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A16859 The Christians guide For his better, and more comfortable passage through the wildernesse of this troublesome world, vnto that promised rest in that heauenly Canaan, the kingdome of glory. Consisting of diuers holy meditations and prayers seruing to that purpose. Alliston, Joseph. 1614 (1614) STC 376.7; ESTC S115949 163,621 588

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vnto him in a more strait and neare vnion then the members of the naturall body are knit and vnited vnto the head For they may be seperated from it and so perish but there is no seperation no diuision no dis-vnion possibly to be made betweene d Rom. 8.39 Christ and any one of his members much lesse the whole Church Againe for I had rather bee too plentifull then too sparing in the illustration of this so excellent and so heauenly a truth as all the members of the body are vnited vnto the head and quickened by one and the same soule vvhich animates them and conuayeth naturall life vnto euery one of them So all the faithfull vvhether they be in Heauen aboue or in Earth below of the Church militant or triumphant are ioyned and vnited vnto CHRIST by one and the selfe-same Spirit vvhich comming from the Head CHRIST IESVS giueth spirituall life quickening and motion vnto them so that the vvhole body being coupled and knit together e Ephes 4.16 by euery ioynt receiueth increase of grace by degrees and groweth vp daily more and more till the body of CHRIST vvhich is his CHVRCH bee fully perfected and consumated receiuing the f Ephes 4.13 accomplishment of all Grace and Glory in the highest heauens This is the first meanes whereby this vnion is made betweene CHRIST and the faithfull euen this sacred bond of the Spirit And from this efficacie and operation of the spirit vniting vs vnto CHRIST it is said by the Apostle that wee euen all beleeuers haue drunke into the same g 1 Cor. 12 13 Ephes 4.4 Spirit And againe that wee are baptized into one body that is wee are made one Body vvhereof Christ is the Head Now that other bond by vvhich they are tied and vnited vnto Christ and that on their part is Faith For the Spirit of God hauing begotten a true and liuely faith in vs by the preaching of the Word by meanes of this excellent grace we are vnited vnto Christ For thereby we lay hold on Christ with all his merits and h 1 Cor. 1.30 2 Cor. 3.18 Phil. 3.21 1 Ioh. 3.2 Gal. 2.20 benefits and apply them in particular to our selues and so become one vvith him all vvhich he hath done for mankinde being made as proper vnto vs as if it were our owne And hence it is that Christ is said to dwell in our hearts by i Ephes 3.17 Faith Faith is the hand as it were whereby vvee receiue Christ being offred vnto vs in the Word by meanes of it Christ is made ours and we his by an inseparable vnion And thus wee haue at large described that spirituall and mystical vnion vvhich is betweene Christ and the faithfull his members So neare and so strait a vnion that the holy Ghost in Scripture giueth sometimes as was sayd the name of Christ himselfe vnto the Church and calleth it by his owne name euen as the name of the husband by reason of that vnion betweene them is giuen vnto the Wife and she called by his name As k 1 Cor. 12 12. the body is one saith the Apostle hath many members euen so is Christ that is the Church of Christ Such is the nearenesse and efficacie of that spirituall coniunction of Christ and the faithfull that he cals them not onely Christians as sometimes they are l Acts 11.26 named or his Spouse his Sister his m Cant. 5.2 Loue his Doue his Vndefiled c. but euen Christ his owne name Whence also it is that that vvhich is done to the Church or any member thereof he accounteth it as done to himselfe whether it be good or euill The workes of Loue and Charity done to his poore members in the day vvhen hee shall sit vpon his Throne to iudge the World he will pronounce them to haue beene done vnto himselfe I was a hungry n Mat. and ye gaue ME meate I thirsted and yee gaue ME drinke naked and yee clothed ME sicke and ye visited ME c. In as much as ye haue done it vnto one of the least of these MY Brethren yee haue done it vnto ME. And when Saul persecuted the poore Saints of God and breathed out threatnings slaughter against them Christ looking downe from heauen and beholding him cries out vnto him with a loud voice o Acts 9.4 Heb. 4.15 Zach. 2.8 1 Cor. 12.26 Saul Saul why persecutest thou Me The Foote is wounded on earth and the Head feels it and complaines of it from Heauen The persecution or wrong done to his Church or any member thereof he esteemeth it as done to himselfe O my soule raise vp thy selfe vnto the oft and serious consideration of this spirituall and mysticall vnion of the faithfull with Christ their head and Sauiour Oh how full is it of sweetnesse much comfort and inward solace Thinke of it and beleeue it without all wauering and doubting Say not as carnall men are wont and as Nicodemus did in a point of like nature How can this be p Iohn 3.9 6.42 How can Christ being in heauen so farre distant from vs in regard of bodily presence be vnited vnto vs Reason not so as flesh and blood will suggest vnto thee but beleeue this stedfastly and assuredly as if thou beest spirituall and not carnall thou wilt and canst not doe otherwise The trueth of God hath sealed it the Scriptures in many places ratifie and confirme it and it is a great measure of infidelitie to denie it or to doubt of it Thou seest it not vvith the eyes of thy body What then vvilt thou beleeue nothing but that which thou seest with thy bodily eyes then thou wilt not beleeue that there is a Vnion betweene thy soule and thy body for thou seest it not with thine eyes and yet if it were not thou wert a dead man and a liuelesse carkasse Thou wilt not denie but that there is a Vnion betweene man and wife though they be distant in place yea though the one of them be in this country and the other in that for it is a receiued Maxime or rule granted of all that distance of place dissolueth not the marriage-bond both Gods law and mans law so determineth it and wilt thou be so faithlesse as not to beleeue that there is a Vnion betweene that heauenly bridegroome Christ Iesus though he be in heauen and his faithfull members many of them on earth Shall not faith be of more efficacie then nature Thou wilt not denie that which experience teacheth thee except thou beest blinde that the sight of the eye of thy bodie in a moment of time as it vvere and in an instant doth reach vnto the Starres in the firmament and is in a sort vnited vnto them though so many thousand miles distant from thee and wilt not thou graunt much more that faith which is the eye of the soule and of a farre more powerfull and piercing nature may
