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A10250 Propositions and principles of diuinitie propounded and disputed in the vniuersitie of Geneua, by certaine students of diuinitie there, vnder M. Theod. Beza, and M. Anthonie Faius ... Wherein is contained a methodicall summarie, or epitome of the common places of diuinitie. Translated out of Latine into English, to the end that the causes, both of the present dangers of that Church, and also of the troubles of those that are hardlie dealt vvith els-vvhere, may appeare in the English tongue.; Theses theologicae. English Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.; La Faye, Antoine de, 1540-1615. aut; Penry, John, 1559-1593. 1591 (1591) STC 2053; ESTC S101754 189,778 296

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day which went before the Sabaoth lay in the graue the whole Sabboth according to the custome of the Iewes which account a naturall day from Euening to Euening and rose againe the beginning of the next which was the first daye of the weeke 13 Concerning this Article of the descension of Christ into Hell it is manifest that there is no mention made of either in the Nicene or in any other of the ancient creeds and RVFFINVS witnesseth that it was not read in the Church of Rome 14 No man therefore ought to wonder if some question be made of the meaning thereof 15 That the Creede which is called the Apostles was written by the Apostles themselues before they departed from Ierusalem euerie one of them bringing in his seueral Article it is a meere fabulous tale as the very number of these Articles do shew 16 Yet it is cleare that they were faithfullie and truely gathered out of the preaching of the Apostles acounted euen frō the most ancient time as a square a rule of faith 17 Now their opinion is verie probable who doe take these words he descended into Hel if this Article was at the first in the common creed expressed in so many words not for any distinct Article but for a summary comprehension of the last and lowest degree of Christes humiliation which should bee pointed out by the wordes of suffering crucifiyng death and burial as this kind of speach is somtimes in the Scriptures Metaphorically vsed for the lowest estate of anguish and dejection So that He suffered was dead buried and descended into Hell should be but one Article of faith 18 But who can beleeue that the Fathers of Nicene and so many Synods that afterward followed and the very Church of Rome it self would haue rashly blotted out this Article if it had bin written in so many words in the common Creed 19 Either of the two therefore must needs bee necessarie namelie that either this kinde of speach in that sense that wee haue spoken though familiar vnto the Hebrues was not yet receiued in all Churches as being ambiguous and not necessary seeing it was sufficiently vnderstood by the former and so by a little and a little grewe out of vse or that this Article also was then inserted into the common Creed when as their opinion which hath bene of ancient time had by degrees taken place who thought that the soule of our Sauiour Christ beeing separated from his bodie went into I know not what place where the Spirits of the beleeuing Fathers should haue their aboad 20 But this opinion though it hath bin of a long time receaued by a common and an olde growen error cannot bee confirmed any wise by any testimonie of the Euangelicall Historie but is manifestlie ouerthrown thereby seeing it is very apparant by the woordes of the Euangelists that the Spirite of Christ being departed out of his bodie was there receaued into whose hands hee committed it when hee gaue vppe the Ghost that is into the place of aeternall blessednes whereof speaking vnto the Theefe he said this day shalt thou be with me in Paradise 21 Nowe that there was any place allotted vnto the Spirits of the Fathers that departed before the incarnation of Christ whence afterward the Spirite of Christ comming thither indeed shuld bring them with him into heauen it can in no wise bee confirmed by any colourable testimonie of the Scriptures Neither would the Euangelists haue omitted any such thing in the storie of the passion of Christ But this opinion seemeth to arise partlie in that manye are written to haue risen either by Christ or with Christ partly out of the PSALME 16.8 which PETER citeth Act. 2.25 and out of two other places also of 1. PET. 3. wrongfullie interpreted 22 Out of this error arise two other that are more absurd the one of those who beeing ledde by the misvnderstanding of the words of PETER thought that the soule of Christ went indeed into Hell to the ende that as in bodie hee had preached the Gospell vpon earth vnto those that were liuing so also he should preach the said Gospel in his Spirit vnto the Spirites of those that were dead as though that after death there were any place left for preaching