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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A31961 An Exact collection of farewel sermons preached by the late London-ministers viz. Mr. Calamy, Mr. Watson, Mr. Jacomb, Mr. Case, Mr. Sclater, Mr. Baxter, Mr. Jenkin, Dr. Manton, Mr. Lye, Mr. Collins : to which is added their prayers before and after sermon as also Mr. Calamy's sermon for which he was imprisoned in Newgate : his sermon at Mr. Ashe's funeral and Dr. Horton's and Mr. Nalton's funeral. Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666. 1662 (1662) Wing C241; ESTC R1910 251,365 374

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that they may rest from their labour for hera is not our rest Mich. 2. 10. there remaineth a rest for the people of God there is no rest in this world the word quiet wants the plural number Secondly The righteous must die that they may have their reward their Crown of glory that God hath laid up for them they must first fight the good fight and finish their course and then they shall receive a Crown of glory Thirdly They must die that they may be free from sin for they shall never put off the body of sin till they put off the body of flesh Fourthly They must die that mortality may be swallowed up of life that corruption may put on incorruption Fifthly They must die that they may be perfect in grace Lastly They must die that they may see God face to ●…ce and be for ever with the Lord which they cannot do till they die therefore blessed be God that the righteous must perish If a man should bring news to a righteous man That he should alwayes live on earth alwayes be young rich and healthful it would be unwelcome News for while we are in the body we are absent from the Lord and subject to sin and therefore when Peter asked Christ what should be done with Iohn Christ ●…ells him If I will that he tarry till I come what is that to ●…ee from henceforth there went a report abroad that Iohn should not die Iohn 21. 32. Now the Apostle himself was much displeased with this report looked upon 〈◊〉 as a geeat affliction that he should not die and therefore ●…e himself confutes it But yet Iesus said he said not ●…hat he should not die as if he had said God forbid that ●… should not die Before I come to the application of this Point give me leave to speak something to the second Point and ●…o I shall apply them both together The second Doctrine is this That the perishing of a righteous man is nothing but a gathering of him to God Christ and the blessed Society of Saints and Angels in Heaven This is contained in the second expression merciful men are taken away the word in the Hebrew is Colliguntur they are gathered it is exegetical of the former ●…hey did not perish but they are gathered to God and Christ there is a great deal of excellency and a Maga●…ine of sweetness in this expression They are gathered It ●…mplies two things First That the righteous are in a scattered condition while they are in this world and that three wayes First They are scattered among the wicked and ungodly of the world as Sheep among Wolves as Limbs among Lions rent and torn in pieces forced to wander up and down in Sheep-skins and Goat-skins Secondly The righteous are scattered in the world one from another and that two wayes 1. They are scattered by their different habitations for the godly are forced to separate one from another as Lot from Abraham 2. They are scattered one from another by the cruel persecution of wicked men and therefore you read Acts 8. that at that time when there was a persecution against the Church at Ierusalem that they were all scattered abroad Thirdly The godly are scattered in this life from the glorious presence of God in Heaven indeed they are never scattered from the gracious presence of God but sometimes they are scattered from the comforting presence of God and as long as we live in this world we shall be scattered from the glorious presence of God for while we are in the body we are absent from the Lord. Secondly This implies a bringing of Gods people out of this scattered condition it is a gathering of the righteous out of this world into another from a sinful persecuted world into a sinlesse glorious world from diversity of dwelling on earth to dwell altogother in one heaven it is a gathering them out of the reach of men and devils a gathering them not only to the gracious but to the glorious presence of God and Christ and to the souls of just men made perfect and to the general assembly of the first-born and to the City of the living God the heavenly Ierusalem where they shall live together never to be scattered again To understand this the better let me offer three things to you shewing you that the godly are gathered to God three wayes In this life at death and at the day of judgement First The righteous are gathered to God in this life and that is at their first conversion for by nature we are all Aliens and strangers to God scattered from any union or communion with God not only scattered from the glorious but from the gracious presence of God God made man at first to enjoy communion with himself but Adam lost this by his sin and now we are all Cains and Vagabonds scattered from the love of God and from union and communion with God but when God converts any of the Elect he gathers them home to himself for conversion is nothing but Gods gathering them to himself in the second Adam that were scattered from him in the first Adam the first Adam was a root of scattering a root of separation from God but the second Adam was a root of union and conjunction Christ is the head and all the Elect are all gathered together in him Ephes. 1. 10. that he might gather together in one all things in Christ so that conversion is nothing but a gathering of the Elect of God to Christ by faith and a gathering to one another by love and charity Secondly Gods people are gathered at death here they are gathered to Christ by grace but at death they are gathered to Christ in glory here they are gathered to God by hope but at death by fruition here Christ is gathered to us he comes down and dwells with us but at death we shall be gathered to him we shall go up and ●…e joyned with him There is a great deal of difference between esse cum Christo and esse in Christo esse cum Christo to be one with Christ is a Christians great security but esse in Christo to be one in Christ it is a Christians great felicity In this life we are gathered to God by ●…aith but at death by vision Lastly We shall be gathered to God at the day of Judgement it is called the day of the gathering of the Saints together a day when all the Saints that are have been or shall be shall all be gathered together 2 Thes. 2. 1. I beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Iesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him at the great day At the day of judgement we shall all be gathered together and shall be all taken up to Heaven I mean all the Righteous and be ever with the Lord And so much for the opening of the Doctrine But here it may be objected Are not the unrighteous gathered by death as well
