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A15622 A view of the marginal notes of the popish Testament, translated into English by the English fugitiue papists resiant at Rhemes in France. By George Wither Wither, George, 1540-1605. 1588 (1588) STC 25889; ESTC S120301 238,994 326

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ought thereby to haue espied their owne error in imagining that Christ was no more but a méere man Such remission as Christ gaue his church power to vse is in daily practise amongst vs and for my part I know no professor of the Gospel that findeth fault with it but your proud presumption beyond any authority giuen to the church of God in binding whom you list and loosing whom please you with your gainfull marchandize made therof that with all our harts we abhorre and detest Luke 8. 10. The text To you it is giuen to know the mysterie of the kingdome of God but to the rest in parables ⸫ that seeing they may not see and hearing they may not vnderstand The note See the annotations vpon Saint Matthew cap. 13. 14. The answer We haue alreadie giuen answer to that annotation Luke 8. 13. The text For they vpon the rocke such as when they heare with ioy receiue the word and these haue no roots bicause ⸫ for a time they beleeue and in the time of tentation they reuolt The note Against the heretikes that say faith once had cannot be lost and that he which now hath not faith neuer had The answer If either you had the feare of God before your eies or els regarded your owne estimation afore men you would not thus without all cause cauill We say that those whom God by his owne wil hath begotten by the word of truth which is an incorruptible séed to beléeue in the name of his sonne and so to become the children of God it is impossible that their faith should bée quite lost and that he which hath not this faith neuer yet had it what is this to the faith here spoken of which is for a time a ioyfull and readie accepting of the doctrine preached and is therefore improperlie called beléeuing because it hath some similitude with true beléeuing But you make of the Scriptures an exercise to whet your wits to wrangle and cauill for such is your reuerence towards them Luke 8. 21. The text Who answering said to them My ⸫ mother my brethren are they that heare the word of God and doe it The note He did not heere speake disdainfullie of his mother but teacheth that our spiritual kinred is to be preferred before carnall cognation Hilar. in 12. Mat. The answer This néedlesse citing of the fathers you vse to deceiue the simple withall and to make them imagine that your aduersaries hold that Christ spake disdainfully of his mother For they do not thinke that you vse this and other authorities but onlie where you néed by that meanes to winne some credit to that which you write which in this matter was altogether néedlesse Luke 8. 24. The text And ⸫ they came and raised him saying Master we perish The note See the annotations vpon Saint Matthew cap. 8 24. The answer We haue for your pleasure lost so much labour as to looke into the place and there finde no such matter Luke 8. 43. The text And there was ⸫ a certaine woman in a fluxe of blood for twelue yeeres past c. The note See the annotations vpon Saint Matthew cap. 9. 19. The answer Your annotation is séene and shall be considered of in the answer to the rest Luke 8. 45. The text And all denying ⸫ Peter said and they that were with him Master the multitudes throng and presse thee and doest thou say Who touched me The note It is an euident signe of prerogatiue that Peter onlie is named so often as chiefe of the companie Marke 1. 36. Actes 5. 29. Luke 9. 32. Marke 16. 7. 1. Cor. 15. 5. The answer It is a very sillie argument Peter onlie is named ergo he is named as chiefe of the companie It is a poore prerogatiue that can be wonne for Peter by such kinde of reasoning The Apostles amongst whom he was conuersant knewe nothing of this his prerogatiue and superioritie as appeareth by their reasoning of the case diuerse times which of them should be greatest or chiefe And therefore it is plaine and euident that you want better helpes when you are faine to staie vp Peters authoritie with such weake proppes Luke 8. 50. The text And Iesus hearing this woord answered the father of the maide Feare not ⸫ beleeue onlie and she shalbe safe The note See the annotations vpon Saint Marke cap. 5. 