repentance 23 The other errour is of those who dreamed that the Spirite of Christ should goe vnto the soules of the damned that hee might there also suffer in his soule the paines ordained in hell for the damned as though that the soule of Christ whilest it was in his bodie did not beare those punishmentes for our sake as both that horrible agonie which hee sustained in the Garden and also that fearefull crie My God my God c. which vpon the Crosse made Heauen and earth to tremble doe beare witnesse or as though that speache It is finished wherein our whole hope consisteth were vntrue 24 But wee omitting the whole controuersie concerning the putting in or the blotting out of this Article do simplie vnderstand by the Descension of Christ into hell those things which Christ being made a curse for vs suffered in his soule for our sake in those torments especiallie which were so greeuous as nothing could be no not imagined more horrible 25 By the word DESCENSION therefore is not ment any remoouing from a higher place to a lower because that can properlie agree neither vnto the Deitie which is euery where nor vnto the bodie which of it selfe lay dead in the Graue neither vnto the soule which beeing commended vnto the Father was straight way in Paradise after it was separated from the body 26 Now the word HELL which in the Scripture is diuersly taken signifieth neither the Graue because that explanation should bee superfluous and obscure neither yet the place of the damned as it is cleare out of the former Principles 27 Therefore this Descension of Christ into Hel which had an ende at his death went before the Article of his buriall but yet it is placed after the same in the order of speach euen because it was thought meet to set downe in one tenor of speach whatsoeuer did belong to the humiliation of his body Defended by HILLARIE FANTRART an English-man of Guernzy PRINCIPLES CONCERNING THE RESVRRECTION OF IESVS CHRIST XLV 1 HItherto wee haue heard Christes combate with death wherein he might seeme to be ouercome by death because it so far preuailed against him as it threw his dead bodie into the graue 2 Now we are to speake of Christs victorie ouer death the beginning whereof was the preseruation of his dead bodie in the graue vncorrupted and that without the help of anie art of the Apothicarie 3 His full victorie manifested it selfe in the resurrection of his bodie seeing that life is directlye opposite vnto death 4 Now that onlie is said to rise again which lay down and therefore neither the Deitie nor the soule of Christ rose againe Yet notwithstanding the resurrection after a
vtterly denied that there were anie angels And ORIGEN likewise who with PLATO affirmed that those spirituall minds as often as they offended were fallen and thrust into bodies APELLES the heretick also who said that the bodies which the Angels tooke vpon them were neuer created and LACTANTIVS FIRMIANVS who dreamed that Angels were not presentlie at the beginning of the world appointed to guide and protect man In summe wee condemne all those who either make them coaeternall with God or attribute vnto them the worke of the Creation as did SIMON MAGVS CERINTHVS SATVRNINIVS and CARPOCRATES Defended by IOHN IAMES COLER of Tigurine PRINCIPLES CONCERNING MAN XII 1 SEing that man is the most excellent of all the visible workes of God for whose cause next vnto Gods all other things were created we holde it a matter belonging vnto a Diuine to entreat of the nature of Man 2 Man is neither the bodie nor the soule seuerallie considered but composed of both that is of soule and bodie joined together by a most straight and most louing band 3 The truth of Gods worde doeth witnes that there was but one man created at the first who was to bee the originall of all other men And so all those that proceded from him should be tyed together by a common bond of blood Wee doe then reject the opinion of such Philosophers as haue denied one certaine man to haue had his beginning first of all other 4 The bodie of that first man was formed by God of the dust of the earth that is as wee interprete it of the foure elements that it should not be a graue of the soule as PLATO thought but a most excellent and a most meete instrument to performe the faculties of the minde 5 Now in respect that this bodie was made of qualities repugnant one to the other it was mortall in the first creation of it for repugnancie or discord is the authour of dissolution yet by the appointment of God it was made immortall that it should be the habitation of the immortall soule but after the entrance of sinne into the worlde it returned vnto the former necessitie of mortality The PELAGIANS therefore do erre in holding that the bodies of men were naturallie subject vnto death and in attributing the cause of death to be onely the discord of the contrary qualities Other points that belong vnto the frame