measure of grace oh help us by faith to relie upon God that thou mayst help us at last Bless with us all thine remember thy people from one end of the world unto the other thy people are very low this is a time of Jacob's troubles the bush is burning every day 〈◊〉 thou the hope of Israel and the Saviour thereof shew thy self in mercy to these nations We bless thee for all thy meroies that thy judgements do not feize upon us every day that thou dost not sweep us away that thou dost not rain fire and brimstone on England as thou didst on Sodom our sins cry aloud to Heaven for vengeance God is greatly provoked every day and it is a miracle of patience that yet thou hast not destroyed us God can pardon the sins of the Nation at once but we are not fit for pardon we d●… not humble our selves oh Lord humble us Give repentance to England from the highest to the lowest that we may return unto thee We desire to bless thee that our enemies have not had their wills over us they said they would pursue and overtake and satisfie their lusts but God did blow upon them and they did sink in the mighty waters and thou hast yet preserved thy Church we pray thee do not leave us nor remove thy Gospel whatsoever thou dost Pour down the best of thy blessings upon thy Servant and our Soveraign Charles by thy Grace of England Scotland France and Ireland King bless him with the blessings of Heaven and Earth make Him a blessing to all of us bless him in all His Relations the Lords of the Privy Council Look on them that have desired an interest in our prayers Known to thee are all of them know their souls in this time of adversity make their beds in their sickness give faith to them that complain of unbelief give the spirit of Prayer to those that complain they cannot pray Be a Counsellor to those that want Counsel in their affairs either by Sea or Land let thy blessing go with them whereever they go spare the lives of children if it be thy will Prepare us for thy good and holy Word let it be a savour of life unto life and let it come with power unto us Oh let us hear it as Thy Word n●…i as the word of a poor man but as the Word of God And all for the Lord Christ his sake for whom we bless thee to whom with thee and the Spirit of Grace be given Glory and Honour for evermore Amen Dr. Iacomb's Forenoon Sermon JOHN 8. 29. And he that sent me is with me the Father hath not left me alone for I do alwayes those things that please him THese are the words of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ they are spoken by himself they are spoken of himself though yet in a sober and modest sense they are applicable to all his members That which Christ here affirms is that the presence of God was alwayes with him and this is first propounded He that sent me is with me and then it is amplified and the Father hath not left me alone and then thirdly the reason of this is annexed for I alwayes do those things that please him I shall speak but very little of the words as they do refer to Christ he tells us his Father was with him he did not leave him alone in all the troubles and difficulties that he met withal in the finishing the great work of man's Redemption still God was with him It is true there was a time when Christ was without the sensible manifestation of his Father's presence when he cried out My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Why but yet even then in truth and in reality his Father did not leave him for though he had not the evidences of his Father's presence yet he had the influences of his Father's presence It would take up much time to shew you how in all Particulars the the Father was present with Christ I will only speak this one word and instance in this one thing God's assisting presence was alwayes with him both in his active and also in his passive obedience and indeed he had that work to do and those miseries to suffer that if God had left him if he had not been mightily assisted by the Divine Nature Christ as meer man could neither have done nor have suffered what he did but the Father was with him to support him Isa. 42. 1. Behold my servant whom I uphold You shall find that Christ did act faith upon this in Isa. 50. 7. The Lord God will help me therefore shall I not be confounded Ver. 9. The Lord will help me So to the same effect is Psal. 16. 9. And you shall find this made good to him in the Scriptures in his greatest necessities Take a Double Instance In the first place After he had been engaged in that Combat with Satan you read of in Matth. 4. The strongest Combat or Due●… that ever was fought wherein you have the Prince of Peace and the prince of darkness the Lion of the Tribe of Iudah and the roaring lion that seeks how to devour both of them putting forth their utmost strength and endeavouring to overcome each the other Now I say in this Combat the Father did not leave Christ but he helps him for he sends an Angel for to minister unto him Mat. 4. 11. So in Christ's bitter Agony in the Garden just before his bitter passion and death upon the Cross the Father did not leave him alone for he sent an Angel unto him to strengthen him Mat. 22. 43. and so in several other places and in several other things I might instance but I shall pass this by I but now Why did the Father thus stand by Christ he gives you the reason of it in the Text because he alwayes did the things that pleased him This I shall open in a double respect First Christ's undertaking the Work of our Redemtion it was very well pleasing unto his Father that poor lost und o●…e sinners should be brought back again unto God and restored unto his love and favour I say the Father was infinitely well-pleased with Christ in this undertaking Isa. 53. 10. The pleasure of the Lrrd shall prosper in his hand the pleasure of the Lord that is the Work of our Redemption wherein God the Father took great pleasure or delight therefore when Christ was publiquely in ●…he eye of the world to enter upon this great Work the Father sends him out with this witness This is my beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased He speaks not only of his well-pleasing to his Person but also to his well-pleasing as to his Undertaking Secondly as the Work it self was pleasing unto God so Christ's managing of ●…his Work was all along pleasing unto his Father and that doth appear in this that Christ in all things kept to his Father's Commission and to his