowledge but thought the Knowledge of other Men did far exceed me because they seemed to be better satisfied in their Minds than I was 20. Yet I thought in my self that in time by my Prayers and Righteousness and exact Walking and hearing of Preaching that I might heal that Wound in my Soul which was made and I knew not for what 21. For I
in Scarlet and sat on the Judgment Seat against me shall be in Hell And that lofty bauling Spirit of his shall be his Devil the one shall be as Fire and the other as Brimstone Burning together to all Eternity 26. And he shall remember in the Resurrection when he is Raised again that he gave Judgment upon me for Writing this Sentance to others and I am sure the God of Heaven will not deliver him from those Eternal Torments 27. There is a Necessity that these Men of all others should be Damn'd to Eternity For there was more Enemies against me then could be Numbered through the Occasion of these Five Men aforementioned 28. And I could freely forgive the rude Multitude for they knew not what they did but there is no forgiveness of these Five Men nor Jury nor Judge nor Officers that gave their consent to that Judgment that was passed upon me the 27th of January 1676. 29. Therefore I have left these Five Men upon Record that the Age to come may see the wickedness of them and take heed how they Persecute Innocent Men that doth not break any Temporal Law And especially such Men that hath a Commission from God to give Sentance of Eternal Damnation upon them least they come under the same Condemnation as these Men are under 30. This I have left upon Record for the Age to come after my Death some of the most Remarkable Sufferings which I have passed through in the Year 1676. CHAP. VI. Of the Prophets deliverance out of Prison of the Price and Vallue that was made of him The Rewards to the two Seeds at the last Day 1. NOW having given an Account of my Sufferings it will be necessary to give an Account of my deliverance out of those Troubles 2. While I was in the Press-yard Prisoner the Sheriffs did send several times by the Goal keepers to see what I would do about the Fine but they were at no certainty what they required At last the Clerk of Newgate said they would take the 5th Part which was one Hundred Pound 3. I was unwilling to give so much I let it alone a quarter of a Year longer for some Reasons I had in my self after that time I sent a Letter to Treat with them about the Fine The Sheriffs Names was one Sr. John Peak Sheriff of London the other was Sr. Thomas Stamp Sheriff of Middlesex 4. But they were very high and would not abate one Shilling of one Hundred Pound and the cause why was because some of the Goal Keepers had Proffered one Hundred Pound for me to keep a Prisoner for ever or else to have a large Summ of Money for my Ransome 5. I perceive had not the Shreiffs Honour layn at the stake I had been Bought and Sold as Joseph was in Egypt for a Prisoner during Life or till such Ransome was Paid It would have been a great Disparragment to the Sheriffs if they had Sold me such as was never done in England before 6. But they having an Eye to Credit and somewhat to Conscience they would not do such Wickedness but however it caused them to abate nothing of one Hundred Pound neither would they give any time but Pay down presently 7. So We Borrowed an Hundred Pound the next Day and gave to them upon the 19th Day of July 1677 and the same Day at Night I was Released out of Prison and many of the Believers do keep that Day as a Feast Day every Year in Remembrance of my Deliverance out of Prison 8. For I was Prized at a goodly Price far Higher than the Lord of Life when he was on Earth He was valued at but Thirty Pieces of Silver the Thirty Pieces of Silver was Thirty Pound but they valued me at a Hundred Pieces of Silver for the Thirty Pieces of Silver they valued Christ at must be so much else it would not have Bought the Potters Field 9. Now the cause why they valued me at such a High Price above my Lord and Master it was because they knew I had some Interest in this World And many followers of me therefore they valued me at such a High Price as 100 Pieces of Silver 10. And as the Thirty Pieces of Silver was the Price of Innocent Blood therefore not fit to be put into the Treasury to be Expended upon any Holy use or to Relieve the Poor and the like but to Buy a Potters Field to Bury the Stinking Carcasses of strangers Thieves and Murderers insomuch that the Thirty Pieces of Silver was bestowed on the basest way suitable to the Purchase being the Price of Innocent Blood 11. So likewise the Hundred Pieces of Silver they valued me at it was the Price of Innocent Blood also tho' not unto Death as our Lord was a very Goodly Price 12. And this Money will not be put into the Treasury to repair Churches or Relieve the Poor but will be spent basely in Lust and Drunkenness and in Volumptiousness suitable to the Purchase of it being the Price of Innocent Blood 13. Thus I have left upon Record the substance of the whole matter as short as I can both of my Sufferings and my Deliverance out of all those Troubles that hath happened upon me in the Year 1675 and in the Year 1676 and 1677 and in the Year of my Life 67. 