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A14612 The contrition of a Protestant preacher, converted to be a Catholiqve scholler conteyning certayne meditations vpon the fourth penitentiall psalme, Miserere / composed by Iames Waddesworth, Bachlour of Diuinitie in the Vniversity of Cambridge, & late parson of Cotton, and of Great-Thorneham in the County of Suffolke, who went into Spaine with the Kinges Maiesties first Embassadour-Legier, as his chaplayne ... Wadsworth, James, 1572?-1623. 1615 (1615) STC 24924.5; ESTC S2953 166,461 144

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begin to consider thy creatures and so from them I will rayse vp my thoughtes vnto their Creator For haec spectari voluit non tantùm aspici he woulde that these creatures should be veiwed seriouslie not alone slightlie gazed on by the interior consideration euer to learne some what of God at least for his prayse otherwise he that studyes vpon the nature of the heauens starres ayre water sea earthe flowers herbes fishes beastes other creatures pondering no more but their nature and alltogether omitting to collecte somewhat touching their Author he is like a man who hath skill meanes matter wherwith to builde a pallace and yet spendes all his time among children boyes only to make little houses of claye durte or cockle shells 3. Adam is said to haue bene placed in Paradise to kepe to cultiuate that garden but we knowe that before his fall the earthe had no neede much lesse Paradise to be tilled by labour of the body wherfore his cheife dressing keeping of Paradise was by labour of the minde in contemplation loue prayse of God Beholde O my soule where thou maist haue both an office a place in paradise wouldest thou liue in paradise wouldest thou here beginne to be happy If heauen be on earthe it is in a deuout religions mans cell If the life of Angells be among men it is in the quyre or among them who prayse God like Angells To burne to boyle in the loue of God is a most pleasant refreshing to a thirsty soule O my soule be thou thus thirsty this heate will coole thee this thirste will refresh thee this feruēt loue will make thy prayses fruitfull these prayses as they delighte drawe vnto vs the Angells Sayntes so they vexe and driue away the diuells all bad spirites for this is the musique of Dauids harpe which droue away the euill spirite from Saul and these are like the desires meditations of our blessed lady when the Angell came to salute her 4. Thus Plato called the body a musicall instrument and the soule a musician who according as he handleth vseth his body so it affoardes him bad or good melody learne thē o my soule to keepe thy body in tune release stretche touch his stringes with order for harmony that is with charitable discretiō towardes our selues other men for heauenly respecte to the greater glory of God so let vs labour or rest feede or faste talke or praye doo euery thinge else in domino as in the sighte for the seruice to the prayse of allmighty God Thus the ancyent Christians as Pliny wrote to Trajan were a people which liued innocently and exercised themselues in the silēce of nighte to sing hymnes vnto Christ before the dawning of the daye Thus S. Paul and Silas being in prison they worshipped praysed God thus o my soule let vs often accorde with the holy Angells in a deuout Sanctus Sanctus Sanctus holy holy holy father sonne holy ghoste or with our Sauiour himselfe who in his humanity as he is man singeth Sanctus and the Blessed Virgin his mother with all the triumphante quyre of heauen singeth Sanctus Sanctus must be our songe with the preist at the Altar and with all the Churche militant here on earthe Thus allso let vs often ioyne with the whole courte of heauen in Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia with harte and voyce Alleluia with instrument and lippes Alleluia with mouthe tongue Alleluia reioycing Alleliua singing Alleliua or meditating Alleluia Thus all honor glory prayse power to God to the Lambe Alleluia Thus I beseech the o lorde that thou wilte opē my lippes thē my mouthe shall thus declare thy prayse MEDITATION X. Quoniam si voluisses sacrificium dedissem vtique holocaustis non delectaberis Sacrificium Deo spiritus contribulatus cor contritum humiliatum Deus non despicies Because if thou wouldest haue had sacrifice I woulde haue giuen it accordingly with whole burnte offeringes thou wilte not be delighted An afflicted spirite is a sacrifice to God a contrite and humbled harte O God thou wilte not despise THE DIVERSITY OF SACRIFICES and some differences betwene the lawe and the Gospell Sect. 1. 