36. The answer We haue looked and sée there a great péece of learning Forsooth that is an vsual spéech to saie onely do this when we meane chéefely To which we replie that it is most vsuall to saie onely do this when we require onely that which we speake of and no more And againe it is a verie sillie shift for you to fl●e to chéefely in stéede of onely when in other places you will haue charitie chéefely required and preferre if greatly afore faith Luk. 9. ● The text And calling togither the twelue apostles he gaue them ⸫ vertue and power ouer all diuels and to cure maladies The note To command diuels and diseases either of bodie or soule is by nature proper to God onely but by gods gift men also may haue the same euen so to forgiue sinne The answer And why do you not saie euen so to create heauen and earth men and angels God doth impart to men whatsoeuer pleaseth him to giue and to bestowe and not what it pleaseth proud men to chalenge Shew to vs that God hath giuen any man authoritie to sell remission of sins Otherwise I haue alreadie answered that we vse this authoritie of remitting sins so farre foorth as God hath giuen it Luk. 9. 5. The text And whosoeuer shall not receiue you going foorth out of that citie shake of the dust also of your feete ⸫ for a testimonie vpon them The note A great fault to reiect the true preachers or not to admit them into house for needfull harbour and sustenance The answer But no fault to reiect traiterous and vndermining papists who secretlie stir vp subiects to murther their soueraignes the Lords annointed and to séeke the subuersion and destruction of their owne countrie Luk. 9. 16. The text And taking the fiue loaues and the two fishes he looked vp to heauen and ⸫ blessed them and brake and distributed to his disciples for to set before the multitude The note Here you see that he blessed the things and not onely gaue thanks to God See annot Mark cap. 8. 7. The answer Who can better tell what is ment by blessing then the holie Ghost himselfe who in the fiftéenth of Matthew in the sixt of Iohn expresseth the same by giuing of thanks Neither is there any cause or reason in this place why any farther matter should be thought or imagined to be ment by blessing And as for the seuerall blessing of the bread first and then the fishes afterward is but your dreame without warrant Your annotation shall be considered of with the residue of the same sort Luk. 9.
persecutors he promiseth to his worshippers his manifest intercession and suffrages in homilia S. Stephani And Saint Augustine Si Stephanus non sic orasset ecclesia Paulum non haberet ser 1. de Stephano The answer Euerie one séeth that it is a very foolish collection to gather a promise of intercession to his worshippers out of this praier for his persecuters and therfore it is not the authoritie of Eusebi●s Emissenus that can mooue vs except he bring better reason with him But you would haue your ignorant followers to thinke that Saint Augustine helpeth you in this case and therefore you haue set him downe in latine that they might not espie that his words make nothing to your purpose for who euer mooued doubt whether Saint Steuens praier did obteine at the hand of God mercie for some of his persecuters or els the conuersion of the Ap●stle Paul but what maketh that for the intercession of saints when they are dead and gone Actes 8. 4. The text They therefore that were dispersed passed thorow ●uangelizing the word The note This persecution wrought much good being an occasion that the dispersed preached Christ in diuers countries where they come The answer God turneth all things to good to them that loue him and your persecutions also haue had the like effect of spreading the Gospel which though you sée and can not but confesse yet you furiouslie stil rage against God and stirre vp what princes you can to persecute the Gospell and the professors thereof 〈◊〉 8. 14. The text And when the Apostles who were in Hierusalem had heard that Samaria had receiued the word of God they sent to them Peter and Iohn The note Saepè sibi socium petens facit esse Iohannem Ecclesiae quia virgo placet Arator apud Bedam in Act. The answer How chaunce you set not downe your note in English did you meane that no bodie should know it but such as could vnderstand latine If the ministerie of married men had not béene as wel accepted and liked of the church then as the ministerie of others neither would Philips dealing at Samaria béene so well allowed of as it was neither yet had saint Peter béene a méete messenger to haue bene sent about that businesse But Iohn was liked of bicause he was a virgin it well appeareth that neither Philip nor Peter were disliked bicause they were married But I praie you tell me what church now may be so bold as to send the Pope on their errand or about their businesse Either the Church then had greater authoritie then now and Peter lesse then his supposed successors haue now or els the Popes now are prouder and take more vpon them then hée did Actes 8. ●7 The text And behold a man of Aethiopia