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A17589 The countesse of Marres Arcadia, or sanctuarie Containing morning, and evening meditations, for the whole weeke. By M. Ia. Caldwell sometimes preacher of Gods Word, at Fawkirke. Enriched with a godlie treatise, called, An ascension of the soule to heaven, by meditation on the passion of our Lord Iesus Christ. Caldwell, James, 1580?-1616.; Anderson, Patrick, 1575-1624. 1625 (1625) STC 4366; ESTC S116200 116,521 496

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By the Passion of Iesus Christ And first wherein the holie and saving meditation thereof consisteth secondly which bee the principall parts of the Historie whereof some not all are handled THat worthely thou mayest vnder-stand these two thinges are necessarie First the knowledge of the History which is common to the Elect and the Reprobat Secondlie the spirituall notice and application thereof to thy selfe The first is necessarie for all that purpose to be saved but it is not enough and sufficient For how canst thou apply the passion of the Lord Iesus to thy selfe vnlesse thou be instructed therein Rom. 10.14 For how can they call vpon him in whom they haue not beleeued And how can they beleeue in him of whom they haue not heard And how shall they heare without a Preacher Iohn 8.56 Abraham had long agoe cognition heereof as Christ witnesseth Your father Abraham rejoyced to see my day and hee saw it and was glad So David in his 7.2 Psal and manie moe as if he had bene stāding by that wooden crosse and heard these words of Christs own mouth And Esay in his 53. hath clearlie the historie of the Passion as if he had beene at Golgotha in proper person yet this historicall knowledge doth shoot short For the Devils beleeue Iam. 1. and they tremble that is haue a simple naked knowledge Our looking vp to Heaven doth not transport vs thither So that bare knowledge doeth not joyne thee with GOD vnlesse there be added a spirituall medi●ation and speciall application of his death to thy selfe such as was in Abraham David and Esaias The Priestes and Elders the Pharisees Scribes and their servantes Pilate Herod and Iudas and innumerable moe knew this Historie whereof they were presidents and actours but never one of them voide of fault shall bee saved Heb. 11.6 yea it hade beene more tolerable to them never to haue seene nor heard of Christ Iohn 8 24. which maketh them the more inexcuseable For if hee bad not come and declared his Fathers will Mat. 11.21 they would haue had some clocke to pretend but now they haue none Remember all thy life-time is short Iam. 4.14 and insufficient for the true knowledge of this so high a mysterie of salvation which cannot be accordingly ●o the worth thereof expressed by any mortall and neither canst thou be fully ravished in admiration heereof It is not the saving vse of this Tragicall historie often to speake of it or with teares and lamentations Iohn 14. Luc. 23. or such humane feeling and sense to bewaile that the most righteous Sonne of God should haue vndergone such cruell and vndeserved punishmentes a most shamefull death it selfe much lesse to fall out in bitter imprecations and spitefull cursings against Pilate or Iudas remnant which contriued this innocent Lambes death but it should pearse deeper in thine heart and soule that his grace assisting draw and moue thee to earnest repentance 2. Cor. 10. not to be repented of patience in affliction thankfulnesse and brotherlie loue to abhorre and detest sinne for which our Saviour was so tormented never to dispare since for thy sake hee hath given him out of the deepe and gulfe of his love who was his enemie but seeing whilst thou was a sinner Rom. 5.8 Christ died for thee much more beeing now justified by his Blood shall thou bee saved from wrath through him For thou mayest bee perswaded that if when thou was a foe was reconcealed to God by the death of his Son Rom. 8.32 much more beeing reconcealed shalt thou bee saued by his Life for bee that gaue thee his Sonne will not hee giue thee all things also Especiallie during the time of thy life carie a thankfull heart to thy Redeemer that for maintainance and defence of his glorie Act. 21. ● thou would suffer all calamitie and miserie whatsoeuer yea death it selfe thus if it were possible to make a requitall to him But alwayes which is most acceptable in his sight by true faith establish thy confidence that after all the distresses of this wretched world are finished thy Redeemer shall stand the last on the earth Iob. 1 25.26 and though after thy skinne wormes destroy thy bodie yet shalt thou see GOD in thy flesh whom thou thy selfe shall see and thy eyes shall behold and none other for thee and so enjoye eternall felicitie with thy Christ in the Heavens who shall bee All in All. THE FIRST STEPPE in this Ladder to ascend are of thinges which went before his Crosse HERE consider my Soule how hee was betrayed by Iudas with a kisse Mat. 26.48 Whose delight was to be with the children of men Pro. 8.31 Accused of the Iewes who is the Iudge of the World Condemned vnder Pilate who would all to be saued 1. Tim. 2.4 and come to the knowledge of Trueth Crucified between two malefactors who is among the middest and in the middest of two or three gathered in his Name his Soule sore troubled Luc. 2.25 who is the consolation of his owne secrete ones his heart grieved who is the joye and mirth of his Elect Psal 66.1 his Bodie tormented with the nailing of his blessed Hands and Feete who created the Heavens and the Earth Deut. 32 18. Psal 110 1. and these bee the workes of his hands whose enemies shall bee made his foote-stoole With the pearcing of his gracious side which yeelded streames of Iordan-like blood Mat. 26.28 and water to cleanse our leprosie whereof one drop was sufficient satisfaction for infinite worlds be reason of the personall vnion of the Deitie therewith 1. Pet. 1.12 The bespitting and beating of that Face on which the Angels of the Heaven take pleasure to behold So the Son of God the Lord of glorie the Prince of peace was hainouslie ignominiouslie and cruellie entreated of miserable miscreants so hee which knew no sinne was made a sacrifice for sinne 2. Cor. 5.21 that wee might bee made the righteousnesse of God through him The Devill the prince of this world albeit a Lyar Iohn 8.44 a man-slayer from the beginning came and found in him nothing Iohn 8.46 yea who could rebuke him of sinne Now if the vaile of the Temple of senslesse stones was rent if the Earth did tremble which of it selfe was so firmelie sounded Psal 104.4 that it could not bee moued to condole the manifestatioun of that strange passion and hard Rockes raue asunder which thunder-boltes and Earthquakes could not divide If these creatures I say voyde of reason and sense expressed their sorrow reverence and obedience thus to their Creator Phil. 2.8 who had emptied and abased himselfe so to bee handled by the children of darknesse how can it be but thou my Soule who did the same and for whome it was done should bee much affected and feelinglie take to heart these vndeserved favours purchased for thee thy Bowells
to come I doe refuse the deceitfull pleasures of this world and choose rather to suffer adversitie with the people of God than enioye the pleasures of sinne for a season Reioyce thou one of that flocke on whom it hath pleased the Father to giue a Kingdome Thou art my good Shepheard who feedeth mee with thy owne Blood that I may liue by thy life For they that liue by the infected and poysoned blood of olde Adam only are more miserable than beastes Prepare O Lord in me loue and repentance make mee cleane and purifie mine heart by Faith the onely receptacle and mansion of thy presence to receiue such a pretious Guest Put on mee the wedding Garment sith thou deare Husband Iesus will ioyne vnite thy selfe to mee never heereafter on thy part to bee dissevered make mee beware of Hypocrisie and coūterfaite dealing in approaching with my body but my heart farre off betraying thee againe with a Iudas kisse The pure the contre●te and broken heart for the sence of Sinne laden and wearie are here invited by thee who wil not break the bruised reed nor quench the smoaking flaxe such are eased and find rest to their soules And because none oblation pleaseth thee without reconciliation with my Brother I make an attonement with him forget and forgiue him as I hope to be forgiven for his sake who hath come vnder the poore roofe of my soule by participation of his bodie on earth beginning alreadie a life in mee in heaven for whom haue I there but thee whom can I desire on earth beside thee The Israelites did eate that Manna and died but they that eate this heavenlie food shall never perish But after thou hast guided me by thy counsell wil receiue me to glorie Adams forbidden tree procured death but by thee is everlasting life agreeing heaven with earth Men with Angels as it is the fulnes of Ioy to behold thy Face feele thy presence so let my soule haue a liuelie feeling of comfort in my