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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20549 A plaine and familiar exposition of the thirteenth and fourteenth chapters of the Prouerbs of Salomon Dod, John, 1549?-1645.; Cleaver, Robert, 1561 or 2-ca. 1625. 1608 (1608) STC 6959.5; ESTC S4611 122,696 160

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of treason and the griefe of violent death when he was a man But the scripture noteth that hee would not displease him to saie why hast thou done so 1. Kings 1 6. Instruction to childrē to take notice with thankfulnes of their parents loue not onely for their food and apparrel for their portion and patrimonie but like wise and that in a principal maner for their good education for their holy instructions for theire wholesome and medicinable corrections though for the present they seemed somewhat sharp and bitter vnto them These things are onely profitable to their bodies and yet not alwaies nor for perpetuity but these are for the good of theire soules and that certainly and for euermore The fathers fondnes and Gods anger and the childs ruine goe often together with those earthly possessions but the fathers faithfulnesse and Gods fauour and the childes happines are alwaies conioyned where this healthfull discipline is duly exercised and regarded Vers 25. The righteous eateth to the contentation of his minde but the bellie of the wicked shall want THe righteous all those which are religious in hearte and vpright in their wayes eate that is inioy all good things as they shall not be starued through want of food so they shall not be destitute of cloathing or lodging or habitation or any other thing that is needfull for them eyther they shall abound with plenty or be prouided of that which is sufficient Sometimes they haue no greate store for their eies to looke vpon yet liuing by faith and not by sight they haue alwaies enough for theire soules to be satisfied with But the bellie of the wicked shall want and their backes also very often and according to the curse of the lawe manie of them liue in hunger and in thirst and in nakednesse and in need of al things And albeit this iudgement is not Deu. 28. 48. executed vpon them all yet cōmonly some other more heauy and hur●full is inflicted vpon them that escape it And of neither of them which get most nor of them which fare best it can be truely affirmed that they eate to the contentation of their minds For though they haue much wealth in their hands much meat at their tables and much wine in their bowles yet they haue not much nor any contentment in their hearts for they remaine vnsatiable As the godly are in better case than the wicked for their soules Doct. in regard of the life to come so they are for their bodies in respect of their present state He onely is blessed in earth that is to be glorif●ed in heauen and none can possibly be happy here so long as he standeth in state of damnation for hereafter When the Spirit of God giueth grace to the soule his prouidence will not fayle to minister all good things to the body And therefore the Apostle sayth that 1. Tim. 4. 8. godlinesse is profitable vnto all things which hath the promise of the life present and of that that is to come On the other side vngodly men hauing no piety in them haue likewise no promise to them The best that may be hoped for is this that if they be Gods elect he will drawe them to himselfe by penury and wants or other scourges If otherwise let them know that he neuer giueth any thing to them in mercy whome he is minded to destroy in iustice A larger prosecution of this point see in the tenth Chapter verse the third vpon these words The Lord will not fam●sh the soule of the righteous but he casteth away the substance of the wicked AN EXPOSITION OF THE FOVRTEENTH CHAPTER OF THE PROVERBS CHAPTER XIIII Verse 1. A wise woman buildeth her house but the foolish destroieth it with her owne hands A Wise woman Such a one as is both godly and discreet buildeth her house is helpfull and profitable to the state family of her husband and her owne But she that is foolish being destitute of grace and good prouidence how much wit soeuer she hath for many times the most witty wiues are the least thrifty huswiues destroieth it vndooeth her hus●and her selfe and children and ouerthroweth the whole houshold It behooueth a man in regard of his whole estate to be wise Doct. and wary in making choyse of his wife Though his owne skill and power be slender and vnable to effect any matters of importance yet by a wise diligent helper he may bring great things to passe and though himselfe be neuer so industrious and expert in his calling yet by a wretchlesse and wastfull yoakefellow his labours may be all consumed A good woman comming to a house scarce side-wall high will set vp the roofe furnish the rooms but a lewd huswife finding an house already built and stored will rase the foundation of it and quickly empty it of all the furniture Some by their sloth carelesnesse neglect either to get or saue others by their pride or luxury or