an eunuche of great authoritie vnder Candace the Queene of the Aethiopians who was ouer all her treasures was come to Hierusalem ⸫ to adore The note Note that this Ethiopian came to Hierusalem to adore that is on pilgrimage Wherebie we may learne that it is an accptable acte of religion to go from home to places of greater deuotion and sanctification The answer All that euer were Iewes borne or Iewes by conuersion were bound by the law of God to offer their sacrifices at Ierusalē at certaine times in person to appéere there before him Now if yo● can shew any of your places of pilgrimage so by God himselfe chosen sanctified for that purpose than we yéeld to you Otherwise your reason holdeth not as being drawen from worship commanded by God to will worship that is worship deuised by men Acts 8. 31. The text And he said Trowest thou that thou vnderstandest the things which thou readest Who said And ⸫ how can I vnles some man shew me The note The scriptures are so written that they cannot be vnderstood without an interpreter as easie as our protestants make them See S. Hierom Epistola ad Paulinum de omnibus diuinae historiae libris set in the beginning of Latin bibles The answer How easie do protestants make them Do they not take continuall paines to interpret the scriptures to the people They are hard but not all That it was not the custome of the church and people of God to fray men from them bicause of the hardnes of them which is the controuersie betwixt you and vs appéereth in that the eunuch read euen those scriptures which he vnderstood not And that God blesseth such endeuors of humble harted Christians appéereth also in that God sent him an interpreter of that which he vnderstood not And what can you gather out of Ierom to the contrarie of this Acts. 9. 4. The text And falling on the ground he heard a voice saieng to him ⸫ Saul Saul why persecutest thou me The note The heretikes that conclude Christ so in heauen that he can be no where else till the day of iudgement shall hardly resolue a man that would know where Christ was when he appeered heere in the way and spake these words to Saul The answer We answer shortly and plainly as difficult a matter as you make of it that his bodie was then in heauen when his maiestie appéered and his voice was heard vpon earth What can you oppose to this Acts. 9. 18. The text And foorthwith there fell from his eies as it were scales and he receiued sight and rising he was ⸫ baptized The note Paul also himselfe though with the diuine and heauenly voice prostrated and instructed yet was sent to a man to receiue the sacraments and to be ioined to the church Augustine in doctrina Christiana in prooemio The answer You néeded much a doctor for this which euery man confesseth and no man denieth But it is euident that you hunt for nothing but vainglorious estimation Acts. 9. 31. The text The ⸫ church truly through all Iewrie and Galile and Samaria had peace and was edified walking in the feare of our Lord and was replenished with the consolation of the holie Ghost The note The church visibly proceedeth still with much comfort and manifold increase euen by persecution The answer God in the midst of persecution sendeth sometimes peace and rest to his as he hath done to his church of England to your great griefe whose rage and furie God hath bridled and to their singular comfort Acts. 9. 36. The text This woman was full of ⸫ good works and almes deedes which she did The note Behold good works and almes deeds and the force thereof reaching to the next life The answer Though this note be but sor●ly collected out of this place yet we confesse that the dead resting from their labors their works follow them and yet you neuer the nigher to the proouing of your merits Acts 9. 39. The text And Peter rising vp came with them and when he was come they brought him vp into the vpper chamber and all the widowes stood about him weeping ⸫ and shewing him the cotes and
his office that is to offer propitiatorie sacrifice for vs. Hebr. 7. ●5 The text Whereby he is able to saue vs for euer going by himselfe to God ⸫ alwaies liuing to make intercession for vs. The note Christ according to his humaine nature praieth for vs and continuallie representeth his former passion and merit to God the father The answer You would make vs beléeue that Christ was our priest onlie in respect of our nature directly against the worde and against this present place For the priests appointed by the lawe were men hauing infirmitie but our priest is the sonne for euer perfect where perfection is opposed to infirmitie and the sonne of God is opposed to men which sheweth the coupling of both natures aswell in exercising of his office as in his person But you of