14. This is the 5th part of the Acts of John Reeve and Lodowich Muggleton the two last Prophets and Witnesses of the Spirit from the Year 1651 to the Year 1677 I have been preserved and had Experience of the Truth of all these things 15. And wonderful Revelations and passages and Acts that are Writen in these Five Parts that I might leave it as a Legacy for the Age to come upon Record that the unbelieving World may be convinced when I am turned to Dust as my Father Adam is that I was Slandered Reproached Belyed Persecuted Imprisoned and Pilloried without a Cause 16. But I shall be raised again by the Power of that God the Lord Jesus Christ in whom I Believed that he was Dead even the Alpha and Omega and is Alive for Evermore 17. And it will not seem a quarter of an Hours time to me from my Death to my Rising again For there is no time to the Dead Time belongs to the Living 18. And this I know that as the 12 Apostles in the Resurrection shall Sit upon Thrones and Judge the 12 Tribes of Israel those that Believed them when they were upon the Earth They were Judged with an Eternal Blessing of Life Eternal and those that Dispised and Persecuted them when on Earth are Judged by them to be Cursed and Damn'd to Eternity which is a Second Death which is Eternal 19. So shall Reeve and Muggleton in the Resurrection Sit upon Thrones and Judge all True Believers of our Docterin and Commission of the Spirit when we were upon Earth to be Blessed both in Souls and Bodies that were Mortal when they believed us but now Immortal to Eternity 20. And we shall Judge all those Wicked Despisers and Persecutors of us when we were upon Earth with the same Judgment in the Resurrection as we did here on Earth 21. That is they are Cursed in that Soul and Body they shall have in the Resurrection to Eternity and shall remain in utter Darkness here upon this Earth Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth for Evermore Writen by Lodowick Muggleton one of the two last Witnesses and Prophets of the Spirit unto the High and Mighty God the Man Christ Jesus in Glory FINIS
soon speak evil of a true Prophet as a false Prophet 18. So his Prophets gave Sentence of Damnation upon many to my Knowledge for speaking evil of him they not knowing him whether he was true or false 19. And I saw afterwards that his Sentence was true upon them for they would have said as much to the true Christ as they did to him So I saw his Sentance was true and efectual upon those he condemned notwithstanding he himself was false 20. For this was observed that the Elect Seed would be preserved from speaking Evil of things they knew not That belongs only to the Seed of the Serpent to speak Evil of things he doth not know For who upon Earth did know at that time whether he was False or True I say none not one CHAP. IX Of the Prophets Application conserning these wonderful things and of his Qualification 1. NOW this John Robins's knowledge in the Scriptures was more at that time than any Man in the World 2. These things had I perfect Knowledge of yet was I quiet and still and heard what was said and done and spake against nothing that was said or done 3. But shewed Kindness and Mercy to all of them Marvelling in myself what the Ephect of these things would be 4. And one of his Prophets came to my House very oft and he told me all things that was done amongst them and he had a very high Language and very knowing in the Scriptures and spake as an Angel of God 5. And my natural Temper was always merciful to Strangers and this place of Scripture run much in my Mind Forget not to entertain Strangers for some in entertaining of Strangers have entertained Angels So I never let him go without Eating and Drinking 6. And if I had nothing in the House to Eat if I had but Eighteen Pence I would give him one Shilling of it and if I had but Twelve Pence I would give him Six Pence of it 7. This I did many times though I had need enough myself for I had Three Children to maintain at that time Two Daughters by my Wife Sarah and one Son by my Second Wife Mary then alive 8. All these things never moved me to rejoyce in any Hope of any Happiness or Deliverance to any better Condition then I was then in or to be in any worse Condition after Death then I was in at present 9. But I kept close to my Integrity of Heart That is I would do nothing that should condemn my Conscience but would do what I could to justify my Conscience 10. Tho I looked for no Reward hereafter yet I would do well that Sin might not ly at the Door of my Conscience 11. And these things working in my Mind kept me from actual Sin and from the Pollutions of the Flesh 12. Yet all this while was I as one without God in this World as to my knowledge of him I had none that was true 13. But the Lord God of Truth had Respect unto my Person and to the upriteness of my Heart but I knew it not all that time as will more plainly appear in the following Discourse CHAP. X. The Prophet here showes of a Melancholy that came upon him and afterwards of Two Motions arising in him and speak as Two living Voices 1. AFter this in the beginning of the Year 1651. and in the Year of my Life 41. and better 2. In the beginning of the year it came to pass upon a Day in the Month called April I being silent all alone my Children being all abroad there fell upon me a great Melancholy upon my Spirit and I knew not for what yet I was pressed exceedingly in my Heart with Fear 5. So I began to cast about in my Mind what I had done that I should thus fear So I called to mind all my former Righteousness and Zeal which I had left thinking in myself that might be the Cause of this Fear 4. Reasoning in myself whether I had best turn again to my former Practise of Religion or not 5. There did arise in me an Answer to that and said No For thou knowest when thou did'st worship in that Zeal thou had'st no Peace but was oft tormented with fear of Hell so to no purpose to turn or go back to Aegipt again 6. Then did two Motions arise in me and speak in me as two lively Voices as if two Spirits had been speaking in me one answering the other as if they