the Church his Bride i Reuel 21 2. 22.17 his loue k Cant. 1.8 5.1.2 his doue his vndefiled Spouse a pure Virgin l Psal 45. 2 Cor. 11 2. prepared for him and in whom he greatly pleaseth and delighteth m Psal 11.13.15 himselfe We know how neare and strait the vnion is between the husband and his deere and louing Spouse they are according to Gods owne ordinance but one flesh n Gen. 2.14 Ephe. 5.30 31. Such is the vnion in this spirituall mariage betweene Christ and his Church and euery faithful member of the same Thus then thou seest what a neare and strait vnion and coniunction there is betweene Christ and the true Christian euen all that are iustified by his grace and sanctified by his spirit They are in him and he is in them Hee is their head they are his o 1 Cor. 6.15 12.27 members flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone they are ingraffed into him and become one with him p Iohn as he is one with the Father He dwelleth in them and they in him q Ephe. 3.17 1 Cor. 6.17 Iohn 6.56 But lest thou shouldst conceiue of this amisse consider seriously what manner of Vnion this is how it is wrought A heauenly meditation and vvorth thy best attention First then know that this vnion is not carnall but spirituall not naturall but supernaturall and mysticall It is not a carnal or a corporall vnion as if Christs body vvere turned into our bodies as the Papists faine in that new-deuised Transubstantiation and strange metamorphosis of theirs nor ioyned vnto them in a locall or bodily manner Thou must not imagine any such matter for that were with the Capernaits r Ioh. 6.41.52 to conceiue grossely of Christ our Sauiour and vvith Nicodemus s Ioh. 3.4 to shew thy selfe altogether carnall inconceiuing these heauenly mysteries It is against the nature of Christs body which is t Eph. 1.20 4.10 ascended into Heauen and there sitteth at the right hand of God in glory therefore cannot be vnited vnto vs in that maner being on earth so many thousand miles distant from him But it is a spirituall and heauenly vnion It is not a reall transfusion of the substance of Christ vnto vs as some Heretikes haue dreamed but an essentiall communication of himselfe and his graces vnto vs in a spirituall manner More distinctly First the faithfull are vnited vnto his flesh and to his humane nature then by meanes hereof vnto his diuine u Ioh. Hebr. 10.10.20 nature His flesh is as it vvere the vaile by which they haue entrance into the holy of Holies and became in a sort partakers of his diuine x 2 Pet 1.4 nature Their whole person is vnited vnto Christ whence they are sayd to be his flesh and his bones not as they are men but as they are Christians and ingraffed into him and so with him make one body vvhereof hee is the head they the members Whole Christ is vnited vnto them both his humane his diuine nature and they are wholy vnited vnto him both their soules and y 1 Cor. 6.15 bodies their whole person For to giue some proofe of this which some otherwise happily may doubt of they are coupled to Christ the second Adam as He●ah was ioyned to the first Adam for that vnion betweene them was a type of this spirituall vnion betweene him and his Church his Spouse Now the whole person of Euah was ioyned and vnited to the person of Adam whence they are said to be no more two but z Ge. 2.24 Ephe. 5.31 one flesh Againe not the soule onely or the body onely of euery beleeuer is redeemed and saued by Christ but both and therefore not one but both must needs be ioyned and vnited vnto Christ for out of him there is no saluation a Acts ● 12 neither for one nor other Moreouer the whole person of the Sonne of God assumed and vnited vnto himselfe the vvhole nature of man not his flesh only or his soule onely but both and therefore by vertue of that vnion the whole nature of man must be vnited vnto him Lastly Christ whole Christ in his diuine nature and in his humane nature in his soule and body euen consisting of these together ioyntly and not seperatly is the b Eph. 5.23 head and and Sauiour of all his faithfull members and therefore their whole person must of necessitie be vnited to him otherwise how shall he be the head of both and the Sauiour of both euen of the whole man Thus then there is a true a reall an essentiall and entire vnion betweene the faithfull and Christ if wee respect the things vnited viz. Christ and his members but if wee regard the manner of this vnion it is wholy spirituall mysticall and supernaturall farre aboue the reach of the natural c 1 Cor. 2.14 man yea of any man fully to conceiue and comprehend it nay it is a great and a vvonderfull mysterie firmely to be beleeued as an article of our Faith and not curiously in a carnall and sensible manner to be searched into And therefore the Apostle shadowing it out vnto vs by the vnion which is betweene Man and Wife coupled together in mariage-bond breakes forth into this d Eph. 5.32 speech This is a great Secret or a * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 great Mysterie viz. this vnion beweene Christ and his Church It is a great mystery not to be comprehended by sense and carnall reason but to be beleeued and apprehended by faith onely which is that supernaturall light by which we see things that are e Heb. 1.11 invisible cannot be otherwise seene or discerned Happy are they that haue felt by comfortable experience what it is that we say Hauing seene what this vnion betweene Christ and the faithfull is it is next to bee considered how it is wrought in them This vnion therefore and spirituall coniunction is wrought by the spirit on Christs part and by faith on our part These are the two bands of it First the spirit through the effectuall operation and working thereof knitteth them vnto Christ As the nerues or sinewes being diffused from the braine into all the parts and members of the body doe ioyne and vnite them al vnto the head from whence they receiue life and action So the Spirit of of Christ proceeding from him who is the head of the Church is diffused as it were and communicated vnto his whole body which is the Church a 1 Cor. 12 27. and vnto euery member of the same euery particuler beleeuer and so knitteth and vniteth them vnto Christ their head so that they haue communion with him and receiue from him all spirituall grace b Ioh. 1.16 life and motion according vnto their measure c Rom. 12.3 1 Cor. 12.11 Ephes 4.7 yea it knitteth them