Christ with a growing strength in grace and in the saving knowledge of thee my God and not to losse a good conscience for the trash of this world and as thou willes me to remember thy Sonnes death O F●ther bee thou as thou hast promised and wilt performe mindfull of mee in the riches of thy mercie to the ending of my life in Iesus To whom with thee and the holy Ghost bee praise and honour for now and euer So bee it A Prayer and Thankesgiuing af●er the receiuing of the holy Supper of our LORD O LORD GOD Father Almightie I yeelde thee heartie thankes for thine inestimable loue and favour towards mee miserable Sinner not onely for that I haue my being moving and living in thee and from thee but also because it hath pleased thee of thy meere mercie to redeeme me from eternall damnation wherein I was cast by reason of transgressions and that by the Blood of thy Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ as of a Lambe vndefiled and without spot that I might liue with thee in that thy Kingdome in the Heave●s Let not the effusion thereof be in value towards mee but still feede and nourish my soule by participation of the Body of thy Son Christ Iesus as an effectuall pawnde earnest of that glory which shall follow And now what shall I render vnto thee for all thy spirituall and temporall blessinges thou hast vouchsafed on mee And what doth the Lord my God require of me but to feare thee to walke in all thy wayes and to loue thee and serue thee with all mine heart and with all my soule Command mee Lord what thou wilt and doe in mee that thou commandest The most detestable vice is ingratitude and greater honour can be giuen to none than to bee called the Childe of God Thou hast the Son of thy delight with whom thou mightst haue contented thy selfe and hast thou not the holy Angels which doe readily thy will yet it hath pleased thee to adopt man-kinde O suffer me not holy Father to degenerate from thee and to turne to my former nature Giue me an vnderstanding heart to doe thy will and preserue mee as the apple of thine eye Remoue my sins which are as a clowde betwixt thee and mee O my God which art my light my life and salvation albeit I find in my selfe great temptations and grievous assaultes of Sathan the flesh and the world Thogh thou euen thou my deare God wold kill mee yet will I trust in thee for I know thou canst reviue me and when thou woundest canst heale mee Grant I never doubt of thy promises through vnbeliefe but beeing confirmed in Faith giue glorie to thee as fully perswaded that thou that promisest art also able to doe it For it is the greatest punishment that can befall man to forsake thy word and admonitions not to relye on thy promises but harden the heart by obstinacy and rebellion Take not thy Spirit from me but fasten mine heart to thee Show mee the light of thy countenance that I wander not from thee and sleepe in sinne but I may gather in this last age of the world Manna for that great and everlasting Sabbath in the Heavens that Ierusalem aboue the Citie of the living God where I shall find peace and rest for ever hauing accesse and entrie to that light of Glorie which hath broken and overthrowne the kingdome of Sathan For I know as thou strengthenest and fortifiest thy secre● ones thou redoublest their temptations O● but hard is the combate when thou striu●● against vs and seemest to bee our adversari●● for how should dust and ashes stand befor● thee Strengthen guide me by thy might that encouraged by thy promises I may conquere and bee conpassed with ioyfull deliverances Great infirmitie and weakenesse doth remaine in mee I am full of vexation and anguish of minde but let mee never yeelde no● waxe faint but sustained and vpholded by thy grace and power that b●eing pressed I bee not oppressed but rise againe as the Palme tree For as the seede dead and rotten in the earth bringeth foorth greater aboundance so tribulation is the seed of the Church Assist me therfore by thy heavenly grace to try how much more precious the tryall of my Faith is than gold which bringeth so great a glorie when thou shalt change my teares into ioye my mourning into mirth my sorrow into solace my death into life Make my delite to bee always in thy word which being eternall can make mee also eternall I choose it to be my Treasure that mine heart may be alwayes therein for he that will liue must needes know thee hee that will reigne must needs serue thee that he wil haue ioy of heart must needes praise thee for thou art that Ladder by which Angels come downe to vs and w●● ascend vp to Heaven to them Thou art the Way the Veritie and Life no man commeth to the Father but by Thee Quicken ●●e therefore in thy Blood that I may bee of the number of thy Children and true member of the bodie of thy Church and never forget this Covenant I haue now boūd vp with thee who hath giuen mee that Inheritance by thy Will and Testament wherof this holy Supper is a true pledge Nowe hence foorth I am fullie deliberated to obey willinglie thy Statutes and persevere ioyefullie vnto the death and suffer crosses patiently sith thou my Saviour art my life To thee therefore with the Father and the holie Ghost Trini●●e in Vnitie bee all praise and glorie and honour for nowe and euer Amen
downe thy Spirit to put vpon my soule that I may awake out of the deep sleep of vnrighteousnesse take the staffe of God in mine hand and never to looke backe with Lots wife Gen. 26. but ever to haue my face towards the new Ierusalem that in the end I may say with thy servant Paul 2. T● 4. ● I haue runne a good race I haue foughten a good fight from this time foorth is the Crowne laid vp for mee Leade mee thorow the snares of this day See my feete vpon a rocke Psal 2. and order my going● Furnish me with wisdome that I may go in and out wiselie before thy people set a watch before my lippes Psal and the doore of my speech let all my speeches bee seasoned with grace and tend to edifieing Let my heart ever be with thee what ever I bee doing beneath And finallie as thou led thy servant Moses vnto mount Pisga and did let him see Canaan a farre off Deut. 34. 1 let my soule delite to walke vpon the mountaine of heavenlie meditations looking a farre off to that heavenlie Canaan while in thine owne good time thou bring mee through the waters of Iordan even through death it self and enter me into that rest Now to my blessed Lord the purchaser of this rest with the Father who from all eternity appointed the same the holie Spirit who daylie confirmeth me in the hope of it bee praise for ever 3 Eph. 1.13 Amen Evening meditation of the second Day O LORD let that same Spirit which indyted thy holy Word whereby thou speakes to my Soule indyte my prayers Rom. 8.26 whereby my soule speaketh to thee thou knowest the voyce of thine owne Spirit but the voyce of a stranger thou wilt not heare I continue my complaint to thy Majestie still lamenting this ignorance and yet remaineth into the mind notwithstanding I am ever endevouring to know thee Who can take thee vp who is such an infinite and incomprehensible Spirit thou dwellest into a light 1. Iohn 4.12 wherevnno man can haue accesse No man can take thee vp by naturall light 1. Cor. 2.14 for the naturall man knoweth not the things that are of God they are foolishnesse vnto him I crave therefore such a measure of that vncreated light even the light of thy Spirit as may breed into the mind a continuall reverence of thee bring the heart to an holie obedience to thee and make all my affections and actions directlie to tend to thy glorie True it is O LORD now and then I haue enjoyed sensiblie this light but ever after humiliation and fervent prayer I am become colde in prayer I seek thee not with that hunger and thirst as I should doe and this maketh my feellings not so frequent Lord stirre vp my spirit that I may seeke thee continuallie with that holie zeale and fervencie that becommeth mee Indeede O LORD these desertions are ●earefull and terrible to fall vnto thy Children Truelie I am most certaine that greater deadnesse darknesse and senselesnesse can not fall vnto a reprobat If the memorie of by past experiences did not comfort me these fearfull desertions wold mak me faint fall a back Lord let not thy servant bee tempted aboue his strength 1. Cor. 10.13 Returne O Lord deliver my soule Psal 119.8 save mee for thy mercies sake forsake mee not over long And if it shall please thee O Lord to hold mee vnder the bitter sense of those fearefull desertions for a time for my further humiliation let this ever bee my greatest griefe that I misse thy presence Teach mee to seeke vncessantlie vntill I finde thee to knocke vntill thou open to call vntill thou answere Psal 39.7 What waite I for O Lord Is not mine hope even in thee Yea let the hope I haue to enjoye thee and thy presence for ever make mee to possesse my soule with the greater patience in the middest of all these feares And now O Lord in this absence from thee albeit the body be here on earth Phil. 3.20 let my conversation ever bee in heaven Giue me grace