were not my own Spirit 7. But I knew afterwards they were the two Seeds strove in me for mastery 8. So my old Fears of Hell rose in me as it did formerly when a Puritan 9. So I began to reason in myself what I should do to escape being damn'd to Eternity for I dreaded the Thoughts of Eternity for I did not so much mind to be saved as I did to escape being damn'd 10. For I thought if I could but ly still in the Earth for ever it would be as well with me as it would be if I were in eternal Happiness for I believed the Soul was mortal many years before which Belief yielded me much Peace of Mind And was in hope God would never raise me again 11. For I did not care whether I was Happy so I might not be Miserable I car'd not for Heaven so I might not go to Hell but I could not be sure I should go to Heaven nor certain I should escape Hell which was a great perplexity to my Mind not knowing which way to help myself out of Gods Hands 12. Now this place of Scripture of Paul in the Romans pressed hard upon me What if God willingly make thee a Vessel of Wrath fited for Destruction And that saying What art thou O Man that replyest against God 13. Shall the thing that is formed say unto him that formed it why hast thou made me thus And that saying Shall not the Potter have Power over the Clay of the same Lump to make one Vessel to Honour and another to Dishonour 14. These things pressed hard upon my Soul even to the wounding of it Then I replyed against this and said in my Heart That God did seem to be more cruel than Man for Man made Vessels of Honour and Dishonour of dead senceless Clay that is neither capable of Honour nor Dishonour nor capable of Pain nor of Misery nor of Joy or Happiness Oh! that I had been as the Clay I tread upon rather than a living Man 15. But God made Vessels of Wrath to bear eternal Torments of living sensible Creatures not giving any reason why but it was his prerogative Will so to do and who shall hinder him 16. The apprehension of this sunk deep into my Heart and brought forth deep Sighs and Groans 17. And it was answered me again saying that God hath a Prerogative Power above and over all Life because he gave Life to Man and all Creatures else And as a Man hath a prerogative Power
not I will lead them in Paths they have not known I will make Darkness Light before them Though this Scripture was fulfilled in Christ's time yet it was fulfilled in me now 17. For I was led by a Faith now which I did not know That was by the Revelation of Faith This was a Path I did not know for I never knew what Revelation was before 18. Also this Revelation of Faith it made that Darkness of the immagination of Reason be light before me to see the Truth of those Sayings of Scripture Matt. 4.16 The People that sat in Darkness saw great Light and to them which sat in the Region and Shadow of Darkness Light is sprung up 19. This Scripture also was fulfilled in me at that time for I sat in Darkness and in the Shadow of Death but the Day before 20. But in the Evening the Light of Faith sprung up in my Soul and the Revelation of it took me as it were by the Hand from place to place in Scripture and shewed me the meaning of it 21. Also it led me to that place of Scripture Luke 1.79 To give Light to them that sat in Darkness and to guide our Feet into the way of Peace 22. Here did I see that the Day before I sat in Darkness and in the Shadow of Death but now the Light of Life is risen in me and gave me Revelation to guide my Feet in the Path of Peace where no Fear nor Doubt should ly in my Way never to stumble more 23. These and many more places of Scripture was set before me and the Light of them shined clear about my Understanding and gave me the Interpretation of all Scripture and all Questions in Spiritual Things that could arise out of the Heart of Man was easy to me to answer CHAP. XIV Of the time of the Prophets Revelation his Satisfaction in it and his Resolution to fit still now and be quiet from Disputes about Religion Yet shews that Providence order'd it otherways Of the Prophet Reeve's Revelation of the Raven and Dove 1. THis Revelation aforesaid was upon me Six Hours it began about nine of the Clock at Night and about twelve of the Clock I got a little Sleep 'till three of the Clock in the Morning then it came upon me again and lasted 'till six of the Clock in the Morning And so it did in like manner for four Nights together six Hours in a Night 2. And I never was without motional Voices opening the Scriptures all Day long when I was alone for a long time after 3. So that I was so well satisfied in my Mind as to my eternal Happiness so that I was resolved now to be quiet and still and not to medle no more with Religion but to let every one go on in their own way for I looked at no Bodys Peace and Happiness but my own 4. So now I thought to get as good a Living as I could in this World and live as comfortably as I could here for I knew all things would be well with me hereafter Thinking that this Relvelation should have been benificial to no body but myself 5. For I lov'd for to be private and still for my Nature could never indure to be publick So I thought all was well now I had attained my Desire 6. But when I thought to be most Secure and most Private in a little time after it made me the most publick I not thinking that this Revelation was a Preparation for God to chuse me to be a Commissioner of the Spirit to declare the Mistery of the true God and the Interpretation of the Scriptures which is Life and Salvation unto Men whereby I was made the most publick Man in the World in spiritual Things 7. This Revelation continued with me all one from April to January