this is the folly of the most in the vvorld euen such as otherwise are men of vvisedome and vnderstanding they will by no meanes forgoe the earth and the sinfull profits and pleasures of it which are but drosse and vanitie a Isa 55.2 for the enioying of heauen and happinesse it selfe How hath Sathan bewitched and besotted them It is marueilous strange to consider that the reasonable soule of man should be so seduced and deluded through the craft and wilinesse of Sathan who lieth in wait to deceiue and to bring men vnto confusion b 2 Pet. 5.8 Blessed Lord let the things of this world be vile and base in mine eyes in comparison of the felicitie of thy Saints and the glory of thy kingdome Keepe me now and alwaies from the foolishnesse of the wretched worldling and make me wise to see the difference betweene those most excellent and glorious things and these which are but fading and transitory Worldlinesse meere dotage VVE would wonder at him that would dote vpon a Strumpet a Pro. 7.7.22 that sought his life Such a one is euery couetous worldling or whosoeuer else is enamoured with the things here below pleasures profits honors The world with the sinfull and deceitfull shewes thereof doe secretly fight b 2 Pet. 2.11 against the soule of man yea seeke the vtter ruine both of soule and bodie they are the Deuils nets c 1 Tim. 4 6.9 and snares And the worldling is strangely besotted with this inchantresse he very fondly doteth vpon her and is drawne away with her allurements to his owne destruction And though he be often warned and admonished to take heed of her baites and to auoyd the mischiefe which she euen vvhiles she laughs and smiles vpon him seekes to bring him vnto yet he will not be drawne from her nor from her adulterous loue but runneth a d Hose 2.5 Iam. 4.4 whoring after her and is so bewitched with her that hee will not leaue her till shee hath wrought his vtter ouerthrow Mercifull LORD let not this world nor any thing that is in this world euer be able to preuaile against me so that I should perish with it But be thou powerfull in me by thy Word and Spirit draw my heart euery day more and more from these fading and perishing things and cause it to be set wholly vpon thee e Prou. 23.26 to whom of right it belongeth Discouer vnto mee daily more and more the f 1 Tim. 6.17 Eccle. 1.14 deceitfulnesse and vanitie of all things here below Let mee not vvith those vvhose eyes Sathan hath blinded with the false shewes of this deceiueable world dote vpon any earthly thing but let my loue be set vpon thee my ioy and delight be onely in thee and those blessed and glorious things which thou hast prepared for me in the heauens and in comparison of which all the things of this earth are but meere vanitie A Christian must not liue as one of this world A CHRISTIAN is not a man of this vvorld he is a soiourner and a stranger here vpon earth So haue a Gen. 23.4 47.9 1 Chro. 29 15. Psal 39.12 119.19 2 Cor. 5.6 Heb. 11.13 Hebr. 12.22.23 Abraham Iacob Dauid and other holy men of GOD acknowledged themselues to bee Heauen is his Country there is his mansion and dwelling place where he shall haue his abode for euer there is his God and blessed Sauiour his life and hope there are his best friends his neerest kinsefolke vnto whom hee is linked with the straitest bonds of perfect loue and amitie there are his chiefest riches and treasures euen that b Eph 1.18 1 Pet. 1.4 glorious inheritance that celestiall kingdome which shal haue no end no change Oh then why doe wee not vveane our hearts more from this vvorld vvhy doe we not shew ourselues strangers here by estranging c 1 Pet. 2.11 our affections from these things here below and lifting them vp vnto the desire and contemplation of those excellent things vvhich are aboue d Col. 3.2 vvhy doe wee not liue as Citizens of that heauenly Countrey If wee be Christians heires of glory vvhy is not our e Phil. 3.20 conuersation in heauen but on earth as if vvee were men of this world to liue here for euer and had no better * Heb. 11.16 things prouided for vs then those which the wicked of the vvorld enioy and which shall perish with them Is our Sauiour in the Heauens and doe wee lye groueling on this Earth like mucke-wormes Is our portion with the Saints in glory and doe wee in a base and seruile manner fasten our affections vnto this world which is but our prison vvherein vve are detained till the time of our libertie and redemption f Rom. 8.23 come O blessed Lord as in the riches of thy vnspeakeable mercies thou hast called me out of this world vnto the hope of g 1 Pet. 1.3 glory giuing mee some comfortable assurance of the full poss●ssion of those glorious mansions h Ioh. 14.2 prouided for mee and all thy Saints in the highest Heauens so draw my heart I beseech thee daily more and more vnto thee Raise vp my soule and all the affections thereof from Earth to Heauen Let mee vse this world i 1 Cor. 7.31 as if I vsed it not Let me carry my selfe as a stranger and one that is from his owne home alwayes ready and willing to depart from hence k Phil. 1.23 yea euer in my thoughts aspiring vnto that heauenly country l 2 Cor. 5.2 desiring and longing to bee with thee my God and Sauiour and to haue the fruition of that glory and happinesse vvhich thou reseruest for me and which I am no wayes worthy of but that it hath pleased thee graciously to respect me in the merits and worthinesse of thy Sonne in whom and through whom thou hast done great things for me and to whom with thee and thy good Spirit bee all praise and glory now and for euer Amen Another IT ought to be the continuall and earnest desire of euery true Christian that his heart may daily be more and more alienated and withdrawen from the things of this world a Psal 73.25 1 Cor. 7.31 which are but shadowes and meere vanities and more neerely vnited vnto God in whom alone that true comfort and happinesse is to be found which is not elsewhere to bee obtained O LORD increase this desire in mee and be gracious in giuing mee to see the desire of my heart therein fulfilled and accomplished vnto mee and in mee O draw mee from the inordinate loue of this vaine and sinnefull world wherevvith many are so much insnared let mee finde my affections euery day more estranged and separated from the same and graunt that I may be wholly vnited vnto thee my GOD delighting continually in thy presence and receiuing from thee that plentifull increase of the heauenly graces