like vices spare not to lauish out and mispend and all by sinfulnes and rebellion against God do drawe downe his curse and iudgements vpon them Somewhat hath been already spoken to this point in the twelfth chapter and fourth verse vpon these words A vertuous woman is the crowne of her husband but she that maketh him ashamed is a rottennesse in his bones And more remaineth to be handled in the one and thirtieth chapter where the Lord himselfe doth at large illustrate the seuerall properties and good effects of a prudent godly and gratious woman Vers 2. He that walketh in his vprightnesse feareth the Lord but he that is lewd in his waies despiseth him BY walking and waies is meant in the Scriptures the ordinary vsuall and common course of mens behauiour by vprightnesse the sincerity and faithfulnes of their harts contrary to fraud and guile which pretendeth one thing and purposeth another in them which make a shew to doe seruice to God in that wherein they only or principally propose some carnall end to themselues and by fearing the Lord is vnderstood true piety and godlines So that the sence of the former clause is that euery one which accustometh himselfe to well doing vnfainedly without hypocrisie and halting is vndoubtedly the child of God and truely religious But he that is lewd in his waies that leadeth a wicked life whether openly in the sight and view of the world or secretly so as is known only to the Lord and his owne conscience despiseth him doth actually and in deed shew contempt to God by violating his lawes howsoeuer he may beare himselfe in hand and make others to beleeue that he doth much reuerence him The faithfulnesse or falslood of the heart may be discerned by the Doct. course of the conuersation The grace of the spirit cannot be dammed vp in the soule of a man but that it will flow forth and shew it selfe by goodnesse in his behauiour neither can there possibly be a constant streame
speedy repentance may outrunne the plagues and stay them in due season their humiliation comming into the presence of God before the euills do come at them The Niniuites dealt wisely this waies when they vnderstood by Ionah that their desolation approched so neere vnto them they foorthwith set themselues to fly from it and with all expedition fell to fasting by that means preuented it It is not safe for the hunted beast to stand still when the stronger that seeketh his life hath him in pursuite and much lesse for wicked men to be secure when the vengeance of the Almighty doth follow them If they say we haue power and friends and are well able to stand for our selues let them remember that which hath bin formerly handled that though hand ioyn in hand Prou. 11. 21. the wicked shall not be vnpunished The strongest Wether in the fold and all the rest of the flock with him cannot incounter with the Lyon If they say we haue policy and plots to helpe our selues by and know how to prouide for our safety let them know that there is no wisedome neither vnderstanding nor counsell against the Prou. 21. 30. Lord. If they say why should we now be more afrayd then hitherto we haue been We walked in the same way before and the same punishments were threatned before and sithence we had no hurt till this time what likelihood is there that it will come hereafter especially our present state being so prosperous Let them consider that in the course the poore hunted creature though vnreasonable is not yet so silly as to thinke that there is no pursuite after her because shee seeth no perill before her her feare is in regarde of that which followeth at her heeles and not of that which is in viewe of her eyes And the longer they haue escaped the lesser time remayneth to escape as the beast is nearer to her death towards the end of the course then at the first setting foorth It is the argument which Saint Peter vseth to proue that the perdition of such impious persons approacheth on fast and is at hand because that their iudgement long agone was not farre off and their damnation sleepeth not that is hath beene iournying towards them euer since both night and day without any stay or intermission Doct. 2 But that which is good c They which doe God good seruice shall be recompenced with good wages See Chap. 11. 18. on these words he that soweth righteousnesse shall receiue a sure reward Verse 22. A good man shall leaue inheritance to his childrens children but the riches of the sinner is laid vp for the iust THe meaning is that the godly person not onely himselfe inioyeth his goods whilst he liueth but when he dyeth leaueth the same to his children in such sort as that also their children through Gods mercy inherit the same Againe the wicked man is so far off from leauing his goods to his posterity as that by Gods prouidence they oftentimes are rolled from him vpon the righteous person who is as it were his heyre against his will Yet this is not so to be taken as though it held vniuersally and perpetually in euery person Many good men haue no children at all many good men haue no children suruyuing them many good mens posterity