this night to examine my heart vpon my bed Teach thou my reines in the night Psal 4.4 let mee lye down in thy peace and rest vnder the shadow of thy protection Psal 4.9 Let my bed remember mee of the grave and my rising againe of the last resurrection Make ●ee alwayes w●tchfull and suffer not Oyle to bee inlacking to my lampe Mat. 25.8 When my Lord shall come grant I may meet h m with joy ever bee with him in heaven whom my soul hat● sought on earth Amen Morning meditation of the third Day O LORD my God if I had eyes to see the miserie of this time wherein I doe live I could take vp both the vniversall defection of the whole world and the particular desolation of my owne soule then would mine eyes bee a fountaine of teares Thy servant David powred out rivers of teares Psal 119.136 when hee did see the wicked not keepe thy Law 2. Pet. 2.8 Lots heart was vexed within him when hee saw the iniquitie of Sodome but alaace Lord I am not so sensible these things are hidde from mee therefore I pray thee remove this vaile that overshaddoweth my soule Act. 9.18 Make the skales to fall from mine eyes that I may take vp those decayes into a clearer light from the Priest to the people Hos 4.9 all haue a part in this defection Where is that wonted zeale to thy glorie Who are they who in singlenesse of heart seeke thee All doe seeke their owne thinges Phil 2.21 but few the things which are Christs Religion which should overrule mens wayes are made a coverture to vice and sinne O Lord demaske them and let them appeare who turne the trueth of GOD into a lie and laboure to cover vngodlinesse with a clo●ke of an holie profession Mat. 2.12.13 Take the scourge into thine hand and purge thy Temple put to the door those buyers and sellers who make the house of God a denne of theeves and touch mine heart with a livelie feeling of my particular defects I confesse O Lord I haue fallen from my first love from my former zeale Revel 2.4 from my former care and diligence in thy service Where is the melting hearte the mourning eye the painfull diligence night and day at home and abroad to seek thy face Where I was wont to pray with delite with libertie and with teares now I wearie of prayer I finde no inwarde libertie no softnesse of heart I come vnto thee with a senselesse heart I depart from thee with as senselesse a heart Where my heart was wont to bee pricked at the hearing of thy Worde Act. 2. ● where I was wont to depart from Sermons with great comfort now I finde my selfe neither casten downe nor raised vp Thy Word O Lord worketh not
Now hee must play the Priest and suffer patientlie his death which hee would not stay Thou should vse poore Soule the opportunitie of the worde verie earnestlie while the raine thereof from Heaven doeth water the dry and thirstie soules of men and whilst it is called to day let vs not barden our hearts The Lord therefore will knowe the inventer of this accusation and in all the History wil haue every mans part knowne in this action I am no Iew said hee cleansing himselfe Thine owne Nation doeth accuse thee I count not for the Messias religion troubles me not so much The Cleargie and Church-men must take heed thereto A liuelie image of wordlings who in the matters of the earth are more thā curious But spiritual things are spirituallie decerned For he inquireth not what a King hee was where his Kingdome was that he might haue a part and sh●re thereof but breakes off in an accusation of Iesus if he was a King The naturall man knoweth not the thinges of the sp●rit of God 1. Cor. 1.14 for they are f●clishn●sse to him And therefore Christ taketh the mouth of Pilat to bee witnes that hee was a King Who albeit hee was equall with the Father Phil. 2.6 and thought it no robberie made himselfe of no reputation by taking on him the forme of a servant to his Father to be witnes to the Truth He wold haue hereby wonne Pilat if it had been possible but he was interrupted for the word is euer a sweet odour to God 2. Cor. 2.15 either to salvation or damnation in mercie or Iustice. With great constancie and grauitie without respect of persons doeth Christ answere so should his servants defend Gods honour and not to turne their faile to everie Winde and therefore hee did avouch his Kingdome as anonynted of the Father Psal 2.6 and sat vpon M●unt Syon his holie Mountaine Zac. 9.9 who is just and saued himselfe and his people from their sinnes Mat. 2.21 Blessed is hee that commeth in the Name of the Lord Hosanna Mat. 21.9 thou which art in the highest heavens who hath giuen vs to inherite the Kingdome prepared for vs Mat. 25.34 from the f●undation of the world And therefore weak Soule Why art thou aff●aied Is it of the Devill hee can not hurt one haire of t●i●e head Mat. 8.31.32 without thy Kings will Art thou troubled with sickenesses At his command they depart Mar. 1.31 Are enemies risen against thee Hee can crushe with a Scepter of Iron Psal 2.9 and breake them in pieces like a Potters vessell Art thou astonished at Death 1. Cor. 15.55 Death is swallowed vp in victorie feare not therefore feeble Soule For it pleaseth the Father to giue thee his Kingdome Luc. 12.32 who can therfore separate thee from the loue of Christ bee perswaded that neither Death nor Life nor Angels nor Principalities nor Powers nor thinges present nor thinges to come nor hight nor deepe nor any other creature shal bee able to separate thee from the loue of God Rom. 8.35 38.39 which is in Christ Iesus our Lord for he hath al power in heaven Mat. 11. ●7 and in earth His Kingdome is not subject to change and vanitie but eternall Iohn 3.35 and reacheth aboue the heavens and the earth and the depths therof Ier. 6.7 Therefore poore Soule place thy treas●●e in heaven but alace as the Fountaine casteth out her waters so doe wee cast out our malice Let the world bee crucified to vs and vs to the world Gal. 6.14 For if wee bee dead with him wee shall also liue with him 2. Tim. 2.11.22 if wee suffer with him wee shall reigne with him if wee be therefore troubled with the Children of this vvorld remember my Soule his Kingdome is not of this world Iohn 16.33 in the world thou shall suffer affliction but be of good comfort bee hath overcome the world This his Kingdome is from Sea to Sea Psal 72.8 and to the last parts of the earth and it is governed by the preaching of the Gospel Heb. 2.8 who in place of taking tribute from his subjects Luc. 24.47 hath caried vpon him our sorrowes plagued of God Esay 53.4 and smitten of God and humbled who hath giuen vs eternall goods as Righteousnesse Rom. 14.17 Peace and joye in the holie Ghost And therefore my Soule bee wise serue the Lord in feare and rejoyce in trembling Psal kisse the Sonne least hee bee angrie and thou perish in the way when his wrath shall suddenlie burne blessed are all they that trust in him I came in the world to witnes the Trueth Iohn 14.6 who am the Way Veritie and Life to giue knowledg of salvation vnto my people by remission of their sins Luc. 1.77 that all that beleeue in mee ●ohn 3.15 should not perish but haue everlasting life Hee is therefore not onlie the Teacher of that heavenly wisedome Iohn 3.32 but is also made our wisdome from God 1. Cor. 1. 30 Receiue therefore comfortles Soule receiue his testimonie Hee that receiueth his testimony Iohn 3.33 hath sealed that God is true for hee whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God for God giueth him not the spirit by measure Iohn 8.47 he that is of the Trueth doeth heare his voice be that is not of God Iohn 10.27 heares not Gods word Iohn 12 48. for the word that hee hath spoken shall judge him in the last day Verily he that heareth his word Iohn 5.24 and beleeueth in him that sent him hath everlasting life and shall not come vnto con●emnation but hath passed from death vnto Life So Pilat comming from the Common-Hall testified Christs innocencie but herein hee offended that hee did not deliver him who suffred wrong from the band of the oppressor Eccl. 4.9 but was faint hearted when he judged Iam. 1.26 All this while in silence and patience our Saviour possessed his soule vseing great moderation in speeches 1. Pet. 3.10 If thou lay thy injurie poore Soule at Christs feete hee will avenge it if thy wrong hee will repare it 1. Cor. 6.7 if thy sorrow he will care it And therefore learne to suffer wrong and sustaine harme Thy Christ sad Soule is thy patron and Advocate in the presence of God who by his silence hath opened thy mouth giuē thee libertie to speak for because thou art his son hath sent forth the Spirit of his Sonne into thy heart Gal. 4.9 which cryeth Abba Father Let not therefore thy vnworthinesse dash thee so that thou should bee frighted Therefore come boldlie vnto the Throne of grace Heb. 4.16 that thou mayest receiue mercie and grace in the time of need The third Step of the third degree of the ascension of the Soule to Heaven c. NOw must Christ pas to Herod