in the Year 1651. and in the year of my Life 41. And in the same year John Reeve came often to my House 8. And he hearing me speak such high Revelation and giving such Interpretation of Scripture he was so taken with my Language that his Desires were extream earnest unto God which he knew not at that time that he might have the same Revelation as I had 9. His Desires were so great that he was troublesome unto me for I could not follow my Business quietly for his asking me Questions for if I went out of one Room into another he would follow me to talk to me 10. So that I was weary of his Company yet I was loath to tell him so because I knew he did it out of Innocency of his Heart and Love to the Things which I spoke 11. Thus as aforesaid John Reeve continued and came almost every Day to my House most part of that Summer and Winter And in the Month of January 1651. about the middle of the Month John Reeve had the Revelation of the Scriptures in a large measure 12. So he came to me very joyful the next Morning and said Cousin Lodowick now saith he I know what Revelation of Scripture is as well as thee Said I Let me hear what Scripture is opened unto you 13. He answered and said as he was thinking of several things there f●●●'d q●iet stilness upon his Mind and immediately there was presented to his Understanding this place of Scripture Genesis viij 7 8 9 10 11. verses Concerning Noah's Ark with the Raven and Dove 14. Of which Scripture this was the Interpretation 15. This Raven and Dove which Noah sent forth of the Ark saith he was a Tipe of the Two Seeds in every Man and the Ark was a Tipe of the Body of Man 16. For there is two Motions always speaking in Man Now saith he the Body of Man signifies the Ark of God or the Ark of Noah 17. The Raven that is sent forth of the Ark signifies the Motions of Reason in Man for the Motions of Reason goeth out of Man walking through dry Places seeking Rest but can find none 18. Also it was the Reason of Man that took Christ when on Earth up into an exceeding high Mountain and shewed him all the Kingdoms of the World 19. This Reason in Man is that Raven that goeth forth of the Ark the Body of Man to and fro and taketh Comfort in nothing but earthly Things 20. For as soon as ever the Tops of the Mountains of the Earth did appear the natural Raven never return'd into the Ark again as you may see in the 5th Verse 21. So is it with the Reason of Man That Raven when it goeth forth by its motions out of Body of Man the Ark It goeth to and fro the Earth 22. For the Reason of Man cannot indure to be inclosed or confined but will be flying upon the Mountains of the Earth or in the Air. Therefore it is called the Prince of the Air which ruleth in the Hearts of the Children of Disobedience 23. Now what Ruleth in the Children of Disobedience Hearts but the Spirit of
Reason the Raven which goeth out of the Ark the Body of Man and liveth upon the Mountains of earthly Things 24. Also the Dove that Noah sent forth of the Ark signified the Seed of Faith 25. And when Faith sends forth her motions out of the Ark her Body they are innocent as a Dove humble meek and low 26. And when she findeth the Flood and Waters of Trouble of Persecution upon the Face of the Earth the Dove entreth into her Ark her Body again and is quiet and still till the Waters of Trouble be abated 27. For the Dove cannot fly upon the top of the Mountains of earthly things as Reason the Raven can 28. The Seed of Faith the Dove can find no Rest there but when the Waters of Trouble are abated and the dry Land appeareth and the Olive Trees of Joy and Gladness are to be seen 29. Then the Dove the Seed of Faith can go out of its Body the Ark and fetch an Olive-Branch of Peace and Joy in its Mouth and return into its Body the Ark again and there remain until it is turned out of the Ark by Death CHAP. XV. Shewing how John Reeve's Revelation gave him Satisfaction and full Resolution to sit still and be quiet never medling about Religion more But contrary to the Resolutions of them both a little while after where made the greatest medlers of Religion of all the World 1. TO this purpose as aforesaid did John Reeve declare his first Revelation with a many more Expressions which he uttered at that time with great Joy of Heart he not thinking in the least nor I neither that it was a Preparation for God to chuse him nor me neither to be his two last Prophets and Witnesses of the Spirit 2. For said he unto me at that time Cousin Lodowick now I am satisfied in my Mind and know what Revelation is I am resolved now to medle no more with Religion nor go forth after any upon that account 3. But to get as good a Livelyhood as I can in this World and let God alone with what shall be hereafter 4. Now he had been with John Robins not many Weeks before he knew or had Revelation himself 5. For John Robins Knowledge and Language overpowerd John Reeve before he had this Revelation Therefore he said now he would not go forth after any upon that account no more 6. Thus when he thought to be most quiet and not to medle with any about Religion and so was I also then a little while after we were made the greatest Medlers in Religion of all Men in the World 7. Because our Faces were against all Mens Religion in the World what Sex or Opinion soever as will appear hereafter by our Writings and Speakings 8. John Reeve nor I little thought at that time that this Revelation we had given us did prepare us for a greater Work than for the Peace of our own Minds 9. But it prov'd that God prepared us for a Commission and that he did intend to chuse us two to be his last Prophets and Witnesses of the Spirit as will be seen as followeth 10. For after John Reeve had this first Revelation aforementioned it did continue and increase exceedingly that it grew very high in him for two Weeks together 11. And at the two Weeks end God speak unto him by Voice of Words to the hearing of the Ear three Mornings together as is more largely set down in his first Book he wrote Called A Trancendant Spiritual Treatis 12. Where the Words of God as he spoke to him are set down plainly as they were spoken to him the 3d. 4th and 5th Days of February 1651. and in the year of John Reeve's Life 42. and in the year of my Life 41. 