THE CHRISTIANS GVIDE For his better and more comfortable passage through the wildernesse of this troublesome world vnto that promised rest in that heauenly Canaan the Kingdome of glory Consisting of diuers holy Meditations and Prayers seruing to that purpose PSAL. 107.43 Who is wise that he may obserue these things PROV 9.9 Giue admonition to the wise and he will be wiser teach a righteous man and he will increase in learning LONDON Printed by T. S. for Samuel Man and are to be sould at his Shop in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Ball. 1614. TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE ROBERT Lord RICH Baron of Leez c. increase of all true honour here and euerlasting happinesse hereafter Right Honourable HOW needfull it is to haue alwayes at hand diuers helps and furtherances to godlinesse and to be often conuersant in Meditation and Prayer and such like holy and religious Exercises none can be ignorant who is eyther priuie to his owne naturall indisposition and vntowardnesse vnto that which is good or otherwise a diligent obseruer of the sundry occasions whereby the affections are distracted and with-drawne from that on which they ought chiefely to be placed or lastly not forgetfull of the subtiltie and stratagems of that old and malicious enemie in seeking by all meanes eyther to keepe men from entering into the right way or else to diuert them from it being once entred into it by laying many stumbling-blocks in the way or insnaring them with the alluring baites of the lying and deceiueable vanities of this fading and perishing world with which many are so strangely inchanted that whiles they fondly thinke therein to finde felicitie they runne on head-long vnto vtter ruine and destruction Hence it is that many moued with the zeale of the glory of GOD and the good of others the welfare of whose soules was deere vnto them haue imployed themselues in seeking to remedy this euill by seasoning the affections of men with wholesome instructions and to preserue them from that danger which otherwise they were like to fall into through the craft and malice of that deadly aduersary who desires nothing more then to make a prey of them and to drowne their soules in perdition without all hope of recouery And this indeede it was that first induced mee being also moued thereunto by the often and importunate request of godly wel-disposed friends to publish this Treatise for the benefit of others and to proceede in the course which vpon the like considerations I had formerly enterprised The Worke I acknowledge to be slender yet such as I hope may not be without profit to those that are sincerely affected and not sicke eyther of that euill disease of vaine and fond curiosity which raignes among too many or else of that spirituall surfet which is a cause of much hurt not to a few whose distemper causeth them to loath better and more sauory dishes then this which I here set before them not hauing indeede any relish in any thing which is not fitted to their Aguish and disordered appetite Whatsoeuer it be I presume to send it forth into the light vnder your Honourable Patronage Why I should vse this boldnesse among others this was not the least incitement namely considering that your Lo hath not onely beene a Patron of the Labours of diuers in this or the like nature but also an Honourable and worthy Instrument for the entrance of many into that chiefe and maine worke of the Ministerie dealing therein with much sinceritie and faithfulnesse a thing so rare in this decayed and corrupted age wherein eyther Flattery or such like sinister respects or which is worse Briberie and Simonie haue so much defiled and defaced the Lords Sanctuary to the losse of many soules which haue perished by meanes of such execrable and sacrilegious impietie I thought it my dutie to take occasion hereby of ioyning with others in publishing to the world your sincere and religious care herein towards the Church of God which shall no doubt in due time be more abundantly recompenced a 1 Cor. 11.15.58 Gal. 6.9 not so much to stirre vp your noble and generous minde to continue in that honourable and worthy course vvherein I know right well your Christian and constant resolution and forwardnesse as to prouoke others of your or inferiour order to whom that great and weightie businesse is committed to follow your steps that thereby they may participate with you in the like deserued praise and so the Church fare the better for them which they ought to account as it is indeed their greatest glory being that wherein Christian Princes and Emperours in former times haue much reioyced striuen who should therein exceede and surpasse others Besides this generall respect which together 〈…〉 THE CHRISTIANS GVIDE PROVER 19.20 Heare counsell and receiue instruction that thou maiest be wise in thy latter end 2 TIM 2.19 Let euery one that calleth on the name of Christ depart from iniquitie What preparation and reuerence is to be vsed in Prayer and other holy and religious Exercises IF men be to come into the presence of an earthly Prince to put vp a supplication Mal. 1.8.9 vnto him for something which they are desirous to obtaine of him or to heare him speake vnto them of somewhat vvhich nearely concernes them how carefull will they be to prepare themselues in the best manner that can be afore-hand With what reuerence will they present themselues before him O then what care what preparation what reuerence is to be vsed of all men when they are to come before the King of glory 1 Tim. 1.17 Dan. 2.47 Isa 40.15 the Lord of heauen and earth the great God of the whole vvorld at whose feete all Princes and the mightiest monarchs in the world are to cast their Crownes and their Scepters and to humble themselues with all reuerent submission both of body and soule Isa 45.23 acknowledging themselues to be nothing vnto him yea the brightnesse of whose glory is so great that those glorious Creatures the Angels themselues are faine to veyle and to couer their faces in his presence Isay 6.2 Exod. 3.5 and 34.8 Psal 95.6.7 Mat. 26.39 Acts 20.36 Gen. 18.27 in what a holy and reuerent manner ought they to present themselues before his Maiestie eyther vvhen they are to speake vnto him in Prayer or to heare him speake vnto them out of his Word or to meditate vpon his holy and righteous wayes and workes or to be acquainted with any part of his vvill so as may concerne his glory or their good They can neuer vse too much diligence when they prepare and addresse themselues vnto this great and waighty businesse But alas a griefe it is vnto one that hath his heart well affected who doth not see how exceeding carelesse and negligent most men are in this duetie yea how strangely and irreuerently they rush often into the presence of God Eccl. 4.17 without all
