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A26905 The crucifying of the world by the cross of Christ with a preface to the nobles, gentlemen, and all the rich, directing them how they may be richer / by Richard Baxter. Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1658 (1658) Wing B1233; ESTC R17065 262,204 331

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Christian can I spare all these tedious troublesom employments these complements these applauses this sumptuous provision and retinue and all this stir that they make in the world How easily can I spare their Titles and Obeysances When I look up at them as on the pinac●e of a steeple I bless my self that I am below them on sa●er ground I have more leisure to converse with God in my solitude then they have in a crowd Rejoyce that you neither need nor desire such a s●ate but find Christ enough for you in a lower condition and nothing without him enough in the highest That you are above these empty childish honours when those that possess them may be enslaved under them That you have the dignity of a Son of God a Member of Christ and an Heir of Heaven and have an heart that can contentedly let other men take the dignities of the earth It s more to have the world and the Kingdoms and glory of it under your feet by the Spiritual advancement of your souls then to be the Monarch of the world 2. Have you abundance of earthly Riches and provision for your flesh So that you want nothing but have the world at will Glory not in it as the least part of your felicity This will not keep your souls in your bodies nor take away their guilt nor open to you the gates of heaven You may want a drop of water in Hell for all your riches on earth If you scape that danger no thanks to your riches If ever you get to heaven you must be beholden to Christ to save you from your riches And when all 's done you will have a harder journey and a greater load to burden you then others and will be saved with very much ado Glory not then in these but rather glory that you have a taste of higher and sweeter things which take off your minds and make you look on these as chips To have an heart that cares not for wealth or honours but can rejoyce in poverty and daily reproaches is a thousand times greater mercy then to have all the wealth and honour of the world 3. Have you convenient habitations for buildings and rooms and walks and lands and neighbourhood Glory not in them as any of your felicity They are baits to tice your hearts from God But rather rejoyce that you have a building not made with hands eternall in the heavens and that you can be contented till you come thither with any thing in the way and make shift with inconveniences for a little while Heaven wants no furniture nor hath any encumbrances nor inconveniences If a winding sheet and Coffin be room enough when we are dead we can endure sure to be somewhat straitened while we are alive seeing we are dead to the world while we live in it O what is the most sumptuous Palace to the meanest room in our Fathers house The green and flourishing earth in Summer covered with the more glorious spangled Firmament is a goodly structure but far short of that which the poorest Saint shall have with God 4. Have you comelyness of body have you beauty or strength Glory not in it It is but warm well coloured earth The pox or other sickness can quickly turn your beauty to deformity If age do not wrinkle it death will dissolve it The comelyest and strongest body will shortly be as homely and loathsom a thing as the dirt in the streets and as the carry on in a ditch The stoutest youth and the neatest d●mes must come to this there 's no remedy And is such a body a thing to be Gloried in No but glory rather in your assurance of a Resurrection when your mortal● bodies shall put on immortality and your corruptible incorruption and and death shall be swallowed up in victory and when you shall shine as Stars in the Firmament of your Father and be subject to heat and cold hunger and thirst and weariness no more And that in the mean●time you can tame this flesh and use it as a servant and instead of caring for its inordinate provision can lay out your care for a more during substance 5. Have you comely apparel for the adorning of your bodies Glory not in it This is so childish that it s below a man and therefore so sin●ull as to be unbeseeming a Christian The emptyest person may have the best attire It is not your out-side that shews your worth The Philosopher asks the Question Why women are more addicted to look after neat attire then men and he answereth Because nature is conscious of their want of inward worth it seeks to make it up with somewhat that is borrowed It may make a man suspect that somewhat is amiss within when there needs all this ado without They are not alway the best horses that have the neatest trappings A fool may be as bravely drest as a wise man and few but fools and children do admire you or think you ever the better but many an one will envy you and many take you to be the worse A graceless soul will be but sorrily covered with neat attire And whatever you hang without we all know that there 's dung and filth within Pauls shop hath comlyer Ornaments then these 1 Tim. 2. 9. Let women adorn themselves in modest apparel with shamefastness and sobriety not with broidered hair or gold or pearls or costly array but which becometh women professing godliness with good works learning in silence with all subjection Glory in the whole rayment of the Saints even the righteousness of Christ lest when you go naked out of the world as you come naked in your souls should be found naked before an holy jealous God 6. Have you health of body and feel no sickness Glory not in it It will last you but a while Your oyl will be spent ere long and your candle will go out You must know what pains and death are as well as others A little cold or heat or a thousand accidents may quickly change the case with you Many that were young and lusty go to their graves when some that were more likely to have gone before them are left behind But first or last we must all away Rather glory in a healthfull frame of soul that Christ hath cured you of your worldliness and pride of your self-seeking and passion and fleshly lusts For this will be a more durable health then the other 7. Have you Nobility of birth are you descended of worshipfull or honourable Ancestors Glory not in it We are all made of one common earth There is as good blood in the veins of a beggar as of a Lord. This is but a remnant of your Ancestors honour Perhaps the favour of some great men might bestow it on them at first without desert Or it might be the Consequent of a little riches though ill got However the merit descendeth not to you and therefore its little honour that comes
know most certainly that the world will serve you but a little while You know the day is hard at hand when it will turn you off and you shall say I have now had all that the world can do for me Naked you came into it and naked you must go out of it Haud ullas portabis opes Acherontis ad undas And then you shall more sensibly know what you now so overvalued and what you preferred before God and your salvation then now I am able to make you know O what low thoughts will every one of you have of all your pomp and pleasure your vain-glory and all your fleshly accommodations when you perceive that they are gone and leave your souls to the ●ustice of that God whom for the love of them you wilfully neglected If poor men of mean and low education were so so●●ish as not to know these things me thinks it should not be ●…ith you that are bred to more understanding then they 12. Lastly you sin against the most plain and terrible passages of Scripture seconded with dreadful judgements of God inflicted either upon your selves or at least on others of your rank before your eyes You have read or heard the words of Christ Luk 9. 25. For what is a man advantaged if he gain the whole world and lose himself and be cast away And Luke 12. 33 34. Sell all that you have and give alms provide your selves baggs which wax not ●ld a treasure in the heavens that faileth not where no thief approacheth neither moth corrupteth For where your treasure is there will your hearts be also You have heard there the terrible Parable of the Rich man Luke 12. 16 17 18 19 20. which endeth with Thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee and then whose shall those things be which thou hast provided with this general application So is he that layeth up treasure for himself and is not Rich towards God And you have heard that more dreadful Parable Luke 16. of the Rich man that was cloathed in purple and fared sumptuously and what was his endless end You have heard the difficulty of the salvation of the Rich. Luke 18. 24 25. How hardly shall they that have Riches enter into the Kingdom of God Because they are so hardly kept from loving them inordinately and trusting in them You have heard how fully Christ is resolved that no man can be his Disciple that forsaketh not all that he hath for him Luke 14. 33 26 27. And if you go never so far in your Obedience and yet lack this one thing to part with all in affection and resolution and practise when he requireth it and follow Christ in sufferings and wants in hope of a treasure in heaven its certain that Christ and you must part Luke 18. 22. You have heard the terrible passages in Jam. 5. 