as by a courtaine from ●he sight of the people and Priests But at Christs suffering these shadows were taken away no more vse of that Vaile Whereby the holie Ghoste signifieeth this that the way into the boliest of all was not yet opened whilest as yet the first Tabernacle was standing this earthlie vaile rave asunder at the voyce of the Lord. But the Iewes mindes are hardened for vntill this day remaineth the covering vntaken away 2. Cor. 3. 15 for the Vaile is laid over their hearts but when their heartes shall bee turned to the Lord the Vaile shall bee taken away So hard and evill it is to doe against the knowledge and conscience wherof cōmeth a reprobate sense which is past all-feeling that sooner a stone shall heare thā they will obey They were admonished of the subversiō of the Temple and of their Citie and that there was no difference now betwixt Iew nor Gentile Gal. 3.28 but the partition wall beeing demolished they had ●like communion by faith in Iesus Christ Act. 10.34 The Earth also did tremble whilst the Soule of the Lord separated from his Bodie threatening to swallow them vp Num. 16.32 as it had done to other rebellious obstinate before which were not worthie that the earth shouldst beare but either to receiue them in her mouth to consume them or else to spew them out according to the Lordes commination in his Law Lev. 20.22 Thus the Earth did preach groane Rom. 8.22 and travell in pain but they hardened their neckes and would no returne to bee healed It quaked the foundations of the Mountaines moued shooke Psal 18.7 because bee was angrie at their obduration And should not the Land tremble for this and euerie one mourne that dwelleth therein Amos. 8.8 The Mountaines also did cleaue to fall on them which would not suffer the dishonour of their Maker but they were nothing moued with it so much were they voyde of light in their soule A mighty strong wind rent the Mountains and broke the Rockes before the Lord but this people 1. King 9. 11. neither by the word of God by natural sense or creatures voyd of reason will be taught no even then vvhen the Dead did rise for the Graues did ly open from three a clocke afternoone about which time the Lord gaue vp the ghost all that day all that night the nixt day the nixt night till that day in the morning that the Lord did rise by vertue of whose resurectiō Hos 13.14 the Saints arose and went into the Citie lowsing the bandes of the Graue 1. Co. 15.54.55 by his death but their hearts could not be opened But it behoueth vs all to compeare before his Tribunall Seate to receiue what we haue done in the bodie 2. Cor. 5.10 Rom. 14.10 good or evill The Saintes I say arose for his glorious resurrection belonged onelie to them vvhich beeing sanctified in Christ did die in the Lord and they all shall goe into that holy Citie Dan. 12.25 even that Ierusalem Gal. 4.26 the Mother of vs all which is aboue to abide with Christ for euer 1. Thess 4.6 The senselesse creatures the Saintes departed the Gentiles Centurion and Officers did all testifie of Christ everie one in their owne degre but the Pharises Scribes and Elders vvere no whit moued For this Centurion confessed of a suretie that this man was just And such as before lacked the feare of God feared greatlie saying Truelie this man is the Sonne of God the poore multitud which cried Crucifie him went smiting their breasts but the Priests wer not touched neither by worde nor vvorke they had judgment and vnderstanding had read the Prophetes yet repined against the hol●e Ghost Act. 7.51 and against their conscience opponing themselves to the knowne trueth The Centurion was rather prickt in his soule as the Iewes were at Peters Sermon and Christ is glorified of him Act. 2.37 when hee appeared to be quite forgotten and gotte moe friendes in his death than in his life for this precious Sacrifice hanging on the Crosse did cast such a sweete smell on the earth that they w●o vvere his enemies went away mourning beating their breastes Luc. 18.13 testifying their dolour resolving that if God wold deale with them in his judgement Psal 143.2 they were worthy of eternal damnation Neither were women ashamed to beare record of the Loue and Faith they had to the Lord Iesus for some stood so neare that hee did speak to them frō the crosse and they heard him and whē he was dead Luc. 23.59 they would not depart frō him their hearts were so linked with him he who is a sweete perfume incense in the nose thirles of the Father is a fragrant odour and smell vnto them For moe of them followed Christ to the Crosse than men which were favourers of him did minister to him on their own charges Christs innocencie made them not to shrink but constantly to fight vnto the end against al temptations 2. Tim. 4.7.8 that they may receiue the Crowne They vvere fed vvith that Bread of Life that came out of his mouth 1. Tim. 5.17.18 and they communicated vnto him freely liberallie that which they had Christ was poore 2. Cor. 8.9 to mak vs rich Iohn and Peter had not a farthing to giue the Creple Act. 3.6 and Paul wrought vvith his hands for his bread Act. 18.3 That that thou can not doe to Christ in his owne person 1. Cor. 4.10 11. doe to his members But this is remarkable that these vvomen haue the honour to be ey witnesses of the death and resurrection of Iesus Christe Deu. 15. 11 and themselves to bee preachers of it to the Apostles Esay 51.7 and to haue the names of some of them to bee registrated perpetuallie to their everlasting praise yea and to bee written in heaven eternallie for so it falls out often that the weaker and simpler the sex bee the more spiritually it is disposed and affectionated to heavenlie thinges for if any man seeme to bee wise in this world 1. Cor. 3.18 let him bee a foole that hee may bee wise Novv the taking down of his Bodie from the Crosse commeth by a request made by his enemies to Pilate Deut. 21.23 That there shuld not be a breach of the Law for these that were hanged They straine a gnat Mat. 23.23 and swallow a camel they were spoilde of all power they can neither put on nor tak off the crosse slaues were they which wold not acknowledge the true King of Glorie vvho would haue made thē free And this petition they sought not for any pittie they had on him but the Lord so appointed it Exod. 12.46 that hee should not lacke even the support of his foes yet it lay not in their hands
is a new buriall place that hee will bee laide in so a renewed heart by the Spirit is his dwelling place for hee can not rest in the ludging of that soule that hath sold it selfe to sinne as he will haue also a cleane a pure bodie as a winding-sheete to bee wrapped in as sweetly smelling savours of Vertues Faith Repentance Loue Patience c. joyned thereto To the mouth of this Buriall doe they rolle a great stone by the Lordes providence to stop the mouthes of his enemies Eph. 1.19 for it was hee that raised him from death to life wherein most of all thinges his power did appeare And this vvas done in the preparation to the Sabbath For as God the Father perfected the work of creation then so the Sonne hath accomplished the work of redemption and did rest the Sabbath from his worke 1. Cor. 15.24 shall giue sweete securitie and peace to our bodies and soules Novv hast thou woefull Soule the accomplishment of the Prophets concerning his buriall Psal 16.9 that his flesh should rest in peace and the type of Ionah perfected ●●y 53.9 And therefore seeing in Christ by Christ our sinnes are buried let vs not digge them vp againe of new Math. 12.39 but since wee are buried with him by Baptisme vnto his death Rom. 6.4 that like as Christ raised vp from the dead by the glorie of the Father so wee also should walke in newnes of life And albeit our buriall was a part of the punishment inflicted to Adam Gen. 3.19 that he shuld turne to dust yet now they are not filthie prisō houses of the body but glorious Bed-chambers of the Sonne of God from whence hee shall raise vs to that heavenlie inheritance Esay 57.2 after that wee haue sleeped a little while therin for hee hath sanctified them by the vertue and power of his buriall Dan. 12.2 For as hee caried our sinnes in his Bodie vpon the tree so hath hee hidde them in the graue with himselfe to the vvhich place we must ever send Sathan when hee shall trouble and assault our vveake consciences with the terrible face of Sinne. For Ionas being cast in the sea it was quieted So Christs resting in the womb of the earth as in a whales bellie doeth mitigate the Lordes anger For as Death now hath beene pursued by Christ to the utermost yea euen vnto the graue and bovvels of the earth so can it not hurt Iohn 5.24 but greatlie benefite the beleeuers to e●ernall life And therefore nowe mayst thou boldly say Phil. 1.23 I desire to bee dissolved and bee with Christ The second Step of the fift Degree of the ascension of the Soule to Heaven on the buriall of Christ Iesus our Saviour WHile Ioseph and Nicodemus thus handled the glorious Bodie of Iesus laide it in the Graue the women that followed him heavie hearted looking on that spectacle yet had they great hope to see him rise againe when the graue was closed with sadnes joy mixt together prepared