and beautie of mans body we leaue to be discussed by naturall Philosophers and phisitians As also manie things that they teach concerning the powers of the soule becaus we think it meet that we containe our selues within the bonds of diuinitie And now we will speak of the essence of the soule 6 The essence of the soule can scarce be knowne for it is not to bee perceaued by the instrument of any the senses of our bodies yet by the faculties and operations of it it doth in a sort open it selfe vnto vs. And therefore it is vsuallie described and pointed out after this plaine maner 7 The soule of man is an essence created according vnto the image of God infused into the bodie that man cōsisting both of bodie and soule should be capable to know and glorifie God 8 The soule of man is properlie trulie called a soule for that facultie which is in beasts and plants is by reason of the scarcity of words so called of the Latines For seeing the same doth not subsist of it self that it is nothing els but a power arysing out of the properties of the matter forme it scant retaineth the name of a being much lesse deserueth to be called a soule 9 The soule of man is of a spirituall and not of a bodily nature subsisting by it selfe not vnaduisedlie made of moates not a fire or anie other of the foure elementes or yet anie thing compact of the elementes not any number not an harmony not any facultie brought forth out of the matter brieflie not anie part cut as it were out of the Deitie but wiselie created of nothing after a manner vnknowne vnto vs by God who woorketh most freely 10 Now although it hath a beginning yet doeth it remain immortal not onlie because of it owne substance it is vncompounded and voide of al contrarieties and bodilie accidents but especiallie in asmuch as it is so created of God that of it selfe it can liue exist and continue for euer And it doth rather afforde life vnto the bodie than deriue it from the same The which wee doe beleeue in asmuch as it is proued vnto vs by the most sure testimonies of the holy scriptures rather then because it is demonstrated by philosophicall reasons Wee condemne therefore the MANICHAEES GNOSTICKES and PRISCILLIANISTS who haue said that the soule was of a double nature whereof the one was from a good beginning vz. a good God The other from an euill The SELEVCIANES HERMINIANES PROCLIANES who held that the soule was not made by God but by Angels The LVCIFERIANES and TERTVLLIANISTS who were of opinion that it was a bodilie substance and such as could fall off or be shelled from the bodie and remooue from one bodie to an other The ARABIANES and the NAZARITES who thought it mortall the ORIGENISTS who judged that all soules shoulde aeternallye liue in heauen and the APOLLINARISTS whose opinion was that one soule was begotten of another 11 Neither is the soule of the same nature and sort that the Angels are as ORIGEN thought who made onlie an accidentall and not a substantiall difference between Angels and the soules of men Now that essentiall difference although it cannot be easilie knowne is yet in some sort perceaued by this adjunct vz. that Angels can not be ordinarilie joined vnto bodies wheras the soules may Now the soule is also not onelie the first mouer of the bodie but euen the verie cheef and especiall forme of a man whereby first of all and of it selfe A man is that which hee is and for whose cause the bodie is so framed as it is to the ende that a most honorable lodging should be prepared for a most honorable ghuest 12 The soules of all men are not one as THEMISTIVS and the followers of AVERROIS thought but of euerie particuler man there is a perticular soule which can as naked and bare formes consist and remaine when they are seuered from the bodie as in deed they do for a time when as they being out of the bodie do expect the aeternall and indissoluble conjunction that they are to haue with the same 13 And seing that the form of euerie thing doth not onlie make vp the whole but also euery part thereof and no part can effect the office thereof except the forme bee present and seeing when the same departeth it ceaseth from doing wee do defend that common opinion out of AVGVSTINE vz. that the soule is whollie in the whole and whollie in euery part Although there be this diuersitie of the being of it in the whole and in the