1 2 c. and abundance such in the word of God And yet are you not afraid of worldliness or sensuality You have seen in England the Riches of abundance quickly scattered that were long in gathering and God knows how many lost their souls to build that which a few years wars pull'd down And yet when you have but a little breathing time you are at it again as eagerly as ever as men that knew no greater good and are acquainted with no better and more gainful an employment Gentlemen do you know indeed what it is that you make so great a stir for which you value at so high a rate which you hold so fast which you enjoy so delightfully You do not know I dare say by your using of it that you do not know it Or else you would soon have other thoughts of it and use it in another manner Come nearer and see it through and look into the inside Consult not with blind and partial sense but put on a while the spectacles of faith go into the Sanctuary and see the end Nay Reason it self may t●ll you much of it When you must part with it you 'l wish it hang'd loose from you and not been so glued to you as to tear your hearts You feel not what the Devils lime-twigs have done till you are about to take wing either by an heavenly contemplation or by death and then you●l find your selves entangled The world is like to bad Physitians quo●um successus Sol intuetur errores autem Tellus operit The earth beareth yet all the good it doth you but Hell hath hidden from you the mischief that it hath done to millions of your Ancestors and therefore though this their way was their folly yet do their posterity approve their sayings Psal. 19. 13. Dic mi●i saith Bernard ubi sunt amatores mundi qui ante pau●a t●n p●…nobiscum fuerunt Nihil ex ej● rema●sit nisi cin●●●s vermes Attende diligenter qui sunt suerunt si●…ru commederunt biberunt riserunt duxerunt in bonis dies suos in puncto ad inferna descenderunt Hic caro eorum vermibus illic anima eorum slammis deputatur donec rursus infelici collegio colligati sempiternis ignibus in volvantur Who would so value that which he must eternally complain of and not only say It hath done me no good but also say It hath deceived me and undone me I would not thank you to make me the Owner of all your Lands and Honours to day and take it from me all to morrow What the better now are your Grand fathers and great Grandfathers for living in those houses and possessing those lands and honours and pleasures that you possess Vnless they used them spiritually and holily for God and heaven and the common good they are now in hell for their sensuality upon earth and are reaping as they have sown Gal. 6 7 8. and paying dear for all their pleasures Their bones and dust do give you no notice of any remnants of their honours or delights and if you saw their souls you would be further satisfied It may be there stands agilded Monument over their rottenness and dust and it may be they have left an honourable name with those that follow them in their deceit and so might the tormented Rich man with his Brethren Luke 16. who were following him towards that place of torment A just judgement of God it is to to give up men that choose deceit to be thus befooled That they should not only despise the durable Riches and choose a dream of honour wealth and pleasure here but also that their end may answer their beginning they should also take up with a picture of honour and felicity when they are dead That their deceived posterity may see a guilded Image bearing an honourable mention of their names and hear them named with applause and so may be allured thee more boldly to go after them And so a shadow of wisdom and vertue hath a shadow of surviving Honour for its Reward which alas neither soul nor body
obstinately unreformed And is the case so altered think you now as that you are bound to make such children rich that parents then were bound to put to death 3. I am not bound to give unnecessary provisions to an enemy of God to mis-employ it and strengthen him to do mischief and be more able to oppress Gods servants or oppose his Truth or serve the Devil I for bear to mention the proportions of mens estates that I think they are ordinarily bound to alineate but shall leave you to Prudence and the General Rules lest I seem to you to go beyond my line But in general I must say that it is a selfish and an hainous errour to think that men should lay up all that they can gather for their posterity and all to leave them rich and honourable and put off God and all charitable uses with the crums that fall from their Tables or with some inconsiderable driblets If the Rich man in Luke 18. might have followed Christ on such terms as these he would hardly have gone sorrowfully from him 1. By this men shew that they prefer their children before God 2. And that they prefer them before the Church and Gospel and the Common-wealth When an her●ick Heathen would have confessed that his estate and children and his life were not too good to be sacrificed to his Countrey as the case of the Decii and many other Romans that gave their lives for their Countrey witnesseth 3. These men prefer the worldly riches of their children before the souls of men When they have so many Calls to employ their wealth to the furthering of mens salvation and put by all that their children may be rich 4. They prefer their childrens Riches before their own everlasting good Or else they would not deny themselves the Reward of an holy improvement of their talents and cast themselves upon the terrible sentence that is past upon unprofitable servants and all to leave their children wealthy 5. They prefer the bodily prosperity of their children before their spiritual Or else they would not be so eager to leave them that Riches which Christ hath told them is such a snare and hindrance to mens salvation 6. They would teach all the world the easie art of never doing good in life or death For if all must follow their principles then the Parents must keep almost all for their children and the children must do the like by their children and so it must run on to all generations that their posterity may be kept as rich as their predecessors 7. How unlike is this to the antient Saints and how unlike to the general precepts of self-denyal and doing good to all while we have time c. which Christ hath left us in the Gospel Enable your children to be serviceable in the Church and Common-wealth as far as you may but prefer them not before the Church or Common-wealth Wrong not God nor your own souls nor the souls or bodies of other men to procure your children to be rich It will not ease your pains in hell to think that you have left your children Rich on earth It s few of the great and noble that are Called They will have an easier way to heaven in a mean estate Their Nurses milk contented them when first they lived in the world and will nothing but Lands and Lordships and superlative matters now content them when they have a shorter time to use it Poor men can sing as merily as the Rich and sleep as quietly and live as comfortably and die as easily Cantabit vacuus They are free from abundance of your cares and fears The Philosopher that had received a great gift of Gold from a Prince sent it back to him the next morning and told him that he loved no such gifts as would not let him take his sleep for thinking what to do with it Direct 7. Lastly Study the Art of doing Good and making your selves friends of the Mammon of unrighteousness that when you go hence you may be received into the everlasting habitations Remember how much of your Religion doth consist in the Devoting of your selves and all to God and improving his stock and being Rich in good works ready to distribute and communicate 1 Tim. 6. 18. And how much will be laid upon this at Iudgement Matth. 25. God doth not call upon you for your charity as if he would be beholden to you or needed any thing that you can give him but because he will thus difference his hearty followers from complementing hypocrites The poor you shall have alwayes with you and the Church shall alwayes want your help and Christ will be still distressed in his members to try the reality of mens professions whether they love him above all or else dissemble with him and wheeher they have any thing that they think too good for him It is a certain mark of an hypocrite to have any thing in this world so dear to you that you cannot spare it for Christ. Remember then that it is your own concernment If you would be ever the better for all your wealth nay if you would not be undone by it study how you may be most serviceable to God with it Cicero could say that to be Rich is not to possess much but to use much And Seneca could rebuke them that so study to encrease their wealth that they forget to use it If really you be Christians heaven is your portion and your end And if so you can love nothing else nor use any thing else rationally but as a means to attain that end See therefore in all your expences how you attain or promote your end Alas men are so busily building in their way that they shew us that they take not themselves for travellers They are so familiar with the world that they shew us they are not strangers but at home They make their garments so fine and lay such mountains on their backs that we see they mean not to be serious Runners in the Christian race The thorny cares that choak Christs seed do shew that they are barren and nigh to burning If you gather Riches for your selves Luke 12. 21. you are standing pits If you are Rich to God you will be running springs or cisterns There is a blessed Art of sending all your Riches to Heaven before you if you could learn it and were willing to be happy at those rates It is not for your Riches that God will either condemn or save you but for the Abasing or improving them Though Lazarus was a beggar yet Abraham had been rich whose bosom he was in Rich men must know saith Ambrose that the fault is not in Riches but in them that know not how to use them Nam divitiae ut impedimenta sunt improbis ita bonis sunt adjumenta virtutum O that you could but be sensible of the difference betwixt them that can say at last We have used our stock for the