endeth in their immediate issue many good men leaue their children poore and in meane estate Soon the contrary side diuers wicked men leaue their lands and riches to their owne children though impious also like their parents and they conuey them to their seede after them which in like manner possesse them as the Prophet sayth in the Psalme Thou fillest their bellies with thine hid treasure their children haue enough and leaue the rest of their substance for their children But he speaketh of that which cometh often to passe though not alwaies which are the readiest meanes for such effects He that wold prouide wel for his posterity cannot find out any way so good for his childrēs estate as to be godly himselfe And if the Lord withhold that blessing from him he may recompēce it by making his children inheritors of grace saluation and if either he giue him no children or children of no piety and goodnes he will vndoutedly counteruail it with increase of heauēly gifts glory for his own soule And he that giueth himselfe to iniquity and sinne doth as much as in him lyeth to subuert both his estate and family and if that both stand notwithstanding the course he taketh to bring them to ruine then as Dauid said in the forerecited Psalme his portion is only in this life and his punishment reserued to be the larger in the world to come They make the best prouision for their posterity which inrich Doct. 1 themselues with piety and goodnes If men would so prouide patrimonies for their children they might hope that the Lord would become their executor and faithfully performe their bequests If by this meanes they would compasse liuings for their ofspring they should haue lesse cause to feare the alienation of them from their houses and to incumber themselues and their seed with so many Intailes Plentifull experience hereof is to be found in the Scriptures especially concerning the progeny of Abraham and Isaacke and Iacob whom God aboundantly blessed with large posterity and ample possessions for many hundred yeares togither It is one part of that happines wherewith God doth often recompence Reasons 1 the piety and godlinesse of his seruants according as is promised in one of the Psalmes Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord and delighteth greatlie in his commandements His seede Psal 112. 1. shall be mightie vpon earth the generation of the righteous shall be blessed Secondly good men will get their goods well and vse them well they shew to others commonly mercy and liberality and that returneth and continueth both vpon themselues and theirs whiles their owne soules are glorified in heauen the state of their issue is made prosperous on earth Their receiuings do farre surmount their bestowings during the time of their being here and yet as it were an annuity is faithfully confirmed duely performed vnto their posteriry after them He is saith Dauid euer mercifull Psal 37. 26. and lendeth and his seede inioyeth the blessing Thirdly godly men will in such manner educate and trayne vp their children that they shall be instructed how to order themselues and their substance so as God shall be pleased with them and the Church holpen by them and they preserued as fruitfull plants to send foorth seed and sciences to the succeeding generations See the 21. verse of the 11. chapter for other reasons and the vses of this point where it hath been more largely handled in the second doctrine Doct. 2 But the riches of the sinner c That which the wicked do get is oftimes appointed for the godly to enioy The vngodly hath the burden layd vpon
to their owne state by the paucity of their people That made Iob so pittifull to the poore oppressed and so seuere to the violent oppressours and therfore came so great a blessing on Iobs gouernment so great comfort to his heart and so great prosperity to his estate and so great honour to his estate and so grear reuerence to his person and so great honor to his name and so great blessednes to his soule and body for euer I was saith he a father vnto the Iob. 29. 16. poore when I knew not the cause I sought it out diligently I brake the iawes of the vnrighteous man and pluck●e the pray out of his teeth Neither doth the Scripture purpose the example of Iob onely for magistrates to imitate although it maye well beseeme them all to treade in his steps but Iobs better and master euen Iesus Christ the Lord of Lords and king of kings is set forth for a patterne for Salomon himselfe and euerie other good ruler to follow He shall iudge the poore of the people he shall saue the children Psal 72 4 ● of the needy and subdue the oppressour And therefore in his dayes shall the righteous flourish and aboundance of peace shall bee so long as the moone endureth Reproof of those hurtfull and inhumane creatures those spoilers of their brethren which so greed●ly affect the depopulation of townes and desolation of the country whereby they are become very pernicious and noysome both to Prince and people And yet is their headinesse no way tollerable which without all authority and against authority