and vvound them for so bloudy a crime yea that they reioyce and glory in it many of them and make a sport and pastime of it O horrible impietie Pro. 10.23 and 14.9 How are the consciences of such seared and their hearts hardened yea how like are they vnto Sathan their father who was a murtherer from the beginning Ioh. 8.44 and delights in nothing more then in hunting after the precious life of man and wounding his soule vnto death by entising and drawing him vnto wickednesse O blessed Lord farre be it from me at any time to commit so great a sinne against thee against my neighbour against the life and soule of any vvhich ought alwayes to be most deare vnto me Let me not be a meanes to wound the conscience of my brother by giuing him any iust offence by walking before him in any scandalous course let me neuer be an occasion of death vnto the soule of any by seeking to draw him to the commission of any sinne or to the practise of any kinde of vngodlinesse by any meanes whatsoeuer O farre be this from mee yea O Lord let me be as much afraid of this as much abhorre it as the murthering and destroying of the body of any which is so horrible a sinne that euen the Heathen themselues by the light of nature haue seene and iudged it to be worthy of the sharpest and most cruell death And let me seeke by all meanes rather to saue and preserue the liues and soules of men yea Iam. 5.20 of mine enemies by keeping them as farre as in mee lyeth from sin which is the cause of destruction and by turning their feete out of the waies of death and shewing them the path which leadeth vnto euerlasting life and happinesse and walking therin before them that so we may at length reioyce together Luke 15.9 10. and be made partakers of that glory of thy Saints in the highest heauens Amen What ought to be the maine care of euery one in this life THe Heathen Orator could say that none is so foolish Demosth so sloathfull as to neglect his owne safetie This is true indeed of the safetie of the body He is a monster in nature that doth not seeke by all good meanes the preseruation of it there be but few that may be complained of in this regard But the eternall saluation of the soule who seeth not how little it is regarded of the most how strangely neglected how faintly sought after yea of many scarce thought vpon O folly of follies and desperate sloathfulnesse yea extreame madnesse of men vvho are so sottishly carelesse of that which of all things most nearely concernes them For what would it aduantage them to game the vvhole vvorld Mat. 16.26 and to hazard the losse of their owne soules yea of soule and body for euer O blessed Lord let the counsell of the vvicked seeme foolishnes vnto mee and preserue me and all thine from the same both now and euer Let mee euer be most carefull of that vvhich is most necessary Luk. 10.42 more solicitous of the eternall saluation of my soule then of the safetie and preseruation of this mortall and corruptible body vvhich is shortly to be turned into the dust and made foode for the crawling wormes or baser vermine Aboue all cares let mee be carefull of this to seeke by all means and to vse all diligence to make my Calling and Election sure 2 Pet. 1.10 that so I may haue comfort in this that I am ordayned to life and shall be preserued by thy mighty power 2 Tim. 4.18 1 Pet. 1.5 vnto that glorious saluation vvhich is prepared to be shewed in the last time vvhen thou shalt be glorified in thy Saints 2 Thes 1.10 and made marueilous in them that beleeue yea that so soone as the earthy house of this tabernacle is dissolued 2 Cor. 5.1 and this vveake and fraile body turned into the earth out of vvhich it vvas taken I shall be receiued into those heauenly habitations those celestiall mansions and be made partaker of that rich that immortall vndefiled and neuer-fading inheritance purchased vnto mee by the bloud of thy Son and reserued for mee in the highest heauens vvhere thou raignest in endlesse and vnspeakable glory blessed for euermore Amen Christians often ill Iudges of themselues and their owne estates THe Children of God who are marked out by GOD himselfe vnto life and saluation are oft-times ill Iudges of themselues they discerne not aright of their owne estate because they measure themselues by an vncertaine and deceiueable rule viz. not by the Word of GOD which is of infallible trueth but by sense and feeling and by present apprehension of things offered vnto their thoughts vvithout due consideration of the wise and gracious dispensation of the Lord in his dealings with his children Sometimes hee filleth their hearts with ioy Psal 30.5.11 Isai 66.11 2 Cor. 1.3.4 1 Pet. 1.6.8 and causeth them to feele the sweetnesse of his diuine and heauenly consolations that so they may haue a taste of his goodnesse yea of the exceeding riches of his grace and mercy wherewith he imbraceth them in Christ Iesus Psal 10.1 13.1 2. 119.82.143 1 Pet. 1.6 2 Cor. 6.10 Sometimes againe he seemeth to hide his countenance from them for a while and vvithdraweth those comfortable and glorious feelings vvherewith they vvere before vvonderfully refreshed and wherein their soules reioyced in vnspeakable manner that thus they may be the more humbled in themselues knowing that all is from him and not from themselues and become the more earnest suiters vnto him for the enioying of that Psal 34.4 wherein they see their blessednesse consisteth as also that he might vveyne them the more from this wretched vvorld and cause them to aspire vnto that heauenly life where these comforts shall be alwaies present with them in more excellent manner Psal 16.11 6.8.9 without any intermission or alteration O blessed Lord teach me alwaies to iudge rightly of my estate not according to feeling or the present disposition of my vnsetled minde but according to the rule which thou hast giuen vs in thy vvord which neuer fayleth Though thou dost not alwaies cause me to taste of that heauenly Manna Reuel 2.17 vvherewith sometimes thou dost refresh me though thou dost not alwaies looke vvith a cheerefull face and vvith a smiling countenance vpon me causing thy light to shine in my heart but makest as though thou vvert angrie and much displeased vvith me and gauest no eare to my humble supplications which I powre out in silence before thee yea Psal 22.2 sufferest me to be exercised with many and grieuous temptations and to indure many a hard and doubtful conflict with that deadly enemy and aduersary of mine who thereby seeketh to make a prey of me yet let me alwaies lift vp my heart vnto thee Psal 27.14 Iames 1.2 and