for embalming of him The third day following the morow was the Sabbath wherein they rested the third day Christ did rise before they came they disappointed of their commendable intention wherein shined their godlines Liberalitie Loue Diligence Abilitie and more than manlie fortitude 1. Cor. 1.17 whereby God to his glorie out of the weakest instruments doeth effectuate great things For as they were going to the Graue the Lord of glorie sent an Angel to tell the resurrection to these women An Angel vvas a witnes before the women and the womē before the men which rolled away the stone from the doore of the Graue For neither in death nor in buriall the God-head had uttered it selfe but in the resurrection it brake out And therefore the Lord hauing respect to the weakenes of these women which were not so able to remoue the stone did send an Angel that when they came they should see that Christ was risen frō the dead They heard before that the third day hee should rise but they beeing weake in Faith were supplied by the Angel vvho testified of his resurrection The Lord did promise to make an everlasting Covenant with his people of the sure mercies of David Esay 55.3 Therefore sayd hee Act. 13.34 It behoued the Lord to rise from death for mercie had never continued if Christ had not risen For all the promises of God are in him Yea and Amen 2. Cor. 1.20 For hee would not suffer his holie One to see corruption ●sal 16.10 Had hee not risen his Bodie behoued to rotte but God did raise him vp who said Psal 2.7 Thou art my Sonne this day haue I begotten Thee Esay 538. And who is able to count his Generation for hee is that everlasting Essence albeit hee died hee arose to liue without end And now my Soule since thou art dead with Christ Col. 2.20 and risen with him Seeke these thinges which are aboue where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God Sette thy affections on thinges which are aboue Col. 3. 1.2.3 not on things which are on earth for thou art dead and thy life is hid with God in Christ When Christ which is thy life shall appeare then shalt thou also appeare with him in glorie Be carefull therfore to get this excellent knowledge of Christ Iesus thy Lord for whō coūt al this losse that thou mayst winne Christ mayst be found in him not hauing thine owne righteousnesse which is of the Law Phil. but that which is through Faith of Christ that thou mayst know him I say and the vertue of his resurrectiō and the fellowshippe of his afflictions and hee made conformable vnto his death if by any meanes thou mayst attaine vnto the resurrection of the dead Let thine heart ●ee filled with the vvord and promises of salvation that it may be established by grace And now seeing Christ is thy riches thy treasure all that thou stādest in need of let thy heart be where hee is Ascend with him liue in this vvorld as not liuing here for thy conversation is in heaven it is not thou now that liuest Gal. 2.20 but Christ that liueth in thee and in that that thou liuest in the flesh vntill thine appointed time thou liuest by Faith in the Son of God who loued thee 1. Cor. 6.17 and hath giuen himself for thee Be thou therefore joyned to the Lord that thou mayest bee one spirit with him And behold as in a mirror the glorie of the Lord with open face and be changed in the same image frō glorie to glorie 2. Cor. 3.18 as by the Spirit of the Lord. Let all thy vnderstanding vvisedome cogitation and memorie bee bent on him vvho is risen and Death shall no more prevaile over him Poure out thy best affections on him Bee sorowfull to offend him Rejoyce in
brasen Serpent which Moses lifted vp in the Wildernesse I am stinged with the fyrie Serpent of sinne I looke for health in Christ lifted vp at thy right hand Poore sicke creatures gotte health to their bodies at the poole of Siloam Iohn 9.3 I looke for health to my soule at Silo in Christ my Saviour Come Lord Iesus Isai 61. 1. thou that deliverest the prisoner and openest the eyes of the blinde Deliver my soule from the bondage of sinne anoint mee with thy eye salve Come as the sweete Samaritane and poure of thine Oyle into my wounded spirit Come my onelie Comforter leade mee to thy cellars Cant. 2.5 refresh mee with thy flagons comfort mee with thine apples Come the Husband of my soule furnish out of thy Ward-robe a garment to cloath my inward nakednesse Come Light of the World Iohn 1.9 bring light to my soule plunged in palpable darknesse Streatch foorth thy wings O my Soule mount above vpon the chariot of spirituall meditations Delite thy selfe in the memories of the joyes to bee revealed the like whereof the eye never sawe the eare never heard 1. Cor. 2.9 neither ever entred in the heart of man to vnerstand Abide not still in Babell neither long for the flesh pots of Aegypt Sighe to the Lord vntill thou bee delivered out of the prison-house of this bodie Phil. 1.23 and so bee with Him which is best of all And to this purpose my gratious Lord sanctifie my rest this night when the bodie sleepeth Psal 11. let the Spirit watch Bee thou ever in my minde and let thy word bee the matter of my meditation Keepe mee out of the hands of that roaring Lyon 1. Pet. 5.8 who greedilie hunteth for my soule let him get no vantage of mee in the night who tempteth mee continuallie in the day Let my thoughts and visions bee pure and holie being set on thee on thy heavenly kingdome Let my last thought this night and my first thought to morrow bee of thee that so my spirit being ever with the Lord while I am absent in the bodie in thine owne time both bodie and spirit may rest with thee for ever through Iesus who hath prepared that rest Amen Morning meditation of the second Day LET thy servant O Lord haue accesse this morning vnto the throne of thy grace Lift vp the light of thy countenance vpon mee Oh Lord I come as emptie of grace to thy Majestie at this time as I had ne●er received grace It grieveth mee O LORD to bee so ●rodigall of thy spirituall bles●inges Thou gavest mee O Lord some faith some measure of divine light some feel●ing some assurance of thy favour which bred such joy and peace into my soule as passed all naturall vnderstanding but in stead of these infidelitie darknesse and senselesse doubtings are stolne in into my soule O Lord Hos 13.9 my destruction commeth of my selfe but my deliverance commeth of thee The prodigall childe Luc. 15.17 when hee had wasted all hee had no other refuge but returne to his father O Lord where shall I go now in my greatest distresse to whom shall I make my mone I will returne vnto thee my loving Father I know thy treasure cannot bee emptied I do confesse I haue sinned against Heaven and against Earth and against thee Luke 15 21.22 and is no more worthie to bee called thy sonne As thou opened the eyes of Hagar when her bottle of water was spent and made her see a Well of water so Lord open the eye of my soule that I may see that fountaine of Life from whence my soule may receiue the waters of true consolation Father send downe that lightening Spirit of thine to renew my faith my feellings and my assurance seeing I am content to forsake all things to enjoy thee and counts all things doung in respect of thee I confesse O Lord that these desertions are just punishments of my negligence in thy service I take no such paines to entertaine thy Spirit as I should doe I watch not so narrowlie over my heart as I ought I labour not so painfullie to mortifie and subdue my sinfull affections Col. 3.5 as becommeth my Christian calling Show mee O thou whom my soule loveth Cant. 1.6 where thou feedest where thou lyest at noone Psal 23. leade mee to thy pasture put in thine hand at the hole of the doore of my soule Cant. 5.4 and my heart shall bee affectionat towards thee Many times O Lord by doing of evill Rom. 7.19 and by leaving of the good vndone haue I grieved thy Spirit yea allace I doe what in mee lyeth to quench the Spirit Ephes 4.30 but O Lord 1. Thess 5.19 thou knowest that I am grieved in grieving thee I am displeased with my selfe for displeasing thee I know O Lord it is some great sinne that hath moved thee to punish mee with these desertions Lord open mine eyes that I may see it Lord open mine heart that I may repent for it I am content O Lord to quite anie thing to enjoy thee If thou looke blytlilie vpon mee I care not who frowne vpon mee Ah Lord that sinne which is not thy creature should so mightilie prevaile against thy creatures I sinne Lord but with a wrestling there is indeed a lawe in my members rebelling against the law of my spirit Rom. 7 13. the evill I would not doe that I doe the good I would faine doe I doe it not I take thy Majestie to witnesse Lord it is my hearts desire that the flesh and powers of corruption be weakened that the Spirit and renewed part of my soule bee strengthened There was long warres betwixt the house of Saul 2 Sam. 3. 1. and the house of David but in end the house of David was strengthened and the house of Saul weakened O Lord weaken the power of my corruption and strengthen the power of the grace of God in mee Ismael and Isaac will not aggree in one familie Gen. 21.10 there can bee no agreement betwixt the flesh and the Spirit Lord crucifie the slesh with the lusts thereof quicken the Spirit that my inner man may grow Thou knowest O Lord that I am crossed mightilie by the remnants of the olde man When my soule woulde mount vp vpon the wings of prayer to the Heaven I am borne downe to the Earth When I resolve to go forward into a good course I am drawne backward by the cords of a corrupt nature If Iehoshua found fault with the people of God that they were slow in marching forward towards earthlie Canaan how may Iesus finde fault with mee hee brought mee indeede out of spirituall Aegypt but slowlie make I forward to heavenlie Canaan O Lord thou that sent thy Angell to Eliah 1. Ki● 19. when hee was sleeping vnder the juniper tree and commanded him to arise and eate for hee had a longe journey to goe Send