are a sleepe vntill the last day of judgement Defended by BENIAMIN CRESSONIVS of Burgundie PRINCIPLES CONCERNING CHRIST HIS ASCENSION INTO HEAVEN XLVI SEING THE ARTICLE OF CRISTS REsurrection hath bene alreadie opened it now followeth that we deale with his ascension into heauen 1 AS the Scripture dooth teach that the death resurrection and buriall of Christ were true and not fained so the same doth testifie that his Ascension into heauen was not onely visible but also locall 2 For although the word ASCENDING is sometimes Figuratiuely spoken concerning God yet in this Article of the Faith it is taken in his proper and naturall signification in such sort that by it is expressed a passage from a lower place vnto a higher which is pointed out by the name of Heauen 3 Whereas in the Scripture there is mention made of a three-folde Heauen wee affirme that the highest of all is heere to bee vnderstood wherein is the seat and aeternall habitation of the soules of the faithfull and where also Christ is exalted aboue all Creatures 4 And although he be trulie ascended into Heauen yet doth it not follow thence that he is no more present here with his Church for the gouernment thereof seeing that the said Ascention dooth onely appertaine vnto that nature which is finite and contained in a place that is vnto his humanitie and not to his Diuinitie which is euery where alwais present and can be contained in no certaine place seeing it containeth all things For as AVGVSTINE hath spoken very notablie the body wherein Christ rose must bee in one place where as his trueth is euery where spread abroad 5 Hence we gather that hee is not now vpon earth in respect of his Manhood seeing he hath once ascended into that place whence the Scripture dooth testifie that hee will not depart vntill the restitution of all thinges and in no other manner neither then he did ascend 6 Yet wee say that God and man did ascend because that his humaine bodie was taken vp by the power of the Deity which was vnseparably joyned with the humain nature and nowe remaineth there after a manner vnknowen vnto vs. They are deceiued therefore who holde that Christ according vnto his humaine nature can be at the same time both in heauen and in earth And those also who auouch that his fleshe is euery where and all those in a word who bereaue his body of the essential and as DAMASCEN speaketh of the Caracteristical properties therof that is such as are markes of a true bodie 7 Now where as Christ after his Ascention was seen of PAVL and STEPHEN that vision was extraordinary and a peculier reuelation So that from thence it cannot bee gathered that Christ was not in that place wherevnto hee ascended 8 This Ascention furthermore was as it were a certain triumph after the victory gottē ouer the enemies of mankind which he ouercame 9 The end of this triumph is diuers and manifold First of all it testifieth that the woorke of our Redemption was finished vpon earth the which he would seale by this magnificall and royall triumph which for this cause is called by AVGVSTINE a confirmation of the Catholicall faith For by this meanes Christ hath gotten vnto the immortal and incorruptible life not an earthly but an incorruptible and aeternall mansion 10 Secondly that there should be extant a most cleare testimonie of the Diuinitie of Christ by the which his humanitie was taken vppon high whence also it appeareth that he consisteth of two natures 11 Thirdlie that hauing ouercome death hee should enjoy that glorye which was prepared and ordained for him before the foundation of the world was laid not according to his Deitie but according to his humanitie the glory wherof appeared then when a new ghuest as it were entered into heauen to wit the man GOD the which thing the Angels had neuer seene before 12 And although the man Christ was glorified by his Resurrection in such sort as there was nothing wanting vnto him yet this Ascention was a more certaine ample possession of that glory 13 Fourthly and lastly that he might prepare a dwelling for vs in Heauen and not onely prepare it but also allure vs thither that wee might follow him by an ardent desire and affection while we are in this life and here vpon earth seeke those things that are aboue 14 Nowe euen as Christ was borne for our cause dead for our cause c. So hee ascended into Heauen for our cause 15 The fruit and profite therefore which ariseth to the faithfull out of this Ascention is manifolde For first wee are thereby vndoubtedly assured that we shall once namelie at the last day ascend also into Heauen For where the head is there the members also ought to be the Ascention of the members shall bee such as the Ascention of the head was saue that he ascended by his own power where as we shall ascend not by our owne but by his vertue For our bodies ought to bee fashioned like vnto his glorious body as the members vnto the head 16 Secondly after this Ascention was the holy Ghost giuen vnto the Apostles Next were other gifts from heauen bestowed vppon men and the Church furnished with things needfull for the same 17 Thirdlye heereby a way is opened for vs vnto our heauenly countrey from whence we fell by the meanes of ADAM 18 Fourthly and lastlie his Resurrection confirmeth our faith For hereby we are assured that our soules separated from our bodies euen before the Resurrection shall passe to no other place then where Christ is that they may liue for euer in blessednes with him Defended