thy self from danger without him Canst thou relieve or shift for thy self at death without him Darest thou tell him so to his face and stand to it But if thou must have a God what God wouldst thou have Wouldst not thou have a God that can preserve and help and save thee The world cannot do it man I shall tell thee more of this anon that the world cannot do it If thou trust to it it will deceive thee But if thou say then the Lord shall be thy God Away then with all thy Idols God will have no partner much less a superiour that is exalted above himself in thy soul. As Ioshua said to the Israelites Iosh. 24. 14. so say I to you Now therefore fear the Lord and serve h●m in sincerity and in truth and put away the world which hath been your God and serve ye the Lord And if it seem evil to you to serve the Lord choose you this day whom ye will serve but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord. And if you say as they God forbid that we should forsake the Lord to serve other Gods I answer you as he Away then with the world and all other Idols or else Ye cannot serve the Lord for he is an holy and a jealous God and will not forgive such transgressions and sins but if ye forsake the Lord and serve the world he will turn against you and consume you Vers. 19 20. God will not stoop to be an underling in your hearts He should have all an● will at last have all or none But in the mean time he will have the Best or none I do witness here to every soul of you in his name that if he have not the Soveraignty and be not nearer and dearer to your hearts then all the honours and riches and pleasures of the world he is not he will not be he cannot be your God And if he be not thy God thou wilt be Godless as thou art ungodly thou wilt be without his help as he was without thy heart Well this is the first Article of my charge against every one of you that hath not Crucified the world you are Idolators and Traytors against the God of Heaven And he that would have no God deserves to be no man and worse and shall either by Repentance wish with groans that he had never been a worldling and a neglecter of God or else in Hell with groans shall wish that he had never been a man As the first Commandment is the fundamental Law and informeth all the obligations of the particular precepts following so Idolatry which is against that Commandment is the fundamental crime and is the life of all the rest He that would overthrow the God-head would overthrow all the world 2. The next Article of my charge is this You are guilty of most perfidious Covenant-breaking with God Did you not in your Baptism solemnly by your parents Renounce the world the flesh and the Devil and promise to fight against them to the end of your life under the Banner of Christ And have you performed that vow No you have turned treacherously to the enemy that you renounced and fought for the world and the flesh against the Word and the Spirit of Christ. And if you renounce your Baptismal Covenant you renounce in effect the benefits of that Covenant And if God deal with you as with Perfidious Covenant-breakers thank your selves 3. Moreover you are guilty of debasing your humane nature and so of wronging God that made it and is the owner of it God made you not as bruits that are capable of no higher things then to eat and drink and play and die and there 's an end of them But he made you capable of an Everlasting life of Glory with himself And as he suiteth all his works to their uses and ends so did he suit the nature of man to his immortal state As we were made by God we were sitted and disposed to everlasting things And you ●●ave turned your hearts to the vanities of this world and set your mind on them as your happiness as if you had no greater things to mind Objects do either ennoble or debase the faculties according as they are That is the vilest creature which is made for the vilest uses and ends or imployes himself in such And that is the most excellent creature which is exercised about the most excellent Objects God made you for no less then his everlasting praises before his face among his Angels and you have so far debased your own nature as to root like swine in earth and dung and to live like bruits that have not an immortal state to mind How will you answer this dishonour done to the workmanship of God That you should blot out his image and imploy your souls against his Laws and live as moles and worms in the earth He put you on earth but as travellers towards Heaven and you have taken up your home in the way and forgotten your End and Resting-place 4. The next part of your Guilt is that you have perverted the use of all the creatures and turned the Works and Mercies of God against himself He gave them all to you to lead you to himself and to furnish you for his service He made this world to be a Glass in which you might see the Maker and a Book in which you might read his Name and will And will you overlook him and forget the end and use of all What shame and pitty is it that men should live in the world and not know the use of it That they should see such a beauteous frame and not understand its principal signification That they should daily converse with so many creatures which all proclaim the name of God and with one accord declare his praise and yet that this language should be so little understood Like an illiterate man in a Library that seeth many thousand Books and knows not a word that is in any of them Or like an ignorant man in an Apothecaries shop that seeth the drugs but knoweth not what they are good for nor how to use any of them if he had the greatest need The poorest cottage and smallest pittance of these earthly things might be a greater Blessing to you if you could understand their use and meaning then all the world would be to him that understands it not Your possessions in themselves if you have not God in them are but the very corpse or carkaise of a blessing The Life of them is wanting And without the Life they will but trouble you For you have the burden without the use Your horse will carry you while he hath life and health but take away his life once and you must carry him if you will have him any further Verily it is no wiser a trick to make a stir in the world and seek the profits and pleasures of it without God or any otherwise then as
can expect in the world would you be contented with this as your portion What is that you would have and which you make such a stir for Would you have larger possessions more delightful dwellings repute with men the satisfying of your lusts c. Dare you take all this for your portion if you had it Dare you quit your hopes of the life to come for such a portion You dare not say so nor do it expresly though you do it implyedly and in effect O do not that which is so horrid that your own hearts dare not own without trembling and astonishment I pray you tell me do you think that a sufficient Portion which the Devil himself would give you if he could or is willing you should have He is content that you enjoy your lusts and pleasures he is willing to let you have the honours and fulness of the world while you are on earth He knows that he can this way best deal with your consciences and please you in his service and quiet you awhile till he hath you where he would have have you He that told Christ of all the Kingdoms of the world and the glory of them would doubtless have given him them if it had been in his power to have obtained his desire Though you think it too dear to part with your wealth or pleasures for heaven and to be at the labour of an holy life to obtain it the Devil would not think it too dear to give you all England nor all the world if it were in his power that thereby he might keep you out of Heaven And he is willing night and day to go about such kind of work that may but attain his ends in devouring you If he were able he would make you all Kings so that he could but keep you thereby from the Heavenly Kingdom Alas he that tempteth you to set light by heaven and prefer this world before it doth better know himself to his sorrow the worth of that everlasting glory which he would deprive you of and the vanity of that which he thrusteth into your hands As our Merchants that trade with the silly Indians when they have perswaded them to take glass and pieces of broken Iron and brass and knives for Gold or Merchandize of great value they do but laugh at their folly when they have deceived them and say What silly fools be these to make such an exchange For the Merchants know the worth of things which the Indians do not And so is it between the Deceiver of souls and the souls that he deceiveth When he hath got you to exchange the love of God and the Crown of Glory for a little earthly dung and lust he knows that he hath made fools of you and undone you by it for ever Do you not think your selves that it is abominable madness in those Witches that make a Covenant with the Devil and sell their souls to him for ever on condition they may have their wills for a time I know you will say it is abominable folly And yet most of the world do in effect the very same God hath assured them that they must for sake him or the world and that they must not love the world if they will have his love nor look for a portion in this