minde most evidently to vs it belongeth to the Iustice GOD by the same reasonable creature Gen. 3.15 the Devill should bee overcome which hee had gloried to bee subdued by him as God therefore hee triumphed over Death The offering of Isaac is a shadow of this dispensation done for vs Gen. 22.8 Isaac being a type of the divinitie and the Rain of the humanitie In the purification of the Leper also for whom was taken two Sparrowes aliue and cleane whereof the one was killed Lev. 14.4 and the other dipped in the blood of the slaine then let g●e the live Sparrow into the broad fielde And so of the two Goates offered for the sinnes of the people whereof the one was sacrificed and the other did escape 2. What did hee suffer in Soule and Body man hath sinned so did hee suffer in both not in his Passion onely but all the time of his life hee was in the flesh As his povertie flight to Egypt and all other his persecutions contained in the historie of his Gospell declare Esay 53.4 3. Why s●ffered hee surelie hee hath borne our iniquities and caried our sorrowes 1. Pet. 2.24 hee his own selfe bare ●ur sinnes in his body on the tree that wee beeing delivered from sinne should live in righteousnesse by whose stripes wee are healed Thy trespasses brought shame and ignominie on thy Savi●ur and nailed him to the Crosse and drived him to the lowest part of the earth Hence doeth shine God his Iustice and Mercie to vs w●rd a●d esp●●ially Iesus Christ his l●ve to vs all Of his Iustice punishing sin The Angells which kept not their first estate deludge of Noah Iud. 6.7 the subversion of Sodom Gen. 19.24 and Gomorrha are examples which suffer the vengeance of eternall fire Chorah Numb 16.32 Mat. 23.37.38 ●sal 76.2 Dathan and Abiram their destruction and the miserable desolation of Ierusalem the bewtie of the earth and the chosen habitation of GODS worship can beare record B●t none of them all can bee compared with this that God would not but by the death of his onely begotten Sonne be pacised for our sinnes Cease therefore to provocke so iust a GOD by thy wickednesse Psal 95 7.8 since thou receiuest a kingdome that can not bee shaken craue grace Heb. 12 2● that thou may so serue GOD that thou mayest please him with reverence and feare for even thy GOD is a consuming fire Rom. 1.15 whose wrath is revealed frō Heaven against all vngodlinesse and vnrighteousnesse of men The fierce Lyon is tamed and dauntoned when the Whelp is beaten with roddes in his sight Psal 147.19.20 cast thou off superfluitie of maliciousnes for whilst thou seest not onelie the people dearest to GOD of any Esay 2.6 for hee hath not so done to everie nation so dangerouslie forsaken because they did not repent nor acknowledge the day of their visitation but his well-beloved Sonne also in whom hee is well pleased mayest thou behold to die 1. Iohn 3.5 that execrable death because he appeared that hee might take away our sinnes and in him is no sinne Despise not therefore the riches of his bountifulnesse Rom. 2.4 and patience and long suffering not knowing that the bountifulnesse of GOD leadeth thee to repentance It behoued our woundes to bee verie deepe and corrupt which could not bee healed Esay 1.6 but by the woundes of the Sonne of God hee hath redeemed vs not to sinne but from sinne not with corruptible thinges as Siluer or Gold 1. Pet. 1.17.18 Heb. 10.29 but wi●h the precious bloode of Christ as of a Lambe vndefyled and without spotte How sore punishment shall hee bee thought worthie which treadeth vnder foote the Sonne of GOD and compteth the blood of the Testament as a vnworthy thing wherewith hee was sanctifyed and despiteth the the Spirit of Grace Againe nothing more could declare GODS mercie Rom. 5.8 than the death of his owne Sonne what is dearer to man Ioh. 3.16 than his owne children Iacob deploreth his sonne Ioseph David yeelded a bitter and heavie sorrow for Abs●lon yea Gen. 37.34.35 2. Sam. 18.23 Ier. 31.15 in Rama was a voyce heard murning and weeping and great lamentation Rachel weeping for her children and would not bee comforted for such cace hath procured in many astonishment rather than teares seeing therefore that GOD hath delivered his Sonne begotten from all eternitie Phil. 2.6 equall with himselfe coessentiall and consubstantiall to a shamefull death for thee despare not with that damned Crue Cain Saul and Iudas But rouse vp thy selfe in the cons●ience of GOD'S mercie saying with David The Lord is full of compassion and mercy slow to anger and of great kindnesse hee will not alwayes chyde nor keepe his anger for euer Psal he hath not delt with vs after our sinnes nor rewarded vs after our iniquities for as high as the Heauen is aboue the Earth so great is his mercies towardes them that feare him So farre as the East is from the West so farre hath hee remoued our sinnes from vs. As a father hath compassion on his children so hath the LORD compassion on them that feare him For as by one mans dissobedience Rom. 5.20.21 many were made sinners So by the obedience of one many shall also be made righteous For where sinne aboundeth there grace aboundeth more that as sinne hath reigned vnto death so might grace also reigne by righteousnes vnto eternall Life by Iesus Christ our Lord who was made a curse for vs Gal. 4.4 5. that the blessing of Abraham might come on thee through Christ Iesus Thus is hee made vnto vs of GOD 1. Cor. 1. 30. Wisedome Righteousnesse Sanctification and Redemption Seeing therefore that wee haue Christ the pledge of GODS favour and l●ue who hath payed more than wee were indebted and hee restored that which hee tooke not Psal 69.4 and hath merited more for vs than the Ocean Sea is bigger thā the smallest droppe of water The righteous GOD of his Iustice being once satisfied can not sue double pay in punishing those that belieue in Iesus Christ And what can bee said of Iesus Christ his most burning Loue to mankind never Bridegrome loved his Bride so intirelie and ardently never man matched so vnworthily and with greater disparagment in marriage as Christ and his Church If thou see any cast his affection vpon a Wen●h deformed maimed yea a s●old and durty thou wilt say Such a one is benummed yea bewitched But God when we were dead in sin and trespasses Eph. 2.2 yea which is worse walked after the course of the Devill his enemie 1. Iohn 1.8 emptie and voide of all goodnesse fraughted and defyled of all vice of meere vnlookt-for love not onlie had hee given his onelie begotten Sonne to deliver vs from the bondage and staverie of Satan but hath adopted vs to be anexed heires
haue casten them to the lowest hell for hee is the Lord that searcheth the hearte and reines Thus they bound him they play thy part sinfull Soule as Dalilia in behalfe Iudg. 16.5 of the Philistims bound Sampson and thus did David confesse in our name Behold Lord Psal 116.16 for I am thy servant I am thy servant and the sonne of thine hand-maide thou hast broken my bones Wee should not raile on the Iewes but detaste our sinnes which bounde our Sauiour Wee were allas bound by the setters of sin and death to loose our bonds and bring vs out of captivitie Was hee thus intreated his captivitie was our libertie his ign●minie is our glorie his voluntarie infirmitie is Gods power to our salvation Thus we are saued through the Blood of the Covenant ●ach 9.11 Hee hath loosed the Prisoners out of the Pit wherein there was no water Psal 124.7 our soule hath escaped euen as a bird out of the snare of the Fowler the snare is broken and wee are delivered our helpe is in the Name of the Lord that made heaven and earth who delivered vs I say from the power of darknesse Col. 1.13 and translated vs in the Kingdome of his Sonne and glorious libertie of his adopted inheritance When thou poore Soule feeles thy selfe fast tyed with the snares of thy sins haste thee to Christ who biddeth all come that are wearie and laden Mat. 11.28 that hee may r●lieue them And this deliverance from sinne Sathan hath hee sealed vp vnto vs by his holy Sacraments as vndoubted pledge earnest thereof Hee that shall beleeue and be baptized Mar. 16.16 shall be saved As the other This