by WILLIAM QVERCINVS Tarbiensis PRINCIPLES CONCERNING THE SITTING AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER ALMIGHTIE XLVII 1 SEeing whole Christ that is Christ personally considered or in respect that he is one subsisting person is said to sit and that the action of sitting can not in the proper signification thereof agree vnto the Deitie in it self we must needs conclude that sitting properlie taken can in no wise agree vnto the Deitie 2 And although it may be properlie applied vnto that other nature of Christ which is corporall in that sense that sitting is opposed vnto the standing or the moouing of the bodie yet wee must not thinke that that glorious bodie of his though it be truly circumscribed and contained in a place doth either continually stand sit or moue For all these things are grosse and curious matters neither are they so particulerly to bee applied to the estate of that life 3 That which is added concerning the right hand of God is much more to bee taken Figuratiuelie as whereby those thinges are attributed vnto God which are proper vnto man seeing that God who is without a bodie hath neither right side nor left as beeing altogeather immeasurable and infinite 4 By this kinde of speach therefore being taken from the custome of Kings and Princes who are wont to make a
shewe vnto their subjects of those whome they will haue to be in equall dignitie with them and by whome they exercise their gouernment by placing them in a most honorable seat that is at their right side or at their left by this kind of speach I say is meant that Christ hath receaued all power both in heauen and in earth as he himselfe the best interpreter of his owne words doth expresse MAT. 28.18 5 This power as far as he is God Coeternal with his father he receiued not first after the resurrection of his flesh but enjoyed it from al aeternitie common with his Father of whome he receiued his Sonne-hood from aeternitie 6 Yet because not in himselfe distinctly considered as far as he is God but as far as he personally joyned to himselfe the forme of a seruant subject vnto all our infirmities sin excepted he seemed in some sort vnto the time of his Ascention to haue cast of his owne Majestie which in the Scriptures is expressed by the word of Descending therefore he is also in the same respect said to bee exalted vnto the right hand of the Father or restored as far as it appertaineth to the manifesting thereof into the same Majestie which he had with the Father before all worlds 7 There is another consideration of his humain nature the which hauing truly and not in shewe most powerfully accomplished the office of his infirmitie became Conqueror ruler and triumpher and hath gotten a perpetuall gouernment ouer all creatures both for the preseruation of his the perfecting by degrees the worke of their saluation also for the vtter ouerthrow of his enemies this is it that is ment by his sitting at the right hand of the father 8 And euen as the hypostatical vniō is not therfore dissolued bicause the properties of the humanity ar distinctly attributed thervnto euen so his glorification being distinctly considered in the said humanity doth not infer that there shuld ether be two christs or sitting at the right hād of God 9 Yet is not the humanitye by this meanes made equall with the worde either in substaunce which is the proper error of EVTYCHES or in authority as the Vbiquitaries do now hold because that that gouernment wherby Christ as hee is man hath all things subject to himselfe as well in heauen in earth as vnder the earth is limited within the compasse of Creatures excepting him saith the Apostle who hath made all things subject vnto him that is the Father with whome as the WORD hath the one and the same essence from aeternitie so hath he the one and the same power fully in common with him in so much that the Fathers haue said trulye that Christ in respect of this gouernment also is both greater and lesser then himselfe 10 False also and blasphemous is that Vbiquitary and all present Majestie of the essentiall humanitie of Christ which they seeme to haue sharpelie gathered from this sitting at the right hand of the Father for besides that by this meanes the truth of the flesh of Christ is manifestlie abollished It is a foolish thing to reason from the power of his flesh vnto the essence thereof that is to holde that the essence of his humanitie doth reach as farre as the power thereof where as the very faith of that Centurion so much commended by our Sauiour Christ MATH 8.10 doth on the contrarie side teach vs that it is meere folly to inclose his power within the bounds of his essentiall presence 11 Now this kingdome gouernment hath Christ alreadie perfectlie obtained as hauing gotten a name aboue all names but in his mysticall body that is in the church it is but onely in some sort begun neither shall it bee perfected