of it and waite and expect continually for the comming of those vnto whom it is promised that so being e Heb. 11.40 consummate the number of them fully accomplished they may reioyce together in most glorious manner for euermore O blessed Lord thou seest what a heauie yoke is now vpon me vnto how many miseries and grieuances both of body and minde I am continually subiect by reason of my sinnes f Psal 38. I am in a strange land g Exo. 2.22 Hebr. 11.13.14 where I haue many enemies alwayes warring against mee and euen seeking to oppresse mee with that bondage and seruitude which they vvould bring vpon mee My dayes are h Gen. 47.9 few and euill full of trouble and affliction full of griefe and sorrowes many feares and dangers many distracting cares earthly vanities doe breed me continuall annoyance and great encumbrance and vvould make this life of mine yrkesome and burdensome vnto mee if I had not hope of a better i 1 Cor. 15 19. O doe thou giue me patience to vvait vpon thee and in expectation of the accomplishment of thy free and gracious promise to passe on the rest of my appointed time in this vale of miserie cheerefully comfortably and contentedly Graunt that I may set my face alwayes towards heauen the place which thou hast prouided for me and that I may continually lift vp mine eies vnto that crown of endlesse vnspeakeable glory vvhich all the afflictions of this present time are in no sort to be accounted worthy of k Rom. 8.18 and which thou that art the righteous God infinite in mercy and truth and vnsearchable in thy loue and kindnesse towards thy elect and chosen ones vvilt in due time l 2 The. 1 6.7 1 Pet. 5.10 euen after that I haue suffered here a while on earth freely vouchsafe to bestow vpon me to the praise of the glory of thy grace through the merits of thy Sonne and my onely Sauiour who with thee and thy Spirit is blessed now and euer Amen III. From the benefit that comes thereby it being Phisicke to the Soule VVEE vvill take downe bitter pilles sowre and loathsome potions for the good of our sicke and diseased bodies and for the procuring of our decayed health Is not the soule of more vvorth then the body Is not the health and good estate thereof more to be respected more regarded and sought after then of the other Surely I thinke there is none so voyd of sense and reason but will freely acknowledge it O mercifull LORD thou seest what a sicke and diseased Soule I haue how exceedingly it is distempered euen in all the powers and faculties thereof O then let no affliction though neuer so bitter in it selfe when I first taste of it seeme grieuous vnto me since thou sendest it for the health of my Soule which is so corrupted with sinne yea let mee willingly cheerefully and thankefully drinke downe the bitterest cup which thou shalt offer vnto me knowing that for the present tartnes I shall finde much sweetnesse in the end a Heb. 12.11 yea being assured that it vvith all things else shall worke together for my good b Rom. 8.28 euen for the increase of thy grace in me and for the furtherance of my Saluation hereafter Another IF thy Phisition cures thee of some dangerous disease thogh he vse many sharpe medicines and puts thee to much paine for the while yet thou both thankest and rewardest him Wee are all of vs by nature sicke most dangerously a Isa 1.6 euery one of vs is diseased with a most grieuous malady the issue whereof will be death b Rom. 6.21.23 if it be not looked to in time If the Lord then the sole and soueraigne Phisition of our sicke and diseased Soules take the cure of thee vpon him if hee apply many sharpe and bitter medicines which although they be grieuous smarting for the present yet heale thee at length when as thou art in so desperate an estate that there had beene no helpe if this remedie had not beene vsed vvilt thou complaine saying that hee deales hardly vvith thee and so become impatient and discontented vvhiles thou art vnder so gracious and mercifull a hand Is this the thankefulnesse which is due vnto the LORD for so great a benefit vvhich he vouchsafeth vnto thee for so great a cure vvhich he intendeth hereby to vvorke vpon thee Is this the recompence is this the reward that thou giuest vnto that good Physition who tendred thy wretched and miserable estate and sought to heale thee of that grieuous disease which were deadly if he should not cure it O my God who seest how I am sore diseased how many and how dangerous maladies I am continually subiect vnto haue mercy vpon me worke thine owne worke vpon me Loe b 2 Sam. 15.26 here I am Cut me launce me giue me the bitter potions of many troubles and afflictions and let me drinke daily of them rather then that I should not be healed and cured rather then that my disease should proue mortal and deadly O Lord correct me but in mercie c Iere. 10.24 not in wrath and indignation deale graciously with me as thou art wont to doe with thy children whom thou louest and whatsoeuer it shall please thee to doe vnto me since I know it is and shall be for my good let me with patience subiect and submit my selfe wholly therein vnto thy gracious and fatherly care and prouidence yea seeing that I cannot make any other recompence vnto thee for this mercie and goodnesse of thine towards me grant that I may now and alwaies returne vnto thee true praise and thankfulnesse with faithfull and constant obedience which are the things thou only requirest and which I vnfainedly desire to performe vnto thee Lord helpe me in my weakenesse and strengthen me with thy grace whereby I may be inabled for the performance of them for euen this is thy gift also who art the author and giuer of euery good thing all is from thee to thee be glory for euermore Amen A further inlargement of the benefit thereof THE benefit which Winter brings is not perceiued till it be past and ouer and the Spring approching and drawing on but then when we see the hearbs flowers fruits and trees begin to reuiue and to recouer their decayed life to waxe greene and to flourish in most pleasant and delightfull manner then we can easily say as the truth is that without Winter this had neuer beene thus that if there had not beene such hard weather such cold and nipping frosts we should not haue had such a goodly spring nor that hope of a plentifull haruest which now the earth promiseth and we with ioy expect All see this in naturall things few see or acknowledge it in those things which are spirituall and yet thus it is in them yea much more in them then in these Whiles affliction