is the Blood of the New-Testament that is shed for many Mat. 26.28 for the remission of Sinnes And therefore carefullie shouldst thou beware of Sinne that beeing made free from it Rom. 6.18 thou be the servant of Righteousnesse for as Sampson often bound Iudg. 16.22 at last was made a mocke to the of Philistims so beeing loosed from the cordes and grinnes of sinne must not serue our own concupiscence but liue the life of God least wee bee bound hand and foote Mat. 22.13 and cast out into vtter darknesse But heere deare Soule meditate to learne Patience whereof thou hast much need Heb. 10.36 that after thou hast done the will of God thou mayst receiue the promise for if wrongouslie thou bee committed or bound or if the Lord to daunt and chastise thy corrupt nature suffer the bonds of sicknesse povertie or other whatsoever adversitie to bee laid on thee Christe knoweth and hath felt the same himself and hath learned to remember them that are in bonds Heb. 13. ● as though he were bound with them and them that are in affliction as if bee were afflicted in the bodie And if it come to passe as alas thou often dost cast fetters of sinne of thine owne accord vpon thy selfe giue not over nor despare but then most of all direct the eye of Faith to beholde Christ that was bound Zach. 12. who doeth sanctifie thy captivie and satisfieth for all thy sinnes by his captivitie Indeed the binding of him made all his Disciples to flie oblivious of the oath that they made at the entrie to the Garden for besides that Christ had truelie foretold them they would all leaue him so was it not in mans power to presever in goodnesse wee are so weake to resist and easie to fall The faithfull must goe out of themselves and judge themselves as ●roken vessels for as the sting of the smallest pinne doth make the wind in a blowne bladder to burst out so the least temptation will overthrow the strongest Champion if wee bee not guarded with mercy and vpholden by the Lord. Dese●tion is dangerous thinke modestlie therefore of thy selfe yea bee that thinkes he standeth 1. Cor. 10.12 beware least bee fall The Disciples did flee I say Christ had no helper nor support in this businesse that all the glorie praise thereof might be his Esay 6.33 who did tread the winepresse alone neither is there salvation in any other Act. 4.12 neither is there any name given vnder Heaven amongst men by which we must bee saved And as the first Adam merited by his rebellion that all the creatures should fall from his obedience yea and to make insurrection against him so it behoued our Suretie and Cautioner to bee left of all that by his obedience all our debt being payed we might bee receiued in favour and with all the Sainctes to be made free Denisanes and Citizens in Heaven He then that loosed Lazarus foure dayes dead from the bonds of death Iohn 11.39 and Peter frō the yron bondes in prison and them that dwell in darkenesse and in the shadow of death being bound in miserie and yrons so that bee broke the gates of Brasse Psal 107.10.13 burst the bars of yron asunder could he not loose himself for the loue hee caried to thee hee would not for he knew that God would raise him vp Act. 1.24 and loose the sorrowes of death because it was impossible that bee shoulde bee holden of it Act. 8.28 for they did nothing but whatsoever thine holie hand O Lord and thy counsell had determined before to be done But thou O God verilie hydest thy selfe Esay 45.15 O Saviour of Israel Say thou therefore my Soule I greatlie rejoyce in the Lord and my soule shall bee joyfull in my God Esay 61.10 for bee hath cloathed mee with the garments of saluation and covered me with the robe of righteousnesse hee hath decked me like a Bride-groome and as a Bride tyeth her selfe with her Iewels For thy Christ is to preach good tydings vnto thee Esay 61.4 to bind vp the broken hearted to preach libertie to the captiues and to them that are bound the opening of the prison But before thou passe the Garden and his bondes meditate the resemblance of the first and second Adam the first was accompanied with Eua Gen. 3.22 the second alone left of all his owne for Adam did not alone sin but Christ alone payed the price of our redemption The first Adam beeing thrust out that hee should not haue regresse a firie sword was appointed to stay him from entrie but our second Adam was smitten yet Paradice opened To what purpose should the Garden bee keeped when the Tree of Life which is Iesus Christ that giueth immortalie is caried from the Garden Now is there no more the wrath of God but Reconciliation no Vengeance but Mercie no Hatred but Loue with this Tree of Life which is made a Sacrifice for vs purchased to vs all THE THIRD STEP of the ascension of the Soule by meditation of those things which were done in the house of Annas Father in Law to Caiaphas Mat. 26. ANd now here sicke Soule consider wel Christs presentatiō Iohn
18. Luc. 2● examinatioun boxing and answere to that wicked fact Ioseph lib. 28. antiq cap. 8. Valerius Gratus deposed this Annas and planted in his place Ismael the sonne Fabius who is thereafter rejected and Annas his son substitute But the yeere after Symon the son of Canuthus is promoted to that dignitie Miserable was the condition in these times those thinges which should be done by the holie Ghost in the warrand of his Word Exod. 29.29 were traversed by Symonie such was the greedines and pride of the Romane Precuratours a presage of their fall which is to bee feared where the like had place also This Annas house apparantlie was in the way they came And they woulde gratifie him to see this miserable spectacle the most mischieuous fact that euer was done in the world the crucifying of the GOD of Glorie Woe vnto them that deliteth to see the bondes of Christ in his servants From thence hee is caried to his greatest enemie Iohn 11.49 that gaue counsell that one should die for the people it is a prophesie whose tongue was guyded by the Lord as Balaams was Men would haue their Counsell put in execution and before it faile they had rather hang themselves as A●hitophell did 2. Sam. 17.23 O remember my Soule many servantes to humour their masters doe villanous factes 1. Sam. 22.9.10 Manie Doegs now adayes who to hunt their Superiours favoures will not spare the life of foure score and fyue Priestes Cajaphas minde was to cut by all meanes Christ off but God moste wise in his eternall decree found it most expedient that Christ shuld die for thee else wee should all haue beene lost Gal. 3.28 All I say for there is neither Iew nor Grecian there is neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female but all are one in Christ Iesus Yea God shall never bee destitute of his owne glory for if men would suppresse it God would draw it out of verie dumbe beastes Num. 22 2● Luc. 19.40 as hee did out of Balaams Asse yea make verie stones to speake The Iudges therefore in great hate doe meete by day which if they had done for decerning of a good cause and just it had beene worthie of praise and commendation Esay 59.7.8 But their foote ranne to euill and they make haste to shedde innocent blood Their thoughtes are wicked thoughtes desolation and destruction is in their pathes the way of peace they knowe not and there is none equitie in their goinges they haue made them crooked pathes whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace Psal 82.6 Iudges that delayes the righteous cause and prorogates it from time to time hath cause to bee affrayed seeing they are Vicars to God Rom. 13.1 to minister justice indifferentlie to all But heere deare Soule consider this high Priestes negligence slouth should hee not haue knowne those thinges which were done and spoken in his owne Church O! but the malitious fellow sought the occasion if possiblie he could of binding on Christs backe the crime of Heresie and Sedition But our Saviour appealed to his Auditours whose judgement hee is not affraied of beeing a paterne heere to Preachers of the Gospell not to be like dumbe Dogges Mar. 16.15 But to preach the Evangell to everie creature neither to bee affrayed of their sincere dispensation of the word but to render an accompt of the hope that is in them Mar. 16.15 And thus the servant of the high Priest voyd of all humanitie gaue Christ a boxe to showe his loyaltie to his master But trueth breeds hatred Ieremias Mica hath proved the same before Light is noysome to sore eyes Such master and such servants Hos 4.9 such Priests such people and good reason it is for like in sinne like in punishment But heere a notable image of flatterers Christ is accused of Treason and beaten besids because he had so answered the hic Priest Great mens courtes are full of Caterpillars which are Mothes to destroye the best constant Common-wealth Hee that rebuketh a man Pro. 28.13 shall finde more favour at the length than bee that flattereth with his tong for why a man that flattereth his neighbour spreadeth a net for his steppes Pro. 29.5 But good King David served the Amalakite 2. Sam. 1.15.16 hypocrite and flatterer otherwise Neither is t●is to be passed that as the maliciousnes of the servant was inexcuseable so the Prieste was to bee blamed also for the servants fault redundeth to the master Baana● and Rechab which did slay Ishbosheth the sonne of Saul 2. Sam. 4.7 David commanded them to bee slaine and therefore all in place and authoritie should obserue that Princelie counsell of King Dauid Psal 101.8 to cut off all the workers of iniquitie bee times from the house of the Lord. But heere the patience and long suffering of the Sonne of God passeth all commendation by his power he did not punish this sinfull servant Psal 103.10 but delayeth looking for amendement and is not moued to vengeance Far be it from thee my Soule thou abuse his patience not one blow but a number hast thou giuen him when thou purse west him in his members grieuouslie Act. 9.5 Rom. 2.24 and blasphemest his holie Name denying thy Christ for bellie and favour Philip. 