1. OF sacrifices we read of three kindes 1. victimae animalium the bodyes of liuing creatures 2. oblationes aridorum the substances of fruites 3. Libamina humidorum the moysture of liquors The first were called victimes eyther because they were for victoryes or because they were tyed or bound to the Altar as vincta the second were oblations giuen to be offred The thirde were Libamina liquors to be powred out or to drink● of The firste were killed the second were pownded or bruysed the third were powred out and all of them must be one way or other somewhat altered from their former existence Wherfore if we will beginne a sacrifice of our selues we must purpose a change of our qualityes our waterish pleasing thouhtes must be powred out in teares of repentance our drye vnprofitable speeches bruysed into well relished wordes and we must kill the concupiscence of all our bodily workes Or it will be good to mortifye the desires of our will as a victime tyed or bound to the Altar To pownde or bruyse the drye meditations of our memory for an oblation to be consecrated vnto God To powre out the flowing vnsethed cogitations of our vnderstāding referring all to the wisdome and prouidence of our heauenly Father So shall he haue humbled thoughtes a memorie contrite an afflicted spirite which kinde of sacrifices O God thou wilte neuer despise especiallie when like the olde sacrifices they haue fyre salte that is some heate of feruent deuotion and well seasoned and ●alted with some discretion 2. These sacrifices shall euer be accepted But it may be our Dauid prophecyed th●t there woulde come a time of grace when thou wouldest not be delighted with any sacrifice of the lawe The legall sacrifices were but as the scaffoldes of the building when the building is finished the scaffoldes must be remooued and yet our Sauior came not to dissolue but to fullfill the lawe To fullfill the inwarde substance and truthe of the lawe which is eternall and to dissolue the outwarde figure shadowes which were temporall And so another psalme saith in the person of our Sauiour Sacrifice and oblations thou wilte none but thou hast perfected a body for me c. then I sayd beholde I come But when the kinge himselfe comes his Viceroy must giue place 3. Allso the sacrifices of the lawe did rather signifye then iustifye but ours doo as well iustifye as signifye The lawe of Moyses receiued obedience more for feare then for loue the lawe of Christe more for loue then for feare And so that lawe did rather restreyne the hande then the minde rather the outwarde deede then the inwarde intente But our lawe
perseuerance and glorification what can we render for so great goodnes Let vs agayne agayne euery day receiue this cuppe of saluation call vpon the name of our Lorde First after some conuenient preparation for so great a sacrifice let vs beginne with Confiteor and kyrie eleyson c. to acknowledge our fall in Adam and to accuse our owne sinnes 2. to laude prayse our Sauiors Goodnes redemption with Gloria in excelsis or Sanctus Sanctus c. 3. To professe our constant Catholique faith by the Gospell Creede 4. At the Consecration eleuation by adoring remembring our Sauior his passion to offer sacrifice homage 5. in the Collectes mementos to make our petitions prayers for our selues others according to our necessityes deuoute desires 6. with the P●ter noster to beginne with the Pax Agnus Dei to prodeed and with Domine non sum dignus to accomplish the communion 7. lastly with the laste Collectes and Ite Missa est to giue all thankes in gratitude and to receiue the preistes Blessing with hope that what we haue offred prayed at the Altar shal be admitted granted in heauen throughe the mercy merites mediation passion of our swete Sauior Iesus who is our cheife preist our best Aduocate and our dearest sacrifice abundantly to procure vnto vs by his goodnes whatsoeuer he shall see to be necessary for vs in his wisedome 4. Thus O my soule let vs euery day consider reioyce beleeue obey worship wonder praye or giue thankes during all the time of the Masse Let vs consider the holy action we are about and our owne wretched vnworthy estate Let vs reioyes with the Angells all the hoste of heauen for our gracious deliuerance Let vs Beleeue what our lorde teacheth by his Churche and euer obey whatsoeuer he cōmandeth Let vs worship him as Really Royally presēt and wonder at his infinite wisedome power goodnes who hath vouchsafed to leaue vs such a sacrament Let vs praye for his mercyes and supplyes to all our wantes and giue him most harty thankes for his admirable loue all his benefites O my harte canst thou holde in my body whē thy Sauiour comes downe frō heauen vnto the Altar shouldest thou be wandring or dull whiles such a sacrifice is in the preistes handes or before thine eyes O sacrifice of iustice which as S. Augustin said significando causat gratiam O gracious Sauiour let it signifye and imprinte in our hartes