life if they will have any part in the inheritance of the Saints He offers them their choice to take the pleasures of Earth or Heaven And Satan prevaileth with them to make choice of Earth though they are told by God himself that they lose their salvation by it And here you may see what advantage Satan gets by playing his game in the dark and doing his work by other hands and keeping out of sight himself and deceiving men by plausible pretences Should he but appear himself in his own likeness and offer poor worldlings to make such a match with them how much would the most of you tremble at it and abhort it And yet now he doth the same thing in the dark you greedily embrace it If you should but see or hear him desiring you to put your hands to such a Covenant as this is I do consent to part with the love of God and all my hopes of salvation so I may have my pleasures and wealth and honour till I die Sure if you be not besides your selves you would not you durst not put your hands to it Why then will you now put both hand and heart to it when he plaies his game underboard and implicitly by his temptations doth draw you to the same consent What do the most of the world but prefer earth before heaven through the course of their lives They prefer it in their thoughts and words and deeds It hath their sweetest and freest thoughts and words and their greatest care and diligence and delight And what then do these men do but sell their salvation for the vanities of the world Believe it Sirs if you understood the Word of God and understood Satans temptations and understood your own doings you would see that you do no less then thus make sale of your precious souls And it is not your false Hopes that for all this you shall be saved when you can keep the world no longer that will undo the bargain If the Law of the Land do punish Murder and Theft with death he that ticeth you to commit the crime doth tice you to cast away your life and it will not save you to say I had hoped that I might have plaid the thief or murderer and yet be saved O Sirs if you knew but half as well what you sell and cast away as the Devil doth that tempts you to it sure you durst never make such a match nor pass away such an inheritance for a little earthly smoak and dust SECT XVIII Use of Exhortation MEN Fathers and Brethren hearken to the word of Exhortation which I have to deliver to you from the Lord. I know that this world is near you and the world to come is out of sight I know the flesh which imprisoneth those souls is so much inclined to these sensual things that it will be pleased with nothing else But yet I am to tell you from the word of the Lord that this world must be forsaken before it forsake you and that you must vilifie and set light by it and your heart and hopes must be turned quite another way and you must live as men of another world or you will undo your selves and be lost for ever If you have thought that you might serve God and Mammon and Heaven and Earth might both be your End and Portion and God and the world might both have your hearts I must acquaint you that you are dangerously mistaken Unless you have two hearts One for God and one for the world and two souls One to save and one to lose But I doubt when one soul is condemned you will not find another to be saved I
must plainly tell you that the case of multitudes not only of the sottish vulgar but of persons of Honour and Worshipful Gentlemen is so palpably miserable in the eyes of impartial discerning men that we are obliged to lament it We hear you speak as contemptibly of the world in an affected discourse as any others but we see you follow it with unwearied eagerness You dote upon it You contrive and project how you may enjoy it You think you have got some great matter when you have obtained it A filthy stir you make in the world some of you to the disquiet of all about you that you may be richer or greater then you are It takes up your heart your time your strength and visibly it is the very work you live for and the great game that you play and the main trade that you drive on and all your Religious affairs come in but on the by and God is put off with the leavings of the world And if you are low in the world or miss of your desires and suffer in the flesh you whine and repine as if you had lost your God and your Treasure If you will deceive your selves by denying t●is that bettereth not your case Neither God nor any wise man that seeth your worldly lives and how much you set by worldly things and how little Good you do with your wealth and how much the flesh and your posterity have as devoted unto them and how little God hath devoted unto him I say no wise man that seeth this will believe that you are mortified heavenly men I do here proclaim to you this day from the Word of the Lord that this your way is your folly Psalm 49. 13. Luke 12. 20. and that you are at present in a damnable condition that you are the enemies of God whoever of you are friends to the world and that if you love the world the love of the Father is not in you 1 Iohn 2. 15. and that you must in Affection and Resolution forsake all that you have in the world and look for a Portion in the world to come or you are not Christians indeed nor can be saved Luke 14. 33. It would grieve the heart of a Believing man to see how desperately many civil ingenuous Gentlemen and others delude and destroy themselves insensibly You will I hope all cry shame upon a common swearer drunkard or whoremonger you will hang a Thief a Murderer or a Traytor But you seem not sensible of the misery of your own Condition that are perhaps in a more dangerous case then these I beseech you consider Is not that the most sinful and dangerous state where God hath least of the heart and the creature hath most What know you if you know not this Why it is apparent that there is less Love to the world in many an one of the forementioned wretches then in many Civil Gentlemen that live in good reputation in their Countrey and little suspect so much mischief by themselves That is the most wicked man that hath in his heart the strongest Interest which is opposite unto God and all that is not subordinate is opposite Sin hath not so deep and strong an Interest in some Muderers that kill a man in a passion in some swearers that get nothing by it but swear in a passion or in some thieves that steal in necessity as it hath in many that seem sober and Religious I say again the greater creature ●nterest the more sinful is the estate Alas Sirs the abstaining from some of these crimes and living like Civil Religious men if the world be not Crucified to you and you to it doth but hide your sin and misery and hinder your shame and repentance but not prevent your damnation Nay the very Interest of the flesh it ●elf may make you forbear disg●acefull sins and so that may be finally your greater vice which you so much glory in and which is materially your duty All the priv●ledge of your condition is that you shall serve the Devil in more Golden setters then the poorer and contemned for t of sinners and that you may be the children of wrath with less suspition and that you may go to Hell in more credit then the rest and by your self-deceit you may keep off the knowledge of your misery and the disquiet of soul that would follow thereupon till death make you wiser when it is too late And is this a benefit to rejoyce in Indeed you have your Good things in this life you may be cloathed in the best and fare deliciously and when you are in Hell Torments where you would be glad of a drop of water your kindred on earth may nevertheless honour your name and little suspect or believe your misery And this is the Priviledge that you have above more disgraced offendors You leave a better esteem of you on earth when your souls are in Hell I But alas if a Pope should Saint you and his followers pray to you and worship you as its possible they may do this will not ease your torments I confess I am sensible that this kind of discourse is not very like to please you but it is not my errand to Please but to Profit For my part I bear you as much respect as you are Magistrates or otherwise qualified for the common good as others do But I must deal plainly with you in hope of your recovery or at least of the discharge of my own soul. I confess to you I look upon a worldly Prince or Judge or Justice or Gentlem●n or Freeholder yea or Minister as men as wicked before God and in as dam●able and dangerous a case to their own souls as the thieves that you bur● in the hand and hang. I am far from extenuating their sin or misery but I am shewing you your own Your sin may be as deep rooted and the interest of the world may be more predominant in you then in them Your lands and houses and hopeful posterity and the other provisions that you have made for your flesh may have more of your hearts then the world hath of the heart of a poor prisoner that never had so much to Idol●ze Believe it Gentlemen Christ was not in jest when he so often and earnestly warneth men of your quality of their everlasting peril Even more then ever he did Adulterers or Thieves It s not for nothing ●●●t he tells us how the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches choak the word that it becometh unfruitful Luke 8. 14 Mat. 16. 2● The Pharisecs that were covetous derided Christ when others did believe Luke 16. 14. They cannot be true Believers that receive Honour one of another and seek not the honour that cometh from God only Iohn 5. 44. that is who prefer the former It is not for nothing that Christ assureth you that it is as hard for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God as