purpose in your translation haue omitted the worde men to obscure and darken the sense of the text Hebr. 8. ●2 The text We haue such an high priest who is set on the right hand of the seate of maiestie in the heauens a ⸫ minister of the holies and of the true tabernacle which our Lord pight and not man The note Christ liuing and reigning in heauen continueth his priestly function still and is minister not of Moyses Sancta and tabernacle but of his owne bodie and blood which be the true holies and tabernacle not formed by man but by Gods owne hand The answer Paule setteth Christ in heauen at the right hand of maiestie you set him in earth in the sacrament of the altar Paule teacheth that he continueth in his priestly function you haue appointed priests to offer propitiatorie sacrifice as if his priesthood were ceased Paule saith that if Christ were vpon the earth againe he were no priest you teach that he is againe vpon earth therefore your doctrine maketh him no priest Hebr. 8. 7. The text For ⸫ if that former had beene voide of fault there should not certes a place for a second been sought The note The promises and effects of the law were temporall but the promises and effects of Christs Sacraments in the church be eternall The answer This is plaine and flat Manicheisme If the high priest were a figure of Christ if Sancta sanctorum were a figure of heauen if the sacrifices of the old law were figures of Christs sacrifice then how can the promises or effects perteining to them be temporal The differences that I haue learned betwéene the sacraments of the law and the Gospell do not consist in diuersitie of promises and effects but in cléerenes number and time Cléerenes bicause that which then was obscurely shadowed is now cléerely reuealed number bicause they had a great multitude of sacramentall figures we as few in number and as effectual in signification as possible may be in time bicause theirs nursed in them the faith of Christ to come and ours confirmeth to vs the faith of Christ which is alreadie come and hath accomplished all things which are necessarie for our redemption Hebr. 9. 8. The text The holie Ghost signifieng this that the way of the holies ●as ⸫ not yet manifested the former tabernacle yet standing The note The way to heauen was not open before Christs passion and therfore the Patriarks and good men of the old testament were in some other place of rest vntill then The answer You dreame of a drie sommer Christ was alwaies the waie but Christ was not alwaies manifested or made openly knowne during the former tabernacle as now he is What maketh this for your dream of shutting the fathors out of heauen and causing them to go séeke another place of rest Was not Christ the lambe slaine from the beginning of the world And was not faith in his blood as auailable to the fathers as to vs Hebr. 9. 9. The text Which is a ⸫ parable of the time present The note All things done in the old testament and priesthood were figures of Christs actions The answer If all things done in the olde Testament and priesthoode haue relation to Christ and that which he perfourmed for vs then how are the promises temporall as before you said Liars had néed of good memories or els with one breath they denie and ouerthrow that which they affirme with another Hebr. 9 19. The text For all the commandement of the lawe being read of Moises to all the people he taking the blood of calues and goates with ⸫ water and skarlet wooll and ysope sprinkled the verie booke also it selfe and all the people saieng This is the blood of the Testament which God hath commanded you The note Heere we may learne that the Scriptures conteine not all necessarie rites or truthes when neither the place to the which the Apostle alludeth nor anie other mentioneth halfe these ceremonies but he had them by tradition The answer The Scriptures you say containe not all necessarie rites and truthes whie do you couple rites and truthes togither You know that we hold that rites and ceremonies may be variable according to diuersitie of times places and maners of people so the generall rules of Scriptures giuen to frame them by be obserued But truth is alwaies one and the same not to be found but in the word of truth and therefore though you could haue prooued that some of these rites were had by tradition yet it would not followe that anie necessarie truth were omitted in scriptures But let vs sée how doughtilie you prooue that forsooth halfe the ceremonies here spoken of are not mentioned in the place of Scripture to the which the Apostle alludeth nor in anie other place and therfore it can not be otherwise but he had them by tradition As you are true in this so I would you might finde credit in all things els first in the place by your selues quoted the reading of the Lawe the sprinkling of the people and the book with the blood of the sacrifices with the words here rehearsed are mentioned Then resteth water skarlet wool and hissope to be shewed els where In Leuiticus we finde that water was mingled with the blood which was to be sprinckled and that the sprinckle it selfe was made of cedar wood of hissope and of a skarlet lace Thus haue you one place for the sprinckling and another for the sprinkle and nothing héere at all by tradition which you so contend for Hebr. 9. 