13. Thus I have given the Reader a little hint whereby he may see the ground of things and the rise how these wonderful things came to pass 14. Also what we were at first and how we were acted out in the time of our Lives and of the Experience I had in the Days of my Ignorance and of my Dispute with God and my own Soul 15. And of that great Revelation I had before John Reeve had any and of the Ravelation John Reeve had before God spake to him in the year 1651. 16. And now in the Treatis following I shall only speak of some of the most remarkable Acts and Passages which hath been acted and dun by us since we received our Commission from God 17. That after Ages may see some of the Acts of the two Witnesses of the Spirit as well as their Writings and their Doctrin now in this last Age. As they have read of some of the wonderful Acts of Moses and the Prophets and the Acts of the Apostles So there will be some remarkable Acts of the Witnesses of the Spirit left upon Record Which is as followeth The End of the First Part. The Second Part. CHAP. I. Of the Commission given the Prophet Mugleton's Children blessed by the Prophet Reeve the great Wisdom given unto Sarah Mugleton 1. THE first Morning God spake to John Reeve he came to my House and said Cousin Lodowick God hath given thee unto me for ever And the Tears ran down both sides his Cheeks amain 2. So I asked him what was the matter for he looked like one that had been rissen out of the Grave he being a fresh couloured Man the day before And the Tears ran down his Cheeks apace 3. So he told me the same Words as is writen in his first Book and said unto me That God had given him a Commission and that he had given Lodowick Mugleton to be his Mouth And said at the same time was brought to his Mind that saying That Aaron was given to be Moses's Mouth 4. But said he what my Message is he could not tell But said he if God do not speak unto me the next Morning I will come no more at thee 5. Which I was in good Hopes he would not for I was willing to be quiet 6. Also he said at the same time Cousin Lodowick Thy Children are all blessed but especially thy Daughter Sarah she shall be the Teacher of all the Women in London 7. She heard him say these Words as she stood upon the Stairs for she was afraid of him that he would rather have condemned her because he never did love her so well as he did the youngest Daughter 8. But he spake not then for Affection but as the Revelation moved him 9. And she was the first Person he blessed to Eternity after God spake to him the first Morning 10. It was the more marvelous because it was never heard this many Ages that a poor Man should have that Power to Bless and Curs Men and Women to Eternity 11. And she believed him and did grow exceedingly in Experience and in Disputes with Religious People and they marvelled that one so young should have such Knowledg and Wisdom to answer
were spoken from a body 23. For this I say no words whatsoever can be spoken of any Spirit that hath no body For those words God spoke to Moses and the Prophets they were from the body of God And those words Christ spoke that was spirit and life was from his body when on Earth And those words he spoke to Paul after he was assended up to Heaven it was from his own body 24. So that without Controversy no Spirit can speak at all or hath any being without a body And this is the very Cause that Men find so little Comfort in worshiping and beleiving in such a God that is a spirit without a body 25. Also we declared unto him the nature of God shewing that there can be no form without a nature for it is the nature that gives the form 26. Also we shewed unto him the Person and Nature of Angels and the Person and Nature of the right Divel and the rice of the two Seeds and the secret Misteries how God became Flesh and how the Divel became Flesh and many other things which satisfied his mind 27. So that he became a true Beleiver of this Commission of the Spirit and shewed Kindness unto John Reeve all the days of his Life likewise his Brother George Leader became a true beleiver 28. This Mr. Richard Leader grew very mighty in Wisdom and Knowledge both in natural and spiritual Wisdom so that every great Man of his Acquaintance did submit unto his Wisdom and lov'd him for his Knowledge so he continued in it all his Life but about a year or two after John Reeve dyed he dyed at Barbadoes CHAP. VIII Of one Mr. Cooper a great Disputant and how convinced And how a true Ministry is known from a false Of his Conversion And how he passed Sentance of Damnation upon Fifteen of his Companions And of his trouble for so doing without Commission And of a Minister's censoring him to be bewitched 1. AFTER this in the same year it came to pass that a certain man a Silk-Weaver his name was Cooper He being acquainted with one Mrs. White who was a beleiver of this Commission of the Spirit She lived in Duning hill-Ally near More-fields 2. This Man was very desirous that she would tell him how he might speak with these two Prophets for he had a great desire to see us and speak