the memory fruite of thy death passion therby in patience to order our life to prepare vs for death with ioyfullnes 5. Then wilte thou accepte oblations of secular people according to their deuotion and the whole burnte offringes of religious persons who renounce themselues and all they haue into thy peculiar obedience Then shall both these sortes be willing ready to lay calues vpon thine Altar that is saith Innocentius to suffer martyrdome for the Catholique faithe for which in this worlde we may be tormented sacrificed as vpon thy crosse or vpon thine Altar of payne or disgrace but Then in the next worlde we shall assuredly remayne with those martyred soules which S. Ihon saw in his reuelation to rest vnder thine Altar of quiet glory O gracious Sauiour I am of my selfe most vnworthy in any of these sortes to serue at thine Altar O sweete Iesu thou haste begonne among lay people to make me a little worthy If it be thy blessed will I humbly doo beseeche thee among religious persons or martyrs to make me more blessed O giue me this strenghte confirme me in this will Then if I willingly forsake the earthe for thee I shall in heauen ●●ore speedily more certeinly for euer raigne with thee where with all Angells ●yntes o Lord let vs all offer the sacrifice of iust prayse yeilding the celestiall oblations of our bodyes incorruptible and the glorious immortality of our soules transported into an holocauste of heauenly zeale louing praysing and reioycing with all our harte with all our minde with all our soule that is in all our vnderstanding without any error in all our memory without any forgetfullnes and in all our will without any contrariety Thus euer let vs offer eternall sacrifice and alwayes enioye thy happy presence O blessed Sauiour this we beseech thee for thine owne precious merites and by the prayers of thy most deare Mother and all Saynts Amen Omnia Sanctae Romanae Catholicae Apostolicae Ecclesiae submissa sunto FINIS A TABLE OF THE MEDITATIONS AND SECTIONS CONTEYNED IN THIS BOOKE MEDITATION I. Psalmus Dauid cùm venit ad eum Nathan Propheta quando intrauit ad Bersabee OF the occasion and number of this Psalme by Dauids example to beware of Lust. Sect. 1. OF witty plaine reprehensions and of the Authors lamentation of his former life Sect. 2. MEDITATION II. Miserere mei Deus secundum magnam misericordiam tuam Et secundum multitudinem miserationum tuarum dele iniquitatem meam Ampliùs laua me ab iniquitate mea à peccato meo munda me A Short Diuision explication of all these words Sect. 1. The miserable effects of sinne are declared according to the Schoolmen And some short petitions for mercy are made against their misery Sect. 2. Other wretched effects of sinne are declared out of the Scriptures Doctors by which we are warned from them Sect. 3. Of the Name Nature of God Who he is what we are and how vnspeakably we are beholding vnto his great goodnes Sect. 4. Sundry excellent obseruations of S. Bernard applyed to this Meditation of our Lords great Mercies multitude of Miserations Sect. 5. What mercy is of the effects Also how synnes are blotted out by multitudes Sect. 6. Of the great care we must vse to purge all sinne that we our selues must do heerin some diligence not standing idle to leaue all vnto Christ. Sect. 7. We must dayly proceede in zeale against all sinne in particuler against the sensualities of the flesh Sect. 8. MEDITATION III. Quoniam iniquitatem meam ego cognosco peccatum meum contra me est semper Tibi soli peccaui malum coram to feci vt iustificeris in fermonibus tuis vincas cum iudicaris HOw we must marke abhorre beware sinne as a trecherous and dangerous enemy Sect. 1. That euery one must acknowledge his owne faultes laying his hand on his own harte rather accuse himself then censure any other Sect. 2. It is necessary to remember harmes of sinne therby learning to amend take-heede of sinne Sect. 3. Diuers interpretations of these wordes Tibi soli Vnto thee alone c. Sect. 4. When we comitte sinne before our Lord And that he seeth not as man seeth Sect. 5. Of Diuers wayes by which our Lord is iustifyed and may be said to ouercome when he is iudged Sect. 6. MEDITATION