28. The text And as it is appointed to men to die once and after this the iudgement so also Christ was offered once to ⸫ exhauste the sinnes of manie The note By this word which signifieth to emptie or draw out euen to the bottome is declared the plentifull perfect redemption of sinnes by Christ. The answer When the holie Ghost by such significant and forcible wordes hath taught vs to ascribe our whole and full remission of sinnes to Christ what impudencie and shamelessenes is in you to ioine to Christ a number of trumperies of your own and as it were
and one pastor The note He meaneth the Church of the Gentils The answer It is true that Christ made of Iewes and Gentils one folde and of both he and not the pope is the one only pastor and head Iohn 10. 29. The text My father ⸫ that which he hath giuen me is greater then al. The note Another reading is my father that hath giuen me c. The answer In diuers readings you choose that which is most obscure and can not carie any true sense if it be weied with the circumstances of the place and leaue that which is plaine and carieth an inestimable comfort to all that loue God and best agréeth the Gréeke originall Iohn 11. 44. The text Iesus said to them ⸫ Loose him and let him go The note S. Cyril lib. 7. cap. vlt. in Ioh. and Augustine tract 49. in Ioh. applie this to the Apostles and priests authority of absoluing sinners affirming that Christ doth reuiue none from sinne but in the church and by the priests ministerie The answer Wée beléeue that the promise of life eternall pertaineth to none but to such as are or shalbe of the Church of God and that the ordinarie meanes whereby God effectuallie calleth men to be of his church is the ministerie of his woord But we dare not tie God to his ordinarie meanes sith he extraordinarilie called Paul and others But how well this place is applied to the ordinarie authoritie of ministers or priestes in absoluing I will spare to speake for reuerence of them whom you alledge It is well that the church hath plaine euidence of scriptures for the authoritie of binding and loosing for if it staid it selfe vpon the authoritie of men wresting such places as this to that purpose it were but a poore sillie comfort that the conscience of a poore penitent sinner could reape by the churches absolution Iohn 11. 48. The text If we let him alone so all will beleeue in him and the Romans will come and ⸫ take away our place and nation The note All men but speciall nations must take heed that whiles to saue their temporall state they forsake God they loose not both as the Iewes did August tract 49. in Io. The answer Therefore we vndergo all the perils and dangers which by your stirring vp the force and might of all the popish princes in the world can bring vpon vs rather than to displease God by giuing ouer his truth wherwith he hath blessed vs least we should prouoke his heauie indignation against vs and so perish as the Iewes haue done before vs. Iohn 12. 3. The text ⸫ Marie therfore tooke a pound of ointment of right spikenard precious and annointed the feete of Iesus and wiped his feete with hir haire and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment The note Of this womans extraordinarie offices of deuotion and how acceptable they were to Christ See the annot Mat. 26. The answer Bicause those annotations are to receiue answer by themselues therefore I thought not good to touch them here Iohn 12. 7. The text Iesus therefore said Let hir alone that she may keepe it for the day of my ⸫ buriall The note The deuout offices of balming and annointing the dead bodies of the faithfull are here also allowed The answer And we do not disallow whatsoeuer in buriall serueth either for comfort of them that be aliue and for the honest and comely bringing the dead to the graue being the last duties that men can do to their faithfull friends Iohn 12. 