with us so she directed him where 3. So when the Man came and found us both together the Man desired to drink with us thinking in himself that he could talk and discourse better over a Cup of Drink than otherway because it was his Custom so to do 4. For he thought himself very strangly armed with Questions thinking it impossible for us to answer because he could finde none that ever he had talked withal Ministers nor other to do it 5. So we went with him to drink and he propounded his Questions concerning the true God and the right Devil and how the Devil came to be and how a Man may know the History of the Scripture to be true seeing they did contradict themselves in many places with several other things 6. Unto which we gave him a full Answer unto whatsoever he asked so that he could not make any Reply against anything we said 7. Also we showed him the power of the Commission of Moses and the power of the Commission of Christ and his Apostles and the power of our Commission in this Age. 8. And that every Commission had power to bless and curs Men to eternity and that he was no true Minister of Christ which had not power to bless and curs 9. For if a Man pretend to be a Minister of the Gospel and cannot say to him that beleiveth in him to be a true Minister and the Doctrine he preacheth to be true is bessed to eternity 10. And say to that Person as dispiseth and persecuteth the Person of this Minister and his Doctrine is cursed Soul and Body to eternity If he have not Power to do this he is no true Minister of Christ neither did Christ send him to preach unto the People 11. These things stuck upon the Mans Mind exceedingly and he was much affected in Love towards us and he was elevated in his Mind as if he would get up to Heaven immediately 12. And he thought himself so strong now that he could drive all People before him 13. So he departed from us elevated in his Mind He went among his own Company and those of his own Trade and he talked amongst them of things he had heard and that he had been with two Prophets 14. But his Company laughed him to scorn But he in his elevation and zeal to what he had heard ga●e Sentance of Damnation to eternity upon fifteen of his Companions 15. Some were angry at him and some laughed and scoffed at him and said he was bewitched 16. It came to pass that the next Day after he had given Sentance upon those fifteen Persons he fell sick yet he held to what he had said the Day before 17. So that his Wife and some of them he had damned said the Man was bewitched and would needs send for the Minister of the Parish to pray with him and give his Judgment whether he was bewitched or no. 18. But when the Minister came the Man would not let him pray for him 19. So the Minister gave his Judgment that the Man was absolutely bewitched But after three or four days the Man got up and was well again and told us what the Minister had said and confessed that he damned fifteen Men which was the cause of that Trouble in his Mind 20. Because he did it without a Commission not but that I do beleive they will be all damned as I said but my Trouble was for giving Sentance without a Commission 21. For at that time no Beleiver gave Sentance upon any Dispiser but us two only But in that he confessed his Fault he was forgiven by us CHAP. IX Of one Captain Stasy a friend to the two Witnesses and of their Dispute with a Minister proving that God was in the form of a Man And of the Minister's Blasphemy and John Reeve's passing the Sentance upon him and that he should never see any other God but that Sentance And how John Reeve was threaten'd with a Warrant from Cromwell or the Councel of State And how John replyed that if they dispised as the Priest had done that he would pronounce them damn'd 1. AFter this it came to pass in the year 1653. there was one Captain Stasy in the Parliament's Service that came to talk with us he was a wise and moderate Man able to hear and bear Words but did not beleive what we said 2. But he heard us gladly and liked many things which we spake insomuch that he invited us to Dinner at the Inn where he quartered 3. So we went there was of his Acquaintance a Minister as they are called a Cambridge
of the Eleventh Morning of the Twelfth Month 1668. from the glorious Majesty of the most high God who fils Heaven and Earth that lives in his Servant William Pen junior CHAP. V. The Answer of Lodowick Muggleton to William Pen Quaker his proud presumptious and blasphemous Letter 1. WIlliam Pen I have perused your proud presumptious blasphemous Letter against the true God how hath your Learning lifted up your Heart with Pride to fight against the true God and to bid him Defiance to his Face and let him stand forth and see if he can deliver himself from your bodiless God that gave you a Commission as you say 2. You know that Reeve and myself have declared in all our Writings that the Lord Jesus Christ is our God and that the Worlds were made by him and that nothing was made in the Beginning but what was made by him as the Scripture saith 3. This Man Christ Jesus was in the form of Man a spiritual heavenly and glorious Body before this World was 4. And in the Beginning this glorious spiritual Body made Man in his own Image and Likeness the Form of Man else Moses's Words were not true do you disprove it if you can 5. Only the Man Adam his Body was earthly and made of the Earth but God's Body was spiritual and heavenly yet in Form like Adam And Adam was a Man which none can deny that owns the Scriptures 6. And in process of time this God became Flesh and dwelt among Men and that he took upon him the Form of a Servant and was in all things like unto