into like misery no such mercy is in our Lorde vpon any of these considerations for he is neither subiect to humane affection nor to feare nor any way in hazarde of changeable infelicity 2. And among men thoughe charity be the greatest of all vertues because it vnites ioynes vs as inferiors to God our beste highest Superior yet in God who is aboue all creatures vpon which he powreth out all the godnes they haue receiues nothing from any other to himselfe in him mercy is the greatest of all vertues to him therfore the Churche saith it is proper more then to any herein his omnipotency most to be manifested For thoughe the vertues attributes of God be in himselfe equall yet in their effectes operations towardes his creatures one may appeare more or lesse then another so here S. Augustin saith that mercy miserations be all one S. Bernarde calls miserations the daughters of mercy which are diuerse in sundry streames yet all one water of the same founteyn as in a garden-water potte the water within is all one in substance with those many spinning streames yssuing out of those seuerall holes 3. Aristotle said that no place of the worlde is alltogether empty eyther of ayre or some what else yet he could not tell wherof it was full so well as Dauid who said All the worlde is full of the mercy of our Lord. Another philosopher being asked what was greatest of all answered Locus place is greatest for place which conteyneth all is greater then those thinges which are conteyned but Dauid would haue said it is our Lordes mercy which is aboue all his workes so all places giues place as inferior to his mercy takes place within it as lesser then his mercy In heauen his mercye shynes in glory on earthe he raynes mercy both on the iuste iniuste his mercy is in purgatory where sowles are purifyed prepared for heauen yea euen in hell there is some parte of his mercy for as he rewardes his Angells Sayntes much aboue their merites so punisheth the diuells the damned both lesse then their demerites and not so much as he is able 4. These are thy mercyes O God which none can deny but we humbly desire releife pardon according to thy great mercy to blotte out our iniquity in the multitude of thy miserations thy justice o lord reacheth vnto the heighte of mounteynes thy truthe vnto the clowdes thy great mercye to the heauens and the multitude of thy miserations is aboue all thy workes O let vs taste of these mercyes sent downe from thee to vs and deriued by vs to others that we may learne to be mercifull as thou arte mercifull And so in thy day of iustice iudgment if we haue bene mercifull we shall obteyne mercy when it shall not be so much recounted that Abel was murdred for his good sacrifice that Noah tooke care to saue the olde world that Abrahā was faithfull that Moses deliuered the lawe that Elias went vp to heauē in a charyot that S. Peter was crucified with his head downeward that S. Paul was beheaded that S. Laurence was broyled or S. Edmonde our English king a martyr shotte full of arrowes as it shall be there demāded what workes of mercy euery one hath performed especially in feeding the hungry clothing the naked or visiting the sicke imprisoned O teach vs to be mercifull in such smal matters that we may find great mercy at thy handes and in euery one of thy fingers multitude of miserations Great mercy o God because thou arte great and it fittes thee not to giue little great mercy because our necessityes haue neede of great supplyes our offences are great our punishments deserue to be great therfore what can we aske lesse then great mercy 5. And according to the multitude of thy miserations blotte out my iniquity O thou who doost forgiue very often euen seauenty times seuen times we are many offenders and are guilty of exceeding many sinnes in many thinges offending all euery day many times a day o shew the multitude of thy miserations vpon such multitudes of offences of times of persons pardoning so many sinners for so many crimes so many times repeated O blotte them out as thou hast said by the Prophet Esay that thou arte he who blotteth out our iniquityes for thine owne sake And Ieremy saith our sinnes are grauen in a harde Adamante stone with an yron pen who can blotte out such a recorde euen thou only o mighty redeemer who by thy handes nayled to the crosse wert blotting out all handewrytinges against vs O raze and blotte out we entreate thee all the sinnes accusations which Satan writes against vs O blotte them out not to be read and scrape them out as blottes not to be seene for otherwise they will blotte our names out of thé booke of the liuing Del● put out or take away from thy sighte or vewe all spottes from our soule all memory from thy booke all byting wormes from our conscience all sinnefull appetites from our affections all vnlawfull consent from our desires O blotte out all malice or frailty from our will and out of our vnderstanding all error blindnes In the vertue of thy precious bloud and by the sacramēt of extreme Vnctiō we beseech thee blotte out at our death all the sinnefull delightes of our eyes all the follyes of our eares all vanityes of our smelling all the iniquityes of our tōgue all the voluptuousnes of our touche or of our taste all vnserchable or secret sinne of our hartes all the idlenes or wickednes of our handes all the forwardnes of our feete to committe euill all the slackenes or crookednes of our wayes vnto good O Iesu helpe vs by wyping out our blottes now to cleāse our soules euer by great mercy to forgiue our sinnes OF THE GREAT CARE VVE MVST VSE to purge all sinne and that we our selues must doo herin some diligence not standing idle to leaue all vnto Christe Sect. 6. 