8. The text For the poore you haue alwaies with you but me you shall not haue alwaies The note Not in visible and mortal condition to receiue almes of you and such like offices for supply of my necessitie The answer And why do you not say not in bodie nor in humanitie Bicause you would faine with some color shift of Christs bodily absence from the earth for the better safetie and defence of your reall prese●ce in the sacrament You are full of fathers in matters n●edlesse why do you not in this place so often repeated bring vs at the least one plaine place of some father affirming that he is not simply absent in bodie from vs but onely in such sort as you do imagine Is it not a secret confession that all antiquitie is against you I maruell that you are so impudent still to glory and to cry that your faith hath continued almost xvj hundred yéeres when you know that in a number of things you are not able to bring foorth any true authoritie of halfe the age Iohn 12. 20. The text And there were certaine Gentils of them that came vp to adore in the festiuall day The note We may see there a great difference where a man pray or adore at home or in the church and holy places When the Gentils also came of deuotion a pilgrimage to the temple in Hierusalem The answer Now pilgrimages are prooued and that full pithily For the Gentiles came to adore at Hierusalem When you can find such expresse commandement of God for running to saint Iames of Compostella or our Ladie of Walsingham or visiting the holie sepulchre as was for al both Iewes and conuerts then to appéere before the Lord at Hierusalem then your reason will hold Otherwise it is as much as if I should say The Iewes and conuerts of the Gentils obeied the commandement of God in going to Hierusalem at the feast daies to worship Ergo it is lawful for me to go a roging to what place of pilgrimage in the world séemeth best in mine owne eies without further warrant As for the difference of publike and priuate praier and of seruing God at home and in the common assemblies are both knowen and practised amongst vs. Iohn 12. 40. The text Therfore they ⸫ could not beleeue bicause Esay said againe he hath blinded their eies and indurated their harts c. The note If any man aske saith saint Augustine why they could not beleeue I answer roundly bicause they would not Tract 33. in Io. See annotations Matth. 13. 15. Mark 4. 12. The answer It is true that the corruption of mans will is the cause of all euill and wickednes in man But héere either your printer made a fault or your note booke deceiued you for it is in 53. treatise And I muze why you should so much couet so force Augustine to speake for you séeing that you know that of all other he is most earnest in this cause of frée will against you For in the same place he acknowledgeth the iust iudgement of God vpon them in leauing them in blindnes and not helping them to sée And teacheth vs in inquiring why God would so leaue them to crie out with the Apostle O the depth of the riches of the wisedome and knowledge of God c. Which exclamation sheweth that Augustine had an eie to somwhat more than their will yea and to such a somwhat as was not
canons and constitutions are not better beléeued and obserued in your Romish church Actes of the Apostles Act. 1. 1. The text The first treatise I made of ⸫ al things O Theophilus which Iesus began to do and teach c. The note Not al particularly for the other Euangelists did write diuers things not touched by him but all the principall and most necessarie things The answer That Luke did not write all things particularly we know but that he vnderstandeth by all all the principall and most necessarie things that we can not grant For the things which the Euangelist Iohn wrote and the other Euangelists omitted were not in any respect of dignitie or necessitie inferior to the other Therefore we vnderstand by all neither euerie particular acte and doctrine neither all the principall and most necessarie things but the whole and complete storie of his life beginning from his birth and ending with his resurrection and ascension Act. ● 5. The text For Iohn indeed baptized with ⸫ water The note Iohns baptisme gaue not the holie Ghost The answer Neither yet the baptisme of any other priest or minister Act. 1. 5. The text But you shall be ⸫ baptized with the holie Ghost after these fewe daies The note The aboundant powring of the holy Ghost vpon them on Whit sunday he calleth baptisme The answer Giue to euerie man his due praise and commendation and confesse that you borrowed this note from Master Beza vpon this place Act. 1. 