in the saide bodie before that last day when as all the enemies of Christs glorie and our saluation beeing aeternally ouerthrowen and cast downe God shall bee all in all that is in his Saints in whom now he is onely but some thing whether we respect them beeing a liue or dead 12 That gouernement of Christ therefore doth nowe consist in two things that is partly in the subduing both of his owne children and also of all their enemies and partlie in bringing his by little and little to perfection by the power of his Spirite and the administration of that other part of his aeternall Priesthoode that is in the strengthening of them by his intercession with the Father euen vntill that he hath together with all his elect celebrated an eternall triumph 13 This intercession of his consisteth especially in that efficacie of that oblation of his made once to his father the force whereof is this that the Father looking vppon all his elect in his Sonne by whose blood he is reconciled vnto them doth imbrace them euermore with a Fatherlie affection partly in that as all the prayers of the Saints being as yet Pilgrimes here vpon earth are conceiued in the name of Christ so hee presenting himselfe vnto his Father in heauen as the onelie Mediatour doth sanctifie those prayers and make them acceptable vnto God the Father 14 Vnto these things is to bee adjoyned that stay and defēce which we haue by Christ in that he hauing all creatures in his hand doth by what instrument and meanes he thinketh good most powerfully preserue his Church traueling as yet here vpon earth against all the furious insurrections of all whosoeuer 15 Touching this sitting at the right hand of GOD the Father although in respect of the title thereof it belonged vnto the humanitie of Christ from the verie first moment of the personall vniting thereof with the Deitie yet both in regarde that this humanitie was to be throwen down vnto the verie lowest degree for the performance of the worke of our reconciliation and also because this glorification of our head was the crowne due vnto the obedience he yeelded for vs vnto the Father even vnto the death of the crosse therefore it fell not vnto him in deede and posession before he had suffered risen againe and ascended aboue all heauens Hence it followeth that this errour also of the Vbiquitaries is intollerable namelie in that they holde that this reall sitting at the right hand of the father began at the very first moment of the Lordes incarnation offending heerein two manner of wayes First in the wrong interpretation of this article next in that they inuert the order of the articles of the beleife which ought necessarilie to be retained 16 In asmuch as the place of this sitting is expreslie said to be in heauen and not vpon earth or any where els and that Christ is not to depart from heauen before the last day and also that he is endued with a bodie though glorious yet organical contained within the parts therof Therfore that reall presence of his vpon earth is shewed to be false against all Transubstantiators and Consubstantiators euen by this sitting of his in heauen at the right
and whatsoeuer is contrary or besides the will of God 12 The word BE DONE that is be fulfilled doth teach vs that we are to obey Gods will with the whole affection of our soule with all our mind and thoughts 13 Whereas it is set down passiuelie BE DONE it seemeth that it may bee gathered thereby that man before the first grace is onelie considered passiuelie as beeing to bee wrought vppon but not working so that euen to will what is right is giuen of God Next wee gather that after the first grace the continuaunce of willing that which is good and the perfection therof is in the hand of GOD onelie euen thence that we are commanded to craue that Gods will may be done whereas wee doe not craue those things that are in our owne power 14 BE DONE IN EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN the word HEAVEN and EARTH are to bee vnderstood Metonymically that which doth containe beeing put for that which is contained 15 The will of God vpon earth is in deede performed onelie by men vnlesse a man will referre the word OBEYING Metaphorically vnto other creatures yet not by all men but by them onely who are regenerated Although as AVGVSTINE saith the will of God is doone concerning but not by the rest 16 Now because humaine frailty which by Gods decree doth alwaies cleaue vnto man in this life can beare no more it commeth to passe that the will of God is but begun to be performed by the regenerate here vpon earth and that onely in affection and in faith this also being the will of God that besides the loue which wee are commanded to yeeld vnto God and our neighbour we should also beleeue in Christ But when God shal be al in all we shall then perfectlie and fully obey his will 17 Neither is there any more then this meant by the note of the