Man Sin excepted and made himself capable to be put to Death by the Seed of the Serpent his own Creatures his Blood was poured out unto Death for the Redemption of the Seed of Adam to make good that Promise to Adam in Paradice That the Seed of the Woman should break the Serpent's Head Which was fulfilled when he suffered Death upon the Cross 7. And when he quickened out of Death into Life again then was that Saying fulfilled Oh Death I will be thy Death Oh Grave I will be thy Victory And that other Saying I am Alpha and Omega the First and the Last he that was dead and behold I am alive for ever more 8. This Alpha and Omega was Christ and he was God and this Christ was the Lord from Heaven a quickening Spirit And was there any other God or Alpha or Omega that dyed but Christ and did any quicken out of Death to Life again but he and did any God become Flesh and dwell with Man but Christ 9. And was not Christ in the form of Man when on Earth did not he retain the same form when he assended up to Heaven and doth retain the same Form now he is glorified and is in the same Glory which he had before this World was 10. Oh Pen How is it that you cannot understand that Eternity did become Time and Time is become Eternity again That is that spiritual and glorious immortal Body of God that was eternal before Man was made but in the fulness of time this glorious immortal Body became a pure mortal Body even Jesus Christ capable to dye so eternity became Time And in that he quickened out of Death into Life again Mortality became Immortal again and Time became Eternity again 11. This great Mistory That God became Flesh is hid from the Eyes of the Seed of the Serpent such as William Pen the Quaker is and revealed unto us unlearned Men. 12. And this is that God that Reeve and Muggleton hath declared in our Writings and this God we received our Commission from and that Power to Bless and Curse to Eternity 13. This God you have proudly and blasphemously defied and trampled under your Feet as Dirt also you have boldly challenged the true and living God that is in the form of Man to touch or hurt you and stand in a holy Defiance of me and my God's Strength and that me and my God is chained and on me and my God you trample and to the bottomless Pit you have sentanced us both me and my God And if this be not high Blasphemy Pride and Presumption against the living God there never was any 14. Oh Pen did you never read how Goliah defyed the living God the God of Israel and how David flung a Stone into his Forehead and slew him for defying the living God the God of Israel For David knew the God of Israel was in the form of a Man but Goliah his God was the same God as the Quakers God is a bodiless God so vast and so bigg that he cannot be confined neither to the vast Heavens above nor in this vast Earth below but he must fill the Aire also and all Places at one and the same time This is the Heathens God and the Quakers God also 15. Did you never read of Corath and his Company Captains of Rebellion and Conspiracy against Moses and Aaron and against God that chose them to teach the People neither would God suffer any other Men to do it but them he chose therefore it was the Earth clave and swallowed them all up alive 16. Now you Pen and many of you Quakers have practised the same thing against Reeve and Muggleton whom the God of Heaven hath chosen in perticular and no other Man upon Earth at this Day to set Life and Death before Men. 17. Now hath not you and your Captain Teachers of the Quakers Railed Reviled Reported and Condemned Reeve and Muggleton and our God the Man Christ Jesus in Glory because we had our Commission from him to open Hels Mouth and swallow up such Rebels as you are into those eternal Torments where the Worm of Conscience shall never dye nor the Fire of Hell never go out for your dispising the living God in the form of a Man which you Quakers have done and are more guilty than any People in the World 18. Neither are you sensible of the great Ephects that this Commission God gave to Reeve and Muggleton hath wrought How many of your valiant Captains and mighty Men of War have fallen by the two edged Sword of the Spirit put into my Mouth even the Commission God put upon me 19. Do not you miss many of your Captains and Leaders of the Quakers What is become of William Smith Samuel Hutton Thomas Taylor Richard Farnesworth and many more I could name here of late Years Do you not miss Thomas Loe and Josiah Cole These were valiant Men like your self to reproach and defy the living God 20. Are you not sensible how the Curse of God took hold of them sudainly after they had defyed the living God in the form of a Man 21. And now last of all you come like Goliah the Philistian with a Commission from a great bodiless God that can neither be found neither in Heaven nor in Earth nor no place else signed and sealed to defy the living God that