insist on that which you dare not stand to And be of that mind which then you must condemn your selves Do you think that this is a reasonable course to be ventured on in so great a matter Quest. 9. MY next Question is this Do you ever mean to Repent of your fleshly and worldly-mindedness or not If you do not it seems you are far from a Recovery Many an one perisheth with bare uneffectuall purposes of Repenting but those that have not so much as such a purpose are graceless indeed But if you do purpose to Repent I would further ask you Do you think that is a right mind or a wise course which must be Repented of If it be right and wise what need you to Repent of it If it be not wise and right why will you now retain it yea and wilfully maintain it against the perswasions of God and man Doth not this proclaim that you are wilful sinners and that you know you sin and yet will do it even against your own knowledge and conscience that you know the world to be a deceitfull vanity and yet for all that you will stick to it as long as you can with the neglect of God and the true felicity And can you expect mercy and salvation that wilfully and knowingly do set your selves against it and reject it Quest. 10. MY next Question which I desire you to answer is this Do you in good sadness take the world for your enemy or for a hindrance to you in the way to heaven If you do not why did you in your Baptism renounce it and promise to fight against it And why have you professed since to stand to that Covenant And how then can you believe the word of God which so often telleth you what a hinderance Riches and Honours are to mens salvation But if indeed you believe that the world is your enemy and hinderance why then will you love it and be impatient if you want it and take such pleasure in it and desire to have more of it Do you love to have your salvation hindered or hazarded and will you love and long for that which is an enemy to it I think the way to heaven is hard enough to the best They need not make it harder then it is and be at so much labour all their lives to make themselves more enemies and more work and to block up the way while they pretend to walk in it O the hypocrisie of a carnall heart How notoriously do mens lives contradict their tongues When they will call the world their enemy and vow to fight against it to the death and at the same time will labour for it and greedily desire it as if they could never have enough That they will make so much of it as to neglect God himself and their salvation for it and make it the greatest care and business of their lives to get and keep it and all the while profess that they take it for their enemy This is dissembling beyond all bounds of shame Remember this when you are impatient of your low estate or contriving further accommodations to your flesh or hunting after a full estate Are these the signs of enmity to the world Do you hate your salvation that you so love the hinderers of it Either live as you profess or profess as you live Quest. 11. YET further I demand Whether indeed you do intend to Renounce your Christianity and all your hopes of heaven or not If you do you know whom to blame when you are deprived of it And I could wish you would first find out some better way or something that may be of valuable consideration to repair your loss But if you say you have no such intent I further ask Why then do you do it and do it after so much warning Do you disclaim your Christianity in the open light and yet say that you intend no such thing You cannot do it against your will And that it is in effect a Renouncing or Denying your Christianity yea and your salvation is plain For your Christianity containeth a Renouncing of the world and therefore it is part of our Baptismal Covenant If then you return to the world which you renounced you forsake your Christianity Had you rather forsake the world or Christ One of them you must forsake For he hath told you that Except you forsake all that you have you cannot be his Disciples Luke 14. and that you cannot serve God and Mammon Had you rather renounce the world or your salvation One of them you must let go For God hath said that the love of the world is enmity against God ●nd that if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him If therefore you will still say You hope you may keep both What do you less then give God the lye If you will still adhere to the world and yet say that you do not renounce your Christianity or Salvation you may as well say that though you joyn in Arms with open Rebels yet do you not forsake your Loyalty to your Prince Or though you live in Adultery yet you do not forsake your conjugal fidelity and chastity and that you do not cast away your life though you take poyson when you know it to be such or though you commit those crimes which must be punished with death I beseech you consider well Why you forsake Christ and why you will destroy your selves before you do it past remedy Quest. 12. MY last Question which I desire your answer to is this Do you indeed think that God is not better then the world and that Heaven is not more desiarble then earth and an endless glory then a transitory shadow Or is there any comparison to be made between them Have you considered what a sad exchange you make O unthankful souls Hath not God done more for you then ever the world did He made you and so did not the world He Redeemed you when none else could do it He preserveth you and provideth for you and all that you have is from his bounty He can give health to your bodies peace to your consciences salvation to your souls when the world cannot do it If the world be better then God in prosperity what makes you call upon God in adversity When any torment seizeth on your bodies or death draws near and looks you in the face then you do not cry O Riches help us O Pleasures or Honours have mercy upon us But O God have mercy upon us and help us Can none else help you in your distress and yet will you prefer the creature in your prosperity Ah poor deluded souls that follow the world which will cast you off in your greatest need and neglect him that would be faithful to you for ever The time is coming when you shall cry out The world hath deceived me I have laboured for nought but if you had been as true to God
men can be guilty of such sins as these Answ. Through the remnant of their corruptions and the power of temptations even learned godly men may be made the powerful Instruments of Satan to shatter and destroy your reputation for ever on earth and make even Countries and Kingdoms to believe that of you from Generation to Generation which never entred into your soul and by their means if you were persons of so much note you might be recorded in history to posterity as guilty of the crimes of which you were most innocent yea much more innocent then the reporters themselves So that it will be the work of Christ at the day of Judgement to clear the names of many an innocent one that hath gone under the repute of an Heretick a proud malicious man an Adulterer a Deceiver and a meer unconscionable and ungodly person even from age to age and that among the godly themselves by receiving the slander at first from some one that had the advantage to procure a belief of it It s like it was a seeming godly man that had been Davids own familiar friend in whom he trusted and which did eat of his bread Yet was he used in this kind by such Psal. 41. 6 7 9. And Psal. 55. 12 13 14. he saith It was not an enemy that reproached me then I could have born it neither was it he that hated me that did magnifie himself against me then I would have hid my self from him but it was thou a man mine equal my guide and mine acquaintance we took sweet counsel together and walked to the House of God in company Obj. But perhaps you may think I le walk so carefully and innocently that no man shall have any matter of such reproach Answ. 1. There is none of the imperfect Saints on earth that can be free from giving all occasions of reproach 2. And were you perfectly innocent it would not free you Nay your innocency it self may be the occasion of those reports that proclaim you wicked For it is not that which really is a fault but that which they think so that is the matter of such mens accusations The Apostles of Christ that walked in such eminent holiness and self denyal and consumed themselves for the good of others could not escape the tongues of slanderers but were accounted as the very scum and off-scouring of all things and as a by-word and even a gazing stock to Angels and men And the blessed Son of God who was holy harmless undefiled and separated from sinners was yet reputed one of the greatest of sinners and Crucified as such And he that could challenge them which of you convinceth me of sin was commonly defamed of what he was innocent of If Iohn came fasting they say he hath a Devil If Christ eat and drink temperately with sinners that he might take opportunity to feed their souls they say Behold a man gluttonous and a wine-bibber a friend of publicans and sinners Mat. 11. 