13. The text And when they were entred in they went vp into an vpper chamber where abode ⸫ Peter and Iohn Iames and Andrew Philip and Thomas Bartholomew Matthew Iames of Alphaeus and Simon Zelotes and Iude of Iames. The note This visible companie was the true church of Christ which he left and commanded to keepe togither till the comming of the holie Ghost by him to be further informed and furnished to gaine all nations to the same societie The answer I pray you what companie of men vpon earth were euer inuisible We will easilie confesse that the church vpon earth is alwaies visible as these were visible They were but a few they kept close secret togither for a time the enemies of the church knew not as yet of their assemblies they did not glitter nor shine in the eies of the world by anie worldlie authoritie or pompe finallie here is no visibilitie but such as doeth well agrée to the secret and hidden church of God Actes 1. 14. The text All these were perseuering with one minde in praier with the ⸫ women and Marie the mother of Iesus his brethren The note The heretikes some in the text other in the margent translate wiues to wit of the Apostles most impudentlie knowing in their consciences he meaneth the Maries and other holie women that followed Christ as Luke 8. 2. 24. 10 See Beza and the English Bible 1579. The answer If you had not stirred vp the hatred of your blind followers against vs by the odious names of heretikes and impudent men the rest of your note had not béene woorth a rush First denie if you can that the Gréeke héere doeth not as indifferentlie signifie wiues as women and then let vs consider which translation the circumstances of the place fauour must First you can not denie but that manie of the Apostles and also other beléeuers héere gathered with them were married men that they had special care of auoiding whatsoeuer might bée offensiue or open the mouth of the wicked to speake euill which they had had great occasion of if the Apostles other beléeuers had left their owne wiues and liued in secret with other women And againe who can thinke that the Apostles and a great manie of the other disciples had not beléeuing wiues And if they had what reason shuld mooue vs to thinke that they were not more likelie to kéepe their husbands companies to be at the first assemblies of the church of God then other women If then Gréeke word may be so translated and the circumstances of the text lead vs thereunto why should you so crie out impudent and heretikes Actes 1. 22. The text Therefore of these men that haue assembled with vs all the time that our Lord Iesus went in and out amongst vs beginning from the baptisme of Iohn vntill the day that he was assumpted from vs ⸫ there must one of these be made a witnes with vs of his resurrection The note No small mysterie that the number of twelue Apostles must needs be made vp againe The answer You expresse not your mysterie and therefore we leaue your note as we finde it Actes 2. 14. The text But ⸫ Peter standing with the eleuen lifted vp his voice and spake to them The note Peter the head of the rest and now newlie replenished with all knowledge and fortitude maketh the first sermon The answer If you did not with colour of words go about to beguile the ignorant we would not stumble at your naming Peter the head of the rest but now because vnder that terme you would haue men vnderstand that supremacie and superioritie which you chalenge for the bishop of Rome therefore it is not amisse to shew how vaine your collection is out of this place Peter spake for himselfe the rest Ergo he is head of the rest Master Recorder speaketh for my Lord Maior of London and his brethren Ergo master Recorder is aboue my Lord Maior and the bench And where you say he maketh now his first sermon except you meane the first after he receiued the gift of tongues you are deceiued for he both preached when Christ was vpon the earth and afterward at the election of another into the roome of Iudas Actes 2. 27. The text Because thou wilt not leaue my soule in ⸫ hel nor giue thy holie one to see ⸫ corruption The note Who but an infidell saith Saint Augustine will denie Christ to haue discended into hell Epist. 99. As his soule suffered no paines in hel so neither did his bodie take anie corruption in the graue The answer And we also say the like and teach the people the true meaning and sense of that article as our Catechismes do sufficientlie for vs testifie If anie hath séemed to denie it it hath béene in that grosse and vntrue sense which you papists take it in in which sense Augustine beléeued it not For he disputing the matter to fro and setting downe diuerse opinions resolueth him selfe no way But he flatlie reiecteth your popish opinion that he went to the fathers which were in rest in Abrahams bosome and vrgeth against it the loosing of the sorrowes of hell mentioned in this present chapter Then they that are loath to beléeue they wote not what must learne of Augustine to examine other mens opinions so by what authoritie they confirme their iudgements and rest vpon that which they sée hath good ground and warrant As for hell in that