was done in England before I stood Bareheaded upon the Pillory which no Cheat ever did but were suffered to weare a Cap of Steel under another Cap. 13. I was set as a Mark for every one to Throw a Stone at me 14. My Books were offered up in Three Burnt offerings unto the Unknown God as Three Sacrifices before my Face the smoke of them asscended into my Nostrells which caused me to Cry to Heaven for Vengeance upon those Great Men of the Earth that were the cause of those Burned-offerings unto Devils 15. And my self was Offered up as a Sacrifice Three times to the Rude Multitude For the People came from the Four Winds or from the Four Quarters of the Citty and Subburbs round about they were for Multitude without Number 16. I was maul'd by the People some cast Dirt and Mudd out of the Kennel at me others Rotten Eggs and Turn●●s and others cast Stones at me some Stones weighed a Pound and out of the Windows at the Exchange they cast down Fire Brands Pieces of Billits with Fire upon them at my Head which if they had lighted upon me would have done the Work as they desired 17. I was Bruised and Battered and my Innocent Blood was shed tho' not unto Death for Gods Cause for that the Blood of the last True Prophet and Witness of the Spirit hath been shed by this Bloody Citty for my Testimony to the Commission of God put upon me 18. And it was the wonderful Providence of God my Life was preserved for I was delivered into the Hands of unreasonable Men the rude Multitude by the Hands of Rainsford Davis and Jefferies Judges of the Law of Reason and Jury these were the Men that were Guilty of my Innocent Blood 19. I was willing to be stoned to Death by the rude Multitude and would have gone off the Pillory to be stoned to Death but the Officers would not let me come down when this was over my Wounds and the Blood stanched I was put into the Cole Cellar again the same Day at Night I went Three pair of Stairs high to my Lodging 20 And the next Day I would willingly have kept my Bed but the Keeper said If I would not come down into the Cellar in the Afternoon they would put me in the Common Side so I was forced into the Cellar who had more need to have kept my Bed 21. But there is no mercy in Prison therefore it may well be compared to Hell for in Hell there is no mercy but Justice only neither is there any mercy in Prison Keepers at all without profit 22. After I had suffered these things I was put into Prison again for the Fine of Five Hundred Pounds that was laid upon me to Pay but I did lye in Prison Six Months after I had suffered these things aforesaid 23. And now in my Imprisonment I considered that my sufferings were much like unto the sufferings of the Prophet Jeremiah Chap 11.19 he suffered for his Message from the Lord of Host the mighty God of Jacob. 24. And my sufferings was for my Commission received from the high and mighty God the Man Christ Jesus in Glory the only wise God my King and my Redeemer 25. And as his Enemies that caused him to suffer and would have had him put to Death were Princes and great Men of the Earth so likewise those my Enemies were great Men and as Princes on the Earth and they sat upon the Thrones as Gods on Earth in Judgment against me 26. And as it was with Jeremiah so it was with me for I was like a Lamb that is brought to the Slaughter and I knew not that they had devised devices against me if I had I could have prevented them They saying Let us destroy the Tree with its Fruite thereof and cut him off from the Land of the Living that his Name may be no more Remembered 27. That is let us destroy this Muggleton the Tree and the Fruit thereof his Doctrine of the True God and Right Devil in his Writings that none may receive his Writings more nor believe his Doctrin or Commission that he hath Power from God to Bless and Curss to Eternity any more This Reprobate Men have practised against me 28. So that I have had Cause to make my Complaint unto my God my King and my Redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ as David and Jeremiah did 29. Oh Lord God of Truth that Judgeth Righteously that Tryeth the Reins and the Heart let me see thy Vengeance on them for thou knowest I have been Faithful in Executing thy Commission the Burthen of the Lord which thou didest lay upon me 30. And thou knowest the unrighteous unjust Judgments these wicked unjust Judges gave against me They were not only Enemies to me but thy Enemies Oh God for they have hated me without a cause and they have said let us smite him with the Tongue with Lyes Slanders and Reproaches 31. Therefore heed O Lord God of Truth and harken to the Vioce of these wicked Judges and Jury and all those that assented to that Judgment for harm that contended with me And let me see thy Vengeance on those thy Enemies for their Fathers did unto thee when thou was upon Earth as these do unto me 32. Thou hast saved me from Bloody Men For they laid wait for my Soul to Kill it had the Law been provided with Strength and not for any Transgression of any Law that I had broken but for thy Commission and Doctrine thou gavest me to declare 33. Therefore Oh Lord God of truth be not merciful unto any wicked Transgression that Persecuteth only for Conscience sake it being the Sin against the Holy Ghost 34. And God will let me see my desire upon my Enemies and bring them down Oh Lord my God 25. This was my secret Supplication unto my God when I was Prisoner in Newgate after I had suffered all those Corporal Punishments which they Sentanced me to Suffer CHAP. V. Shewing how that the Prophet in a short time saw his desire unto God in part fullfilled 1. AND a little while after these my Sufferings I saw my desire in part granted and several of my Potent Enemies cut off this Earth by Death As first that certain rich Man that took away poor Widdow Brunt's Ground as is aforemention'd he was call'd Sr. John James 2. And notwithstanding I had overthrown his two Tenants in the common Law yet when he saw that I was in Prison and Condemn'd for those Books and had suffered as aforesaid yet I being Fined Five Hundred Pounds he thought I could not be delivered out of Prison no more the Fine was so great 3. Whereupon he wickedly took advantage upon my sufferings for God's Cause and sent a Writt of Ejectment to my Tenants to Eject me out of Possession so my Atturney Read it and said I must answer to it else he would Eject me out the next Term so I was forced to Imploy a