18 19. They that saw him eat and drink with sinners had so fair a pretence to raise their reproach that they might the easilyer procure belief though it was perfect innocency it self which they reproached The best men on earth have ever had experience that there is no caution that can defend from a slanderous tongue As Erasmus once calumniated saith Fatalis est morbus calumniandi omnia Et clausis oculis carpunt quod nec vident nec intell gunt Tanta est morbi vis Atque interim sibi videntur Ecclesiae columnae qu●m nihil aliud quam traducant suam soliditatem pari malitia conjunctam c. How oft was good Melancthon fain to complain that there is no defence against a quarrelsom slanderous tongue and the too much sense of it did almost break his heart Obj. But at least I can say as the Philosopher If they will reproach me and speak evil of me I will so live that no body shall believe them Answ. Wherever there be men to make the report there will lightly be enough to believe it And if they that know you will not believe it yet that 's but a few to the most of them abroad that hear of you and know you not You may see then by this time if Reputation with men be the thing you over-value what a vain uncertain thing it is and how easily God can make your sorrow arise even from thence where you expected your vain applause And you will find by experience if you do not prevent it that while you over-value this or any earthly thing you are in the road to these afflictions It is Gods ordinary dealing with his children and frequently with others to punish them by their Idols and to make them sickest of that which they have most greedily surfeited of Could you but Crucifie the world and use it for God it would have no power thus to vex and crucifie your minds It is you that sharpen it and arm it against your selves and give it all the strength it hath by your over-valuing over-loving it It s like a Spaniell that will love those best that beat him but if you cocker it it will fly in your faces Obj. But I may fall under all these afflictions whether I love the world or not Answ. 1. But your perverse affections do provoke God to multiply such afflictions Had you not rather bear a smaller measure and taste of a cup that hath less of the ga●● 2. And if you were but Crucified to the world the same Afflictions would be as nothing to your mind which now seem so grievous to you and cast you into such vexations and discontents If it did as much to your flesh it could not reach the heart and if all be sound and well within it s no great matter how it is without The very same kind of affliction whether it be poverty sickness slanders or other wrongs are as nothing to a man that is dead to the world which seem intolerable to unmortified men For the heart and soul of the unmortified are the seat and subject of them when the mortified Christian hath a Garrison within and blots the door and keeps them from his heart What great trouble will it be to any man to part with that which he doth not care for especially while he keepeth that which hath his heart It s no great trouble to a worldling to want the love of God or communion with him nor to be without the life of grace nor to lie under the burden of the greatest sins and to be the slave of the Devil because he is dead in sin and dead to God and the things of the Spirit and therefore he perceiveth not the excellency of them but is well content to live without them And if spiritual death can make men so contented without the great unvaluable treasure and can make men set light by God and Glory What wonder if they that are dead to the
of sensual things and so must be drowned in unprofitable cares What he shall eat or drink and wherewith he shall be cloathed What matter is it to a wise man Whether his meat be sweet or bitter or whether his drink be strong or small or whether his cloaths be fine or homely or whether he be honoured or derided or past by save only as these things may have relation to greater things and as the body must be kept in a serviceable plight and we must value that capacity most in which we may best do our Masters work Keep under the flesh and you will easily overcome the world Otherwise you strive against the the stream While you have unmortified raging appetites and corrupted fancies and sensual minds you are byassed to the world and if the rub of a Sermon or sickness may turn you out of your way awhile the byass will prevail and you will quickly be on it again If you dam up the stream of these unmortified affections they will rage the more and if you stop them for a while by good company or some restraint yet will they shortly break over all and be more violent then before All your striving by waies of meer restraint are to little purpose till the flesh it self be subdued It is but as if you should strive with a greedy dog for his bone and with an hungry Lyon to bereave him of his prey be sure they will not easily part with it It s the case of many deluded people that have some knowledge of Scripture enough to convince them and tip their tongues and strive to restrain them from their sensual waies but not enough to mortifie the flesh and change their souls O what a combate is there in their lives The flesh will have its prey and pleased it must be Their conscience tells them It will cost thee dear Their flesh like an hungry dog is ready to seize upon that which it desires And conscience doth as it were stand over it with a staff and saith Meddle with it if thou dare And sometime the poor sinner is restrained and sometime again he ventureth upon the prey and he that had condemned himself for his sin doth turn to his former vomit and once more he must have his whore or his cups and then conscience takes him by the throat and terrifieth him and makes him forbear a little while again And thus the poor sinner is tost up and down and Satan leads him captive at his will And because he findeth a combate within him he thinks it is the combate between the flesh and the sanctifying Spirit when alas it s no more but the combate between the flesh and an inlightened conscience assisted with the motions of common grace which because they resist and trample underfoot their condemnation will be the greater Would you then have the boiling of your corruptions abated Put out the fire that causeth them to boil or else you trouble your selves in vain Mortifie the flesh once and get it under and scorn to be a slave to a sensual appetite but let it be all one to you to displease it as to please it and leave such trifles as pleasant meats and drinks and dwellings and fine cloathes to children and fools that have no greater things to mind and use the flesh as a servant to the soul supplying it with necessaries but correcting it if it do but crave superfluities Do this and you will easily Crucifie the world For the world is only for the flesh For saith Iohn 1 Iohn 2. 16. All that is in the world is the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and pride of life which are not of the Father but of the world And the world passeth away and the lust thereof but he that doth the will of God abideth for ever Remember that he that saith in my text that he is Crucified to the world doth say also Gal. 5. 24. that They that are Christs have Crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts This is to kill the world at the Root for it is Rooted in the fleshly Interest When otherwise you will but lop off the branches and they will quickly grow again Direct 4. BE sure to keep your minds intent upon the Greater matters of Everlasting life and all your Affections imployed thereupon Diversion must be your cure Especially to so powerful and transcendent an object Be once acquainted with Heaven by a life of faith and it will so powerfully draw you to it self that you will be ready to forget earth and take it as a kind of Nothing Get up to God and fix the eye of your soul on him and his glory will darken all the world and rescue you from the mis-leadings of that false fire that did delude you Come near him daily and taste how good he is and the sweetness of his love will make you marvail at them that think the world so sweet and marvail at your selves that you were ever of such a mind You cannot think that the world will be cast out of your Love but by the appearance of somewhat better then it self You must go to Heaven therefore for a Writ of ejectment You must fetch a beauty a pleasure from above that shall abase it and silence it and shame its competition O what is earth and all things in it to him that hath had a believing lively thought of Heaven Nothing below this will serve the turn You may think long enough of the troubles of the world and long enough confess its vanity before you can Crucifie it if you see not where you may have something that is better The poorest life will seem better then none and a little in hand will be preferred before uncertain hopes Till faith have opened Heaven to you as being the Evidence of the things invisible and have shewed you that they are not shadows but substances which the promise revealeth and Believers do expect you will be still holding fast that little that you have and you will say in your hearts as some do with their tongues I know what I have in this world but I know not what I shall have in another But the knowledge of God will soon make you of another mind Let in God into the soul and he will fill it with himself and leave no room for earth and flesh Learn what it is to walk with him and to have a conversation in heaven and it will cure you of your earthly mindedness Phil. 3. 18 19. There is no consistence between Earth and Heaven All men are either Earthly or Heavenly minded None therefore but the truly Heavenly Believer hath Crucified the world But because I have said more of this elsewhere I now forbear Direct 5. VNderstand well the right use and end of all creatures and make it your business accordingly to improve them I have told you before that they are all for God and glasses wherein we may see his face and