similitude AS which doth not point out an aequall qualitie but a likenes and an agreement therein not that the regenerate should vppon earth performe the will of GOD in as great measure but in the like affection operation that the Angels do execute the same in heauen 18 Now IN HEAVEN al those that remaine therin as the soules that are in blisse and the Angels doe obey the will of God 19 Yea and the Sonne also in respect that the Mediatour Christ doeth as yet the will of his Father in Heauen when as he doth make intercession for vs and bringeth to passe whatsoeuer doeth belong vnto the edification of the Church 20 The soules also that are in blisse doe in heauen celebrate the praises of God and do desire after their manner both the deliuerance of their brethren that are heere militant vppon earth and also the punishment of the enemies 21 Now those blessed ministering Spirits do performe the will of God diuers waies as by singing that song Holie holie c. by procuring the saluation of the elect and punishing the wicked as it pleaseth GOD to vse their seruice 22 Now all these Spirites doe execute Gods will I Most willingly bicause they obey him without murmuring II Most readily and surelie because they make no delaies but presently betake themselues vnto that which they are commanded to doe III Most faithfully because they both heare and also performe in deede their whole charge and not a part onely and being once sent they neuer cease vntill they be called backe againe 23 We desire therefore of God that hee would giue vs both the will and the power to obey and that wee may be seruice-able and obedient vnto his majestie according vnto the same Spirit manner affection readines and cherfulnes of the will that the Angels in heauen do obey him And we doe also craue the taking away of all those things which either directly set themselues against his will or do anie wise withstand the same Defended by IOSIAS sonne vnto IOSIAS SIMLERVS of Tigurine PRINCIPLES TOVCHING THE FOVRTH PETITION OF THE LORDS PRAYER LXVIII THE THIRD PETITION OF THE LORDS Prayer hath beene opened in the last Principles concerning the will of God so that the first part of the Prayer beeing expounded we come now to the second 1 AFter that Christ had taught in the three former petitions such things as do immediatlie respect the glorie of God he now adjoyneth those which thogh they are to be referred vnto Gods glorie do yet especiallie concerne vs and our profit 2 Now as man consisteth of two parts so these things are of two sorts corporall and spirituall 3 This first petition of the second part thē is touching corporall the other two are concerning spirituall blessings 4 Now whereas mention is made first of corporal benefites the reason thereof may seeme to bee in that corporall things and the profite that arise of them are better knowne vnto vs. And therefore the Lord to the end he might relieue the slownesse infirmitie of our nature dooth lift vs from common thinges vnto these that are lesse knowne vnto vs from easie vnto hard from earthlie vnto heauenlie matters 5 The summe of this first petition is that the Lord would bestow vpon vs things necessarie for this life to wit food and raiment especiallie next those things which are helpes of the outward necessities of this life that is such things as make for our peaceable being as far as long as the Lord thinketh expedient for vs. 6 The necessitie or rather the aequitie of this petition is manifold First it teacheth vs that we ought wholly to depend vpon Gods Prouidence by whome we are nourished maintained and preserued Secondlie that wee acknowledge him the giuer of all good things both spirituall and temporall Thirdlie that we may with quiet minds expect those things at his handes which otherwise would holde vs in a miserable care and perplexity 7 For our mercifull Father dooth not disdaine to receaue our bodies into his protection and custodie that by these small thinges hee may exercise our faith when as wee looke for all thinges at his handes euen the least crumb of bread and drop of water that we put into our mouthes I. The Marcionites and Manichaees therefore are out of their wits who haue endeuored to defend that God hath no care of these our bodies as though the same were vnbeseeming his Majestie and that our fleshe or our bodies were the worke not of God but of an euill beginning that is of the Diuell and therefore that it became not the good God to sustaine them seeing they are euill II. They are madd also who thinke that all thinges are disposed by the tossing of Fortune And the Epicures also togeather with those who houlde that God hath no care or respect vnto the thinges that are done vnder the or be of the Moone III Witches and Sorcerers in like sort are heere condemned and all those who either openlie or by anie secreat trade seeke their maintenance in this life of the Diuell and not of God 8