3.19 contradicting his word and dissembling the trueth but hee that boldlie shall put hand in the members of Christ 2. King 13.4 let him but thinke what became of Ieroboam And yet just defence with meeknesse is tolerable so did Paul tell Ananias who gaue commandemēt to beat him Act. 24.10 Indeed captiues should not be hardlie entertained for the Iayler vsed great humilitie and favour to Ioseph Gen. 39. And nowe deare Soule behold Christs innocencie hee spake nothing in secret wherof he culd be chalēged indeed he did not cast pearls before Swine Mat. 7.6 the substance of his Doctrine was ever one both to the people and to the disciples But after divers manner of his passion he taught and admonished his Apostles of the ruine of Ierusalem Luc. 18. Luc. 22. and mysteries of the kingdome of God and sundrie passages at the supper which the world was not capable of that it might bee fulfilled which was said I haue not spoken in secret Esay 65.2.3 neither in a place of darknesse in the earth And againe I haue spread out mine handes all the daye vnto a rebellious people which walketh in a way which was not goood even after their owne imaginations a people that provoketh mee euer vnto my face But thou vile creature shuld thy Creator who hath made thee of the dust of the earth by grace receiue a blow Servants when they are made free-men doe receiue such a stroke to enjoye libertie But thou my Soule remember thy Saviour giueth his cheeke to him that smiteth him Lam. 3.30 be is
God is come vpon them to the vtmost both vpon them and on their posteritie For vpon them is come all the righteous blood that was shedde vpon the earth from the blood of Abel the righteous Mat. 23.35 and the blood of Zacharias the son of Barachias whom they slew betweene the Temple the Altar Euerie man detesteth this haynous crueltie and thou my Soule sayeth That if thou hadst beene in those dayes t●ou wouldst not haue put hand in thy Saviour But thou lackest nothing but tyme for thou resistest the known Trueth of Christ and hatest the professors therof whereby thou crucifiest againe the Sonne of God Eph. 4.19 and makest a mocke of him For he that despised Moses Lawe died without mercie vnder two or three witnesses of how much sorer punishment suppose yee shall he be worthie which treadeth vnder foote the Sonne of God and counteth the blood of the New-Testament as an vnholie thing Heb. 10.28 wherwith he was sanctified and doeth despite the Spirit of Grace And therefore well might Christ haue said As for mee b●hold I am in your hands doe with mee Ier. 26.14.15 as yee thinke good and right but know yee for certaine that if yee put mee to death yee shall surelie bring innocent blood vpon your selves and vpon your citie Luc. 19. and vpon the inhabitantes thereof for of a trueth the Lord hath sent mee vnto you for to speake all these words in your eares but for three transgressions of Israel Amos. 2.6 and for foure the Lord will not turne to it because they sold the righteous for silver and the poore for shooes for the which their cities were left desolate Ierusalem without an inhabitāt for the flight did perish from the swift and the strong doeth not strengthen his force neither did the mightie saue his life nor bee that handleth the bowe doeth stand and hee that is swiftest of foote doeth not escape neither doeth hee that rideth Amos. saue his life and hee that is of mightie courage among the strong men did flee away naked in that day Wherof Iosephus that saw all these things with his eys doth vvrite that there was slaine at the same siedge of Ierusalem eleven hundreth thousand besides nyntie thousand that were takē captiues and the Citie lamentablie destroyed and sacked Thus vengeance is mine sayeth Lord I will repay it But heere deare Soule far be it from thee that once the least conception of shedding of blood come in thy mind yea remember this be that hateth his brother is a man slayer be therefore voide and free of such inordinate passions Bee angrie and sinne not let not the Sunne goe down vpon thy wrath but overcome euill with good But heere especiallie call to minde these imprecations and cursings the Iewes vse against themselues There is nothing more effectual to destruction than the vvordes which proceede out of thine own mouth beware therefore of violent and immoderate perturbations which louse the bridle raines of the tongue neither excuse thy selfe by incōsideration rashnesse and anger to haue done the same Accustome not therefore thy mouth deare Soule to swearing Eccl. for in it there are many falls neither tak vp f●r a custome the naming of the holie One for thou shall n t bee vnpunished for such thinges For as a servant which is oft punished can not bee without some skarre so bee that sweareth and nameth God continuallie shall not bee faultlesse A man that vseth much swearing shall bee filled with wickednesse and the plague shall never depart from his house when hee shall offend bi● fault shall bee vpon him and if hee acknowledge not his sinne hee maketh a double offence and if hee sweare in vaine hee shall not bee innocent but bis house shall bee full of plagues Now Pilat thinketh himselfe secure when he is exonered to be enemie to Caesar sitteth downe absolues Barabbas vvhich is worse condemnes the Innocent beateth and scourgeth him then delivereth him to the Iewes to satisfie their wicked appetite his Conscience fast a sleepe runneth on Heb. 6.6 as the arrow out of the Bow to a mischief● For vvhen man is past feeling and without remorse Mar. 15.15 hee giueth himselfe to wantonnes to worke all vncleannesse euen with greedinesse and with such speede as an horse rusheth into battell For Pilate did this to gratifie the people had he their fauour for it no they delated accused him to the Emperour which banished him and for feare of greater shame being participāt also of Christs blood put violent hands in himself slew himselfe How is the matter Pilate is this the form of judgement that thou hast learned from the Romanes vvherein thou neither hast regard of reason examinatiō of vvitnesses the guiltie of Lawes but onelie respecteth the desire of tumultuous mē Was it not to asswadge vproare and establish Law and Iustice that thou was sent President to Ierusalem Will it mitigate sedition to kill the Iust No rather increase it what did these wicked Iewes throgh all Palestina Syria cōmit vnder Caius Claudius Nero vntill Ve●pasian Titus were sēt to overthrow them and thou in thy time didst know what it was to hūt after the applause of the people The third Step in the third degree of the ascension of the Soule to Heaven c. NOw is Barabbas let loose and Christ delivered vnto the Souldiers in purple apparell to be crucified The murtherer Barabbas did liue by the bounty of Christ for there was but one to bee set free at the Passeouer not two and Christ adjudged to die This Barabbas represented all the Children of Adam Eph. 2. for wee were al the childrē of wrath lyable in Gods just judgment to eternall death neither was any deliuerance to be looked for but by his death who was condemned for vs so that now there is no condemnation to thē that are in Iesus Christ Rom. 8.1 now the souldiers were as ready to receiue him as Pilat was to deliver him to put this wicked sentence in execution 1. Sam. 22.18 Good Iudges shall never find goods Officers to execute so readily a good action 2. Sam. 3 39. as the wicked doe finde for an evill For the devil hath many servants in the world but God hath few Neither suffered they him any where to rest scarse while the crosse was in preparatiō but taketh him to the Cōmon-Hall For the malice of men against wickednesse will end but against an Innocent who suffreth for Christ will neuer end But these torturers were instrumentes of that terrible wrath of the Father vpon his Son who is a cōsuming fire He was stripped of his purple vesture least the people shuld haue beene more inraged at that royall apparell hee was clad with and despise authoritie when they saw him crucified in the same But sure it was their minde to renew his recent blood and freshe wounds and to adde