to ouerturne all Religion and Pietie * Tantum abest quin decorum ordo nisi ista politia moderatione obseruari possit vt praesentissima impendeat Ecclesiae perturbatio ruina si dissoluatur j. In briefe The neglect of the Sabbath day is the ruine of the Church Caluin Instit lib. 2. cap. 8. sect 32. A notable politie of that wilie serpent And a marueilous eyther blindnes or presumption in them who are so bewitched by him For what God hath hallowed how should man once dare to prophane or to accoūt common vnhallowed But those vvhom God who is the light of our eyes hath caused the light of his sauing grace to shine more clearly vnto are otherwise minded otherwise affected They acknowledge it not only a iust equal thing that the Lord should haue one day of many dedicated wholy deuoted to his seruice a shame it were that any should deale sparingly with him herin who hath bin so prodigal to them but also they accoūt it a great argument and euidence of Gods speciall care ouer them and singular goodnesse towards them vvho in this estate of their frailetie and weakenesse hath in mercy appointed so excellent a helpe and so necessary a meanes for them to gather spirituall strength and increase of grace vvhereby to stand out against Sathan their deadly foe and to walke on cheerefully comfortably and constantly through the wildernesse of this troublesome vvorld to that promised rest that heauenly Canaan yea they reioyce greatly in it g Isai 58.13 finde much sweetnesse and delight in it long for it before it comes and when it is come solace themselues in it exceedingly And no marueile for they see and finde that it is the market-day of their soules vvherein according to Gods appointment they gather that heauenly Manna that bread of life vvhereby they are nourished and strengthened all the vveeke after and increase daily in that spirituall life of grace and godlinesse till they come vnto that measure vvhich GOD hath allotted vnto them They see how hereby they recouer themselues from sinnes past arme themselues against sinne to come grow in knowledge increase in faith hope patience and all other Christian vertues haue the inward man repaired and in a word vvhereas on other daies their mindes are troubled and distracted vvith worldly businesse this day they haue libertie to recall themselues as it were to draw neere vnto the Lord and sweetly to repose themselues in him who is their peace rest and happinesse and therefore they ioy reioyce herein Againe their Sabbath-day heere on earth as it doth expresse * Ambros in Psa 119. calleth aeternam vitam magnū Sabbathum August lib. 22. de ciuit Dei ca. 30. Sabbathum maximum where he saith it prefigureth the rest of the bodie and soule so it doth put them in minde of that eternal Sabbath which they shall celebrate for euer in the heauens that peace that ioy and that perfect rest and happinesse vvhich they shall shortly bee made partakers of for euer in those glorious mansions those celestiall habitations It is as it were a mappe or an Embleme to them of that Angelicall life which their soules longeth after and the very remembrance vvhereof doth vvonderfully refresh their grieued minds and languishing spirits vvhiles they vvander in this wearisome vvildernesse where they haue so many enemies continually assayling them so many difficulties with vvhich they are continually incumbred The sanctifying of this day doth bring them as it were from Aegypt to Canaan and from Babell vnto Sion i Heb. 11.10.16 It cals them home to their owne countrey giues them a view of it though a farre off and affords them a tast of that spirituall and heauenly life vvhich afterwards they shall liue for euer in glorious manner How therefore can it bee but that they should reioyce in it and in no vvise thinke it burdensome vnto them as carnall and worldly men doe O my God forgiue me that I haue had no more care of this dutie heretofore and teach me to be more mindfull of it hereafter As thou hast appointed this day to be wholly bestowed vpon thee and thy seruice so I humbly pray thee to guide me therein vvith thy grace and spirit that it may be my delight to consecrate it as * Isa 58.13 glorious vnto thee O let me not by any meanes pollute it by doing mine owne waies nor seeking mine owne will no not so much as speaking a vaine word but let me giue my selfe therein wholly to the duties k Act. 16.13 Psal 122. Nehe. 8.8 Act. 17.11 Psal 92.1 145.5 Mal. 3.16 1 Cor. 16.1.2 vvhich thou requirest of me both publique and priuate as hearing thy word preached with all reuerence and carefull attention reading the same prayer meditation and godly conference whatsoeuer else whereby I may be furthered or a means to further or helpe forward others in the wayes of grace and godlinesse that thus being obedient vnto thy commandement vnto which I am tied by so many bonds thy blessing may be vpon me thy spirit may dwell with me I may daily more and more be built vp in sauing knowledge and true holinesse I may grow strong in thy feare finding the powers of sinne and Sathan euery day more and more weakened in me and after that I haue at thy appointed times indeuoured to keepe a holy and religious Sabbath heere on earth I may hereafter keepe an eternall Sabbath with thee in the heauens praysing and magnifying thee vncessantly and enioying that perfect rest and happinesse which thou hast promised and I daily expect and hope for that only through the merits of thy deare Son my blessed Sauiour to whom with thee thy spirit be all praise now for euer Prophanenesse how fearefull the end of it will be THe Fig-tree a Math. 21 19 was accursed because it had leaues onely but brought forth no fruit how much more they then that haue cast away the leaues also hauing not so much as the shew and outward profession of religion and godlinesse It 's a heauie and dreadfull sentence which is to be pronounced against the vnprofitable seruant that hath not improued the Lords talent which he gaue vnto him and made the best vse of it for his masters aduantage so as might be most for his glory and the good and benefit of others amongst whom he liued b Math. 25 30 Cast that vnprofitable seruant into vtter darkenesse there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth O then what shall become of those that are not onely fruitelesse and vnprofitable in their course but prophane and openly euill so as the world doth point at them and cri● shame vpon them though they are so hardened many of them that they neuer blush for it c Ier. 5.3 6.15 nor will be ashamed but d Hose 7.10 glory in it that doe not onely omit that which is good setting themselues