1. WAsh me yet more from mine iniquity cleanse me from my sinne O lorde I haue so much offended that me thinkes I cannot well enoughe expresse my guiltynes nor enoughe begge remedye nor can I tell when I haue enoughe repented Amplius laua me wash me yet more both from the filthynes and allso the stinkingnes of all wickednes wash me from iniquity which is filthy and cleanse me from sinne which stinketh from sinne against God from iniquity eyther against my neighbor or against my selfe yet more both from the heynousnes of that which is paste that I be perfectly cured and least I should fall agayne from the dangerousnes of that which may come Let not the prophet complayne against me saying O how vile arte thou become iterating thy wayes all sinne in my soule is like lothsome stinking durte on my
of the Diuell Which is signifyed by the olde custome of the Catholique churche which hauing baptized new conuerted christians at Easter and hauing vsed fasting penance in lent they called the first Sonday after Easter Dominica in Albis white Sonday because those who were newly baptized were then all clad in white to shew their cleansed innocency and so they solemnely read that saying of S. Peter quasi modo geniti infantes as children new borne to teach vs that after our sinnes washed by baptisme or blotted out by penance we should be carefull to kepe the garments of our soules white and cleane or hauing become againe as yong children without malice or sinne we should afterwarde procure the cleansed table of our soules no more to be defaced in vice by the Diuells fowle fyst but to be adorned in vertue with golden letters of grace MANY SIGNIFICATlONS AND PETITIONS for creating a cleane harte and renuing of a righte spirite Sect. 2. 1. BLotte out all my faultes and then Create a new harte in me o God First remission of sinne next infusion of grace For thoughe Iustification be in an instante yet in order of nature not of time pardon is before fauour And he saith Create grace in me because it is not deduced out of any power or faculty of our soule as are naturall formes out of their substances or matter but our soule had lost all his morall essence or Being of grace therfore he saith Create a cleane harte that is restore in me all morall gifts of nature and renue a righte spirite that is all spirituall graces 2. Create my harte which had loste it selfe for Ezechiel saith to a sinner Thou arte become nothing Neither let Ieremy call me a foole which hath no harte to res●ste sinne for to haue no harte is to be dead and to haue no life But in creating my harte I ●ha●l ●ecouer both life and wisedome and by creati●g me a cleane harte I may be among those blessed who shall see God 3. Let me haue a cleane harte not defiled with delightes of any sinne nor delighted in the filthynes of any pleasure nor turmoyled with contentious passions nor troubled with peruer●e cogitations for it ought to be a cleane temple of the holy ghoste not polluted with luxury not straytned with enuy with ambition not headlong no● houering with pride Or if we heare any of these clamorous affections within vs yet not take pleasure nor giue consent to their allu●ing voyces not a whitte to feele them who can say he hath a cleane harte yet must we cleanse our hartes not to harbour and consent vnto them Or if we haue listened any whit too long vnto such dangerous thoughtes let vs pray for a cleane harte that all corrupte intentions may be abolished and with a right spirite all good purposes orderly directed despising all the glory of this worlde fastening our mindes in the loue of God keping patience in reproches and inju●yes humbling our selues to all men in meekenes louing our freindes in God and our enemyes for God not coueting oughte from other men but rather giuing of our owne to the poore in prosperity sober and constant in affliction Thus let vs be renued in the spirite of our ●indes which in all these is a cleane harte and a right spirite but by the vices which are contrary vnto these it doth become a crooked and a lothsome harte 4. Create in me a cleane harte not materially but formally for this creation is not of the harte in substance but of his quality in cleanenes Create cleanenes in my harte for infused vertu●● and grace may be s●id created as neither compounded of any material substance no● deriued therfrom But yet being Accidentall formes they are not created alone ●ut existing in some subiect and so Deuines say Gratia non creatur