adversity This is a great reason why worldly Prosperity and true Holiness do so seldom go together and so few of the great ones of the world are saved O how hard is it to have the world at will and not to be ensnared by it and over-love it How hard is it heartily and practically to contemn a prosperous condition How hard to have serious lively thoughts of the great things of eternity and serious preparations for death and judgement when we have health and wealth and all the accommodations which our flesh doth desire Satan knows this well enough and therefore he is willing that his servants shall have prosperity He knows that it is not the way to get him servants to beat them and use them hardly but to please them by flatteries and fulfill their lusts that they may be enticed to imagin his service to be the best It s the custom of harlots to set out themselves to the best and to adorn themselves for the tempting of their lovers and not to go in an homely dress which no one will be taken with No wonder then if Satan the Pandor of the world do adorn it with the best cloathes and present it to you in the most enticing garb he can If the lips of this harlot did not drop as an honey-comb and her mouth were not smoother then ●yl she could not lead such multitudes to her end which is bitter as wormwood and sharp as a two-edged sword her feet go down to death her steps take hold of hell lest men should ponder the path of life Prov. 5. 3 4 5 6. And it is no wonder that God to save his people from this delusion doth dress the world to them in a courser attire and when he seeth them in danger to be enamoured on it as well as others if he present it to them in the rags of poverty and in the scabs of its corruption confusion and deformity that they may see the difference between it and their home It s strange to see how highly prosperity is regarded by the most how earnestly they desire it pray for it or contrive it and how much they are troubled when they fall into adversity when yet they know or say they know that the love of the world is the bane of the soul and that it killeth men by deceiving them Can you keep your affections as loose from the world when you have houses and lands and all things at your will as you could if it were otherwise Remember I beseech you that the poyson of the world is covered by its sweetness and that it killeth none but those that love it Be suspitious therefore that there is danger where you find delight If your estate be such as is pleasing to your flesh believe it is not likely to be safe to your souls If therefore your health your wealth your honours be such as your flesh would have them if your houses your accomodations your friends be suited to your carnal desires believe it your souls are in no small hazzard and therefore look about you as you love your salvation and fear the snare The great enemy of your souls hath not baited his hook with so curious and costly a bait for nothing The cautelous fish that is afraid to swallow yea or to taste or to come neer till he knows what is under it doth save his life when that which boldly ventures and fearlessly devoureth the bait is destroyed It s not for nothing that Solomon chargeth the man that is given to his appetite to put his knife to his throat at a feast and not to be desirous of the d●inties which are deceitfull Prov. 23. 1 2 3. A prudent man foreseeth the evil even when it is covered with the pleasantest bait and so he hideth himself and escapeth when the simple passeth on and is punished Prov. 22. 3. It is part of the description of the sensual a postates in Iude 12. that in their feasts they fed themselves without fear And it is as dangerous a thing to cloath your selves without fear to seek after wealth and honours without fear to possess your houses and lands without fear to see any thing that 's carnally pleasing to you or hear your own prayses without fear when other men must needs have things to their will do you study your duty and let the will of God be your will and if he give you a plentiful estate without seeking it or give you reputation and the praise of men without your affecting it receive them not without fear Think with your selves What a snare is here now for my soul Though it be good in it self and as it comes from God yet what an advantage hath the Deceiver here against me How easily may such a carnal heart as mine be enticed to the inordinate love of these and to be more remiss about higher and greater things and to be forgetful or insensible about the matters of my endless state How many men of worldly wisdom yea how many that seemed Religious have been thus deceived and perished before me Yea this is the common road to hell And is it not time for me then to look about me The old Christians were so jealous of the world and afraid of being mortally poysoned by its delights that they sold what they had and gave to the poor and voluntarily thrust themselves into poverty as thinking it better to go poor to heaven then to say in Hell that once they had riches I commend not any extream to you for indeed I have ever thought that its greater self-denyal to devote and use our riches for God then at once to cast them away or shut our hands of them and that he is a better steward that improveth his Masters slock then he that rids his hands of it out of an injurious fear of his Masters austerity But yet I must say that the other extream is more common and more dangerous And they that out of excess of fear betook themselves to poverty and to wildernesses were in a far better case then many that seem now to be zealous professors and yet are looking after the pleasures and riches and glory of the world I have many a time wondered at some eminent professors that are as constant and seraphicall in the outside of duty even to admiration as almost any I know and yet as closely and busily grasping at the world and labouring to be rich as if they were the wretchedst worldlings on earth I have oft wondered how they can quiet their consciences and how they make shift so constantly to delude such knowing souls The Countrey sees them drowned in earth and the generality of their godly friends lament them as meer hypocriticall earth-worms and yet because they can carry it on smoothly and not be noted for any palpable oppression or deceit they wipe their lips they bless themselves and with gracious words would cloak their covetousness as if men did but uncharitably
of heaven in it The stones and earth are useful for you to tread upon though they are unfit for you to feed on or too hard to rest upon So though the world be unfit to Rest or feed your souls it may be made a convenient way for you to travail in It is unmeet to be Loved but it is meet to be Used when you have learned so to use it as not abusing it When self is throughly down and denyed and God is exalted and your souls brought over so clearly to him that you are nothing but in him and would have nothing but in and with him and do nothing but for him then you shall be able to see that glory and amiableness in the creature that now you cannot see I or you shall see the Creator himself in the creature Benefit 10. WHEN once you are truly Crucified to the world You will have the honour and the comfort of an heavenly life Your thoughts will be daily steeped in the Coelestial delights when other mens are steept in Gall and Vinegar You will be above with God when your carnal neighbours converse only with the world Your thoughts will be higher then their thoughts and your waies then their waies as the heaven where you converse is higher then the earth When you take flight from earth in holy Devotions they may look at you and wonder at you but cannot follow you for whither you go they cannot come till they are such as you You leave them groveling here on earth and feeding on the dust and striving like children or rather like swine or dogs about their meat When you are above in the Spirit on the speedy wings of Faith and Love beholding that face that perfecteth all that perfectly behold it and tasting that Joy which fully reconcileth all that fully do enjoy it which we must here contend for but none do there contend about it What a noble employment have you in comparison of the highest servants of the world How sweet are your delights in comparison of the Epicures O happy souls that can see so much of your eternal happiness and reach so near it Were I but more in your condition I would not envy Princes their glory nor any sensualists and worldlings their contents nor desire to be their partner I could spare them their troublesom dignities and their burdensom Riches and the unwholsom pleasures which they so often surfet on and the wind of popular applause which so swelleth them Yea what could I not spare them if I might be more with you O happy poverty sickness or imprisonment or whatever is called misery by the world if it be nearer Heaven then a sensual life and if it will but advantage my soul for those contemplations which are the imployment of mortified heavenly men Yea if it do but remove the impediments of so sweet a life I know by some little too little experience I know that one hours time of that blessed life will easily pay for all the cost and one believing view of God will easily blast the beauty of the world and shame all those thoughts as the issues of my dotage that ever gave it a lovely name or turned mine eye upon it with desire or caused me once with complacency to behold it or ever brought it near my heart O Sirs what a noble life may you live and how much more excellent work might you be employed in if the world were but dead to you and the stream of your souls were turned upon God Had you but one draught of the Heavenly consolations you would thirst no more for the pleasures of the world Yea did you but taste of it as Ionathan of the honey from the end of his rod 1 Sam. 14. 