swallow him vp as it did Corah Dathan m Num. 16 and Abiram and their complices and confederates or Fire and Brimstone to raine downe from heauen and to consume him as it did n Gen. 19. Sodome and Gomorrha and those other Cities vvhich the Lord made a Looking-glasse vnto the world or the Ayre he breathes in to poyson him as it did so many thousands in those late contagious and infectious times neuer to be forgotten when the Arrowes of the Lord were scattered farre and neare and drunke vp the liues of so many of all sorts with the venime thereof or the * Hab. 2.11 House he dwelleth in to fall vpon his head as it did vpon the Philistimes o Iudg. 16.30 whiles they were sporting with Sampson or euill Angels p Psal 78.49 to smite him and to wound him to death immediately as they did the Egyptians whiles they oppressed the people of GOD or the Wormes and Lice to eate him vp and to consume him as they did q Acts 12.23 Herod when hee was in the height of his pride and insolencie or the very Meate and Drinke which hee takes for nourishment to be come his bane euen deadly poyson vnto him as Histories doe report of some or a hair to choake him Yea hee may well feare that all the Creatures vvill band themselues together conspire his ruine and worke his vtter and irrecouerable ouer-throw as doubtlesse they would seeing they are enemies to all that are the Lords enemies and vvithall groane vnder the weight and burden of the sinnes of the wicked but that the LORD restraineth them for a time that hee may heape r Gen. 15.16 vp the measure of his wickednes and so after he hath s Rom. 2.5 treasured vp wrath against the day of wrath bring the greater destruction and more fearefull desolation vpon him in the end euen that which shall presse him downe into the very bottome of hell and the lowest places of that deepe and darkesome dungeon where after that dreadfull sentence t Mat. 25.41 passed against him in the day of Iudgement hee shall lye bound and fettered hand and feete in most grieuous and vnspeakable tortures v Mat. 13.42 24.51 25.30.46 Mark 9.44 and torments for euermore hauing the worme of conscience continually gnawing vpon his soule and fretting and vexing his conscience and the fire of Gods wrathfull indignation and fury scorching him in most fearfull manner yea the full viols of the fiercenesse of the wrath of the Lord continually poured vpon him so that he shal lye yelling roring crying continually making such fearefull clamours and hydeous noyses as would astonish the heart of the hardiest and stoutest Champion on earth to heare yea affright him and cause him to be at his wits end Nay what shall I say All this is but a shadow of that wofull misery and those grieuous and hellish torments which then and there hee shall endure for euer without any ease any hope of intermission or recouery no not though x Ier. 15.1 Ezek. 14.14 Noah Iob Daniel yea all the Saints and Angels which notwithstanding they shall be farre from rather reioycing in his miserie then pittying him or seeking to helpe or comfort him though all they I say should in compassion of his vnsupportable misery seeke and sue vnto the Lord for some release for him though it were after many thousand yeeres Oh whose hart doth not euen breake within him to thinke of this so vvretched estate and condition of the wicked and vngodly y Iob. 20.29 although they be so blinde that they see it not or so secure and carelesse that they regard it not but goe on with great boldnesse and presumption in a strange manner till they drinke of the very dregs of that bitter z Psal 11.6 cup which is prepared for them It was well said of One that he would not be in the estate of a wicked man halfe an houre for the whole world Who would that knowes what it is or wisely considereth what hath beene said of it out of those diuine testimonies vvhich the Truth it selfe hath sealed Blessed be thy name O Lord that it hath pleased thee in the riches of thy grace and mercie through Christ my Sauiour to draw me out of that wofull miserie when I was as deeply plunged thereinto as others O let me neuer forget that vnspeakeable goodnesse of thine towards me therein let me neuer cease to blesse and praise thy name for the same and to testifie my vnfained thankfulnesse vnto thee by continuall and constant obedience vnto all thy holy and righteous lawes and commandements and that euen vnto the end of my daies a Psal 119 5 And open the eyes I beseech thee of those that d●●ct lye in that naturall and co●●●● estate of theirs being for t●● present in great miserie and vvofull wretchednesse and yet see not their miserie but are couered with darkenesse and with the shadow of death O let thy sauing grace shine out vnto them that so they may turne from darknesse to light and from the power of Sathan to thee their God and in the sense and acknowledgement of b 1 Tim. 1 16.17 the great things thou hast wrought for them in deliuering them from so miserable and fearefull a condition into that blessed and glorious estate of thy chosen together with all thy Saints and redeemed ones returne praise and glory vnto thee both now and euermore Gods patience prouokes men to speedie and vnfained repentance and conuersion THE patience and long sufferance of the Lord should be a strong cord and forcible meanes to draw a Rom. 2.4 Ier. 13.27 Hosea 6.4 11.8 men vnto repentance yea it ought euen to constraine them presently to turne vnto him and to cast away all their sinnes whereby they haue heretofore offended him and grieued his spirit vvhich hath striuen b Gen. 6.3 so long with them and yet is loth to depart from them and to leaue them to themselues and to their owne wayes the end vvhereof would be perdition and euerlasting destruction Oh that gracious dealing of his vvith them in bearing with them so long who haue so oft and so many wayes prouoked him that great and vnspeakable kindnesse and goodnesse of his in continuing vnto them life health and all these outward blessings and which is a farre greater thing offering c Prou. 1.21.22 2 Cor. 6.2 Heb. 3.15 2 Pet. 3.9 vnto them from time to time the meanes of grace and saluation and seeking to bring them to heauen and happinesse whom he might long since haue stript and vtterly depriued of all these things yea cut them off from the face of the earth and cast them into hell to receiue the wages d Rom. 6.23 and due deserts of their sinnes This this it should euen breake their hearts make their soules to melt within them for their marueilous ingratitude and vndutifulnesse in