sed concreatur subjecto inesse grato 5. Least from my reasonable discourse impertinent or vicious thoughtes should ascend into my harte Create in me a cleane harte of vnderstanding Least my actions should be hipocriticall hauing my harte a farre of from thee Create a sincere intention of harte in my will And in my deuout hartie affections Create a cleane harte in me that I may follow Dauid as a man according to thine owne harte 6. And renue a right spirite in my bowells Renue it for I am waxen olde in vice and make it righte to be directed streight to heauen nor bowed downe in basenes nor bended awrye in crookednes to any thing of this worlde New in grace for we may not put new wyne into olde bottels Righte in nature wherfore we praie vnto the holie ghoste Send out thy spirite they shal be created thou shalte renue the face of the earthe 7. Our Bowells are of such earthly nature that they haue neede to be renued in spirite and our Hartes are so corrupted in sinne that they haue neede to be caste in another molde which is to be created a cleane harte O my soule we were become like Ephraim a seduced doue hauing no harte and we may complayne with the psalmist Our harte hath forsaken vs let vs desire our Lord to create vs a harte Allso like the Quene of Saba admiring Solomon we haue no spirite or faynting in goodnes we may say defecit spiritus meus our spirite fayleth vs let vs beseech our lord to Renue our spirite O Iesu create in vs a cleane harte out of which may not procede lewde thoughtes adulteryes theftes ambitions nor any wickednes Renue in our Bowells a righte spirite to make vs right in all vertues which according to the hebrew worde are called rectitudines righteousnes streight lines or perpendicular lines from the center of the earth leading righte vp to heauen That as in the begimning our Lord made man righte so to the intent our End may be answerable restore vs a righte spirite 8. Dauids hart● was vncleane by Adultery his spirite was crooked by malicious subtilty in this subtle malice he murdered Vrias in adultery he had abused Bersabee In like sorte against luste we desire cleanenes of harte and against crafty crooked malice rightnes of spirite or we pray that we may haue in our harte cleane affections louing God entirely and a righte spirite of discretion to discerne good prudently Allso mixing these we desire discreete affections in our harte and in our spirite louing charitable imaginations Nay we haue so much neede of a better alteration that we may alter interchange these wordes to desire a change of our selues allmost into any fashion rather then to remayne in our present corruption o lorde create in vs a cleane harte and renue a righte spirite in our bowells or create in vs a righte spirite and renue in vs a cleane harte Allso we haue neede of a cleane spirite and me doo wante a righte hart We haue no harte which therfore must be created
may stand stately and proudly for a time like the walls of Babel yet in all the worlde it was neuer sene that where religion was debased but in few Ages their commanding policy was confounded 3. Wherfore let vs praye continually for the sincerity of Sion the prosperity of Ierusalem O lorde repayre the walls vnto the one and vnto the other shew the kindnes of thy good will Arise O God and haue mercy vpon Sion because it now seemes time to haue mercy vpon her and because her highe time is now come if great neede can shew when it is her highe time for now new fangled people broken o● from thy churche are broken into thine inheritance thy haue polluted thy holy Temples profaned thy churches thy Altars they haue caste downe and they haue caste out thy holy sacrifices they haue turned thy houses of orderly religion into habitations of moste disordinate pleasures or else haue layd them desolate in barbarous ruynes posuerunt Ierusalem in pomorum custodia●t hey haue made Ierusalē which was well inhabited eyther like a poore Cottage of an orcharde where dwelles some churlish warrener or it is quite suffered to decaye since all the fruite was gathered They haue placed the dead bodyes of thy seruantes to be meate for the soules of the ayre and in some places they haue lefte the flesh of thy sayntes vnburyed to become a preye for the beastes of the earthe they haue shed the bloud of many like water in the circuite of Ierusalem and there were none permitted to bury them with sacred ceremonyes We are made a reproche vnto our neighbors a laughing stocke and a scoffe vnto them who are round about vs. How long O lord wilte thou be angry vnto the end shall thy zeale be kindled like fire O powre out thy wrathe vpon the nations which haue not known thee and vpon the kingdomes which haue not called vpon thy name For they haue eaten vp Iacob his place they