27. your eyes would be enlightened and your hearts revived and your hands would be so strengthened in your spiritual warfare that your enemies would quickly perceive it in your more resolute prevailing opposition of their assaults And experience will tell you that you will no further reach this heavenly life then you are Crucified to earth and flesh God useth to shew himself to the Coelestial inhabitants and not to the Terrestrial And therefore you will see no more of God then you get above and converse in Heaven And if faith had not this elevating power and could not see further then sense can do we might talk long enough of God before we had any saving knowledge of him or relish of his Goodness And doubtless if we must get by faith into Heaven if we will have the reviving sight of God then we must needs away from earth For our hearts cannot at once converse in both Believe it Sirs God useth to give his heavenly Cordials upon an empty stomack and not to drown them in the mud and dirt of sensuality When you are emptyest of creature-delights and love you are most capable of God And fasting from the world doth best prepare you for this heavenly Feast Let Abstinence and Temperance be imposed upon your senses but command a totall Fast to your Affections And try then whether your souls be not fitter to ascend and whether God will not reveal himself more clearly then before It may seem a paradox that the vallies should be nearer Heaven then the Hills But doubtless Stephen saw more of it then the high Priests And Lazarus had a fairer prospect thither from among the dogs at the Rich mans gate then the Master of the house had at his plentiful table And who would not rather have Lazarus's sores with a fore-sight of Heaven then the Rich mans fulness without it yea with the fears of after misery A Heavenly life is proper to the mortified Benefit 11. MOreover those that are Crucified to the world are most fruitfull unto others and blessings to all within their reach They can part with any thing to do good with They are rich to God and their Brethren if they be rich and not to themselves If a mortified man have hundreds or thousands by the year he hath no more of it for himself then if he had a meaner estate He takes but necessary food and rayment he shunneth intemperance and excess Nay he often pincheth his body if needfull that he may tame it and bring it into subjection to the Spirit and the rest he layes out for the service of God so far as he is acquainted with his will Yea his necessary food and rayment which he receiveth himself is ultimately not for himself but for God Even that he may be sustained by his daily bread for his daily duty and fitted to please his Master that maintaineth him If they have much they give plenteously If they have but little they are faithfull in that little And if they have not silver and gold they will give such as they have where God requireth it But the unmortified worldling is like some spreading trees that by drawing all the nutriment to themselves and by dropping on the rest
will let no other prosper under them They draw as much as they can to themselves For themselves is their care and daily labour Psal. 49. 18. They all mind their own things but not the things of Christ or their Brethren Getting and Having and Keeping is their business and as swine are seldom profitable till they die Benefit 12. THE last Benefit that I shall mention is this If you are now Dead to the world and the world to you your natural Death will be the less grievous to you when it comes It will be little o● no trouble to you to leave your houses or lands or goods to leave your eating and drinking and recreations to leave your employments and company in the world for you were dead to all that is worldly before Surely so far as the Heart is upon God and taken off these transitory things it can be no grief to us to leave them and go to God It is only the remnants of the unmortified flesh together with the natural evil of death that maketh death to seem grievous to Believers but so far as they are Believers and dead to the world the case is otherwise Death is not neer so dreadful to them as it is to others except as the quality of some disease or some extraordinary dissertion may change the case Or as some desparate wicked ones may be insensible of their misery How bitter is the sight of approaching death to them that laid up their treasure on earth and placed their happiness in the prosperity of their flesh To such a fool as Christ describeth Luke 12. that saith to himself Soul take thy ease eat drink and be merry thou hast enough laid up for many years How sad must the tidings of death needs be to him that set his heart on earth and spent his daies in providing for the flesh and never laid up a treasure in heaven nor made him friends with the Mammon of unrighteousness nor gave not diligence in the time of his life to make his Calling and Election sure To a worldly man that sets not his heart and hopes above the face of death is unspeakably dreadful But if we could kill the world before us and be dead to it now and alive to God and with Paul die daily it would be a powerful means to abate the terrours and a certain way to take out the sting that death might be a sanctified passage into life So much of the Benefits of Mortification AND now what remains but that you that are Mortified Believers receive your Consolation and consider what the Lord hath done for your souls and give him the praise of so great a mercy Believe it it is a thousand fold better to be Crucified to the world then to be advanced to prosperity in it and to have a heart that is above the world then to be made the possessor of the world And for you that yet are strangers to this mercy O that the Lord would open your hearts to consider where you are and what you are doing and whether you are going and how the world will use you and how you are like to come off at last before you go any further that you may not make so mad a bargain as to gain the world and lose your souls O that you did but throughly believe that it is the only wise and gainful choice to deny your carnal selves and forsake all and follow Christ in hope of the heavenly treasure which he hath promised And let me tell you again as the way to this That though melancholly may make you weary of the world and stoicall precepts may restrain your lusts yet it is only the power of the Holy Ghost the Cross of Christ the belief of the promise the Love of God the Hopes of the everlasting invisible Glory that will effectually and savingly Crucifie you to the world and the world to you It is a Lesson that never was well taught by any other Master but Christ and you must Learn it from him by his Word Ministers and Spirit in his School or you will never Learn or Practise it aright The second PART Of the CHRISTIANS Glorying SECT XXIII HAving thus dispatched the first part of my subject concerning a Christians Crucifixion to the world by Christ and his Cross I come to the second Part concerning the Glorying of a Christian The Iudaizing Teachers did Glory carnally even in a carnall worship and carnall priviledges and in the carnall effects of their Doctrine on their Proselytes but Paul that had more to Glory in then they doth disclaim and renounce all such Glorying as theirs and owneth and professeth a contrary Glorying even in the Cross of Christ and his Mortification The Observation to be handled is that True Christians must with abhorrency renounce all Carnal Glorying and must Glory only in the Cross of Christ by whom the world is Crucified to them and they unto the world In handling this I shall briefly shew you 1. What is included or what we may Glory in 2. What is excluded or what we may not Glory in For the former here are two things expressed in the Text in which a Christian may and must Glory 1. The Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2. Our Crucifixion to the world hereby So that the Positive part of the Doctrine containeth these two branches which I shall handle distinctly before I speak to the Negative part 1. True Christians that are Crucified to the world and the world to them by the Cross of Christ may and must Glory therein 2. Yet so as that their Glorying must be principally in Christ and their own Mortification must be Gloryed in but as the fruit of his Cross. For the first Part it must be understood with these necessary limitations 1. As Glorying signifieth a self-ascribing and Proud conceit of our own Mortification and is contrary to Christian self-denyal and humility and Glorying in God so we must take heed of it and abhor it 2. As Glorying signifieth any outward expression of this inward pride either by words or deeds we must also avoid it with abhorrence 3. So must we also do by all unseasonable offensive ostentation which may seem to others to savour of Pride though indeed it proceed from a better cause 4. But as Glorying signifieth the apprehension of the Good of the thing and our Benefit by it and the due Affections of Content and Joy and Exultation of mind that follow thereupon thus must a Christian Glory in his Mortification by the Cross of Christ. We commonly call this act a Blessing of our selves in the apprehension of our case As the carnal ungodly world do Bless themselves in their Possessing carnal things so may a Christian bless himself that he is Crucified to them that is he may rejoyce in it as a great blessing of God that tendeth to further blessedness 5. And when we are called to it we may express to others our Glorying herein But