intrude themselues into the magistrates place to be reformer of those abuses which the author of authority appointeth him to represse God hath put the sword into the kings hand to punish offendours he is ordayned to be a buckler for the defence of his subiects it belongeth to him to redresse the things that are amisse among his people none is so much damnified by such publick misdemeanors as he How dareth then the heele or sole of the foote to vsurpe to it selfe the office of the head or what imboldeneth the little toe to vndertake the work of the hand Or whēce haue priuate persons their warrant to deale in those affaires which are peculiarly assigned to Gods owne deputy Verse 29. He that is slowe to wrath is of great wisedome but hee that is of a hasty minde exalteth follie HE that is slowe to wrath which is able to master the rage of his affections so as that he will not hee care●ed away to distemper contrary to the rules of lawfull anger is of great wisedom hath receiued from aboue in his heart that pure peaceable and gentle vvisedome which Saint Iames speaketh of and doth also Iam. 3. 17. declare the same by his long susterance and patient forbearance when by indignities and wrongs he is prouoked But hee that is of an hastie mind being rashly mooued to passion without due cause of displeasure or immoderately offended when the faulte deserueth not so much anger exalteth follie doth openly commit it as though he would lift it vp that all men might see it See chapter 12 16. where this point hath beene intreated of Vers. 30. A sound heart is the life of the flesh but ennie is the rotting of the bones A Sound heart that is a tender kind and compassionate hart toward them that be in afflictions with a desire to relieue and succour them for the word signifieth an healing heart such a one as wisheth well to them and studieth how it may best comfort them so free it is from euill will and despite and grudging at other mens good estate is the life of the flesh bringeth health and soundnesse to the whole man that hath it But ennie is the rotting of the bones it is painefull to the minde and hurtfull to the body and will quickly consume a man and bring him to his end as the diseases which lye in the bones and eate vp the marrowe No man liueth so chearfull a life as hee which is mercifully Doct. 1 affected His happines is not detayned from him vntill he come to heauen but he hath some fruition thereof whiles he liueth on earth neither doeth it consist alone in the ioye of his soule but is very effectuall for the health of his body And therefore Dauid declareth the felicity of such men when he pronounceth euery one blessed that wiselie considereth of the poore Psal 41 1 First it is a meanes to procure plenty or at least competent Reasons 1 store of good things for this present life together with the comfortable vse of the same Secondly in their aduersities it is commonly seene that their measure is repayed them which they haue meted to others for God doth vsually send them comforters which will declare a fellow feeling with them of their afflictions and pray for them and direct them by counsell and relieue them with helpe and speak to their harts comfortably or if men faile them yet God will not and the testimony of their owne compassion to others shall not as Iob well found and so they are assured of supportance in their tribulations and deliuerance out of them And so much is meant in the Psalme when it is sayd that vnto the righteous ariseth light in darknesse he is mercifull and full of compassion Psal 1●2 4. and righteous Thirdly they neuer want matter of ioye and gladnesse so long as they see any of Gods seruants and people growe in grace and prosper in their outward estate and such as be in distresse relieued by others though themselues could not helpe them and whosoeuer is thus affected shall seldome be distitute of all cause of reioycing This way tendeth the promise that is made to euery of tho●e which vnfainedly feare the Lord in the hundreth and eight and twentith Psalme The Lord out of Zion shall blesse Psal 12● 5. thee and thou shalt see the wealth of Ierusalem all the daies of thy life Instruction to vse this holye physicke of mercy towardes our Vse poore brethren as a preseruation to our selues to keepe vs from afflictions or if it be wholsome for our soules to comforte vs in them Jf we must needes drinke the portion thereof it is a tryed medicine that neuer missed to worke liuely in any that euer receiued it And this may incourage euery one to seeke for it because no mans condition doth disa●●e him of obtaining of it who is so poore as that he should be hindred thereby from being pittifull The mean●st may be touched with asmuch compassion as the mightiest aswell rewarded for it and he that can doe least in deed to succour his distressed brother may somtimes preuayle most in word to comfort him But euerie c. VVhosoeuer hath an enuious heart doth liue in Doct. 2 continuall torments Euen the very body and outward man is plagued therewith as it is made the more healthfull and strong by loue