haue layde desolate O remember not our olde iniquityes but let thy mercyes soone preuent vs for we are made exceding poore O God our saluation helpe vs deliuer vs O lord for the glory of thy name and be mercifull vnto our sinnes for thine owne name Least they say among the nations where is theyr God rather make knowne vnto the nations before our eyes the vengeance of the bloud of thy seruantes which hath bene shed and let the sighes of them who are in fetters enter into thy sighte and according to the greatnes of thine arme possesse and preserue the children corporall or spirituall of them who now are martyred or oppressed whether they be children of nature or of grace of succession or of conuersion 4. Deale kindly O lorde in thy good will towardes Sion Benignè sac or bonam fac make Sion to become good or thoughe it be faulty yet shew it thy fauour in thy good will Allso for the Benignity of our Sauiours incarnation as Saint Paul calleth it or according to the gracious prouidence of thy good will and pleasure both decreeing our remedy and fullfilling thy fauour Or as vnto God the Father is attributed the minde vnto the Sonne reason and will vnto the holy Ghoste so let vs particularly praye for this good will of his holy spirite therein to sanctify Sion and withall for our selues as passengers in a shippe to directe it euer by his good will as the helme 5. That the walls of Ierusalem may be builte not alone that the Temporall state may be free from domesticall suspicions forreyn feares florishing in strenghte of vnity at home amity abroade by which it shall be compassed defended as with firme walls But especially that in the quietnes of christendome free from persecution we may haue many good religious men renued and repayred to be sayntes deare seruantes of God for these are the cheife defence the best Armyes the horsemen the footemen the Artillerye the munition the shippes the walls of any kingdome And of these the scripture saith all thy walls are precious stones and all other good Catholique Christians are well squared liuing stones builte vpon our L. Iesus as the ch●ife principall foundation beside whom no man can lay any other firste foundation and then secondly nexte after him S. Paul telleth vs we are builte vpon the foundation of the Apostles and prophets And among them cheifly vpon S. Peter his successors vnto whom our Sauiour promised that vpon this rocke he woulde builde his churche 6. O gracious Sauiour thou haste hitherto continued this promise and we doubte not but thou wilte performe it vnto the end of the worlde so that the gates of hell neither by Diuells Tyrantes Heretiques nor Antichrists shall preuayle against it But in particuler we moste humbly earnestly sorowfully entreate thee not only to continue blesse Sion where it is now well seated but allso to builde and repayre the walls of Ierusalem wheresoeuer they haue bene defaced O sweete Iesu repayre our ruynes restore our breaches make vs all liuing stones of thy Temple and vouchsafe once agayne amongest vs to renue the walls of Ierusalem Let vs be so composed combyned in vnity of Catholique religion and in charity of true Christian loue so compacted that we may seeme like one of those Towres in the walls of Ierusalem which Iosephus saith was so artificially contriued that it appeared all but one stone Thy charity is the best bitume morter or cement or playster of Paris or spanish yesso wherwith to combyne vs bind vs together O let this charity be so diffused spread abroad in all our hartes that we may be all of one harte of one minde of one faith and of one flocke vnder one shepheard one God 7. Sion signifyes a watchtowre and Ierusalem a city of peace In his towre thy preistes prelates are watchemen and all thy constante Catholiques are inhabitantes of Ierusalem O how beautifull is this towre when it standes in vnity but when it crackes or breakes by diuision o how ruynous dangerous And as for the other Commons Citizens of Ierusalem how can they remayne vndestroyed by Titus Vespasian their cōmon enemyes whiles they foster broyles or breede factions within their owne bowelles Wherfore O deare Sauiour O God of peace settle our towres of Sion in concorde of watchemen and vnto thy Citizens of Ierusalem send thy peace thy externall peace from outward persecution thy internall peace from inwarde diuision and thy eternall peace in euerlasting consolation By this shall the walls of Ierusalem be rebuilte if we seeke kepe peace and by this shall we be knowne to be thy disciples if in that peace which thou diddest bequeath vs we doo loue one another O mercifull Iesu take not away thy peace because of our disagreementes but rather take away our disagreements and restore vs thy peace we deserue indeede more anger yet according to thy